cm .1 jr( i 3 aj ,iVtj(Sil itfilJ Editor aud Proprietor, at Three Dollars- per Annum. FRIDAY, '.MARCH 13, 1846. NO. 23. ., 1 v .1 I f IT 1 no 1 irr ill, I T - 'ii'Ui -IIALEIGII REGISTER RALEIGH, N. C, Tuesday, March 10, 1846, T. Gor; Gii temponrHy Uent from Ut- City, on a vUt lbii et i Q County. I HON. J5.IB th!.,m .ay p.ilo f" .Mutoia thif City lwb.8 nt for to him. ' ; MR. HAYWOOD'S SPEECH, rnr Senator.. Mr. Hatwood, ha. jurt Te4 , Srch oa tho Orego which hw attraetei arkl atUaUnn. It poMn oi u -VMM m 1M. Iry to alfty. th.a by it. compromi- .in( aad'coBoiliaKftt to- Mr-lt w" Tery pwe a Au en, Habneoah, -ad th. oth.r HoUipur By the way. w. ire curioua to ... how th. " Standard, with it. acknowledged ability to blow hot and eol4 in th. Mm. breath, will receive this effort of " North Carolina'. Sonrtor," differing, a. it doe., Into eoj', , .1.. mU iminioru of that paper. Hew will it rwnrncW Mr. Hajtwood'. poaition, that th. 49th parallel m th. fight .ft of boundary, with iU deter mination over and oftea exprewed, to hav. "the whole of Oregon, or en" yea, not .yen to give up " on. quar. inch." It if very .vident from th. exciting Men. in, th. I Senate, (which we .hall publih on irifl.y.j Haywooo'. Speech ha. bumt like a bomo-ie,. . roidft of th. party, and ha owa th. wed. of wide .pread, future diicord. FEDERAL COURT. Th. United StW Court for the District of North Carolina, met in th. City oa yeeterday, hii Honor Judge PoTraa presiding, Judg. Wavne not in attendance. i tl XT Waltm Gwt! Esq. has been elected Presi dent f the Jaraea Rtrer and Kenawa Company, Vir giui, vice Mfc CutUt resigned. UT The Legislature of Virginia has adjourned. ST In the - ITrioa" of the 24th ult., we find the two following appointments, confirmed by the Senate: James T. Miiakr, Natal Officer in the Untrici 01 Wilmington, Norti. Carolina, vice, James uwen, re moved. William White, to be Deputy Postmaster, Ral eigh, North Carolina., ia place ofThoma. G. Scott, resigned. BT A letter from New Orleans to the " Philadel phia Inquirer state, on the occasion of th. inaugu ration of Gov. JoHNwjN.the Hon. Henrv Clay enter ed the Church unattended, a short time before the ceremony commenced. The moment be was recog niied by the crowd, th. whole house resounded with shouts and clapping of hands, which continued for some moments. This seemed not a little singular, occurring a. It did, hi the very midst of the Locofoco party of ; but it told the feelings of high esteem and lore for the man. U" Hon. Thomas Stockton, Governor of the State of Delaware, died very suddenly at New Ca.ll. on the'.vening of tb. 2d inst. Whilst in on. of the Public Offices, without any premonition of hi. ap proaching end, his head fell suddenly upon his breast, and he died without a struggle or a groan. A rup ture of some of the large blood vessels in the vicinity of the heart, is supposed by the Physicians to have been tb. cause of his death. His general health and spirits for some time previou. had been remarkably good. Hi. Gubernatorial term of service would not have expired until January, 1849. CT A. T.xas, on th. 16th ultimo, became a State of the American Union, letter, for Texas may now be transmitted to any part of that State without the pre-paymeat of portage. - SUPREME COURT. OriNioN. hav. been delivered in the following Cases, since our last, viz : By Rurrra, C. J., in the matter of W. G. Daugh try, from Gates, affirming the judgment below. Also, ia Britton v. Daniel, in Equity from Halifax, the decree declared erroneous, th. title good, and the nurrhiuer reauired to complete his purchase. Also, in Campbell e. Drake, in Equity from Wake, dismissing the bill. Also, ia Pattenron e. Martin, from W ilkes, affirm ing the judgment below. Also, ia Wilson,. Leig n,'.n Equity from Perquim- l aw, deolaring the decree er ooeous. Also, m Temple v. Wffliame, in .qmiy irotn i as quo tank, dismissing the bill with costs. Also, in Green e. Collin., Adm'r. from Lincoln, judgment reversed and new trial. Abo, in Humphrey... Tate, id Equity from Guil ford, remanding the cans.. By Daniel, J., in Barnes . Morris, in Equity from Pasquotank, directing a decree for Plaintiff. mav.m ui in... v. - , ; J " J - a t ... . & .. mn mr in .jin TV imm nvfiii. affirming the decree, dismwaing tn. bill. Abo, in Parker e. Gilbreatb, from ileaaemn, at- arming th judgment below. Also, hi Guilford . Guilford, in lwiuity from Beau fort, declaring that the hire, of Dave belong to A. G. M- and that E. L. is not bound to bring iu the two laves,. Bv Nash. I. In Lhwra. Adm'r. . Dunn, from Wake, affirming the judgment below. - Also, in Hoy!f Ei'r. . Dbwre's devices, &c., in Equity, from Lineeta, dismissing the bill. Ato. in Hemtrich a. Hln..h. in Eanitv. from tClMvalaad, dismumog the bUI wkaosU. A iiB P" " drm- Wsmi. Wheeler, from tlert- ford, afSnaing the iadrmeat below. aim, in boocb . bhennaa, in Equity, from Gran tille, dumisaiug the bill with costs. Extract efa LetUr to th. Editor: "1 write to inform yea, that Joan Gnu, Em. Is mow ! H. died oa Monday evening, th. 24inst. "0 oi nr. tviRK, ib Stanly Coontv very uddenly. He was the father otth. Bar,' in the . . Wbo abl. to doThe subject win, a u we do oouw, write a proper Obitua ry notiee. H was about 60 y.ars ef age." Tlfti BARGAIN THE BAftGAjt?! f p .Vie drew ths alUntiof of oar leader. ahort time ace, to the " abominable bargain- woica v to be completed for the settleme.t of the Oregon dif- neolty. The "Sundard has met tne charge in the genuine spirit of Looe Foci!-'' ' (.J in tlx whU,ndfl. in every particular. Truly, a characteristic arwwer-the only on Loco Focoism ev.r give. truth. But We will aotiee the entire article. "What," says the 'Standard,' "do the Federal leaders want T Would they rather have a war for Oregon, than consent to modify the Tariff?" Indeed ! and is it then admitted that thus is the issue before a.! If not, wherefore .ueh .question? The Editor ha. committed himself. We have now hi. oWS admission, uninteutienal, to be wire, that the probable sacrifice of the Tariff is held out to England a. aa inducement for the surrender of her claim, in 0 remn. But we readily repond to the enquiry. W. would have neither a modification of the Tariff, nor a war for Oregon. We believe the Tariff to be ne cessary for the welfare of the country, and we would offer no inducement, nor hold out any bribe, for the acknowledgement of onr rights. If th. justic. of our cause cannot alone secure its success in a peaceful manner, then we are willing to draw the .word in it. d.feuce. The " Standard- throw, out a contoonpti ble ieer .gainst our " Northern friends," end .xtol. the nolic v of Great Britain : calls us "misn vr nig. and borrow,' against the Tariff from Sir Robert Peel, and insinuates a doubt if wiluam a. Graham', the roan whom the Loco Foco Convention n.n..,.,-rJ " too virtuous" to be Governor, will be true to the Wbig party. All this need, no answer, and we give it none. But is tbe Editor really ?o obtuse, that he cannot see how it is possible for us to " acquire" a paxfect right when we hav. already a " better title." He is certainly no fool, and we will make a plain statement which he must understand. We believe that we have a good title to the greater part of the Oregon Terri tory, or to "the portion drained by the Colombia river and its tributaries." To the remainder, we have no right. If then, the whole: territory is to be considered, as one and indivisible, we certainly have a " belter title" to it than any one else. But the very state ment involves the admission that w. have no right to a part of it. And if we take possession of the whole, we must do so without any right, or, the right must first be " acquired." But without this explana tion, the very expression that we have a " better ti tle" than any one else, implies that our title i not perfect It if true that we presented to our readers the im mense advantages which would accrue to Great Bri tain from a repeal of the Tariff, and that we did not " predict" any advantages to our own country as the result of such a measure. We did not tell them that Free Trade was the " best friend" to the Farmer, the Mechanic and the Merchant. But we now tell them that the " Standard" says so, and we point them to the glorious effects of the Whig Tariff of 1842, which are felt throughout the land, to disprove the assertion. We did not suppose that any one would again attempt to ascribe our present prosperity to the fact that Ja. K. Polk i$ Prerident iuttead of Henry Clay; but so it is, notwithstanding it is weH known that no law ' has been passed under his Administration, the effect of which could possibly be felt as yet and that he has in fact done nothing except agitate the country, to the complete derangement of the business of our large Cities. But what does the 11 Standard" mean by saying, that the Loco Foco party weut into pow er pledged to reduce the Tariff? Wre know no such thing. We do know that Mr. Polk once wrote a let ter to Mr. Kane, of Pennsylvania, and we do know, that during the last Presidential campaign, at all the Loco Foco gatherings at the North, their processions were lined with Banners and Transparencies, having such inscriptions as " Polk, Dalltu and Protection," " Poll, Dallas, and the Tariff of '4V &c, and we know that by this trickery and double-dealing, Mr. Polk was elected President. But what right has any one to know, in the face of this, that he was pledged to reduce the Tariff? We had almost forgotten our purpose in noticing this article, which was to reiterate the charge which we before made, and which has now become so plain as to require no further proof Bargain ' Bargain .' This Loco Foco party doe. nothing but bargain. It bargains with it. " Northern friends," the Abolition ittt, to get them a. much territory as it could in the North-West, ts make State, of, if they would lend a helping hand to the annexation of Texas aud the elec tion of Mr. Polk. The Abolitionists did help, and without their help, Mr. Polk would never have be come President. And now, the party is bargaining with England for Oregon, in fulfilment of the terms of its bargain With the North. They are constantly bar gaining among themselves for tbe "loaves and fishes." The party is only kept together, by the " cohesive power of public plunder." But we did not intend to take up m much space, in exposing this miserable mixture of sophistry and biliuigsgate, and we will only say a few words more. We assure the Editor, that Whig principles need no prop. Their root lie. deep ia tbe soil of honesty and truth, and ia th. heart, of. the people. We, who defend this noble cause, hav. perhaps received divers hard knocks In the high-way. and alley, of " bargain, corruption and crime." W. hav. long en deavored to track down Loco Focoism through all its tortuous ways, and tb evil spirits who guard its pass es, have never failed tb inflict on us all the injury within their power to bestow. But it is Strang., that th. " Standard" should .peak of thi W. suppose, however, that h. f.It tb Bulwerie spirit within him, and could not omit the opportunity of penning a for cible sentence. A FACT FOR THE DESPONDING. Mx. GiLiioaa, th. new President of the Weatera Rail Road, has tbe offer f five other situation, be sides that which be has aoeepted, in either of which he might have a salary of $5000 a year. Tbe " Worcester Spy" says, it i. less lhaa twenty year since he went into the City from the country, a Com mon .laborer, and was for some time Porter 10 the Store of Whitwell & Bond, aud whilei laboring with hi. hand-cart, was as distinguished lor his faillifulnen, industry and intelligence iu this hum ble employment, as hti has since been in Other avo- cations. ' . -:. 4 FOR TH REGISTER. Ma, Will you please give us all the in formation you caii, respecting the New Mutual In surance Company, as several here in the Country, as well a other, in Town, wish to insure. We would respectfully ask yon a fe w rjdestiens : Would you recommend a general iosnrance ia the Country aud Town, throughout th. Stat. ? Doe. not every person, who insure., become a member of the Company, in proportion to tbe amount he insures ? Do you not believe a very large amount will be insured. ' , Do you believe persons will be as safe, to insure in this Company, as in a Stock Company ? And give us soma explanation respecting the Premium Notes, and how many applications you al ready hav. for Insnrance, with such other informa tion a. you may have, osd publish the same in the Register. A SUBSCRIBER. In answer to the foregoing, we slate that we are favorably disposed towards Mutual Iusaranc. Com panies, and from the knowledge we have obtained of their business transactions, intend, when our present Policy expiree, to insure in the Company recently or ganized in this State: There are many reasons why we prefer, to insure in the Mutual Company, and the first i. tbe small amount of money demanded. 2d". We can keep our money at home, iu our own State, and not pay it out to enrich foreign Insurance Com panies. Stock Companies go into the business, for the purpose of making money, and from their reports, do divide large sums, or amounts on the Capital in vested by the Stock-holders ; whereas this Company ie formed for the purpose of saving the profits, if any, to ourselves. We pay but a small sum at the time we get insured, and Obligate ourselves, in case of loss, to make good the losses to the members, or lho.e in sured, from the amounts paid in at the time we in sure ; and, if that is insulhcieut, we resort to a tax on the Notes for the balance, and looking over He ports of Mutual Compauies, we find these taxes very small. The amount to be paid for insuring a Dwell ing House that is not exposed by other lluildings, valued, say, at $fi,000 may be insured iu the Mu tual Company for $4,000 by paying $20, and giving a bond for $ 100. This nun and bond will insure for five years, and at the expiratlon'of the five years, the bond will be given up to the maker. Whereas, it would cost to insure the same amount of property in a Stock Company, $10 per year, or $200 for live years. In reply to the second question, we 6tate that who. ever insures in the Mutual Company, thereby be comes a Member, and is entitled to cast as many votes for Directors, as he is insured hundreds of dol lars that is, one vote for every $100 iusured by him. In reply to the third interrogatory, w remark that as .very County in a Northern Slate, can sustain a Mutual Insuranoe Company, we believe the State of North Carolina can certainly sustain one for the whole State, and that a very large amount of pro perty will be insured. In reply to the fourth interrogatory, we stale that we have never heard of the failure of a Mutual Company. And a very strong fact, in evidence of the safety of such Compunies, is Ibis : At the great Fire in Pittsburg, last year, the Mutual Insurance Company of that Town, paid all its losses, and had a handsome Capital left to continue business, where as the Stock Companies, at that place, as we have been informed, all failed to redeem their obligations of Insurance. Edit. Rko. THE ASYLUM GAZETTE. We have received a second number of this inter esting little sheet, printed at Conoort), New Hump shire, and edited by the inmates of the Asylum for the Insane, in that Town. We read it with the more pleasure, because we recognize among the contribu tors to its columns, the iuitials of one of our own Townsmen, who, we are confident, from the tone of his articles, will, ere long, be restored to that Society, which he is so well calculated by his acquirements to serve. We copy the following acknowledgement from this number": "Although we hail from a Lunatic Asylum, and are free to confess our hcadn are a little out of older sometimes, yet we feel thankful that our heartt are ever in the right place. The kindness of those Edi tors therefore, Who have exchanged with us, and also given our little bantling a notice in their papers ' en pasaant," has been by us duly appreciated. By the way, we trust we shall be pardoned for saying, that we feel a little hurt, at the cold, freezing reception we have met wHh from some of our Nw Kngluiid brethren. We are conscious of our diminutive size, and of our little importance to the literary world We kuow therefore that duty accords with our incli nation, and reminds us to be modest and retiring. Our voic. should not often be heard, and never by way of complaint. We wish therefore not to be un derstood as complaining. But the truth is, and it must out, that the treatment towards iis, of our breth ren at home, contrasts rather strongly with that of some of the craft of the South, who have not only exchanged with us (which we did but little expect,) but have also noticed our existence in their papers. This was kiud in them, and has by us duly ap preciated." ' POETRY IN PROSE. It is a peculiarity of Dickkns' style, that it often runs along, apparently unobserved by him, in perfect rhyme, and approaching also a perfect meiro. We find the following specimen, iu his new work, The Cricket on the Hearth : " It is a dark night, said the Kcrtle, and the rotten leave, ar. lying by the way ; aud abore, all is mist aud darkness, and below, all is mire and clay : and there', only one relief in all the sand and murky air : and I don't know that it is one, for it's nothing but a glare of deep and angry crimson, where the nun and wind together, set a braud upon the clouds for being guilty of such teeather; and the wildest open country w a long, dull streak of Want ; and there's hoar frost n the bnser-Dost. and thaw upon th. track : and th? ice, it isn't water, and the water isn't free : and you couldn't say that any thing is what it ought to be." It seems almost incredible that th. above could bave'beea unintentionally penned, to rhyme in that mana.r. Melancholy Deaths We have been in formed that on tbe night of the 14th ultimo, three person were frosen to death in this county, about fourteen miles South Bast from Hillsborough. One of them was Dr. James Kanev, (a Thorn p sonian practitioner,) another Mr. William Car rington, (better known as Foot Csrrington,) and the name of the third we have not ascertained They had been drinking at a grcg .hop in the neighborhood that evening until a late hour. WUfboro' Recorder. TRIPLE DEFENCE. A case was tried a few days since in Baltimore for the recovery of ao account set forth on the face, of a note, given for a Supper, Champagne, &c , when the defence, most ingeniously presented, took a three-cor. nered form. Jn the first place, it was contended that the defendant did not sign the note; iu the second place, that he was drunk when he signed it ; and iu tbe third place, that he never had the supper. The magistrate, however, in spite of the three-cornered defence, gave judgment for the Plaintiff, and the case was appealed. This is the counterpart of the loan of the iron pot : " Mamma says, please Mrs. Suooks, won't you lend her your iron pot to-day ?" " Tell your mother, my little dear, lhatloan't havn't got One besides, its got a holo in it, and suit fit for use, and I'm going to use it myself." FOUR DAYS LATER FROM ENGLAND. The Packet Ship, Toronto, nrrfved at N(fv York on Wednesday, with dates four days later from London and three from Liverpool. The London dates are to (be 7th February. The intelligence continues as favorable to pacificilion as that received oy the Cambria. The Cotton market was steady at well suppor ted prices. 1 he Corn markets have not riven way, ns was expected under the prospect ol low er duties. . f Fayf.ttf.vh ,r.R, Mart h 3, 1810. Small Pox. We are requested lo stale, on the authority of Drs. B. and LI. W. Ilubinepii, Cameron, ;mJ Malletl, tint the reports put in circulation withirr a day or two past, with regard to the Small l'ox existing in or near tins place, are without the slightest foundation. Fayitlei itic Observer. Invf.W'Iakism Within llic last fortnight, in cendiary attempts havo been made in this place, Wilmington, Raleigh, Newborn, and Charleston. In tine place, fire was communicated to an out house in the roar of a store on I ho South aide, of Hay Street, at the foot of Hay Mount, which, but for timely Jiscovery, must havo produced a serious conflagration. The authorities are unre mitting 1n their em'irl8 to detect the villain, in which it is greatly to bo hoped they may succeed. Ibid. Rebuilding. Tho weather during the winter has been so severe as to prevent new brick build ings from being commenced. Hul now that mild er wea'.her may soon be calculated tin, we observe that preparations are made for a number of build ings. JJy an advertisment in to-day's paper, it will be seen that proposals are solicited for cov. ermg the premises of the late Mr. McArn with five tenements for Stores. But what ia of much more public concernment, is the fact that tho work of rebuilding the Lafayette Hotel, on an enlarged and more convenient scale, has been commenced, and will doubtless be prosecuted with energy .Fay 'Mccille Observer. Wnv will vs die T when for a trifling sum, a few dollars perhaps, you may save your life aud be again restored to health nd happiness ! 1 hotisanns ol per sons, apparently iu the last ttages of Consumption, have been, and tliousaiion more now taxing in. n -rar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, will lie, and a still greater number yet unborn, are to be cured by this wonderful medicine. The Proprietor has in his pos session any quantity of testimony aud ongiual certifi cates, from persons who have been cured ty tins ar ticle ; "line of them are occasionally published, eve ry wor f which is strictly true, and may be relied Upon. ounterfeits and mutations of the genuine and original lialsnni of Wild Cherry abound through out the land, liemember it is Dr. WMf' that cures when all others fail. He. not deceived buy none unless signed I. Hurra on the wrapper. rr I't ale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD J CO., wholesale and retail, Kaleigh, N. ('. Ill SMI POT ATO!;, COBS mi: A I., FLOCK, For sale at lll'fiHES' Auction cV Commission Store. Kaleigh. March !. RALKKsII Classical, Mathematical and ,mi, i Tiic r .f cjmdmmm i : Classical Department : J, M. LOVEJOY, I'KECErTOR. Mulhemalicul and Military Department: W. F. DISBROW. I THE year will be divided into two Sessions of five mon'.hneach ; (he first Session beginning on the first of January, und the second CSeiwiun, on th first of July. 1 It is the design of the Preceptor, that this Institu tion shall not life" surpassed, in the advantages afforded for acquiring a thorough Knglish, Classical and Mathematical Education. Pupils will be prepared to enter the Junior Class of any College in the United Slates TERMS OF TVITION. For English and Mathematical Btudies, per Session, . flS n" For Latin, Creek, French, Spanish and Italian Lanuuastes, per Session, 20 00 The advanced Classes may putsue the Studies of slower Class, paying only fur the Studies ol tne Class lo which they belong. , M ilitary Tactics taught to the Pupils, free ef eitra charge. Tbe design of the Mihtsry Uepartmont Demg to ni the Pupils to set, in case of emergency, as Ollicers, the West Point system of instruction will be carefully pursued, nor will the Army Tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit the boys for th benefit of th. Institution, oi for ny other purpose.. : By an Act of tbe last Legislature, the necessary arms and equipments will be furnished by the State, but Parents who winh their children instructed in in. Military Department, will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. N. U. A few Pupil, will be taken as Boarders, by tbe Principal of th Academy. REFERENCES. Hon. Geo. R'Badger, CiJen. Moye, Charles Hinton, h. D. Henry, Wm. F. Collin., Jame. B. Shepard, H. W. Ilu.led, Ed. Yarbrough, Hob. Wm H. Haywood, I lieu- R. M. Saunders, Rev. D. Lacy, Hon. John H. Bryan, Hon. John R. Daniel, "Hob. Richard Hines, Dr. Baker. E. P. Guion, EmfT. As the above named gentlemen are well known in the Stale. I have riven their names as' references. Thev un.l iheif anna or wards to mv School, and of course their opinions can be confidently trusted. J . M . I'- Raleigh, Dec. 9, 1815. auction and eoirmissio AVI.NG, by the Divine pleasure, so fir re gained our usual health, as lo enable us to en- gnge again in the above calling, we respectfully so licit a part of the business of the City, whether in selling Foreign or Domestic floods. WILL. PECK SON. Raleigh, March 10, 1MB. 20 'im TIlOS. jll. Oliver, of the firm of Oi.ivicn At Pkoc.'1'SR, will be at Chapel Hill, immediately after his return from New York, say between the 23th and .'iOth of March, to take measures of such gentlemen as wish Clothing lor Hie approaching I oiniminceineiit. ! Raleigh, March 9, 184C. 20 It I E7" Standard one insertion. I'OK SAM' V IIoiim- & Lot, nt Chapel Hill. The Lot is well situated for a family Kesideuce, containing about three acres the House, is larce and com modious, ypplientions may be addiessed lo the l'ost Master st Chapel Hill.' March 9. 20 fiw Swear Milk. IVE or six Callous of Sweet can be had every morning, by Quart, Pint, or tiallon, on application at tbe Auction and Comniii-iou Store f N. 15. HUCIU'S. Kaleigh, March 7, 1840. ill) T1 i E I A NSION 110 1 SE , n a Licit; ii, iv. c. HE SUBHl'lilUERS, havinu purchased the Hou-e and hot, in tho ('ilv ol liuleiizh, occu pied for several years as a HOTCC by Jamks I.itcii vmiiii, Esq., and having taken full possession of the 8aiue, respectfully inform their friends, and iho Public tienciallv, that thev are now prejiaied to ac commodate nil who may call upon them, with Hoard by the day, month, or year. They flatter themselves, that from their long experience in this line ol busi ness, ihey cannot tail lo give satisfaction to those who may patronize lln m. And, whilst they would tender their acknowledgements for past favors, they pledge theimwIvcH that their exertions to please, shall, il possible, he increased. I heir I ahlc chilli not he ex celled, aud their charges shall he regulated by Iho moderation for which ihey huve been heretofore dis tinguished. , MAKTHA C. I.INOEMAN & SISTEK. Kiileiuh, March 7, IH4(i. '211 - I'I'CCIAirl tV.MKTCEtK oiler for sale, the House and Lot recently occu pied by them as a HourilillK IIoilN4, together with the. contiguous buildings. They also wish to sell a very handsome bull'ling Lot, just in the rear ot the City Hull, being the same which Ihey lormerly occupied. The Lot lies most beautifully, trom.oir on Wilmington Street, 51 feet. To save trouble and unnecessary enquiries, they stale that their price for the whole is $8U0 ; or, they will sell - fuel front for 4()0. March 9, 1810. 20 NOTICE, T 1FIE SUDSCRIBER WISHES to SEM. OUT, at CO!, his Entire Stork, consisting of Dry Good), Hutu, Miooa mid Crock-ery-M iirc 5 Together with a hundred other articles, suitable for Grocery Ktoro. Also, Miliar and Col'l'w, all kinds of Iiqnor and WilH'M, and domestic ar ticles of limov kinds, besides all kinds, of I'AMII.V CHOGEKIKS, usually kept in a Retail Estahh.h ment. All theabove articles, and many others too tedious to mention, which were circlully selected at the North, and ill our home markets, Irorn Auctions and at private sale, can lie bought ill cowf . Also for Hen1, a House, suilahlc for a very exten sive business, immediate possession of which wilt bo given. If I do not sell, a Partner, of some experience in bu siness, would he laken into connection, provided he can furnish sufficient amount of Capital, to carry on the business more extensively. The Subscriber would tender his most sincere thanks to his Town and Country patrons and friends, for llic liberal support extended to him for the last two years hoping, that should he continue in busi lies", the same will still be extended lo him. All those indebted to him, aro respectfully invited to call ond make a settlement, cither by cash or nolo'. Persons desirous of purchasing, or forming a Co partnership, will please apply it So. 5, Wilmington Street. J. J. liVAI-H. March 9, I S IR. 20 $30 Reward, K HE above reward will be given for the apprehension and delivery of a negro boy named WASHINGTON, who runaway on the Nth of June last, from Ihe subscriber, living 8 miles east ol Ohnrlotte, near the Wsdesboro' rood. Said hoy is about 2M years old, 5 leet H or 10 inches high, black, stout built, and speaks as if his tongue was thick. No particular marks recollected, lie was raised by Zens Alexander, dee'd , on Sugar Creek, 7 miles South of Charlotte. WILSON PAUK.S. March f), Hift. 20 Hw Notice to Bridge Builders, WILL BE LET to the lowest bidder, on Ihe 27th instant, Ihe rebuilding of the UlilpCE over iN'euse Ifiver, at the place, called I' a nam's Bninnic. known on the day of letting. On the next day, the 28th, tbe Repiiring of the Bridge over Neuse at Fishdam, will be lei out also. THE COMMISSION E lis. March 7, 181S. 20 it nOVEFS SEEDLING STRAWBERRY, (Of which the largest berries are from five to sit inches in circumference, and their quality not sur passed, bee Magazine of Horticulture, and Agri cultural papeis generally.) For sal. by Puilhtcs Phillit., Middletown Point, N. i. Y4HE plants ordered by agents will be forwarded with the utmost punctuality at such times as to reach their destination on the 1st, 15th snd 30th of March and April. Purchasers, therefore, by giving the agents their orders seasonably, with reference to theabove dales, can be ready to receive their plants immediately on ibeir arrival, srhile fresh aud ia good order. A sheet containing particular directions for the cultivation of this and other varieties of the Straw berry, (chiefly extracts from Ihe Msgniine of Horii. culture, published at Boston,) is furnished gratuitous ly wilk the plants sold. Price of Plants, $1 60 per hundred. . E. i. tfsle, fayetteville, will receive orders lor these Plants, of which he expects a supply in a few weeks. March 1848. , PIANOS, PIANOS, HE Subscriber still continues to msnufactnra 1'IASON at his Old Stand in this Citv. and nas just linistieil two, which he thinks will bear a comparison with those made nt the iSorih, especially in point of tone and touch. They are mmle with th. Metallic Piute, extended sounding hoard, and other late improvements, price $ 175. They will be war ranted to stand well in tune, and if, at the end jf twelve months, ihe instrument does not come up to what is hero said of it, the purchaser may return if, and the monry will be refunded. Ladies and (ien llenien are invited to rail and see them. Always on hand, Webster's patent Music Wire, all sizes. Old Pianos houhl and sold, or taken in exchange. Im pairing and tuning promptly attended lo, at a dis tance, ss well as in the City, WESLEY. WHITAXER. Raleigh, March 9. . '"So 3t IMPORTANT T 0 ME PC HANTS. CSiiuu, CiirlliciiU'iirt' snitl l:iss, Al (irratlv Itt'thhsril I'rirrx for Cash. 1 .... .... ... . . y NJTNDIMi to move during tho Summer, ' into the More lloue, next above Messrs. Kent, Ken dall and Aiwuter, and illicitly opposite to Messrs. Webb, Damn, cV Co.; in order lo relieve ourselves of the great 1 rouble and expense of 11 removal ol our (ioods, wo have determined! notwithstanding the re cent advance in the prices of (iooils in the Manufac tories, In offer the whole Stock, with onr entire Spring Importation of CIII X A, F X 14 Til KS SVAKF mill I,AS, at greidly ledm-cd prices for Csah.or City Acceptances; ot a short credit. Merchants will consult their interest by calling In see us litis Spring, as we are determined to sell our nod open in our New Storo next Fall, an entiro fresh supply of new and fashionable Goods. .. , , H II, F. 1UJTHE fc CO., Wo 52 Main Street, Sign of the Pitcher. Richmond, Va , March D.JHin. 2(1 fit OTH i:. -.Tlr. llli-cd l'ollnrl will please luke nolice. that according l.i the hist ill und I estauient ol hlir.abeth Pollard, decoased, he is entitled lo the sum of tine hundred and twenty dol lars, now in my bunds, as the Administrator with the W ill auiieied, of said Elizabeth Pollard, laviiitt Ihis day settled her Instate, and maife distribution a 111011R the other Heirs and Legatees, I am ready to pay him, und have deposited his share ill the Hank of the Stuio of iNorth Carolina, and will not lay any in-lere-t thereon after this date, of which noiice is here by given him. Raleigh, December 2, 1M5. - - CAI.UII MAI.U.NE, Adm'r. With the Will annexed. March f, 11(1. 20 fit To Travellers going North, WIwsk5 fsKe.ail RFXKWAI, OF 1)111,1 FlUr, V i 11 I'l'lnrxliiirg nml hrmisvillf nntl City Point Rnil liouds James Uivtr and Chtsiihciike Riiy line of NtfiHiipn. E would very respectfully advise the travelling Public, thai we have commenced our lUn.r Li K. With an additional Steamer and Ihe improved con dition of ihe ;ily Point Itatl Itoad, we are prepared to put Ihe travel through to Baltimore in line time and stjlo. Our Steamers havo teen thoroughly repaired, nml considerable improvements mode iu the interior ar ruiiuciuc u!s, in which the coinloit of the Traveller has been our aim. They will consist as follows : On James lliver, tin the Hoy, Curtis I'trlc, Cnpt. Uavis, Cenrqin, 'apt. Cannon, Alice, Capt. Skinner, Herald, dipt. Hussell. Javese, Cspl. Suiton. Hosts, that for speed snd beauty, will vie with any in the Southern waters. Tho gentlemanly deport ment of the Ollicers is well known. The City Point Had Road has umlergoiio a tho rough repair, both on the Road and Machinery. Passengers leimng Weldon Depot (or Oaton) ev ery night, (except Saturday) will go on direct, with out ditlav, hy I'm! Itoad to Peteisburg, from thence by Kail lioad (9 miles) to City) Point, thence by one of ihe superior Steamers, where the Passenger travel, while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table with out charge, arid arrives in Baltimore early next morn ing, in lime for the Cars to Philadelphia, Washington Oily, and Cumberland Fare (torn Weldon or Gaston to Daltimore, ' meals included on the Steamers, $0 00 Fsrefrorn Weldon Depot or (iaston, to Norfolk, meals included on the Steamers, $0 AO Tickets from Gaston a Ualtimoro, to be hid of C C. Pi'tiii, Esi. st Oa Ion. For Ticket, from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY. Jr., Oeneral Agent. OJfur James River and Bey Lint, WM.110S IHro-r, . 1;., March 2, tBin. VAT IIF, Watches and Jewelry! WATCHES! T H E largest and most splendid a s s o r t m e n t "of Wa'ches in tbe City, is to be found at the subscriber's, as he is constantly receiving all descriptions of OI.I A l IIl?K H'4TflIKrtrTiI the newest styles, from the manufacturer Th England, Ersnc. .nd Switierlsnd, (he is enabled to offei a lager assortment and at milch les. prices, at Retail, than sny other hniwa in Americs. Gold Wslche as low as 39 10 25 Dollsrs each. Wsiches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All Watches warranted to keep good itsne or th money returned. Watches snd Jewelry repeiieil In the best manner snd warranted, by the beat workmen, and much lower than al any other place. Cold and Silver Pencil., Gold Chain., Keys, and Ladie. Bracelets, Pin, and Starling Sill 8poons, Silver Cups, Pork., Ac, for sale very low. O.C.ALLEN. Importer of Watches and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retalt, " Uo.51 Wall St , !t. 30 eorner WilliamSt., K.w York, (up suns-) Feb 6, 1818. " l'-3" 3 isjsa mm ml ySrj-dsP "'jit , . .11; i o " 1 j ;.! -is "4 In ' ; 1. 'Vi . -i ill hi in if f Ml ' 1 1 I'll Ml "I . - v . !' .-;.-;.V