wr. .. .'V-Xi i feiif.i j-nTLjp i ii vii t Our' r th flan af fair delightful peace, Umarf'd Ay party rage to live like brothers." WILLIAM A, GRAHAM. . KA LEIGH, N. C. Fridayllafehp", 1846. - NOMINATION FOR GOVERNOR ! JAMES B. SHEPARD, ESQ., IN THE FIELD Th "'Standard," f Wednesday last, eoutain a CwresDondence between the Loco loco Antral Cemmitte. aud James B. Shihiid, Esq. of this City, from which we learu that Mr. S. is .elected to bear th banner of that party, in the ensuing Guberna- inril contest. We eoafesa thi. announcement hae taken us entirely by surprise, and will doubtles I cite a similar feeling throughout the State, a the in- Ullieence proeresses. Dr. Siunu;i, we suspect- : v,;,....lf nnon hie "reserved riehts," and Will II""" . Mr. liAKK will, in his first paroxysm of consterna been " snowed under." He declared himself a Candidate at Montgomery Court, according to the " Milton Chronicle," (good authori ty,) and, so far as " Democracy" has expressed it nnininn. lip, in fi-rlainlv the choice of the party. But the Raleigh Junto are acmte tacticians, and know a thin. kii.a V ahull see whether Mr. Leakh and his friends are to be whipped into the ranks, by the managers about Raleigh, who think that Tiitr are the party, and can put up, or put down, whomsoever they please With the exception 01 a nomination, y some 20 or 30 persons in Wake County, we venture to say that Ikjr. Shefard has never been thought of for th station, by the hard-nsted Democracy ol any County in the State. Indeed, the letter from the Central Committee to Mr. S. states, that his nominn liea was rJi4 by a majority only of that body. We do not Touch for th truth of th statement, but it is current in th streets, that Mr. S. received a majority of one vote in Committee over Mr. Leake, and that this could not hive been effected, had uot Mr. Wil des resigned, his place, and Mr. Kimbrouoh Jones, f thi County, been appointed in his stead. Mr. SmirARD seems in earnest about the matter, for th same paper that announces his selection, con tains a long list of appointments, extending from the 26th inst to the 13th of May. On the first blush of th thing, most persons would be apt to suppose that Gov. Graham would beat Mr. S. 10,000 votes. But Loco Focofsrn is composed of queer materials. Many, who will hardly "endure" Mr. fe.'s nomination Io few weeks, will, after a while, begin to "pity," and then " embrace." II is young, ardent, and indus trious, and Will, most probably, produce some enthu siasm where he goes. Let our friends determine at once, that nothing is certaiu with regard to Elections, and go vigorously to work. It is true, the Loco Fo- "Cos hive no idea of electing Mr. S., but they will not, on Jhat account, abate one jot or tittle to secure suc cess. They will work, and brag, and boast, and bet, aud ". swear terribly in Flanders." Already, the Ed itor ef the " Standard," stalks along, with foot on earth, it is true, but with port so 'elevated, that one can hear him think, (as a distinguished friend of pur's u wont to say,) and mentally exclaim . '. ' ' " At each, advanced step, I feel my head knock out a Star in Heaven." Buttles is all nothing, if every Whig (as his party expects) does his duly. We have neither space or time for more to,-day. Hereafter, we shall show the Whig of the State, that a deep laid plot has been concocted, to " catch them napping';" and, in the mean time, we hope we have said enough to stimu late their zeal, and put them on their guard. MR. LAWRENCE'S LETTER. . W take pleasure in laying before our readers, an other Letter from lion. Abbott Lawrence. W agree with our frieud of the. " Petersburg Intelligen cer," that in the Letters of Mr. L. we have no fine spun closet "peculations and theories, but the views of a man of sound, practical sense, derived from his own experience of fact. How admirably do the ppin lon of such' a man contrast with the sky-scraping twaddle of Mr. Secretary Walker his English en dorsers to the contrary notwithstanding. Mr. Law rence's Letters will not be printed for the us of Par liament for he is looking at the interest of his own, instead of a foreign country but every .true-hearted British subject will respect the man who devotes his good sense and practical information to the cause ef his own country. " ' DEMOCRACY" AS IT IS. ' It is rather a ubjeot of laughter, than otherwise) to observe the present flounderings of the so called Democratic forty, as represented in the Congress of the United State. They oannot bat recollect how violent some of them have been in favor of measure, Which UieV BOW eschew : and DOW. thfuu, mikmm L being shaken in th opinions of the mora judicious, L Is them vrv diftifii4t nrt in nlaw Tl,; - J ... J . UBM WU- Buct. durinff the whole discussion of the Onimn diiu. - , 0 - t- --- 1 tion, resembles th appsarauce of a vessel about to ll.l I... I J. t I! , ... 1 auuiucr tuc, wins nor sans are yos .sutveriDg the wind, before they have caught the impulse, which is tocend her in another and more favfrabl ' direction. In a word, soma of them seem so uncer in, watch sid it is tlisir inlerett to favor, libit the; " arr stal at total impartiality, than thtj iw, capame oi aiiaining. ' DEAF AND PUMR 1 Franklin Comity , W k A Ai..'a t... t... mad. tb umfUf W(lcttioil of th. Deaf and Dumb, yithi, bet kiiro - ET Rer. 6,Eo.t Covnti Fayattataia, has been appointed Presideat ef Missiaippi ColUga, oe,ted Plinton, ia that SUt, od 0a tinec? fcsj aepi tanca of th appoinnat Jtfr. C?to i kt M a ai Miaiatof? aa aeeomplishei Scholar, and aa RjMftaaosd Teacher, and hi apperntmeat, therelore, mi be regarded as i most judichmi on. C 17" Th "Standard" announces th dathof Wjv Uais P. Doasow, Esq. of Sarry Coanty, farably knows to th ptopttaf th State, by hi long trra of arvid0B th LegUlatur. . Mr. D. wa a devoUd mmUrof th o called Democra'" party but wa a libiral man i in hi Tote, aad, on most subject, eoiaervativ hi biawmloaa. 'W recollect," that at th. Session of 1842-43. Wfc 1850,000 of th Bond of th Wilmington Rail Road Compaay, andoraed by Uia Stat, wera twotasted for Don-peTmenL and a Re solution was introduced tomak iasUntprovWos) for paying tham oSVom of th Loco Foco mmbr were against tbo. payment. Mr. Doaaoii, w recol lect, mad one of his homespun, foroible Speeehe on th ubject, in which b conjured his party to ahua th defilement of Reptdiattou. W recollect nis concluding remark: Mr. Speaker, Nrt.CaroHna u. mv mnih.riake all that I have, but preserve her good name, brlghfud "onlarnished." MR- HAYWOOD AND THE OREGON QUESTION, Senator Haywood, whose Speech on the Oregon Question produced such a torm, contended that the cans of th. division in public opinion, whjch existed upon the Oregon question, emanated entirely from a misrepresentation of the opinions of the President, and a misconstruction of 'His Message, Jaud that the policy o. asserting an exclusive title to 54 40 had been seized upon by ambitious and aspiring persons, to pro mole their prospects to a nomination for the Presiden cy, and to force the Admiuistration to follow their U.rftn acoomnlish the end ill "view. He conceived the Executive pledged distinctly aud unequivocally t . .nttiement unon the 49lh parallel, because the honor of the country had been committed to that point av.r einrn the administration of Mr. Monroe. He introduced various illustrations, sustaining this gener a! ground, and in the course of his Speech reviewed . ... .1 i.- C. . (T.. ni the positions iaen oy umercm omnun, u, diiii. of their movements, and the purposes in contempla tion. Although, as it is said, there was a great deal in the substance, to disturb the equanimity of those whom he thus criticised, there was not an exception able word in the Speech itself. New Hampshire Revolutionized ! The General Election took place in this Slate, last week, and for the first time, since the division of parties into Whig and Loco Foco, the latter have been dreadfully routed. We should have as soon ex pected, to record a victory in Edgecomb or Nash, as in New Hampshire. But so it is : The Whigs of the Stale, aud other oppose rs of the preseut condition of things, have indeed made a "Bennington affair" of it. Mr. Williams, the regular Caucus Locofoco candidate for Governor, is defeated ; and, what is still more important, a majority of the Members of the Legislature will be Whigs and Independents. In the Towns heard from, the Whigs and Inde pendents have 140 Members to 88 Locos. There is no doubt of a dead majority against the Locos, of at least thirtv. Glory enough for a month ! hat makes the victory more important in, that a Senator of the United States is to be chosen by the Legisla ture new elected. In New Hampshire, as iu Massa chusetts, a majority of votes is necessary, in the elec tion of Governor, Councillors, and Senators. There being no choice of Governor by the people, and proba bly no choice of a majority of the Senators and Councillors, the whole government of the State will receive its complexion from the House of Representatives. Truly, Loco Focoism is falling to pieces. CHARGES AGAINST MEMBERS OF THE U. S. SENATE. Some days since, the Editor of the "Washington Daily Times" made through his paper, the serious charge against several of the members of the Senate, that they had been secretly intriguing with Mr. Pakenham, the British Minister, at his own table, for the purpose of effecting, a compromise on the Oregon question which would be disgraceful to the Seuate and the Country. In the Senate on Thursday last, Mr. Jarnagiu brought the matter to the notice of the Senate and, on hi melion, a Resolution was adopted unanimous ly, o appoint a Committee to investigate the charges. The Committee are industriously engaged in the duties of their appointment, and have summoned many Witnesses. In the mean time, th Editor of the " Times" says " By the sketch ef Senate proceedings to-day.' it will be seen that a Committee has been appointed to investigate the charges which have been made against member of that body through this paper. We now, in all candor, say that should tee be summoned be fore the Committee, with such witnesses a we may select, w will endeavor to prove all that w have said of the conduct of Senators. " We have been actuated by no motive but that which springs from love of country, and love of party, in dealing so -harshly with those implicated. Be lieving that they wera guilty, as charged, we con-. idrd it due from us to the American people to hold them up to distrust, and suspicion. . If senators are guilty, they should be exposed ; if not guilty, no American will do more to restore them to life honor of their station and the eoafideoca of th people, than ourlf." . "- - LATER FROM EUROPE. By tie arrival of lbs .hip Sunbeam al Bolton, and the ship ZUrich, at New York, frsm Havre, we hav London intelligence to th 9da of February, and Pa ri to lb Hb, both inclusive. Tb debate, on Sir Robert Peel. nw commercial measure bad been commenced in the House of Corn, mons. They were expected to occupy a week, and iiitja doubt wa entertained (bat the measures would mainly be carried,, though tome modification, in fa- rvof of proteetlort might be auccessful. One amend ment proposed Wa. to extent! the time for th ulti mate extinction of the Corn law to 1851. I'lices oi votton are very nrmiy supported. A GOOD ONE. A Petition wa presented in the Hons of Repre sentatives ef Mississippi, praying for the passage of aa Act, legalizing a Lottery', for the purpose of com pleting a Catholie Cathedral at Natchei. Mr. Mc Caughan opposed the Petition, saying " he had no objection to th erection of a Church to worship our Saviour in, but hi teat fpoeed ta calling on the Ve UH anV it." EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. ' ., . . Richmond, Martk 17 1845. Sale af Tthace iy W. AV S. II. Goidoji, V Co daring the latt wetk, for th Plunttri , Art CaroliM : . y. .",1 - Far Maanfkctoriog, f. 6, f i. 7, 7t 8J, and gD. Stemming, 41. H U 6i Breaks increasing. Quel tty of In Virginia Tobacco,, generally Indifferent up to tbia time the demaud for the better qtulily is good. ; Tb rip Oronoco, from your Stat, hu brought th beet price. Th Planters seem to b holding back their crop generally w hope it is with a view of proper management. Te them, it of great importance. W will keep yoa regularly d- vised. Your ob't. serv'ts, W. & S. a. GORDON Sc CO. Just as oar paper is getting ready for Free, the Letter of our New York Correspondent, duo yester day, lias come to hand. We can only publish that part of it, in thi paper, relating to the Market, but will give the residue iu our next, which treat of mat ters and things iu general. Edit. Ueu. THE MARKETS. Cotton. The advices from Liverpool are consid ered favorable. Trices ther, were very firm, and the market was active." During the past week, specula tors hav been unusually busy, aud au active request prevailed for export, as well as home consumption. Th transection," line roy last, have-been te Uieea- tent of 2500 bales Upland ' snd l' loridas, aud about 3000 bales Mobile and New Orleans, at the following nnnlntions ' 1" Uplands & FloriJas. MuWU .f- N. 0. 7.4 a H tj a ii Jj a 10 Ordinary to good ord. C a J Middling to good mid. H a ij Middlini fair to fair, "i a fj Fully fair to good fair, fej a ii FjLchjR Tile foreign news lias had no perceptible influence on the market. Prices remain very linn for all descriptions, and the stock on hand is becom ing reduced. Since my last about 10,000 libls. of various brands have bepti tukeu (mostly for home consumption,) ut the following rates, viz: Genesee 5,50 a 5,56 ; Ohio and Michigan 5,50 ; New Oi leans round and flat hoop 5 a 5,37 ; Oswego 5,44 ; Ualii more 5,V'i Georgetown, l'rovidt-iice,- and Rich mond Country 5,S!5; Rye Flour 3.87 J a $4 ; Corn Meal 3.37J a :i,50. Ejport from lit tu 10th March Wheat Floiir 13,541 bbls. .Grain. The transactions in Southern hare been guito miiinnlfd, during the week, nitd Miles of 15.000 bushels Now Orleans Corn readily brought 1)51 cts. ; 5000 do., North Carolina at 05 a CC cents ; S000 bushels, Jersey at U8 cents. Several lots of live are reported at 82 cts. Noitlieru OuU eonuuand 44 and 45 cents. Provisions. Sales of prime HeeTa! $.1,D.r n 5.50; Mess 8,25 a 8,50 : Old prime I'oik 9,37i ; New Mens do. 11,25. Ohio Lard 0, a 7 cl. Cuees 7 cts. THE RALEIGH CU VRPS. On Saturday lust that fine Company, the Raleicli Guards, under the command of Cajit. Clark, niurelied to their old shooting ground iu 1 1 it" vicinity of the City, and shot for the blue iilinnu. The target was a cir cular board, twelve inches from the centre ; and the best single shots were mude by Meters. Hudson and Ashly three and a half inches euch from the centre. The plums was won by Mr. Edward E. IlarriH, by an aggregate shot of twenty-three inches; and m the request of the Captain, it was presented to Mr Hums by Gaston 11. Wilder, Lsq. 111 a handiouie and appropriate maimer. Standard. TEXAS EMIGRANTS. This country does not appear to be exactly the promised laud after all. Someoftiie inhabitants of the border Status, who were most anxious for annex ation, appear to have, after a pftrsonul examination, rather a contemptuous opinion of our new sister. A writer in the Little Rock Arkansas Gazette, ex claims : " 1 thank God I am hero again, (New Orleans !) I shall be in Union county, Arkansas, in a few days bag and baggage having already enjoyed enough of the blessings of Texas ! I am satitified, and shall settle myself in Union county totally ued up ! I lease say to all our lneuds, unit, if they wish to go to Texas, just see it in the winter, aud uot move until tuey have seen it. 1 will wrile you again when I settle. I know this will sur prise you ; but I have never seen a country so much overrated as Texas. Hundreds of persons would re turn if they could, but cannot. A poor man has no business there, if lie knew it. , CA'FO RKD1VIVUS. My voice is soil lor wnr I Odds niggers l ean the Senate Innp Jehnle Whioh ol ihe two to choose " the whole, or noneV No, let us rise at ooce, snatch up our biooiiKhcks, And with the force ol forty iltoiiiuiid wild-cats, Set on John Bull, eat up tine Rouky Mountains, Pump dry the Atlantic, and charge home upon liiiu. Perhaps some fist, more knuckly than the resi. May smash hit ribs, and give lii'tn a sound licking. Rise, falherj, rise ! the coons demand your heli ; Rise, anil revenge your ninrtteieil mu?qnahes. Or lose their skin The corps ol eluugineied wood chucks Manure the fields of Oregon, while we Sit here on wages of eight dollars a day, Betides the plunder of reel tape and feu knive. Chopping culdogic on a " previous cjuealiou Halting between a paltry hawk and buzzard. While (his great caiife impends, "Whether we shall Now sacrifice our pantaloons to honor. Or wear them out wiiti long heroic silting. Rouse up, for shame I ye western sonpping-turtles, And show yourselves true solid ol gun powder. Rouse up, ye hoite and ullintor Tiojniii ; Rouse up, I say : our brothers of old Buncrmle, Flourish their speeches, and ciy out for bnitle ! Tom Thumb's great shade complains that t are slow And Falttafl's ghost walks uniuvened among ns. Button Courier. Srccit " Clsw." It will tw seen by the follow ing Section iu Mr. Drontgoole's amended Hub-Treasury bill, that all payments, td the Government are to be made in gold and silver.com only, on and after the 1st July next U. S. Gazette. Sac. IS. And be it further enacted. That, from and after the thirtieth day of June, which will be in th year one thousand eight hundred aud forty-six, all duties, taxes, sales of public lauds, debts and sums of money .accruing or becoming due to the United State, and also all sums due for postages, or other wise, to the General Post Office Department, shall be paid fn gold and silver coins only. DEATH OF COL. SCOTT. . By a notice in to-day' paper, it will be seen that Col. Joseph Scot! ha departed this life. Col. S. was one of that patriotic band the Petersburg Canada Volunteers, and served through the whole of that ardbou campaign, in the course of which he wa severely wounded. A a citizen he was distinguished forter!ing integrity, kindly feelings, arid a modesty of deportment, which won for him the esteem of ajl who knew him. Petersburg Inteligencer. ' "The foolish part of mankind w ill make wars from time to time With each other, net hating sense neug otherwise lo fettle thtir difference." The abo pilhr extract from a letter of Dr. Franklin to the celebrated Edmund Burke, is commended to the espeeieJ sttention of the aages who have succeeded Franklin in the affections of bit country me ni Without altogether eclipsing bis reputation for sagacity and coiwooti sense. 4 DanttiU Reporter. C.O EGRESS SATURDAY, March 14, 1813 She Senate was not in leasion to dy. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Several report from Committees were made. Mr. Hopkins, from the Committee on Poet Of fice, reported a bill to abolish the office of the three Assistant I'ostaiastors. Read twice and referred. .The House then went into Committee of the whole and took up the River and Jlarbor bill. "' Mr. Houston, of Delaware epoke in favor of the bill, nd pnmtedfout the necessity of the im provamew proposed st Newcastle, Delaware. ?r-t,Bater, of Illinois, next spoke, lie was in fnKHpf iibproviiig the Illinois. Mr. Bayly spoke against the bill and in favor of free trade. The debate did not excite much interest. SENATE. MONDAY, Marrh 10,1840. Alter the preaentation of Petitions, Reports were called for from (?ominilieea. hit. Bohlun, from the select Committee ap pointed to investigate the rhsrguo of the Times made a report. It states in substance, that the publisher of the Times, having been afforded every opportunity 0f proving their allegations, have utterly failed so to do, and that there is not the least shadow ef evidence to Bupport : single specification. It conclude by recommending the expulsion of both Editors ulid Reporters ol the Times, from the privileged seats in the gal lery of the Senate, "Tlie Report was ordered m he pria'etl. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the Oregon question. 4 Mr. Calhoun having the floor, sajil that having been concerned in the negotiations; relative to the title lo Oregon, it would be improper fi him to refer to that part of I lie controversy. He would then confine himself to tire question of no lice. After review in the various 'rounils n. euined by former upt akers, lie. ga e it as his opinion that it was no longer a ouestion as to whether tins dispute would lend to peace or war. It appeared now to be question of lime only. So loin.' as the probability ol a peaceful termina tion of negotiations should prevail, the nni'tcmly for tia M'i!(u decre need. After further rcurjrks lie argued thst it was neeenHarv that tins rout ro ver V should be hrotiijht to a close, otherw iso wri chauld not f.;- able to settle our tl illicit lues with Mexico, inr that power was watching the course ol'lhiii ipieHtion, and if war should come she will avail herself of the advantages ol her geogriiplii eal position, lie thought that .Senators them selves now begran to douhl our title to Ihe whole of Oregon At all events, it had been ably ques tioned upon that floor. There were but two reasons which presented themselves to his mind in favor of giving the no tice. One was that it milit to he settled so that it mhht not be allowed to run into the next Pre sidential election. The other was, he inclined to think that Eiitrjiind did not intend to make her fi nal movement until after this Congress shall have riKeti, ,.$ui for lliese two objections, the notice otifflit to be postponed. Mr. BeVrien has the floor for to-morrow. MOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES. After the disposal of sotim Petitions, the House went into Committee of the VVholu, and resumed the consideration of the lla-horand River bill. The proceedings were very dull, and the great er portion of Ihe day, only twenty Jive members were in the Hall. A CONSCIENTIOUS LAWYER. The late Mr. Roger M. Sherman, ono of the most eminent lawyer that Connecticut hag ever seen, stales his principles a to litigation in these words : "I have ever considered it as ono (if the lirht moral duties of a lawyer, and have always adopted it in my own practice, necer to encourage a groundless suit or a groundless defence; and to dissuade a client from attempting either of them incompliance with his animosities, or with ihe honest prepossessions of Ins owu jutlginetit ; and I ever deemed it a duty, in a doubtful case, to point to every difficulty, and so far as 1 could, discourage unreasonable anticipations ofsuccess." When will the lime come for such lo be the usu al practice of lawyers? JSnlional I'icss. WILLI AM A. (JK.M1AM. A we arc not in llie habit of abiiBinrr our oponen'p, so we also refrain from bestow ing much and itiiiisiritniiiato praigo upon the men of our own side. We trust that we find nobler uses for the con'ents of our editorial ink horn, lhan mere ly to bespatter men with censure or with adulation. On f'l.oH'ing hack on our tiles, we liml that we have said very little about our present (jovcrnor, William A. Graham, and his administration. This has not been because wo were not impressed with the excellence of Ins administration. lie ha gone through his official duties wilLa certain quietness and dijjuily of manner, characteristic of his person nnd his mind, lie has dono no "great thing" to which his highly cultivated talents arc aclt nowiedgetl to ho adequate. I La office does not piT'irU a fieliffor display. But he lias pursued the right, in the'even tenor of his way, and re. fleeted from his hieh. position thft best points in the character of our good and, beloved State There is not, we venture to sny, a citizen of North Carolina who does not enjoy a full feeling of satisfaction with the manner in which Govern or Graham represents his Stale be for the world. We do not keep his name ag e candidate for re-election at the head of our Editorial column ; we deomit unnecessary, because, iu the language of a contempoary, it is engraved already upon the hearts of our readers. (Ireensburovgh Patriot. fsscNosa to Mexico. Lieut. David Porter, say ll.e Newark Advertiser, was despatched to Mexico by our Government, on Wednesday, and is to proceed to Mazatlan, where he will communi cate with our squadron, for which, it is said, ha took out a quantity of. percussion caps those they took with them being useless. l)SKEXI!IUGE, X J,j Uct. 10,.lc4 j. Mr. Seth W. Kowi.k, liosion : Dettr A'ir . I perceive by all the newspapers, that VOM are the General Aireiit of that very useful and hiirhly popular Medicine called Wistar's Dalsam of Wild Cherry. Allow me to iuform you, sir, that 1 hav used that medicine in my family with decided success. Lasl Fall my wife was quite sick hud a very bad cough. I consulted a Physician who visit ed her and prescribed some medicine, winch aid 1101 remove her cough. At last he ordered lr. Wistar's ttiuixsi or Wild (. nsasr. 1 immediately procured a bottle of your Agent in this place, Mr. Daniel W. Doty ; she look it, and it cured her cough entirely. Duriiig'the Winter I had a fever myself, which left m very weak and feeble; I had a severe cough which troubled me some lime, I had recourse to your Bal sam again, and found it highly beneficial : I was obliged, however, to take two bottle sbefore I wa en tirely well. All who have bad Colds, severe Coughs, or diseased Lungs, I would advise to try Da. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY at oac. Signed, DAYID AYERS. I am personalty acquainted with Mr. Avis, and bliev hi statement 10 b true, and entitled to Ihe confieeaee of the public. Signed by . Kev. OSCAK HARRIS, V Pastaf 1st Presbyterian Church at Baskenridge tY fw.mk Vy WJLLIAMSf HAYWOOD $ v.,iGfb; and retail, Kahtign, rv. K,. Vk-',- . CITIZENS OP THE UNITED STATES: Let it be remembered, that BmndrefK Vegetable Unwereal I' ill havs now been before the cilixeus of the United State for six years, and used by hundreds o thousands I They are no well known' that it need scarcely be aien tinned that they are a "Purgative Medicine, so " justly balanced" that the ' experi ence of a century" has proved that they msy be ta ken in any dose, according to Mature' requireintnte and this rule refers to both sexe 'aud all ages". They hare' been used in every Variety of derange ments of the human body, Mid yet, when properly used, never failed to restore to health, except hi thoae cases where nature was exhausted before the Pills were commenced with. Experience has taught that Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills remove all corrupt humors from the body, in an easy, safe aud etlectuai manner ; produ cing no effect but what will finally couduce to the perfect purification of the Wood, aud thereby core the disease, (by whatever name it muy be called,) aud give perfect health to the whole system. t Remember, Druggists are not permitted to self my Pills if y ou purchase of them you will obtain "coun terfeit. II. llRANIMltTM, M. I). IT The above Pills are on sale, bj regular Agents, in every County of the Stute, and by WILL: l'ECK, wholesale and rotail Agent, Raleigh. In Lenoir county, Mr. W illiam Rrown to Miss Ke hecca Moore. Also, Mr. Charles J. O'lluau to Miss Lhza Korroht. hi Rockingham, Mr. J. J. Keid to Miss, Margaret Winchester. In Guilford, Mr. T. O. Wharton to Mrs. Malviuu Mr.Xuc.ly, daughter of the lulu James llonncll. -In. I'uuylvuiua, County, Vii x lr. D. Cjilehane, of Greensboro1, to Mrss rtusnti Wutkms. For Kent NT) immediate possession given, the ISrirK Stort' on t'ajiitievillc Street, recently occu pied by (.'ulc.lt Midline, gml xiiuulc 'Z d.ooi fclovv ihe Diug Store of Messrs. V iuihk, II e r one A Co. Applvtu -E. 1). l-'KUKMAN. Raleigh, March IT, 18-lfi. U.) :tt UACON AND I. A lil). O.0O0"""!M OH,' anil .'i" oUltl Oi JLrI, I'or bale, Iiy li. II. UUKEALOK. Ralfiah. Marrh 17, lH4fi. 2:) if NOTICE. LL persons are hereby furwjrned from tending lur a Note nf lluud, niado payable lo Juinc JJuilulo, for the sum of fcSO, (due lifith December, 1S15,) on Ymicy Petry and lluiidnl I'eiry, and wit ncmcd by ',h lilleti. The said Not.) was lost or mis laid by James ltulluh, inul no one, but in) sell, is now authorized lo receive the same. BIO.N ItOUKK, Ailm'r. ol Ja.mi.ii IIlhalo, ilcc'd. Wnke County, March 1H, I81U.. '-!') Ill RKB. tirnss, White Ub,er, Lucerne, OkUt ard (jram, Ited tjlover, llltie (jras, Ac J'hn abuvB needs are sold ill any iUiiliUUe., Iu mil purchasers, by 11. D. T Kit NEK. JN. C Douk Si, ire. March 2d. " 3:1 O'lillO of lorlll'Jrllll!l W.h;k County. i.J t'ourl of I'leos and Quarter feessions, I'ebiuuiy Term, 184i. Rebecca Dullalo vs. Kimbrough Brown oml wile Sally, John Davis and wilo Mary, and oilicin. Pel iton for Do m c r This case, cominn on to be heaid.nnil ii iippearini! to the saimlnciioii ol il.o Conn, lloit Knnl Brown, and wilu Sully, Julm DaviB, ami uile Mary. Jcrciiiiah l.assiter, unil wilo Kiney, uiul James llul lu . are run lenileiilt of this Sluie ; It is ihcrelure, ordered by the Cuurl, ihut public A itvei iieiiient bo made in llie liuloib HcttiBter lor tix weeks, succes sively, lor the said lion resiilenl Defendants, to be and lippem at llie ncxl Term of the Court ol Plens and Quarter Sessions, lo be held lor the County ul Wake, at the Conn House in the City ol lluleih, on the third Monduy ol May next, iheo uiul there to answer, or demur to said lVliiion ; otherwise), tbo same will be heard cj parte ai to loein, und jndgou'iii lulien pro conj'ieso. Wunen, James T Mnrrintt, Clrik of said Court, BtUllicein Iluleiuh, Ihe S'l I.londay in Fohruuiy, A. D. 1811). JAMES T. MARRIOTT, C C C. March, Wti. Pro Adv. b hi! J 2.1 fiw State of North t'ii rwJUia K Couniy. - Court of Kquity Spring Term, 1840. Stephen bradley and Polly his wilo, Klir.abeih Ursd ley, Nanus liradlcy, Hoxcy Pope Sarnh Drudley, William Johnson niul Mul ly his wife, William Eth credge, Campbell Denton and bis wife Uelsey, vs. David Ilrailley, E'r. of Jonathan Bradley, Hichard 15 rnilley, Joseph John Kthoiedge, James lhercdue, Lewis Klliereie, l.uuslord I'lltmiill ami .ilpba his wifo, and 1'riscilla, wife of , unknown. Uriginul Hill. IT appearing to tile natUlaction of the (.'onrl. thnl the UeleiidatilH. Kichaid Uiadley, Jo.-eph John Llh credge, jaines liilliereilijo, Lewis Klheredne, l.uunford I'iltman and Zilpha his wile, and 1'iiscilla, wilii of one whose name is unknown, rosule beyond the liinils ol this Slate : It is therefore ordered by the Couit, that publication he miido in the Kaleih Itegisler, for ix weeks, notify ing the said mn -residents to aiprsr at tiie"next 'J'erm of this Court, lo .be held ut ihe Court House in 'J'urboruugh, on the second VUuuhiy in MeplemWr ncxl, und plead, answer or demur to Complainants' lull, or ihe same will be taken pro can- fesKO as to them, and heard ex parte. ,r .... ..I , , I...... . f Witness, Kenelin II. Lewis, v icik ami hibut..ui said Court, ut Ull'ne in said County, the second Mon day in March. 1810 KEN LI.M II. LEWIS, C. ot M. E. March 17, 1840. 23 'lw I County. Courl of Eqoily Wpring Term, l46. Nancy liiadley and Sally Bradley, ts David Bradley, Ex'r of Jonathan Bradley, and Iticb ard Bradley. Hill of Injunction. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Richard liradlev, one of the Defendants in this cause, is not an inhabitant of this biale : Il is ordeied by the -Court, that publication he made in the lialeiuh lie ijisier for six weeks, notifying the said Richard Brad ley, TO appear at the next -Term of this Court, to be held t the Court House in Tarborough, on tho sve j ond Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur to llie Compluinnuts' bill, or the same will be taken pro tonfesoo as tojiiin, and heard ex parte- Wiiucss. Kenelin H. Lewi,. Cleik and Master nl I said Court, al Office in said County , the second Mon day ill March, 1846. KBMKLM H LE. WIS, C. &M.E March IT, 1848. ( Pr. Adv. 5 62 23 6w FOE RESTORING THE HAIR AND EEEPIaC IT FROM FALLING OUT. MTyillS eelebrslcd hair restorative, which has I been used successfully by over ten thousand person, is now for sale in this City. As there are numerous counterfeits on thi article, be sure and see that Conslock A Co's siguslure is on every wrapper. Bay of tb Retailer of thi Ciiy ami yon wilt be sure to get the true. ' , For sale wholesale by Com.leck Co., No. 21 Courllandt Street. For sale at the following place : P. T. Pcscud, Raleigh 1 B. E. Ook, Wurrenlon ; W. G. Andrews, Henderson ; P. . Brawn,. Louisburg ; O. Howard, Tarboro ; W. H. Wesson, Gaston ; snd by oiie Merchant in every place in the foiled Stiles. March it, 1846. " S3-Cm VOLt,TECRS for OREGON ATTENTI0.1 EDECJ1T1C BiTTALLIO.U - In nlieiptlion of war wkh Engknd, the individuals composing th KiiumaJit lialtnlinn are each and ever out notified) and warned td appear (armed a kall here sfier be dhectcl, before Orderly nwo P. IVVE-si;i;u, at his Drug Store art' Main Street, and punDsse a bottle of HEWS' L1NAMENT & ELIXIR, which is warranted lo cure all the old case of Chfortie ' Iiiftammetory liheumatiem that hav remnined uncured op l the present tim. This without delay, so that they may be in retdine to march, if called upon. To the Universal Rheumatic battalion ! Given' this day at Head Quarters by J" COMSTOCK a HO Commanders Uenrral. The above article is sold al wholesale by Uomsto-& 4 Co., 31 Courlland Street, w Jt'ork, where the only genuine can bp hid. Alto, the celebrated Council's pAf.v Eirn'XftTrtR', The only genuine ankle niaiiufiu'iured'.and sold at half price lo meet the warns of ihe poo. Also, C. Co's celebrnted V'xtiact uf Nariaparillst, a splendid aiiiele, fur fit) ccnls bollle, warranted as good Many dollar article, 'i he genuine to be had only of CpnV stock Jif I'll,, Mew Yik. For sale at the following plnres P. F. PesClkl', Halcinh ; II. fi. Cook, Wairenton; VV. C. Andrew, llcndeison ; P. .1. Brov, n, l.ouiiburg ; tj Howard, I'aiiioro'; V II. Wesson, t ;-t,.ii j aud by on Merchair. in every pluce in the liiutcd Stales. March IS, 184f. " 236m Comstock's , Extract ol'Sa rmnparitlns Supn'inr quality at half-price for the '(lire of S'5tOI"'l' 1.., Chronic h'he uinatina Oeherul Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, aly DrUitii)ns ol lite skin. Toner, J'imples or I'Oftalee on ills J'aee, Mon ii r 1 1 1 ami Syphiloid Hiseases, Uiles, from ail iire I'tue huhit nl l,)ody , rieeralions of ihe Throat ami Leu I'nins unci Swelhugs of llie lioues, Liver Allec-tiuo-., ami ad Diseases ari.-mg fiotu an impure ulitid oi the l;;, mil. Ki"sQ,rc8 mid iinprudcnces in, life, ex-o-'.l'i- ue of Mereiirv, ejic. 'Ph.- lire it j . ( 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 y ol WiirKiparilhi, and its es 1 1 1 -licil illicacv, reinieis it siipertluntw to enler inf any em'.-mtura ol t,s lidues or udduco any evidence iu its favor. Tho Siir.s.i-inlln is vvurr inted jiositivcly nSgooiTa any olher lliat cun be made al One Dollar, at just I hall the pnee of those bo much utlvortised, and a stronif nnd in as larye hnttliw, vit .-' I'TKTV CE.TS PHI! 1IOITI.K, Oil FIVE DDI. LAKS l'Elt DOZEN. 'Phis nrlicle bus cured Scrofula ol 30 years, ufli r the Dollar urticlcg had been used in vain. To bo had in New. V'urk only at 21, C'ourtland Street. For sale nt the fidlowitro; places : '. V I'rsrnir, Italeiijh ; 11 E tne'k, VV'urrenion VV. G. Andrews, lleinleisun ; 1. J. llrnwn Loinsliur; ; . Howard, Tuihdio'i t'. II. Wesson, fiuslnri ; end by on Merchnnt in every place in the t'nileiltrtsle. March Ol, 18-10. 23 tTrti FBOJITWO TO KlIJIITTIUKS cnR.PERTHiS BC FDR 15. (HI Wi'liilMMl'' THE ISlitt IS Mi Dli Lllillllil) Willi IT. N article that every family must consider indis pensable when they know iiM power and value and which has heretofore been sold tuo high tii reach all classes, has now been letiuced in price, with a view that rich nnd poor, birfh and low, and in fact cvciy human being may enjfly its romforis ; and all who net it shall hnvo the price relumed lo them if they are not drliuhteil with ite use. We assert with out the pussihilily ol contriulietimi, that nil Horns and Ocalds, every Kxiernul rsore, old or fifsh, antV all ex ternal pains uml miles, m, mutter where, shall bo in duced lo comloil by it iu fivo minutes saving life, llmh or si-.ir. No bum can bo fatal il this is applied, unless the vitals ore destroyed by Ihe accident. Il i truly niagical to appoaranee iu il effects. EnefOire for " C'ounel's Matties! Pain Enlrsolor Salve,-' a'l Comstock and Co'k, il Cuurtlund Stieet, New Vorls. I'lu-c '5 ccnls or lour limes its much for oil cents, and near lull limes as much lor a Dollar. GTio--lle sure nnd get Comicl's, as counter fciu and vto.rthh.ws appear under other namw. Heo thut it is direct from Corusloek it Co., or Be vet touch it. I'or sale nt the folluwinn lures i P. F. Pfscud, ItnltMcb ; U. K. ("ook, Wairenton ; W. I'. Andrews, Henderson; Y, .1. Hiowrt, Lotnsburg ; (J. Howard, Tarboro'; W. 11. Wesson, (Justoii ; and by one Meichaiit in every pluce in the United Slates. March Id, 1M0. Sll fim y 31! B'i niipuriilleleil pojiuluri t y ol IIA'V'S fl LIMNI'iNT U a surely of its virtue. The- (iciiuini) Hay's Liniment has cured over tWeniy thousimd cae of piles iu the litiiieil Mtaies. "It w tho only article Used and prescribed by ihe faculty ol New Vurk, and il is recommended by every Phy sician in the country who has used it, or seen iis i ll'ects on others. 'The genuine has Cumstuok.,4 Co's name on each wrapper Fur sale nt the folio inn; pl'scos : I F Pescud, Hnloiqh 1 B K C'nok, Worrentonj W G Attire wa, Heiidersou 1 P J Urown, Louisburg j O lluward. I'orboro' ; VV 11 Wesson, tiaslon 1 and by olio Merchnnt in every place iu llie United Slate. March IB, lahifi. 2.1 fim CO WI'OC K A C o'a V ritilrUif). 'J'hc best and suiesl of a, I Vermifuges is liow fur sale in this place (where may be seen certificates.) For sale at llie following plices : P F Pescuil, Ituleitrh; B E Cook, Warrentoti ; VV C Andrew, Henderson; I J Urown, Louisburg ; O Howard, Tarboro' ; W 11 Wesson, (ia.oni ; aud by on Mer cbant ill every place in the United Stales. March 10 lN4fi. &3 6m KEV. 1)K. HARTIIOLOMEW'3 S warranti.il lo be n good as any of the dollar urliclcg in uhc. It is iiolil for only 50 cents, and the Proprietors, with ihe consent of several of the first eilizens of New V'ork, have given, reference-lo them. Il is considered by them th best preparation in use, far Coughs, told, Influenza, More Throat or Incipient Consumption. It is put forward under the sanction of one uf the first divines, ol the country, and has the great merit of being all it is represented to be. - ( F'or sole wholesale by Conrwtock St Co.,Courthuid strert, New York. For sale at Ihe following places r P F Pescud, Raleigh ; IS E Cook, V'arrunton ; VV C Andrews, Henderson ; I 1 Beown, Louisburg ; G Ilowaid, Taiboto' ; VV II Wesson, (iaston ; and by on Merchant in every place in the luiled Slates, March l. 1S46. 23--6m DEALi'JSESS. II. M'NAIR'S ACCOIISTIC Oltr he proved very successful i etriiiig WUl dealliess. W e tiae many coriuicaies iroui civizwm who have usd ibis Oil with complete Success. We invite all who are troubfcd with any dbxase pf b Ear, to eismine the proof. . , LANULEx-'M WETEIt?J INDIAN PA NACKA is ttie best linmly medicine in the world. It is cure for Dyspepsia, Asthma, Liver Cuaiplaint, Indigestion. Co.ltvenemj Jaundics, Eptlepsj, Cou gtiluiional Debility, Jc, '4- , N. B.' It operates without the slightest fialn, ss a imld but thorough cathartic, snd never leave-th person costive, even if taken very often. For sale at th following place: I? f 'Teed, Raleigh ; B E Cook, Warreiuon; W C Andrews, Henderson ; P J Urown, Louisburg ; G Howard, Tarboro'; VV II Wesson, Gaston ; snd b ona viercnsnt in every piacs iu in unno. March 18, 1346. 1 4 r. '-J ,T If Vt.' r i i 5 ' f ii 1 4 ' I?'"! I t ' Mi -1.-,..