i RALEIGH REGISTER..' ' WWAtf '''' "Onr't art plan 0 fair delightful peace, " Vnviarf'd by forty rtgt U live like brothers.' FOR CMVEKNOIt: WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. HA LEIGH, N. C Friday,. May 1, 1846, GOV, GRAHAM'S APPOINTMENTS. Governor Orahah will address his JFsllo'w Citizens at tha places and times following to wftt At Old Trap, Camden, Tuesday, May 5th. Eden too, Thursday, My 7th. ' Plymouth, Friday, Majy 8th. Washiorton, Satorday, May 9th. " Greeneville, Pitt County, Monday, May 1 1th. Snow Hill, Greene County, Tuesday, May 12th. " Newborn, Thuraday, May 14th. " Beaufort, Saturday, May 16th. JASPER shall appear oa Tueaday. crowded out to day. It CORONER'S INQUEST. Willis Scott, Esq., Coroner of the County, held an Inquest on Wednesday last, over the body of Kkancib Robinson, who had been found dead in his bed, that morning. The verdict of the Jury w ' Died by the visitation of God " (EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. It will be seen from a Notice of the Rt. Rev. Bish op of the Diocese, that the place of holding the next Convention ot the Church, has been changed from Hillaboro to this City. VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. The " Richmond Enquirer" of the 28th ult. thinks it vary doubtful, which party has carried the State. Aa far as heard from, the Whigs have gained 9 mem bers, and lost 3 Natt Whig gain 6, equal to 12 votes. ,' r- A CLOSE OBSERVER," Tb Standard," in his last a amber, vouches for tha writer ef aa article headed -" Gov, Graham Tba Rail Road.'" Th writer la wetl acquainted with hie subject, and handles it with much fore and clearness," say, the " Standard." With the Gov trnor s " increasing in talents," mow1 ins; in rraca, po- ue g-enonecuons, or perpendicular walking, m nave nothing ts do hers, as they hare no visible connec tion with tba Rail Road, anil as; in the language of the writer himself, a man's public and not his pri vate conduct, constitutes his qualification," (some times aUs-qualificatioa f) for office." A close Ob server" opens a tremendous battery on the Governor, because "hs baa involved tha Stats in a heavy debt" in buying in the Rail Road at a single bid, for $300,- 000, the amount of tha Bonds, and lbs interest there on np to the time of sals; ' Tha Governor ought to. bavs bought ,t for $50,000, aaya be. Perhaps, the. large Stockholders, who wars standing by, would not have Jet him. " The Governor by law was obliged to make it bring the amount which it actually brought, to wit, tba amount of tbs endorsed Bonds and inter-eU?-or be was directed to bid it off for tbs Stats. Does A close Observer" suppose that those gentle man standing by, aud so deeply interested, would not have run the road near to the required sum, and then let it fall oo the Governor, who waa obliged by law to make it cover the liability of the Bonds ?, There they were, ready. Suppose one of them had bid $360,- 000 he knew it would not fall on his hands, because the Governor waa obliged to make it bring at least $303,000. The Stockholder then had it in his pow- to make the Road bring $363,000. And the "Clone Observer" may be. sure, that it would have been done. But the " Close Observer" thinks K would have beeu so edifying,, for the Governor of the State to ave chaffered and higgled, and when a Stockholder bid $50,000, the Governor would have winked to the Auctioneer, and said, ' Fifty thouaaud dollars aud five cents" ; the crier dwells on the bid atjast one hundred thousand dollars is bid by soma Stock holder " aud five cents," says the Governor. Two hundred thousand dollars is bid ; " five cents more," says the Governor. "Who's afeard! Go it boys '. You :ave got to make it bring $363,000, or you won't get ' Three hundred thousand dollars is bid," says the crier a dram tq ihe next bidder "And five cents, says the Governor, and takes a drink. Now this would have been so dignified, o becoming the State of North Carolina! , m 7 MR. SHEPARD. Thie candidate of tha Loco k'oco party for Govern or, who is indebted for his nomination to tbs Editor ef tbs " Standard," is said to be excessive in hie abuse of tha Whig party, in all bit public Addresses, That gentleman knows that ths Whig party deserve ne abuse from him. He knows that a purer, a more pa triotic party, never existed, than that which he new deems il bis interest to attack. But a few years have passed, since fie waa " one of them," and we call up on bim now to say, whether he ever saw, or knew, of any corruption, designed or accomplished, or even talked about, among his Whig associates. Let him pot his finger upon the rnau.or the act, or the design. We challenge him to the proof. Until Mr. Snsnan cams to reside in ths " Demo cratic" County of Wee, it will not be denied, we presume, that ha was a professed Whig. Put a change aooocame over the spirit of his dream. What appli ances, if any, were used for his conversion, he beat knows. Oue thiug is certain lie waa a Whig, and became a " Democrat" and was toon appointed by Mr. Van Bueen, United States' District Attorney EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. "Nw Yca. April 87, 1646. BaooxLTN, our "sister City, over the River, i, ordiuarily, one ef the most quiet and orderly eommi nitlts iu th, United States ; but It really eeemefhat she is getting jealous or the fame and uojefiety ac quired by Hie neighboring Cities of New York and Philadelphia, in consequence of their riotous aud law less propcnsities,diplayedin times gone by here, but mete recently iU( the ' City of brotherly love." Brooklyn, about a year aco. imairiiied that unless (hers were sometbitrg done within her "wallt," of a startling natures such as would oarry her fame from one end of the Union to the other, in this progressive age, people would, from her very silence, forjfet that such a City still stands oh the South-weaterry aide of Long Island, that hs population numbers some 70,000, and, besides boasting of a Navy Yard, Its City Hall stands upon the identical ipot, where, in the war of the Revolution, was fought the battle of Long Island. Well, six months ago, the more vnlorously inclined portion of the Drooklyuites started on the road to fame In this office, he figured very disastrously for a short j")' beating and dispersing a mammoth "Native Ainer- time, and resigned. He was uexl before the people of Wake, and had the glorious opportunity iu the Se nate, of immortalizing himself by his astonishing ef forts to ' relieve the people." He was elected to the House Of Commons iu 1844, where he cut such " high fantastic capers," that even his own party, (always excepting the Editor of the " Standard,") were mor tified and chagrined. When a man changes his politics, a very natural enquiry arises as to the honeaty of the change par ican" political procession, which hu had the audaei ty to cross the river from New York, and purposed to traverse their Streets; since which time, at intervals, a murder or a suicide has been perpetrated, ahich, however, not being on so grand a scale aa those of Ellou Jewetuiu thie City, or Maria Bickford, at Bos ton, failed to attract much attention. Neverthe less. "perseverance overcomesevery obstacle," and Brook lyn, during the week, has worn very much the aspect of a Town undergoing the process of a seige, the mili- CONGRESS. FRIDAY, April 31, 1948, lie Senate did not sit to day. House ok representatives Mr. McKay, from the Committee on Ways nd Means, to whom had been referred tbo bill lor supplying the deficiencies in the General an propriatiou hill, as amended bv the Senate. taC ported bek the same, having agreed to some of me amendments and rejected others. ; The House then went "into Committee of the Whole, and took op the Post OtSce appropriation uin, A long discussion arose upon the item for for eign mail Steamers. It was contended that those Steamers ought to be built on the motit approved plan, so aa they might easily be altered ao as to servo as War Steamers, after the manner of the Uritisfi mail Steamers. . , During the debate, the Chairman of llit-Jsaet Office Committee, in answer to a question from Mr. Payne, said that the Committtee would, rjro. bably as early as next week, report a bill to slightly increase the present rales of postage. At an early hour the Cummillee rune, without- any final actiou on the bill, utter which the House adjourned. tieularly, when hs goes from the weak to the tlrong j tary forces of the Island having been summoned out side, and obtaina one favor, after another, which he could not have secured, without such change. These things may happen without political dishonesty, but, certainly, not without strong suspicion of interested motives. A gentleman, pluced in this predicament, ought at least, to be modest, in staling charges against those who have always remained true and linn to principle. Particularly, fIioii Iri a young man, ardent though he Le, have a little respect to the gray hnhs that he used to see and honor in the Whig rank; those venerable Xetlois, by whose side In: once walk- to in niiai reverence. Muurt young men, u is plea sant enough to see, hut there is such a thing as be ing too smart. " Precocity of genius," saj.s an an cient worthy, " Letukcns procaeity of manners.' Let the young man, who took first mite at College, who became perlect in law bv a few mouths sludv. Moreover, how tastes even Democratic tastes I who answered every question before the Judges, who to quell an insurrectionary movement of the Irish, employed on a Government work there, who, consid ering their wages too small for the amount of labor performed, Brut resolved to "strike," and then prevent the completion of the works, by intimidating others who might be disposed to fill their places at the same compensation. Accordingly, about 1000 of the mal contents, some of them armed, got possession of the " heights" overlooking and commanding the fccne of their hit,. Iiihrir, and declared tlu-ir intent ion to hlmw uL 3'i0 Germans w ho were expected ovt r, id been engaged to perform the iihiiudou At this juncture, the .Military were cull Germans were escorted across by a do I U. S. , Troops, ami the lush, for a season, OUR UNIVERSITY. It will be seen by a notice of the Secretary, in this ! paper, that tha Commcnckiiixt of the University of North Carolina, will take place on Thursday, the 4th day of June next. We do hop,-iat earnestly that this annual opportunity of enjoying a rich Intel Isctual treat, will become more and more fashiona ble, for whatever is fashionable, is always in demand and we have no objection to faeh 'um, when its im. pulses tend to our moral or mental culture. The at trae ions this year, will ba unusually rich. B. F Moori, Esq , of Halifax, a ripe scholar, and a sta- g aeni even lo mis aay, is iu euver we Auunm uv fore the two Societies ; whilst our late popular Chief Magistrate,' Gov. MoaxHCAD, whose reputation as s public Speaker is co-extensive with the State, is to appear aa the Representative of the Alumni Associa tion. If every friend of Education only knew, what an effect is produced upon the Student by the conviction that an interest is felt by the community, (especially ths fairer portion ef it,) in the objects to which he is devoting bia morning of life, it would, in the absence of bigbei ; motives, be sufficient, of itself, to induce a genaraf attendance at these annual festivals of learn ing. , As We observed on a former occasion, when a little younger than we sow are, it is the first young buddings of fotps to a Collegian, to see on Commence ment day, an ocean of bonnets and ribands, and the banka of snowy gauzs wavingand rustling at his ap pearance, as if the gentle South had breathed upon a Wheat field ; but, I the full bloom of popularity, if, when he retires, he ahall see the ocean tpss with the emotions that roU deep beneath the surface. MR. misM&jfcoX -ttrSTRAVELS. We learn from a friend, that Mr, ShCTard made his stereotyped Speech at Columbia, Tyrrell, en the day of appointment, and was replied to in gallant style, by Mr. Halbe late member from that Coun ty. The auditory consisted often Locos, aud about two doxen Whigs I Ms. S. commenced hie address by charging Gov. Graham with being partial in bis efforts for Internal Improvements, saying that they were confined to Raleigh and Hillsboro.' Mr. Hal- sit reminded bim, in his reply, of Gov. G's. exer tions in the U. S. Senate, iu favour of Nag's Head, which, ouftaformant says, "seemed to take him all abaek." Mr. S. then got upon the Governor's bid about the Railroad, but Mr. H. convinced the people, that ths Act of Assembly left the Governor do discretion in the matter. " He then -took op the Tariff, and made a worse eut than on State maiters. His principal argument waa, that K oppressed the poor; and gavs no protection to Agriculture, (he was addressing Farmers.) Mr. H. replied most happily. Hs referred with great effect to the fact, that Massachusetts alone consumes more m the bread -etufB of the United States, than all Eu- S --". .. .. -pe, in consequence of ner citizens beiug-engaged in Waaufoctares and Commerce. This, of course, is a mere sketetoa ef our Corres pondent's Letter. He adds a Postscript as follows : " P. S. Mr. Shepard spoke at Plymonlh, Wash gton county, and I understand from rood authority hat be nads several Whigs." Will the reader be good enough to compare this lain statement of facts, with the " Standard's" boast f last week, that Mr. Shepard had 11 broken down pia Whig party iu WaMngU and Tyrrell" - t' i T THE PROPOSITION' ACCEPTETV , iThaUrt- Staadard" eontalna a letter froi'Mr. uaraan, accepting the prODoaitioi b Mr L.U., hrrefer bwM tllrl.tiv. al.im. U th.Cen alGHu t. aetata,, hieh of tb, tW(in f"11 n,w hoDor f being bs.Un for Governor - cewomgty, ur. watsoh. Chairxnaa of th.O, il ea, has summoned ite members to meet is this City the 18th inst., to choose between tbam. WiW ct that both candidates bavs found it an ap-hirl aainaaa so lar, and will each be glad to ba relieved 901 aituaCsa, where their sufferings it iatoleta. ie. - may differ ! " A close Observer" would have clap ped his hands for joy, at all this. But Gen. R. M Saunuk.is, who has lately guit tjtese petty strifes, and could speak the honest sentiments of his heart about these things, a few days ago, pronounced this attaok upon Gov. G. about his Rail Road bid, as a very con temptible affair. He said publicly, and in the pre sence of at least one distinguished Democrat, that Gov. Graham had done right ; and he would have (jesfl ashamed, for one, to have seen him bid for the Road as for a horse selling at Auction. He said he would support no man for Governor, who would use such " miserable slang." That is what Gen. Saun dirs called it the very word. Neither " A close Observer," nor the Editor of the " Standard," who vouches for bim, can attack the authority of Gen. S,, for their Barnes are both signed to a note of the 20th ult. asking him to a Pub lic Dinner, in which they speak of their "apprecia tion of bia high abilities as a Statesman, and his vir tues as a man." " A close Observer" says, that for two-and-a half years, the State has been entitled to the income of this Road, by a decree in W ake Equity Court ; aud iu all of that time, " the Road has not paid the Stale the first red cent." If the writer means that the Road baa not paid a good many red tents to the State, within the latt two yean and a-half, he had better observe a little more closely , out of regard to his own character for veracity. The Road hat paid monies to the State, and monies too, which,accrued before the sale of the Road to the State. What " A close Observer" means, is difficult lo learn j but ihe means that the State has received no monies from the Road, arising from profits made, before the State made the purchase, he is quite mistaken. In making heavy charges, the " Close Observer" should be quite sure of hit fact ; and also, that his opinions and personal criticisms, should so far resemble those of sensible men, aa to screen himsell from ridicule and contempt. had early in practice thirty cases on Wake t'ountv Court Docket, w ho has imbedded himself in the am ber of his own " Bill, for the relief of the People" let such a youth beware of "procaeity of manneit,!" THE RIGHT PLAN. The names of a Bumber of prominent Whigs in Rutherford Ceunty, have been presented as suitable Candidates for the Legislature. It is evident that union canuot be obtained without a County Conven tion, and we are happy to see by the last number of that genuine Whig Journal, the " Rutherford Repub lican," that this course has been resolved upon. When a nomination is once made, let the past be torgotten, and every Whig put his shoulder to the wheel. ID" The citizens of Petersburg have broached the idea of a Ship Canal frera that Town to City Point. The project has been favorably received. BO- Two deaf mules ware married at New York on Monday morning, by the Rev. Mr-CABRV, at the Deal and Dumb Asylum. The ceremony was per formed iu the language of signs, aud waa attended by the inmates of the institution. MILLLRISM. We hear Utile about this ism now-a-days. Occa sionally the passing news affords us a developement of the fruit which the corrupt tree has borue. We learn from the Springfield Republican, that a Miss Gleason has been arrested in that town and commit ted to jail, on a charge of stealing $40 dollars from a Millerite sister, Miss Sarah Granger. As we under stand the story, it is this : Louisa end Sarah, both maiden ladies of no particular age, became enamor ed of Mr. Miller's doctrines, and embraced the theo ry of the speedy consummation of the world's histo ry. They subsequently fell iu love with each other, and fearing that time would not afford them an op. portunity of making any other disposition of their love, they entered into a domestic co-partnership, and took each other for better or for worse. Sarah was tfte richest, and physically the w eakest. She had some property ; and by mutual agreement she was to furnish capital, while Louisa Was to do the house work ; and the profits that is, as long as time and the money should last were to be divided equally between the two. Finding, however, that Father Miller's predictions as to the end of the world, were not likely to be verified, Louisa's temporal hopes began to revive, and she deserted her advent sister, taking With her $ 10 of the root of all evil, being the whole of Sarah's available pecuniary interest in this world's goods. Sarah, coming also to the belief that the money might be of some earthly use, caused the faithless Louisa to be arrested ; who, unless it should turn out that she committed the unnatural ded iu a somnambulic sleep, will probably have to undergo, within the cool walls of a prison, the penulty ot the law in such case made aud provided. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM WILKES : Boih the Democratic Candidates seem lo he hold ing on. Several honesl Demociuts in our County, speak of voting for Graham Leak i preterm! to Shepard here. 1 heard, a leading Democrat Ironi Iredell, expressjhe belief, thai Leak would gel the Demouauc vote ol thut county. fight to a and who ed works cd out t tachiiient abandoned their position ; not however without kill ing, by a sly shot, " two of the bloudv Dutchmen." Assembling again, the next day, they were implored to desist from their lawless proceedings by Father (' Dunuell, a Catholic 1'riest, to whom they lent a wil ling ear, and after whose well-timed admonition and remonstrance, they once more, and it is hoped, filial, iy, adjourned. The whole number of Irish employed upon the Atlautle Dock, was about 2,1)00. The work is jloneby contract, and il is said that the poor wretch es engaged upon it, worked 13 hours per day for the small pittance of G'-'i cents. But it being feared the begniuing of the week would renew the riot, the au thorities have lakeu every precaution to prevent the spilling of blood. Van Amburg, the great Lion-taincr, arrived iu this City, a few days ago, with a new collection of wild beasts, taken chiefly iu Afiiea and Asia, whither their enterprising keeper has recently beeu travelling in quest of the Lior.a, Leopards, Jackallv, Hyenas, kan garoos, Bears, Elephants, aud the many other natural and un-natural wonders which make up his extraor dinary exhibition. He makes a Southern lour during the Summer. The " Great Western," if she sailed on the day she was advertised, may hourly be looked for. " British Quean" leaves Liverpool on the 4th prox The " New York aud Erie Kail Road Bill," ha been lost iu the Assembly, failing to receive a two thirds vote in its favor. 1 hie is much to he regretted Inasmuch as a large portion of the Stock has been ta ken up by individuals. A reconsideration of the vote is, however, resolved on, and it is certain to meet with a better fate in the other branch of the Legislature THE MARKETS. Cotton. Since my last, the sales have been about 31)00 bales, at a decline of about cest en the prices SATURDAY, April 25, 1840. The Senate did not eit to day. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. After Ihe disposal of some unimportant matters Mr. McKay moved logo into Committee of the the Whole, for the purpose of considering the amendment of the Senate to the bill tor supply ing deficiencies In the General Appropriation bill. The motion failed Ayes 74, Nays 70. The House then went into Committee. of the Whole, aud passetrone private bill relative to a palent manner shipper. Having done this, they went into Coiiiniitice upon another private bill to pay an old soldier sixty years ul ae a few hun dred dollars, but ft'ithout disposing of it, the Com mittee rose, atrd the House, at an early hour, adjourned. Who will suffer from ihat painful dueuse, I.ivei Complaint, when inimeilinio relief, il noi a postiivs ure. may I etlected hy the timely lira of W I S i A R.N BALSAM j lor proof of which re.nl the following: VValeiloid.N. V Muy 7, 18l. Pear Sir : In the year 1841, 1 was to severely attacked with I.tver Complaint, ns to bo entirely umiUa lo niienil to my business I cousul'ed wuh the Ust ol physicians in our place but (hey conhl give me no rebel, in the j winter ol 1812, 1 ptocuud a holile ol WISTAK'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, I anil belore I hud used ono Imll ol il, 1 whs shin to I resume my business ns usual . I huve since thai tune ' used two hint les ol the W.l,l Clieiry HhIsbui, unil have been eninely liee Iroin pain ; ami, with the ex- i cepiiou ol a bad cohl in Felnunry last, have enjoyed Lellor he. Itli thali 1 cvei did brloie. WM. O. TOTTER. We n.-e well nripiainteil with Mr Win. C. I'otter, know that ho was ndhcled iu Ihe iinitliier ho describes, lilld that his stiiii'ineiil is enlitled lo lull credit. SCOTT it. WALDHON, Merchants, None genuine unless signed I Butts. IT For sale hy H7,,.l.l.S 7.4 Vli'OOD ,j CO., wholesale and retail, Raleigh, .N. ('. mnr University, - b. h.U ..rk,h' F""" f Carol..... of Mil. . ' Ch'1'1 Hrt'' M'd-y. Ihe 25th da, lf ""!. " .ba continued from da, to-day is appointed for-the Annual Conimenee. mltt of the College. BMnCUC- ofvf.;.u"ingT'ule, cobp ,he con""iit' Hia Excellency WM. A. GRAHAM, uovenior ami rresidem tr officio h. Hwaiit, L, L. D. President of wollesa. Charles Manly, James T. Morehead, tSaniu 1 F. Patterson, Thomas Kufiin, Romulus M. SauneVrs James 8. Smith, -Richard" D. Mpaigkt, John D. Toomer, Charles L. Ilinton. Hon. D John L. Bailer Simmons J. Baker, John H. Bryan, John R. J. Daniel, John M. Dick, Robert B. Gilliam, Calvin Graves, John D. Hawkins, i-ouis V. Henry, Willie P. Manium, All other Members of the Bosrd of Trustees who mav attend will h n,ndt.L....i ... ..... uv iuDuL ru mi til itnrai u i tux si in imp Commiiuoc. Bv order CHARLES MNLY, Secretary. Ivileigh, May 1, 1845. 35 (Xj" Star anil Standard. of last w eek. The following are Ihe rates now cur rent : Upland ,J- Flondut. Mobile $ jV. O. Ordinary to good ord fi a 7 bj a 7 Midd'g to good mid 7j a 7 7J a f- Middling fair to fair, 7 j 1 tj rJ a D r uny lair 10 gooa 1 r pj a t III NO CHANCES IN THE WEATHER will materially alli'ct the body if the blood is pine Every individual, even the most diseased, has within him a germ or root of th.i't original pure blood of our common mother Kve ; which germ of pure blood is the supporter of h life, and is in constant struggle lo throw oll'the heterogeneous, corrupt humors, w hich are the causes of dmoaae in tho individual. By purging the hotly of thin diseased individual of ita bad humors, you allow the germ of puro blood lo gain ground and to make blood of aclterquality, and so on progress ively till the whole rnasa is regeneraled ; for the good principle or irood onro blood. Is always slriv- The 1 jog to he predominant uver the had or disejtsed humors. Let all who wish to he of a (rue healthy iiaon ; who w isn to nave-a -sound inii il in a sound body ; who desire to be able to stand vithuut in jury the continual changes of this climate; who deeirn to have healthy children, use the Brand. reih rills, which will-efreetuallvcleanse the blood of all bad or corrupt humors, and restore Ihe hu man body to the state of health enjoyed before the introduction of mineral medicines. Rernnm her Brandreth Puis placo within reach of all health and long life. HT The above Pills are on sale, by regular Agents, in every County of the Htute, and by WILL: 1'ECK, wholesale and retail Agent, li.ileiirh FOR TUB REGISTER. TEM rERANCE ONWARD. The last " Organ" says, that the populous City of Cincinnati, in which " Hum has had the ascendaiir y iu the City Council (or Board of Commissioners) and 7 ,, 'd ..u.i i emu are now reduced to two millions of bales; and perance and 14 Rum men to govern-trmyrgrv off i( Bl , a majority of three against granting licences. I his pllm COIlliDUe, iow ml , rate whlcru,, ln IB cuuvuncu m Liiutiiuit tw 1.110 unuHfl 01 mai t, s m.irr.t nvn u u I..U. ,.r The sales at the liuvre market during the week previous to the sailing of the last Steamer, were 1U,- BJ'J Dales, Ms V'll'JW : 3185 Bates New Orleans i .r,7 to 79:50 114 Mubrle 53 lo 7(;:5 l!)0 " Upland W.50 to 74: 414 " Mobile, to arrive, to C7:5II 3'J!I4 " New Orleans, to arrive, 611: to K3..ril) The imports duiing the same period, amounted lo juuts baJ.es. The Circular of Messrs. Irving & Co., one of the first Houses in England, thus speaks of the prospect of Ihe English market : The Cdlton market is laboring under the effects of the general depression. The estimates of the new ID" The war now going on between the two divi sions of the LocoFoco party in New York the 'Old Hunkers' and the ' Barn Burners' bids fair to devel ops the true character of each. A number of the " barn burners" of Albany, have recently been iu dicted by tbe Grand Jury of the County, for assault and batterry upon the members ef a Convention of '! eld hunkers," snd Attorney General Van Buren barely escaped enrollment in tha indictment. The N. Y. News, an organ ef tbe " barn burners," ap plies the following choice epithets to the editor of the Albany Argus : " Hypocrite," ' Traitor," Deser ter," " Hessian," "Xmtou Cowboy," "Arnold," " Renegade," insatiate Horse Leech," ' worse than ten (only c n ; Tsrks,'1 tut. Ac. i.c. Tbsse brethren of thssco Foco faith, appear to hare a pretty good idea of each other. IT Mr. Leak, one of ths Loco Foco Candidates for Governor, will address the people ef Wake, in this City, on Thursday, the 14th inst ,1 Gen. J. C. B. Eurinorsds, of PasquotankJiasbeen nominated as tha Whig candidate, to represent the Senatorial District of Pasquotank and Perquimans. He has accepted the nomination. OT Col. Hinrv H. WxTTBns has been nominated ay tba Whigs ef Brunswick, aa their candidate for rs-slectioa to the neat House ef CemRroiu. City. False Rumor. A rumor has spread through the country that the small pox is in Greensboro1. The village has lived down too many glanders of a similar character to be lonrf injured bv thia false report. No plape between the ocean and the topi 01 me joiue natige tint enjoyed a better state of health than Greensboro' does at thia moment, and has for a long time p&et. Greensborough Palriut. A Figure or Speech In the laudation article of tba Union, on the subject of the Notice, we find the following ; "The stone which the President's message, by a fling, cast on the top of the Rocky mountains, but which congressional procrastination suffered to roll almost to the bottom, is once more raised to the top. There on a rock stands the Chief Magistrate, a man of peace and slow to anger." Now what business the President has to be throwing atones up the Rocky mountains, and then to be standing up there on a rock, is more than wo can divine ! Ale jr. Gai. Memphis, Tenn., April 14. Ahktst of jl Suffused Mail Robber. VVil. Nam Viugn, suspected of bavine, committed di vers robberies on the mails on the routes from Mobile to Nashville, and from Nashville to Mem- phis, was arrested in this town on Saturday last. The various amounts purloined at various dates, from December last to the present time, amount. ed to some $10,000. On his arrest three keys were found on his oer- snn, which readily opened the patent mail locks. vaugtin reiused to make any disclosures. It is suspected that he has accomplices in Memphis, aa he has frequently been seen engaged in sua- pitHiua too vcreai ions wun various inuiviautlis. He is known to have passed a $50 Treasury note at Montgomery recently which, itia hoped, may be traced, it is supposed that 2000 letters have been extracted from tbe mail between Nashville 'and Memphis. ess than 211 shillings per oaie, on a comparison with the prices which pre vailed iu Amerina I The statistics" of the trade show a gradual decline on the sales since the measures of the (Jovernmerit were announced, and the trade will certainly fiot recover its tone until all doubt has dis appeared. Flour. Ns large sales making. Genesee $5 25 and $5 31; Ohio, Troy and Michigan, jj5 25 ; ew Orleans, sji 87 j ; Howard St. and fetersbug, $5. These rates show a decline of IV, c. per bbl., since my last report. Export from 1st ta 21st inst. 46,849 bbkc Grain 'Southern Cern OS a 68 c. ; Yellow B9 a 70 ; Northern Oats, 42 a 44 e. ; Southern do. 38 c. Export from 1st to 2 1st April, as follows: 48721 bush. Wheat; 17868 do. Rye. Nothing doing iu Barley. Rice The market is unusually quiet. Small sales are making at $4 18 a $4 50. At Liverpool, no sales deserving notice had taken place in Carolina Rice, and prices were quoted at from 33 lo 33, for consumption. A lot of 600 bags Piedmoutese found buyers at f 24 25, per. 50 kit., duty paid. Proxiiiont. Pork is dull, and has declined ; sales of Ohio Mess at 10 75 ; and Prime $9 371. There ia but little doing in Beef, and no change in price ; Butter is very dull ; Cheese, is in fair request. Ex ports from 1st to 21t?tof April, Beef,3353 bbls. Pork, 4,906 bbls. ; Lard, 7,360 kegs. AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. UHIV V. MOOKE, Aictioj. 1SD (Jommu--slo MmieHAMT, Jahieh, A. P.. has ihe olea-r sure of announcing lo his friends and acquaintance, and the Mercantile World at large, that he has taken mat elegant establishment, recently fittrd upon Fay. etievrlle strrcf, next door ttS Dr. Ilinton .marly oppo site the Post Office, only a few steps South of thtf City Hull, and about 100 yards North of the Court House, and immediately on the corner of Market Square, Where he will be glad at allAinies, whether day or niht, sun shine or rain, to serve his friends arid customers lo the utmost of his ability. As he has miw so fine and commodious sn establishment, antt so good a si mid, he will receive and sell on C'Om Missio.v, or t An Tiiin, Wholhalk or Kktail, any Gonna, VV aiihh or Mmiohnmsi, with which lift muy, fi nut lime lo lime, be entrusted by his friends. eittier ol tht City, or at the North. His i.iitT iiiu,lt.lu would forbid in this announce nieiii ol hi- readiness to serve ihe public in hia par-t tii nlar cnlhiitj, ot 17iy boa! or puff uf his tmincntl nut to any rxtrtwrtliiiari tutirJiHitwni as an Auc twiitrr , but he Hatters hirn-ell from the experience already ullniiied, anil the wonderful success which has hitherto si tended his erlorrs, that he cannot fait lu give universal satisfaction In all those who may kindly pntmiiiie him wiih (heir business. Of one thing however he must boom, and that is, he ia nl woys hi a good humor, which it must he conceded, is n if rent (jilt for an Auctioneer ; and ifrackinn Bond j"U or telling a tunny tale, will csuso goods to sell well, then, as he must be successful, cull upon John O. Moore ; but let no one suppose thai he would, as a Cryer, so far violate bia conscience us to depart from, the truth, to save the world. It is useless for him lo name his terms, since thrjr will Im ho moderate that no one can object. huleigli, April 2'J, 1S4G. 85 if CITV LOTS FOR 8ALE FOR TAXES. ' N Saturday, the 13th day of June, 1 848, 1 shall proceed lo Sell, at the I uurt House door in tho City ot UuhiKh, at 13 o'clock, M , the following Lots in said City, lor the Taxes duo thcieon, tn eluding the cost of Advertising, vi : Bank ul'Cape Fear, part Lot No. 83, due 1845 f 17 Jainca (.'hadwick, pail Lot No. 831, due IS44-45 , 9,, Henry Levy, part Lot No. 52,dnelfll5 4 as Willie W. Johnson, parts LolsNos. 161,11ft, duo 1845 lo 25 Hannah Smart, part Lot No 146, due 1815 12 60 Charles Johnson, Lots No. 01), 70, 77, duo 1845 (balance) f (5 33 James Iredell, Lots Nos. SIS, 233, 250, due Wh 1 18 23 Heirs of A. Pelliford, Lots Nos. 89, 43, due 1 23 JAMES ft. MURRAY, Collector. Rah'lgh, May I, IMB. 3S (s -jEE- 1 here will be an Address delivered be- yX fore the Members ot l oncord 1)1 m sum AV. 1, Sons of Tt nintrum r, on thcii Anniversary, Sulunhiy, 2nd of May, at 11 o'clock, at 111 lo llaptist Church. 1. he public are moat jres- pecuully invilcu to attend. Heals rrrcivtd lor the Ladies 'THE fcCKIDK. April 29, 1846. 35 EPISCOPAL CONVENTION, Having befcn informed by thq Roc tor of Si. Matthew's Church, HilUhoroiiirh, of Ihe existence in that place of .Small pox, I hereby, ns aulhoriz- eu by Canon, give notice lo the Parishes of the IJiocrjse of North Carol tiifl, that tho ensuing Con vention thernof will meet in Cuitisr Church. Kaltiirh, ('.27th of Muy next.) instead of St. Mat- .thews Church, appointed by the lact Convention. L. SU. I. I.MAN IVES, Hifhop a Surth Carolina. Eilenton. April 24th H4fi ;jf). JUHT l'UlSMSIJEl). 3TMII i; Old Continental, or the Price of Liberty. ejJki By Hon. James K Paulding, Author ol ihe 1 Dutchman's Fireside.' 'J his day received bv H. L. TUKNEH, N. V, Hook 8 lore. BOOK FOR EVERY FARMER. II E Fanner'. Dictionary, A Compendium nf Valuable Information on nil subjects connected with Husbandry. I Vol. 12 Mo. wn) Engravings. This day received by H. D. TlhWblt, N. C. Book Siore. nriM'r'n New lisrrlluny, o. ft. nninskiilile t.nininsl I rials, 1 runalaled from the tierniiin, hy l.ady Uulf Gordon. lleceived this duy hy il. 1). TURNER, North Carolina Book Store. May 1 , lM0 33 W. J. Jiinghania Select School. fWAIli; next Session will benin 011 ihe lemh l ,tv nf Mr; C. JnBEnsoLL We, had forgotten, un. til the fact waa recalled to oar memory by the Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial, that Mr. Ingerspll, the defamerof our. weoster, some years ago. m a like spirit of wantonness, charged the late Lnief Justice Mar' shall, than Whom a purer mun never breathed, with having' been corruptly influenced in his cei ebrated decision in favor of the constitutionality of the United States Bank a charge which, like those recentljr made against Mr. Webster, recoil ed upon bim who made it. His appetite for slan der must b insatiate. .But, henceforward, his poisoned arrowi will prove innocuoue, except to himself. " The man recovered of the bile, The dog it wai thanhed !" fiuA, Whig . New tods, THE Subscriber has just received a fiosh supply of both DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, comprising nearly every thing usually kept either in a Dry (joods Stoic or l.amily Croceiy ; which bavins; been bought under his own inspection, be fed confi dent that he can sell as low as any regular house in Ihe place. Among oihei things, he has a first rote article of Sugar-house 8yrup, 1'ine Apple Cheese, Maylsrd's best Virginia fcolch Snuff, also, Mrs. Mil. ler's Scotch Snull', Powdered Sugar, Loaf A Crushed Sugar, 4c. Ladies fine dress and walking Shoes, Misses, Shoes, all qualities) Slippers, Gentlemen's fine Calf Bootees, etc. Muslins, Cambrick, Iri.h Liwen, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Linen Dull ings ; Paiasols sod Psrasoletts, Checks, bleached arid unbleached Domestic, Canvass Padding- Cali coes, ol sll qualities ; nankeen, Tweeds, Cloth, Brown Linen, Colored Cambric, Bed Ticking, 4c His (joods will bo sold low for Cash, or on ashorl credit to punctual customers. 8. M. WHiTAKER. Raleigh, May 1, 1846. a& (O Star and Standard one insertion. PICKINGS from The Port Folio of The New Orleans ''Picayune," with Eight Humorous En giavings. Sold at the North Carolina Book Store by J H.D.TUKNER. ffay 1, 1846. 85 Notice, TsM"OTICE is hereby given that the Certificates for L iwenty-three shares of the Capital Stock of the President, Directors and Company of the Bunk of Cape Keai, standing in my name on the books ol said Bank, have beeh lost; and application will be made to said Company, that new Certificates for said shares of stock hiay be itsued to me, in Conformity with the by-laws of said President, Directors and Company of tbe Bank of ('ape Fear, in such cases made and provided. MARY P. HARRI88. Feb. 10,1816, 14-oaw3w July. 1 he Senior Class will be discharged at the end of the current Session, leavine- room for several new Bcholurs. Small boys reaily 0 bi gin Latin Grammar are preferred. To secure places early application is necessary. W. J. BINGHAM, Assisted hy D. W. KERR. 12 Miles South-West of Hillsboro'; Post Gflie, Clover Garden, Orungo County. 88 wfit ?M ECONOMY IS WEALTH." " NeW Fruits, Confectionary; A li UN, eVc 'MIE Subscriber respectfully lenders to her friends 1 and customers, in the City of Raleigh, and vicin ity. her grsteful thanks for the liheial patronage here, toloie extended to her, snd humbly begs ihein to give her a call, before purchasing any srticle in her hue. She isnow receiving hr Spring Supply of fresh FRUITS and CONFECTIONARY, all of which have been purchase! foiCusA, and will be sold cheap, er by the pound, then has ever before been otl'cred in this place. My assortment of CANDY comprises Lemon, Cinamon, Creani, Peppermint, Rose, Sisr, Choco. late, acidulated Lemon drops, snd every olhei va riety 1 have constantly on hand fresh CAKES, of eve ry description and ijuality. As ihe season is neat at hand for ICE CREAM, t give notice, that 1 thill alwayi keep's plentiful supply on hand. , I am prepared, at the shortett notice, to furnish any quantity of 1CH CREAM, and FRENCH CAKES, loi Parties, in the very beat style MA RON" HAfiDIB. Raleigh, April 8, 1846 29-6iw (JIT ATE OF ft County-Co NORTH CAROLINA. Johhstoiv Court of Pleas aud tjuarter Sesololu, February Term, 184 8. Greene A Hastings vs. ': Tbe Heirs of Willism B. Allen, dee'd. Sci Fa. to subject Heat itale. In this case it appearing lo the satisfaction of tbe Court, that II in ton Vinson snd wife J'hereby, John Vinson and Wife Sally, are non-residents of this Stale: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, notifying the said Defendants, to appear at tbe next Term of this Court, to be held for the County of Johnston, at the Court house in 8n,ith6eld, on the 4th Monday in Msy next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur otherwise, judgment will be taken by default. w uness, j nomas Barley, Clerk of oar said Court, at SmiihSeld, tbs 37tb day ol March, l4fl. 86 THOS.BAGLEY, CUik. ...