J I1.UJILIM.J... RALEIGH REGISTER aw"-"". Oiir's art the plant affair delightful pedee, - UntrUrp'd by party rage ta live like brother. FOR GOVERNOR: WILLIAM A, GRAHAM, RALEIGH, N. C. " Friday, June 12,1846. - GOV. GR AH A M'S A PPOlNT M ENTS, Gov. Gbaha will ddre hi FeNowCiliten at Die timet and place following, to-witt AtCenhaye, ob Satrdyr4n Jlv r At Filtsborough, on Monday, J8 ISUri A"hborougli, on Saturday , J una 20(tb Al Lexington, on Monday, June 22d. . At Salisbury, on Tuesday, June 23d. At Sttesville, on Thursday, Jane 25lh. At Morguuton, on Saturday, June 27lli. At Marion, on Monday, June 29lli. At Aalieville, on Wednesday, July let. TO CORRESPONDENTS. ' We would repec(fully lulorm "Vkritas, that the last Communication" to which lie refers, never came to hand. Hi first piece wae put in type, but was withdrawn at the request of a personal friend of his, who acted, as we supposed, by his instructions. EXPENSES OF WAR! With a view to staying ofl enquiry about the enor mous expense 01 uie War, in which President Pout L ... ! lJ .1 uoi mruirou me country, the last Standard ' has a number of article about the debt, in which, accord ing to iU showine;, the Slate has been Involved bv the Whiga." But this all mere trick" a tub thrown to the whale," to amuse the monster; while prepara tions are making to give him the fatal blow. The " Standard" had better prepare the people for the visits of the Direct Tax Collector, to raise fund's to pay the expense of the existing War, which are now accumulating at the rate Of iftore than $150,. 000,000 par annum. Ia the very last debate which took place in the Senate, Mr WissTSR made the following statement : " Since that subject (the payment bf Troons had been incidentally called up, he would direct the at tention of Ilia honorable members mnre directly .'.barged with the financial affairs of the Government to 'be enormous expense already incurred bv Ilia military proceeding. He had taken pains to make some inquiry at the proper sources, and, from the bestiuform",b could obtain, he found that the military expom ( the Government were hardly le.-s than half a m."Uou of dollars per day ! Here ia omet!iiug iifdeed, for (he people; of North Carolina to think about ! Our resources are amply sufficient for all our own liabilities, but when we have to contribute our quota to the Cenifal Government, to pay off a debt of from one hundred and fifty to two hundred million of dollar, a year, it is time the ho uest yeomanry of the Stale were at lea'sii'trgftfflfirf 1. """"""")' are these things so? Recollect that half.jii.niiiliou of doiIkreperay,gies an expenditure of more than $20,000 every Aour nearly 350 ev ery MiNUTK and $6 every SECOND. Will thk ricoH.E begin to ornN Tiiitm evls? l! ndvices ENCOURAGING. By one Mail this week, we received twelve new Subscribers. On looking over our lint, we find we have added upward of sixty new name within the Inat sixty day. This is doing pretty well for " hard times," attd afford an earnet, we hope, that the Whigs of the State are neither asleep or sleepy. ' NORTH-EAST STORM. A cold North-east Storm of Ruin set in on Monday afternoon, and has continued., Without abatement, al most up to the present hour. We fear that its effect will beinost disastrous upon our crops, especially upon Wheat. SUPREME C'Ul'liT. The following young gentlemen have undergone an examination before the Judges-, and been admitted to County Court Practice, viz : J. Fox Hughes, of Edgecomb County ; T. IS. Vcnabte, Granville ; Adam Empie, Jr., V ilniingtnn ; Edward Canlwell, Wil mington; Ja.W. Downey, Granville; J. M. A- Drake, Asheboro' ; Thomas Ruffin, Orange.Couifty ; Sam'l. J. Person, .Moore County ; II. H. Johnston, Mocks ville; A. M. Bogle, Iredell County S. Nye Hutch ison, Charlotte J Josiah Johnson, Clinton. And, the following gentlemen have been admitted to Superior Court Practice, viz : John )'. Woolen, of Kiuiton, Lenoir County ; G. W. Brooks, Elitabetli City; M. L. McCorklo, Newton, Catawba County Lewis F. Carr, Sampson County ; Waller W. Leuoir, Lenoir, Cdldwell County ; William W. Cobb, Wif liamston, Martin County; Francis P. Ward, Williams ton. Martin Countv ; James N. Fuller, Leasburg, Caswell County , William S. Mullins, Fayetteville Patrick H. Winston, Windsor, Jlertie County; Ben janiiu F. Simmons, Halifax. ARITHMETICAL ACCURACY. The " Standard" attempts to review in the lust number, the proceedings of the great Guilford meet ing. In the very firt paragraph, w e find the fol lowing: " A very few words will show what (he above Resolution are worth : What i the Sub-Treasury It it a plan by which the Central Oorerntnetit col lects and payt not itt revenue in gold and silrer, by its own agents, and without the aid of Hank. What is the amount of thi revenue per annum T About twenty-nine millions of dollars. And What is the specie the gold and silver of the United Stuff? About one hundred and fifty million! of dollars. And yet according to Gov. Morehcad, these twenty nine millions per annum, drawn from the vaults of the Banks, (leaving one hundred and thirty mil lions,") Slc. It ia hardly worth while to notice an attempt at argument, on the part of a writer who cannot add two and two, together. The assertion that 29 mil lions of dollars, substracted from 150 millions, leaves 130 millions, bfats Cocker all hollow, and would jus tify (could we be so rude) the retort of PheStick upon Duff Grek.m " that he lies in figures, aud figures in ft." CAN IT BE POSSIRLE?. The " Milton Chronicle" says that Mr. Siiepabu closed his Speech in that County by a laudation of the Sub Treasury, and a bilter denunciation of Stale Banks. He said that " all Bank Officers art fit sub jects for the gallowa." We repeat the question Can it be possible that any man, in his sober senses, could have made this decla ration 1. We; would rather suppose our friend of the " Chronicle" mistaken, than thai Mr. S. could have been so lost to all sense of propriety, as to hazard such a libel upon as pure a class of men as lives. ' A man, when he has travelled, ha aren tome- ining, which, when he come home, he can relate, fj.uul II kjf . 1 T . . . ' . -vti, mr. vrvnuu ' now nnr Jnr has im proved by hat travels T He ha seen a Whale, and an t-lephant fend a Snake ! What will our neighbors say about J.-S!skidan. W'e do not know why, In imitation bf others of the craft, who seem to consider their " goinrrs out and doming in," as of immense importance to the public, use should not net forth in print, and send out to our readers for their particular edification, the incident ofa journey which we have recently made not to the seat of War on the Rio Grande-iior even to the' Capital of the Union, where words instead oHullett, fly " thick as the leave of Valiambrosa" but to the beantiful Town of Greensboro', in Guilford County, almost BO mile from home.. Beautiful, did we call it yea, we might say, with the proner chance ' " Sweet Auburn ! loveliest fillage," &c every bo dy knows the quotation. Charming were the hours we passed there with attached friends. We nowTfind our nean tilled will, teemi.ig recollections of ourskort, but most delightful sojourn. Rut, il may he asked what took u to Greensboro"? We answer, to witness the marriage of a dear young friend one of the loveliest of her sex. We have long known and felt, that the true being and iid ol woman-kind is lore, ft seems, indeed, the atmosphert in which she lives, and moves, and ha her being In the smile of her lip, in the glance of her eye, in the soft and bewildering melody of her voice, we find nut the semblances and echoes of the Spirit bf Love. Well may the Poet strike his lyre in praise of Woman; n'?,Jj,my t.bfi: Warrior jusit to. the battle,-eM.Cor bf t mile ; well may the student trim his lamp to kindle her passionate heart she deserves them all. But descend with us to the bridul Saloon. Tlier stands the Holy man. We proceed ' in order due," and forming that open Hue, which "never looka so beautiful as on such an occasion, hear the vows that bind together two willing hearts. Silks rustle, kisses ecliOj diamond gleam, and fairy voices nirtrnyir around. By the way, some may suppose liiat a UeueJict hath no right U disport himself in afore time, in such flowery livid. But this is not so. Tu the right-minded man, all his enjoyment are in creased, on such ,;ih occasion The ties that hind him to earth are strengthened and multiplied ; he anticipates new affections aud pleasures, which your cold mdiviJiial, careering solus through a valo of tears, wots not of. By the way, speaking of tear, reminds us of tho majesty of a Summer storm which we witnessed at breeusboro . Me sat at the window of a splendid mansion ; we saw the far-off clouds arise like-giant forms against the horizon, with spears of fire and robs of purple and gold; then, as by some sudden alelu'inv, they melted into a man of solid gloom, from whose bosom tho lightning rlnrted its vivid cjialn, and tile rain descended in torrents, while its source LATE FROM MKXiro. A list of Insolvent Tumbles duo for tK-15, amount. "'J to $J flU cents, bn nioiinn, was- allowed to the Collector in the settlement of his account with (he Trop.i On motion, James Murray wa unanimously ap poii.ll.rj Collector of City Taxes for IS-iC B. B. SMU'II, Clerk. rosTscuiPT, Ib-otigh the New Orleans Picayune wn hare ad vires ii,,,), Vera Cruz 0 ll,e.2tlth ultimo, from which " leara that the foiled "States Slcambip,' Miwis-" ippi. arrived off Vera Cr.n of! the 18th, with in telligence of the late victories achieved by our army on the Rio Grand. The news, however, was only communicated to a few AmericaiWin the City, Tho Port was immediately blockaded lv il.. i;u t v,u..i. n I FROM THE ARMY ' . , , I he Mourner New -York, arrived "at New Orleans, """ receivea uy uie American c.tiwn. eives the following nanienLr front t ie City of Mexico; directiug them to leave Ve- A l'urty of our Dragoons, a previously stated, ft'ad ra Oiifbv the Ofilh instant, or retire into the interior iulrsuc "'6 fcla4l.inK Menicans from Matam'oraJ. It wa, expected that our :. . ?V'"l J,orlV of. ". lhiMr,,rinor. T .w , VH nestnes Kipjinir n nnn, .r ii, ,.k;rtriu,i. oneofolir vessels. Ilfta&t riir.i.', ,'i.. '...,.. . . the ftlejican t.oveniment (the Ficavtmr- snvs) of neon Americans, including two women and a wa makinir the creates! exerli.ms. tminir ever. I el,,d' "el woen I oint Isabel and Corpus Chrisli, by .., ... ., ' party of Mexicans, exceed.ne in cold-blooded cruelly -"' ') " ' ,.11 i ne uimosi viior, atid ,, r .1.1, ; . f. , . - iiii,.(.-iiirs ui iiirsn BBVlltes. 11 oy llie most arbitrary measure had replenished the appears thai a party of fifteen, of whom Mr. Rogers Treasury. The Castle of San Juan de Ulna was in one, 1,-fi Corpus (.'hristi for Point Isabel nn the4 a perfect state of defence, ami tbr. nn',e-r ,, nm. -d or 3d inst. Tliey arrived at I ho Little Colorado ,,.,! ,..c.i.... .., L .. , .. , Jut.prviotis lo I he buttle of the JStth all., where they v wm B,,,e 10 " Pel "" were surprised by a company of Ranoheros, aud be- Oki'ice ok the PicAvr.VK. '"S overpowered 111 numbers, were induced Inj Mcri- Tin '.Wuy Murtiin'j, June Jii, IH-lfi. r"" promt to fiirreuder as prisoner of war. No IIVK DAYS ,.TER FROM MEXICO. I nor had those blood-thirsty dogs obtained pnssen- tue bark Loaisinna. dm Williams. i,,v. I stun of their arms, than thev strlrjnAiUdMied llieir from Vera Crui to ih iliil, nil c. .!..,. I vielims. bound Ihem beyond Ite SM1af reamlaitne. later than those brought by the Tluvtus. jaini having ravished the Women bWor their runes, The blockade f the port of S'em ("ruz enmmenred -1,11 their throats, one neaj4 perferniing (he horri onthe Jltlli. Fifteen dnys were allowcit lu all neu- I i'c butchery. tral vessels in port 10 load, ami .Jepitil. .) . lingers fluv is fa'Iiia'Mdbrollier hutchend before Dy orders lioin the Mexican (ioveriinienl the A- I 111 l'l's terrible .naiiner, before his own turn came; mencan VjousuI s other w a tone closed, mid . , en if his own escape ws owing to the fact, that while all American citizen were to leave liy the '.'litli.. - 1 his wound upon Ins throat. was not fatal, he had tho On that day the Consul expected to gu 011 hoard the 1 'feseu,.p 0f IMIIII , (vlfr,r him-elf dead, and wns uc steam frigate !issirppi. This riigl.te and (he n." fwdlnjly r WirB' sit "Hie-balaiite. flirciwuintoThe ("0I0 ritan Were at anchor oil" Vera Cruz on the 'iiiU and j heio ne manageil to escape unseen, and ihe sloop of war Falmouth was lying oft" the port. jwnm lo.the ..iher id of the river. Thence fie sub- j ue Louisiana ami Helen .ucleod got oil 111 oicat ; "'I IFIIi,r inane ini way to Ihe ll o (.rande, wns ta V.xi U.tnz llolH, ltltimoi-A. rP"l: I'HSCKIRfctt has leased this well known c '"blishineiit, nd begs leave to iuforrn his Mienus and .1.. ,.,,uv. ....i .1.-.. 1. ...... f.unv pji Mciaiiy, iiiai ii is now unaer- repnir, and it 1 Ins intention to1 spenae 111 conducting it so rnsta r"'"U a thorough spare no paiun or meet ne approbBti011 0f those-who may fnvor-ihim with their custom. D. ih)HSEY. J""" S- 47-rlt Malo Spring, IN THE COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG, VA, EIGHT MILES WEST OF CI.ARKSVILL&. yfUHIK estsblishrneqt i now open for the re. ( reption of company, under the excluaive man agement of the Subscriber, who' is providing for a large number of visitors. His improvements are sullicient for the comfortable accommodation uf three hundred and fifty or four hundred person, and all hie arrangomcrit are uion a corresponding scale, Hi U music ft us good as any in the State. llavimr lived fifteen yiurg at liuiTalo Spring, anil obscred (he ell'ecta of the water in almost every die ease 'that flesh 19 I, cir to,' 1 can speak confidently of iis elfieary in many rompleim. In dyspepsia, dis eases ni the liver, iliarrhn:, disease of the kidneys, with every nflW iie n dependent on a vitiated or de murred ciiiditien of thebihary organs, a bilious fever, Bino and fev, r, rlc , the Water is peculiarly efficacious, rarely fulling to afford n lief in any of them in ague! and fever, never. I have witnessed the cure of hull dre, I of cases, without ever knowing it fail in a irl i;le iiistnnco 1 and if any one will bring an ague ami lever to Buffalo that the water will not cure, he (halt pay nothing fur Ms Honrtl. The subjoined slolemehU ol IJr Harris dud V enable, ncntlemen of distinction , in their profession, and well aeiuainled with the pro )rlies and ctlect. of the IhnT.ilo waters, are reftrnd to as evidence of. ihe estimation placed upon the wa lei by those best (juulitied lo judge of it value. "Hung o'er the solemn landscape, silent, dark, Frowning and terrible." SUDDEN DEATH. We are greatly pained to hear of the sudden dealh of our gallant friend, Geu. Jon 1. Pasteur, of New , beru,. lie had just been appointed by llis Excellency iov. Graham, -Colonel of the Volunteer Regiment of Infantry, to be raised in this State. WAKE FOREST COLLEGE. The Anuual Commencement of this Institution IaaIt ..i m 1. if,. , . , t'lavo un iiionuuy anu 1 ueeuay last, ana not withstanding the very inclement state of ihe wtalh tr. Wa, ,1 1 I L I 1 r 1 , fcivuueu oy u large concourse 01 Lritaies ana Geutdmen. The affuir of ihe College are now in Suite a prosperous condition, and the number of Stu dent increase daily. It is expected 'that the next oeision will be opened under very favorable auspices 'id that the Institution will then present advantages which will deservedly entitle it to the confidence and support of the Stale. An Address on Education was delivered before the Siudeiils 00 Monday eVoning, by A. W. Venasi.k, Esq., of Granville, which abounded in good, advice, sound morality, and deep intellectual research. All whom we have heard speak of it, ay that it was a capital thing well worthy of the occasion. On 1 uesday, there Were exercises in Declamation, ia Which branch the young Geutlemen acquitted themselves admirably. These were, succeeded by Original Speeches from members of the Junior aud U'aduating Classes, and we must say that their ef fort would favorably compare with auy of the kind; that we remember to have heard. They exhibited degree of sound knowledge, well trained thought, and strong exprestiou, that reflected much credit ( themselves and the Institution. The Annual Address be for the two Societies as delivered by Wa. B. Rodman Esq., of Beaufort County. It was a fine effort replete with classical Warning and clothed with the garniture of rich iu Wlectual embellishmeuL Hi Address Was wejl received and excited much admiration. The Degrees were then conferred. At night came tiff the jParty given by the Young Gentlemen of the Institution, when all enjoyed themselves. There was a very large attendance of kdie, who contributed greatly to the festivitie of the occasion. Maiiy thanks are due toPresident and the Paorssaoas, for their unbounded ho; pitality, , I SCAPE GOAT. The clamor has become so great against tho Ad ministration, on account of the War, Unit it hris be come necessary to sacrifice some one. It would ap pear frorti the proceedings of Congress, Ihat General Gaink is destined, to bo the victim. It is not unlike ly, however, that in selecting the General, a mistake has beeu made. THE UN KINDEST CUT YET. The last ' Standard" says " He who votes against the riglit of the people to elect their own Govrncr, will vote, when opportuni ty offers, or when he deem il necessary, against ed ucating the children of the people." Certain prominent gentlemen of the Democratic party may well exclaim " Save us from our friends !" What Will Judge Dtniel, Gov. liranch, Wclion N. Edwards, judge Iluilcy, and oilier prominent Democrats, (who voted against the right othc people to elect their own Governor,) say to this libellous charge ? SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER We have just received from the enterprising Pro prietor, the June Number of this popular Periodical It ia exceedingly interesting in the number and char acter of its articles the leading one of which, being an account of the " Civil Warfare in the Carolina and Georgia, during the Revolution," is a most valu able addition to the history of llie country. tT The feat of daring performed by Capt. Wal ker, in reachihg Gen. Tavldr' army with a pflrti of Ids Ranger, and in riding el press from the Camp to foint Isabel, amid Mexican bullets, has made him quite a lion. The patriotic oitizena of New Orlean have aent him a fine horse, iu the place of the one aiuea under nun, while riding express. A pursa of 81000 has alsobeen tendered him by officers of the U. S. Army. A splendid sword is also to be pre sented to him. IT The Investigating Committees, in relation to Mr. Inukssoix's charges again! Mr. Webster, and Mr. Inoersoll's conduct iu obtaining forbidden pa per from the State department, will probably report shortly. It ia repeated that ex-President Tvt.ER fully and amply exonerates Mr. Webster in every par ticul ar, and Ihat his recollection was clear and dis tinct in regard to every item of expenditure and what it was for. Ho remembered and explained some thing creditable lo Mr. Webster which had escaped the latter' recollection. One witness ha testified that Mr. IxbEasou. did urge him, a ihe friend of Mr. Tyler to Write to and urge the ex-President to come out in this matter against Mr. Webster. ID" We learil from Edenton, that the Farmers in that quarter, have commenced harvesting their Wheat, and the yield is likely to be very flue the gfaiu being heavy and in good order. yeeterda '"a" C0 rvet' UP f01 our own garden firi...L. mt l'ead "f o friend of the "egnterthiayearjg W'e confess the eerr-i(RE0. J" Mexico will conquer, or will no longer txitt." p w the closing word of the manifest of iDgs, President, ad interim, issued from the Na 1"laJ Pels,. T COST OF FASHION. Fashion, according to the calculation of the Lon don Court Journal, coats us something, iu this happy land of our. That authority say that 500,000,000 are annually expended in the United States, for such articles of dress a are subject to the fluctuations of this fickle queen, more changeful than the moon. Out of the sum named it is computed that $16,000, 000 are spent for the article of hats, about $20, 000,000 for bonnets and caps, and other articles of faucy dress, not less than $ 10,000,000, Rut' a truce to episode. We were pleased to find Greensboro' a much larger, and more business-like place" than we had any Idea of, though we miulit have knott-n from the enterprizing character of its leading citizens, that where their energies were ex erted, there could be no such word as fail. Greens boro' has a population of more than y,0H0 souls, in cluding the operatives of a large, Cotton Factory, owned by Messrs. Tatk &, Co. TfieTown is eminent ly distinguished for the habitual industry, ingenuity, virtuous character, and unobtrusive hospitality of its entire population. It is no less celebrated for the number and excellence of its Schools. After stating so much, perhaps, it is a work of supererogation lo add, that Greensboro' is Whig to Ihe core, and (hat (he ( ounty, of which it is Uie seat of Justice, thinks nothing of rolling up a Whig majority of Iwo thou sand, when the occasion demands it. Ex-Governor Mokkheah; our late distinguished Chief Magistrate, resides in Greensboro', and has. so far as our.knovvleilge extends, the most elegant Kes 'dence of auy private gentleman in the State, in which he dispenses with open heart, liberal hand, and true North Carolina courtesy, the old-fashioned hospitali ty of his fathers. But to return to llie Schools, -."Inch are the chief jewels iu the crown of Greensboro's glory. Eikie wortii, Ihe reputation of which has extended over tho State, is only one evidence of Gov. Mokkiieais en terprising character it having beeu solely founded by him, to afford his own daughters the advantages of thorough instruction, aud, at the same time, lo place like benefits within the reach of his neighbors. The local situation of Edgeworth, which is now iu a flourishing state, is well adapted to tho purposes for which it is designed. The building is capacious and remarkably well ventilated the grounds spacious and the water, (ns we had an opportunity of testing on one of the very warmest days of the season, ) as clear as chrystal, and as cold as ice. This Institu tion is now under the charge of Rev. Gilbert Mor gan, a gentleman of profound learning, and great ex perience as a Teacher. Besides Eimieu oiitii, the MeThoihst Fkma.'.e Cot, t.ERE, which has just commenced operations under Ihe most flattering auspices, and with every prospect of success, and which, from its plan of contraction, is a most imposing edifice, affords to ihe Young La dies of Ihat denomination, and others, the most ample means of acquiring solid and useful knowledge. We were pleased to take by the hand, as connected with this Institution, Rev. Bfn.vet T. Blake, formerly, of this vicinity, one, of the best and purest of men. And, to crown the Whole, the H1011 School for young gentlemen, in the hands of most competent Teachers, leaves nothing to be desired iu Greensboro', on the score of Educaliou. We must not forget, iu these hasty notes, to pay a passing tribute to " mine host" of tho " Greensboro' Hotel. cooked exactly right, all the luxuries of each Season in it turn, and, moderate charges, call on Col. Gott, whose personal courtesies will make you feel quite at home. One of the agreeable incidents of our visit to OreenB boro', was lo form tho personal acquaintance of our brethren of the " Patriot," from whose sensible and judicious lucubrations, we have, for many years, de rived so much information. We shall abruptly close this paragraph here, be cause We have an urgent demand for " more copy." And we do so the more willingly, because we lay down our pen at a point, where we shall delight US take it up again. haste lo prevent being seized. A report was in circulation thai Gen. Parades in lc!i, led to leave llie City of .Mexico at the head of more troops! lo reinforce Ihe iirinv of the North. The animosity existing against llie Americans has been violently- increased bv the news of tla-two uc tirtos : ::,e 81I1 nnd fhh lilt. The enormous foiced loans which the Government had imposed upon Ihe clergy, the I. liter had declined itself totally unable to meet. The metropolitan church was ordered to lijrnish a subsidy of $:li,(H.in per month ; the church of ilichoucn'u Mo, 110(1 of PliebU 10.0110 of GaudnlaiiiM Sji JO.lin.l -of J), rango jjilj.WW, aud ofOajaca sjjH.OOII.. 'I hose grm sums per month show that the I'rei-idenl is ,1, lei min ed to prosecute the war with energy ; he will never be able to collect such loans. In regard to the report ns to Purges putting him self at the head of the nrmv, ',',' TiejiiihUrnnn .ivs il is uiic-ilain whether fie will repairm the liio (Jriinde or lo Vera t 'ruz ; but that ho will leave tho capital as soon as ongiess assembles. Full accounts of this disastrous notions of tho 81I1 and Hth had leached llie capital, ulo I appeared in llie official Journal. They 1.10 none accurate -by far than Mexican bulletins generally, and do crciht 10 Ari-ta. The news was le'reived with prdi'o I re gret, nut Willi 1111 apparent determination tu fight th war out. Kell pti-ioner, s after !h bntll We li'inr.,',! this Cnuntv. to niinnuiice M r ijnVrOo, I T,i:V. as a Whig Candidate for the llouse-ot (.Imnnioiis, in a 1 ! A 1 I REVELATIONS, ,1)11 I IIKJIKH'M'R. r.v a NiAtrin riv ciri'i't:R 1. 1. The Revelation cf William, sirnnined Hulilrn, Which Joeialt, tho High Priest, gave unto him, to show unto his servant iXroihjti-, the things which must shortly come to puss. " said Willuim, ire are the Alpha mid the great Democratic part v, in i he iiro- vast kingdom, call- ag jamr We are authorized lo annoueee ElltV:irls, (the present Shentl, as a ( 'an iulaV flir re-elccliuji lo that Oll'u'e, I Ihe ensuing F.leciion. H'e are requested fo atmnnnce KiBBtOOM V;iil' as a Ciiiulidale for the Slie-ritl-nlty of W ake, lit the ensuing election. llt islio;i ! Itnli iuli iuirN. I'h'l V A-1 1; nieelinn ol the Company will bo J. A.beld al the City Hall on Friday niuhl at half past 1 uYliicfi. liiHini'Ss of triutJl importance rvqilires ptiiiclutil nlleiid.ince. liy order ol the Captain. ' T II. KNOW, 0. S. JuncJ 1, 184(1. 4'i ui;?iOt u.. M. VV IHTAIv E It liRvine, removed lo llie store on F.nelievile street lei-entlv oreomcd bv ' It b Malum., two doors south of V Illinois, lluvwooil iV (Jo's. Drue; Store, will he pleased to have Ins old tneiids and cu-toiiH is, n 14I (he citieiis grnenilly, lo call and examine his stuck of tlOOHS, which he continues to sell nl prices to suit the times. TliiniMul lor the very liberal shnro of patronage hotel, dure extended to him, he will endeavor to meiit a enntllitlalici', liy Mrlct iltlelilliili I,, business. He is alo prepiirrd to receive mid torwiud, or sell on ci':niiussiiiii, any nrticles of merchandize or pro duce that may he eonsitrned to his care. Raleigh, June !), INK!. 47 v as lrcrn I. Heboid ! llie Omega of vtnee ol Ins M ajesly ed Aorth I aroliua. 3. And unto misgiven Ihe keeping of the mighty 11, "ie 01 Iieiiiucials, and our word .-halt be unto them yea and ninen, whenwinto we shall command t lie 111 ; and woe be unto them who shall question our autho rity, or gainsay our decrees. 4. And Ihe Aniiye trembled in very fear, be cause he stood in the presence of tho I'hicf Servant of the High Priest of Democracy.' 5. And William, seeing this, said, courage brother, and be not afraid 1 too, trembled anil was wire mrniy- mA '!.,, I .1- ,...1 .1 r ... ........ . iii.u i,r,-rufu ine camp, 01 llie " slieep stealing W ings," and stood 111 the presence of tho Kil lers of the great Democracy. (i. And he turned and said in a low voire Heboid .' the Rulers nnd ihe Klders now com,- rem ,,ve lntlo r into the corner of.tfus mine own s,;i,-,1 nod llion sunn ! unit ii,-r lor Ihy-elf, th.- t,in;rj which I hilt now about lo reveal unto thee 7. So the IVi-ailiyle removed ino one of the daik corners ol the liltle sanctum, and Hi" linlers of the t any, lo the number of seven, Miteri-tl and seated themselves around the table of their servant William. 8. And 111 the midst ol the seveli, sal the ( 'l,i I Ruler, whose hairs were white as mow, rind his lace us red and liery as the lismg Sim. !J. An ! lie ,-,,,,o encoiiiagingly, and thanked his stars Ihat the arrogant UVier, llir- Valiant, had been pot aside, and ihat now, his own nun united, even James, theHiepheril. had nloue the privilege lo 'tend uie iiocli-. nix) lead Ihe little lambs into the pastures ol I leiiuicmry. 10., Hot William, the Chief Serva lit of the High Priest, did ntler sore and grievous Inineoi mions below the Killer, because of the persecution lie Inn! to en dure from the- friends of Walter, (he Valiant, because lie had cleaved t,j th0 niiuoinled of the High Piie.t, eveli James , the Shepherd. 1 1. Ai.d in,- ( liie.f liuler said unto him We know thy works, and thy labor, and thy tribulation, and that thou hast tried them which sa'y they are of the household of 011 faith, nnd hast found Ihem Inn s : 15. Nevertheless. Kc have somewhat itaniHsl Ihrc; we remember Unit thou art of the tribe id Judas, aud hast said and written many sore aiid wicked things, against lh " heavenly" onus,, of Democracy; yet, no! withstanding, rts llion bust g.-Ven pood signs of 10- peulance, and d.jst now svVear etvrnal ei ly to thy tirst hive ; J.'i. And moreover, its thou hates! now the derds ol the v lugs, winch we also hate, ami hast de d Ihat thou wert possessed of a beard when thou wast guilty of Ihose tilings.: I. Therefor-, w will Xalt theo to n scat in Ihe great Sanhedrim, am! ill -raise thee above the pow er of the Walfcritrs, thine enemies. 1"). And when the lligl. Priest had ended his epeech, William, sirnarned Haitian, the Chief Servant, fell at his feel and kissed Ihem. and wa hed Ihem with Ihe tears of his gratitude, for lie wept aloud with very joy. in. And when they had departed, the Chief .Ser vant William said unto the AVpAv Behold the beauties and the mysteries of Democrucv ! The faith ful and Obedient they will exalt, but the froward and ! Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge .uc luurpuuueui iney win nasn into the earth : rtrtslriiiiicutal Music ,!!! Lessons) And he continued speaking unto the Neuphytr, Vocal do. no rharge, United Slates Hotel, Pii'twmi I'mii'lli iintl 1-iflh xlrt'fh, (it!iisilr llie Ciblimi lltiiisf, (Idle liiuik uf Ihe I', Slulcs ) THIM Estiibhhliuieiil, Ioiir and favoialdy kiriwn Li I" the Iriiveliuir .iil,!ie, having been leientlv eiilargi tl, ri lilted nnd n 1 11 rn i hi d in n niperior style, has been leased by the iitidi'isigncd, who will he as sieu-il iii n umniiu'etiienl by -Mr. John VV'esi, whow leplllati.iU nr-ij iiirnl while proprietor id llln 'xi lunge 1 1 on 1, Dalliiiiore, logettii-r vvnli llie ample airange nn-iits made by llie SuIim riber, fiiiinnh assurances ihat his fili'llds iiiol giies's will expel, cnee ei-rv eoinliiil and iilteinioii e.,!i-iil,de,l to r, inler their so journ pleasant and agreeable. M. I'. .UITCIini.L. I'hil'delpdiia, June Hlh, iHtit. '17 (il Most desirable J'roperly, Tll r, hiiliscnliers oiler lor sate, nun ol the indsl eligible inn! beaiililul Kcldelices III the City ot fiab-igh. It has In en lor many years, orcitiied by Mr. 1). II, Hm rni, mid is 'ilunlcd on the most eleva ted (round about the City. The Dwelling House has six fine Itumits, with lire duces, seveml line pas at's, and bus iiMaeliiid i-veiy neerssary oul-hotise. The Garden is lielu ved lo lie one of the very best in the City , 11ml there is a most excellent spring uf uter near liy. They will also ell a pmall, romfortalile Dwi-liiiiit House, near Mr Asni.kv, winch will answer mo.-t adiniiahly for a sum I fainilv. Fur Teims, winch will ho accommodating, apply lo cither of U10 utuii isiftncif. JOHN Tiri-'I'AI.OR, .1011 v 111; tciii.ns, Wll, 1,1AM 1111,1, R.-.leia!i. Jitne 11,1 sf II. 4 7 tf li If t'L , '." "-"iiniiueo sp,-amng unio llie irtjpntjir, i v ocl Ho. no r ... aJ.. voru. vU,-, ,,as saying 'I hoil art a IIOV ce. and art not f nil vl,l,.d 11110 un 1 siiiiiiinilies of Ihe gloi mus brotherhood into which I lion art but just entering ; 18. Therefore, get thee a book, ami write down that which shall pass before thee, and that which I shall reveal unto thee, and thus, like I, thy f-11 ow-ser-vaut, thou wilt soon grow up lo llie full slatue of a mail in Democracy. 19. And the Neophyte did as he was commanded. ET Mr. Bakr, the only Whig member of Con gress frorn Illinois, has gone home to join a band of volunteers for Texas. His Locofoco colleagues, who talk as fiercely as Ancient Pistol, and prale about Whig defection, prefer their pleasant seal in the Hall, qnd $8 perr day, to a tour in the tented field at $8permbnth. Cr Hehbt Ci .at, Jr., is endeavofing to ralso a legtmeut ol Volunteers 10 go (o Texm. "CORPORATION PROCEEDINGS. At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commis sioner of the City of Raleigh, held On the Cth June, 1846 Present, Weston R. Gale, Intendant ; John Hulchins, F. J. Haywood, G. W. Haywood, William Ashley and Wm. Thompson, Commiesiowcfs. The Committee aapeiHted-et the last meeting to assess the value. of City property, reported that they had performed that duty, aud asked to be discharged, which wa concurred in. On motion of G. W- Haywood, the Hoard proceed ed to impose the following Tat for l&tli, viz: Ou Real Estate 30 cents for every 100 worth, ,, Do. 5 cen( for City Guard do. On every Toll SO cent Do. So cents for City Guard,' On Dog 50 cents each. On Sluts ' 5 TO each. On motion, it was agreed, that the property of Ihe Assessors, should be valued at the same the present, ihat it was the last year. ni 10 1 ne hospital in .itatainoras. and, il A I . f, nnriiroil ...,, el,, :,, il, nit,tl,.l iiehan.-ed, of I lie I! it , I,, Ui ..,! n,.-it .... r.. .i. i years, I have hud frequent opjiorluuilies of (saline; the flfirary of the water in many diseosr. A a tome mid diuretic, it is not fur, if at nil, urpnMed by any water in ihe i.'i.iied Mtiilcn. II. setlrtne vn thi-' kidneys i projrpt and powerful ! ills sudorific and 1 sliithily i.pericut. These medical properties roinbinol. i reti.h r it useful in all diopsiral atrrrtionsr, visceral oh I stiueti.iiis. iinitienUiilv of the liver and snleim. cu- tnneou- d, senses, ,1 v "pepsin, coiivaliinccnrr from fever, derangeincnl ol seeieting organs, inlerniilli-nt lover and teir d,. complaint, r,ronic ,liscses in which the digentive nrgnns are implicated, s cailso oreil'ect, this water acts with the happiest result. In fever and ague and protracted remittent fuvcr, il rarely, if ever, fails to nllord permanent relief. reived with reference 10 its peculmr action on thfi kidneys, it may be rngiirdcl as a powerful remedy in nil the chronic disease of those organs, as likewise) those of the bladder and it appendages. Asa rrmedf in ch runic female CDiuplaint, it i no less worthy of public conlidonce ( and I will here remark, Ihat ion experience has tuinjlit mo, that, in the catalogue of human Ills, there is 110 class of disease more harass ing to the patient or more, perplexing to the Phyici a;n, than ihose obstinate and painful affections. Tho important organ peculiar lo iho sex, when ill a stale of derangement, exerts an influence which, if not timely arrested by proper treatment, 'involves, very old 11 in one common ruin, both llie mind and iho body ol tho helpless sufferer. It is needles horc. to enumerate those ilisBases sssHJeo il to say, ihat lliero is Scarcely one. dependinir on a fiinetiomil derangement or lislnn of ihe nrgntl referred to, thai is not, either permanently cured, or miti giileil by the use nf this water for a inoiith or two. The ileieriiiinivtioti of thuds to the region of the pelvis cnn-eipii'in mi Its use rendeia it n prompt, mild nrut cllli ient einiiinjingue remedy in yoiiihlul I'uinnlea Its powers are cipudly cuunpicuoiis 111 removing thole di seases ol the older sex, ncquiicil by habits nf dissi pation anil ilclmuchcry. The ttril effect produced nn strangers by ilrinkiug tho waler ,s a slight (tuliliness nf the bead, which sunn passes uif, nuil is followed by an increase cl appciue, a lieahhlul glow 1111 lbs snr laco, exhiliratiot; ol spn Iu, ami n plnnaing conscious" ness of new lilumnl vigor, infuse, I into ev-ny ergntt ol :he body. S. H. HARRIS. Chuksviflc, Vx, 1st June, 19-4H. I have for vera'l yours, been attending 10 (he of- o-ct ol ihe Winers ol the Dullalo Muioral Spring, ami can readily snlciil,o in iho nhnvo recntnmeuiltiuon and in nddiinm, leiiinili, tloii alter linving notice, 1 lint 1 llects ol noisi ol ihe nunc walers ol life United Stale I have no hesifiitiuu ill pionuliiicing it altogether the) "iei. P C. VENABLE. June In, IS 10". , From litilginvay, on the Kaleigh rtnd Gaston Rait Uoiid, a Singe'rnu.i to Cbirlnville on Tuesday, Tluir day, nnd Siniirdny, reiiinnrig to Hidacwny on M011 diiy, Wednesiliiy, nnd Fruliiy. Al l.'huluvdlis, com fnrisMo Carriages aro always in readinesi 10 cdnvoy f'nssengcrs In ihe Sinng. Hen llrown, n Irniiy nuin, luil irnvided liinnell with tt gnoil carringn nint sals hriHos, for the cspoelal purpnso nf acconiiriodil" teni in passengers, to nnd from the Spring, 30 thai lie dlllicilliy need he apprehended. DAVID SIIELTON, Propriemr. June fl, .ir-4.v To the Members of the Dar. EMRV 1). TI'RNEIt, would respectfully rait Ihe attention of Geiilleineii of die Unr, (o lln "iilijoined list i,f valuable -Wmks, all of winch, will ne Mild at ihe J'lihhshor s prices English Common I, aw Supreme Court Itepotts Kent's ! 'olnmeiitaries Leigh's Nisi I'rius hiuoie's I. aw ,'oitipondiiim Sinindcrs on I'londuig and Evidenci CovenLry and Hughes' Dig. si ISbiekst, mi 's Commenlarii s (irecnleaf on Evidi uco (Jhilty's Pleading Do PmcllCtt Do Hills - Do Criminal I.inv Do Eipul'y Digest - , Sugilcn on Vendors Wurren's hnv Sludies Msiinders on lses and Trusts Smith's Eradinr Case Slephelis-oii I'lcndmg Kussol 011 Clinics Thomas' Coko Dices! New York Reports Aiehbold's Criminal Pleading Do Ciil do Toinliu's Law Dictionary Aiui iirHn Chancery Digest Roper on Lrgaric Howard's Report Suprt mc Court tl. S Tidd's Practice Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY rparutury .1 Arm I ! n i iik-i 1 1 liiruisirl ly AVI Stssion tij ilits LU.-suuil, ,'jr,'..t ami Mathematical ,SVioo, n ris mt llta (iih tf .(, with ail 1 iiuttijiits nntnrpi'nd lit timj I Kch'it'l, in llie South. Classics, English, eic. n.GIIAY. Mulheiinilics, Tactics, etc. tt. A. HM.'K. Music, T.T. HOLOMUNS. TKBMS PBtt ar.8M(N ok m i; MONTH. Classical DepiirtniFni, (Cnlh-uiule course, in cluding full English tiludies, wilU Mulhc- maiics,) Ate. f 20 00 English do. (Elementary , higher branches) 15 00 12 00 5 00 Fencing per course .Surveying anil Civil Engineering, no charge. Topographical Drawing, no charge. Pupil will be prepared in i nter the advanced classes in any CollcgrUn tho United States. The course of Education is thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for Ihe various diitie of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations. LECTURES. Dnring (he Session, Lectures on Popular fuHjecU will be delivered, ol wifich due notice wilt be given in tl.o Public Piints. "VISITERS. Gov. Gridiam, Dr. Hill, Rev. A. Mmcdes, Dr. Maker, Rev. I). I.si-y, W. K, Gsfe, Rev. U, T. hlskn, E. 13. Freeman, Rev. J. J. Finch, Churl.. Ilinnrn, Hon. G. E. Badger, Tho. J. Lemay, Hon. Jas. Iredell, fieq, I,ile, Hon. I!. M. Saunders, - VV. J. Clarke, Es. mires. Letter-writing, with English any' Latin Coijci- Powell on Mitrtgages tiorr, will be closelv atli niled 10. ' (low 011 Partnership A cheap Cnifnnn is aditptid Dress Parade day,; Iredell's Digest rriday. Nn disduetion made for absence, unless in cases ol protracted siclmess. A tew Pupi's can be boaided-in Mr, f iraiy's lamely Kajeigh, June 12th. 'i WX 44 Vol; 3D do . 4. do 2 do i do 2 del 2 do 2 do 2 do 3 do 4 do 1 do 8 do 2 do : drt 1 do 2 do 2 do 1 do 2 do ;i do 4 do do, 1 do 3 do) 2 do 3 d 3 do 2 do 1 do 1 do 1 do I do 3 do 4 do 1 do 1 do 2 do 3 do 3 do 2 do 3 d-i 2 do 2 do 3 do 2 do 0 do do 2 do 3 do 1 do 2 do All tho nrw Works received a oon as thev aro issued from iho Press. t HENRY D. TURNER. At the N. C. Book Store. Ka'cigh, June 10, HtO, - , 47 Htory on Hills Do on Agency iiDo on Pariiiershin Do on Bailment Do on Constitulinn Phillip on Evidence Do nn Patent BlytlAuburg on L'usiiry Williams on Executor Veey Mentor's Report Pier Wihtiiins' do Eden's Chancery do Maddocks do do Ball & Bealty's do Fearn on Remaindee Peters' Jhgesl .Harbour's Chancery Practice Jacob Law Dictionary 'Jaron's hridgemont Silarkie on Evidence fages ship