- ym n nil- mm mm Published every Friday, WEST O SALES, Editor Iroirier, at Tlire Ioll:rs imi- Aiiiiimt. V0I- XL, VII. FBIIAXij5NF3 19, IS 40. NO.37. - "i in in jrm m ii ii mi TTi i 'II jiMMi-MMiiiir i rJ ktu ..JLL-Js!i eSB Tuesday, June 16, 1846, DEATH OF I-Ol'IS D. HENRY. In the midst of life, tee are in death." The tensiuilitie of our whole community were greatly shocked, on Saturday morning last, to hear of the d.mlh of Loo D. IIknby, Esq. an eminent Citizen and distinguished lawyer who died very suddenly the- previous night, t hi residence in this City. Mr. II. was seized with Paralysis about 1U ociock, P. M. and survived the attack liul two or three hours, Ilewa, we understand, iu Uih 58th year of hi. age The subjoined Proceedings' of tils professional breth ren, hao been communicated to us lor publication : At a meeting of the members of the Bar, held at the Supreme Court Uoom in the Capitol, on Satur day, the 3il day of June !8-G: On motion brCiiAiix Mw. Eq..lhe lion. Jm, IiikiiKI.i. took the Chair, uud William J. Cl.au., was appointed Secretary. Mr. Mam. then announced that the meeting was citified in consequence of the sudden and unexpected Until, on last night, of Louis D. IIk.nry, Esq , one of the members of the Supreme Court Bar ; and lunved that a Committee of live be appointed, to pre pare Resolutions, expressive of the feelings "of the meeting! in view of this melancholy event. Where upon. Messrs. MamlV, Ui'sukk. DiiYr.iuux, limiN and MuitnecAi were appointed said Committee. .Mr. Manly, on behalf of the Coiiiiniltee, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : ' Resolved, That in the death of the Hon. Lout. D. Ilexsr, the liar of North' Carolina, has sustained loss of one of its most eloquent and able members, oud the Slate, one of its must useful and distinguish ed son. Retained, That the members of this Dar, and the Officers of this Court, enteitaiu tne most profound respect for the eminent professional attainments of the deceased, for bis varied accomplishments, lor the integrity and uprightness of his life, and for the es timable qualities which belonged to him as a man. Retained, That in testimony of these feelings, we will attend the funeral of the deceased, and wear the usual badge of mourning during the term of this Court. Resolved, That the Chairman and Secretary trans mit these Proceedings to the family of the deceased, with assurances of our condolence on. account of the great loss they have sustained. Itetuhed, That the Chairman present these pro ceedings to the Court, and request that they be en tered ou their Miuutes. JA. IREDELL, Chmn. William J. Clark, Sec'y. The foregoing Resolutions were accordingly pre sented by the Chairman to the Court, who concur ring iu the feelings expressed by the liar, directed the Resolutions to be placed upon their minutes, and, as a further respect for the memory of the deceased, jwmedjatelr adjourned. THE OREGON QUESTION. We think we may congratulate our readers on the amicable settlement of this vexed question. It is now reduced to certainty, that the President of the Uni ted States has transmitted a Message lo the Senate, communicating a proposition from the British Gov ernment for the adjustment of our Oregon difficulties. Although this Message' was a confidential one, it has leaked out, that Great Britain proposes the 49th par allel as the line of settlement, with the whole of Van tourer's Island, aud the free navigation of the Co lumbia River by the Hudson's Bay Company, until the expiration of their Charter; the British Govern ment apprehending that it might otherwise be com pelled to pay that Company too large an indemnity. The free navigation of the Straits of Fuca, and the free use of the Bays aud Inlets of Vancouver's Island, to be allowed to us fur' the same period, and some o her privileges not heretofore anticipated by the 49 men. I he decision of tho Senate i not known, but it would be a libel upon their intelligence and patriot win, to doubt that it will be almost unuuimuus iu fa vor of I lie compromise. FOURTH OF JULY. We learn that our young Tpwnsnian, William SiiEPAttn IIrvan, who carried off the first honor iu me senior iiass oi our university, at the recent Commencement, has been selected to deliver the Ora tioq ou the ensuing Anniversary of our National In dependence. And, that Mr. Gfohoe Simgei.tabv, a young gen tleinan also of superior mind, has been selected to deliver an Oration at night, at Capitol Square. Capt. 0. A. Buck has been chosen Chief Marshal, and Messrs. C. B. Root and R. B. Haywood have been appointed his Aides. We have every promise of a glorious celebration. No sister town will be able to say to Raleigh, " Rome ! thou han't lost the breed of noble bloods." SUPREME COURT. In addition to the young gentlemen, announced in our last, as having been admitted to Superior Court practice, we subjoin the following, viz : A. M. Lewis, IWmburg ; Thomas K. Thomas, do. ACQUITTED. Nutter, the Menagerie man, who killed John A. Glovsr, a Student of the Virginia University, in a row, during th. exhibition, has been tried and acquit ted of the murder. THE SECRET SERVICE FUND. The Select Committee appointed by the House of Representative., some week, ago, to inquire into the truth -of th. charge, made by the Hon. C. J. Inoer oll agaiaat the Hon Daniel Wi ste in regard to lh. Secret Servic. Fund, hava made their report lo th. House, It lcquiti Mr Wurrss of all error or "propriety io th. matter charged j that is, that the CommittM hT ben able to dacover, either in tb confidential accounts or correspondence, or in the tertimonyof th. witnesses examined, any thing to compromise Mr. Wiest'. integrity or honor. This -TPrti mor. conclusive, from having received injouaaaaent ofihe GimniiUee, wjth the ex- jSepwja of ' iing. dissentient. v & r .m ............. .- LOOK OH THIS PICTURE. When the dark cloud of War burst on our West ern frontier, all parties united, with- singular and pa triotic teal, in support of the Government. Though all branches of the Government are iu the hands of the ' Democrats,' and though much blame was- at tached to the President and his adviors, as to the proximate causes which brought on the War, the Whigs, almost without exception, rushed to the'fes cue of their bleeding country. They voted readily tor the Decenary supplies of men and money. They have shown no backwardness in volunteering their e soiiul services in defence of their country. We believe they are even in advance of our ' Democratic' fienuV, iu their devotion to their country in Icr emer gency. I hey ask not now, who is in fault 7 only ask to'be led lo the conlest. They only desire io uruig ine contest to a successful and glorious issue. Tlifv vorn in (J,l ,1,. i. ..j ... . ii i . ' nouus UU V MUPIIiy tliis i.i ai .. have got yourselves unnecessarily inlo troulile get out of the scrape as you can, il is uothin r to ," n-. .. " iiiiouoj ami bin ot our comitry is something lo ine -v nigs, it ts every -thing and -for it, none more readily than they, will sacrifice their lives and their fortunes. I'pon whose shoiildersshould fall any blame is a question, not now lo be settled, but left to a fu- lure reckoning. NOW LOOK ON THIS! During the last Session of our Legislature, the VI .11 ... ,, . . . t lugs had a maiumy in one House, aud there was J J a lie in the other. A most perplexing question arose, as to what disposition should be mude of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. The Company admitted their utter insolvency. The State had endorsed largely her Bonds. The Company -could pay neither the principal nor the interest, on the endorsed Bonds. What was lo be done? It was a dark hour for North Carolina. How could the Stale be extricated from the difficulty? Many plans were suggested. All had their objections. The Whigs were perplexed .Though tho Democrats' had contributed as well as themselves to bring on the disaster, they being then in a majority, fell bound to lake the lead iu devising ways aud means of relief. . Day after day and nighl after night, they consulted together for the welfare of the State. They could agree upon no plan with which they were satisfied. They called on their ' Demo cratic' friends in the Legislature, and besought their aid and advice. They told them "it had not been, aud was not now a question of party politics. We are all of one family, aud North Carolina is our mother. She is iu trouble, and calls upon all her children for help. Let us dipute about other matters, and make them subjects of partisan warfare. But let us not thwart and buffet each olher when our mother stands between us, and must receive (he blows." What re sponse did our peaple-luting ' Democrats' give to the call? They said not a word to the prayer of the Stale. They sullenly told the Whigs to get along as they could. They even held a midnight (linens, uud agreed to submit no plan and to oppose all the pro positions of the Whigs. When various schemes came up in the Houses for action, they were opposed by the ' Dcmocracyli in a body. They said these plans would tiotk. Well, said the Whigs, whul will do ? Give us your plans. Let us act together. We de sire the good of the " Old North." Let us unite in accomplishing it. Not a hint would they give, of what they thought right, or what they would support. They even laughed at the real distress of the Slate, and ungenerously refused to oiler a hand to save her, or one poor word of comfort. And now, when the Whigs did the best they could, without their aid or counsel, is it now fair, is it decent, is it generous or gentlemanly, to abuse the minds of the people with pitiful complaints against the Whig par ty, when that parly would have rejoiced in joining Mem in any better scheme of relief? The truth is, they determined to lie on their oars and do nothing, for the avowed purposo of forcing the Whigs to take the responsibility of doing something w hich might he used against them in the coming election . The ' De mocrats' of the last Legislature were tolerably cun ning, but in these Ruil Road difficulties there was a most intolerable luck of patriotism, as well .as of gen erous bearing towards their opponents. CANDIDATLS. Chatham Cuuiity. The Whigs have a slrong Tick "et in Chatham. I'or the Senate, Win. Albright. Lsip For the Commons, John II. Iluiightou, DdnUd Hack, ney, and James lissiter. Guilford. John A. Gilmer, for the Senate.- l or the Commons. Messrs. Braiuiock and Slarhuck. Of course, this Ticket is certain of election. Rotcnn.' The Whig Ticket in Rowan consists of Dr. I'. Henderson and Isaac Ribeliu for the Commons. Dr. Samuel Kerr for Senato.i; from 1'o.wan and Davie. The Watchman says that this Ticket will walk over the track. Surry. Iu the Senatorial District, composed of Surry and Ashe, I lie election of McMillan (Whig; is certain. They have also, a Ticket iu the Com iiioiis, which cannot be beaten. Stukei. ln this County, John F. Poindecler is the Whig candidate for the Senate , with a very strong Ticket for the Commons. In the whole Western country, the Whigs have brought out their very strongest Tickets. Ruitunn. For the Senate, John Gilchrist ; for the Commons, Col. Wm. McKay, Win. B. Thouip- NEW HAMPSHIRE. On the 5th instant, the Committee of the f-egisla. lure appointed to examine tho votes for Governor, re, ported as follows : Whole number of votes, Colby, Berry, Williams, Scattering, .' 55,134 17,707 10,379 26,740 3C8 A Convention of the two branches was subsequent ly held, and Hon. Anthony Coi.bt, the Whig candi dal was elected Governor of New Hampshire. The vote was for Colby, 146 ; for Williams, 125. We congratulate our friends of the Granite State, on this happy result, which, illustrating the progress of good principle;, souuUs the knell of Kad.ica.liin. THE LATE GEN. r.ASTEl'R. The "New Rcrnian," in annotinci.g the death of Gen. John I. I'astki r, in the 55th year of his age, remarks Seldom hns our community been called upon, to mnnri, tl.u I . ...... mourn the loss ot one mure universa v be ovcd-and i .i,.-,.,l . i , i , , , , J , . , -f "i -eiiiiiiii nam a mow neen sirucn among us, by the hand of death ao sudden, quick (ppaiuug. ueiieral Pasteur had just returned late in the evening IVoiil id,.. Theatre, where he had been engaged in drilling the new volunteers for Texas, ami complaining much of an internal afli-c-1,0,1 retired to bed, and iu three minutes was a corpse 1 .Medical aid was promptly called in, but death was loo quick in its busy and awful work, lor human means: before the dread cahuiiily could have been conceived of, a fond and devoted wife ! was made a bereaved and disconsolate widow, and a n .,.1,,. .. , , . . , ' , "Hi now lug love ol coll -ley, hole cominuuitv tiluned ln rrrief nnd sorrow. i irv. rriiilv I . .. (4el'J"'li I'asleur ' as a favorite with us all.: to a --..... e,.,ge,: n,m aeqinreioeiu, i mpiiMi ion generous, himl auu aneeimn- he inula. 1 n .1 1. I j i -U .: IO Ill l,B,,a ,.!, I,. mmMmm, .H'..l 1 i i. . . ' ' "" bouest ; m Ins domestic connexions the Iwst of 1 i'"hi"i kuidesl of marters ; in his charac - i ter as a man he was brine, of elevated purpose, and possessed of gicat.cliuslily.pf. feeling ; llskllll SPIIIU ;.cnljteu, uo one. was .possessed ol more pn or uctuated by less Heilishness of purpiiM- ( .en I'as- leor was a imlilarv olficer of II lu'onmi..,, m..i., l.a lal gtdi,.d military tactics anil war as a M-ience ! practically, loo, be was gl home in that department. During our Inst war, board of that daring i. . i ne coi i ill ;i in Hi l nut marines on uud saicrcssiul iinv.ileer. the Snap Dragon, and acquired I'm huu.-eil the euvialila I fame of a brave and lali.iut ullieer, and humane , "o lo.igiijiniiitJiis gen email. lie was oae tit 1 be , , . , , ,, . o ie ui un. tiest orai- ira un ers in hi., ...nnii, ... .. : and iliagtiaiiiiiiuiis ."ciitlem.-in i .... i . ....i i . high and becoinuiir scne of Ihe freedoi,, of ll,,. Ihvs and a diMlaiolol contempt of its lieenl niiisiiess and abuse. He was associated wit: .Mr. Thomas Wat son as co editor ufilie Carolina Sentinel, il differ ing in politics with that gentleman, he retired from the editorial chair of that paper, and became sn'e Lditorof the Newborn Spectator, in the manage, ment of which he Has Kiibseipieully aided by Ihe late Robert G .Moore, Lsi. Of ihe 'two great po litical parties which divide the country, General I'asleui was a Whijra Whig froiii principle and an houust belief thai the Weibbeinir and neroeluilv of our Republican institutions depended noon the establishment of Wing principles; but whilst he , ing 1 1 ,nii no seiii-u leenugs, ne was a gene rous political opponent," and always coiineous and magnanimous id hi bearing towards those who wore uppuwd lo him in pidnicj liulh parties accorded lo him the enviable distinction Iu politics, of an honest man. The merits of (ieneral I'asleur were n,fl alone coulined lo Ihe knowledge of Ihose who knew linn here; he was tl,o best and mul scientific mili tary officer in our Stare, and whilst we say tins without iulriiding to disparage the merits of others, we must confess that we were gratified that Gov ernor Graham should have selected him as Ihe mo-.t ellicieut officer to command and conduct tho forma tion of the North Carolina quota of troops for the Mexican war an appointment winch he most re;nh ly accepted, and winch vie know was a.i grateful lo him, as it was gratifying to our Town, and would have been alike" honorable to our country. The pro ceedings ol the public meeting which his melan choly dealli called together, and of the association of which he Has a member, well atlest the manly virtues and inestimable woilh of the lamented de. ceased, and speak the heartfelt bcntiuieuls of4 those who knew him best, and loved linn most. 'J'o our community his bus is great lo his family irrepara ble lo himself, we humbly trust, il is his gain. God graul that he may rest in peace. EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. Nkw Yoiik, .Use !), I J Ifi. In New York, the coming in of the month of June, looked upon by the " upper ten thousand," us the advent of their animal hegiia to Ihe watering places and cool retreats of the interior, and along the Sea-board ; hence already the din and note of pre paration of meditated journeys and jaunts, meet our ears whithersoever w e turn, and Ihe City is about lo undergo a change of population, as it were. Assoon our own citizens such of them at least, who can muster t lie means evacuate this mammoth brick and mortar furnace, their places arc filled up by the tur rent of travel, that, always about Ih.s Season, annu ally sets ill from the Southern Stales. In a few weeks, lien faces, new characters, new costumes, will ap pear ou the "Shilling side of Broadway," and instead of our own legitimate uudiences, the diess codes ui the Theatres, the pariiiultes in the Opera house, ami the brilliant Saloons, iu our public gardens and pro menades, will be thronged with he belies of the South and South-west. And all this, whilc'tlie thermometer ranges, probably, iu the region of 1U0 degrees. The poor wretches who are unable to flee the smoking City, until the dog-days shall have spent lliem selve.s, must be content losulli-i passively, uud endure patiently, Ihe scotching 'influence of " Old Sol." Well, it is all for Ihe best, perhaps ! The green fields and verdant-landscapes ol a country life during the summer solslice, I meii certainly hold forth very delicious attractions; but then, again, where Ihero is one way for a mortal to enjoy himself there, a thou sand opportunities of a liko nature present themselves here that's one consolation. Iu ihe City, we have variety rarcy in everything. New Vork abound, iu places ol amusement, which, for ihe improvement of Ihe iuteilect, and adding much lo one's worldly experience, niay safely challenge the older Cities of Europe. Among these may be classed the Peter Funk Shops, w herein "a stranger" can be "done lor'" in the twinkling of an eye ; Ihe steamboat landings, where, during ihe day, the looker-ou may observe' how admirably ihe "dropping" system, aud the " Watch-shipping" business are gone throiiih with the Museums, where for S!j ceuls may be seen a' thousand or more, stuffed monkies, mermaid, or, at least, what just answers the same purpose : the tail end of a good sized Cod-fish. Hobokeu, loo, is an admirable retreat, on a warm day, were it not for the swarms of ihe ligbl-lingered- geutry, who throng there as thick as forest leaves At the Theatres, also, one, if he be viciously disposed, can sit and see Shalicspccjt e murdered most cruelly, for the moderate sum of two shillings. The Baitery is a delicious spot for a lounge but, there, well as at Hoboken, we are obliged lo eudure on everv shin Ltbe delectable company of pick-pockets, wlro, for a long nine oaca, nave oeen accustomed lo look upon that delightful promenade as an exclusive Held for the practice of their peculiar profession. Ou the Sabbath day, of course, extra attractions are rmt r.. L. . U .. ' L - ! , ... ... 1 ioiiii , sou ii us may i louna ai iirace I hurch the fashionable edifice, at the head of Broadway Ti inl ty Cathedral, with it harmonious chimes the"uig- 1 ger meeting nouses ; tne .noriiion lemnles, and the l ,:,i.:.,a,..: .. . ' Millerite (a delusion, by the way, not quite exploded yet,) Assemblies, besides other equally interesting exhibitions. Volunteering for rhe War in Mexico goe-s slowly on, in spite of the immense quantity of mouth patriot ism we possess here. Feople perhaps would have irn serious objection' to a revel in' the luljs of Monte 7.uma" diiriiig- the winter season ; hut it requires, ul tins lime of iiwilfWnhle he.it. a greai deal of persua sion to induce them io undertake a voluntary 'trip, nr pilgrimage . ,.,,(, ( ,,,,, rr (,,i- irk, ,h, Itnivo. T1..1 i.i. . i ,",,, oiuoy lOOR Upon .IS a " 0011 III whence n .n.. ....-..'.. . ....in rinrs. lor. ii lie lie loniloale enough to eveillle an lltl.lrk ol Hie Yellow Tever ; he may not SO llickv ill Wuriln.i, ,,f1"ll. i-mmtn ,,r m .ni.vieaii t,;,yuiiet I heieforr, wonder not atthe apathy evii.e,., i New Vu,k at I'l.-Milenl Polk's .ir with M.-Meo. Our rema:kal,ly patriotic Corp.rni:,.,,. the other'' evening, magnanimously appropriated the sum of SI..IMI to tl. publir reh-hratioi, of the -( L ) . , July ,",'',',nl X"ud,-d in the usual pun li .-e of mi. shngi. brandy puni lies, ami wh.-sK.-v tmldie. turtle .1... A I . . . - ... e,e,us,vr , ,.! ,., T ,,., ,r,. Al.lorinen, n, I t II us ir vi 'ir .. , i . J have been the ease, bad they 'derived the "t '?iv of ; lneir iiiesniiunie i.-g, siative ervicrs in inarel lung to ttieseat ot war. Tl.. , T"a"'-e P"pie nrc.to have s emnrl .In : i,e pri ,'. vem" I. l'n,oiiai re iiern, lu-uay, in honor ol the irenernl mi, eess of uciples. in the recent 't License or .Ne I.i. En:cliitii,.iu, this. , Hale,. ;Ail li.e. Slates ,,f the lo Ik' represented iu a grand civic i es. i.sion ; a meeting in the IVk is In be held : Orations. ! are. to he delivered, ;md the. death kuell.nl the tj rant. Aleoli, I s to he rung to a tun, ial dirge, prepared lor , j the oi -.ision. It will . a (in, ud day for the cause. I I I Constitutional t',un eiilion" are now in ses- ! sina n' Albany, but their piece, due's, so far. have lieell in iinly eililililed In Uu1 eon-' riirl i 'II of Toll session. lor the g. silling eliii.leiil of the body il bile promise lo be protracted, laliou from Kiirope is m.ii m f,,! Kii..." the tl : 1 1 1 1 never li, lull Ir ,'el ni .1; pro-p. el nrreii.d TI.e I t iher of foreigners ai i iv nig here. jut on , In i ell pallllleled in former limes. Last Week I hall MHIM human b ings'. inn-llv ,,.,', .,,,,1 ; "ere added to oar l"inil.ilion. and the lor the iv In le summer, a-'cm di nir to all . i- for a like "iig Island n . el V pnilllivniir. ihl ir, attract, com- paratnely, hut very littte alleuTton. Tli,' auee bom the South. I'urmeily so iiniiielolls Itlend Is pat- "-"""'J louoiisioer., anil me Oris iii.k,. are to no kit,ii uiimmijii. ruftlllnll, ol , rse, r...i.i . . n . , is unstress of ,,,e iinu, nii-r ail inner eoiopet ilui s. Tho udi i iiisiiig columns of a ( 'in Newspaper of leu furni.'.h a fund of amusement ',. ,o take the trouble of a nerusal. 'l'l. ili, ,; I.., ..( . i'pro.;iecjve iiialnmoni.il specula mi. I ( lljl lloin one ' henelil of li,. of il hoin inav V ..'I pnipo " I lon't all " no- m.-,iiij pipiT-,, iir I Me elilil-ll gentle ncx iu jour mend. an. snin " take a notion' to .'lei .-pt " ( i '. ; num. Now s your i ban speak nl mice !" H'1 Ull' l') WANTKD- Hr l,.i son ill I lie- I l ii ml o Cnhi. .hi Am, i, e. t s,,mf honest, ilirlii.xliiuii ii,,, nan, In- house mid lanuly. Iff is ilmne a i , i . epcr.- per- r.to. '.vi'lu'S to to laki oar,- of good business : nt is soiht iiiiil i in 1 1 1 s 1 no i is. agnl a!n nt . All he ass. no j'loes IS Sllllle g.ioll mdllstlnms H'mui.iu and i pcnes pan) mil, and if lh, place lines lull j .it. m!b iviu ue pain ouch. itt coinniu- lliratinlls c,m..,leie, pnviile. ami I reared colltiilelllilil- lv Address I . I'. t;., MX ,0. 1717. ,u,'i IVt """ RICHMOND. A GOOD Sl'i.liKSTION. A writer in thr New Orleans Jelli isouian suggc-Li that Gen. .In kso's Sword, worn at llm batlle ol New Orleuils, slialf bi' given lo Ceil. Taii.hu. lieu .1. iHipK-iilhed llint Sword, by will.lo the mini win, slluuld lie.il distinguish himself most by heioic deeds " Wii. Miliums Gi Aiins." An Infantry Company which has taken this name has le en r,-i-, n;v foimnl and chosen its ollieers. The Company number we uiiif'islaiid ahmit seventy. The nlli-crs me James Anderson. Captain : Alex, Mcliae, Jr., Fir t Lieut ; llmrv Null, Second do ; .l is llurch, Ordeily .-sergeant-- tlnuiituri t'liinni- If. Mount Molly, New Jeiey, Nov. 1, IS;:, eih W. Fow lo. Mr Hear Sir : llaviuj oed UK W I M TA I! 'S I! f.. SAM i U-" WILD ; I IK. UK Y, wuh real l,eu, lil lo iny.-elt. I eheeiliilly cntnply n ub your ii .jii, i io give my lo-1 , r i mil i' iu lavor ol it. Siiine Uuie -un e I t,,i,, cold. !i",l il setlled i,u my lungs ; I was lm,,l.,il l,,r several weeks Willi a very bad cough, raise,! blooil scveial limes, and bad all the alaruiiii -vuipinins ai lendiu (.olllirined Cnu-iunplion. Alur llyuigiaii iiiu o'oieilif in vain, I olauieil a bo lib- oj yimr llal Klin : I looli ihieo bullies, and to iny an, , , -bine nl waseitirely eureil. tiliribnle ue re-l, nali, nt l, Iteallb l't ttial luediciite hIuiio. All who me s', 1; ur allhelcd Willi I'iiIiii uy nll'.'i liini.i, I usu.l.l r ,,. me'i'l Uium io 1 1 y l.)K. W I STAR'S ll.M..Wl nn iii.'Jiui, ly 'II10MAS K hKl.l.l.l; , N'tnu. gt'lilline witleiiit ll.e iiulteii sir'n,,lore ,,j I!. pis. Yr l'r sale bv H ., .I MS, II I V Y(!t)l CO. wholesale and retail, R.ih edi, , . (:. I In this ( "nil illy . "II Ihe l.bh'J.I .M il , In U'. Tiioinp'.oii, ii.-ij .John v . ilarji, to Alls:, II. Wynne. In Kavlteiille, by R,'.y. A lain (iilehn-l.l J allll C. ( 'oil, of I 'her. III'. S ( , to Miss Mai lnlver, adopted daughter-of- Ri-v. 'olitr Me At Uoeklish, Mi. Samuel A. Black to .M..-.. Jane Wilkinson. R,V. I, 11. DitD At Elkville, CaldvCell County, on Tburedav the I 2lst ult., Mrs. .Nancy .tones, ihe amiable consult el Col. Catletl Jones, in the blst j ,-ar of her Hge. This tl lily excellent lady,- r-omhliied in her character most of the virtues wha li adorn her sex To a nick nnd gentle disposition, .-lie touted a kindness of leehng, a benevolence 4f heart, and mi enlarged fharilv for others, seldom found in the same individual. I'or a great number ol years a most worthy and exe evioust'j her dralli, she was plary member ol the Meth- I odist Episcopal Church, ami died ui the full triumph of that faith which she prolessed, le.umg the assu rance of a glorious huiuorlahtv. " Blessed are Ibi dem! who die ill lite Lord yea, hclir-nfirlb they rest from tiieir labor, and Ile-ir wniks do follow Iheui." Ill Ihe vicinity of Kay, tteville. on the blh instant, Miss Aim Jenkins, daughter ol James Jenkins, in the 23d ) ear of her age. In Richmond County, Mrs. Martha G. Lc Grand, wife of Hampton LcGiaud, Ksei. and daughter of the late Robert L. U lntaker, of llablax County. Also, ou the same day, her infant daughter aged d days. ST. XI'ATE OK NORTH CA IIOI.IN A No ru- MP-riii iOi n i i in foully, oprmg I uni, ; A. D. 184b. Samuel B. Spruill, vs. ' Msry Dolmer, and Thomas Woodard. In this eae it appearing to the satisfaction of ihe Court, that Thomas Woodard, one ol ihe Dclendaiits. ii not an inhohitaiit of this Slate, but resides in the Slale of 'I'ennessee ; it is tberelore ordered, that nub-' bcation be made io the Raleigh Register for six weeks, lor mm 10 apjiear ai me next term ol tins I, burl, Ho i I , . ., .,., , . . . ... ue nent on tne nijli mommy slier tne tourtli Monday 1 in September nelt, in ihe town ol Jackson, and plead ! answer or demur, or judgment pro ametna will bo entered against him, and the cause heard rx parte, WILLIAM BARROW, C, M B. June 11, 1316. I'i. AJv. .r ; 1s Cw Fresh Arrivals, L'rgr lot of ii"E ,lri.l, l.i:TOVS and OS... .14. EM, just -1 by i ceil JOHN R. WIIITAKER. t s I June IS If, I)K. J. A. KAMI), III: T A is S V It U 8i o OF NHKFOI.K -(TIT, ltivirctfit!y informs till' - u I' 1 1 c (Inn lit hi I.HMtt-i! Iiim'lf id thr pur- -)t!r at prrrrtfj;. lit , ili!rsfhin, rju't iiilly ( Mich '.j uiMMime w pivot or KJ.I '! tl)', tiiim "in- lo an cut. re t't nt urUli' i.il tt'clli, in a ti' so lifitur:il. ihal unlit hut i ((((- liri'd rvr muM ili rovi r ihcm, ntnl ! M,sliro cyiuy nrrppft ilciiu the hi lu iit;! hui uilli i'.iM or loll, ilii-i ;i-tu .ip(iri(:i:limi; ; in mastic i-tins t!,t. i,i, iU1d ' distinct. T, , ill i llr.li i, - I, -,,, liloil, .cleaned, ri-julaied in,,l all lo the lllillltlj will be made ll -.p. will it iinnei'i'Ksary In enter inlo a hm:; ("in peif.irm, coiili.lentlv reli in ii i un'. lie ilt'fiin .lct.nl ,t wlj.a ii,. 'II 111-' itln i itli'D". Illey bi'lll- Ihl' hc'.t icst ,i ,)s ,-,,pn!,liiv. Iioiii bHIers ( whiih visilers will find on In- tilde) Dt. II selects ihe following paper: Nonrwi.i;", 2l)th May, I S I H. : Ilai nig learned i,at Dr. J. N. Il.iird iiiteiuls h aving us, with tin- mteiilnm ol I renting himself in Raleigh. I N. C. mill as one uhn has pursued his studies at the r,,dlinnii CiHryf nf bur, Noiei'iy, mill having, 'pointed in our lauiilies suecrssjullv (or nearly two 1 yeais, mi heeifullv ree. inincinl him i, i llie public as I'l iiig woriliv ol In., pr.ib'ssinti ; ire therefore , resent linn this vi nil nur signaliiies n ull the hope ot success. The list nl ri leieiu-es oi'i oinpani ini; this letter, con he sei u on his table. 1'iiri nnm-Tii, 'a. Muv "2.1, l-U. My iiitini.i'e aeijiiaiiil inei- with Dr. .1. N. Ilainl, bulb pni'at, Iv lllnl piolessionallv , ll' well as Willi the most ol ihe genib nun id, .ne naiiiiil, enables me lo icslili to l In- i.ip.n ,iy ,, llr It lii perb, nil. ami ol llieni lo n e io, -ml I chccrtiillv ass, rt that I know all they kiv to la- It rn" CAI'T J. 'I'llOMI'SDN. i II u;i. in n il l uu nil i . I'rice for liiseinog on iold pl.iu " " pilot per tooth, on uu fni cxtr.ulillg Otlu ipeiatinii iu prop rlion. leiltii el, and For lh 1', piiccs still inanv ensi s griiiis. -Stri,'4 atienlioii paid lo the . imiui laiii i i ol I Inlilicn h I i i'lli. Dr. It. will allow operation, if ri'iiin isib'teruilucil lo i;m laul all o,eiulioiis i I V t Hl'ne uel d. n b nulli ofimo for testing his ed, b, toie purine ,, them, us 111' - i nine allNtu, lion and iviit llar- 'ello tilled !iy 1 1 1 1 11 nir to that ni l ui'li d by the 1 M u- tual liisiirnlii-.e tiuiipaliy . linn Ifi. IM4I1. 11 4,100 !' iiluahlc Laud Acre: un if will its of llicp lliwr, (liiilliifjn ('iiniity, i ok s i.i;. Being too old and lei bio to attend to enure, im ol slleh magiiiii'ile, I beiehi oiler lor sale, ou the most ai I'unumiJ.ililii,' terms, the lotlowing very vultiabh' I'loperly , vi. : I'iiVpt, the I'l.illlalioli on ivhleh I rc-idi', lun- tuiolng alirnii : nun a, n's bun o u hi, h me i b an il, and llllt mine III pi.i.'i .- i.i i leaiuui. Ol thl'i', bull aen s arc low grimnds, but so situated us in nnliri but hlile Iioiii nierfliiw Fitly d.illars wolllil covei all .'s-;cs U'lin il. image id this kind, for Ihe whole pellod of M ye.H'i lll.lt I hm- oivned Ihl' I'liilllntloli I loii! i an he I J I in ns ,,l cleuii'd Lund on ihe Kami, anil no pal I f ll loon' than miles from ilu Homestead. 'I beic is a gii-ul il:i-r-llv ot soil m , i l"r:ii I, wiili h enables be oivuci to glow alii i r,,p be eho.isi s, Kuil.ilile ti, the 1 1. untie ll is pn uharly a diipted In tile riillun mI Mnail grnlii and Tu'seio, n is evidi li;i.d hv niy Crps, 1 bi; Kaini is ciiliiiiitnl under tile tl.r, e-sbllt "Isliru. and 1 Welt dtalued Willi open ('..'., I. d . i -1 tell .' u'.il ,1,1, hi,. ; and Ihl: II hid, I. I , lid," a yii... ; l In e, w 1 1 h il II 1 in 1,1. 1 i , . : i , e.ssary 1 ( a l aiui ,,l l!n- eit, nl. In addlllMli Io lh, oidininy billidiiis, II., re i.il I,,. in. ui that will bidd I. ,011 iui.'.l., b .,f l heal ill I 111' ."sheal ; and e,.i 1 1,.,, In -hie, a line Thresh, r. i iiisIum nnd Corn slu la r. Then: Is. nbo, a i apll.il ( iui 1 1 nil -e, w nh rse I civs, Vc. A U'i, ii l"o,i ."siin.ks Hoiw, nnd a l ,r,' building elliit'li Mliialiil l,,i C'oiihlry Irade 'J here is, in m). ill I Mill n 'Foil Budge neross lb p River, uud ihe halt ul a fine wall i puni. ge on IK litvir, lur u Mill or Failmv. And toiroivn ihe whole, itiseon vciilelll l Mills ami .1 M.iiki'l, has a linn -r.iiiue ,,r I 'utile and lli,g, iin-l i .uiiiol be surpassi-d for htal h. l ite i'taiitatii'li is tniitormli ndiiiirid by Ti.ivi Iters, nnd is said In be the bi and lnHiilsniiiei.t Faun be Iween Hab'igh and ihe M,uiti.ain. Abo, one oiher TRACT OK LAND. Ivu. o Ihesiinic River, ealt',1' Momnr Alliv, coniuiiiu, I Kill Aeics 'I Ins I r ,,.'l Is Iw'lliideil by Un: l(,i, r anil luilian C nu ll , ai,,! eanillnhs .',.",0 uerej id Jn.it uml .srrniiit l,,iv grouinls t not sul p-i t lo m ei How, f nnd JIM) aeie-l i,t No. I 1 1 . L't, Ian, t , u ud I ins most bean I, lo'dy loi cultivation. 'I In, I'ract has llm very in. In giowiTi eiT " riiiit-i 1 ovrr tnr rn;l Msllny ol l.oeu.M, V ali.ul, lim keyn, Ri land, ron 1 hod and hoe k Maw. f fan, "id,-! Ibis olio ul the lln&l valuabl,. I'lacts of (.Hint in North t.'nmluui There arc ab'ml ItlO ueii'S iu euliivaiioii ihe ret to i l, ur The buililiuga uie all nearly now ; there is a Mineral Spring un the uact id leal value, wnh a fiin ra-e rniiigc lor (Joule, I Ings.aVe. 'I be I. an, I is adapted lo the ciiluu'' ol every crop, dial cuu bo raided in tlnn cbiiiiiti.'. It 15 N t 1 lor Tubai co, is wnbiii'2 oulei ol a Merchant M'il, and thu saiubiily of tlte bdualioii uaiuiot bo ui,iis.-ci!. ; ' I will b boll, i, I ibc-ie Fairy, on long -Cfetlir,- tl ihe rb-bi I,,: m.idi! peid eily s, i ore, and Ihe in'ercal pmieliially paid , aiiuiially. A hinall pHyiiient unly will be ic, pined, w hen llic ib cils are execute"!, II may be asked why it m that,-! oiler such valuable pmpeny our saio I iiiiwtr, in addition lo the (act ol my gr-rwing iiilirinuii s, thai I have but one son thai is a r nrinei, and In: has removed lo ,M llSSISSIppi, where 1 wish io send my iio'-roes. - I will also sell Slock and i'lovjsions, and. Planla tion implements lu the purchutnr I E I ER EVANS Eypt, Cliaihnni County June I84. 48-3in i ill ii;-A N. B. Wimirig to 'piit ibe Merraniile buine?, wheihcror not I sc'l u,y Lands, I oiler lor ulc my Stoek of Gootls now ou band. I will rent my Store -a first rule &'nm! fiirbii-mcss. s my hooks will j show and will boaul the fetuu .pjiichiis,!. ..the ; (i, mil in my lanuly. I J'ersoris wishing to pun base, r un apply lo ine. personally, at Favpl. t" nddnm ine by letter, lo , I'iitsbufu', CkatKatu Cuunly.' ' -I I" Oiuck W11..VI.VCT0N &. RAi.cifiii R R. Co. ) ' W'ilmingtoa, June 10, 1846. Til l: Stockholders of the Wilmington and Raleigh, bail Load Company are hereby requested to meet at U ''"""K1 on Hie 2-lth June instant, to take into eousub ralion the esjiediency of constriicliug a Rait boa, I to the South Cnroliut Rail Road. By order of ihe Board of Director., rlDW'D. B. DUDLEY, Tre. t. Wil. &. Ra. K. R. 16 48-t m SOUTH CAROLINA FEMALE COUEGIAtV nSTITITE. M IS O in. .-iitnnier I enn ol tl,15 Institution will oom- .....,-.,,,- ''in june iniiuiij;. VVe reltr IliOIIS b) llie Kill, W ,,,,. I'.lr'uM t,. , I,....,'.. llleneo on li, 1 Dili J. , om i'; "Prospectus : ' To such hi continue Jining llm Summer, (that ,s. Ham l-jib June, lo 10.1, 0. irUr. ihe cbr(e fbi ll, lour iiunnbs , Bom.l. ii.cl,lu,g two n.ssiitm ot j- Miuciion m Luenuy l.iaiii l,,',, , U- $50 Agreea bly io ibis nif.inKeiMfiu, ibeie will bo one month' in erniis.ioii id l.iiernry dnties, i il. co.o oj ihe pub lic. Icim, ( I j:b Jiii.ii,) anil one iiiiiinh bulom ibe coin-it'em-rnn-nt irf pnlibc t-tiii , ( I5ih Ormlr. ) '1 he en t ic diaii:,,, tl.i'ieloie. lor 12 nionilis' Buuid nnd 11) loi'lith-- r,uii,,tK cvniprcliending an enuie courau of l.ngll.-ll I.UeialiiM', "is fSfjO.' I o -nib as wish lo visit I'beir Iniues, during llm io niouihs ol vaealion, llm eluirge lur Ibe Iwo adili- l.i'iial in. nubs l II,, a,, I and Tu n, i, $30. I Ii" l'ruiei al ii iiinnii,.,! io anno e io ibe Cid- i.s ol South I'liriilma, ami Ihe n,loiniiijj Stales, that i":u,g, ii., iiN me inaking ibui mil place ilis InUiiule, the opening i its 1,'nlar If rill, mi ibe liih of llelobei ne, I, ,i,,.r j,,,,,, diisctiori ol hlllllell. Iin.,,n R leu a H lisr;- A . M , pK,(. Johm I ABiiv, A. ,M , I, in- ot 1 1. MacoirKeinnle College, (G.i )au,l ai pie., in I'mb'sor ol Mutbeeiatica u'nd iloia,,;' ui ill,:,,,,,' ",,1,.C, Massnchusetls. 1'rol. Ilaiby tins i,.,,., upwiiiils ill looileun yenrs illlliisSi.il,. ,iil (b-orgi i ; and i mu,o I elf mos: nilvaiiingi on.ly Unnwn. as n iimeii,,, !,,.,. r m Scienic ami l.ilernlnre. and also a Anil,,,, ..l .,. ' ,. xi elleni Tri'iiliseon Souihen, H ,, " Ol Mr Rii hauls, who lias, with ibe exception of ihe last year, been identified with the limnim,,,,, i,,r " ' years, il i unnecessary tnspenk, as Ins ihniougli coinpcieiipy ond talent lor inslrnclioii' have been iut licii'inly anil laiiiluctorily losleil. The Institute has prescribed course, but not a pi escribed lime lor the completion of that course.--This must di peml upon due aud thorough prcpum- . Hon of pupils in the elementary branches, pievnuisi lo i iitraiii,. Tliere will be Di-pai Inient, under l oinpelciil Instill, tots, intended as preparatory o en ter into the higher and regular Clusses ol the Insli. Illll'. Tin' Apparatus, both I'hilosnphicnl and Cliemical, "ill be largi lv mi n iised, comprehending, the latest iinpioveineniH suiliiblo lor ilhiMiiitniK all ihe re ent disi-oveiies in Scieni e. Arrangt'iiirnis Tor this pur pose uie already iniulc. Agreeably lo the eoiilcmplaleil organization, there . will be Cue Oentleineii cngnged iu the dillcrent hrau i lies lif ihe Institute, assisted by Ladies, who will di rect the doiiiesiie and liternry department, nil com mand Ihe coiilidenee of the patrons of the Institute. Neatly twenty years have proved the loialion of the Institute, in point ofheahh. a happy one. Its vicinity to the Capitol aU'ords b.0i patrons facility of liecess. A I'auipbb't, ciinig an exhibit of the Course of In-irtn i,,,ri, ,ir)r! ,:! lh.- T.IM .1 U.,J ui.U i a,.,,., w ill In- lorn i, rded lo those desirous of more spenul in'ori, union. KLIA8 MARKS, M. I). Iliiihniiivillp, f ni nr adnmhio,) May 2S. Js7 wfit Comlbrt mid Economy. l'jir K-diix il lo lo llitllimon-. I iii Crn'iixillf n ml IVIcrsliurp ami RoiiikiU, initl lily I'tiinl IE it i l KoiiiU .limit's Kitcr uml I licsnirciilif liny Line of Slcniiitrs. I1 SSi;NGi;(ts taking this popular route, will in direct without delay, ut less expense, ( Ihau ' In li e Mail Lou ) nali more i ase, and fewer change I d I'ei-on and Baggage, j 'I l,e Tiaiellei leaves V'eldoii or Gaston, every i mt'lii t except rii.iuiday 1 nt III I". M , aud I'ctersburg : ill I,; A. M. l o I cy Foinl (ly Kiul Keail tl mile,) J n In ii' ilo y 'iiill trdic uuu of ihe siippiior MlTainers, I In i', Capt. M.inncr, or Ciulis f'ci k, C'upt Dam 1 .oi Noil,. Ik, 'lulling a line snildnvi n the noble .lames, .nth a ni.iv ol ns fioaulilul scenery, and Junius I own ,j day Injlil ) From tln iii e hi om oflho Bay Sleulllf u, llic t ,'fm iria, t 'apt. ( 'iiiinon, ll'riilil, i 'npl. Russell, or . v-.v.v, !apl. rillf Inn , V In ie ihi' I'aUcngcr travel while he sleeps, snd enjoys a luxurious tabic trie of charge. Fare Iioiii i I, loii or Gaston to Baltimore, fs 00 Fan' from Welilou or tjaslon, lo Norfolk, . 0(1 Mtals inrlttihil ahraiji an urn nf tin: Srameta of Mm I.i nr. I'lVM-ngrrs gitlinif through 'iickelt, arr. iilnirid In stop tit any paint tin thr line, anil rr nHiar. thin- tiuixl u-.Iuh rcudy, without uny extra r.ltai ge Tu KeiH fioiii Giistnn to Baltimore, or "IVoifolk lo be hail of ( t'. I'iOll, Lmi. lit (iasliui N. C For TickeU lioin Wcldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY. Jr., " . , General Agent. tijiirr Jumrx Hirer tfntl Ruy Line, . VM.nos Di ror, -N. C. Juuo 11, 181S. 4g fjj- Beware of statements made lor the purpose of diveriiug travel from this popular route. TO THE I pFBLia iljtllH Public will see, by leference to the c iL fllkj uinns d the Richmond and Petersburg papers, the notice of the various Lines started by the Rich mond and Petersburg, and Richmond an I Frcderirka hurg itinl Roads, (or their Officers,) in ibo vain ef. Ion In put down the Juntos River and Chesapeake Bay Lmc of Steamers. Not content with their Regular Lit e, no Wash ington Cily, they have put a Boat on he James Ri ver, ihe Cat Hole, i'ru lama tibluu Line,") to fiippic us there, and arc now shout starling anoiher Line, t'M t rcderirksburg Koad, to Arijliia Creek, iheiice down the Potomac lo the Bay. thence up tho Bay lo Baltimore; which is entitled to tho Soubriptet of the i'imtriifrrenct Route. If die travelling Publio will continue the liberal patronage hereiolore given lo the James River and Chi snpeake Bay Line, these Companies, and their Ollieers, will find they cannot reach at what they are aim nu a Monopoly. I hey will be further taught, that they are the scr vanis of Ihe Public, and not the Public their eersenta. The Public will bear in mind, it is the intention of tho owners ol the .lames Hiver and Bay Lin of Steamers, to run nt Fare as low a any Line between ibe North and South. Wm. M,. MOODY, Jr. O, lice, James River and Bay Line. ' Gen'l. Ag't. Wcldon. N. C. June 1 lib. J 48 If $1 'l.' J Jl c 1 I," :3 ,1 IT - 't"..s ml 1(1