, -ft Published, every Friday, .by WKSTOK R. OAtsES, fcaitt and IVoyrietoi, at Three Dollar, per Anttiiu. ' fJ - .FRIDAY, AUGT' 11, 1840, . ma ma lggJSgjgLJ SSSSSSSSmilJUJ.- L JSSmfSmSSL' L ,,L-1L. JLLL.U igtf." 1 l! " , r..t l' , Mir.,.1- KA LEIGH, N. C. Tuesday," August 11, 1846, Stand out of the Way ! The old north state is coming n We believe we might with perfect safety, claim ia thia paper; glorious victory for the Whigs iu North Caroliua, but it ia to disugreeablo to have to correct inwUkei, or to lead the public neira oa matter, of each great interest, that though we are, in our own miud, confideully awd that the Whigs have car tied the titat almost by storm, we prefer waiting a few days, before we pronounce that us certain, which may, if pvnibiUty, be erroueouew. We had rather Inetif tht'inip'nrttion of wjTOjr"fW'rttferhtt"to chariwd -kwHTi exaggerated ntuUoieuU. Hut our 4eaitcre my'opi trajitl(the poliiical kf tebrllit, and ' broad Mreake of light illumiue the horizon. ft wiU aeeii that aliiiot.t every where, iSiitiMRo Vuus behiud Jbf parly.. Graham's electiwi as Gover hor.Te" abwiIuiMy certain bf Troiri 8,000 to 12,000 By Friday, w( slfiSl be able to slate with almost certainty, the complexion of iho Lrgisluture, and the provable majhrity. THE RESULT. The rfadwr'friUBt recollect, in making his calcula tioos with regurd to Ilia complexion of the Legisla ture, from the returns received, that the Whigs had, at the last Session, a majorily of 2'2 in the lluuee of t'oininous, and that there was a tie iu the Senate. So far a heard from, ihe Whigs have gained TWO Senators ra most irnpurtaut change, as it will proba bly give the Whigs a majority, ia each branch, time enabling thrni to carry out measures which, two yeara ago, they could uot accomplish, by being check mated kl the upper House. "GOV. " GRAHAM. The tremendous vote given lo Gov Graham all bver (IA State, is not only gratifying 10 the Whig, s an evidence of the tuengiu ol ilit ir party, but is also a aource ofpriile ami 'ploasure to tliem, as atford ing the heat tribute that could be given, to the zeal, enemy and imhieiry, wliluh lias characterized the de ponineiii of their nohle (Jliainpion during the canvass Personally, Gov. Ghaham had nothing to gain by success, and il hu ro.ild have consulted hit wishes, would, gladly, no doubt, have declined a re-election But, selected by his party to he its standard-Clearer, lie magnanimously discarded all" personal consiuera- tirjrirtif eawLetnf--efflohjHetv aiti hfew -bnitsrlf imo the breach Abandoning the coinlorts of lionu-, he bas traversed eveiy part ol the State, to deletid Whig principles, and furnish the friends ol the cause With arguments, to maintain their ground. He baa bis reward in the approval ol a clear conscience, and tlio baiA-ih wruUutf his (cllow cnhmns in his favor. FRANKLIN COUNTY. There are few inore decided Loco Koco Counties in the State than Franklin, and yet we have now, for the secorid time, within a few years, earned a Can ihdaie, owing to a split in the ranks of the Opposition. And; in both instances, the successful Candidate has hstn'JOHN E. THOMAS, in whose honor, the I torfuW mclt of a Cannon was given on Kridjy night, lUat hat been heard lately iu these parts. PERSON. One of the strangest incidents of the late Election, is the choice of a Whig Commoner in this strong Lo co Foco County, where Polk's majority was 371 voles! We understand that Mr. If ole.wan, the suc cessful candidate, is one of the best informed Politi cians of tbday and is eminently worthy, in every way, of theJVligh distinction which his constituents have conferred upon him. Mr. Shepabd's majority, hi tins County, itwill be seen, was less by 210 votes than ITokc received. In the " Standard" of the 23d of April, we find, in reference to Mr. Shepard's pros pects, tfie following prediction : "The Democracy of thie eotinty (Person,) will give a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether for not talentvd young Candidate for Governor, next August ; and Instead of there being any Leaking off there will bo an increase iu the, democratic vote Murk that." . ! ' . -If" ' ,, - ORANGi; ANDfRAXVILLE. s Th t glorious news, from these two Counties pro- duped quite an electrical effect iu this City. It was considered as settling the political character of the aet Legislature, and U'hig enthusiasm cqjhld not be restrained. The way that that old Caunou thunder ed, and woke up the lazy Loco Focos from their slum bers, was curioue ! Bv the wav. old Oranp-e has re- add very aalisfaclorily to the enquiry propounded hu Mr Dmum in lui M illmrn- ti,..l, iOraoge Couuty auy longer?, feel political confidence 'ta WHiLIa A. Gkahax I" . - ! THE -WCaf ITENTIAkY QUESTION. The vosnrs of NortU Carolina have decided by an eseitSfbaWifg iP3ofy agaihst the establishment of a Peniteunary In not one single County, so las as we Ran heard, ha an atiiruiativr vote been given oa the I fcs.ll.' . - -4 HUMORS. We have rumors of the election of a Whig Sena- w-lhi Camdeu and Cerrituck ; of the whole Whig iKktt m Craven; sud a Loco Foco Member iu pfewie-fctut we have uothiug sufficiently certain te utlioriiat-oiit awumiug iheee rumoni as true. - THi: GRADUATION BILL y?p m rejoiced to state, that the bill to reduce and rtdoale the price of the PuWie Lands, has been laid futlie table of Ihellouwof ReprrwntaUves, by so, Kneiderabl. a majority, that it if considered U de. vegfth fate ef the bill. ELECTION RETURNS. v WAKE COUNTY. . ". One fire mart tot,, ano tut, a,t is ours.' The1 result of the Election in Wake demonstrates, that Loco Focoism ia shaken to its centre iu this atrorrg hold; aud that the seeds of disruption, and fu ture defeat have been sown broad east James B. Shepakd, the Candidate of the Party for Governor, who resides in this City, who has .been before the people for several years, and was probably known, perroiially, to every voter in the County, only leads Gov. Graham, 41 votes I beinir a Whiff pain siuce the Presidential Election of nearly THREE HUN DRED VOTES! And our Whig Commoners, who fought the baltle like gallant soldiers, are defeated, it is true, but by so lean a vole, that such another victory lo Ihe Dem ocrats will. ruiu them forever. All Unit the Whigs have to do, is to stand firm, and two years hence, we "will sK6w"L6co Fucoisiii, that Truth; c ruilMl frt'e tlli, wm rise ajraift, " " ' " The eternal years of God are her's J While Knur, wounded, writhes l pain, : And dies amidst her worshippers'!" We subjoin the slate of the Poll : . romwiiin. Berry Siiiiiii-t4ltVKlw14V W. W. Ilolden I0U7, C. C. Bailie lOlG.Jouu Hayes 953, Q. Ulley 921. Senate George Tlionipson C14, S.am. P. Norris, 103. ' SheriffJames Edwards, 1332, Calvin J. Rogers, G19, Simeon Nance 254. Penitentiary Against it 10.IC ; for it 717. CHATHAM. William AlbriglU, S. Daniel Hackney, Thomas Lassiter aiui M. Q. Waddell -nil VVliiLrS, and no change. Poll : For Senate, Allirirlit ,",;.!, .Marsh 419; Coiiirnoiis -Hackney liny, I.asnter 1023, V added UM'I ; Harris ibb, Kives 01, Iias;land 607. Harmau (Whig) SlieriH'by J61 voles over Edwards. For a Penitent jury 270 against il, 118!). With regard lo this County, the. " Standard" said on the 8lli of July " Our Democratic friends in " Chatham have pat ibrwiird (he lolowin strong ticket : Senate, Jese Maisli; Commons, William Harris, Roueri Heevr? and TIkjuibs Kaiil.ind. All thebo yenilen.en are Jai iners, distinguislieit or their sutind ciiiiiuion sense and personal popularity Wiih vigoioin exntiotie and ihe uniietl siipori of the party, ue regard iheir success as beyond duulil We learn i hat u prominent Wl iig in Chatham expieses Icavii Hiai Shrpanl will beat Grshain in that Coiiiny A tiumber oi Whrs in that County, me u. tunned, aie so umicIi dis pleased with the conduct of Guv Gr,ii:tu and su well pleased with ihe Adinm.siratioh of Col Polk, that they mil not vote al all. Tins is cheering new An intelligent friend at Piltsboro', in communica ting ibis result, writes as follows : .Pitnlton,', August 7, IS 16. It is wilh infinite pleasure that I am able to com municate to you the compleie.success of our party in " Old Chatham.'' the Standard's intimations to Ihe contrary notwithstanding. Onrmajoiity lor Governor isdjyger than it has t-ver before been, except in the race between Dudley and Branch, and Ihe lowest Whig on the Commons Ticket beats the highest Democrat more than 21)0 votes, iiothwilhstaudiug his vat personal popularity, hia daeervedly high Mand iug. and the,uii.-t hlreiuiojis, and I m.iy my, most unscrupulous eli'orls to run him in, hy the sacrifice of Waildell, towards whom ihe Chatham Democrats entertain a stronger dislike than probably anv one, except one William Albright, who has attained that "blessiag by laying, from time to lime, their " crack wheel horses to Ihe land, and giving them leave to disport themselves with private and duuienlic amuse ments and employments. Our cause is undoubtedly g.iiiiingground in Chatham. I saw, ut the precinct 1 attended, ft'gi persons, who bad formerly acted and voted with the Democratic party, cast the entire Whig ticket, and heard the most of them declare that, henceforth, they should do likewise ; and ft another precinct a gentleman of character and con siderable influence, who has hitherto beeu universally regarded as quite a consistent Democrat, and iu fact a leader, came out boldly, aud "not only voted ihe en tire Whig Ticket, but exerted his influence in its be half. The consequence was, that wo beat the Demo crats more than three lo one, where they have ceu- erally locked, and sometimes beaten us. Ihe vole is nut a full one, ovvtnj, in a ereat de gree, lo the extensive prevalence oi billions fever. If there had been, Gov. Graham's handsoiife niajotily would have been increased. DAVIDSON. Sam'l. H.argrave, Loco S. V. Hooserand II. Wal- ser W. C a Whig Senator lost. The following letterexplaius the causes : Lexington, Aug. 8M, 1816. Mr. Gales : While n is my uraiilyiuu duty to ootnmunicate the ollicial siateii ent ol the Elect, ous in Davidson County ' showing an increased iiiamruv of 16U voles lor Gov. Graham, and a clear yam ol 210 for uim, and the election ol both of our Whm Commoners, by a very largely increased vole, on the previous eleciion, it is a duty no less mortifying, lo add that the apatlly of our Inends upon the day of elechon, together with the sirony personal popularity ol the Democratic Candidate iu the Senate, the supe rior activity ol tils mends, the sympathy elicited ijr hu lavor in his lourih trial lor a seat m the Legislature, and the refusal of many of the W bigs to vuie at all, are some of the many causes which have contributed lo tins election ol Col Samuel Haigrave by two votes. Hut II cannot be claimed as a Democratic triumph, as tie owes his electi'.n to hi ieast 100 Whig voles. And the triumphant shorn which Democracy raised at the result, lias already wruu, an long will wnng ex pressions of regret, Irom those ol our Whig Inends who either-comproiniiied iheir principle; in voiing l,.r bin), or relusrd to vote at all And il ihe baitle could be again contested, not tiion the stretigtti ol Ihe many illegal voles cast bul de novo, I lie result would be largely reversed. It is however still our consolation, that we have the true Winn majority, thuui.li u has Jwen temporarily suppressed by epatby and ihose pri- vaie considerations winch actuate at nines, many ol our pHrty. It is but justice to aud. that our candidate Mr. Thomas, advanced and advocated our principle) with that boldness, consciousness of irmb, and hones ty of purpose, which will long secure for bun the confidence and gratitude of the Whig Pan, though he wears not ihe wreath of viciory. Bul I design not io.be tedious. So, here ia the result : Gov. Gham 1)104 ; Shepaid 610 ; S. Hargrave. Dem ) 484, J Thomas f W..) 482t V Hooter fW D8J, H Wal ser (W)93I,J. L. Clennnous (D ) 663, VV P. Richauls(D ) 650, J. Ad.lerton Sheriff (W ) 1032, D. Hepler(D)610. Penitentiary 167, Against 1326. Very lespecllully, RANDOLPH. Alexander Hogan, S. Abram Brower, White, C all Whigs. Penitentiary 496 against 830. An Extra, issued from the " Raiiuolpb Herald Of fice, say " Be it forever remembered, and let it be heralded to the world, thai the WHIGS of Randolph, iu l&tVga Graham 1233 vote, and a MAioarrV of 1020! Randolph has done veil I For her let. three cheersJLONG and LOUD be given ! ! iVer torn ore firm and (rue to their principle! They hat tht utcendaney, and nil keep it I ! ' " T(i Whigs of Randolph have gained ' glorious victory, at which we rejoice the more, because ri eos fears were entertained by our, friends in other Counties, that we should be defeated iu eousequerjce of the number of Whig Candidates iu the field. We" can now re-assure theui, that it is distinctly under stood by the people of Randolph, that a Democrat cannot represent them in the Legislature. We might say more ; but a magnanimous victor will not, iuleu tionally, wouud the feelings of the vauuUheti. GRANVILLE.. Dr. Russell, S. (Whig) by 18 votes over George Eaton (Loco.) -Commons Robert I), Gilliam (Whig) and Messrs Unllork aiid Stone (Locos) a !F-gaiii. Poll: Gilliam 1063, Uullock 1027, Stone 1022, Venable 1011, I.ittlejohn ( W) 983, Wtlkius tma.Peatetttiar ii7-NPeiiUntiry iHiJr I In relation t-fhe Graiivitle ETetitroa,' Oi wStau dard" prophecied as follows. May fI3, 184G The Federal ticket for the Legislature in Granville County is, as follow : Sena,T)r. liussflt ( 'i,imntt, uRubtlk-GilUanu James T. LillWIohn. aud ('. Wd- kiiw, Esquires We have no fears ir Ihe l).-irioerat-ic ticket iu that County. Mr. Eaton will prove tin ; ;, over-match for Dr. Rausell. while Mr. (,il!i,in nnd ..... his ro-laborers will find llieuiseUe., h.iiul.Mielv h,.,l. ed and defeated hy Mrf. Veuabie, ll.,.iock, and bienei Mark what w e say ! GL'JLI'O.in. We are indented lo an esteemed friend for the fol lowing Letter ; (!i renshort', Tiivrnihi: inrht. The. old County lu,a thundered ,,,. uniie J. A ( inter m Ihe Senate : Na'li.m Hunt. K. V. Oir. bin ue' and 1 eter Adams, Commons all good aud true men. Graham If 29, S,epar, 3C0 maiorilv 1 -and one precinct not heaid from say ( i uljanCs ui.ijuri ty 1 5111). Whn would n .t he pinud of Ihe old County? Colonel Simpson, the Democratic candidate, seven hundred behind the luwesi ll'lcg, Shepard falls, short, iier, a hundred of the parly vole. . In bustle and in haste. 1$ reference lo the Guilford Eleciion, llio Stan- dard" said on Ihe I3lh uf July A teller from a gentleman in Guilford lo the 1 Editor, says: ' Shepard will gel the iaigest-' Demo cratic vole ever giveu in this county." This is in- ' deed cheering. H'e are glad to leant alto that there will he al least one democratic candidate for the I-g- ; islal tire Col. F. L. Siuisoit. By proper exert iotu, hu may be eluded. j ANSON. D. I). Daniel, .S. without opposition. Hargrave - and Kichardsou, (".all Whist. A fiiend writes as follows, in refereuce lo this Election : IViirr.-iiorr, August 7, 'Hi. ! I here annex the slate of ihe PuPs lor iuvrrnnr and Members of the Lpgihitnre. 'ou will see !v the vtites for CnnTHVous, Itial Mr. Kichnrdsoii receiv- ' ed a larger vole than .Mr. Trull, but owing to there ! beinir no returns from two Precincts iu thu Ansun"! iurt of Union, winch would certainly have elected Trull, Air. II. will not claim the seal, and by this mail sends nu his resignation lo Ihe Governor, lhat a Writ may issue lor another Election. The vote in Atwon oji the Penitentiary tiueslien, was Fur 27tl ; Against fis3. LENOIR. John W. Taylor, Whig, I)!), E. G. Speight. Loco, 154, i". Jesse Jackion, (Independent. 310, Pipkin, (Caucus,) !ic;5, C. Peuiicutinry 1 14, Against, 3110. In reference to this Election, a Correspondent writes, Aiivon, August 7, 1H46. We have met the enemv aud liny are ours. Jackson, the Independent candidate, is re-elected hy 55 majority. We look upon Mr. Jackson's election as a triumph, because he has ter!(red himself lo vole against any candidate brought before Ihe Legislature for (j. S. Senator, iu favor of the Suit Treasury, and beradea, certain individuals iiuide it a lest ipie.slioir, and took the slump agaiiut Mr. Jackwu, aud said he was nut a real Simon Pure. PASQUOTANK AND PERQUIMANS. Gen. Ehringhaus ( Whig) S'.,', by 1 6:2 " voles over Cranberry, Loco Perquimous majorily 76, Pasquo tank 86. CHOWAN. Robert T. Paine (Whig) C. PASQUOTANK. Charles, Whig Commoner elected. PERQUIMANS. T. Skinner (W.) elected by lc'3 majority. An Extra from the Office of the "Old North State," says Loco Focoisin deleated. We have on ly time to state that al! is O. K. Graham's majority in Pasquolatik County is about 300, in Perquimans 205, iu Camden, one precinct heard from, O.d Trap, 302 majority; in Chowan, about 1'JQ, John Barnard, the Whig candidate for Senate, goes out of Camden into Ciirrituck, lyl ahead of Shaw, and it" the vole is the same as the lust time, he is certaiuly elected PERSON. Hester (Loco) S. by 21 votes oyer John Baraelt ! Whig. Hoiemau (Whig;) -C.-a Whig gain. Poll : ltoleniau 473; Cunningham , Loco) 43X!. : HALIFAX. I Andrew Joyncr, Whig, S., by 35 votei over!,. II. j B. Whitaker. L. M. Long and M. C. Whitaker, Locos, C a Whig loss of two. Poll: Long 557, Whitaker 551, Wiliiam L. Long (Whig) 5i;8, J. D. Perkins (do.) 506. Penitentiary 175 Agaiust 569. WAYNE. , John Exum, S., Eliaa Barnes, C. II. Brogden, C. Poll : Barnes 775, Brogdeu 737r Dr. S. A. An drews G10, BRUNSWICK. Henry Walters (Whig) by 00 votes over Calloway Loco.) NEW HANOVER. William S. Ashe, S. Edward Hall and Thomas Williants.C ail Locos, no change. Penitentiary 235, Agaiust, 769. PITT. - B. F. Eborn, S. Elias J. Blount and II. F. Har ris, C all Whigs, and no chauge. ' CASWELL. Calvin Graves, S. Meiers Lea and McMulho, Q, all Locos, no change. For a Penitentiary 284, Agaiast it 716. "JOHNSTON. James Tomiinson, LocoJ S. P. Richardson, 'Lo co and Ashley Sanders W C flo chauge. WARREN. J Gen. f. T. Hankius, S. without opposition. A. A. Austin aud Gen. John II. Hawkins, C all Locos, oo chauge. Peuitentiary 87, Against it W6. ORANGB, Hugh Waddetl, S. Giles Mebane, Cheslcy Fau cett, J. B. leathers Whigs) and Sydney Smith (Lo co) a Whiir loss of one. Poll for Senate I Wuddall '711, Capt. Berry 707. Coimnous Mebane 1C44, Leathers 1616, Faucett, Whigs 1()I3, Smith 1606, Mc Dade, ISO!, Pattenon 1"37, Pralt Locos 1535, Slaffurd V j lSia. Sherift'-Turreiitiue 1850, Nich o.:ll!J5. Pu-iteutiary C15 Against 'it 2133. MOORE. ' M. B. Person (Loco) V a Whig loss. MOOlU; AND MONTGOMERY. Alexander Kelly Wlr;- to the Senate. N OUT HAMPTON. John M. Moodv. A', bv 4 vol- : I". J )Vl'.te ...! D. A. Barnes, C. hy an aver.ur." .,,ai,,rii r,n ...,. k ' tK'ttOnii'iit III' IItl 1 Jl 3 ! i ; Ef. -all Whigs, "and no cliaug. Gtaliaws n.ajoriivFT 1 " tllV St W rr' tUlh tjpt im. "" ' :" "; ;; I ' 1 l'fmTOlTrimm.iJi.-r(4i7aln rc"!rih tit .. i,nl,,,snv ,T v t ' " -, T-- - Regan and'MeNeill, Commons. Both Tro j no chauirs. For Senator, Norincnt, Loco, 510, Utl- Christ, Whig, 35i"- SAMPSON. Senate; Murpin 4 ' "in 'nuns. ftl 110 e. loM; Seiute, t.avu. JMI, ai"J". Whig, 31 1 t'oinnnnis, Murphy h!t!l, ll-iiivn , Whig, 5U:J. For Penitentiary VI , again.-1 ' . CUMBERLAND., r. T. N. Camcicn, S, 'ii.it,. ; t;. W. ' in Sluw, ( 'ommor.s. All Loom : t'oiiiinoii.s, Pelalii 717, Sh.nv (i lieo btl 1, T .1. Miiiih, Loco, 500. D Dun Pan kins I'egTani a id HO clliilirre. VB- F At For Sheriir. Alcx'r .luiiuson I , J i.reeu 3 16. i'ir 1'enileiiti- ary 3', . againsl 003. STAVLY IVincr II'1. ehcti'd. Vote, i'alnier -J70, Lockr 235, Parker 87. CAHAUKl'S AND MONTGOMERY. Cliristnpher Melclmr IV .S'.. withuut opjiusiiioii. I i - CAhAlli.'I'S. J. W. Scott aud 1.. . B. hriiiiiiiinger W. C. N. White Sheritt: STtiKES. . John Fr Poinxler (IV.; S. It. Guiding IV., and 5! Democrats, C a gain of a Whig Senator. BLADEN. McDowell Loco elected o Commons. BLADEN, BRl'NSWK.'K, ic. f!. Meivill Loco elected. RICHMOND. Waller L. Steele IV. j by 58 yules over Covinjloii IV Vole' f,r Senator, Giirhrist. IV. j 34:1, Nor. iiieut, Locoj 01. Peinlentiary t!60 against 304. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. On the 1 3: li of July, ilia " S'.anduid" asked iho lollowiri ipie?tione : ' Shall Franklin County send n Whig Senator to Hak-iKU ?" jfnwr She has ju done thai thing. -'Afrmn, il is ekd ' Shall 'lurselit of Ilia Isillen ted JfrFttKYs be occupied hy Mr. Jumx E. Thom as ?" 1m vi r It ia even so ! ail tlio consohitiaii we can j tive to ilie. LrKto Focus, IS"" Gioan my htailies is gnod luryuur whnleb'inie. " 'Vom ttf 'Stiirtii'trtl. I'liri linnieate lur tiovernnr wall ,ru;t nun I I'M inatvi inUfi u.iniHt in fin'i iuig the fjririMlutme, hut iei,' defeat tiui suior tli nhuni tnj a ntmtl inntin it i. Let the Kegi-ter mark this prediction, and let lhat paper remetnli.tr. put il down as . is on the first Thurs day of. AujriliU." We fhal! endeavor lo ohltj'? the ' put it don n un it i'i, hut wo suspect Would prefer seeing it as it is ti,t. Standard," and that lhat paper - SUPREME COURT. OriNioNS have been delivered by iho Court, since our last, in the following Cases: By ttuVrm, C. J., In State, to use of Murphy r. McKay, from Sampson y judgment reversed and re nire de novo. Also, in linens r. Harbee, from Or rancp. sflirming the judgment below. Also, in Stale n. JefFersuo, from iMeclstenburg, declaring that there is no error in Ihe record. Also, lit Cmom o. Wright, in Equity from V ayue, .reversing the decree with costs. Also, in Finch v. I.ofUn, in Equity from Da vidson, diBinissing-luc bill wilh costs. Also, in Mc Kay r. Woodle, from Cumberland, affirming Ihe judgment below. Also; in Doe ex item. Ward v. Saunders, from Davidson, affirming the judgment be low. Also, in Hill, Adin. v. Spruill, iu Equity from Halifax. Also, in Igsn r. (Jreen, in Equity ftoin liiitherford, disinisiii(j Ihe bill with costs. Also, in Brady t). Beasou, Irom -.Moore, alliruiing Die judg ment below. Also, in Kogers't). Vines, from Greeun, afTirmiug the judguieut below. Also, iu Medley r. idask, In iqulty Irom Anson, rhsinissiiiir the lull wilh Cpsls Also in tiodfrey r. Leigh, from Perqui mans, affirming the judiiiieiil for Plaintiff' on the lirst count iutliH Declaration. A1m., in lloldeu, Adui. r. Peaee, in Equity from Wake. By Dan i ex, J. in Gash et id. t. Johnson, from Ilen- dernot, afliriniug the judgment below. Also, in Jiuiea 4 al. v. blrong, from Rockingham, niiiriiiing the judsjtoeni bew;i Also, iu Lindsey e. Pleasants, in Et).lky fresrl (Juilford. Also, in Wall v. .Nelson, front Barde, affirirnng the j'udgineul below. By UMI, J., Iu Cohb e. Koruegay, from Diipfin, aflinuiug the judgment below, Also, in Bowers e. iMatitewsEx'r. iu Equily Irom ILiUfax. Also iu Stale lo the use ol Rockwell . Hawkins, from Brunswiek, alliriUiug the judginriit below. Also, iu Slate r. Mc Alpin, Iron Utibeaon, jildgint'iil reversed and, venire de nnto. Altai, in Drumrigbt v. Junes, in Equity from Person, directing a reference to the Master to state the accounts. " IMPORTANCE" V)F ONE VOTE. The "Alexandria Gazelle" says, it i mentioned as a remarkable coincidence that one vote carried Ihe Tariff of IrsiU j one vole the Tariff of lH2rj ; one vote iu each House carried the Tariff of Itvlj ; and by one vote in the Seuale the Tariff of 1S4G has become a law. ' :; - SENSIBLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS. We are glad there ia one sensible man iu Congress. Mr. TltDcl, of Ohio, peaking' on the Treasury Note and Loan Bill, said that he was speuking merely for " bunkum," and that he was ilad there were so few members in the House to hear him. He said that he was iherJ fur the first time in Congress and political life, aud be hoped to be forgiyeu the sin ; aud once out nf it, he proinutd never agaui tu cuuje to Con- SUDPKN DEATHS. W learn thai (tome timo lat week, while Mr. Andrew Paiton, of tho Hawrielda, m in his tiieadowr with his hands at wiirk, apparently in Ins usual health, Ire suddenly fetl lo the grotlnd, anu mftBt nwianily expired We also learn that on Tuesday night, the Wih instant, a Mr. Wh.Mam Uhav, livitto; in Now "ire,, mi inm , iiuiuv,Weni to oea witnom com- plaituno; of mty indfspivaitinn. In the morninjf hta wife left him in bed, tinptwing that he was aeleep; but litidiiu' that he kept his bed lotiurer than Istt- )) went in In nsc.ertam the cause, and found ! hirWjgWrpiie ! The spirit hid taken its High!, j anil ilftrVnly was tenant less ! How solemn are these warnlfrrs tn the livinrr. i lie stout iraine, Ihe r''nst cottstilution, and the muscular arm, are no protect inn .against Iho ar roa,of death. Then let tin heed Ihe vriirn ot" sfjilcuce, uhichai.ya to u. ' Be y t. Iso.reruly." rNswi Ilillsburu' Recorder. J-sjaw.wtw runs nijrfi I ho tol lowing 'V'1'" ike.lroliL.Uie.Ai.exailJxu..Gvi.e.; .. ?iH!N.niK. July 30. j, A Tclpjrranhic dfupHtcli Irom i'hiladolphia, "lUlllions lint groat rxfil.-m.M.t e.xislod in that i.'y hi i'n:n,ii', in cun-iMiK'ii, o nl lliu vt.lu nl Jlr ll.ill.is mi' Ihi- l .ir il bill, ami thiit he w;is ''!) lluiir al i j i . - ,, , 1 ,e height uf 100 lent. 11 is Irnis.; w.is ' lin ,iten- ' ed wilh ilrelnic.luiM ; it was only saved hy tim j "H'-d Klri'iilliiiliS exciliims on llu.'.pnil oi :1m li ,a ; ciiueim iiosinst ihe fury anj uiaducsd of a nuS ciioiiioi-pii i), nieii ut iiiw nwii party. v. ! The (iaiitte of iinttiriiay nays : j W c hud hy ypsiirday's mail no roof rmition I "I' the icpnricd nlteinpt In' iiniltiist Mr, Dallas's j In 'Il so, . I'ruliiililv tin: mivcis iiiid nthiTS oliifai. ed in huriiing him in 11 it: V, in.iih; threats, bill were prevetiicd hy met) vt heller unit; mc ut . I'liiis tu in-iiii or ii jn re a in in or ins pnqie'iiv, is H and ciuvarijiv, a id sense.!-!' I he pen. h well as ciimuial. The j lo Will Iru u u down all vtu- once and dieordcr. ('ait M.t r's tiM'N III: Ilaviliir . a ii the ple e tiell, ii.ivl Iho N t). Tr lina II v licked him tn o , c Inree. ' hat ue mic iit larn. 'I'lin o-al, ,nt si tiiri tn;; uf ms ("iiAitt; li ui re nl a h.ns iiinveisu i ,)ic, wttii C'.iH May. ww e us a ilest iiptiun of his nl lln- exact pauicii tilaiii, t in. 1 cil aliiiul his long heard, eviilcull'y seineuli.il cuut'u.sud, and iilt"t' einiHirlersbie ln--.it.it u . n , s.inl " W'liv, yen see, :ie fact i.-, uuv of Ihn toys would have given their Itvus, tn hate ii.nl the chance In have charged the hallenes, (iiily I was Ihe lu, ky one ill griiiii' the nrder. After llli! old 1 1 1 . 1 u gliVH.I he nnier, I Mide ,lnn ii the rn id, my mi'ii (nliow.iijr cnur.-e, wliern wo met Italgely ; he bi.u- d away ami h-t me pas-s, ,-inil just rude over the u'hiis, ami tint is all about it." Ma. l'.niion Mr. Ahi-riiathv Miys Consuuipl ion is 't'utielcleB of the "lai'li'jjs ; "it llieo are hosl, .1 and ! ihe Luiii, oi,e-wi-e Holln-I, the paln-nt niasl iret I well. h i laily tleiiioiihlrnle'l in Ihe r.ee ( I my fin nil K. Ilaiicm, Em., which has been lully sub- I I simulated by Mr. W. P. Church, where liiborelec were cured hy llm celelir.it .-d ( lirmio I hernial liein. edy. I i,( lor Taylor's Geiiuiuo Halsani ol Liverwort, n, ml" at .1 1 o Mnivery, with Dr. Leeds j hl'iii.Iiihi til tin- wrapper, us there ate mmiv eouiilerleiiH mul un. itiitions ) This inr-t should he known lo every one predisposed lo iitieclioriM of Ihe Thruat, Che-t, and Luiijrs Also it is a sure reiii' ilv for Asthma, Oonedis and Guide mid enn he rriv. n to the iinwl ilel.eulB nil.int. Surely such u di.iaiveiy will not he nrflec- ted hy the pnhhe. The D'-ci.ir ha.-, any ipiautiiy of i t'-rJrTfflopi. ils of cures liom I'livMciaie. and oilers --! He ,:a'H that the clinuee ol the t , inper-il un is an lei e, plate cause for all diveuse, rod that t!i.-r- isnciual- j ly " but one health mul i.ue di-ea-,!." " The hi" of j H e Ih-.-h is iii ihe hlood ; the IuoihI of it is lor ihe In..' llier.-ol," ,,'i'ji, a. - II r For sale, w holesale and retail, by P. F. PES- ' CCD, Kuleem, N. C. It i.i imp '-.sihle for un to compress iMi( our narrow line's even n l,ri,-f allieinn t,, itl '' of the numerous euros Ih nl have been effected by I r. Wislar's Biilsnm. We can only r.-fcr to a very few as specimen of Us geueial ctlienry. A few Hays ago, a lady culled at the ofllon in fine health, looking robust, as ibnuqh she never knew m In t sickness was. To our surprise, she stated I hut until recently, she had been sick for between three and four years, with what was supposed to he Cniiwump tinn Ihrit ihe dud a violent conh, night swells, Willi allornalB chills and lever and every usual symp tom ol conlirmed Coiisiimpiimi. The result was, lhat sho became so emaciated as to pteseiit more the uj.. pearance of a skeletrin lliaii a living being- Provi dentially, she, at this liuie, heard of the wuiideilul cures performed' by Dr. WislaVs Balsam rrf Wild Cherry, and commenced uring it herself The ejTrtit was, lhat she began lo get 1,,-tier ut ourr. By de grecs, the cough led ier, Ihe chill, anil frver disap-. peured, and in Iwo inoiiths she, again found herself in perfect health. 113- For sale hy W 11, 1.1. IMS, HAYWOOD .J CO., wholesale and retail, Ualeigh, ,. ( '. ! A LI. peranus indebted'to inn indisiduully, and to j the lute Qoncerd of Kri rn & Pusim. whoso i notes and accounts wei due on tho 1st January, J 1846, are hereby notilied. that longer indulgouce' than ! ihe 15th September, will nut he allowed i and all j claims unpaid at llint June, will he put in a train lor coll. cliou. I d ulike exceedingly In re-ort lolrg-.il; int'.ans In ell, a l a elkleriieulf any claiiii duo the file I concern of ntuh and I'escu.l, or inysolf. and earnestly j h.rjjie lhat 1 may nol he under the nere-'ny i.(ai doing. I P. F. PEriCUD. ! Ila!ei)(h, Aug. 10, 1546. . 04 Cj" Sundaid copy. Bollingbrook HOTEL FOR IIC.1T, T IIIS well knowu Hotel andStahleg, now in the occupancy of Dr. John Muiije, will lie for rent from the Grit of January neit It is most favourably situated, and has every convenience of a fir $1 rate ettdbHthmtut , and s receiving a loll hare ol patronage. Any one wishing lo rent the same, can, by applying lo Dr. Millie, obtain all ne cessary information about theViiablisbirierit, and will if desired dispose of ihe Furniture now in use. Fur teriMt, apply or address JOHN V. WILLfOX, ANDREW hfE VAN, Trusteeilif Bollingbrook Hotel Ccr. -July 23, Pr Adv'i f2". et 4t IS L A TV K DEEDS Just Priu'ed, ', F&P. IAD- aT fl" iTUl. . I I' "Be? S SI I II II I Ml I j In Moore County, Ut. A. W. Jones to &iaTi;iui T. Brooks. , Iu Hillsboro', by the Re. .Robert Bin-well, Mr. John Laws, to Miss Mar M'Cnllilm. Iu Nitwf,n kc iIia lt ft.:t ,...r II . . . ' Ihmock. Eao.. Editor of tb.' TimHiNfk.t w'-i.t. . . ; Mis, Mary OuW.s, daughter f tht late titepiieu , uwens, rsij. ol tleautort county. In Milton, Alire, infant daughter f 'ignd Xa. Warner Al Lewis. r 1 Ii 0,-sng,i fouhty, on the 2nd inst.MftOewge) ' Freeland. aged 41) years. Also, on the Mm Bhrfo about three hours before Ihe death of his fatkt. Wet. aiMlul hm, only sou ol'Ueorgu and Mary Fnelaitdrt "' . OBITUARY. Newborniun." in aniiomicinn th rllh nt Tin the lata . Dr. I.AWBKM.'E V. S.;orr. oflhuiOhv.nea He was a native of this Town, and hud resided du- LtnJT."Jir?lcr ..part, of his.liuef life among u,fnd by K ' i.ss oi m temper, ms lively conversation, aud tine Htisiismiity ttad etideaerd Unnrflt ue alt. - " He graduated ilh high di-iinclion et Chapel UiH i LnIu ; and receded hie Medical diploma front iW tt 1 'liirW-Kity br IVniisylVaisa". Me wan a stia'h of atari alhjtiens, of a nicely ihsiiminataa Jilorary raste, stiittioui halms, and of uiinsunlly tarf on alVawinll for o so young. Mik eify life u as full of prsmi. Vet his seii-itivH charucler l.ol ill lilted h.ia ( nsinjrle) HI the i.ruj;eM, .0r iesi-1 Ihe trial i, or endure Ihej I'wii of il.e Hiuhl, while hh fi joile mid "lender fVama, which never nlkmeii him lo hone i.r lenjth of Have. iiiHlly gave ttuj, and as bv prematuie dvoav, lh ill VI ''1,1 out. !i:tni . iiii.'t -1 i Coiidii (.loiln i alsn s, sll heiiehi with the eah. and t 'oil, m I 1-lnihor,- 1'" BUM lor Mil III will oliu b,' the iiieco or less peinti' v . H,V'ON alito, a g the road R itei-h, A ue n i 1 1 od iieaot I i-.iei 1 1 on hand, and on WILL. PECK. 01 -1 m For !. '(( tl I cumplete set nl BOOK-BIN DEH'S TOOLS, on UH...I letrii-. Apply (if by loiter, uost uaid.) to mo Ediior el the WILMINGTON CHRONICLE. July :, 1 S I . 6 3t ii-. loju-.tiu of Isotnctf:' r,:oil- J tMy.--t-'oiiiprifiiiu such suliiecti, al are most iiiiinediately cennecled Willi House keeping i as ih cons' men. ni ol doincaiic rdillees, with the 'Modea of Warmiiw, teiildetitig and twining them ; a deerrip I Hon ol die various articles ot Kurnitiire ; a general si'cnuiit of tho Animal and NVnclnlilu subsiances usetl us Eiioil, and ih,. method of preserving and (ireparing j I hem by ckiii, ne.kiii ; hread, te , ,.Vc. By Thoe. j VV eluter, K. (1, s. ,c , witli Nines and improvement! bv D. MeiediitrileesivA. M M. D. Illusiratt'd wuh liuarly mm Ihousiiml K ;i ijra v i ti Ju.4 piihh.lied and this day received hy ii. d. TiiiiNnif, N . C. Book SI, ire. Rult-iah, Aiirusi, ).- 84" ! Look tolhc of September," JlMiingcrti of f.ollvrl. RltRMOND, VIRGINTA, ' l jl'HE nitehiiou of advenluiais is requeued to (, Grand Schemes for August. FORTUNE'S HOME still icfin- w ih pri.cs, anil ll,0J in want of I" "'' '"'ke". thr-nih whn h a foiiune iy be roalued, should ajdicsa iheir iirdcis to C- W. PURCELL, Agent for I). PAINE & CO., .Maiiageis of Lottcrtei. At which time will he drawn one of ihe most spl.'ll ll'l S. Ili-,iieever ofl,,.,-d, I'apital U0,(l0;i, and 3 el 'ill 00 J. and other pri.es umnuntitiij In over Ono Milium of Dollurs ; the Schctnc is a irnd ens and worth the liiteiiiioii of those vtho for a smut.' mm would iculw.e a loiluns. llO.OUO! 10,000! .$H),000! Grand C.insolid.-ited l.ollery, Cla.s 3!,a Im drawn on S.iiiirdav, Aug. ill), I K Jti, at ilniinglon, Dela wuro. 7'H Nos drawn. OI1HO CHPITALS I prize of jf -til, 000 1,000 1(1,000 fl.000 4,0011 1 piio of b pruus of 2S do 25 do 2b do 3,377 I.OPH l.noo ()( 400 do do do do on. Ac. Sit, W holes $10- Halves jffl Quarters 3 SO. OO- For Iho lOlh of Scptembnr. co 8(io,oo ! a of giw.ooo i 3 of 10,000! 100 of Si, 000! Grand Consolid .ted Lotlrry, (Jt iss .No 3d, tnht drawn at Wiliiimrton. Delaware, Mppe, 19, 1S16. 75 .iiiuibm 11 Urawa i;.RNI CAI'ITAf..1!. I pr.iin o )f)iH,()tlO ; ,;za uf !0,0no 6',3rll fi.noo 6,000 1,000 6011 do 20 ODD 1 do do d,. W 000 20,01)0 It), ono 10.000 Lowest three 1 I 100 170 do do do do r Prizes. Numb The I 'and S or 3 and 4 drawn (I(I y ft and 6 or 7 and 8 ISO ' . 9 snd 10 or II and 13 100 !" fvjr Another 3 INumher Prizes 40 jTf. Tinketa SlO-HaLtr S3 Qujirtera g2 itf. A Packsije of ffl: VVholes costs $3lll Less ilie price of 3 Tickets oo We will sidl priie for , Which we warrant to draw not lest than S'l-to Til Ri-k on 25 Wholes or cust of CertiCcata 319 Halves and Quarters in proportion. Zy We have every day Lotteries from t la (!6r and when a remittance is made lo us, large orsmsll, wo) will always invest in Ihe rnt popular iotttriee t,'H hand, Ttte Drawings sent, when Mnjuested. to alt who erder from us; the cash fur all Capital P(ihl can bo had as usual at sight On all le.lieui racloutng ca.b or prize tickets, lb (iOstage need re be) psid The Tickets in ihe above LoUeriea ire taeeiradi mL all orders addressed tn us Will meet till UOSt p tWtft and confidentisl atu nlion. Addreea ' j, ,, I). PAINK CO., Mtnaim i BU-bmned. Vi. i fionpso'Ss MKimco. O collfction oi- Qeaico, fcy Waddy Thompson, Esq. late , JEnvoy Ejtt.aottluiarr a i.lMinistrr t'lcnipoienrtary ef the United fctite it V'onico. A few copies of the above work received a lew days since, at the !f . C. Book fttorr, hy H. U.TUHNER. B!e!h, Jul, 3U !4t. i , , i '! I.; i - . 1 1 11 V h t U ) j f ' t ' ftM. 3' s i j si i f u n 1 1 t 'I 1! I- A' ,1 1 " ill h Wf." v I t -V