1) if r I' ll' mm WWTi- f T mo Published veary Friday, by WJCSTcCx B. OAL.ES, Editor nasi Proprietor, at Three Oollnr pr Aniinin. WOt.. XL. VII. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1840. NO. 18. 1 '.I RALEIGH. N. C. Tuesday, September 1, 1846. Falkland shall appear on Friday. We hop. , . ill coutinu. W for " " his contributions. GOVERNOR'S VOTE. V are still without full returns uf the vqte for Go- . i r. ...: UmaA fmm fBiiiAU has fveruor. uu wumiiiw , Inceived 40,021 rotes, and SiiEr.mD JI,.o4. Uov. k'.'i present majority is 8,207. RAIL ROAD CONVENTION. The following gentlemen have been appointed ll)flratcs from this City, ty th. Couvcnlion, to be Md at Cheraw, S. Con Monday. "e mn nut. viz : I William Boylan, David W. Stone, Weston K. Gales, K P. Guion, Col. Edw. Yarborough and Wesley IHollitter. . GREAT FRESHET. Ou Thursday and Friday last, there was the high- l Freshet iu the Cape Fear since (he winter of 1840. Great damage has lib doubt been done to Milts and other property, and a general destruction to all River I Crops. This destroys the second aud tliiru plantings of Corn this year. ROBBERY ON THE RAIL ROAD. Messrs. A. Lynch, of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; b. w. Thompson, of Uayneville, Ala. ; G. Miller, of St. M-sfks. t'a.; A. R. Montuomkv, of Columbia, . V,-, Ld James Taylo. of New York, have published a I card ill the Charleston papers, staling that on the 13lh ult.. while travelling over the Wilmington Rail Road, then- truuks were opened by false keys, and a num ber of article of clothing, &c. lake" therefrom. I lie object of Ui. robbers appears to have been to oblaiu I money, but iu litis they were disappointed. It is sup- I posed the robbery was committed near tV elUon. I Tliis should serve as an inducement to Kan uoaa traveller, tp b oil their guard, and it should also cause I Iks conductor, and other officers employed by our Rail Road Companies to keep a vigilant wulch upon lihe baggage care", tllowing no one to enter them, uu- lest atleaded by a responsible officer. THE TRAVELLER'S DIRECTORY. This i til. till of a pockot pamphlet of 32 pages, Tfjirch has been issued during-the pastnionth by Mr. O.K. Minor, the energetic proprietor of the Franklin Haute, 105, Chestnut street, Philadelphia. It has I been prepared expressly for those who patronize tins well kept hotel, aud contain a fund of useful infor- IsWi.u respecting the various lines of travel iu all parts of the Uuion. No traveller should be without I a copy of the Directory, and the surest way of pro tUring it and at the same time insuring one's com fort aud convenience when visiting FhiUdolphm is Input up at the Franklin House. '" "SHOOT THE DESERTER." Th North Slate Whijj" publishes the following Uitraordiuary Letter wriiteu by Mr. Clark, the I Re preventative in Congress fioui that District to one of hit coiisiitucms : Washington City, D C, July 25, 1816. Dear Sir Haywood tins this day resigned his seat in lb. Senme. He was opoted 10 a repeal of llio Tariff of 1842, and rather than vole for ihe Turitf Bill now before llie Senate, he preyed lo resign Tktciijr it full of rumors, deeply alTecim; his uitcy- rity. The democracy of your county ought lo meet forthwith, and denounce him as a imitor and burn Inn in effigy . In haste. Yours, very respecifullv, 11ENRV S. CLARK. l KENTUCKY ELECTION. Full returns of ihe recent election for members of the Legislature have been received at the office of te Secretary of State, and parlies in the next Legislature ire divided at follows: In the Senate, the Whigs have 28 member! and the Locos 12 ; in the House of Representatives, the Whigs have 64 and the Locos 36 members gietHg-Mr Whigi a majority on joint ballot fit forty two : Last yeai the Whit had a mi. Joriiy ot thirty two on joint ballot. A LEARNED PEDLAR. Soma years ago, a gentlemau who had been ap- poiuted professor iu the department of Oriental Litera ture in one of bar Colleges, weut out to Asia to per fect himself in the necessary learning for his new du ties. Not findinp all the leaching which he desired, lit came back to Germany, lioiing among the savans f that intellectual Country to find some one wilh whom he could complete his studies. There he was told (hat the most learned mau fa that department Wat a Jew, who had been for several years in Ameri ca. The professor returned, aud after applying to the Rabbi at Boston, finally touched on the object of Ilia pursuit, when, lo his great surprise; it waa the Very Jew who had been during all his absence, ped aling jewelry aud trinkets iu the professor's own Col lore yard. The pedlar proved to be really possessed of the learning which had been attributed to him, and eiuce the discovery, (lit young professor has been pursuing his studies under the learned pedlar's tuition, Villi much satisfaction. ' EJ" The New York Correspondent of the "Naliou 1 Intelligencer" furnishes to that paper a rather eurious piece of political history. He shows, by re ference to uames and dates, that the Tammany So eiely, political orgtniialion wieldiug a tremendous influence in New York, and now arrayed on Ihe Locofoco aid of the house, was orfett-allv instituted J the Federalist., and wa.long under the control of bat party, wh'iT. organized under that now dis- .Wded" appellation. i, A... CI? Jodg Kennedy, of the Uuited State. Supremo tburtdied last night. : jVet Orleani, August 'Si. The mail hikd yesterday beyond t'birieston. Caa there be any need of urging upon public at tention the7Dereiaily of building the railroad bo twevn ttaleigb and Columbia ? fjcayvn. DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRESSIVE DEMO 7j CttACY IN NORTH CAROLINA. As a curious exhibition, under the title we have placed at the head of this article, we call the atten tion of our readers to a Resolution, passed by the " Democracy of Gaston and its vicinity," on the Gill of August. It is iu these words; ' Resolved, That it waa with mortification and re gret, deep and unaffected, we heard of the desertion of William H. Haywood, Jr., iu the hour of the great est peril, and when it was not certaiu but that the re sult of the great Tariff contest waa dependent upon his conduct ; and we regard it a shameful dereliction of duty, deserving our unqualified censure and sever est judgment, and we esteem such sickly sentimtn talily and delicate conscientiousness, by which it is assigned Que? e alleged 7 Eu. Rko. he was gov erned, utisuited jn all public men for great and nio viug trials, and undeserving Ihe reliance of a pure and just people engaged iu the reformation of great na tional errors." Now, in the latter part of this resolve, we have a certain thing spoken of, aud a certaiu assertion made concerning it. Let us consider the subject, and what is asserted of it. The subject is " drlicule conscien tiousness." What is conscientiousness? Dr. John son defines it to be, " exactness of justice, tenderness of conscience." We shall assume, in the exuberance of our charity, that the Gaston Democracy did. not mean lo condemn " exactness of justice," and take it for granted, that they referred to " tenderness of -.M, .-I...,,.. " r.molincr lha fllilhft. " delicate. M E I what the Rhetoricians call a pleonasm, since no one ever heard of a tenderness that was either tough or coarse. The subject, then, was " tenderness of con science." What say the "Gaston and vicinity De mocracy" concerning it ? Why, that it is " unsoited in all pvblic men, for great and moving trials." It is not unsuitable in' all men, but ouly in public men, and not in them at all timet.. . Tenderness of con science is a. good thing, or, at least, tolerable, as a companion for priiatc men and may, without just offence to " Gaston and vicinity," regulate (Aeir con duct in all their transactions, and even in public men, it is well enough on ordinary occasions iu those small matters, which little affect the welfare of the country, which do not greatly involve public credit or private enterprize. But, in cases of emergency, when vast results, for good or evil, are to be expected from the action of public men, or, in the elegant and exactly descriptive language of the Resolution, " for great aud moving trials," eh how unsuitable Is tenderness of conscience ! Then conscience, in a public man, is an abettor of treason a blind guide, a pestilent and dangerous associate that is, if the said conscience have that mostSiorrid quality of being tender for.uo objection is taken, let our readers remark, lo a good, india-rubber conscience, that will stretch well, or to a whitleather article, that will stand rough rubbing and still be as serviceable as ever or to a veritable granite specimen of the genus, which can be tram pled upon by a party Walker, and remain just ready for a similar trampling again. Oh ! no, to tuch con sciences, ' Gaston and vicinity" take no exception I They are quite allowable, and, indeed, very useful.j in their way, on " great aud moving trials," but the Gaston Democracy detest, abhor aud deuounce the conscience of a public man, the instant it loses the true india-rubber, whitleather and granite quality, and shows signs of becoming tender. llut the Resolution also declares such tenderness of conscience to be " undeserving the reliance of a pure and Mf'people, engaged iu the reformation of great National errors" ! ! ! Well done, " Gaston and vicinity" ! " A pure and just people" cannot rely on tenderness of conscience in a public agent, that is, if they are reforming " great National errors." In gen eral, they may rely on a tender conscience, for in stance, when they are reforming smull errors, but bo soon as reformation applies itself to great matters, it must repudiatc.uot conscience ere,bul all tenderness of conscience ; then, aothiug will serve the turn but the genuine, tough, hard -stretching article, that is to say, what plain people, in private life, consider no conscience at all. We wish the worthy " Gaston and vicinity" Dem ocrats would just point out, when and how a just and pur people can have any thing to do, the doing of which will be defeated or impeded by a tender con science. Are parity and justice opposed to conscience, to teuderuess of conscience to even the most deli cate tenderness of couacienco? Let it be noted, by Ihe way, that it is only a " pure and just" people, who demand in their public servants a " tough" con science a people impure and urjust may rely on a tender one ! Aud this is the doctrine of the Democ racy of " Gaston and its vicinity" ! ! Is it the doc trine of the whole'Democracy of the State ? A re the tasks assigned by Democracy lo its public agents, ucli that a mau of tender conscience cannot perform them ? We have a curiosity to know how, the " Gaston aud vicinity" folk would, with their views, provide for the discharge of the public business. A man of len der conscience is the person lo bo trusted in ordinary cases ; but iu 'igreat and moving trials" he becomes unreliable, and one is needed whose conscience is made of " sterner stuff." Rut the very same man cannot Conveniently have two consciences, nor cau his one conscience change at will, from tough to ten der, or from lender to tough. What, then, is to be done T We can conceive no plan but thin Have two rse's of public men ; let those who hire tender ness about the region uf conscience, represent the peo ple ihe "pure and just people," on all ordinary oc casions ; but when one of the " grand and moving trials" comes, more off that set aud move on the re liable worthies, whoa, "cwnstiences are fortified by a covering of buflalow skins, lined wilh whitleather and garnished Willi" slabs of granite or plate, of brass. But the application which " Gaston and vicinity" make of their doctrine is the best exposition of their meaning. A Bill is proposed which Mr. Haywood i. convinced Is unjust and unpatriotic iu principle, and will be mischievous to the Couutry iu its operation I -.a 1. .. .af.,... fA vnla fnr if )-, flf 1 KlM eonVlC. I tonfor the Resolution assume, the reason, assigned for bat eonduct to be the true on... And thereupon "Gaston and vicinity" aver, that a man who will not vote for such a bill a bill, bad in principle, bad In its effects, bud every way show, a " delicate csu scisntiousuess," or tenderness of conscience, uutuited t bint at a public roan uadtterving the confidence of a pur. and just people, aud (appalling lo think of) deserving the "unqualified censure and severest judg ment" of the enlightened, and patriotic, aud populous " Gaston and vicinily'l f But, will-the people of North Carolina either adopt I the doctrine, or sanction its application ? We opine uot. It is not, North Carolina doctrine. The Old North Stale does not understand how, under any cir cumstances, a conflict can arise between purity and principle between justice and conscience, and she neither demands nor desires of her Representatives, any service which is not in exact harmony with the most delicate conscientiousness. We, therefore, with ; our neighbor of the " Star," are inclined to think the whole " Gaslon and vicinity," altogether a Vir ginia affair. But at all events, wherever the mon ster may have received his birth and breeding it will not be received with approval or toleration, by the " pure and just people" of this State. POOR OLD NORTH CAROLINA ! Tina Uttolia of tae Conlederacy, snll. wants the school waste. She slicks toiler whigery like her rosin to her pine trees. We despair ol ever serine hi t right herself, until the State devises ome means ol educating her population. Wonder il ihey have heard that Gen. Harrison was dead yet, anil Imve not unwittingly voted (or Tip and Tyler too .'" The Wilmington Journal of llie l-lili nisi gives election rttunis Iroin many of (ha' counties in thai State, ac knowledges thai ilio Democrats are shamefully beaten.1' and says Ihat llie article communicating tins melancholy result, is pened will " mortilieation and sorrow " Ao doubt of it, friend Journal your columns display too much good 5'erise and correct judgment in regard to the best niiereM of our common country, noi to make the editor hang his head in sliame. in see his friends and neighlors voting to snsiain men . and measure, at war wilh their best interests. ' Nev er say die,' how ever, rub out and ' el 'em again. " 1 See what happy results are llowin from llie self-n- j crificing labors of missionaries in Oialieito and o;hct I heailien lands. Marion (.ia.) - tU'S. We know it is an old and true maxim, that the ! best way to deal with an ignoramus, is to answer ! him according to fiis own folly. We shall, in the present Instance, however, depart from this ancient rule for, by such treatment, the above libellous, ill uatured and foolish paragraph would be passed by In silent contempt. Hut so many of ihe long-eared tribe of Loco Foco Editors, have availed themselves of the occasion our late glorious Whig victory, to attempt to bespatter North Carolina with the filth and igno rance in which they themselves wallow, that we have a mind to handle this Alabama Loco Foco, at the expense of getting our fingers dirty. Rut, really, that j of 0,(KIO (10(1, which will answer the same pur Majar Townks, iu lhat great Town of Marion, away t pose Mr. linlille's monster Bank did, not only in up at Ihe head of navigation on the Cuhawba, should ' have found out that North Caroliira had an election this year, is truly surprising. We have no doubt that I some one of his intelligent confederates of Kdgecoinl) must have upprised him of the fjet, for he certainly I J(forerice ;Sl that we prefer a Rank in the hands could never have found it out by himself. Or, per- of merchants with a cliarler.lo a li.ink in llie hands haps, Felix McCon.nel, that sober, intelligent, cir- , of politicians, without a charier. As this (en mil IUOJ Representative in Congren from Alabama, may l'') Treasury Hank is not quite largo enough. have inforrhed him of the occurrence if he knew it. Or, probably the Major's friend, Capting Simon Suggs, heard of it, by some means, and told llie icor thy, intellectual Ossifcr of the " News." But, to be serious we will lell this piiik of learn ing and intelligence, that North Caroliua stands on too high and proud au eminence, to be reached by the dirty water of his pog-gun. Her population is an industrious, intelligent, honest people men who. are uot dictated to, and led by the no; a, ,by Dixon H. Lkwis, or any one else. A more generally well-informed community, the Sun does not shine upon. They have intellectual discernment sufficient to un derstand the policy and measures of our Government, for, themselves, and the independence lo act tile part of Freemen ! Cur. the " News" Editor say as much for the people of his Slate, and tell the truth I Alabama talk about enlightening llie People of NORTH CAROLINA!!! Wc are done. "g I us a bowl of water. Fiat Justitia. It is mournful to sec the ev idences of party servility in the treatment which the Hon. William H. Haywood, has received at the hands of some of his Democratic associates. Individual rights, the principles of justice are trampled under foot with utter disregard, in the endeavor to crush hitn, because, forsoolli, he can not, without violence to his conscience, aid lliein in carrying out one of their measures ! His past services, his former zeal for Democracy, ad are forgotten, and this one deviation lor conscience , .1.- . ( I.lat 1,1a rfinnl u inn A ' 1 saao, inusi iuiu.ci uiod i,,-. ......... I lor our boasted liberty and freedom of thought, d , such charlatans shall control popular sentiuiciit , in the United States. llilhbnrtt Recorder. Senatoh Haywood. The attack of the Wash ington Union upon this distinguished gentleman for resigning his seat in the Senate of the I 'in states from North Carolina, waa uncalled for and unjust. II he could not conscientiously vote lor the Tariff bill and did not w ant to oppose theac lion f his party in voting against it, we do not see why he coald not pursue the course he did without calling down upon him the indignation of the press or the denunciations of individuals. Of the purity of his life and the sincerity of his motives generally, there seems to be no doubt ,nh ih who know him most intimatelv. am ... ..v. 1 we think he should mtl have been visited in hi 1 retirement by the maledictions of any one, be- rati ha had failed 10 carry out the Views of others'. Mr. Benton, in his defence of this worthy Statesman, has done himself great credit, and spoken Ihe sentiments of the riht-ihinking and just Of all parties. Missouri liulUlin. SILENT HUT KLOQUKNT. In tho dreadful earthquake which destroyed 1 the city of Caracca. in 1S12. with forty thousand inhabitants, the clock of the Cathedral was s'op- ped it is supposed, by the first shock. The tower in which the dials are placed, one fronting each quarter of the heavens-, remained standing; ul. though the clock ha. been repaired and eel go ing again, one of the' dials has never been dis turbed. They still point to the hour and minute which heralded so many souls, without a mo. ment'i warning, into eternity. SisccLAU Accident When the cars arrived at Morristown, N. J. the other day, a boy', finger with part of the tendons attached 10 it was disco vered fastened in a ring at the end of the truir. On their return to Orange, the boy, wht lost ii was found. It seems that ho took bold of the car when in motion, when his finger waa caught in the ring and jerked off. ROMANCE OF FIGURES. The Treasury tables publislieJ in the Union, and copied into Ihe Lornfoco papers jrennrally, lo exhibit ilir- comparisons between llie Tariffs n 1842 and lSlli, are just about as faiirilui as its arguments. They are not to he relied upon at all. The specific, duties on the tar.li'u: '12 are by it converted into ad valoieinsol almost any rale (lint j will suit its. purpose. For iiiRtance, in ono ible j published in the Union, intended to show that the j duties on luxuries have been increased, it puts j down Madeira wine under the tariff' "f ISl'i at 5 per cent., and under the tariff of 1SW at 40 per j cent. Nmy, the real duly under the tariff of ; 1842 is 00 rents per gallon. What must he the , foreign cost of the wine winch makes nix( j'- cents 1 a gallon only five per cent ! It must be twelve : dollars a gaiion. Nmv, (lie Secretary's own re- I port show, that the average foreign eost i only , itlap per gallon. iSixly cent!", therefore, is just 1 lilt y per cent., or leu per rent., mors thnn the neic duhj, instead of being thirly-tivc per rent less. i Kennebec Journal. OFFICE SEEKING. An insatiable thirst fnr office is a very marked and general ImracteriMt ic of Aiiirricnipnliii cians. Wo have no idea that it is confined to any party, allhoiili the Democrats, jmlpin Irom the follow i hi; accounts, seem to have rat I r more than (heir fa.ir proportion of it. A writer Iroin Wah- ington, says: " This mornm"', bavin" business at several of the K.vrcuiive Departments, 1 saw a small army of o-einl.'mpii fiffh-n upokor u :iiimr at the doors of the private rooms of the Sec retajjfs. On 'he countenances of many, hope was at a fearlnl dis count. One applicant, who, w hen lie mine here at the roinuieneemoni nfthe session, expected no thlti' less than a chief rlerkship, has now expres sed his willingness to accept the situation even of a iiiesseiiger. I low much heller it would he lo tell these silly applicants fur office that there is no chance for lliem. They would then leliirn to their homes with whole coats on llieir backs The Secretaries are, however, loo polite Ihus to shock a man's feelings. Tlf y true from time to time evasive answers, until the poor wretch ''Is a place eillier in the poor house or iu the insane Asylum." Extensive I'.pi.k Mosi:v Miniiu'thrv The "official ore m" announces that, on Friday, Mr. Walker, the .Secretary ol the Treasury, is sued Treasury notes to the amount of S.ilMM'OO in $100 and in noles, and that hereafter, nutts vj lower denominations n tll be issued urobablv !!f5 notes. 1 Iiiib we already have a na honal ooverntiieiit liank of i.silte to the amount giving us a general large nioneyciirreney for ex- change, out a small Dill currency lonrane, ir.rvci farmers, and mechanics. We .tongraiulalo ho adininialration upon this high practical compli ment it navs to old Whif orinciiilcs. All the t we snail nave, next winter, a twenty or i million monster. A. I. l:.epre.!s. ANOTIiF.lt FACTORV. The Colton Factory iit (he High Shoals inlhis county, which wc mentioned simiio tnonths no as being contemplated by John F. l'iiiler, Esq , of our town, is now in full and successful operation under (he management of Mr. S. I !. Turhylill. The yarn is said to be'ot a superior iiualily, an. I the factory turns olI fifty bunches per day, at (his time. We wish the enterprize that success which would warrant its enlargement alan early day, as capital is not lacking. Lincoln (Sonner. Movtirf.v The Mainmorts Reveille men tions one incident roniioclr.l with the history oj Monterey, in Ncuvo Leon, which is not general: ly known. The streets ol th it city were paved by American prisoners, taken by the forces ol (Jen. Airedondo from Mina's unfortunate expe dition of 1810, ami cemented with their blood TllRse ho had nobly perilled (heir lives to obtain the independence of Mexico, wore 'ta ken prisoners, and after being kept at hard labor on Ihe streets of Monterey for months, were ta ken out and basely shot, by order of the govern ment. There is hut one survivor of the expedi tion, Ihe senior proprietor ol (he Reveille, Irutn which wo obtain the facl. A writer in 'the National Intelligencer Kayp that spirits of hartshorn is a certain remedy for the bite of a mail dug. The wounds, he adds, bhould be constantly dallied with it, and three or (mlr dufCS MM(.,i ln kMi inwardly during, the . . , ,i;,y. 1 he hartshnrii ileconiposes ctietnicaiiy me viros l.lli,m)a,( mu,.K wound and irimisdiately a(er(( a)(, ,,uslr,,vs j,N dcletermusnr sr.. The writer, who lned in Brazil some lime, first tried it for the bite nl the scorpion, anil found that il removed pain and inll.iiniiiatioii instantly. Sub sequently, iio tried it lor Ihe bite of the rattl" snake with similar success. At the suggestion of Ihe writer, an old friend and physician in Eng land tried it in cases ot hydrophobia, and always with success. CASTING OUT DEVILS. ' The following story is credilcd lo a French paper: Last January, a rich hypochondriac in the north of France was persuaded by his frionda , 1 ' I , - I .1-1 H'l 'e was Oewitcneo , dun, repairing to 111s pt.y- 8,c'an- "imced (hat he had seer, seven devils j J'"' seve" ? sa'd ll,e (loe",r- Bevcn' " 1 " ",L"11- " "" , " : malady was mental, went lliriiiigh with a formal 1 examination, and promised (o euro him in euven j m,.ml.nl , Jail, or lor Ins delivery to me m-ur day, driving one demon from his body every j (,.naiisville. halso brrwaru, all persons liotn Imr moriiing, at 20 francs each, with (he exception of 1 M,,,11S ()r hirinij sanl slave, as I will enloico the law ihe last, to overcome whose obstinate tenacity 1 was wortli forty francs. The hypochondriac con sented, and the next, day was eubjc-cled t the action.of a machine, novel and formidable tu ap pearance to him, and received a severe electric shock. He shrieked aloud ; (hedoctor said cold ly, one has departed." The same operation had been performed six successive days ; and when the seventh came, die patient waa warned toaum mon all his courage for a contest with the chief of ihe band, whose resistance would be .tremen dous. The doctor then prtn ecded to give linn a hock which laid him sprawling on the nisir.- Gayly recovering himselfi I am cured 1' he ex claimed, paid the price agreed upon and went his way. ! Moral. Answer a fool arconhno to his folly. Thb Largest kind knows. A late Volun. teer, writing to Louisville Iroin the Rto Grand) , say that the mosquitoes there " can stand flat footed upon the ground, and without difficulty drink water out of a pint tin cup." Dun On the IGth insf., nt llie residence of her father Joseh Hulsey, Ksi., in Tyrrel County, Mrs. Surah I J., consort of lr. William II. W id Charlolls- j vllle, Va. In the ileuili of the dei-a-ed, society has 1 sustained an irieparnhle loss. Young, beautiful arid arconiplislii'd, she had but just entered Ihe threshold j of life, sifrounded by all that could render her posi- j lion agreeable and happv. I " : ' I ATTENTION WAKE CAVALRY! ! JAHADE at the Capitol Square on the fir t oaturtlav in Seniemtier msi., Armed and I'J- quipped accoidmir to Law, in Snmnirr I'liidinn. i Uy order. J. W. D II I TCHt NG, (. ' Sept. I, l1fi. 70 H hereby given to the HonnraMe, the rnMting t General Assembly of tlio State of North t 'aiohtn, that applii-intim will lie made t'i Ihul l,,,dv to rnianci- i pate t.'lierrv Malone and Edmund M.ilnne . JOHN MALONE. i llalcigh. August 20, I M Hi. Vtl-Tn I SHORT HORN DURHAM BULL. BjTjHE Subscriber oilers l.ir sale !,is vplendid Hull, s-ih Ifnh lit v . Me was tlmv veu.oU in M iv I-.: ! j l olor red and white, supposed t, wh.'Ii l.ttn n Imn- i dred. gross ; CaKrd in Dutchess Comity, !cw i oil, ; ured by the imported Hull I'mr e Albert. A u;;u-t r No of Cultivator, ISlo) Gcnlli ineii dc-i of impiming their caltle, have now an opportunity "t ' doing sn, allcmlcil with much less riurii'p or ri-k lb in nioi urins urn: fn.m the North, fits i uhrs from cnminim cows aio reiu irkatdy lnre and line. ! Tor liirllier )iiiinuhirs, oihlre-s the Subscnbor, Watson's Diidge, .Mooie County. N. C. C. CIIALMKHS. August "2.1, I S1G. Jt -Vw MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF OjTtllK Antiiial Cnursu ol I. Ill I T I! KS in ibis eJL Instiliitioii, will coniuicnce on the sccetul Mon duy in .Ndveiiihert upon lire lollnwir, loaiichot : . A TD VI V, l.y J. I". ll.ii.niiiioK, M D. . SCKtJKIIY, by K. Guikinos, M. I) INS I'tiTKs i.in ritACTICL'.hyS. U- Dut.. sos. M.I). I'MYsltlLOG V. by JiMis Mni'LTnis. M. D. M TKIilA MLDICA, by Hi.sMt l(. Faosr. M. I). OliSTI' TIIICM, l,v Tu om s (i. Puioini', M. I). CM KM IS THY, by C Sin iaiih, M D. I) i:lUNsTJ! A TDK. Si Jems livsir.r.,M. D. The Dcmonstriil.ir's npailniei't has iircnllv been much improved, and will be opened on tlio first t '. .November or eailicr, under the immediate dilu tion of Dr. li.iviT.el. CLINK'' A I. INSTRUCTION Will be delivrreil at Ihe Marine Hospital, Alms House, a'ul (.ollige : Hospital, n, which the Students are adnriin d. Students have access to n valuable .Metlic.il 1 .ihrary. I -Gmnl hirriidintr, cm lie- . i an. id at hum iI.ilc and a. hull toJutir dorlurs per week- S)('cimeris,in i'atluilogirul Anatomy, anJ in Na lural History, will be ih'inkfi'illy recenrd. For further information refer to the Annual Cir cular ol the College, or .breel to Hi;.M;y It. FROST, Demi. Ghirlcslon. Atisu-t 'U. - tl!l Leather! Leather !! T. A .. lVIM.l, Old Sheet. I'i tershurg, a., sre now rei c ivma their Fail Hindu ot Leather, u ml other iirlichs. in tin ir line, cotisistina iii pail ol Oak ntr ii . vaiious ipialilii s I 1 1 Ml Mil l( Will I. 1 f. A - K i.i.n's Fii l i ll and other Cali- Skis. Ciet.ii l.itirini Lii i Mi nd Ulsinio Skins, L t "(.mid i o, K i r, i, nil km Is Minn. Tlllll.AO.Ac. Sit:. Ar. Ileitis cnlllldclll they cull red i slow lis any other Mouse in ibis M.nket, thev lilMte j dealers viiinin reieisiiui; lo jnc I'iciii 11 call. All unlets promptly 'illed. I'elershlll.r, Aug - iifi. 70 tlp E,llash, PUT HI. Nil l fliCi, AND Nash & WoodlHHise, j i:u;ii,tjod, vii:hIi, V I I. VI i; their I'slahll-hlio Ills in Ihe nl.ovr 9 J named nbtces, upon a vrrv ;r' srid r.rh timer I siale. They keep on hand nt the two Minns, I rom lirrnti to J'orti I'nn-t I'oUr-s, varying in price ami I'nitsh, from the phiinest liml 1 Inspect, up In the richest ami most co.-.;ly, all of nhnh are elh-nd up m trial, sul'iecl to be relumed if n-l 1,'o.id, ami upmi terms nol only as favorable ns at Oilier Dsiiihlishmeriis 111 l'etershur(? and liichinozid, hut al.o as low as thev can be had in any ol the .Northern Ma.iictn They have been sellini! these Instruments lor Ihe la-t ten vears, and, whilst upwards of lour huiulnd have been sold, not one in nil ihut nuuiher bus proven had. Their Kail Mlonk of liool, 1'i.ino F..rles, Ac., has heen pun hased upon very advantageous terms, and nil thai is a-ked is a fair trial. Aiisusl 1 H 10. 70 wlw The Standard, iMnvillu Hersld, Wiitrenion j Keporter, fireeiisboro' Patriot, M1I1011 (;hrouicle and Ifosnoko Republican, will please copy 1 limes, and forward account to F. I. NA.sll, l'.i. i-hura . $10 Kwvard, ANAWAV from the Suhsniher in Duplin County, iibout the 20th of July, J O II N .Y i UllOI.As II Ii F () lih. 0 bright Aluliilio man, aged ahoul forty years, stout sod 1 hiinky built, lias a good countenance is lond of li.pn T, j8 I'nck i...... I l! ,.i.m, l,v tr,i1n I, ..s w fo k eil a I 1 1 e trade IMCI OIIU J l-ir-l "V. .-J , - . - ,. , ,. ,,.,...,, ,,, When he left, he bud g bail n ()h(; 0(.,a,iP, u bum. lie will no doubt try to pas a. benus free, hut l.uv,.. purchnsed his fieedom some time years lirs, I will .1 liovn reward for h i ai prehension and con- aa-jiusl all offenders. William moiihey. lfenansvi'lc, Aiu 23, IHK. ill-:'.! Dealing with Servants, I' is wilh sorrow I htve to snv, lhat some per-ou 'or persons. In or nenr Kaleih, are doinu serious injury fo soiff anil doily ol toy 1:10.-1 vaiuanie ocr .iiui. hy habitually fcclhiin him intoiicaling dunks. It is. therefore, wilh ihe hope of pulling a stop to smb. an iiisuHcrable evil, that I now give public notice cl my j fixed determination lo enforce the laws of the Stale i SK iinst the first violation I can prove, and hereby I oiler a lieward of Five Hollars, to any one who will furn th me wilh such proof. As ihe si Ibnir of lnuoi to Slives is done c,elly, I deem it perfectly hunora hie lo promise secrecy abo 10 my informant, of what ever color he or she mar be. who will fcive me the name of some while person, by whom I can ceilniii- : ly prose (he selling of liquors lo either of my Ser- vtnis, or lo any other colored person, gettin; it pio bablv for them. WILL: FF.CK j Raleigh August 23. 6'J-3t. 1 TIMS J;it piiblMird tlc (Iilrrl vol' Ulllfof lrk'ir IHjK'nl, commencing wnh the :!d vol. Dmorctu and Ilsttle's Law, and the "lid vol prirroux nnd Hnltte's Equity Ueporls, nod cornlnding with'lhr fuh vol of . Iredell's Law, and .Id vol Ii. dell's K'jui'y Kepbrts in 18-15.,; All ordor3'ailJrtsscl lo HhNRY V. TURNER, Raleigh, N C. fepterd.er 1. 18 lf. 70 SQriJUi'SNew Lottery office. I'olorolmry, Yirsinia. !k&XZt& Ci !shi -Mssiat... si'hi:nio st iir.Mfifi : : : A T ITlNTIt i. ! -'Adventurers ,-re remiested to no lii i- 1lie following Splendid Schemes for llns monlh. Those wl may wi.li nhtsiii Vnim 'lVlu-U. are m l iled lii apply peisomlly, or by letter, to the Subscri ber. Uni t forget H. N. SQI'lltC. Rstik St., l'elerbburg, Vs, Or.'itid ' 'o'i . i'i Uird L.ut, rv , Clsos Xo. Sft. to h. dnu' n at U rhmiiioii, Deuwaiii, Ssliiidav, Stpicra her. I'tli. ! It. 1 pi IO of 1 .1 1 do :!:. nro -Z itntl N.llt'tl 1 prlr.n of Jfi.flnO I d.. - 4,1111(1 1 do 3,:i8l 21 ..,--s ,. xl.v.'in, r , Ac. V.i-.. I I dr nvn. Tiel,M?l II ,U.-s K.'i-ljiinrirrs f 2 f0. Cwt ot I'aiknce M Whole T ke'.t -ot' J.e-s three Ti, li.-is r,iu-M ,,,, ;!0 "i0 00 Wariaiitcd t.n'.riw, lit) 50 Acttnil tik on pucksk'e i t Shares in proportion 11)'.) 60 C.'nnid ( 'nrisnl nliil nl Lottery, ( 'lee .1 7, In bo dnwrt nt ihiiitiioii, 1 N 'law aie, Snturday, Srpt. 12, IS in. I pn.u 01 I do 1 do tiill.flno H. oiO :i.iioo rs No... S pn.et of 6 do Ac. 1,600 Ac. I. drawn. TicltMs III Halves : (iuariersS2 50. Cost of I iickiiito of Whole TukrU f ifiO l.r -s three Tn In t. jiven in, 31) 2t0 flf) Watiauted to disiv, 127 f)0 Actual risk on. seksje of whole tickets, HiitrcH in ptoporlion. sM.ooo, Grind l'ntii -Ik! tied Lniiery, Class Z9, tn bodtawn nt Wilininio1!, Dcl.iwuie, Hstuiday, 28th Heptem her, ISfr.. 1 pn.o of T J-. 1 do ' ft:1n,(!iUi i:,.ilin 7. Mm I priie of 1 d jr.,ono B.OOO ofl piin s of I 0()n dollars ! 7S "Nob., n drawn. Ticlirls $12 Halves (1 Ljmirters 3 (.'est of I'aolisife ol Whole Titkrts, $'JI2 I.i'sm three Tickets given in, 36" J70 (If) W artrmtcd II draw, 12 6ft ActusI risk on Valiaro-, Mun s in pmp.iMJn!:. ?U3 40 e )' 1,'emernhrr, 111 purchssiri( by the package, I always give 111 three ticket. I have e cry dtiy Lnitrnet linm 1 '0 f 20 , mid when a leiniirin, 1: is innde tu me, bire or rmall, I will B- i ays invest in 'he tnul tfOpular Lnliane'l on band, . The dmwii.es eiii, when ferpres'cd, 10 nil whoonlef lii. 111 rue. The 1 sii for nil t'apnnlt cso IO bud at silil. On ell leilers eneloiO(( cash or pnr.e liekois, ilie pn-iiiLo n"eit not lie paid Tickets in thu shove I. iiieiies are received, and all oidM sddressetl in ins vi!l incut '.hr! niosi prompt anJ confidential nneu'ioiu Ad liess 11. N. syuiHH, reieishijrjf , Va "( ; he at ha in; a Tivs Tn" HARDWARE. IN cniilemplalion of a chance in our P.n ine.s on Use 1st of January, nun" be 111.: snmoiis lo reduce our slorlr a mnrh o J - possilile by Ihal lime, we olfer jt st . wlioleaile ai a very small advance upon the importation cost for cash, or approved Town Aeccp tames. Country Men hunt", ore invited ti eismine oof Mtoi h, when they will lie romrincerl lhat they can buy lower from us than in New Vork, or elsewhere. Our Mock is enliiely new, our Foolish (ioihIs are I111 por e l, sod the ijreAter part of lliem recently received, coiwistini! of all ailicles generally kept in our line. We hive a tine lot of M1U4U and. Doublo Danal Guns ol our own importation, which we will ollcf at liliptecedented low prices. L LORRAINK t CO. f-ycuniuo si., Reteisburij, Vs. a u-ti-t ;. lHin. oj Notice. fWO nil whom it may concern, be it known, that K nt the next iieriiir Court lo bo held for the f 'oiintv of Wsrri n, at the Court house in Wurreuton, I shall lile a petition in said Court for leave lo eman cipate the following slaves belonging to me, to-wit t IJeucy sud her two childicu, Willis in aud Addison. his THOMAS W GREEN, mark. Aiifi"! I'!. 1 11 1'. R 6t mit l ill r (jaili U I LL sell in Ihe Cuuit House, in Hemlcrfort, Ml the first Monday after Ihe fourth Monday in September next, Ihe following Tracts of Land, or so much thereof as will satisfy the Tax due, as a doublo Fax lr lell, and thu cuulLuyeu! ejpeiises of said Mile U Myei's Heirs, on ihe wnters of Mills River, 603 Acres, valued ul ftf. i.:'i-Tai. nM 1.0. Mver's lldis. (no "c-, valuoj ul 1 50, On (he water,, til I'lur t 'reek T, ! I H). Mver's eii., Acres, ou llio wafers of Clear C'Uk' I LIVIN(JTON, fsberilT. Henderson County, Anjo-t It '"Id. - OS w6wp Notice. LL persons indented tn me individually, and to the bile ('niiccm of triTH & 1'iscl 11. whoso noies and ai counts eie due on the 1st January,. IS III, are hereby notified, thai longer indulgence than the laih Srpieiuber, n-ill not be altuwtd ; and alt claims unpaid si lhat time, will be put iu a train for colhclioii. I d.slike exceedingly lo resort to legal means 10 effect a settlement of any claim due the lalst .,,i'n nl'Nlilli anil I'rseit.L nr mvsell. and earnestly hope thsl I may nol be under the necessity of so doing. J. V. I'ESCtil). IIalei8h, Aui. 10, 1SIC, ii ! Li s. ft in Hi !. 11 !'7'iis.

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