RALEIGH REGISTER. Our's are Me plow ar dtlightjul peace. " Unworp d by part rage to tip, like brother:" RALEIGH, N. C. Friday, May 7, 1847, MR. WEBSTER. Hon. Daniel Webster Snd Lady, left this City on Tuesday morning last, for Wilmington, via Gold boro, after having spent three day with us, and ho Ting been waited-upon, at the Executive Mansion, by many of our Citizens. ' ' Previous to his departure, the compliment of. a which he was cWpeOeTtolJetae.-'rropos dener in this paper. ' '' "... nonm tfiu A UUESTION. PUBLIC MEETING, ' Iu pursuance of a recommendation from the Board of Commissioners of this City, the Intendani Police has called a Publio Meeting, " of, tby: Peopl generally, of all parties," on Saturday nest (to-mor- row,) at 4 o'clock, P. M. in the City Hall, " for the purpose of taking the necessary stops to welcome the President of the United Stutos to Raleigh, on his way to Chapel Hill,' to be present at the sp. proaehing C otomencemont." See Advertisement r , MR, WEBSTER. After the departure of this great man, we were a boutsitting down tocompoeashortEditorial,ta which we meant to descant upon the lofty talents of the Northern CHant-tie phrenological development 'of his wonderful head and the thunders, that sleep that dreamy eye and the- eloquent utterings of his tone-tie.' But the "Standard" has taken the words out of our mouth. We give it up. Our contemporary has done the thing and we must say it, 'pon honor, has done It well Bating a stricture or two, which we certainly do not approve, upon the political course of Mr. Wssstsr, but which come well enough from the " Standard," by way of a sticking in, or pareu thetically; as it were, and which we can easily par ddn we say, with this small abatement, we copy with, entire approbation'; and adopt as our ownj the handsome article of our neighbour. . At some other time, we may attempt to satisfy the " Standard," that he ought not to hold the " political opinions of M . W. in utter abomination" and that he is mistaken in supposing that "his course has been on almost all , occasions, hostile to the prosperity and interests of ' , the. South." , But not now. We are too much re - freshed, t at present", fey what Is betWe u, In the shop of wholesome viands, to be bothering ourselves . with physic Here it is : .',,' HON. DANIEL WEBSTEB.4 - The Has. Daniel Webster nrrlved lathis Cftyoa Saturday last, and Was received and entertained at until yesterday mornine-, when he left for Golda- borough, on his way South. ' "' On Monday many of our citiiens waited Upon him, and the Cadets of Messrs. Lovejoyaod I)is- . brow's School called in the morning, and theCos- sacks and Ringgold Artillerists, in the evening, to nay their respects to the distinguished stranger We learn that be made quite a neat speech to the Cadets. The Cossacks and Rinea-olds -were D re sented to Mr. Webster by Cant John H.. Manly of , the latter Company, in a very handsome and appro l prists manner, sua Mr. Webster responded in a plain talk, which was elevated in its tone and is! the best s st. , We hold the political principles of Daniel Web ster in utter abomination, and we look Upon his . course in Congress, and at the head of the leading ,'en of Massachusetts, as having been hostile, m al most all occasions, to the prosperity-and interest of the South ; but still he-is one of the great intellectual lights of the Republic, and it is due to him, and be coming in the people every where, so long as he re frains front pressing political oojeeis, ; 10 oner nim , such attention and respect as his exalted talents de e servs. , la point of Bum intellect he has confessedly v no superior in the world ; and though the doctrines , which hk advocate and the principle hi opposes as statesman, may outlast the Confederacy itself; yet the party strifes f the day will be forgotten the cloud will nans off. and the sun of 'history, , which shall shine in future ages upon the lofty character of , this government and people, will cast its ngat aiso npon the name 01 uaniei rv eosier. y MIL WEBSTER AND THE STUDENTS OF r JTHB UNIVERSITY. " A committee, on behalf of the Student of Chapel Hill, consisting'of Messrs. Dseid flirt, X. iLevi, D. Cfdnttn n&J. I p, invited, Mr,, Wa ''tm:&t&,&ti4imfy huvwsy.; tf rhich Mr. W.repHed, that he fe.l grertly honored by the InTitntion," and that on ninay nowunsuch a visit would bs most agreeabie," batthat unexpected elrenmstanees had detained him laftong, and the -easM was so far advanced, that he ws nbt likely to Ifyn time for complying with fteif Very respectful ' We regret that thifr distinguished man, who , noarcely less scholar, than a statesman and orator, . could not militlwUniverity,andskwtootir yoong Collegian a living example of the splendid success whicl aay result from, a patient and persevering , pursuit t acieac. , , , , n i i f' 1 " ' i , trjT' W are, f esurse, perfectly indifferent as .-to ant shall be the suceessful esadidite of the Leoo Fee party fa A6t Jfri for Congress.' Bat as the Convention h&i nominated Hon. J. & J. Dhttst Candidate, we deem U but justice o jpttblish Uny rMUt. eiaim it may fra P" PP1. why i should be their Repreeeatative. Wn there 1 for announce, ttat hi b 1 '-'v' 11 The few, th immortal names,-., , ,, '.'J 1'": "That wa aot bora to die." r f ..- - At the record ofhiivoU against the wisdm,ra-j JV and gallant bearing Of Gen. TYUt, ha Utted ?Vmi a perpetuity of fams that no penance an wtpvaway, r time ltei; litratv v . j g j ' y ,i a ' ; H T- KT Among the killed at the battls of Buena Vista asestWyaar f kitagt.1 He had left his hoi of i affiaeao and aaaa, with the ejepremod wbb tt Uie-in tht wrtica of hi wintry.4 -,; ; ', 1 " 4 , The "Standard" ha behaved so cleverly in ths affair of Mr. WiasTca, and has walked into our affeetiona s decidedly thereby, that we are almost willing to answer alt his questious, and eoafeas,ali our sins personal and political and the s-riewou. ainsof Massachusetts, to boot: We have a great tnind in .nil t.1 ,1V . . . " "uiBvuing now anew Air. Kaynek's unpublished specch, too. We are not quite sure but we would, IT in fact w had any thing more to say. But we will, at least, in the fullness of our heart 1 snnvea nan to the sin of the old Bay State. And we any frankly, that if ihthhi dent til th &W ri tayt she hts, she, ha conducted herself yery auaooiiy. Massachusetts, though, is a great way off, mJ u very rare antics, and we he never the wiser. We did not know that she had erer rnre. ed such horrid opinions about the War with Mexico- If she ha, however, it is a mere matter of taste about which n dujmtenetum," unless they lead to some factual result. At all events, we have a faint recollection that one Thomas H. Benton denounced the same War in a style not very gingerty, and that some felts, nevertheless, wanted to make him Lieu tenant General over all the foreeehis denunciations to the contrary notwithstanding. To our weak in tellect, it does not seem quite clear why the old Bav State ought to be spit on and wiped out, for calling tne war a "gtgtinftr crime," unles we wipe out old Bullion too, who called it ,: piracy and murder? But if Massachusetts has " withholdcn supplies" or dis couraged "voluntary contributions," or "refused by.a large majority to rote thanks" to glorious old Zc Taylor, why then we make a clean breast of it by saying, that we irowtf not have doiu so. After thna Clearly defining er position, iriH,Ui "Standard" return the compliment and define a, by saying whether old Zack Taylob is a toward and. luir, and whether he adopts as his own the letter of his correspondent, " Halifax," who attempted to prort him to be loth. INCORRIGIBILITY. The 8tajidard" errs grievously, in asserting that " there are Editors who eagerly snatch at and pub lish the accounts of the bad conduct of a few of the Arkansas Cavalry at Agua Nueva." Their cow ardice, and that of a portion of the Indiana Regi ment, would have been regretted and passed over'in silence and nhame, but for the effort to make the statement, the pretext for charging falsehood upon the Official Reports of that glorious Old Hero, Gen Taylob. That precious correspondent of the " Stan dard" who signs himself "Halifax," and whose letter is called by the "Standard," "valuable" is answera ble for the publicity me have given to- the shameful and inglorious desertion of those troops. It was to rescue Old Zack Taylor from the infamous charge of falsehood and cowardice, God save the mark! that we stated the simple facts, which the country too well Itnevf already. And, if the "Standard" does not like our course in the premises, all we can say is, we are vastly sorry. But does the " Stan dard" suppose that we that any body, who ha half a soul within him will tamely acquiesce in the at. tempt to dishonor the man who has gladdened more nearts than any man ever did in Amoricat And EBSTER !3f HfettMftWn .The Richmond Whig" give, a highly latere, ting account of the elegant Dinner given to Mr. Webtkb, in that City on Thursdav laat W H MAcrARLANo, Hsq. presided, who, on the removal ortoeclotty.jes.and addressed the distinguished guest in a most felicitous manner, and concluded bv fc'""g ue following sentiment : "Hon. Daniel Webste: Honor to the States man and J unst, who is an honor to his Country." To this sentiment Mr. Webster replied most im pressively and eloquently. We took notes of his speech (says the ' Whig"! but we are deterred from attempting to write them out, by an apprehension that we should do the orator injustice by the effort. He close.! by saying that if, at the close of his career, it'shall be written upon hi tomb-stone, " Here lies on who wished well to the Constitution of his Couu try," the great object of hi lift will have been ac come)lhthed. A Toast having been proposed to the " Memory of John MarshaIx," Mr. Webster rose, and after intimating his purpose to take leave of his friends, pronounced on impromptu eulogy, as brilliant as it was just, upon the character and jublic services Of the late C bier J ustice. We have never, (observes the Whijf;) had the pleasure of listening to a more finished specimen of Ciceronian eloquence. A gen tleman, whose taste and acquirements entitled his opinion to the utmost respect", remarked to us, that not Burke nor Sheridan could have been more feli licitous, in giving birth to thoughts that breathed, in words that burned. We hope to have the plea sure soon of vindicating the correctness of this re mark, by laying before our readers the speech itself, written out by ft ahorr-aiid which, we may add, w uui tens wonny or the itving Orator than trlhe departed Jurist Mr. Conway Robinson, said he wosld take the liberty of detaining our guest a mocnt loniier. We had just manifested the respect sincerely felt by all for the memory of Marshall. He was unwil- ling that any should depart until we had testiBed our respect for the memory of another jurist who, like Marshall, is held in grateful remembrance thro' all the length and breadth of this land whose rep utation extends wherever the English language is spoken, and on the continent of Europe. He pro posed The Memory of Joseph Story : The profound jurist one having a national reputation, and of wheni the whole nation may he proud. The whole affair is spoken of as a most brilliant and happy one. CAPT. A. R.- PORTER. Scandinavia was called the "Hive of Nations." The " Old North State" has also been a Hive, from which swarms have departed to settle the newer States of the South and West. How man? native born sons of North Carolina now (ill the Regiments from Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana, it is impossible tosny. But we often see in the list, names familiar to us, which, by their patriotism and devotion, do honor to their good old mother. A late number of the " Arkansas State Gazette" contains several articles, nrrrEiteaaasnsi "ITfsjms,, , V -a. ni'Ma mat Mill I in- m m CORRESP0NDEJct Honor. b'f H 1847. o. th.rLV !T'0f.'b iaMr U1,A. dinner to be jour convenfe 7 ' Such may suit We ar, , wil visit amont aa ff,.-i. Zi. "area yew Joing u, the pleasVrfSrer' t the arrangements made h, I ! hoPi Progrts, to the South 1 &?&'Luth O'gb fratiiloatlnH .i? t 7 Mi itkT u om the rWUrl to .n h 7M,r """I wilt afford, 4 their high naTAgf f feff 5 JAMES IREDEtU CHARLES MANLY, WESTON R. OALES, EDMUND B, FREEUtv J- F. JORDAN, CHARLES L HINTON H- W. HUSTES ' rvAA L-i n rr in tViA It i'ir ft Auf tormi nf nnA nf haa that, while the peals of joy and rejoicing yet ring in Capt A. R. Porter, who fell, covered wi.lh glory, on the bloody ground of Bucna Vista, while com- utoj mo iusi spieuuiu acnievement I it is not in our nature. We are not made of such stuff. And we assure theXStandard" that wbeneyer the author of that contemptible letter, shall again dare to cast his foul breath upon the good name of honest, SraveTgTdrrous as oest we may, indignantly, Jealously, and "toith beat of our skill, aud ability so help me God J' J , VIRGINIA ELECTIONS. TV The "Petersburg Intelligencer" of the 4th ket aays We know enough of the result of the jlate election in this State to say, with confidence, that Virginia has repudiated the administration of Mr. Pole. The Democratic majority in the Legislature has been swept away and seven members of Congress elected instead of one, a ia the last Congress. But for the loeal split in Campbell, Mr. Irving would certainly have been elected, and Virginia would have itood, in the next Congress, with a majority of her delegation composed of the right stuff. For the Legislature, the Whig gain is H, exactly neutralizing the Locofoco majority of 22 last year- n the House the Whigs will have 10 majority, in the Senate the Locos 10, if no further changes occur. nianding one of the squadrons of cavalry which did its duty. He was a native of Rowan County, and formerly edited the "Lincoln Transcript." He afterwards 8etted j Bateville, Ark. and edited paper in that place called "The News,", but amid his editorial labors, be found time to pursue study of the law, and soon rose tvi eminence in i sifwr "--filiints i'WmiI inmew i ami. IC'f j v"":u iaieign, tosjiend another dav hew, and meet them at Tubllc dinner. 7 not some delnva alnuj. i.. .. adraae of the 7ZtLl Z7.. w'" he ofpecuta.yjoiS geuoe and I therefore feel obliged to fowgoihenieu. ner Broooscd hv tm b ' I iuv th n1n . t. , Raleiak ,,Z":UW' rnnemen of reputatio,, f, heir high character SmtZ uSfS nd Profession.J men. It would have been quite agreeable to have met them, with theotheroiti-' , gensmlly; and to hav cultivated, with them ill such social and friendly feelings and regards, si be come fellow citizens of Ihe same great and prosper ous country. As 1 cannot, now, enjoy that gratifi cation, I pray you to make mv resiwct ta 1 1,..,., . you may We opportunity, and tender to them all mj auKjcre anu eoraial goud wishes. I atii, gentleiuon, with ureat ncrsonal reo-fln! Anil esteem, Tour obliged friend.and obedient nemnt, DANIEL WEBSTER. Hon James Isedku,, nndoihen "Our Washington Correspondent cay a lust tribute to Gen. Dromgoole's genius' and loVe of rmiDirjrafanaarn. , Wa that a "just tribute," also, which your Washington Correspondent" paid to Gen. Taylor, recently, by charging him with making false Offi ial Reports to the Department, thereby, calling the Old Hero a Liar f Come, now, do answer us this, Mr. " Standard." If it wa a "just tribute," endorse it if not, repudiate, like a man, and give the miserable scribbler the lie to hi teeth, THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE. The corner-stone of ths Smithsonian Institute, at Washington City, - was laid at 12 o'clock, M. on 8at- rday last An Address was delivered by the Vice President of the United 8tatca, the Ho George M. Dallas, who is one of the Regent of the Institution. Invitations to participate in the ceremonies wert ex tended to a number of distinguished gerjlemen throughout the U nited States and alas to the Offi. cers of the Masonic and Odd FellowsGrand Lolges of Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The ce remonies war of the most imposing and interesting Masonic character, and attracted to Washington Ci ty hundreds of Visiter. , , WHO abb th FRIENDS or THE SOUTH J It is well known that the Northern Loos Foco are in favor of a war of conquest In favor of acqui ring territory for the yxrpttt . of establishing rat States on bur South-western border, and, thai hemming in completely surrounding the Slav State. This is the design of the Northern Democ racy, openly avowed. IV aw, the Whigs of the North, while they are equally oppoael to the furtha extea ion of slavery, ar opposed to the acquisition of more territory they meditate no such design, upas th Instiutibn of the South as are avowed by theLocoa They do nut propose to interfere with us si all, but ar satisfied to htf thing remain aa they ar. j Wa tear it to efcadid men ta the South to say, whieh pf ths two parties is most hostile to Southern interests '"' i i. -t . 1 1 Mr. Monroe Tucker, a native of Nash Coun ty, N. C-t killed Tallaaasses on th 13tk nit ty falling from th saves of a house on which he was at wwrk. i,i i ' '? --, 'i : - r . ... 1 ' I I ' . t"1 ' ,i oy T citiiens of Louisville, Kentucky, where Coh Clay resided, have appointed a Committss to saaka arracgemenu to have his remains bronght front Bnena Vista. '' A monument Is also U1e erected to hlsaeiaor.';;; tiJ.j , as gallant a Whig as ever battled for the Constii tioh and laws, he was twice chosen by a Democrat? Legislature Prosecuting Attorney for that Judicial Circuit." A friend, who signs himself "N," thus speaks of Captain Andrew R. Pouter: ' It was aa but yesterday that he left us, full of life and hope, and now in a foreign clime and away from friends and kihdrd, be sleeps the sleep that knows no waking. To a frankness, that savored at times slmost of rudeness, was added a soul So rich in all manly virtues, so freed from selfishness, that the most crabid of the human family were forced to give him a " God speed" us he went along. He was one of Nature's noblemen. Truth, honor, and high-toned bravery, found a proper abiding place ia him. Opposed to annexation to the mad and mis chievous policy that plunged us unuecessarily into war yet he hesitated not to enrol himself among those who went tortn to sustain their country's honor, l ne ceuer was tnen abroad, that party spirit would be buried for a while at least, so far as the war was concerned none gavr into . it mors readily than the generous Porter. Alas 1 little did he dream that partisan services were to be the pass ports to favor, and that the gallant McClung, whs won imperiafciole tame for himself and country at Monterey, was to be ostracised for some inouthinc bowling Locofoco, who never smelt gunpowder save iu snooting snipes, fear lrieuu, you are gone but your memory y et lives li-esh and green in the hearts of those of old Independence who knew you. Scalding tears, from eyes unused to weep, tell bow deeply you were loved. You fell a we knew yen would fUU, if fall you did in the thickest, hot test f the fight, reace to your ashes, dear, dear friend." We observe also, that Mount Zlon Lodge f Batesville, to which he belonged, have resolved to build a monument suitable to hi memory. , Another writer, who signs himself " W. J. BP thus feelingly lament his fate: ' ? " The citiiens of tb sweet village of his late hesje. will testify to the worth of Andrew R. Porter. They all love his memory, because they loved the man; and the Sad intelligence of bis late, has ere this wet th cheek of him whose heart may b even hard to move. . .There, in that pleasant town of Bates. ville, on th shore pr the beautiful Whit Miysr, whose breexes ar aver pure (r,. ' " ' l HWkV fSCVt njVUkila , s That breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and livina- odor" there, at the hue home of our friend' Porter, wken his companion are wont to assemble, in their social clubs, methinks even memory may prove traitor for the moment, and ths anxious inquiry n-hith xt hate ofte keerdonA be repented : "Where U Porter 1" But alas I no voice, aav that ef sad, sad recollection, will answer, He bos - rougut Uiogooa fiffht" And-v has coNovssEn ran. He now ill a patriot's grave and though the Cypress may wave o'er hi tomb while in a foreign land, it is a conso lation to bis kindred and menus to know inat in LOCO FOCO GRATITUDE. The Philadelphia North American remarks : While fighting the battle of Buena Vists, on the SOd and .83d February, the fri ends ofPresident Polk in the United States Senate were trying to pass th Lieuteannt Bill, which had for its object the recall of Old Rough and Ready, and the apioiutnient ef that party hack and mere civilian, Mr Benton. What a comment is this,! When Tavlor was lend ing the assault on our Mexican foes, the Loco Foco and Tory Senators were leading as fierce an assault against him 1 When Taylor was exposing his lite on the battle-field, FicUw and 77ima and other Polk men, were denouncing the viotor of Monterey, and trying to pass a virtual censure upon him. Pa triots ! true lovers of the glory, honor sad integrity of your country, remember those things and let them nerve you to exertion in the coming political contest Let us sweep from th place they have desecrated, the revilers of our nation's bravest champions! 63?" The Louisville Journal, in referring to the politicoplnious of Gen. Taylor, emphatically says !j Wt can assure him that Taylor it by no meun a Loco Foco, and this is the reason why hit name cau ses as much consternation among the Locofoco as it r & Water ,k S 'tln&l U slresd. Mlle4u, ,:,v, 'ti Ctsoi M.na Ttefitt?n4 ' MehMsetisW.u " 7 Monttrey. M NU8w w oa u Tl 1 bnri "-IsTClhq,, , - : rMr-Afrit vr -S2'i!C.,Wl "ii saturallt. 1 had ISBTItSOf aPUth SaUu1..a. .1 r. Wl'!iJ ntt wsarr-ir.'-i. ti&jf UtlDirM - . "f nw. . bMth. r" r"' M.1.1 M,aIn Morrow to Misl ...... J ' sJ ..mil fciiT.i, - Z """."T"!. wKssn.v mouths during which timrZlZ vers. Ifteuueatlv had m! T!l5r!W7,.,,t' Usted two hour. : Jailv rafi -.if airesaUsmittef spstirf witUW ,Cett! I raised a qwt of blood statins. J 00,,, ,K physicians, all of whom did thlr w . ....J-?. gv m up j said they eouUde,, IBor, fa -mi uiust die ; It was impossible ft ne to live but short ii. Ou. ofthem saidinylung, were eon. At th s critical moment, when unineot phytictaM had exhautad their skill, Wead deipalwd of tf ltlsv me fits-ii knna Af Dk W 18f At8 iiALSAJi 7, Wll'i CHERRY Wbcii 1 hud taken one and S half bottles tbvss severs speu 01 coughing wr removed. 1 eastis ued takinc ths Balsam until Snrlna. ikia wv.. I ecase to bleed at the lungs, aiy hmlth and atnagih improved so that i left the home, but was not tilt to work for year. Now mj health Is good. J an aum ui uu aaj t wors every u-iy on niy lam. Witness, THOMAS BENNEkV For particulars see Dr. Wisfcuyitrtatlsstm Cab, sumption, to he had of the stents " mow aenmne without ths written signs! an sf If V t A l.ZKr2.rfo k" "nvoved from rim EL rT5' f! U- W Cerpt. Cant. Swift .Wai the a.a nrtJ. a t-r? W! K- Q' , Pasted at Si?lKlf ked, Chi. T.ten,1 5i'r !,em' '" Cspt. Swift V tbssntlr strvies a. onV t its prtmsstsriMswifk .', - ?i2.I2.?!WM"!n?d fc7 Government M m 'was tshsiM ihVth. K.J:-.":. 5 ! MI f MVtSi Tanda a"tttir at immsm m,..Ji: "Wi "-! i.iisi mr rnv pi sM.a e k. .1.: .1 . . r." t VZl'r? l wunaad of t W Far salt in Raleigh, whnlmslp stntj retail hv WIL IAMM, HAYWOOD k CO., sod by Pe.irt, la 1,1 Medicines geuerslly In North and Bests i'erslia, pmft-ssr.it ,- and at terly snti-locofoco in his political views is generally known to the locofocos, and on that seco'int none of e papers belonging to that party' propose him si a candidate tor the Presidency. Ou, neighbor says, that whether he will be made President or sot, "de pends on his political principles" From this we in fer that our nijlibor thinks his elevation to the Pre sidency is impossible if his political principle are those entertained by th Whigs. HE IS A WHICrd A FIRM AND CONSISTENT WHIG, AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN A WHIG, AND THt FACT. INSTEAD OF BEING AN OBSTA CLE IN HIS WAY TO THE PRESIDENCY, rVlLL GREATLY FACILITATE IT, PRO VIDED HE BECOME A CANDIDATE, Ok 4hICH THERE IS NOW . A VERY DECI DED PROBABILITY." . - Tat Tirnt H0N0n Civro of litii Hub ansa. ttisr M'dici.iK iu the Sprinir or lh vw,W UiaoVdin common sense and sound pliilosnphy. Kry eu is trusihie o( the lucauvenh-iice fiperienetd or ths r ourrvsce of a warm surllarisr t iso of eoldws- Iher. A feeling of laniiude, dtvwaluns, semitinm swimming of ths had and headsehs, lens en lulnraa sad s ricwi 01 unpirani symnsitM, sr ma grnersl results. The morbid sccnniulatioii of win let sr set luoM by warm wesihet , and float Is th circulation ot loditr in noma part sr ihe body. - Henee it it perhaps, that tipriiig Is so fatal to sossssiptivs fw llrapliriiisf fluids, theta is n mediciiw saperlof to JWis-Ar in- iian VrgttoUt PUli, ud it n slraiifty ronimnd Ari as a Snniisr mrdieili. Thms Pills set iwo the m ims tt snjs m4 mui fv. m ad-nst aa ene sari sr u Svm ss Itieal views is tenerallyliMt piltal-. "i,w: U iutm " Pl" ' l oranrtiof thrrnte v.a. wi.. " . wnmsndttt, where Uminl until he wa. w m uscuvs service WfcesihHi,,,. War. ZZZtt FT" CaptSwIfl ... ma HatiTvaMin anti waSAMtrwed SlTrT"rff f m? MtJw"lif.S wv I own till deeply depltrs hit Wi and when STE?:W& Wrtghti sndTotgwUi, havs " ir -Tm u 1 ,B'"W! a Shrntnc mark." ISisi H.. (tarfwin. 1st ballad &UM Drigwno. Th tnsasei itwi 1.11,. w.. ...i. . ..- LIr ,"ry, is as wetfon vftth th sswuvk Mwamwm. hi iks4s iseb srasi 'lk ass . iniWillssVsMISTsvaaaaiis... ih. ...iiTi. H part ia the nvvioas ea Hwst,ssyhweliiMis aud hrtresktliv hael iiwsWd esiraas is his men, who wer ready to faJJ lowshWtN-thiekrftlwftghl,". ' A-uBar,Csl. Burswis e s alpllsrl.i TT!HS'?'' " " duty, audi hvSMkMiat. ussanUlli. nS wua..L j wisdiasest hnmea, ike lev of MebMrthef elAeM. Md fo r-Piet of his auseness. A warm-hs.rt.d mu mnmmm mm, wetous sad laleslsd 1 10 sse. 03- While the Locos in Congress wet raising their storm of abuse against Gen. Taylor, ty laid he was a WHio,andbeinguch, heoiiguioOttoooro mand our armies. But now that h ha won th battle otBuena V'uta, and the whole eountry i ri. sing in his favor, they (th consisttnt jewel!) itny that he it a Whig, and claim him a on of them! THE CHANCES QF PEACE. We saw a private letter from a very intelligent officer at Vera Crus, dated the JOth Instant, la which u .1.., .r th States of th Mexican uv . - .7.,- i.L ,1. ITL confederacy have aenounoeu iue ted States, and threaUned tj seced unless pacb .. M.tnana nrediotad a peso Within sixty days: but pur corresiraimuurar j,u in iugurieiso .u. .... r . ncAi-e-U the fact that Santa Anna is so nearly erusaea irnw 0 1 "-"," treaty. Nor does there appr to be any on else in Mexico strong enough to iucwtheresponsibimt. ' it!t :.i.. M th. Stateef Vera Cru. siMlng at Jalapa, was saw to o o, ""- " T.lLrt npen the propriety of making a dependent k must ha driven forth, 1 Beware of CouuterWts of all kind ! Some srt eosird with sugar ; ellisrv sr msdr to ruM-n.l.k Hitward anpeartuo lusri(iiialinrdiein lwf. sal oeurss , le purehaaa from lh rrgulsr sjp its . y, sue ar mors of whom may he found is tvsjy vfl. l.n and laws iu III United Sulr I v VhsSuluc'ilawi' ths sol Agent for lb )W sf Ojisbe.sPillsillRl'gl. ( - , ' - , W.D. TURX B. I IWREA6I.NB EXCITEMENT. ' M.rn, r.k.ri.,v Xtndfi anti. irilt OVi HEALTH HBSTOIIA'l'lVE PILLS a I sold 'ihs aaa he sasily mssufaclured. sad th Mt- aufito is that t (rest dwrsas ia lh prVliki of BIUUUS v t-' 0 vw.ni Kfti 11 1 si i katm aiwamitly manifwtsd every .day. I'M u -li.oeeof this me dioio h mads It pnuulsriAns jB part of this Htmuphtrs, aud it now lookU p. 'XiX.POR'IsONSnr ths BOuTff AND vfcjT for ths diiwasrs. sharaotarislic ol which parts ot Ihe AOliatrV iU CVSATIV anu rssvssTivs rsorssTiS) srsi ...tuulartv adahud. - Ws sfli-r (lira Pill 10 l bit r'.zr . .....J.... .1 1-i .1.1 iousljr isclisss inoiviuuai omj P'T"7",i"'(i4-mBhiu hf sifld pi, sathsnie iw urf ... - mmm j lh J !f l" ,Mm . wilh ,aeh - rw, ssawa irem ms itw Mdisnl tear ?V'J es lbs servlo be a naoh atovsei : ttr se k, hlm "7J "v "'"waise.aBS HI iulrfriiy sad silHsusl heaat hv ihi,a hint a wrL.i....a ty siiMkg sis many frads, wh. eeeply lameat hiJtisi.lf ban, ' - . . A. U. vovniiba I9IAILK0M OF MONEY. wMohth.a..' w can navs vy avsefiMsg It, and thil'WwoKwaiL- r t'"ghi way JH4T It, snd paying fer 17- . PUBLIC MEEriNO. SMOfihme with a ieeiamir.diiinM ta. ikt JL HrftlisCsiansisatsasas af tha:tiy uf Kaklglu sad v stall, sf sH latrAat, sis isauettsd tat asstiA) sn Msiimisy nsti, st i,elnrk, P. M In ths Ism ildt, Air ths mrsoas f Hkrmj tb nsess ssfytp t wssssssw ass Frssskat ef tba Danad WsHS ns n, on ins wsy if vnap run, 10 be srsasisl ths pprokhing Cmenosront of I ho Univnlty. - - TliseanlsorWskVenlyr HwpSeifsfiv is sited siisihI and lak part bftbs rnaHing." Trst, VALiiAf MA I WOOD, -Msl. 1 v ' Intsndant. vNiwofacauy, Slid finally, from 5? 'dEATI IN ITS MUST PREAPFPL FOBSt ' It ) afTortd to families, lo Millers In di-taut rqioni w bar changes . shsssw iw " rf " " Vt; J Copartnesbip, ,.; Till SqssolbMbWilrWIat ssanrlaled with hlnf tr.-0.-f) WlinspSi to ihs Ptug snd AuotbMry pstis, onosrin mm 01 . . fttntt &9hnui ThflilbserlSef Kills hW oecasios tn rstum Mr ' sl.fi aeluiawMaiaMaS IS hh ft lends sal esstonf Ih, tv'tbe litl rRt konUixo tn4d t Mnjnd s)tein1br st nn rs ssnUntsM sf t ft) highly Msnfltsl.Rit w mm oaeiiwss, as Vile ntS SWSM SBStBS ISIS Sjoawen aw wtitu asssn. pslilMtM t snd hv hopes attsss- 111 f r mneiwHW, w.ti nil aiw Ihshr indslHsdsesS. , " - p. r. rescuD. javKIMf. '-' (sads.J.) ar .k. ...b whan livr somsvsjtt srs alstatl trssril (I 9 ft 1 iul moruttini u sw f"" pw r."-r - d asss '" d HMW Pf " Sf '1 1 .. - Ths Stat of Zacatscss as aewarw. Laurel is hard by which sends an uicenii of glory after ths slain soldier; and ths snsfrss of . which spreads a healing Dalm upon tne wounaea neans 01 the bereaved. When his remains srs bronght smoog ns, ws will tnark ths place of hie repass ; ths Olive shall take the place of ths Cypress; a few mors scald ins: tears shall be poured Out ; and 1 then ' shall hs rest As has bsen said of ose wU suit s liks tats, permit n now ts remark sf otiririsndPsf- tsr, that, if hs wss not th -noblest turnan or UemalL'few will deny that in hiss , . r . . Wer ths elements - .,.-..,.. 80 mined, that Nature might stand np andssy T all ths world-rtBis was a sua.' , , , x v. 1 1 it'-r- Tub uccnss Election The- slcct km on lh" scwliurrtif "iu tntm w. no, licensw," was heU in ho towfta f iMew york W Titcssfay. a Tnw rs turns iwitcatn that 'Iwrs hs bssit a swarrsi j ehitngs liirmighoui ths State, nlitnMt tmy tswit giving ft snsjctritf is faswr U licow, - -" - ARRIVAL OP THE SARAH SANPS. . maas aiVEinst. ' TWO The steamer Sarah Sandsi Capt Thwpssn Sf rived hurt evening from Liverpool whencsbessilnt o.4b lh sjIW- Shs ri8 4-Jeftbin IS3 second cabin do, ana n sonsuw.. of specie. "..',, . 4i W-'i-Ato The new is of no great Impertsno Ths g ; .. ......... are but sdvkns, , - Brasdstuff. were steady snd tations Baltissers onr 38. Obis.ws, uol U Jed eotto. 1 L is 4 4d Mobil, and New Orleau pnehsngsd. , tsrg. Muffs,. Wsstherfsverlsfeharv- X0 poUtical sr gensrai w l!:!1, .. . .nr. and Weedv lW IWS BUM 1 XSy VUBTFUL SHAPE, snd Hi BlSrf DPMPnV for liver comolaioUj, U. BWOi NESS, W ' " v '''', y . '7... . 191 K.illnalt.. ili F.I Wv ATT k KiTCHAS, i r u..os te-rrf V." ... a .... ..J IH sasf W rrs to; .r;;.;'.;,;,.!! .br.-ghr.tv- f " "I"-. V'VL. o r Aa. i . tuHtd "lalaS April 17, Pries 34 ssl psf tll ibroughW Mfssi a?:. i .1 HHPS, sirieily prist P. Ilieo utf, ' II du. msdlum a.ialltr. ilo .. . . . I M., . ll.tf .... us Ujirfrhv t;ranHj ai.a rmvsnseu oaiar t U,k Wo, H, HA.TJ, do. M 0( best Oovsrnmtnl Jav ColTs,' ll do dtf. Hist do. an imt snd whll I.sguirs dev Idiperiai Ounpswder, V. Ityson.snd Black Tsas, M asekSEis to sui; f'' ' accommodating miss tl ' f RERI'ANIT dt HALL. ' ' So. ( Llsbt St. wharf. ' " " Bsllimors.' RVf(o W. M, Oslss,!! V i.litf..- 7 'Tt f.f.rrr;.,.! , pR WOOU st 8ARSAPAIKI-LA ... anS AMAr SITW . .. srVs-sg from .0 mpun 2?Xi3KXr. uaaHawtir tVrformhii :SrooW-r-i .frr mv ...w --- -- - -..j ...,.! .um. tt Poo an lUli T Troo eases if led sd T?TZjimoi lv A... At IDS MIPl iww"". r , mr7lArooio. laeiidiee. Uh ooi gWi ai al disorder, d wi "'Xsafs sreretloi varkNJ. th.r omn - wititm, ,,li(M1 M AltS nfSUU.'J ,Aj.,-Ll.S .11 r. ,1.1. nn.a.ratuis sr StrSJ7.."r'" -7- II. Sy a"""' "1" ..l. ai SulutitV. lent, Y- : 1. , Asjtnw. r 1 sum ... tA a.abn sMnsafttBirr v 1. Af. A VioswsasflM W tears that en ths 3t , " ; "a wi.7l7 wi . e-Mhaw. st ftss4si4 Dnrtiiisry . ' with Nssh County, wss eonsuBK" , r fcy imnirans a in avot- vr-ZiM.ootim Zaeo Company W. rst to H. rrfij Crh.w U . worthy citwen, kI sn ssUrprtsis; bssssiseVrV . ' t7. "!!:.: Lu from ths gesMs sn sstawry aw snseipis.w aWt i. Mot lahtrss VXsnswiHA' Inihssretlst'-; Ja. . wwtnsirHsiWr, fSSiu- .aHssr evar dTi kf. 'T'rfcX. pubiubwj awwi " . --fBTB8BURC.TlKWJ' . . arWJ.rEband, ''' i'ri'i M II hLsIvs. & larg ssrtrtmnt sf sspsrior fl AlfO ihwsIel, sudsstatm Sf "'" J? 171 hsiass in th vniom . ar' . T pn rr"-ri.;..u. . I " ' svm., a. I aaa Sa UH nwsniswiniBnsiw wasw a awt.41 Httltf I Ofsb I II " " r ' a slai ft a.Jb V isnsTSOSSi - -jT- -. J. . Zawi th iwtlr. tT-lT les. sw"'; It rem JawheviaVsee k --nl"l--rr 1 rid Ov. Wssrt8ipanrts 1 unassirf sus , ui ar SIM HtnoriOTU 1 aa sVtwVM sf-.-.- AVI " "7 '"r - k tfwJritWt wiwf.Ti rf.v .aiir2Ant nuiriri. Muhib or ib afrwrw wrBWwllT 1 ai.i.r., u.. H.Mrs of Beswsnsn f Tlsasswraj "i;-- -,, , CrSS'l - JaoSWyn, mf . , - tn-rJ-s-jr-TV-t" Ml 'ttwWJ' J h g 1n( Auetisa snd Cusmi.iflrt siws of . , . sad tasyrw At . ; ' ' .Aoi' v