V sfrf. Scorrt uca- o T Vrr . a At V4 rWMiay stt, witha 'A .iiooo. wiU ! t nw front if wVl tWtlw.,Tto iftofe 4 Jm. M1 jam prtdtMbU row . foQvuu;etaat JIT rnnMfnd ef a JoartMi J -''- Cm ef elagt. TVor, W. V aUi trip, .very w tor y Cm .l.V i-Li. riM fim awU Metkw IF.TTER FROM Mil ulai. fcttoiiii It I po to MJ Vofk Tribune publi8hei an intercatiag Tto main uirs - w at the wtot 1 the. 3 , ? i. tto to4-w. r"ny 2ff jZ Vera C re 1 1 Jtfr &JLll J-KwHQmU. Th whle w4 Jabp J- .1 t l . .1 i nrr Httl 8r Bfl are ..utfixaed-ttoeA M ," " t " irea m thm-& pay kirn $4$ ff a towdni toad, t ' s--Mt X'ii" ,s Tto im part fito mi Ui tto towfc b only walk ; at atowt Onto mite togiM M wady kill-tto ri ken .ppr to ro tbrougk or iiJ in o itker aid tonierM with -rir T toMtiful tob la flt Woow, i April 4 Tto wm T tto h wrtal lr MMt without ttemtoia a fmit, Xnu i atiUa Vh Crui btstrMiaSvO rtl aula, MMMii t frrry fa tcw or to iim Wia. kmiiH 8uU V ia ia atUn (tone U Xtuaaal 1 WtoaM U Ifmst d Orrttl, It. AU tto tonletf r cumpo-4 tt aiiaetabl tomto buU r aatonil toWttob 10 ar 13 ftjtajwv ' Ttoitaiito9.tooMii M i ..J !,. U mnMltad ia AM hi mur tiircugk Ika lloltn pnattutoa M M www roim tto faUlf arc ruiuir aiar m4 bmw, aa4 toeoaiing mar aud nor diflieult. , ;. Tto xl itrwai, atout Uilrt aiilai from Vrr Pnu, U feptebla, aaif u ala poa vf a orwfte Mllca Faa&t del J7, (tto Klu(' Cridp,) and Uo tto Jfotioaal briJa Naur it, aa tto right, if an faiaeoca at aboot f tit? Rc, a whle i tort, eomfilHe ooanuodingthe)irockuiililif brMga Vatwaea thm Mdgtm and Jul km, tto d mm aar aeraral tolghti, from which' tb ayuivaa at aaaa iafaden a tb wad. Wa (juUjdr. Fur atan'adkry; - Pctf aV Crtial it Pun: NacimsL 4 mila.- taaatjapctaftaa, a its itsw amoJl awnta, built of tlSter tiara u aeaa tot hawwant at a aunifictnt ajaca, built fur a oiiuiaiw aallad UaiM,tot Jung ataNabaadoaad. Tba eoualr atouada aiih to tbiaba and toauJiful flaatsra. . ; Mar I'-Left at 4 Vtlock, A.M.; tto bilk am liaa rUot aad tto rood la arnywaara toahaa kw a ar iinkilig la tto aud, saw wa art ratline affftoapaeraUNM Tto road aoolhrae torhWtd trkb luwarai wa becin aaa taa Taper Caiu atroMtr toilt I r -v . J. nine ner a - - h S- iweaif4 er thirty wntep ta t X, ffi i it W the t, to rt w -j-.u- ... it. other are aaVaarat farierr at th o w z aabrweto. tto lop. nuoerouira. STwot. ..!. B?btoioWtora.jt wt-,hl U ace on tto !- ia wall i tortiSad. ft h boJ- aad tba atreatanra wan pa. "-' iL.u Zt, to fro- tto National Bridge o ttur a b. obtalued-.be aWe. Mbjnt.ng atw aaa barTge--tt Ming aooui """a;-" atajer.s rnaiaw " "r " . -,u bdsbtoflear tkt rW, whieb, f fortified, M oyinTaden. In fart, from Vera Cruz to PW. tbi h) tba eaM-tto tratel being alteraaUly fer broad; unobitracud road, and narrow majJ w aMadad b baiibta The farrni about PueW raise rtoaTtorljtd ladb euro. The Ptw b.T7iprllSifetoractr: they re cunamgaaJ atraranoua, and tto swat eirt robbera and"J- of .yerykrge pU , VC MraoU are aaralleL and cry wide and wd (l pWed , tba hooaea, buitt of atone aud eofered wttb If mas, and two and three etoriea high, are renwrkaWy In. Tto public palace would be adaiired m any part tto world ; It form a perfect Nuure; l" ataad tkt fevthrfrt a three other SriWnf fcrU.tir toiluiy. There are few cburckes in tto world more richly aud magnificently orna meattd, tbaa the ealheJnil of this city. All the chandelier and bwpa, which are in great numbers, are of maaaire gold or ailrer ; the dome is in nurble bt tto country, of great beauty and fine wortraan ehlp. There art leu el.apeUy richly dccoralixl, aud closed, each of them, with an iron gnite door, of eery great height and of th tlneat fininh. This church wai nuinhed in 18C6, and is said to tiiweoat 4.000,000. There are aluo ninny other rery fine ehurcUec The Aluedia, or public wulk. is 'ry wall kept. It it eompoaod of three alleya (uf 500 to tl)0 ft aachj of pnplnn and other fiuc trees, aud Il surrounded by a wull, at the foot of vUich runs a 6ne littl atreant of water. There are a good nnny fountain io 'different part of the city, and a few jell (Torn, or water snouta It ia culled the Loacll Of MeilCO, daring Sferni couun iacigries. rm citle in Europe ara Giicr llwn Puebla ; but much cannot to tM for the population, which, since the late expulsion of the European Spaniiudi, who were by far the most intelligent and iuduslrious wrtion vt it. Ieae a curious contrast between the present occupant of public and private edifices, Indicutiog' tba highest state of cmluitioo. The plough now in nae by the people is S000 years old. i'rvm rfila It Cirilom, CO mUtt. Cordora Is a mull milled and inrriitoned town, through which From the Chmlctl aa JW&earjr PUBLIC MEETING. ..1.1 ii ihe uill of hia Houor the Mayor, a ' ,..1 l Agrr7 .,. l. Uihh Mr. OCHESCI, v.uniu- ..,: r Ihe Cllliens Ol u:irieiuu buu hi 'TZuL of ,he Whige of AuCurn, V. Y, and (ook at the City Hull yeaterday, to confer on Cowwtw or I"' ' ',;-, roper to be adopted for the raeaptioa of berneadleuUrlT ta a ceaiderakla height, sbd J th rod poshes, llcyond Puebla the road is good " ' . . ..i m- a . I ..il i. i i ...i.. . r f I i . i naa nrtekle Dears atari aa tore aa aur Wa ts . tvttM Nucuool la Phn M Bit, limHa. Btad. faatcdM PatataMaaioaal, tormerlf iM Hejr" tab Mraaia at tba tottom af a aarytVea and wde gap-, eraaaad tto road tor, which toemiaatta by ' Iwt uwgaifiorat aUaa brblgea, atemiartad by ! arcbett ihey woaW to eonsi doted a bold- flat rh In any urt af Earop. ' t ) Tbara ar ben only a few bouses and aHaget, tttaartobit fcr tbalr emtDtan.lto na hraurits- bl pictumque huge rotka eoawnand thhmnll villaga, aad ar la their tnraooiaaaanded aa aeidea by tbe high mountain oi ataxies, aucu atipra. atat itotaMlvt ia wbllaM grandeur. ' A portion of tha road w baea font evevtae lirakbJtot must tora tut ianaaaaa tanw; Ittiaay Uee very deep rsdleys tora been filed apwery (f till tore ban lenlled ar cut tbroagtovTc Til Hen Bridie avatiaat tat tonnsettoavtilek ttttrf'ui waul and datp gaps, wtti rapid trana a Use- tit. The roaa aoea tat Valley af Pita dal l W atosaiaabla with a r taaid and aanMI da. aaaal) r haw tatraftl nrpsiHVUtolaakiiuV tag ta piece gw mu ar rack ar udbllng sierra UM preeipiaa. . : , . j." Fin Dtl Hit It iiutrt. 12 7 TkUILaUL 400a II. aboir tto to, U tto Uatkt f yallow Irtt iuia;a tw. wviwmm VM) atr alfMaao, Uriaf txanlmtad &t Vera Crvt,j f I aVawra JuiatxKll wulm. Tkt rtul En, aawaiapavad, bat th bill asiatwaj, rapids Tba- lty, wivk JttW W,Ouo -apla,lla4. e a aaair at wt tst m r. aaeea Im ata fr which tba Vara Cr .hipping attr totsea wit gtoav ,Th itf todi iwrta.-watetrl pavrd, ttooga iarwuWjjnoaiai eatan an, at en r twa atorwa, ug Bal,roof and irau-aariid wln afowa, aad abort 'jurda. Oh af thai publlo T:" , rr . w astuuuiuoa . uat TlTl ( r"1 ea-t amntod la ta ttaoat. It toaa An,aaa baiel. aklMwL wa of Vara Crui, 1 kooa.uj by tatssaaaala. .aUa, Oriaeba, i atllai aUaaWbawgb itaWoa lot Zm " otavauaospaiira, taa tta P1U arlaliagaaaw,aa toatvA.7 ayi tber. U acaicely aa hour ia the yaw wMatoj eoabl WiA t wer a Uule wtrmwr or a UuwJet frwaranogh ta pull off yoar aont. ar at touaa It. 1 aTaalon aaor daairaU for a Mtidaao4ei w-wX! race. Ia tba auna aanlan .J fraltt i af E.roea and af tto TraplaaAuli TtttS It? k.E7"' i4 "'' "uTioi tb. pTk UU It rcuchr the niountulu of Cordova, about raid. way between the former and the city of Mexico, where the ascent ia tery ruggad and iteep, though without defiles. Near th rood, at the foot of tub mountain, pauses the Kio Krio, or Cold Hirer, whia baa Its rise in the neighboring mountain of I'opontb apel, 17,000 feet abotre the level of the tea. A wort on torn of th height of Ponocntunel. would com. jnand Ihe road After leaving the mountain. til .CuR dnaat tto ratal h food Slid uiiobstruct cd, w i I h plenty of Water to the city of Mexico. For several miles before retching that citv, the road is deliirhtful. pawing net ween parallel oanuuana row or Lon tonlv poplars. Tkt Lakt Tcjcutt. Thl lakt co rumen cei en tbe right af the md, near the city, into which it Water r carried by t canal, tbe hilteraervinir also ta drain tb gutters, A.c, into the lake. The so called Jake is a large, long, and rery Irregularly ahfcya bart, iAmIIvw, m4 xwwwirn nmmDV smalt island, and covered by myriads of wild ducks. 1 he tlepih or water vunc with tbe season ; In tb rainr mourn me outm I filled, and then it assume tae uipearauo or a large lake. Ueingllrs repta- eie f tl ta anilnarerrom th city, itisvery filthy. Tbjcanal from tbe city passe through it, feci by n wuert, ave or six miles in a south-east direction to Ve stuajl fort of Chnlco, at Ihe extreme margin of basin la that direction. This canal Is used fbiranaporliDg produce Into tto city, and for plea- rf Hpmwiii mi guuuoias, xc. - Ity Mtxic,. 40 mJtt fnm Cttdtta., Lik all otto Mexlesa cities, thU ha wall and bouse of axwa, wita nat ruon, etc It I well paved ; a gut. tafoar feet wide pawo through (ho eeatr of each i covered by brand flag stone, removable at P'tourt. AU tbe garters are drained into the canal oil kite. Tto city baa many large and rog cbVcbe aad otber great buildlnirs, easily etnyerted lots fortreesea If it wall eit remind mojated with eaniion, and welt garrisoned, It could mar a ronni'tawe realstanea ta besiegers. Daring thafestival day, wbb-h art very numerous, the ha eiaMa fur twenty or thirty miles amnn.t ttoeity not teas than 10,000 mounted peasantry of lat lMataa sftlaatva hm a.hi. L i - - . Mnica is wtuated la a ttry extensive riin ; tlli jfill aatltTattd artlhe mountain which .urroand Ut taitt mot tbt eras win tb tt .r .v. aa wblcbavw side th era ni ....i. ' ,11 a , , . - " J e"-v, WVM i'lVC bL tnmmtalns, . 1 iZ ."" " wr over in city wiling and rising. twt th Bgtrt. tba olirair, tha act thrivinr alonMi.U t tOi . ehboraoad,T aateivT ii . 1Z1 .i? diaa, rath.' morTum. Thia elty ta la to iasuuly aceuidtd I air traaaa, and 1 U to tto haadqmuHar. tfJca tlU to take ap hia narch ft tb Hall af tluMov musu 50lI!-ti?'.U,'J P are tb. effect, of Mgbt, dorira; th. .un' wtlng and risine. l aa CIIJI WOMlr af tlV.. ".v- i ..ll.l. i.ir "-"" . reet fwsaaVwJtHV ssvi'si "tur, aUlU WI1 M(1 Tba a, ITlatStl "dtbrca'e mat laat, fca high, fry large centre court yards, and rail. ftWuain;nr.,y - ,eml Wb terrace; .srdVi.h.f ,! "bwJ i tber is not "."" to palaces: tb PiLu. r,K- ara among tba most Jlmtt Af rUJ isi'l.f..-V4.?. t. ..I hia and ilJi.i or "! ii- ttmartoblaitW..i- r moog tut most r. 5 "" -XU.-Th.. iialiriduhs. h mmtXnZ. 7tr'i'U-U vT"", odoulZ-tas?Atoa,.to - D1DUJ tduriiI--ZLr. ."TOMbw loal..lirrTTT " " Pn.puaaJa of wJg4 IMaccL taaat to ak. r '""'rluM.iM.lh. .l.: -' " "'I "wauaHia frM- a E?arr."W toiad th7 '.?tMT toao aliaa - -d pesr-rrra w ha to7. JT!lJtopb.iTar7ilL Tha HZ U",U r-- U r. tum vaaaund bnibsu4 ..i.i.. rr.".' s. i r' "V '"" oenor Alochs is Mn -Aorf ft? VT Cm Ti'JT tkfc H -r, ,0 Nir Or7i "lotn " ngVI la Kfa- I KVIw Ul eKnVllAa . . . mm v SUgtS 1 IM r aaaa a- . . a f fwa twirir JTHDB Vfla. aa av . . 1' -rrfi .r. tiTSec.:: vera u re ua1m!. - vr . t art tbtiiur r. Ldrs -yt trtk.aaj. trt aad rVwiiat rt -J asav;..' .TT.Wftoratto t r ... I il II T -I jk . "aaa " aijj. .. "i aiiJiok T,-it ' naad ta Pa. toya. TffZ.!S5,Nltty tfn.L r-". sKora . r a ' rati Tif b aC, ftoMofahlsb ? fa .a7LT?!.!!,.,? H. hiad. tora as bUTT- ha f"; w tod ia aaooat n. . . "T u cum toaoalinolon.X1"?'l' n'ry, ar qreraL T o tto ititkL Allmr tk... m 1.1 . ' - fy to X!Lfc?Leoo,n,,y NtOrlaia fJ T 'c,w .'Sflaltoa.dl-A.iZ.;"!' rtoraciar, ia .W.to" rt ior peace at i l, . " a iui .,. aj wfon0MJiTll2,rt- toroJ ih Pttta ir. aw'TiTJr. ? ! WdJ ' wTMIifaa "wsaai . tw. . . txira , i th. Honorable Ha. fur, " ZTbL WWti,oa hi. contemplated via- -rrtentttien of a" 'umce vnoir b.-r-- )0 (hrs ci;y. 1.1 mnendacetf" a memento of cherished and con-. Q of AleXakoke Blck, Eaq. bi Honor ?3L From tbe appropriut. and well-! TERHUCFlI.NSON,w.cJledottoCbir, ieturof MrScaaca, w.tnato tto following ----" heen extract: . .. ! wllej fur the pui-pose of conceiting measure beat That tbe Chair will to more honorably filled ; sJ te,j for extending some demonstration of pnpu .1.. r.i. Chair of the Nation at the pre- , ':.,:.. Ma resncct to th.Hon. Daniel WsasTKa, ant time if the same shall be received and occupied , who pcote(i uere shortly in tbe course of a by the 8 ge of Ashland, mere are icw n.,-- Southern tour, lie remaraeu ma .nr. nsi" H will be found a more comfortable eat, we Tantur. i smong ug for tue first time. divested of all that to presume , , , belongs to political position or party bias be visited Sir I have no language adequate tor tb expres-1 . M gentleman in the pursuit of enjoyment lien of nrr regret at the unexpected and disastrous Md (he jnf()rlua1ion t0 be derived from a personal result of the last Presidential canvass ; yet as no or-, jintlllice wjth men and places at tbe South. In trial hanor could exalt yon In theesttmationor.thc nMoD it wa, deemed proper that the ancient inu.-i.4n nc-onle. norjidd auzht tothe lustre of yonr i . of citj2eiis for courlesy and hospitali- buie. til. issue was far more cilamitous to the coun- . M be sustaine(j linj that public evidence of v. , r. l ri.lirr.nif.nt. VOU " . ... .1:... : .l try than to yourseu. ror,iuj" , . j,,,. buouih ue exienuou io wubuukubuoi.huiu have tb continued assurances of the people s regard, t man whoee greut ayiiiies were not bounded by nd the soticeofa brilliant and patriotic life aeon- Sute liniitsthe splen.lor of whose intellect had added lustre to the history or his tune and country and whose mind had diffused itst-lf wherever civ ilization held sway-he regarded the present occasion assingularly appropriate for doing honor to ourselves and him. Col. I. W. Havxe rose and stated bis accordance with the sentiment just expressed by tbe Chair, that it was peculiarly fit that Charleston should do bo coniine honor to Damei. WkbsteE. Tbe narrow and vulgar spirit w'uiou carried tbo strifes and feuds or political warl.irc lnio social uie was ancu, ue was sure, to the Carolina character. Nayf even in lite ral warfare, the rules of chivalry, as well B8 thepre ccptu of Christianity, in tbe intervals of battle, recog nise that very hostility as" an additional claim to courtesy ud kiuHaws- Mr Weiuteii, it is true, Is politically opposed to a great majority amongst us, and has been so almost without exception through out his politcnl career. And South Carolina has, when he appeared armed for the contest, on his cho sen arena, been ready with her sons, who, more than once, hare met him face to face, and given him blow for blow, and we the witnesses have shared "The stern joy which warriors feel In meeting foemeu worthy of their steeL" And she is ready still to grapple with him on all like occasions. But when Mr. Wkbstee comes us a stranger and a guest, he is no true knight or true Christian who would render his civilities grudging ly because the stranger and guest is a political oppo nent. Mr. Webster's position requires more than mere private hospitality. He and our own favorite states man, of all the men Whom our country has produced from the settlement of Jamestown and the landing at Plymouth, have bad their intellectual position most universally conceded to them. As a monument not only colossal in size but beautiful in proportion, and adorned with tbe highest achievements of nrt. As a model of taste we should cherish him. '-His apples of gold" are always presented "in net work of silver." He has done more than any other public man to preserve healthful and pure "the well of Eng lish uudetiled." As a jurist he is an honor to all who rccogtiue the common law. Even as a politician, however much be differs from us, he represents a most respectable portion of our fellow-countrymen, and may be considered as the embodiment of their principles. It is in some sort th South extending civilities to the North South Carolina to Massa chusetts, Charleston to Boston. Mr. Hayse then offered the following Preamble and Resolution, which were unanimously adopted Whkeeas, we have learned that the Hon. Daniel Webstjb, js sfeaut fQ..yisit.us oa tar tlireueh the Southern States of our Confederacy, we deem it due, equally to the character of our city,' and to the diri tiiignished ability and eminent position of our illus trious fellow-countryman, who now, for the first time presents himself personally amongst us, that we ould tender to hiinasome public token of welcome, of appreciation for his genius, and of our high social rcguni. j urruiure, Keiolveri, I bat a Committee of ixtT to appointed the Chair, withTatl power to represent tbisniec'- I iu the premises, and whose duty it shall be, iq e mme urour cirfzeri? generally. Vextend to the on. Daniel Webster, such hospitalities and at. tentioustu tbey may consider most fitting and ap- prupimie. Dr. S. H. Dickso then addressed the meeting to the following effect : I rise, Mr. Chairman, to second the resolution just offered, and I congratulate myself on the opportuni. ty of rticipating-ina movement so honon.ble toxoy native city. There is, I trust, in the bosom of every mnn in this assembly, ij sentimeut rising above and expanding beyond all sectional and partisan exclu siveness, capable of applauding merit wherever it is found, of rcwardiug useful and diligent efforts, by whomsoever made, and of appreciating all social and intellectual eminence. .. But it is rare, ttat an occasion so noble and grat try ing aa the present, offers itself for tbe eiercise of this better spirit. Mr. Websteb i not only one of the favorite tons of New England, but eorues to yis it us clothed with a celebrity not limited geographi cal or by political association. Heia known over tbe civilised world ; and wherever Ihe English lan guage is spoken, bia eloquence has informed the minds aud thrilled the hearts of thousands. Our respect ful homage is in no degree necessary to him, nor Can it advance him either socially or politically a single step; nor would b auffer politically or aocially if allowed to pass through the midst of us without any public demonstration, meeting in private those" personal attentions only, to which he is entitled aaa stranger and a gentleman, aud which Carolinian hos I'itality refuses to no on 'bearing these title. But I am proud to know, Sir, that our oommujiity could not to satisfied with swob a reception of such a man. Universal feeling requires that our guest shall to received with all th honor due to hia elevated aa tioual character. For mor than a quarter of a cen tury, Mr. Webstee has been an historical person.. age, and ms biography would contain a record of a geocy in all the great events that adorn oar coun try's antmU. Sine we ar proud of her, wa must be proud of her men, and b is doubtless on of them who have made her what she is. If her progress baa been upward and onward, he, among tbo furatBOst, hat contributed tothat proirress. His aim. U er 'omitted when tha Ulutrioua';ToU of American wunuies is caned over. n - , rncre is, besides, a peculiar banninM fn m " 7 . ' i . .r.l.. D. lolalion unfelt by the present incuniue... o, siderrtial Chair. Whether in the Cab.net tbeVu ate, or at Fon'ijm Courts, yon have been the faith ful advocate of your country's rights, and have up i.ii..jj.i..,i.,ifi. K.inir of her nae Ue has lieu! nHM yntuuvi ." . , , a . . compromitted them both, in misguided effort at aeir promotion and -aggrandizement. ou have sought the elevation and protection .of your country. c has contributed to their depression and their expo sure to competition from abroad. .... t; In Hiirvev ine the acts of bis entire administra tion, there can be f nod but little to approve; y.t they abound in illustrations or me w. o. r,u policy, and tbe jeopardy or its. disregard." ' Whatever proceeds from Mr. Clay possesses gen eral interest, and we transcribe tbe whole of bis let ter, ttm elevated sentiments in relation to tne great political Busfortuue of 1644 are worthy of the noble author, aud none can read without deep sympathy its touching allusion to his recent domestic calamity: Ma CtAy's A.xswsr. AMand, April 8, 1747. Jlfy Dear Sir .During my absence from home, to which I lately returned from New Orleans, your official letter of the Sid Feb. last, accompanied with the office chair, and cMrographical appendages, pre sented .to me by the Whigs of Auburn, arrived is safety. As their selected organ, I beg leave to express to you and to them, from the chair ilie'.f, which Ibej have done me the honor to present tome, my hearty, thanks and reepeclful acknowledgment lor a testi monial 40 very acceptable and valuable. It possesses exquisite beauty, and contains every possible conve nience for reading and Writing, down to the minu test object, and all linisbed with Ihe greatest taste and elegance which one could imagine or desire it is utiite survrisinz how se much accommodation and so many articles of utility and comfort could be coiiw bined in so small a space. Designed and executed by American artists, and on that account more high ly valued by me, they are extremely creditable to their judgment and skill. Fur the friendly motives of esteem, attachment and c.'Lfidetice towards me, entertained by the Whigs of Auburn, ami which proniptel the authors of t his rich tribute of their affection, I request their accep tance, ii Ijii, of my cordial thanks. Von express your regret on nceount pf the nnex pected issue of thelastPrcsi lentialeltotion. I ought to feel none myself, personally. Besides being re lieved from a Vast responsibility, it furnished the oc casion of Ihe exhibition of testimonials, and the out pouring of affection from the hearts of my friends and countrymen of whkh 1 h ul bu pnmuus. eoiuMaw fiotiliut 1 ever could be the honored object. Their spontaneous and disinterested manifestations are Worth far more than the Presidency itself. Kor our common country, I do regret the issue of the contest. H id It been otherwise, we should have preserved the Prutectiv Policy, under which we bad uade such rapid and ueourKiug advanow ; the uiiuu mm improvement oi our rivers anu liarooraJ Vnillil lint ll-lva liAn nrr.trA nJ -It should hare avoided this unnecessary War Wain-res. I atVin with a naigbbor kn to ciai ir'-ir-f auseaaions. the brilliant achievements, and tbe glorious laurel acquired, during iis prosecution, gratifying as they are to our national pride aud cha racter, can never compensate far the exceptionable Bianner in which K was begun, the brave and patri otic lives which have been sacrificed, and the fear, fill issues of which, 1 tremble iu cnnteiujilating. may grow out of its termination. But I have not -now a heart to dwell on this painful theme. 1 turn from it with hopelmd dutiful submission to Him, whoso no doubt wise but inscrutable dispensation ha per mitted this awful caUtfiity to visit our beloved country. I pray yoiiriny dear sir, to accept assurances of u.r gnHiiuue tor tno kind manner in which ya k 7i mm """ nrt assigned to yn by the Whig of Auburn, aud oriuy being with par, fa esteem and remnl .H V aj.-P I ' t our menu ana oDcaient servant. THE ILLUMINATIONS. v Afenerliy iotereiing, we put together a number of paragraph deacribing remarkable dia piayaon tiia aiglitt of the illumination' io Phil adelphia and Baltimore : ' , ''PBtUOttWlA.' ' From tha Kvenirir Bulletin of Tuesday, we extract thn fiillowring : - Philadelphiana will long remember the illumi nation oi last evening a I lie nmat splendid, tan e fill and pairiiiiic affair ever wiiuewed liera. The edy and the dwtricU were in a blaze -f light, and more central and gloriuu. coiiipliuieut to the il. iliatrioua leader of a email but chivalrous and dar ing army, cannot well be imagined. The just pr.u.e oi Taylor and hia brave compatriot wa noisily sounded yesterday by l!i? loud booniinj.' of cannon nie nnnug uf glad bolls, and by the ironjj and willing voices of four hundred thou sand people. ' Thousand ' upon thousand had gathered here during the day from I ho neighbor, ing citiea and aurntunditig country, onrii at night fall every street . in ihe r.ily became wedged, literally wedged, wilb humanity, of. all uru, colors aud size. There seemed fo be a generous rivalry to see who should make Hie bent display. Band of music were heard at every lurnini' of a corner. and ever and anon, the people caught a view of tlie transparencies of lay lor and Scott, or the different battle" ace ties, there went a long, loud shout, that made the linn earth tremble. Patri otism swelled almost to bursting. , The Hall of Independence wag illuminated at very point, and called forth the liveliest expres sions ol applause from the numeroiia apeclators. Great taste waa manifest in ihe whole arrange ment, Uver ihe cen ral door way was placed luil lenutli portrait of Washington, aliiidimr-i the head of hi charger, with one band resting on uib ncca oi ine nonie animal. The Custom House presented a very interes ting spectacle. Copper gas pipe had been at tached to tbe pipes at ihe rear of the pillar in front of the building, being lundi-omely arranged into semi-circle between Ihe pillars, and each supporting a largj star, containing reflecting glass, gave out twenty jet of, light, and u ol (he stars thirty. Iu the centre was placed a iar larger than ihe otherv, which llire out foriy-Bve jet. The Star Spangled Bmncr waa festooned gracefully ovpr neat transparency, having these inscription :" Tears for t he Dead" "Grati lude for the Living"' " J'alo Alto" " Hesaca de la l'alnit" Monterey" " Buena Vista" "Vera Cruz" Above ibis was a larae Ameri- ran Eagle, bearing in his beak a beautiful wreath ol flower. Other ornament were ihere which won praise from l he people. Tbe Ledger building gave out seven hundred and titty lights, and a beautiful transparency rep resenting Scott and Taylor, with l lie glorious fields of Buena Vista and Vera Cruz in the back ground, and the wtmlo Hunnounicd by the Amer ican Eagle. On the top of this tine building wa I id the Druinmond Lght, which sent forth in intense brilliancy, rendering the streets forsquare almost aa light as at noon. day. Thirty Ameri can flags were displayed from Ihe llurd story windows, representing the thirty Stale of th; great Union. Immediately adjoining the Ledger building-, a magnificent transparency of about twenty five by eiglueeo feet, covered the whole front of the iiuilding and the two upper stories The eignifi- IrHiiLexpreBsiutviVliiiia mate grape-. Captain Bragg, arched a handsomely executed picture of Gen- Taylor, on horse-back, near Bragg' bat tery, and the Mexicans in overwhelming number 'u&hing to the charge. In front of ibia picture waa suspended a beautiful ship, hung with light ed Chinese lamp. A transparency in ihe second story of ihe buil ding at the corner of Seventh aud Chestnut, call edfforrh the merriest humor of the gay thousand Ht SixriaTEa Schexcx, Esq. IIKSKY CLA-?. SWAMP LANDS IN NORTH CAROLINA Governor Oratom, who j, ar 0Wo President ol in II ilaleh papers, ifcat upwaids ofgftw than T rl ,'"ld, il1 yde Coumv, n.w offered for .ale. The.. I.d. benr i' L er.,, Fund. The, have be,n dnined W expense, under the doection of skillful Enjineera hy ... set of the Legislature and are belfevd w, to.K,w. aeoud.tion to b. cleared and tl t ted A credit of mu,,, tU l pubis auction or, tto Sikh May. and ,h, fi atr . . .. . , r' ,reJ m an w trim reacn ol a market. The .i em 8i.UM.iiai. .'6 tawi. J7".r: ' r? ,l . od the ital Tber. are uI7ZZ?r Ki.k bo el. , i . mwh I nun He with wiik i . r indiBi.,, ,u "I"1 " " wert net. "urlLTn&aVSS '"'"y- We tru.t VVeaib .""'.wnfder thi , purchM. fZiSi'H'. 'hey ' -fir- DEATH ist a 1 rmce CHAtrv. ft MAT etnived k4,-i'.' AcBttLE lu. ih.. that., I hmr liPteMur.:H,g.VouX crw,li"e ruar tb, clebrated ! .ttoHd Nto wirforof chiv.h. .4?TW,.. .N,Pleoa, tto of the im6rt.t tmp7rw;.erUn:,.W' ? wmilf from ItatTi of Au.ir aa ISSU'whe,!. taidenc, ia FiZ.T, ' "IT tVS VSL J Ibea f eeatiwi o.i ;-- ,- Perfectly willing , , 'f- Wei,, thif rVae! ttvmtm t ftem ta oeipticnei t ii ma enemy appoae my march, in whatever number. I shall fiirlit him." The diflvrent engin house were also hand somely illuminated M(J dotted. ,,The First Bal timore hd their beautiful auction engine dresaod with flower and.rlluininated, and placed at tbe eniranca f McLellaad'a court, and a trannpa. renry on It inaeribed wilb he word of the gal lul Bidgely,,.-if0 w.Caorfev, tm I draw their Jlft. yJS' -'- Froai tto ttabci ito'i living Bear Shady Oiov MtHtiug Hoasti ktoat SI mile 5oMih-wei of Raleitb, on the' ni.ht of Ihafiihinat. a bAV" MaHE. s ... old tbi-fprinf I both hind feel white; ' Small aiir in Ihe foiebead, almost in lite shape of the letter d about 4J feel high, with very long Isil. Any. in. formation reapecting said Mare. a1dreted io me at Holly Spring, W.ke County, will I thankfully received, or if any person will deliver bar la me, they lml bt reasonably cempensat'd. ' - . ' . . . -! OAVIS OtlVE. Wake fo. April 83. 91 wtf AUeritioir! Justice f Huke. WAIilS CoumyCocrt. of Pleas and yuarter rHii.n February Term, 1 847 It U ordered "hat the Clerk of this Court advertise in two or move newspaper, priottd in the City of Kalidah. Ibat th l.'ourt will proceed to ihe chauoo uf three oi nor Justice of the Pi-aee.es a Bieci.f Cowl at the next May Term, if a majority ol tha Magiattte agter thereto. And all tbe Justices of the Peace of said County are requested to attend on Monday of that Triu for that purpose. By order of ihe Court . ... JA8 T. MARRIOTT. Clerk. March IS47 passed and repsawed it in the roun-e of the rtoin;. A ii U bappy conceit we have co pid it : 'Sahta Anna's Despatch to the Governor of Son Luia Potoii :-. FEBEtAar 23, 1S47. Moat Exoellent Sir That Northern Eurbarian, Don Zachary Taylor. met us to-day with bis Volunteers at tbt Pass of liuena vista, and pl.iyea the very devil with tbe army Of the great, and mugnanimou Mexican Na tion. Yours, on tbt full run I , God and Liberty, Antonio Lori:z de Sasta AaA." Th North American buildings attracted a great deal of attention and remarks. Tba 'front was covered with a large trunspureucy, illastrtting th charge' of our troops at Bueua Vitta.. Tbe dead and dying lay strewn about, and war "'up to the handle" is forcibly given. Proudly conspicuous appears the hero, eh ieftaiat, Taylor. K al to the batU piece is a picture of Taylor on hia horse, who isf quietly ambling to th White House, On fourth street wa displayed the attack upon Vera Crui, General Scott in front, urging, on hia forces. . Then came a flnall picture, with General, Taylor and some artillery nieces, the American flue 'waving proudly over head, and the word " Rough and Ready." .c The build ing- waa weii lighted from tbe cellar to the root, on which aDrunimond Ug)it was placed, which guve, real splendor to 'the scenes ' ' : The United JsUatea Gaaett. -Office made a one item in ihe general flare-up . FUgs were atrnng across Dock Street, and th front of tbia building was ornamented oy a large picture ox i ay ior aaa nis horse, on both sides of which were- smaller tran- Th American and Suo give glowing decrip. tion of the illuBiiiution. We take the follow. iub- from the Attierican i .-, . . -in-.' -Barnu.n'a Hotel attracted all ye. Eery window in thia imnieiuie building waa illuininated upward of twenty seven hundred light a being uxed for the purpcae. Over tbe principal iraticeVfoftnilig three aider or quarea,' were di- blaved three iramuarencie?, ' The in front 4 -Wa ai apni ed (ketch of the bombardment of the Cut -of Vera Crux and Ihe Ciatle of &ao Jn do fJlioa. athuba tin eubar aii ar, viwwa rf the battle of Monterey aud liuena Vista." "All ihe hotels were handsomely illuminated, On Camden alreel, ner Sharp, we noticed two handVofiie tranaparencie painted by Mr. Arioour one repreeniiug the "death of Capt. Lhtcolu, aad tbe other Old 2Uc' in the act ol uttering a v JiolUia atreet Theatre waa one bUse of lieht from, top to bottom! and displayed two very baud. some I v executed trauaparenciea. Una ot ineta reflreaerited tbe battle of Buena Vii. " The oth er wa m epirited repreaentatioo o( the Cattle and city of .Vara Cm a bfier ibeir aorreoder. ,t tTto) atffice of ah).!, AHsefican'' waa lit tap) cm both front, with nuioerouatrawaroeij hear. to to aaduced bto".; na ZJZZZZZZIV lUB "VZ ? f"mT: ""r" at nllitin i " r V" v I Army ana wavy wno nave aignanzea tnerrmeive or military renown. But w aramet her to sbowJ ...i vi,i:- ,J f . . . it Iwen-belovtd istcr, Masrachusetts, how xoocb we .uu cueriso ner. u u out recently that we felt earselve, forced and most reluctantly to treat her with some seeming, not real incivility. Wa eould not permit, her, through one of her aearest: connee- ui moHiamiuar gossips, to penetrat into the recesses of our domestic ;prrycy and inquire into ad Criticise Our bouse-keeninr. tint tlnnrk w refused her entrance info onr kitchen; he and her u.viren am anu ever win m welcome to oar ftWel Iings and to onr hearta. - ' ' " ; ",, J ; A'4. 1 hail th present occasion furtheif aa nna of irerw mwe importance in another point, Oftlew. Engag ed a wear in a waj, f which, whatever be said f tta origin, iu justice or necessity 4h. bistory i to yond all hope and calculation, elorioua and brillia&L there u great danger that we atoll allow oarseiva tut tbe hero of an honnraM hia lua. rels as well a the -victortout GenmL audi tha Asa- T;T0n TtEATT is not forgotteneven In tie wplrit-' riIUStnumpnaornioTEEEr and Btmva, tt: . . Sucb a lesson hi tnileol IMm knJ tMmacOBa Wtnnely to remind onr ardent South, that thawi. torn ofthe Statesman, and tbetsgactty ef the ei- "i "' vwusior to xue repuotic, n as-sugary regarded a tto courage and energies of the aoldier ; aad that the virtue of patriotism glow aa brightly, attains a lofty distinction, and ia turatefaUr rt- . warded when exhibited in tb Senate Chamber, ttl nownnpon in Battle nelok & - t r - CoL T. O.iujjOTr then addreaaed thm asaniiae. aad to a apirited aad eloquent taannar advwasotd th elahBa of Hon. Daiex. Waaaraw, aa aa eatnaea 1 aWaTajrifl P.-. . I a ' batalltiCat Of Asia Mimm.n.U. - v. - aT vsaaaaakaaas j , STRAVKD OU STOf.K, r iiuji in et)Otcriuer, on Ik. 7th instant, a , Hark Bay Bare, bbut 7-year, old aliout U h.ail high witbaWhiteatarontorfurehrad: fore-tupyuuuaually long: haa a' very quick walk. This Mart cams lo ibis Slate in a Ttnune drove. I would thankfully receive any intrlugi net of bar, or reasonably reward any person who will deliver her to meal Hooktrton, Grerna County, N. C. ' JNO. A MOOKi. April U.i 817 ! . i m rrf tlie war ltb Mexico, and alao the name of ito i0arrt dead-J-Ringgold. VVatatn, Bidgeif . and Sliuirck.-rTie tjriaCHniMraey va BaHi- inoreatiwet waa vraHuuteWiU a largo rur. brilliaiUljr lluninategV, . -s -v - Our neighbor of the "Sa had their building appropriately ornamented jsith nuunirona flags and tranabarent mottoea, am brilliantly illuruira. lied. 'A' Urgvi trawpareiicy on tbe Baltimore street fit aepreeeatad Gnefal Soouaad Ta. IcafMitn ta city aad caatto of Vera (kucaadtM field of Buena Vtau ia law paraaectit. Th tra acanaM bad torvering above taeaa tiat Amerieaa eagla.- rTh- and lighted i ran pa re Dc iea wer displayed ona with- Gen. Thx on hia wait char-wr, and the other with $25 Reward, I WILL give the above reward for th. apprehen sion and delivery uf a negro boy by lb nam f ikK. wbo-abacmOed fiom oat aboul IU first uf thi month, or Filletn Dollars br ibe condntmenl of biui in any Jail so that I can gel him. Jueii black and quite likely and very shrewd i about S fret 6 or 8' inches high, probably higher; will Weigh about one hundred and forty or fifty pounds . , vie will no doubt try to nwkt his way to a. free State; h may bav free papers, aud try to' par hmrnell oil for on of the lietd. He m-ty attempt to pa- in woman' clothing, aa hi wile is a free woman. If be baa her free papers, they will bt in the name of Eleanor Rted or il bia wife i with him, she may pretend to have a litis (or him, a I am informed n prtttod to have. Ther ar a great many fra persona l coler by th name of lieed in ibta vicinity, and piobably h. ha procured soma of tbeir fret papers. V. N. WHITK. ' Cnneord, April 3. 1847. 31 if C(Ml,TIOi Cl!OOI,. TUB President and Director of lot Literary Fund tov ordered that Ihe aum of i'OKTY THOUkAND DOLLARS, to fonhwuh dulr.hwrd among the several Counliea of lb Slate, according to Federal pupnUtion, in part of ihe nett income uf the Mchool Fund for tbe rurreut year. And, tb Comptroller of Public Aeceont will draw Warrant ateurdiagly WILfw A. GRAHAM, . Prea'l. tx off. f Literary Board. April 88. 1847. 33 S-rkrw. of lforiti Carolina' A R. TKKBTCOUNTV. Coariof PlMstudQutr. ler tensions, Fcbruwy 'J'trm. 1H4 7. Henry G Cutl.r w. Us id W. Borden. Original Attachment levied m ftve Hundred Merit f Land en Core Crttk, the property ef Daid W.Merdt. It appearing In iba tatinfartioa of tto 'Conrt. Itot the defendant i not aa inhabitant uf Ihia Ntata: It. ia Iberefure ordered thai publication he tnsdt in tbt Kak-igh Register for h week, notilyirig tbt defend. ni to appear belor tha Wuttaipful J astioa of said I'ourt. to be held for ih Coanry of Caftrrel, tt th Court Haas hi Beaufort, OB the third Monday -1a May next, then nd Ihere to plead, r demur to tb plaintirT't anrgition, or juilgmenl Wi I be radsd againat bin. ". ' Autst. DAVID HUM LET,' Chirk. April tIMf.'" (Ir. Adv. t wtj ) 8a ew CJTATB OF NORTH CAROLINA-Jobaataa (3 Coasiy.- Ctnrt of Pita aad Quarttr StaaiiMM. Feawwtry Tarm. 1tM7. - !i, -,. ;r i sc -Jacob Ki Sttvtn, Hal. h.t-&4-t-ae..: -"" v'v -. .. -...i-i (i t "Rachel Loekart, H ;L" i Petitmn ftnr Divieitn ef land. ' la thi aaaa, it apprartrrg ta the aathftetitn ef ifi Ctn, tk.RaehMWka.()airyiiVVrigiit, and Mi other titira of; Fatly Verellar tMrn-reaufaat of that State i It w tbtrtfors entered, that twbtlcatioo bt toade hi tlia Rtigh KagHrtaTvor mv weak, notify, ing aid noa retidauM to appear at the Wett Tern of on Mid Court, tu to lie Id for Ihe Comity af Jdhattta. at tmi Court Houaoiu SmirbfitUl. au tto 4th Mtaday ta May aext, then aad ttora to hw aast, if; key ibey havt, why thf prayer of llw peiiUoatrt ahewld not to granted; otherwise, judgmeut will b taken pr costoso. aud law pelkituer bar part itbaJ' i Wime, Thtwtat B.glty . Chrrk f our (aid Coart at .Siaulifield, tto 13th af March. 1847. , - TUOS. BAGLEf, Clerk, -Wv tiaV.$i6ti.' ! l . - -''' a ft.t,i',: --.. tniw tajJTATI? 41 Ifsartli CsAroIina-F.Asa. Ckts-rr. ' Court f rita and Quarter St. Kaa-t1atcbTaraa, 1847. Wi ,V U To Beiijaasln Jfonea, Krmp Baler and Prfacilta hie wile, rt.t-iWren of Wtlll.ni Jonea, deevtwed, Char PiUhana- Snjui .iixalHh , hi -wifci Alfred Junta, Abac? Greenwood .and- Bally hia wife, James Jtnts end Ptinct his wilt, tbe Children of Wilham Cook' andi bia wit Lucy, dereastd. and William L. Ptacy, at wtll aa ta alt otbtr per- '" atfoa-wboai k aaay'coitcarne &fL.. . . -W'herta. a atttaia faptr writing; porponiag ta . to tto IM will and teaiwewnt. ef Drury Juna, lata of the aaid County taf Franklin, aWased. 4n pra Court, ha been propounded for probate in aobjroa loim. by ehunnel Harris, therma named a Executor, to-wit, at tl. March Tan ef th Court of Ptts.aad Quarter ionrfor taa Count of Frank tin aaid: Aad wbema, it )uta toea rwpraratrT to the aaid Cart, thai you are af lb steal f hia ef jha aid Drory Joata, ami Mid wilhoat ito limii of tin ottia: Kou are tbeTttor btraby notified, ja punaanee ef an order of th aaid Coart, mtde at tto Tarn aforesaid, to be and annsur at thd sme Tarns of Ito wald Ceart, le to Md lor thwatid I'amy f PranfcVA. ia ihe T-wa af Iirf. M tto.aeeaad Moaday of June aext aad ttoa -and lhtr (o thaw ' eaute, ttf any yqa hate,)' wtomfotw the aatd paper ! writing (hail not to aeetaed to I a tafid a tto last will and trMaaaeutof he aaid 1c Aatid to ad. wtoad W aratoii aad watedt w tofwrUd ttauth. A Wiirjesa,TovHK Pattoraoa,Cltrk af the aaid Coart, at office fa said Town ef Lovitburg.'the MCottd HitV -day of Match,1 itaf. ...t ' . - i c f oosfi" fkTtztMon, cG. cj .- Pr Adt. -j, - . .-. J4-' -V..-.i' rt BMna . a trv 1- tnot- offic , aa featoooed with flag, Uaaenm. Reportsv BifU, KM4alTrl ed up Wittjently m every art Taa j td oa by th Ua Utit.. el Nocth Cahaa,. - - at a L. ' M aa AarUJfJ, IM7. . r