- -? ' ft- I k 4 - , I r v i- 1 J V .! : Wid ETdDISE'Ii: KB AfBCfl . mm?,. 'PUcVeFr DdlXan per 'ziziz: WKi - Nmlfir.iT t I lil' i i u I t .11 J i i . t - . -mi. .in i. iLM-- '"' ill i ' nil.miii - r"-w - f- ' ' ; . w- v.,, , . " "... i .I., i. .. , , T-- j m- iALEIGH, N. C. t esdav, July 6, 1847. His Excellency, feor. Graham, has left the n a brief yisit to Hillsboro', Great Taylor Meeting in THE TAYLOR MEETING. meeting held in this City, on Saturday last, friends of Gen. Zachait Tatmr, to adTance ation to the Presidency was the most nnme- ttended pmarf meeting w have-'fwe seen. est enthtfeiasta and harmony preraueu, wm. as an oneness of sentiment on the occasion, witnessed, and truly gratifying. Halifax, and Johnston Counties each naa aeie- -esent, besides our own large representation, istance wholly unpreceaenieu m wi t occasions. We observed some eight or Ccrats (so called) in the meeting, but wheth rere mere " lookers on," or endorsed the ngs, we cannot eay. One thing is certain ook no aiAife part in the meeting, they did ure to oppose any thing, not even the Resb lenouncing the attempt of Congress to cen- fe Old Hero. We should like to have, of the votes of all parties for our Candidate, k in fact, but of little moment whether the Hts support him or not ; for with union, har Vnd a determination to do our duty, we shall furseltesinvinoible. In the language' of u Old Uind Read " himself, at Baena Vista to Gen. Wu When we all pull together, we cannot be kfer the reador to the proceedings, for au in- ir nnnnt at the meetinsT. o - - comnany dispersed, highly delighted, with the inter estlng incidents of th morning. ' At 2 o'clock, the " Sons of Temperance" clothed In their imposing Regalia, were seen moving to wards the " Matamoras House," where PubliaDin ner, had been prepared for themselves and such of their fellow-citiiens'as might see proper to meet with them around the festive-board. We were honored with invitation to join this respectable and praise mii.l. P.v!tit in tViaii Thinner celebration, but, J l-. v nt-oi comDelled heen unanimously carried, Mr H. was conducted to circun stances entirely beyond ffur control,compeuea from ihenCehe made strongand inter- us to fareiro the pleasure which SO gratifying par- h jeclarino- his warm . nreferenct for ticinfttion would have afforded. We are pleased to Gen Taylor as President: and'itivfng a succinct learn however, thai a considerable number partook but gratifying history of his career from his entrance of the munificent entertainment provided ; hat the "feS? sparkling flow of wit, repartee and sentiment passed ot Wake and AgHLfy 3amders of Johnston, were freely, without the aid of tf ruby wine," and that the appointed Vice Presidents. Occasion was, indeed? a feast of reason and flow Of On motion of W. D; Cooke, Wiixiam H. Jones, sb'utEbnrinSy this praise-worthy ind excellent ;6f Wate,todQen.B. Xit2ejoiih, of Franklin, 71 17th insti under the command 'Hi itrinr General i HMt. -l.r i CI-'-' . - J, .-.i! " ... I'. z-uiow Toioin ue army or lien, ocbtt. The S Anish refiegade named TJd Vegn,who late ly renairtl to VeristCrnt in eAiriTrfLnv' -witli tb ts: racious Ol ' Mata; from this .City; is represented iu os uj cauj ui vuuimanu 01 a 8 1 rung goezniia party . .. By the xpress from Jalappa we have no intelli gence of C jiu Cad walader, as the rider came by i circuitoasroute to avoid the predatory parties tfii the road, i . By this IrrlTal we have received papers from the' City of Mkico of the Cth, 7th, 8 th, and 9 th of J une. Our previojj files came down to the 29th of May: The Internpdiate dates we hare not yet received, and prestthfe they have been forwarded by some sailing essf. We have only had time to glance hastily at tie papers before ujs, from which we glean ihe followinl: y - ' Santa Ank still remains in power. His resigna tion we pre me was withdrawn ; fori it is intimated that a inMorlr of Consress was anxious to accent it. QenlD?fnte wwstin tnrlaoiij Dyrart w h to learn anything mora definite as to the nature of his oflfence, his trial not having yet come on. The State of Chihuahua roted unanimously for Gen. Santa Anna for President, This is the only additional State the vote of which is given in the papers before us. The votes were to be opened on iue i um oi me present montn. uur impression is that Congress will have to make choice between the A V : j. j ? . i -jlrlt One of the lariresi Dolitical meetinirs, ever assem bled in the State, met at the Court House in Raleigh, on Saturday last The meeting was called to order by Wmton r. Gai.es, who, in a few pertinent introductory re marks, expressed his gratification at the large num ber of persons assembled, and the manifest enthusi asm which animated the meeting. He moved its orjranizatiori.'by the appointment of George Wash ington Haywood, as President The motion having i r i 'j i JR NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY, rday last was celebrated in this City, with jirit and animation, as the . Anniversary of an Independence. The loud booming of the I at dawn, announced the arrival of a day, to Jested in Religious gratitude, National festiv- social enjoyment, as jthe birth-day of 'the the free and the home of the brave and joyous anthem, filled with grateful devotion, W to Hue who is the giver and preserver, as our National and Religious liberties, as our Ind private endearmeuts-for his manifold lumbered blessings showered upon our hap beloved country. Exercises of the day commenced in the Pres- Lauren, at oua-ruse, wiuj imjt- "j x. Burtos, breathing the most deep andf sol- votion and oblieations to God, for his peculiar s upon ns as a Nation, and the lofty and pa- sentiment Of a free and enlightened People, ly Invocation of the Divine blessing was fol ly a most appropriate and eloquent Address, Rev. Drurt Lact, enforcing upon his audit ir deep, and -abiding dependence upon the Irbiter of Nations, for the exalt ed and enno- Ivors and features of this happy and prosper Vernment The Address was most excellent "py, befitting one. representing the devout and med Clergy of oar land, and becoming the the Scholar and the Christian. The Bene- jras pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Finch. o'clock, a Procession, under the direction of arshal War. D. Cooke, and Assistant Mar- 1 S. Smith and S. Preston, was formed at rt House, consisting of the "Ringgold Ar- the "Cossacks," the "Sons of Temper itizens and Strangers, Orator and Reader, "Wake Cavalry," in the order thus reci- ted btand had been erected, under the sha- mi iae oeauuiui native uaxs wnicn adorn found our magnificent Capitol, for the deliv- ie Oration, &c. A the large assemblage present had become d, the Throne of Grace was most impressive- solemnly addressed by the Rev. Albert in appropriate selections from the eloquent -inspiring Book of Prayer of the Protestant al Church This imDosine service over, the - 7 ion of Independence was read by John O. sq, in a clear, distinct, and unaffected man- e have never heard this inimitable Docu- erread : the intonation was perfect, the em- n punctuation without a fnnlt 0nA 1 7 wuva uuw aounced with a- nervousness, and power stness, rarely equalled, much less excelled. ktion, Ty Sion Rogers, Jr. Esq. was a most ad model production, evincing great clear Judgment, choice pictures of imagery, and a jtna cultivated taste in the selection of his f ; and was delivered too, in a mast captiva jhigh simple and unostentatious style. The Elected for his chief themes, the necessity ai Education, and the cultivation of Na uc and morality taking for his ground-, I the former position, that in proportion as Intelligence and Education is diffused among a, so are the enlightened principles of our I inimitable form of Go vernment, likely to tuated ; and in the latter, the infallible de i of Holy Scripture, that while " Rigbteeus eth a Nation, sin is a reproach to-any Peo Y Oration of Mr. Rogers, though unus'u ? (by the way, 'of itself no small r ecommen ave evidence of a mind stored with the 4te rature, the flower of Poesy and Rhetoric, sessing powers of cogent reasoning and :t which would have done honor to an older d bespeak for the young Orator a bright fin the arduous and difticuTt Profession ttp. ine is aoout entering. The Oration was py prolonged plaudits from the hkhly resnec- elHgent and large auditory, which must sfied the perfor mer, that he had contributed "u deS '.e. to their National pride and gra- ; tte exercises were then closed by y" irom the Rev. Mr. Smepesj and-the Institution continue to abide in bur midst, and no diminution of its ranks be known whilst the tice of Intemperance exists in our land. We have received a more particular account of this part of the celebra tion, hut our limits most reluctantly compel us to defer its publication o our next paper. Perhaps the most imposing of the many interest ing ceremonies of the day, was the procession to, and the assemblage of the Sabbath School Scholars of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist Denominations, in the Presbyterian Church, for the purpose of lis tening to an Address to be delivered before them by. the Rev. Mr. Bcrton; of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The spacious Sanctuary was filled to over flowing, with the beauty and intelligence of our City, to hear the Reverend Speaker on this important sub ject of Sabbath Schools. And most amply were they rewarded for their attendance, if deep pathos of thought, high, intellectual refinement of language, and happy and appropriate introduction of simile and contrast, could accomplish it The topics selec ted by the Speaker, were, the improvement and march of mind, and the moral culture and education of the heart Upon the former subject, he said the youth might well join in the prrfyer "Give me neither Poverty nor Riches for the extremes of either serve but as unconquerable barriers to the expansion of the intellect and the development of the fall energies of the mind. As the Laplander, wrap ped in his eternal snows and surrounded by his mountains of ice, is denied the rich fruits of industry and the delightful products of agricultural energy, so is the young mind, depressed and bound down by H. W. Miller moved the appointment of a Com mittee of five persons, to report Resolutions for the consideration of the meeting. The motion prevailed, and the Chair named as the Committee, the follow ing gentlemen, viz : Henry W. Miller, Hon. James Iredell, Weston R. Gales, Stephen Stephenson, and Dr. H. W. Montague. After a. short retirement, the Committee reported through Mr. Miller, the following Resolutions, viz: Resolved, that we, voters of the Sixth Congres sional District of the State of North Carolina, be ing assembled in the City of Raleigh on the 3d day of July 1847, do hereby nominate Major General Zacharv Taylor, of the State of Louisiana, the gallant Hero of Palo Alto, Resaca. Monterey, and Buena Vista, as a Candidate for the Presidency of the United States, at the next Presidential Election, and we believe that by his distinguished public ser vices, his ardent patriotism, his readiness at all times to sacrifice his comfort, and peril his life for his country, he has entitled himself to the gratitude and support of the whole American people. Resolved, that should Uen. Taylor be elected to the hi eh office of President of the United States. his sterling abilities, incorruptible integrity, and true independence and firmness of character, afford the most ample guarantee, that h will act, through out the performance or that important public trust, with a view to promote the interest and honor of the Country and the whole Country. liesoiiea. that we nave witnessed with the highest gratification the enthusiasm with which the nomina tion of General Taylor for the Presidency has been received, in all sections of the country, wheresoever such nomination has been made, and we hail it as a sure indication, that if his friends prove as true to him, as he has been to the country, be will be eleva ted to that honorable station by the overwhelming roice of the Nation. Resolved, that we do condemn in the most unquali fied terms, the attempt which was made at the last i . ; ; Jlw'"iT .i .. w" " Ml ... ..J" 'fr t this bounty, oh Priiah tie 2d of July: Mi Mary Allen, wife Cf Mr. Jamea ?Allcn, all of this County; a West's fireat Painting, P1HRIST HEALING THE 8ICK -ill visit tHfi iy follomng TowtfiJ viz : At Clinton, on Fridrfy flight, 9ih July, Klniibn, on Saturday night, lbih July. Newborn, on Monday and Tuesday, 1 2iH ind 13th. The above will !m tUU Washington and Greeiitille, and most of ihe Towns ijjthe Eastern and Ndrihern parts of the dtat. CHARLES H. WILBUR. ' Raleigh. Jury 5, 184T. 541 wp NOTICE,. t to the Tircliiia grkrtnsr&. are v tfdvisetlihsiihM will AnJ ih.ir .. agreeable and expeddGhU tutd onfy tatarofm, ra j a olm r ucto be hy way of Petewhttrg to Richmond, and l hence. ly the Kichmond and Loiiiita Kail Roadu to Charlotte, ville, Staunton, dcc pasidng in sight of Moriticello, and the celebrated University of Virginia. Travellers by this route reach the Warm 8orih to breakfast, on the second dav after leavine Itifch. mond, and the White Sulphur Suriners in the after. two, highest candidates, as no one will probably re- noon of the Mine day. ceive a majority of all the votes. On various occa- For further particulars or Tickets, apply fb the sions Congress has displayed great respect for Gen. Office of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and PoibmaC Herrera, which leads to the opinion that he will be Hail Road Company, Richmond: Va. Ornany report UHt&tiMv'Xki'Msmi Ky to. M cbargea, at this pUc,ihat 1 deem it pro per to auta tbai th charge i for lttnieia tistlb'r (ai hever befell sltereO; siftre theHtftS' was rilaWlsfedi ' and that hencetbrfcara,; the charge ' fof- iJtfxrd, whether by iKft day, week, or month, wifi be titfe ilmo as in lormer years. . - .';..; ,:i .V&UX4 lj JAMES PRE?fClf. ' ! t .1 4... ' ' T i jmy xmmv. , . t!. B4--2t t-..s MEMAmmatfli thi TMbti&rit tti&W;U WO KUt IU Mtm A I Genfal Post Ufi&l 9$ dead Letters; Abernathy chosen. The Government is urged by letters from Puebla and its vicinity to fall upon Scott, now he is weak, and crnsh him. They say he has really but a. little over 5000 men, though he pretends to have 7000. They seem to dread Test Gen. Taylor sheuld pro ceed to join Gen. Scott The propositions which Mr. Trist is authorized to make, are said by the Mexicans to be that each Repub lic shall name three commissioners to discuss the claims of the United States, and that if Mexico will not consent to thisthen the war is to be prosecuted. The Mexicans appear to have intercepted a good number, of private letters. Several to CoL Childs are particularly referred to. One is from Mrs. Childs, and contains much pleasant gossip as to the state of parties in the Uifited States. Other letters July 2. 1847. 54 Irfl Great Mail Line to the North, fir sSf' ttZZZS Via PetersAiirs:. Rf climoiid. FrMi. ericksburgr and Washiugton City; TRAVELLERS going North, are hereby in formed that the above Line is the only daily line, Ihe most expeditious line, and the only certain line. Passengers leaving Petersburg by this line, daily at o a M., arrive at Baltimore arrive at Baltimore to tea. at Phil adelpnia, in the course of the night, and at New York of an entirely private nature are commented upon, by 12 A. M the next day, being a business dav. and a ne successes oi some or me eueniia parties i sometimes two aavs. in advance of Travellers bv th1 near Vera Cruz, are duly chronicled and commend ed fu the papers. Picayune 25A . FOR THE REGISTER. " THE STATES OF THE UNION 1 the adamantine fetters of hopeless poverty, deprived Session of Congress, to fix a vote of censure upon of the higher and nobler enjoyments of soul to be drawn from the rich wells of intellectual research, and which can be secured only by delving with un tiring industry for the bright gems of literature which lie hidden deep beneath the surface of the maxy mounts of that eminence where uFajnes proad temple shines afar'., And asthe inhabitants of the torrid clime of the Cae of Good Hope, bowed down and oppressed by the enervating suns of that re gion, are rendered callous, indifferent, profligately idle amid their luxurious indolence and ease; so, likewise, with those who are nurtured in the lap of independent wealth,- sensible of their affluence and feeling totally above the need of effort y they relax into indolence and supineness, and from such nurse ries rarely, if ever rise that species of intellect which adorn our Councils, " charm listening Senates," or by their brilliant military achievements spread a blaze of glory around the proud fame of their com try. The necessity for Effort, is the Crucible through which the master spirits of mind will ever be tried and purified, and the lustre of a Nation's character be maintained and adorned. The parts of his Address to the Teachers and Pupils were admi rable and to the pointj and the whole, of rare excel lence and beauty. : The sounds of gay piusic from the City Hall, at about 8 o'clock, P. M, gave notice that the " Ral- ticm Tetot a lers," were preparing to commeuce their part of the exercises of this great gala-day. The large Hall was immensely crowded, and at about 9 o'clock,the auditory was addressed, we understand, by Mr. William H. Campbell, in a manner which did great credit to his taste and intellect The sub jects of his Address were choice and well-selected, clothed in patriotic sentiment, and abounding in ar dent and invigorating feeling. The cause of Tem perance w,as amply sustained too, we learn, in the remarks of the young orator, and the effort in gen eral, one upon which his friends may with pride -congratulate him and themselves. The Address was warmly received and rapturously applauded, and we doubt not all were delighted with the intrinsic excellence which we are told it possessed, as well as with the happy and unsophisticated manner in which it was delivered. This being over, the party pro ceeded to demolish the " good things" prepared for the occasion, and we have no doubt, that ample jus tice was done to the! delicious Lemonades and Ice Creams which were; circulated in great profusion among the large Assembly of whom, we learn, per haps two-thirds were of the " fair sex.": The even ing's entertainment was closed with a " trip upon the.hght fantastic foe," and the hilarity and mirth of the occasion was enjoyed to the fullest extent by every one present. x The Fire Works at the Capitol Square, too. at tracted hundreds of admiring spectators ; and it is no small compliment to our friend, Mr. William H. H, Tucker, to say, that his efforts on this occasion, to please, exceeded any of his former brilliant dis plays. We would like to particularize some of the magnificent peices exhibited, especially those which displayed in letters of fire, the 'names of Buena Vis ta, Bryan, Bragg and, Taylor, surmounted with min iature artillery, which threw in rapid succession their fiery ."grape shots high above the heads of the delighted throng ; but our limits admonish us that we should forbear, and must therefore, be con' tent with simply saying, what we know every one who witnessed them will endorse, that the enterpri sing getter-up deserves and receives their unquali fied thanks for his most successful effort to 'contri bute to our pleasure and amusement. Th e loud Ar tillery proclaimed the close of the Exercises of the day, and thus ended the gay festivities of the Na tioxal Anniversary of 1947 General Taylor, for the capitulation at Monterey, which act of capitulation was -sanctioned and ap proved by the ablest officers rh his army : And; had such a proposition passed Congress, it would have been an act of the blackest ingratitude to General Taylor, and most injurious, if not degrading to our .National character. J2mmJ,, That as American Citizens we, are proad of the character and fame of "Xacharv Tav- lor. We are proud to know that, amidst every danger when surrounded by the moat appaliug dif , ficolties when neglected by hia own Government when assailed by partizan presses and demagogues when threatened with being supplanted for party pur poses in that command in which he had won so much glory for his. Country, he iweiykd not from, the performance of ma duty th uo difficulty, danger, or ingratitude could daunt him, but that he went forward with a resolute heart, and relying upon his own genius, and the indomitable courage and patriotic devotion of his gallant little army, achieved a victory on the plains ot Buena Vista which struck terror into th enemies of hia Country and commanded the ad miration of the civilized world. Resolved, That we recommend to those through out the State, who are friendly to the election of General Taylor to the Presidency, to hold meetings and give public expression to their opinions, and that they be requested to appoint Committees of Corres pondence. . Resolved, That the Chairman of this meeting ap point a Committee of thirteen, to be styled the Ex ecutive, Committee for the County of Wake, whose dutyjt shall be to promote and carry out the objects of this meeting. rrenously, however, to reading the Resolutions, Mr. Miller, in strains of commanding eloquence, and cogent reasoning, assigned the reasons why they should be adopted. A better political speech, for such an occasion, was, perhaps, never delivered. A s soon as he concluded, and the Resolutions were read, E. B. Freeman moved that they be adopted by ac clamation, whereupon the enthusiasm could no lon ger be restrained, and .three loner, loud, deafening cheers were given for Old Zack. On motion of Mr. Gales, Resolved, That the President of this meetinir communicate to Gen. Taylor, a copy of the Resolu tions just adopted, accompanied by a letter, expres sive of the grateful feelings entertained for him by this meetingjand of the enthusiasm felt in his behalf. Henry 1. 1 oole, of Edgecomb (a Democratic can didate for Congress in this District,) being loudly called for, rose and addressed the meeting at con siderable length, avowing himself a Taylor man, out and out, without caring what his politics are, u If" said he, " he is good enough for the Whigs, he is good enough for me." un mouou oi jacob aioedecai, tne thanks or the meeting were voted to the Officers ; and, on motion of Johnston Buses e, the meeting adjourned. urcu rxunt yv . riAi wuujj, Chairman, , Charles J. Williams, ) Vice Ashley Sanders, ) Presidents. William H. Jones. ) . .' J. B. LlTTLEJOHN, SeCieS. DIVIDED LIKE THE BILLOWS, YET ONE AS THE SEA.' Air-Star Spangled Banner. By John Cameron, of Hillsboro'. Though Statesmen max differ, and parties may rage, A J .1 r .t l J I; :i a ' xvuu mo spirit ui rucuoii urereu civil commonon, Let it still be our pride, to display to the age That we cling to our altars with patriot devotion. Let demagogues strive ' For the spoils of the hive, We've a hope still from which Richer joys we derive That the States of this Union forever will be, Like the billons divided, yet one as the sea. Il-Wtli sn JhnaUea wrtiBa4aaTa. And deem their mad faction a holy communion; Let the chivalnc Southerner, rash as he's brave, In his wild indignation make light of the Union : cut m spite or them all, Ever deaf to each call, By our stars all we'll stand, To rise with them or fall Resolved that our Union forever must be, Like the billons divided, yet one as the sea. When lately the Tocsin pealed forth on the land. And the u Fiery Cross" sped o'er the face of the JNation From the North, East and West, stepped a patriot band, And the South joined the war cry, with wild acclamation ! Now strive side by side, Through the battle's red tide, Men who differ as far, As the Ocean is wide All linked by the feeling Our Union must be " Like the billons divided, yet one as the sea?1 , ' IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. . Later from the Army of Gen. Scott. Gi ScotVs Departure ft ot Puebla' No Negotiations for Peace Withdrawal of Troops from Jalapa Gen. Pillow's Departure from Vera Cruz Santa Anna still President -Almonte in Prison Confu sion of Parties in Mexico Cabinet Changes Inter cepted, Despatches, fyc $-c. frc. The Steamship, Palmetto, Cant Smith, arrived last evening from Vera Cruz, having sailed thence on the ISth mst. She touched at Tampico on the 20th and Brazos Santiago on the 2 1st instant. ; Although we are not in possession of letters from Mr. Kendall, we have ad vices upoiuwhlch we place every reliance as to the movements of Gen. Scott. An express form Puebla, by the route of Cordova,) had arrived at Vera Cruz, announcing that Geuerai Scott commenced his march upon the City of Mexi co on the 16th instant. We hear not a word more in regard to the over tures of peace said to have been mode to Gen. Scott. That be marched on the 1 6th we have no doubt. Another express had arrived at Vera Cruz from Jalnppa, which announces that all the sick had left there on the 14th inst. for Perote under a small escort- Col. Childs fras to leave the following day With all the garrison. Gen. Shields wouVl accom pany him. The rood between Jalappa and Puebla. is represented as free from guerrillas of any kind. About one thousand troops left Vera Cruz cn the SALE OF TOWN LOTS IN THE NEW. COUNTY OF POLK, NORTH CAROLINA. (rVTHE SALE OF TOWN LOT8, in the County of Polk, N.' C, will commence on Wm nkbday, tne 2lst day of Jdlt next, and continue fronvday to day until all are sold. C2r One and Two Years' credit will be given, but IS otea with approved security required. 03s This County was established by an act of the last cesion of the Legislature, out of a portion of liutherford nd Henderson Counties. The County embraces a fine, healthy, industrious, and enterpri sing population. It contain a large quantity of nne Grain lands, and immense Forests of the finest tim ber. A portion of it is mountainous, presenting some of the most beautiful and romantic scenery inv aginaoie. its climate lor hkalthfclhess and ylka- s ants ess is altogether unsurpassed. The couir- tt-stte is located on an extensive plain, about six miles rom the Mountains, in full view of them The Country around is level and beautiful, and the Koads, crossing in all directions, will be made very fine for Waggons, Carriages, and Vehicles of every description. GO Tftie Town will be 30 miles from Greene- villenS. C. ; 34 miles from Spartanburg C. H., S. C. ;;18 miles from the Limestone Springs, S. C. ; 16 miles West of Rutherfordton, N C. ; and 25 miles from Rendcrsonville it Flat Rock, N. C. (. The County abounds in the finest Timber, Stone Quarries, and Clay oi the best kind for buil ding purposes. irj- Persons abroad, are invited to attend the sale of tne Lou. ; - . AT To all persons in search of health and amuse ments, and desirous of the advanttges oi Schools, Churches, (Society, Ac, in one of the most delight ful, abundait. and romantic countries in the world. a tne opportunity is presented for purchasing and improving In this new own. , The! Contracts, for the building of the Court House andiJail, will be let out during the Sale of the Town Lotaj f)3 Under Takers are desired to attend. and submit plans to the Commissioners for said Building t COLUMBUS MILLS, ! WM. F JONES, J. Commissioners. ,i HENRY M. EARLE.J , 'june t8, 1847. SO ts Geo, B. Taliaferro, GROCER & GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANT, , Wo. 77, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Refer toi- j Thos. Wiatt, Esq., Weldon. i Messrs. Laurence & Vaughn, Murfreesboro. June 22. 1847. 51 W W4 "ft a tuver ana Day coats, anu are, moreover, exempt from all risks ol sea sickness and Storms, as by the James River, and Bay Line. FAKE BY THIS ROUTE. From Petersburg to Baltimore $7 60 Baltimore, to Philadelphia 3 00 " Pbiladel phia to New York by the early morning line 3 00 In addition to the above line, the Companies on the Great Mail route, have, on Monday and Thursdays, e second most delightful line, by way of Acquia Ureek and mouth of Fotomac, r assengers by this last line, go by the Great Mail line as far as Acquia Creek, where they take the swift and beautiful tfieamer Powhatan, CaptU. W. bDXKE&L, (which leaves Acqma Creek immediately on tne arrival or the Uara from Kicnmvnd.) and reach Baltimore some hours in advance of Passen gers by the James Hiverxnd Bay Line, and at tile same expense, r"as-engers by this last line, equally! evojoT tne dangers or eva sickness anu. tne oncer- tainty ot tne wioe ana rougn portion oi tne my, be tween Old Point Comfort and the mouth of Potomac, and make the trip between Acquia' Creek and Balti more in aj splendid Steam Boat unsurpassed in strength, b fault or comfort. I or further particulars, or through tickets, apply at the office of the Richmond and Petersburg Kail Road Company in Petersburg, or of the Kichmond and Fredericksburg Rail Road Company, in Rich mond to the Ticket Agent. Richmond, Va., July 1, 1847. 54 3m rrV-The Halifax Republican, Milton Chronicle, Warrenton Reporter. Fayetteville Observer and Dan ville (Va.) Herald will copy for three months, and send a Paper occasionally containing the Advertise ment, to En. Robinsok, Esq., President of Kich mond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Rail Road Com pany, to whom they will also forward their accounts. SHERIFF'S SALE- Will sell at the Court House in Concord, Cabarrus County, on the 3d Monday of August next, the following Lands, or so much there ot, as will satisfy the Public, County and Ptfnr Tax for the year 1845, end costs I hereon, ix : I ,No. i Acres Near what water course. $ c. William Coleman, Rachel Black welder, Joseph Davis, N. Martin, Isaac F. Townend, Ann Boraxfriend, W. S. Cochran, T. R. Conol, George W. Davis, Thos. Irwin, H.3. McCaleb, James M. Alexander, W. S.Allison, Josiah Gilmer, A. W. Still, Thomas L. Wood, Jamea C. Morrison-, Cyrus Query, Guard. W. Boat's Heirs, John H. Biggerr David Dorton, Charles Dorton, John W. Means, M. S. Archibald, Alfonzo Gannon's adm John E. Gannon, Jane Gray. Jacob L. Little, H: W. Linker, Jesse. Re vis, Arthur Reed, Samuel C. Klutz, John Leflar, Jacob Smith, Mary Barringrr, D. M. LlRlwick, Archibald Hotieycut, Jacob Cress's Estate, George-' We vor. J Barnhardt adm. Robert Day wait, Allen Bather, Guard. lkCoddle Creek 32 do 93 Buffalo Creek 69 do 7U do 2v Rocky River 23v do 100 do fS8 Coddle Creek 112 do 60 do 69 do 424 do 200 Rocky River 41 do 43 i . do 300 do 118 do 60 do 114 do 109 do 92 do 205 do 825 do 410 do 4 do 313 do 66 do .91 do 395 do do 600 - do 106 do Hamhy Run Buffalo Creek 4 ' do 125 do 322 . do 197 do 20 Cold water cr'k 7 do 235 do 62 28 61 25 32 11 28 30 84 49 22 08 99 75 64 82 75 30 22 80 96 61 6u 10 45 56 57 24 70 52 20 70 78 73 75 60 83 21 13 11 68 75 Adams Mies Tranduilta4 Anderson James T Jr Actoir Wm R Allen Moses H B Boules MIVs Looi! 2 Beard Mrs Martha Beamer Cindsrilia BaitleWnl H Beek VYrtiA Bisetl Miss Anghrie Brown Sion Beasley Fielding 2 BuckbeeJ Barker Edmund Brunker Wm BarbeePlvnn Baily Hendersori Buffaloe Henry Buck Wm Barham Wnf Betts Mies Mary Butcher Mrs Nancy Coplin Wilie . Cook Henry Creed Wm $ Couchman Wm D f Jarroll Mrs HrtUnah Coach Leigh Carter Merrill E Cros! Mrs Msry Cousihs Martha Chravis Wm Crudtrp Rev Jni Carter Lucind Cameron John 0 CanadayC Cates Alfred D . Disbrow Wm F Dunn Miss Rebeccs Devenport Win Davis Robert Davis Sopronie S Dole Lewis1 H Dua'lmirth Mr S E batman A Uey EvanrxTimanF Edmund "Wm T Edwards James F Fort Betsy Fuller Wilie Fowler Wm Fields F B Feathermatr Dr Fisher Geo Farange Maj Wnr d Gyant John -Gorden Jos Gill B Green' Master J W Greenhow Thomas Goelet 8aml M Garner Mips Susari H Holland Tfromas Hansal Mr Hill A H 3 Holme Wm Harrrss Wm R Holmes Laura Horteri' Win X -Hill Martha Honeycut David Hinton Amert Harrell Miss H A HartThoe Honeycht John Hinton Miss Mary A House Jinsa Harriss H H Homes MajThortfssH H udson Temperance Hamilton Patrick Herten Benj Hester John . Heath Adam Horten Hattwell High Alex M Hubbard J 4 Co Halter Jacob 4 Harrhton John 3 Haley JJ 3 J Ivy Mrs Mary A Jewel B H Jones Penelope JincksSeth Jopnson Ransom Jones S W Jones Wm ' Jones Augustin Johnson Allen Johnson Rigdon Joiner Elizabeth JohnsoftAmos Johns (Stephen 8 Jefiys Jas KoU ' K Karkland Mrs Ann M Knight W R KillkellyJB Knox Thomas D Kelly Jos Kincannon Dr Andrew N Lold'Mre Elizabeth LyUtU Whi' lteMauinVva. rgon?onn Lloyd Jos W Lain Brittod 2 TOWN LOTS. .4 E, R. Barnhardt, Joshua Benson ' Leah Cress, Rachel Stuart, TERMS Uasn. July 1, 1847. Concord 66 do I sr do 83 do 88- C. N. WHITE, Sheriff. Pr. Adv. $16 64 ts . THE HIGHEST CAHPniCJQ 1 VEN for OLD CASllNGS; delivered at the UTT Rockville Foundry. X-M 8. BURNS. Raleigh, July U 847. , 53 wlm LtteCharloile Lumsden J rl MitcheH im Malohe Caleb Morgan-Jshe - Mfguire JHn Mbhtagtre Wm L MasingaleSia'rlinr . Murchisoh Kenneth Mills Matthew -Mainard1 Minervsl -Mar low Jesse Montague H. W- Moore Miss Harriett iand McCauley Mark! j. McCu Hough -i 1 Nutt Miss Margaret NeaJ Miss Temperith& OllisSsmnet Owen Emily : ' Oneal Henderson P Perry Mrs. Clara f Poole Msi. Ransom ' fansll Justice Parkef HO Polk Thomas G ParemoUT Jesipfi - raremour fflisa Alvirut Potter Miw Mirraret "' Peffy JohnL' ' R ' RolSn'iSamuel Regaii John Rogers JesHui , Redout F A. Rogers James M Rogers Rebecca1 ' . RotHson Mis. Mary A mmn Miss Jalist . . Reed Hugh H Resmes Thomas 8 .. -r jSrbotoogK Samctef ' V Spicer Elizabeth 2 . rthaulk 8arh J Stokeii Johh i Smhh Miss M B Sttfrdivght Rebecca Sturdivsnt Ester -Scott Madison Seagraves fahsm 2 Set welt Dr Henry JStfang tit'iii SunH P Upeata Christopher l 8tUfdfvant Win C Stephensori Jonathin 8irlChelev Smith John Sneed Junius rinipee NcedbamM Saunders Capt F . Saunders Miss N.!. Saunders Judge ' , Seders Mrs A H vT 1 - PiylorMfaLydiaM; I'aylot Jsttes ; Tompkine ftrs. Rose! Townsend . Tahe J. A. ThomrtMarf Thompson Mm H. ELzai rbomas Jos A Puttier Wm D ? Thompson Smith 4- C6 1 D Utley Jonathan . Utley Benton V VahdergruT Archibald W. WombleGeo. Wrigfri R. Ij. 1 Womble Edy Wynn Miss Martha 2 Warren Miss Margaret Warren Willie P Waahington Mrs Elii b h Wahon James W Wimberly David Wilder James Walton JameS Wood BC Wood David Wilson Mi M i Wilkersondw'd B Wadkiiis Commod'ore j WbitakerSrl Walton JSamuel S Wicker oho A Weathers Mary E ; , Weaibers Kimbro - Weathers Samuel P WilfiamaJseeilt William AVra H Williams Betid- 1 ' Winiamf Henry P Williams Stephea B Yatee Mrs Eliza Ji ' Young Watnsw ' Vng Thomas W Yonntf & Kent - nr Persons, calling for, any of the abw Letters, ill please .it thet!ere adveWieiL . Raleigh loiy.1, 1847. i .milrn im ... ii i COMMISSIONER fCM0&0m ' To taki Testimony rckntfwledgenW 44Jfrl Decemlm26, 1846. Yei" J VERY TIGHTLY BOUND