Tn nr f vr n.j 5 if -i- WTv lr RlT til ! I7H iliU J t f-T J ,,it -,jt-xti "J ;A''V 1 x ' " " Vi-I r,rJ ' I ) J' ; " . $ " ' ..:: ' ... 1 n 11 mi is u. imii. jisi 11 1 in - - " " rlt r, , ',tt- ;'r: ' 1 f v -- - r , -.r r i . , - - J 3 ' . . vis tiJ -mi, 11. t rdaj September S&k in anothcf column letter from Gen. eratfj upon and -which finalljf trough Vnnexation of Texna. s He shows -it -to of the most successful bvptivg tret pon the people ,of an j country , . . SAD tfATASTftOPHfiff' ' T W Pkkrt.TVo Bifwfij KiHn, North irrired in this City on Tuesday last, fe and child, on the Cars, and took lod- Washington llotei' During the night y having occasion to go 4own stairs, hi in the second story, he by some means iNridkow for the door, as is supposed and !ftted ChereErom some twenty or twenty lis groans of distress brought him relief, carried back to his room, where he lin Wednesday evening, and diet!: The Ju st over the 'body gave in as their verdict, ed from the effects of a full from a wiu FrCOHU siury vi iub asuiugiva hoitl land that this is another sad warning ikenness ! WAR NEWS. this Week, we hav received' news from s Division of our Armyj' to the effect ?guard of his array wag at Ay ot la on the 71st, and op to that date had not firel a 'a is but twenty one miles front the City nd twenty miles beyond the pass of Rio f rumored at Vera Cms, tlut Gen. S. repulsed the enemy after' a sharp eu-j which he lost SOO men. also iutelligence from the train under from which we learn his safe arrival SnaL Bridge, after some pretty severe with the gverriltas. j have given the above in our last, but as rccly assumed a more authentic shape a rumor, and being unwilling, know- in giving, currency to any of the Bu llous statements which come from that referred waiting a few days for further hieh we give hers a brief summary lowever, ;Uat all is still in dovbt : .yune" of the 31 st ftlt. learns by the JJ- tuias of Jalapa, of the 15th of August, was issued,lhl& .rsuunnuer imyorxssi 90 far' as the Editor knew, crosad the Idge. It announces the arrival of Pare ns his return very indiscreet, and doubts be to take -part in the defence of the Se Boletin ttrentiotas that the last divi? Jcott's army was to leave Puebla On the V does not say it left that day. It then eculate about the chances of victory in be fought the capital and its vicinity, ig new dr definite is given. r r FROM MATAIMQRA3. Orleans papers of the3Ist ult. announce i of the "Mataraoras Flag" of the 21st ot a word from Gen. Taylor's camp. rs of the Denot at the Braxos, are dai- the arrival of a large portion of Gen. es at that place, from which they are d with tranVportation to Vera Cruz. SCHOOLBOY DAYS. . Schootby days! 'Who does no feel i 4 tide of joy ons, sunny recolksctions, flow to his heart, as he thinks ofttem?.Whc- does lot llove, occasionally, to. for get that he Is n grows man 1 Who tloes not delight, now and then, to torn away from the stern duties and dark days of mature life, and look back to the bright skies anoj ffcesh, feelings of boyhood, ind min gle again with his earliest companions, as fte was, and tlxy wejtfTo recall, as our neighbor of the u dard" lath his cross-bow and VtanvftPi k It is indeed .pieasant though, whn the vision of thosft day rises fulTiO;T!ei': nd ye see how the world a changed us; when wesechnwolreoldf passed tway frem nature, and, how much less magic and beauty there is in life itself, one almost wishes f hat he had ,n9t been so happy. . Wje were all of, us happy then, for we could not be otherwise. We had just planted our feet on the shores of existence, and every; thing was new and wonderful around us. We had 110 long, sad ; past, to look hack npon, filled up with folly and indiscretion. There were no dark years behind us, scattered over with wrecks of hap piness, beneath which the heart lay crushed and bu ried. . Life was all before us, and it seemed to stretch On without u shadow. The world was full of novel ty, beauty and enchantment. .; . But it is pleasant, sometimes, to forget that we are changed ; to lose ourselves in the illusion, that we are young and lightThearted ; ignorant of the strug gling, selfish world; cherishing the gay dreams of boyhood; looking around upon happiness, and for ward to bliss j filled with wonder at the present, and sunny anticipations of the future. It is pheasant to bring" back, occasionally, the old Academy with its I grave and venerable rulers, anI its heedless, impa tient subjects ; to see ourselves struggling to compre t head Baker and Briar j stuck, emphatically stuck, On Cider; following out our progress from Compel to Zumwary ; and recollecting our ! wonder at the erudition of those who knew why St 9 re was a noun, and who could parse, "John reads his book? Then, $00, the words " Boys may go out' what thrilling words they were ? They were like an elec tric shock. They quivered through every boy's whole frame from head to heels. j Those were joyous days, but they will never come back. They were the bright hours of a rosy morn ingthey were the first playful leapings of a stream at its fountain head, flashing in sunlight, and wind ing its ray through grass and flowerf, that has flow ed 'on, fill it has become wider and deeper a little turbid, now and then, but, on the whole, clear, mild and peaceful. . A VERITABLE BRUTE. We have rarely seen any thing equal to the des picable malignity of the following, from '- u Ohio uuiwumu. a aiouw rww 141 . u And then might Henry Clay welt eiclaim,, 'My soul is wearied of life.' Then let bun know let him be assured that they are n Other than the just judgments of God overtaking him for his vices and iniquities. His complains or misery was enti tled to no compassion. Way, they vfere sinful, be cause they were from sinful source from ft mind broken and debauched by luxury ana corrupuon. He K therefore, the author or all his own misery, hv ha Tin? thrown awav unoft the vices and follies of . - . . - 1 . i tt . 1 u tho world that power 01 mina wuico uou wiu w- stowed upon him for nobler purposes." The "New Orleans Delta in publishing the above paragraph, remarks : i Had we our will, we should " Place a whip in every honest hand, . , To lash the rascal naked through the world," who is the author of the foregoing vile paragraph. a i ism i . A 4 , v fci . ij , $.'?. iJuJ.V4Jriy- f rfl - I derthecommandofCantJor!4r.ov nfn InllUfc iXJt ng aently if the same can be completed and Officered for Mus- f hewonwardtnarch npbti tie enemy ttinital er, wy wie ium ox uctober. The time allowed is hardly sufiBciejn but we hope that Capt. O, by the id of other Wbergetio young men, may be ready to iuayu ujr .ue penoa prescribed : i .CORRESPONDENCE. ; v; OK5 VQLUNTEER3 ; .. It will be seen, from the following' Letters, that me xrresiuwu 01 we umtea atates has fterfed: lo ae . i . c ' Niw Va. a I cent a volunteer ' Com nan vnr rnf-mfw .Mrt .Sfc-As many day hare now elatMM4,itM Jl v... rjn the-MaxlmM k...!.:.! t.-toi.i.--'. rnaajjr antbetttie- ttdimn-, from'fthaAjnminnd. :r' s t w tww m mw saw, un-. , uen.Sco-rr. th hnT,lU Mi..i .. ""L T gf especially aa. Knowm positirely. to have bm An ti.. re-appearance oft the xiled and proscribed' Pared upon4h. Stage of action, there, will gire.additioa1 interest cr the lOeady auWrbingnia we now! cmcfl&riD MttleoftTIieiwVattrtLlto Napolwm-hke ini this indiTMnr v.;Dfc, returnat should the Mexicans iulhere to his for u i,oa,u ,H ; U3Uw me rench to the Emperor, when miku-ly eirfcumstancfed, xretl may we prepare Jelv -r startling iresnlts-: At nil . etentsV it bodes no good to the cause ; of peaee and it shJiW t,lfr?6 iM if' dl8C1ing their unfortunate and nation ma v!be mdue mn n.vM V -tSS!f of the,KorthAunder f SSSSf. I'oWrit atdoeseietafv aST famished Paredes, as he did banta AAna, with a free MiJnto Mexico! hnt fm the unimpeded and remarkable manner with which the gentlemen effected his entrance into and through !If!Uthi?midstof liiery, one is & aSKft? he Recipient of ? ,i WAtt DrPARTMTCJtT, J Wtshinsrton. SevtrmAtr . 147 f , ,,Sltt;, The President has authnriind thAannontiinoA of a ppmpany of Vol unteettnfantry, under the com mand of Captain John Camekon, of your State, to serve dunnar the War with Mexico. nrnrhlMl tl.A Company bepresented for muster, on, or before the ivia m wiooer liextand the Offieera thereof he d il ly commissioned Tu accordance with theli.wsof North Carolina.' I have therefore the honor in trina. mit herewith a copy of the letter from this Depart ment, to Captain Camehon on this subject, and to request the co-operation of your Excellency in the organisation of said Company, and the appointment of the Officers under the authority of the State. The samo rules and restrictions will bo observed in respect to this Company, as were prescribed in for mer requisitions upon your State: t 11 f ... .. .. . . : vuf awsiwnqr w request ea to aesignatea place Dfttr 'MrpJUtS t "T V we oeuaw of the,cate egb im,"rT T yrwniwaea our presehtConsti Ua Itt.lath -or Mr. R. an intetesfifngfatoi. ly are depnveoTofa kind husband an.f W BOCietT, Of fttnoat wik-l.w w, Mr. SheriW? nrati Jt'lFaA u - n . v itoablteit i Zen.- Quarter Session, of Wayne County, fotttanielrs " eiso ror several years represented that County in the Senate of the Legislature of the State, and was a member of the. Convention in 1835 for ameudine k Ooiirt.tutia of the Statef alt of which stations manner aiiKe creditable to himself and cmi tv me pUDllCf '."". v Ak,0id PVn Comfort, on the 2Sth ult Aon Col Imsy Infant daughter of the Hon. Wm, B. Shepai-d1 the same special nkark of Executive Javor, that was so kind y extended to his illustrious predecessor,' But tM the present extraordinary situation of affairs m J100) t is wbree than idle te speculate upon will be ordered, to inspect the ComtMin v. ami niuster it mto the service. 1 hare the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES BUCHANAN, Acting Secretary of War. His Excellency, William A. Graham. Governor of North Carolina. Italeigh, N. C 01 renaexvQUS, ana iniorm this Uenai traent of the waaiiye is in the womb oTth fn Tk same, when an Officer of the United States Army tte of things there, at preseut. admits of no will Ka am.1 aua.1 Av t . . a i e . I eafe valiti1!..u ' .. wvi(n,iB8ataMP1 as to eventual results. 7 be wisest among us know not what a d y mfly bring forth in that wide-extended field of strife that theatre which, the twelvemonth past, has beheld so many tragfo scenes, and which, alas! there is eve ry reason to believe, is to witness many more, ere we behold the denouement of the bloody and despe rate drama, which corrupt counsels, and a lawless M4 Justifiable ambition have led our countrv t Wa Dkpaktxexit.. ) . 1MH ; r'"'ungt0n, September 4t 1S47. J . my last letter was written, besides the Sir : The President has authorited the aecentuWe I uifdalquiver,' we have received a.1icM from Kn ot the Company of Volunteer Infantry tendered bv I wpt ty two other. Steamahins. the Caledoniii. nf th serve during the war with Mexico, provided, ' -CjULIpe, at Boston, and the French steamer that the Company be presented for muster within. 'e"f York," from Cherbourg, via Newport, to this thirty-five days from this date,' and that the Officers port The English news, in a commercial and mo thereof be commissioned "in accordance with the laws net4ry light, has been the most important received here for a long time past, and has had a marked in fluence in Wall street. It will require the greatest caution on the part of our own people, to escape, the sweeping monetary crisis just now prevalent in EngUnd. JJreadstuffs have not, however, been ma terially affected by the yet declining state of prices in the English and Continental markets which may be only ascribed to the very small stock of Flour and Grain on hand here. Number of deaths in the City for the week, 347. , Thf weather, here is still very warm, the ther mometer averaging for the last three or four days, g- RICHMOND. of North Carolina. The organization of the Com pany wben mustered, will be as follows: 1 Captain, 1 First Lieutenant, 2 Second Lieutenants, 4 Sergeants, 4 Corporals, 2 Musicians, and 80 Privates. A requisition for this Company Will be addressed to the Governor of North Carolina, under whose an thority, as in similar cases, the Company "will be or ganized and offered. Very respectfully, your obed't serv't, JAMES BUCHANAN, , Acting Secretary of War. Capt; Johs Camcjlon, of North Carolina, Washington City, D. C. I - The Vkilsrftlvhin Lullttut notices the aeai i v. remarkably sagacious dog named Cassius, which for several years had been a constant attendant upon the Good Intent Hose Fire Company, and was al ways the first to give the alarm in case of fire. From among a number of interesting anecdotes of poor Cash, we take the following : Qa one occasion Cash had a very tough and long rpflE Subscriber wishes to purchase 10,000 lbs. ef . iwivir, jor which ne will pay Market VtT t , c - B' B- BUFFALOE. lUleigh. Sep. 9, 1847. 73 T3 FOR UJBitT, A jJDJmmR,li!ite Possesion given, the DWEL tpX LING HOUSE, recently occupied by D. W dtomEj Esq. one door South of W. R Gali;s. A d ply for terms, at this Offiee. r Raleigh, August 31, 1847 i 79 TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, Boisscau & Muir, Corner Sycamore and Bollingbrook Streets, PetcrsbtU'g, Ta. HAVE just received and opened a large and beautiful assortment ol Chiua, Olass, Earth eu ware, Tiooking tilasses.Lamps, & such prices, that we feel confident will satisfy air who may favor us with a call. Some articles ol buf great variety we enumerate : . Gilt China Tea Setts Pressed Decanters Plain do do do Cut & press, grass Bowls White China Dinner Setts Solar Lard Lamps Flowing blue do do Suspeudiug do lights B' do do Girandoles, 12 3 and 5 wnue Uramte do do Gilt Matt tie and Pier Toilet Setls.various pat'ns Looking Glasses Pitchers, every description Toilet Looking Glasses Cot Tumblers aud Wiues Swing aud Ring do do Pressed do do Castors, &c. Cot Decanters Together with a large stock' of commen ware. Merchants would find it to their interest to call and examine our stock. Also a large assortment of Bal Utnort) Stone Ware, a fine' article. - 2- 72 w3w Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Brushes, Fancy ARTICLES, OILS. PAINTS & DYE-STUFFS. E AM receiving by ship Ohio, from Liverpool, of my own importation, (as well as by rackets from by original VV-noflf, torn poYtion of odf cli-titoew m m &w acon lopinwe vvbotiade jviih General Orders; 3 r AWOTAKTIJlKMI,'simtl i . tfJJ1 A4ttii0t iiirf. Steter bavin a, Ihotuea Ihe acceptance of a Volunteer Commif lt fnfauiry toberalaed Itt K on h Carolina. ndeT thl of th ?w t,'X1C' nd.q'-ted the co operaSoS Governor m organ,n the same 1 llfcSmtZ lend their aid in furth.rafu. r ,u: ..t-'-r . ? ai" '"T" - m .erTice irom IhisUfal V t fcjiJFtirV?? designated is r,nea bsi point will be most iient for thooe wher dim volant. ''- u orfler 01 Eicelleney, W,t. Ai OiatxV. m w Dtinmm inree weeks1. toon conve 1 Kfc Wsre 8rhssed in mort cases 1 r j a few From the New Orleans Picayune of September 3d. AMERICAN ARMS AGAIN VICTORIOUS ! Tu MtxicAss Dematep bt General Scott, in TWO DlSTISCT EXGAGEMKNTS. Of which the following Catalogue embraces leading articles : Best English Blue Mass, Castor Oil, Do Calooiel, Pure Sperm Oil, Sulph. Quinine, English Bleached, Whale, and ? German & American, ) Salad Oil, 5 M nV k - in TM toe eietfnied lof seii iJZVtt- proceed of October trett, atUe Storehouse of e.M? wftSK . m uaieigh, all of his stock of Dry Goods; Hard re, Groceries, Ac As most of tL Iw'S' !Tf The uu -n. ...i i'wuu,l Good; .baa ,win ,!? Court House in Raleigh, Srrttr Liak ooin abeutpo year. bkl. thexHher. boy. end N. C.rn fa the, r...v, on,B w neonvKd formerly belenririi Taylorr Wilr, d others, cUttniftr is j n. above T,.ci veW hnpftrted, baving th5 .ri" 8emnt of . welS conducted Parm. There isa VVefl of good w.teX the ,.rd, and a tbriity Orchard of AppL, 4 pSS trees near the Dwelling, rr f"cn Term, of Safe Cash. : WILSON W. VVflmKT,.: September 10, 1847. .C Standard three ttofrrf, lotteries; MUSEUM BUlLPfNGet, BAtfTfMQjgB, jttfe CORRESPONDENTS ate reminded that du ring the' nreseat and montft rt,mmim ik. will be a aeries of the esost ttnetotiheoarvmi, iww- wnicn we aray say ft otfparanelej ipitStf The City of Mexico at onr Mercy- contested fight with a dog that appeared to be his jie Xexs cf Gem. Scott's Advance Confirmed The . A t. it - ! . J V ' I MB TS If S Wfc match in every respect. In the midst of the con test,1 and when it was doubtful which would rove the better1 dog, a good-for-nothing little cur ran up and bit Cash severely in one of his hind legs. Sat isfied with his valoiotis behavior, the little sneak wen UuVk iu uis juancn tu uu iwhki v uwr. low ing the two combatants to fight it out. Cash had taken no notice of the bite, but "went on with the fight until he whipped bis opponent to his satisfac tion and compelled him to run off, he then walked deliberately over to the door where the little cur was lying, and picking him up by the back or the . . r . 1 . . 1 . . 1 v Paiitinm. of El Pcnon Turned Gen. Valencia De feated Gen. Santa Anna Defeated A Suspension of Hostilities Solicited and Granted Congress Sum moned and Negotiations 19 be resumed Safety of Mai. Laity's 7Vwut, c.rcSrc. The Steamship Fashion, Capt. O' Brady, arrived viMtM-rinv eTenint? from Vera Crux. The news by thi arrival is the most important we have received ;n mn mnntlii from Mexica Our army had not only advanced to the City of Mexico, but it has had two engagement with, the enemy close under the wail at the Citv- and defeated them. The Mexi- Sulph. Morphine, Hjdriodate Potass, Iodine, Pure Balsam Copaiva, Ipecac, Jalap, BestTurkev Rhubarb, Ext. Belladon, Do Colycinth Corap. Do Dandelion, Madder, superior. Cream Tartar, Tartaric Acid, Super Carh. Soda, Peruvian Bark, Rpsotn Salts, Seidtia Powder, Liileed 6t Tanners Oil, White Lead,pore & no. I Chrome Green 4r Yellow, Logwood, ground and tck, 5 Copperas, Alum, Copal, Japan V Coach ? Varnish, 5 Iadigo, best quality,' Redwood, Annatw, Mace, Ginger, Nutmegs, Essential Oils, Soaps and Perfumery, DECEPTIOxV. 'ocoism is what it professes to be if the peculiar and especial advocate, and the interests of the pwr man why is reat reductions made in the Tariff of en,' for the most part, on the articles Of used by the rich alone 1 The wines srandies, the glistening broadcloths and s and satins of the wealth nabob is le the poor man's tea and coffee was at )e taxed, to defray the 'expenses of this I alleged 1 Why not tax the rich man's I rather than the poor man's necessaries 1 I claim to be the party, whose peculiar lesign is" to protect the poor from the en- I and ovcr-reachings of the rich ! Bat the discernment' of an honest though misled people, the mask has fallen from vad they see things now face to face, and tribution awaits those 'whose deceptive falsehood haro sediaeed them into the 1 policy against their interests and pros- rry Mr. W. H. Polk has resigned his post as Was Ivine, and picking him up by the back of the lU f the Citv. and defeated them. The Mexi- 7 ' iu ' . . . .. 1 , i.r i: - i..i . .i i. 1 . v . a. . . 1 Knsoin oaiu. - iu. uwiiuk Charge to Naples, and received front ft brother we TLrZtZ ve been brougnt to Pf I PowdeT,r . Bribes, of all kind appointment of Major of the Third Dragoons in PTf 1 otm u -"; - M v Dror Store will have the undivided attention tLereralarsevf etyTenctnitott 1 D?Tr!.,vL;; l of Mr. Uso. D. Joxks and N. S. Pssewn.Wh prao 'otJLL TLrA.'; i, 'ai.-. WhtW n.ih h..t rPw nn t ik m leT5J!m f .:2T;- r m the ere- tical A fKMhecanes. I ms former Customers, lltITI B III ASAK A1VU n U V WH W w I m ILE Tf AA V- AA If AS VI W W awn a wv 1 aa V&BlWwI WHW mTKI W KTVA I KM V A - I Mi. w.. in whihJfitrm on Snndav last, as was I and it was found impossible to urge the carriage I ! tv. 06th ult by an express Courier from Or- .UMrGaP.(,f.hitJiUtrfSU.A,. fe'S o o 1 lIIIIHIU. OT Vwvw. ' tually pulled him into the street, at which the terri- "Okza.j August 25y 1947. fied mua took hold of the rope' and worked like a jtfW farr friend The Mexican Mail which has Hereulea for fear of another attack. tt come in, brings the following intelligence. Be- S,evernl weeks since, four or five of the members fog of so great importance, I send you this express of the Good Intent Hose, went over to Gloucester courier who will be with you to-morrow about 12. Point, taking Cash with them. One of the men j for Qn the 20th two brigades commanded by Gen. pastime, ascended a ladder to the top of a two story Valencia and Santa, Anna, went out to attack the house. On lookins around, he was surprised to find imtrimM dmf San Amrel. Vitlencia's division that the dog had gone with him. After , taking a 1 8 been completely defeated, and S.uita Anna, after my, both being on their way to Mexico. Country Merchants generally, a wells rtyi to an exammaUon ot my otocx. FRANCIS MAJOR. Petersburg, Sept. 4. 1 4w FATAL RENCOUNTER. We learn verbally, says the Natchitoches Chron icle of the 14th, that Mr. Russell, editor of the Red Leaader, was killed a few daya ago! in San Augus tine, Texas, by Mr. Kendall, of the San Augustine Shield. A very bitter newspaper controversy had been going on between the parties for several weeks, and finally led to the shedding of tyood. We have not been able to ascertain the particulars. ' Report says that Mr. Kendall and Mr. Russell fired three shots at each other without effect, and that in a day or two after they met again, when Mr. Russell fell mortally wounded,' NOTICE TO IflEUCUANTS. Hats, Caps, &c. I AM no m receipt, ot my . O. Stock of HATS and CAPS, eorapn&ing-i every quality and variety. " t -,;n yw Car the information of ray oW good survey of the surrounding country and be- I lne45rst rencontre, fell back in disorder to the City. I cugtomergf mnd others who may purchase In this coming satisfied that every thing was going on right, They immediately after this askei for a suspen- . . aMortroent was never larger, nor Cash walked quietly down ngam. rion-of hostilities, and offered to hear tne ( proposi- . , . . termg 4nd am prea,ed to- eel tions or peace from air. insw . AN ARTFUL pODQEIL Tlve Savannah Republican : accuses Mr. Towns, the Loco Candidate for Governor of Georgia, of dod ging 565 times during the last session of Congress. Among the votes dodged were the Itiver and Har bor BiU, the Sub Treasury Bill, the Oregon notice, the General Appropriation BH1, the Army Appro priation Bill, the i Wilraot Proviso, the Bill to increase the pay of Volunteers, Sic. , He always voted for adjournments wheu present, though from tlte Cth March to the 7th May, tiro months, his name does I. not once appear on the Journal of the House. ST AT ELfeCTl QNS. Maine voted on the 6th,' Vermont on the 7th, the onlyf' elections this month. ' In' October, Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida, Vote on, the 4 th. Maryland on the 6tb, South Carolina on the' 11th, and Penh. vlnnU ml flJitr, nn th l2h," 'i f n 'Mrinm'hi Mis. LtiNJe&fc.fc,. LLECJION,.,;. L .lr MLtlitsn ) id lnhslanfl An tW 1 Kow i the Nashville paperawelearn that Nat. York, Tetaind NewiJerseyven theSdyMassachn- El"" tri'T fetuxia the 8th.nal Delaware on IhethV 2- wjw. m voion is xoi. . m uis I . it. Mkowh's majontjrinthe State,4,X65. ,Standard', threatens giving us a . plain ur- own some time.! We are to now. what will he his theme; Will relate to the ; free pass", given by ,olk to Santa Anna ;' -Whether it- will be tonal debt which " our own eountry' has I the War ; or its utcreastng 'popularity eople ! Each of which will afford matter aoue'talkih2i',-:.,'li- t' Only a few days before his death, two of the fire men were eudeavoring to turn the cylinder, in order to pot on the hose. Cash saw that they were une qual .to the task, so he ran around the corner, and began to bark to two other members, thus to attract their attention and procure assistance. : Knowing the dog, they went around and helped to finish the job. MISSISSIPPI U. S. SENATOR. ' The Natchez Free Trader, a Locofoco print, speaking of the appointment of CoL Jeff. Davis as UJ S. Senator" from Mississippi, says : Colonel Davis, as the world knows, is a brave and meritorious omcer anu a wpriny man. lie is a v;ai- hcirrtt Democrat, and a Very atroue Taylor man, -we understand, so that his positiou in Congress will be very interesting, and hiay disappoint some of his constituents ; " ' ' ' " - The next day the Minister of Foreign Relations invited the Congress, through tne newspapers, u meet for that purpose. . . V a v -u ' These are the great facts which no doubt will bring after them peace. luumu.j. F M.-DiMoifD,- Esq. .. . ,' i -Sqother leUer says Los Llalos de San Angel. Anoi her express arrived 19 Vera Cruz on the 29thy with leuers containing the same news in and the following translation of the Uoneunceroent of it in the Diario Oficial del Go- bkrnn: ';- 1 XTronslatei from Diarut Official aei uoourno-i On the 29h August Soott troops, who intended marching on Penon, turned it anl arrived near ia cubaya. As soon as the news , was known at Mexi-t co, .Valencia's division went out to attack the Amen- cans at Los pianos re o .. -.r. . routed; Next came Santa Anna, wun anoiuer - vision them a low as anv regular Bouse in this, Qf any other market. FRANCIS MOB. Petersburg, Va. Sept. 4. t ww VI, I . " " . " . I ' . few of his in.1 The Mexicans retreated wine capiroi in grw D. i847. ' . 1 a... 11.. mniit KrifiTni nT meir fS. BaowN, who. has just been elected of Tennessee, is a native of - Robeson fthis State. J! I A. BURGLARY." .Cor Mr. Qzoudt MNeitx, of Farefte i broken into on Fnday. nht hst, and the amount of several hundred dollars e Magnetic Telegraph is' completed toPc- PLOUGHING WITH ELEPHANTS. " It instated that in'Ceyldn elephhnts are employed in ploughing' rice fields and ; in preparing new grounds for the? cultivation of coffee, pepper; '&ji. One of 'ithese animals, well-traitied, it is said, will dot tne 'work or itwentyrnxen : consequently more labor,s! performe4.1niigije'Jtameiand is hastened for putting in the crops. The price of i elephant In Ceylon vori from $50 to $75.; Upon this, the Natche2'Courier, fVVhig.) snysv If Col. Davis is a " very strong Taylor mah o wtVtnk 1 ai Vw AntAifrtinml f"ktv ftaiv e r Vv t TS U1VU Uv UWUUK VIU f t HIUM nwiiavaj muw vm va UlQ I ssill A : " . . k Ta constituents will be disappointed. 'I he people of disorder and sucn was iu iu mT . w - 1 1. - ti I j,,..! .?- KiMur FftreiVrt Relations lm- . iviiiNiBinni wnnc rnn erniTHrpxi. u in f 11 tm, a v i ir n 1 riBipiu 1 nni sue Au.auaovs m - jpvl-...- ' ,lL M,... t .n.Abai -th Conirvesa to take into con- son of the distinguished Colonel of thi first regiment sideration Mr. Trial's proportions Asuspensxdnof of Mississippi rifll?men, it wiile Udubry gratifying, urmsrwas ttemanaeu oy w..u Those few who may belsflppointedwni be left to! I The Americans are arwd Mexicojufc had not en-. " Sueh,re the tneagre detailj which we. haT t stomachs, . r .W. :d i 1 these important j events, o oouriers irvu, i . . . .. .. - 1 . i 1 .u.... iS ift direct nave oeea aoie.w ct wiyi5 v The prices -of Flour; remain une is but little activity in the market barrels have beon sold to dair at S3 and 5 mi for Genesee fe gro4 fromlilhea TetJT responsible source, that is known to hi herAs but litt1?doi in Corh:' but paces' re- jsrote and been on. hiswuy in safety to P u- t.rz l i:; 4 vv " - A bia He rpAde some dewy jn .ipn. . , main qncuangcu. ub bhr, yis w iasuB v 10;000 bushels, at prices varying, according to qual ity, from MM. 72 nts per bushels i ,; Cotton is steady, with, sales Of about 2,000 ' bales. The figures are about a quarter of a'eent below 1 the market before the Steamer,' and holders are rea ly tatr f Nortli Carolina NAH COUNTY Court of Pteaaand- Quarter ".Seiw . v - - a a a w 8 ions. AUgUSi ierra, . Sally Bunting m. Willie Bunting ami. others. Caveated Willi It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that n-nl Hwiitiiiir. one ol the defendants in tuts ease rMi.M twtvontl the limits of this State It Is there fr. nr.UrA that nuhiication be made for ix weeks in .h UAlieh Reeister. for him to be and appear a th nTt tJoart of Pleas and Quarter Sesions, to be fc.hl for the Countv of Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the second Monday in November next, thn ami thera to see Droceedincs, Ac. Taylofv Clerk onur saiu ooun, t00, and of the S7th October, Capital iou.uUl,) cau ' have them fotwarded gratis, bj addressing tte i GRAND CAPITAIi H t (rjr 60,000 Dollars 15O00 Dollars 0 50,000 40,000 30,000 25.000 20,000 Ac; do d0 do tzjaoo 10000 8,000 4,m9 da dov da da Tickets from SI to $20 packages of ticket's btfa favorable terms as offered by any other venders r the United States. . ... . , cry We pay aff posfages, to and rotor ettt office Official drawing sent under envelopes to all ordering tickets from this agency. " AH eorrespondenre stneV y confidential. Prompt attention fo orderf Aa dress " COLVIN es CO.y R. W. Corner Baltimore & Calvert sf. ; Bakittere, Md.: Septetther IU1. 7 1200 Witness F. M which shared the same fat after some fight- at office in Nashville, the 4th day of September, A Pr. Adv. $5 62 i. F M. TAYLOR. C. C. C. 72 Ow ue- Tti tu .TnW'mr the tith Inst- br John "W. Ro gers, Esq? Mr: Corbin Edwards,. to Miss Matilda 1 Caroline, Oaoghtes of Drury King, ,Esq. all of this CiTATB f If rtii Carolina P ITT 3 COUNTY. August Term, 1847. Reuben Gwaltney and wife Soothey Brooks and others. ' Petition for, Sale of Sfaas. , i.iV mm it anoearCna te the alifaction of he CoorW lhat Soulhey Broks and tin Move and wile Lydia, are iwtesidents Of ;slu State t It is ordered that Pfhhcauon t Xiccesaive week in ihe Kaleigh Kegister f" ?75A Sonihev Brooks, and wife, and Franklin !- ...i noear at the next term of out LL ia te held en the first Monday ef November nest, to shew ra' oraver h I . WiinPJaA. r. r aRm. the first : Monday of A uusf! tA7 WM. D, AlOYE Clerl. ... I. - U.l ( ..1 eauM, if any iney oav, old not t -frame. -. . William D. Moye,iera oi t saw A. O. Important Land Sales ; ; In Chat nam and JTloorc Crjintles TntJKStriv-r-wr,iftr nf the 8uprcme Cont t, lrT f shall offer for , sale by PotTic7gowwy a -. huBcaTs , Mt.t.s, on tne uou-nty ne ot aioore ana Chatham, on Thursday, the 7ih day of October next the following TRA C TS . OF LA ATA to wit j . . IN CHATHAM COUNTY. . , ; 150 aeres or Tyson's Creek, adjoining the lands of McManus, Philfips, and others : 93i acres on Tyson's creek, adjoierng the lends of MeManue, WUsoa, and ethers. , 32& acres on Bear creek, known estfce GUbert traets 200 do on the south side of Deep riverr ealteU , the Dowdy moanrutn trtfrt . T 1 204 acres on Jones- ereekr formerly fn poasesstoil of iohtrPoe ' . - - 1064 acres in fotff tracts, tnowrr sa the WHkie landS StT do- on the waters ef Line creel, formerly Sabr a Gilbert'. ; H 1T 275 acres in" two traets on- the water of Indian ; creek, formerly Robert Moose's. i : 300 acre ott Indieo ereekr eaited the Jerry PhiiKp land, adjoining : the lands of Barnes GiKS and : other..- - - 50 crea on- the waters of Rogers' efeek. formerly Jbi MehHoh'a. - . A - 75; acre on the water? of i Ttf evacclf an rndiar creekf known as tne. William HiBmrd land; 4 too acies on the water of Bear t1t'iiMmnf "VVHkam larkinaC " .4 'iMtfe$t'i 116 acies aojoinnrg the tende of wh McIntoilraiHl 50 acres adjoming SUnseVa knds itt Moortf Gdunty aiid the County Ifnevi .; .,. ,.4 v4, 350 acres in four tracts, tying on we wain. creek, a prong of Governor a wte w the: Patrick Shiekl. bn d.. sgf r4 300 acres on the . waters 01 rw "t - creek, called thi Jon-U.. 150 acres on the water ot J--r " 1 arid Chaiham vowiiy ; s t . 150 acre granted to Aaroyft RcWreck. .dloinintf the ahoei last mentSoned jtracts. i 60 aniriWflkie nan line, iwmerly IiwetTBJonvpseV? . 86 acre M two traeta WlSaieve ef Bof creelu IbrnVerly Winianr CantpehW 4 TERMS.' A re4'rt of sir. tweheM. e'Bt mouths will fee give for ih purchase money (aeept , : . n.H uWh tooav the corf of aXlil.) if secur ed Iry bond, bearing interest fiwnt.aiAM;; twaioDrovedsHtetieKa' r , For'fortbei draipti6n or any ??fm' ionoce'nS these tandst trelri SWActeauw, AUi AvT. Esq, f eayaiieMss... . , EDMUND. B.ritEEM AW. Clerk., ' Raki8h, July 7, 1847, s t i jr i : the i "4V .r J -1- i'.H ' . 'Si: - ? 4 2r Iff ' :