.. 41 W compromise bill.... , ? -E r reference to our Ctmgressioua! ..r divided on the ft W senau " "wT.f. limoDX TOtlD eas- and I1 "M'.yr. MaMOO Voting for it, "f . ' r- i m m knwcnr. that it a with greatreluctaace,Jor reasons . . r v t. - I T.oli i..ttiL oreresslBi to if .rt of thSoutVr which he S We Toted, trusting to the pat, ff his constituents to excuse,, and even; ! .v.. a any reasonable grquna U would put an ena i agiiatun . ft was evident that tfea passage of . ths Ce gignal for a more, wofcnt agitation. L. than- any .J"r-i n , ft.u hill, he should vote for e roteu iui - -j-i - . . . a' mTI oaI w erm rP without obtaluing any equivalent the South should present as a peace Forth, a surrenaeroiDB wjuieii Vk , certainty before-hand,, that . the I 1 rejected, and our efforts for pacifi- UU ...1.1 fljed, This no cou.ia nut u woiuu rt of his constttuent comUe -d . o, ...u nrn h -nuhlished. and .nbmitted to the. reopie or ine.aiate " - i i a iWice to him, we maxe tnjs oriei . P - " " . ' 1 1-2 JS ter hand, Mr. AIaitgu Toiea7r. ine firm conviction thai aa een oner spirit of compromlsiti$nculiation, bald put to restnis exemug mm g. Sestion; oi una .T.. R0V1S0ISM AND TftE SOUTH. of the B Standard" and the IocofQCOS at this time, is certainly of a strange id in their efforts to eleet Gen. Cass to fy they assume ground pot only oppos- VoJ common sense, out m. opposition 10 Lstinct With the hope of benefiting Lny of them assert, and attempt te- hich they must beluve, tf they do not tilse. Because some wesiera- jcuuor Editorial, and sent it to; the old Gene- sjight illusion ',waa made to the ordi- f, (an ordinance which until very re- fcen eter knew any thing of. or IhOiJght puse Gen.,.Tay tor jepues, and tnrougn private letter, compliments the article, thereby to prove that he is unsound on of slavery. How hard pressed they be, to catch at such a "straw." But attempt to prove unsound on the 8ub- y 1 Is it a " Northern put wito. bouth- s P one who is u no slaveholder never id "never will be,'rand who "prayed Jbn every Where, &c. 4rc- No. . Such ' But Zacharv Tavlor, a Southern edacation, and habits one who has f where but in the South whose prop- and a great part of it in Slaves ; and Was never known 1 to utter a sentiment 1 interests of his country, or unworthy liron this is the man whom the Locofo ng as unsound urlon the subject Of Sla- hthois it tkty uphold and assert ft. be e subject of Slavery ? fa be a South- a - 7T n.f nnr. r p.nTir?m at i - We have -been funrished with the following cer tified copy fthV &cl, justed by Qtxt. Case and the Jodgee of the Teiritory'ot Michigan, providing for the l8ALE : iHIRtNQ. OT, and WHIPPING of aach " poor neighbor white-men and women' aa are thereiav euumeraepV eopied from the Iawa of the Territorial Government of Michigan in -1820 and nowln-the bUalabrary.ef the Cbngreas of the Tjoited. ieiV;Ui, 'j?&iM3CL: 1 ACTi,: w pvnuHvau una uunraftf i .'-. persons . . - ; ; (- Sect? t.1 Be it enacted by the GoTernor and Judg es of theTerritory Of Michigan, that any justice of the peace, on conviction, may senteneo any vagrant, lewd, idle, or disorderly persons,, stubborn servants, Common drunkards, eommon night walkers, pilfer ers or ant persons wanton and lascivious in speech, f conduct ur behaviour, Common railera or brawjrs, siuon as neglect tag?, calling and -employments, mis spencUwhaV they ear nx and do not provide for them selves, or their families, to be whipped not exceed ing terii stripes, or to be delivered over to any con stable to be employed in labor not exceeding three months, by such constable to be hired out for the best wres tL.it can be procured, the proceeds of which to be applied to the use of the poor of the County -, ' - v ' " ' The same being adopfed VoTrthe laws of one of the - original States, to wit. r. State of 'Vermont, as far as necessary ndui ,iUe to ihecircunistanosof the Territory efM$higan. Made. adoDted. antf oublislied at Detroit, the twen ty seventh alyof July, one thousands eight hun 'Ired"and eighteen.: . .. LEW. CASS, . .' Governor of tike TerrTtory of Micblgan. i r A. B. WDODARlA . HRresiding J odgellTerritorv of MichigaAJ .... .- . . . v . JOHW GRIFFLTV One of the Judges of the Territory of Michigan. Cdttnty or Washington, T 'X ; V District of Columbia. - I, George Swkbny, Notary Public,' duly commis sioned and swornt. do hereby certify thftt .the Jbre gbing "Act for the punishment of idle and disor derly Dersons." baa been truly copied fro'm the vol ume of the Laws published by authority of the Ter ritorial Government or M:chigau in iau,ana noiv in the public Library of the Congress of the u mtca States. ' In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my Notarial seal this twenty second day Of July, eighteen hundred and forty ei&lit. GEO. SWEENY, r.. s. ' Notary Public What, now, " poor neighbormen" do you thinlc uf the Loco Foco Candidate for President? You are to be SOLD, HIRED ef WHIPPED, if Gen. Cass had his way , if you happen to be a little " disorder ly 41 stubborn," alk ebout of nights, &.c The Wilmington "Commercial" gives us some light -on this subject. r At aStiifey Rights Republican- meeting beTd in Salisbury, on the 6th of May, 1840, it waTesolved that they could not support Harrison for President for several reasons, and among ' them, because " he voted in the Ohio Legislature to sell poor white men into bondage, for the payment of fines and Costs of Court ; thus placing it in the power ef the rich to make slaves bf the poor. In our opinion, no man is fit to rule a free People who entertains such prin ciples." And again : An " Address to the Freemen and Vo ters of North Carolina," was published by order of the " Democratic Republican Central Committee at Raleigh, on the 17th June, 1 840. i. After quoting a law of a similar character to that which Cass ap proved, e Committee say : Fellow-Citizens: On the subject of these laws to sell white Men and Women for fines and costs you will suffer us to draw your attention to a few of the monstrous resaite wbich might renew; and we point them out to you as. some foretaste of .what we ' i yx M tUhtlestlCouneT. -: We are indebted to (be attention W the edrters 6f the New Orleans Bu Hen's, fstkeorreitpoa denct which fdllo vr'' tn edf ahce of the publicetioD D)iH papeYanhouncipg the accifrptaBceWGe TaVlofjpf the omiivitioci for Presideni of the UnhrCd Staui by ihe VVhig Con veniiort itPhiIdeJphjhv& v ' 11 J J5--- VMH? m9W- Vf.WS ,1 I V . ' i ed thiarcceiDt M fMiMe&fftklemu Mtti r--Dear Sir: At a Con- 3C ARRlVAt; 6 day, after a ai-i-iniropa arrived at her wharf lo ot j m w ajwssg or ss tban twelve day s from Li v rpr" u"Dg'PK Taur-days later inteUigenc than dtMUMT DBMid Stolid -- .T. the Che fdil6wirtfyesp lb nuhtL.'irt'kntirinaiiAn Itf Jt o(Eeial UOhUeStio'h. Thw leiterhv Gsvceheadweawaird IfjrA me hum oi 'ine .tain sna m. "'iJ"'.r rvvnv'j appear General. Zacharv i 2Vii tention of the Whigs of the United States, held: in I day until the 9th, you were nominated a eandidate for the Presidency of the United States, at the ensu-ing-JPresidental election. - By Y resolution bf said Convention, it.wasmadr the duty of their president to copamunicate to you, the result of their deliberations, aad tojrequestyouT acceptance of the nomination. - . In obedience to said resolve, J, aa the organ there in designated, have tbjt honor-io. njalce to you the foregoing communication, and to ask y our accerjtance of the nomination. '. ' - .-":'- Permit me, dear sir, to indulge the hope that he who never shrinksYrom any responsibility, ner fails to discharge any duty assigned hira by his Govern ment, will not now refuse the enthusiastic call of his countrymen. -'. V. - -" i-aWfleay sirv ; Vt'V? S V. -23 sf . -with :enttoentshef teryshig'f rgni4- , juur most ebedient servant, 4 : J..lVi;.MOREHEAD, President of the Whig National Convention. Baton Rouge, La., July 1 5th, 1848. Sut; I have bad the honor to receive your com munication of Jane loth, announcing that the Whig Convention, which assembled at Philadelphia on the 7th of that month, and of Which you were the pre siding officer, has nominated me for the office of President of the United States. Looking to the composition of the Convention, end its numerous and patriotic constituency, I feel deeply grateful for the honor bestowed upon me, and for the distinguished confidence hnplied in my nomina tion by it, to the highest office in the gift of the American people, I cordially accept that nomination, but with a sin cere distrust of my fitness to fulfil the duties of an office, which demands for it exercise the most exalt ed abilities and patriotism, and which has been ren dered illustrious by the greatest names in our histo ry. But should the selection of the Whig Conven tion be confirmed by the people, I shall endeavor to discharge the new duties then devolving upon me so aa to meet the just expectations of my felloW-citi-zeas, and. preserve undiminished the prosperity and reputation of our eomtnpn country. . I have the honor to remain, With the highest respect, : Your moat obed rent sprvmrt, Z. TAYLOR. To the Hon. J. M. Morkhead, Greensboro", Guilford Co., North-Carolina. ad Vysl&mttiJitr GOTernrSentbaaf iatla'nChe aifair, antiernatten n smon? Slaves, educated ambnir slaves. t- . ' T ,t , . " . vi I may loosjor wnen aristocrats siiau turn aemagosues recung a rcnire ae novo, aiso, in iniraana p. kus- CTorxnavesr nor ta ae w pamOTTCTTTfnA' . ik u .7T.K;n mnATTZf TTCTa ifTiCTnUv Tron Painffant dismissing th b II Inan with Soutnern principles," woo has fffffiajf Slavery? iva No! Who Lewis Cass, a Northern man by birth, id habits j one raised from, his cradle, lavery, and in opposition to it who rest in continuing it who has never to utter any thing in its favor but who ( no slaveholder? tested that he was never nut be," (and that he u prayed ton ever f where? Sec. Sec.- and who a Vgo, when the Wilmofc Proviso was be lle, was warm for it but wishing to be the-United States, and knowing he w chance to get the nomination without and, and particularly, when; bis diatin ppetitors, Messrs. Dallas, Bccuaxan, lad taken very different ground, he Tt- bmously turns a somerset..' He profess- aad to cover bis extraordinary - course in change--he asserts; doctrines' evoi measures upon the free MEN and WOMEN of this nation. - Two men are indicted tor fighting: Each one is fined fifty dollars. The one is able to pay it, and the other is'n'ot, and therefore be is " imprisoned for the fine," and. the Sheriff 'may sell the latter to a " master."' He that is poor has to be sold. He that j is richer docs not. ' Now is he sold for his crime or sold for his poverty 1 For the crime both are fined. But the poor man is sold because he cannot pay. He is sold for the " non-payvient of the fine t &c," and not for the fight! But it nas been said that the Ohio law was a " humane" ! ! ! substitute for whipping ? Gen Har rison intimated this aa a part of his defence for that odious vote. And what becomes of the u humanity" in the IndianaAet 1 A poor man's daughter is sold sold to the high est bidder no matter who so he is a bidder. She absconds from this cruel servitude! She seeks the home of her. mother ! On conviction before a Jus tice of the Peace, SHE shall be whipped she shau. be whipped she shall be WHIPPED thirty-nine stripes, says (his ln8fc Code ! v : 'XfriltlMht law M'Lia ia tbLog Cabia-and KWrw tfrrigh brtlre fc)138ri Ward CMer'- heretofOM 6104 for-the and claims or, the "peeple of the ter-1 rvum x .ut-Ji-c. " .w nat taeyareto expect nere- i i . I arrivr rpniminpiw now rnpnna ix i niiiiv" vn rswn ise wao we may Have whipped into 6ub- i oougM up, such roe instance aa the Meo is and Negroes, we have lately obtained to.) the right to dictate laws for us, and to oouiaern aiaveuower rnnn taking his United States Territory? which be in h others had boUsht and paid for. This ho Southern Democrats viofess to consider ne suDitct of blaveru! ! and one ta be KJeo. Taywe-o Southern rnnn. find n Can men go further into absurdity t iu ue asuameu oi themselves. pondent of the Milledgeville (Gea) Re- Itiiig from Colnmbus, gives the follow- ft relative to the SignaF letter : fcgaished Democrat of 'this place one " warm and active politician for up- years,and who. has aspired (or whose - pirea ior mm) to the highest offices ry, in conversine with a Whie. alluded fias annroviinr the Rirrnnt ,.n.ur f of the ordinance of 1787. 'The Whig he doubted whether Gen. T Hht of the Ordinance of 1787 or if I nisi atin.: - . '-l i iwuwon.xnat areauy knesr what 119 WilB n fino r. ?iSj . : 1 pa Recommenced a homily upon Gen. Fcity, &c., when he was stoDned bv bur W kl I , ... ' - ri - uo asKea, "ir until verv recent v h mini r.r u- ,. - S .. - 6 vi me Bra nanm nr nm-n !") to tell you the truth. L riif mtt f-u.ioi mem. They never heard of m.1787, until they wanted toas- 'yiOr, and I'll Warrnnt mna-r nt V. .1 fr i ' " - v. IUl.iU UU , wow any thing about ifc-they dq.not "VU1 J enerson, or any body else had i ... . ) ueu 4ajiur. uui ,o, , a ,naeed mean to endorse the" Or- Whv ia it tViQf. u r .L wCOf and wkn i. . a 6vv all vuc iaic u Lien, Daraonr. Qt0n, that Dnmii..(.i1 ILf. Vk- r w.iun iu uurcu t after from-their new friends it is policy" to keep concealed from the " public eye,' but we have' fear lessly endeavored to show some of it in this fid- dress. . STRIPES" and a "MASTER" without the privilege of" voting," it must be confessed are pret ty hard measures, and unless the " log cabin" voters of North Carolina have changed their proud na-J tures and eubdued the spirit of '76 which their sires transmitted to them they will show their new ad mirers and teachers that our poor "people stand easy under no stripes but those of our blessed Union i that they recognise no "masters'1 in their '.'logTabins" but themselves ; and that as they tote without free holds upon" their rights as men, so they will exer cise that privilege in defence of their PRINCIPLES and their LIBERTY, and not at the dictation of the Banks or their candidates. . Now let the reader substitute the name of Cass, for Hakbjon, in all the foregoing extracts, and he wiH have the truth ae to the character of the Nom inee of the Baltimore Convention. Mark how emphatic if the Language of the in- domitables, on the subject of a runaway servant " one snail oe rvmppsu sum iasu uvfonippea'Sn sfiall be WHIPPED, thirtr-niije stripes, says this Indiana Code !" , Yes yes so it does and "she shall be WHIP PED" says Gen. CA.SS I ! Look at it-good neighbors, before yon commie your destiny into the hands of unscrupulous and ambi tious demagogues whoseiuconsiateacy and hypoc- ricy are as glaring as the light of the noon-day sun.4 Stripes and a Master," says the Indiana Code "Strifes and a Master" says Gen. Cass in his Michigan Code. .' . - ' Is hot this enough to convince the people tbatrthey SUPREME COURT. This Tribunal adjourned last Saturday, the 29th ult. The following were the closing Opinions of the Court : By Ruffin, C. J-.. In Eaton Sneed, in Equity from Granville, declaring the plaintiff entitled to a decree and execution against both defendants, fee Also, in Bray's ad'm'r. r. Parks, in equity from Ran dolph,' perpetuating the injunction. Also, in Meeds v. Carver, from Camdeu, affirming the judgment. Also, in Beck v. Horn, in equity from Davie, dis missing the bill with costs. Also, in Evans v. Lea, in equity from'Caswell. Also, in State r. Whitfield, from Person, declaring that there is error in ar- resnne um uidsmeaL. Also-m Jkerou.v. Moor me. from Washington, reyersingjthe judgment, jind di recting a ventre ae novo. aiso. la Atimana v. kus- with costs. Also, ia. McLeod p. Oats, "firom Moore reversing the judgment, and awarding venire de novo. Also, in state o. isarneia, from Johnston, de claring that there is no. error, and directing the Su perior Court, to proceed to judgment and execution Also, in Atkins Ex'r. of DeLamethe r. Kron, decla ring that there is uo error in the decree. Also, in Cockrain e. Felton, in equity froni Chowan, direo ting issues to be tried in the Superior Court of Chowan. By Nash, J., In A J cock v. Marsh, from Chatham, reversing the judgment, and directing a venire de no- vo. Also, in Vinson . 'Moulder, in equity from Johnston, dismissing the bill with costs. Also, in Esther PI nkton's ad'm'r. v. Branden, in equity from Rowan, setting itsidethe report, Sec Also, in John son v. Bledsoe, in Equity from Wake, declaring the plaintiff entitled to a strict construction of the con tract iBy"BATTLK, J. In State v. John, (a slave) from Craven, declaring that there is no error. Also, ia Woollard v. WpoUard from Pitt, affirming the judg ment. Also, in Sherrod v. Bennett, from. Martin, reversing the judgment, and awarding a venire deno- vojz. Also, in state v. Ueerce. Ik tlavel frtfm P et!artng that tlntre Is no nr- inf-tlie 1 feceroina directing that the Superior Court proceed to judg ment and execution accordingly. Also, In Howard Thompson, from Orange, reversing the judgment and directing a venire de novo., Also, in Gilchrist . McDugald, in equity from Moore, dismissing the bill with costs. Also, in Amis . Satterfield, in equi ty from Person, dismissing the bill with costs. On-thfilth i natl Oof ton 41 Ti.i r AcT wa aa advance ef f P r i - " FAAil?T. trWBir"pWt; for tWeres tbrovAtX Meirt'o? Prawe-haS beead5t. feoedfAPa, rLV4frormen"of tMtUmi had et ewwwsitcii t assemble tne, .nsttrgents tproppseu. movement 'jjne r acquainted with full de taken rigid measdres in j -rs-. s-v'.- .. . The ftok wasnf s V,vuWciBatal nhmrm A,& e?-)iiBirinoltcssetng: jPUfftgsU Psiig . j Several of the inteirf:! chiefs bare been arrested General Gavaigaao hmade eve preparation fo meet that emergency, .afe has by judicious energy placed th Repubtie bytb4 danger. , Fifteen pre fects, of ninedepartmenAi imd been removed from their stttioni for im'plicsia in the insurrection of June." "i A portion of the presenl government are tn favor of preeeitting ttfe suspected members of the late go-' n Hqi-m 8 nvB mgcra, lnwuuing among tnem, ua vaigne firmly opposed Jany sueh proceeding.- All the political prisoners hacHen taken out of Paris to detached points in the yicinity. The city waa com- pietexy.iorfinea.,. . - , bl ne line 1Tasf here interleupted by the storm, and on aecount Withe-ekctricity interfer'uia with the magnets irife telegraph See, we were unable to obtain taebaeefe despichl, . . : jkkuaxm-t-4 nacnsisjs ndMrfajstpjchinginnd . w . auv VUUUII. A getntnent )?ymt ,cn&ttblptt g pree$. -w 4whw ii gnaaroHwn-m. lie rm- immmnMe4o4eha armed resources; ana tue people- by prodigious activity In tfeearcaiiueoKerclubs. the" establishment-f the League, thedijution of arms, the most complete rtaierni-anoupi classes ana boundiessesolution and enthusiasm, en. Saturday nieht. Mr;J)uffv. of the Nation was apprehended en a charge ef treason and ieiony, commuxea to newgme, whither he was followed by Mr. Martin, of the Felon, who had pre viously surrendered. . - - I On "Monday the proprietors of the Tribune, Messrs. O'Doughesty and Williams, and Mr. Hobaii, the publisher, were committed on the like chare. the whole of whom will be tried at the mission on the 8th prox. Mr.Doherty was arrested in Casbel on Monday, and Mr. Meagher in" Waterford on Tuesday, on charges of seditionTand will be tried at . i . ' i' t; 7 j.i r ...... mo prco-ii.aosiicsiu a lpperary auu j.imerici. ivir. Meaghers apprehension caused the utmost excite ment in Waterford. The chapel bells were runs : thousands of confederates assembled, and it required all the nuthority and influence of the gifted and chi valrous Mptive, aided by the Catholio clergymen, to prevent the people from falling upon the military and police. As iwas, they stoned the authorities, and cut off one bo4y,f the troops from the other. They avfjn ted Sn barrieade) which impeded the progress of the; escort, and for miles harrassed and hunted the precession, but happily no life was. lost During" the week, 'also, a Mr. Darcey McGee and Mr. Haywood were also arrested for sedition, but the bills were thrown nut by theWicklow grand jury on Thursday The excitement, not only in Dublin, but throughout Ireland, is everywhere intense, and the note of preparatioajs everywhere sounded. The flag of revolution has extended to England, and scattered. Th e united repeaters and chartists are rapidly organ izing and arming. .The Nation, Ijoi withstanding its 4 proclamation, has appeared this mornirm . On Monday, tne eon victedi chartists, in London were aentencea eacn to two years' imprisonment with. security for future good conduct . The Queen's Ministers have abandoned their in tention' of permitting her to visit Ireland in the course of next tnomn. ult fin tuV riU, yearot his V.i HWnrV eijiB Clav-Battle. ZTSHfi till It , August at outtiie aala. A f rh i i!!t mf2 ffne wef ti&beenitbVtfl tmilii.'a act- blaU. Stt ''or 4a kwrrcCk tSifti i l tih v- f?thw )oai4 to ivlbttday &ett'the diy of August, yrhea they will 6e expeteo to public sale, before the Court Horise door, in the City ef Raieieh. at 18 o'cek tr Tlfe sate of eakt Lou i. br Ufa Taxes due thereon , for the years mentioned, yix : Aiex. juaae, for '44, 45, 45 afcd 47. 86 moaee a. Kledsoe, part oT U4, for '46 and '47 13 36 Absalom Mango A, part of 39 aud 2, L . 5 761 rvHiiam J. LAtfjjdon, '4t aod !47t No, 105,. v9 06 JAMES H. MURRAY, ti l T , v ty Collector; Raleigh. Inly 29. 1849, . . 61 8t Trv,rH" priiae jaapen a etdtiu pouno,jca rt'M;&t i1-m.soint erjf fine jherfCaUle. several hf. " -.."rr Wilkesboro' Hotel for Sale, qTlHE SUBSCRIBER wishes to SeU this Valua JLL bio Property, in WilkeiSbero', N, C y The House Is largtr aed commodious, containing twnl rooms including a Store and Couutiur Room, and attahnJ are two Lam bar rooms,' six office for boarders, two cellars, aa Ice House, Kitchen, Wash house, and ail other out houses ; a very large Carriage House, St 4-Wes-end Corn Cribs, WijU two Wells on the premi ses. - ' ' ' ' r ' ,' T'TWs etaviA poaaeasaa many advantages ae axTav era f U. V-new tttvefy itntbl'lm ihr -p1est TuthV u i age oi - u eooro ; watja MSttaalrd Ter yr ft ear aho4 credit, the pmsaaegiiot2a tate If ortU IDaroiiua.WAvajr, Codktt. Caoft qf Fleas and Quarter Seesioiu line Terra, AVD 1848. . . : .l. tu the matter of Hfoy B. jLane and Jojin lDuand.1 Exeiuior. of William 8. MomsVtee'dL UrB the allegiuone filed of .Hardy B;Lsne sn$ John7 Ii. DuradL propounding . the hii wiA aflM tegument of WUliem' r-Morui, .SecMwl, Ute ef this County, and praying fo be allowed to sumoiou U persons, and especially -the next of kin of sid William S Morris, to tit proeetdiners. -&c? It- an- earmg o the Cudrt,-ihit fifary, tbewift of XtdSa J arffisn, Farnifo'd Green; Durarrt Green and Martt Ana, the wife of George R. Johnsdnahu AT)rierJiw. C , CornenaHaiatUontbd siah Ann, the children cT Jorfph Grten, are mm ei kin of Tid Morris, h that th7 reside beyond the limit of tfifs State. If is or dered by the Court, that publication be male for sir weeks in-thftaleigh Reglstef . . pa'nlieu atTthe c!ty of tvttetthif UtA : ia ''la '.17aWtaia&ir.W hbi-Yadkirf: ttwer, tJis.oiaWy'eriW Jrtf4X$Mt on wjiich the greater part uf the travel from Eastern 1obn Cnlporhe&V, rimiltoa SirabTAne, ihi IN orth Caroluia to the. Western States passes. Itls. also, one of the most healthy and pleasanteituations in the StateTsurreunded byrich aud productive Tad kiu land?. - . - - - A further description is deemed uneeessary, as persons wishing to buy, will, examine before doing so. I wish to sell at our September court, which will commence on the 3d Monday ih September. The property is now leased, which wMI be out ou the first of November next. JNO. FINLEYT. July 2?th, 1848. 6t tSft.. T Notice. are about being betrayed and deceived by democrat- tnat he took ccasioh there to Ielare, 1 leaders ? , WiH ao the very words of their town ,. e mjiurnsiu i rum mm f- I vSNTXAir vosi o ku pn t 1 in pe ' OUCH tnanlt. o k... 11.JiJ t r ... . .. .hM, - ylor 7k"TJ ..r! tsure itwilL we asicomy arair consweraion-anoi NedDemocraV' J - righteous- judgment i -j . . ' , : j , What man, in whose bosome throbs a heart, can SENATOR DOUGL'AS. I contemplate- this grinding and degrading CASS me 0f thii North CarolinaXc t fcuisner"? We t!ira tfefV KatotI .JiZil.-v-. ..'fJ:w. TLs. t ""iireot States, from Ltmisiaa, ta Yir-1 the-wealthv -tilliua rnn at without feeliaff uunbt .-.i t- - - -s-T 2 ; . . - i - - - . . - i-jf. . .1' i. . . . . . r auv uoi. than ms nanui Ron. t aMirn Ma commiDt lor ibb ruu wno wonia onn h. ' - ana ina6 uncie isam has to such a uw inrce, wnen ae naa ine power to prevent lipases of hi nniuti - ' i..-:'. tMlMidMioVi - -- "V FOX THE REGISTER. Chapel Hill, July 29th 1848. Death is again in our midst I But two short months ago, it was our painful duty to announce the decease of a friend, who as our immediate companion, was very dear ; now the let .has fallen on one none the less beloved, but by his position, removed from an intercourse with many of our body. The com munication of thedeath of WESTON R. GALES, has been received by the Dialectic Society, with feel ings of the most poignant regret He has been strick en down in the full vigor of manhood, and we have been deprived of one, who as a Trustee of this Uni versity, as well as a highly esteemed honorary mem ber of our Society, has ever evinced the most abx- ious concern for their welfare. In coneideration'of which it is, ., . ii5oerf, That the D ialectic Society deepW ftel the greal loss, wlih, ineommon Wrffflhe Menus' of Mr. (jrales, UhafrBBstainea in the death of one so highly distinguished in every capacity, both public and pri vate. ;: Resolved That we as a Literary body, do sincere ly eneve for the loss which the fetate at large has to sustain, in the visitation ef Providence, wbichrde- prives lt of one, who as a gentleman otirreat litera ry attainments and commanding talents, has been so generally known. ; Resolved. V hit we are truly sensible ot, ana sin cerely sympathize with, the family of the deeeaaed, in the affliction with which they are viited,and that this jxprcsaion of our sorrow be eommunicated to mem. . - -i -- . Resolved, That copies of these Resolutions be seat to the Newspapers printed in the City -of Raleighr wimtne request mat oxner journals mrougnou iae State give thera publication, v ' Ky order of the ' LIALKCT1U SOCMi lT. ' Pialkctms Hal., University MofNC A . r. MESSRS. MANLY & REID. - iOn yesterdiy arery Urgeportion of the citi zens of cur Couiftjr, Whig and 'Democratic, had tbe gralifiaalios o bearing the Speeches , of the evnneiaearitoeetaanna atanjet above-. . rjew-ic- deed, have-been tbfccions when a more Uvel? on thi. At a a lastly hour our streets ware crowd ed vni anelrtha speaking commenced we never witnessed betterooder or xloser attention. Mr.. Re id spoke first, commencing at 1 o'clock and spoke two houts and a half, really saying but iixtjo, tor n ts a aiowspeaxer. uut nis speecn was chaste, anFcivered the Democratic grounds pretty welh closed with the commencement of a tremendous storm of rain, and amidst (be cheers of bis friends. Mr. Manly followed imme diatcly ; and tot two hours an a half did beenchatn the attention of hia audience. We saw a num ber of persons whn rema ined fixed,' as it were on their feet during the whole time, (notwithstand ing they must have become Weary by this tune.) nor seemed conscious or me least laugue, or 10 manifest impatience. His patriotic sentiments eloquently delivered, the beauty of his thoughts and style, and rne extraordinary aptness ana pow er of hls illustrations, rapidly -poured (fbnh, and haKlsomely blended, failed not to elicit repeatedly the moot wnthjistastic spplaues. Even our Dem ocratic friend, ciaBT of thetn, were 'cftptiyated ; 4ta4rWT.r6e'in tb rheerm&r om it quhe liiipowbjeta. listen tb "his anecdotes, so truthfully aiuiVratin the professions, the practi ces, tbe follies and the wickedness of the admin istration, without indulging a hearty shake of the sides. We ara siire yit." Reid's opinion to the contrary notwithstabduifr, the Whigs have never been better pleased with the bearing of a candi dale than with that of Mr. Manly. And we have a convictfon that the hOTiujeinocfats of the country must have felt that Mr. Reid either had a very bad cause to sustain, (and this is true) or else, he is himself ioo scant a pattern- to stand against Mr. Charles Ma ply Soft. Watchman. 1AKEN up. and committed to the Jail of Bertie Ceunty, Negro Men'Sheppard aod Dolphin, late the property of Mrs. Harriet B Armietead. They say they were hired out, the begin in g of (he year, t. some one in Petersborg, and afterwards to some one else, to work on the Greenville Rail Road, at or near Gaston names not recotlectetl. Those interested in Slid Negroes, are hereby notified to come and prore property, and take them out of Jail, or they will be dealt with as the law directs :.i JOHN t.HEfPARD, JaiTdr: Windsor. July 2b 1848. (Pr. adv.$2 pd.) 81 w4t Mark the Name? EMORY & tJO. Every thing depends upon the Name, for Luck ! . EMORY & CO.. Hats sold stone Peiim tbai akt other cojt- CBes ibt thk Ukitkd Statks , The name is known every where. They have REMOVED from No 2 Calert 8t, to No. 154 Pratt Street, nearly opposite the Balti more and Ohio R. R. Depot, Baltimore, Md.. and during the short time they have been there, Luck seems to have placrd a "Coronet upon their brow." Q3 Let the watch word now be EMORY & CO., I ft 4 P r a 1 1 Street. WHY DO WE SAY IT! At No. 154 Pratt Street has been sold within a few weeks back the Capital prize of. $40,000, Tha laxgeat Free that he beetv aoltl jin the CUy of Baltimore for the last 10 Veart : - - ' CZ7wKTrltra'tBowti efery wheTb Tt tneir aotonety for luesaneeds no comment. ' MQHons have been distributed by this old eatab- tisbed firm within the last forty years. Credibility. Honesty and Punctuality, for tbeni can be attested to by the world. Astounding to themselves is 'Ihe luck attending their removal. They take pleasure in recommending to their nu merous customers, tbe following brilliant and Magnificcut Scheme! $50,000! Grand pvjoIidted Lottery, for the Benefit of the Consolidated Lotteries of Mary laud. Class No. 17. To be drawn in tbe City of Baltimore, Md' on Saturday August 26th, 1S48. 78 Number Lottery, and 15 drawn ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME ! 1 Prize of $50,000 ia I I 5 fr 40. IMKxu '' 100 100 154 12 126 6,363 39,395 (QT Some of the Democrats manifest great in dignation at the Whigs, beeauae they sppkruded MrManly with aof much enttrusiasm. cm yester day. Why, gentlemen, th Whiga have cause to beloroud of him when Ca6aoaye wittf - Mrs it-sid. " J xu jVstaot io.et ynar uatraer, rise; vn necessarily "nigh." Keep cool, we hesaech jou. for you will hear louder shouts after the election MESSRS. REID AND OSBORNE. The "Charlotte Juurnal" gives an interesting f account of a tlncuesion which took place in that Town last week between tha'tlon. David b. Reid Candidate for Governor jaad thp talen. ted and highly gifted J. W. OsborneyJSsq. The 'iodrnaraas. ifCoh.Reid has .recehred such a castigating at every discussion with Mr. Manly, as he 4iaa.We froni Mr Osborne, we know he WW fcaJyif.4Wai wiKmatbt riai-rv4 ihrf rvrrva3kJ"so near a efbsjp W naaMvmtiaaecatV a more iiagatedH uaofetMawTaod wcorchiag flagellation. Mr. OshcsTie joft iiaodled Wm with astnueh ease as he would rtnemeresi lyroHit the bar; and the way ha winced,' ear-blow after bkw fell fast and thick upon-himv;was painful to his friends, while evn hie nolkteal opponents, moved by a com otendable spirit f uharityKSrapathized with him. It-v said -bv' many narene even got a worse drubW thaatMrShepafd did about two years ago fxoaar.Uawrue." f - - A DtrsL Pa;rraxxi--4A diflSculty growtogout of , business transaction charms arjsert between Meaara. O wen Holmes sad John Cowan of th town, tbey agreed to repair to SontH tjarolina to settle it by atngie eoropau coprawgiy, r. - m - t a a . - . EA Cowad, attended M hiaaeeona antt aurgean, ien oniSaiurday eyeotdg b tbe place oi rneeuog and Mr. Holraee wu tra 1 be point oi 4eayiof, when ha Vaa wsteoWand by WinC.,Btton- sum of f Wiipmgton. vuvm. I foe Manly antl. Whig principles. than eyejr. If 15,681 is 10.006 is 5,000 are 24)00 are la.onQat, 300 ere 200 are 160 are 100 are 50 are 30-are 15 are $50,600 15,681 10.000 25 000 10.006 40,000 children orJoseidt TSreen. appear before lha Cami Court of Pleas and Quarter peione of datea Coon-' ty, 4t-tba . Cutfrtf a fee. held fax . said Couaty . at th Court House ie Newborn, tn- the second. Unday of eptemler, A. D. 1848, andaee the pntoaediags' tube hid in therahstteraJbresauL .. AVunean, James G. Stanly, Clerk Of Said Cdbrt,' at Newbern, the seCopd Monday of June, A. D. 18481" ? . J. -G. BTANLY, Clerk. Pr. ad$7 00. :. til.J&mA glTAT OF ORTII CAIlOHlYA f3 Haxaotpa Cocstt NOTltjE, That on tV fir Monday of August, next, I shall offer for sale at the Court House dtfor , in th Town nf AsBboro, the' following Tracts of Land, for the Taxes which arte due therfion", and unpaid, viz 7 1 Tract, belonging 4o Bariheus J.. Crawley, i)n the W ate re of Polecat Creek, conlalnibg 50 Acres aeV' joirving Joseph Cilioit atWl others. - ' . 1 d. belonging, to B. J. Ciawley,- on tbe waters of Polecat Creek, containing 16 A'cf'esV e-rjehuos that same. . ' '- i- Alad, 2 llouspa and LU ia New SWrn. heloo ing to the sa d B. J. Crawley, the Taxes 09. uV whole amounting to $9,60. ' -''.". "; 1 Tract, on the waU-rs of Poieca t Creek, onteinr frr 100 Acres, adjoining Hob gel J6nan& other?! the Property of Abigail Beasorf, dee'd; Tax 88 cent!,' I Tract of 120 Acres, on the' Horse pen 'Brahoh' belonging to the Heirs1 of John fiarris dee'd., the names of the beira not anovrn, adjoining Pinkner Tucker and others. Tax due thereon",' 41,28. 1 Tract of 100 Acres, on' Second Creek, belengine; to Erasmus Btrekhead, adjoining K.G. Murdockana others. Amount of Tax due, ft 1.32. ,. 1 Tract. of 100 Acres, oh Carraway Creek, known' as the Hyatt Land, names of the present owners net known, adjoining tbe Lands of J. C. Harris, anu others. Tax due, $1,10; n . . . ; t other Tract of 100 Acres, oh KichUrd Cieek,' known by the -name of jbe Bookodt Land, the p-" ent owners names not -known. AffnMxnL-duo lot Tax, $1,09. The above LanJs will be chsrged, in addition, :focl all cot and charges fof Advertising, - . K " - H . AN DREWS, SWff- K. C. June, 27 tfttSv . 5ta' QuarterSewiooa. Jime' Term-lfrtS. . Petition for Partition of Land.; 1 nomas j. UarajMf atSj , j ' VS. ' : . .... ' . , fiichard ft. Gaxair, et.als.. , " It appeariog to the aaiiafactiea of the Court, thar the detendants, John Fwrg'twoa and wife iMary, LoCkS hart Ferguson and wife Cherry, Elrhs Kingrlba Heirs of John Garner. d6c'd.fsad Williamson UJofer, reside beyond the limits of this State: It is therefera. ordered by the Court that pahijaalion be made inp: Raleigh Register for six weeks, notifying them to ap; pear at the next term of our esid Court to be held t lha Court House, iu the towp of Jackaofiutbjp. first Monday in September next, theaedd there, to plelnj answer ot demur W the. petition, or the same willbo heard ex parte. ' '-" . . Witness, John OdortJ, Clark isf o Court, at Jarksoo. the first Menday ef June, A .D. 1844,' aud in the 72nd year of American Independence. ; jNa BopoAt c.cVf4-, Pr, Ad, f 5 ,G3i- . ' , r 4t ConrtLet,Fte ta "SO.OOtJ .ao.ootf 4T2.80Q 12.600 6,309 I9O.80O 439,425 36,365 Prizes amounting to 897,6961 Tickets only $15, shares in proportion. Emory & Co. will sell in tbe above Lottery s cer tificate of - 26 whole tickets $180 ; 26 half do SO , 26 or. do. 45.00 : 26 eighth do 22 50. And advise their correspondents, as the most certain way to procure Capitals to try Packages; in every -package of 26 tickets, which Emory 4- Co sell in this Lottery they guarantee fifteen prizes; MARYLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, Class 1 1 2. for 1848. ' ' To be drawn in tbe City of Baltimore, Md, Thurs day, 17th. A4igot. ' v 78 umber Lottery and 13 drawn ballots. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1. of $21,000 ia 24,000-; i of 12tfHM is 12,000 , 1 of 6,000 is 6,000 ; 1 of is 3,000. &C. CCC. ifC. Tickets $5, shares in proportion. This is a glorious Scheme for Packages. Emory & Co. will sell certificates of Packages in the above Lottery vary low. For 26 whole tickets $7& 00 ; 26 half tickets 37 00 ; 25 quarters 18 75 ; 26 eighths 9 37. Emory &, Co. as has always been their custom, oav all uostaee. Emory dt Co. will pay their prizea in GO LP, if demanded, v Emory & Co, have got their business so sy item ized since their REMOVAL, that every sltenuan cn be paid to their correspondents, as numerous as tbey are, and they challenge the world to produce more punctuality, than may be expected from tnenr nrnce- torib. "v .'.. AH transactions with Emory Co. are consider ed a r observed a suicily cdnmientiat; anirfi naily, for seilina prizes, the hrrgeat kind, and the most of them, they say sold main tajn, that ,t hair Ot Ut&ca, I04 attttJTet,cnptw p syaaaeeo, -; (jjjChaahjaftfrytck . . . . NetJatttarStreet. Nearly oppoaltetb Baft? JilhwrR, R, &pot; CJTATE OF MOUIl CAUOXIIfAA CM NpRfnarfrroN Cfforti; Sarfog Tf m' 1848.-4; Mathew Bryant, . -I, PfAwM,' Tfirvant' f nt- ' " tt apanWtOfhe satisfaction of4he 'CenH, iftalfr the defeudaois. Wnife Larnbertson, Janfea Imber( sou, Martha Lainbertsdd, Tftonias La'oibertsen,' Msp ry LamtrU6rr, J6hn Lambfertaon, WHaxfl LamberC sOu and Elrja'h Lafribertson-, t nod -residents : I tie ordered that publknifioa beAad itf'tbe Caleigli Reg ister for six weeas, liotffyiuft the sTdv Defendant et appear at. the next Urmto be held fo trre CbobtV of Northarftptorf.et the Coaift If oris bi the Tbwn H Jacaeob.eirthe-fifth Monday after tfta fwifth. -Motf-day in September next, then a no there" to plead, arf wer or demm Of the said petrUoTifOr- otherwise iK will be set for hearteg nod heaW ix pttttex WILLIAM BARROW, C. m. JT . (Pr. Adv. $5 62.) S5,-6W Jno 3tT. l'laiio Fortes-; arTEHE continued tecces with wMch OAINE8 -41k RICH Ed & CO. have met ia the JalA ef ihek Pmuo Fortes, has iadacexl tbem U enlasga tMir Sap. pry, and' they eve tiov piesasd to inforni their ftiayuia s afld the public generaHy.-Uiai; they bate at present oh hand, anw intend kejing cntimjavy.atcererijstyis end iatteirrs, of bdth Rmo vtornl ana Mahoganyr-" . . - AauV.(A M.AlU'..4'' plied, a great many orAsrf ' frees; di3re6t -sactSolKa ifr tbeeotMitrr. and hea received freAirchaWaraH' Jistsute (who beoght lliwr PlariOS without flret aW ingthera',J vcrTtfnury letters ot s r pre val, both U ratCKS ahdaaifTf. They wbcld siso call ftteh- tion fo thaif Jayo sYock ;of BAota, jraf Aar7CJi.k aha Stationary, alhof which hiy afx Follisheni and Tofthefn- PricifaV Thsv hnii iha tt ftriefe ftra dat aSiached fo ihei faWtftintBt; m tterjrl style of brn&t?HS XeeoiJ WffiHii'afcnrty sfiineat 1 nee.t Blank. w.oiTir of iftj. efa, Ht he made W--1 erdsa, Sfhstc hou jL ti : i efso aniingf pl.J ItM-a jjreJ,-aet!iS3 are i: .. At?rrjj;j - r'j eiistersv'Ui j4xr Li::zrtxi gbWatyniurlag fo Jhe poat hi tHa't, story. aDerflia Family Clour. - w vvnviv ,Kn n ii i. in .i t. 1 WO h WM. IW ,Kf,W . - , far sale hi MVFfX!