-" 4 V f ,---'l -v 2km FINAL, RESULT. We give below the returns from all the Counties In the State, with the exception of Cherokee and Whicht dead to shame- and every nicei1 sew, v v.- .-f3nei onJaly 8t AJr. Webetcppoared Ner blushed ; unless, in spreading ice'i warear, n fB.trt this Tnorning bavin; return train' his It blundered on some virtu unawares' - C Tesidece i lassachusetti. Ha still bears this of Maryland SOLDIERS' CtAIMSGJEpiEaAii By L. BlanchardTrue Coi ATTOEKETl FOB, CtiillSn&feM i FAClJtOT OP PBYSIC, Currituck. . It will be seen, thai Mr. Mahly's pre 8?nt majority is 844 f which result cannot be materi ally altered bj the returns yet to be received., ' ! North Carolina, therefore, is as ev a staunch and decided Wh Sttthf miniheX?a? bernatoriaiTtivsftoQ That -jaf brasenry, wlIch the poet Intended lJe TPS? VL5CTURES wHI commence on MON ",A3th October, and coutihae until the lDih of March, ensuing. T ' Cherafslry and Phartnuv V&TT.T A a M t X f . 1 iuineioregojnjt une. to pouriray, nas -rrot th etnrnticm f Railroad fmm Klil I i - a . : m . . : A - .a T. .ivil ui. inr. IV III V With its parallel, in reality but . we do not Wo3jne foo f iBe OhTo WattaJten up. WASHINGTON CTTIfjCf lull t f9sied altheSrt ikhAiyA i rtJL -etwjrjoa Ihej Ulpon th subject be.; cor- if-'-' - Univereitv t Vti2Siiual fact cxarttted IhojidesL "iJjD: .. -r-1Don f gtveir'pimon.as, Jo.,what c A delightful peace, Ticket! the revvm ,F0H PRESIDIUM, 2ACHAUY TAMR LOUISIANA. , or k VICE PRESIDENT, F M1LURD FILLMORE, nt.' NEW YORK. J flon.KENNETIJ RAYNKR. Uofi. EDWARD STANLY. . HENRY W. MILLER, Esq. Hon. W. H. WASHINGTON. GEORGE DAVIS, Esq. JOHN WINSLOW, Esq. JOHN KERR, fcq ViL WITHERS, Esq. 11 JOHN BAXTER Eq 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 0. LEIGH. N. C. sdajvAugil6, 1848. ..... a r Af ta r? mi nnil Will oe a muen"s " - L at the Court House, on Thursday It, at early candle light. Some good iy be expected. Let os nave a rousing f ' ' " ft. CAROLINA VULUlNHibliS. W Officer, Col! Bragg, was tiobly re- ic patriotic citizens of Warren, on Tnes iast. He was presented with a hand , and the addresses on the occasion were riate and thrilling. During the coarse ksj after having paid a glowing tribute uoij CoL BftAco spoke thus feelingly .Volunteers : of Whir Candidates in etnoD 17 hr Our Whig friends .abroad may reaisured that if there is a Whig State in the Union,. that State is North Carolina. If, distracted as the Whigs hate been, by the local concerns of the County Election's, weakened in their efforts for want of efficient organ isations, misled by a wily stratagem of their oppo nents, and lulled into a false security by confidence- in their strength, we have yet carried the election of Governor, by a sufficiently decided majority now, we will, under more favorable circumstances, sup port the Hero of Buena Vista, by a vote at least c qual to that by which, in 1S44, we manifested our confidence in Harry of the West. ON THIS, OUR FRIENDS THROUGHOUT THE UN ION, MAY CONFIDENTLY RELY. Th Whig mnjority in the Legislature, will be 2, on joint ballot. North Carolina Election GOVERNOR'S VOTE Nov. o 1844-. . s Aug. 1844. 3 ST 1 cs E3 nsiastic applause of a generous people, on a fortunate soldier, too frequently d conceals merit equally great and de lose who are condemned, as some must inactive, but laborious service in the lerating army. By far the highest duty to perform, is to fight and conquer the ut little credit is awarded for any oth .This is deemed an appropriate occasion, I apology, for referring to the arduous Wary duty ef this kind assigned to the Yctfasiteera seat to the fieldlfroux jpur ir returning 10 xneir uomes, uvuo iuc Jg of yohespllAlity and gratitude, for njoyed the privilege of encountering an onsigned to an inactive camp lifethey all the privations and hardships of a hout a share of its glories or a hope of herefore affords me the greater pleas ycu, and I speak from a personal know Midition, that an opportunity only was er the lead of its able and sealods Com rour Regiment to have acquired a name by that of any similar body of troops. Dmium one that will find a responsive osom'of every North Carolinian. Our s had no ordinary trials to contend with Scant difficulties to encounter. No ad late of the privations and hardships of in the' midst of an enemy's couutry, can those who have beenp " reclining in the of ease." .The tedious march the of the Chapparal the torrid sun es?, and wan disease are all bitter in- he Soldier's life. Dpnih mnv nrit snpjilr Z that that ktiella anon the enr. hut it ieTfeatlf oT the'pistileat ial atmosphere Jay Hot" be heralded by the dread thun- )rj, hut it is told amid the awfdl silence t waste remote from home and relative, no wdl-fonghten" battle can testify to r prowess of our Volunteers, no glori pd victory trumpets their fame, they are to the exalted praise of having van SiTcrities of a Soldier's life by a Sol- f cadarance the outbreaks of insubor- efficient discipline and commeiidable r i"y and innumerable obstacles, br ii uiiOToearance and fortitude. -. Jad to announce the. nrviml in ahi ru-- lose who nearly twe years gince left us tarn chances of the war. Among the Inotice Maj. Wilder, Capts. Buck and ajutant Whitaker, Lieuts. Yarbroueh i Sergeauts Hardie and Rowlett. and , Lumpen, HayeSj Crenshaw, Perry, Fj AsKew and others. number, we believe, of the Volunteers tnty, have returned " safe and sound' ana iriendt but three, viz: Joseph po was discharged at Monterey onac f lty, and returned and died in this m last, and Calvin Shaw and Charles F died iu Meii. Anson Ashe Bladen Brunswick Bertie Buncombe Beaufort Burke Caldwell Cumberi'd Cabarrus Cherokee Chatham Columbus Caswell Chowan Craven Currituck Carteret : Cleavelaad Camden r Davie - Davidson Duplin Edgecomb Frauklia - Guilford Greene Granville Gates Hertford Halifax Haywood Henderson Hyde Iredell Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln Moore Montgom'y Martin Macon McDowell Nash 481 1012 COG 1073 477 522 499 561 4SG 280 499 271 2S3 351 311 335 439 475 409 507 412 961 496 875 527 932 489 S87 228 1234 ;309 1203 219 598. 260 544 1101 703 1070 603 374 718 477 751 225 390 241 383 729 1136 794 1153 363 135 342 180 1182 283 1088 277 166 305 188 286 628 654 522 681 551 157 4S5 137 315 434 332 454 .624 366 720 336 101 556 94 518 272 529 354 508 610 109J?fc5$8- 911 936 223 -66 . 246 1503 126 1410 118 760 336 710 361 515 2130 463 1920 276 302 199 253 942 936 985 976 355 355 381 359 253 309 269 308 456 592 378 569 267 342 328 370 141 555 206 565 164 318 189 401 330 1582 376 1527 650 595 585 639 142 203 153 195 356 225 356 198 1736 790 1773 911 500 540 513 584 1201 909 1242 808 139 658 107 586 580 310 523 316 224 374 285 371 894 74 796 70 1122 382 1101 283 400 1$2 516 194 37J 643 512 396 138 1023 377 781 440 1081 228 730 365 ' 727 83 391 669 921 1406 673 412 315 946 390 173 507 430 236 m. m. 814 181 259m. 1877 832 556 544 1068 698 86 609 557 339 m. 90 1049 551 281 301 524 928 857 1299 589 578 743 935 174 263 293 742 407 421 4904 542 1096 226 104 319 1567 207 1016 371 330 601 412 651 160 1088 720 215 Was KCtuipattma. when one. concesjr j g j. .1 a. . . 1 1 1 JLV J ? . - iug me iaci mat ne naa commweu sucn sou fuu an act, should falsely accuse another of havingerr ed in a sizjtflar manner, and impute it to him as 9 shame atxTsTttiegrace. We have a, case in Jpoint- iisTtot Can it be believed, after the sedulous lus tiness and vehemence with which the Loco Foco or gans in this State, have bawled the charjfe of Wil- I mot Provisoism in the faces of Southern Whigs and their brave old Chieftain, that D. S. Rd, their late Candidate for Governor, while u Congress voted with . R. J. Daniel s&d J. J. McKay, for the Or egon Bill, with that; document incorporated in it ? It is so. The disclosure was made in the House of Representatives a few days since, daring the pro gress of.a discussion on the proposed Compromise Bill. Mark the despicable ruse by whichoneof the unhappy wights would extricate the Southern Loco Focos generally from the dilemna -aud note too the glaring expose by Mr. CKozita of their inconsistency trtA iiTl!.if.v - "' . 1 j "j. :Mr dt'dzrer asked whetherMrrkA? ed the Wilmot proviso to be unconstitutional ? PHe said he did, - Then the gentleman, his colleague, had voted for a bill one featuro of which he believed in his con science to be unconstitutional. The gentleman said the proviso was nugatory, and the Supreme Court would so 'decide. Well, his colleague had found a plan by which any member might vote for any un constitutional law, by simply saying that if it is un constitutional it is nugatory, and therefore no law at all. This is certainly a most important and conven ient discovery to do away with the observance of the constitution. But how did some- of iny colleague's friends, who agree to this new and convenient rule of his, and who voted for the Oregon bill with the Wilmot proviso in it, believing it unconstitutional, vote the other day upon the civil and diplomatic Via not tney vote against the whole bill be 887 1015 106 275 Onslow 717 Orange 1589 Pasquotank 232 Person 649 Pitt 476 ' Perquimons 223 Rocking'm 1022 Rutherford 296 Richmond 117 Robeson 59 1 Randolph 312 Rowan 586 Stanly 48 Stokes 1153 Surry 880 Sampson 878 Tyrrell 92 Warren 810 Wake .1374 Wayne 911 Wilkes 181 Washington 124 Yancy 427 194 1686 663 27 634 441 430 1310 802 559 1171 833 530 1084 996 533 283 128 1044 254 1208 329 338 553 1555 177 622 441 217 981 435 113 599 318 736 81 1165 1023 727 137 716 1271 846 167 136 015 178 1756 593 287 607 366 449 1402 678 559 1082 809 541 1105 1032 461 311 127 1073 217 1333 368 310 663 1726 176 578 571 m. 968 311 68 623 313 696 26 1223 1226 C92 m 630 1293 1097 309 182 315 175 1714 471 360 589 100 340 1037 545 581 1199 827 740 1003 1090 530 220 172 991 264 1299 35S m. 39,287 43.232 39,433 42,586 38772 39616 Clay's maj. 3.945 Graham's do. 3,153 38772 t & McCotLuai's splendid Circus Ad l!Page, arrived in thU City on Monday. yis very hiehlv snoken nf h th f j v -r j v l"-(lVertlSImon fing ia Wilmington last week of the ' H. T. Pi IMP aawmm.mJ . H.Y . 1 - ) vumuiuuuer oi me lioria imeut of Volunteers, it was unanimous- Fesent him with a pair of Silver Pitch- Hijespeetfor his gallantry and dis JfVicea in tii : . . . ; M'.B.irarVXM Mexico. " : . . APT. CLARK."' M to learn that our chivalrous young egress, in connMu. r v2 r?et iD Se'erS With GU- ,Orxi, KAtiaiAi-Bn.no e, and , .v avxu iiu, ana iota A Mr Manly's majority, so for as hedrd from, 344 PRESTO! CHANGE! The "Standard" announces the election in Chow an of Col. R. T. Paine, Whic no chance," .But there is a wonderful change. The name of Col Paine, a few months ago, nhen he was in Mexico, could not be mentioned without the Domocxats gen erally being thrown into spasms ; and on all such occasions, Gov. Graham, the Mexican Preamble and Col. Paine received at the hands of the " Standard'' a particular editorial, spasmodical drubbing. The announcement of his Election is made now as a mat ter of course, unaccompanied by a solitary word of abuse. It is trnly remarkable, and may perhaps be accounted for by supposing that some persons (in the language oi en. assi " are laoorinz under an im pression that a change has taken place iiftheir minds" knowing as they do that Col Pains U 0. member of the House of Commons,- which osseinbJei iA Ra leigh, next winter. Verbiim sap. J"" '-, w-- Cluere ? rSince our neighbor has cooled off so sud- denlyf would it not be a suitable time for him to publish the decision of that " Court of Inquiry" at Saltillo or to let his readers know that Col. Paine was honorably acquitted of the charges brought against him, and his conduct entirely approved by the Court consisting of Major Lewis Cass and oth ers? It may not however become the "Standard" to publish "any thing calculated or designed to in jure the Democratic cause," or to effect the election of David S. Reid. Since the Election is over and thejruth is not now "calculated to injure the Dem ocratic cause," we suggest that the "Standard" might think a little of the character of our Regiment and the honor of our State, and feel a little compunction a very little for the injury it has done to a-mer itorious officer, whose only official fault was a too rigid performance of what he deemed his duty. Let it then do tardy justice by publishing the decision. The publication now may do it nocredit,but the long er postponement to do so will attach that shame and discredit to it, which thejrilful suppression of jus- tice Dy me puDnc .cress enouia arways merit. E- We see it stated, that Mr. Clay travelled nearly fifty miles, to cast his vote for Mr. Cbit ncNDENr All honor to the great Statesman. His heart is with the Whig cause now, ns ever, and al who love and admire Henry Clay wilj, influenced by his patriotic course, remember his example at the election in iventacKy, ana eaaeavor to profit thereby. bill? cause it contained an appropriation of $50,000 to the Savannah river, on the ground that this appro priation was unconstitutional? It is for them to reconcile if they can this gross aud palpable incon sistency. A note is appended to the report of the Debate in the National Intelligencer, giving a list of the South ern Democrats who .voted, at'the last session of 3)fi gress, for the Oregon Bill, having the Wilmot Pro viso in it Among that number, were David' S. Reid J. R JT. Daniel and . J. McKay, tn the list of Sou them Democrats who voted against the Civil and Diplomatic Bill, with the Savannah Appropriation in it, are found the names of Messrs. Daniel and McKay and in that list would have been enrolled the name of David S. Reid, had he been this session in Congress. Keep it then before the People of North Carolina, that the Democratic Candidate for Governor voted for 'the Wilmot Proviso and that the Demo cratic organs knew when they were hurling their venomous darts at the Whig party of the Soutb that the interests of the South had been betrayed by their own leaders! Or if they choose the other horn of the dilemna keep it before the People, that they have been guilty of a gross political inconsistency which defies every attempt at explanation or reconcilia tion Either fact is sufficient of itself, to consien MdeeperhaTKcalttiM the agrarian, demagogical details of their campaign, the freemen of North Carolina have committed them. SUPREME COURT. x This Tribunal convened at Morgan ton, on Mon day, the 7th inst, Judges Ruffin and Battle pre sent. The followingjroung gentlemen were admit ted to County C Our practice : Wm. M. Peacock, N. A. McLeau, A. F. Brevard, S. C. W. Tate, Marcus Erwin, L. B. Gaston, John HiDallard, L. Blackmer, F.L Wilson, Montgomery County. Robeson do Lincoln, ,..: do Morganton, Asheville, Gaston County, Rockingham County, Rowan County, Rutherfordton. The following'obtained Superior Court License John H. Dillard, Rogkiugham County, R. Don. Wilson, Mountain Home, McDowell Co, A4fr4,Yoster, Lexington,- ' Thomas L. Slade, Lincolnton, J. Alexander Fox, Charlotte,. State Elections. KENTUCKY. The Whigs in this glorious old Commonwealth' have done nobly. The only question in regard to the State, appears to be as to the amount of Mr, Crittenden's majority, the estimates of which range from five to seven thousand, notwithstanding the ac tive efforts of our political opponents to keep it down as much as possible. ILLINOIS.- The accounts were not conclusive as to the eke tion for Congress. A Loco is said to be elected in the place of Lincoln (Whig-fJ Baker (Whig) and Marshall (Whig) are aid, to be elected a clear Whig gain: then, so farf of one Congressman. INDIANA. - the Wh ig gains have not been' sufficient to OveN come the Loco Foco majority in the last Legislature. Wstownesa m titter, the Soeafcerr of w .Etvprcseniauves cauea upon the CfenxtfUte? fo repots. - Suillry bftU were Reported and referred to a Corarrtvtte of the whore. la tRe Senate on AuAust 9, on motion of Mr. Kinj, tbV bill to grant thet right of wav and a do nation of 1andu, for a railroad frotii Mobile to the tn'oufh of the Ohio, was taken up, and after debate by Mesar BflotonvKmw, Cahoun, Borland, Jeffer son Davis, Butler. Allen, Lewis, Nile?, Turney, and Breese, was" read the third time and passed! A motion of Mr. Douglas, to take up the Or egon territorial bill, did nut prevail. Oil motion oi Mr. Johnson of Md., the Senate at about 12) .o'clock, proceeded to the considera tion of executive business said to be on military appointments. v , The doors were again opened at about 3 P. M. and 8everal4ininiportant bills were passed. ' Tjid':HooBe of Representatives went into corn rnitte of the whole on the river and harbor bill MrCabel in ,lbe Chair and Mrd)ickaQoa, a verv able member from O- wuwi icti tPT0jtiaa4 twetftoibia being present, ihq rest hkvtjag gone iojinnefc.-v In th Senate on-August 10, the morning 'busi ness wtes unimportant. After getting tnrough with it,4he Senate proceeded to the considera tion of the Oregon Bill, and a debate pprang up, which was participated in by Messrs. Webster, Butler,' Douglas, Hale, Calhoun, Niles, Johnson of Maryland, Berrien and Metcalf. In the House of Representatives, a communi cation was read from Mr. Nicholas P. Trist ad dressed to the Speaker of the House, relative lo the Treaty with Mexico. In his communication, Mr. T; denounces the President of the United States, and requests the House to impeach him. The communication, without being ordered to be prinfedwas referred to the Commtitee on For eign A&irs'. Ob niotion, the House then resolved itself into a cocsmtee of the whole and proceeded to the consideration oi the senate s amendments to ine Civil afrft)iplomatic Appropriation Bill. ! I Tif&kMNDEJl OE GEN. TAYLOR. f - VWAfshCft,J8sured,.frvin a aonrre which we mow do wan can douot, mat uen. i-ayior so far froui saying that the North Carolina Regi ment have given him more trouble than any other in tho service, expressed himself pleased with their qaiet and orderly deportment. We doubt not that the truth with regard to this matter will be even more fully developed than it is at present though even now it is enough to blush those con cerned in the attempt to suppress it. Richmond Whig- i From the London Times. As ft general rule, we have a profound contempt for patent medicines and infallible nostrums; but Hastings' Compound Syrup of Naphtha is working such well-authenticatetf cures in Asthmas, Consump tions. &c., all around us, that we hail it as a most important discovery, and recommend it to the no tice of those whom it may concern. Many of our medical friends have tried experiments with it, which have been astonishingly successful. For further particulars of the efficiency of the a- bove mfdiciae 6ee advertisement in another column ot to-day paper. v. . - -L - Ijtt Jahllin'CduntT, on the9th-inst.br the Rer Wm, Arendell, Dr. Mark P. Perry-io Miss Tem- giMnoe lnnStampeTj daughter of jGeorge Stamper, NeatSonimervilW,.TeBni an the 25th ultimo, la the 70thr year of bia age,' EUle Willis Reeves,:ffor merly jof Orange "Coantyf in tais state, ana kuown in that and Wake, and several adjoining Counties, as among iiier eariiess iraveiung rreacuers in me Christian conncfiohff 1 ' Departed Ihis life, at the residence of her mother, MraaryHiwkins, in Warren County, on the 27th of June-,! Mrs. Lucy D, Henderson, the amia ble and affectionate consort of Leonard Henderson, Esq'and youngest daughter of the late Dr. Joseph W. Hawkiuc, in the 21stear other agej leaving a most demoted huBband ond two infant daughters, to gether with doating mother and many - other rela- tires and fxienas wjaemoan ner premature aeaxn. B7 Standard w4UJiiMsecopy. Communicated. VjttellIEit!aL.JtJEW WORK. urerwyrrederiksr iJremer ii day received by dust J5, H. D. TURNER. FREE SOIL CONVENTION. The Convention at Buffalo, has nominated Mar tin Van Buren for the Presidency, and Charles F. Adams, as the Free Soil Candidate for the Vice Presidency. The vote stood, for Van Bijeen, 154, John P. Hale, 129. " A aUESTION FOR THE "STANDARD" . Which party, and whose Administration, are just ly chargeable with the offence of placiag the rights e f the South in a position where their " qompromise" is necessary? Will the " Standard" inform us ? STRIKING RESEMBLANCES. Master Philip, a character in the "Bachelor of the Albany," was perpetually mistaking the Smyly girls, Qftt for the other " they being as like.othara two pias parucuiany A-aura." i ijzr'l- An old Planter, who owned two riegwes, Csesar and Pompey, was always confounding one with the other, asserting as an excuse that they bore a won derful resemblance " 'specially Pompey.-; Old Mrs. Nichols declared that none of her chil dren were r.like except Gershona and he was jest alike! $25 Reward i ffj AKA WAY from the Subscriber, on the 24th fday f June last, a negro man named BILL very dark complexion, and stout built, between thir ty a'nl forty yean olJ. The said negro waa born and raised In Sacapeon County, and since has been living ?n Lenoir County, the properly of John In gram. I purchased him at said Ingram's sale, and be has been in my posseesfou in Green County for the tast five or six year. Tb above reward will be given to' any person, who wit! deliver the said nrgro to the subscriber, or confine him in jail sd that ( get him again. JAMES B, PKIPGIN. Snnvv rlill, Aogust 10. . ;" 6 6v University of Louliana claas 9ri( eammence on the 20th of No'veraSer, ia th Mpa6ioufl edifice ou Common street, which the boudat are now rapidly fih'whiirj. Having adopted and mCfntaiued a' high standard of medical educa tion, the professors', from their connection with the Cily Haspitals, enjoy superior advantages for prac tical instruction in Clinical Mediiine, Surgery, and Midwifery. There" is a fine amphitheatre in' the Chaiy Hospital for surgieat operatfdus and lectures. Opportunities for the pursuit of practical' -anatomy are unequalled subjects beiug supplied gratuitously tu any number. For further information, tersons will please address the Dean for the printed circular aud fctitaUgud. For the correction of false siateinenU it is prober to .mention that the expenses of boarding, &c in this city are much reduced: that the epidem ic, ytttow fever, never prevails after the first week in jirember, aud that hereafter contagions diseases will tot be promiscu'msryhadmh.ted into the .medical wards of th Hospital. JOfiN HARRISON M. D., Professor of Physiolo- gynd Pathology. JAMBS JONES. M. D., Professor of the Theory K- .maa rraciic er Meaicmew 1 W AUBLEN STON E, MD.. Professor of Surgery. 34IfniJ17ECL, M. D..Treessol,f Uheuiistry. JtTTjf? GxM n . Professor of Obstetric and of '- IfMDitiaMa af Women and Children. WMiGARPENTER, M. D., Profeawr of Ma- teriaMediea and Therapeutics. tA. J. WB0DERBURN, M. D., Professor of An atomy v?TT. od practiea tit MedielueWIlTr.tjaM POWER, W. D. Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children .-RICHARD H. THOMAS. M. D. Lecturer on Bathelogy and Demonstrator of Ana tomySireRGE W. MILTENBERGER, M. D. Instruction in Cliaidal Mediciuej and Cliuical Sur- gu ryf very day at lhe Baltimore Infirmafy, opposite the Medical Collese. Th a rooms for nrjM.tu.nl nnn. tomy will be opened October 1st. under the charge of the demonstrator. Fees for the entire course $90. omTortable board may be obtained in the vicinity of the Medical College, for $2.50 to $3.50 per week. WILLIAM E. A AIKEN, , Dean of the Faculty. August 12,1819. 65 ta$3 Great Western Circus Will be Exhibited in Raleigh on Monday and Tues day, the 4th and 5th of September next. HIS verv great perfoirninp Comparfv, T as organised fur the Fall Traveling Sea- son.erabracesa DOUBLE PERFORMING Trovfe, a portion of them having been engaged the past month in the city of New York by the manager, who is de sirous of gratifying the wishes of the' New Orleans public by introducing the Greatest Cilcus Company n the Union, ou the opening of -their New Amphi theatre, that is now in tho course of erection in that city. H. K AUL, with the Silver Bugle presented to hitn by the Phil harmonic Society of New Orlearps, and his' celebrated BRASS BAND. It would notfee improper to state, that lhe Band is composed' of the Leading Members' from the St. Charles the French and A urerican Theatres, New Or leans, who, during tb.eir vacation In the summer months, have formed lha Inimitable Band ; and we challenge any company in the Union to produce their equal. The most gratifying result must be observant to the most cursory observer, on reference to the following Synopsis of lhe Troupe: MUSIC. Orchestra, Gaul's Brass Band Bernard's String Band Comic, Jennings McGill Ethiopian, J. Smith, B. Brown, C. McGifl. EQUITATION. Principal and Gymnastic McColIum, E. Stone, J. Blackwood. M. J. Lipman Scene and Dramatic D. W. Stone, A. Levi, J. Shay. GYMNASTICS: s McCuIiura, .Eaton Stone, and 20 others. BATTOUT ELASTIQUE : The above gentlemen, aided by the world's vaclter,' M. J. Lipman. TOSES, CLASSIQUE : Master Henri. etiWMmey, Clawm wry.daptloC spiciHv CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF TH IP LATlIWAa WITH MEXICO. FOR BOUNlY LAOR TRACTS, SUPPLIES, UNSrte$CtSv OF PAYMASTERS,, COSlMrSSARlL sfesl-" GEONS, UTLERS. AND AL&rV Pnti Wis. TH REE MONTHS BACK PAT NOW DUE ALL OFFICERS AND .pnitrArwwi wtm HAVE: BEEN IN WfoirUimhm RING SAID WAR 'OR IP rtRflRtSRn THEIK HEIRS. - ' VOLUNTEERS should forward their DVhiWft dr Sareeon'a Certificate, drreetlv tffthe ahnva AttAvJ ney s and A gen ts, who can eeriainly bbuin for themT ineu i,anu v arrant, and at quickly as Agents can who live out of this City. THE ARMY REPORTS of the killed and wourp (led in Our possession will be found nfmnok tance to HEIRS, in obuintne their Claims ror l-cfe pay, extra pay, and other altowshees. ; ' t.Vr.i LANP WARRANTS ANTED, for which the higleal. pticeawill b& given. "f AGENl'8j or those desiring to become such shatt recetve QtJM KPtVi th Iet audnoal "WtFvJrrWWrrTu one to proceed forthwith, and without erring in the buwn of .coeotihg, Clairha for prosecuUon, The mostCberal division of profits will be'inade witH such. - 60,t)00 bfScefsand Soldiers of the Re voJutionary War We haVe Kolla ami Reeorda of th let widowl, woo do not receive the full amoant of Pension allowed to their husbands especially, apply to us, and we wim hava the same increased. Let Others apply arseV N. B. Letters owing lo the Othber received tnnst he post-paid. .... r rom the highly satisfactory tes4imohials,.giveri by many gentlemen of mv acquaintance. UMhe cha- racter and.qualificaiiohs of Mr. Trae, I have not the slightest hesitation ia recommending bim to all wno may desire his. services, as. fully competent to give entire satisfaction in whatever he may undertake. XIUKAUE SrKlKG.FELL.OW, , Rector of Trihity Church. I Washiftglon, July 15ih, 1842. . , .. I take pleasure in statin? that Mr. L. Blancbard True, of the State of Maine, is a graduate of BovV- dain College, the highest literary institution of the State, and among the forefhoe in New England, that he is si gentleman of good -character and worth. I doubt not he will give fuR satisfaction, wherever ha may be employed. GEORGE EVANS, U. S. 8. August 2, 184 L Would respectfully refer to the undersigned1. Nathan Clutoid, Minis-'ei to Mexico, ' Hon. W. P. Mangum, Ex-President U. 8. 8. Hon. J. W. Jones, Ex-Speak& House of RepsV M. B. Lamar, Ex-Pres'ujent of Texas, ', -Hon. Levi Woodbury, Justice U a Sup'e Court; rTori, A. P. Bagby, Minister ta Russia, H on. J edge Semple, IX S. SenaU, . Hon. A. II. Stevens, House of Reps. Hon. Judge Dean, do do Hon. II. St, John', 36' Ho Geo. Covet Washington Ciiv. Uie of III. Bv Jennings and lis soti. Mi J. Shsy, A Ivi, Young Hafvet, BL Browri. Physical Devices: Ieonard Hervey. r .?fSKirrtoir of Comedy : ' G B, Johnson. B Jennings, A Levi. 7 f EQUILIBRIA : f Crescent Wire, Young Harvey Equilibriums, Eaton Stone Light Balancing, J Shay. Pageants, Entries, -t r E. Magill. C. Magill, J. Hiukley, H.;Stimmell, Stc. Proprietors : Stohe, McColIilm & Co. Mahagcr: John W.Smiih' Equestrian Director : D. Wijtone Accredited Agent : G.L.Eaton. A discriminating public witl dwell, in glancing o ver this birds-eye view of the Immense Troupe, up on the names of McColIum, Eaton Stone, J. Smith. M J. Lipman, H.K; Gaul D W. Stone, J. Blackwood respectively the best performers in their respective de partments in the country. The-method and systemv pervading the performan ces,, and the order and decorum always rigidly enfor ced, in and out of the circle, whkh: ha ve beenL as mar ked characteristics of his Clrcurfjtasfev the an peri ortivof the Derformancerf will be strict! dhed to? r inieiiigeni atiu renneo ponrnnmwe-coataiuBuy, was nave, iii an especnu maqiier, urciutvr uvuvrm Circus with theif presence! The maftagei's ihdulg as great pride and satisfactiori in dwelling upon the numbers of the patrons who have always thronged their entertainments, and they congratulale them selves that they never possessed in such abundance as now appliances io cater for an healthful taste for inntcent amusements. , Admission 50 ccnu' children half price. .. . Ushers in attendance lo wail on Ladies and fatally parties to seats". Pit for colored persons 25 cents. Doois will open oh day performance at I, com. me nee at 2 at night at 7$ commence at 8. rfT All Improper persons excluded. . 4 - STONE & McCOLtUM. IOUTII CAROLINA 1 Mutual Insurance Compatnjri PUKSUANT to ait Act of Assembly ,a Compa nv has been formed in this 'State; under the nain'o andjlvle of the " Nofth Carolina Mutual 1 (JenfOaff.' and is now fuflv orsraniied, b the appoimentJ iMfwmwrog VBrcers. vw. JOSIAH n. WA lUCTiTtesinen ALBERT STITH, Vice-President; RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, JAMES F. JO KUAN, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, KrD ?- WM. W. HOLDE.V. 5 mUee The Company is now prepared to receive appfica tioris for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same, Bv the Act Of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwellingiioasea.StoresjShdpt . . . f I 1 . I -. . g U ti. , ana oiner uuuuings, r urniiure, wiercuBit!,., other mooertv. airainst loss or damage by Fir The Office of the Company is in Hxm second aiory of the large Brick Building, recentlyjaccopied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the cotner ol r ayeuevme anu nr gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of MutuaLInsursnce, will l cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. Raleigh, August 15, 1848 Y. RLE MONNIER,M. D. atomy. August 12, 1848. Demonstrator of A n 65 taw4 House of RepS, do do do do ' do lo dO do do do. do 00 OTO Hon. Robt, P. Dunlap, Hon. Luther Severance; .Hon. Judge Dawson, ;Hon. Win. Parfiientef, Hon. J. Jameson,' Hon. Thos. Smithy , Hn-Freaman H. Morse, Hon- Joiah Her rick. Hon. AJbiou E. Parrls, 2d Comp.'Tfea. DfH; uen. jonn. vy itson, Missonn, .; - " II onN Judge Pillsbury, House of Rps Hon.' Andtew Stewad, 4o do- Hon. T. W. Hiakell, ad ad , Hon. John tt. Crosier, . do ' do . And to Members of Cotsg'e&, and Heads of Depart ments generally. , ,. Office WHlard's Hel Buildings, corner Utipk and Pennsylvania Avenfie.,,, , .4' . . wasnington vy, APg. a, 1848. ' tWiy. ' . tHE cnntintled' success with wfiich tfAlNEJf RICHES & CO. have raft in the sale 6f;4hf Piano Fortes, has induce! theni to enlarga their sup pfy,.and they are now pteased (rf inform their (iianda aisVl4eMu the country, and have received from' porta asefs ml' s distance (who bought their Pianos without, first iev ing them, voluntary letters ppbvallilS M" iat ' PBicLs and? cualitt. . They woul4 aJsocaS atten: lion to their largo stock T Books, titi AlMHi and Sia.Johary.-an'of which they iall-at Piblisbera and Northern pricM.;' They hive alsolloc"t Jjinf dery attached lo their uUldiso&enl iiSi hicn'everf- . style of b'indirig is executed with dariljty" and Aaat ness. .fifak. work of eve pattern intt be made id order. Music hound, 4c.' Persons wanting mnf flung in their line, will find it to their sdvantaf td.glve, "A them a tnah as thev.sfe determined to sfcirs n6 Wirf oustomers. March 11 GAINES, RICHER Si COJ a a i .1 848. Svcsmore Strei, Petetshog. n 6-tf TTftY tTrtueof am 04ef f Person County CaafW llS tnOTtideralkned, Sheriff of GonAiy, wiU exposa to sali, for cash, at th Court Hous door at Roxborengh, on Tuaadat, lh I9th day Of September next, being th second day of tho. County Court, al Negro stave by the numi ? George, who has heed confined in the Jail of said County, for more than twelve months. JNO- M- WIN STEAD, Sheriff. Jane 19. 51 t frhEINO deatrflrjerf bfe k- A lU aii VaHahletTct Landlot ra1 nuLea-North -wsof Rale it h. bet WnhiJouisitrrg Road and tha Road leading (0 W ake f orest, and im-. mediately Wtho Ralefgh and Gaston Rait Road.. The Tract contains about Five Hpndred Acre, wall watered, welt adapted to th enltif in of Corn, Wheat. Oats, Cotton and Tobacco. .'The Land could be divided so as 16 make two beautiful situation. It is deemed hftnecesssry to eiy any thing mora, as th purchaser will examine before boyingf. Fot any otft.' er particularsi enquire of My. ICiaiBBoccB JoMs. - MATTHEW JONES. Wake Co , Joly "3. 1848. 63,, NXATE OF NORTH CAROfcMAj.t NoaTHAMrrow Commr. 'Spring TennV ISwt Id Equity. -j ." T Petition for PattkionJind $ate of JBt Mathew Bryanti' i tii Peterson Bryantf. ai. ' . ' : - ' It appearing to thV satisfaction of the Conrt, that lhe defendants, Willi Lambertson, Jmes Lanibert- -son, Martha Lambertson, Thomas Lambsrtson, 9a ry Lambertsojf, John Lambert n William Lambert -son and Elijah tmberU09, are non-residnta: It is rdttefflialnl4CMtionji madain IheRaUighUei irtC SH tit e4 AifyimvC aid rufendaotsio . appear at (ha text term, U be hsld lor tfta, Couaty of Norlhainpton, at th Court Hooaa ihxhaTcvrnor Jackson, on the fifth Monday attar tn "fourth Mon dayia September next, then 'and there, to: plead, aa- -swer OrdemBT to the said petition, or otherwis it will be set for bearing and heard ex parte. WILLIAM BARftQW, -C7M. X Jon 30. '4Pt, Adv,5 2J-- '55 6 .. 1 V l (;