f I think nll fcjot Lr oii the recep UsXans or the. cansideratioa of resolutions, PeB:.t-nt with this rule. . I '?-n . nnfiarrMsional' documents here. 1' e fti, fcV pftpe or, memoranda to refresh I took occasion! to state iu substance my ?the snbject of slavery in the States. Whe- l ,mirK3 were i v. -r - ,,t the substance was, that 1 regarded slave i evil but one with which the national goy- L, 'nothing to do. That by the constitu- ' ,r :a at, the whole nower over that rv itotadt in the several States where the tn was tolerated. If they regarded it as a I they hti cousmujiuim uju , " Warded it as an evil they had the pow- nm best how to apply, the, remedy. I did f. . tjuit Congress had any power over it or Clr way responsible for its continuance in IJ States where it existed. f I have enter ic olher sentiments on. this snbject, since I u it snfficiently to form an opinion, and I CJ that all my acts, public and private, will I in accordance with this view". I hare the be jour obedient servant, . Hai quite a J ub lie time Xring the' lS week. 1 1 W ' lfP U and the spirit and enthusiasm evinced. bVtllrl? V-", A thy the imitatiou VerV r.Z.T tt official turreiTed . i . - pi. i. r,--,-r- AND L,.: " I - ryei state's Office. The poll -from MePowell is IVorth Carolina Election. GOVE RNOR'S ;,V0T.-0FFIC1AL: . ST:." S. ,522 SUPREME COURT. Morzanton Term or tn 13 court closed on Want. Opinions in the following. Cause In delivered since our last notice : rr C. J., in William Whitesides t. R..G d J. fticcni-ire, irom muueriora ; juag med. Also, in Amelia rarnam r. Elizabeth der from Cabarr us; judgment reversed and ?ro awaraea. a iso. . in o. 11, .aney v. Motx, in Equity from Lincoln ; injunction I with costs. Alspj In W. Bacuanan and o S. Fitxgendj-in tEquity-.froinayweod : irmed and injunction dissolved at plaint iflV jo, ittK- n-irKpairicK n.joaa vv. means, from L-aoarrus ; uwree vu uemurrer re- PlaintilFs cost. Also, in William H. Ar f J. W. Means, in Equity from Cabarrus; versed without costs. Also, : in Thomas King, from Buncombe ; judgment revers in State on relation of W. Rale, v: Lonz s. from Rowan ; judgment reversed and ve to. Also, in State on relation of Henry I Long etal from Rowan; judgment re A venire de novo. Also, in Mary IX, Smith id J. H. Da.vis, from Mecklenburg ; judg Wd. Also, in Wm. F. Cowao, Adm'r. r. hacker, from Iredell ; judgment affirmed. S. Presnell, et al. v. Wm. Lander, et ah in bm Lincoln ; decree reversed and bill dis Also, in Wm. T. Lemmons, et el. v. Rich'd i al, in Equity from Mecklenburg ; decree Sffs. Also, in Den and W. P. Waugh, iicheson, from Ashe, judgment affirmed. p dem. of Jackson v. Adam Hampton, from ; judgment reversed and venire de novo. G. Howell, r.P. W. Edwards, from Cher- ment reversed and vemre de novo. Also, itor on relation of Marvel Mills e. Co. lis, cT oL in Equity from Rutherford ; bill with costs. Also, in Thomas Murraf r. al, m Equity from Buncombe; bill dis 1 costs. Also, in State v. F. Sludcr. from I judgment affirmed. , h, J. In Ldward Jones v. Burwell Blan- leavelana, in Equity ; decrw for plain- in Leander E. Brittain v. John McLean, 1 - a - rson, uecree reversed and injunction re- eanng. Also, in Francis McCorkle v. Trill ; account ordered, and referred ba, in equity. Also, in'Hush Kirkoat- 11 W. Rogers, et. al. from Mecklenburg ; plaintiff.. Also, in John Dameron, v. , in Law, from Cleaveland, judgement lbo, in Brown & Maxwell v. Samuel Xowan ; reversed and procedendo ordered, niel Shaver p.A,P. Adams al. from raen affirmed. AlspV la Dairi d Cress McNeelj v. Williaur: Emmersoxi, from hify decree for Plaintiffs. Also in Tim ile r. Alexander William from Iredell: jversed and renire de nri - Also, in Doe r - ei ill w V a word, Henry W. Miu.br seemed to be i' the vein" ISfpakinga spef wlien thSt is said, all who know him will conclude that those present must have enjoyed a rich treat indeed. We resret exceedingly that some friend had not furnished us with an outline of this effort of Mr. M for we would much have preferred that those who heard, and con sequently appreciated it, should have given some iaea or it to our readers. We are informed that Mr. Busbee, the Demo cratic Elector for this District, was too unwell to vis it Oxford, and of course did not We an opportuni ty of discussing the questions of the day with Mr Miller. We regret this, for we are particularly Anxious for these two champions to have a passage at arms together; but we regret still more, that Mr. M. was allowed- to pass without any of our Demo cratic friends replying to him. We have been taun ted with "shrinking" from a political discussion. nere was a good opportunity to meet Whig argu. u.us anu we understand that Mr. M. was anx ious to have some of his opponents on the stand with hip. We learn that tLe renowned Abbam Vea ble himself was there, and yet he did not attempt to say a word to scare off these timid Whigs. Gra cious heaven ! are ye reduced to this ! that so soon after returning fresh and green from the Halls of Congress, he eould sit quietly and hear his candidate and his party literally annihilated, and not have one word to say in their behalf? Perhaps it was well enough. Prudence, it is said, is the better part of valor. Anson Ashe Alexander; Burke r 1234 BuncbmbecMl Bladen i'S80 Bertie ' 475 Beaufort : 932 Brunswict 351 Cabarrus" 71$ Craven Cumberl'd Chowan Columbus Caldwell Camden Carteret Caswell Chatham Cherokee Cleaveland Currituck Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecomb Franklin Gates , Greene Granville Guilford Haywood Halifax Hertford Hyde Henderson ' Iredell 81' 477 '412' 875" it is not to be wondprvI n k" V ' f "1 il- T'" .i 8Ucn energy excluded. it is doubtless uxauvt.it, euuuiu nave inr.rMtsri iii; .-: a i - - . -- - .vir WBU IJlHLIiHU of diminishing It, as.did too tnatiy iff the Counties in the State, ar the recent Goberiiat6rW Election, . "v,f"' gone nears ana soul .iuftgtu work, as ougk they were )?rfly3Ln$ portance of .the mxtreBldentiai )jraeot': upon the destinies of our great RttutHcaWwiare assured J" ge a good account or themselves ia November next. ' - K .'V.. On Tuesday, HenkV W. M-xwit; Esqi the Wtig Elector of this District,- addressed aery numerous auditory, estimated at between two and three thou sand persons, for upwards of three hours, in one of his most powerful and convincing speeches. A gentle man who was present and heard this masterly effort, pronounced it about the best political Speech he ever nearu,- aboundingwith irrefragable documenta ry testimony in relation to every charge made against his opponent, accompanied by the most forcible and conclusive argumenU :and?reasoning in defence of Whig measuresxand Whiir prlnciDles. His on slaught upon ;Cass and his Loco Foco allies wa. overwhelming, while his just and eloquent tribute -w -ne cnaracter and services of elorious- old Zacba bv T" . - " . .. a, was most thrilling and captivating. In i.tJi.tfa&aMifAW.n?r 'J viuua r wnuLcoALc ANU RETAIL Corner Srcamore and BoUtfroit 'r'vw-rvv.u.- 1 .iit.. J 1- -t"wue. mixtures. v 4A ill iitti 4. Aug. 4844. fti Aug! 1848.1 fthiuamf PPnce;, fo; the, genuine L-fipECI IW U m & f T. J 1 essbraced iu Burk ii'T:" wv..BporwujB. mixtures' 654 ?pa 305 135 "598 '556 434 283 1136 390 366 157 10O1 529 223 126 334 355 302 936 2130 342 592 . 309 318 555 1582 . 595 203 225 790 310 540 658 909 Sampson On Wln,l... 1 t-.., , . tourry ...j u lulgc xvouga ana ueady (Jlub Stokes was iormed, and its members entered into the work StanI7 with the spirit and animation of men determined on victory. We woul have been glad to publish the names of the Officers of this Club, but we have not been furnished with them. We are assured howev er, that the entire Club is composed of active and ef ficient men, who will do faithful yeoman service from now until the setting of the Sun on the 7th dav of AT 1 - . ' : - " Johnston J"ones Lenoir Lincoln Martin Moore Montgom'y Mecklenb't? McDowell Macon 374 Nash 74 N: Hanover 382 Northarapt'n 519 Ouslow 194 Orange 1686 Pasquotank 663 Perquimons 441 Pitt 634 Person - 275 Polk Randolph 1171 Robeson 559 Richmond 802 Rocking'm 430 Rowan 833 Rutherford 1310 533 996 1084 530 2S3 1044 128 ' - p - .V . ,i? " .iettzsry- 1073 500 .1049 ; 40 561 , 499 551 ?h -f'--M ii- ' ' 334 '" 20i 228 . 1263 V .309 129& X'm 496 . , 92144 " 490 281 J 516 409 : 524 370' 4S9 311 f 477 522 107O . 188 342 260 94 332 1088 ! 794 241 725 4S5 C58 354 866 1410 -710 381 199 985 463 328 378 269 189 206; 376 iSWfff t ".cstert Balsa: 'TBI 86: .TtZJ?Xl Qe oniy genuine. "t i'jri .- m b name of the oHnni thev fepeefut none kf tiS iL-Z 0gmal, 486 439 .527 J 283 374 628 1101 .166 363 219 101 315 1182 729 225 624 272 936 1503 760 355 276 942 515 267 456 253 164 141 330 650 142 356 1736 580 500 139 1201 271 '- 507 887 33 751 N081 603 2S6 180 544 518 454 ' 277 1153 383 336 137 911 508 246 118 361 359 253 976 1920 370 569 308 401 565 1527 639 195 198 911 316 584 586 808 Tyrrell Wake Warren Washington 329 Wayne 254 Wilkes ; 1208 Yancy 338 224 894 1122 364 717 1589 232 223 476 .649 312 i59 117 1022 586 296 878 880 1153 48 92 1374 810 124 911 181 427 371 70 2S3. 514 178 1756 593 366 607 287 1082 559 678 449 809 1402 461 1032 1.105 541 311 1073 127 368 217 13i3 310 585 153 356 1773 523 513 107 1242 285 796 1101 362 553 1555 177 17 441 622 857 301' 743: V742 . .518 . 293 m 589 489$ '407. f 263 935 582 421 177 109S 542 218 ' 10 319 371 207, 1016 .1567 412 601 330 469 656 1042 720 215 318 599 . 113 981 736 435 727 1023 1165 81 137 1271 716 136 846 167 615 832 339 544 609 668 451 106 275 512 176 1714 .471 ; 366 1 589 360 228 1199 5S1 545, 340 827 1037 530 1090 1003 746 336 991 "172 ,358- 264i 512 194 377 73ft 1023 228 440 138 SO 365 .1081 ,,781 727. :5S3 '69 391 921. 1406. 673 "390 315 946 442 430 507 173 298 227 257 814 181 m.259 1877 557 550 86 1068 . x.mrji iv p. f.r. 'I'll wriTf pIjpt&i. lc r . . I r ... . - rj"? K OF TBS A ,, fCo' i"J JSa. r - av siguavurc Ui .Nene genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS- oki& wraeoer. ;.M4 "r jJK1?!! Wholesale and retaiL br Wl i.lAMM'HIVlVnnrt'l. flA. ... ' mf " uuu ekvu anu. Dv IJpna. o - p-p-p.j m.ivim viiiu)un. . JaYom the London Tin As a general rule, we have a profound contempt for patent medicines and infallible nostrums; but 93130 Cpmppuad Syru& of Naphtha is workir, 7i -jTJ V T-M"vivfiusiHmas, ionsump tioJ. fre alljM-ound us, that we hail it aa a most important discovery, and recommend it to tbe no Sfif8 hota it ny concern. Manyiof our tiiSTI'i r " V. -r- wpwwiwiaw-ttiit. which .Vv4i.ee-Iistpniahinifjy successful ; ' - "SKr ftneTTrtrihErs : ," ,1V,UD w auverusemeni in another column v-uajrs paper. ve- wbo , Wekeeplsponhandflld-o J!....?! CPaniculir aUentioh paid tkrackini " - , . -1' I - - 4 w3w List of Land si HIAAOI;o4TCEiijES; L. Unrflfpktonift t.ip 4. . 1,.. ,7i i HIS. BKILLIANT.'PRIZST. OP o..k ..gi iur 1 axes Lhirinn i . , .j . .. ... p no ailU UDDlia. r 7 R i i.wi.i a'..' V r:v.' "US"" iw miss j ane rtW- 8 er 01 w w- Gray, all of this j - lag i Pa 1 1 .n ' P J1" '-'ampoeil. 10(1 in nn. H . ampoen, U do on ! dd joiBing Jere. (XaitWa oM nli ? ! Refill finMM t r.p-k - " I I ; VUlUlllRrN. I I n I u - XAr. ...... 11 lli . e ? "') u" ixouav creea, 101 11 hi r In Wrrenton- on Tuiflv Hi flii ;p.-x v ReC F McRae, Mr. Hugh B. b7j fiVg" combe4 to Miss Marr P. JptTv; ge DrW Vt 4fDtitjl ft?-BST' S- J H'endenon, UT, VY. v. Tavlor. Jr . tn Mioa Mp. 1 ... : -i p.i t v. jarreii. an ui liunjr oprings, Miss. arrett, all 352 887 1015 - 500 663 1726 176 265 57 f iAyte 'MenS.of Mr-Dav!d Adams 0fl tbe 30th 33L?5-iMarosbj- aged 56 years--an old and respectable resident of Petersburg for the last 20 . 7?,?SeHi 011 the 8th inst- Mary Hall, dau2h tef.F. n.rjni,a a T.ifSrf-or. ' .r ua u'n.-Ai . : ouinmer uisease "" 'er?'i.SM ' ?wr 2 month nnd 3 days. Ann a w- a p. j n 1 1 s i.k . a . - 1 -u ifue, numerana opnngSjirni -L,u,c"cr , wnen we shall expect a elorious -wiwgTen oy ine gallant "Whigs of Gran- vuie. (T IrlHffman .ammmaJ -1 ... 1 owan, to use of suurof d "Amos Mc fredell, reversed and venire de novo or. )t. J. Allen v. MrvftU Mill fntmPnti,. - v, - v Ma 4kv i wit aa ent affirmed. Also, in Horace L. Rn- McLean, from McDowell iudmfut. so, in F. Dover v. P: Plemmons. fmm mdginent reversed and renire de novo ite v. John Collins, from lrnnnroii rmed. Also, in State's. E. Phrpps, from aent affirmed. Y -p t, j. in uog on nem. of Jones p. G. i Ashe, judgment affirmed. A Inn. in Ition of R. Ellis,.r R. W. Long, et. al. ijuugraeni amrmed. Also, in Mast en andrew Porter from Wil jlso, in Martha Newell, v. W. B. Nlarch judgment affirmed. Also, in State v. I om. A 8he' jadgment affirmed. Also, tZJ ?! M' FL,feri et- equi- lice and detraction which their onnr arm, tn f.u3, ueciannff nroDertv to he poi.o11t v- m. ..... " Pi,"1 Alexander Rankia and wife, et. , "uyie. irom uaston, lu Equity, decree and an account ordered.' Also, in Jno. i) f-t. al. v. Abner Carmidisiel from gctron dissolved without' costs. Also, 7 WfflcMartin, et. al. from Wilkes, nuf and account ordered. Also, in Ma lle,. ill. v Mrtli H .i i. ill dismissed.. Also, in A. Fetch, v. rum meciiienburg, judgment affirmed. Frt Presnell c. J . Ramanim fm r p affirmed. AUo, in Wm. L Burch . Armfield from Davie, judgment revers l remanded Alsn in w r- u; -3 iico. . ww 111- f from Mecklenburg, bill dismissed JB vantrell OversAorV n. r i: u fnderson, judgment affirmed. Also, in rued. Alsuin W t ' ? p erson, judgment affirmed. Al- r-punier. V. J.J. Ratoo tV,ip TJ affirmed. ' --.UuCr- On Thursday, the Hon. Geobge E. Badger ad dressed a large crowd, in one of his happiest moods, perfectly satisfying his friends in relation to every step he has taken, since he has had a seat in the Se nate of the United States. And how could it be otherwise ? Does any true, honorable son of North Carolina, be he a member of what party he may, be lieve that the rights of the South are unsafe in his hands that North Carolina can be "betrayed" by George E. Badger ? We verily believe there is not one ! Croaking demagogues and hireling .r;K V.1 , . . . u.c.a may assan mm but he stands too pure and loftVii tft h QvliTio.1 Kir tl. . i . -t j mi, cmcuumea snaits ox ma- aim Whiga are satisfied with himtl,.. vvnigs have hitherto sustained him, and will con, tmue to do so, despite the aspersions of Loco Foco iMiitors and, stump orators, whose names will not. in all probability, last even an existence of Apoliti cal summer. The Whigs of old Granville have set the other vunuea oi prtu Carolina an example worthy of cmuiauon. L.et each one see to it that she is not be hind her then may we safely calculate on Ten Thousand majority for Taylor and Fillmore in November. 623 C8 968 696 " 311 692 1226 1223 26 106 1293 "630 182 1097 1299 309 357; ;534 We are reue&terl tn 'flhnnnn.. n. TICK ITIcGoirstii a anAiAn. 578 f Z ''""n Assistant Door Keeper to 128 l!'.! ?h next session of the Legislature of 3,3 uvorm vsaroima. , gepyra, iw. , 73 tL Supreme Court KeDorts "If OST published at this Office .P rice 2 fin Mn VTol. 8 Law, and No. 2, Vol. 5 Eouitv h.ir, I h fipnA.1. f Mi : . ... . . " vyM" arguea ma determined at June lrro, 1848, by the Supreme Court of North Caroli na, rhe Subscribera shall f, - . milieu iiuiueuiaieiy and re requested to make immediate payment. Raleigh, September 11, 1848. 7431 CIGARS t CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! SUPERIOR lot by the quantity, box or tail, as follows : re- n , 39'287 42586 39'433 42360 4L4S6 Clav'smav. 3 0Jf5 r? Nh ..'. st 1 a . ! : y j- a w. wJjXpAJ 1 j4 OO Mr. Manly's majority, 874 EDITOR'S CORRESPONDENCE. La Cefebraifa, La Lumaii, Washington, El oisdai. Priucipes. , A1d, best Che winj and Suuffby the box or retaU. WILL : PECK 5- SON. ,Septpl2. 73 , Caxadora, Estrella, Lastris Coronis, Orama y Rosa, ranedellas. Smoking Tobacco and Solomon Summer 59 vw.jsa !CUPr. 11 1 rfA. AM J -www us Holland. Ox ' ' w Jpiniflg v 81 I h(M 11 fix r . . oiniHjr R. H. P.,w'.'o a -"'u creeic, flfillia f? a . inr v . ;; " . "v"rSer Ao tio on Jtluntinfr creek, t 771 ivientttn tee b. l.arln r...k" .. ' . . . Thos. Conelrv 1 oV ' 4MSUU c K J01 Elijah 1aoiDbel l'a interact TR.4 j . LellMd 41 anam' 1 1 1 acre on c'k. J. Mc Perry Holland, 1C0 do ioiniu.r G i nA n,u. er, 2 96. . 0 'saac Brotherlon. 50 acr nn srim years, 2 27. ' l,"!li,wo I biliip Lambert. Si. years, I 50. ' T QfSl lW0 acksou Eidson, . 77 acres, on Third In lira !f m 7" r w n " Ty' T acre8 u ttffato ShoaL-45. Dan I Mcintosh,. 159 acres, on Buffalo Shoal, 27. '"McUan, 100 acres, on do. 1 75. ' A W nlin o? aCres 00 Uavid8a creek, I 92. W. Kooins, 96 acres, ' do 186 A. Torrence, 14 acres, 1 62. W. S. MOORE, Sheriff. I 72 w4wp A r.ARrpT". L. Tr 1 . p , " " arnmnes ana Brushes, just to iiauu, auu ior saie low. PESCUD JOHNSON. ! 72 Sept 6. LAMP MAGNESIA. case of superior English Magnesia, in half LKpound packages. Just opened, and for ! hv MftRy CANDLES, by the Box. SUGAR of good quality. SOLE ' m.T a "v-r rf-. rkp-a-vp-. - , ER UNJNG SK1NS ice. WILL RaJeijrh, Sept. 12. BROWN LEATH PECK SON. 73 3w at him. The LATER FROM ETTROPP.. news, brought bv tKi HihAmii r. , -."," "uaaia. io august devolution ha. Kwi. . :!:., "tersburff, and W.n-. . w hashed Constant, and a Provi '"ent has. been establish.:, at ja : J " - t fcT!1? VieDna PaPer of the 17th rinJ- " :jnrn,Dff-:e that the '.. s ic mifirinr rf IMPORTANT LETTER FROM GENERAL TAYLOR. Defini.no his Position, &.c In the Baltimore " Sun of Saturday last, we find a Telegraphic despatch, dated New Orleans, Sef tember 7, announcing that the "Delta;' of that Ci ty, of that morning, contains another letter from Gen. Taylor, explanatory of his position, as a can- aiuate lor the Presidency. The letter is not given, ou. me aespatch states that Gen. T. alludes with considerable severity, to criticisms on detached parts of his letters, made by party Editors, nd declares nimseir Whig in principle, but at the same time no party man. He declares himself emphatically the people's Candidate, having been nominated by all parties, and consented to stand as a Candidate in the hope that it would have tbe effect of causing the ;. , , N f w York, Septniber 9, 1848. -The City looks glum and lugubrious, like one who has been on a three davs' frohn. What a i..kf... hangs over its face, as if it had been gambling and lost its last dollar, and was meditating from which wharf to throw itself into the T1TPF. KMfrono pap saloon is dark, empty, voiceless, and one instinctive ly looks round at the entrance for a slip of paper an nouncing the proprietor's death. Taylor's, general- v .u..uu., wuii 11s jets or light, and thousands of TW 11 p TTfi l n j pi'l"!.dj Fall & Winter Goods, from a few candles scattered about the long saloon, aud Beck's palaces of fnsMnn n r.ir.i and their two hundred clerks are rejoicing in the darkness and the freedom which it has given them. The actors are wandering like ghosts about the green room, for the pit is a " pit of darkness," the dress circle empty, not one to shudder, should Hamlet's ghost cry out from below " remember ! Burelars walk the streets with firmer step and head erert, for the Police Officers are invisible in the darkness, and they sing . " ThOUgh lost tO SisthL to memorir rlaop. as they ply their pick-locks and files. Our gasJiouse, like-the National one, has ended its existence, rho' With fur Tnnt-o ttflof- tVip. .1: j . . . ?' . its career, and we mourn its loss. . It was a large building of brick, situated in the centre of the City. You may remember it from see ing iu tan cnimmes ut a distance, belching forth fire onI emAlrA am Z X Tl .1 - . 0 "" ' " 11 -ranueinonium itself were below them. On Wednesday last, n, workman opanw;p,n near the roof to repair some ofthe nirvpa AAi, - wl . P. 1 1 (1 in K!p V. 1 . 1 , . . . C wv vnuut til IMS liaUU. anil inCantmilO V Anon. nn. pip, f thorn K o . wm K-iff ill ui a. miiii in wtww n ar o r was in a blaze. Before it could be checked thm fi-a communicated to several hundred hflrnia nt ;k a - 'I II inrl Alhan AAniKtinttLI.. . v rv . i M 5 . w.uuuoiiuics, wnne me gas irom thelaree ninei anil Iho iuun.:. j i p e. W'E bare thi day received a part of our Fall Stock of New Goods, consisting of the follow ing arucjet : , Fautj Prints, Linseys, Kentucky Jeans, Plain and Ribbed Black Satinetts, Mixed do. White Md Red Flannels, Bed Tickine. 4-4. 6-4, 6-4, Si 3-4 Brown Sheetings & Shirting, 12-1, Bleached Sheetings, and alaree lot nfRlMrh. p4psually low.- Irish;Linenst&-4 Me riiiR Shawhj fwitb silk fringe, 8-4 Black do. . Vv irh respectfully call the attention of our friend and customers, and the public generally, to the above Grtods and promise that if good Goods at low prices, -will please, they t-hall be accommodated. ' H E ARTT & LITCH FORD. September 12. 1848. 74 ' HARDWARE, ffrcct IiiiportationFall, 184S! W. JL. MORTON AlBBnow receivinz bv ihe ship Henrv. direct j3Lfoittl;.LiTerpool, and by the Henry Clay, via. Ar, Ujeif Fall Importation of Hardware, Muiis ana vniiery, A LARGE supply of Farr's Quioiae, expected to arrive to dav per Adams' Emresa r.i PESCUD JOHNSON. Sept. 6. ' . 72 O" Staudard. -mf V ld.liUUl The ollowinit pmea.ent in P.n,.'. 1 JJ,rr ?? . Uxvf August v - , .4 nnfl T -lu1! ! 2 -e!.' 'Wr wnoia 4JJ0P, half wnoie .756j whola T'iiAff KpiL. o 300, Ae, all of wbicji caa be .een oumanterv A FEW, AfOBE ,OT TBI p... s. aJ " Ana forgrauiTpri exajuHfcr tbw fo11om?'6tll liant scheme and tprward rHri, X C,W.PURCa' ' " l u-btn .qrandConsolidatedlery, Chuf iiam drawn atHimnr. .'kv.T r91 1848. ' 7 - oay, JSeptoUfti. . i ,r8 Nnbts;pjpaiiB'iaiTotar' 1 prize off 1JL 1-Jrf ts iifiA, i.r .a-11 1 f 4,000 26 of 1 ,00tL iOTStV;? 1 Ma 6th 6'8V0d ul? .v'wn numb, 15 ail other. 45 i tenets 95, halves and quarters in proportion. urand Consolidated LotUrv. r-J.-.. 8,bedraWt BaR Aid.. tk tsaturday. GAAND 8CREMR , 1 prize 830,000,20 of 5JJ00, 2a of 1500; 20 of 500. ' 20 of 400 20tt250, H9 of 200. J " ' 1 jckets 1 1 0, shares in proportion. J 1 - ' ' I J T . j - Grand Consolidated-Lot t"r r.U v . i t drawn on SatpisJay, the-30tb 'tember.kMV at Balumore. Lowest 3 nhlrakMfaP .". : !, Grand'tJaiiiaj5-x'''' ,. 1 pme of 60.000. 1 of 251101. rRrihW?T 1,500. J60 of 500, drc. ; - . v v ;,.5.-.-; Tickets $20, halves 10, quavers $'oe&ii (T5 Orders meet 01 neiiaT nrnr i tL l ickeis in the bove,pr a other ltteijrawtp daily, Cpnce of Ticket, firom 1 tff MiiLi&tC nuMHgemimt, addre.. n orCW. PJJRUELL i Agent for D. PAINE & CO . Riclind. :. Land and : NegweifwMle i BEINfit xrmrr, J i.A. f IJ-JTaVS .V' r offer for sale the TRACT OF LAND on which 1 now reside, containmc by estimation. 1300 tu uated iu the XJounty of Halifax. Withf tbaTlUleigh and Gaston -Rail .Road on one.ide; a.d iho River ' Koanoke on the oPDosite i.nmhm!n tw .;7T" of transpprtaiwri-hy the River aud. lUad. and jfk " few hours run on fh R;i tl. ' " v Raleigtir bavin? Gastnn n s ffin Depot, th. same dpaunce. The DweJWouM to in, a mile and a half ef the Rafl.awtSilttibeTi deems it unnecessary to go into a desijrirkiqit of tho, many advaatage.mnd ruducementi told oat to peTn son. desiroa. of owning such ptopkn jniti . Piano-.-Fortes.' it edtfibiues u caaiyoftmmtal place id (b eowmmiaifd ialrtiir i.-xr i healteerplaoe. ia that BectJon oiT.be StitktttML'a? uwihtou aoiiu isuo.K Mtora iht'lsLdav.oC' wanoui reserve, al wMch time toSaWJninr ' . " w a v uiua.MlCi9IUVCs. . P. mniF B hnnppppp..,. jM. " ...w-p., ... Wiu.. , AueyiwiH oe sold it), raiuilies, as I am ndt dieposed to violate tke laws of htimaiiity, by selling of separating children from thwr narrntA . 1 - kiisa..'.- "':.V? r ?l e..mpre. is man ::er aVJ nw lnant at canvass to be conducted with candor, if not in a morft j tan u ik nnnn-nfi . : ift, .. - - a Doniilatinn r inT qArr"HJ Wdly spirit than has previously been the . r .iyii vil lll.inni IfT CHI.IHBI 1 " .. Jt . - ' ' - g ve lost nuch of their interest. k A 1 f to Dc reaarda.1 .-...1 .J:. 1 h ik w , " wki niuiuer. J the mod e. K., Catnip;, .r ' UJ "'o jtFVO" we IriaU have. .n'r.P m.i..j :- ot only one of th ,i,;.f u.j... Sn7 V 01 ino elon newswrpef, fji guuty, and sentenced to tfMn f liion. hi . 7 Pari 01 "e welt fce n "l6"' uch apprarieUaioTi Vhe my oj another, outbreak f"e occurro.. r . : . r Mor VC . m ine weK eem f anxiety so generally ex- Vth' Capt. Murdock, left m ,C.?uBut,w,tuv3eQleeraffe k t- ,,rsl and 22 ri th eerTnnAl He therefore accepts the nomination ofthe Wbi ConTejitioa, VUh gratitude and pride, and. refers to his letter addressed to Capt Allison for Jus views on ail necessary subjects, and promises that, if elec ted, he will endeavor to cement tho Union, and es tablish the happiness of his country on an enduring basis. f . - What will the "Standard", and other croakers say now, about the Old Hero repudiating Jsi. om. tnation by the Whig Convention? J c L I p,i t ,u,an board 3S8. She i '"(IIOVl'Map Uf 'kt.p. .1 u,a ' u T au anoouncement !.ap .nre 5 nd acarceW had,itl.K WtVn .1 . I e waa in a compteta Do'arT tt r ...a 1 .pa. l&by '.TP?; UKctraaasT money in NeW.York booght at the follow. . ' - -"-..ia..4VV8. N. Carolina ' S. Carolina yirgiala1 ' Georgia -f "' Tennessee x , ; , .. - 2 -2- - 6rj iscount: ,d bo n an Monarch. thirty. -wgr, ov. vsaham, nas ordered Mfih. . 7en of lhe Ocean, lfJGl EleU aWe. s,?ll puolish a statemenf,' weekly, St te otnfiVof 1V4 erchanta and ethers) of the Mon ey prices at tlTe North. It UaprpirpM ' . 1 .t A 1 . A . 'p - ;'tr- : -.t ...,? -.. F f Wa!e ' k anl 17 y I ueaiUB 01 fne commoner from uke and S'enator f to l,0 '.:,,." " " w uupiiD, co De field on the 7th Novenhivtii,rfp run arpniintofr h. t ... . ... ' being the day of the Presidential Election They respectfully ask country Merchant, and oth er., wanting Goods in their line, to examine their stock, which they will sell on the most advantageous PeHerrgySeptember O, 184. ' 74 wlw" , p,,, pub gwo 1 1 ..in me iiirge 1 . - tr ' . . ' j 7 pipes and the reservoir under the hnilrfln,, w-ic!,,ith a -Jaree assorimebt of American Goods. to feed the blaze, which rose upa huee body of flame BOCO,IT -aecT from the MANuracTtJatB, makes svuio uy irei aoove me siirp(.nn.iin . p j i iu.iiHwaeni comniena. t.. 7 . "6 auu . - r ----- wu.ucu m nix uours, witu an intensity which put to scorn our Crolon and baffled the efforts of the firemen. The scene was grand and Imposing in the highest degree. Volume ou volume of dense black smoke from the seething cauldron of pitch and gas rose into the air, .where not a breath was stirrintr' spreading out as it ascended, and hantrintr like n ini cubus over the City, It looked like a Volcano invert cuj wu. $ nre-gorged crater resting oa tbtw its broad mountain base in the heavens, and its sides covered with black ashes aud dust. - v - 'm -: I often hearouthernersapeak of ourcoldnes&and inhospitality but without pretending to any remark able warmth-of feeling or eathusiaarn in the recep tion of strangers or acQuaintancesi think the .. A little in error. OT coarse, each carticiilav lioit knoweth its own grief, and a stranger, intermeddleth not therewith," out in th main, it arises frAm Ka fact that the bulk of Southern.tra vellera came here in the heat of Summer. par population: is essfintial ly a busy one, indeed it ia..vnflo-!-rteh and poor, high and low, from month, to month throutrk th season, are all at high, pressure M h pursuit of wealtli, fanie pleasure, until ;ilr3a3Baer tcow round, and before it is talf over w are prostratedi ----1 rt ut vuvmuaunauu away la search' of repose or lost bealtb- mw. K.iriln J! town -W. Richmond f WhiETUhrimic.e. a of repose or lost healthV the otEer half leftlni . Ga the jrholevw are Au.fied that this volume i. per force, and buthalf alive frieiidB'aadafrl tt correct arid eompfebeosive onwyet pttbtiaV rWuwr. Merch4t Magrorte. -it w- raWrshetW for at theWC. BOOK STORE, --"go. . p - , ' . - . " .p., pp .vuuo uv. pp i ?iTLis' y Won consent, cease vbiling,4iBd1 allsoclal intercourso ia.flimoat: Iwa r2 .ll! 5?i"tA0B th traveiiersfrom ... .aeoou.n,aiKrfina thoswhointaevAav4 piV IT- . I vuv weir, own nemes in previOBs winters meet them anratruiii -11. imi. South angry at the supposed slights. W dTsgnited at our coldness -All tbisl- kwllak .-A JJ AaayVKdoubt hefl.'er teT nivW.Lip..i.i ever be neard. Indeed atbe Soath erne whom I bavomer, tbaCh.vrliTe reversing, and strongly fo;the basty tpiniUs On thltf subjectj frined duriug their cummer-bird visits.3 LIFE-OF GENERAL' ZACHARY TAyLOR. COMPRISING a Narrative of events eoonected wici hia professional cajr'eer.'and 'aulheNtie inci ?"4f rJKarlj years. By J REEffE FRY AD K. T. 1ONRADp , With an original aud accurate lnrait.Vnd eleven eleaant lllustratinnij BV TiAR. otto handsome 12mo. volume. ;- .. . ""The srjperiority of this edition,. over the ephem eral publication, of the dav. Cnnaiiftfe. in flltlpr .ml more' ao&entic accaunti ol his family:; hi. early life -uu inuan warr v 1 ne . narrative ol bis proceeding. 1ft Mexicp, idrawapartly from reliable private leu ters, bii jchielly from hi. own ofBcial correspondence. ' K fvw a cheap sulwlantial. and attractive vol. wne. and one which should be read at the fireside of every lamrfy wbo deM withfofahd true lift of the bdeneralr 's-Sfr - HVi--: . . "JtUby.faifiK'e fullest and most interesting -bib- puy 01 pen. lay tor that, we have ever een m. m fi m a.T Meioa. r 9,1S49. 74. Lr D. ;ai.d tbe Life Of Atiieiw. ti Ceriieliu. f i-.l m-.- - j-tf f -.pi.r r- I wun vxm, ecu.- dt Vsnariew nuuipu, l fust nuhlibe4l and for nie uy 0. D. Turoei. llJrW 4 eoaeerii Tb.JL ate partly anitaBItf fur. liners.iisJstrrJ oftltibben.;Fringe.t Gimps" Bour irtr GoojD-r co.TipTiissiOpV, to . itb a VaViotVorbth.r arlieies : alfSf wbicb- are offered' t.i-. jt. . s , " T : WILL; PECK VSOlt.? Kleif b, Sept. 5. 148.. . - v 71 3w HT1HE continued success with which GAINES, esi RICHES &.CO. have met in the sale of their1 fiano fortes, has induced them to enfaree theif sifti. ply, and they are now pleased to inform their friend-.- ami me public generally, that they have at present on hand, and intend keepine continuallv. different sivIa- 1 ... .. v. - ... . . . - anu pauerns, 01 notb Kose Wood and Mahogany, va rying in prices from $3 10 to $500. They hsfve sud plied a great many orders from different sections of tbe country, and have received from purchasers at a distance Qwho bought their Pianos without first see ing thrm,; voluntary letters of approval, both aa to raicfcs and o-caitt. Thry would also call atten. lion to their largo stock of Boo its, Fasct-Articlm and Stationary, all. of which "they .ell'sT Publishers' and INorthern prices. 1 he have also a Book Ufn: dery attached to fheir establishment, in which eteti style of binding is executed with durability and neat ness. 13 lank work of every pattern wrll be made to order. Music bound, yc. Persons wanting any thine in their line, will find it to ibeir advantage to give them a trial, a. they are determined to spare no pains in their efforts to give entire satisfaction la'ail their customers. GAINES, RICHES & CO. March 11, 1848. . Sycamore Street, Petersburg THE Subscriber intending to remove to the South, will sell at public suction on the pren. ises, on Friday, the 29th Seplember, his desirable situation immediaiefy adjoining the Town bf Oxford, containing 345$ acres. This is one of the most beau, tiful and pleasant situations, ft the "8tate of North Carolina. The Dwelling House is ver Iartr en tirely new, and most conveniently arranged, combi. ning oeauiy m us arrnueciure, witn ine greatest con venience. There hi abe w handsome britk office wilt, two rooms hr the from yard, and all necessary nut houses, and a first rate ice house r it is situated in the midst of a large and most beautiful Grave, on an eminence overlooking the town,- just half a mile dis"- tant Irom ttrte turt House.' i Will sell tbe Land in two Tracts, if desired by purchaser., putting about izd acres with the bouses. The land, i as good a. any in the country, the growing crop Whig good for at least six barrels; to tbe aero. At the same time, I will dispose of my crop and stock Household aritf Kitchen furniture, dec My Furniture is all entire ly new, and of the most fashionable kinds. , The Terms will be accommodating. ,i " ' RICH'D. 6. BRITTON, Offordj Jfriast 54. V ' . j. ; tlmr'Da TJ 'tt 'iMaatr Haltax County, July;17, 184ll - 57 tA -r- S - 697t. KJTATJE OP JOilT13f -GAKOtiMAJ fNasH Coi?rtt v Court of Pleas and Quarter Sss sious. AuUst Teriti;T64S. ' , - Petitiou fot Dower. 1 EHzaSeth JohBson, widow of Moses Johnson, dee'd. ' - vs. r Y 1 Henry Jehnson, Lovet JohUMn, Cullen Johnson, v;.Moke JWin.6B, VVni. Johnson, Polly Johnson, : Erorna Johnson, Catharine Johoson, Sal- ' '- ly Johnson, Harriett Johnson, Reutfeo ;: Cradley, and vnro tliiabetn- IT two o 1 : ' v. JiJ r. 1 rt.;.' B.'4. W L .-! fore ordered by tbe Courr, tfiar pdWication be triad m the Raleigh Racist elY wekiy neW-peV, -pub liclMdhtiio Cfty of Raleigh, forwi weaki aoiifying the .aid defendant., Emma Johnson and Harriett Johnson! to appear at ear said CourtV to be beld5 on. th 2d M orld. V in Noveniber BextJ and plead or demur tivsaid neUlioii, rotfierwise. it' will b'e' -teard ixA wut to. pf Jw ippppp - - .. , - ., : -- i.ppF.n i -iJ.pppp.. . 7- ' ' J . f i Witnert John vv.-cryaai, .eri. t our aaldiv-oort at ofljcei id Nashville, 2d Monday of Augqat, A; D. Sept L (Piv Adi; 7.00,) ' 71 ww SEDGWICK Female &tmjtnf$i Hoard and Eagtub Tuition, -. T A Klosic on Piano and Guitar, .ach.- SuVoo' Uselrnminaep"- - ;,..;. '?;OCC MuiicHarp, -,;.-r4 Pa.nljngtn 0 ColonClX-t Cp Painting in Water Colors, , -18,i6" .vrreUcft, Jtalian, and Soanish. eae.1p. ft. , The next Terra of this School wl cojumence'dn - . the SJnd of October, eneuine. It is imiwrini:t,.f: ' pupils should Be present at tin opening of the thiwr, as they ean.be B-Ore mveientiy eJapaeOttgtiey con enter at any time? The instruction will hmhthJ. Jt Gentlemen and 4w,te.f u uij.iurm ior puwicoccawons, consists 6trple Merin during the Winter termi and 0 wW.VlW.pi rial during the Pamnierwitklait. straw bonnet., trimmed with parole rilibon." PtTp are axbeeil W b'rfng SheetsTowe,".nd Nspi6r,vVhih with iheir; apAe.Lnin.st be marked with their name, iafull No fhsrge w rtade to those who remain JuriB?VaV cation, and no deduction' tnr mhaP.ntM atrial inaumi' - . ,JJ . "7 "-: 1 s-P--PV of protradted ijlpess. . . -. t f 5 . 2 " '3 Foi :more minute details', see Circt.isrt: whfcwiff - cent to any one on appIiftUton lb tnoXjfilP--'- . Raleigh, SepV 5. . -?7l-4K:: r tt-ttje op noittii vAnotnAi k ur . p-.3 i" r....i.r Pi.:.- B. R; &96TejMl$ james v. mc ncciera, apa Upers.- r-.y-j;. An Information ia the satuiie of Uiil m.taytHT,J k- setting forth that tbe Defeddaat. Jan?ee,G 1. . Pheeters,'wa .ppoioted Gtuiian'of Siumtt'Tiv. McPireeteri. bv1-Wake County Coort-Md I8..' that be iog notified to renew Ei. bond, jat Nven do, br Term of ialS Court 1847 )e faileoio to and was removed irom bur Gaardlapuliip; at F that the said Jam. G. A. cPi.ee ter. aad otnard daou, hi sweties on bis Guardian bwd mavJi . reurridtw tiAit n a ccotiBt tf iBGairdiaurfuft. ' Tbb ioformation having been filedin the oCcepX ; 1 - -r Mid Court of Equity,, and lbo Mine liavin bsr . V- Wfi'Pn Libbee-; - CJerk and Master ol tfaa stud Court, do at the desira of the Mid Attorney, GeneraJ, atiS according to Act- T ' MJh'i adf ertWerheBti; v , $ H ?'5 ,lnaeJ ift ;thowI.aloigH Register, '.y. fifey Mttl i& arnVitlio.MidJaa. G. ElcPhe-terBpH that he appear beforo iVJtthAtllwH-J. F appearing itr the .uitffin etf4 i t'.-tr of tbe DofcirarBii, ; -SitttHa Johnson arid Harriet J fiwf ,: ay fteitho fourth tfanday of i3eptVmbet M liinL -tut Im irU'p.t i4 pip ' ' ' - -m - '--.Jk,.. r ,oH-we -uta -aaa aar r jtwi A 'WfltHl Ul iff 1. O .J.CH. ' i.ir iai at rt wUk' ru a : . iai ii 1 m. r k t f r: . fpt, JL . Pfc.l