- a r .. v an; rt STATE LEGISLATURE. ' Faisax, Jan. 19. - . SENATE. After tha report from committee oa PritttfBil tha biU to provida' for thi construction ofa Turn pikt road front Salisbury vctt'tft the lineofjh tOii,gftuBrbclt from tWHdusa; with a inwndaent 5 Iraich was concurred in. Tkivnnnnl mnlatian in favor Of HorSCO I. fiords: tt(i:itrrt -also resolution in tavor or josepn . whupvto , km te amend the acts relative to the obstruct iont to, p-b up Roanoke river j Jo repeal the Act oriw-, eItiaTto Jarr trials "in Macon and Haywood j tfr : ley off and establish a. public road in WUkea 'aad' ;!fV - ,- ,;.-...! .- ,-'-.' -Witr- . i aa sentre isen tooc np ne ipw wrt the resolution of Mr. Gilmer, in relation to the cob tested flection la Orange union were rati the sec-eadtime.- Mr. Ashe called for a division of the question and it was U ken on the' first resolution, ?that all tba vase Of bargainor, in deads eftnuft, heretofore given; to either- pf tba parties, are iilegat Ayes, SSjNaes 4. '"So tba first resolution passed. . The question was then put on,.tbe second, "that all tba votes of trustees in deeds ef trust, given as aforesaid, are illegal ., . '& . Mr. Sartbyauggested to Mr. Gilmer, to amend thii resolution a follows :dd, "except men as bar tba posaetioq, or are in the aetnal receipt of tbe profita which obtained; and the second reaplu tion pJiiseJ. , ; . Tba tblrd resolatioo, " that all tbe yotea of tuslui -qui truitt, given as aforeaiiid, are illegal." Passed. Tbe resolutions -then mssed their third reading. ; Tbe bill to incorporate the Charlotte aad Daa TiUr RaQ Road Company, ws postponed or the present. : The bill for tbe relief of tbe purchasers of Cher bee lands was then taken np, tbe question being on MtUslbright's motion to strike out the 7th section of aaioT Dili. " Mr. Patfersoa addressed the Senate in opposition to striking out. , "The section was intended tocorer the case of sevt ral persons who bad paid for -their lands iafulL Some of them were constituents of Mr. P. and did not purchase these lands for speculation, bat for settlement If the legislature is disposed to bow tba same indulgence to sol Tent, as to insolvent toufebasersj be could not see whj this section should e stricken out. Mr. P. further enforced bis views Of thtsubject. Mr. Albright replied to Mr. Patterson, and tall ad for the Ayes aad Noes. They were taken aa follows: Ayes 22,, Noes 13. So tbe metioa. pre vailed. Mr Albrirbt mored to strike ont tbe 9ib section ; an! Mr. Worth moved the indefinite postponement jjin a change bis tote be would ?ote Aya. .Sit . tMf I m. m k t . a . a. t Mrl)oobln. from the Jodiciary Comoiittee, re- -ITr- Court t?k i Comtttf oo Propoa;tooa altwrin tbitot holOitijf wa of thrf tertni of tha Courtaof Flf and. Quarter Hesswaa oi Lncoln and Catawba. Paiacd ita 2Jkw'.-" Alto, farorablyo.ibe 3U wi8rlJ Clirk tomakra Rad toBeiufyh CWijj amend ed a.id passed lUd retain. m$tM the bill tQiuifirt pa-rtf Wtlket to Alexander. Oft tobiiotrof Mr?Siee!e,ft wae laid ta the table. AIo unfarorably to the bill t emancipate cer tain Slaves Oo wolworof Mr. Miller, U wat mde&ateiy Mtpim to roemuriat of ehwenaHnf Near Haooverpraymy the anwncipatioH of a tlave. Unfavorably to tbe wtition-of Jaa Mitchell, of Raleigh. - AUo, no .favorably -to the: bill for the relietof eundry clii. zp of Buncombe County. On njotioa of ; Mr. Cmrltv.laid on the table. Also, unfavorably to the bill apportioning IJepreteniativea belween the Count. of Barka and McDawli. Reject ed. Also, unfavorably to the bill tc e staWwb a firw Couniy by the name of Jackson. On motion of Mr. Ooarte was laid on the table Mr, Courts, the Chairman ot the CWmrtiee on Vfoposilion and Grievaiices.retuarke t. that theComtn We djd not fceneva,tho proposed new Cimj would have the popolatjoii required by the Conatflution, or i hey would have fecom'tnended th pawsage bt the bill AUo, favorably.to the bill to incorporate the Johiuton and Little Rtvr Manufactonng Company. (On this latier bill, Mr. Stevenon said he rose to do a favor to bis friend, tbe gen tleman from Wayne Mr. Brogden,) who offered this bill. The gentleman, it is true, could hardly expect this favor but I like to return good for evil. At the request of tbe gentleman,-and because I am a friend to the bill and its objects, 1 move to strikeout from the bill, what is usually called tbe liability clause." These little manufactories, here and there dotting our country, should fce carefully Cherished. They should be encouraged, air, not depressed. It ia uhwiae to burden them with disabilities un known in the legislation of other States." The Ares and Noes were called, and Messrs. Brogden 3kA.i ntnl in the affirmative. It appearing that the motion to strike out had not prevailed, Mr. inglv. Brogden asked leave to change his vote be aesirea to vote No 1 Whereupon, Mr, Stevenson said-4 1 am surprised at tbe course pursued by tbe gentle mn frn Wine. fMr Brocden ) Tbat gentleman, m r SnW. stronriv. ves. sir, sfrsaWjr solicited me to make the motion to strike out the liability clause j from his bill Ha desired me to do this, because J bad been successful in a motion of this nature on a previous occasion. The gentleman, of oourse, gave ma to understand that be would support tba motion. He does so but finding it will not be carried, be withdraws his sanction, and leaves me in the van the supporter of a principle which be consider not exactly orthodox." Mr. tsrogcten men saio, at ae- -.. 'Mi " 1. - W , - '-! a feu- t- . . ' -'1 ! Meaart. rigotii raiae ana oiaaiy tunaer zr0 d tha btlt X aXiaf wtrteO, was tvjeeiea. , . J - jThef Htfose tbea kdjourued. v j Mr. Moye intfodticed a biU to prevent obstruc tiona 1o the passage: )f fish up -3wift Creek jn Edgcotnbe; which pasteoita llrtteadhij; ?rdx' S Mr AlbHghU t rwato:twfse" the ? oliia TresTarer to tijsBfaMfQkGvg U,h Public ; hwtVWhicii adopteih 4a nntifKgrfed billWescjlutiont from the House, passed their lirat reatHi. vr'; Thm mntYTiimamA hill atbliahinfif Sv tvi f 4me)Vna1blksch4flgM' proptJsedy Maf VitVj ternare, paaseo rta third reading, traanitnooiiy, aa is therefore a Law. The Se0ateproceedelS to thK Consideration of the Coiunioo School bill, oo amendmentt to. which oine discussion ensued, when. the bill was post poned by the arrival of the hour for the" special wder. i -j The Chair laid before the Senatw a proposition from the House to adjourn sine dieua the 2h Mr. Sbepard proposed to amend by inserting Saturday next, and Mr. Worth, Thursday. , Mr. Worth's propo.titiott waa lost. an4 Mr Exum moved to lay M. Shepard'a motioaiui tke table. Carried. "'" The special order, being the Report of the Ciunoiiitee on Privileges and election. waetakn up, and a call of ho House ordered Forty-two Senators were prM?nf D. K. McRae, E.-q. Counsel For John Berry, then appeared and took his seat. ' Mr. Uilifter called for ihe reading Of certain poriionj oUbe testimony which he designated. Mr. Moye offered the following resolution : i Resolved, That the Senate confirm all the votes agreed on by a majority of tbe committee, which votes do jiot conflict wit h the ppip ion pt LT-uu preme Court; abd the Senate then take wpM votes illegal, eiven to Mr. Waddell, and deter mine them, and then the votes alleged to be tile' jjal at given to Mr- Berry, and apply the evidence to tbein, aud determine tbe whole motion accord- olutlon rtaalriair'tba resolutloni concerning slavery 1 maltT ' The fsrttiga vessel tjfidarbida bar rival t she less money ; ana oar to be disposed ef before other business sbaU be con- i can anora io iate ireigas ior cUered. ?.- '. -t : - I commerce w necessanijiprw r. Stanlv withdraw bis' motion on Mr. Person , Bat take another viewof tba case, air. .-The ex- expressing a willingness to move for a suspension off tenvandrespecUbiHty.of our Commerce, and, conse tbeRulea V " "O. ' vd ; - quentiy, i tbej rprosperity and importance of theistate, Pending whicb tbe House took feces. nflhabllL Mr;Tbomas, of Haywood, resisted this latter mo tion, and argued Wrarmly ia favor of the bill, ash taerely extended justiee to tbe people of tbat section of tbe country.' 1 Tbe subject was further debated between Messrs. Thomas, of Haywood, Exum and Woodfin, wEen tbe qneatioa onUideanita postponement failed : Ayes, 11, NwaJV ' . . Tbaquestion recurred on striking oat tbe 9th sec tion which prevailed. The bill passed its second reading, Ayes 27, Noes 12. On motion of Mr.Bower, tbereperts in tbe contest- ed election case, were made the order of tba day for " 12 o'clock to-morrow. Mr. Gilmer introduced a bill to incorporate tbe Greensboroogh Fire Company, which passed three readings, and was ordered to be engrossed. The bill to incorporate tbe Dan River Mechanics Association, in Milton, was amended and passed. And the Senate took recess. EVENING SESSION. Tbe engrossed bill from the House, to incorporate tbe Ceutral Railroad Company was read, the fint tune and passed. The bill to amend the 4th Sec 65th Ch Rev. S.at passed second and third reading. Also, resolution authorizing the PubT.c Treasurer to sell certain lots in Raleigh. The bill to amend the th Section 32d chapter ef Revised Statutes, concerninr the charges of Judr-s 'to tba Jury, waa indefinitely postponed ; as was also the .bill to impose taxes on transient merchants ia a ay of the incorporated towns of this State. The resolption sf Mr. Worth iu relation to a called session, was, on bis motion, laid upon the table. Tbe bill couaenting to tbe purchase by the United States, of certain parcels of land iu Cape Far river, aad ceding jurisdiction, passed its second and third feeding. Tbe bill to repeal part of an aet relating to the de etrortion of Oysters, was referred to tbe Senator from Craven. Tbe bills to view add lay off a Road ia Yaney ; to authorize the Saperintendant of Coinrnoa Schools in Rowan and Edgecomb to invest a portion of their faoda, passed their second and third reading. The bill to iacoporate tha Head Buffalo Volunteer Company, in Goiiford, passed iu 2nd aad 3d reading. The Senate soon alter adjourned. The motion of Mr. S, waa lost. Also, unfavorably to the bill to alter the time of holding tha Supe rior Courts ol 2d Judicial District and. the. Courts of Plea and Quarter Sessions in Onslow, && Rejects!. - Alto, unfavorably to a memorial ia re 1st ten to Windsor. Me Mebant, from tbe Committee on Finance, re-, ported back to the House the bill concerning Re tail Merchants and Jewellers. . Laid on tbe table, Also, tbe Bill to appropriate to the Treasurer $730 instead of $500, for tba employment of Clerks. Re jected. Mr. Yaney, from tbe committee on Private Bills, reported favorably to the resolution for the relief of Samuel Tillinghast and others. Passed its second reading. Also, favorably to tbe Bill to amend an Act to incorporate Roekford. in Sarry County Passed its second. Mr. Nichols, from tba committee oa Claims, re ported favorably -to the Resolution in favor of the late Sheriff of Martin County. Passed its second reading. Tba f loose tben took racesa. HOUSE OP COMMONS. Mr. Mebane bresented the following? Resolution which wis read and unanimously adopted : fUxelced. Tbat the Slat Rule of the House, requiring tbat no Btlf, petition, memo-iV, or other papers thab may be introduced, shall be taken out. of the possession of the House or sent to the Sehate,.until the time for reconsideration shall have elarpsed," be tusoended far tha Session. .When tba Committees were called for reports, and tba committee on Privileges and Elections was call ad, Mr. Stanly said, tbat the committee oa Privile ges and Elections had mid no report on the ease ef tbe con tested election from Surry county, (between pglesby snd Waugh) because, after the committee aaa seen laboriously engaged in examining cm hvn 4r?d and thirties Depositions, tha House passed a Resolution, authorising Mr. Waugh to take other Depositions. This suspended further action on the part of the committee Mr. S. further said, tbat tho' there was no report from the oommittee, be felt it Waa doe to tba member from tbe county, (Mr. Ogles by) to any, that open examination of the votes, it ap peared, according to his recollection, that Ogiesby bad received ten bad. votes, and Waugh twenty-one. The Depositions received yesterday, on fcohalf of "ffithad not been examined, and those ordered to be taken In bebalfof Wabga, Had not et Come q nana. Mr Person, of Moore, made some remarks as to tba probability of a minority renort. bad the major ity of tbe oommiteee made such a report as was inti mated by Mr. StalUj; and ha lsaid, tbat there waa no probability of a report this Session, as the Houta of Commons, by a Resolution passed some time amcei' bad put it ont of tbe power of tba com- Mr. Palna, froraj the Jadieiary Comuiltte, re ported tayofably lot he Bi4l to amend the Revised Ctatotca eoneernlng Prison bounds. - Mr. H- C Jones moved to amend hv striking1 bttt 640 acres, and. inserting YZ AdopUd Thej &.n tbe paased ru 2d reading. - Mr Paiaa reported tnfarorably to the Bill to repeal a pan of the Act to feereaae Public Re onae, toaeerningeollattral deacon a, 1 he bif ;did we piit .hi 5J raadine'. Alto, favorably to the ,ete the Iijdgee of Superior Courts ; paaaad lta ai readtn lAlto unfavorably SW-t SeUon 10th Chapter ta4-- nafavoribly SSStiw! HaymaiOtaajSl tf? Hwbiy to the finitaare- tS5Lp,0C Vcaaea be&riiat. ."'-S'.MJy moved AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr. Gamble moved to take np tbe Bill aopplimen tary to tbe bill to divjde Stokes County. Carried. Tbe.Bill was then taken up, read, and passed second time. A message from tba Senate was receivecf,' trans mitting Resolutions respecting slavery in tbe Ter ritories. Passed 1st reading, and on motion of Mr Person, of Moore, made the order of the day for half past 10 o'clock to-morrow. Mr. Stanly moved to take op the' bill for the re lief of tba Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad. Car ried. Tba bill was tben taken up, and Mr. Brogden of fered an amendment to tha 1st section. Rejected. Mr. B. offered an amendment to 12th section, which was adopted. Mr. Stevenson moved tbat tbe Rules of the House be enforced, and the name of tbe gentleman from Edgcomb be called. The name of Mr. Tbigpen was then called, but be refused to vote, saying that 11 one man could lead a horse to water, but a thousand men could'nt make bun drink.17 Mr. Stevenson withdrew his motion. Mr. Nixon was excused from voting on the ground of his being a stock-bolder. The billpassed its2d readingAyes 77, Noes 20. On motion, the. bill was made thi e dir o; the day for 3 o'clock to-morrow. .. Mr. Nichols, by consent of the House, introduced Resolutions in relation to die re-opening of Roanoke Inlet. "(It shoQld be known that the Keeolutiona re cognise the principle of Internal improvement by the General Government. When the Ayes and Noes wore called, on tha passage of the Resolution the 2d time, there were only our or five who voted in the negative, but before the votes were cbuuted many eentlemeu changed their votes ) The Resolutions passed 2d reading. Ayes 77, Nays 24. ' Mr. Leacb moved to make the bill to incorporate the Charlotte and Danville Raitr-ad the order for 12 o'clock' to-morrow j which aaer some discussion, was agreed to. Mr. x erebee moved to take op and consider the Resolution to sand a message to tha SenaU proposing to adjourn sine die ou the-25th Jany. Carried. , The Resotuliou waa then read. Mr Mebatia moved to amaud by saying 29th. Adopted., ; The Resolutiou as amended waa adopted. The House then took recess. . " Mr. Gilmer objected to this resolution and bad commenced a Speech against it. When the Senate took a recess. EVEN1NGSESSION. Tbe engrossed bill granting exclusive jurisdic tion to the Superior Courts of Gaston, in all eases requiring tbe intervention of a Jury, passed its first reading. Also, the resolution in favor of Alsey Medlin, of Franklin. Also, tbe bill to abolish Jury trials In Burke County. i MrGilmer moved tbat tbe further consideration of the contested election case be postponed to Mon day next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. which prevailed. Mr. Ashe moved that they be laid upon tbe table ; wbiob prevailed. ; Tbe bill in relation to purchasers of Cherokee lands was taken up. on motion of Mr. Thomas, of Hay wood, and read. -"V . r - 1 Mr Patterson felt it bis doty to move an amende ment to the bill, by restoring the 7th section, which was stricken out of the bill on the second reading. Mr. P supported bis amendment, in a number of remarks, as reasonable and right, repeating bis former arguments upon this subject, which, he believed, bad not been, and could not be, answered. The amendment was opposed by Mr. Thomas of Haywood, and advocated by Mr. Smith, to whom Mr. Thomas rejoined. Mr. Patterson also made an explanation. The Question wat tben taken, and tba amend ment prevailed, yeaa 22, nays 16. The bill then passed its third readme. On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Davidson, the San ate took up the bill to incorporate tbe North Caroli na Railroad Company, . which Was read the second time. Tbe hill passed its second reading, Ayes 22, Noes 19 Not a test vole. The bill concerning tax or transient merchants was reconsidered, and the bilL laid oa tbe table. . And tba Senate adjourned Mr, Dobbin -moved to suspend the ; Rules th order to take 'dp the' Resolutions concerning SlaV very.. .Carried.--' : " V , ,C The. question waa iheti? taken on tho Resolu tions separately, a The let pitted, Ayea 8 Noes 2 r 4tie ZJr passed.' Ayes (t Noes 2 i the 3d pas-' 4 Aye' ti$ Noer5 ; iim aS h passed. 'y Noet 13 . iho 5th"paiseU Ayea 73, Noea 9 jf;;ihe. 6h passed. Ayes 58, Noes 31., . Mr. Stanly raid hw woujd (ike to hear the names x4 MessrajCourtt, Peraon, of More, Daucy and Thiujen. called. Mr , Curts refused to Jip&tr Mf-jTbigpen waa excused iVoin voting. Messrs,. Person and Danrv voted, Mr. Da tidy taid he was willing fo vote for the 6th Resolution, the oneof- feried by Mr. Stanly as a distinct proposition. but he . y nted : against h at an unnecessary ap pendageMo the original Resollution Mr Courts rhkoged hi mind and concluded to vote: Messrs Mebane and Nichokoir refused to vote. . The 7th p-ssed. Ayes Gi. Noes '27. Mr Stanly im?'d to reconsider the vote on an amendment truiu t lie Senate to a bill in relation to fishing in Tar River. Carried, Ou mutton, the message was laid on the table. Mr. Oincy asked leave of absence from and aftr-r M nday next )or Mr. Coleman, of Buncombe. Granted. The bill for the' relief of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road waa then taken up. Mr. Mebane offered several amendments to the bill. Messrs. Rayner, Leach, Smith, Williams of New Hanover and Jones, of Orange, addressed the House on this question. 1 Onr motion of Mr. H. C, Jonesfthe House ad journed until Monday morning 10 o'clock. Mokdjlt Jan. 22. .SENATE. After the usual morning business, a message wait received from the House transmitting the engrossed Resolutions bf the Senate on the sub ject of Slavery, with Mr. Stanly's amendment. The queation on concurring in tbe amendment was then taken. All the members present, aoted in ihe.sSrmative, except, Messrs. Collins, Moye and SprighL A number of engrossed bills from tbe House ware read the first time. An amendment to the common school bill, ma king it imperative on the County Courts to lay a tax to the amount of one-third of tbe school fund received by each County, was concurred in, Ayet 20, Noet 17. Several other amendment! were adopted, and a protracted debate ensued upon tome features of the bill, after which the bill waa laid upon tbe table. ' The Senate took up the special order of the day, being, the bill to provide for amendments to the constitution of the State which was read the second time. Mr. Shepard moved to a trike out the Preamble for, sir, wo are judged of bi foreign nations by our Commerce,) depends to a great extentnpon abjK'a mou nt of tonnage registered in our ova C ustoxn Hoosesvf They .look to (heir record to ascertain the number and site of our vessels. Well, sir, what ef fect does your tar bill have 4 .tbi! respect It will drive tbe registration of your tonnase to other States. Instead of being Opehly owned' and claimed here as the property of pur Merchants, they will be ostensi bly owned, abroadin order; to ersTde thia tax. -It seems to me,sirae poley,would avoid this, and t hope the amendarthf wilHe-adopted.i 4 The amendment was opposed by Messrs. Stanly, Paine and Mebaae. Mr.gMc Powell offered, an, amendment io tbe amendment of Mr. MebHne. Adonted. Mr. Barringer offered an amendment to strike out $24, and insert $60, as the ainouot of interest exempted from taxation. Rejected. The question waa then taken on the substitute offered by Mr. Mebane for the 1st section and adopted. LErftSi 1T.W- :. u;. sbS. questions. I wohl.i "'aeft andjny cUfy the treat Au...: . .tte,neiB,.- ltnoh,i, i j;'" Meraii 'if - v vt my arn tna J a . Vlessw.HI f.or of. HhnS?.! " WJLN Oil i?N the State ; ad taat mJ may be understood, I i?? tha k;ii ,ko. , no stati the bill that hk il vT 8t tk i .u. Ti:1" read TT'C "r uf oia worth Stau 7 entirely behind the tiea h? ,uw are nl w much intereilr constituents of m. .l '"tet situated, on the South C and water-courses all Doinl ,n' i Mr. Leabhvof Davidson, offered an amendment uTn irecteJ w elS r w ' ,JL o; . I waras tsouth Carolina . hf . ?UjJi to me ot n oecuon io tax rtanos ana riarps, ex t in . ' a cepi muse usea hi asmmaries or learning. Adopt-1 than she was ced, so far as 'ed. Mr.. Cleme.nl offered an amendment, to strike out 100 and insert 50 as tax on Gold and Silver plate. Adopted. Mr, Junes offered an amendment to tax all persons who bring Horses, Hogs, &c. into the State for sale the sum of 111, iu every County where they are ottered for sale. Mr. Biggs moved to strike out 910, and insert $5 Lost. 4 Mr. Cad Jones moved to strike out $10 and insert $15. Lost. The amendment of Mr. H. C. Jones passed, !Aves57Nee Mr. Taylor, of Nash, moved a reconsideration of the quest ion. Lost. - Tbe House then took reeets. EVENING SESSION. Mr. While, of Lincolu, asked leave of absence from and after Wednesday next for Mr. Wilkins, of Kutherford. Granted, Mr. Courts asked leave of absence from land after Thursday next for Mr. Keene. Granted. The House then resumed the consideration of the bill to increase the Revenue of the State. . Mr. Mebane moved to strike out the word " Capital" and insert the words "interest, dividend and profit." Carried. Mr. Jones, of Rowan, offered an amendment to tax " playing cards." Adopted. Mr. Steele offered an amendment to tax Re tailers of Spirituous Liquors $10, instead of S4. Also, to tax Billiard Tables $200 00 instead of $500 00. Adopted. Mr Jones, of Rowan, offered an amendment to tax Nine and Ten Pin Alleys $25. Adopted. 50 years a&O 5 her beantifni , t am lhaw w-A u ' t & err rnom tK "".I r "wns of the vt V1 wuvsymg their snuJ W lOM VJ long before fZSl !i . ' aUUtl avJ 1 wues to market, and when tuT1 i they have left? Mr vou DlftasP. of tni-; . ws I Mntr .ni. 7i!"r. .wa8 i w " aaiiaa. Lfi rniirrh urr no mstrnctions from oui aa tney tuve sent tne hewT ,H andtheState,Iwilldowh,tL.,N as risrbt. rptrarrlUo. J to Salisburv &ni r.sr plan that hoa been V M .linnunt aoamo I.,- . Ul i iaree. and taxes; bat, sir, ia D0't the?;" W ill not our people ren u :.; luui..urC i oir, tet this Road hTkT crease of valne on Rai rl doubled. Werner:::" 8 emigration to tha fnr.w-. . 3"J be i Colony indeed VOZW Mr.Speaker.whsnlwT and inquire for my old friend, S3 whom I loved and rejint forsaken their houses and land, 3 ly answer is. thev nd tti.....r... v 6 t 1 L t . 1 ' o mirrpi - nnn r n w n . . , uuu iuw aaviui'- ?in .i . I en, leave the old North date, skeSi thing for you!" Is not thU i?1 comes borne to every man. Sir mTj oy an, tbat Western North CarolaiJ ..... .uwi iu iU( WQf(1j rljfa'l adapted to Agriculture; her Miwtf Lime, Marble, c &c: herhiuJj mm auuan in aounaanw, calcBlattl al the greatest manufacturin?eoiini,;.Li Seeing all this, why not place hertkij The question wat then taken on the passage of the bill as amended, and decided in the amuoative, with those of other States, and bmlI 65 to 25. - - d eration? Mr. Person, of Northampton, reported adverse- Mr. Speaker, I hope' to se theiJ iy 10 ine nsoiuiion m ine oiaic uiurariau 1 sjaux ui juierusi improTenotH ' r 1 . 1. 1 ... .1 11 1 1 t . 1 all tha whereas, t. which motion waa supported lgwwtore. uoocurreo in. vb gooiu 010. norm state; itf a Ua cuiucacu una iium tuu wv &av arw iiivui pu w wiuujmw HOUSE OP COMMONS. f Mr. Carmicbael asked leave of absence from and after Mondsy next for Mr. Farmer, of Henderson; gran'ed. The Speaker announced tbe special order, the Resolutions concerning Slavery. Mr. Stanly offered the following amendment : JUsohfdj That we believe the people of North Carolina, of all parties, are devotedly attached to the Union of the United States, that they regard it as a main nillar in the edifice of real independence, the support of tranquility at borne, of peace abroad, of safety, of property, ana or mat very uoeriy mey so highly prise ; that they cherish a cordial, habitual, and unmovable attachment to it, and that they watch for its preservation, with Jealous anxiety; that they believe it is tbe duty of their public servants to dis countenance whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can in any event be abandoi t1 and to repel . . . . . ,. . . NIGHT SESSION. - v The reaol ntion in favor of B . H. Staamire was ta fcen up and paad. - -Mr. wawfMia t no Vomnittao ea tidoeatioa, ra- ported the bill to repeal so. much of the Common School law aa provides for a Committee of Examiu atton, with a racomruaadatioa that it do not pass. Tha bill was n jeotad Mr Cullman catted up the bill for tba relief of citizens of Buneombo County. Tha bill was then read the second time, with tha report of the Committee recommending that It do not indignantly every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sa cred ties which now link together the various part.v1 This amendment was adopted by a vote of 35 in tbe affirmative to 33 in tbe negative. Mr. Stanly then took the floor and addressed tba House at soma length on the Resolutions. (The speech of Mr. S will hereafter appear.) Mr. Tay lor, of Nash, followed in a few remarks. Mr. Jones, of Rowan, said be wished to see if there wss any new alarm felt by tbe House since the word tl alarm" waa stricken out of the Resolutions when they were before this body. (The Resolutions un der consideration came from the Senate; similar onet were on the table of tbe House ) He would there fore move to strikeout of tbe 3d Resolution the word w alarm.? The question was tben put aud tbe House refused to strike out by Ayes 48, Noes 50. The 8peskrr then announced the special order. whereupon Mr. Peraon offered a Resolutiou to sus pend the order uutil the Resolutions concerning Slavery were disposed of; which was adopted. Tbe House tben proceeded to vote upon the Res olutions separately: i Tbe vote on tha 1st was Ayes 104, Noes I ; on 2d Ayes 97, Noes 1 ; on 3d Ayes 82, Noes 10. w neu me name or ear- i ou. tt. u aid well, was Called, be arose and said he Would vote aye, protee- uojC against tn worn - aiarm.' Before tha vote on the 4th Resolution, Mr. Blow said: ' ' - . , - Mr Speaker: I have voted againtt tl resolutions as Treported by the Committee, and shall continna to do aa I, si) preferred tbe resolutions that .were re ported to this House, by tbe able and distinguished gentleman from Richmond. 1 voted for those reso lutions, and should have continued to do so until this time. I obpwaJ the reference of tbareaolu. tions to a committee, snd was fully satisfied of;he by Mr. Smith. Mr. Woodfin opposed the motion We really regret our inabilities to report thit depate. Such is the pressure on our columns, we could not publish it for tome time to corne r- It will give ut pleasure to publish the speeches of Senators hereafter, if they will furnish them. Mr. Gilmer moved to strike out tbe Virginia word " commonwealth." wherever it occurs, and insert the North Carolina word "State ;" which prevailed. The queation waa then taken on striking out the Preamble, which failed, Ayea 20, Noes 28. Mr. Woodfin moved to lay the bill on the table until the 4ib of March, which wat negatived, Ayet 18. Noes 28. Mr Woodfin proposed an additional Section, to which, Mr. Smith moved an amendment. Mr. Woi.-d fin's disturbs the basis of represen tation in both Houses. The effect of Mr. Smith's would be, in accordance, to take the tax off a portion of the black polls, so as to lay it on all polls alike The principle involved was debated between Messrs. Smith, Woodfin, Shepard, Bower, Gilmer and Worth; when the question waa taken on the amendment of Mr. Smith, which was rejected, Ayes 19, Noes 2d. Mr. Gilmer moved to strike out - free white," in Mr. Wood fin's amendment, and insert 44 feder al" in its place, i The effect would be that the Senate would not represent taxation Tbe amendment waa rejected. Ayes 8, Noes 37. Mr. Woodfin's amendments was then rejected, Ayet 10, Noes 31. Mr. Gilmer offered an amendment making the rate the Shelby Male and Female Academy, wat amended, and passed ita 2d and 3rd reading. Tbe bill supplemental to an act passed at the last session of the -General Assembly to provide a suita ble building for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, passed its 2d reading. Mr. Hayman introduced a resolution directing a continuance of the Road from Lake Pungo. Laid on the table. , Tbe bill to incorporate the Plymouth Academy passed its 2d reading. Tbe bill to attach a part of Bnrka to Catawba, was amended, and passed its 2d reading. The House took recess. NIGHT SESSION. The engrossed resolution concerning the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, was taken up, and passed its 2d and 3rd readings. Tbe bill supplemental f o tbe bill for tbe improve ment of Deep and Cape Fear Rivers above Fayette ville, was next taken up. Mr. Mebane offered an amendment, which was adopted. Oa this question several gentlemen addres sed the House. The bill passed its 2d reading Ayes 69, Noes 29 ; and its 3rd, Ayes 55. Noes 27. A number of Private Bills passed their 3d read ing, and the House then, on motion of Mr. Hayman. adjourned. Editorial Correspondence of tbe Express. Washington, January 9. Plan or compromising the slave question. Some of I he members of Congress who regard the Union as an inestimable good, are suggesting, and anon.will propose tome action in Congress, legis lative and declaratory, to eel rid of the present representation in the House of Commons depend I feeling and excitement' upon the slave question. on the white population, and hot Federal numbers. A system of action like tbe following would give North and "Si ' Mr. Jones, of Rowan, enquired how much monev was probably involved in this bill ? Mr. Coleman answered, that this was a public matter. .The land was sold by the Sheriff the citi zens of the Slate were invited to purchase this laud, but. tne title not baing secured to the purchasers, th lands were taken away. The State wa at tha bot tom ef tats transaction. She most cither rafnnrf A, repudiate; The amount involved was some JS3.O0O. Mr Stanly moved to lav the bid en ih t.hu which prevailed. .l. A Bomber of engrossed bills and raaAtntrana fmm tne fteDat passed their first reading. w. a. I . a . ana otits concerning Waxdeas of tbe Poor ; to prevent um sale at aptntuous liquors within tbrea miles of Floral Collseo i to orovaat fiahinr nar tha -month 4 Raymond's ereak.in Camden ; l facilitate ta CQueeuott Of nonas rtvan lor norehur fTKr. oka land j tba bill to lay off a Road hi Yaney coun ty, peiaadt hair 3d Madtng. Tba btlt eoacarning Fi)ta being than taken up, "' Farrow tddraed tba-lLouse in ooDoaiiian ia th I ML He warephd to, aud tho bill advocated, by Mr. Si veueon, lowborn Mr. Farrow made a brief propriety of that vote when 1 read tbose verv alarming" ttring of abstractions at reported by the committea. l ne resolutions, as renorted brthe een- tleman from Richmond, were the prod act of a ralsrhtv V1J IT V . r .V ' 1 1 ; iuw-o, autatng tigui oi ins agv, auu wuatercr Sinn at may nave to bear, he never will be accused of a desertion of the interest of the South. I shall, soli, tary and alone evaaif necessary, continue to, vote against the aabatitnte of tba committee, believing tnax noining i sn sort can ao any good, aad that I show my devotion to the Union of theaa tate. b tort. . I Mr. Stanly offered an amendment to the 4th Res olution, to atrike out " not duly" in the $th line, tbe ed "butlfn the 7tt and insert ed in its place. . uo tnia tr. Jones, of Kowao, nosed appoint of order. -The Speaker decided he ia order. Me. J. then appealed froinibejJccisiott tba Chair, which was reversed. i oe Question was theai taken on the 4tb Resolu tion and passed. Ayes 74 Noes 10 W " ad A ,1. 5 P8Cd' lJe,7' NoM 8" Theetby pass wntj ' N0W23, TfcV0dwitboWa Mr. Staol moved to reconsider tbe vote oa Res- Avet 13, Noes 36. The amendment wat re acted. And the -Senate took recest. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Senate proceeded to the consideration of tbe special order, being tbe contested Eleotioa from Ojs , ange. The case wa tben opened by Mr. D. K- McRae, counsefor the pitting member. ' Without concluding, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. A message wat received from the Senate, transmitting the engrossed Resolution concerning the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, which pasted ;its 1st reading. , ' ' The following hills and resolutions were re ceived from the Senate and read lat time. Bill to amend the 13th Chapter Revised Statutes ; to amend Revised Statutes concerning Appeals ; an act to provide- fr the tale ol Cherokee lands ; in relation to Sheriffs Clerks, $c. ; to provide tor the improvement of Harlow Creek Canal; to amend the 4th Section 65th Chapter Revised Statutes ; Resolution authorizing State Treasurer t& tlrertatn Town Jolt. -. Mr. Dobbin asked leave of absence for ilr. Person, of Moore. Granted. '. Mr. Caldwell, of Burke, offered a Resolution to consider no other business until the Revenue bill be disposed of. Adopted. The bill wot then taken up, and the question taken on the amendment offered by Mr. Barringer. Adopted, . The amendment offered by Mr. Pigot, to etrke out Uniting and steam vessels." was adopted. On the motion of Mr- Pigott, of Carteret, to strike out sailing or tteam Vessels," Mr. Stevenson re marked, tbat be hoped thia amendment would pre vail, v.- He-thought it was the aeaai policy ofSutes to fester eomraeroey not to restrict it. Upon this commerce the baataeaa of the whole State depends. smd thaaddUtoa of one vessel to oar Merchant Ma rine, addaff. the prosperity of tbe whole Stateto every claasj be 6wmerr the mechanic, and tbe mer chant. Thfaitill proposes to lay a tax upon our sa 1 ing and steam vessels. What, sir, will be the effect Of it ? j It must be recollected, that this species of trade,' especially sailing vessels, comes indirect competition with the vessels of other States. And it is important 40 us that our shippers should be successful in. this competition. But let us see how the matter will tarn out if this bill passes." One of our own vessels t.iys along side of the wharf, ready to' reoeive her freights. On the other side lies a vessel from New York, on tbe same business, . Well, sir, our vessel iu subject to this, tax she, has laid upon her this burden. The other pays no such tax she if freed from a burthen of this sort. Now. sir, what is the satisfaction to most moderate men South. 1st. The extension of the Slave laws of Mary land over the District of Columbia, the effect of which would be to prohibit the introduction of slaves here, and to put an end to the slave trade in the District. 2d. A Declaratory Act that Congress had no power over the institution of slaver r in the slave States, and that while they had no power to in terfere with it, or control over it, it being a State Institution, the General Government is notj re sponsible for its existence. . 3dly. That all free territory is, and of right should remain fraoand that aa act of Congress, extending alavery over it, wottfd be aliketepug nant to the cconatitujion and the wishes of the people living upon such free domain. j 4thly. That Slavery ought not to be abolished in the District of Columbia, except upon the wish es of the people themselves. ' A Platiorm like this would satisfy some of the most distinguished men in Congress, North j and South, and at a very early day, perhaps at once, it will be urged upon the attention of the House of Representatives. E. B. - PoputATlON or JALirORNlA -The population of California it destiuedto increaae at an bhpre cedonted rate. . A Philadelphia coie nponrv a ye. The number of passengers who have already tailed, or are on the point of tailing from Boston to California, it three hundred and seventy. The Button Journal tayt there are tiow between twen ty and thirty vessels at Boston for Caafornta. most of which will carry out a creator ori less number of passengers. Two hundred and ninety-two pas- sengera ten new York on Saturday in two ships, and some fitly more are ready to follow.7 Through- oat the West parties are-forming to go to the gold iana ; so mat Caiuornia will soon have a oumer out population, - who , will build. , up flourishing townt upon the Pacific, and expedite the period when' the Eaat India and China trade will take this course. "Our-Zacx Cotwjg.' The- Cincinnati Commercial, of Thursday last, tays We con versed a few moments yesterday wuhCol. A. M .Mitchell, who left Gen Taylor at his !mme a few uayt eioe?. . vye je&rn mat toe i'reaiaeui eieci was in good health, and will be in Cincinnati from the 15;hto20h proxVand remain a day or two. He also purposes tttpping a day at Pittsburg. We can all say ..truly Okl Zark is coining. '.' Eowrk Fokerst. '1 his ia the name of anew steamboat Juncbed at Philadelphia, oa Wednes day, ' Watek WoBXsTh new Boston Water Works will cost 83,800,000. Rail Road : when Steam-boataBur J CapeFear, the Neusc, Deep, the YifijJ ba RiverSr and the Western Tantf r O . i : i ,i s-. . .. r iruui oausoury 10 me lieoreu line, Q 1 I ... and if it is not done at this session, m so near umcieu, wnen win it be doatll to see tbat men of both political tanal to step forward aud commence tiiijrf sir, as me Kepresenratire in put,sT people, am willing to incur tbe raws? ting my vote for this bill, reprfiti! consequences, so tar asUmmdinda.; WHO ANY LOXGEB BOTE 03OiE ORDER TO TBI Trulv Fortunite iod Firfa LOTTERY AND EXCHANGEE PYFER&CO,! Mo. 1 Liffht Street, Ballial , Nearly every perron in tbe cousin most sure to realize s SPLENDID PRIZE. Thousands of tbe distant Cone Old Established and well known kiwi GOD ESS F0RTUMI Can testify to the uniform Bnlliaaibj haw hml within the DMt Velf IBM nil li.l nnl PROPRIETY rOKDiui Tha mmu nf Ptrions livim Mto MAINE TO GEUKW No Postage need be paiJ on m Co. , J (More than enough to Cllthia psperjsa -FORTUNES BUCKLED TS By a timely remittance to the rupsw tuuate House of . A PVPEll tf luck! ii'l rrr iihcu iui KT -V I now 4ai . .... inM CJPYPERoiCO.'itnene and no mistake. 20.000. Quarter Ticket, (net .... i.ial co, Ha. 0-l.1-DT;u $6,50U, sent per mail w ul . . ... th. a a nm wr mail LO ui" new N. n.ul nnn . .... mail to an 0U f ' Ohio $2,000, sent pr mail to Log" t, u number. paid,1 Jill SUM l at PYFER&OO.'o. Names of persons wnoo-1? Ba.Ttorra."'- Send to PYFfiR LU' Ballots 66 1 J Km. I w prize. Date Jan. 23 24 25 26 87 29 30 31 78 75 Mr a I A 10 t."r.uiif 78 I""."' M i3 dn" ered by Capital Prizes. 24,000 33,0l1) 18,000 10,000 50,000 25.000 22,000 37JB0O UNORDERS answei riably. . , Qcitf1 The package F ,,cW' published in ibnp' M.l in oropoftion. .Mirjtfi aOtficialandPT" edby the first msi w- - and sSAtss. rTVVeadTi owT' AGES of Tickets cent., snd may ara- b order, a fo- In addition to havsonery Saturday n Ltx :j! be Fry" Lover,) that J l0i. For any or iu- Puc&age lrow r m oi

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