I 4- PUBLIC ACTS. ; i. An Act, tot dividing Ih Couaty of Stokes; - .r-' , j. - . Arieofoftryand luppletnental to ran et batted Mhe -last session of the General tie butldifit f?r the comforubla accqmmo ittlonbTtlieDeafJlateof thtarftttev . flVprovitte (brttbeayment of the debt Rank of the Stati. and other debudue -wii fimeWnUlnf1hC8tat for tiir llalaiad Gaston Ball Roftt uAu certiScates of debt for a aura not exceeding two bundrci "jfiotnand dpllare, binding Ibe State ta pay at the expiration of ten years from and afterVlbo date on-which-audi cer tifcai! thall be taaued;' It iJilt o provided that nothing in this Act shall oe to consider ed ae to give any authority for the Governor mod Council hereafter, to borrow money for the repairs of mid Road &c. " i ? To provide for the'establiehment of a State Hospital foi the Insane in North Caro. tliuL .fProTideforUxof toe sad three-fourths f a cent on ertry hundred dollars valuation of land, and fire and a,qaarter cts..on the poll, to be levied for the space of four years, to raise the money to construct and furnish said building the County Courts daring said time to hate power to make a proportionate redaction of the poor Ux In the res pective Counties. 54 To extend the time for registering ranU,mesne eonv eyances, powers attorney, bills of sale, aqd, deeds of gift. 8. To amend an Act passed in 1844-45 n titled, Art Act to incorporate the town I Courts of Law and Equity. Of Monroe, in the County of Union. ' 7. Extending the time of perfecting titles to lands in this State Extends the time of perfecting titles to 1851 to such as have rustle entries since 1840, and extends the time of payments - to 1851 to those who bare made entries since 1843. 8. To unite the Roanoke Rail Road Cora, pany and the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road Company into.one. 9. To amend. 49th Chapter of the Re vised Statutes entitled, Forcible entry and Detainer.! 10. To repeal the 2d section of an Act entitled, " An Act to, incorporate the town of Windsor in too county of Bertie," and to emend the same. 11. To revive and amend tho 7th section of an Act supplemental to an Act passed by the General Assembly in the year 1842 en- tolls collected, but the profits of said com titled an Act to lay oil and establish: a new pany not to exceed twenty per cent in any Zsst.-To amaid the Ur:ScUon chapter 109 Revised Statute! entilfcdj Act concern ing Sheriffs," tno.WcCobvfctfed $ t)f ormewaM."tcrtflcr-loe;aUdwed 10 rote for. Sheriffsr; "v 84; To estaWisn a Board of Directors for the Deaf and Purnb Institution of this State. Literary Board bare heretofore acted in that capacity ,fe4bia aet. establishes a aepar- tUet Board. - . -A y -m'" 25. Supplemental to an At p$sed at the present Session of the Genera Aasembly re pealing tho law establishing the County of Polar " wiiXS'':& i-'--'" " 80V To, proride for making a Turnpike road, from Salisbury west to .the lineofthe State of Oeorgiar Staiiaylfbr the con structr on out of reyenu acerutpg r froovtate of Cherokee landa and , traheferf Cherokee bonds and releases the same in cases provi ded for. " ;; :s-."- ..."-" "". -V ' 87. To proride for the re-assessment of lands in the Counties of New Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen, Johnston, Sampson Nasb and other Counties. Reassessed on account of the depreciated value of the lands from thft deeav of the nine trees : no other lands or real estate, except such as have suffered a depreciation in value from this cause, are to be reassessed.' 38. To provide for the support of the sys tem of International literary and Scientific exchanges. Makes an appropriation of $300 annually to sustain an agency in Paris, which ageiicy furnishes objects of Interna tional Exchange tc. Pr6vrdes that M. Vat tenia re's address with the Legislative proceedings relative thereto be published. .39. To authorize the superintendanls of Common Schools of Rowan and Edgecombe Counties to invest a part of their funds. 40. To locate the Judgeaof the Superior Judges here after to be elected ere to be elected from some circuit in which no Judge resides and is to reside in such circuit while be holds his of fice. 41. To incorporate the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Company- Provides for a Plank Road from Fayetteville to Salis bury capital stock of the Company to be twe hundred thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each ; the State to take three fifths, and individuala the remaining sum. The officers of the company to be managed by a President and nine Directors; and if the capital shall be found insufficient, the said President and Directors are authorized to receive an additional subscription to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars, but the State to subscribe no more than three-fifths. Toll crates to be erected and County by the name of Catawba 12. TO amend an Act supplemental to an Act passed at the Session of 1812-3 'ehti ; tied an Act to lay off and establish a Coun ty by the name of McDowell. Proposes that hereafter that portion of the County of McDowell, which beretofore constituted a portion of Rutherford County shall vote with that portion of McDowell County, which neretoiore constituted a portion or uurke County. 13. For the better organization of the Mi litia in the County of Cleaveland. 14. For the better regulation of the pub .lie highways in Rutherford County. 1 fl." 1Yk nttor fVi lima n( nAintw tYia nnn iarv terms of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the Couutiea of Macon and Ca. tawha. 3 16. To repeal .an Act passed 1846-7 en titled an " Act to lay off and establish a County by the name of Polk.' 17. To amend Act entitled " an autbori ting the County Court of Lincoln to exer cise exclusive jurisdiction over .the public road which is thft dividing line he(vMn lh Counties of Uncojo and Qeaveland. (A- Jf0 aaapet of tha ravenna far ,mendg so as to authorize -Gaston to exercise that jurisdiction, as the line is now between Gaston and Cleaveland. 18. To lay off and establish a new Coun ty by the name of Watauga. 49. To amend an Act entitled, " An Act concerning, weights and measures adopted by resolution af Congress at standards throughout the United States." 20. To alter and amend the 1st 3nd and 4th Sections of chapter ninetv-four of the one year. I he r resident and directors to render a distinct account of their proceed ings and disbursements to the annual meet ings of the Stockholders and to the Gover nor of the State, and the Governor to be authorized to appoint one or more persons to represent the State in the annual meet ings of said company. 42. To exempt the Wardens of the Poor in the several counties in this state irom military duty. 43. To authorize the Inspection of Pro- visions, juives to tne county courts me power of appointing an Inspector of Provis ions and forage. 44; To facilitate the taking of depositions of witnesses in this State to be read in suits pending in the courts of other States. Pro vides for the paying mileage to witnesses as in other cases of suits pending in this State. 45. To improve the Cape Fear and Deep Rivers above Fayetteville. 46. T amend tho 15th MCtian of the 1024 chap- tar of ths Revised Coda entitled an Act for the cel- thk State. 47. To amend an Aet of the General Assembly of North Carolina passed as its Session of 1346-7 enti tled ' an Act to niter the mode of electing Wardens of the Poor. Ratified Jan. 18ib 1847. 48. To incorporate the North Carolina Rail Road Company. Provides for a Rail Road from fJolds beroarh. in Weyne.Cottnty, by way of Raleigh and Salisfcery, to the tewa el Charlotte. The espital stack of the Company to be three millions of do! tare two mil lions to bo sabeeriDed by the State, and one million by individuals The State's part of the snbeeription to be raised by tho Treasurer's tuning certificates,, bindinf aod-pJedgiee the State for the tttti f toift t it a a . . I certiDcates binains; aoa-peKie w oiaie iotum Statutes of 1848-7, entitled "An Act to ap- WfMXki rf ua principal of said debt to bo redeema TAI tn sfmmieaiAnAa A..M.A!Jf ' If . I !. L - . . point commissioners to view and lay off a iuad irom Ashevtile in Buncombe County to Qurhsville in Yancey County. 2). More effectually to sunnress thetraf. fic with slaves, and amendatory of the 75th section of the 34th chapter of the Revised statutes, entitled Crimes and . Punish inents." 22. To establish a Toll Bridge on French jaroaa uirer. bleat the sad 0 thirty years: and said certificates of debt not in any eyent to be put in market below oar. As soon as the sum of oue million of dollars shall have been snbscibed. the subscribers shall be in cornorated in a Company, and the stockholders ahall meet at Salisbury to elect Directors and enact bye laws for the eoTernment of said Company. The af. fairs of the Company to be managed by a beard ef twelve Uireclora te oe appowten oy me state aoa the stockholders in proportion to their stock subscri bed. . It is further proTided. that Tor the purposes of rfhtainin: sobscriptions, to pat the Raleieh and Gas- 23. To provide for the settlement of F ton Rail Road in rood order, books shall be opened at tatea in the bands of Executors and Admin- aTiou,PoiatriJ nl taum oTfiv hondred , , ., r. , . . I thousand dollars shall have been subscribed and ex- jBiraiors, ana ior tne reuet ot tne same. aa m v. rji ; ;.w u . Tuwui mo cieras 01 me vounty or oiaer 1 iron, &c., then oue-hair ef saia Koad, with all the vourts, Administrators, dec, in certain ca- I property pertaining to it. shall be transfered to said mm 1 suDsenners, ana ine siocanoioers ana ohlirors orih. r T I t j un f. r ., - i n . ... T?... t. 1 " 1 , , : I V w " " miu suuecnoers snail Mini f. vs ser ana o ijiRrti inu uiuierB in i r. ivquity, to be kept at VJourt tiouso in tneir respective Counties. 23. To revive and amend an Act, enti tied, w An Act to incorporate the Orapeake panel and Turnpike Company," passed by the General Assembly- at ita Session of 1946-7.'' - -. 26. To empowar the Justices of tha Peace of New Hanover County, to sell the Poor noose in aaia ouniy. . 27 To regulate the duties of Sheriffs. 23To1ncorp6fate the Martin and Bertie I Revised Statutes entitled snact ibr. the ooliection aurnpiae uoropany. 29. To lay off and estahlish a new Coun y by the name of Alamance. ail to accept the conditions of this act. and comnl v with it, in that case then ail the benefits of said aet shall be granted to .other persons, who shall be a body eerperate m mU'L -"-a4 ha-re bees) Prorision is also made, in certain contineucies, for eztendinf the Gaston Road to Welden. Said bill al so appropriates $404)00 for improTins; Neuse River. and 26,pQ0 for Tar River bnt said money not to be paid until operations have been commenced on the North Carolina Rail Road. And M the works here by ftovidfd. for, must be commenced within three years, and finished in ten, or the charter will be for feited ... . 49. Ta ajasnd the 15th sect, of thai 02d eh of the 39 To establish the Bank of Favetteville. -TCapiUl slock to be $8001000 in sharea of 50 each tl2j tents tax on each share; Ageneiea to be established at Greensboro ATadesboro, SalUbury and Washington, 4 Beaofort County. ' . . JfPorata; Mutual tife Iriso ranee Cpoptay in the Stale of North Caro- Pand aft Act entitled "fan Aet to amend jtSLewa relatjnglHe inspection e4ni Chapur 47, Laws 1846-47. Itsarraf of hard turpentine to weigh 240 lbs; ayid Tar 80 lbs. and mansrement ortae revesrae of the Suta. fTir e brokeraone band red dollars, to be collected h ths Sheriffs J snd all persons asing said profaaaien, without paying said tax, shall be liable -to a penalty of $200- , r J 50., To amend an set passed at the session of 18-46-7, entitled an act to amend an act passed at the session of 1S27, entitled an act to prevent obstrao tlens to the passage of fish up Roanoko andCashie Rivers, and their waters. Repeals so much as re lates to the Roanoke. - 51. AnthorisiDC the Governor te procure Copies X To amend an set passed ia the year 184$-7. fatrOed a sat to provide for a reassessment of tha taaa ar tba state, sad a mora accnraU enTistment af rJn t laaa. eeaaty Coarta 15 laaijbj haviag era and minarals.J T 4 Improre a Read fram Caaacirs aawein Ashecowayto . in Yaaey eonnty. 23. To, amend an Act entitled, an Act to authorize' A. K. 0. . llunter of Macon County.Hb erect a bridge acroat the lliwas-i seO River, passed at tbe Session of 1834, al- so to amend the Acta I0394v - 24. To authorize Cornelius "Shields to build a bridge; .across Bear .Creek in the County of Moore. ; : ' 'J A , 23 To amend the Acta heretofore .passed jot ibe better regulation of the town of ViI hamston. Relates to burying grounds, streets &C ; 26. To appoint Commissioners to lay off road in Wilkea County. , , .. 27. To incorporate the Caswell Rangers a company of cavalry in the County of Cas- SsP locorporaie tvoca spring a eni inae rierlilaot order of Rechabitea in the town of Wilmington. 9. Authorizing A. H. Erwtn to baild a Toll bridge orer Catawba River in . the County of Burke.' 30. To lay off a Koad from Newton to Morganton. 31., To alter the time of holding the Su perior coun s of Law and Equity, and the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the county of Lenoir. 32. For the reletf of James Stewart of Cherokee county. 33. To extend the limits of the town of Lincolnloo, and for other purposes. 34. To incorporate the town of Salisbury. 39. To alter an act concerning a Road in Iredell county. 36 To authorize the Superintendanta of Common Schools of Rowan and Edgecombe to invest a part of theif funds. 37. (it anting to the superior courts of the counties- of Lincoln and Gaston, oriei- pai and exclusive jurisdiction in all cases where tbe intervention of a jury may be necessary. 38. Concerning the public roads in Brunswick and Beaufort counties. 39. To lay off a road in Yartcy county from Flat Rock to the Burnsville and In dian Gap road. 40. To prevent the sale of spmtous li quor? within a certain distance of Floral College. 41. To authorize the erection of a Male and Female Academy in or near the town of Shelby. - 42. To incorporate the Granville coun ty Mechanic's Association. 43. Supplemental to an act passed at the present session to divide the county ot Stokes. 44. To amend an act passed in 1848, to appoint Commissioners for the town of Rockford. 45. To prevent fishing near the mouth of Raymond's creek, in Camden county. 46. To amend and consolidate the acts now in force relating to fishing with seines in 1 ar ana ramiico mvers. 47. To amend an act of last session, in corporating the town of Wilkesborough. 48. To incorporate the South Creek Swamp Land Company. 49. To incorporate the Wilmington Tha- 1 a m nan Association. 50. To incorporate Plymouth Academy. 51. To incorporate the town ofSladea- ville. 52. To authorize Major John Clark, of Beaufort, to make a Road on his own land. 53. To appoint commissioners to lay off a itoaa in wuices county 54 To condemn a part of Hayne Street, in the town of Monroe in Union County, for the purpose of erecting a public jail thereon. 55. To repeal an aet of 1344-5 in regard to Ma eon and Haywood County Courts. 6. To authorise the County Courts of Halifax to sell the lot in tbe town of Halifax, on which the old Court House of situated. 57. To incorporate the Wake County Rifle Com pany at Dunsville in said County. 58. To revive and extend an act passed in 1834 to incorporate a town at Trent Bridge in the Coun ty of Jonas, by the name of Pollockvills. 59. Abolishing Jury Trials in Barks County Court. ' (10. Concerning the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company. 61. To appoint Commissioners for the tovrh of Ash bore', Randolph County, and to incorporate the same. 62. For the further protection of Wake Forest College. Forbids the sale or liquor within three miles, and forbids circus or other performances, with in the same distance, without consent of tha Faoul- tkji . . , a 63. To repeal an act passed in the year 1829, en titled an act concerning the Wardens of the Poor of Lincoln county. 64. To revive an aet passed in 1842, entitled an act to establish and incorporate a Town at Onslow Court House, by tbe name of Jacksonville. 65. To authorise Elijah S. Moore, late Sheriff of Cald well, to collect arrears of taxes. 66. To amend the law relating to thaeollection of taxes in tbe town of Newbern. 67. To incorporate the Charlotte Fire .Engine Company. 68. To incorporate the Camden Guards in the county of Camden. 69. To incorporate the Davidson Mining and Smelting Company. 70. To incorporate the Deep River Mining and Smelting Company. 71. To incorporate Macon Academy, in the county of Wayne. 72. To repeal an act entitled M an act con. eerning the Wardens of the Poor in Lincoln coun ty, passed in t be year 1839. 73. Granting to the superior courts of the -13. To LwcorporateY Ca.n.flt TrtrNn, ?up,,e' otfneP ? toaston. original and ex 17 rtr rh- i,iJ7,i-... ",7TflMJriciaiaM where the Intes- . . , ... JZ y 01 uaCT veotion of a jury may be fi2.Sutnlementary atf act passed at taw.trc"it ': session, to lay off and establish the Coaatyxf Ai! J nanea, J Part of Orange this hill regulate 1 tU Courts, aatahlishes the county, stat by ths ni of Montgomery. Zl 53. To increase tha Revenue of the State. jLaya a tax on Incomes of 3 cents on a dollar at interet ia this State, or out of It ; 3 cants on a dollar prof t is. slate trading; sailing vessels and steamers not un4 der20tons, or any other species of . trade rr in.4 stocks of shares of any incorporated company in tbia State or out of it Provisv; excepting Bank ;ehf as 1b this State already taxed. Except also cn aams less tbsn 60 dolUrs; on.aU ptnaoM wboae.siltrles j are not less than $500, aoiiarsaxempta lawyers, physicians and Surgen DentisjsVw first fire years of their practice j oa ailver and goW plat of SO and less than $500, $2; exceeding 500. doiw 4 . 4 wheel pleasure carrisgesjoa value, $1 f fcolfch es.25 cents; sliver watches 10 berHarpsT ItuobaXuoN, Br uwiino- AlleTa. 25 : Pack of cards, id seats ? horse, I hog, and miile drovers, from other Sutes, to Sheriff of each county, $5, 40. ZZ . 54. To provide for the opening and cleanieg.ut ot Big Rockfish creek in the counties of Cumber land and Robeson, and to prevent obstructions to the free navigation of the same. r 55. To improve the navigation of the Catawba river from a point where the Railroad from Col am- bia to Charlotte crosses said river up te tne kockj Ford near Morgnntbn. V 56. To amend an act passed at the session of the Legislature of 1846 7, entitled an act , authorising the Governor to establish a Depot of Arms at New- hern. ; ' 57. To amend an act passed at the last psssioa.of the General Aasembly, entitled an act to increase tbe public revenue. 53. Supplemental to en act passed at the present session to improve tbe Cape Fear and Pep rivers above Fayetieville. Provides that the State take two-fifths ef the capital stock, to wit $80,000, to im prove snid Rivers. .. 59. 10 aathrise the Roanoke iNaTigatton Compa ny to become common carriers of agricultural pro duce, goods, ware and merchandise n Roanoke, Dan ana otaunton men. 60. Sunnlemental to an act naased at this Session. erecting Hospital for the Insane. Locetet.it with in three miles of Raleigh. - ' ( . ' .."r 61. supplemental to an act passed at tils Gene ral Assembly entitled an act to unite tha Roanoke Rail Road and the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road Companies. 62. Concerning the President and Directors of tbe Literary Fund. Authorizes the President and Di rectors to move suits to Wake County, c; 6?. Concerning costs in certain cases in Equity. Upon the plaintiffs' dismissing. his own bill, or de fendant dismissing for want of prosecution, Plain tiff shall pay to defendant full cost 64. To amend tbe 10th see. of the 102d ch. Rev. Stat, concerning pedlars. To pay a tax of $30. and be a native or naturalised citi sea of the Uni ted States. 1 65. To provide for eba Education of the Deaf Mutes of the State Makes it tbe duty of the Jus tices to levy a tax of $75 for each Deaf Mute to pay for his Education at the Institution in Raleigh. None to be sent whose parents are able to. pay. And no county shall be compelled to provide for more than five at any one time, j 00. 1 0 provide for tbe survey of Catawba river. Authorises the Governor to employ an Engineer, te survey said riror from theS. C. line to McDow ell county and Publio Treasurer to pay expense on warrant or uovernor. ed Stautes (Makes it felony either to steal or by violence, seduction, or other means, either take or convey away any slave, or slaves, with mtentiou to sea or oiucrwiar mvpose oi.j 00. 10 amend an aet passed at this session enti tied an act to provide for the sale or certain lands in Cherokee and Macon counties whieh have been sur rendered te tbe State. 63. In relation to Sheriffs, Clerks of the county and Superior Courts, and Clerks and. Masters anau ail continue in office till their successors are appointed and duly qualified. 70. To amend the 3d section, 99th ch. Rev. Stat utes entitled Religious Societies. Includes the 1 rustees of all Religious Societies sad Conereca tions heretofore and hereafter appointed and they are vested wtn ail the rights, $-c, under the aet. 71. To amend the 4th ec 65th ch. Ret. 8ta.te.tea Amended so that the time therein limited, for brin ging suits shall not protect non-residents but the Proviso excepting persons beyond seas, shall extends to persons bey oud the limits or tbe State. 72. An act to amend tbe 16th Section of the 31st Chapter of the Revised Statutes, entitled courts of Equity. 73. An act to incorporate the Wilmington and Masonboro' Plank Road company 74. An act to effect a better organization of the Miliua in Iredell county, and for other purposes. 75- An aet to amend the 10th chapter of the tt rs- . a. Keviseo statutes, relating to mil. 78. An act to authorize the further taxation of costs in, the trials of actions at law. 77. An act to amend an act oflast session con- eerning the Militia Laws of this IState. PRIVATE ACTS. 1. An Act to incorporate the Trus tees of Snow Creek Academy in the Uounty 01 Iredell. 2. To incorporate Dallas Male Academy in the County of Gaston. .;,. 3. To incorporate the Forester, an Inde pendent company in the County of Bich. tnond. 4. To incorporate the Summerfield Guards. 5. To incorporate the Berlie Guards. 6. To incorporate Blount's Creek Manu facturing Company in tbe towu of Fayette- viae. 7. To incorporate the Trustees of tha For estville Female Academy in Wake County. 8. To authorize the County Court of Heck lenburg to pay over certain fends to the County Court of. Union. 9. To incorporate a Female College in the County of Anson;' 10; To incorporate the Statesvtfle Male Academy in the County of Iredell. 11. To incorporate Union Manufacturing Company in the town of Fayetteville; 12. To incorporate the North Carolina Diues in the Uounty of Wake. lows, in the Town of Greenville. 14. To incorporate Union CapterNo. 17, in the county of Duplin. 15. To incorporate Pamlico Encampment, No. 6, of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows in the town of Washington. ; 16. For the incorporation of tbe Grand Lodge of North Carolina of the Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows. : 17. To incorporate Neuse Ledge, Nd. 9, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; in the town of Goldshoro . Wayne County. 18. "To incorporate Duplin Guards an in dependent corps of Cavalry, in the County of Duplin. ' - -1 19. To incorporate Antioch AcademyM in the County of Robeson. v 20. To amend and ;4ronsolidt tho tete ral Acts heretofore passed for the better reg ulation of the town oiConcord. . "A 21. To iocorporau tho A7ilIjatsavttisijiJ brary Association fa the County oJ arOnt 22. To Tncorporate Concord ia t&j&ft. U of tbe I. a O, FY in tbe town of Bna fort, IS' jury may be necessary. 74. For the fnrtheranco of Justice jn the coun ty courts of New Hanover. 75 To incorporate the Trnateea of tho Chowan Institute in the coonty of Hertford. 76. To incorporate the Union Manufacturing Company. ' - 77. Tt incorporate Tossnot Depot and Hickory Grove, in the county of Edgecombe into a town by l he name of Wilson. 78. T9 extend tha time for deration of a charter for erecting a bridge across Pasquotank river ' 89 To iocorporate . Island Fajd Maaafaetariag Company in the County of Randolph, 80; vTo incorporate the Clay Mining Company. ; 81, . To incorporate the 'Mecklenburg; Agricultu ral Society. " . - . S3. Ta empower single Justices of the Peace to te tax. prosecutions on State Warrants with the pay ment f costs in certain cases. 83. .To proride for Clubfoot and Harlem s creek ca nal and for -other purposes. - -84- To amend anact entitled an set to incor porate the Atlantic Fire Company, No 1, in tbe of iSewbarn, paaaad st the aesaloQ of (85. For the better protection of seines jd eta. .. . 83. To incorporate Johnston Acad?jBjja ike count of Johnston. 87. To incorporate UidwayMsJe and Fenul Academy io the eoumy of' Pitt; . 63. To coofer on the iCoortS cerUia powers over imprisoned Lunatics.' 69. To incorporate. Achore Lbdire No. la of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 90. To incorporate theTownaf Asbeville. in Ban. corabe county. . 91. To alter the times of holdinir the SaneHar Courts of Law and Equity of Cleaveland county. 92. To establish Lamberton Acsdeny ia Robeson county, and to incorporate the Trustees thereof: 93. To incorporate Phalanx Lodge Ho. 10, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, ia the town of Washington. 94. To amend an act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company of North Carolina, 95. To Incorporate, alW Lebanon Lodge. No. 1 17. in Edgecomb county, j , , 90. l o revive and amend art act entitled an act tu amend an act passed at Raleigh in the year 1803 eetrtled an act 10 establish a0 Academy in the county of Buncombe. . 97. l o incorporate the J? Airfield Canal Com pany in Hyde county. 98. Relating to tho Town Magistrate in the town of Wilmington.' D9. To regulate the holding of elections for Commissioners of Navigation. 100. To incorporate 1 he Wilmington and Wal ker's ferry Plank Road Company. 101. To incorporate the Wilmington and Ma- sonhoro Plank Road Company. 102. Toincorporate the Mounted Gusrds in the county of Haywood. 103. For the better organization of the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Nash. 104. To extend the corporate limits of the town of Warrenton. 105. To tncorporate the Providence Band of Music in Mecklenburg. 106. An act to prevent the felling of timer in Al amance River. 107. Allowing compensation to the Reporter of the Supreme Court for reporting at Morgan ton. 103. To incorporate the town oftvinston. 109. In relation to Sheriffs, elerks of the county and Superior Courts and clerks and Masters. 110 Expanatory of the act passed in IJ79 Rev. Sta chap 24, Sec 10, concerning crimes and pun ishments. ' 111. To amend and consolidate the acts hereto fore passed in favor of poor debtora 112. To secure the title of purchasers or land sold under execution. 113. To amend the 8th section of the act to incor porate the Caldwell and Ashe Turnpike Company. 114. To incorporate the "Columbus Guards" in tbe county of Columbus. 116. To amend aa act of 1846-7 relative to Turn pike Road in Hyde county. 117. To lay off a public Road in Aahe county. 118. To attach a portion of Yancy county to Bun combe county. 119. Supplemental to an aet of the present session establishing Alamance county. 120. To incorporate Concord Division, No. 1. Sons of Temperance. 121. Relating to the town Magistrates, ef the town of Wilmington. 122. To incorporate the McDowell and Yancy Turnpike Company. 123. To incorporate the town of Shelby. 124. To incorporate the Providence Band, in Mecklenburg couuty. 125. Supplemental to an act of the present ses sion establishing the, county of. Jflf atauga 126. To incorporate the town of Goldsboro'. 127. To incorporate the Greensboro' Fire com pany- RESOLUTIONS. 1. Resolution relative to Cant. O. A. Buck. 2. In favor of John R. Dyche late Sher iff of Cherokee County. 3. Relating to lighting the lamps on Pub lic Square. - ' 4. For the relief of tbe Clerk of the County Court of Cumberland. 5. In favor of Abram Harshawv 6. In relation to the Slate's claim against the General Government. 7. In favor of M. O. Dickerson, former Sheriff of Rutherford County. 8. For the relief of Fendall Grifflin. .0 In favor of Joseph W. Livingston. 10. Authorizing door keepers to purchase chairs for the committee rooms. 11. In favor of the Clerk of tbe County Court of Martin, remits Judgments, &c. 12 For the relief of Young Patterson, Clerk of tbe County Court of Fraoklin, re mits judgments, costs, dec. 13. For the relief of the Clerk of tbe County Court of New Hanover., 14. In favor of the Executors of tbe late Judge Joseph J. Daniel. v 15. In favor of Wnj. Angel. 16. In favor of Thomas Reddick, Sheriff of Gates County. 17. Directing tbe enclosure of the grounds appertaining to the Governor's Residence and an appropriation for furniture. ' 18. Directing the principal Clerks of the two Houses to employ one of two additional engrossing clerks for the present General Assembly. - 19. Relative lo M. VatternarVs Literary and Scientific Exchanges. 0. In favor of Young Patterson, Sheriff of Franklin County. 20. Respecting Slavery in the territories. Substitute for Steele's. - 22. Relative to the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. v Directs the payment by the Public Treasurer to the Directors of $21,. 148 to meet liabilities The road to he run no longer at the expense of tbe State. 23. In favor of Horace L. Robards. 24- Relative . to Thanksgiving day. Directs the Governor to set apart a day in each and eve ry year for that purpose. 25. As to the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. 26. In favor of Messrs Hall and Kincy, Mer chants of Raleigh. 27. In favor of N. B. Mariner. 28. In favor of Ailsy M-dlin. 29. Isj favor of B.. lloore. 30. In favor of William J . Clark. 31. Instructing the Literary Board te sell the Swsmp Lands which have been drained or partially drained, particularly the Pungo lands la Hyde, as soon as .practicable. 32. In fkvor of Thoa. Anderson. 33. In faror of Charles Baker, Sheriff of Yaney. 34. in favor of Thoa. Loring. 35. In favor of Jas. W. Walton. 36. In favor of R. W. Haywood, Adjutant Gener al of the IState. Allows him 300 for services ren dered in raising two Regiments of Volunteers daring the late war wHh Mexico: 37. In favor of the Sheriffs of Craven and Anson eonntiea. 1 -.... 38. Reepscting furnishing WeighU and Haasxras ta ChathaavCouaty. 39. In fayor of Chas- Stevens, adm'r. 40. In favor of Hogarth Yap Broeklia. . 41. Relative to diatributidtTof Military tactics. 42. For tbe relief of J. M. Tillinghast and othera. , . 43. In favor of Scoop Enloev ' " 44. Providing Jot t he publicaljon of the Re veiraa act passed at the present session.' 45. Concerning the Improvement of the Indian Tribes. . - " ' ' 46. In fayor ef Isaac Ook and others, 47. In faror of (sham Hancock, 48. In favor of S. M. Preston and others. in the srrr" H(H.,, t-i The Cane Felr ,.. 5 O n when Mr RoIfHPfc tothebilK.ppnHS ehtofLumL?'!!? on Count!.- I! ,vr.ioft ,h r 1 LTfc. wter eoD.irf.u.:'7 0uih rv" ue attern,- ret,' ""'"w Dills were 71 waa th Pi.., . cre Quti which nd hZM S-tehyavo J.VJ? ?08e of pftBir I e otti, Mr. Sfcnlr , Ds I Wndelection,tJwl?lh'2 conceruiDR the eonu, unf.Yorabfe to tb..,leOi stis r rr w i . . o irnnt ti Mr. Cou Courts, from r h,ch grievances, reported f"." nO an.ctentUledalf"ffl iver.was taken in .If0! The bill to incJ?1 amendments, was rec ,ed f ' C' ucmg on me motion of VifVi blank with Fayette4Ml!8N .v ndinent of Mr u&H npthebkek with the worH ju next in If JJ -MJ Messrs KWLeftchTrJ ru ; and Mr. SlV H'wn was put the Hn.: Wtft,l ""4 All inf. 4 rtnm. - . 1 after !KP Mta. the iWreVnl ?H b'U supplemental tnla the amendment, of Mr lH with the words ban noted to aruend IT-W "n. Carried; and thsK wa.aec.ded the affirm, Mr. Caldwell, of Burke that the buildin ,nd I shall not exceed ,K".i.furn,K! Adopted. -ipa!i The question wa tu Several other Rill ..die,(SeeCpltoM)ia ; received fc, took recess. 1 At night on the 26th. a l-Tit , . BiHs and Resolutiong see list of Captions inthi.paJ was a Resolution introdnr k.i1 propriating $15,000 for the Ibirstl ...... u.u, wiucu passea iti Rtui " mowmxa session,-Jan. 27tUlfcl iruMnceu a resolution to rejeiodins which prerentg a bill from same day, which after a short rJU jected. Mr. Stanly opposed the pssjeft and chsrged Mr. Brogden within; in order that hemi&htmkenitteiB: bill to incorporate the N. C. Rail RoW! - Mr. Brogden essayed a repljr bsfi charg e made by Mr. SUnly. A Resolution in fator of the Tn Greensboro' Female College, puseda Mr. Rnyner moved a reeonsidentierft Carried. Mr. R. then offered ti art Resolution which was adopted; M as amended passed its 2d and 3dWn A very large number of Print! M ed ; for which, see Captions. We ieem it unnecemrT tu pi account of the proceeding! of Siiis list of the Acts pasted, are to be bx paper. . On Monday mprninp, after the pn veral bill; and a vote of thaakitoia kers, and liandsome acknowledat same, the two Houses adjourned Session of 69 days. REMARKS OF MR.McDW On the Resolution granting crfm Stanmirer of Rutlurford. p11 thonirht the qseAs, Aas V-' " v 9 . l House, was not compucaiw, - difficulty. From the report of thecal Judiciary, to whom this memowl ssi who have made a thorough toff subject, it is evident that tha clas ist is just, or they would not bate m passage of a bill authorising the U7 dred and forty acres of vaeaat bs claim be just, the enlj qnestion i!; der due compention inlieaoftbeJ the Universny of N. C e-wj known what the Uniersity 0W11W5 rant when conveyed to TeaafaJ Jh tion, tbe question could be wj'; cannot be sssertaiued, the Hoasa w an assumption. Will My?. with the hiatory of the looatsia pretend, that those landa wen the vacant lands of N. C.aof-; ing some five or ten cents n, foFsu'ch wsrrsnts were keatec haJJ one to three dollar I'i ward revolutionary wc2lf! tlaeatal line ef the N. C . itpjjf, of aucb a bill ;by a bill tha iW ' haHly worth ten centa an acre. er.it will not cover the aflffi, morialist In prosecuting Jt make any compensation, the equity of the clmbr Tbi amendment offered by Cherokee will approxima tt . aad jurt, as it proposes Wsl warrlnVon ty tl State of N.C. (except the Sj she is not under obligat 7 it is known that many when exposed to public tkj -till remain no30lJ,l """"""1 -" " " .n .ert v 1 worth from Bfty ee is' tfca memorslist be perm.1"8. whieh it seems there can be satisfied, and ""'wJ reM to what i. right thsn thel ranjJJ mittee. I hope were be adopted. - mmm .M KEEP eoosuai7 Dross, nfl ut;..l Mtrnesas, snd wVT.n tjatitf terms Raleigh, Uet -