. ..: i: , 1 --MMMM"iSSl'a'M"W'VWrl,g??ff S? . NORTH C AHOIHT A; i . . Thff netx 9 of -ReprMjmtttvP..':-It mu,st be deeply humilUtngto ever sot, of the J The " Ifaton Attest give tWa4rWn Oia NortV State," who has "bne spark' of tat e; estimate of the political character of thllbue of Rep resent a tives in the 31st Congress. As far as election have taken place, the Whig j have' already a majority o eighteen, counting all the pride in his bosom, when he reflects trpon her natu ral endowments, her. capabiilties'of future greatness, snd then contemplates the rapidity with which, she is coin to decay and rninl Who can -think of .doahful against them.! In the present Congrea North Carolina, around which cluster so many .re- ; the tame States, the Locofocos Imve four majority The Wtiss have elected S0 and all suwra w. ' In tie States where elections are yet tolie held,: -rrrdeHghtful.peac K. lai ol like brotnere. Ire extended notice of it 4- , ir next. . WWin2 cad . ... a forinix" hld aooi" ,noiry most of the time plying their powers of intellect to the developement storm?) rdark thick; coi(i and chil-1 0f her hidden resources, and unfolding the true ele ijjoftbet ' . '. ttfrijrweH mcntsof her jrrfeatn-firs, have'tftven their attention too rftf" exclusively to National affairs, and devoted them- nd time to-day, to call or tae e0D7 T-Hv the Proceedings of reaaer: ld in thi. City, on will jjje Weather. miniscences of high, noble anot - chivalrous deedaj in days of yore, wi thout eorrojring over her lowly ipn AWA-tha nnwtti&na natmraltT arise, what is tk i4nA and m it ntf removed fTJefere assicniftfri what, in our opinion, ; is the true cause, we" will la conksally allude to that to which it can not be as cribed. It is not from any natural deficiency in her soil or climate. Within her soil is embowelled a larger and richer supply of Mineral wealth, than in any other State in the Union, and her climate is the most salubrious, perhaps, in the United States. It is not because she has been afflicted by any dreadful calamity from Heaven, and which renders the culti vation ot her soil, or the developement of her re sources impossible or impracticable. What, then. are the causes that hate retarded improvement in North Carolina, and thrown her so far. behind her sister States, and given to her the soubriquet of the Rip Van Winkle of the Union V- We will pro ceed to state-i One great cause is to be found in the fact, that her , most prominent and influential sons, instead of ap- iUtetimated 0at. the .Whigs., will f hjfUJt Adainethis'estimate to the last of those chosen. ihe eijKtfti f JUlcighwf vktnJty,- aaiefeliled . .l--H -. -.'. v At lf.ij.il.:. V. ' tuof 1 vja tiaijuraajr, utj, ior the pur pose- i frrs toiuera jpciaiQ Uipr poaedt Ceulrtil Rit ad, and te.neraJly iq re epund ttfv Wfevtralirid; eolighted.actiogkf the Hie ag8U4ur9 AnwjsniJMci w internal ina- ;iOn ftoitifla. tnU1U Hay wood. EscL wan it will give 130 Whigs ; 88 Locos ; all others .13 This will give the Whigs a clear working majority of tmnty tone, over all combinations and amalgama tions. t'3 fllAnn IrrS ,ne . School, in this vici- edthi9Ho,yrofwhom r.bersofthelDStituHon. ' Uenibersy Several other School are now canaiu r- l8 course oi F'r- - jfeeaky, f 1D " T;... n ;n rhrist Church, in . ..lminpil Mr. Thomas F. Da- !i.nir of Deacons, the Rev. Dr. Ma- n?.u.rvice8. and presenting the can- f"? . ... J o:oV,rx'a nnnointment. . . Pnnila were admitted to frofhands(Hebrews6:2) On i'4 - . Tk 1 fkjiat 0 Ai4 I'anrrlAT. eiehtor tuerupus i wLiu-nrianf the itecior. " kvknuehtv world," sucu iow - mm.-o J nf God. are as rerresning anu , tbiy afe wholly undeserved. APPONTMENTS. ( , aid to be ascertained that the Cabinet .... 1 .11. H.a.AW1w9 klTavlor will stanaas iouuwb, - . . . . t -i Ion named Bccept the stations 10 wnicn iirited. iSB St. VLAI ru.i ui """"'"I " Lux M. Mcrsdith of Pennsylvania, Sec 'tie Treasury. toiGi W, Ceawfor of Georgia, Secreta- ir. i onLAWRi.c, of Massachusetts, Secre selves, body and mind, to political struggles and par tisan warfure. The rewards to be reaped by ex ploits on the : political field, have so daisied their eyes that they could not see the crown of honor and glory held out to them by the ( Manufacturing, Commercial and Agricultural genius of their State.' Another cause is found in the prejudices, hitherto manifested by the great mass of her citizens. They could not or would not see the utility of any great enterprise which might be suggested, to advance her prosperity. While the States North, South and West have employed the proper means to bring forth their natural resources and capabilities, and are con sequently on the road to prosperity, her people have looked on with a wondering gaze, and attributed the liappy results to some mysterious dispensation of Providence. And many of her citizens, impressed with such a belief, have deserted their house-hold gods, abandoned the homes of their fathers, and wended their way South-west, to seek their fortunes in States not blessed with one-half the natural ad vantages of their own. Another fact which has tended to impede her pro gress, and which probably grew out of the two pre ceding, is, that in her past . efforts at improvement, there has been no general plan or system. Her ve ry greatest efforts at advancement heretofore, seem to have been so many plunges deeper in the mud. There has been wanting that general connection be tween her improvements, which are absolutely in dispensable to make them truly useful or profitable. And now, when the first hindering cause is par tially overcome the secoud fast giving away before the light of truth, and the third entirely removed we trust our good old State will not long remain in the rear of her sisters in the career of improvement and prosperity .y We trust that the day is not far distant, when the open sesame of labor will be heard Mr. Fitzgerald, one of th'o Senators from Michigan, a friend and supporter of Mr. Polk's ad mi nisti at ion, has proposed in the Senate of the Uni-i ted States, a joint i-esolution, that the brevet oft Lieutenant General be conferred on Winfield Scott . J i ITEMS OP NEWS. O Mr. Preston's proposition in regard to the new territories, was Kinea in me iiuub-j w, Tuesday. This waa done by attaching the Wil- rnot Proviso to it. j The vote on thia question was 91 to 87, which1 we suppose was a test aa to Mr. P.'s proposition for that proposition, with the Wilmot proviso! added, could not, and did not receive any vota. Gold in North Carolina. The Charleston Courier stales that a letter from Monroe, N. C. to a gentleman in that city, dated 17tfT instant, gives the statement that four men found, in Un ion co-JDty, twelve and three quarter pounds of gold on ?he Thursday and Friday preceding. Oth ers were finding gold in more or less quantity mVti sis as J. Leiii During Charles and a aureate Hi a most e Mr. Is V II. 1 3 asm minted ttf nteeettf fteao- t4sr4ftfMt$tK Meetinir.-- jowbeetffe following gentle- , io wu; Messra.'Thom ones, and E. P. Guioo. aliAeace ot the Coaunitiee. Ma ior oto, beiujr loudly called for, rosu th Meeting at some leneth, and tivo.nd bre manner. "fiwu tKe Conjininee a anointed for the ptiipoafere:'tfte- following Preamble aud ReeoiSisiBs ; t : v; Wherealjjre State; of iSrorth Carolina--' poverfullav,j'nteiectual, moral, and physical rescurces-itKs land -.-of our. sires and the home of sur affections" has ever labored under the disidvantaeii ari8Bff from the want of conve nient chaunepof communication between differ ent sections ithto her own borders, and with tho narkets ,f the vrorld : in consequence of which her glicuturah commercial, and mann ftciuring tnjeestrhave languished 1 eavy'drains. by pmigratfoal have been perpetually made from her wealth ar l p130jation and she has failed to atiain.jo thejrniJtfHtie t scale of jbe ,.(JnioQto yfuicb hjer tnve..rt elements or greatness entitle her : Whereat. Saa.iicUte of science and expe- ' 1 'i. . : . ' . . . . .... A-Boofl cliaace for featgain,. tOrlf ERY" ANft tXOHAhf&E - BRQKttSi &cupied.by;F; Smith R tKA I(n J ' '-l-i' PFZlJZZJ oij -wiufartanety of w-j" : lav. sar-SS wwns oraaJa, begdw, &c.v. . . ... .. --;ftW;jr j -ALSO, ' 1 " (TJ apH P"" vwivw, capiw pnia pia,50O A? new Northern Baffrvatid rfarcW rlafla to oV: CT t capital : : SJM4 1 aitsl 700. r, and a first faiS harness horse. CT 5 tier Raleigh, March 6, 1849. ILr Times copy L. F. SMITH. 19 w4t every day. Go!d was found within eight miles of Monroe. Tho discovery of this rich metal had ?iven an imoulse to business in that section of C7 I country, and things were tanking up. It is stated in the Chulitteville (Va.) Journal of th 23J of February, that from a mine in Albe- marie county there was gathered " on Thursday, the 15th of February, in about one hour and a half, something like ten pounds of Virgin Gold. The quantity thus gathered is valued at nearly MtwSfKCTFULLY returns his thanks to the citizens of North Carolina, for the patronage ne has received from them, while engaged In busi ness in the city of Raleigh, and begs leave W iuforra mem mai ne may ba found at JARRATT'S HOTEL 'PETERSBURG. VA.. where he will be happy to see his old friends and ac quaintances, and pledges himself to leave uothinir audoneou his part to contribute to their comfort and convenience. He hopes his friends will give him a call. Raleighj March 6, 1849. ID Times and Standard copy 3m. k 10 w3m Notice, TTNDER a Deed of Trnat Axtf.tiuA trt m Kv tin H : Page. I hereby notiff atH jMtwtMnniebl- ed to said Kufus H. fag to call aud make immedi hia 11 pmnt nr t raar Of ill ntirt I hii mwwiii rtrm trt ttm rnre:,nave Tdnstratea the practicability of hands f an officer forc-ollection. Call on Mr. S. R provkfing afiitcial Wbetlluve tor natttal chan- Trawick, at the office of Secretary of Slate, who ii nls, at-onceptpi-4f rtaln i abd expeditious ; authorized to 6ettle in my ' name, and the enter VVnerfcy and success of many ANDERSON PAGE, Ttnstee. mtihl Staled n thia jgiode of improvement, fur- Raleigh, March 6. 1849 19 2w nifih exampfei worthy1 of imitation : And where- imdait urv s a m .- as a criaia Marrivewhed North Carolina, as IfflrOKlAll-l WI a Statet "tnustf follow' this noble example, or be Rnr1oimckH QxirotYin 1 OTilo left in an imijasuralle distance behind her en- lUlumilyU U VY aiJip UUUUO capital prize 4.000 tt3" 206 , tapUil rfies' - 1,000 THE PRI2TE3 fN TUfs At L01TERY AMOtJNT TO v . $897,60fi O", r,0OO Sollars, W the lowest prtie awarded to any ticket having three of the drawn nombe on it in thi lottery ! " . Tickets $15 ; shades in proportion. . Colvin Co will issa4,a ceflificaU q A package of 36 trnole ticaeis for 5 Half tickets for v. 9110 Stf CjaVriir tfa for . $55 26 Eighths tickets for . i7.40 Orders solicited by mail in the above lottery,, or in any of the foilowin lotteries to be- drawa - doring the month LOrfERIES FOR UARCii;Hm " Prie Date. CapUals. No. Baf. Match, , ' . v ": , 1 a 37800 iS 13iS9000 75 15 13S i4 finn . tt in . 15 2S,(Mfft 17- ST.uocT In JWtrth Carolina, rinHE President and Directors of the Literary H fund of North Carolina, in pursuance of car-, tain Resolutions, passed at the last session of the Ge neral Assembly, offer for sale, FIFTY THOUSAND ACRES lightened, prosperous, and nourishing sisters a spectacle Wbich.no true-hiarted citizen can even coinempjkte without the most painful emo tiona : Resoh fd, therefore, 1. That thei subject ol Internal Improvements is at this timefof more vital importance to North Carolina thanany other, and demands the united counsels, energies, and wean 9 of all her citi zens. - Of Swamp Lands, 2. That w& hail with oride and exnltation the AAndlhitinrr hitrt if (lift T Ai feraV FunH ff tllft Stat A. onion -oT ouj, faithful Representatives, of both po- 6nUate in Hyde and Washington Counties, and erii- nucai parites, in me last juegiaiaiure, on mis bracing the region lying between ramiico ana ai- fueal. . - . - - . . 1 ' i f Mt'DEce Department ttbs first tendered to iibeih P. GssTfti of Tennessee, and by ined. l CuTo.N, Laweinck and Presto, are mi accepted the places in the Cabinet ten- ifcffl. iiirstsppointmentj we have hitherto spo nr higli appreciation of the known abilities aded patriotism of Mr. Clayton, and we liil here, that we regard him as a moat fit W to occupy the Premiership in the' new Iramistrstion. kMmuiTH, who is here set down for the p Department, we do not know so much as ppntlemen who are said to make up the we see it stated, however, that he is a Jtrae Whig, and stands at the head of the pi Bar, as a Lawver. wwis, we regard as a most judicious se- "e fills the post of Secretary of War wrtflitjwitn which the discharged the Pernor of Georgia, theconntry will have gritulate itself upon the chanee of such "Panny Marci'. wce, the proposed Secretary of the --u mrouBhout the countrv. an nn nf . ' etic, practical men of the age;! and '""turn of that Departffient cannit fail to fJ successful and popular. r" i that the probability that Mr. Ewing "Cahinet giies great, dissatisfaction to 1 Party. Bat thi mnntrr, ;n iv . , - .... j .(in uuvi mi. TY he is made Postmaster General. "stothfuUnd caDable nublin nffin, J flPPMt Western mountains. Tallies and rich fer !TJ&eEfle.amigrat faro towards this land of health, social enjoyment, of law, order and virtue. will 4 ry Perfection of a a"ie service CTOte 111, Jima -in-.' . .. ..mc uuu aoiuiies lo tne im- very important branch kto-i. i,a : . ... . . . PttM,i " aR"gne( the post of At- Pow,rfal Speech made by hinTTn the .d:iTw'aveekor. An llut in matter and m ??W tfable"he entire grading of the Road can be let to nd style, in tW. iAf j Kl.' .. I . mil uu P elonn "W!cn ,u ftH that consti- Ui tJrUVku man, as an able ofiMil..! V' . r '8 nothing Of th.r about him : .o.t rf'Mnd cools Kne hour of real pirih H, '.PaKr: r( the right sort rjintKi. i. ' n otlw kind, ca 7 hour of difficulty and dan- P!hatitUle,theCab. rbeon.:rr8rePortseeit doub, that the Cabinet is thor- o. re 8lng to Pre J "Cat ' : . ,ua Ses the following aTTL. nA TS " E 19 SO 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 9,500 2H.000 8,577 40.600 7.500 33,000 8,000 5.000 30 000 26U0 7.SU0 78 13 78 13 78 14 75 13 75 12 76' 1 78 13 75 14 75 13 78 16 7f 12 75 13' 78 14. 78 Xi Tickets. 10 8 10 n 5 si 12 t 10 2J 1, 10 rica Pack Quar.Tkk. at so 18 60 7 lb, U i6 t 60 4 .6 l 34 8 . . 3 7tf 34 17 50 7 jt. i j i IWO IWUSanu UUliars. - :x' ti tr:. -j ... ..i. r , P ......7. Gen. Tavlor has received the calls of many rtatrldttcanftfirHerhtened labors, the enlarged and These land have been drained at great expense . .14.. . .r . - - , . . . I , .i j ' -r f : i a.a. r u; f..n. r,m u .tin. lioerai svaierAol imnrovements adonted bv that unaer ine airecuou oi sompeieui iugiuera, auu .am uuuui cuo v ilia vuwn bitiAono i vuvn i . . f I ! . ci , rri i j of the country, who are now visiting Washing TlI iy to rnn CanalV & wiuPo Canal, eUnd- ton. His demeanor and conversation, delight all inio(Th LtinHinir in sironr honds of """S frol Pun8 Lake to Pune riTer' ,ixiuij hi!f, . . .. it. : . ? j . i r .... ..... miles mleneth, with an average width at bottom of wno approacn mm. ne p.aui, uiuSlr.u.uu0, oromernooa ano inieresi me peopie oi our w - . tw iltll A, tie great secuons; ine cas ana me ve i reur- ,. torCan)jlU from Alligator Lake to Pnngo rivef, All I 'tig our own marKci lowns acce-aiun.-io uur uw,. g mileg , whh au averar6 at tittzen9,aod tp oe so laid on as to give a uireci of3o feet, depth seveu, and fail ten feet ; togetb and personaljnterest m its construction, to "the er wilh SUIUirj tributaries or lateral ditches. These Droprietors of two-thirds in value of our entire Canals are navigable for Batteaux, aud emptying in- real estate," While it will shed a benign influence to the navigable waters ot ramiico bound, their upon the population of the whole State. J mouths are accessible to sea-going vessels. 3. That rhlle as citizens of Kaleigh, we teen a large portion ot mis iana aoounas in juniper, that we have a deep interest in the success of Cypress and other valuable 1 imber, lor which the m , r,a;rAn fK.tK no lh rd d lb1 nirioh h m abnr lo real Ol MSieru norm varunua huiuu.iuuisi.ou. x uui wuipnureiu - lta'us-"1' " .nl. of Prairi. onvereH with the Liana and . I v.wn.M..tA VMsV- .Mfl Mwnr.. ...A V -1, a . ( r, o ra m n.fli ivuiuuv v" deserved. . , .. . : i Bamboo, and in the estimation of the Eueineera who i t tr n ffnop mm i wsa m t nan i rt nao nr trior f,i 1 1 i 1 1 i i ' AfnST..T Pr.v.-Gen Tavlor is about to be ' M..,.ritW.n ""eyed it, the whole of it .s extremely fertile. - - - j i kvuaiui auwin II uibvinu w uui .wi.w.w courteouB, and yet sufficiently dignified. bears his honors meekly and gracefully. concur in representing him lo be just such a man as ought to be President of the United States. A -Windmill. The Union" speaks of the late attack of Mr. Stephens upon Mr. Polk as a M Quixotic assault upon the windmill." A dobi CT" We have understood that Richard Hines, Esq., has been appointed a Director of the Bank of the State, in place of E. B. Freeman, resigned. X3T We observe by the Proceedings of the U. S. Senate, on Friday last, that on motion of Mr. Pearce, the joint resolution providing for the purchase ofl,- 000 copies of the debates and proceedings of Con gress, from the first to the fourth Congress inclusive, compiled by the late Joseph Gales, senior, the foun der of the Raleigh Register, was called up and pass ed. CP" A most disgraceful quarrel has been going on in the Washington papers, between Ex-Senator Breesc, and Senator Shields, of Indiana in which the latter very broadly insinuates'the.assaisinatitm, orsomelhig worse, of the former, if he had been successful in defeating him for U. S. Senator. Gen. Shields, in a subsequent Card, however, denies that he intended to convey any such idea ; but we must say, we have never known a man to attempt to escape from a wrong course, more ungracefully than does Mr. S. in his Card in reply to the exposure made of his conduct by Mr. Breese. The Card is as poor an affair, as the Letter to Mr. Breese was unjustifiable. Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. We learn by the w Wilmington Commercial" that on the 22d ult., a large number of the citizens of Wilmington crossed the river to celebrate the com mencement of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail road. The Assembly was addressed by Dr. Hill, who afterwards removed the first spade full of earth. Messrs. Wright and McR.ee also addressed the peo ple, and removed some earth, as did. also the Ladies present. We see it stated that the grading of a con siderable portion of this road is now under contract, to be pjajdfor id stock, an thai it is highly proba- contract on the same terms. 03 Among the acts passed by the present Con gress, is one approved on the 24 th ult., giving five years' half pay to the widows and orphans of every officer, non-commissioned officer and private, who served during the late war with Mexico, or was honorably discharged, or continued in service up to the time of his death, and whose death was in consequnce of wounds received, or " disease contract ed within the line of duty." great urbanity, ' is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong !" The audience smiled "How do you find yourself after the long jour neyl" "Tolerably well," replied Taylor, " in Indiana they knocked in a few of my ribs; but it's nothing a mere circumstance !" ' 1 6hall be happy to see you." "Do call whenever it is convenient." Exit Gen. Cass. On coming nut, fbe Resolutions having been read, Mr. Lemay addressed the Meeting at some length. His re mark were characterized by snch clearness and good sense, and his demonstrations of the advan- t ft rrna nf f Hj wy,-nlj m nr lrit Ii4.1 fkai. an old fnend of General Cass, shak.ng h.m by efctipoe large arid intelligent assemblage thrhand, pbsorved lo him, " J have stumped itufa iuUMduj;l-was)4lofed by Geo. W. seven States for you, and all voted riirht : but it HajwbM, Esi Gov. Iredell, M1. Nixon, and wou'd not do." " I wish you had slumped it in one orjwo more,7 said General Cass, good-na turedly, and the parties separated. Mr.' Welier-aH of whom entertained the Meet- fng bjrthe spirit as well as by the pertinency of their remarks. - On motion of Mr. Holden, Iho Preamble and The Snoila Svstem. Resolutions were unanimously adopted, and di- Tho following article from the last Richmond re!d ,be. PwbIi8hed.in the Papers of this City. i ue viiairman appoinrea tne iouowiug genne UT General Taylor, the President Elect, with a large company of other invited guests, was hospitably entertained at Dinner on Thursday, at the Presi dential Mansion, by' the President of the United States. The interchange of courtesies between the outgoing and the incoming Chief Magistrates, we re gard as highly honorable to all concerned. We learn from the last u HHIsboro' Recor der," that the Rev. NiJjIemiah HARbins, D. D the distioguised Presbyterian Clergyman t Milton, and formerly a resident of thirCity, departed this life on tbetfth ult., after a brief illness. The Obit vary notice shall bate place in our next. Republican, pregnant with truth, and breathing a patriotic spirit, accords fully with the sentiments always entertained by us in regard to indiscrimi nate proscription of ofbee holders. The Spoils system is an abominable one. It is the product of democracy, and it alone is enti tled to the credit of its parentage. Let us put it down, by sowing the seed tor another crop, but by destroying ii, and let the country see that the Whigs are, in deed as well as in word, opposed to the inderent, inhuman, and anti-repubilicau maxim 44 To the victors belong the spoils." But what then do the Whigs gain by a change of rulers 1 Why, good government for the coun try, which has been the only object the masses of them have ever desired to gaiu. Tliey obtain a President who will respect the lawis ; who will not seek to enlarge the executive power ; who will watch carefully over the honor and the peace of the land, never irdujgng in schemes of person al or party ambition and territorial aggrandize ment, which will involve the country in foreign wars or rend it with the throes of civil discord. The President can do no more. But is not this much, when we reflect what bloodshed and waste of treasure; what j usurpation and monarchical sway, that sectional animosities, rocking the Re public to its bane, one incompetent and selfish ru ler may accomplish. If, besides a wise administration, we need good and wholesome laws, for these the Whigs must look to Congress, and primarily to the ballot-box, where, if they do their duty, they may elect men who will legislate j for the best interest of the country, in the full assurance that the action of Congress will not be negatived by the Executive veto, unless it is rash, hasty, or ar violation of the Constitution. What are offices in comparison with -these bles sing! Mere trash, which will not be the object of a party i which comendajmly for truth, for frgtv dom for patriotism, for the public 'good. Niw Invkntipn ! fob Pegging Boots Tna Lawrence. Maas. Messenger savs, that Mr. J. Robinson, of. that place, has invented a patent machine for pegging boots and shoes, with which one man can drive KM) pegs in a minute At ?veryx revolution it cutrpegs from the sheet, makes the holes, and ieaves'thern neatly and firmly set in the leather. men the Committee under the fifth Resolution Bnj B. Smith, Jeremiah Nixon, and Thos. J. Le cnay. And under the sixth Resolution the follow ing;. Cbarle- L Hint on, William W. Holden, and George W, Haywood. On motion of G-orye W. Haywood. Esq., Mes. srs. Himon and Lerway were requested by the Meeting to furnish the valuable statistical infor mation embraced in their remarks, for publication in the newspapers. On motion, the Meeting adjourned. W. DALLAS HAYWOOD, CA'n. William W. Holden Sec'y. QpnatumpL djaaxmed of its Terrors I ! , Compound -Srrtap off If aphtha. DR BASTING'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPHTHA The;ereat Remedy for Consumption, Dffctia, Astkma, Spilliug of Blood, Night Sweats, Hasty Throat, Wastiugof the Flesh, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Diseases of the Chest and Long. This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the taste, and is so npeedy in its operations, that patients plain ly feel it good effect in a few minutes after taking the liRST DOSS HASTING COMPOUND SYRUP OF NAPH THA is now being used in nearly all our hoapilals, and is also coming into rapid uee among all our btst physicians, for coughs, colds, and all diseases of the lungs. It has been recommended in the worst state of consumption by the celebrated physician. Dr. Mott, if New-Yosw-j-arad Dr. -Arnold, of Savannah, Ga., writing to tM agent . at New-York, under date of Jan. 30, 1848, says: ul received the half-dozen Hastings Naphtha Syrup ordered from you, and am convinceat that Naphtha is the principal ingredient locleaerf;! twenty five dollars, for which you will send ma two dozen and a half bottles. I have two aiiaaaJwi--Marin Hospital, whom I think will pm bb3ittsa by it," Crrricaidollar a bottle. Six bottles for five f dars. ThsMr adlsnvaiic to the trade. F6fsatlry PESClfD &. JOHNSON aud WILL IAMSjllAyWOOp & CO'fialeigh. To Immiffrants in the Ports of the United States, accustomed to a country similar in many respects, this JLaud offers- a-soji beligd..lpTbe as Xr f tile jBJLaB v 11,.. Sfitas. witlTeasy ajeffflffle P r ITupmoN n riri ir that rr sat t Ara nf n vam presented with a beautiful pen, made of 850 in other pcf lions of the State, as we now do. a ' HeadiDg and Shingles, this laud offers peculiar iu- ueany bull acnyo co-upcraiiuu, io wicm I ducementS nur ahilif. in In ar.r.omn ishinent ot tnia J?reat The President of the French Republic has con- enterDrisev S ifejth.eOrdejrpf the Legion of Honor oo M. 1 Tha re 'atrongly, auggestjoour fellow- Gen. Cass called to see Genera! 1 aylor on ftJlfi? Leffisl.ture : and that a general me-tincr Thursday. On entering the room the General pUhe'citJtens.ofth's and the adjoininfr Cniinties was seated, but perceiving General Cass, ho rose 08 invited to be holden in this City, on Thursday ine xvin aay oj April next, tor the purpose of ado p- ,4.owdoyou dol' says Gen. Taylor. " Very $criptio0 toestock of the North Carnlii.I fw well indeed, General Taylor ; thia is the second tral Rail Road Company. time I follow your route, but you got twice ahead hat Committee of three persons be ap- of roe." "The race," repeated old Zack, with ynwrmsn, to mane arrangements lJI IHMUIIIg MIU OlCCllllg. 6. That a Committee of three be appointed bv the Chairman, for the purpose of inviting such gehllemn as they may think proper, to address aid Meeting on the subject of internal Improve-mftitsV Order for tickest or packages of tickets will b answered by return mail. Please address the old prize selling house o f , colvin & ca, . ' Baltimore, M6V . PROCLAIM THE " EL DORADO" NEAR AT HAND ! glad nmm of GRfiit joy The truth now fully established by And unhesitatingly confessed in every circle, that OIS E ORDt;R by mail to ihe , TRULY FORTUNATE AND FARFAM PTFER & CO.,' No. 1 Light Street, Baltimore, Md.' Acts as an Open Sesame," to a JPJZJwlr CJBIjY JFORTVJYE I And forever banishes from the mind that GAUNT AND GHASTLY SPECTRE rOTEltTY! MTRJJHE annexed schemes of gorgeous Lotteries 4sb for March present attractions of rare magnitude,' and establish their merit by their own Biilliancy. PYFER & CO, . . Not I Ltsht-St., Baltimore, Md. Have, at their old established bouse, a great variety of fnrtlinntA numlur. in marir rrac And .inula fiobsta ' with the money always ready to pay over promptly ring the last two Summers, iu gettiog Shi argies, -have eiijoyeaexceuDUt neaitn. Time and place: The Sale will take place in the Town of Wash ington, in Beaufort County, by Public Auctiou, com mencing on Monday, the 21st day of May uext, and will be superintended by the members of the Board, in person. Terms : The Land will be sold in Sections of about 160 Acres, according to the Maps and Plates -of the En gineers. A credit will be given of one, two, three aud four years, to be paid in equal instalments, wilh interest from the day of sale. , Bond and approved security will be required, and the title withheld until the purchase money shall be paid iu full. Certificates of purchase will be given, aud the titles, when made, will be warrauted. Turnpike Road. At the same time and place, the Boars' will re ceive Proposals for completing tne Turnpike Roid from Punjzo Lake to theTowi of Plvmouth. Given under my band, at the Executive Office, iu the City of Raleigh, this 6th fday- af March, A. D., 1319. CHAS. MANLY, Governor of North Carolina, aud ex officio Pres't Lit'y Board By order : L. Cheves Manly, Secretary to Board. O" The Standard, Star, Times, NewBernian, North State Whig, Edenton Sentinel, Norfolk Her ald, National Intelligencer, Washington Union, Bos ton Atlas, New York Weekly Express, aud Penusyl vauian, will publish the above till day of sale, aud forward each one paper containing the Advertise ment, to -the Office of the Literary Board, aud also their bills. - Webster's Octavo IMctionarr, re Vised embraciug all the words in the quar to edition, aud also an arrangement of synonyms under the leading words. Harper and Brothers, New York, have recently published, in one handsome Volume, of nearly tour teen hundred pages, Sheep extra. Dr. Webster's American Dictionary of the English Languge, ex hibiting (he origin, orthography, pronunciation, and oenition of words, etc. Thoroughly revised and, eohejderably enlarged, by Prof Ghauncey A. Good rich, of Yale College, assisted by a number of gentlemen d;stioguised for their high attainments in the various departments of learning, .whtoe names will be found in the p re face . For salt by H. D. TURNEK. Raleigh Feb. 26, 1848. 18 on demand. Yi Or increase the luxuries and comforts of lufy forward? UuTTfortanataTuery Iffoiers ra ths UtatW!' A FORTUNE AWAITS YOUR ORDERS- I! AND BEHOLD THIS UJtK $20,000, whole ticket, sent to Nevr York city. $7,500, . Bent to Randolph, Co. N. C. 84.000, sentto Macon Co.; Vsi. 512.000, half ticket, sent to Bartiweh C. 8. 6. i0,000, qr. ticket, sent to Athens Co., 6hi: J he above are a few only of the largest Prizes sold in February by the Great. Prize House of PY FER &, CO. All have been promptly paid, ancf are on file t No. 1 Light street Names of persons who draw prizes never divulged SPLENDID SCflOES FOB MARCH, 1849. It is only necessary m make a remittance to Py- fiT St, Co. til acii'bra a KBmlrMn ri.- - Date. Capital March Prizes. 30,000 25,000 8,000 Number of Ballots. Price of Price of tickets. Packages: 8 1 0.DCTJ 37,000 9,000 25,000 24,000 9,000 30,000 22,000 7,500 20 000 37.377 9.553 16,000 20,000 8.577 40.000 24 000 7,500 15.000 33 000 8,000 25.000 S7 3 of 10,000 28 7.500 . 30,000 29 3.500 SO TjSOO M . 3U.BUV 7 r. 20 21 n 22 33 24 26 4i S3 5tY 18 60 7 00 11 00 32 5o 9 0t 35 0 18 5o 8 00 30 00 18 50 7 09 18 50 32 6 25 00 18 50 8 00 45" 00' 18 60 70 00 14 00 32 50 6 00 27 5o 17 00 .1 60 S2 W 17 fit)' 7 00 18 59 00 Butler5s Quarto Bible A 8 PL EN DID Edition of the Holy Bible, in large quarto, suited to be osed in Churches and Families. This Bible is in larger-sized type than any other primed in the United States. It contains the Apocrypha and a family Record. The following are the styles. They are all printed on' the samb quality of paper, and differ only in Illustrations and in the style of binding. . A. Illustrated with 10 Coloured Engravings, and 6 New and Splendid Illuminations. r- Turkey, ha- I per Extra; bevelled boards. ; U ' , ' .... . i ;.l ,.m C -i : A C nisiv anil o fliiusiraieu wuu otJcajji w Splendid nominations. Turkey, super Extra, bev Ailed boards.- C. Illustrated with 10 Coloared Engravings, and 6 New snd Splendid Illumination. Tntkay, Su per Extra. , , . The above for sale by B. D. TURNER. , Rateigh, March 1,3 8481 18 , In Newark, New Jersey, on the 15th ult4by the Rev. M. H. Henderson, Julius Van Wagenen. (Son of Jacob Van Wgenen, formerly of this City, to Mary Jane, daughter of Coiooel Joseph Burroughs of Newark N. J. Chalmer's PbsthAmons Works. J Sabbath and rtcfipture Readings, in 5 vols. This day received at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. Marsh 2,181 78 Nos. 14 drawn 10 00 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 00 75 Nos. 13 dr'avra, 2 Oq 6- jVoV. 13 drawn 4 00 75 Nos. 12CraWn 10 Otf 78 Nos. U'draWrf i 5tf 75 No. 1 5' drawn 8 00 78 Nos". 13' drawn 6 Otf 78 Nos. 16 drawn ft 60" 72 Nos. 13 drawn 10 00' 78 No..M3 drawn b QQ' 78 Nos. 13 drawn 2 00, 75 Nos 12 drawn 6' Op' 78 Nos. 14 drawn 10 00 75 Nos. 13 drawn 2 50 78 Nos. 15 drawn 8 00 A 75 Nos. IS drawn 6 CtO 75 Nos. 15 drawn 2 50 78 Nos. 13 drawn f2 66' 75 Nos. 13 dra wn 5 00 75 Nos. 14 drawn 2 00 78 Noi 14' drawn ,4 00 75 Nos. 13 draw'n 10 00 78 No. 6 drawn 2 50 75 Nos. 12 drawn 8.00 72 .Nos. 13 drawn 6 00 66 Nos. 12 drawn 2 5t'. 75 Nos. 13 drawn 10 00 78 Nos. 14 drawn 5 00 78 Nos, 14 drawn 2 50 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 00 . mm I " MA Si oOMJO 79 it os-la or awn 10 wu -QOitELKS answered by the return mail inva -rUattt. ' : . . . . The package priie ol QcaaTca Tieatrrs only iV published in ibis paper. Packages of Wholes and' Halves in proportion. fjOfficial snd PataTE drawings always forward ed by the first mail after the drawing, xaVax.ori' and sxaisd. fjjf We ade odr Correspondents ta order PACK AGES of Tickets, a's tHy save at lest fifteen per cent., and may draw in 01 pAc'a?rfE ttfejt CarrTax.' Paiiss. - . . - j (p-pYFER & CO. pay prizes at sight in Gold. Forward orders' a fw dsys id ad varies) of the date" of drawing. , . , . ?. . . , . In addition to the above Brilliant Schemes, we have on every Monday, Wednesday, Thirsdsy and Saturday air Extra t'laas. (tulgarly called Small' Fry" Lottery) that will be drawn, in wh,idt the high di'iu k 14.800: 'Tid'fl-W PacIUias tt 75. Orderif promptly afei ; ,, trot any l xne nsnnwome -s-ua ie ws schednle. U is only necessary erder a Ticket or a PackawtWM the old esUblished atiid las famed bomse of .- . .lJPBa'C?Q4: . March 18481 . .., V orinern ioibiowtab""' better than' our last- ' WILL. PECIL c Win. Raleigia, FeV 80, 184. 19 3V