v ij)wiir j i ft :(! rj vv- -. . AN ACT V; tfo inootdnittb Nortli Carolina Bail Road Company. Sec. 1. if enacted f Crwieraf Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That for the purpose of ef fecting a Rail Road, communication between the Wil mington and RalaigbJ Rail Road, where the same passe over the Nease river, in the county of Wayne, end the town of Charlotte, in this State, the forma tion of a corporate Company, with a capital stock of three millions of dollars, is hereby authorised, to bel called " The Forth "Carolina Kart Hoaa ' ompany and when formed in compliance with th conditions hereinafter prescnbed,' to nave a corporate existence Sec, 21 That the said Company be, and the same is hertSby authorised to construct a Kan Koaa from tli- 'wiintafftoB and Raleigh Rail Road, where the same passes over News River, in rth County of Wayne, via Raleigh, and thence by the most prac ticable route, via Salisbury, in the County of Row an, to the town of Charlotte, in the County of Meck lenburg. I . ' Sec. 3. That for thie purpose of creating the cap ital stock of said Company, the following persons be, and the same are hereby appointed Commissioners, tit; Joseph H. Wilson, of Charlotte ; William C. Means, of Concord; John B. Lord, of Salisbury Richard Washington, i of Waynesboro' f John Mc-. Leod, of Smith field ; George W. Mordecai, of Ra leigh ; Henry B. Elliot, of Randolph ; James M. Leach, of Lexington ; John M. Morehead, Greens boro' i William A. Graham, of Hillaboro'; Nathan A. Stedman, of Pittsboro' ; Edward B Dudley, of Wilmington; Alonxo P. Jerkins, Newbern ; Samuel P. Hargrove, Lexington; Archibald G. Carter, Da Tie, TbatitEhall be lawful to open books in the town of Wilmington, under the direction of William C. Bettincourt, W. AL Wright, Daniel B. Baker, Henry T. NaU, P. K. Dickinson, Gilbert Potter ,..11inn'i,..P.il.l, ,mj ll inWUmm, Oliaf- lotU nnder the direction or David Parks, John A Young, J as. W. Osborne, Joseph H. Wilson, Wm Elms and William F. Davidson, or any three of them ; at Raleigh, under the direction of Josiah O Watson, Duncan K McRae, William W. Holden, Thomas J. Lemay and Chas. L Hinton, or any three of them ; at Gastou, under the direction of bam una Wilkins. Willis Sledge, Benjamin W. Ed wards, and James Gresham, or any three of them; at Warren- t an! stfl!"Th 3rA Varolii lUllCaa canr r and by that name shall o capaoie, in law ana in equity, ei parcauiDg uuiuiag, sv.wug, low ing and conveying estates, real, personal and mixed, and acquiring the same by gift, or. devise, so far as shall be necessary ror tne purposes emoracea wunin the" scope, object and interest of their charter and no further ; and shall hare perpetual succession, ana by r Steai.TBtt int &tt of stockM&eZr AiZik the caaSpitij for 'stock therein, everts oriMnd MAflVfalA. Jt a . ' - - . - - - V. w- iwfi:w Mjttw HuuaetjuciM. assignee soaii be considered as of eanal dignity with imtm.t in the distribotion of assets of a deceased stock holder, by his legal representatives, K aec. inat said comnanv ahll their corporate none may sue and be sued, plead and "eB i K0C members ; and said stock may be impleaded in any court or law and equity in tne "?ou m ucu manner ana iorm as mar JM State of North Carolina ; and may have and use a common seal, which they may alter and renew at pleasure ; and shall have and enjoy all other rights and immunities which other corporate bodies may, and of right do exercise ; and may make all such bye-laws, rules and regulations, as are necessary for the government of the corporation, for effecting the object for which it is created, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of North Carolina, Sec. 7., That notice of process upon the principal agents of said. Company, or the President or any of tne Directors tnereor, shall be deemed and taken to be due and lawful notice of service of process upon tne company, so as to bring it before any Court with in the State of North Carolina. Sec. 8. That as soon as the sum of one million of dollars shall have been subscribed in manner afore' saiJ, it shall be the duty of the General Commis sioners, appointed under the 3d section of this Act. io appoint a time lor me stocx holders ft) meet at Salisbury, in Rowan County, which they shall cause u do previously published, for the space of thirty days, in one or more newspapers, as they may deem proper, 'at which time and place the said stockhol ders, in person or proxy, shall proceed to elect the Directors of the Company, and to enact all such reg ulations and bye-laws as may be necessary for the government ot tne corporation and the transaction of its business : The persons elected directors at directed by the by-laws of the company. mayM "J w tv 9 vi iuo ajuinuniiir - i Sec. 23. That the said eomnanv tn.; ww time, increase its capital to a inm suffi COmnlftfP aaSH Unit A nr arnaaAinrr s -i li rrv;. t- ay seiancr Bucn new stocJ& or tv borrowing mHM on the credit of ihe company,' antf loto uiSL gage of ita charter and works; and jbe-tntivti itf woica tne same snail be done in either case, shall be prescribed by the stockholders at a general meet ing. . 4 Sec. 24. That the board of directors shall once m every year, at least, make a full report on the state of the company, and its affairs to a general meeting of the stockholders, and oftener if requi red by a by-law. and shall have nown to eall gtfuenu meeting ot tne stockholders, when the ujr j.iutiuc, hi ineir Dy-jaws, ior occasional meet ings being called, and prescribe the mode thereof. oec. 20. 1 hat the said comDanv-mnv nnrch. ase, have and hold, in fee, or for a term of years. v aim. veueuieuis, or nereauamenta, wnicn may be necessary for the said Road, or the appurtenan ces thereof, or for the erection of rfAnoaltrioa houses, houses for the officers, servants or a'gents of the company, or for work-shops or foundries, to uscu ior tne saia company ;or tor procuring stone 'tyJSptifctuti Uod therms stelll vo(d. j ted by the GWernw' iyi f h th um u uc oaiu rii rutu oy SHf maoDr OI ase:ioereoi, or oi me rights and pmueges connec ted therewith, without the permission or contrary to me will ot the said company, he, she or they may oe indicted for misdemeanor, and npon con viction, fined and imprisoned'by any court of com- peusm junsaicuon. I Sec. 32. That if any person shall Vilfully and maliciously destroy, or in any manner hnrt. or Hum. igtf, or obstruct, or shall wilfully and maliciously Sr!-!r . ' exTf 1 rfeittse, or aid, or assist or counsel and advise inv 1 1 '"PTl tonewttifcrf othet person or persons to destroy, or in any man by sellinff such new stock, ornr bormwitu I uvj.T. - j f . ,na-n- ton, under the direction of William Eaton, Daniel Turner, Peter R Davis, William Pluramer and Thomas T. T witty, or any three of them ; at Ridge way, nnder the direction of George D. Baskervilie, Weldon N. Edwards, Michael Collins and Alexan der B. Hawkins, or any three of them ; at Hender son, nnder the direction of John S. Eaton, John D. Hawkins, William Andrews, Demetrius E. Young, or any three of them ; at Fr&nklinton, under the direction of Edward T. Fowlkes, William 11. Simms. or any three of them; at Hillsborough, under the direction of D. F.Long, John Berry, Edward Strud- wickand Col. Cadwallader Joues, or any three of them ; at Chapel Hill, under the direction of Elisha Mitchell, William H. Merntt, Jesse Hurgrave and r. ri. MoUade, or any three of them : at Ashboro' nnder the direction of Htnry B. Etttet, Alexander tlogan, Jesse Harper Jonathan Worth, or any three of them; at Greensborough, under the direc tion of John M. Morehead, John A. Gilmer, Wilson S. HilL John A. Mebaneand Jesse Lindsay, oranv three of them ; at Jamestown, nnder the direction of Kichard Mendenball, George C. Mendenhall, S. G. Coffin, J. W. Field, or any three of them ; at Flay wood, under the direction of Robert Faucett, P. Evans, and John Williams; at Pittsboro', under the direction of J. A. Stedman, Green Womack, S. Mc Clenahan, and Joseph Ramsay, or any three of them ; at Carthage, under the direction of A. Currie, John M. Morrison, Cornelius Dowd and J. D. McNeill, or any three of them ; at Lexington, under the di rection of William R. Holt, James M. Leach, Chas. L. Paine, nr any three of them; at Smith field, under the direction of John McLeod, Bythan Bryan, L. B. Sanders, Baldy Sanders, Thaddens W. Whitley, or any three of them : Salisbury, under the direction of Archibald'H. Caldwell, Chas. F. Fisher, Horace L. Robards, Maxwell Chambers, and Thomas L. Cowan, or any three of them : at Statesville. undr the direction of Theophijus Falls, William F. Cowan this meeting, shall serve such period, not exceeding or other materials necessary to the construction of j.,vuCOvuUuui.Crainayuireci;anuaiiuis me rtoaa, or lor etlecting transportat bn thereon meeting, the stockholders shall fix on the day and and for no other purposes whatever. ' hlS: tC:M W7 shall have thettght; Tornneannuanv made : hut if thAr, nf tho nnnn "."V LU oa arrosa or election should nM withnt S,;r j?S n any P read or water rnnnu r 'PmUI 1 hat the said company shall not obstruct ajiy public election should pass without an v election of direc but it shall be lawful on any other dav to hold and 1 . ' w ,lnout constructing another equally as eood make such election in such manner as mav be Dre- r .. conYenient, nor without making a draw innv scribed by a by-law of the corporation. bridge of said road, which may cross a naviffiblo jgu. w. x uai uic anairs or me company snail -") -uiwcm ior me passage oi vessels navi be managed and directed by a cenerai board, to at,nS 8Uch stream, which draw shall be onpnl consist of twelve directors, to be elected bv the y the company for the free nassa po of vacuio i"vonuiuci irum auiuug ineir nuinoer ai tneir nrst J um siream. and subsequent general annual meetinors. as ore- Sec- 27- That when anv lands or riaht Qf scribed in arf inn Sfh nffKio Af I mav be rpnnirorl K.r 1 r .i. Sec. 10. That the election of directors shall h by ballot, each stockholder having as many votes greement as to the value thereof, or from anv other -..imoauoisa in mc aiuuH. oi saio eomnanv i """i oauiu cannoi do nurcnaart imm i. l i ... ... . ' J ... .. . lUC auu n person iiaving a majority ot all the votes f owners, tne same may be taken at a val poued shall be considered as duly elected. uaiion to be made by five commissioners, or ma. Sec. 11. Thnt tllA Prooilont f fk i L. lOfltV Of thpm f rv h& n r. 1 ' . i . .1 ,. . 1 i i . " - rr- "J -"j -uhi IB- auan w eieciea oy me airectors from among their w'u' avmg common law jurisdiction in the county e es or . , o ' juiiwuiviivmii lllc CUUiHl number, in such a manner as the regulations of wher,e some put of the land or right of wav is sit the company sliall prescribe. "ated. In making the said valuation, the ssic oec. 12. 1 hat at the first npnl mt;nn r commissioners shall tal-a i j:..i . 1V,"S Inua n J ... w-omcairji, mt w.o owni.iuiucis, uirecieu 10 oe called iinrfpr ,USi'" uamae wnicn maw arcnio t tl. . O.I f I . . i o MJ UJC VWIIV4: tion 8tn of this Act, a maioritv of nil th Bhi.OQ owners in conseouenc ot th .nA ?nteJf:-?5S :f d Proceeding 'S furre nderod, and the bene6t and advan v , a u a Buujcient numoer do not ap- J " '-fM utay nay rteoivo from UuisL'JU. pear on the day aDDointed. thos UIin An oltan1 or establishment of th shall ha power to adjourn from time to time un- tate particularly the value and amount of ch til a regular meeting shall be thus formed ; and at "d the excess of loss and damage, over and above llph moot . fkn t.t T.I .. tliA .,!,. l i . .. ' ouuaiwve .vfcB ic Biocmwiuers may provide, by a -gw ana oenent, shall form the measure by-law, as to the number of stock hnMorc ,nj,u of valuation of t!A a;,l ua . 7-ure UHllOn 01 Hie SAUl anH nr r Provided, nevertheless, that if n ZyjT sons over whose land ih m, mt S . K. 7;; Vi41uaon ot said Commission , i 1U inLai case' th0 Perdon or persons SO kholrlpr and tha .... " " w a.w amount 01 stock to bo held by them, which shall constitute a quorum for transacting business at all subsequent regularor occasional meetings of Stock holders and Directors. Sec. 13. That at nil nWtmn .nA n dissatisfied mv h.o -Li.. votes taken in anv T "T ne csnpenor ku- .. t ,UIU8 U1 me eiocK- , , me saia vaiaation has holders upon any by-law or any of the affairs of ,en ade. in either county in which the land said company each share of stock shall be enti- ,'e"; 7 He in more than one county un tied to one vote, and that anxr Cfi.ku. : ? i- der the samp mU. M..i: uJty un- v w nLin. niiiiirit-i Haii I bmao c v 11 im i i inn n f comnanr mir k. j " I in onn..l. r. . incuori3 as ' ,. . j"h-cb oi me peace, company may vote bv nroxv : nH verified in such manner as the stockholders by bv laws mav prescribe. ' ' i toc. 14. That the general commissioners shall ,avC u.r reiurn oi tne shares of stock subscribed , at tne nrst general meeting of stockholders, and B!" airectors elected at said meetin for Thomas Av Allison or inv three of tWt-vTC saia meeting ord. under the direcUoTlu anwf imoneyeJ i.T., t n : -u 1 ceived from Kuhe'rikc.M wr-- -.! , - Er r "ei voieman, tt. w . oard and Caleb ahailK- 7 LV.rtWr' "ne action of John A. LUllngton, Qustavus A therefore .1 c-i " "uui, ,11 ctny ti Aliller, Archibald . Carter and Lemuel Rincrhftm wnor couns ot law in th a Stat .vifh; or any three of ihem ; at Salem, under tho direction e county where such delinquent or delinquents if b'aAnMM Li ' J ft A 1 A K n lf..T.. r I 1 . T llfl I mn V rOC ria i i wuuj icw, rfuuu ugicr, a uuaas j. wiison, J uuu wi nK.e manner the said delinquent J ohn Blackburn, or any three of them ; whose du- or delinquents' executors or administrators in caso ty it shall be to direct the openinz of books for sab. of his r their death. ' scription of stock, at such times and dLicm. nnd nn lr the direction of such persons as they, or a ma jority of them, may deem proper; and the said com missioners shall have power to appoint a Chairman of their body, Treasurer, and all other officers, and to aue for and recover all sums of money that ought, under this act, to be received by them. Sec. 4. That all persons who may hereafter be authorized to open books for subscription of stock by the commissioners herein appointed for tha purpose, shall opea said books at any lime after tfie ratifica tion of this act, twenty days previous notice being given in some one or more of the public newspapers in this State ; and that said books, when opened, shall be kept open for the space of thirty days at least, and as loner thereafter AS the flOITl m tttat An nra firat oove named shall direct ; Sec. 15. That the board of directors may fil au vacancies wnicn may occur in it during the period for which they have been elected, and in the absence of the President may fill his place by e- lcul"S tt 1 rraicem pro tempore Irom araon their Sec. 16. That all contracts or agreements, an"- r",.1? UJ Ul resiaent and Secretary of the board of directors, shall be binding on the comoa- y, wunout a seal, or such a mode of authentic rrr- " th8 P-y, by their bye- SeC. 17. That ti Ln , , - - wuipuy anaii nave power tuay proceea to construct, as speedily as pos- , roaa, with one or more tracks, t , u j W .-.rv-"."" I""'" "o mr, me me WUminsrton and Hlil, b.;i nj . V ,l avuh ikuiu. wnere VV?6 P.188,0?'" Ne9e River, in the county of Wayne, w Raleigh and Salisbury, to the town of Charlotte, m Mecklenburg countv: " f nay use any section of the rail Voad constructed by them before the whole of iA TLn!d completed. subscriber paying at the time of makiuz such sub- .unpiioa nve aouara on each share thus subscribed, to the person or persons authorized to receive such subscription ; and jn case of failure to pay said sum, all such subscriptions' shall! be void and of no effect and upon closing the books, alt such sums as shall have been thus received of subscribers on the first ash iustalment, .shall be j paid over to the general commissioners named in the 3d section of this act, y the persons receiving them ; and for failure there of such pereon or persons shall' be personally liable to said general5 commissioners before the organiza tion of said company and to the company itself after i Q Be "covered ui the Superior court of law within this State, in the county where such delinquent resides, er if he reside in any other State then in any court ln such State having competent ja-! risdwtion : The said general commissioners shall have ."1" rrBoa empowered road shall be the a iS! e 8aid comPy all have - ... "juiui conveyance or transnortatinn of oersona. tmnA mk..i:. . irnponation the 3 " VV: r a mis ana produce over Sec. 19 The proceedings of tho ba compamed will, full de,criplion of the MjdUnd wvs Jl the court from hiZu li' l!" Mowers, to t . ".wi uic commission issued, there to remain a matter of reror,! aa ri n-Kt f . . T.r ' V "u uas or to hnrt, damage'or destroy, injure or obstruct saw ran road, or any bTidcre rjr vehicle ne.A w pr iniw transportation thereon, any water tank, ware-house, or any other property of said cotnpany4 such person or persons so offendinp;, shall ..utc i.u uo muiwieo mercior, ana, on conviction, 8hs be imprisoned not more than six, nor less uiawone monin, and pay a hne not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than twenty dollars, at the discTfetion of the court before which said conviction shall take place ; and shall be further liable to pay ul repairing me same; and it shall not bp competent for any persons so offending a gainst the provisions of this clause to defend him self ty pleading or giving in evidence that he was the owner, agent or servant of the owner of the land where Buch destruction, hurt, damage, inju ry, or, obstruction was done, at the-time the same was jone or caused to be done. Sec. 33. That every obstruction to the safe and free passage of vehicles on the said Road or its branches shall be deemed a public nuisance, and may be abated as such by any officer, agent or servant of said Company ; and the person causing such obstruction may be indicted and punished for ' eT puDiic nuisance. tf c 34, Tnat the "aic' comPaoy "halt have xjre "6" u ai tne store-nouses tfeey may establish oa, or une to mlr rail road or th branches there o" fTOoaa. wares. merr.hanriirA anH rvrnrl..n. intended for transportation, prescribe the rules of pri- -...j .uuuiarssDg receive sucn jiistianu leasonabl cumpensauon for storage, as they by rules may lablish (which they shall cause to be rjuh(ihrtt as may be fixed by agreement with the owner which may oe aisunct irom tha mta of irnumM.t;.n Provided, that the said company shall not charge or cucivo Biurage ou ffooas. wares, merchant irm nrnm. w itmiuu may oe aeiiverea io mem at their re?- ular depositories for immediate transportation, and which me company mav have oower to tranunnrt i m m AHiall a lUJiuouiaioij', Sec. 35. That the nrofits of thp fiatnuch thereof as the central ImirH m o t loom advisable, shall, when the affairs of the company ... pcik, uc aicitu-nuiiuajiy aiviuea among the stock-holders, in proportion to the stock each may Sec. 36. That whenever it shall appear to the lioard of internal Improvements of this State, by a certificate under the seal of said company, sign up oy tneir lreasurer and countersigned bv their m. icBiucm. iuai one rnira navft hoon onhaor r. iand-takeand that at leaet five hundred thousand aoiiars ot said stock has been actually paid into the hands of said Treasurer of said company, the said Board of Internal Improvements shall be, and they are hereby authorized and required to sub scribe on behalf of the State, for stock in said company, to the amount of two millions of dollars to the capital stock of said company ; and the sub scription shall be paid in the following manner, to wit : The one fourth part as soon as the said com pany shall commence work, and one fourth there of every six months thereafter, until the whole subscription in behalf of the State shall be paid: Provided, the Treasurer and President of said company shall, before they receive the aforesaid instalments, satisfactorily assure the Board of In ternal Improvements, by the certificates, under the seal of said company, that an amount of the pri vate subscription has been paid in equal proportion to the stock subscribed by the State. Sec. 37. That if in case tho aresent T.Ti clo ture shall not provide the necessary and amnh means to pay the aforesaid instalments on the vice nA lit- " ner ' . r--...B u,in. Sec. 44. r That the followlne- officers and M rant, and persons ip the actual em ployenTof th Said rnmninu h .J iti . . K. J""5"' Ot ted from the Derformanc. J eJ Ty.e"mP- :i:.i. .1 ... juir ailU OrUinartr miuuaauiy: i ne President and -Treasure, 'V ... - -uucnieiand assistant en .ct.cisritg ano; accountants ofth .rMJt tCf,cl. Ul 1UB aepoBiiorreg, guard sta - - ,v ywvMt. it irom Iniurv. and such persons as may be working the locomotive engines and travelling with cars for the purpose of attending to the transportiir of produce. oLa and passengers otr the road. &ec. 43. B4 4 eacled,Tht for the purpose of mitt n rw t DtIt- i f-'r" "I r-"" ieign ana uastoo Kail Road in good and complete order for the profitable trans portation of persons and produce, and for the fur. her purpose of reviving he late Raleigh and Gas ton Rail Road Company, Rhodes N. Herndon Thomns Miller, John S. Baton, of Oranfilh n"! ty; William J. Hawkins, VVeldon N. Edwards George D. Baskervilie, of Warren county; George VVMordecai, R.chard Smith, Wl W Holden of Wake county ; John D. Hawkins, Sr., Allen C.Perry John D Hawkins, Jr. of Franklin co,n W a"d,theJate 8tockholders of and oblirora for the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Cmpany, o any part of them, and such other neJL'l corporations as may associate with .ho. ... hereby created a body politic and corporate, bv the name and style of the Ralplrh r j rt . o" " vjasiuil tvall iwaa Company and bv that llflmp shall Ka sue and be sued, and shalHi joy all the rights, franchises, powers and privile- vesieo in and granted to the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Comoanv. hu an L.M , X-An Act : toMcorporate. the Raleinh. ao4 Oxt , 1 7 , Fseu uy me uenerai As semblyofihralS:ateonthe-day of and Shall hfl PIlKioft In oil lk ' . . J , . "c crti"is, limitations, restrictions and labilities imposed by the sa d act and all the other provisions of the said act, so far a mc eauue remain to be executed, are oeciarea to be in lull force and following terms and conditions .cc' " enacted, That whenever the said persons and their associates named in the foregoing section, ahall have subscribed the sum "v nunarea mousand dollars for the aiuresaid, and shall have til. of the R , 0wner, O application for the appointment of under this section, it shall be made to 'SSSSSffi satisfaction of the court. ihat u.C?;.10 vbu, notice h te? SW&Z&Si'S owner or owner, of find JT AemnoA r t ---"VK'w oe oon- Z " " ",c.ow ierf owners beinfasiaor non compos menus, then to the guardiaa 0f such owner or owners, if such gnrAnmuJS within the countv. or- if ho Mtl "J S fz" un.d then such appoints notice of the applfeation shall have been pnbShe? at least one month next preceding. Tn aoWtawS paper printed as convenient as may be to foe urt house of the county, and shall JwopSS at the door of the court house, on the first davTt least of the term f aiA L . Lnl at plication is made: PitoZ P ation provided for in thi-"'z mh hw - : -x"wlJ" onaii ut? macs on y j ..wv luc.ycace. OrciPrlr nflh. Al. county in which th 1, II Z . ZT e hprahu.ntJ-::. .T"."1 a Pari "Metis nr .. ., " ai- i thoir j- me vi..-. J,nt. co,nDLTr?.dof.i::T,i ten yearp not nn 1 inn -r . -ven r. M hi. "-'CI Kllfk 111 1 uav ot i.yr ' Wl LV1 3 n v mi Ml III I I flTTCDu .... 4 . . '.7u.r AND lw.; ncEiirv. k in r. -'nMrif 'KI It. r herebv effect, upon th nevertheless. purpose eXDended tha aarr.a Ir. putting the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road in full and complete order, with heavy T Rail iron, or other iron equally good, not weighing less thin fifta t-hj-.aiJ ft .1 . . 5 P',u,,ua i meyara, men one half of the said ivau ivoaa, wnn all the machine a",1' 'ProJ troilerehaH register .he rcTriiAe UrgP shaii not a,tior; ,r:r::T;'""" u.n s rz? " 'u acr ,orxn" prpe drpiiin pany w invade then That the said "cjr aoe m, iarm out their rio-ht over said rail rnaH of transportation , . r : ; , ' ouuJcti io me rn es above tt "1 Ba.,d Wy and every nern ":Z trn them the rfcht of trana. - i irr- ;Z r : T " " " u irom l , ; , err"'' wares, ano produce on the said 1 - .ubscriDUona of -tw It.:?," ecei ....: :- - s receipt io the sobacr,ber or .obseribers for the paymeat of the firal lustalmeBt. aa hrinr.. ,':.r7J. . nm iuirea jo De paid : and iustalment, as heretofor uPOiber ttlf ment wit vra.aa aioreaai commiasioaers meir , receipt persons from whom penooa hold- tho received . wm receirea. t ih. , reeAivMl J : "7" r1""" trwin wnom hie them 1 hat attbaoripUomi of atock be to an ainouotot exceedinr of boaka frt u ivTr?ipoiLue th keepme onen above Tdescib iu.Ahe Url lars shall have itVi ScSffl Its' IT-f ,f 4ot of said eomnanv - oZ, to the Ptal stock first iwtalmanSr beeo subscribed, and the shall !Lte Pr " on said sum eri said Z'"?" geral commission. the said oomiZr 09 e8rded as formed, and tiL ?10 or majority of them, 'shall Sec. 20. That the board of directors may call xw paymeoi ot the sums, subscribed as stock in said com nan xr in ennU L. , " ff'tft.the sreoeral eommu-u-. ru ZCriJZl. as-fleinrerest r hi like manner t ... .u: 8 ine cau tor ea?h payment shallbe oabTished ii i - fKo iiioir rupfli nv i - - . . ' - u"e OT raore newspapers in this State for the space of one month before the day of payment; and on failure of any stockholder to pay each instalment as thus required, the directors may sell at public auction, on a previous notice of ten days, for cash , w.o bvuvr Buiwcrioea ior in said company by such stockholder, and convey the same to the pur- wwriBaia uaie.ano if said sale of stock da wui pruuuee a sum sumcieni to pay off the inciden tal expenses of the sale and the entire amount nerlo Ulf company for sticb 7 . . t,w" wi uien ana' m that Vhole of such balance shall fcTlieW and .dneat oncetjthe npany, and may oe revered ofsach.st()ckholderor his execntorS admfewlT to Maignat the suit ofSeSS bynmmwvmotion in any court rfSEESj? ase.Srelf;i!?b.rsaP tbeoQoeof thalwL Pcaiesio be deposited la fromThWeloeta "d thenceforth, mid !l??Ior beoks of subsoriotion aa arr J body oolitie nri ZZZl 8 M aws shall form iSSLijmM 4eedaniiw CbJapahyS one for dolUra shU b7aKJi!!j t 9um f Dn "jon nam? w uicruuB iiutice oi ten ITAva tn r,TJ or by the action of assnmpsU n ZZZS petent jurisdiction.or by a wairaatS?. S"" of trw peace, whra ii .S?'?" . . . ' wwui uutn nnr awmjm . as been-ntff desfeSbS. ST above dweUing house, yard. eardei rV.ZiZJZ any individual, witho.,7 hi, . ; - r lw Sec. 28. That the right of said condemn ' .7 aP?ur. - lustuuer aescrioed in tne x7th section of this act, shall extend to the condemning ub xiunoreo leet on each side of the main traatef tho triad : r . ...w u,CBBUring irom me centre of the same, unless in case of deep cuts and fiilino-s. rkM j!!" ' ,DU" uaTe power ro condemn aaZfijathin addition therprn. am mav . Kb tii.i " ' ; J w-wwaaiir WJOe DUT- OOSe Of ennstra rf irur m m ii nwi J . . 1 ft. tV f. shall also iiave rower to comfomn -Z!Tt'-r s .uvpa, ware-nooses, buufinffS ftir Servants. &mnfnni Z? ""Sr w or contracts with miA . . contract throegb which :.beMXZViS2j"'fa pas., sijned by the owner t&ZJrJIS&Sr w i - v w v m rrnn vr anv claimant nr tom.a. : J. -fiMk, -." n. J . ..rwowo by theo thi w any ot 113 bfanhoa mII'T ted, together wrth aTnlTOW?? each side of the centrVof Th. " .i10001 granted to the saSf. era thflrr- u 'ue wnerr own- right and ti thereto a nW lha" enjoy the same e-itLtfift0??? purpoaes of said roadf 6 M her or Ihem XlT.!. r cl'""ne'iKlelSor, two yeawWatfctiu '"'Ppirwitbin she or thlvatrSfc 8a,4irt "W4rei ih- -L-j T1',00 forever barred ftom zecWer! ibg said Jand or haying any assesn pensation therefm. JL:i Z8 T as-pro- ovempr.t thev and empowered to borrow, on the credit of the estate, not exceeedincr tun m;n;nn, r jh the same may.be needed by the requirements of this act. Sec. 38. That if in case it shall hpr.nmA na. sary to borrow the money, by this act authorized, me fubiic Treasurer shall iasuft ih ; - "'V Y rv.-uva,)Sliire oy nimseir anu countersigned bythe Comptroller, in soma not 1rsi tha thousand dollars each, pledging the State for the payment of the sum therein mentioned, with inter est thereon at the rate of interest not exceedino- six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, at such times and places as the Treasurer may appointthe principal of which certificates shall be redeemable at the end of thirty years from the time the same are issued : but no greater amount f such certificates ijhall be issued at anyone time than may be sufficient to meet the instalment required to be paid by the State at that time. oec. ay. Ut V further enacted. Thn 1 1 k r j - jv ir.ilLP e at shoo?. Dennf water stations, Eno-ines .Coaches. f!ar on,i other property appertaining to the said Rail Road shall be sold, conveyed and transferred to ihe said subscribers, their heirs and assigns, by the Gov ernor under the great seal of the State ; and the sid late slock holders and obligors of the said Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, shall be and are herebv. declared to h fn and discharged from all liability to the State, far and on account of the said Raleigh and Gaston Kail Road Company, upon the payment of costs incurred. And the Governor ia hprohr, ,.),. ized, and it is declared to be his duty to suspend the further orosecution of suit hmn.Kt u State, against the said stockholders and obligors until it can be ascertained whether th scribers are willing to accept the conditions of this act, and that they shall be allowed two years Irom the passase of ihia act in m.u .u: determination to the Governor. And if tho and conditions of this act shall be accepted, and the work commenced within two years, and fin ished within three years from the ratification of this act, then this act shall continue and be in tull force for ninetv vears and nr. inn SeC. 47. Be ii furOwr e-nnrl.A TI,,. :t.u .... . , . j i uai ii ",ifi foil. dmonsofthis act are accent onri 1 , five hundred thousand nLZ u Zu T!..!""1 01 o?bvthedrby 8'Vent to be Judged of by the Gorernor anA Att,- n i Jt . and IQ thatcase, the said subscribers shall have aAWJIt7.Jn.mflflraffft .ona. ha ICoiZ tt. . uiui w uuiatii i im 00 w aJvTT! l BRU tr. 'H u-j -auiiai .. "' lr;,, O- 200 "alpr AMOUNT TO JHI QZJ" 1 nnn r. -y tick;rhaVin7tK;,3ll,e wi Ttrra lottpry I ff ttlreof th,ji 1' ickets Si 5 A l . - . Order. ,olici,L,ft,liS any of ihe rn ""hi the month." ,olUlfi ! slum. in n. I ill iwu-r'N "rU 1 LOTTERIES FOR No. Bjl. Ik Date. Capitals. March, T'cktt 75 13 75 13 75 15 78 13 75 m; 75 n 78 15 75 12 75 13 78 U 78 U 19 9,500 20 20,000 21 8,577 22 40.600 23 7,500 24 33,000 26 8,000 27 5.000 28 30000 29 22 500 30 7,500 uruer for tickest or Dact.. , I nsweredV re,urn"J4 fe'H prize aelling house of neiW fiiU H i io i io 5 2 14 necesea- iron which ii I purchase a part of the win oe neeaea lor said Road Sec.48 Be it further, enacted, That if the said subsenbers shall refuse or neglect to accept the terms and cond.tions of this act, then all the ben evv!,?.f !Theu8am,e h?" i?ranle o Thomas F. -j--u.ui oarnpoeii, Thomas . P. Devereux, R.:"m 7"V: 7.e,QOV Upwards, George D ,,. auu SUM) cn'T. H""raay associate with .them, who IZau-cH'na comply with all the term?- and conduionsofthe same; and they and their snc- htTl nereTy incorporated into a Company, OV the fia mo anA r.l f.Lr i . r Ril Rn 7n -iicui me n.aieign and Uaston IT.S?0' and fay th name shall have -.u. uui ruy ro sue and be sued, to hold pos sess anri ontr -ii ,u L. .. r"" fln. " . -"J"J r'gnis, iranchises, powers ISS. J' TVranted by lhis act' and 8'l e tbn, ,J r"J?e- re.8trainl9' limitations, restric 2 ' a"i,,ab',,l,e8 "nposed by the same. 5 Tba whenever the .rj T o c , company or the Seab oard out TT. w countersigns tne same ; and when be .uvers ine same to the Public Treasurer, he shall rge himin hjs books with the amount thereof, Jf 1. t '--r j uUe xvaU Koad Uompany, with or with the aid of individual t . Kirf .u- k-"j " r un ui ine buiu ueccs8arv to atrd AlWitnZal! uch sums, if any, as the Public .LZ 1 - "UMl,u u me way oi premium on v- . f L tne 8aid certificates, an account of wjucutM rublic Treasurer shall render to the Jjomptroiler, so soon as negotiations from time to To' e 8aieo1 said certificates, are closed oti,. w. ue u further enacted, That if it shall wrcome necessary to issue the certificates afore smd rh Pi.i:. ...... . .. . - , wii a it-a surer snail aavertise m on or more newsparjers. as he mav think hpst an1 !n. VltO eoolnsj I. t i . . ka,.kn -.. . 1 I ... Iri r amount or tne atore- uunirisea ana directed to subscribe for "!"",HU1 lwo minions or aoiiars as may be 4U m ror and in behalf of the Slate and wanted at anyone time, and it shall be his Hntv nay for such subscrintinn. nnt r.- . :1 to accept those terms which may be most advan- Treasury not otherwise appropriated- and for 'h taffenns tn tha fit-.. o . want f.,k . . ior .ne m m.w ni.v jl luiuxni. ma., in nn pnanr i ui dulh in.inpv in tha t...... shall anyofthesajdesruficatesbe sold for less than treasurer is hereby authorized to their nar v iia : . . ... . - . . ' io r-- - - . v. nu v iiioiii u ii wimn m iv. I bui,. a., s raia y. n. & ... obtained ou thesala of .aid certificate, -h... i'" cnt n-, ...Zl'.Z n0t eCe?'"g six per ed in the poblic treasury, and d "ru.." I" .SI "Q lo ,88ue nds Payable at nods in the payment of interact .7" aX i.I" kZ Z "i, "7 ,w nm len J"" r not less than five created. ""tiureu aoiiars each. necesaarv tn pnn.im.i d.:i iwwairom some convenient point on the italehzb and Gaston Rail Road, near the Littleton Depot, or any point between that De Dot and Rnmnta River, and the Town of Weldon, or any point in w.c mriguoornova tnereor, so as to connect with the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, and the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road, and shall ex pend the said sura in forming the said connection, i ben the said Raleigh and Gaston Railrojd shall be extended to the said town of Weldon or neiirh borhood thereof, and the Public Treasurer i PROCLAIM THE "EL AT Hlwn. GLADTlDfXGS OP GREAT , ' he truth now fully uA And utihesiutintrlv nf...T:': I hat live nni u,w TRULY PnBTCv.r py mMlto urtii, AND Fil JiAllllftbl AND LOWEST 1TFJGR rA Acts as an Open Stum, JPMXCELYFORK And forever banishes from ibeui GAUNT AND GHASTLY 8PK POVERTY! HE annexed uchemei of fnmI for March present attractions ofmJ andestabtisfi their merit bt theinml j,,,,., I'o 1 tight-St., BallifflM Have, at their old establi.hed hoo i J nrfr.rtl.nalA - I . I" I Uuuiuers in pacxaeeiind With tha mn.. l .1 .... ulways reaay t0 pay w uciujiiu. i e. taere re. wh. .-u "Batkinthttunshintaftyii ur increase tbe luxuries and cointorujtW jrour oruerg, i0r a lucky numlr, altrin uiv lonunnte Lottery Broken io thn M A FORTUNE AWAITS YOUR 1 I0! AND BEHOLD THIS $20,000, whole ticket, sent to New fit S7.500, sent to Randolph, 54.000, senttoMicooCa 1 2,000, half ticket, sent lo BtmvdlCi 920.000, qr. ticket, sent to Adieu C,(t: The above are a few only of lb Ins? old in February by the Great PriaH' FER &, CO. All hate been proBjdti are on file at No. 1 Light street Aames of persons who draw priiuMwi SPLENDID SCHEMES FOR 11(1 It is oniv necessary to mafct i Trir 6X TJo.TS"fecure"a"rMaoiii i Date. Capital March Prizes. pritb ihe. Public borrow the yjU4L, JJ ilfurlJuw.enacJed.Thxl nriir tulJ:nd Ufenat Th&t one of ior the redemption of said certificates of debt, thl aZT:,?19 C1rt that this GenerahHfalw in profort.on puouc faith of the State of North rrnv,n ; L JL naw pawer and authority at anv i . . . ... v.iviihi i U5re. rutllrn aaosmn tA .-i?- t ! j r--n- i ine uoiaers tnereof, and in addition thereto all the stock hM h. q... m. t i . . " wi.ic hi . ji ne US PV,aima RZH Road Company" hereby ere atea, shall be, and the samo i h.rakn j . - a v- w . . uicjwii Mr ttllt llumnaa .1! -1 . . r r--r"-, iiu any aiviaenusor proht which may, from time to time, ha IP ! a Fort nn ikn I. Beta by the State as aforesaid, .k.ii i, -v.acuv wiie interest accruing on said cer- um" uch Dividends of profit may be deciareoYtt shall be the dntw nf ,ha av -I i . - . - j iaauicii ..B..i,cieu; auinorizea and directed to I fA aSAMMkMHA. V J ' f ocomun io earaDiisn. mmiiia Bnj - the intercourse between the North Carol! n Ra;i Koad and the Raleioi ami f?atnn p.n d.j u.i t . . ... ' "U, BO iu ocfcuie ir, inn minus, an Aaa I . . . . u.. cogj auu con pm: ui persons and property. SeC 51. Beit fiirlha mt-J mi ,i of forly ,hou..d dolUra tobTSJ ir Suie ,n "Z: ?Imn moneys are raised -7 (iiu.usui mis act, oe, and the Numbers' Priuf Ballots. TML 75 Noa. 13 drawn 19 78Nos. 15 draw BCT 75 Nos. 12 dnvra i M 75 Nos. 15 datrn J 78 Nos. 13 drawn lis" 75 Nos. 13 drawn 5 15 Nos. I4driwD i 7dNos. 14drawa 75 Nps. !3 drawn Ifif 7H Nih lSHrswn 19 75 No.vl2drawn 72 os. 13 drawn 66 Nos. 12 dawn 75 Nos. IS draw 7g Nos. U drawi 78Nos. 14 drawn ne. V 14 .IrnWQ ra Vrta 12 drawn 1 w (T?ORDERS answered bj Iherewa- pi aklir The package prize of Qci" TJ pubhsbed in tbis paper 9,559 26,000 20,000 8.677 40,060 24 000 7,500 15.000 33.000 8,000 25,000 27 3 of 10,000 19 20 21 ii 22 23 M 24 26 n 28 29 30 ( 31 7,500 30 000 22.500 7,500 20,000 50.000 it 18 f 5f. lacb? n , ,) - . iiCv,iCU iu yav llrhi inlaraot .L. J .,v.t .B same may accrue out pensation therefor pJZi ZZZri tained shall afiect 0 :&RfaTn1 ttd any person. BdrM'hrf.o u i- " . , or the Stated with n one bnndrM feet r tb re ine oftheiond idX!- com 1 ditel?,aio? y ip ia me treasury not otherwise ap- f - f. . r j mw eiattcu, inai tne cer. UBeMeabf debt hereby authorized te be issued. sbn be; transferable by the holders thereof, their sgftu r aitorrieys, properly constrtuted. in a book tor be kept by the Public Treasurer for that purpose; and in every instance, where a transfer w made, outstanding certificate shall be sur. rendwed and given up to the Public Treasurer. fBTby -hinri cancelled, and a new nn- fn ,ul same amoant, issued in its place to tne person to whom the same is transferred. : 5e.c h. That lhe State shall appoint the number of directors in said company, kTpropor. tion io the stock snbscribed, who shall be appoin- hereby appropriated for tha p. orclearin, out and imnrofrin-, K- K-l!77 I ..CIear'nff Nuiiuuiciu. AIM lan. lkt .u-. r .1 .Tf "7-ufe inousaod do ars, to be raised m like manner, be and th L u fJiL 8el nriated. for th n... ; " .-ZZ0 "crBUJr Ppro- n.; .u- .1": rWDC "'"nog out and inv !7 , " ""igawon ot the Tar r ver between the town of Washington and the falls of the 3 nver; and that hi. Excellency the Govero"is hereby empowered and ...v,i - :" ,!" - . -I v apumi suit. able commissioners to carry into effect the re- Munciiicma ui mia sect inn H-MV.J !.- l , . "vnicu, I IMS hereby appropriated4o tha NftM n..n t- m duh ni oe Da in nv rtio nnii i. t. . ... ,i i , - f "" iiodaurer, until the railroad company shair have subscribed the whole amount of the utrv n;.j , by the provisions of this art. .Tfc "iem ed operations on said road. sum vers - it . l i o.. . ..ia rlraWlMP iir vyuiciBi biiu r - -. . a oy tne ftrsl man uiei iuc ana sealed. , , .. QZJ"vve advise oar uorrci AGES of Ticket, as tnej wv cent., and may draw in piPr r raizEB. ,B'f!itii -sdvopdi. rn n.r onzef H , J Forward orders a few dajsw nr Hrivinir. a.La7 In addition io the abote Bnll.mt have on every Monday, VVsttoJJ 4 Saturday an Extra (MHffl n .. r ... :ll nWl. W ".i prize i f 4,000. Tickets 1 1 af 1 a f . otmmAA til. . 1 Tor any of the Handsoma aW chedale, it is only necessrr - Package from the old esUbl.sbrf " . a of n - -uPim .11 5M"UC S..S. and fcr - IT' JOBS Fruit Tree i THE subscriber has just LJ choice Fruit Trees fro-oTM Aprico and wi ttC Nectarines and Ch-BJUJ ith the view of eff cra' see. 53. Btfurther enacted, that as soon as r.tT them low