.t . r.r - men of are;to k :ninicu w B' fr-Cwi?. Vnitn. - fonrotten that .rftber?" the floor. of rnlith-pieonoc?"f?" J.-J nt the Edi . . aiu w i toffo these slanders ( AlX rr: .harmed rdif."131 .-r,ntion and j , f nroof to sustain its r ftitifonewi" oatfi!w,kinr folB' . whii .n action musi ... a 1 andifanillDrea transaction as a uuj Srrified at e fenow sn thelbllowingtsarea , tt the Government ol rSthesum of $155,000-r-Tt ofour State Revenue, theannualdistributio, Common " . -r V wrinia. wnuiu mi. K Wor F..F. V if" . j Mot In the sec- PBa . . ,Unpd. ths the tact is known tweiv Sieve I was anc .1 . kj; that the faet TO -Ol0""lt .. foment at W ashm-ton-a? f....i.Wn known. In the. DectedthatMr. Polk, m his U passed a high eulogium up C ,Bd proclaimed that not a I ., had been lost. At the 'nwucj farr of the iNavy t knew or i .if. nnlivnr his rnm- vtiiUiaiiui.""; onebody trough them, had Loent to the tune of $1 55,000. Jaf fects, we appeal to can L of an parties, if the Whig Cted in scrutinizing the con Jiiiiinistration, and of looking Jaofficialwts? We would not Gc in recklessly assailing the ambers of the late Cabinet, as tythe presentjjxtt the circum eatainly warrant a strict sc-ru- of Denby 's default was rjiade election took place was very convenient secret until after the election, Indus critical period" might haw Ssracv in Virginia. The se yffept, These things cannot r itbtjost prior, to the disepvery of into" Union" teemed with p umbers of General Taylor's i.WUIUilUVUJ H vlt Ov. i UUvQ I j pseud which have been shown lad which we believe are now Mid this look like a system of Ma view to parrying the im- shotlike the cry of Wolf! aeWhimself made ? 'j-. i . .... Iumpsttie very humiliating to lujinia Democracy, and we are Editor of the " Union" V it; but it is time that the quired a little more philoso- friends and companions will of the public crib, he should ,'iftttlgar world around, who are o much reCnement and W talk scandal! r . JiDee Argus. A noticed the confpmnlnto fo' Arrrus" to nhpmw published, after thp firct nf pibovename. ' Mr r-.MI.. "journal an ornament to the w wish him no higher guar l!ttcess. than that he mnv u - ucocrres to oe. Wr new Prqj pectus: . io mane me tkn.i ":"r',.w.lu,'.TerJ nion ; and with f... eiilnr ; PL .. . f Plk V.T v'. 8 ,n "dvance to hml ,n le tone rjllu be inferior to anv Of SonftiacA T) i.;l,for the trpnt fckntf thefedemti government of w f rjcf accord- t 1 oKi..i ,.wu any othnr -jvuinft i, i Pl fwm ,UnUlrJr eXCl k.. -nire nfi.li - ?rW Jie.!nwt Pwduo- partici- in in the nat Crd anV d mcclcat the IU Will fllir. na Clde of L i- ,ntepeDg to in .l aMtJS will . i - -"Mil P:fl. "f" annum ... . i "Cpirir Jhrt' dollar, t THE DBMOCHATlCf PARTY" AND v; THB PROVISO. -r We commented last week upon the suppressed paragraph of the Southern Address, which charges that the Wilmot ProViso was introduced into the Oregon Bill, for the purpose of establishing the principle. lLt Benton testifies to the truth of this charge, and states further that the approbation of that measure by President Polk ; was sanctioned by his entire; Cabinet It would seem that the leaders of the Southern Democracy, who are not of the Calhoun stamp are generally acquiescing in the constitutionality of the Proviso ; . and in this respect they are ahead of Gen. Cass himself, who holds ob to the principles of the Nicholson letter. The Hon: Andrew Ewing, recently elected to Congress from the Nashville district,; in Tennes see, makes the following graceful surrender of his constitutional scruples. : j u month, ft That if the qaestion of the const itatijnality of the Wilmot Proviso was res hitegra and nob to bo deci ded merely ytn the words of the constitution, I should be clearty of opinion that there was no grant of such power in that instrument; but as extemporaneous and long continued construction of a constitutional pro vision always exercises great weight in the final de cision of the matter, and uttht history of our govern ment would show the recognition of this principle in all its various departments, and during entry period of its existence ; it was too late in the day for South ern statesmen to place much reliance in a contest to be waged mainly on the ground of its unconstitu tionality, and more especially after the recent message of Mr. Polk on bis approval of the Oregon Bill, and the argumeat of Mr. Bell, at Murfreesborough. 1 state! farther, that the strong ground on which we ought to place our opposition to the passage of the Wilmot Proriso, was its violation of the sjnrit of the Missouri Compromise, and its general injustice to the Southern States. It will be seen therefore, that no far from my admission of the constitutionality of the Wilmot Proviso, my argument assumed the con trary, and merely admitted that the unanimity of precedent and authority on one side had impaired the weight Of this objection, and made it our iuterest to occupy firmer and more efficient ground on fhe subject. "Vvth these views it is very apparent that Mr. Ewing might be induced to vote for the Proviso, since he considers the question settled by prece dent. That we are not straining the inference, is evident from the fact, that immediately following the above remarks, he adds : This view of the matter is measurably the same with that occupied by Mr. Polk in his approval of the Oregon Bill." Now if Mr. Polk, under the obligations of an oath, could give his official sanction to the Wilmot Pro viso, we see no reason why Mr. Ewing, with " views measurably the same" could not vote for it. The. Democracy boast of Mr. Ewjng as a man of a high order of talents, and at present we believe that he has few equals in the ranks, of his party in Tennessee. The ' Standard" has repu diated Mr. Benton (has it?) for maintaining the same doctrine, and denounced Mr. Badger, as a traitor to the South, for admitting the power in Congress over slavery in the territories ; it remains to be seen whether that infallible organ of the De mocracy will hurl its anathemas at the head of Mr. Ewing. His next Bull of excommunication should also contain the names of Gen. Houston, Cave Johnson, John Y. Mason, and Robert J. Walker, all of whom are equal sinners against Southern rights. No doubt Gen. McKay is im plicated likewise, as he refused to sign the South Address.: Recent developments show that a con certed opposition was made by the late adminis tration to the Calhoun doctrines, because those doctrines tacitly censure the course of the Presi dent in signing the Oregon Bill. The Locofoco party was willing to use the slavery question in the Presidential and Congressional elections lor pie purpose of injuring the Whigs, but now that the elections are past, it is discovered that the whole Cabinet of Mr. Polk and nearly all the old outhern leaders of his party repudiate the prin iples upon which they endeavored to elect Gen. Cass. As to Mr. Walker, it is publicly stated, and not contradicted, that he entirely approves the course of Mr. Benton. We have recently seen it Stated that Gen. Houston is not a free soiler, and not in tavor oi the apphcation ot the Wilmot 'roviso to California. It is said that he is for ad- ering to the Missouri Compromise. It may be that he so expresses himself, but one thing is cer- ainV-he voted for the Proviso in the Oregon Bill, f and his particular friend, Mr. Benton, avows that the Proviso was attached to that bill with a view to the assertion of the power of the Federal Gov- mment over the question. At the next session, e shall expect to see Gen. Houston voting again r the Proviso, and, alleging in excuse the neces sity of establishing a government for the Territo ries. . So wags Democratic Wllmot-Provisoism ! 0tj- The subscriptions to the Railroad stock have been increased to upwards cf fifty thousand dollars in Guilford county. $3- A Line of Steamers between Charleston and Liverpool is talked of. Mr. Davis, of South Carolina, has just returned from Europe, bringing a direct proposition therefor from a wealthy and influential company in the latter city. Ohio River. The Wheeling Argus of Mon day says: -At noon to day, there was 25 inches water in me cnannei oi tne unio. ana laum slowly. - ' SUPREME COURT. The argument in the Supreme Court closed on Saturday last, and the following opinions have been delivered since our last : Highland Messenger. Rumtz. C. J. Ford & Herndon, vs. Johnson n Equity, from Rutherford. Decree for further account. J. McCraw v. J. & E. Edward, from Rutherford. Bill dismissed with costs. J. E. Paiton v. Bencmt and others, in Equity from Bun combe: decree below reversed. .Bill dismissed as to McLean and Adania with costs. i Nash, J. State v. Goode, from Cleveland. Judgment affirmed. Henson v. P. W. Edwards, from Haywood. Judgment affirmed. Bradhurst v.J. tl. Pearson, from Burke. Judgment af firmed. v:.'; !;f-,-rt'-'ii;'; - ! PfiABSOH, J Laker and P. Duncan v. John N. Curtis, et. in Equity 5 from Afc Dowetl. Decree for nlaintiff aeratnst all debts extent' Mc- Neely. Bill dismissed as to him. James Love and a. k. Homecly.v. Thomas Uamo, in Equity irom Rutherford: Decree for plaintiffs. Stale to use 0f H. N' Brittain v Ira; D. Farmer, et. al from Haywood. Judgment affirmed. Den on demise of Samuel Smith v. Lewis Fore from Buncombe. Judgment affirmed.' State v. Ray fronv Yancy Judgment affirmed. State on relation of E. Dow die v. Jos. Corpeniog and others from Cherokee. Judgment affirmed. ' OXJlfBRAfi'lTBMS, Thk Health or Qx.it. AtLOKk corres pondent of the Albany . Evening Journal prot nounces Gen. Taylor's indisposition' to be of cholera, not diarrhoea. He was so weak onar riving at Erie on Saturday, that he had to be lifted from the carriage' to be conveyed to the hotels--; Jrie nad,i . however, : a comfortable night, and Off Sunday was .considered 'out of danger. He has very properly determined to pursue his femrney no farther, until about the 8th of September, when he will proceed to the State Fair at Syracuse. , Alabama Legislature.-17 S. Senator.- From the Mobile papers of the 22d, we learn that the Democrats have a majority of ten in 1h House, and the Whigs a majority of . one ipi the Senate." The HuntsvUle Chronicle says that four of the Democrats elected are Taylor men, and will vote for Taylor candidates for the United States Senate. Mr. McMullen, of Butler county is pledged to give1 his vote to Taylor Sena" tors. This, if true, will make a tie vote pn that question in the Legislature. A Short Conversation. The gentleman who perpetrated the following, expects to leave for California " on the first boat." Mr. Spriggins, I wish you would tell one of the boys to nave the buggy in order for me to lide into the country this evening." 4 My dear, you cau't have the horse this evening. I shall be obliged to ride him to n'funeraL" w Always some excuse, Mr. Spriggins; I can never get anpportji&jty to leave the house you would'ot go to my funerafi." "Noth ing (suddenly brightening up) would afford me greater pleasure, 1 assure you, my. dear I" "Oh you I Where's the !" Mr. Spriggins left. The Sea Serpent Again. A correspondent of the Boston Journal states that on Saturday, the 25th ult., he saw a monster of the deep an swering to the description of the sea serpent. He says : We counted sixtten projections or humps npon the surface abaft his head, and should, judge his length to have been from one hundred to one hun dred and fifty feet. His body was, 1 should think, as large round as a common size oil cask, his color a dark, muddy hue. He was iu sight about twenty minutes, and did not alter bis course from the first time we saw him till he disappeared.; Crowd at New York. The New York Mir ror, of Thursday afternoon, says : " Over four hundred guests dined at the Astor House, yesterday. The city is fast filling up, and within the next ten days there will probably be an addition of 100,000 persons to our resident and float ing population ftJ The Steubenvifle papers announce the death of Martin Andrews, an Ohio pioneer, and one of the earliest of the band. When he first descended the Mississippi in a flat boat, it was a lbwr month's voyage. " United we stand, divided we fall." . This maxim is far from being verified as re gards the " Sons of Temperance," for the more dttrisions there are the better they stand. Cholera on a Southern Vessel. The Bos ton Traveller, of Wednesday evening, says : " The brig Z. Taylor, from Wilmington, N. C, arrived this morning and anchored off the lower light ; she could not proceed any farther on ac count of the crew being all sick with fever or cholera." Constitution or Indiana. At the late elec tion in Indiana, the people were called to vote upon the questton of a Convention to revise the State Constitution. The following report of the vote shows that there is a large majority in favor of it: For Convention, 74,101 Against Convention, 49,463 ised press, sJaiuld hat som4 rsgalrd t oWency; Hon -or, and nrfA . iere he-jequitur is irresistible, and justifies this palpable construction : "Al though we, the'sble brgiin, have no regard to decency,-honor, an(j truth, it is, ncf reason why ymt should not." How the anwto&of the writer oozes out in, the very pores of his style! , In the same paragraph with this he? broaches, the sentiment that, truth and' honor are obligations more or less imDerafive: k&nrdirio- to the station of the indivkl. I ual! t Sbthat he would introduce a sort of sliding ntcale tfnqria and sevtmu pegsyower or eoiiprs.. ? ; j Wilj&e credited; that in the two numbers of the Tfmon where the" President is 'ridiculed for an expression falsely stamped as ungrammatical, and where he is pronounced " weak, ignorant, (J)" and unskilled' the following gross violations ol gram mar, (for which a school-boy would be horsed,)' decur in editorial paragraphs : j "And what must the country think of a cabinet , nho stands by and permits their predecessors, hold ing &i high a position in the estimation of the Amer- ican5eopie as they do, to soy the least, to be foully and shamefully traduced and maligned by a news paper holding the relation of an ofScilr organ to them, for whose course they are responsible?" 1 be old schoolmaster here at Hull would give an urchin nine years old a rap over the knuckles, that would jrjoake them black and blue, for such a mis use of a collective noun as is here exhibited. To show that it is not accidental, here is the blunder in an aggravated form, on the same page : "The organ has not answered one of these ques tions. We again repeat them ; and if the organ can not, procure the information which they call for from the Secretary nf the Navy, or t he Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of State, perhaps U can from tne Solicitor or tne J rensury, to wbom it ac knowledges itself indebted for so much information." Here f s have the organ, first singular, then plur al, theu singular again, all in five lines! Truly a most mirafulous organ! And these are the Pris cians who fcrate of the President's "scorn of the rules of grammar !" Another specimen of the nice grammatical sense of our Locofoco critics is where the Union (editor loquitur) says of the Whigs : u They gained the confidence of the people by false promises, which, after they had obtaiued, they .shamelessly violated." How I should have trembled for the boy who had taken up his composition, with a sentence like this in it, to Old Master Cheever ! "What!" the old man would'have exclaimed, accompanying the ejaculation with an adroit twist of the writer's ear, "What,, sir, don't you know that the violation of a false promise is tantamount to the keeping of atrue one ! Go back to your seat, blockhead, and learn to think of the meaning of words before yon put them on paper!" Ah, my dear Union, it is dangerous for people who live in glass houses to throw stones! 1 could go on picking fifty such flaws in your crack indignution fenders. At is not with your vicious grammar that I find fault j but with the impudent charlatanism which thus repeatedly mutilates the King's English in print, jn. the very breath in which it sneers at an old soldier, for an ungrammatical speech. I sucerely trust tkat;if the "senior" should find it irksome to take Bp"he study of an excellent little work entUled " Cobbett's English Grammar for Adults." he will recommend it to the " two vigorous minds" for their immediate and attentive perusal. , TOM COD. PRICE'S CURRENT OORRKCTRP WKRKLV FQK THE KKClSTttt. Raleigh wuubtrt KOBCCS. -.CTS Bacon Hams, 5 8 Sides &. Shoulders 6a 7 Cotton 84 a 9 Cora 40 Meat 45 a 50 Flour 4ft i 4 5 a 5 00 Feathers Hides, g-reea dry Oats Wheat Pens Fodder Butter 25 a 30 -4 Saio; 30 80 :: 40 40 a 50 12 a 15 MERCB'AirBIZV. Salt. Liver'Lsack 3lf a 2 , uo Blown 2 45 to 3 75 Coffee, Ulo, pd 8 X; J-agmra j " , 9; Sogarv N Opd 7 to 8 Molasses, gal 35 t 40 Irori, Swedes pd 6 no extra sues ' 7 English do - 5 Whisker, eat 30 Brandy, gal 7S to 80 Majority for the Convention, 24,638 fjcy- At the Hungarian meeting held in Cincin nati, on Tuesday evening, resolutions were unani mously adopted, calling upon our government to protest against the conduct of Austria upon Hun garian affairs, and to cease all intercourse with Austria. Also, to notify the Court of St. Peters burg that its interference in the affairs of Hungary must cease, or else the American government will cast its strength on the side of justice ftnd right, against tyranny and oppression. And also, that the meeting calls upon the Government to immediately recognize the independence of Hun gary . I en to nneen mousanu persons ate saiu to have been present. Why is a looking glass like a back biter? Because it indulges in personal reflections. ftrj- Dr. Lettsom ascribes health and wealth to water, and all diseases ana crimes to me use oi spirits. Correspondence of the Washington Repvllic. Hull, Mass., Aug. 29, 1849. The unfortunate Union blunders even when it thinks itself most secure. It charges upon Oren. Taylor the utterance of the expression ' be them i" . . TIT I II 1 ! aI a Democrats or be itent vv nigs," ana imagines mai it hascaught him tripping m a very flagrant man ner in his grammar. Whether he ever uttered the words, I cannot say ; but the phrase, however odd ly it may fall on the ears of usage, is strictly and logically grammatical. The form is far more jus tifiable, grammatically, than " be tfiey Democrats or be thev VV nigs." ijotn lorms are eupucai j dui the evident mtenuon Deing io sav, iei luem ue Whigs or let them be Democrats," and not "whe ther they be Whigs or whether they be Democrats," I am ready to maintain before all the schoolmasters in the country, that the expression attributed to Gen. Taylor is strictly grammatical and proper. It conveyed precisely what he meant to say, in the most concise possible form ; and the dunces who carp at it would do well to study Lindley Murray before meddling again with matters which they do not understand. We can pardon an occasional infraction of the laws of syntax by a veteran who has passed the better part of his fife on the tented field in the service of his country ; but what mea sure of contempt shall we accord to the scribes and scribblers who, in attempting to pick flaws in the brave old man's grammar, and ridicule him, there for, only show that he can beat them even in the use of modes and tenses, and who commit tres passes against syntax (which I will point oatbv-and-by) of which unbreeched urchins would be ashamed. ' , , , . . We had a very hearty laugh over the senior ed tor's ntdoe speculations as to his being a dd-. tard." It is only equalled by Dogberry's ' re mmb master, that I am an ass I" Here is the passage in the; Union of the 23d: " Besides, if the senior editdr be a dotard, what becomes of the two Tigorpus mmds which are associated, with. Kim in the management of the Union Surely thw too are not dotards." Is not this delicious ? Is there any thing in "Peter Simple' or in the story of Moses and the green spectacles, so essen tiallv comic? 4 None but itself can be its parallel!. 'Here is something almost jas verdant and lun-, nv The opposition has some license i bur the Administration, when it speaks through its confi dential friends in Congress, or tnrougtt its autnor FOItEIOIf NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE 11:1! GALEDOMA. coontrt peoduck. cents. Cotton, Iks 9i Corn, bushel, 55 to 60 Flour, bbl 5 to 5 25 Feathers, lb 30 Hides, green, lb 2 to 3 do dry 6 to 10 Tobacco, manufd. 5 to 15 Wool, lb tol2 Fayettiville Manvfastvres. Cotton yarn, pound 15 PAYBTTEVILLTJ. 7-8 do do 6 Osnaburgs, yard 8 to 8 1 MERCHANDISE. CENTS. Bale rope, pd. toll Bagging, hvy, yd 15 to 20 do light 13 to 15 Lime bbl 17$ to 200 NarU,keg, pd , 5, Oil, lamp, gal 87 to 140 do tanner's bbl 1750 White lead, keg, 1 J to 2 4-4 brown sht'g, yd. 7 Trade is as brisk ns usual for the season. Cotton1 arriTes freely and sells readily at our prices. There is no change of prices since last week. CarolUiian. 7 DAYS LATER FBOITI EUROPE. The Queeri Visit to Ireland-Ajfairs of France Hungarian Victories Confirmed -ustrians Thinking of Peace Another Grand Battle ' Condition of Breadstuff s- Fyrthcr tddvance in Cotton, Sec. ENGLAND. There Is no striking feature in the news from this portion of Europe. The London Journals, it would seem, find great difficulty in filling their columns with attractive matter. The Queen's visit to Ireland has terminated with the most enthusiastic praise and delight. FRANCE. The Assembly, after sitting 18 months, adjourned to the 1st October. At the last sitting but one, ap plication was made to prosecute two representatires for sedition and libel. This gave rise to a discus sion, during which there was an altercation between Pierre Bonaparte and an elderly representative, who received a slap in the face.- They were immediately ordered into custody, and Bonaparte is to be tried for the offence. President Bonaparte has returned to Paris from Rouen and Havre, where he experienced some sick ness similar in its nature to the cholera. The, French Government, it is said, has received ! information that Austria has applied to Bavaria for military assistance, and that the latter was about to send an anry of 50,000 men to protect the Austrian capUaV"or,i- Tha troops left at Home by U en. unuinot hare ex hibited tfrsBg feelings of dissatisfaction at not being permitted to return to France. AUSTRIA riUJXUAK I A letter received in Paris, from "Vienna, states that the Austrian Government had resolved to negotiate with the Hungarians. The general accounts from Vienna are of much iu terest. The entrance of .the Hungarians, from uo morn, into Raab, is fully confirmed. The accounts only differ as to the duty which was levied in or near Raab by the Magyars. The greatest alarm prevailed in Vienna and f ress- bnre, in consequence of the advance of the Hunga rians, whose outposts were reported to have appear ed in W eissetbere. All the troops that eouin oe spared from Vienna were immediately dispatched by railroad to rressburg. Many of the soldiers.! who were merely raw re cruits, left with great reluctance. A battle, which continued during the 23d, 24th and 25th July, took place between the Russians and Hungarians, near Meiskoltz, on the left oank or tne Sako. It seemed that after the battle, Gorgey quit ted his position, and the Russians, a eood deal cut up, followed hW- ' COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. In Liverpool there is a marked improvement in nearly every branch of business. The produce markets have been more fully supplied, and as buyers have manifested a greater desire to-operate, a large amount of business has been done in some instances at higher jrates. Advices from the United. JStates, respecting the growing jcrop of Cotton, being considered very un satisfactory as to the yield, have operated in fa vor of holders, l be demand i good, and large sales are daily reported. . LiivsBFooi. Cotton Market, Aog 15,-r-inere has been considerable activity in the market during the week. On Saturday and Monday, large sales were made at the extreme quotations given on the 10th. As soon as the advices by the latest steamer from America came to hand, which was on Tuesday, the market assumed an animated appearance, and holders at once sought higher prices. Before the close of the market on that day, the Quotations of America descrintions were Id. higher than on the 10th. A large business was done on the following day, at a still farther advance. On I nurs day the jaarjeet had a somewhat subdued appearance, but the advance was fully maintained. The com mittee quotations yesterday were declared to be a AQTAMT pianos, oja.; lor jair muvitv, u w4 for laijr urleans. - lt " Havre CoTTdw MAaast. The Quantity of cot toa imported into Havre has considerably increased, moontinir to 319.000 bales from February 15th to Jolv 3ii fl?iinst 225.118 bales darioz the same time last year. The, sales have also increased. : More commercial ftotivity prevails in Havre than for some 'time past. - Petersburg. TOBACCO Demand active, without any mate rial change in prices since last report. COTTON Nominal, 9 to 10 cents. CORN. 47 to 48 cents per bushel. WHEAT. Receipts laree. We Quote at 100 to 103 cents. .. FLOTJR Superfine 5$ to 5J. BACONJ Rather dull at 7 to 7 for Vinrinia and -Nort h Carolina, bog round. LAUD. Virginia, in kegs, 8J to 9 cents. ,A cam, It announces tn thm r.A); naiamMk A aleigh and its vicinity that, having eogaged the Saloon immediately over the Telegraph Office he ..uimcuv, iu giTf insirucuon m tne Art of v - . Dancing and Waltaing, . -as soon as a sufficient number of Pupils are pbtainedl ta make a' respebtablr School- Mons. B.'s itylef ' ofeteaching is entirely different from that osttalri taught in this country f and, the fashion beiOtf so Ca-1 sy, any person desirous of acquiring that very ajfres-T able and social aacpmplUhine&Vcaa? do so iiirsiVery short time. xk&.t&i-V The Classes will be divided as foabwif For Missi es and small Boys, from 8 ta 12 years' of age, the at- ' ; tendance will be at 4 o'clock in the afternoon ; for' young Ladies from 15 to 25, and upwards, the atten-" , dance will be from 6 to 8, or from 8 to JO, in the morning, as will best suit their convenience . Young' mnrried Ladies Will be admitted Into this Class There will be a Class, at 7 o-clockmthe feniBf.for" Gentlemen, from t8 ta 25 and apwards. . , As Mons. desires always to keep- an oroferiy andt rfespectable Sfchool, ant? efpenence having proven to1 him thut the presence of epecfators retards the pro-' gress of pupils, he is, therefofd, sorry to be obliged1 to exclude admittance to all visiters, except Parents;' who are earnestly invited to visit the School as Often as they can. Their presence will always be agreed able. - . . Mons. B. will aTso give Private lessons to classes' of 8 or inore infFamilies. at anv nlace in the Ck- t& countryj He f ill be happy to receive any commu nication, personally, or by note,, at the City Hotet Raleigh, Sept. 3, 1849; 7t Qt rpobacco-Pure pressed Leaf, without any X composition, just received and for sal by, WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD 3 CO. In South Strafford, August 7, by the Rev. John Moore, Capt. O. A. Buck, of Raleigh, (N. C.) to Miss Lucia Dow, of Strafford. In Rowan, on the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. Steplien Frontis, Mr. Robert Harris, to Miss Ma ry Cowan, daughter of the late Abel Cowan. Suddenly, on the 23d ultimo, at Hillsboro', Miss Cornelia Watson, only daughter of the late Dr. Watson a very amiable and intelligent young lad5' much loved by all who knew her. In Haywood County, Tennessee on the 25th July, Mrs. Penelope R. Bond, consort of Mr. James Bond, formerly of Bertie County N. C, In this County, very suddenly, of Paralysis, on 26th ult., Mrs. Ann Myatt, consort of Mr. Acrill Myatt, in the 64th year of her age. She had liv ed an exemplary member of the Baptist Church for more than 40 years, and in her death left a large circle of friends and relatives to mourn their irreparable loss. But thev mourn not as for those that have no hope, for, " Blessed are the dead who- die m the Lord ; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and their works do follow them." Com. At Nashville, Nash County, on the 23d ult.. Mr. John Simmons Arrington, in the 48th year of his age. 1 he deceased has left a wife and large family, to mourn the loss of an affectionate hus band and indulgent parent. Old Java Coffee and Crushed Sugar Jnst received. ALSO ON HAND, A few pieces of WHITE FLANNELS, suitable for the season. J.BROWN. Raleigh, 4th Sept 1849. 71 A Teacher Wanted. jnHE Traateea of the Tarboro Male Academy JL vruh to employ a competent person to take charge of this School, who can come well recom mended as to habits and qualifications to teach the various branches of an academical education. Tarboro' is considered a healthy location, the so ciety is good, and a well conducted School will be liberally patronised. Applicants will address (post paid) Trustees of the Tarboro' Male Academy. H. T. CLARK, Pec. September 4, 1849. 71 w4w Tlrncibles; a supply of Lead and Sand, for Sly sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dc CO. VERY superior article, fn a mull scfuare.g may OrbehaifattheDTugStofeof, WILLIAMS,- HAYWOOD &. CO. NO EXCUSE FOR BAD BREAD, WE hare just received a Yeast Powder, sape--' rior to anything, eve before in this market; which we warrant'fojgi ve satisfaction. Try a Bot- tie if you want good bread. For sale at the Dru Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, & CO. September 4. 1849. LATEST A)RRIYALS. OAF, Crushed and Brown Sugars, old ""gov ernment" Java.- Lflfftfira and Rio' C.nfft Sperm, Adamantine and Hull it Son's Tallow Can dlesold English and American Cheese in boxes; heavy Dundee and Gunny Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope and Bagging Twine. Just received and for sale by ' R. TUCKER SON. Raleigh, Sept 5, 1849. 7t To Colonels Commandant of Regi ments, and Captains of WalrfV composing the fifth Brigade, If- C in. YOU are hereby commanded to call together the--Officers and Soldiers of your respective troops, ou the 22d insL, at the usual place of service, and ' proceed to vote by ballots for a Major General, to filt the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Gen Daniel S. Crenshaw. Aud transmit to me as sooni thereafter as possible, a fair and eorrect statement of the votes poll A THOS. J. PERSON, Brigadier General. Garysburg, N- C, Sept. 1, 1849. 7f Medical College OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THE LEGTUKES of this Institution will com mence on the frrt Monday rn November, and terminate the first Saturday in MaTchf, on the follow ing braBehesr: X. E. HOLBROOK, M. T Anatomy. J. BELLINGER, M D.&rgery. ? ... E. GEDDINGS, M H., Institutes and Practice. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D., Physiology. HENRY R. FROST. M. D., Materia Mediea. TrlOS. G, PRIOLEAU, M. D., Obstetric. ti.V. SIIEPAKD, M D.ObtsmUtrv. . P. JULIAN RAVEN EL, . M , Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Anatomical rfootr wilt be opened on the 1st day of November, under the Direction of the Demons atrator. Clinical Lectures will be delivered by DVs. CAIN and HAYNE, at tha Marina Hospital and Aim House. Surgical operations furnished by the College Hoe pital are performed before the Clase. Good boarding and lodging can be obtained at from three to four dollars per week. JAMES MOULTRIE, Bf. D. 0eaaf. Charleston, August 27, 1849. wQw 68 Abbott's New History Queen Mart Antoinette, of France, with numerous engra-' viugs ; by Johu S. C. Abbott, author of Kings and Queeus. Just received at TURNER'S. STONE & M'COLLUM'S Leviathan Establishment QTOHIS very superior and stupendous Exhibition, r1 y-, acknowledgea wiin oue accuru c w mo Leading Eqnextnaa EttaJDii&nmen. (IN THIS CONTINENT ! and Saturday, the ... . . t -tojt.fi r - . 7th aud Sin days oi oepiemoer imj, only. , . It is necessary to aaa, in connequfsucs ui -mense amount ol hurobnggery of late resoited toby Itinerant Traveling juznuniions, inai mo :fcrnMPA MpfiOILTIM'S CIRCUS is entirely new. The extent and grandeur of the outfit this Spring, is without a parallel in the annals of similar n . ti l A unnirwl th tMirviffM of Several rj8iaoiusnrnciii, an . - i I A.:.n,a tn fnmnlt1tt ttm TO VI CH- mecnanica lira , Sof This VASTTRAVELING CAVALCADE, during the pasrwmier. MW, TOE COUPS OF PERFOIUtlERS Are of that superior cast not found in Circua toro- - ...iir nnmnennff imonir iiieni veunvuiv" Vi Mi;ir. r.rmA fnr ihir estimable oaanues wiiw arc ait - - . ... . r . , HjiiiitnnanMa 111 in private life, as ior meir Bopewr -public, and with satisfaction we refer to the follow- immrm sv aa flf fl i cimr Y.nlcrL Germaiil. TlTIcCol-l : Him, Jti. stone vaaaa Four men the world cannot produce their equals in their respective noes oi ounuo-, M.J LIPMAN.D W.frrONE.X R.JKHAYjA. LEVI. W. ST U ART, LE SIBUK EDGAR, - t:hv coleman.x BitowNi a:gates. l blaster. BURT fcnd ' WILLUMS.; The JESTERS ta the EnterlWnirneoU are " - W wriRRRf.T7 and GKEEN JOHNSON,' ; Of that pure dye sor often enquired after by gentle Kxhtbitionfl. emended by ladies In the repreucntationa, so far a the Clowns endotn. er performers !n the ring are concerned, no rude Jeaf, or improper action will be tolerated by the proprie tors. . With this assurance, we trust the odinm heaped upon Traveling Companies generally by a portion of the mass, will, in this instance, be fecalledV - Good actbjns crown themselves with lasting bayt j Who well deiertes, needs not anothr, praise." ' The Grand Brass Band! Is another important feat ere in the annals ot tausl- . i .a it iVa Aifrftan t cai con not bbc u i s, piacci w uuuvi its very eminent l.eaoer, H. K. Gaul. Xnnn iWia TTntar4Minmn t ifl the Clrcl the most EFFICIENT STRING BAD-lader J, Bxkhah. All tend to one granoi powht making Stoke & McCoxwritV Ciacta complete ta every aeparuncui. . . . j.L it..n i h htmt of 8 and 11, (westa- cession, eeaieu in meir nv tupimtv HORxESt! and driven bf Mf, Joaa Ailw, one of the most eipert reinsmea ,ot t modern days. , . - ' ; ' s ' 2" ; Gentlemanly Ushers ia attendance, te? wait on. Camiliea to their seat.' . . Price of Adinlwlon. Box 5a CenU Children under 10 years age half price r Rufof the Negro population, 35 Cent no half price. . S. .,v Time of : obcnlng 0oorvAfuirnooo Repteaenuttoair P-M-v NighttJ P; IV . :i' " Time of CommeiiciiiffAfiernooft,! : 2 P. M. Night 8. P. M. ; r ' , -' - . , thli Compauy will EihiMt tX ?c, l ; Goldeboro'on Wednesday Sept. 8th . ' Sraithfiehl on Tbnrsday, : ;. 6th, , " ! Pratu Stora on Monday,- laih HHlsboro on Tuesday, ; lHh ftospect Hill Wedneadayr ; lth "MUtoao Thursday, I30i