- JEKIja OF -iDVERTIsmo. Trferr ttMith mCSS -.14 ftn v fHX-I F-. f.JJ itttWI PTI - rm If1 - II.-- irf "linw-- - . . RIPII, K, miffiER 22, m , NUMBER 102. - e i 1 Tr. t: - ' -r-T. v- : . 4 Tl -v 5 ' - - 7- : i if RATON ML !1. i PBOPWETOIU ' "terms. 5 peranntinu Paper, $3perwinw.t i5' Adertuemim1XrffprJvrrj'. Sixteen &r,irtt; ' Court drdera Judicial Advertuem'nUirMl cbarfed 25 per cent, higher ; hui Mviefkn ef Zt x per cent, will be tnad rrem tbe regwlar prieee ff adrertieen by the year. ; Adrertieemente, iaeefted ia the Sehi.Wbckit Ka9 itxr, witt Jao appear in the trti.T ftper, re ef charge. - - D? Lettere to the Editor moat be roerratB. FROM ST. NICHOLAS. . before Christmas, wnen i iuruSu wgs stirring, not errn , ere hang bj the chimney th care, !kt&t : .fipd all Miujr in their beds, 'Pjugar-plums danced through their r:. 'kerchief, ami I in my cap, rf11 K..;n for a lone winter's i h-iins for a lone winter 8 nap i, there arose such a clatter. to see what waa the matter ; Flidoar e in . to sei ";.ja I flewlise a nasn. I mIM 6 .!"r. t;,and threw up the aaah. rLttn bt wondenDg eyes snould appear, K re sleigh d eight tiny rein-deer, f. .v.n eielM n coursers they came, tiJeO, and shouted, and called them by fcer! now, Dancer! now, Prancer ! now, rj9' irnnid. on! Donderand Blixen f'rfthd porch ! to the top of the wall ! iSidashaway, da.haw.ty all!" Kk.re the wild hurricane flyr KT-eetiwith an obstacle, mount to the sky, v4.fnn the coursers tney new. "Lh 111 of toys and St. Nicholas too. !.;L-lin I hesrd on the roof ..,4 pawing of esch little hoof, r . head, and was turning around, Aim"? St Nicholas came with a bound. ' teseJ " in fur- from his he!d 10 b'8 foot all tarnish'J with ashea and "J'ufwys he hd flung on his back, iLfd like p'Jlar just opening his pack! 'Jf-how they twinkled! his dimples, how jere like roses, his nose like a a cherry ; Sttle mouth was drawn up like a bow, 'iteml on bis chia was as white as the snow, -.loftpipe he held tight in his teeth, . j i.:v-j i:v ..tli gC&e. 1 cucircitrj uia ucnu u&c a niwu. ,brod fce and a little ronnd belly when he laugh'd, like a bowl full of jtiiibby and plump; a right jolly old elf; lujied when l saw n:m, in p.sa or mjseu. wtf si eye, and a twist or nis neaa, PnKioiDow l naa noining to areaa. fumi word, but went straight to his work, CatiUhestockiutrs; and turned with a jerk. lirazliis finger aside of his nose, eiiig a no-1, up the chimney he rose. mjto his sleigh, to his team gare a whistle, .nrthey all flew like the down of a thistle; IMrlaiiB exciaira ere bc arore oai oi sigaK JfjCkrislmns to all, and to air a good night !" -MISCELLANEOUS. . CHRISTMAS. fyjli throng of . recollections is waked ilk memory at the approach ofCbrist- i: What a multitude of boandmgTlrappj imj, crowd the sweliin? bosom ! Iwfhts that breathe of joyous days gone lam sweet to the soul than refreshing pa of s:nnmer, laden with the odors m bower of honeysuckles or roses, t span the mind. In an instant, the em of lovely things, past and gone, are cutback, rohed in melancholy, yet de- iilhues. The brightness of hopes de sSiback upon the soul with gladness, lie fairy lights of youth are again a ial, brighten in g with lustre and beau days when first the loyalty of lore ijlit. What is more calculated to re ntal feelings, to lighten the soul of the s if the past year, to smooth the wrin taftfie heart, produced by contact with , and worldly troubles, than the pis sensations and kindly anticipations m bv Uhristmas. Bournful to think, that the celebra "aai this once joyous hospitable season, ton times are scarcely worth a record. as formerly at this time, always a F everv lllintr nmv ! Fa it thnt man fFswnmore selfish, more sordid, more r!ehas grown wiser and more enlight- F: nas the brilliancy of science, and M advance of iinorovement in the N world, obscured the beauty of gen- r'!. sociability, aiid the nob e and hi- Mities of the heart? fact, think it melanchnlv nr nnl. rreler,iliat the Christmas pastimes uut, die a nrcicneu suosiiiuie f "HosnitabJ a flf'manv d av ' full (rinmnii a rurl in easures; but how charmed, how ai o talJp l'j wi c a win Many Kl m vv.viuumtB VII IMG UIUCII T Kiislind, form some ,. ""and inlprpst! ri IT rQrroa rliti haul i-)Humaiiv nf ,;- r . : i i:i .-":renot'red of the most of her social 1 Am e m ot sonir. Hboth n hrnea nn.l -1 fclita i- f",i3C erse, many ue- .uiumisai '6 lie day and lasting literary effu- eir festive and 1 imperishable by the in- s of good King Arthur, we have ' Grooms, archers, Talets, falconers and yeomen, damsels and waiting-maids, and waiting-women. CnaucER and Spencer were not ashamed to acknowledge that they engaged with live ly interest in the sweet pastimes of Christ mas 'gaudydays,' and, not unfrequently, have they devoted the witchery of their song to their praise The divine Milton is recorded to have kept bolydays, and in an. epistle to his friend Deodati, gives approving countenance to all the merriments of Christmas. Since the year 500, when the observance of this day became general in the Catholic Church, it has ever been considered a sea son of joy and congratulation for blessings received, and dangers escaped, during the past year; and from the earliest observations of this day, it has been usual for friends, re lations, acquaintances, and lovers, to pre. sent gifts of various descriptions, and among these, verses, in the, form of compliment or congratulation, formed, no inconsiderable part.Te teamed gentlemen of Lincoln's fnn werei great observers of this day, and were accustomed to greet it with mucbt merriment and good fellowship.' And if there ever is a time, when we should for get for a moment the stem lessons taught us in the rugged school of hardship and du ty, when we should hide from our own thoughtful eye those rough traces made by the wintry storm and torrent of life, in the flow of souls and the warm mingling of so cial sympathies, it is, when entering upon those divisions of time, that bear so many thousand hopes upon its wingp. The greet ings and wine cups, the festive board and gay decked hall that mark the departed year, and the entrance of a new one, are not idle ceremonies. They speak to us loudly of the past, and still more impressively of the future, which is the only haven in which man can anchor his little bark of expecta tions ! Here we can stop, and look back up on the dates of each happy event of youth and childhood, and turn back the eye upon past scenes once possessing the sweetest enchantment to the soul. Here too we stop, to contemplate the bright images of the fu ture, and bask in the sunshine of hope, up on which we are dependent for many things yet to be achieved. If there is an aching void in the heart, look around as the year is passing aud another entering upon its roHing wheels, and see whether it may not be filled up. Spend uot your time in singing dirges to the departed year, but let hope brighten your countenance with its radiant beams. Let your soul be glad with congratulation ; and if you have a triend, whose bosom is swelling with merry rejoicings, let it kindle into greater bright ness tbe smilings of your heart. If you have a friend cast down with grief, aid him in driving away despondency, and let the beams of your happy face dispel the clouds of sadoess. The dying year should remind us that the blessings of Ihe world are- fasfr lading from our sight, and that the pleasure of the present may not be supplied by the promts es of to-morrow. 'Tis trup. we have daily testimonials of our rapid flight through time, and of the de cay of youth, manhood, and all that is love ly and beautiful. Everv seltin? Sun that paints the hills with his departing rays, re minds us that one less will gladden us with his beams. Every flower that opens its beauties to the brightness of day , and droops and dies when its fragrant sweets are all gone, reminds us of the passing away of all things human: but these lose their force and influence by familiarity. ! If the year, just ending, has teemed with blessings to vou. teioice ; or, if it has not been so fortunate as you wish, or even misfortune has oppressed vou with its mournful visitings, what is gained by griev ine over time gone, which might have been more fruitful of pleasure? Rejoice and be glad, that another new year is about to dawn upon you, with the cheering beams of hope upon its wings. The merriments of Christmas will waft sounds of sweetest gladness to a thousand ears in -the full flush of life, youth, and health. And be ve, who have the powe to do it, reminded that every face you con tribute to set sparkling at Christmas, is rt flection of that goodness of nature which generosity helps to uncloud, as the windows reflect the lustre of the snnnv heavens. .Every: holly bongh and lump of berries with which you adorn your house is a piece of natural piety as well as beauty, and wi enable vou to relish the green world of whic von show vourself not foreetful. Every wassail bowl' which you set flowing with out drunkenness, every harmless pleasure every innocent mirth, however mirthful, ev ery forgetfulness even of sorrowful things, when they are only swallowed up in the kindness and joy which it is the end of wis dom to produce, is " Wisest, virtooasest, discretest, best" NEW WORK ON SPAIN. jP'I LIMPSESof Spain, or notes of an Unfinished VH" Tour in 1847; Fjr sale at . Dec. 6, 1849. jr. m, love joy's academy. THE next Session of this institution will com mence on the 7th of January 1850. . J. M. LOViiJOi. Raleigh, Deo. 15th, J849. , .101 3t. 0- Standard 2 -insertions. Stebbins, Darracott & C6. i Dry IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Earthenware, China, and Glass, Pier, Mantel and Toilet Looiifig-glasses, Britannia and Plated Ware, Lard Lamps, Castors, Table Cutlery, frc. NO. 101 BROAD STREET, Shockoc Hill, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA v' , , , CHAS.STEBBNS, JNO. DARRACOTT, BENX K PULL EN. KTParticular attention paid to Packing H Dec. 11th, 1849. . 99 ly ,apts. 1 Dry Goods Establishments. by 8. T.-Wallia, Esq. TURNER'S JUST If UCEIYED OU AIR Lustro, Cherry colored Crape Scarfs, ' hite Kid Gloves, , Oil Print,. Black Alpacca, ' ! Black French Cloth, - 4 'fFancJ Catfimerea, v " Together with other articles. ALSO, Just to hand an additional supply of Men's Kip Shoes and Youth's Boots. HEARTT & LITCUFORD. Oct. 16. 1349. j 83 The Freight Train has Come! ND brought us a large and very .fine assort- 97 A Uxford Female Academy, THE regular exercises in this Institution ter minated with the usual semi-annual Examination, on the 16th ultimo. They will be resumed on Mon day the 14th of January next. . The Patrons of the School are earnestly reminded, that it is important to every pupil to be in her place at the opening or the Session, that she may progress with her regular classes. Charges per term of 5 months. Board including Washing Light to, 945 00 Tuition in the English branches, -15 00 " in Music, .20 00 " French or Latin. Extra, 5 00 SAML. L. VENABLE, Principal. Oxford N, C , Dec 15th, 1849. 101 w4w ment of the best STAPLE GOODS. Call aud examine. HEARTT f LITCHFORD. Raleigh, Sept. 18th, 1849. 75 PEEBLES, WHITE & DAVIS, Growers aud Commission merchants - r4)id street,- retf riburg. it , EE P always on hand a larg-and well aasort- supply of Grocenea, and pay particular at tention to me sate oi cotton, tobacco, Wneat, Flour, and all other kinds of produce. LEMUEL PEEBLES, THOMAS WHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, Jr. Petersburg, July 20. 68 ly To Day by Express, AN Additional supply of Ladies' Dress Goods, Consisting- of Mode Colored Mouslin De Lains and Cashmeres, Mode aud Cherry Colored French Merinos Piuk, Blue and White Tarlatau Moalws, Fancy Silk Braids, Bonnet and Belt Ribbons, Black Twisted Silk Egyptian Mitts, Ladiea Long White Kid Gloves, Ladies' and Geutlemeu'a CoPd Kid Gloves, Superior Black Cloth, Embroidered Cashmere Vesting, Black and Fancy French Cassimeres, c. J-c. R.TUCKEtt fit SON. October 8lh. 1849. 81 SHAWLS, BLANKETS, &c S EMBROIDERED AND PLAIN MOLE COL 2i OKEB CAS81MERE SHAWLS, black Merino and t'assimere Figured and Plain io. Heavy Woolen, Rob Roy, and Plaid Blanket de. Large Plaid Cashmere and Double Knit Wolen io. Bed Blankets ol various sixes. Blue. Orern, and Checkered Blankets, Servants Blankets by the piece or dozen. ' ' v Fora!eby R. TUCKER & SON. Raleieh, October 5, 1849. 80 Louiskrg Academies. A. H. RAY, r u , JANE A.RAY. iPc,Pls: Miss. E. W CuKTia, lutructresa on Piano Miss R. S. Fairalx.. Instructress on Guitar, and iu Drawing and paiutiug &-c UTKEHb fifteenth Session of these Schools, under the present principals, will comrneoce on Thurs day the 3rd of January, 1850. Board $40 per Ses sion. Tuition aa heretofore. Au additional charge, not exceeding 50 etc. will be made to each pupil m the male Department for contingencies. No ac counts are allowed in the Village, or elsewhere, ex- crpl by the direction of the Parent or Guardian, or uuder the supervision of the Principals ; and all extravagance, in dress or otherwise,! promptly check ed. We have spared no reasonable paius or expense In securrmg the bet Anistauts in the Several De partments : and our object is to impart life aud eu- ergy to the School Exercises and to make thorough work of the business of Instruction. 4f A. H. RAY. December, 18 1849 101 3t PLAID LINSEYS. MARLBORO STRIFES, OREGON PLAIDS, Diapers, Tickings snd Towellings, Tweeds, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans, Pilot Cloth, Over Coatings, Kerseys, Washington Plains, and Pennsylvania Stripes, Rough and Ready Cassimeres, &c, &.c. Just received and for sale bv R. TUCKER ii SON. Raleigh, October fi, 1849. 80 150 CHEAP TWEED COATS. Tweed juassimere Coats, cut style and well made, for $5. E. L. HARDING IB good Gentlemen's Hats. FALL STYLE FOR 1849. JU TUCKER &. SON, have just received their II Full supply of Fashionable Beaver and Su per Moleskin Hats. In the production of the article just mentioned. the most faultless models of European Style have b,en consulted, and lv uniuntr some of their most prominent features with American habit and taste. the present Fashion, has been found, aud its appro- prialeness to the other portions of the Gentlemen's Fall and Winter costume cannot fall to recommend it to the Fashionable Communitv. Our customers snd the public are respectfully in vited to call and examine for themselves. Raleigh. August 29, 1849. 69 JewelrEstaM S. FsIPHILUPS, Oct. 30. (Standard) 86 A LOT OF PRIME GOSHEN CHEESE, IN BOXES. For sale by R. TUCKER &.SON. ANOTir 1JJPPI7I n MOLE SKINfiTd NO VEMBER Style l.t.A to day received: by R. TUCKER & SON. Raleigh Oct. 13, 1849. 87 Raleigh October 5. 1849. KO 1 Co-Partnership Dissolved, fllHE Co-Partnership between the undersigued, in M. the Livery Stable business, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the late firm will please call on Mr. George T. Cooke and settle up. JERE. NIXON, GEO. T. (-UUafi. Raleigh, Dec. 1st, 1849. Livery Stables! ZTE H E Subscriber, having porchajsef ail Iftntock; 1 cL5L) &c , of the late Finn of Nixon and Cooke, takes occasion to inform his friends and the publio generally, that he will continue to carry on the busi ness, in all its branches, at the same stand ; and that no efforts uor expense will be spared on hu part to accommodate the travelling community, loovey ancea, with good horses and careful drivers, will be furnished at all times and at short notice ; aud in fact, every convenience for travelling, in the way of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &C, will be supplied on the most favorable aud accomo dating terms. The Subscriber also expects to keep constantly on hand, good HORSES FOR SALE And persons wishing to put out their Horses by the week, or month, or year, will have them well attended to. at, moderate prices, ilia Stables are on Wilmington Street, just to the East of Market Square . Thankful for the very liberal eucouragemeot which has been extended to the late Firm, the un dersigned pledges himstlf to merit, by his exertions, a continuance of public patronage and lavor. GEO. T. COOKE. Raleigh, Dec. 10. 1849. 99 ly FALL AND WINTER irUST to hand an elegant stock of Ladies' Dress QjJ goods, as follows : Chameleon Puultde Soie, " Satin du rhene. Printed and Plain Cashmeres great variety, do do Mouslin de Laines, ; French Merinos, Chameleon Lustres, do Silks, Brocade, do . Queen's Grey do Foulard Silkt, Alpsca Lustres, Embroidered Itobeg, Capes, Collars, Gloves, Mitts, Bonnet and Cap .Ribbons, ALSO, 8wis, Mull. Book and Jaconet Muslins, Muslin Triinings, 4c. &c. HEARTT & LITUHFOBD. Sept. 18, 1849. 75 FINE CUTLERY &C. SETT Balance Handled Knivea and Forks, complete 51 pieces, Ivory Haud'ed Butler Knives, Pocket, Pen and Congress Knives, Scissors, large and small, Wade and Butcher's superior Raxors, Saunders' Razor Strops, Oleophaue aud other Shaving Soaps. ALSO, W. Hull !c Son's Tallow Candles, Judd, Sou and CoY Sperm do. For sale by J. BROWN. Raleigh, Nov. 11. 1849. 90 I, Just Received, 1 CHEST PRIME GUN Tea, and for sale by TEA ; also, Black J BROWN. No. 9, Fajettevftle Slrreet. Raleigh, October 18, 1849 M W just to hand November 6, 1S49 en's, uots' and Children's Hat- Caps to day received, by R. TUCKER & SON. Raleigh, November 6. 1849. 89 HITE and Black Otter, Soft Beaver, Tam- R. pico aud Mexican H ATS. A new supply TUCKER A SON. 89 L As proof of this, take town lg Artliar male a sumptuous feast. 4U 2 T Uhs'nas at Carlisle, ."'"ft Mm Id. . i- .... . .. "t.- 'j:iis, most ana least, JJ7Wnier of" ! British Isle; SCmhed' hoth man nl beast, Wlt0tlleirDk in proper stvle. .nH ,i , and littered in the stable, the k,ght8 sat down to table. "?t . " . P'entirui old times. Christmas Presents! ON hand, a handsome assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, suitable for Christmas Presents very cheap. Call on December 18tb, 1849. 10t frn lu ,tni --'"iwi arose abates, and rnrnt. 1" "Mtnti " 6"' ' ruime: . ouu By scores. . times, various crimes , WHITE WINE, FOR COOKING. A FIRST rate Article. Also, Cinnamon, Cloves, W Mace. Nutmegs, Allspice, Black and Cayenne Pepper, Race andground Ginger, Mustard, Sweet nil F.i tracts of Lemon, Rose, Vanilla, and Orange, Cooper's Gelatine and many other articles suitable for Christmas times: in store and for sate by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD & CO D. FAINS & CO, MANAGERS, . OF LOTTERIES. Paints Management against the World. tTHTE have" the pleasure of announcing to the public, the sjile of another Grand prixe of Thirty thousand Dollars, which was sold by C. B. LUCK, Vender of Fame's tickets, making the hand some sum of Sixtv Six thousand Dollars sold in nrizea in a little over 12 months. The whole of Thirty Six thousand sold by Purcell & Co., or the whole of $30,000 sold by Luck, both in Paines Lot teries, Trill amount to more money than any 10 prizes sold by any other Management in this City, within the oast 4 or ! rears. Another of the repeated evidences that adventurers should buy only in Paine-'s Lotteries. Orders for. tickets meet our usual prompt attention, if addressed to D. PAINE f CO., Or,C. W. PURCELL $ CO., GRIND SCHEMES FOR DECEMBER, PAINE St. CO., MANAGERS. A SPLENDID LOTTERY. $50,000-25 PRIZES OF lO.OOO. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 5 to I be drawn it Baltimore Saturday, December 39, 1849. 78 Nos 12 Drawn. CAPITALS. 1 Prixe of 850.000, 23, of 10,000, 19f- of Lowest 3 IN OS- 40U. Tickets f 15 : Halves 7 50 : quarters 3 75; Certificate of Wholes $210 halves 105 quarters .521 Fresh as usual. rr Orders meet our usual prompt attention. For Ticket in the above, or in any other Lottery. drawing daily, (price ol Tickets from $1 to $2-, under our management t address ns, or Agent for D. PAINE St CO., Richmond. Va. A DIES' Walking Shoes, and Children's Red Gaiters, a handsome article just opened at TUCKERS Fresh Arrival. New Fall and Winter Goods. "TT AM now opening my usual assortment of Goods fur the Mason comprising in part: Cloths, Lassimcres, Veslings, Plain and Pnnted Cashmeres, Plain French Merino, Black Alpaea, Black French Bombazine, Black Cahmere, Ladies' Kid and Silk Gloves, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. 100 pieces Calico of all shades. English Ituby Prints, Gala Plaids for children, Cotton and silk Hose. Bonnet. Cap end Tsntv Ribbons, Bobbin, Tapes. Worsted Braids. Velvet TrminKwiilkeCo oiogne water. &c Pieces Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Brown and Bleached Jean, Oznaburgs, Msrlliore Stripeend Apron Checks, Linseys, Kentucky Jeans, Diapers, Irish Linens, 5-4 and 12 4 Bleached Shir tings, White and Red Flannels, Patent Welch Flannel (2( Pair Shoes, of Heavy and KipBrogans for Men and Boys, Women's Leather Bootees and bhoes, Ladies , Misses, and Children s Shoes and Bootees. Kerseys and Blankets. Hardware, Cuilerv and Crockerv. Groceries of all kinds. Ground Alum and Blown Salt. Sperm Candles, Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope and I wine. ' Green and Black Umbrella, Cotton and Silk Mole- fKin ana r ur rials, wool Hals, Men s and Hay a (Japs. IS ails and Brads.- For sale by J. BROWN. No. 9 Fayelteville Street. Raleigh, October 15, 1849. 83 Gold WatchBs and Jewelry. 5 NEW arrival of a large and fashionable as jcl70a sortment of the above just at hand and for BSuaS sahj, cheaper than ever, at PALMER $ RAMSAY'S Jewelry Store. The most extensive stock or alt articles in their line that has been offer ed for sale here for years. Come and see, if you do uui. uuy. 4 Dozen gold and silver Watches, of all kindsj Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studs, and collar Buttons, Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Clasps, gold silver and spring steel Spectacles. Gold and silver Pencils and Pens and waist Buek- les, Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, A very extensive assortment of Silver and Plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, olc A large stock of Cutlery, Raxors, Knives Raxor- j straps, ana Diamond Paste for Razors, Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs. Tooth Brushes &u. Butter and Fruit Knives. Gold and Silver t him- Dies, Gold and Silver Mounted Walkinir Canea. Silver Plated Castors, Candle Slicks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles, A large assortment of Perfumer. CoWnen Soaps. Boxes for Toilets, Fancy articles, and Christmas presents, and a variety of other arti cles. All kinds of Watches and Jewelery repaired hi superior styic uw uoid and Saver received in ex change. PALMER RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1849. . 93 tf New Jewelry Store. W. n. THOMPSON Would respectfully iuforin the citizens of Kaleigh aud its Vicinity, that he haa opa- ed a choice slock of Watches and Jewelrv. in u part of the store occupied by Mrs. Thompson as a Milliuery establishment, where he offers for sale, Gold and Silver Watches, warranted correct lime keepers ; the latest styles of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY: ! such as Guard, Vest and Fob Chains; Cameo, stone aud mouruiag Broaches ; Plain, Chafed aad Stone Rings; Gold Peos and Pencils; Gold and Silver Thimbles ; Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Ear Riugs, Gold and Silver Spectacles, 'etc., Fancy Goods and Fiue Cutlery; all of which will be sold cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jewelery repaired in superior style. Oid Gold aud Silver taken in ex change. Sept. 21, 1849. 78 Em Samuel Kirk & Son3 Gold and Silver Smiths, IVo. 172, Baltimore Street. MANUFACTURE and have always on hand, a large amount of Silver. Table, and Tea Spoous, Forks of all sizes, Sugar Tongs. Soup Ladiea Butter Knives. Salt Spoons, Silver Tea Setia. Pitch ers, Vases, Urns, Dishes, &c. They aie continually receiving by direct importa tions, all the new style Plated Castors, Baskets. Candlesticks add Waiters, as early as they appear in the Foreign markets. Also, fine Table Cutlery, Gold, Patent Lever and Lepiue Watches Jewelry Of every description. January 10. jg . ,,J TTENP TH COURTS la the Cowtt -tiliol Qra.Bg, AUmanc WaWand.Ckatar,r FOR RENT. i 1st fRIHE large wid convenient Dwelling ni ' U Baptist Mtetinghonse Grove, with all thai sary out boases and two acre of andttachceV' Possession wilt be given the first of January next - G. SHAW. Raleigh New 20. 1848. ; ; ' 82000 WAHTJED. , IM axHE Subscriber u authorised to receive yreye. Jl) sals for a loan of Two Tboosand Dollars, jm Bonds of the City of Raleigh, Tor Five Hundred Pol tars each, payable after twelve months from tk4al at the pleasure of the parties, and bearing intere at the ra'te of six per cent per annum, payable soaK ainwtlly. a. W. WHITINO, , t City Teasom.' November 89 200 SACKS nd iusl in Store, and for sale by R. TUCKER f SON October 6, 1849, Boys Clothing. Brack Cloth Frock Coats, Tweed Cassimere do Ground Alum Salt, tsiacs; and fancy Cassimere Pants, tsiacc ciotn ana satinet nouna jackets, cneap. E. L. HARDING. October 16, 1849 83 fV RICH ASSORTMENT ofSilver-Plkted Cas ual tors, Candlesticks, aud Girandoles! Aad fine Cfaaotber Casdleatifiks. PALMER RaXtsky.' November 26, 1849. 94 . BATS LATEST st at band., .. , . ' HEARTT A LITCHfOBp. FRESH SUPPLIES AT PKCUD$ ft -Wholesile tad EeUil ViniiUo J.- .S00 Gallons Linsed OiL : "VrV ( 50 ouuees Quinine, . -' 12 doz. fresh Congress Water, ' 4 100 lbs. refiued Borax . 3 cases Goodwins patent Chewing Tobaaecu "'. .1 Old Peyton GrayeJIy'a of" And mauy otber desirable articles ate just receivesT and expected to arrive ibis week. ' AU which will be. sold upon reasonable terms, by P. F.PESCUD. Raleigh. Oct. 17. 1849. L It " FAIyl. IMPORTATION OF EARTHEW-WAKEf CfflNA AND GLASS septemue! xf W . is receiving act tha ships FraocouiaSani K.. Howell, nod Hejkry lratt, ar ruriug froit Liverpool, oar sup ply of Earthenware and Cbi-' aa, direct1 front the SMKsecr' rets. ' - .. .. r: . . And by arrivals frssA taw North, we are recefvrajf a fall stock of Cot, Plain SHM Prssa ' ed Glass Ware, LooiragGlas-' see, Castors, Waiters, and a great variety of f aaejf Goods, selected for the country trade. - . Country merchants are invited to call aad stasia ine our stock. . , . STEBBINS, DARRACOTT 4 CO, 101 Broad street, Richmond, Ya. September 5. 1849 . ; : 71; ' Now Ready, rpURNER'S North Carolina Almanac, for tis sUhT year of our Lord, , . .. f 185 0. Published and sold wholesale and retaB, byHsfes ry D. Turner, at the N.1C. BOOKBTORB.. r Raleigh, Nov.2, 1849C - .' .. fTiijuDe Paste A superior articlr orResar ssM navorea, jusi to nana - . . s tj WILUAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. .j . ' , : . Droggistfc" , 1 1 : TTftrff ish aLnstre For Cleaning Stoves, ift u a Store and for sale bv WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD $ CO. ? For Sale DOLLARD'S Cslebrated Herba uium Extract, or Vegetable Hair Wash Also, an extensive assortment of all kinds of per fumery. PALMER 4 RAMSEY. November 26, 1849. 94 WINDOW GLASS. BOXES from 8x10 to 24 x 23 in store. ind for sale low by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, CO. Sept. 17, 1849. ' 75 ilainiljr Flour. October 16. fjaiuiay xiour. An excellent article .on li,1 hand. WILL. PECK & SON. . chewing; to acco. - tX GOO D vmmiitit2azttmlam Tufcseo PA among the lot Xr'g of ths Real Sacramento. a pare article put, tip without mixtare of any sod. . and can't be beat kl this market. x ' ' L B. WALKER." Nov.20, 1849. tl" FROCK. AND DlilSSiS COAT-, ? TTI lu. I1ARDIIVG has just receivers first: ur Am rate assortment of Frock and Dress Casta ' ef beautiful French Cloths. Cheap tor Casbt 83 2w ITftagrgiug- and Rope. 1LP band WILL. October 16. A good supply to PECK &. SON. 83 3 w AT rrow Root. 1 Case best Bermuda, iusf hand WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD At Co. ,- Druirerimta. July I9th, 1849. 53 89 BY EXPRESS, THIS DAY. TfTELVET TRIMMINGS, DRAB, fco. V Coats, 200 Spool Cotton. Black Ingraiu Cotton Hose. Plaid Linseys. Colored Spool Cotton. Livery Stable. Raeigh, October 30. 1849. J. BROWN. 87 December 15th, 1849. 101 Jofl,ft. ttian(if.Vf1'derkln8l'fniH8tsrdt Sbiti. 0eeT4 bacon awine; 0llrd V ! F,coclt' 8WaQ and busUrd, iTWageons: and in fine. ' ifiihr., Pple.ples and custard; . Kood Gascon wiae. ie, and ; .7 ur own, not known. AROMATIC YIHEGAR. IO METHING new and superior to Cologne, for all nurnoses of the Toilet. Jnst received ana for sale at ths Drug Store of- " - . WILLIAMS HAYWOOD k CO. atd cider Pochan,i "I. " 01 our own. uiku were KnM ol'efrv tribe, . Dn.llu? t their calling I r-"tia nr . . - ci PWpUthe 'nguage to describe. L.ofri,.- ttereere seen toiretbF ubfo-nf8' a ?orts of dresses : - ian ,iv . . - - . . i W.00 penitent. I ,eBiner' With IK 1 graT5 b0f?WM,eS uers wuh cans and messes, o Glue and Sandpaper. F Superior quality, may be found at the Drag Store of WILLIAMS HAYWOOD CO. PerfnmejTi Fancy Articles, kt. wr-fTTE are now in'receipt 'of V large supply of Wy Joreignand American Perfumery, if ancy Articles, Aoconsisting pf Cologn, Extracts for tW H.ndkerebief.. all the DODular Pomatums end Hair Oils of the day, Toilet and Shaving Soaps of every quality and price, Fancy . Boxes aud Toilet Bottles of beantlful styles and patterns, to which we invite the attention of those in, pursuit of something good bi well as tasty. - - ' 1j -: WILLIAMS; HAYWOOD COt CHANGEABLE CHAMELEON SILKS. 1LVER Grey Silks, French Merinos, Velvet Trimmings, Embroidering Braids, Paris Kid Gloves, Black Belt Ribbons. J ust received by Express, R. TUCKER & SON. Nov. 26,, 1849. 94 Black Moleskiu Hats. Fashion for November. LCASE Just received : also, receiving. Ground Allum and Blown Salt prime and full sacks. J. BROWN, No 9, Fayettevilte Street Raleigh, Novembr 26. 1849. 94 BY EXPRESS FROM PHILADELPHIA- r Thorn PAIR ROBINSON'S SHOES, for AS 39 Ladies, Misses and Children ; this day received by j R.TUCKER & SON. ABBOTTS ILLUSTRATED HISTORIES. finHE History of -Alfred the Great ; by Jacob II Abbott. This day received by II D. TURNER. jsV'fe' DOZ,-yards Velvet Trimmings, to day re ef fjjeeived by K. TUUKt!.K SUSS Dec. 6, 1849- 79 . B. STITH, Co invite the attention of fllo Country Merchants to a consignment' of .'Prints. Satiiaets, Hosiery, Tweeds.Cassimeres, Ken- tucky Jeans, which they are authorised to sell a punc tual Merchant at 6 monins credit, and at prices low er I ban they can now be purchased for. " Kaleigh Nov. 29, 1849. . 95 v ...... Jmtt pL0kK8(BaN9rcLi Tt fh BARRELS fine SL Croio Sugar, for sale lUty bj the barrel, by A. B. STITH CO,' " December I,' 1849. ; :. .95 3?2jWH. ' " ' ; BARRELS of the best Flour of Collina', XPCP Whiuker's and Other make, which I would be pleased to make op in Bread, or sell by the bar. ' rel or small quantity. - ., ,.. L.Ji. WALKER, Hot. 20, J819. Nov. 23, 184$. BUCK WHEAT AND BUTTER. BAGS 'of the best Hulled Buck Wheat, 2 Firkins Mountain Butter, a prime arti cle. .. L. B. WALKER. Nov.20, 1849. 32 1fTayland't Snuff, If o. a. A fresh up- 1TU ply just received and for sale by ;. ;;.r& T4AMS, HAYWOOD CO. Pc xtcdl 9aaaiDa.S3a rTTlHlS , ed pr. Express line, SO Togas Ji ana va au quant ies. . . . E. L. HARDING. Nev.,24f 184. THE Subscriber' after returning his grateful thanka to the Public, for the very liberal and generous patronsg'a. hitherto extended to him, would respectfully give notice that he continues to prose cute bis line of business,. In all its branches, with promptness and efficiency. His Stables are clean and commodious, and his Ostlers experienced and at tentive ; indeed no pains or expense .have been or shall be spared to render satisfaction tc all who pat ronize bis bstablifbmrnt He will keep constantly on band, for hire, HACKS, BUGGIES, HARNESS AND HORSES willbe boarded by the day, week, month or year, on the most ' moderate terms. Drovers will find this a central position, and a most conve nient one for effecting sales, aud they will alwujs find smple accommodation for any num ber of Horses, however latge. The Subscriber bas also effected s new arrange ment by which he will be enabled to keep new and old Bustjiks. and rioBsxs, tor sale, or lor exchange on moderate and accommodating terms. This is a new feature in his business. The Subscriber hopes that his friends and the Public will continue to civs him s trial. It is alt that he asks. , JAMES M. HARRIStJ. Raleigh. September 28, 1849- 781y CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, UST received Ion Consignment, fine Black' Ireen and Brown, English and French Cloths, English. French, and American Black and fancy Cassimeres, of the newest style,, which we will sell unusually cheap. A. B. STITH & CO Deceember 1, 1849. 95 CARPET WARP. OUBLE and Twisted Carpet Warp for sale, WM-PKCfc A SON. ov.23rd. 1849. 94 3w fy the Rev. Charles Reecher The JJB Incarnation, or the nictures of the Virgin mi ner oon. for sale bv II. D. TURNER. Raleigh, July 5,1849. 54' jpiottou Bagfiiug and Rope A heavy article of Bagging just to hand. Bale Rods a good supply. WM. PECK &. SO.V. Eats aad Caps Caps and Hats ! jTKF EVERY DESCRIPTION, STYLE -AND JT PRICE, CAN BE FOUND BY CALLING Sign of the Brazen Hat. Kaleigh, October 5. 1849. en , ... 1 1 bbott's Hew Ilistorv O Antoinette, of France, with numerous engra vings ; by Johu S. C. Abbott, author of King and PRESERVED GINGER, just received by L. B. WALKER. Bank of the State of i NORTH CAROLISl. - TinHE General Meeting of the Stockholders of U Ib'u Bank will be held on the first Monday 1st January next, at the Baskne Houta ia this Ciiv. If H. VSftl g. ! , Raleigh, December 7, 1849. ' ;t ff - RKDBlRa i nis FUST T0I1GE. .Jt TTpEING Sailor-boy, confessions and remiaisos. UJ ca iu the Merchant service ; by iL Mellv author of Typee, Oiaoo, j-e. - ' 4 :,,' , . Jaat received by H. D. TURNER. , a December 6. 1849. ' ; f v f A' Queens Just received at TURNER'S. gTOVES -Box article. iQctober 16. and air-tight Stoves, a good WILL. PECK & SON, 83 4 Head Ache, TTF you are subject to a Nervous Head Ache, send j to fissuuo s Drug Store, and get a bottle of opobn s Head Ache Elmr or if you are Deaf, set i .tv.ni. .r u.n...'. , . .. ? m w.iie v. ...w.aii Acvuwg a no no relieved P. F. PESCUD. ADIES Thick and Thin Sole Silk Ton Gaiter. D : j . j . nescirca 10 aay ov R. TUCKER & SON. October Slh, 1849 . 8j I1IRLEY, by the aatbor of Jnmn Eyre 3 This day received at Turner's' -- , - N. C. BOOKSTORE. J December 6, 1804. V;f'::4 " $T ' Ready Made ClotliJnff. ' v xwwn aurpiv 01 Kesoy Made LrloUurS jsst received, and will be sold cheap for eaakw Also, a lot of over size silk shirts, dress ahirte., Lambs-wool aad Merino under shirts and drawcxtw -which will be sold on reasonable terms. , - . . . J. J. BIGGJS. Raleigh, Dee. 10, 1849. ' - 9-we 07" Standard, Star andiTimrs, 4 weeki. ,f . r Pianos! Pianos!! Pianos 111 npHE nndersigned respectfully eall the attc JU tion of the public, to the splendid, highly fin ished Rosewood aad Mahogony Pianos, aHtA tirt Cast Iron Frame,; banosomely carved and silt This Iron Frame combines the Wtit Instwmect. prevents it from warping and getting out of Taas! The climate or change of weather bavs Httls or r effect on (he Instruments. The orlif r tft. i. and workmanship cannot be surpawed by any otl; Factory U the Country. r- . T Principals ef Academies, Prefeeson, MertoasU. and the Public generally, m please send teir t ders and they shall be promptly attended to. . - , 7 ANTHONY KUHN CO.j M So, 4 EviAwr St." Baltmom 5 COTTON YAKNS ,000 lbs, Uoiion Yarns, assorted, 4 's to I4's: Washington. Mereh.ni. and Battle it Co , for sale by " ftmauJuS, WHITE Ai DAVIS. Petersburg. November J 3th, 1H49. 9 j Pianos with metallic plate la Rosewood or Mahe any cases 6 octave, from $ 180 to $230. ; MetaUii rrame, from 25a to 13 00; 64, 61 ia Proparttoa, aad 7 octave fromf3l)0 tA'S400.. - 7 Please refer to. Arctt Carter! MoctsviflsY 3m Boner, Salemj David Bcott. Greensboroogi ; Ur. tr.P1NT . i 1 "wv I wKlui , oevvk. virvenSOOTOvgB J Mr. VACANT Acre Lot, utthe Eastern part of Holden and Dr.Taoraloa, Milton: and Cal.Jeaej "jt im m unrue, rest- 1 esq. rxiusooro'. . - Jul 20T1849 iS H3 "0 deuce contiguous to the lot upon which N.. B. tluehes, Eq., resides. Euouhs ofE. P. the Editor ot this Paper: November 24. 1849. 94-wtf " FANCY CASSLMEAe PANTS. f DOZ. pairs just received, beautifal colors, well 3 JamlyfJ PERIO R 1 CnE Wilt G TC Z $3 COtJ ust Received. ALSO, Ju ta tar English Mustard, Sop. Carb. Soda, aft e sru..j for Family not j Wire Feuders, Cerpetk-4 Ueirli nus u vaipo viiiu'ig uooung u lasses, urasa ROCK ROE.; irpRIME Roek Roe, in half Barrels or at retail u for sale, by December 11th; 1849. Wit PECK oSON$ 99 4w FUKSURICE. rTTClESH Rice, new Crop just received.. Notice, ; MR. HENRY I,. OWEN respeotfully informs bis. Carolina friends that be has removed from Petersburg to Richmend, where, under the Firm of OWEN & BALLARD, he has opsned a Wholesale and Retail Store ; and thinks, if they will allow bior the opportunity of supplying thesa with their staple and ancy Goods, that be can not fail to satisfy them in style, qualUy and price. v HENRY J 0 WEN. Richmond Va- Deo. 15th, 1S49. - Js 101 6t 2wQ LBS. In Store tad for Sale, by ,. 2P made, and cut in tbc latest style. . J nJ Fancy Cast Andirons ; Brass' Head and Com Awu, jt pairs fine black French Doe Skin f- mon.noeis sn-J fancy longs, Ztfktm, teptmt Cassimeres, selling cheap at Nov. 24. 1849. E. I HARDING'S. DOZ. Blue Felts Over .Coats, f 2," JBlankets, r .. ' -. 3 tt tUBleek heavy English Cloth's.: , tL U H ARCING. - .-' - :- 94 No. 24, 1849. Old Java. Coffee and Crushed Sogar ? Jnt received. fAtSON HAND. -A dfew pieces ef WHITE FLANNELS, shitahU and Shovels j Collins' Axes, Broad llaict:'.; Plais.Stocks, "Hand Saws. Files and tnativ ai- 94' I Tools-:. - ; , , Jacontt, ' Cambric, checteJ , Plata ; S !r L'r Mult MniLm - ll..m..t .X S....iluu.. T '". Cotton Fringe Thread Lscs. eoglnt tad Veuil: nviB .nil. .1 . 1. . u ging and Laca plain aad Figured BobUnetsrCac Merino, and HUh Colored Khawk . CoitAn i ? kerchiefs. Black and Fancy Colored Cravats. Clack Gro. De Rhine Silk," J ' . , - j i -' Tot Sale on reasboable fcnaiiby : Xt -- t , - . r:. j:brqwn, i ' V ' 5, fayelteville Sifgiif ' SWgh,UctubeblS,184? t 4 i 9i December lUh, LS49. 3w for tat letson. r J. BROWN. VERY TIGHTLY BOUND 2 : f . jr : WfLUAMS HAYWOOD & CO.