hare been ddivcfed TjLlnTrojr v. Wfcoten, from the or dersapi"" fthf bl11 .n .lism ssine the as ,, from r frftB?Nbon v.Nekon .nE- if i A so, in oiaw . Gu'rd- . to be affirm- inp iijui""--"" Iv. rr. Jenkins, from Gran- .t . :..,U.ent. Also, in Rogers r. r I . - IUW-- ... --ille. affirming the judgment. I" ' it r Respass, from Beaufort, af- 'Snent.lAUo.inKeatonvBank,, . .irment reversed and cause rtUmoD School of Pasquo- Lm Pasauotank, affirming the F?.5' in State v. Roberts, from Bruiw- '. !u .inrlament to be affirmed. 155 t. Shepherd, in Equity from Or- l . xf.tAr'a r-onrirt- ana direct- firming me 1 1-In Doc ex dem. Hoaser et al, Kom 'Surry, affirming the judgment ! oc v Tmv from Ran- juteeirc..-" " "itmiD the judgment. Abo, id State v. 7-Tension, affirming the judgment. c: frnm rVi.TVoll rlL U' . Ale in rctwarrf from Coamaiu, .v.- Nat partition uc ...-" fNewbern v. Daw- Huof Waring v. NVilroy, from Pasquo- r j ama A Icr in T omh Lffifl,from l'erquroau3,aiuMu.iJ6 kjuuS- t r..i Pnurt will liornaf. 'nniir9nt9 for License shall have kit ,. f . .1.. xii.iwinT courses ot read in 2" : Diet brJM Couirrr ou rts ; , Littleton, or Lruise s uigesi. in i"v r Lou Remainders anu n-xecuiory j-revii.es. C,oa Use nJ Trusts. Ljj Legacies, ox Toler on Executors. U Statutes, Chapters 37, Deeds aud Con Lh; 38, Descents; 121, Widows; 122, Jand Testaments. tor the Superior Courts : b Book of Blackstone. Volume of Chitty's Pleadings. Uj on 'Pleading. Eaqqe's Equity. laid or Powell on Ccntractt. 4 or Cooper, Equity Pleadings. Hi Equity Pleading. , LBookofBlackstone. " folurae Phillips or Starkie on Evidence.' WStatutes, Chapters 31, Courts, County Siperior ; 34, Crime and Punishments ; limb of Deceased Debtors. hull's Nisi Prius. Tv E. B. FREEMAN, Clerk. Northern fanaticism. if loth to believe that the'whole people of b ire swayed by that fanatical madness, itf hare been made by their leading pol- rningly to endorse and assume. Yet tob daily gaining ground at the South. i w Ut justness, let the following extract, nclip from the proceedings of the Sen fftdnesday last, determine. ' irtbrands are daily thrown into "either jfCongress. In themselves, they are con- ptaiiil harmless, only in so far as they go inflate to 4he South the designs which, a portion (we will not say all) of the NortU- ffetare upon their rights. It is truly dis- tosee women stepping into the arena of ad casting raside that delecacy, which is wbutiful characteristic of the sex. ML, I holJ in my hand a memorial from ktiatioB of Friends of the city of Philadel- wpipmoim the abolition ot slavery and p; ; the cdndition of free people of color, lonjress to pass a law to prohibit the ex- p of slaves from or importation into any Itbe foiled States: and that Conores. will lite means in its power4o abolish slavery wtiiie land; 1 his forms part ol a report Ng Mi on the subject, and is signed,'on ' iae association, by Jacob M. Kilts and Mitigliam, -clerks of the meetiti?. P number more of the same sort, and as Moiewitliin tlifr"iisap I will nrpspnt was follows: pn, signed by eighty -ven citzens of "uanu Uelaware, asking such a change wiutioti as shall abolish slavery through- UIOB.ma mnnnpr cnnciotnt n-itli iiwli.a "Silt and interests of all. Petition. si"ni(l Kir ninulv inKnl.i'tipit. nf mania and Delaware, for the abolition of ne slave trade in the District of Co petiuon signed hv rfWeaihersfield, in the State of New wery, to withdraw the protection of from the slave trade, and to sup- , nuduy wnere Congress has junsdic- K -ti- nphtlnn. -I I t... I . r .- . .ne auouiion oi siavry anu the 'atlie Distnct of Columbia. Petitions, nuiliernuslv siornMl hv riti- KSylvania' asking that Congress, by a ivn jt Punic wiiiT-i w m flOTJTSERN RIGHTS MEETINGS. A meeting of the People bf Columbus-eoutity took place during the past week, and temperate but decided Resolutions, suitable to the; crisis, were adopted. The nieeting was addressed by Fouroey Georgeand Ri Ei-Troy, Esqrs., and by Col. J. G. McDugakl. ' A large ond most respectable rjieeting 1 of the citizens of Coumberrand was heklin Fayetteville, on, Monday of last week. DrBeoj. Robinson presided,and Or.T.N. Cameron and John Murphy, Esq., acted as Y ige Presidents. The people were addressed by Warren Winslowand Wsa. S. Mul lins, Esqrs., and by Hons. Mr. Dobbin and Judge Staoge, The following Resolutions, passed by the meeting, are in good taste, and breathe the proper spirit that of decision tempered with mod eration : " Resolved, That we entertain the Wrongest at tachment to the Union of these States and consid er the name of American citizen the proudest earthly title that a man can bear. Retolved, That we feel towards every one bear ing that n'il? the affection of brotherhood as one belonging to the satii? noble family with ourselves. Resolved, That honor and priiinle are before any thing earthly : arid even the ties of kinu'rJ and political association must be sacrificed if ne cessary for their preservation. Resolved, That the madness of fanaticism and the ambition of designing politicians, are combin ing to force upon us the question whether the U nion shall be preserved by the southern States in dishonor and shame, or be given up to avoid them. Re$olved, That it is important for the whole South to take timely measures to avert the neces sity of deciding this question, or to meet it when it comes with unanimity, and in the proper spirit. Resolved, That in view of this state of things, we consider it necessary and proper that the State of North Carolina should be represented in the proposed Convention at Nashville on the first Monday in June next, and do approve of holding a State Convention at Raleigh, on the 20th day of April next, for the purpose of considering this sub ject, and appointing two delegates from the State at large to represent North Carolina in that Con vention ; and that we will send delegates to the District Convention to be holden in Wilmington, on the second Monday in March next, to select df legates to represent this District in the Nash ville Convention, and in the State Convention at Raleigh. MU. CLAY. 5 In a discussion in the Senate on Thursday last, Mr. Foote said, "he would ask the Sen ator from Kentucky whether, as a Senator representing a slave State, he wouldvote for the admission of California as a State, and thu- give two more votes to the adversaries of the South?" To which Mr. Clay replied, "that he had been frequently addressed as a representative of a slave State, and as owing a'legiance to the South. He owed nrj alegiahce to the South. He knew no South he, knew no North. He knew his duties and would dis charge them. He recognised but two sove reignties to whom he owed allegiance ; one was the Union the whole Union ; the other was the State of Kentucky. When his course did not meet the approval of Kentuc ky, he knew what his duty required him to do But he. had last night received from his State, a copy of the re-olutions of the Legis lature, in which every one of the series of resolutions proposed by him as a plan of peace and concord, was approved of and commended." Plan for the abolition of slaVery IfW . luiUid StalM. or reliere the peo- 'Nport responsibility of aid- Jj jlion signed by 1,475 women of Do NsV.,mp, lre' for lhe abolition of slavery Cue m ,he Dis,rict of Columbia and """ebftweentlieSutes. fcvf Manly' Swain' Mangum, nkM " a,,d Kerr- are aJl used s " 10 I run k.. L. tin r n JM r, V JJ uvt v n,gs tor uover- "?"" 11 wi" a11 be Whigs L . ? 10 carry that State, and we b,'r w,sh lo succeed, and we H fcrVhigS of Norlh Carolina desire ad- ittkitV any olher subjec, thev wiu its Jpt lQ r1 -ur- Urownlow. Unsolicited Wi :te,ned 'peninent; and if ike ...''Wine it , ' . i SU'eriue . -vu.ioci duu auenuon 2S5etJ t i dl doubtless have enou l'Uero'm. , r48 friend Crat lnakes spirited acZ:? roau' and parucu- lo Igl con k, - Msiii... nct has , .: ootiti, "lcn he takes stmn x , uavixj x i ri. Knm MEETING ATTHE TOWN HALL, TO DAt, (WEPNESDiAX) At 3 O'CLOCK, P. M. r . .... : : - I CONGRESS Id the Senate, Wednesday, the joint reso- lution for limiting the expense of collecting the revenue, as amended by the House of Representatives, was passed, with a proviso ...il-i it et A rr !, auuiprizing ine oecreiary oi me i reasury ro dispose of, lease or retain the bonded ware : houses, at his discretion. A message was received from the President of the United States, enclosing a copy of the constitution of California, as received from the hands of the Hon. William M. Gwin, Senator elect ; and a motion was marie ty Mr Benton that the subject be referred to a select committee, of which Mr. Clay should be the chairman ; but, as the motion could only be entertained by unanimous consent, and Mr. Foote hav ing objected, the subject was lai I over till to-morrow. The Senate then resumed t!ie consideration of Mr. Clay's compromise re solutions; upon which Mr. Davis, of Missis sippi,! addressed the Senate, but had not con-cluded-his remarks, when the Senate went into Executive session : after which that body adjourned. i In the Hbuse of Representatives, a message from the President enclosing a copy of the constitution of California, having been re ferred to the Committee of the Whole, on a motion to reconsider, the vexed question was again debated by Mr. Stanton, of Ten nessee, and others." Subsequently, the Sen ate's amendment to the resolution for limit ting th. expense of collecting the revenue Was concurred in, and the resolution passed. Washington Republic. New York Post Office. There are made up every day 4,480 mails, two thirds of which are made up thrice a day, making more than 7000 per day. These are depos ited in 260 seperate bags. Two hundred large bags of newspapers are sent daily, and on Wednesday and Thursday 269 extra bags, -and on Friday nearly as many more. The average of letters received at and sent from the office every day is between 50 to 60,000; of Newspapers the number is about 112,000. (The great bulk of the country circulation of New York papers is outside mail.) There arc seventy-six clerk and thirty carriers ; six of the former are night clerks, commencing at 6 P. M , and leaving at 5 A. M. The oth ers remain on duty all day, until half-past four in winter and five in summer, beginning at five A. M. This is exclusive of the For eign and Pacific mail steamers. We believe in no other' office in the world is so much business so promptly performed. .A. Y. Express. ATTENTION! RINGGOLD GUAftOS. GO- After Mr. Clay concluded his truly eloquent and patriotic speechj the other day, by expressing his wish that his eyes would be closed before the Union would be dissolved, an ex-Southern Senator said to him " I hope, Mr. Clay, you will live to see the Union dissolved." It was equivalent to the Oriental compliment " May your shadow never be less." Ocj- No. 301, of Littell's Living Aoe, has been received. It contains a deeply iuteresting article on Goldsmith and his Biographers, and other ex cellent selections. fit A correspondent of the "Republic" thus pokes Father Abraham under the fifth rib : . "Poor father Abraham! It was a cruel shock to him, when a few f the aces were pulled out of Gidding's boots. He has recovered, however. A spectator in the lobby even at a single glance can discover it. j He may be seen at any time when the House is in session, walking to and fro in front of the Speaker's chair, restless as a bear with a sore head, flourishing a walking cane, and for all the world looking as if he were'a conserva tor of the peace. His smiling countenance betrays that, if at "War with Free-Soilism, he is in perfect good humor with himself though occasionally, when the fact comes home to him that he is packing on his shoul ders all the wrongs and ills of the South, lines of deep suffering cross his brow. But father Abraham is not without rivals for the part of leader to Bitter-errdism. The Hon. Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, the ch'tvalric Bayly of the Ac comac district, lays in a rival claim to that distinction. His position gives him an Un due influence over father Abraham, for he can cripple the Administration by withhol ding the sinews of war. And then, too, he has an intelligent boy with pencil and string, measuring with unerring accuracy, and no ting down most carefully, all the twists and crooks in old Zack's policy. There are oth er rivals, too. The polished Chairman of the Committee of Commerce is to poke at him a sugar-coated pill ; while the Chairman of the Committee on Public Lands is goinjr to administer nothing short of Wake Robin. He has made a wonderful discovery. It is this: one of General Taylor's appointees, though56nly in office Jive months, has by. his incapacity and neglect, got the business of his office two.y ars behindhand. So much for Bitter-endism attire present," PLANK- ROADS. Our exchanges from almost all directions, but especially from Illinois, Iowa and Wis consin, are filled with noGces of Plank Road meetings.' So far as this species bf road has been tested, it has been found to answer ad mirably well.. It combines cheapness of construction with areat convenience and fa cility for transportation, together with con siderable durability. As an evidence of the dividends which they pay, we quote the following:- AY. Louis Int. Plank Road' Dividend. The Milan Tri bune state -i that the Directors of the Milan aud Richland Plank Road Company, have declared a dividend of 25 per cent. $12 50 on each share. J 1 his is Irom the earn ings f eleven miles of road f r an average period of, fourteen months. The Tribune says the road is managed on fair and liberal principles, and has thereby secured general confidence and friendship. Go ahead with the Cleveland Plank Roads They will all pay well, and benefit both country and city. Plank the road to Woot ster as soon as possible, and men and beast who travel it will bless the pi ankers. Few roads would pay better, or add more to pros perity and business. We understand that five miles of plank roads on three of the creat thoroughfares leading to the country from Cleveland are paying better than even the Milan and Rich land KnnH. f ClpnelmnA ffrrnh! ftS We recently ht.rA a ovwl persons engaged to fight a duel. After the first fire, one of the seconds proposed that they should shake h nds and make up The other second said that he saw noneces- SltV for thilf fririkot. kr.nJ. k,l I ,1 1 -j "-) mill II CUIUS I1SU UCCU M1K.WJ? ever since they began. Yankee Blade. "There," said an old lady, pointing loan angel and trumpet upon Mr Strecter'a church, 'you see what the principles of thtn Unitec salcrs is. Only see, they've got . a feller up with a bottle to his moitli. "I'm. a done sucker," as the child said when he. wss wemifd. Tm siting on the stylr Mary as the ehnp said when net of the latest ho seated himsvlf Paris fashion. on hon- PRICES CURRENT. COKKKCTED WIKHLV FOR TBI RKCISTCR. ltalcigh. coudTsr raopKCK. cts Bmcou Ihjiih, 7 to 7J Sides Sl Shoulders ; 7 Cotton Corn Mel Flour Feathers Hides, grten dry Oils Whet Fodder Batter 12 SO 45 a 50 5J C 25 a 3 J 4 310 MCBCHANDIZC. S.iU. Liver'l.sackZ a 2 10 do Blowa 2 40 lo 2 50 Coffee, Rio, pd 17 4 Ltguira 20 " Jv 17 Supr, 8 to 10 Molasses, jrl 35. to 40 Iron, Swedes pd 6 do extra sizes 7 30 (English do 5 80 Whiskey, gal 35 to 40 75 a SO Brandy, gal 75 to 100 10 a 20 FAYETTEVILLE. ocstrv rtoDvcc cum 1 7-8 do do C Cotton, lbs lis to 12 Osnaburg, ynrd 8 to 9 MaCHADISC. CKNTS. Bivl rojf, pd. to It Baling, hvy, yd 1 5 to 20 do light 13 to 15 Lime bbl 175 to 200 Nuila, keg, pd .i trSJ Oil, lump, gal 87 to 140 do Uuner's bbl 1750 White leud, keg, l9to2i Corn, bushel, 60 to 63 Flour, bbl 4 to 4 Feather, lb 30 Hides, green, lb 3 to 39 do dry 6 to 10 Tobacco, manuf J. 0 to 15 Wool, lb 45 Ftiyettiville Manufacture Qoitwu yarn, pouud 17 ;4 brown nhi'ie, yd. ' 7 PETERSBURG MARKETS. Reported for tlie Intelligencer. Fridat, Feb. 4, 1830. TOBACCO. ..! Owing to the late unfavorable weather, the re ceipts have fallen off. The article continues brisk, with an upward tendency. Lugs, 3i a 5i : Leaf, 5 a $0. COTTON. But little has been done in this article for the past two days ; holders are asking 12i cts.; buyers offer 12 cts. FLOUR. We hear of no sales, except by retail, at 5 for Superfine ; $G a 6J for Family. WHEAT. Continues in active demand at 90 a 103c for Red: $1 a 100 for White. CORN. The demand is good at 55 cts. PEAS AND BEANS. Blackeye Peas, 50 a 53 cts.; Whitt Beans 80 a 90 cts. BACON. Va. cured, hog round, 7 a 71 ets. dull. LARD. Va. Lard, in kegs, 7 a 71 cts. MOBILE MARLET. Feb. 9- The week's business sums up 14,000 bales. 1 he sales have been chielly on English ac count, and the market closes firm at our quota tions. Liverpool Classification. Ordinary, 102 a 10; middling, lit ; good middling, 11 j: middling fair, i : lair, nominal at 124. Rice. Stock large, yet holders are firm at 3. a c;c tor a. prime article. NEW YORK MARKET. Feb. 13. Cotton has declined an i to 2 since the arrival of the steamer. The sales to-day a-. mounted to 2,000 bales, Middling Orleans quoted at 12i. Flour declined 1-16. Cora is tending downward ; yellow sells at 60 cents. Rice, 3j. Other articles remained unchanged. Securities imorovinsr. Sterlinr? Exchinires. rA Holders of crude Turpentine are firm at $2,62! a 2,75, but the sales are not large. In spirits, 200 No 1 Rosin at 2,75 a 3,50. ' In. this Countyv on the 7th insL, by the Rev. i; i 4QWd' James Us. Norris, to. Miss .vaanua rates, (ststerdi Rev. M. T. Yates, of! China.) i Prade at tbe Court lfmise, on Friday, ! iheM .lnM Vek;AyM.in Wn-f .r Uinfruiil3 R funds B ank Cartridges. By order, i J, C. LDMSDEN. :m Orderly Serg't. Raleigh, Feb. la, 1850. Tie Citizens of BsMgn ar hereby invited to enrol their names sa mftiobw of a Fir Company . accor ding to the prdvwrtniof anict of ATem'. ly, entitled "An Act fur lUcur protection otf tha City f K kifn fruai ivut by; Firaw IWhi dwjKwetl to voiuoteer members of lhe aaiW,' wi W ftKhish tne City Co .stahU -wiia their nmW,'ori 1 oi before 8ai orday. the 23d day'sf February. : 1850. on which day, if the prescribed n amber (forty) have not previ ously volunteered, a draft will be made from the whole number of citizen to supply the deficiency. Menbera of the Fire Company are exempt by act of Aiemuly from military duty, during their term of service, except in case of hostile invasion. W. DALLAS HaYWOOD. IotenJnnt. Raleigh Feb. 15th 1850 2t HEW COWCEItflf, riry HE. sobscribers have this day associated them- II selves together, under the name and style of BRITTON TODD, for the purpose of coodacting a Geueral Grocery uod Commission Business, iu the Town of Peters burg. They have taken the Store iu toe Odd Fel lows: Hall, opposite Powell's Hotel, and hope, by strict personal attentiou to business, to merit a share of patronage from their frieads and the public gen erally. They will, at all times, be supplied with a well Selected assortment of Groceries, which they I ... .. t 1 . ! ' 1 will sell at wholesale ana retail, ns low as mey can be Durchased in t hi market. They will also pay strict attention to tbt forwarding of Goods and sale of all produce entrusted tb their e iro. K. U. CK.I x a uii . or in. u. JBERN4BD3&DP, of .retersoorg. January Ut, 1850. .. j ' . 15 iw IlorseSliocs, lO Kegs Horse Shoes just received. BRITTON St TODD. Feb. 14th, 1850. 15 Armiatcad'ft fine Cliewiiig Tobacco. WE have ju3t received fri boxes und half boxes Arinisteud's fine Chewing Tubncco. BRITTON Sc. TODD February 14th, 1850. 15 GROCERhW&c; THE Mitwcribers have iu more, and are daily expecting, the following good, which they will st-II al the lowest prices' for tatfh, or on time to punctual customer?, viz : 50 Tons Swedes, English and Anierican Iron 5 Tou Ger.iitn and Blis'.ered Sleel 1 Cast Steel 150 Bags Coffoe, Old Java, Rio and Laguira 75 II lids. Porto Rico, St. Cruz and N. O. Sugars 125 ' aud barrels N. O. and Went India Muiasse 250 Bags Shot aborted, 300 Sacks Salt, 50 Boxes lxaf, Crushed, Pulverized, ,and Refined Sugars , 5 Tous Blue Grit Grtudslone's 1 , t , 100 Kes Powder, JU Chests I m penal Gunpowder aud Black Tejrf ' . '-.. 300 K-ga Nails, ajorterf, Rapid FaMa and Cum berland, v -- -.-. 10 Torn Casting, asortsd 150 Boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Caudles 150 Soap, every variety 50 Barrels common Whiskey SO do Reclined 25 do Old Rye 5 Pipes French Brandy . .. 20 Barrels Apple do '..0 do Jamaica and Antigua Rum and Pure Holland Gin " ' ' . SO Pipe and $ Pipes genuine Madxtra, Pale Sher ry, Port and TeurrirJ'e VVIn'ea' A general assortment of Cooking Wiues, with Plougn Lihe, Bed Cordi, Grass Rope, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mace. Nutmegs thouolate, VVrap piug, Letter aud Writing Paper, Clover Seed, 4rc. IMtl lTUM lODU. Opposite Friend's Hotel, Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. February 18, 1S50. 15 lv RAIL ROAD COVETIO. A CONVENTION will be held iu , Hillsboro', on Wednesday Jlhe 27th of February, wheu it isexpected the list of one hundred persons ptedg d to take the unsubscribed . stock iu the North Carolina Rail Road Company, wilt be complete. la the mean time, the friends of the great work are earnestly desired to use every effort to increase the P'MMtive subscriptions, as well as to add to the list of one hundred And all persons holding subscrip. tion papers of either description, are particularly re quested lo forward them, or attend the Convention in person. The General Commissioners are alWi in. rvited to attend, that the necessary arrange menu may uc maue lor calling together the Stockholders at Saisbory, according to the terms 0? the Charter. R. M. SAUNDERS. By Order of the Executive Committee. Raleigh, Feb. 1st, 1H50. ; 11 OF J. W. MAURY CO , Managers, Richmond, Virginia, GRAND LOTTERY, to be drawn 23d of r n " March, 180. Capital lriz 70,000 ! Virginia Monongalia Lottery, Class C. Prizes 1 of $70,o00 ; 1 of 50,000 ; 1 of 20,0 i0 ; 1 of 15000; 1 of 10,100 ; 1 of 4.81T; 100 prizes of 1,200; 114 of 1,100, lowest 3 No. prize ; 63 of 200, 1st and 2d drawn ftos. ; 63 of 100, 3d and 4th drawn numbers, Sec. 75 No. Lottery, 12 drawn ballots. Tickets $2d, Halves $10, Quarters $5, Eighths $2i. A certificate, or risk, ori a package of 25 whole tickets, $236. Do. of half, quar ters and eighths in proportion. ftF Orders for packages, single tickets or shares, addressed to the undersigned, receive immediate attention. Drawings forwarded. J. W.JMAURY &. CO. ' Richmond, Va. Gold Watches and Jewelry. i.w arrivJLpt,a iHrgeaud, taslHotmote as sortment of the above just atbhd and for sale, cheaper -.tWn .ever, at ,J?ALMER & RAMSAY'S Jewelry .Si ore. The most i extensive stock of all articles iu their lip e. lint hs been offer ed for sale here for years. Come and. see, if you do not boy. 4 Dozen gold and silver Watches, of nil kind, Gold fob. vest and guurd Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-ring. Car-rings, Brenst-pioa, Studs, and colUr Buttons, Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Clasps, gold silver and spring steel Spectncles Gold and silver Pencils aud Pens and waist Buck les, ..', Silver Combs and Tortoise shH SpecUcles, A very extensive assortment ofSilver nud Plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles,. Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, &x. A large stock of Cutlery, RhioVs, Knives, Rasnr s traps, nnd Diamond Paste Tor Rnsors, Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, ice. Butter aud Fruit Knives. Gad aud Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes, Silver Plated Castors, Caulle Slicks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles, A large nssortnitiut of Perfumery, Colognes, Soups, Boxes lor Toilets, Fancy article, aud Christmas presents, aada variety ot other arti cXa All kinds of Watches sod Jewelery repaired in superior style. Old Gold aud Silver received in ex change. - PALMER J- RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1849. 93 If Dry Goods in Charleston, S. C, CAE. I.. KrjlEtlSOT, BEG to inform those Merchants, who buy for Cash, or City acceptances, that their Stock this Spring will prove worthy of specinl attention An examination of the Styles and prices is re. quested. r Their Stock is new, large, nnd well assorted', and will be sold ut their uMifil LOW prices. C. dc E L. KERRISON, Importers and Jobbers, No. 203, North west Corner King and Market st. January 1850. . 9 w($w HTATE of North Carolina-Wakrek rP Count v, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. November Term, 1849.. . . Peter B. Hawkins, ) Original Attachment Levied vs. oa Money in the hands of Jo- Phtlemon Hawkins. ) seph T Joues. ; It appenring to the satisfaction of the Court, that Philemon Hawkins Is'n nou-residenVoTtnis State: It is ordered that publication be uwdejntbe Ri'leigh Register fbr six Mccessive weeks, notifyleg the de fendrtnl to be and appear before the J usttces of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for i i i v.mm. . v. f uu .unrier ocfbioub, iu oe neiu i """S" I Vt SS fAlil S? T . . a '""""V" vrreo,at toe Ueurt llooss in VYar- a , "." MdJ Off ebrUary next, and replevy said property or money Levied on, or the sirns will be condemn! to 'satisfy the Plaiutilfs Debt and Costs. 5 - Witness John W. White, Clerk of our said Court al office the 4th Monday of November, A. D. 1840. Ijssucd the Sth day of Jan'y. 1S50. fPr. adv. ?5 JNO. W. WHITE, Qjtate of North Carolina Countt Onsiw, In Equity. John A. Averitt, Administrator, &. of Isaac Lip sey, deceased. vs. George J. Ward, Urina Thompson, Leonard Lip- ey, Lemuel Lipsey,' Elizabeth Lipsey, Redding Lipsey, luaac Lip.ey. Bill to Foreclose a Mortgage. It appearing satisfactorily and according to the Rules of the Court, that Leonard Lipsey, Lemuel Lipsey, Elizabeth Lipsey, Redding Lipsey and Isaac Lipsey, defendants in the above entitled cause, are not residents of this State: It is ordered that adver tisement be rmde in the Raleigh Register for six weeks, notify ingi and requiring said defendants sev erally to appear jat the next Court of Equity, to be held for Onslow County at the Court House of said Couuty, on the sixth Monday after the fourth Mon day of March, A. D. 1850, aud then and there to plead answer or demur to the plaintiff's Bill, or it will be taken as confessed snd heard ex parte as to them. ; . la testimony thereof, I, A. J. Murril, Clerk and Master of said Court, have hereto set my name st Office, 15th. Nov, 1S50. A. J. MURRIL. Pr adv. $5 q29 11 I. 0. 0. P. FIRST PftlitflllTitl AWARDED by the JTIARYLAXD INSTITUTE, 1848, and 1849, to GIBBS & SMITH, eenlia and Oamicr iVlunufactu- rcrs, for iheir Superior Style and make of " THE WgRK GOES B1AIELT M.M FITE CAPITAL PRIZES OP $5yOOOl VISTRIBUTED, AffD SCUM I ; In the grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland drawn n the lSih day of Janfuwry, at ibe World Renowned Prixe ftt5 if Kir m Keg .lis,, uanners, dtc. uiubs $ smnn would res pectfully inform the different Orders and Societies throughout the Country, that they keep constantly on hand, a large amortmerit of Odd FellOAVS, Sons of Temocrance, Masonic, Red Tlen's, and all other Ketalia, Banners, tsashes, Robes, Caps, Jewels, fcc, ail of which are got up in the best manner. Individual or Associations forwarding their orders may depend on as much care being taken in select, ing the goods, and upon gelling them at the same prices, as if the articles were ordered in person. GIBBS & SMITH, No 7. Baltimore Street, Baltimore November Z I, 1849. 93 6m Desirable Property for Sale. JBnHE Subscriber offers for sale the HOUSE AND LOT in the Town of Oxford, where he now resides. The house has six rooms with fire places in each, and has been built within the Inst six years. The lot is pleasantly situated, within one hundred and fifty yards of the Female Academy, and besides the dwelling house, has on it, a kitchen, a negro house, a granary, an ice house, Carriage house, and work shop. 4 Also, a tract of land lying less than a mile from the town of Oxford, containing 155 ACRES. On this land there are about forty-five acres of orig iual forest, which is well timbered about one half is cleared, and in good order for cultivation, more than twenty acres bing Creek low ground. Also, a valuable Saw Mill and Grist Mill. o Fishing Creek, wish 19 acres of land attached, about eight miles from Oxford The Mill has been built wilhin the last eight years, and is in good order for manufacturing, grinding and sawing. All this pro perty will be bold for cash, or on credit as purchas ers may prefer. WILLIAM H. GILLIAM. Oxford, N. C, January 22, 1850. 7 wtf Belvoir Classical School. THIS Institution is i tutted about two and a halt miles from the village of Lenoir, Caldwell Uoun ty, North Carolina. It has been in operation about five years, and is now in a more flourishing slate than al any former period, the number of pupils having gradually increased. The location is very fine, and has proved itell remarkanly healthy , not a solitary in stance ot sickness having occurred among the Rector's own Children, or the pupils boarding1 in his family, since the commencement of the Scliod. There is probably not another place in the State where boys are mure pleasantly suoaied ; more effectually guard ed against the tempi lions that beset lhe young ; or where they can be more thoroughly educated at s little expense. They are prepared, if desired, for any College in the United Males, or fined to . nier upon any profession, at the exceedingly moderate cost of J 125 per annum. This charae covers all necessary Schitol exiensea. except books and Stationary. For Vill particulars, addrcs the umlers'gned al Belvoir, near Lenoir, Caldwell County. North Carolina. THOMAS S. W. MO'PT. July llth,!S49' 5 2mlv w.iRREXToiv ri:M ai,u si:m.V4itv E Exerciis of this Institution closed for the present year wilti a ruoiic examination, nera on the 30 ll a'ld 31.t ultimo, and will be resumed on Tuesday lhe loih of January. The Priucipal w as sisted 'iu the various duties of the. School by the most able Teacher. Terms u follows, per Session of I Tee Months : Board, $5.1 00 j Muxic, $20 00 English Tuition, 12 50 I Use of Instrument, 3 00 French, 10 00 Drawing & Pain- J ting. 10 00 Useful snd Ornamsutal Needle work free of charge. No extra (diarges will be made. Circulars cootaiu ing more minute information call be obtained, on application lo the Friucipal- DANIKL TURNER. Warrrtitou N. C. Nov. 12th. 1819. 93 if "lilLK Classical Must it nte, HILLSBORO' STREET, RALEIGH, JV. C. Assistants. Rzv. B. T. Blake. Principal. Mr. William C. Doub, A. M. Mrs. Lucy M. Pktkkmlia, Mr. Karl W. Pktebsu.ia. Prof, of Music. Miss Maktha E. Doub. Principal of Prep Dep. The first Session for 1850, will begin A Monday the 7th January v TERMS. Board and Tuition for Session ofSMoaths, $0 Music on the Piano, or the Guitar. 20 Drawing and Painting iu Water Colors, 10 Painting in Oil Colors, 15 French, ; . 10 Tuition in Preparatory School, 15 Thirty Young Ladies cuu be accommodated with board iu the Institute. The design of the Institute is to furnish to a limi ted number of Students the means of a thorough course of instruction in the Classics.' Being a pri vate enterprise and having nothing to sustain it but its own merits, care has been takeu to secure the as sistance of Professors and Teachers who ore of ac knowledged abilities and long experience iu- their several departments. For further particulars, address the Principal. I Raleigh, Nov. 29th, 1849. 95 To, Dentists. Supply of very superior Gold Foil just recei ved, and for suit for cash 36 pr ox. by Raleigh, Feb. 8, 2S50. 12 PHALON'S CHEMICAL HAIR 1NYIGQRAT0R. (ZHHE I u vigors tor prevents Baldness, restores the st? Hair that has become tbin, aud cures effect ually Seurf or Dandruff. It is an article in which a cleansing and purifying wash is beautifully blen ded, and produces the most delicate silky and glos sy moisture for the Hair imaginable. 07" Ladies will find the Invigorator a, great ad dition to the 'Toilet, both on account of its delight ful perfume, and the facilities is affords in dressing the Hair. A supply just received aU PESEOLVS Drugstore. Raleigh, Rob 8, l3& 13 OF BALTIMORE, MJ),. .The Official Drawings of the Managers ef ib Maryland Lotteries show this truly astounding -cess, of the great Lottery firm in dhitributitfg prizes. Unequalled in Prize Sel&S 27 Prizes of $1 .BOO sold in January. & do of 5,000 sold in January. I do of 3.000 sold in Januury. 1 do of 15,000 sold in January. 1 do ef 20,000 sold in January. 1 do of 30.000 sold iu Jauuary. 1 do of 10!000 sold in Jauuary. . do o( 9,000 sold in January. ! "IfO SUCH WORD AS FAIL?' IT.! IZYLil.VD LOTTERIES FOR FEBRUARY, mo. - Prieeef Package Date! Cap'l Prize. No, of BalV Tk'is. efQw. Feb,22, 1300 78Nos. I5drawe, 4, 14 O Feb. 29. 67J500 75 No. 12 drawn. 20. 7S Nos 13 drawn, 8, 30 75 Nos 15 drawn, S, 1 Cfi Nos. 10 drawn, 10, 0 78 Noa. I4drawu, $, IS Order for Packages or Single Tickets soma safe by mail. Colviu Sc. Co. send Managers Official Drawings U all who order tickets. v Letters answered by return mail. Bank Notes on all good Bauks in the eeoitry re ceived at par for ticket. Prizes cashed at sight, : Bank Drafts remitted to tlioso holding prizes. fjf$ Order early for Prizes in February Lotteries. , Please address, COLVIN 3c CO., wV. W. corner of Ballimort and Culvert struts, Museum Builuino, Baltimok, Me. Feb. 25.5 of 12,000 Feb.26, 20 000 Feb. 27, 30.000 Feb. 28; 20,000 Will Wonders Never Cease! Really Truth is Strang ! The advent of ihs year 1850 brougSt JOY TO THOUSANDS, Who, with the Dissolution of the past year, " bade Wood bye" to all timid apprehensions of a Failure , and boldly advancing their auil at the , SHRINE OF FORTUNE, Determined henceforth to seek riches. Only at that exhausllesa ItliaiC of Wcath, PITER A, CO'S The Old Established fc Far-Famod LOTTERY BROKERS, NO. 1 LIGI1T STItEET, BALTIMORE, Mb. Hfr AH Former Times Totally Eclipsed! TRULY BRILLIANT LUCK ZP A few dollars often realize a fortune ! 330.000 on a Whole ticket sent to a gentleman in Illinois he ordered a Package, paid $130 for it and dreV $30,000. This is no wonder however, as he purchased from the far-famed House ef P YFElt it CO. . $20,000, sent to Alabama. SI 5.000, sent to Virginia. $10,000, sent to South Carolina. 810.000, sent to North Carolina. $9,000, sent to Pennsylvania. $3 000 sent to Georgia. $5,000, sent to Ohio. fiy- All promptly puid by PYFER k. CO. tmi tht tickets norc onfile at their truly fortunate effiee. 07- Such Luck only at PYFER & CO'S. D-Orders Confidential. Rich and splendid Schemes FOR FEBRUARY 1850. NOW IS TIME TO SECUUB A FORTUNB Date, Capital February. Prizes. 21 Z2 S3 25 38 27 28 25 000 13.600 $7,500 13.U00 20,090 30.000 - 20,000 78 Nos. 78 No. 75 Nos. 78 No. 75 No. 66 'Miss. 78 Noa. No. of Price of Price ef Ballots Ticket. Packages 13 drawn 15 drawn 12 drawn .13 drawn 15 drawn 10 drawn 1 4 drawn 4 20 10 5 18 IS 74 30 )$ 3 it ot 00 0 01 0$ 17 69 ' The prices of Packages ot Quarter Tickets only, is published in this paper. Please mail orders a lew days before the Let. teries draw. 07 Letters always strongly envelopes' and eare: fully sealed. . jry None but the Managers' printed Drawings seut from PYFBU fc CO'd. CCj Every order lo PYFER Sc CO. is answered by return mail. Bank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit pyab!e ia GoiJ at sight, and pro nptly remitted. 10 any pari ef lhe Country for Prizes sold at this Agency. On Package of Ticket may draw Tear Capitals I (Xy Mon7 in any sums however Urge, can be confident mailed to the address of PYFER & CO. For a snlendid Prize, prompt payment ia Gold and Silver, and faithful attention to the Orders of a correspondent, early remittances should be made of cash. Draft, or Prize tickets; to the truly fortuee ate, old-established and far famed Lotterry firm ef PYFER & CO No. 1 TJght-st. Kaltimore Hid. ) TO THE AFFLICTED. AD LOCK'S Tesrefable Powder & rrtip, for Diseases of the Lnuc,t B.I.w t ...... . I I mm mm 1 ... a . . a , . . . a . r .a , a. t. , Coughs, Cold, &, This medicine has been betore the public for twelve years, and a far as it known, t-tsnds urnivalle.1 as a remedy for the shave named complaint, when used according to thedirec lins. Those disputed to make trial of it, are advis ed to ueit from three to four weeks; end that with out the omission of even one doe. Scarcely any thing short of this can be a fair trial of its erficacy. Numemus and surprising have been the cures per formed by its use. . For sale at the N C Bookstore. Rsleifh Feby. 15 1850. - . Pianos ! Pianos 1 1 Pianos ! ! ! fBHE undersigned respectfully call the at ten tion of the public, to the splendid, highly fin ished Rosewood and Mahogony Pianos, with an en tire Cast Iron Frame, handsomely carved and gi t. This Iron Frame combines the entire Instrument, prevents it from warpiug and getting out of Tune. The climate or change of weather have little or no effect on the I ost rumeuts. The quality of their tot e and workmanship cauuot be surpassed by any ether Factory in the Country. Principals of Academies, Professors, Merchants, aud the Public generally, will please send their tr ders and they shall be promptly attended to. ANTHONY KUMN &. CO. No. 4 EuTaw St. Baltimore LIST OF PRICES. Pianos with metallic plate in Rosewood or Mihog any oases 6 .octave, from $i$0 to $250. Metallic frame, from $250 to $3 00; 6$, 6 in proportion, and 7 octave from$300 to $400. f Please refer to Arch Carter, Mocksville; Josh Boner, Salem; David Scott, ureensborough; Mr. Holden nnd Dr. Thornton, Milton; and Cad. Joues Esq Hillsboro'. M July 20, 1S49 58 3amlypd FUI SU RICE. . December 11th, 1843. RESH Rice, imw Crop just received. W M. PECK 6f SON. 90 3w Herds 4Ji-aw Seed. GOOD supply of Fresh Herds Grass Seed, Rjnst received, ana lor sale by - I P. F. PESCUD. Ralsigh, Feb 8, 1850. 12 Fr (he RemoTtl md Pirmaiiali Cirt tf NERVOUS DISEASE Aa4 r la Copliots tejnTl BRTOt 9 ' If PTslM.--; rt n.:. . i:r..l -A nn.aaiant avalicatina tb SB . r,.v,,rTiu m nowsrs of OALVAIN15M ana TT VsWtte Uinc.4 by dittinfoUUsd physfeie fceftto ZmV2mZJm3 United Btates, to as la aissl MlwW. sw tuM fMrf W Or. CHRISTIE'S BSLT aad -4..- .. ; , MAGNETIC S im mmmi with th most oarlsct and esriai secess 4a OT t prfct and srtaiv .SC4 OB IT KRAI. DBBlfclTT,;' . StrnraDlnr th weaknd body, grving ton to" l arrua. and in r iron ting th ntir .STstsss.- Al la f "S rrrrARACrsis ead rxLST. brpsu owiir OESTION. RHEUMATISM, ACUTE end EriLcrsv, xcmbaoo. DtArnEss, WLKTOvr Tim mors, ritrtTATiON r tmiv iP'9 NtURXLOIA. FAINS im SB , SIDE CJtMrj. iJetS. defIciencv or xrtoc n rurnc tu EROT.ud U NERVOUS DIAEAIM, wtsh I.WnHW frees a siaipl casaaaiIy, " A Darengesnemt of Hi If Tmm 9jUm, 1 era- la NERVOUS) COMPLAINT,' PtQ eete Mat uUm tU r thy w vy W alreadv prostnrtad systaat ; wkaU wnfmr tb strasMsMM lite givinc itdiiing iatlnwiee ef OeUaaawe, ee sypjlss bj thi. lUntif.l a4 wnttril erT, .. aad waki soa"rr is i tord snmr hJflvetaS lsticity and vigor- . .. . , i' . Th grat psculiarity ane cllne ef ' . ' ; - Dr. ChrfsUe'e aelTesdo ChzrettTew, t- n,a fmt tKt art I as wmri mr.nlietUn, in plac of ak fnil S4 r physicking th patient, tiU MhsusM Natwr siala i eaar m idhic uuu. , , Tkty fr tht whU mptmn, fifhii rtwtosw tkt .U4, pratt Us ssersKsfX. U - ',' WT wntUr any ctrcumitnet. tine their iatreaeeaee .se mm United Stetes, only bar yaani aiace, ar shae i 60,000 Penom twclading all f , elass aaJ eowlitio, ssssMg wfc wJ a large hmbr of ladias, wh ar sksiy hj ., xu CompUinU, bv ba - '- ' SlfTtRELT sTXD rWB3A3KWMTLT OVRXD, j wha all hop f rlif bed bes eat a, asat wfj tkm omnMtrtU tb us Mb 43AI.VAMIC saf th cM ef a parson atllicted with that baaw of trllfinto; DTSrePSIA, r any othr Chroaicor N rrou Dinsrdsr. tat anlinarw ru. itimnUukU ar taksa. which, by fhtr aWtMHl f th orvs and mnsels of th stomaeh, asfcra fmfvmy rUCi Ml which v tb patient ia a Jpwr stat, ana vumnm tacalti, after th actios thus acit4 hsa c a. Now eonw par this with th f ct rsuiting from th appucatioa el She OALVAMC BELT. Tak a liypptie sAier, va ia tb wen y tastoms of an attack, aad (iatply U the JMlt irmumd th body, uuag th Magntic Kkui (Urt. I a ha7 period th inmsibl paruiiratian wtU eat ee th saaJcwet clamant of th Bait. thrby Musiatg a tMvaeie isoalatiot. which n atr pass on to th Bgaaiv. sad thrac hek,afai aat th rositiv, thus kpio( up a ouaaoa CNlvaaic cwaav tion throughout th system. Thas th most avr aa et. DYSPEPSIA ar PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAT IS OFTEN AMrLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE TH DISEASE OF TEARe. . v i' CEETlHCiTES 1HD fESTUtmil Or Use smoet UndmasHeal Caiasrajiasaev- Freai all parts f & Country cttat S fjivM, HlWt M9 vary eoiiunn in thi paper ! , . AN EXTRAORDINARY 0ASB, whih oaolaaivly prov that Truth is stranger thaa Fiction- EHEUIHiTISM, BE0XCH1TIS l DTIPIPIU Rev. Dr. Landi, a Clergyman ef Nw Jry, el distingriks. aaaiawsats aad aaalhwl rptatioa: , idt, Nw Jry, Jiy It, I. Da. A. H. CaattTis Dar Sir : Toe wish to kaew af mn what has bn th rasuU in ssr owa , of the appbesaioa at! THE UALVAN1C BELT XHU NECKLACE, My reply is as fellow : For abeet (awiUy r I bad best sotfulat srasa Dyipajv ia. Every year th symptoata haeetae war, aac eaajd I obtaia pan . ar af i arhsssvr. Aboat fwrl trqutit azposur to th wthr, ia th diaeharg f say p srai uuUH, i nacaia .udjvcv a a sever waroass nmn awm, which Sbr , yr after yer, ewuad ew indaseiibablw , angaiah. Farther t in th w Later of 1 aad '48, ia OBsane ot preaching a groat dal ir aiy owe and varioas athaT ahnrehas ia this ragion, I ws attacked by the Rraachitav which aooa bcaa so vr as to rquir aa iateiadiate wm paosioD of Ky pastoral labors. Afy sMrava systsss w aa lorcMy wrmtfrmttd, and as say Bronchitis bcn wana, mm also die my Dyspapsi sad Rhumatte affectioa thus viaeing' that thas disorders wr eooMcted with ach other throafl th aidtum of th Nrvous System. In th whol phaxmsao. ptsia there srad to b no rmdial agnt which coeht rach and rcaprat my Nsrrous System ; vry thing that ! had triad tor this purpose had completely fiuld. At last I was lad by my friend to cxarnio your inventions, and (theegfc with ao vary sangoin hop of thair fficteoey I islsimlasil to try th 8ct of th application of th OALVAN1C BELT AND NECKLACE, with th MAGNETIC FLUID. This war ia Job, 1844. To ar 'sutT stoicishmert, ia vw oas sre DvsrcniA had ork ; in bisht davs I was . t UtOBI MT rASTOBAL LASOBS J Kb HATB I IIITCB OMITTM a aiei.c sbbvicb on kccpvKT or the BsoncHiTia; ap mv Rmbvmavic Arrtcnari has epitiiclv cbasrd re tsaoblb sue Buck is th wonderful and happy results of the esperimat I hv rcommndd th BELT and FLUID to asaay wh have bean lihawis nSrring from Neuralgic aaseuaaa. Thay ' have triad thm, with HArn bbsult, 1 belietc, ib avaev OAta. I am, dear air, very rpctftiHv Tonrs. ROBERT W. LANDl. , DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE U for all complaiote aTacting tb Throat or Haad. aeh tm' Bronchitis, Inflammation of th Throat, Narrows aad BiaaV Hedab. DizxiMss of th Hesd, Neaialgia ia the Fav Buning er Soaring ia th Ears, Dfnssa, wluch is foaraW' Nrvus, aad that distressed complaint, called Tic DaraV Paly and Paralysis. AH ehydcians acknowledge that ths ternbl disetvs see' SUMd by a deficiency , Aert-atu Energy ia th aaaatodl Umbs. Da. Chbibtie's Galvanic Articl wU rapply thtw' Ceficient power, and a complete and atircari Ihim ifnht ' 1000 Cases of Palsy and Paralysis b bMn reported to Da. Chbistis and his AganU withaa aw)' Ssst two years, which have been entirely restored. CO- Car. Abdbew J. F. Tome! of Brooklyn. f. had est' bn able to walk a step for near four y ears, and was a haj ai hi um no, j am most cinraiaa nays . Hiia aja Oalva P- In At days after h commenced wearing the' Belt. Nicilul i Ri.ru .v. iwa aalk 1 -rcae m room, ana in in re weeks he bad ptrwetly rssiiual -wmmut, vauuua AOTD! IS KTUIT TXS S ?, Severe Dea&ess Oared. Ta following is an extract from a Utter lately reivedf Srom a distinguished physician in th State of Virginia : "A. H. CHBitTia, M. VDtmr Sir: On of my peavaav "tIT' me omitted your eitc fUU aad NtcklmmZ with th Magnetic Fhui, tor a srioos affteuoe ef friara s ; . J was that ol a lady who Nervous system was maatv """'""i ana acr rsnersi naiia poor. Mac a w lolill StriligB The best Italian, just re- ceived by 1 W ILLIAMS. HAYWOOD At CO. OILS.! OILS! I A LARGE stock of superior Limp, Cotton seed, in P Raleigh, Feb. 8, 1850. j aTK a-" A Whale and Linseed Oils, in store, aad for sale per Bbl. or gallon', by P. PESCUD -2 pravioualy to th annUealion af th Bait hat arStk mu' uccms, aad I feel k only right to tell yon, that sine ah aeav' aoenced waarinc th Belt and asing th Field, hot weaha' ago, she has ENTIRELY RECOVERED HER, HEAJUNch end hr gBral health is oetter thaa for svrsl yMrs. W -ry eaaeoc dnUmi, if it b Nervee, R i " wj imm wnmniq ramy. . DR. CHRI8TIE8 ' GALVANIC BRACELETS Ar nana ot vast arrk In r r.a.i paemodie Complaints, and gnral Narvoos Aaaetioas T the; i!a. Bppr 'xlrraiUM- Also in Palsy end Feraly'sis, aad Energy ia th limb er other organ of th body. Prices: The Galvanic Belt, Three DoDkrtV The dalvanio Necklaoe, Two Dollar, The Galvanic Bracelets, . One Dollar XUotav The Magnetic Fluid, On Dollarv B7 The article ar accompanied by full and plsia ihmn tea. Psmtihlats with full nartieulara aa.. v ba had M aW aathoriied Agent Fur sale in Raleizh. N. C. bv the authorised Agent, ; P. F. PESCUD, j : Wholesale and Retail Apothecary and Druggist , October 27. 1849. 83 If Notice. 'IHE undersigned, in the name and on behalf of Lafayette Division, No. 3 of the Sonr of Tem perance, will give 1$25.0 for the best Original Es. ' ay on the Eetls of LiUmperante and I fie JKtsWy. This Essay must be written by a North Carolinian, or a resident in the State ; must not exceed" thirty pages duodecimo, and roust be forwarded, free of ; charge, on or before the 5th of June twit, to Rev. . R.T. HeSin, . VV. Whiting and C. C. Rabctti. Esqa-, Raleigh, N. C, who have Kindly cieT4ed , to act as adjudicMtors-. The HJanuecript must beec-v eompanied with a sealed letter contaiaing the. ad drees ef the writer. The sward wiU be adjudged on the bsl day of Ansae. ; 1. " r ' 5 C. P. JONES. OST Editors In North CaroTin friea41y t6 tkfr cause of Teaperajiee, will please IJ the ahove ear or two iustrtioBsv ' : !

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