. -j"" "v . ; 1 1 1 " " i-- - -4- , S - - - X ." T J" tjj it 1 ' 1 r 1 Browi'i rtswncof Jjimqilca Gf nr --Zhanvt IStreelt, PhUau ; : t ,Z, fTTIHIS Eaeenciii VwrUoaf'i1afBil xJ Jl..ience and of Turied propertiW fn all euw wbw a powerful nud safe siimalaat. is required, it Is CnriTjilleJ for 2cacy as well as immediate action To (be trareier aiufta th fatnilCircleIt iiaj wloablf, as few dropa dilated' vol oar and 'witcr ZD BY if ITU1 w Si1 paOFMKTO, - of fair delightful peace, 'nl-01 TI i?k brother. rtyI8 S3 rem X LV T I I .1 W J-e'ti I I I II I ill I 71 I t li r ; .? . ICIT IIJ III II . I X I IS I -JL- 111 If I III - . V .. IJ Tl N I " II -U-.' : If ' J J V f- , - '. f .. -A' . , . J i .! 1 N. C. f Jr" - J- . ...... CONVENXION. .contemplated NashvilleXn- Last, burnot least, in JVortt CIino. we think we may conBdenUy assert, that Delats wrll be Tedbyoriginatoraof the prop- appo.ated from but lAe of the nine Congresslon f,T0 : -mnses hare since been at- al Dmtrictg, at the outside . anA tht ffi whatever construction the W.I- authorized to represent the State at large. In?the &,iD- Way ? aTn Di6,rifl rePre9en,ed bf Mr. Venable.the only wo rS fM the &ta C0UDt,es ,Jiat haTe U far made any' expression A -o the bt means of secur.ng and pf their sentiments (Chatham and GnuivilJe) have rs. In the absence, theiefore. expressed themselves as opposed to the Southern f tbai underthe ag.tat.on of fiery Convention. We think ourselves safe iu !the Cm ConTin proposes ev J 1 end statement that most of ihe Jead.ng public menl of iJiW 'f L! ' parly' in lhe S,ate' are oPPed to khe t if be countenance i movement. pr ' r ihe mtentrons ot tne get- Th. hr.v tmmn... j mGTemeDt.inthatno geralcon- neMof project for a Southern CWn.L, had.aad that sonieStates will J conplusiwely. .We .venture -4he prediction.. 91 . nnted. We propose to re- hf n -u...i.t , U F jnoet" : i i 6auwi buuuhj ever oecome so Hirect ...nf the Convention move .k-.. .t t . : 1 (jjfni " . ,Ko, Sfl can 08 oorne oniy at a sacrifice of cher- fofibee i" s ' isnednnciplea and r.ghis which fearful tane fibatexcelleptjournhe 'R y God amU-there-will be oo auch.Oiviaion V for thedesis- of the fbu and for of eemipent' among the Southemv State. They. L6cbMw- r. wiII'inoTe,'8- ther'-buffht-'-in mow' ir"-.. ' .lA usually denominated a slave shrtu w-' f. .... Qn in feeg. Her representatives oUna in such contingency. Whither her sis Qresenerallv voted for the W.lmot ters go, she wiU go." 1 o;.othmk Ikdu. This is the title of a i-monthry Penodical-iiapp., double column pubhshed at Ashborough, in this Stile, at the ex ceedrngry low price of $1 per aunum. Itisprin- "".:",,,ue "eraui" umce, and edited by B. Cra ven, Esq. ' The first number speaks well for the future neatness of its appearance, and for the ability and taste with which it will be conducted. Its objects being to elevate and im Drove our TnMt;,i cl.ties, we hope to see it patronized by all who and, who does not?feel an interest in so lauda ble an undertaking. This work, properly encour aged.will proTe an invaluable auxiliary to our sys tem of Common Schools. . The system needs be', tenng decidedly. - Rhode Island The Whig Ticket for State Officers f Rhode SOUTH CAROLINA SENATOR. Gov. Seabroox, immediately on receint ofth s - intelligence f Mr. Calhouk's death, tendered the oppuiuuiieui vi vj. o. oenaiur iu jren. Jtj AMILTON which the latter accepted. The Governor, sub sequently entertaining doubts as to his constitu tional eligibility, on the gropnd of his habitation, communicated them to Gen. Hamilton, who. thereupon, immediately returned the Governor': letter of appointment. I Extract of a Letter to Vie Editor, from a friend U9W travelling in Europel doled .March 14th, 1850 The papers by the last pail bring saddening MO IU on In tW J. -f .L- Tt; T . . 09 u iuc laic ui me u.iiuu. 1 cannot brino1 my mma to seriously contemplate such a catas- IsUd has succeeded by an overwhelming m.u ,6e .P JV. "c . ? w" man anJ the opposition ' interest, and so IbrgetfuTofvery proud recollec merelr nommaL The Returns thus far show the IT ?f lhe P89. 88 10 wish for such an event. following result: Whig: 4,096, Demorattc 794 The,lfn of i he Uoion impresses itself mmh Free Soil 128. E.ffht town. . . u JzTi more forcibly on the njind of a citizen when a- v - - - wi iu kjz iitraru nmrtri k. ... u i. t i . tviiii ai nu i.r. , ! nave met no Amer ican, whether from the! North or from the South, who does not deprecate a dissolution of the Ame-' own declared asrainst anv sue u - " . -.ill loo: tiac snA linttortalrDn cesma. su Utbe Southern States in devising "the Ij assort01 reuresa. .-htare of Maryland, at its recent se; pBflanimously a series of resolutions Connecticut Election. The Loco Focos have carried this State elect ing a majority in both branches of the Legislature -- raeoy securing the choice of a Governor, a uuiioi oiates Senator. causes are given for this result, any one Three "7 wou,u account or First, says the . w" awpuonc," mere was a rum aues- a are always CONGRESS t The Senate was occupied on Monday with Khe consideration of Mr. Bejitom's amendment to jhe motion of Mr. FooTE.to refer Mr. Bell's resolu tions to a committee of thirteen, to considerjall .mm! to stand by her sister States questions growing out of slavery. This amend. W r I fx resisting the Wilmot Proviso, I ment provides that the motion shall not be so con. tie District ot joiuraoia, or intener- 1 iu auiuunze saiu commutee to consid r. 1 in.khpiwppn thp Slates- hut I er anv matter relatin?tn Palifumio fr t?- tion ihvnlvMi nn .u- l .1 Ulfl! fS' j 1 o . ut. 1 "vu, vu wmcu me W ine's yaira! roaue .u ui ic wuuicm nuuia iu support oi nis ja- a a matter ol course. Secondly thprp U nor has there been any popular mend ment, contending that the admission of Gal- wss a distressing apathv in the Whir ranL-o ... r... .1 iTnrnla k.J nik: .j . .... ' raiiKS, tjiinfoi tne couuues, iur uic purpose wiiuiS iu uu wua me question 01 sia- """-u we ininn not at all unlikely. Thirdly Vklfgaifs- - J ' -rewm6 an iuc oujecuons maae;i a complete union of the Locofoco and G(Wiiw,the members of the Legisla- her admission. Mr. Clay followed against the Free Soil parties. This laitPr stntpmn, .k. fTiaformal meetin?, previously sanction- amendment, and Mr. Cass on the same side,! dard" denies, in advance. PrPirv V . ,r . .. I IV T, TJ .3.LJ , . ' I.I - . ' O""- Wslature itseii, appoinieu aeiegates ouppwrieu tue amenumenu Iur. IJoWg- j "1C wrrectness ot the statement ! first, that the Ulitim t ttate at large, ana recora- lass moved to Jay the subject on the table, for the anaanl" should deny it any how and secondly . T K I i.Hffr.r.nnn I I .A 11 .1 I H . -1 1 mi . I Art1 ffnAiii.TI.. .1 . i . . ui c.u -uug nriivuii uiaiuti i pwiwcui inning up me vaiuom.a oill. 1 his mo- j iistnet Convention and choose other Hon was withdrawn at the request of Mr. Footi I The recommendation has been gene- n cousequence of the absence of several Senators, Wed to. and the subject postponed until Thursday, when Wthe Legislature made provision for it is understood a test vote was to have been ta ken. from. Fc,dt.y, mat it should deny it in advaneeof any accusation. . election by the people of delegates to , io take place throughout the State on 4e 3d instant. In the House the Committee on the Judiciary reported the Census bill, which was made the r- airturas have been received, they indi- der ol the day for Thursday. ltonf twentieth part of the usual num-I There seems to be considerable excitement iat U has been polled ; but that the recom- Washington, growing out of what is called the fciofthe Legislature has been treated with " Galphin claim." The facts in relation to it seem Sir John Pranklin. Mr. Johk Randall, a fur-merchant in WatPr street. New York, has communicated to the Cm. mercxal Advertiser, o that city, the following iu- tormation, forwarded by his acent or enrmiu.n. dent at St. Paul, Minnesota Territory. St. Paul, Minnesota, March 12. ' A dog train arrived her some distance above Lake Superior, bringing news r . American vessel had been seen by some nrted indifference and neglect. "A to be these: That it is a very old claim growing of the Indians, and had sent letters savins that Sit bwch backing. The nominees, it f out of certain transactions to which one Galphin. MwtU leelsome delicacy, wider tlte certain Indians, and the Royal Government bf Wo,alx)ut making their appearance in Georgia, were parties, about the year 1773; the gnwe, expect to near the thou- Revolution intervening, the claimant was turned snen in Georgia, who stayed away J over to the Federal Government for satisfaction iilis, aenquncea as unsound on the this claim was not admitted until the year 1846, P90"1 ! : when the full original amount (some $19,000 ) was 64, tbe Legislature was not-in session. I paid over to the heirs and assigns of the claimant itaif Congress urged the Governor, by Secretary Walker; the claim has still been pro- upeopie to hold primary meetings, to secuted lor the payment of the interest on the ja- ianct contentions, which1 should elect mount for the seventy-six years intervening sirw-e the origin of the demand; Mr. Meredith has ordered that interest, (some $190,000) to be paid, upon the decision of the Attorney General, and it has been so paid. It appears that Mr. Crawford, Sec retary of War, was formerly the agent of the claim ants in prosecuting the claim, though his narne no longer appears as such on the record. Some censure having been bestowed upon Mr. Craw ford, as to his relation to the matter, he has asked 9 Cnmmitfpp rf thp PIniicp in inuaDiimiA tkA ..kll ..... . w. . u v. iu in . vol uic wuuifi affair. That Committee has been appointed, and consists of the following gentlemen: Messrs Bart, Grinnell, Featherston, Gentry, Disney, James Lr. Hing, McLanahan, Conrad, and Jack son of Georgia. I Intimations have appeared in several newspa hpr In tho fTofit tW.it r i f . I. , .w w.,. me uaiuic ui mr. rawiora s nonnlnr fnn. i rplatinn tn lha !oInli :n l: .1 .1 . i tjj . t . r j ipiiiu vianu, auu me particular pMckson.on the 1st of October last, facts connected with its prosecution before tkp -uiiii r raoKiin was lound. The Darticnlar I not learn. However, thev nv hp io r j j " "iuc. The Commercial has seen the letter, and vouch es for the respectability of thp iuniM r. that the letter brings the latest news, and that o..r former advices from St. Paul were to the 6ih ulu- IQO rtcan Union with alt his heart. For if wp An iw owe our safety at home to that Union at least we owe to it, as Mr. Webster long ago said our consideration and dignity abroad." It is that Union which distinguishes us from all the uuier petty nepuDiics ci our Uontinent and it is Union which makes our name in all the earth so welcome to our friends and , so terrible to our foes Europe wijuld consider a dissolution of our Union and a failure of our Republican system as one and the same thing and I assure you that thou sands here would shed bitter tears over such an event; for our country is just now beginning to cr rve out for herself a mighty name among men fche is only commencing to rling her light of in telligence and liberty over the world and who would extinguish that light ? The thought is mad ness, my dear sir, downright madness. The pre sent position of the United States is most enviable in Europe and the opinion iu her favnr k rrrn, ing every day men of both sections and of all parties have contributed to that nncm .i SraLreo.i.lsS,ory. as they would in the disgrace ui ner tan. unce begin the work of dissolution and wben would it end 2 Nm until kj i i - - v v nau UtKj- ken ourselves up into a number of small States aa powerless, whose luture vnnlH h,. -..u .. . - - - - m uesponuency.and whose past lull of bitter recol 1 I 11 IIIU l I r Ttnrt 1 . . i v. men ouuu diifiiu iosucii a begin ning! tut 1 am preaching a sort of sermon on the Union, which I have been led into by the last news. Mr. Clcv's resolutions and his SDeech ac companying them, breathe the right spirit if ... uu iiui contain an altogether satisfactory ttm nmm i.. t. 1 . " Tl ....wi.iisr. my unci sinpio Europe nas so im- Hicsseu me wun tne vaue ot the union of the fetates, that I feel hardly any sacrifice is too creat , m?'uV"" mai ouject, or rather to perpetuate that Union." . FOR THE SEGtSTKR. THE VOICE OF BERTIE. . A tirt . . I,fs meet,n? was hew in the town of vvindsor, Bertie County ,on Saturday, the -uuayoi April, 1850. Dr. J. R. Gilliam was called to the Chair, and G. W. McGlan- nan as appointed Secretary. The meetin was called to order, and the objects explain e Dy tne Chairman, and the following re solutions adopted : Resolved, That we highly approve of the proposition of the Whigs of the state to hold a Convention in the City of Raleigh, for the purpose of nominating date for Governor. Resolved, That the Chairman of this meet ing appoint 30 delegates to renrcoenl county of Bertie in such convention. Resolved. That Wfi r.nrrliall administration of his F.YrpliPn n,r M - .--- T UUIUAUH A NT X7 - J r -.1 r t i i charge of the- duties of his office, without Liamiiieung our delegates, we earnestly re commend his re-nomination. ihe followinp- srentlemen were, thpn pointed by the chair to represent this m,m. ty, viz : Lew.s Thompson, Dr. S. B. Smith, H. A. S mu ? Bgs' Geo- Gra-V Jos- Coper, H Nicholls, G. W. McGlanhan, Dr. J. w! Bond, R H. Cox, Jos H Hanly, H. B.Har- dy, S. B. Spruell, Jas. H. Cherry, Dr. J. T. Kascoe, J. Smith Shepherd, Wm. P. Gullev Jos. B. Gurley, P. H. Winston, Wm. Bishop! Thos. B. Hardy, Thos. W. Reddick, Lewis Bond, Sen., Thos C. Watson, R. H. Smith, ames Wood, and the chair man s name was added to the list of dele gates. After vuu, ocii., inos Kj. vvaison, K. Wm. Tadlock, Preston Perry, Ja Isaac Piland, Joseph R. Bird, an Pianos! Pianos!!! Pianos! II fipHE rnidersigned respect fully call the a'tten J?- J?" of the Pub,i 'be kplendid,' highly fehed Rosewood nod M.hogony Piakos, Tk- I f" Frnllt handsomelj carved and gilt, i ais Iron Frame combines the entire Instrument, prevents it from warping nd getting out oCTune' l ne climate or change of u..? 'i sect on the Instruments. Thi n..nt;. r.k,.s. and workmanship canuot be sarpttased bv anv .ther Factorj in the Coontrv. i 3 J i'nucipalsof Acadpmip- ana the Public fen!! .;n u. , , . o j i . in iicmjv7 ovuu laeiror- "v" luV a oe promptly ntten-led to. ANTHONY KUHN Sl CO." Wo. 4 Eutaw St. Baltuiou LIST OP PRICES. r wnos wun metallic plate in Rosewood or M.W any cases 6 octave, from iri oii h: w mi wo io a uo; ej, 6 1 ia proportion, and 7 octavo fromsauo tn ttinn ( ; f " Please refer to Arrh p..,t.. iwi..5if. . . Boner, Salem r Dnvid Scott. Gre,borogh ; 'i Holdea and Dr. Thornton m;u.. i V Pu wii.1 . .uu Jones "1, "MUUUIV, - . i I fl r southern climate, where' lhe relaxntluo of tbe . hid oviepiH muuvri iiiiraur 0if.uu uiv, WHS always be found.; an . excellent sntstiti,. for those terrptlrg,.beverifes irhicb dehil'tats the stomac xnircnuse mortii cn ' 'ion ri' w-.- In'djs', pApsia, in relaxation of tba bowels, ia nunsea auo): ea-ciekaeW, It ii an active and safe as aj a ple: aaat and refreshing reBjerfy,v aad 1 preaeribe4 by: the most eraioent of themedical faculty.f ; 7 ! A supply of tb 9. above just receiiaod fovj&lf t the Drug Si ore of . '":-t" I . .. WlLLfAMf.HStvVOOD $CD. Sold also by1 S. J H inhale, Favetteville. A ; ' Raleiarb, March 224. 185 '"Ufa SltS 1C At- i I TIl HM TS Depot Bronze PcTrdera Hti MhtboiVIintcrrandi.iMaharacttire ! 44 keep eonaUolly ob band tbe largeaf asaort j ITliistcal Instruments GENERAL ITEMS. iMrille. But Gov. Brown declined iweoansel. In some of the rnnnil aTebeeitheld, and the State may yet iScomplement of delegates, though some i fas been manifested, particularly in Kind Pensacola. i, the Legislature failed to agree uo- pisionfor the election of delegates, the p one set of resolution and the fiw. - A legislative caucus, however; pthecloseof the session, and under lie delegates for. each of the Congres- f- Uae ol the gentlemen named (and "is; nas declared himself not satisfied Weof his appointment, and has refer- to the people of his district. m b the State which began the Souih- P movement. At COMMCTATK.M OF PROFESSOR VVkbSTU's SeK- tehce. Efforts are alreaJy making ia Boston to have this unhappy man's sentence commuted to imprisonment, and we notice that in New York also a memorial is circulating praying for Execu tive clemency, on the ground " that the enlighten ed spirit of the age should always be invoked for the protection and relief of those charged and con victed of capital crimes, where reasonable doubts ist in regard to the committal of the offence charged, and of the justice of a conviction under such circumstances." It is said, loo, that efforts will undoubtedly be made by his friends to have him pardoned, though, wejudge, with not much i u:i:. ' r f urouauuny oi success, tor liovernor Rr . . . "as"! : ring tne past year, has emDhauca v tatpn rrrv.,n,i -L - r. ' .. . J S,,'J"U mat tne executive ol a State has no ritrht don a convict, or in any way overthrow the ver dict of a jury, unless new testimony should be lArlKAAniinj tknt mlk 1 L " . ' .... ...w,u,.. uiigui, in nis opinion, had it uerru Mruuui oeiore ine lurv. have can-uvl th to have rendered a different verdict. Two Letters A Contrast Treasnrv Dpnartmpnt woun u.r.:..J. '"cu. ni a rostmaster in this r.K it 7 . c L. ,r w,c Irrwueni State.a Letter to the iollowinr effect oi tne united states. On this subiect thp R M r .i i r narkAi . - . ., avs . n . - .irraru IO at this MJ5, ; I Office, he WIS Km olnnnaH M .l.. :l . in mere justice to Mr. Crawford, who desirp nn lor one vear. which was naid t Samp nnnn tar r,n--1: nno tn clranltli ik. M. :u:i:. I .n.l l f . yvtviui, , ri,.,, tin. tru i ion or I " uuu me i t-injusiuilll V Ol urotPC- I "u "c nvu i uav t cent lor anv timp cinrp . . l. . I : f it . . .1 -- J uug uia-uwu iionor, we leei o und to disabuse the Kespectfully, &.c. mimic mind nnrin thio miint TA7- . i r j I mL,.. . . ' I 1 ... 1 1111. m m c- llir.! 1M iru 1.1. 1 I f D TimA f. nii.W . V. . . . . nlarp tKot ,n ' L - L L " . '" "'an owes, and lor .and two for each of the Con- in the Ufc. jiTconectlnT S SSSE Wh'Ch he CU,d made ,0 if " the tT nsider the questions involved in "controversy, a rnnlmlnn r-. nlle Convention and fixin? the timp rs-l'He first Monday in June next,) .U) ajujuiiiiu tweire Uel'- Kllt Missiusinni ot Mv:ii. - L rr 1 inisnviiie, iour r-ai sta e. fir fnr enmn n 1 1. h . icawu, taction, and. on lV.l.,i u- ILlk.- .i.u..toucljIllJC wu, lue Lrf-gisraiure met in it another if. . -rfuiuuucuiui iweive rN?in onlr four instanrp thp vma.l-'at ti T. Wirf,i. "l"on' "cannot "il the iwn .i. r . oi representatives People WOllhi nrpf. ri. IfKml,,,: iuiiuiis rpcnmmnnHm. 'imviiuiiiE UIC were passed lcts- But this appointment, from wilh the transactions in this matter, are without were worlh the candle" 32 months or! $8 I hPAIfhpv I allavi. TwiM .1 ' . : i v. w.uv, ucuci io uuiii a uisuuguisneu source ana inostrates very strongly the difference between me conauct oi an itonest and dMnncst man. It is an original Letter Irom Mr. Jefferson, which! we find among some old papers belonein? to the latP Joseph Gales the founder and Editor of this na. per, to whom it was addressed by its illustrious author. It shows what correct vipwworp .L. foundation. It was at no time broiio-hr tn iU I l-j r .L- r . . . T : wiuwieugeoi me rresiuent mat a claim was in course oi prosecution nelorea member of his Cab inet, in which another member of his Cabinet was directly or indirectly interested. We are also in formed tnat neither Mr. Meredith nor Mr. John son were made acquainted with Mr. Crawford's interest in the claim. Crates t0 Nashville, rt,mthe House of RenrPSPnt,. LToppnd were post-' (ii,.i.. , 7 " '"'undipon ttiem. i r,Ul Whether the people Ni.th.r-.- hnLglsla,ureadp,edTCTyg Niion . 5 was ,a,a about the Nash- "crtre not aware that the and t,a)here manifested a desire to be H' DrnnncJ.: MiU : T a m ,avor ofthe Con- hton. ",e bena, by a vote of Hi.'. inereSsnoproba6ili -.F'sented. ... HALIFAX COUNTY. A Southern Rights Meeting was held in this tained by that Sreat Statesman with regard t(j the KAiny, on Saturday, the 30th ult. The Southern r'gn ol Honors : , Convention was approved, and Delegates were ' MoimcEi.1.0, June 19, '17. appointed to the District Convention, at Nashville , UT -?T of Mst 23 came to hand C j ua8 wua 8 statement ot my account for rp r , . . , ! rV1 irom jan. iouy, to Jan 1817, a terrr len Delegates were appointed to represent the of 8 years. I now enclose vou tQi ,ka ' J County in a Convention, to be held in this City, bjt 801116 aP'Jgy s due for this prodigious delay' on the 22nd inst., (Monday week) to appoint Del- rl$cu there could be none, had I con- egates from the Stateat large. Wesh3d.to owSn' t witnpsn th nmii.i;.. c tk:. cri. : -. jAo&l t ' " . u . asmogton.in thebe- i i....b v. ..... uuic .uuvenuon, gumng,i iow,i scrupulously paid up every news- tu wiucu auoui ix counties nave accredited Dele- PF" account i nau in tne workl, and thought I gates. Will the gentlemen, who may be present had been' 83 1 raeant 10 he equally exact in de presume to appoint Delegates to represent the ffiS&t" . r " . " uu") papers. hty that ...t vuuvpniinn r'aido 85,000 voters in North Carolina, we take the lib erty of enquiring? The truth is there is about as much prospect of the assembing of such a Con vention as there is of the Union being dissolved to-morrow. Since the repudiation of the idea that thp INInshvillp rinnvuritinn ia 1st L. it l. ' lhe probability is that eounsel merely," by the Wilmington meetinewe Sen,, lhe Legislature has already moTei?enl m this Slale y e most powerful gll iai,e of tha, Sla,a . 7 van batteries. n ww reCO. 1 Otf- It was A. L. Ekwik, Esq., of McDowell, (and not Jl. 8. Erwin) who was present on Mcia day last as one of the Governor's Council. The error in the name was inadvertant. S no 1 'esoluti, 'Power i ,,eikm. Inn .1 v.auijS II nn mrt ino;,i " r w in nr : - 1 U 1 . w m, WM 1 Pnr.L rted that .h S2l -hat "Ssst ; anyftbe CDUre rte..i,. u?ai lhe nrocep,!; (O- We learn from the Richmond IVhig that "the meeting which assembled in that city on Saturday evening with regard to the appointment of Delegate to the Nashville Convention, adjourn ed to meet again on the 18th instant, after appoin ting a committee of thirteen to prepare business for its action." out of my own State, I meant to read. Ifind' was through a servant I paid yours, who must have forgotten the order for discontinuance. Still many ot the editors have, now and thtn, wben they had something curious in their papers, ad dressed one to me occasionally. Your' came to me also now and then, so irregularly, as not to excite a suspicion that they were constantly Sent as to a subscriber, and I assure you I had no eus- runiAn alt Ki a.A: r i - . ruu luc uuceoi aiscontinuancehad failed bems eiven to vou as to nthnr. n... -n .ll. ing given to you as to other- merely to place on its true ground, the rui an tnts is Ida nnL. - ... o . v. , iii a II lldl Cil L b"&,-" '"juoiivc ui wnicn i should to haveeen guilty towards you. It is enough for me that you thought me a subscriber, and that the paper was sent from yonr office, whether it a,ST.h 70t and 1 T that lhis Pnnpt attention to the first notice I nave received iri the rvPii' W,U "f yOU ,hat thi "traordina! ry deiayhas proceeded merely from raisapprehen sioni With a request now to discontinue, accept ray acknowledgements for the long induce intended really on yuUr part, and thf assurance of my ;reat respect and esteem, 8uraafe Ma. JosErn Ga.es. TH : FFERSON. ThsAxgelWorld, a poem,Ty Philip James Bilej. the author orFestus, who bus many admi rersinthis couutry, has just been published iu a u.u uuouecimo oy i icknor, Reid Fields, of Boa on. 'English Nance a female pngilist. aged 70, died on Saturd..y iDiheNw.;York penitentiary, after forty years lmprtsBBWtfip Hr" The " Richmond : Whig" says that the re m.uns of Mr.Cilho.in p.isne.1 through Richmond on heir way to their final resiing place, in S. Carolina u Saturday evening lastj ' CP-The wife of Senator Dawson, of Ga., died on S..nd iy morning, at the United States Hotel, in Washington. Hon W.P. Mungum of North Carolina, was to have been among tbe guesta in atien l ince ntthe New York City Festival in honor of Henry Clay's Birth dny Mr. Calhodn's Remains. Gov Senbrook, of S Carolina, has appointed a; committee of twenty-five gentlemen, eitizens. of Gharles'oa. to proceed to Washington -for rhe purpose of receivingnd cirry mg to his native State, the remains of the Hon J C Calhoun. Storm at thk South. A snow storm occurred on the Red River, ori the 27. h nit., followed by a hurd frost, from which, the Picij rune fears the cot ton crop in that section hag been materially injured "Tert Sa,e Bt ,,,e harbor at Charleston, caused more or less injury to the shipping. An attack was recently made in the Elyria (Ohio) Courier upon the character of Dr Samuel Strong of cV ,!i . e nas since died, and the Cleveland Herald intimates that ... f . , ....mrawK cause or nis-- fle.-Ub was tbe article in the Courier. This we be lieve, is the first instance of a m-vn dying by tbe pen of an editor, since poor Keats received bis death-blow from the Edinburg Review. ,T.hV,sse1s of ,he Grinli expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, are to be' named the Ladv Franklin and "The Rescue." Mr n,;n v..' asked for permission from Congress to man his ves sels with volunteers from the mvy, and to pl.-.cethe crews under naval discipline He also suggests that in case any reward Bhould be obtained they be dis tributed among the mariners Real Disunion Sentifsht at. c-i r the citizens of Charleston, C , last week, to secure a representation in tbeNnshviUe Convention, in an ...lurpresented by Mr C G Meminger, he speaks ...vU.cluu,rlH flI Ioe union as "rulers more foreien to oar institutions and interests than was K"Ternment of b.nfrland whn ili oti-mr,.Q.i TA 1 Wi wra a ii " r upon us ine stamp act and the tea tax." Maryland Odd Fellowship. It annenra fi-nm recent statistics that thereore upwardsof 7,000 mem- .v n Tri00B ,od8e8 in Baltimore, and mere than 9.0P0 m the Stale. The amount of contribu- uons received during the last quarter is $15 806 11 ..r ...uit. .ui viinriiir"s to trip iirfipi s.o noa iq leaving a surplus of $8,707 53, ' ' Nashville CoNVRitTmv ta a it, -i . va., last week, a eeneral mppt;nn. r h. .i. SStfV0.,,100 "jwJ. not to send dele-' gates to the Nashville eonvpntinn- but th among whom was the Hon. Andrew Stevenson, late London, snbseqnently organized an'lap. pointed 17 delegates Mpdison. Jefferson. West moreland, Km Genre onrl I'-: ' ... m v irgfrua, have also appointed delegates. .v J SW?T of $3'000 "ffered for the discovery of the body of Dr Parkman, at tbe time of his disap. pearnnce was yesterday voluntarily paid by hi. family to L.ttlefield, the Janitor of the collet. A Q.TJEKK FlOHT. It eome off in New Orlean in T . side, between a two-year-old erisly bear and a New j rpiugiiurue, weighing 210 lbs. RZr P0U1H A Yova Man -We read in a . j nana or woman." The r the announcement nf iTip namcc the delegates, tha following resolutions w ere passed by unanimous consent. Resolved, That we deeply regret the policy of our Southern friends in calling the Nash ville Convention ; that -we do not sympa thize with the feelings that prompted it.and that We re'v on the rnntrrpco rtf tl,o TT:i j "b'-,j "W IJIIIICU Mares so to adjust the present difficulties a to give satisfaction to all parties. Resolved, That these proceedings be pub lished in the Register and Star. J. R. GILLIAM, ChWn. ' Geo. W McGlanhan, Sec'y. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS tarbrocgh's house &tnce Jipril Bth. ess to the fortuaate R. R. Foreman. Richard Williams, J. B. Clark, D. S. Hicks, Dr. Brauiley, Miss Pond, Miss Sweet, D. S. Johnson, J. H. Cone, J. M. McLane, A.J. Kerr, Gov;. Graham. J B, Laws, J. S. Rankiu, Miss llankiu, Gen Sinseltarv. Pitt Co. t tt Beaufort. Brunswick Va. Wake Co. Boston Mass. . Rockford N. C. Ala. Greensboro N. C. ' -Hillsboro iN C. Nashville N. C. If the different Hotel-keepers will send down the list ol arrivals at their resDective Honst-s on the mornings of our oublication davs. fTWdav and Friday) we will insert them with willingness. ?AST THY BREAD UPONi THE WATERS." . 1 he world wide renown which has imperi.hablv inrnru,i . .! ,. i .-v. , j,u.nlj; cuarscieri, s . First on the Seroll of Fami The old and familiar name of mt ivfki:&co. Ihose Truly Fortunate and Vnr- vnt LOTTERY BROKERS, IN' O . 1 I, u 1 T T K E E T (Wb ose e:nsle uuroose for tmn has ku .u.' , , r , ut.cu ,v dispense he radiant miles of ib ' Fickle Godde" loVheir -Fuunii , nas also rendered entirely , -..T pic.oii iur SPii-iauoation, tor their I.- . . . xjrry section Of Ihe n un o-lll K,.. , .- - !"- i mimes B.unuus anu almost ma-ric I.it nf ki. House. Correspondents nil over the Country have realized splendid Fortnne. from mU?uJX at j f? iiUEsa 'Mw&m. W9?1K nJJ ? d S u c c e s s ! ..-s wisinuuii coio,ooo Paid out in Prize Monev .1, . . f w. 'j iuc lar lamed riFEn ar t ;( I t iK .k- ... i .... ' " '"' State House, residing in the following 5fl2oREADE9? PAUSE AND REFLECT- $2o 000, sent to Tennessee. Vl $18,000, sent to Alabama. 20,000, sent to Ohio. .$13,500, sent to Ohio. S50 .000, sent to North Carolina. $4.5l0, seut to North Carolina. $18,000, sent to Virginia. $8,00U, sent to South Carolina $5,000, sent to South Carolina. $4,000, sent to Pennsylvania. : Q3 Hriza paymenu at PYFER &. CO'8 made Uold at siffht. oi every tieaerintion in ilu linii..t .Ci.Vi.V.t.. BRU.NZE POVVDEK, of .11 color, and qualilierof t bt German mannfttim- Dmnk U...I ,atJ me ir G-U, ais4 llkra-marine Blue, r and whieh be vrin eell on reasonable terms. Store-keeperiiarf requeeied to call end Wamina'hi. ltr. mX,t before parchMing elewb-re. , ' J ' Marcb f7tb, 1850. .r.-i. i ii-lJ ' Ti. i nv- ' ' - i i OV,,MlnWf'y fioe.juat', recoivai . . wILLMMs, H AY WfyOD; a Cfj'i ' , I con iivfr mi- : . aN Bottles and . Capsules, a genuine article, rjoat opeped and for sale at the Dro Store of , P. r. pesupd;' f i . GARDEN SREfiT I HAVE just received a luriber sOppty of Garo'ea Beed, making my assortment complete. ' ' P. F. PESCtJD. Raleigh March 19ih I860. . u S3? Standard copy. SALISBURY YOUNG LADIES? INSTITUTION. Htiia is a new institution, of Collegiate r8tk m i v n iu v. , ouu vi unuirniai orancn es, conducted by the Kev. Gilbert Monrim'Tr ' opened on the 4th of Jnlv 1830. fSrenHiir- i. vi applicants. ...... 7 td ' ExccntorN Notice. , To the next kin of ) Patsey Masser. dee'd. f I have this day denosirpjl In ilia r-ii ape Fear, at Italeiirh, the sum of $627 f 9 belona--ing to the following Hsirs : Dennis G. MaSeiJclE well Maseey. D. B. Mt. R ;,k.o ffSir!!: rb.ioi oi prize-. 8idiD4 boi the " a. sutia: is ; O IollaU ! ' fTi J,a1 Wa8W and freeman Maasey. rtJu .luring the month of March, 1 2' T.h Heir, are i .u j- ., . " ,ul "aru immeaiately, and claim their distnbutive shares; as I shall pay no interert 1 on the same, after this notice. ' i ! . , ASA BLAKE, Exr. Wake Co. March 2n6L 1850 w P'trons of CCflfTRAL SASflXe2Ps R00T, SHOE ND - SlDULim'wA ill Itoome fBAMES Blni? Tun t . . t : ' 2e!) intvVh:r?"YiwreeeiT. ant T" "XP QtCDa At his residence in Martin n day, the 1st day of April, Samuel Williams, Esq altera short but painful attack of Pneumonia. Mr. VV ilhains was born and raised in the coun ty ot Martin, and attained thp ao"r fifciviir Inn. Few have lived to that age whose deeds are Ip exceptionable, or whose course in life entitled him more to the confidence and esteem of all who Knew mm. JHe was a devoted husband, a kind and aflectionate faiher, and a benevolent master He leaves a wile and seven children to mourn their loss. In v ake County. Saturday M, - - rf - '"a i.iv, Ul Jl arclijast, lignal Jones. Esa . ao-pd Hfl if iq re for iMay years a Magistrate iu this county ; and' lor a number of years a member of the Methodist Church. cf. Fo"uneRD" FOR APRILW0. 0c?'co"flde"c Strictly Observed. "ate, .Capital No. of A nrtl ,r- T-1: , . ........ M ,,1- riIlAla 78 N.ia. 13 75 No. 12 78 No. 13 72 IS us. 13 78 Nos. 12 75 Nos. 11 78 Nos. 13 7S Nos. 14 75 ISos. 12 uwoiiux IO amount: i.i . . - tfpnag for the last ten years. Mrf, Tn VWT?T will be found -ntJMi. r-lT' r'.ef jWWeft 16 17 18 29 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 i same . , vi nuiunu. mav na oaiH .f I.. . . to ; ,nnV-M 4 . CWlerJ " he hist p-lish lociet 13 glTCa bjr hi8 mixiDg with nT!AvC0'"Th.e 8,0ck Kentucky, Virginia and inspection Warehouse, was 1,269 hhds. John M. Barrett, who , .... r:r;:vo,y'eT.a utdie4 m duw i awu U I L. x 06 JY 1 in. ew Castle Courier'' MAViAKD&ovi;v BLACK WRITING INK, FOR Mli l ALUC OK iUICL Pli.VS. jaHE Maautaeiurera have Den engaged more bj than thiriy-five years in the f.reparat...u ..I this -"ic, aim cunu- ,niS ume ntve Oevoied them- ives to improving and pertecting it, .nd the result i uinr tnoru la ru in iu wide circula ion and general use throughout the United Stales and other countries. Those who may be iguorant ..I its superi ority and reputation are invited to make trial of it themselves. When tbe best judges, af er twentv nnA more year trial of the article, express th. mselves iu one manner concerning its superior excellence it is quite evident that no one need be troubled with bad ink. For sale Wholesale and Retail D . u , . By HENRY D TURNER. Raleigh, April 12ih, 1850.. 30 18,000 5 2(1 0( 0 25,000 3 1 0,0(1(1 40,000 3 15 000 24,000 30,1X10 20.(100 13.500 '78 Nos. 15 75,000 75 Nos 11 26.000 78 Nos. 15 20 000 75 .W12 ! Price of Price of urawn drawn drawn drawn drawn drawn drawn drawn drawu drawn drawn drawn drawn 5 10 i $ 10 8 6 10 5 4 20 8 S 18 50 37 00 18 50 16 00 40 00 31 00 18 60 35 oe 18 50 13 00 78 00 26 50 18 50 BURNING FLUID AND PH0SGENE6AS" I HAVE just received a supply of Burning phlid and Phosgene Gas, and have made arrangement to keep on band a eonstaut supply. .". . P. F. PESCUD Raleigh, April hh, 1850. S3 Standard aud Times copy. purTWIivTr oil- A LARGE supply of Pur Cod Liver Oil just re Ua ceived and for sale by P. F. PESEUD. Raleigh, April 9th, 1850. Letter and Cap Paper. JUST to hand a lot of best quality Letter aod Cap Paper, at r Raleigh, pril 9th, 1850. P. F.PESCUD'S Drugstore 29 MATCH I-.S- IHAVE on haad a supply of Superior Matches, for sale by P- F. PESCUD. 03" Standard and Times copy. FLAX SEED AND BEES WAV vi- a ntpfi IIP . L ... . i 1, i llu "uoacnoer will pay the hisrhesl ,,h 1 for flax seed and Bees Wax. pr.ee Raleigh, April 9th, 1850. Standard and Times- copy. P. F. PESCUD 29 Books of Subscriotion ryo THE NORTH CAROLINA rtAlL ROAD L will remain open at the office of the Public Treasurer until Wednesday, tbe 1st d v of M.. portunity is thereby offered lor new subscribers - and io mose wno wish t0 increase their Stock ; so as to ensure the speedy meeting of the Stot kholdera, the organiwiion of the Company, and the commenee- upciaHouo upon mis great work. Raleigh, April 12tb, 1850, 30 CP" The prices of Packages of Quarter Tickets yju-j. is iuuiiiieu in :nis paper. (CT Please mail orders a few days before the Lot- iciic uraw. fp- Letters always strongly enveloped and care fully sealed. OCX None but the Managers' printed Drawing sent from PYFEIl fe CO'. f a (O- Every order to PYFER CO. is answered oy return mnil. Bank Drafts or Certificate, of Deposit payable in Gold at sight, and promptly remitted lo any part of lh. Country for Prizes sold at this Agency. ,,ttP",Une Package of Tickets may draw Four Capital ! 03- Money in any sums however Urge, can b conn"deny mailed to the address ol PYFER & CO. KF-For -a at,cndid Pnze, prompt payment in Gold and Silver, and faithful attention to the Ordais of a crrespon.lent. early remittances .bouM be made of cash Drafts, or Prize tickets, to the truly fortune ale, old-established and far-famed Lot terry firm af iw a , . . Pfl'ER & CO.. No I-iglit-st. Baltimore ITId THE LATEST FASHIONS" AT BIGGS' FASHIONABLE; WAREHOUSE. On FaxjetteviLlc St., 3 doors below Messrs. Wil- Mlumis, Haywood, & Co', prug Store, AY be seen a beautiiul assortment of Fash ionable Spring and Summer Goods ; consist ing in part, of superior Black. Br;own. Green, Olive anu diuo uiotns, ot various shades and qualities. Plain and Fia'd Black i:im do Liight do do Cashmeret, 1: ' do White Drillings, for Pant., do Light do : d0 do Black Satin Vesting., do Vt hite " for Parties, do Black Florentine, do White Marseilles, do Lirht Cballe. Fancy Embroidered Linen, an entirely new ar icfc, lor Vest. With many other articles, such as Cravats, Dresa shins, Bosoms and Collars. 8ilk and M.rin it.i -hirts. White and Black Kid Glove.. T.i.hi -j Black Silk do.. Silk and Linen i Ramhri P-i Handkerchiefs, j All of which will bo sold on the nuat im.rn.il.. ting terms. J A II orders promptly attended to. and a-nsul fit I - - - . o - v-v hi i qiiicu, Mr PEACH, late of Paris, will assist the Pet ting Department. i ' : Raleigh, Mar, h 29, 1850. jr w4g wm enaoie tliem to offer eooda at kkMrsL I MrL' ...joj.-.:.. . "j. rririuiia in. Raa iji-. ' waver aneftme r. -a. fc t ..A - I I . a - V a ' 11 BW.ASM. aiauumeg fovnd at Jaa-J J s "f tir n Sin.k r n. ? " from an WAUrtiai-.! JAMES, RICE JAMES. w2w March 14, 1850. ! NORTH CAKoi7lwT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANV. Bytiu bove Company has han : Dr bh iir "9 icwuegr Wm. D Haywood, Vice Presid.ut, J.me. F. Jordan, Secretary, ' W in. H. Joaea. Treasurer, Perrin BusbeP, Attorney, w...,,va vonnaon, i Dr. Wm. H. McKee, i Medical Boards i iay wood, 1 "uuiutcn. u. a Root, ) " W. D Conl. f Exteutitt Dr. W. R. gcott Committee. During thi. time, more J . Hersmao. Gei than 500 Policie. havi ln-r-. I . - mation on th. ...kj , ."k "- lor iofor- Tt:. r. J II , ii do do do do do do do do do 4 U U Fresh Arrival at iPescud's, DRUG STOUE. BY last Freight Train, I have received a further supply of the following valuable articles for Coughs, Colds, &c , j- ' Witter Balsam of Wild Cherry, rVifar'a.CtJrJl Lozenges. Jayne Expectorant, Ayert Cherry Pec toral, Schenks Pulmonic Syrup: Several kinds of tjperior Jujube Paste and Dr. .Wiley's celebrated CtugH Candy. ET AH persons who are afflicted with Cough, aoe Colds, are invited to call and jet a core at 1 PF; PESCUD'8. , i ftlBtJARf OF SELECT NOVEL'S, NO. i&U WEr? ALLEN; OR THE -PAsV AGE, by XN Dvid Harmsy, Ew- Price 25 eta. Juat received at ibe - , . t . N. C. fcOOKSTORE. Raleigh, Apnl 12th, 1850. ' tQ neon issued, with an This Comnan" -..V '- i"uee. Charter known t' i;r"o-l mV,er '"i" ral Hon nrn. r',. vw-Pni.. I be 5th ----- r.w. ,ur. IOIIOW. 5 Be it further J m wm v m tMff j rM rmw a nmw ika a. v a . . i w j . " iii case or lueaeath af tka ii band, the amount tl.u. in j -v. t tbe wire or Mg- Brides, te imZJV" vidend. in renew! of p;.". go Caliaa rKThaee elwAf Blank, and PampM.u eeotaliS CjlaV4-' fci Law. f c: may be foood oe aoolilliL v!' of the CompaaV -ny effeT ---Uau. aho.,d be L! 'i . . f a Wfcu ai' i' HHf April 5od, 1850. JAMES r.Jonri.isr . - . Socreiary Brilliant Lotteries. For, the Benefit ,f Monongalia 5555. I ClaseNo.42,lbri850. "vjn. -" vi pril, 1650. ' , QRAxMDSCfiEMEr VnwiT.. ,WW' of a.!00, 1 of 10 668 d af 5.000. 5 of 2.1)00 an , 51 . s . ". '; " " vi Tickets onlr in ix-i12 11 CertfficateeefVckarTi ?nrr 3 50i da! af?w'oleUck,etl4irC -w n vt ayuait ... de j 71 at Orderi fb 11.-"- ,"t"tr. -t.-! , 35; 00 fceive h4 roost rsn 1"' f MfnwL' coent oCeackdr--; no emcialiaci ovarii vty viu k a, . ... . . "ym na. .. ? , .T-,, J,: J, 4". C. MAURY A: d6 rr,. 4. -: I

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