" t5 REItISTER, PUBLISHED BY ' '' l The State Consolidated Lotteries ef Maryland arf (EiTON GALES,; jpffOR AND PROPRKTOR,, HBE DOLLARS PER ANNfol. -7 of fair delightful peace, 2Ey rage to live like brother. . . . . ... ; -v. anb Ndum ; c A$i;ie akett'e.-' W : litt the REASON WHYf . .omond Whig," commenting gpon C,h.tiheWh.griy,as a national oarty, K nite in certain fundamental principles, lB i.;m thev believe essential to Ctheir continuance oy u. .... - , W i i ..titI to the satisfaction of dire aircuj . . . . lori.y.puhepert.nent and mean.ng iu'h can Democrats settle their quar- jj'compose their differences, and Whigs . 1 ' J, who has wstched the progress of af- "?.,udied the history of the Country, for lienor fifteen years, can nave laiieu m reason why the fact staled by the have tailed to r ; "kSO. ! V-'lu" i . a. ii.ll.Anii manv VMM Bern. l. Mr tor unite r ' lelsness in the pursuit or it, which has 21 our more modern Loco Foco schem rv . . . in have understood -.it inai uaj i ntend of onion that holds the incon- r-rials of Democracy together, when he rc... thi cAhesive power of public fj it is unnecessary, however, to refer prity to the old expounders or to more oracles than those lumisueu Dy me eCu At rear past. A solitary receui L York solves the enigma at once, if enigma, F . ... i :i V I... J that may be called.wnicn is easuy iwu U) p : . ... . i.-j wayfarer, though a tool" ay an mueeu, tbose who are the unsuspecting objects of i t .11.. J I frk tria ro. ,j'jiery. e iuuuc, ui wuik, j,?f John van Jauren oacs; agaiu iuio me fold, somewhat after the manner oi the on, of scriptural fame. That prince of rr t n .1. kn.to nrl lnnfr- I, ( lireu 01 1CTUUJJJ vu iuc uuow, '""o L fffr the delights of party promouon, no jriMches and conlesses Aw sins, man ne I with open arms; the fatted calf is dK ring ' mvcu ujmu I L. II n m 1 1, at. wkionaN A Kted in I3(1eil"'uu,:.w,u' mujto- i ferai o vacancy that is snomy to occur in ij a la tes' JSenate. Artlut Jonn i iviost Ljgeo tleraen The result of thjs re-union, in e onnecuoa wua lae uitumuu ia iuc 1 -am a . . BDhi we State, win oe, wnai u was . a . Lei to U , to secure new xorx to tne FocoS. After the election, their quarrels et u fieri e and wax as hot as ever, until L contest for tKe Spoils rallies them again that ta!ism.inic banner. U Loco FocVsra (a the same everywhere. puty io NortliCaHinM w not different from it m NeV 1 Yorkffhe same i characteris- Wuishes It eferyw&ei-lhe same faculty Lnolin? the disoifected and controlling the Urj.wlien they endanger the ajufcnment oi ootpid object Urricx. rrooawy nouoay jwinUfd, composed oi more antagonistic kemvoan the Cobveuuon in tnis aiate, wnicn iiiiMkd Mr. Reld. Some of its most promir Btmbeis were cleat ly committed in favor Jht Adjustment measures; while mere were fcarteoyjeloUj o f 'Southern honor as SHilie mania for Dibwtoir by the mild name awofoDinion." The Convention wisely Udtar of both Scylli anJ Carybdis, by ex- faj an opinion in fatorof what the whole Vwould be willing to atcept, were it prach- Some there were opposed to the Free bp, doubtless, but these were whipped la kt.ihe "cohesive" principle. indeed, generally regarded, as it was, as a discordant and, heterogetiebus assemblage, ped altogether the most striking proof that we erer yet. witnessed, of the truth of the para ttiat "all dueord is. harmony, notuuier- ji whv muUiDlv'instances. If there be an in JMor the exercises oi ineir teieorauoir un kaesday next ; and the officers of the Presby k Church have also granted the use of that ping in which to hold the evening's exercises fie line of procession will be formed on Wed My, the 16th insL, at 10 o'clock, A. M.-m ft of Temperance Hall, and proceed up Fay R street to the Capitol Square, thence to Scott. afi 'Jto?V V it night, ue procession witt be re-formed, and of theirnends have leu inem. ped to the Presbyterian Church, where P, G. IfGaJly. of Virginia, Hon. Sam. Houston, foil (should he 6e present) and P. S. White 'address the assembly. Shouhl. the day be mclement, the Presbyterian fw will be occupied instead ot the urove. Thursday nieht. it is expected that Addres villi., j.i": - .L- kn;. rk.ir."r. mnA I AVorvlKinnr nire in hia tine. nonication of a "Tax PATxa," in another "HO. thonirh ticannv;n itm mneral unirit. "ermuch disposed we certainly are toco a,-' I : ith the writer in his premises, as to the location of the Road, inc., we are by no " convinced that his conclusions should or W daem ha artMU nnitar the n'tr. '""fcucej. little rUnlatM M irmmnliih inr r""auits. ft. tan . Volume Lllt A GOOD PROPOSITION. , Attentive consideration is due to the article on of our second page, over (the signature of G. P. S., whh ,J ua wi.-J.-i t? jL. .. ire iau ueisure in r.nnvinv lrnm in i Greensboro' Patriot." It will be seen that the J?'0. ?P W'ighlf rensrbte jU practical I remarks, with the proposiiion to miners, manuw facturers, of all grades, classes. &c, to meet in w..,rR ,n IDIS ny, oo tDeottt January next, ...... -r...iuj in, uini emu tor trxuwuioii, ana i for purposes of consuluiton all havina in view FnwiioD oi tneir respective interests and the r elevation of our State character. ,The proposition man w i . a . " ucriui, ior augoi mat we xnow, put we . must confess that it strikes us forcibly. U may .P1. e objected to by some, upon the ground mai tne mechanic artsi &c. have not hitherto re- -..j- ... ...cuwuii m iae ow as wm jusuiy i " ma " can only nave the th cfTuj.1 r : i . ..1.2 i . " ujwiw eiiniiigouraon-comines: i by others, because of its inefficiency for good; orj the -s..u ,.r muirectiy opposea oy otners, who have not yet waked up to a realization of the ac- tive spirit of the times; s .... . . , . 1 - ....uuj ... tur oojeciron W- .i.-. .u r I ... ...6CT.rc, vc..... ... uc progress oi the Mate in inventions, manufactures, &c. &cs e rlnfi Mi.n n . 2 m 1 1 .. .1 . . 1 1 I to "-u-: in J 13 Ecunmr iuuuuwu. AI ail I no events, we cannot know our deficiencies fully or .pprw-aie our wan, unui we see ana eet, ana - ... . , . .1 can pui our unger upon, mem. Ana mis can only beenected Dy some such method as that sugges ted by the "Partriot's f correspondent. Nothing coninoutes so mucn to me aevaocement and pros- penty of the States of New York and Maryland J j . r . , , as their periodical Prize Fairs. It is only from as- w;a.pn minds. laior and skill. P,r,t hv . iri, of emulation, the result of competition and direct comparison, that that degree of perfection and excellence can ensue, which the solitary individual might plod on in search of, and find a single life j too snor. .o a...u. war ur auerapi at a o.aie Fair might prove a failure, hut it would lay the oasis ot loture successtul vnorts, that could not fail in the end, to redound to the great benefit ot the State and its people. Whatever is to be done, should be done vromotlu. "Now is the accevltd time." I i . w. rJkk ih knotSnn of o. P. s. to th ot favorable nddee of the Press of the State. LttwiusAnuiMCDttLuii. i We learn that these incendiary preachers have I ed been arrested in Guilford county, but have subse- on,i ; h;i m mt. their. nne.ranre.1 the tguw...; to' next term of the Sunerior Court of that Countv. . . ... . p . m a Wa tnnw nnthtriflr nt th rirriiiTMtBnfM nf fh or. w.fc . I rest, OUV it seems io mayuis is one oi mose cases in which the right of bajl should have been withheld. Be that as it may, we hope that, at the proper time, the utmost rigor ot the law may be enforced. FOOTE AND FREMONT. A controversy is; going . on between Mr. Sen ator Fremont, and a WaaKtngtoa- eoTrespondenr of the Baltimore Sun, in relation to some state ments of the latter concerning the rate difficulty between himself and Senator Foote. The California Senator comes out in along and denunciatory card in which he charges Senator Foote with having prompted the letter X. which That Conven- PP3"1 few darp siBCe He reriews me wbole ground or dimcuity aenies mat tne auair wis ever "amicably adjosted," and concludes by sum ming up as follows : To put the whole case into three words, it is him ; Mr. Foote went out of his way. when the aubject was not before i the Senate, to deliver a de-l k i: 1 lu,nliul In.iill and ilenane In mo I bfiMtbh defiance,.nd d,sclaim- r"- - . ; J,. j: . - Utter tn mlhen reaffirm. bm the whole history of Loco ocoism.wber. 'Z 1:, Mme,Mul. and hprinciplesand party rapacity baye come, into jj,,, m a tetter to the Baltimore Sun. denying pn. and (he former have not neen aacrincea tjj retraction With this summing upot tne case, lie Moloch of the latter, we have yeti, learn and ihe precedent proofs, 1 leave the affair to the When we do, we shaU give the proper crediU13gcu...uF- ' .L . . at..a I "V " L Unnf4V alAliSAal Mlf Nnatnr I ? atmQlime. however. H an enquiry tuai .a. m me vl - , - i , - , piw but little debate in our tntnd-" Why do Fooe wrote the letter referred to by CoL b remonu irau seule loeir quarreia m u.j. 1 thus closes :. sbmm .n4 WhiffaWr' t ii th- AfH. ) ..--o- . U IUUUKHUII, . UUUC ,U UWl 1 r.-j-- ,ltv k.iMn R.n PTnftte and . Fremont. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. - r Z, .ToFmv letter to Jteautirul square, in me eastern par. vx w Baltimore Sun j out ir tJol. Fremont wisnes C.Wnas-Benneban's Grove,- has been to go behind the records. after the ""hasb Granted for the e of theSon, ofTemper- honoral m r . I f I - 1 -- l nrwca w the Darties. onmna Dositions. . It is lortunate. at an events, that Col. Fremont's letter, dated September 30th, . . 4 t I ' was not pu Wished here tut the 4tn oi uctooer, in letter form, arid m the shaje of a communication to the Sun, till the day following. Geo. Foole, ao-reeahlv to his avowed intention, lell here on ik. l. .nd i- nnor nrpltv mnrh in the dos it ion iuc a 99 euu as w ww j in which Governor Marcy's letter leu vaenerai Henan'J Grove, where Addresses win pe voe- s . . th gentlemen- wUl . . . aa t i nnus wiciurnL wtuuu u ivwucu - " pd by P. M. W. P. Philip S. White, and Rev. C90 down hefore the next meeting of con ress, h Walter.' and others. . and that matters will remain where the wisdom rv Johw Kaw is fittins uo and supplying his Restaurant in a!manner hard to beat, rf we may vw . w I judge from the numerous specimens with which' he has kindly favorejd us of late. He is deterrain- ed that the legislators, and strangers who may be .U .Arnmn winter shall ftt lack for tU IUC VllJ , lUC VUIUlUg " .w.v-. , . L Well no roaacan . .. . . j --r..n i.i.. tr.- fk. m;ht n rumic generally are mviteo io anena ai 3ucce.u..y, - rM all of Ae above named places, io near a long way lanner, iw, uu uu. uu . tn ,L . . i- :.u-j I r..i ; ' 1 n-we-Age," someot the most oisuuguwiieu ienow. f our country affords. I ' i . . .. nL- .: i , I M. KAtn llnWIIIIW I1U W nm OI AHUIDDUOD r W. k . 1:1 th I . . . . . . - u,c uoi ,cn i.ufT.y Parish, La., passed a series ot resolutions very se- yerely censuring Mr. Soole for bis late course in the Senate, at the same time highly complimen ting his colleague, Mr. Down. These reo!uiion were forwarded to Mr Downs with the 'request that he would lay them before the Senate, In his ieply, which is published in the last N. O. papers, he expressea his gratification that his own course should have met with their approval, but declines acceding to the request, on the' ground that the to,The.k,;iu m- u. :.- u. L. resolutions were inadmissible by the rules of the Public, clothed in a new and beautiful tttit. Senate, censuring as they did the conduct of one of its members. Mr. Uowns is sustained oy tne Lowe, the OppciticH. candidate, hu New Orleans press In his position, though the TGorernor of Maryland, over Mr. Clarke, origuial resolutions met with their hearty ctraeoT- V.'..T. ;;.v:. RALE GHN - CvvOCTOBER; 1850 " ' Whig YotmoMorN.w vi.i ' ThAn- the noble minority. at f'h'r.on. sSro.n r.n.! Tention. baa been sustained and applauded the n ;: . . " ?p To wuiuiukih! ai w niw Ymin riu a ra vrt i city. by the decided VOte of M in ih nffirmntie 8 in the nesrauve. ' This Is smtifvina indiea.. lion, and speaks weli for the Whig sentiment of heCity. It ausrarswell. toa.Vor thiifiitiirtVarL quy ot tne Uoantry,"tha!t those", who are desti. $uhj puotic opinion, , wnea tneir elders M bye passed off the -..stasre. "'hava viven-ivhia Pn aemonstration of tha frrnl mnAMinn riathntd liberality of feeling, which is to gov i-. ' . ' ine" puwic conduct. GEORGIA The election for ' memln nr ,K- nn. f 3 " - w M. U. b uoes not take place in Georgia till October, 1851, 1 time having been changed by the last Legis- . ' . , . latureso as to mnbp it c.m..1tr,.,b -t;.k ,k, rn .Suite election. The election forDelegaies td the State Convention called by Governor Towhs is to be holden on the 25ih of November, but' Ue L-jriainf' W tA m-i. m.t.. .Ji r'. , -w-w -w w mVIC UiC Uaj UACU 1U1 IliQ assemb nsr of the IlpWatM lfl.h nmK-r nt r. 0 may repeal the aw umkr whinh ihv . m h- chosen. The'Athenfi Bannpr a .lpmtin innr - . " I f3 T - i ... solemn mummerv. under the eiisiins calm of public opinion, after the late adjustment of thesla .... " very question by Congress." ' COOPING, The renrehen.iv,. nrrtir nf M vnta - -A , k V. i i j voters is said to fiave been largely practised J. " A, ' . . : . , P to the late elecUon in Maryland The Baltimore; Ckjgper contains the following remarks, which are entitled to attention, and especially so, if the allegations to which that paper refers are not exaggerated : .. oome cur:ous occurrences took nlace just preceding the late election of Gover- nor ef this State. Both parties had their coops, or houses in which they confined vo ters. Heretofore we understand, it has been the practice ot parties to coop their own vo Ier8 lo prevent tneir tailing into tne nands .-. - .-,i .. 1.. . . .i- i . their adversaries on the day o! the elec uon . " tne , ate election t a a.nerent praciice prvvaiieo ; ana pomicai opponents were seized and confined until the nolle had been closed. Nor was this coopinz confin to intemperate men. Gentlemen of res pectability.it is sa;id, were also caged zUi kept irom voting. We have heard that several J I SH""""5" uiuw csv-pca, uu mun5 I iuc in uui ?viuit xvt a t ui . vv inj ia oam Itl uc I... . . J . inHfthUri In lh tiiAtnca nf Kitt ffAta Crf to tainino - hU lihertv dudno-th iaV of elertion Tbis cz?ag WM n0 doubt fine sport to those engaged in it; but it U, neyertheless, an outrage which should not be perpetrated, and which deserves tq be punished- We have beard several persons complain of being thus deprived, of their liberty, and o their sight or suarage: ana some nave talkedaeeking redress JjylajwbulibAil rniBfQrVane is, tbayhey are generally unable to ldenuly their captors.- It there oe not law to punish such offences, additional acts should be passed, inflicting the severest pen alties To prevent the impositions which are practised at and before elections, the new Constitution about to be framed, should re quire x registry of all the voters of the State to be 'made anually, as is done in Pennsylva nia and all persons convicted of infamous crimes, lunatics, and persons committed to the alms-houses, should be deprived of the right of voting. Every care should be ta- t gUardbe right of suffrage, and to give o . 3 . - o.' o fa" expression ot public sentiment. With MeSe preCaUUOD8, have .lections conducted in a r eht smrit, and that the abominable system of cooping voters will be abolished; AWFUL OCCURRENCE. rr. Tt:.i s.-,- .ieh B.tl,-, - IPC UIIIICU iw'iait-ji won oitniiiij wvuiiin iivi G Baav, wh'ich.prrived at New Yorkr on iprioay nign in. snij-w.ra noym uium Charleston, S. reports the occurrence 'that maf. - " -"-"-6y'---Fyp .Unl l.nA f . kMrt.nnJlM Mlt bJ wll,c& tweniy-eix person, tour.t- r,: Q-ffc WM nhtiM. was abottt oria i5-orknhe "treme.y dark, the sea. runnmz hi?h. AakH m.nl ItlAMitAM m I mtW mm t Mn I and the wind blowing almost a!ale, a sail was discovered on the larboard bow close at hand, and comins nsht down upon her. . It was instant"- ly seen that a collision must take place. Ihe Southerner's engine was reversed, and backed with full steam, and the helm thrown hard aport, but it was too. late! The two vessels came in contact with a tremendous crash, and hung &st together for a lew momenta.- The Southerners engine was again reversed, and the vessels sepa rated a few feet, when suddenly the' barque went down, close to the steamers : bow, in leas than five minutes from the time of the collision. Three life-boats were immediately manned by thexap- tain and crew of the steamer, but of thirty threeJ persons who were on board the sunken vessel en' jy seven were saved two passengers and five ot T . mi v . a a uie crew, xne ooutnerner receive oqv; imie xheli'TeiiwbS te bethe barque Israel Meade, Capt T, !L Browa, which had lett New York en Wednesday, bouutffiw jeayaanahy Gebr- ffia. 'J'--- ' "rt i1- man a issuing yrutiauisuuu iwuuuvcue ui ;;..,; T;iot,.r ff tho .,0-k tamin? authority for calling a convention to . " ' ' . o . adoot measures of resistance arainst the re rent legislation on the subfect of slaverv. and . o --- . j z v : n4ii , in mmiI r Ih. iHlnina nn - . J . o ... . , galitornia. Such a proceeding is in . good keeping with his whole political life. He was a nullifier in the days of South Carolina nullification j he was a repudiator in the times of Mississippi repudiation ; he was in dieted by the grand jury of New Orleans a few months ago. and still stands indicted for participating in the Cuba expedition, and for having associated himself with a gang of for eign adventurers to hazard the peace of the country by a piratical invasion; and no one, in view pf all these things, can be astonished that he is now attempting to eet up a ava war between the "North and the South on ac count of-the wise and. excellent measures of adjustment recently adopted by Congress.-- b3rUrH TirrLtox of. CALiroairiA ,Goli.--To, he 1st oi 5eDterill)er., the various mints have received da "hf.PJnryeAr re- capts dunos ihe last tarrot the year must neces . . . . ... mi. r n , in? -are jh receipts of California gold at the mint since the commencement of mining, there ? in 1843 , . .... , . ... j44,U In,i84-9:,'u,:'. ' ' In 1850 to 'July 31', , 6.145,510 . 14.835,63 i.'f u-iii.Totil,-' $2l,ti26,310 . In the month of August, some three or four millions more were received, and $ince the, 1st of September the packets have brought three mil lions more. ' The probability is, that heavy a mounts will be received in Octbher and Novem ber, so that we shall expect to 'see' in all fifty miK lions arrive ia this year alone. ''This large amount of gold will serve as a basis of credtf td the amount of at least a. hundred millions, add so far keep up the abundance of money. LouiniUe Journal. The State of California, in. the outset, will re ceive a handsome bonus from the public cribi.-r About hall a million of dollars will be expended forthwith for public buildings, agencies, and in ternal improveraeata, as follow For th survey of her coast, ' ' $190,000 Custom House at San Francisco," ' 100,000 For the negotiation of Indian Treaties, : 25,000 Maine Hospital, San Francisco - 50,000 In the coni'encem'V of a float'g dty dock, 100,000 . In addition to this, officers, judges, marshals, collectors, &.c, who have been appointed for Cal ifornia, will receive an aggregate income from the public treasury, of $150,000 at least. Thb dinner to Senators Mason and Hunter, which came off in Warrenton on Wednesday last was a splendid failure; so far as attendance was concerned, The number present, including invi ted guests, &.C., is put down by the Piedmont Whig at forty eigid! But that paper says a Democratic friend reports it at only fortu-thrte, Al..,Kn' w x r k i i..: pies yielded to the tempTinsr odour of the viands. Speeches were ruade by Messrs. Mason and Hun ter. Mr. Elwood Fisher, oP the " Southera Press," was present, and likewise addressed the company. Richmond Times. UtrAlBiftlEStTlir- ; In Athens, Ga., on Wednesday morning, 2nd insL, by Kev. T. L. smith, Professor J. Honneur, of Sl Augustine, Fla., and Mka Annie E. Whit ,uker, formerly of Raleigh, N. Ct WEED. At Five Oaks, the residence of Mr. Charles Hamilton, near WiljiamsbOro'.in the county of Granville, on ihe 2nd lustant, Mrs. JaoeC, Ham-1 litoa, in .the 28th year of her age. Death seldom plucks i brighter or a purer flow er. As' the modest violet unobtrusive, her virtues shone brightest round the borne where she was ever-found and those who knew her best, loved her most. . The tears around, her dying bed told of the beloved friend and the kind mistress., A fond husband and five little children are left to mourn her loss. She bad been for some years a consistent member of the Episcopal Church,, and leaning on the. Christian's otafl calmly and re- ignedly her sun went down. . . e. As droops the lily's spotless cheek, ' 'At Winter's chillinK breath : " ' So droop'd her guileless spirit meek. ' At the cold touch or death . r.i n e ARRIVALS AT THEr HOTELS. i .AWXS1CCB,S (CITT) HOTEL. October 8th. L. j.' Conelan. Fulton. Miss.: david H. Holland, SmithfieJd : Joseph Woods, Person: Rev. M. D. Freeman, Wake:" John H- Cooley, ' Franklin ; J. J. JacksonPktsbfe&'j H. M. Marcum, tnapei mn. j.-,, ., Ti Oct. 9ih, J. Root. Jeffreys, Franklin. Oct. lOth, 1. J. Oopeiand and ;Lddy, V ulton, Miss. ; H. H. Yeargm, PittsboroV Df" James L. Hackney j R. B. Hmnant aad Col. Samuel Hor ton,' Johnston : D. M'Pherson and Mr. Etheridge, Smithfield. YARBaOUGH'S HOUSE. October 7th. A. J. Foster. Mrs. Foster and 2 Misses Foster, Wakefield ;.M. Smith, Halifax. Oct. 8th, James T. Lowry and L. Clayton, Hendersonville. ' ' Oct. 9i h . Georse H arrisoa . Brunswick : Jos. D. Powell, Bleak HU1 ; J. Avery Wake. " Oct. 10th, W. H.Comabn and" Mrs. Comann, Virginia'; Jno. T. Hobbs and John Carter,' Indi ana. L . ' .-' 1 i ' -.'I- -' ? ' Coats. JUST OPENED, of aH qaslkkS, wail eat and extrtraely well made. -, . E. L. HARDING Sl CO. fifrhobea; j2th. 1850. 83 BUSIftKSft COATS. CHEAP TWEED COATS, a a va- ry.'Jow'prio. ";.' . - t--''.- RaUigb, OctobeTl2th, 1850. 82 jamas' .asj. OF THE BEST QUALlTY af Bin I dihck, crown uo uno viuiuca. uo p4rttiest' style ertr offered ia this tnarkett ' 1 r jjuTeigljOet 12th, 1850 . . ; -fiT ;,.v fM FANCY , CASS- PANTS. eXlk lOV atock ef Fancy Cassiaere Paats,' eaaaot HJrM1m1 ,Call and eaamine id esamine. tiji.-M-i-., .i E. I; HARDING 4t CO v r.:,1 .A- t A.m. .nr.. jaateigo yep iin, laou. Nfcff CONFECTIONARY AUD fXlbfaiMtiu 'ihe' post type r OHli'l'iCi; . f CO.' have openj . pened a Con fectionary and Grocery Store, in Raleigh, 3 dop.ra below: the Post OrBce, where they have on hand, and wiH eel oa'teasonable terms the follow Soger tttm " Crushed Sogar, " . Havana do. . i Jandlee.anf "Swip, k Pepper and Spica, w t Black and Imp: Tea. Copperas and Ginger, Saleratoa avid Suuff. , Brooms, dec- 6rc Mye' Best Chewing, Tobacco. .;u,rJfeUoa!e ... .. ''f Bestjfaf fa -: i'r Wetet Crackers, . V-' Dolla.'jcordisns, Batter and Soda, do. Fancy Candies, Citron, Prnnea, fjncOa Nats, Armonds; Fdbeita, English Walnuts, Palm Nutsv Figs and Raisins, And-very thing usoally kept in a Confectionary Store.., n, , . ,-, j , i;. fy u't i They still say to the public that (hey carry on the V t Candy Mak Busineis, . . i , i ; and withoot boasting tbeyan assure, tbe pnblie that hi. wilt sail tha hat Candv as ehaan an house i.i, the place, and warrant it to,be as good as can mad. . i ; V W- "Merchant and others, baying' by the wholesale, will ind It to their interest td give the K eall; v Raleigh. Octobsr lVthvl8&0 -n 3 tf (REPORTED FOR THE REGISTER.) PENNSYLVANIA ELECTIONS.. Philadelphia, Oct. 11th. The Wbigs, thus far, lose two fji ess- men, and gain one., LEGisLATURE-House democratic and Senate doubtfuU G'aDlnl. Whig, is elected Mayor of Philadelphia. t tU- M .. . . J . . ... Lievin, the Native American, is defeated for Congress. ; ; e - , ' : ! (Telegraphed for the Register. ' OHIO-ELECTIONS. 4 i! ' r ' Cincinwati, Oct. llth. The Loco Focos are believed to have elect ted ' their " candidate for Governor. ' The Whigs, however, have gained the Legisla ture, It is believed they wiH have a majori ty on joint baftotr,! k- (Telegraphed for the Register.) FOREIGN NEWS. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. ' New Youk, Oct. 10th. The Atlantic arrived here on yesterday, left Liverpool on the 28th ult. 11 left L'verpool on the 28th ult, Cotton sales firm there having been a further advance of one-eighth. The sales ior the day prior to the Atlantic's sailing were 10,000 bales. , r ' ' , Flour dull and declining. Com quiet. No political news of moment. (Telegraphed for the Register.) ' ' NEW YORK MARKETS. , ' 4 New Yorx; Oci; llth. Cotton firmtwo thoiisafid bales having b w Ml ricegt - , .r , Flour and grain unchanged. Rice brings 3. Coffee declined. TO THE WORLD GENERALLY, If ortb Carolina Especially. And. our Friend and Patrons Particularly! THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS EWEtt OFFERED FOR SME In the State of N. Carolina, both, in the Piece, and - READY MADE.; .... To which we invite the attention of the" public; . Sigat of the U.K. 1U It. , Ugly Row, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. fltUE Immortal Insect, that tbe Bugg, alias Oli A ver,of piivn and Procter, has just returned from the City of Gotham, otherwise New York, the Loudon of America. Spent six weeks in said dig gins llrleetibg'nn assortment of Goods that for qual ity arid style never were surpassed, and rarely ever eqauUed. AU of. which are at hand and ready for exhibition. Whilst absent said distiaguuked per. sonage fur the benefit of the firm partially, but for the public more particularly, had cut and made un der bis own special .direction and supervision, a very large and L' General Assortment of Clothing, embracing Black Dress arid Frock Coats, H sizes adi prices, Brown, Green, BlneV DrV c. Business Sacks and Frocks, Overcoats and Cloaka, all colors. Pants aud Vest all kinds from (he low vulgar to the Peru or highfalutin. Dress Shirts. nrider'Shirts,all kinds. Drawers of every descrip tion. Heavy Silk under Shirts. ,NtC eottoe Draw ers, a new article, to which weinvite special attaa tion. Stocks, Uravau, mi graues, ocarta, uioves, white, black and colored, Suspenders, Neck Col lars, ' JESKT LHD SHIRTS. direct froni Stockholm, &o -a 'I Also whilst abent beard Jenny Lind sing sal within four teet ef Genin the Hatter, the man what paid two hundred and-tarenty fiA4ojlafM ftis tick et and made mnneyjtjhat4,irtedianjr .wib. a riding Cap, thereby renderMig k'nist ammortaU ' ltd Lady can ride' unless she baa ori a Linc) C. and made too by Oenih, precisely ti the Ladies general ly who havehea'd of edrf femrforrndkifaf them cate,r CMiaider their-Lwds nMich Handsomar and more fahiHnul)le men;wben tiggadouial ihe Store wherecloUjing is fashioned by art. v- To Members of the Legislatiire, &c i Member of lb approaching Legielatwein want of Clothing thi -VV "wtef , wpuld save t,wuntyrfiv per cent if not fifty by powponlng the purchasing of their clothing until i1ieTr"rnal here. Be sure and dont mistake onr ' ettabftshmDt, " dont tetany liody "per suade yon, (hat they can do as well by you as wa caw . . . i ' a. " a a j pont saSei- yourseivea to be hambugged that u a commoditv we dout deal in, and our frends knew it Gmilemen living; in this country or out of M, would do well to give us s call, as we sre determined to sell cbesper than the cheapest. Persons need no longer complain of high prices. If you want clothing for v ourselves, your children or your neighbors, tall, we can salt, them; cheaper than yod can buy the roods much less have them made. to- a tsigru r. 8 OLIVER &vPROUTER. Raleigh, Oct. , 1850. R K.B. R? PeST&cRlPT. r P S. We take 4 his occasion to render on r'mosl grateful acknowledgements to a generous public for the very liberal patron ag uesrjweu upon us shioo our commencement in business, dml trust that by promptly ex;ecuiUg tbeie order and prtdwy ur sel ves loctbeu benefit, not enly ta receive the appella tion of "well done good and faithful servants" but a continuance of their cOstom. Oar frimds and cus tomers at a distance wilt please ' read our advertine tr,m and Send en their order; we are anxiooJly waitinor for inem. m- - - Latest London, Pari and Northern fashion just to hand. , Cnttma- of all kinds attended to immediately, . o. P. Raleigh, Qrtober 12 1850. 82 r ' NEGRO l,OTHIrl. mt 7 E have a lane assortment of Negro Clothing, WW all kinds of Jackets, Over Coats, Pants and tastsklhat we w(U sell, che pet, than the goodflca be the purcriaseo, mncn teas to nave. .which we invite tha heads of mmilje wo Jiave fhet I ervaat to rappiy. . ( " OWYBR v' PROCTER. Ootv WI850V 1 - W - - Numher :2. ; ECHOES of the Vniverse. From & World of Mutter, add tb Woi Id of Spirit. . By the Itev. Henrjr Chriitmss. J1LSO iflltEEJI'j WORK, THE SECRET ff - BAD OF BKUIUKttd.or, tie Aarica QiuUws , iCompiiod PJ, the CeUbrated Raf-maed Gambler, J. H. Greeo. , , ".. For sale " H.D. TURNER Raleigh, Oet, IStb. 1850 ' - & lH:VH-."fWf tt Pper Agent, U Aieiifr for tbu paper and an I ihorirj t. tmke aDVEJRTISEMEINTS- nJ DB- j 8CRIBERS at theaasM rates as reqaired by bs. nm orncet are at -if-.- ." PaiLApairaiA, N. W. cor. Third and CheaontaU, . New 'ork, Tribune BuiUling.!, . t.. , "Acres of Yajuabla ' Latitl, lying two tnriea tiotnh of Kaleieh. bo tha Fav- ettevilla ioad. ' w'rit ba aold on a ' ten credit notaa ell aectired boint all that ia deMfcd. ' Pcrnona wish ing lo e amine the laud and premises can do ao by calling pik M'A' Bledsoe, who ia aoiborixedtesall it. t. J. B AKRj. October 11, 1850. St Notice 2S beteby given, that application will be made, if the next session of the North Carolina Legisla ture, for i charier to connect tbe Deep River with the Yadkin Kiver, by means of a Portage Rail Road, and also to improve tbe Yadkin River, a high np as Wilksbore', by mean of Locke, Dame and Canal. MANY CITIZENS. Oct. llth 1850. 83 6w. itate of North Carolina Fsahklim Coumtv. Court of Pleas and GLuarfer Sessions, Septembei Term 1350. Frances Q Winston and Martha D. Winston .. vs. . ' Jesse Winston Jr. Adm'r. of Jesse Winston Su'r4 4 others. Petition for Sale of Slaves and distri b n ti ve shares.' In this case, it is decreed that it appears to tie Court, that Lot No. 5 allotted to James E. Whit field end W ife, in the division of the1 Negroes, is charged with the sunt: of one hundred . and twenty one dollars and eighty centa,and that James E. Whit field is indebted to the Estate of said intestate for ar ticles purchased at the sale, by said Administrator of the persoHal estate, id the sum ef one hundred and five dollars aod fifteen and a half cents. With interest from the 1st day of September 1849 ; alto the sum of forty seven dollars, with interest from the 1st day of January 1850, for hire of nee ro belonging to said e ute, and also in the farther sum of two dollars and thirty six cents, with interest from the 1st day of January 1848. ; u;---r It is ordered that the Clerk of this Court immedi ateiygive notice to the said Whitfield, by Adver it seme nt for the space Of six successive weeks io the Ra!eigh Register, a newspaper printed in the City of KaJeigh, that an lass the said W httfield shall witnin three months from and after the first day of the pres ent lermr,pay into the office of the Clerk, or this Court, the amount of the said debts and interest and the sum charged upon said share for equality of par tition as aforesaid, to wit: 121.80, the said share of the said negroes that wee allotted to the said Whit field and wife shall he sold for that purpose. Witness, Young Patterson,Clerk of tbe said Court, at office on the 2nd Monday of September, A D. 1850. : : ,J ' i ' Y. PATTERSON, C. C. C. Sept. 28th 1850. (Prv Adv., $5 62$ ) 6w 78 State of North Carolina tim.avn.tB CnoaTT, Superior Court of Law, September lrm8S0.iirl ; ' .'ktj f.c,:: r Elisabeth fitnrfse.; -fiMSm V war Kveiaiw , Bamue4traige,crjr;ir ; : v ,ra . : " Iq this case, u uppeanng that' a Copy of tha Peti tion and tsubpeona were issued to tne defendant m manner as by tha Statute in such eases is required, and the return-thereon being that the defendant is not to be found : Proclamation is publicly made at the Court House door by the Sheriff for the said de fendant to ap.iear and answer as commanded by the .Subpoena, and the said defendant failing to appear, it is ordered by the Court, that publication for three months be m ids in the "Raleigh Register," and in the "Kaleigb Tirnea,'? for the aaid Sam'l Stranao to appear at the next (March) Term of ibis Court, to be held at the Court House, in Oxford, on the 1st Monday of March nest, and answer the Plaintiff's Petition. Witness, Bent. C. Cooke, Clerk of oar said Sup erior Court at Osfoid, the 1st Monday ef September, A. V. 1850. BENJ. C. C00KE, C. 8. C. Sept.22nil. 1810 1 7 , 7 7 3m r,ltn af . IVnrth rnralinu. Baiiviux (InriTT Mnnartar lourt of Ida. fiantambar rerm 1850. Nancy Ctribreath ) " vna ! I Fatitioa for Divorce. Green W. Culbreath. J In this case, it appearing that a copy ef tha PeU- tion and Subpoena were issued to the Defendant m manner as by the Suiute in such , ease i required, and the return theien being that the defendant is not to be found : Proclsraalion is publicly made St be Court House door by the Sheriff for the said de fendant t appear and answer as commanded by the Subpoena, and the. aid defendant failing to appear, it is orders by tbe Cpurt, that pohiicauonfoi thae months be made in the Raleigh Regisier'' and in the"RlelahTimeVTfcr the said Green W. Col- breath to appvar at' ihe next (March) Tern of this Uoori, io be held at . the Court Hoase in Oxford, oi the 1st Monday ed March nsxt.and answer the Plata- tiff. Petition, , Witness, Beni C. Cooks, Clerk of oar said Sop- erlor Court, at Oxford, the 1st Monday df 8epMorbr A. D. 1850. BE NJ C. COOKE C, & C. Sept. 22nd, 1850. 77 3m tate of North CarolIutvGaAayiaiys CotjTT, Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions. ' : Petition for Division of Land. - John Daviaand Matilda hi wile of said County of Granville, Samuel Huley of the Coanty ot Wake, William C Mangum and Priscilla hi wife of said County, of Wake and Joseph us Bailey, and Maney II. Bailey, Infants . Odder the age of twenty-one veare by Duncan Cana dsy of said Coanty of Wake, their next frieod. Plaintiffs. vs. John Bailey, Allen Bailey. Joseph Bailey, Hen- deTon B-tiley.Ephraim Bailey and Prwciila bw wife,-Clak and Amy A. G. hia wd,Prudence A. Bailey and Louisa M. Bailey, who all reside beyond tbe limits of ibe, State of, North Caro lina.' Israel Dilliard and Mthala hi wife of aaid County of Granville and William Laws of said County of Wake, Defendanfav ; " m Amdavit .having beep mad according to Act of Assembly that tlie defendanu John Bailey,. Allen Bailey, Joseph Bailey, Henderson statiey. bpunam Bailey and Pnscilto his wife, Clark, and Amy A. G. hia wife. Prudence A. Bailey,' and Lours M KHv are nun-Resident. Notice ia herebV riven. to-tbe said non-residenU ia the Raleigh Megisterfto be continued tor the seace of six weeks sseceMrveiy) to be and appear before tbe Justice of said Cowrt at the Term thereof to be held for said Cooaty St the Court House ia Oxford oa the flrnt Monday in No vember next, then atitf there to smrwer dr demtf r MS theaid PetifJoh. thetwtethein wiU be heard as parte a to thatB ami thi prayer f the Psfhionm hatfraxitatL ..; '.-!?. - , !iii.'' Wrkes AagnMineXandi. Clerk of aJd Conrt at office, ia Oxford, tha Slstday et Beptexaber A D. 1850. A. iAWUlo, u, U. v. ! 8eM 25th. 1850. fPr. Adr S5 f 2(). Ow 77 draws by Stasmtaisiners sppoinisa ptsw: (Governor of, Msry utd v.- .V.s v' 1 1 i cJ J CHARTERED BY ACT OF ASSEMBLY ! ; a 1 f mkmtitii State. The U rV prises sold by pOLVIN fcCO. t At eVptemUr Letteriea ahow tba "shearing lieWn .i;- .f.,. -. - ;-t - s The GranttCapltal $36;00ft, ,Noa.'SI 87 WW tit Baithnera t tt lirric a? i l 10 N . Carotin, j .3':;;J ,1 Tha Grand Capital Vt$W, ?? 8oW In Alabama;- I' The Grand OaMtal ff 5,008, Jf OS- '8 30 74. fM ia Taaaaaat,' V J JiJ ThftGrarCM20,Ooa,Nos.WWe3L'l ia Mississippi , , .1m? t'. " Asra anssa eKaTstM t . " As thiok n4 namberlees M U fy ,nte WS I jpw"'e suipeas.... ; ,-. ..,!, np'' ' AUmdcto ptr nudrecehe prmpl weiakM. Please examine I the following schedule of " ,i ' wtiBtteillor6oi .'' -:' .arneecc rim ec Capitals; Jfof Ballots, Tk'jUv yVJ'av ttra. 8, 28,009 75 Not 15 drawn. , 5. 60, 15 10, '4,54 75 Nos. 12 drVa 1, 15. 8 Uv .4,000 78 Nos16 drafa Hi. WLrii Date, Oct. ; 40,$oo. 78 Not 14 dra 3i,t)oa y ; r. , if u mmiiri . "' 15, 180, aad7oofT5oSM8 ' 1 . 1 1 (MU '"J!! "Wiai 19VIm t:l;'lt:tl 19,; 30.000 ; 75 Noy. 15 dhVa , ' IS, Sft 17, 20,000 10,00 'S7f No dVnf, 5 . .... . v tit ,10,000 18, 22, T4 rf oe. iTdra'nV 25 000 ) of S78NtHT.i34ra,a; , 5,060 V .. ' 5. tt ' 23. 2o!ooo 1 7'5 Noi. W dsrawir ' ' fa Wl C . A enn i ' ,-.?, " 35' (WN 16 dran, u 26, 75'e0Q 50,000 35.000 I 78 Nos. Iff dra'a, 15,000, Sw.1 8,4ef 5000 78 No. 13 dra'a, ,M 29, 80,000: 75 Nee. 15 dra'a, ' 30, 30,000 75 Noe. ldra'n, ' 3i;$ofl00V 72 Nos. 11 dra'a. aw. $t 3QOt19 2 36, 51 5 60151 10 130,32 1 15, S ,, n-r Dy Correspondents can trannet bnsinees throagw the mails with tbis agency, a Well a though personal!)-present. . . w- TP-Ltv.9n caYafufly directed and answered y return marl. . . , ICr Colvin dc C send markers official JnvW to all who order ticket. " VfT Bank notes onfall good bank far tbe cMSVy, tJcketa! tfck"U reCeiTd M rynreat, at pwr, for .uPri"."hed mt int- B"fc ,mUsx4 M these holding prtxes. All orders are earefnlly com pi fed Wltn1. Th toSt prompt attentiea always given toerders. ' : PUase address, . COLVIN ssa CO, - ! ' BaLTiMOac , C,&E.L.Kerrison&Cor, OIRECT IMPORTERS OF - MTOREiUN DRY GOODS, W' Charleston,,. C OULD respectfelly Infbrar tbeir frirt ahf t. .. .V- who purchlM' DrT Oody in thair st ty, that they are now prepared to offer a Isrrtehoios' As they receive the balk of their Geoda. dtttdt frooropean Port, they feel assured f hemgbla to compete sacceasfnUv with arr. .fc-iae2r2J the Darted States. ! ' -202 KingNorth West Corner of Ring " tfA Aagnat 24th, 1850. c , lf tl. A fla.rf.a if,v nii.i ' . i j-. wikuhh iimioan.t'. liliua. i Nashvills, Augait 15th. 1850. ORDERS NoX-.A Review will Ubld oaatr Bagioenta belsTMnnr ta the u,.u ntmt-u of iNonh Carina Mi.ttiMfott0,h,ItM,M J - s. .. . r.-4 , j--. t .at-ni'trta: 2Uih v de ' on tfrtdgers, .ta.' 21st do da Tarbor ra' dtVs lorthf" 13th 15ib 16th 14th Oird 59th do do da do do do do Williamtton, dw ' I2tfcv do M.Groand, ; do ; 14th, do Jackson, , f do- Sih, do M. Uronnd, do 7thv do Warrerrtoo-, do Vfb,: IU de Loaiabirr'. ' A ooa .' n 35 k 36 do do Raleigh -da 9a7 ' By Order of M. Gin. Ssocrraatv - ' JNO.I FORKIJtNA.I.C. i Angttst 15th, 1850. ' ' "fMW CJUGAR At COFFEE r3 37 hhd good te prime, Port BJeo swear 50 ' NO r : I!1--'- StCrotg . w 125 boxes and barret refined : u 325 bags Rio, Lagusrra and Jdval Coffae i t. . Ia Store and for sale br - - PEEBLES, WH.ITA f DAVisJ .1 Prtrsbarg. Sept. 2sth 1850. t ' 7tf XAYD e'srij"- ifXNE or the the moe I desitable reaideaees iabat VLK Oounty of W.fce wiih.norio aie of RalaTab. ' w.tu wN the advantages of the City and the quiet af J taa ltrytoveirieatlo' thS ClwreneaImoWl and Society of the Capital. Th dwelfrng hoase if largeaad very convenient, , with 8 room above ttwt i dining room and paatriea in tasemeot. . nwi i ne house u ia fine order, newly pafnUtb aamsW some gfove of 4 or 9acres in front, hi.i. ws? kitchen, 'Rock 8prin House, and tWo or . er twiliog atprings la tea step of tfan. House There era iae,stgr houses, with good brick enimneys' tWtf. k-hoase, two) carrisg-faiDse Crib, thrsWr Granary, good stable and every ectaetf out-hotrse necessary for comfort on tmrpremieea. r, i winaiuw eou Acre, 1UT7 et WhJCb" IV. Forest land, Wrll wooded. 10 acres in ttn. ulllr and the balance in fmV farming lead1."- : - "J! rerrortaer particcmue a-pty to W, B.'SmttJ Esa., of Rtdaigh, whof Will abdW tha tttfamlaat at. Zi dree . . .,. ... .'. . "1. - ".lfc i A-ATKINSON JC7 SUadatdcepy. ' - ' , N.PERKYi t BjtMww t, S.doprt tbote BthX ii PT!TL!lOt3TI U'swei - -awe V ... flfiaB CHEAPEST md BET . aasonmeoT Ut 1 IlQS Coats. Vaala. Vmim BU. rt. . .. . t and Servants Clothing, A de 4e 7" f Gentlemen at incited to te& and sir4i Stock, te1tKhetUetaU limes btfretfytfwwt, eeptember B, 18501. ' ' --'7 ef'' Fathion fOT September. 1850, TglUR HATS, a general asftmmeat :;st. Jtlsl received end to sw fcv 1 . , JESSBBROWNt .is --arit ouciguy voowr .ai isov. . - . ,( ,781 Perry Davis Prtin Hiiier; 1 to, ' A snppry f tbe above vsiuabh) Hedida thh 4j 5 rMV received at. ... ..v PECUDSn4 ' mi jEJYJYY LJJfD SiJPPEJiSi ' f : TrTJ8T reotived, end fbrsaJetbr j ". fijs. 14 j RrrghOtt-e.l650.-;.-' nAi"fo riSaj brt i -tv-.: ii i i - 4? TftlfT neirei,aftd fwil,W wnalrtfl ot SJU inen aUrgwiot of Sammeraad faR Ceatt N Vwrt.aadrawkkJfaxe-eiaagvry kr, ti elsM.MsjsnsjsB. 'f..-,vV-.Vi4- : - - V' "Asmttm:cor i. Accost 2.185. " 2eaiv)yelt. U :'-rtft aence: -i : jnr: uiJuoutsmue journal r i -

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