1- -"-aw j I 1 a I V A, . W t 'L I .v s j,T ILEISBN. C. jatarday, April 26, 1851. PUBLISHED BY - TON GALES, AND PROPRIETOR, DOLLARS PER ANNUM. of fair delightful peace, ;fbey rty rage to live Uke bothers ------ . 1 --n . , , , - , - . , , : April 4tH, isau TVTDMB OD8 appficatipnif luting W in2H maunr-rip. which Laid Wgrno n- tbweetaf 38ih of 8ptrailier, i"HI, rfc-n'd Met. 4fct . Volume LH. RALEIGH, N. G, APRIL 30, .1851. Number 30. r v? J VMES, No. 1, tlamson street ; our General Travelling Agent for m!t Listed bv J. R. SMITH. J. T. k, v t vYLOR. J- W.ARMSTRONG, RAMSAY, Dr. JOSHUA '-..if w 5 ? . t rri! I.AWS. and A. J. fOBTJl- 4 ' w.i : 0 f a TIFXRV Lb. Wis. 01 lyioou,erJ. ,1 Ti-ivellin" Agent fortlie States of 1. T-1 JAMES. No. 182. South .Philadelphia, is our General Travelling ?EERI2fO: A. KIRK WELLING- jOS BUTTON, GEO. P. BUTTON, and AN'D GASTON RAIL ROAD. SannJcrs' visit to Petersburg tint Gen. - i I tl,n tliot thorn ia nntr asite successiin, aiiu " . , r.i ...,K,irT will contribute, her .1 Pnt..Mblir2 will iiiii , ., ...r.iption of the Raleigh and Gas- ,to trie w-i'- . - ' re la' ,,uI' a - 'et" n ccount 1116 ir0mtWtersburs PaPer3- CON'GWSSIONAL CANVASS. from the " Wadesboro' Argus." that A-vE-q deolarud liiuwclf a candidate at that J' . ...,.a-.,f Tomrv' Court, declarinz limine "LA- : but m tavor oi uui aus-iraei nguk Jo lie was not in in ui Dw.tfi" He was nut altogether satished with but kr the.sake of peace would a- , f :.uf.ll- i-imtvl" Ollt. tC. . Pargaii sat down, Thomas S. Ashe, Esq., . . 1 . ..." - ...iiimunf rt TV it" U Till- !fion.n.w an J forever, one ana msepera as lr.artily responded to and strongly promise. THE ASHVILLE NEWS MR. CLINGMAN We are spared the bootless tasfc V1 noticing a re cent ungenerous article in the above paper, relative to ourself and the feelings which that print supposes we entertain towards Mr. Clingman, by the subjoined ex tracts from the last Messenger" published at the same place, which are opportunely at hand : " We come now to ask a few questious, to which we hope to receive a satisfactory answer, We ask the editor of the News, if it is not notoriously" known throughout this District, that he is, and has been pub licly and privately, opposed to Mr. C.'s course, and that he has condemned and disapproved his policy ; that he had suggested plans, devised means, and so licited other men to run against him : and that even on this present circuit, he has declared that he had evidence of Mr. Cs. going into a Democratic caucus at Raleigh, and advising them what course to .pursue in regard to the Tariff, and that as soon as he got the 'written testimony," he was going to bring it out ? What hand jdid the Editor have ia the " Fair Play" articles, and bringing them to light ? " What strange vision has cwrrre across his dreams" thai In one week his optics have assumed an entirely different hue ; that he finds it particularly necessary to defend a man who has " nine tenths" of the people on his side aid no opposition, from the assaults of an abolition dog ! that he did not discover for two weeks, after , he had read, re-read and -published Mr. C. s speech, that he approved" it. That thoujh Mr Cs. "card" had been I published for months, yet he had never found it neces sary till just now, that it was but justice to Mr. L. to state, that " it wa s originally sent to the News." " Give cs-bSt light !" We ask if you wrote the article now under consideration ; if you penned one line of it ; if you ever read the proof sLeet? We want to know we want the public to know, and if you do not inform them, we will, who it is that is discharging their pop-guns and tow-wads at us from behind your masked "Co." battery. Bring them out or tear down your sign ; if you don't we shall make certain new fledged lawyersjand journeymen preat h ers in this regiun "parade" in front leaving you behind or we will try. irl which Mr. I , 1...1T (Wusiio'.i arose, in ffih marked ability and patriotism, as we the account in the Argus.upheld the cause "mon w!ile 11 'iitinueJ a common blessing to . 1 ...nf..n.lA.t tint fur ;(Tf.inil hoi the co'Jiun ,;uiu iDinruu,...., stance, revolution, when it ceased to be so. ai replied to by Messrs. Leak and Dargau. ,s no other Candidate than Mr. Dargan yet lie people of the District. The Plough, Ths Loom and the Anvil. We leam from the April number, that this valuable publication is to be continued pniter. Hie name of its late distin guished editor, W regret to learn, that however much the arduous labcrt of Mr. Skinner in the cause of agriculture nifty have benefitted others, they added little or nothing to his oro' personal fortune. As the Plough, the Loorti arfd the Anvil hail only begun to give promise of future remuneration when Mr. Skin ner was suJdenly called to another world, we hope that the fruits which he expected to gather from his enterprise, will not be whollv lost to his familv, but . , i4 t 1 thjit his Inmmr njitron- will rntitiniip tn mro aiihatnn. Vve in tbev Liianoue jouni.u, a pi.nn.. t t, - m that sterling Whig, Rcrcs Barrixger j tial evidence of their appreciation of his labors. alining to permit his name to be used in con- rijJi the canvass m UieDistnct tormeriy rep- l-;br Mr. Siippkrd. Jlr. Uarringer spoats Malf of the Union, and tells some plain truths :x wlw are siill seeking to divide and des- THE MAIL CONTRACTS. am from the " Fayetteville Observer, mat bici from Raleigh to that place has beeu a fero Mr MurJdck McKinnon, of that town, in in . 1 i 1 1.!.. . 1 ' .. V. Ar-a lrse naCKS, as me leiegniuuie uisp"-" f re fear, says the "Observer," it was intended raw times a week in two horse hacks. lIKiimou has also obtained the sulky mail L K. Marion C. H, S. C. , 'liord of Georgia has obtained the contract l irrtteviUe to Camden, South Carolina. Also fiTt!cvin to Warsaw, daily in four horse. Also from Fayetteville to Salisbury, (the cborse mail.) Also to Wilmington via Eliza- 1TJ, An Outrage. J-During the 'dbneert of Jenny Lind at Cincinnati, on Monday night, the house was attacked by a gang of rowdies, who fired six or eight pistols and endeavored to foice their way into the house, but were repulsed by the police. Miss Lind fled from the stage, but as the disturbance Was soon quieted, she returned and finished the song. that yours are the-optics of a -drearier and they will be opened to a wakefulness when it is too late. 1 know of some land lying -on the road which sold, before the completion of the road, at 12 and $3. It cannot now be purchased at $. Let the roadgo down, and the owners of this land maybe partially contented at giving from $10 to $25 perH'h'd for waggonage of Tobacco, instead of H and $8, as long us the prices remain high. cut when there is a decline in price.and ono rl h d will pay for the waggonage of the other, what will oe the state ol iheir feelings : I imagine that a disposition to Bell would carry them back to the original purchase price for their land. I nave endeavored to give some Kea of what you save by this roadapd why you had better sub scribe even if you do it as a gift But there is no necessity of your giving away your money. Sub scribe stock, become equi-partners with the State, reconstruct the road, lay it with T iron and you will-have one of the best and cheapest roads in ihe Union. Let the Central Road be built, and the travel from South and West seeking a Northern direction would move aver the Raleigh & Gaston road by the hundred Freight from the Central road, freight along on the line,, which is now carried by waggons in consequence of the dilapidated state of the road, would then pour into the different de pots of the road ; you would be able to get busi ness and able to do it. Make your own calcula tion, and I a n inclined to believe, that you will find it the best stock in the State stock that will pay decidedly the best dividend. I feel that there are but few of the intelligent men of Granville whose notions are so antiquated rom the Greensboro, raiript. , ( We, the und rsrgried citizens I of James town and vicinity nut in he Me hodist church, io take under consideration the pro priety of prohibiting J. sse; McBrideAdam Crook and Bacpn, wbo prof, bs to be. preachers of the gospel, who we believe to be promulgators Ol the ddctrinet of ab lijioi- ism from the State oi Uhio, trom preach ing their incendiary doctrines iaj the Public Church, Whereas, No country can exist long without some form of governnieqt, regulated by good and wholesome laws, made by the treemen th reof ; we the, citizens of Jamej fown and vicinity respect and ef$r will cher ish the present lorm of 4he government un ilet which we have lived thusj Idng, free, happy and prosperous, and bow in respet fu1 cubinission to ihe laws of Our State.--'J herefore our feelings are against those who come in our midst for the purpose of -violating those laws, sowing ; the "seeds of corrup tion amo gst us, by alienating J the-former happiness of fami ies, blasting ihe friendship of neighborhoods and annihilating the con trol of the master over his servant all, loo, under the cloak of religion and misguided fanaticism upon the subject of slavery. Be lieving as we do that their conduct is in open violation of the laws of the State of North DEATkOF ARCHBISHOP ECLESTON.. The Most Reverend Archbishop Samuel Eccleston ,who has been lyin? sick at his res idence at the convent, r m Georgetown, for several weeBs, died fast evening, at twenty five minutes pai six o'clock. We learn that he was afflicted With a complication of disea ses, which the skill of his eminent physicians could not overcome. It was believed a fort night ago that, he could not recover, and in 4his opinion the Archbishop jiimself concur rea. wis disease continued to 'become more aggravated, and he was not expected tq live through Friday night, but he lingered on. becoming more feble until the time fce h ve stated, when, surrounded by sorrowing friends, he sunk calmly to rest. The deceased was a'native of Kent coun ty, Maryland, and- was born on the 27,th of June 1801, and was, therefore, nearly fifty years of age. Ha had filled the Archseopis copal See in the Roman Catholic church since September 1834. Wash. Republic. BY MAGNETIC TELEGUAPII. Reporied erpreaty ftor the Registei'. ARRIVAL Off THE ASIA! jVfOTAtfR DECLINE LN CdT&OJft "Pa, do cannons grow ?" "No, you simpleton ; why do you ask that?" New Yoke, April 21th. -The Steamer Asia arrived on yesterday, bringing advices from Liverpool to the 12th instant. ' . , Cotton has fun her declined one-eighth. There has been, as yet, no change in the British Ministry. The Budget has pasjed withiittle or o ?l'eration. A new Midutry baa been . organized in France, with Baroche at the head. asjto make them longer oppose the Raleigh & Carolina and for which J sse McBride now Gaston Road. The importance of rail road trans portation is generally acknowledged. You see and feel its importance. I know that hundreds of you would tell me in social conversation, that the annihilation of the road would be attended with consequences deeply deplorable to those who. have received the benefits, and shamefully reproachful to the name of the State, the home of yourselves Rtands c6ricted before the Superior Court of Forsyth county for circulating incendiary papers upon the subje -t of slavery, and fur ther with oth rs are doing great injury in our land by preaching abolition doctrines to congo gations of negroes and others who as semble on the sabbaih day, to the annoy. and affections. You express the wish that the ! aiice of the peac able citizens of the neih- boihood. Therefore Resolved, Is', That we pro'est against their preaching in the public church W on any pub ic or private grounds we have control over in this place. Resolved. 2d. We are informed, on the road may be built. Are you sincere 1. Are you prepared and determined to do your duty? I would that an affirmative response from you would quiet my every doubt. When conversation turns toi this subject you coolly ask the question ; "Do you think thev will subscribe enough to make up the four hundred thousand?" They.'! Indeed, I am heartily sick of this ignis fatuus, they. 1 20 h day of this month. Jesse McBride has cannot here treat it with that courtesy which its j ma(e an appoinimcnt to preach at ihe Pub pronominal f..rce and place demand! It is a yo hc Church that a committee of three be ap tent impotent, splendid nothing, blossoming in , . , . . . . . . the mist-land of tne tancv world, i hey! Away;' . t UI IWCSr 1 Caul II UUII3 ailU I1IIUIIII 1JII1I IU nil.ll- with the mysterious nondescript, the rainbow in All the principal mercantile houses of Rich mond will send out an agent by ihe next sieam er to make arrangements torobiainiug their goods henceforth direct irpm England. FOR THE REGISTER. . THE RALEIGH &. GASTON RAIL ROAD. Citizens of Granville : As a native citizen ot your County, living among you and cherishing hopes for your prosperity, 1 purpose tocall yourat lention to the fact, that your interest and conven ience demand your speedy and vigorous action in behalf of the Kaleign &. Gaston Rail Road. Eve i ry present indication DespeaKs a suspension oi j opera. ions on the road before you shall have had I tne privi ege of sending to maiket another crop Are you prepared to p.,y tor waggonage trom $1,' U to i,50 per hundred pounds Are you ready to yield your present tiaeiling and mail facilities? Think ot these things, and ai t beloreitis too late. According to a speech made in Raleigh last year, by M.j. C. Li Hiuton. Grauvhle County saves by the road, on the articles. Tobacco, Wheat, Salt, Lime, Iron, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, upwards of $53,1:0 i annually. To this might bo added( many other articles which would greatly increase the ainour.t. iow what would Granvi le do if she were called on to pay uleriih of this amount annually, for the support of the road, by way of taxation ? I fancy the gray headed veterans of the County would talk no little about " ruin," 'Boston," ' tax" and '"taxation." Yes, the member of the Legislature who would vote for such taxa lion would be denounced as unworthy of the trust reposed in him by a confiding people ! And yet when the prospect is in tavor ot your losing oi),- 0 0 per annual bv a suspension of opera ions on the ro..d, you tiirusi your hands into your pockets, look around with composure and quietlv ask the question, "Do you think they will subscribe enough io reconstruct tne road ?" Rut possibly there are 111 LATE CUBAN MOVEMENTS. Savannah papers state that the recent move- portion of the Cuban invaders in Georgia Immature, caused bv a rumor that a revolt had I" alien place in Cuba. This induced sixty- At party, who resided in the Cherokee re- wntrv, to hasten towards Savannah to ten s wires to Gen. Gonzales, (formerly of Cu- 5 a resident of that city ; but learning that ieut was premature, and that they had -iIk rendezvous, they returned home to await pr line. Rather strange we should think, "e no truth in the various rumors concerning r up of a second unlawful expedition against ia: such a body of meu should have been al- acized, so as to repair to Savannah at a timing. The Atlanta " Republican" no wwn of the adventurers to that city, but as tK it been able to learn whether thev have their desperate enterprise, or returned H ojtct of taking a new route. It supposes lf PICO Wo trnat for thft honor of , .. , ,v c, some ol you wno win call ji.ji.uuu an extravagant I, that the explanation of the Savannah J T ... , . v . ' , . , .' - y . estimate. I will not be obstinate 1 wish to es- ihe distance, yet destitute of its charms. You ; craw his appointment Irom ttit place ; otn may chase the thing over mountain and clouds, but . erwiso his attempt to preach w ill be resist never overtake it to examine its heart or measure : e J. the depth of its pocket. Virginia will effect j Resolved, 3d, That a committee of three something nice from they of North Carolina ; be appointed , to consist ol Dr. S G. Coflin, North Carolina expec.s they oi Virginia to- act , j w Fe,d anJ j c Ka!h Esq.JO infor:n handsomely and Granville forsooth is peeping, n ., . . ' , down through the dim distant smoke of Flunky- j lfT1 ( Jesse Mconae; mat noouier appu.ut donia, or some other nowhere, to see what they men is are to be made oy him or either o: the are about! i othrrs in this place at the Public Church or People of Granville, your interest is inseperably : on any public grounds, Washington, April 25. At Boston, on yesterday, Sumner ac "Because the papers say as' how the French tually came withitr one vote of an election have planted some at Rome. The announcement of this result Caused the "Well, come to think of it, sonny, can- K atffl . m . nnni will enmatimDo uriAAt if (hov arn r1 .f I " ed: and" I have heard of them vieldin,? The remains of Archbishop Eccleston grape," he added, with a smile of satisfac- were removed to Baltimore on yesterday, tion, as he fumb'ed his pockets for a cent to with the appropriate ceremonial honors reward the boy lor being the innocent occa sion of such a,wise observation. LATER STILL! SUMNER ELECTED ! ! Washington, April 25th, 9,' A- M. Sumner, the Abolitionist, nas been elec- tedU. S. Senator from Massachusetts by one vote ! Much excitement in Boston. SCIENTIFIC EXHIBITION! By the Inprived AT THE CITY HALL, On Saturday Evening, Jlpril 26'A. By Mr. C. F. Sussdorff, of Salem, North Carolina. The performance will comprise ..... ;r rr-nrr -ryjf if.ri: Ther are thre modes Jgfi wSrch lht locaUWi may bcmadei "i.Vt(LH -'KJ' 5?d By the Wainntee tDrongB tjM &BaV ' office; --t "fA. S 3d. Br a -Agent 6r'AttorijeT.'f?f-3' If the 'first, of second m k1 le.e; y.Jt ceiion mutt be'made in wrulm, eeifyim M lnJfdif rid er eertmia of ciBntfy.fofH,tife'.! tipif i deuted, and be ccHBpnlsr tf JT?l. ciordtfg to ihe folWwma formvl. e t'!- Where ihe th.rd mote ie.sU "pte4 y'dlft).4 Attorney musft be produced; eicBiel'fcytil rafiieeia lhfresence ofe hoie,.'cee4Kjf4U tM&i t following (M, No. 2, wftich INiwot AHWnaat,; be ackniiutedt;Qd, or proved tlie rojfcj3 dement of eed according id form PiC viHi', lt' In all cnaei, the Paiews will he (ran LOfl yifha Wbere the lncuoa i at lie, nle apepS al direction to the coatmry be civen. ; j . t J..BuxrBriBLpt;... Stats or ' I. ii W p. FORMNo. l: 1. f -i r . A . ' w . ;T ueiorp me justice ey re jtjvs er evecr wjjum j euthoriceJ to take adieita.Y uereoneilr pjprJLf a there wet$ tfie jutnu tf warrUt ) ho biinj. 4fjtf v worn, dHse ami ay. iht lie i the i la vel (here insert name of warrantee.) to wbnm ranl No. lor - sere 'under the Atk?' f September, 189t). m Us ed etfthe i. rfref i i . Hi j ea i who aJW pplWtoftti tlte.eaeie. , ; ; ' V. - : v5? v .i'fJ . Sworn Io and ubcMbd before me thl of i5 . (Officiiis Signature.) identihed with the success ot ihe road. It you would prosecute the enterpiise to a successful con sum uiation, depend upon it, you should act well your part. Your interest appeals to you for sub scription, i ou hope the road will be rebuilt. j l;heu be r.oi guilty ot the illiuerahty ot iuluing your arms aboul you with the expectation that others will sow that you may rem If the harvest is to be yours, let yours be the sowing. Do each man of you your best by subscribing what 'ou i INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. afe able, just as it your subscription was the spirit j ru.M.ATA- r..h to infuse lite into the dying enterprise, uo not " "c,cu "u" v"""' ...... . i n i J 1 K ir . e rr m . say, "what little i subscnoe win ao no gooa. ji Movements, ine annexed telegraprnc is false reasoning, or rather no reason at all. so j , , W9;n fflnn . cllnjair Qn. Resolved, 4ih, That these resolution be published in the Greensboro' Patriot and all other papers in the State friendly to the cause. Signed : Jesse Shelly, S. G. Coffin, David Lindsay, &c. &c, bkttle was ever won where every soldier concl tjiat there were plenty others who could and wouid tight and win the battle. Calculate see how j much it will cost you to let this road go down. : One I know whose last years crop was 10 H'h'ds ! Tobacco. His own calculation allows a saving of $75. On other anicles he saved $25, making $iU , saved by the road. Here by adding savings on . iiticles necessary for the support and comlort of; tlie tamily while making the J otueco, is shown an pears in the Philadelphia North American. Despatches wpre yesterday received from Mr. McCurdy, U S. Charge at Vienna, of the date of March 20 h, sta'ing that the Aus trian Government had refused the applica tion of the Sultan for permission to release Kossu h and he Hungarian patriots, his com- panio s, irom connneinent. liy a compact "Cease rude Bolus, blustering raifer," said Mrs. Partington, as she leached out into the storm to secure a refractory shufer, and the wind rushed in and extinguished her Sight, and slammed to the door, and fanned the fire in the grate, and rustled the calico flounce upon the quilt, and peeped into the closets and under the bed, and contemptu ously shook Mrs. Partington's night jacket us it hung airing on the chair by the fire, and flirted her capborder as she looked out upon the nioht. "How it blows " said she, as she shut down the window; "I hop Hea ven will keep t,he poor sailors safe, who go down on the sea in vessels: and the por. I Scenes fa the Holv Land. ScriDtural ReDrenta God bless 'em ! the poor indignant creeturs I tionsy Natural Objects, etc, tc also, a great varfety of tnat have none of the comforts of life as we Humorous views and illustrations, dissolving scenes, haw ; poor creeturs, who are forced to live A"r'fu ""T' ?T, :, , t . , - . . i xi a i , ouBsuuiu uc"3 icc tu twcr lilt? luuun iny it'll in one room, and have a bed in ihe very ters . relAtlon to v-hibition place where they sleep; howl hop", they I was present durinar some part of Mr. Suss-dorffi may be comfortable this Dlustenns nisht. I exhibition of the Magic Lantern, on the evening of This must be the noxious storm," continues September swrd. iu instrument appears to be a She. "Whpr thp stir, rrr,SSP th. Ppnnhsrnt. &,w ""c.' uc oh'. l"D ouJl bhe do med her SpeCS, and sat down to Con- gcea. and ofconrs moral and rplitrmiiH in fWir ln- sull Dudley Leavitt about Ih fact, and she dencies. Others are fitted to convey information on tOund she Was n?ht : while the wind howled I matters of science. With these there is a small ad mixture ot innocent run. Mr.Sussdorff is the more deserving of patronage, as be is respected by those who know bim best, as a worthy, lnteuigeat and good man. E. MITCHELL. Chapel HilL September 25th, 1850. r. Sussdorff, sir : It gives me pleasure to commend your Exhibition, as interesting, bcaubful and lustruc tive. I hope it may have many patrons. ALDEUT SMEDES. St Mary V, April 2Snd, 1851. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Price of admittance 85 cents. Children half price. . FORM No. 2. Know all men by these present, thai I (ServstittUl the name of narrantte) of the County1 f 1 au'd State of .. . T ! hm4f constitute and pnint . " of j "TT, i my true arift lawful At orney, for me an4 mf name, to locate Lan'darfrrant JVo ' for -eree of land, which ixued under the Act ofefHr H50. Pewer 6f Substitution may be inserted if iiirti. Signed in preeepce of ) . (Warrantees &ftrt) Stats or CoOXTT OT On this - lh year FORM No. S day round the house most dismally. Boston Pathfinder. personally appeared, there insert name of warrantee,) and Jteknowledged -tnei within rewer ot A Homey to be oh act end deMrt, uud I certify, th it I wed km the said (here insert the name if warrantee ) a d th it he ii ihe una per on who is itescntted in the wilh'in Power, and wt executed the same. ' ' Officer's Sigtiaturt. Statfot FOAM Xo. X QptJXTt or S I lierehy certify, that oh ihi - year the day of perWiiahy cam. ajvarauge of li, saved on each h'h'd of Tobacco. ' exis ing between Aus ria and Turkey, the tins view oi tne subject every man maMiig aiter pOWPr was changed with and accepted hd Tobacco would save $IU per year by sub- the gul veiHance of these unfortunate exi'es numbering several hundreds ; but finding the With one hhd I 1 . . 1 L' I.. . . I scnoing a snare oi siock even n n ouiy paiu me :..t...f. fti,.,i ,Iom ;p;t will mt i-i,t . II1LVIC3I. lilUIV U 1 lilUI IIU OtC U if m'. i t . . , you more to let the road go down than it wil to ! expense oi meir main enance o coming our reconsiruct. Ask not what others will do, but do ; densome, she applied to be released from what you can. Do it for yourse ves, for y urclul-j incumbrance. Permission was graBted in dren, for your State. I Jong to see North Carw- ref rence to all except Kossuth and eight or Kna burst from tne thraldom of her Rip Van Win- ten others. This decision, was communtca le slumber. Lei her loved garland grow greener ted before iutel ig n e reached Vienna r-;-as her oira citizens shall come to iniertsvine h ; spect ng the recent action of our Govern- loius iiovvera iiiul ua:i uiooiu in uni.H.tuniuic i splendor aud durability. If the oid State is to be ' the source of the reports which we have 'fathiir mihirpf mnv turn nut to be the true .j j "Alton; the Iht cf " dUtinguuhed departures"' I"1 ty, we have to mention that of our friend, ym, well-kiiown to the Public, who left, for f aooths soiOKrn in th.. "OnlH f!niintrv" .1 dav " j - j '' bistingnithcr we mean for those E qualities of heart, that make the man, " for Tr men liave, or deserve to have, warmer rctitrn! ' , " to his departure, a number of friends met ' station, around the festive board. Jest and "t, tang and rnnmlvlav ronl rnnnrl flhivm- fed like water-and.altoeether. the best of N tilantv nrevailnd' A VERY PRETTY QUARREL. otandurd" pounces with no little acer- "tness upon the " Wilmington .Tonrnal " i-i- i.u iu lHiiuiaie umi vjov. p.t.iu 4Te done be'ter than to send Wesley Jones. present the State in the recent meetinz of " Mders of thy FavnttovUlo anA V,.c0 f ida an rm;.,:. ul ,.. t.- i. "(Miuuii, vy me way, in wmcn in f his Democratic friends is not singular JJrnal had committed an act of high' ftf,. p -j .. ., . , .. ,j . '".cius organ coma not nave 'allied mm-.. . ,i i i. -Li. iinu we looii wiiu no , - u Ule jurmer print wiu rei and sunercihona aim nf ta Stun .nfthe '.i,.-1- i . , , , , ImK -""" snouia oe a warning les "iiiw oi tl; e Democracy, how falilnlitir ,.r tt:. r ii- rm 'ltd A x.jtueiieucy. J ney - . ant u,-let I "me in! WW let " the Stats" imik. it1f cv ' OUr Present Htatr. A itminielm tinn I CtUUrn' 'U notoriou imbecility and its 1 4-1 , - oUler tlian party considerations iinj. .. -6w who raises nis voice, t-, J ail(1 flW-'blv, in denrecation of either. S , "'-r for thai man had he cape the charge of il iberaluy. Will you compro mise by conceding the fi.ct that she saves $25f U00 ? This estituaie certainly falls short of her real savings ; but is not the amount one of some import nce to the citizens of Granville? I make the declaration without fear of refutation, thatii is better that Granville County should present to the Company as a mere donation to secure the per manent establishment of the road, $20U,t'00,than to let tlie road go down to be built no more. The declaration at the first glance may appear bold, ex travagant, rash. ;ot su when braced by its con comitant facts. If she were to save $50,000 an nually, iu four years she w uld save the whole a mount; if $25,i'00, 8 years and so on in propor tion to estimated amounts. By the lower esti mate, in 1 6 years she saves the donation and stands benefitted an extra amount equal to the gift. Have I reached the end of your benefits? By no means. The value of your land is largely en hanced. Let the road go down, and there will be many dissatisfied land holders, who, for the want of proper marketing facilities, will endeavor to leave the County at the earliest practicable period. But will they be able to sell, even at reduced prices 1 Where will they find purchasers ? What ivill they be told by those, who, under certain cir; cumstanccs, would be willing to buy? Sorne8 thiwr like this I imagine : "The time was when the marketing facilities of Granville were bad, yet they competed with those of other sections, and we could then anord to stay here, of the Country are now blest with transportation for such produce as the farmer can make. If I could in justification to myself and family. I would most willingly purchase but stern duty imperatively demands that I seek some other place." His would be the correct view. Thus the demand will be diminished, and wiih the diminution of demand a decrease of price. Doubtless there are some who design leaving should a 1 hope of reconstructing the road be lost. 1 When they have to contend against the conse-i pouiied at as the decayed cradle of American in dependence, derided for her purblind obduracy, for her transcendent stupidity and inglorious re trograde, let it be said tnat there is one spot in j her limits where the people knowing their duty j and their interest, have acquitted themselves in a j manner creditable and conimendablo. Let.ihat be : the home of yourse. ves., your interests, your hopes and anections, GRANVILLE. Go to May Court prepared to subscribe. ment. An uigent appeal will be addressed to Austria on this subject. The Arch-Duke, the brother of the Em peror, whoii to command the Aus'rian Na vy, will visit the United States in the course of the y. ar, to examine our public yards and modes of naval construct on and doubtl ss, make himself acquainted with the character of our insiitutions, generally. The public rumofs in regard to the appre hended Cuban invasion are greatly exagger ated. No doubt a project has been formed, but very imperfec ly. The Gov. rnnvm has ! taken every piecautio.i toput down the move j ment, should any be attempted; and -he in j telligence received by telegraph from all th'' ' Federal officers in the South justifies the i conviction that it must fail and be abandoned, i No expedition can leave the United States successiu ly. i ne act ot Congress and our duty under the tieaty with Spain will be faithfully executed by the Administration. i A GREAT PASSAGE. "Hurrah for the Collins Line !" burst spontan. ously front a thousand voices this morning, when it was known that the "Pa cific," in nine days and twenty hours, had crossed ihe Alaniic. It gave lull as much gratification to the public as if a great battle had been gained in Mexico, on the frontier, or on the ocean. And why should it not? It is a great victory for our mechanics, our ship-jards. our iron ai d steam foundries, our engineers, our mechanics, in general, for our common country. Such victories are bloodless, but 'a m nra rv nnrro r t C rr -hit npnonui-i r r Ko n if CJ tXl 1 1 1 is 1 1 HHL'ti taut s-r -'ui wivo ;r,jn tuaii i t five thousand m-n had been ki ed. and len "V - -i , ' I Mr,.1 r- i nrt l (ha IV a.a U I wiu vi aihh yj iiic nevcic iiuusc ill -uuui" In Wilmington, dn' Monday the 21st inst, Mrs. Ma ry B. Person, wife of Samuel J. Person, and daueh ter of the late John R. London, in the 28th year of her aee. Possessing a mind rich in native excellence, highly adorned by cultivation, and always attentive to its own pure thoughts, Mrs. Person was the charm of the social circle in which she moved. Blending these twiirbt Qualities of the mind with all the modest vir tues of the heart, slie was surrounded and dearly cherished bv a large circle of friends and relatives. Passing a wav. even from the threshold of life, she leaves a happy consolation in the remembraoee of her particular moral excellence. So young and lovely in all the relations of life ; so kind, and gentle, and amiable: so pure and perfect in thought and deed ;so full of confidence and hope; so loving and so devotedly beloY-ed oh! it were hard to loose tlie silver cord ot lite, to shroud such rare excellence in the eternal gloom of the grave! But death had no sting for her. The grave was swal lowed up in victory. From early childhood she had been taught to tread the paths of peace. While health mantled her cheek, and strength warmed tlie current of her life, and the world wn spread all bright and beautiful before her ; she yielded Us pleasures for the more enduring happiness of revealed 'religion Tha rules of her life had been drawn trom the foun tain of all holiness ; and thus was formed a charac er of exceeding loveliness. The promises ol the Gospel had been reeeived with a truthful, trusting spirit ; and hence lier undisturbed composure in the last sad scene of earth. Her death was a fitting end of her life ; per fectly conscious of her fate, calmly resigned to the will of God quietlv and peaceablv as sinks the set ting star to rest, she sunk into the eternal slumber, while oil the wings of a pure and perfect faith, hef immortal spirit was borne into the presence of God who gave it. Wilmington Commercial. SUPREME COURT REPORTS. O 3. Volume 11, Iredell's L-iw, (completing Vol 1 11 and No 2, Vol.. 7 of Equity beirig the decisions at Lieceoiher term isrw- have just been issued from this Office, mid m-iiled to subsori. brrs. The Index to Vol. 11, will he published in a few diiys and then immediately m illed to subscri ber to the Reports. S EATON UALE-f. Publisher. Raleigh; April 24th. IS51. 3t 34 PLANK ROADS. HISTORY, Structure and Statistics of Plank Rosds in the United States aud Canada. By vv Himiu tviiigsford, Civil Engineer of Hudson rrfer Uxii Road. With remarks on Roads in general. By F. Gr. Skinner. Price 50 cents. For st-le bv H. D. TURNER. April 35th."l951. 33 Arrival of Mr. Webster His Speech to the Bosionians, cVc Boston, April, 2J, 10 P. M. Mr. Web ster arrived here to-day, and was greeted by or fifteen thousand wounded. New York Express,l9th. nuences they will find that it were better that they had taken stock to sustain their prices of land. Why? Here is ono holding his land at $5,000; , the road goes down; the land depreciates in valne 25 Dcr cent ; he loses on the tract $1,250. Would he. not save by giving to the road $1000 to insure its construction ? He would then save $258. Ift you are inclined to believe thafthe prices of your? land arc not affected by the road, let me assure yott' Jt rs well remarked by the Georgia Chron icle, that the last Census will present many useful lessons, if they could be calmly stu died, to the people of South Carolina, as to a i comparison between that State and her Other sections I Southern neighbor. Georgia, with the same the means of I "institution," and under the same g- neral government, is improving rapidly, her peo ple prosperous and happy, and her prospects brightening daily. Why is it, that the reverse Bhould be so in South Carolina? Why should one State be a loyal and discreet member of the Union, and the other a complaining, fac tious one ? Does it not show that the State policy of the one is good that of the other, bad ? If the people of South Carolina were wise, they would consider the'se things. They need only look across their borders to the condition of their neighbors, to see how cruelly they are mis ed aud deceived, to their loss and injury, by the politicians who have, for so many years, guided tbeir coun cils and' directed their action. Alex. Gazette. pliance with long continued calls, he made a speech, in which he expressed his gratifi C ilion at meeting the citizens ot Boston, and co"gratu!ated them upon the passing away ofthejecent convulsions, and showed the analogy between occurrences in the natural and political sense, which, after their agita tion is over, leave calm and sunshine behind them. He expressed, further, his gratitude for the kindnesses they and Ihir lathers had shown him, and stated that whatever good h had done was owing to their constant support and friendship. He also congratulated tnem that the events of the past year had placed ihe country under happier auspices. We see clearer, and feel more assurahice of the per petuity of our institutions. He then went on to speak, at considerable length, of the character of our institutions, their advan tages, &c. Great enthusiasm prevails. Some rascal proposes that ladies, wbo clamor for their rights, should be made to do military autyv rney wish to ennst, and oecome rneir " companion's m arms," $25 Reward, RANA WAY frqm the Subscriber, some jdme in Jauuary last, a negro boy named LUKE formerly owned by the lale Mrs. Anr.a White aiJ bey is about 26 years of age, dark black com- ilexion, about 6 feet high, ad stammers a linle when spenkms'. He is supposed lo be in this vicin ty, and the above reward will be paid tor bis app.e- sion. GEO. T. COOKE. Raleigh, April 25th, T5l. 34 IN WARREN CO., NEAR LITTLETON DEPOT, HITHBtTO under ihe charge of the Rev. VV Hoofbii, will be continued, atier the present .-eiioft', by the Sub.cribet, assisted by Mr. Thomas O. Hoopku. The next Sessiou will Commence on the 17th July, and the vacations will correspond to ihose of the university. I ekms For Buys entering under 14 5' vears and preoanu; lor Collese per ' Session,. $81) j . For others $looi S J. DeB. HOOPER. April 24th, IfeM. wlSw 34 0CF Standard, Wilmirlgtoii Commercial find Edenton JSentinel 12 weeklv inner iona. before me (here insert thi name of witness) and Are' " insert the name of tearranfee ;) nnd tne said (Jtet'i insert the nam of witness,) lieing well knewn le antf 1 ' was duly worn by ma, and on his oath dtcUrftf snd said that he well kmw the said hereinseii th mime of warrantee.) and that lie wa- the same (Mieefe , des:ribeil in, and who executed tbs within Power of Atton.ey. and his testimony wa to me sati-diirie- " ry evidence of that fact, end the sid (here insert the name of warrantee,) thereupon acknowledged th said Power to he his act and ded. (Officer's Signjtvn) ' April 25, 1851. Cw 34. ATTEMTIOH hAMMl :; IHE Subscriber would i es'pt-cuully iiiinrui yotf, M. one nnd all, that, h ivirig I itely i'Muinet front tbe North, and hn7ing procured, at heavy ex pen ses. the services of a KU.ierior vvorkuia. who hag been brought upat the trade, and who is confideotlj recominemfed. Ua cm supply you with' any thiug ydd want in the Fancy Ciike r Ice Cream line. Just be kind enough to give me a trial, and, if every thing is not done up brown, there will be no charge. : . 1 intend to have none hut the het of mitef iati f and the citizens of Raleigh may rest ngxured tbai , the business shall be xti ended to, nnd that by lb best Workuieu. Chrgei inode'rnte. L. B. WALKER. April 18 1851. 33 1 . Cheap as Ever! THE Subscriber would al-o inform his tVwa sad country friends, tb.it. h:iing returned fietrf the . North, where he has hud in h god nsoriroetft of Groceries and Shoe, they may be iti-iii that h will not be Undersold ly ay . t)ou't lletj to anj -idle tales, but come and see for yoqraelf ; aud yo v shall not lose aDythihg by so doiii(c" t L. 3 WALKEfL April IS, IS51. . 32 ' THOSE i:ig:irs h ie ar.iv.d. rind oM, andeottf. pelent coauoiiiurs,have vrououueed ihem tbmee superior Oiittra which have be- n brought here is lor snle. to m in ers They consist of ej'df liav gli. Principe, Cheroot, Loudon sise Ha van m ' and Gentian of various brand. ' P.F PESCUDr 4 April 13th. 1800. J2 ILi" Stardird c py , V CM ! CANDY ! ! wirrTOULD you believe it, that I can. and am w V manufacturing as good an article of laudy as can be found in or out of the State, at tbe very low rale of $15 per 100 lbs. Yet 'tis even so, and, if yeu dont believe it, eome and see me, and I will convince yon of the tact. Every pound of Candy, too, that I sell, I warrant in every respect I alk not. then, ot your .northern Candy. North Cdrelina Candy can it be beat I bend in your orders, to L. B. WALKER. Fayetteville St. Raleigh, April 24, 1851. 34 Wanted Iimeeliately ThNG H UNBRED Bales Prime Cotton, for UVwbich a fiue Market price will be paid in Cash. No. 9 Fayetievflle Ht. Raleieb. April 2I W, iS51. 34 1T UW institution, incorporated by the Legislature of Maryland, aud enjoying a liberal patronage, at- for Is every faculty to. tbe acfjuisition or through and accomplished Education. The buildings are pleasantly located, with study and recit-Hien rooms, and every modem convenience fur the accomodation of a large number of boarding and d.-iy scholar. r ACCLTT O.INSTSOCTlON. N. C. BROOKS, A.M., Prof, of Ancient Liagua ges. Rev B-.H NADAL, A. Biblical Literature. Rev B. R. WAUGrli A. M1 Matbemulios and Natural Scienee. S.H.PRATT. M. D.. Assistant io do. do. Miss M A. DIXO V, English and Belles Lettres. ' J. KOtH ESTER; Assistant ih English. ' GEO RGIANA A. HULSE, French Language. " ELLEN C GOBRECrlT lusiouiental M sic M. A. PORTER, Assistant . dt. ELIZABETH S.SLICER. Painting. Mr A.J. CLEVELAND, Vocal Music Trims Boarding per session (tl weeks)' $37 50 Tuition id Collegiate Department 12 50 " in Preparatory D apartment, from 6 to 1 OH ST Catalogues', with every necessary information, to be had tin application to r. t;. BROOK.S, Principal. pril 1851 34 I have also in Siore and ant daily as- pectin Fre.-h Con eres Water, L.thdMs' D-fck Poner and Bitndv. bkerr a4i? deira and Port Wines, selected fur Medicinal i poae of ths Importer and warranted pure P. F FESCUD' ' ht KESTOX CLARK & Cos. superior, just to B hand and for sale at tbe Drug 81 ore of April WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. 25th, 1651. 34 BURNING FLUID AND FULL supply just received and for sale by Jt P.F.PESCUD, Ofofg'iat. Aprfl 82nd. IS51. 34, Standatd copy." aO EALED Proposals will be received at tbe Of Gee ef the Secretary 'sad Tredrer of the Fre- deie.ltshilrff nil Vullpv Plank RMil hnmninv. in I the towu of Frfe lerickshure, tin Satdrdav. tbe 10th of May next, until H o'clock, M., for the gtadua- tion, Mssonry, Bridging. Stfperstrtiction arid fidal eompieuon or tne first 31 milei or said Road, rians, apecificationa, dC , can be seen at tbe office of the Engineer of the Cempaay. Separate proposals will also be received, for Hemlock. Oak. Pine. Chesnut, and other kinds of Timber, faiublefor th saper stacture of said Road, deHfered on the wharf in Ffedericksbdfg Virginia.' By erder of the Beard, JAMES MtGTJIRE. . Seet'rj A Trea. F. &. V. P. R. ! April May, 34 0 REWARD. ' flB ANA WAY from the subscribers;, ia Chester- , jfjb field District, S. V., on the iOtb' iolattt,a yeero man, who calls himself WILLIAM T0 KELEY, of black eonfpleaion, 5 feet 10 ini)a high, 35 years ef age. Ke has a dWNeat -p. peara'nee when spoken to ; lie had en whea harfta'C, ' a black it nes con t aud hlark nutim.l. - . wjiBl 4 a glaxed cap. He can write and nviy write a pass: r for himsir. The above reward will be given if tjia)' said boy ia lodged in -any good jail out of the Stfhy' and 845 in the State. The said negro will tr ta --j wv .v uaunanri, .Ho., WOelW J was purchased. , t Any information concerning the above iiejrre, will be aent to 6ur address. Ha - m w m a w K - eo., Ala. April 1st, 1851. F. dr. A J. POCfLl 37 (Wy , , . ' NEW NOVEL. I1;AI2fO!0ALC. By Emma D E. NaVItt South worth, Author of Retribution' i tbe Vale of Shadows,"- Deserted Wjie,' 4-e. For sale . April 33, 1851. N.C. BOOKSTORE. Flesh Gloves and BrusheSr . -- -. . hvw 1 1.1 V IW I UW justly regarded as one of the m.we etfctual ofeane of promoting health aud long tife. Call and eupplT yhurselvesat the Drug ntore of ';.'" WILLIAMS, H ATWdOD 4 ipd! April 25. 3f " . BANK OF CAPE FEAR, 1 AraiL 8tk isai - t fipHE 4irnoaI Metmg of the Stock aolde'ra f ' JI this Bank will be held at their Ban kin Room on raooaay ue wt or May, praxuao, at whtEft tioa tbe propriety 4ooepting h Act w Beo4 tU : I!l,4 lit film RaiiU nca-J VrVl-i. -w - - - . will he eoasifei. April lOUi H- rT: tfash

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