' . , - i ' - - . ' ' - i I : - . " ' ! I - - I r i ! . v .. i -, . r : i . , .. t . - - !'.. v ' ' i .... V . i t f?'-S- - '".- -' ;;. ! J 'yf-f ..'----i--.:-r!--t'-i . - .--rj.-i3amcaBBiuiaaaai SW " - . . '" " , , , .?.. -I-fc.. .... - E7-- . -faM teaaasMaewaeSSj IM , r - . .. -v.; '-r- r.-... . A.' rt 'i r J - T-:.- - i ? " i - , - triT' t armeatediate. i ti... T.s." nr-aTculstea 1J Bytt P!U!$Z J a am. aniAiint nnr 1U IU miuvuM A . .;m--,. of three- eotaraissioneri Jot adjCithlaiinaarisiGf; untft r faex $nSj J lf jaccornctf tfiU 54 hreepominh?ionerere nommatejt ? PreiiatTiTLOT an4 bj M00" --iV P tha ; Senate icbofirined.:., Amongst rlaim, e'bUiBe bjT apparently OtttbenUc and ondiipotdtimony. waisextimoed and Uow?d1be;mi8ersNb saplcioa wt e&tertained of any ftud,jl0 Tre garJ to thit.clairariuntU ner lUwrdf ad payment by tae'coromiMionera, f t Mtf SaUaequera,'howeTer, to the payment, a the claim, and af ter the departure 1 CUI DiHSfor Earopei Uai laid thalJieJadi donfetted toraf Mrr Ports that the clwro wa fraudulent, and iitaioe4 by, labricate tesUmonyr pJport receiptor fl tioo, the President directed theDistrict !orney,oinforin' the Grand Jgijr, lession.-of the epreentatiotki5linA DiiritiuTbif -wajdone, and rewind, ia the. finding Of a trae bill' against Gawjihm fox false twearing to" the mmori8J. Ports hating been summoned before lher prand lary, denied, on bath; the confewion td him bf VARDiKBR that the daim, was fabrioatedf The bill, tu found, we underitand.by tbe Grand Jury, upon testimony before them nfhpr than that of Po&TE irtH ,--4. Stichia the brief and correct atate'mentof ihifntai illeged; W have been perpeiraled upon the G6Ternment. It wil be se n that no responMbility . at laches to the EzecttUve Administratioo for; ; the deception alleged to have been praclwed upon the Commissioners by 'GRiiiixRt It will btf teen that in consequence of the prompt discharge of his duty, the Prbsidsm : has subjected the alleged offenders to a prop i er responsibility for their unlawfulicts. f i The jAdministratTon is thus acquitted by ! the facU of the ease. The lAttojKoweyeri j proceeds to condemn the Secretary , of. 'the j Treasury because he, "as a Senator of the United Slates, a servant of thef people, an'( pafid for' hitfiemces ty the peopje was ldj receive" a contingent Jee upon the allowance joTthis' claim' by the Board . of Commissioners- 'iJL-" .AtJs 'j t-i. rfi -i It goes on to argue that the receipt by. a Senator of a contingent fee for services to be rendered in the prosecution of a claim is tfroBg? because his' services belong " t 6 the vingofrepaUoa.lTo. Jt'tbVhope Of 4te Stockholder ot tJlAtt P'RW ice the re. r'V-ai&A'ili;..' is nnirlim -!,.-''' ". U Annual ANNUAL MEiETir Ga. rr : TSjiVe'frcjWseto call tne auenuaa-couswwy-- -ki wmwhwitaw onoii the nractice nmh.tion wmch it desenr. s. The practice j to-Jni1 Drevious notice. tbe -Annyal I k which wfeferjiifierosewUcof claimp f Jeeiuis of the SfockhoWera of thcC. tF by member of the NaUonal UtpjfcAfp aCeiii:PiitsboroVo fail torn rargereiwntraaawttn.ttd he Wpofntment DfV A, ratherntorelhttt tw f t nRmset: itof Wnmiozton.Prestdent, and lrtneb?Jt":iavev!dennrjnm kijhe eultof aaor bfof ? .T15 iMetr.iVJHWii-U mogbtpoCorn lionai Agtsianiro i seiriwfvMH T tow t supriOe w:iubmitte the VM f deTf irvI hecessart that there should be i jMta1itfwWcli-todiaewmw Uf ffaltmi ka rfivecl COmhensatlOft'OniOr fZi . . ; nniAnt rfflamlOyedbyepanm ertmeni-apepartment whose officer! were I . .nd further, that there;, waa aptedbjJiefXto? towhtehjhedtslingwshd indmdaal heloitg- tolUw ouutof W40(,wMcttVrP eaj,aoppose .we J5 WM concurred ItK Mf m. i attornerwas aitAeinberof the representative" - - ; ' body lo-whtcls this claim raUrht?havebeeir eOatnoUon, rt.was. , if referred upon an appeal fromlbe 'decision of 1 ,RewfotTThat eH persooi 1 owning one share theDepartmenVhdtbititiaUow thui havCbeen 'ade ,td yepen: uTxa t w v- Kf jr.tw.it.wi -nai himielf. I Ahle and elaborate reports were then sub- Suppose ose isnouia appear ihat the disUd- miUedby Dr.SvMcC1enahPreitdetUand Bdivuhial wasVDemocratl the head Cd(, Wjcw B..Thompson, Chief JEngineer of of the JWpartment a 'Dembcrat, aad"thatye I the Company, aeitng torttt m preeni,.con. J:r t n.n'.rtaiint tn I dition of the work. its future 1 nrospects, etc .Ah vtrcrno.n;Thrf ;:v;f?.lftl Vplonred i ReDorts taid on the table for the present. - -t.. Tm,w.Min..titt 1 krion!d ; never JJ. JaclwonTreasurerdf theCompanf , IUf iu lira as( yfear:-; Report of his political wfloence Our cotttemporary 1 otioni B, I. Howie, JEUat T7 ..t 1, . . .j red in reDorta oi in- rrettaenis xnsnnecr. end Treasu remand that said Committee report ihafg thaCthesidornovjag f the lubmitted Report, etfin in employing the distinguished. m-1 tna expencutures tor me 1 claimants : dividual all aded to'im plied a bargain and sale , last twd yearsVVnor are ihejjeonfine one' of the great political parues of the coun try. For ourselves, we could neither be the defenders of wroW nor of wrone-doers. It would neither comport with our political principles nor personal inclinations." W el be long to that Whig school which resisted die- to this Convention, to-morrow morntnz at 10 o'clock, r Mesnrs. Bt I. Howie, Henry Elliot, M. Qr addelU, JHiai Bryan and Dr. R. K. Smith were appointed aidConraitteeT - fXri.-... ' mLl.rm I tiA Cn n tikM mA. isuon in jacicson ana Tenaiuy in ins iwcf 1 - . l.:t 9 n.ii, - tor.Hr-denonnceddefalcalionwheii Demo- J0arod ?ntl! - crauc orators, organs, ana omce-uotaeri ae-1 t s i aninwijiwoiurt. 1 flndediL ; .. . i admelT lustily extensive engagem cinleto condemn an abuse rfpoliucaVin- r But what, u QuercUron XTJTi "" elcent teorsing.tbe imirate au "WW ww imuivKm iti. i , 1 .rinirkr nf that kihnraid lhilnrlr iiaMiunr applogiied for the Jenfencj pfMr; Woof iq to ri,, bj jodiTiduala W make up ?-:uw ,,r"-",W"W -l 1 the cawtal stock tf the ComDanyV i It -T- a; V-n. rf the discujstci at Bath be- tween Jlessrs. tanly tad EuLa. the.lauer ttemrted to prove tnst vVash.n-toa favored the doctrine ot .aeceswvu- ,;r.i Tj;. arge book end read bU aumomy 10c ui.. ertioa. remarking, before he commenced reading.' f I have y0t, rA rrQ.n? Stanly) "oa.this poinn c"Il II.V Washington adrr.;i-3 the right to Jjede. In reSlvinz lv'.r. -"-jr held the Swk 'op Ruiia )Rd prettade'd to nd from, and, read. eVwhat 4yc4i Mppose.aa there! .AYhy one of the Utnn vfUe bookX tj t.- X - . 2. J.mV With .HiThe auateace were wtwAumu- . -oiameniiMP1061 haD? l.h,r .?5d$ -that a raao aspuiag to repreieni jsn 1 est, intelligent people in the council&of the eaUonhQid hg uilty toT 10 rascally, piece ontaoneii.fi J , i " - m. staniw rv effectuallr exposed the friut inl khAWftd from i the life : of Wash ington writteA by Judge 'Marshall,-that the assertion that Washington ever iaTored ae cession a vile slander of Uys Father 01 his Cougrry. , v- . i . In reply to a quest ton asked mn oy nir Stanly, Ru5n said he cut the slip from a paper printed in Choctaw county Alabama!! The question arises is man who would foop to a trick of this sort fit to represent an honegif people in Congreis ? ' V f"" ' " Wisingto Whig. - . 'i in' - Dr. De fioaset. f VYUmkurten, xwhen he was ud at the late ateetins of ttockhotden of . . . , . .... . . . the Railroad, ave us a specimen ot iaerctt rbn Bark, with the remark that it had become an article of eiDort from thelNbrth to i con- aiaeraoieana increawnst . cacuw ,uciu cm principally TO OglWUi wuern ii uku iur d veinr. l He further .remarked that North Carolina, along the 4ine of the proposed Cen tral Railroad, produced enormous - quantities 01 uiia article ; tnai ins oouinern praouu said 46 be superior 1o the Northern; and that me aemana aua price wouia prooapiy nana- some iv iusuiv extensive eDneemenu in ujb COMMDNICATION. 1 "Mai GAiMJThonghfor one,' I Aaoi com mend the ? watchful . wlence" observed -.by Mr. GaaTcs, at tii'w jancture.yc V w a Union loving man, in eonjunetionwUh thoosandi oTbUiera in thia District, i ahall give him a wHUWaud hearty vote He i tthe Candidate , of the. People not aelf-nominatedV Ue U iindenrtood to be a Union nun and supporter of the Comprotnae measure of the la'Congres. Thepeopje of thia Dial net m m tTninf.'m"ftn-itheT ara willinsr. not onlv to ae- flniosce in, but to abide by and give an honest ; .i ti:....'.JnMI k thai ln.t I Congrlli'ftftal SetUeratnt etthe diffieeltiee that have exbted between the North end ? South. They will noC knowingly, give tnair anffragt to n man who la for further ajr'ttation t who i wiiR intr, a"ln, to own the quertiona, that gave these otates so mucu uihmibuis vijjuicu uiuum hhwi and which threatened te involve na in disunion ancfitaJneceasary eonaeqnence,crvnv.wasw ' In e ftir canvaawttlt- Cnmpromiae,, Union tlAmner&L where nartv could not be brought into the question, I believe that Mr. Venable eonld not command a mJiooty of the vote of this District by 2000. lithe people ot me lisnci anaemooa his position clearly now, he would be defeated by a decided vote. : We look, at all events, with the strongest hopeai to Mr. Graves's election. Never HAS SO mncn opposition oeeu ui3uuckju bwus one who had no canvassiriaf opponent. . The peo- nla krrbklnsf thematter rinte their own hands and wilf be heard with a voiee that cannot be dis- renuded.- They have heard the charge or disun io and when their dearest interests are at stake. they will not be silent. We propose to give this charge of disunion a alight examination. Mr. Venable denies it. induroantiv, but there are just ' 1 -.- . . w r .... -4.1 legislator, 11 was people who iaver paid him for- kThn Wfr svipposea-a qutstion 1 his time. of extra em- Bark I Whereabouts does it grow ? bow is it prepared ? Owr knowledge vat about equal to yur,wise reader, unui tr. lie. k. infor med ni that it was nothing more 6r-less than the bark of i our , common black! oak. The specimen, as iL is prepared or exportation. wr ' r 4 ' a " ."e are mecn gratinearitn tne. earnesi- tedthateaebscripuon of UO00 would at nesa wmcn tne union now evinces amnst 1 . i - :.ri ...k the employment of political influence for the t tXtm ftfa)o whirl Arnold nTsV. nn tk- W.e "jOee Uue,ciy tside advancement of personal interest.. We hope iul ,tock ihe,Company.Tbe;Tiewi of en bC an3E XfieT Vrhite or inner bark crashed in the manner med by our tanners- Doliticat influence to hear fn, the oromotioS , rT"'- " , If w Dot mistaken in OUT -reCOileCrion: Z"?i ?:e'wr ia 5N Book. of tnbscTiptbn were UriC opened, ttSat prewnt price J, lh lltdimtl lnhnii.li Al Ik Mitntm iwhllnM . .. .. . . . I ISlMf MI . -. . jvms, uiyuuiu UN..VWWHU s wr 1 Sju mui wen. added to. -tne aubscriouon I 'r - III: ' -'V. !?v; w . - 1 111 iuc kuvii u uc ncciiwi w iii iicmw Congres itself whet her by members of the I i:gL The Convention then adjourned until Tri- Seftate or o hers,, shall be defeated and ex- it'H morning at ia o'clock. purpose to expoae onl those abuses of poll ticat influence which may injure -the Whig party, it will constitute some atonement for the errors of the past ; we will then pledge our cordial aid in every movement which proposes retrenchment and reform, or the in- I MB I II HUH MIUIIKUHIIVUi W ObiUI-U 'withuie constituency of the Senator, and not with this publicia M i The next charge is embodied in the fol-1 ! loWidg paragrapn taken from the - Union : Wb7 then,,andfos what purpose,were Wh ;6enatori employed n4 paid a fortune In" fee t "I'here is hut one answer to, these qdesu'ona : 1 PeJiticannSuenee ores poIKitaT friends' was Ihe thing bduglit and the thing sold. " A Whig c m- ' mission was Hie conn .ot last resort, and Wbi? i . PofitHsiana were taid hizb prices. . A b ind; man I ran, See and a deal man. cat: hear tlie secret pnr i 'boeea of the eonsotraibu. Political Dosition and I poloi. al tnttuence .were the things paid tory po iilicai pojiiioo and political inuence were the ! , tilings 'suU. ;vpisguise is ascless-evaston -fw ! without avail.""' ?W will ;not,, undertake to 1 say; whether 'the'practice ot eipploying Senators to pros ! ecute claims before a strictly judicial' tribu j ?bal be proper, but it is far from being unusu I al.' The roost eminent members of the Sen late hate appeared before the Supreme Court, . sJthey have received, we suppose, fee direct I and contingent, as is the usage of profession i at men r yet it was never said that because a Democratic, Sena' Or received a cbntrneent ! ftcfbTprecticinginraicourt, the judges of i l!.Lll. II - I wureuwere ap(oiuicu uy sw isemocrauc JUX , eculive, that "political influence was fthe ninzpaia iot, or nomicai innuence tne teinsr ,'iold.", Tbis was an imputation reserved' to : c Jbe charge d by a "bitter polii ieal journal as pe I. JcuUartotheWhigpartyv'J tJroni.which we iil not descend to defend our. poliiical associates or ourselves. ,. tTbt; Board of Mexican Claimt it emphari xlytSndicial Its ' duty Was to audit -nd i jadjudjca'i! the Remands' oTotrrf ;own ci izens ' -aMinl(the'i;ovrhraen sAmountbceived under, ,U&"bea4y. proved msufilcientvto satisfy the , whole .-amount '"claimed, then the sum: reserved swas to be ?'ntlied in -nro rata salisfac kn of the dahlia tlowed 'The t aimanti were all, therefore, lerestedin excluding a&yhad Orsuspicio lryui nor could Ihe1 BaanL, oXXro nussion- exsihave rau4uI' ntly y preferred oe c!aim without the indignant dea'unclauor. of all i Wetanfebt see how, th y couldif they had , beet! focdisposed, have promoted themselves ot'tbeir party by pretgrnng a claim which ikufbected the BowdotCornmisionenpould have.been irtflashced to prefer a political friend as the iidVocatef a-claim before thenS, it is nlain that they, were rtomore liable to the imputa F tiodUan:anrr olh.er;judicial tribunal would f L Yet that io1mpuiatw Wth'e 1 wAQiiseoC biatAffici4 nflue.Acitas ipember of . FBIDAY MORNING, 10 o'clock. B 1 Howxe. Esqj:, on behalf of the' Com mittee td whom was refmed the reports of he Tresident. Engineer, and Treasurer, sub- muted a report which was concurred in and a ' a a i I . . . 1 . Tcsiigmoo ot any ai egea aouse m ine exec- ordered to be spread on the minutes of the utive, legislative, or judicial departments of Convention. the Government Dr. F. Hill offered tne following resolu- ' r i a- t um wuicu wsa uBsuioiousiy aaopiea, , ... . ReioheJ, Thatinthe opinion of this Conven tion, it is necessary and essential to the inter CAMPHENE SUICIDES. St -v- - - to. asA tarsre TiumDer oi aeatns. ciassea '"acci rv on. tne commerce una navigation ot tne united. States for Ihe year, ending 30th June, 1350. we find the Tat ue of the exports of Oak Bark and other dytj to be $2,771 Of this $85,384 worth i sent to England, $54,482 to France, $21,021. to the Han e Towns, $10,000 to Holland. $3,992 to Cuba, and smaller quantities to other countries. This is orobablv ovlv one ef a crreat manv sources of trade' and profitable' employment. which had never entered the mind of our people of the interior, for . want of more di rect intercourse wjtb the great world of com raeree:Geis4oro Pairioi' dental," might, without much perversion of I st of the Cosnpany, that the President should language, be placed under the " head, of sui - visit and give his personal supervision to the cides. . . Aanongthese are the fatal casual- work at erery point on the river,1 at which ties arising from the misuse of campbene. it may be progressing, Jeast once a month. vt e continually near oi tne explosions ot cam-1 l be uonvention then went into the elect phene lamps. ; Now, sound campbene lamp I ion of officers for the next year, which resul- uu not eipiixje., lueuuw is mgaiT innam- I tea as loliows, vtz THE mabie ; and if name is brought an con act For Director Messrs. John II. Haughton, TbosHitl. and L. J. Hauzhton. Dr. John A- Hanks, the Representative for wnn it, or even witn tne atmvspnere imme diately around it, combustion is the f result, and the burning; liquid ia almost 4 as inexlin- mishabls as tha Greek fir ia rennrtd . to have been.r4These facts have been published lae State appointed Messn-,R.K. Smith, and timeainnumeraWef There is not a news- "c CIegg,Dtreciors on the pait of the State. paper in the Union that has not made them Henry JMult tsq., offered tbe following the subject of warning and of , comment tt ilf i"Iv - The journals of the large- cities may almost Resolved, That e Committee of Correspon- be said to make the dangers ideamnhMia a t denes be annotated la. collect atatntica and . - - o -I r , i .-T . r I It I Vw" t wvuesj.MHituieT will standing theme. And yet reasoning; beings; information in relation to the extension of the 1 azare k oat before they lose the opportunity of re- luoaiis uuuu inuimij inaitcti. ucniu in i viic M7 4u win wcu ium luiuiuiciucut iv i wanac;ipsuwTwwaT,, inscaiMituan it neaa- trimming their, campbene Jamps at night; the Yalkin and Catawba Rivers, and report er difi:Mlt or abstruse, for a very modetate know l and not a week passes without the coroner the result to the next general ineelinz of the edge of wCceket'Jai all that is necevary to make it COUNTIES OF. GRANVILLE AND WARREN, N. & The ftllure of these two eouaties to pot nn their snare ot tne sans necessary to repair the ttaleisjti sod Gsstoe Road has exci cd very jastly a ereat deal of .surprise. ,JVYiutyer fiscilitiea the Central Raiboad of N th Carolina may offer to the other counties ot that Sjata, jt is alnolotely eeruin that uranvilieand Warren cannot partake in the slight st degree ofthein. Their reliance b oa the Ral eigh and Gaston Road; and if it is permitted t go 4 aowa.tney wiMiraon to we sncieni regime, and hawltbeir prod nee to market in the old-fashioned road wagons Will ibey be content with ihisl Wilt Uiey, be satis be J to see their labor taxed some 15 otJ20 per cenL throughout all time, rather than part with temporality. sum of money necessary to repair me rauwsyi. , nave mey maue a caicu latida of the depreciation in the value of their lands which tbe loss of tbe railway most certain ly cause? y If ibey have not, we beg that they will of th!tiw KAino mmmnnti) f n hvtit: n m r I ftlrw1rhnlrle-a 11" - 7uT- .tr'r' l "i"rir'"-i -? s i-?iViC"tJ " w r ,C! V wThatsaid Committee consist of five Wte- ?f to be eppomted by the Chair. 73 4 I . r. :j iliiit- . .r.L- .j. v 1 - osiuicMHUuuui witc uuauiinvuuysuuineu iT0hIXr t " Vj ;" U "g Committee, to wOs H. Nutt,JI.,Q. J2tlif'k WadlelUDr McClenahan, W.B.Thompwi thaUU igBtUon isjnev.ablc. , When death- anj t u ttanrKtnn ; r ? ensues;the coroner's iurv calf it "aedden- d fi". Haughton. - ? tal." This is a mimomer. If amah should Retohed further, s That a Committee of five purposely place hi mselt before the mmtlh of be appointed by the Chair, whose duty it a cannon, as tne hzhted match of the artille- hall be to prepare a system of By-Laws for counties haveoayetT iS s thousand la trans porta- ttotu ana oy seepinf .nerses at nome, which pre viously had been ttatfjthe year on tbe road hauling tbettthitcce to market, have ceen able to cultivate other crops. Are ihey content to give Up this ad- vantage! , But let us look at the article Of wheat. We have bten "old within the last hoar, by an ia- telugent gentleman from the county of W arren, that more wheat per year is now seeded in that cosinty, than was forme! y reaped. This, doubtless. is tbe eane ia Uie county of Urasviue, o:ne reason of thia ia obvious, enongb. r trevknis to the exist- saceoi tne rauroaa, the rarmers ia tnose counties . i ' ( a - , a - - ; - a a a t s a at e I aw w wa Htvanau ss aasa o mmm iMWd wuMltCi nst apptoached the tohchbole; and be blown company and jeport to the Stockholders made only wheat enough for domestic consomp io iragmenis oy me aiscnarge, tne act would j .wir BB innui uiceung. . messrs, jonn be, called .suicide." The temeritr Srhich A. Hanks,' John H, Haughton, M. Q. "Wad- crowds tne columns of our newrpapert' With a9' ;'u ana j. j. jaexson rwere ap- reports or deaths occasioned by camphene ia pomten saic uommutee. fe,y1" "On motion i - M : &?Xr:hrjSt .teohtdr That the next Annual Meet-' w w ywii wi jra uwwa ; svaasaa a a w Bu.as wasi li ' a . . a 'M . ;aw a & -j w x Lwork miracle m theirraVor1iv tnfrAitti.rV J???! fHlayerood the operation ofi physical law,Tznorance cannot be pleaded in stich casesfor no -one ?7jCTfimW contingent ur bringtrigameintjtt jclose proximity with an agent as combfistibfe as gunpowder! We tUok'therefbre, thai sjch vicums of campbene as' seek death in the H thethlrdTbtirsdayr of Jufy; 1 IM2 and that the Prestdeht be .requested Vto ' have a' oieamDoai in;reaainesa,aiiecine aaiouro- menlpthe fame,., to take, the Stockholders on an excursion on 4be fiver.. tion. because the article would not bear trans dot. tat ion to market Ara-they prepared "to give op their wheat crop, to abandon the knprovemeaw in gricultsre, and go back to the eicfviife cultiva tion ot tobacco as a market eropr It tliey are not, let them do theirpart ia reconstructing the railroad. The county of Granvrlle hascome within fifteen thousand dollars of iier auou of the money neees. sary to repair tbe road, and wdl doobilesa be fbrtb coming with the ' remainder. Bat tiie count of Warren is still thrrfy'lliotisand dollars behind, and luauiima u laoioereno on -loesuojecs wnich is truly astonishing Warren w mote, intereated ia the reconstroctiua oClbe,roatj (baa anv county on Us line. 1 Sh6Tiflsifire slave Dooulat Ion. fine rroimda for suspicion. ' and a tesislator, like CaisarV wife, should be above suspicion, upon sneV a viUl subject. - We wilt first state Mr, Yenable'a denial and then our causes, for ; ans- nirinn. In a" speech at Bnuwfield's, on the 12ih inst be said, with the strongest expression, that -any man who chareei Aim vhh being a ditumonitt. wis either so tlupuM that a eouu not unaernana, or mo wUfuUv corrupt that he could not tell the truth, !" Thui be repeated twice and enlarged up on in the most emphatic manner. So much for Lliis derimL Now for onr suspicions. (I hope he wont eharsre us witn oeins aiopia or eorrnpi ror suspecting him.) In speaking of South Carolina, be said that be did not agree with oer in tne course she was oursumr. -"one danced ahead ot tne a .ta WW f 3 musie" Hutbeavmnainiseawiinner. iiecouia feel for a brave, noble and generous people, labor- in? under wrones and affjrressions. (Pray what wronrrs has Sonth Carolina, that North Carolina Georgia, and other Southern States have not?) They had his sympathies, be said, but be did not agree witn tnem. rie -occupieo ine tame position that Butler and Cheves occupied. Now, what is the Dosition of Butler and Cheves T They are . .. ... . opposes, as t nnderstand, to separate ouie action , 00 me Pari OI OOUIU Vyiruiius, m pivuiavuis im Drecinitste thev-are for united action on the part If the Southern States and believe that separate secession will defeat this. They, in substance, mv to Sonth Carolina, "bv and bye the crisis is soDroachin? the time is coming, wh en all Southern States will unite with us." And the sum of their advice to her is to remain in the Un ion where she can have influence among her sis tor and hasten on this wished for time, Mr. Butler, in nlain language, tells her what a coo tetnptible figure she wiu make among the nations of the earth, when thrown off and alone upon her own resources.' , lie is not opposed to Disunion or Secession, per se only because of its inexpe diency, does he opoose it now. ilia wish is to prepare the whole Sonth for it; let all seeede to gether and then we will have the Southern Re public , He stands pledged to this end ; and Uhe not a more danseroos disnnionist than the Rhetts and other 6ery spirits who cannot bide their time. but whose impetuosity would defeat their wishes ! Is he not Duriuins the wisest moans to obtain the treasonable end the disunion of these States? Let plain men answer. In Oxford, on the 30th, Mr. Venable made ano ther speech, in ; which he qualified the harsh ex pressions used at Brassfield's, by saying that "any man who ehargtd him with being for disunion, without adequate cause, was either so stupid," etc dir.- He did not say whether this adequate cause existed now or not neither could one infer from his speech, (though praised to be very plain,) what his opinion was. Be this as it may, he has frequently, and in almost every variety of form, aid, that the "Compromise measures carried with thara disgrace and degradation for the South." T5iis was bis language at Graham, as reported by his organ, the "Democrat;" and which he has never disowned. Now let us compare this with other declarations and see how be stands. He says he ia a Union mar is no agitator acquiesces iu the Compromise measures, though he does not approve them it is understood by his constitu enlathat he will not disturb them that he is willing that they should remain on the Statute Book. And yet these are 'the very measures, which, according to his opinion, fix. upon ua dis grace and degradation 1 Now I ask, will be not if a man of spirit wouM he not, exert himself, agitate, agitate ! ! AGITATE 1 ! I until he bad wiped off this' disgrace, eWier by removing - the. foal blot from the statute book or by rebelling against tbe Union or seceding from it ! ,1a he not obliged to be, from his own words, either an agi tator, a diaunioniat, or i tubmusiomsll : Ah ! but he acquiesces acquiesces in submits to disgracWr ana acgraaaiion vo- ins counw a nen is ne no .the wort of subruissionists!. Those who support the Compromise as a fair, just and honorable set-? tlentTnl of the vexed questions which have divi ded wur Country and well nigh involved ua in dis union and ruin, are sneeringly called "submission isls, chicken-hearted, lily-livered, white feathered cravens, pointer puppies Xhat lick the hands, thai smite tueea antrare itianktul that tbey were, not hint If he wou'd buy the girl that he Wormed him he would look at .her. and with th .;o, contpanied him totbehou-e n Caryffjreetaod wasrzamininzibe eirt when iKp tiffiw. Mm. ;n and arrested the panies.- Io reply to a question irom the imyor s to ine probable value -of the slave the Trader slated that he thought shs would bring 1110. .or tiiereabouts. , St f)ii1tlu a .La .,. An other trader was then called, who stated that he knew Mark Rxiyster ofN. C, but did hot recollect having seen the prisoneWilliamsuefote. ?He stated also that he waa aware ot the fact that Rovster.hsd purchased Waves in this city last Fall, knd kneW;he had include 1n that purchase several girn aoniii uie nze t oi tne one now before the Court, but cpuld not saf thaf she be1ongd to that gentleman. Slaves were scarce in tlie section in which air. tloyster tesided, and comuunded bet. ter prices than they did in this city Williams admitted that he had dressed the girl in bors; clothing, and gave as .a reason for doin bo, wihi nei cioimng was very inwnerent When he obtained her, and be eoUld not ; obtain better in the neighbourhood; but abort! y after Teaching the city he had, procured the dress she now wore. The Mayor deeming the eircuma'anees atten ding the whole affair' worthy of farther in Testa tion, committed the reputed owner as well aa tbe slave tojtil till the 6th August, when the parties :!.: I I - l . . I r . . . wui oe again oroogm oeiore nim tor examination. In the meantime, proper steps will be taken to ap prise sA x. rxoyster ot the position of the parties nere. ttienwiuz. i : TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA. Cald wsll ConNTV. SorEsroa UouaT of Law. tfpr'iDg 'lerm, 1851 , Eiixttbeih Maltbea ts . Irvja Maltbea. ; . Petiiwu Jox Oiveree. .. It appearing to the saUsfaeiioa of the Court that the defewlaat ia this ease is not an inhabitant of this State, it is tharafors ordered that pubMeatrea be mads ia tae Kaleigri Kecwter and Saliabary Watchman, for the space of three months, that the defendant be and Appear at the next term ef ar Seperior Uoarttobe held for the County of Cald well at la Court House in Lenoir, en tha nth Monday after the 4th Monday ia 8ptember asxt, to pieaa answer or aetnor to tae aiivxatioas set forth ia the plsintifTs petition ; otherwiae tha same will be heard tx parte and a decree pronounced ac cordingly. Witness, C. C. Jones, Clerk of our said Superi or Court at Leuoir, the ath Mooda after the 4th Monday inraarcn, A. u. isai. ' C -C. JONES, C8. C. July 8lh, 1851. (pr. adr. 5,62J.) 55 S1 ATE OP NORTH CAROLINA Wake Coomtt. la Equity, Spring Term, 1851. George W. Marsh burn asd Lemuel Marshbum -. ' against' ; ..; Samuel Marshbarn, William Marsbburn. M athew Marshborn, Henry A Jdarshbura, Susan Adarsh buru. Uray W. Tboruas and his wife Esther, El len Todd and Alpheus Todd, Infauts and heirs at liw of Sol. and Sarah Todd Petition te sell laud. . , la appeariaz to the sstisfactiea f the Court, that Gray W Thomas, and wife Esther, Ellen Todd and Susan Mirshbara, rrside without the limits of this Stnte, raVrerf, ibat adTertisement be made in the Raleigh Register, for tha space of six saeceaaiTe Wfexs.i for tne said UefenUunta to oe and appear before tha J uoge of our Court of Equity to be held for the County of Wake, at the Court Honse in Raleigh, on the first Mondsy after the fourth Mon day ia September next, than and there td plead au swer or demur to th PiaiutiiFd petition, or judg meat will be taken pro eonfesMt by them tospect Ively, and beard e parte. "' ' P. BUS BEE C M. E. July 181U, 1831. (Pr ad $5,62) 58 'I'uTT. Via... i8from Rrl!.?aTr r,,.. aasanment tivooa. V . aarin rnn.. :it i u induce rarticlar aaamiV? tZT ltaanvof.hr"?.tjuYWi PTelt to our ord " a. ?"y.yl and eh W rihem,0, "c anickb... " a, ry L. ,w ne . Tta iWirm Varu R,u:f:.. "Mb Belu . "C.J.Hrt Satin BndTilfeta Ribb0D. of ., Silks. 9 . v.i .-r. ---"era American and Ynn " "Tto. fcr sjTt- FineF.mk in . Crapes, Lissea Tt.Ui. ... . Zi: B ieu6 crusseia Thrii " i hread Lacs. ' oil, 04 jT? Kid, Silk, Sowix Glotea.nd Mits ' Uslt hat. - . miu OWIS8, Boot Ri.i Jsconet Muslins. ' BSLuiy Bneliah. french. An.j " Goods. . ' "c" 4 luiuafcl Jala lQtk ltd t W scting TrBstee. ffg JL ed seminary, Vm ml lents to tbis citjr and its vicinity; Tainee f"''i r A. J. DeROSSET, Jt..Prct" ' oa m juiy, iou, nas' inrnisneo tne TiTH ;JN A "! " fcfhet Cabinet. Mr Coewur eems.,n hen he ''Ur the"Sfnate4to have reteasea ? all fulare oMKgttit iateresrin' the;laira referred - JmumiAo tha ffiaettkeiteja;ith. flteres-direct or cpn tinovnt, in the adjudication of the clairo J; We. therefore; jeraMha tfte i claim was not p'elidiriljer Senrt '1 vn waa a membeTrrroTtltd he have anv in. J noliticaf influence promoted Jus infeieifs, or hv the rartiefcalrouiaWw aiiewea mm to ' retire with tSbeilaIoatien just at the way we have descrihpd, may properly be said f nified,o(l highly Satisfactory .manner in to d e by their own handi. - t r which he had presided over the deliberationt C(,-Since the above was ritlen.a!" jrentle- of tbe meeting. . man oi uroouty n wtio proiesses to have oarU i'F WH'Mi Oy inoiion uie. convention holly kept an account of Ihe 'camphene "acfJurned the bQne with hit memoranda .The number of Casualtieyppted, in hi journal is fifty nine, and one has'occured since it war prin4ed.- LWe are'.satisfiedthat ihe record It itnperfec: uui Gieu ,iiijr r uuiiiiiiga, v uiiktcnns, anQ deaths by camphehe is an awful tnnmber, Andrjetah air-tight 'camphene; Tamp ; 1 "V"1' Tl W.,MI carefuUandis'n H;iSfeV2 3 ihl&&WirJi&i I line. 1 tSMTu motton. tendered to the:Presidenrfcr ihmTlSTrrrr. -- . - -i. - 1 i m fc-j i. .7- - r-r s-tl i sirs iiniiriHninsr i a m? i UiL ; ito-reter Juter- mt y, be nethm? in .If. "StcDMAir, J. J. JlC-SOJT, i - ISec A God pto Fahioxetji SovTBXKir Toast. I floori-hiaschools--ir.teresta.sll of .which must be materially damaged, by uhe downfall of ie laurwo. K ?e patm ueara inai. ner inuuierence to the work f reconstruction is. caused by a belief that the, road will be rebuilt J Whether she contri butes her ehare lowarda it pr noL ,To lay nothing of the aelnsli and ungenerous feeling which would prorapt this conduct, ws beg her, fot her own sake, to, ridlierseirorthe delusion which, if perse veied in, 'must be fatalto her, best interests. She ms v rely upon it, thattha communities which have al jready contriouted thf shares aQbtted to them will nat san ts iViia f s n Vwil-kt 'n-rhjiS hmiH k. . ff-s t . f-a , 1 a . ... ii ewwt vwit i mi Hwtuci V VV wv VUMI. BUB 'UUIB UU rfTbe lat Fourth Was celebrated With it4leoe. a amount aa ner wJalih arid her KWat. C1... ft v- 9wM "FORTUNATE F.niTTIlll'ifA . ...... r , t Our brethren of the press have very truth- fullj-ryM liqriorunaje eitorla haviiio; a 'better atf4d relieve b i fcr a time from t ha hdwfiH ofthfitjlnce &SM hot'only todic-aM' 6fihercitori.ldepartment,butTfen,necfsity renmdtfheemployederietsurem a the C4we ; and onr ink giving ouVaha-ac- tmHy-fnade mr-As-pecimen-f-i Hi quaUlyveTeTeTyou fobw paper svtuch is printcu iia some ft sivm tne $ press riad fallen WjJteeetwe teriiybetieve her Yankee TngenuUy wonlt: hTaveluesied sxrmethiibg W Ps yftjenyieat old, bachelor, eJilors 1. we know-yofwiSaowoid4 mense spirit all over the State of South Car oliria: "Colomns of toasts were tdrahlr! With srilf fully jnsiify. yarren noir holds the destinies or the road in her hands, and she may either rise With it cr fall with it as siiefehooses. . . Extract of a letter from : Sam Dson count v!1 "to the Editors of the Feyeitevjlle Observer. , . fr atn kapy jm sayA thstj haye never, seen any g.n!?Wch1 Wt h I PraiU of H. WTMilterT has .tipon those w w inuiiiiwuj uciurc uieireyes. itis ai wno nave reao nere. Many whof were strong toast delivered by Madisov Moonv; who, from Laq"vocatea ofherleM 5of aeecesuon, .have beea the sentiment musibe oT kiniw rABtttre .wced'e c-J.lbde lEaf no such-right exists, VHaaaa I i . . Vi . .n I BIsU UIEllW IT of them smacked stronslv of secession, but. raged honor, llood, swords and guns,&c . Amid the idoomy glare Af . these discordant elements; however, there is a-rieam of sua V!.. .ill' ' . . -uibc,- wuKa ai nave -iniprtsonea lor tne than: hit n-me; miDorts. It is iPen anil frlenty tfc. ii vXuia -- ,u,u!Coro"irilbe'r!baMmoheTl)e boctet ' " RaKv in k .A14 ..j 2.Vf i i. ' L-jrv r--"-v . " v.im , uivht wuo IV Jm. M nfl'iv,o;.w il i...... : ,r .... :. n. 5 iiv u cwaec ana su?sr id tne osrreL. j-y Sitence around tbe fire aiths, and folks that never ; the Democrajjc patty lynnpoputarlhere." and aisown if as a meaSare that is popuiar with of Ibis State. . It is decided 'We 4ave arrived at e neriod rrobabfv"the moat pregnant yrH our fate of aby ! In the, course of Kicce. A" we wtsoora an nonesty we possess are required: for the Jimes.: t 7 , - 7 1 . is ji, PosiOTer o we dear; Mr.'.Kjsher; ithat Tioaicratribunal iHcs1en wh brtrfy-yoiif y- reducirlaro!f - to in -may oe MooDT'ssbirie ofthesSayl ! rietjtiieinber wb nUmltjMcn-:;- X' :ffitaugtm'h Theft is o Seceuion ibotrt jtbatrrred hot Hure,of inttW.which. "in short,", we hope ii!!fV fe.i? j0-,f P0968 r- s. someoi tuese aayawpnnfi rn-,il,j'- v.:.T.v .:.'-.Z.. killer--with inany other beauif"U chaste . and cZoc epithets. . Now I pat it to plain men of common sense, to say what kited of submtssiontst that man most be, wmg would acquiesce, for lone moment, in a law that? ia his opintou, fixed upon him and his-Country .disgrace '.'and degradation;, without doing all in his power to fire his consul uenta with hostility and opposition to that ijiw I I will not throw back his epithets ; but will . rea- jpeetfully commend . to his owa Jipa .the .chalice which he has mixed, not doubting his ability to korrj1ownn little! &u- . : , r; UNION.'.' ' . Granville Co., July 29, 'Si : ' t . ARREST'OF A UVPOEI) 'KIDXAPPER. At an early hour yesterday morning, Messrs. Pearce, Johnson and; Bibb, of the police, received art intimation that their presence would be agree able on the premises of Martha Stephenson, Cary street, nearly opport'te the Columbian Hotel. The officers repaired to the place above named,1 and learned that a white man had that morning called there for ihe purpose of procuring, e frock for! a negro girl, apparently about 10 years ot agej that after iKoconng the OreSa he bad brought the girt oyer from the hotel, when it appeared that she had been hitherto clad m boy's apparel, aad that after changing her clotbes the ok teasiblo. owner had aked permission lor tlie girl to remain in the kitch en till h COrild ll hmr In ng nf tK tradAr-f hu I he had gone to Wall street and iovUed atrader op to iooa at ner,and tnat the trader, tne ostensible owner and thegirl Were at that lime in the kitchen. The oScers instantly entered tbe kitchen and (uupd the parties. The tepated owner and, the gift were both taken into custody and conducted to theWay. ors Court, where an in vesrigation took place. ' : " The man claiminir thei slave aa hisnronm-i- gafe bis name aa George William, and gtaied'that be had purchased the girl ii a whi'e man 4b Gran villa j:ountyN.3r Be failed teprodjice a bill or sale for the g.irlhQwever. and when asked by tbe officer why ha- had not obtained ibst instrument, remarked, that be thoogbt it entirely unnecessary i aa he never expected o see the man from trhom he bought hel agim, &c,i - The girl, orf the other hand, :eava she baJon?s tO"Mark: R6vster. Of Young'sCrois Roflds, Uranvillecouniy, N. C.- ' that ahe waspnrchased iiy ftcyster in this city, last Pm 91 Anaiie i7av,at!a mat wuuams took her CTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA G. S tllsCoostT In Equity, "to September Term 1831. : - - - - - Joseph B.Litllejoho.Sen' et al 1 . -s. 5 Original Bill. James Nutt alt, and others. ) The Bill states In aafc ta nee, that Thomas B. LittlejohBy by dead beario? data the 30th day ef October, A D 1827, coaveyed certaia real estate therein mesuioned to John Nut tall ia trust, to ae. cure the payment of a debt due by said Too. B. Littlejohn to said Joseph B. Liulrjobu. and with authority and direction ts said trustee to sell tbe said property for the purpose of paying said sVbt--thatiohn Nuttall has since departed thia lita wkh out sxeculing said trust, and that the legal title to said real estate has descended to, and ia new Tested ra the defendants, who sre his heirs-sl-law that said heirs.atlaw are nopteruut, and certain of them in said bill named are infants, and aUersof tbcm therein named ate femes covert -that .they eside in diffeient places, and many of them, to wit : the defendants Isabella Webb, Mary Webb, Lewis Webb, Mary Nottall, John Nutuli and John Black nsll and Mary J. his wife, reside beyond the limits of this Suite that the pMntifis - era detiraas of harinsaaid trust ssecuied. but that by reason of the m itters aforesaid, the execution of .he same has become mpraciicaMe, or at all event, cannot le effected without treat expense, delay1, and difficulty ; and the prayer of the bill is, lo the end that the said trust may be carried into execution, tbat some suit able person may beappprnted tnutee in the room and f lead 1 of, the said John Nuttall, and for further relief. . - .-' -, And the plaintiff according ts the Act of the Gsneral Assembly, in such ease made and provided, having filed with their bi t, aa affidavit that tbe said defendant Isabella; Webb? Mary Webb, Lewis Webfe Mary ..NouailJobo Kulialt, and John Black nan ana marj j. 01s - wiie, ar mm resioenis or ii8 Slate, publication ''is hereby ! mads t-tt thasaid noa.resident defendants, aotirying tnem that they la and spi'ear in the Court of Equity to bs held for tha aa'ul County of ' Granville, in .the Court House at Oxford, on the rst Moudsy of September next, and plead, answer or demur to the said bill, otherwise the same a against thebi. will be taken pre eonreto and beard ex parte.- - " ;'"5 ; W.tnew.J ft IBM M. Wif cias, Clerk end Master of said Court f Equity, at office ia Oxtord, the 26th day of May, A. I) 1851. JAS. Al. WrGCINS, C. M. E. July 1st, 18Sfr (Pr. Ad- $8 ) 03 6w of our Uaivrrsny and la, bB ' time very successful!, in ttwft Fayeiteville. U i8 Uaraing, tSl S character give assurance To PaSr? s The exercises of the uett .,: on Monday.the 21st iustaut. ... ".. 111 truction is preparatory .0 the UmC"? ioor iu future will corrnd siifc tJ'"" Hiii. , a uh sf ci; Terms of Tuition 81:00 alw,y, iB , deduction made uaess i case ol protSjl. Bv Order nl It .V REFERENCES. M PRES. AND FAC. OFTHEDNS on. C. T. I'lAlUH, Esq nliuS 0Flt HON. ROBERT STRANGE. E.J. HALE, Esq. uiy oiu 1001. SUlfc WHIT.; M LPHU AND CHALYBEATE SPRDi wanea, H.c. TIIE proprietor of tliis estab ishraeBl.adsi. i.iiaciiuo i Buuuuuciug ( me public that mi Vast sesKon, he baa greatly enlarged indiai buildings eo ns to be able to iccommidiK 1 larger number, and to offer si ill rrwteritmn, to those who may visit this pletunt sad result. TheMedicol properticsoftheeWle-hi. amply tested, for severrfl years, by ihrptkan Tisitor?,Tnd their beneficinl resulisstrikinftjj.! sis, see handbills. I Persons travelling on tbe Rtleigb t Gutab-I road will always find a back ready for tls uon at nenaersun auu me narreuioi ma t e o u o .mrftmott.- h ,w.:u- ..1- 'i 1 iTT"" vvurt, i ..... uu luejn; an eaioe to the XjIt IfotpmBsketl ?i KOAIOKEii4l. , THE Subscriber, havintr four Planutions con tainiiia abool 4,500 acres on this River, Is disposed to sell doe Of them, and to 4 good neighbor, who will oontinue the System of improvemeat, the terms will be made very, advantageoos. The stats con taius about 1000 acres, Consisting of the usual per t ioua of ptr ronrjds,second low grounds, and up lands, part of wnicb ass beea crsatly impravaa by Liming, Planter and Clover. There is svery ad- vaotage oi.uiver commuoication with Worrolk and Plymouth: the Itai.lroad to the former will aeon be completed, and If the - RaUVisb aad Oatoa Read is rebailt, the estate will 1m aecemibir rYefct RsletgV in aalfa day's rs. Thi health of the low'ftoao try has unqavstkoably chaaged ithio tha last tea years, so U ia no loiigeraus4fs te reside tbers. , For further information, enquireby letter, post paid, sf the subscriber, or. in bis absence of Thos S. Ster ling, JseksoD Xf. C - , H. K BURiWY. SOT, ataadard please copy. . .w TOtlWILOJiD'COJrritACTORSt XilBE ;Sabsribers keep coastantly' on" hand a as.fvsai;rff .mvy Buassiaajr vu larva stock of Ames' SDadesaad Shovels. .' and OctagooVf u PIcV and siaafasritt of waicn wl offsr'ttr sals at rtew York FncesV adding appeases. 6 -ti.s-T'i' DUNN A SPENCER aSteolrtiira 2 tHi1:sboo freeerdarfaid Greaiisboro' Patriot, will Copt WSeWy.'forfoariwwks, sad farwardaceounU I to .. f jrft at vs. sn DUNN at JBPENCEIL v MDISSOLUTiatfiQFlcd.PJlRTNR' jCk Wtfta to tte coDiinued ill-hwltk siTster W. Walker, the prtneraldptaotr'eiwtiir in hb Cut aad at Qa8to.N.CL ander the firm and etyts of I Pattsrsoa, Cooper Cebt Petersburg; and Walker, UoopsrUo.af tlsston, arrs this day . Hissoiveu oy maiaal eoaaent. Tha bojiiness la Petersburg :t'l b settled by Pattarsow Cooper, and tb.M)ine at Gsstoa by Peter W. IValker Tha asms or the concerns' will hi used by either party in liquidation; . , . ; fc'jffO,H.PATTEUS0N u'J n ,w&L avj m h ivw. YTALKER.: 'Petersbor, Jnlr lstt l8ot;-. w4w 54 u t a? urn s v xi xii j bo r n c w. TERMS. families per month, " week, " - py. Single person, per month, " " week, ' "f diy, mi H II l 19 Children under twelve years of agt itdSdatf at half price. Horses per mcnth, week, ii - diy, WM. D 105S June 26th. 1851 8 A NEW STORE, OPENED TO DAY by the Submit! the Bccouitnodfttion of the public, jrwfl opposite the Raleigh and Gvlon Kail MObj He keeps coastamly on hand Groceries' wjl description: Confectionaries and Frul's, Cizsrs, a choice assortment. For tale k. 401)0 superior Rrgalia and Principe (P1 rana,; Ktl.lA n!.t.T1 in l Inn nnnlitiM. JennT Linti ftud PeoDle' Cbokc 8jptriw Tobacco, f ? f t a Hrtnila ai Paa trt VUIU4 wvu? aa uuv . y The Subscriber offers his goods at iw Wfft nrl invtlM tViA nnhlir Income IDfi Pisa I Rah-gh,July l9th,185l. J. Talnable Episcopal Pablieafisf BURNrlPS HISTORYOF THEREFORMg , The History of the Reformatiop UjO? f EoglandJy Gilbert Burnet D. Z, qpof Salisbury wiih the ColleciioMl ond a copidos I-dex revied d "f'fL ditioaal Notes and a Preface, by the KV D.D, bite Professor of Modern lisrjs University of Oxford. J Cheap edition, without the Rowds,'"" BURNET ON THE XXXIX igg Exposition of the Thirty-Kiw Arw n Church of England, by Gilbert """'ifg Bishop of Salisbury. With an AjJ lug the Augsburg Confessioe, Crert mrjj IV., Ac. .' Revised and oorrecteJ. JTBil and adJikioual References, by JgwJ . 1. ri M- Tol era. CWw,Vj I rage, a. isi., ui - o uoGrLBT.oNurBArmr( An outline of the Argameot Lay Baptism. By -p-OllsJ fessor of Eccleswstic-i nwj. . a Hook. The Cros of Chrurt; Meai , Savieor, lemo. Ires Bishop. Sermons. i:nv.'. Lwinrei on ike taoresis Maraaaii s wew-y-'r--. -wright, tt .rr a W4 Wp,tly0efo;,1i T. !- on the Uony of the "7, nofl of the .ltniuuuB" 7 Tanning A Kempts lflmo. Shea's PracUcalC-r SoincW Manual 01 '"""j. ijs Wilsons Sscrs "' TL gnrfek iv Ckww Churtoa's History r ia. a, ; Thoughts is P8'" Pper ! : Cltrismss Bells sad otUeri roa t5. Colden Ora-Blf Taylors Episcopacy ' j,L' KuVsobl. Witness ofth- .A lioo 13mo. - - r Iish Gresl.y'.Po'.lr-it faB F'DS 'aa ...1 t-lar ittl lSl T- rn-n. WW"",, Commisds W1 - v f bMt - . July lt. I851! in. ialei, Jalj" ' v . f . t . - . .