v 1 5p, 'v , ?; .- V - - X ajor JjicK.DowifUNO has been; aelected the nktrwt yw"2re u v" m. ConanIio(i,-rrott luingsviHf.Disitict,SuiojrJ . . ' mw A . 1. ..'Li KLilHanu.lafAdliniM.5 t ; twetfrom the futtishedVrbcinss utthVttori, ettjiiBfuVishlnsbyjheitdywttalle M j - him. :T)ot'0r Bright. " WeflyMr.-Chairman I rhok r niU g ,u harmony; s 1 "j ve. w rei,J:4 Tj to V?r phtn.and pck out a can d;.!.tt. V.t w'a1 1 a 'cl 8Ult tii: ul5 "' r,r,ntl' at" ward?; for, I ' " fodssfow "y Hitaspoou wiiiineprmcipiesuirwa If 'e i'on' boi ta i,d idal? ' N w, Al r. C!Hir. j " rjar Jo office, ntid know .ho'io t -' , Ti, Punsideiicv, ' ' it U U how Xtfay uW-s 1. -- - I" wKliTR.. . bUnget an j gy ia lor r to Jhati all ihaSUtej uii.Ukrteau.iUatest yrt. bul a gnodtnar .New YotV1' t,ut!S ul governor lfcy; IV ' r ...1 rrtnnsvlvauw puts up .Mr LSucImti '-i-1-iTan DB4SUP Giuerwl Cnu: !V, 7i RituT at Butier; nd IlftDoia a- K w.t-. i I Tiiii.an.f 'm! VP . -t and"lxas Ju ; Xjiiieral-, 1 i os'eihnKiy be; reUi5t I 1. .,nw. lat these N m"ii.-" wfm''" .','fhe triocra ic v v , prmd in New i, tlat is Thlloti: : I ad ui'tliwa it ?, divdes t ' and 'Vounsr A " b 1 (,td M. Bucbanak.atid (JLif rut Buderfd Giii?ral Houston. And Hie Young Araer.ca clsus i Jndce Uouylats And ilie Dunucrauc Review roes lit dfCtlerily l"r t-ttu lasi class. 1 lkaeun Snotc. I slioulJ 1 ke to have, lha opin ion ut uur venVriibie vliairman aboul Jude Duur las, a-, to whether lie lie Tig tn man tor u.-, mid wlt'etlier vt- belier go in f .r bun 4uDg-with he Dimocraiic Utvjew. Chzirmaii. An 10 ilia, I can only fay Judge Douglas is a mere boy yd, only aboul lorty years ulJ, ar.d some folks ihinks he beilcrlarr al Jeri cho till Ids be:ird is grown. There is ooi: mettle m him: but t. t him wail fifteen or twenty Vtarj longer and Utcn may be ii will do to begm to talk 4 about nun. JjtMon Snow. Tliat's correct. 1 move we puss over the Youn America class,, and take uu Ihe Old Foies.- Clutirmuii. Well, what say to oovemor Mar. c? fOur Dimocraiic brethren will pluasu to cx lress their minds treely. In ordi-r so inroi.onize we must know e:i- h oUit-r's oiiimons. Sargent M D'VDiiing. I've no doubt, Mr Cliairuun. but vvtral (Juvernoi Marcy is a iood found nrl ol a'Diti.ocrat, and has done good s-r vice in the party, but I :hiiik tht pati-h on liif uoiivs has done ihcjobtbi hint, so he'll ner pet over it. ll we ui.tlertAe to run hiiu, we uall g-t lick'J, Uint's al. Chairman. Weil, how will Mr. Buchanan do? He', a strong c.nihilirte, an.l lately goi i majoitty in the Diuwcraiic I onvetnii.n ol Fennylvaiiy in . spite ol 'Giueral Cass, who did n'tgtt h ill so auuty vutes as he uiu JDtaeon S.iow The greatest thing I knowagiu JJr. Buchanan is, that I've heuid he was once an old Fderaiist. ll that s the case I should n''. like to vole lor liiin; anil, moreover-, if there's Hie 4st taint of Fedeiali-m about huu, Mr. Richie will b surw lu tiht agia hun. tooih -and n iil. bo tliere would n't be no chance lo elect linn. Chairman Welt, there s Gineral Ca-5, how Vf l QONVENTIQN OF'IOWAU-. . : The AVhigr-.-CTbrivenuunr of tl State of Iowa hld Ht Jowa City, have BrAaotioousH adopted! the fallowing p-sMtiojM ; K . ; u 5 . - " jRet'jJeflTbat Ive-rnost cordiaU apprnre !t Administration of rrnifnt PiUuioie-Hd:We itiejfnUBPt eonfiderK-e to the Cleputrve officers of Ihe.Govfrnmn ; and ) hat t1.' adinloirtratiun f.T nur. forpigu ;nd Jo!iesttc ttlftirs. deserve "li.s, ; ;!'estadmiratiouaiid rme-t rvppori; and th! ' we hav the'asiorHrtC? t'n!,, urn' sudi a ad, niinis'i.. ;.m, our iiepublic will Mlay! b jiare""-. '. llcf.ed. That our warns1 gratriu'J i due to tnose, tl' whatever pitriv :j "m:im'Pt' within the iat.two years, tattled for t ? uniuiuf. tht-se Mates, and that.w now reg.iU the que, lion ui of! whicji our . ppre!ipnioh of .diauuioa .arose p now Betded, now ft J -rvex - . ,.-4 v" Rtsolved, i l;ht hs. oiit ntotto hai aiwavs bepu, an.f wib -yvr .continnem bf phlncipi.es, 50 MlVwe will rordtalli' support the notiiinp yf the VV'bisr National Cam'vtjrtttdn Jor ihe-Jieii Pre. I ideni and Vco Prekl(t ot 4te United Sutea. 4 -, , . .;-U3Sa OP TflU CLAY; MEDAL i " ,Tb Rptendid Eotdniedal ;- which "was: -teeen'lf preseftted turtle litt. -Henry-. Claf,Ty a nuirtler i(ciuae!is iHtrvj oin, 111 lesiniiuiij ui. uivir mirjittoh for hw unfat puhlie vice appear to have- been lost wiU in-the care of ilr- Charles pBiiUer, rho,-in er to MfUHran, to whom M waa cTwivevufff Wrf UetaMi;.tneeirrurntaHee!t ol the ,ivs,i.esf$ 'hjs rretf aki.mid ff;fi to j replace ii at hU Avn jeoalv4J t X"i u a- A reward of ne httrhire,Oallar oaa omu otv W Ctir&ti ft. lllM hi..llurir f . ttlrf IHMt i 1 If 'MTU Vj A aolid golJ.f-nct.Ved in a majive stiver cas and " .rh'si rtyt it i'e'tp!in;:.tabpn'sa WiJely p uu e1hrrrr Wf-iiv ootJ hy j j i we-f u "" rry-HWf J to a apose of t wuhout detection. - I huoanger u that it may he niehed into ingots. The medal was entrusted to the care of Miss Lynch, but at Mr. B itler's inktance and persua Mon wus placed iu his r.arpet-b.ig. which was ab stracted while 111 tlio care ot .1 hack, driver P. S. The carpet lag of Mr. Butler, which contained the ('lav medal, the bs'traciiou ofvvhirh in the city -of New Yok, has oen mentioned, was found on f omhiy broken open and rifled of itaciuticnls. The oiigin i subscribers have resol ved to have another meOul struck for Mr. Clay and declined the lib eral olfer of Mr. Bailer 10 furnish one at his own expeuse. -. 'A. PATHETIC FPERCtT !TM speech, made ui lha lHorida'Teai!ninref'on, theoecaatu;ir.ot a .member . demhhas'hee 1 tbe roands, but is riod .enonrh t nrim noain ;, v' ; ! VVlrV.SpVakeCtc:Our-jellow-ciiz',ni yest'e.-.; j Silaa Higgins,:wTwj was'latelv a'meniber othis ft- ofancii uiq leK'ure., jtna ne Uieu yesieroay in. lUe foreO'ion,' He bad Ihu brown.creatures. fhron- chitw ) ar'icf wai aii unc.jniinoo hidivkibHL.t'Hi ClKraterwas gKwf op, irutie finer of fcdenib, h& htf liefer doar-Via ywjce He was ftfi-years Mf and.w.s"takii";tck beYore e died at his, bOimJ-. Uttg hquso;, where boa rd can bo had at a dollar and seventy tiv cent a - 'ek, washin0, z 'd ttirhts luciuieu, lii i-asa r.otiti ereair-.. and in the early j-art ot 1-is'l I z father at. 1 ther. His uncle, limot' 1 i. served ui. r Uen.J .vVasaitigtunt.who Jeuonaaeri With several guns-wo-e, -i urst it firing i-- s. JUV,Mr.,'. JSpeaker,. Geii- rrfl' Washingto.i v j.d hav trotea for the jari.F i ' 1-13, If h ha i L-en ulivfs and. h-id1t,y,dt. J ia-time befiirciwud. Now,' MciSpeaker, such bfius; the charao Vr of Sum, VV aitJiiuton, f motion that we' were adjourn ed u'l torruftftow morntuas an embliug 6four reau; peel for themfmo'ry of S.' Hi2ffin wIm i 'dead and died o tha :browu-crvaidre Yesterday Via the Urenooo:V;"; .V' -V :-;fc9JNEQTioN'Vfiir Norfolk. ; ,, The'iVVeUioii' PatrJoiT mvhV" t T .f ,ljihii our Ineods irt I'otersbo yva ueen alkhigtait conaecuun at one.potnt.and the people of NorfoJk and; 'Portsmouth jrtaolriug; aj pout at another Moor frndi. y rjgjit.W.. rep DfT uaa actualiv.urourhi the thins ab.uL.A 1 ra not M connet-.uto,aftrAtbe. uiost ppro veti iy le.l cowsi.-of Affica, ot lyCJti?en it istriM uullorthatisynft that iIikely 1 ihi$ otgee, poataga paid, -wt!' 10 tut, Terr etut,ana we Hopaftit i'. wiitinantr 4 irfbney y H.--He' t:l 'ctnimepced r -mi : 1 be- -rthe Jmh As I enevulent socie reply front Genii 1 heir anniversary erday that the ! i me to decline eociuitou 4 L'.-ooklvti nri'I. ty-h'ave rect ivid the follow. ccftli 10 sn" i;,Tilalion lo atlea. y evenmr .: VVafiHiNolroir. GCnttemni it-was ooly - pressure 4f public -bu'sitiess oL. the honor of meo itig a numbt 4 Ihsh frieods m he arriJHchr2elebraiion pr k. Patrick's Hay in rnilmlelrVliia? I be -you' .r.aceept what I aa'id'jo't ten ioreotv il ! .rYu''dd'nie but.3U.vtTce i.. lake i 'Uvtfly1 Miteresr inMrel.. Perh ips ilo tnan certainly no much to Vi'.lor and bloid c self.- Many of 1! em marched my cor.j'i.:.;. . ; nio'e, thou cot'not one of w back upon ti, ; v ; it'Tem;:,, ffarda, yor.i a 1 1 . 1 , w,e war rf I , in the rec 1 was evF . oy or a IV. :f.it:iea, V.l t truly, - -.- vvi:. Uoonilr and others. -.. run Lmbni : '.; , -V jWashjngton, r " Th tjext -expedit.ry1of L Balti nwe m .UJifl Jtiy vf J! may. desire 16; nnijraip t th give p immediate fu4ue, and tangetflents to reach Baltimore of Aprife-ir .if 5s . Jjeiursior 1 no vtniiea ,01a tiorse btage coach, and. one or no. two horse' 'havks hy which all who may. desirje it can be conveyed from one point 10 the other wiib great laciluy. Hj line wilt he run iu 'tionnection' with the ihningtun, the iSeab ard and Roauoktt and the Raleigh and Gaston Uu.il roaJs." i opposing me to J and her sons, iWfan,owes so Irishmen as tny id fought u ider 3 '15 'and many wa'f wnh Mex-i-twn to turn his t warmest re ;ld suott. U ' "t " lost Room?, arch 15, .1852. wid sail from Persons who time will tdoase I UKiKe iheir ar- .;the29h.or 30th Fqoadron on the ? Liberia, sent to forwarded. McLAlN. "thn Society. " It is known to many, if -out to the Senator .of Alabama, that I Itave been for more than twenty years a meuiher of a Christian Church; and lain K'-rc to say that I am not ashamed to make this avowal, nor to declare further, that I will not wil lully disgrace the name f bear fSenatr Rheii- Interesting news most decidedly interesting We o)ine. however, that few persons in this coun try, who have watcheti, Mr llheti's c urse as a .jH.litician, ever supposed it possibfe tha he could be, or even profess to be, ah huinbb follower of ' the meek and lowly Jesus!" Bui strange and inconsis ent as i may appear. Mr Khett himself decUres, in ftin phu e in the United States Se-mte tttathu has Uien a me-i.berof a t'hristbn Church ftr more thnn twenty years j and we are no in-eliu- d to douhi us trutn. It will be recollwc ed that last summer, Mr. llhetl dei lared4n a speech delivered at Charles ion, thatybr more thin twfnly yean hf had been trying to break up ihts Uuioii to overthrow this jjovernmeni ? Now, there is a singular coinci dence here, in pohit of lime. Ii seems he inut have joiiied the t hureh just aboul the time lie commenced his cateer of treason aaiust the gov ernmeiii; bul winch act had precedence, wliat-l connection they had with each tner, whether ei ther r suited from the o her, and ll so a Inch, are UNITED STATES AND t ENTRAL AMERICA. The N. Y. Ex rea,s ,ys that the Secretary of St teaod the British Minister have entered up-m arrangeineuts in regard othe Nicaragua Territo ry, t he oasis of an arrangement has been agreed to between lie parti. , and the State of t.'osfa Ri ca admitted as a participator in khe proposed trea ty. As tbi.-t adjustm nt w.ll materially affect the rights and interest of Nicaragua, a conditional ie servatiun is made for her sanction and arquies ence. The protocol is prepared, and will pro bly be sigued during the-present or enduing year. does he stand? Is there any reason why he would n t run wellf ! interesting qnes'ions that are mvotvi-o in niyste- lon't rv Whs the a-t of joiiiinjf thai, hutch the cause Sargent Jeel Downing Mr Chairman I dc watirto be too niiilicui..r, ana 1 aim naiu 10 ulease; 1 ur ti.e 1 hut Gmeri Cas, I don t think, would run better than some one o! the oiheis. And, besides, he's got oQ' the true Dimocraiic plat form, and wouldn't ttiuio under your rule, lo Jight agin the IVhigs. For a year or two ago ho anu (J 10 era; Footeand fioine otliers went off upon a slaol and jinr d Web. aVer and Clay and got up (he compromise. We tr-iaWl "MlteUoifc. . nupumicrv - (harlr;-en a good deal wruliy about it; a id it is n't r ba 'a little whtie ao 1 see a Dimocraiic paper m tichinoiid. Virginia, calls em '"the miserable set wf rtfginuffins b got up the Uuiou party.1' It .would u'l do to have a candidate ihat the Dunu ,cr.nie papers can ta!k so about. It would n't pio iluce he rini sort of Ii inn my iu the ranks of the J)iinocracy. I thnk, Mr. Chainnan, we be ter go further, it we lure worse. Chairman. Well, then genileinen, then there's Gineral Buticr, of Kentucky. He's said to be a very safe, carelul, sound Dnnocrat , one thai it will be hard lo pick any iiaws in. W hat say to htm? : liillJhnson. Mounting on a bench with two or three papers in Ins hind.J Mr. Lhairutan (fiuer.-il Butler i ihe worst c-iodidate in the woole lot. Uinerally speaking, he is n't nowiice ; and wIipu you do h.ippen to tin J him he is n'l 111 the right place. You remember, sir, at our !a-u nicet iiii; 1 described in inv speech' the Butler bait as being ali nicely roiled in m-al and rubbed ovei Willi a little Van 13uren Oil. Well, sir, Miice theti ilie tne.il lias been shook off; llie Vm Ba. ren od could n't m.ik -it -.;ick. It's all shook off. and shows nothing but a black slavery cat. A few weeks ago Mr. Cato!l, ol Florida, in Con gress, ca I en Cn.er:il Butler 11 " mi.m canoida e." Th .1 Ktraiieued linn out, ;:tid showed his color. rjjvil? Did ! e join the Cluucb in the hone, and with the view, that under its sacred cloak, he might, wi'.u more certainty, succeed it his schettii' lor the over lirowof the governmen:? Or w,4S ihe act of joining the t.burch the result 01 a troubled conscience, - that would not res ,' ciiusmir h in to set-k refuse in the cons lations ol the Church? The latter is the more uhantabte conclusion; but even iu this aiowb Mfmlnds as of the notoriously woildly nil tiled professor, woo was in the habt of luriuiii hw citile into hi. netg!ib.r s clover field for a hail, ' and while ilieaiimi Is were enag- d in fi ling ihetr bellie.-, the ennitcientious urolessor Wnu d retire iut' a corner of the field, and there devoutly pray th I all hif sin.' iii ghi e forgiven, and particularly thai sin whicli hz was Hun engaged in commit tmg I t ar be it from us to treat with levity sacred thing"; but really when a man like Air Rli- 1 who ha-i been for more than twen y years' try ing to destroy the m ul. si, treeest mid best govern NEW HAM PS IRE. We find iu ihe Union f Sund -y a letter from New Hampshire, w Inch claims the reXent Demo cratic triumph as a victory of the Compromise and (he Union There is an article to the same effec copied Iroiti the Boston Pusl. It is al eged that the Wwa atid ABOLlTtoNl-Ts w. re cooperating, or iu xo luion, ' in New Hampshire. If this were the ru.e, we cannot bul r ioii e that the Democracy mccreded D tuocrais of M is.icliusetts nited with the Abo il ion is s to elect an Abolition Senator, the coali tion was condemned by the V hio press as un priuripled and rorrupu A v big c.ition Wl'vh Abolitionists in New H aupshue ti elect an A'10 liiiou Senator muM be no less unnrnc pled and cor rupt, if it existed. Tliat il was not to any c'onsideri- lo extent encouraged or countenanced hy the leading Vm94 of ihe Sia e is demonstated by the recent adtliess ol the VV hig Central Conimiitee, which HH-umed the highest nxiiomil grouud, and contemplated no triumph of factious. Republic. PttTsiCAt, Besefjt orTH,AaiA.rH--The Sabbath is God's special prjrseni v tile wo 1 king man, and one of its chief objects is la vrolong nis lite, and preserve rtbcien Ins working lone. In the vital system it hct like a compensation pondj 11 replenishes the sprints, ihe elasticity, and vK- or, which the lal six drys have drained away, and supplies the force Winch is to fill six days succeeding; and in the economy of existence, it answers the same purpose as, in the economy ot income, is answered cy a savin?' Da nit. ihe fmgal man w ho puis away a pound to-day and another pound next month, and who in a qUtet way is putting by his staged pound from time to l me, when he grows old and fr ul, g-ts not only the same, pound bick again, nut a good many pounds beside.. And the conscientious man, whir hubands one day or eXisiencevery week who, instead of allowing the Sabbath to be tramp.'ed and torn in the hurry and scramble of life, treas ures it devoutly up-iiie Lord of the Sabbath keeps it for him, and tn the lengtu of days the bile old age gives it back with Usury. The savings' bank of human existence is the w ekly Sabbath. JVo' th British Review. THIRTY-SECOND, GONpRESS. WAsmifOTos March 19, 1852. :M ; ; SENATE, iu-' .. The -atvention of th Senate, this morning, was occupied with a speech from Mr. Cass, in reply to ihe letter of Mr. Davis in the Union which charges him with attempting to deceive he South in his fa m us Nicholstm letter. After be had gotten through, the private Calendar was taken up. rhe - House was occupied with the private Calendar, CAPTURE OF CARVAJAL. New Or leaks, March 18. News is just at hand that Carvaia! has been captured by Geu. Hardy, and brought a prisoner to Urownsvtlte. MOVEMENTS OF KOSSUTH. St. Louis, March 16 Kossuth will leave here in the steamer, Alex. Scott, for New Orleans. The sales of Hungarian -bonds only amount to $700. There is no surer tnaik m tue absence of the highest moral 'and intellectual qualifies, than a cold reception of excellence. 3. Bailey. Dogmatism may be c lied puppyism full grown. DougUu Jerrolii. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH-' i fypftfwfyfo ? v4 'tim') Arrival of the PapfiStale of the English Markehr-i'Proceedings in Congress. Washington. March 23. X852. The Steamer Pacific has arrived. CoU ton had slightly declined the Market being-; depressed' Floar bad declined 6d. to 1?, Corn steady. , Nothing doing in rosia. Tur- peQtine, light. Tar, lis. 6d. , - . V In the House, ba yesterday, Mr. Houston spoke an hour againitlhe Adrhinutration, al leging that jt had gone beyond the appropri ations. Marshall, of Kentuky, also spoke to the sarne purport. Mr. Brooks, of New York, defended the Administration. In the Senate, Mr Soule made along Pro-nierveRtiou Speech. SPRn'G.SVPPLT. a impi.riers; and am prepared It furnUl nv sr tide in my line ot the best quality. such priJl aa upon 8Uch term as must give satisfaction. My old cUfttmers and lhoA whn k... . I 1 . . ... iht, tvvrr oeaii wuh me, are invited to send me their orders. F. r. FESCUD. March 22. FOa THI REOTSTEIt. TO THE FARMERS OF WAKE. Pursuant to a resolution of the Wake County Ag ricultural Society, notice is hereby given that the said -"ociety will meet in the t'ity of Kaleigh on the 29th of VI arch instant, (being the Mouday of Wake Su perior Court.) at 11 o'clock. The Secretary is direc ted by the Society "earn-stly to solicit tha qttea lance and c -operati m of our fellow citizens generally, from. It it lopl triaTri'vto'.oavrpro as members will be present to participate o tne tre j veeuiugs, ana mat many omc 8 win atusna ana join th Socie'y. Let every one who can, come in eariy, ana arrange Ins bu. meaaso as to be prepared jo de vote thu greater portion of the dav to the meetiHs. ? It will be an important nud interesting iiccasion. The foilowmj will bethe order of proceedings: 1st, An Address will be delivered by Alfheus Josks, Esq. Tim community at large are invited to attend. 2nd- New members will be received. 3rd. Constitution and By-Laws will be submitted fradopion, 4th. Officers will b. elected W. W. WHITAKER, Sec'y March 2 2nd, 1 802. City pipers friendly to the cause respectfully re quested to publish. &ook:Here. TH E Sqbsctiber naa recited ihe following good Goods at hli Store, immediaiety uorth of ihe Presbyterian Church, to which Be would call th at tention of families. A splendid tot of Sugar and Coffee, a few bag of Buckwheat Flour, a splendid lot of Cheese, fresh Lemgis, and Raisins in whole, half and quarter box es, preserved Ginger in jars Prunes, do; Almonds, Palmnuts, English Walnuts, Figs, &c Also, a Superior lot of Scotch S.VUFF, in bales and bldder.;an excellent article of Tallow candles, wholesale and retail; Scotch Herriqg9,iq boxes! the best Chewing I otweco u-jiciI Instrument. is HhikH'- a.nl nii.o. ki;..x..i o..:.--. is-im urii,ig PAINTS, PAINTS. L.nrht. and Slit IlllJ D ir. l.... . ..1 n.... n t I'e"d, An,wi P"iem Dryer, Veni Rd' . Simwh Brown. Yellow Ochre, J,,b Black,, LHU-rgs. Red L0,d, Obro Mreen. Chrjme YelOWl Vermillion, sy PaJ; large supply 0f V.,rUUhe3, OHs, PaiVt b'ss, and graining Tools now iu 8l0red rr L. ' P -P PBSCUD. 24 CFIUST ItECEIVED.FIVE FIRKTNSOJBKST GOSHEN BETTER. ' " JOs Ii. March 23, 18"2. G, ROULHAC. tf U BRILLIANT LOTTERY FOR APRIL, 1852. CiRGOIlV & TlACItV, Iflauajreri (Successors to J. W. Maury & Co, $34,5001 Alsa. feerf varteiy of TO YS for ehadatwaTs VII UKfiV " PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WRFKLT FOR TBI RG1STSR. ISaleigii. STAND BY YOUR PRESSES. Under this sensible caption the Raleieb Stand., ard Mchorjs ii partf to rally to the xupportot the papers advocaljog its side of Ihe questions of the day. Let us learn front the enemy. lftheDein. ocrats can stretch tlmir con-eiences so lar as lo support their paper, much more ought the Whigs to wine up to the aid of ihetr conservative sheets. 1 fKrwre m complltrfy.'-aya the Mandard. but wf speak f r the cause, feuner your Isjpih ful naoers 10 Uosuisb, brother Democrats, under an inadequate uatnaige, and let ihe Whigs at the same' lime sustain theirs and inprease them. and you will see the result, pel naps, wiien it is too lavl. Stand b your papers, and especially wntr Uql ones " If the Whigs are good bee ttiey can suck honey liom this blossom. If the V desire to deieat the Democrats, lei ihem sustain the oawers and especially Ineir local onea. VVithoui this aid iley ran look fof npthuig Irorn their pa peis. Wadetboro" Argues and one of his iri nds in the House re.id a letter inent on e.trih; who has been Lboriuz to excite brother to raise ni hand a aiust broitter.and drench ilit? 1. 1 nd wilti fraternal blood: who .oes into the t.ouucii Chamb-r ot m c u itiy. ,ind there takes solemn oath before his Gop, o support, namtain and defend the Cons Hunou of the United St.. tea heContitdtioi: ot mat very government wl)tch lie declaies a Irrtud a cuise, nd winch he is la b ring by all the mean in his power ti subvert and over' how when, we sav.we .-ee such a man attempting to slsejter him-elf, not only from 1 er !.ona: responsii.iliv. but from the tiiundeis of ;pu lar inuigtiaiioii and the burning hies ot puot c scorrt. njr liking relume under the wings of THE I'uurch, We (et-l it our duty to drive htm oui ff'-m tiia hiiliftz plarp, and expose linn to the gaze of tlje world. M.bde(Ala.) AJvetliser. The Plague. It is stated that much appre hension is tel in New Orlens of he appro ich of a new disease wh-ch is called ihe plague, and U now.said to be prevailing in iu- ol'the VV'ei-t In W hen Hie fd'a islands. A dUeae called bv the am name has made its appearance in some parts of thp West It is said to be like the cholera, but nTT" fat .l. Whether it -i the saw disease as. tvat which goes by the name of plague m the Eisi is not stated. ' ' The Boston Medical Journal alludes to the sub- jec as follows: "It is very certain, from the accounts received both here and in England, that the true plague h been intnduced into .Madeira, and the work ofdeath ha- been reallv aDoalling-. The nuestion has frequently b-en agitited, will that dreadful disease er reach his continent? There is rea on 10 ueueve ii wi me won :er-is wny it ins not been already. Qur commercial intercourse is extensive wh various par 3 of Africa and the AsiHtic shore p the JediUrp'i'ean, where thi- gr-at scurge is qever dead r d ym , but simple reposing irotrj one period to another, like a f - turned giant, to gainer a'rength f x a renewal of slaughter. Should it come, it mav be hooeJ there willtje found more siiena -. ami a sironzvr barri er qf qteJical skill, to niett and disarm it ol its terrors,; tha" haVpeeli tj0ii$$, iri'Vriipi-al cTP maies. or in ttie Dlthy, scour o inviting regions ot Mosjein lurkey Piague apkcrtaius 10 th Ar abs in rliis aire, and where theame condition of things extsts as char.icte tzeniheir modes of life. their social condition, and the absence of all com moil sense efforts to avert or arrest it, will have nn atiifliM.v tiifkilwili! COUNTRY PRODUCE. Bucou Hums, Sides & Shoulders Corn Meal Flour. Feathers . Hidas, green " dry Oats Whs&t Fodder Butter crsJ 11 11 90 a 95 95 a SI 4J a 5 35 4 6 a 10 80 85 a90 95a 1,00 20 MERCHANDIZE . Salt.Liver'l.sack 260 do Blown 2 40 jCoffee, Rio, pd 12J ' Laguira 14 " Java 20 Sugar, 8 to 12 Molasses, gal 35 to 40 Iron. Swedes pd 0 do extra sizes 7 English do 5 Whiskey, g:il 33 to 40 Brandy, gal BQ CANDY MANUFAUTUKEi Th Subscriber having SO yesrs experience, flat tery himself that te can please the most fastidious tate. and wid make to order, and keep always on hand, a variety of OANDIErt, Medicated, jkc, at wholesale aod retail. The undersinged tenders his sincere thanks to his frieud sund customers, for their liberal patrouiige bestowed on him since his commencement in busi ness in ihi Oily, and hoj.es by prompt attention, to retain their coofi leuce, and to secure a coniinu" ance of their custom, WH. J. GRIFFICE. March 23 1S52. 24 N. B Having had the misfortune 10 lose my account books by the late fire, I am uuable to make out how much each customer owes me. I respect fully request all those who are in lebted to- tne to I call and pay what they think is right, and 1 will bepeifectly satisfied. W. J. GPvIFFICE. $14,090 ! K-4ST $ I 0,000. ! For tfci ' beiveh ofhe JIASSITr, FOR ltJ2r To be drawn at Cayingtoiti Ky, on Saturday .the -3d of Api iL 832. (fHi 0 ' . ' 78 Number Lottery 14 Drawn Ballots. 1 " SPLEN.DID SCHEME." do do do da do do 30 Prizes of SO do 40 do $34,500 H.00Q 10,009 im 4,000 3,000 1,000 500 SU0 PAYJUTTEVHiLE. coo.NTay produce. cents- Cotton, lbs 7 a 7 Corn, bushel, 80 a 65 Flour, bbl SlJto S Feathers, lb 30 Hides, green, lb 4 do dry 6 to 10 Tobacco. manufd.SOro 40 Wool, lb 19 2Q F'lyetttville Manufactures. Cotton yarn, pound IS a brown sut'a. yd. 6 7-8 do do jOsnaburgs, yard 10 j MERCHANDISE. CENTS. Bule rope, pd. 9 to 10 " Bagging, hvy, yd 15 to 20 do light 13 to 15 Lime bbl 175 to 150 fijui'ls, keg, pd qil, lamp, gal do tanner's White lead, keg, 4t STtoUp sbtfl 1750 Strayed or Stolen. ROM the Subscriber on the 3d of Mirch last, a KOiii norse, o leet J or 4 inenes high, & ytrnrs old this Spring tils sight is not good, as he is nearly blind ; black mug and tail, the hair rubbed off of h'u b dy some by traf)s. He, was raised I? or 14 ni'tlrs North West ot Raleigh. A liberal Reward wilt bo paid for his recovery t as also for the Thief, if he has teen stolen ' , ALFRED M. HAYWQOD. March 23rd 1352, 84 tf P. 3 ADy information ia regard to said Horse can be direced to the Post Office, Raleigh. Cash For Old Copper. rsriHE highest price will be pain by th Raleigh t M. Gibio'n Rail Koud Company for old t Copper Apply to tne subscriber at the Work Shop of the Company. ,' ALBERT JOHNSON. MrcS 22nd, IS.Vf. ' tf 24 from linn that showed he eat the wj lc h-g 111 fa vor of the ' lagn.ufhiis' ii inpiou.is.e.' !Sir, 1 hold that letter in my hand, and in il Ginpr! But er preaches abuut ihe co nuroinise like a Methodist minister. He says ; " It is as though a great na tional ahar had been erected in our midst 011 wniclu every lover ot our common country is invited to ly his offering of peace, and lo offer up Ins pray.. erf for the perpetuity of the Union aitd the conn n anceofthe ineaimiable blessinge which we en joy under its protection." Sir, thai language show?, that he is n't fit tor P esiijfnt ; it's enough to turn the whole Dimocracy agin hun. The great Dimocraiic paper iu New York, ihe Eve cing Post, that was in iavor ol iiim awhile go, now says : " We cannot congratulate him on tne skill wuh whicli he is playing his game lor tue Presidency." . And, sir, I have in my hand ihe Dimocratjc Re view, the great organ of our party; and thashowa Gineral Butler in his true colors. i says be ia n't nothing nor nobody ; nothing but a mere beaten horse." jilt aats th country miht be lost ' before QmefaiBuiler cou lu set mo idea in 'o his head, or Word out of it." The Review says . r roni his almost total litelessness 111 public af fairs, it was denied at ihe' last Presidential elec lion, even in his own neighborhood, tliai he was a Dtuiocrat at all. Am General But ler went to the polls in 1848 and voted lor him elf to prove his own Democracy." Q& thu whole, the Review says; We declare him made up of feeble negatives." Mr. Chairman, 1 move we skip over Gmeral Butler, and take up the next candidate. JOHNSON AT THE TEA-TABLE. 'At the tea-table," says Mr Cumberland, "John son had considerable demands upon his favorite beverage, and I remenber wiien Sirjosiiua Rey nolds, at my house, reminded hini ' that he had drauk eleven cups, tie replied, 'Sir, 1 did not couni your glasses ol wine; why should you number aiy cups of teat' And then la ughtflg,in perfect good humor, be added, Sir, should have released the lady from any further .trou.ble, it it bad not been for your remarks; but you ha ve reminded me that 1 want one of adojteii, and J must request Mrs. Cumberland to round up my number.' VV hen be saw the readiness and complacency wi Ii which my wife cbeyedhis call.be turnetl'a kind and cheerr ful look upouher, and said,' Wadatn, I must lelj j ni f,r ....... ... ,. - ' ' i J A juui wiuiuii, you nave escapeu mupq better tlian a certain ldy did a whiip ago, pppn Wliose pa ience I intruded greatly inqre thao 'J have ou yours; but the lady asked me for no other purpose than 10 make a ?any i f me, and set me jabbing to a parcel of people I know nothing of; so, Madam, 1 had my revenge of her, for 1 swal toweJ five and-iwenty cups pf tjje tia,and did not 'tai her with as many words" ' ; Prom the N. Y. Express." The 'Tribune" reyires the stoy that Henry Cl.iy has said he would rather see Gen Cass President 1 han any man licing. We believe it be totally uutotititted in truth. We. have seen Mr. CUy's piefereuces expressed, and that very recently, and yery parnostiy and decidedly, for . tie of the distinguished V hi. a w'nose 'name is now promineu before the country. 'I he Tribune, it is 1 rue. gives u edif. to l)ie New Orleans Courier, a Loco Pocu. paper, whiwh gives credit to Mr Ba con, and Mr. B'Con gives credit to Ex Senator Foote. and in this round about way the story is reitaraded before tlioTountry to the injury tl Mi. Clay, alter having been once very prmi;nen ly denied. Mr. 1 fay ha pronably expressed hi preference for Mr. CafS over any other Democrat, and ou' of this lias grow n this mountain. Since Writing the aboveWe have been permit ted by Mr. Cly to copy me following from a pri vate ietler of l))s, anJ addressed m one of his friends m this ci y. A mojre complete denial lo al) tnal has been said to the contrary could not possibly be given., s "You rightly unders ood me in ex pressing a preference lor Mr. Fiilmoreas the V lug candidate lor die Presidency. Tins 1 did before i lell home, and have frequently here in private h . 1 i... ercourse. since my arrival at, v. asuingiou. 4 care not how generally the fact may tie generally known, but I should not deem it right to publish at.y toruial avowal of that preference under my own signature ia ihe hewspape s. Such a course would subject me to the iuipuUtton ot supposing that my opinions possessed more weight With the public, than I apprehend tney do. 1 h founda tion of my prelerence is, thai Mr. Fil'more has adminiBiered'ihe Executive Goyernuiein with stg nat success and ability. He lms been tried and loiirjd true, faitbl'ul, honest and Conscientious. wir) 10 say iiolhing iu d ronate P Irom his euii nent competitors. They baye b"lh rendered great seiy.ee to thpir coiui ry ilie one jji , he field, the 0 her in the cabinet. They might possibly ad. minister ihegoverrjmeni as well a Air, Fillmore has done. Rp : then . neither, of ihem tup beeu tiied. He has been tried in the elevated position lie now holds, and I think Uiat pruduce a'ffd wis dom had better restrain us (torn making any change wiihoat;a'necessity for it tliee'xifctence of which 1 do not perceive. v 1 am truly your Mend, t 1 and obedient servant, ; --' ; - ' H.CLAY. attempt his head cpy of ibis cast has arrived m Paris, and been placed in the Museum pf Anatomy, in thepollccttoti of heeds After thp executipn pf MBO 'or ,ne to assassinate the Q.ueenp Spa p,a cast o was taken bv Dr. IJifilER of Madrid. A O We find in the J mrnal of Monday last 1 communication from D. K. McKaC, Eu., re la tive to the rom.it fcs in our last upon the speech de- hver-'d by thai gentlena 1 at th" nietmg recently held to devise mean for he improvement of the B-trs and rivers. Mr. McRae vet y roperly arqiina M ot an intention to misrepresent him, but declares iat he is iiiisrepresen ed As an act ot justice and 10 uive his remarks the fame circulation a our own, we append the following extract: What I did say was this, mat 11 Was now ascertained that the public lands in the several n w Statts could not much longer remain ihe common 1 . 1. . . ur property anu a source 01 reveuu'; mai me west has the power, and a Very short liui would wit ness a disposal of all die pub ic lauds iu their lim i s to Uieir oenent ; ma; 11 was proper uiai uie old states who ceded muih of this land, should have some equivalent ; and while I had not dehbera td upon, nor evt u adopted it myself, 1 would throw out for the reflection of the meeting, a plan if compromise, winch presented itset) to my mind ; and tins was, to give the lauds to the S a tea in which they lie (of course not touchmglhe terri torial possessions) having a gua anlee iu ihe grant against a future tariff for f-roieciion ; against any ful ure slavery agnation, (and a union Willi the ' v e.-t' would guarantee this.) and a a lur. ther equivalent, ample appropriations by Congress t the other States ol sumc eut sums lor woiks of j Improvement strictlt Cohstitutiomal. 1 s a- j ted that mo ne suuu couipromise ought le justiti -d by ihe necessity ot the case, as was the "Missou- : ri compromise,' the Oregon comprumise,' and the Iie "adjustment" cumriauise, and thai the suggestion commended itstll alike to both of the pantos." Opon this we have but little to remark. We did not my that Mr. Mi Kae endorsed Mr. Clay's bill I01 tiio distribution of the proceeds of ihe public lands amoug ihe "Siatis,nntl. did we understand his position as. now defined iD the above remarks. We venture to assert that ma ny 01 ton., who were at the meeting entertain a like opinion with our 0 11. However, even as ihe matter standi, d the Coipptuiiuse suggested by Mr. McRe shoaid receive ihe sanction of Con--gress, i woulu ue a great advance 90 the former puicy of ihe party of which he is a meiqbef. We agree with hui). thai ppon iiu question of irnprp vmg the bars and HaroQra of our neglected State, men ot all parties should unite ; and we certarnly huye po desire to tnjgreany ludivioual, wao, iq a cause of so much Unefji to North Carolina, should rise superior to. the beie)jts of party. Wcldon Herald. WILEY'S. EQRTH. CAROLINA REAPER. The 0111 mon &choo CpmtuiUee for the coun ty ot Beaufort have, we are glad to see, recoin mended Vy'iley's Norih CarQlina ijeader to ajl parents and Qther persons io send to jfcliojil iheir ci'dru surgciea ly far advanced, to read therein. They say, liai being a beautiful apd an interestnig abridgment ot the history of the Stale,-from her earpest e-f.uieuce u ti)p present day, ihe, reader will furuish the rj-ing genera tion with just, bit k.iud of Juipwleilga.so much needed,, o induce amongst her chiklien ..a due and las.ing alUchment iq teir .home." , Goldsboro Telegraph , Hosoks or War. Near St. Sevier (in France) there lives an old soldier with a lea. a la Un arm, a glass eye,- a complete : set of fatso teeth. silver nose covered with a substance resembling flesh, and a silver piate replacing part of his skull He was under Napojcou eud these are bis tro phies. - . A Frehchman, resident in London, recently conceived an entirely new style of self destruc ion. He hrst bouviii an ;g in the market-, ex traded it- cooteu s (ny uctiii"-J, and filled the he"l wiii about tkree ounces of aunpowder Then going iulo a very crowamJ Ihorougtifare we presume, to give tclat to his enterprise he placed the infernal inacuiue in his m uth, and "touched ii off wuh a 111 m h. Instead, hewever, of b owing hi- head lo atoms, ihe powder, win" igniied. men ly poured forth a stream ol fire and Kiiinke from the a per ure in 1 he shell, but uituoui d'ling nnv serious harm o the man. The aston tshtnent of trie passer -i by at tieliolding a human month suddenly become ihe crater of an active volcano, in iy be mummed Tne disappointed man was taken into custody by the police, and conveyed to t tie hospital. 'Ms Death they web;: mot Divided." On Sunday i.fiernoou last, a Mis McEweu, residing on the Nor h Branch, went to ihe river for a pail of water, accompanied by her little sou, a lad some six ears of ae. The fiiilo fellow, it .-eetns, iin gened on Uie river side, playing with a pet dog, when it run out ujton ihe ice, followed by its young m.oster. The ice was in-ufScient to bear his weight, and be broke through. His mother hear, uig lusscieams rushed into ihe water a liuiated by no thought except to save her child. She reached liiin, grasped him. bat lietore assistance came. Ihe mother and boy. locked in each other's arms, were beyond tnesweilinjr waters of ihe dark liver that flows between the Wo worlds Cnicago Jourqal Petersburg Markets. Reported expressly for the Intelligencer. , .... .., JSATSaAaf, .Marcb.?uib, J 852. . TOBvnCO The animation noticed in our last report still continues, and whilst there is no mateM al change in prices, we think there is more confi deuce dui v uianilested tn the article hy our dea ers. COT TON iuce the receipt of the steamer's news large sales have taken place at 7a7-. The latter being the highrst price paid' for any description- VV H K A r Declining. Sales of Red at 80a90c ; White 9.)a9.':c ' FLuTJit Ve hsar of no transactions Quote nominal y at 4 1 2a4 5 8. O -N mall lo-s prime bread Corn readily brings 6 a vv. see cargoes offering at 62 Jc, on shori thOrt, bu hear of no sales at that rate PE v But few offering, -ales of old crop Cow Pea at 62 1-2 n5c, BlaCk-eye 80c. BEAS scarce and wanted, at 12 5a 150c "per bus BACON -Advancing. Va. (hog round) 10 1 2c; Western sides lDatOJc ; do. shoulders 9.i9 l-4c,- Jowls 7 l-2c ; hams 10 T galofc L VRD Improving Va. (in kegs) lOalOfc. Western, (in I0c;do kegs 10 I -2c. LIMK N.i c iange Camden $L12S. Thomaston Sl,. Washington ?Hapl I PL ASTER Stone per ton of SOOOlbs. $41, ground per tierce of & 0 lhs. ai I 5. GUA0 -Peruvian, 46a47 per ton of 21)00 ll.8. HAY alsat 95c p?r 1001b. BAt'E and Muslin Undersleevei, Chemizetts, Black Sillt Lace, Ir.fant Bodies. Dotted --wiss Muslin, vVhite Corded Ikf ushn for B jnneu, Fancy and Jenny Lind Skirling. EVANS 4 COOKE. March 21 24 1 A LL sorts of Goad for Ueulh-meu'a wear yuiionadea, Qiack and ranry Cravats lor geutie men. Vesting, ifc - , EVANS r COOKS. MarchSJ.. 24 OBIVSON' SHOES, b-ist quality; also common Slippers for Ladies. ! EV.vNS 'it COOKE. Maicl) 23. ' 24 HI .01 nd Shoes, ( diles Boots, beautiful quality.) March 23 24 In Halifax rouiiiy, ou thr- 1st inst., Mr. Iviza rna Lewis, aged 88 years. He was a Revolution, ary Soldier. ; Tales for 1 e People Cltii'e. and tbeir UT" Parso 1 Green is stilt in ihe habit sometimes of drawing upon a barret ol sermons bequeathed hull by his lather, who was also a minister. Up on one occasion he got hold oi a sermon by mis tuke which tn old uemlemeu had unce preached to Ihe Stale Prison coiivit-is. Ii opened well, and the congregation were becoming deeply interested when ail al once the Parson surprised them with the pilprmation that " had it not been. for the clj. mency of the Governor, every' bne of ihem w uld have been hung a long linn ago ! i . rveuoriJeu;s. VVHAUESorr TifE Bab. On last Friday whife the Pilot Boats Pet and Dehm were cruising off ihe bar, tht-y perceived four large whales playing a hoot. Tliey remained in the vicinity of 1 he bar tola number of hours, when one of tne Pilots tired a fiiuskei leaded with large shot at the larjfest, wouudinjj-him severely. He retreated rapidly af ter' bemg l)ot, bellowing very lou 1, evidently from the pain caused by the sho . Saraiinali JVews. The Blackisg Thade. Since ibe liquor law went into force in Ma. ne. great quantities of out trHSy labeled "Day ii. Martin's B!a-:kuig," have been imported into that State, and yei it is not ob served that Ihe boots are cleaner than before. England is said sometimes to have the con stitution of a hgr-e, but 11 would seem thai France is just now ihieaiened with the coust.luiion of an as P-unch. ET Th.e big jnpetiiig bun njght nominated Jidin. Kerr for Govproor, qd apjjojoiqd QvJ delc- gtes to . ttie State: and district rouyen:io is. Ptoceedmgs next we k.N - Whig, I7lh,. ' ; . . : ', ; :" -; .fMassa says you njust sartmpay de bill to-day," said a uegro to a New Or eaws shop keeper ' I Why be is u afraid Tta going to run away, fisljef was the reply. ' ' ' ". "J'', '.' j Not'e'aacilj dat but look .nee, said the darkey, dyly and my-teiiously,"lies gwoin to ran sway be scji ana uartor waq.s imwi- $eversl rnercbsuits at Sfan Fraiwieco have recently subscribed 1,000 to Uie Wellington. National Mon-uroenr. LICE Franklin, by Maty Howitt. eJloB I'be Oof i on Uoy, by Harriet Martjueau, Dangers ofDming Ou , by Mrs Ellis, Hoim-stic Tal' s by Hannah More, 2 vols. Early Friendship, by Mr Copley, The Farmer's D tiijhter, by Mrs. Cameron, First Impressiuus ny Mrs. Ellis. Hoj-eOn, Hpe 'Ever, by M iry Howitt, Little Coin", Much Care. do L nrfcinx Glass lor the Mind.rmnv Plates, Lots and Money, by Mary Hoiwutr Minister's Kamily, Ly Mrs Ellis, My pn Story, by Mary Howitt, Vly Uncle, the Ciockmaker, by do No ense Like Common Sence. by do Peasaut aud rhe Prtuce, by H. M irtineau, Poplar Grovel Mrs. Copley, S moervitle SHaU, by Mrs. Ellis, Sowing aud Ueaping, by Marji Howitt, strive aud Thrive, do The fw. rVppretpices, do Tired of Hijusek.eepn, by T. S. Anhhr. fhe Twin States, ty MiS.San.dham, Which ia the; Wiserl by Mary Howitt, Wb. Shall Be Greatest i Work and VVages, Clacef a.idjCnarj es, hy Tharjes IJurdelL T Goldmakers' Vil age, by H.Zchokke, Nev r To.. Late, by Charles Burdet, Ocean WorK, A. cientand Moderii,by J. H. Wright torv of a Genius, ' For Sale by H. D TURN El, N, C. Bookstore. Raleigh, March 1852- 24 jOkRVlS CORN STARCH is now extensively 0 U used and held is high ethuatKn for the pre riitfu of Puddnms. Blan e Maage, Ice Cream, Pies, Custards. Cake, aud Diet for invalids. Jus a yery healthful and uututious article of d et, and gives general saiiswcnou A supply just received and fof sa le by VV,i P. F. PESCUD. - March 23, 1853 H f Stale of Worth Carolina, Nash Cltn ty Court of Pleas and Q.u after Sessiou, Feb ruary Session, 1852, Lewi ll n Arringtou, vs. VVilliam H. Battle. Wil liams & ArriugtOL, vs same Willi .ms Sr Ar riulou, vs. same. Thos. W. Wrjght, Adm'r. Joel Rosier, ys. same Thus. W. .Wright, vs. same. In these cases it appearing tq the ('eurt, that the d-feiidaiit. William H. Battle, resides beyou I the li.nits of'tt is State, atd levies) h iving been ni ide On uis Ian is lying i u N ih Cqnuty, being hi in eri3st iu ti e Unda, inherited by him from his father Fred erick Battle: It is hereby ordered ly ike Court, tlial the defendant be no-ifid of jj.ud levie, by ad vertisemeHt in the Raleigh Register fer six weekf; ud that unless he appear and, shew caue t tW pautrarv. Execution and Sile on said Lands to satis fy the piai uttfFs debts will issue Witwst, Grnu in W. Ward, Clerk of the Court of Pleas a d Quarter Sessions pf the County of Nasti, at Q3ipe, 2od Alouday orFubrunry, 1852. O. v. WARD, c. t; C. March 23, 1832. Pr.Av.$5 62 23 w6w Ac. Src. Tickets 10 Halves f5 ausrrers $3.60. C ertificates of packages ol 26 Whole tikets$130 QO Do do Half do S 00 Do. do. of 25 daarter do 32 50 Orders for Tickets and. Shares and Certificates 0 Packages iu the above Splendid Lotteries will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an official se count ol each drawing seat" immediately after it if over to all who order from tne Address E. E. O'BRIEN. Agent, , Successor o J. & C. Maury , i Jil xandria, Virginia. ' : ' ' By Jjti Excellency Daviu S. Rsm, Governor of the Stute of North Carolina. , .' w bkrkas, ibiee-piths of tne whole number pf members ot each Houce of the Genera' Aembly did at f!e last ses-ion pass the f-.liowing Act: AN ACT to amend the Constitution ot North Caroijna. . , WiisaEAS. The freehold-qualiCcat'mn now re quired for the electors fur member ol the Senate conflicts with ihe fundamental principles of liberty ; . Therefore, ' Mac- 1. J?ir enacted ty the General AstemUf. if the State oftforth Carolina, and it is Hereby enacted by the authority of thre jai3,enree fifths of Ibe whole number ol members ufeach Ioqse concurring, that ihe aecond clause of tnird section of fhe rst Article of the amended C-'hsiitntidn, ratified by the peopl of North Carolina ou the second Monday of Novem tbefi A:Utrt83,be fffrltadefj' otntmrTt" words "posiesed of a ireehold within the ssme die. trictof jCity acres uf land for sit months next Defers, and at the day of ilectiou" so that the said clause of s.nd sect on shall read asfolluws: All free white men of the age ol twen y ione years (except si is hereinaf'er declared) who have been inhabitants of any one district within the State twelve moptis irru mediately preceding the day of apy election end Shall have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to vote lor a member. f ihe Se late. Skc 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor of the State be, mid he i hereby directed, to i-iie bis Pruclemation to the people of North-Carotins, at least six months before the nest election or menu bers ol the General Assemtdy, ratting forth the pur port ol this Actand thesmeridment to the , (Jopsti" tutiop hereiu proposed, which Proclaraqtjoji shall be accoiripauiedby a true and perfect copy of the Act, authenticated by the certificate of the- Secretv; ry of State; and both the Proclamation and the copy of this Act the Governor of the Male ahalicause to be published in all Uie newspapers ol this Siste, and posted in ihe Court Houses of ihe rpe:iiv Coun ties in this Slate, at lea?t six mouths bt-for'e-the e' lection of membeis lu the next General . Assembly. Read three limes aud agreed toby thr-e-firibs of ihe whole numlier of members of ouch House rs speciively, and ratified in General Assembly, this the 24th day of January 1851. J. C. DOBBI.V, S, IL C. W. N.EDWARps, , talo of North Carolina Nas Cu.v. Court of Pleas and quarter Sesi.Onf, Feb' Stale Tt 1 a ' 1 j . vca.)iws - Lewelleu Arringt.o s Wlli.iru Hams St Arnngton, vk. s un riniTion, vm. s-ime. Thos. Joel Uosser, OiU! Oil!! OI!j! tt ifsVafsisfli GALL-S assorted Oils, for CBoEy .fainting. Burning in Lamps, M iuluery snd FarnijH? pufP Also, a fresh supT i. iu.t rnei ed tf Taper i.nd Lamp OU. . Also, supply of tfee best bsruit.g Fluid have ever bad AUQ. S gootl supply tl M"7" rf", "can euu just receiyid & te. 4 low by Msreh 23. 1850. 23 tf H. Battle, Wil Wii iams i, Ar VV. 'WrghL Admr. ot vs. fame. Thos. AV. Vyrihlvs. same. Original attachment returned to Fepraary Sessions ltpt ' v- i It appearing to the Courtfliat VVilliain H. If. Brttle, the defemlaut in the above casfta, rest Jes bsyoixLtqe lirpits of tljis State, it ia there, fore. u.itered. th:U advep; isemept pe made in the Haleih Register, a newspaper pouted in the c'ity of It iteigb, for tl.e sosee of six works, to the end tbftrhe defendant may appear at th Court, of Pie is and Q,uarter sessions, to be held lot the coun ty of Nash, ob rhe second Vlonday of May .135. ihea aud there to plead to, or ollierw ss J ildg. Hient wilt be rendered asfaiusi him for his default VVitUess GermTO VV." Ward, Clerk ef tkefCourt of Pleas aud Quarter Sessions of tha County of asb, at Office, 2nd Mouday of February , 1852. G. VV. WARD, t; (5.C. March 2-i, IS52. Pr. Adv. $5 C'.' ?4 w6w Barege De tUalnes, A handsome variety. ALSO, Surmg Calicoes. " ' ; Jqst recen-ed, J. BROWN. Marcli 23, 185$. 34, CirR.VFB Of MAGiNESlA, Having made J 'arrangements to prepare this cele.brated apex nent on sJsrgescsle,! an) enabled to b.ve a sppply constantly ou baud for niy cunorqer". P. F. PESCUD. Mrrh 22, 1SQ2. 84 UM-M E L'S Essence, pf Cotfte, One package of Esseuce will go as tar as jt lbs of Coffee, Jt Mass delicate and fine flavour anjjricb clear Color. A supply just received and for sale by r ptPEscyD; March at, 1852. ' Z 12 pos. Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger jpst re ceived. Also, a freh supply of very superior Cayea oe Pepper, just to hand and for sal by A v: K ... , p. F- PESCUD. .March stttiss?. ,-;..t 4. 24 ; Stats of IVortb I.'ihbi.i, Office of Secretary of Slate. I VViii.iax HiLt, necieury of Stale, in and for the State of North Carolina, do heuby certify that tbe loregoinx isa true'and peifrct cqpy of att Act of the General Assembly of this Slate drawn olf from the original on tile in litis office, (jiven un der my hand, this 3 1st day of Dt-cerbber, 1851. WM. HILL, Ste V of State. And, VVhkbsas, the siid Act provides orismen tliug the Consiituliuii of the Mate of North Curofir na, so as l confer on every qualified. vorr for the House of Commons the right to vote also for the Senate.' " - Now,rtherefore, to the end that it tniy lie mds known that if the foresaid anieiidnviu. toiha CrOn' stiiuiion abalf beagretdto by th twothiros of lbs whole -representation iu each housp of the, next Geneial Assernb'y, it will be then 'sub,nird lo the people for raiincation, J hae issued ibis ray . Proc!aiistirr in fonfornrity with ihe proyis'ioir of the before recited Act, i , K j ; ; I t In t-tttnony whereof, IHno 8. Wsm, Govern of the State of North Carol inn ; hath hereuutese his hand and caused ihe urt-Sl Aea orsaio3ia;ts to 1. AC l ! i neat tueijuyor itaieign, on iu of cur Lord, one thoassud eight - ',Jj dreil and fifty one, and In ths ?6th fear qfour Jafiependeucrs..;, . BytbeGevarnor, DAVIUSREIOi Thomas Ssrri.s: Jr , Prirnfe Sce'y - - . , .,. 1 Persons iuto whose bauds ibis fri.clariiatiou may 1, wiii please see hat ?py of it is posted up I theCoqrl House of their respective Counties.' ' ijan.9.U5Z ' .w-l: j 1. . 1 . 1 - 1' r 1 11 1 -1 it -1. ' SUFUS X, TURN AGE Attqrae at Law ffTRf.LL atten4 prompily to ail busmess; to Jis Wy care in W ssf Jl'sbiresses, North Misaiasipu and trast?in Arisusas. pay Taxes, ,'t, j' ', Refer lo, WM; MrttSto j M,m t t I DR. WM V. TAVLORS n,piM,i U VjVIO MELV1LLB, New.York f ' Memphis, Feb.'tt, Jt.-. 'vi: 'j U M Itily .' Iei'V tl't ' iTSsBW 'Hods prime NewCrop Carderias MoIai mb sea. ''' " -i'tavsa ,: 4j ioBarrels choice - . New Orleans- i UCOOBtS- AX -lset Up boand Tuha, , . - , ; Vijr. 75 Dos Fancy Painted Buckets, 30 Box Brooais ot different qualities. Fot ssie by PEEBLES VVH1TE. D A VIS fy Co. f Pet rsbTg, March IB, 1853 i 2 tfi la nerdrr. for sale by a. PKEBLES. vyHlTE, PAVI &pQ Peieraburs;, Marco te, Iso. 22 tf ..s- 1 OtJW i ll hand- : February 2ad, 1650. I.. tL..an.,Uj i. vsv siAA incL IA W.H- s; R S- TUCKER. 10 ot great criminals.