I ' i . ; ,-v-.: - r II ' i' i ' " "i i i mar iwiiiwii iimmm,,,,,, - v ' ' ' '' n ' . - " -S'V" ' " r ' - r ' 5 BY SEATON GALESj vniTHB. 4SD WOPWETOS. fl . TERMS.. "iC For thSemi-WecklPaperpwiitini r J Weekly Paper, 3 per annum. f Mortii Carolina -GmHtiiU IHSff.?;. 2oS Court of L.w, SepunlW t'.rrn 1850. Nancy Culbreath ) stiiioo for Diere! b.t . cop, of ::T"siute in .uch ce to NaalrM,- UT . hina ihtt the defendant In rticlamation w pu w j .... , : i 1 ot to ba found : rr T, " J.: " , - n.r and answer w Subpoena, uu u- Auction foi Ik intf KMIU mvivh " I it u or month.; be mw- - r"a Ci moni" ."r.: mM."for the aid meR''s "":. . March) Teen of tttw Smo ,h. la Monday of March no.l.and uwwerthe JW of 1 r-.. R.t H. (jMU Clerk oforrt5io iar Crt. at Oxford, tha la. Monday ef SepU.l 77 Sin; a.vii iiroliaaa. uiahtuw ..,. nf Pimfc and ftoarter Seasioiis CoUSTT November l erm w 7. icen I Issue toacnine tne I taliditv of, the lust Will and Testaaseat I of Mosoa Winsto, Obeiiah Winston Elijah Winston anl others. I late of the snid Con. I ty or tiranTiiie, e- : I ceasea. ltbeingm.de to tpper to lh . iT. iihsrine Peiinr wife Lxekiel Pen- i vi'.h. P..-!-. wife of John E. Peace. I-wce, James A. Pewe, Samael Peace, Peace Msrtha H. Pce (being of the and heire at law of theaaid Mosee Wmrtoo dec";.) tKAr with the said Eiekiel Peony and Jahn O Peace, non-residenta of this Sute It is therefore ordered, that publ.cation be made form succeaaite waeka. in the Rnleieh Reenter. newspaper pV- th Citv of Raleish. warning the said not residents to be and appear at the ensuing Trm jf the Court of Pleas and U-uarter aeeeiooa io oe h for the County of UrahvUle, at e uon nonsw in wrJ on the first Mondsv in February next, ni become parties to the issue aforesaid, if thej shall Landii Clerk of the said Court, at office tu Oxford, the 27ih day ef Noteaa. ber.A. D, 185U. j A LANDlS'jClerk. December 4th, (Pr. Adf. $S 62 j cu.) 6w 98 The Cwell Female lHstitutc, YanceyviUe, N.'C i B. GOULD, Principal. Jtftis Kate E. KeUoge, Assistant, and Teach ' er of Ornamental Branches. Mrs. E. B. Gould, Teacher of Music THE Subscriber availing himself ef the well known healthiness of this situation, ha undertaken to establish a Fkmalk Seminakt, which in addition to nteeitng the wauta of this vicinit, shall saerit patronage from abroad. He nas accordMigij, spr rd no pains in procuring nasHitant possesstnc th highest qualifications. Miss Kellogg, (who has re cently arrived) received her education at some of the beat institutions in the country, a ad has been men It auccessful as a Teacher. Testimonials of the most commendable character can be exhibited from wentlemen of the first respectability. The course of studies will now embrace all thej branches, solid and ornamental, usually taught inj Female Seaiinaries of the higher ebtes.? Thoroegb. ess is the Reading feature-in the plan ef inMruetioa The government is strict, but gentle and conciliato ry. For rapid progress and superior atlainmeatj la Music. Drawint Paintiag and Embroidery, k U blieved that this School now offer tery unnsua facilities. The $abscriber will devote oae half ef hia tiax . at t hie school, his connection with the Uan Rieei iastitate still continuing. v . Board, including waahing, from 6 to $7 pe month J Pupils are required to beard in families ap roved by the principal. 5 The next aessiou will commeace on the 6th of Januiirr. Early attention is requested as far ah racticubte. Charge will be maue.frem the lime off eaterinc to th eloae of the session, and no deduo- tion mad for absence except for protracted illness Terms per Session of five months. V I I Tuition, according tostudies pursued from $S UfHW. Music, ifPiano with sin zing) three lessons per week, with an extended series of vo cal exercises, for cultivating the veice af ter the moat unproved European method. Drawing, Painting in water colors, Stylo graphie. Monochromatic Paiuliug and I li Embroidery, each French 04 B. GOULD. 3t 99 Sec,! 5th, 1850. (tPt B. UUOl iMvitea auett notice te the) VSr large stock efCiaeier Article, eomptiJ mg the moat - S ELECT VARIETIES- . -withoulj'eiiumeraliog them, which he will be pre jpared iii a few days U offer to the Public. October 4th, 1850. ' j . 80 ! Letter and Cap Puper. J UST te hand a lot of beat quality Letter and Cad Paper, at P. P. PESCUDS DrugStere. ft AI.KIGK ACADEMY nrnms inxitntioe will aeraiu opew om Wedaef II ri.v J.nnarr 8th. 185t. Particular attenlieof i!r h. riven t the Freuch Language, Boek-kep-l iag, Suey ing. Levelling and other branches efal jret-alcnar-ter. M.L6vJOY aWeigb.Dec 17th, 188. ltl 5t T Standard copy. w; - i- LUBIN'S& MUSSEL'S EXTRACTS,? For tne uanaiteroniea Heliotrope, Violet. West End, Jessamin, Rose1 Citrooella, ! Rose Geranium, Italian flowers, Bouquet De Careliae, Jockey Club, Yerveiae, Lilly, ' ;. Patchouly, Jenny Lind, Juba Rose. Musk, Honey Suckle,' A ti genuine Kerina Coloene. fine Toilet and sha ving Soaps, Toilet Bottles of beautiful styles, and a Urge stock of dressing CombsHair Teeth and Nai Brasher, which will be sold low at the Drug Store j WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD tCO Dee. 20th, 1850. ,13 I WINES AND BRANDIES. r SCOTCH Ale and London Porter, of superior 15 luality selected for Medical purposes constantly Ou baiid and for aale at tbe Drue 8 tore of I WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, CO. Dee ,21tt, Isau. 103 'PHOSGENE GASKin&URMjfG r-,-. . I '-i- FLUID. ..w- A SUPPLY this day receired and for aale at the) II. Drug Store of WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD & CO. ' December 28lh, 1850. V 1 irnues, icaistu. fjurraiita. Pick les aitd Citron. J ost received freahfrom New York, which 1 will sell low. L. B. WALKER. July 2nd, rSSO. 53 i CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &C - AM Jit JVb. 9 Fayetteville Street. rfP&ACK French Cloth, i UP Black Doe Skin Caesimer, : . .. ' ' ,v .--fIdxt Caaainieree a xood assortment, fi Good and Common Vesting. Bliek Sstin Vcetiug Bilk arid Worsted Serge, Paddlng.and Canvass Bed Brnkets, various sizewand qoslitttsv ' ?;'" White and Black Cotton Wadding, i: Gentlemen's Merino ShirU and Hose, Seat 22n1, 1850 - ' -- , : . , i r- ' I :i ' ; ' ... . - . .. . - . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , -i. i. 1 ni 1 . , 1 ,M 1 i, , , 1 iiii - ill" ' 11 1 1 1. 1 - 1 V MMK III. ' v niTiinn r n iaiufadvoo 101 ' 'i-'mIDIlD'7 i-i. . , : , . unuunuui Hi uiiiiuaui lOiiii iiuiiiijUiu i9 COSTlhTlE El ALL. f Pratt street and Centre Market Space. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. CTIHE PUOPRIETOli OF THE ABOVE E8 JJ tabliahment would reapectfully inform the Citizens of North Carolina and otbera, that he has re teived from Europe, the '? ' FALL AND WINTER FlASHIONS! 'ogether with a rich assortment of tJoods adantad te the coming season, conaiating of SUPERFINE FRENCH, GERMAN ANI) EN'. - GLISH CLOTHS. CASTOR BEAVRRs PILOTS. AND PEUTOT COAtimo A new article for O VERSA CKs AND BUSINESS COjITS. Also, a splendid axsoiiment of ' FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASS1MEHES AND DOKMCINA I the most desuable tyles imported this season. kii;h vestings! VTe have, and are constant It receiving Nw Si.l ef V ESTINU8, consisting of plain and Figured ' , SILK AND WOOLEN VELVETS, m tr uatiu juxu STRIPED UA8HMERE, SILKS. SATINS AiXll TA1.EN. CIAS, o all shades and Colon. OUR CUSTUM WORK e CUT AND MADE in the best manner -attilaa regards Style and Workmanship, ia warranted to give entire vatisfartion, and at greatly reduced prices. IDA TTT a a . w m ... ... . . - . Persons in want of HEADY MADE CLOTH. ING are particularly invited to call an k examine cu Stock before porchasina elsewhere, as we manufaef tore all qualities of . r A otilUlN ABLE CLOTHING, And our assortment of that article is at all times larre. wnien oners to purchasers a great Inducement of procuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other Clothing Establishment in the We have on hand and are constantly Manufacturing GARMENTS OF EVERY VARIETY. "KUM THE BEST MATERIALS. IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLES, FOR FALL , AND WINTER WEAR, Consisting of 5 SUJtTOUt SACK AND PELITOT OVEKX)ATs. in all coloia, qualities and aizes, from $2 60, 4 50, f T5, 0 Ml and upwards. BOlfB'SACK AND OVB COAT8! A large aaaortmetit of Boys' Sack and Overcoats, SO per rent, leae than ti e iiMal prtrea. SUPERFINE FROCK AND DRESS COATS. v-te nana rioa t-m43srman and french cloths, h? in the Latent fashion. I . A LAMOK STOCK nF TWEED COATS. PANTS AND VESTS. We hav a Large Assortment of Tweed! Frock and Sank, A New Artict. FOREST SACK8 FOR STORMY WfATHER, From Super. French Doeskins. ' BLACK AND FANCY CAS8IMERE PANTS. Of every variety of Mbade and Color, at $1, 1 50, 1 TS, . t H. 3, S 50 and upwards. VESTS, Made from rich Velvets, Satins, Cashmeres and Vs lenriae. and at ail prices Remember the Name and Place, corner ef PRATT ST. & CENTRE MARKET SPACE, H. H COLE. Baltimore. November l&th. 184. 62 TRINITY SCHOOL. 7 Miles South of Raleigh .V- C Rev. P. T. Babbit, Rector. int. biguth term ertni school will commence e the Sih of January, 1S51. TEaMS PATABLKI ADVANCE. aiFer board, washing, $-c , with instruction in Eng lish, and the Aucient Languages, f75 per term of f months. ; As a general rule, boys over 14 years of age will eol be received. The design of the school is to fwraish a safe retreat to which boys can be sent fur r hero uk h traiuing. Hence the requirement that they shall be young , or, if over the docile perioi of child hood, that they ahaH possess a character ia keeping with the abject of tire School. In reopect to beauty, retirement, and heaitniutnes oi iiuuon, ana cou ' .. . . . t r . J venience and comtort of buildings this echoe! pos The coarse of study will m regulated by the requiretueuis of our Uni versity, lad no pains will be spared to make the boys good Standard, Chronicle and Journal, Wilmington, eaeh copy 3 times nrz-pmSr 26th. 1850. 104 XP- . : Male Academy, CEDAR GROVE, ORANGE, N C. H E next session of this school, fituated eigni Sea north of Hiilsboro , will commence on Monday, ruitb dav OI January, loot. Beard, as usual, in good families in tne neignoor- hood, at $8 per moDlh. Tuition, as usual, far ttog- liah, $10 per session ; Latin aud Greek. lf per sea- SAMUEL W. HUGHES. Peeembor 28th,1850.. It TVTISW NOVEL!.-The Lultrells, or, I he INI IwoMarrtages. By Folkestone Williams, Esq, AUer ef 4 Maid of Henor ' Price 25 cents. ' ";.'.7 JIIjCSU TTT jPPkkb NEW MUISirtLil lor wecem- IHIberlSSO. H D. a S TURNER. JUc., xo, ieou. 104 FOR SALE. THKEi: Valaable Mi lis?. Aeply t th Editor i a Maa Raleigh, Deeember aotn, iboo. tf 104 Important to MILLERS AND MILL OWNERS! THE nnderahraed would respectfully inform these engaged in the Milling business in North Car- .w, i. a ir.iM nonaiani.iV uu muu, bin i . tK shortest notice, that almost lnvalua- fvnrTM'X IMPROVED PATENT sAftfT AND I SCREENING MAunuw. . i .. . ...itn The only Machine or tne &ina mat biivu ;.tfn Mtiafnetiun to the public. It b sat slanted every Smut Machine yet offered in the State, more or less of which have been taken down to v ft,- st .The nublie need fear no lmposi- oiaao - ---- r -- , . t tion. as there are now some 230 macninw fi in Worth Carolina ; ana i wisn to our .v. references than tbe gentlemen who are using them, i ...r.iinns have been more than realised in v saunas cpvwvw . r.- It not onlv thoroughly cleanses Ui. wh.at of Smut, but also purifies it of lnsnr uei iuiiumuwi nj- : . ' I. .Vo. nn bnt 4 cubstances. almost ,to penecuvn. -. -r - - m . in ih, mill an.i rrouircs uu r- i. . ,wi rn fi nra aeainst breaking er. ii ia - j - , , or wearing oat, ana also to retaiu we cicau-.6 tties xor i,nav wu. , ,,..c.:..A. tkrnnh u..jm..ea a aa nHsrtMP AT inM 1UKIUU0 O ... . nnn K.i,Aia nf Wheat have been cleans- .Stand they hate never been out of erder on day, rrher wu awarded to it the Premium of the Ma- , - M. UUV WBB v " Stta Pair, and a Premium with aaiiver me- vrrr. r.r r5r;; ... M-i.nH institute, at Bai oaL at ne (urn - 7 , tl last Fall. 1 Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mills, Omn Cnnntv. N. C JNO. A. McMANNEN. December 26, 1850. , tf 104 Air k urajaAiixvjujjNiiica 1 NflHEst Supply just received and for sal A PP K- TUCKEa A SON. era . . : 41e IfiA , i "1 r ' . - ? ' . Mcziivi w et m-r araiAia a aspcr. &a a . m. . - -: .-THE Subinbei na on nana, aeemid.handed Piaios, wWch I r 4 1 TSrt. 1 f m 1 1 , . uk: AW V. Safijaa MAtltk-a.- a e .onld sell low ror cms, or r j t 1 Union House. HE Subscriber resDectfnlly informs the Mem- .bers of the approachins Lesiarature that he is prepared to furnish ten or twelve of them with lodg ings and board,t th UIION HOUSE, bat short distance from th Capitol. ' - The Subscriber will provide comfortable rooms, and good fare, at such prices as the times and mar- xec win atlord tie pledges himself that no pains or expense will be spared to render his customers com fortable. ' Travellers are also invited to call, and transient boarders will be taken. The Subscriber keeps a con stant supply of corn and-fodder on hand, and will have horses left with bttti,'or the boraes f such as may stop at his house, well taken care of. The Subscriber's Houge is about one hundred yards from the Capitol, and one door to the east of the Baptist Church. JAMES HALL. Raleigh, Sept. 27th, 150. , 7 ts. The best Family Kedicine now before the public. It lias been computed, tlmt during tho lat twenty years, three millions of persons nave annually been benefited by the use of these Medicines ; a fact which speaks volumes iii fat or of their curative properties a single trial will phtcc thorn beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient By their use the Mood is restored to a pure and healthy state, freed from all impurities. The system is not reduced (luring tlkMr operation, but invigorated, and tlicy require no restraint from business or pleasure. The nfflwted have in Moffat's Life Pills luid Phoenix Bitters, remeily that will do for them all that tnodioino can possibly etftTt. The genuine of these mo hemes ar now put np with a fine steel engraved wrapper ami label.s, aial copy right secured acuHrditig to the laws of tlie Uuited States. Prepared by W. B. K0FFAT, M. D., New- York. F"r sale by J. J. RYALS. Raleigh, Aug. 27th, 1850. 79 ly MUtS AlAUEHY, TEACHERS. Department of Ltnguaftes, R. A. Exell, A.M. Department of Mathematics, D. R. Wallace, A. R- f IjlHETWENTY-THIRD SEoSlUPi willcon- mence ba the 15th day of January, 1850. The Principal takes great pleasure in informing the Public that the Mathematical Department has been, at the cost of great labour and expen6e,plsced upon an exalted and permanent basis. Mr. Wal lace whose services have been secured ror mat ui viaion of the School, was graduated with the first distinction at College, and has since had charge of the Greenville Academy, which, aa Principal, he conducted with entire success and universal appro bation Hia testimonials from the moat eminent Scholars of the state evince a high order of Schol arship and a high rauk as an Instructor. In the Warrentou Academy, boys are preps reu thoroughly for the advanced elassea of any College. in the Umoo or for the varied dutiaa of useiui me. The strictest attention is given to the moral as well aa intellectual improvement of the Students, and the course ef instruction, while it insures a high order of Scholarship, is designed to develops aud strengtheu the faculties of the miu'L 11.UM5. Board for the Session of five months, $0 00 Fuel and Lights in the room, 00 Tuition (or the Languages and Mathematics, 17 SO do in the English branches, 12 SO Fuel in the School-room, I W For the character of the Institution, Mem bers of the Legislature are referred te the Kepre- eatatives of Warren, all of whom are Trustees of the Academy, and to the Members from Worth- ampton. k. a. rxcuj, rrineipai December 16th. 1S0U. iu? 0y Standard copy 4 weeks. Edgeworth Seminary, fin HE Proprietor of this Institution has the plea- IS sure to announce to its patrons mat tne cxer- ciaes will commence on the first Monday of Febru ary, 1851,; under the care and supervision of Pro fessor Kichabd STiai.iNts ana Lrfiny. RICHARD STIRLING, Professor of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and Ancient Languages. REV. JOHN A. GRETTER, Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and rrencn. MRS. STIRLING, Matron. The services of a Lady accomplished in Drawing and Painting in Oil and Water Colors are already aeeered. The other Departmeute wilt be rully supplied by the opening of the session. Terms as heretoiore. ine session, wuij months instead of five, will terminate on 31t May. A corresponding deduction will be made. Pupils wiil be received at any time before the sessiou begins without additional charge. J. M. MOREHEAD, Jfropnetor. Prof. Stirling begs leave to refer to Rev. Samuel L Graham, DD,J Union Samuel B Wilson, D D, Theological Se- F. L Sampson, D D, ) minary, B. H. ice, D D, Prince Edward, Va. Wm. 8. Pluanner, Baltimore. James Caraahaa, D D, President of New J ersey College. James W. Alexander, D D, Princeton, N. J. Prof. Joseph Henry, Smithsonian Institute, D. C. January. 1851. 3 w9t UNION HOTEL. CALIFORNIA. THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been recently fitted up, in Pacific St., near Sansome, which is convenient to the business parts of the City y also to the City Hall, and other pubtio onuuings ) ana witnin . . . . - : : l o. L... - few minutes want oi ne pnuuifmt oivauioua mu- diniri. The Proprietor, irom nis ioug caperience iu m business in the City or ew i or a, inaviug oeeu con . Hotel for several vearsl feels v ku confident that those who may visit his House will find there the cemtons 01 a noma. GEORGE BROWN, ' Proprietor. Sin Prunniaeo. Am. 1850. 72 9w - BECKWITH'S ANTLBILrOUS THOSE who desire an artieleped of highly Anti-Bilious properties, without Mercury, will not w. riirtnnninted in the use of these valuable Pilla. WOSe regenume wiinoev ui - tbe proprietor. Price 25 cents per bos. - . t or hw vj ' ' ' , t P.F.PESCUD. tate of " If orth Carolina Casteskt 3 CoTJNtY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions November Term, A. D. 1850, , la the matter of Michael F. Arendelt aud Sarah Areudell, nominated Executors of a paper- writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Bridges Arendell,, deceased. Upon the allegations filed of the said Michael ArendeltiStnd Sarah Arendell, propounding the taid paper writiug as the last will and testament of Bridges Areudell, deceased, late of this county, and praying to be allowed to summon all persons, and especially the next of kin and heirs at law of the said Bridges Arendell, deceased, t't tee pi tceedings, &Lc. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Mary Ward, wife of. Washington Ward, and William Areudell are some of the next of kiu and heirs at law of the said Bridges Arendell, deceased, and that they reside beyond the limits of this Stale, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh Register, published at the City of Raleigh, that the aaid Washington Ward, and wife Mary, aud the said William Arendell ap pear before the Cwurt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Carteret County, at the Court to be held for said county, at the Court House in the town ef Beaufort.- on the third Monday in February, A. D. lSSl,and see preceedfnesta be 'Fad in TK tiiatter'aforesaid. ;! ! Witness, James Rumley, Clerk of said Court, at Beaufort, the third' Monday in November, A. D. 1850. f' - JAS. RUMLEY, " Clerk of the Court. Nov. 13, 1S50. Pr Adv. 5 63. 100 w6w. SPLENDID SCHEMES. FOR JANUARY, 1861. J, ir.JfI.iUlir CO, Managers. 35,000! $25,000 ! $20,000 ! 15 PRIZES OF 1,0001 O VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Beuefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 2, for lBol To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday January 4th, 1851. o BRILLIANT SCHEME I Prixe of 35,000,1 of 25,000,1 of 20,000,1 of 10,000 of 5.355, 15 of 1,000, 100 ofbUO. &c, dec, J-c. Ticketa only $10 Halves 5 Qurters 2,50 Certificates ol packages ot 25 Whole tickets 130,00 Uo. do. of 25 Half do G5 00 Io. do. of 25 Quarter do 32 i'J Orders for Tickets and Sbarea and Certificates ol Packagea in the above Spleudid Lotteries will rr ceive the moat prompt attention, and an official ae i couut of each drawing sent immediately after itja over to all who order Irom ua. Address J. j- C. MAURY 4 CO. Alexandria, Va. WfvN Tuesdav the Uthut January next, I shall i Ulf uffer for sale at the late i evidence of David titutou, dee'd., the crop of Corn, Fodder and Oats ; also the stock of Mules and Horses, Waggons, tyart, arming utensils,CottonGins,W heat Thresh er, Blacksmith's tools,and a variety of other artieles belonging to the plantation. aix mouios credit will be given, lu all cases Bonda and two approved securities will le required before the delivery of the property. The aale will continue from day to day until all is sold. On Thursday the ICth, at the same place, the Negroes belonging to the estate will be hired. C. L. HINTON, Executor. January 7th, 1851. 3 Mlcadyr-maile Clothing. WE have again r ceived a large aupply of Wiuter Clothiug in addition to oorlormer Stock conaiating of fine Dress and Frock Coats, Socks. Oversacks and Cloaks, fine Black and Cas simere Pants aud Vesta, made up of the best male rial, and of the moat fahionable style, which, we will sell at Baltimore wholesale prices in order to make room for Spring and Summer Clothing, of which due notice will he given. We respectfully in vite all in want ef any ef the above articles, to call and examine liefere purchasing elsewhere, at A B. StithV Co., Auc ion and Commission Store, Fay etteville Street. Raleigh. Jan. 4ih, 1851. 3 Plank Road Notice. BOOKS of Subscription to the Greenville and Raleigh Plank Road Company will be opened ou the 1st day of January neat, and remain open thirty days, at the following places, vis : At Washington under the direction of John My ers, B. F Havens, James E Hoy t, B. F. Hanks and Joseph Potts. At Green vile, under the direction of Gould Hoyt, Charles Green, Edwin H. Goleit, Win. Bernard, Sr. and Henry Bell. At the town of Wifeon. nuder the direction of Jonathan Jfountree, John Farmer and Barrou C Watson. At E.-igle Rock, under the direction ofT. R.Deb nam, Wm. H. Hood and Needham Price; At Ra'.eigh. under tbe direction of Thomas D. Hogg, Wm. II. Jones and James T. Marriott. - Amount of share? (25 Two dollars on each share to be paid ou subscribing. JOHN MYERS, JAMES E. HOYT; JOSEPH POTTS, BENJ F. HANKS, , B. H. HAVENS. Washington, N. O, Dec. 39th, 1850. 2 GEOIIGE LAWS . REFINED AND HIGHLY PERFUMED FOR Cleansing, Whitening, Beautifying and preventing the Skiu from Chapping. For sale at the NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, January 4i, 1850. 3 Female Classical Institute, 111 .sOitOUjJH MltKKT. REV. BENNET T. BLAKE, Principal. Mr. Wm. Q. Doub, A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Ancient Languages. Mr. Karl W. Petersilla, Professor of Music. Mrs. Lucy M. Petersilla, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. f llWENTY-FlVE Young Ladies can be accom 1. mod a ted with board in the family o. the Prin cipal. These will receive all the attention, and en joy all the comforts of a private family. The course of study iff well digested, thorough and extensive. The entire expense to a pupil will be covered by tbe payment of One Hundred Do, lars in advance, for a session of 5 months. This will include Board and Tnitiou. with Music. Freuch, Latia, Greek, Mathematics, Drawing and Painting. Taken separately, tne cnarges win oe as ioiiows Board per session of 5 months, 85 Tuition in the Cassical Department Do in the English Department, Music on Piano or Guitar, Drawing and Painting, v Painting in Oil Colours, French. . 20 15 20 10 Is 1 The Pupils will be regularly iastructed in Vocal Music, -without further charge. - 4 . 0-The Annual Examination of the Pupils, of this Institution will take place on Wednesday and Thursday,- the 4th aud 5th of Deoember'ensumg - The Session for 1851 begins on Monday the sixth of January. : . B.'T. BLAKE, Principal Balbigh N. Cn Nov. th 1 850. 2m si 1 WE ARFd TO AN pounce T. as a Candid- UESTED W'EetxV NOTICE. '- a 1 ' io nerebv iven. thai smniw.;nri .wiiiu A a w J ' -pivwMWM -Till U UMUV ftV tn present Legislature, for an act to incorporate .00iHk--Ui,i"l0B No- ,of Sons of Teraperanee of Elizabeth City. i Decembei 4th, 1850. 103 TUe Bug" also at Home aealu. I HAVE just returned the second time from Bos ton, N. York, and Philadelphia, having spept uearly all of August and September in said Cities, getting up ear CLOTHING, every article of which was cut by himself, aud made vp under my pin inspec tion , and I presume there is 'ne one in North Car olina now, who would be verdant enough to question my capacity after the eloquent tribute paid to my artistic 6k ill, in our last Superior Court, by Judge, Counsel on both sides, witnesses and Jurors. I re fer to the case ! of Biggs . Oliver"' -ecUae for damages, in which I had to pay $250, in consequence of my extended reputation. Come in, if yon please, and assist me ia paying off the judgment by buying our goods. Who is there in North Carolina, who has not heard of the Hon. George E. Badger, the Hon. Wm. H. Hat- wood, Jr., and ' Bug' Oliver, Why ' their fame is JPPrejag,Jiemined iaJhy.SutaUinn than their L ,s latent are to oe oircumscribeq within the same nar row limits ' We are connected, as all our customers know and if they don't know it, they may with no North ern House but tee are Toilers ourselces-bay our own goods, and import quite as many , of what we purchase In proportion to our business, as any house in this Sute or out of it. There is no establishment here or elsewhere that possesses any advantage over us We buy where evetT body else buys, and w think we understand our business aud buy as cheap ly. We aay our clothing is equal to any offered for sale in North Carolina, and, we think superior, be ing Judges ourselves of clothing. Of that though, we will leave the public to decide, when they exam ine for themselves. One thing ia. certain without intending to reflect upon any oue--we will sell our clothing cheaper than the same articles can be bought for in any of tne Northern Citiea, and as cheap as any body that comes here, who does not steal his clothing ready made Our stock embraciug Drab, Black, Blue, Green, Gray, and other OVERCOATS from 6 to $20 and upwards. Cloaks, full circle, $lti upwards. Frock, dress, and Sack CO ATS from 7to$12 and upwards PANTALOONS, all colors and prices, from $4 te $. VESTS, all kiuds and all sizes, at all prices from $ 1,25 te $5. la fact, every thing that can be found in any similar establisbmeut in the Union. We are North Cnroliniaus. Wears permanent ly-located here, and it we sail as cheap as others. why not give us the preference? If we do not sell as good goods at as small a ' price, we will net ask your patronage. Call 1 call! 1 1. 1 bsfars van purchase, at OLIVER Si. PROCTER'S. No. 1 R. R. R. R. Fayetteville Street. w H1TEWINE, FOR COOKING, just re ceived aud for sale at the store of WILLIAMS, HAY OOD CO. BR1TTOX & TODD, Sycamore Street, eppotite Powell's Hottl, Petersburg Va- OFFEK rOtt SALE, hhds. St Croix, P Rico and N O sugars; 5 hhds renned sugars 20u bags Rio, Lsguyria, and Java cogee 40 packages loaf, crushed and powdered sugars 25 tons Swedes, .American and Lngush iron 30 balea horse shoes ISO bales Gunny, Dundee and German bagging 100 coils bale rope 151 boxes sperm, adamantine aud tallow candles 50 boxes soap 10 boxes yery s perier family soap ISO barrels old rye' double and single rectified whiskey SI barrets grape brandy fi i pipes Cog. brandy, part very fine, 2 hhds. rum 20 pipes and 1-4 pipes Pert, Mad. and Sherry wine 100 bags shot aesorteJ, 769 kegs nails, Cumberland and Rapid Calls, 30tt sides sole leather 150 reams wrapping paper 80 reams letter and csp paper . 25 hhds. and hbla molasses 100 boxes window glass, 8 x 10 and 10 X 12 Horse collars, saddles, bridles, bed cords, lines, pep per, ginger, spice, mace, starch, chocolate, water becks s, cotton cards, band iron, hoop iron, castings, cotton yams, wagon whips, Slc dte. 4r: All of the above goods will be sold at the lowest ratpa. Blim ON 4; TODD. August 21. 1850. 68 3m F. MORRIS & CO,; Managers of Lotteries. PURCELL has the pleasure of presenting to his correspondents the following brilliant schemes for January,' under tbe management of F. Morria & Co. sole contractors aud managers. All schemes of the Maryland Lotteries are exam ined and approved by the State Commissioners, and all drawiugs couducted under their personal super inteudance. Bonds to a heavy amount are deposited with the State Commissioners to secure the payment of all prizes The many splendid prises which hare been sold and paid at sight by PURCELL iu tbe last five years, has given his tickets a decided preference over all others. There is no scarcity of large prites at hia office, and to secure them it ia ealy necessary to address orders to F. MORKIS k CO., Managers, or W C. W. PURCELL. Richmond, Va. GraHd Sckense for .laimary. 550, 40of$5U0 i. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class C, to be drawn on Saturday Jauuaiy ilth 1851. 79 nauibers, 12 drawn, capitals - 1 of $55,366 I 179 of 60 40 of 5 000 I lowest 3 No. prize Tickets $15 Halves 70, auarters 3,75. $35,000, 8 15.000. Susquehanna Lottery; Class 7, to be drawn Wednesday, January 15th, 78 Numbers find drawn. capitals. lef 1 ef 1 of $35,000 15,000 1 of 20 of 20 of 3.609 1,00 00 5 7,500 Tickets $10, Halves 5. Quarters $2,50 07" Orders for Tickets in any of the Maryland Lotteries will meet the most prompt and confiden tial1 attention, if addressed to F. MORRIS A CO., Managers, or to C. W. PURCELL, Richmond, Va, December 27 th, 1850 104 FilESn ARR1VAL.3 SEMI-WEEKLY MARDING Sl CO. will receive new goods twice a week during tne -entire season, direct from tbe Manufactory, . By. this arrangement, purchasers will always find something new and attractive by xamtning their Stock As for Bargains, Gents, you cant begin to-buy as cheap elsewhere. Call od examine yourselves M ; Under the Telegraph Office, Fayetteville street Raleigh, Nov. 14th, 1850 92 PERFUMED MATCHES., F Superior ouality, just' received by P. F.PESCUD. . ALSO, u '.i'trH: , English and American Mustard la qt Bottles Sad at. tin cans, or best quality ana very cheap. - ' ! - ' T P LSl 1 . i Raleigh Sept. 21st. 1850. 7. P. F.PESCUD. " r- GENTLEMEN'S HATS. J Fl&LL STYLE FOR185H. feuiwr! nt-cCj. s- . f DICTIONARY nTE ENTIRE WORK, VX ABRIDGED, Ia One VoI.,CrMrn Q,U,arto 0t 13 Pages. ty- Containing THREE TIMES the awttsr-.foanS ia say Uisf EuglMk Pictamar; campiM IB Uiu tuunujf. .. f rceujHsD u'r ' Q. & C MexrianTvringneifl, Mass., 1 jlnd ntdiyU BivUelier. i TEKTIJUOIfllLs. Its reputation ja toidtly extended. : I doubt not this edition Jiaa receiTed essential improve-, ments from the able hands it has passed through M Best DBFisma Dictiosabt in she English Language.- " " Accchatb and KEUiBU'in giving! jus exhibition of the Language. THE MOST COMPLETE, ACCURATE, ANP RELIABLE DICTIONARY OF THE LAXGUAGE." N. And thirty other members of the United States Senate. President of the United States. I find it an invaluable vade mecum." " Etymological part turpasses any thing that ha been done for tfte Ennlhh Language.'' g " wry scholar knows its ralue, " A very valuable EVEKV KOUCATED M.VX.' work a 'necessity to The most accurate and us liable Diction ary of the Language." Aor.s will elapse before any other Dic tionary cf the Language will be required " LL. D., of Scotland, author of oh Tbiloor.her." etc. For sale by Henry D. Turves, a"l the NORTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, Noy. 1850. NEW STORE. EVANS & WILLIAMS WOUL D respectfully Inform their friends,snd the public generally, that thev have onem-d a Store on Fayetteville Street, one door above Rich ard Smith, Esqr., where they will keep constantly on hand a full Supply of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY. QRO .ortMiO, etc And indeed every thing usually found ia similar establiahmenu. They present the follewiaa- as specimens or. the Stock : " ktrocade French Cashmere, Embroidered Silk and Crape,and Norwich loatre. Chameleon Turks, Silk and Popliac, French Cashmere and Delaines, Chameleon, Figured and Black Alpacas, Velvet Neck Ribbons and Belu, French worked Collars and Cuffs, Embroidered Ribbons and Velfet Trimmings, Scolloped Linen Cambria Handkerchief tatioves. Bonnets, Ribbons, and Artificials, Giagbams aad Calicoesa large lot, French Clothes, Cassimeres and Veatinew. Beuver-Cloth. Tweeds, and Kentucky Jeaas, Red and White Flannel, Linsey aad plaid 8hawJs, ' . Kerseys. Negro and Bed Blankets, , Brown and Bleached Domestic, Bed Tiakiaa. Table Clothes and Diapers,' "T Ladies Cotton, Merino, and Silk Hose. AL80. , Ladies fine Walking Shoes and Gaiters, I Miles & Son's fine pegged Boots, Calf, Kip, and Coarse Broa-ans. , A good assortment ef Hats and Caps f eerr eseiptlon, ' . Cuttlery, Crockery; Spades, Shovel. Trace naina, Java, tguira and Kie Coffee, Loaf, Crush Clarified and Brown Suzar. 1 T-..1. ' . ? ... " ' "us 1 Dimoer or other arHl n enumerated. The Subscribers respectfully solicit a share of publ, patronage! They will sell good Bargains for Cash; or on short time, to punctual nslfL' fv r n.r . . . A. . V A, : JOHN G. WILLIAMS. t Raleigh. Sept. 17th. 1850. " 74 am TTT ffrn Vtave.. mut. rl -Jr by the author f XU. Araoio. f rice 15 ceuts. ATTURNER'S. . 86 Pet 25th, 180. Abter III antra ted Uistorles. XERXES THE GREAT V THE following works of the aeries are now ready wlUiaratbeCenqueror, Alexander the Great, Mary Queen of Scotta, Charles the Hecnod. Maria Antoinette, Uarins the Great, Queen Elisabeth, Charles the First, . ,r Alfred the Great, V", Cyruw the Great,'' Xsdame Roland, -t tni r ! PS" Julius (Jsssar, HsanibaL lllestrsted Title ... ' . i ... Vr 1 4 2 'JXEKMSt OF ADVERTi: A&vertioements.i'Fo .every Sixttt insertion,1 One .Dolar; - each snbeequt j. -Twenty-fiy Cents. ? If .'i.t$ Court Orders had Jvdifial AdtertUic charged 25 per cent; highe; hut a deduct: percent, will be made from therejalar pr advertiaersbytheyear. , - '"'f t, ' AdYertisement8,'mserted i n tbe S E a r-Ws i istbx, will also appear la the yVtztyrf OT Letters t the Editor must be rosr'-rA Vor tbe Rfmovnl aud Perrnniient Core . ,;. .j, NiaiVOTJCTJISIISESi AM ef those CUmjUunt . which a ceiJ hf rnsTu weakened. or nnliwHttiy' onadiwn ot tne. , HBRVOT)SSSTBH ' This beantifnl srtd convenient arsilfeatinn of the at 'powers of GALVANISM and MAONKTISM, has t ...... . . . . , . . 1 n : aoancsa oy ounngniuiea pnyiicmn, oqiu in enmpc United State, to be the it taluaMt medicinal ditct UttJlge. . , .fViV" Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC tffcL ' and -; 1 M A G N E TIC FJVU 1 0 , OJtd with the most perfect and; eertaia. success ; : eases of ' ' "' " '' GERBR1L DRBIl4lTY,irt Strengoianing the weakened body, giving tone to the. rt srgans, and invigorating the7 entire ytem.- Abo iq ( CRAMP, PARALVS1S and FAf-Sr,: 0.rSPEP8IAiefV' OESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE and CHRONfC.CK EPILEPSV. .LHMBAGOr D.EAFNBSS,. NtRyOU8 MORS, PALPITATION OF THE- BEARt,: APOPL NEURALGIA, PALNS hi the SIDE and CHEST,, it! COMPLAiNT.'SPtNAL COMPLAINT, and CURVAT ef tbe SPINE, HIP CQMPLAtNTw DISEASES of the; NEYS, DEFICIENCY OF NERYOUS-.and HYSlCAI. EROY.aad all NiVOL DfSEASl which cemplainti from one simple causa mmelTi'U A berangemeijit bf tn KsanrlonS flyst:" r?- In NERVOUS COMltrtTSr!g-na;le mntiie the ditemte, for they weakse the vrtareaergieF already prostrated system ; while under the etrengt life-giving, vitalizing influence ef Oalvanisui, as app this beautiful and wonderful dweovsryi tbe ehanstd. and weakened (iiflerer is restored to winner health, sti obwUcity and vigor. l.r.,; ( tff'fy Uti The great peculiarity and excellence of " ,. ;Y Dr. Christie's Galvanio Ouratlvcs, 1- consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease bY wars' mvplieatien, in place of the ennal mode of drvggin physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hope under the infliction. - .-w 3ey ttrenflhen Ikt wholt tyttrm, eqvmlit tht eireuUi tk Maad, pramete IA ceratiotu, end or dth alifStut under any circimttancet. Since their Intrrxlactioo i United States, only three years ajnee, ajore thaa i jj; 6 O , OO O P er so n 8 W ineluding all Ages, classes and conditions, among a large number ot ladies, who are peculiarly subject to aos ComplaintSv have been . ' . - , . i j ' EHTIRE1.T AND PEBMAJTBlTrLT CrrRBI when all hope of relief had been given up, and every else beea tried in vain ! - V";. Te illustrate the use of the OAX.VAJIIC BEbT, an the ease of a person afflicted with that bane of eiviliz. DYSPEPSIA, W any other Chronic or Nervoa Disorder, ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by . their actio the nerves and masdes of the stomach, afford ttatpsrert re cut which leave the patient in a lower state, and with inji acuities, after the action thus eacited hss ceased. : - Now c para this 'with the effect resulting from the application ef GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie Ike Belt arc the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as directed. Ia a s period the insensible perspiration will act en the pot element of the Belt, thereby causing a Galvcnic eireok which will pass on to the negative, and thence beeHegS1 the positive, thus keeping up a continuous Galvanic aire tion throughout the system. The the most severe ease OVSPEPSfAare PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW, DA IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE 1 DISEASE OF YEARS. ; i . CERTIFICATES JP TESTIMONIALS Of site awast Uodtmbted Charmer, :i From all parts mt She Coontry could be given, sulBciant t very eoluan In Ous paper!; AN EXTRAORDITIAEY CASE, which conclusively proves that , , ', 1 f,, , ' yr - "Trutli is strange; titaA TicUou'! curb' 01 EHECiilATISM, BRONCHITIS AMYSFgfr Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergypiat. of New Jerseyi of distinguished attainments and jsaa reputation: A ' it ? SioifBv, N'ew Jersey, July 13,.S1 Da. A H. Cmisti Dear Sir Yon wish to know" of what has been the result in mv ewn sane, of the applies tioi THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE. My reiily i follows: For about twenty yeari I had been suffering from Oyi in. Every year the symptoms became worse, nor aou obtain (permanent relief from any course of medical treeAr wnate.er. Auout jomrteen years since, in consequence frequent exposure to the weather, in the discbarge of my toral duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic Rbeu tism, which for year after year, caused me indescribs anguish. Farther: intlie winter of 'A6aiui '4fi,ineonetUsi of preaching a great deal ir my own and various ntl churches in this region, I was attacked by the Bronchi which .soon Decerns so severe as to require an immediate si pension of my pastoral labors. juy tiereeus tytlen Was tkoriuthly pnttirattd, and as my Bronchitis became worse also did my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection thus evinci that these disorders were connected with each other tan! the medium of the Nervous System, in the whole phanmv boms there seemed to be no remedial aarent -which cmi reach and recuperate my Nervous System : every thin ta had tried for this purpose had completely failed. At hui was led by my friends to examine your inventions, aad (thou with no very sanguine hopes of their efficiency.) I detormin to try the effect of the spplication of the GALVANIC B W. AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID., This in June, 1846. To atr obbst astokishmknt, m two ears Dvsrarsi H40 aoaa; m kisht pavs t was asustao "1 SSSOMS MV rASTOL I.ABOaS ; ROB MSVB I SIKCB eailTVt a sinoLS sbbvicb on icccoiiT or THE Bsokchitis i Asm V Rnkumatic ArrrcTion has ektibelv ckssru Te tsooslr ' Bach is the wonderful and happy results of the experiment I have recommended the BELT and FLUID to anany wL have been likewise suffering mm Neuralgia afleetiona. Tr have tried them, with narrv besults, I bbi.ikvb, ia vi CASK. 1 am, dear sir, vary respectfully yours, ': . ' i 'MOBSJiT, W, LA LANDIS DR. CHRI8TIE'8'- 3 ' 6aLVANIC NECKLACE 1 at used for alt complaints aSecUng the Throat or Head, sacs Bronchitis,- InSammation of the-Throat, Nemaha' and Si Headache, Dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia In' the Fs Buzzing er Roaring in the Ears, Deafness, which la geaery . Nervous, and that oistrassed complaint, ealAd Tie Doloreei " ' ' - ' - " i ; Palsy and Paralysis. - 1 AU physicians acknowledge that these torrifale diseases s caused bv a deficiency ef Nerreut nirn in the.aS'ert. limbs. Da. CnaisriB's lielvanie Articles will sumitv tl aeacient power, and a complete and entire cure is thus eSertr 1000 Cases of Palsy and Paralysi have been KDorted to Db.Chbibtk aneVhia As-ents'withiJ sen iwo years, wnica nave oeea entirely restored., fl0r Csf. Aanacw J. P. Tomes of BrooVlrit ft. V h! beea able to walk a step for near four years, and was ie I less that he had to be fed. The most celebrated physic. Stve. him an. la five days after he commenced we-ari a g ts sLvsera Belt, Nbcblacb, sud Bsacsi.kts, he - walk across (he room, and in three weeks he had perfectly recerei his health. Captain Tomes is seventy years of age. t, j Severe Deafness Cured. The following is an extract from a letter lately reeeiv from a distinguished physician in the State of Virginia s I ' - "A. B. CffBimr, MI DDemr Sirs One of my patieaj ankaowa to me, Obtained your Galvanic Belt nd Ktckli with the UegnttU fluid, tor a serious affection of Deafnrf The case was that oi a lady whose Nervous system was biu-j disordered, end her- ventral health, poor. Much was previously to the application of the Belt, but with very hf i access, and I feel it onlyight to. tell you, that since she r4 menced wescing the Belt and using the Fluid, but a few ward ago, she has ENTIRELY RECOVERED HER HEARINj aad bar general health is better than for several years.". J ' 99" Every case of Deafness, if It be Nervous, as h general ss, can be cured by this wonderful remedy. I dr. chrTstie's ' -i:1) GALVANIC BRACELETS' j Are found of vast service iraases ef Couvalsions or F Spasmodic Comnisints, and ssTiteTal Nervens A flections ef t Heed and upper extremities' ..Mao in Palsy and- raralriis, s all disease caused by a' deficiency of power or Nst Energy in tbe limbs or other organs ol the bed. . .if Th '(MwcMtVi.-'ThiW Oollara, Th Oalranlo Neeklace,' Two Dollar, Th tramlo;BrcltHC4ia) Dollar Ec Th Magnetlo' Fluid, ,tvi TOn Dollar. : . ' tO-'The articles are accompanied W fan aad plaia tfoiM. - rasaphWts with fall : parbcalars saay , vd setherixod Agent . . ; - 7 f For sale; 1 holesaie nnl retail It,' CUDy lUIeign. m T- orm ik rood rer' ' r "TC' " ' - " f aMe 'a aria Vllrr Raleigh, Oct 28 lb, 180. . - 87 For sale low. by i ' J. BROWN.