. ,- ' 4r " .; ex. iiiLipPHill '" ",,, c, delightful peace ; , ' II A L E I G n, N . c .r : 1 vFl1-yEsnAY (MORNING, MARCH 2, 1853. T ' - - " , - M I KW1S, Montgomery, Alatrama, is oar Mr. HKV'!. ' .,', for the St.iif of Alnbamn and Ton (i,r.. Tjt'VT-K- LEWI' JAJU:s - "AVIS, aua "'R EI. 1, i;?r -of Cincinnati, Ohio, is our Ocnora.1 Trn- Mr. l-" J' ,i,.J Wwti'fn SOiti'.i. asiiutoa ly JOll. 1. "t, n'inH.O.J. mi-., vj. - : j j COLD-. COMFORT. ' . -v" t The Ricjimond Whig, looting ; -upon the ap pointment of one Caleb Gushing to a distinglsu ed post under the now Administration, .. as . a probability amounting almost to a . fixed fact, thiows out'a few comforting suggestions to the membe ofge old and faitafuL democracy -j Another contemporary suggests that it is the sin of all parties, but especially of the loeofoeo party, and particularly in ?u section of country, that renegades and new coiners are generally . freaks 6f;;the telegraph. . jSome'eishf or'ten davs since, one of our! commission- merchants says the St. Louis Re- From the : Diary of a North Carolinian, at publican, received a telegraphic despatch from ! present travelling in Europe; commaiHcate4 a"gentleman in the interior of North Carolina, I a friend in this City : ; - r 41.; asking '-what was the price of dried pears" in St. Naples, Dec. 13, 1852. Am again at season I-KT. ' y TTj U. C. COOK B. A. L. CHI ISA1 ; ivivit of i-ithcr wi" be good .LiUVNr.LL.-. . ivo Smith Tent L. WiSE.VIAX, L. GUILDS, and L. It. VfV. 15 AlX i Vmks ho. 1S2 Souin renin street, i-nna- . Aft..f Mzaizt.l h. Cf If dllI:J, , m.lS. JAMKSUEBKISU. J. IIAMMIXX, vkuj' :.;.:., ;Hr. ihtton, ISAAC - M. B:JD1SE, iABll '.. WILLIAM L. WAXEKMAX and ,itOK(JE. 1 V.1L1-V, WILLIAM TlT.mTl . f . I ' ' - . . Llltl ni UUIWU MWsWMN.-w . r t'l IN I 111 f U . . 1 1 II HII . . t.i ttl 1 IJ.L U1BIIB . I . 1 W 1 I W iicfwira me mosj nuicuiou. i uu following- graphic picture of. the coauition' Ot perstUions Bu weary with the fcttiguos ot the . ' , V . ' - . - - fay, r:retiro graitified Avith the atuinmcnt of . things m the Federal, Ciry-; - . . "f one of thsloiig cfeerished objects of ;my lifb. ' 7ashingtov Cifr, Feb. 22, 1853.' To-morrow 'fa '' srb. to Dotlikbem, the Tomb of r Thev are still nmirino- in nnon us. llun- i4W8.,.?AevlY as-retarned. that, because of, board the Qboxtes, bound for Constantinople I ' ,. .miL t.., .'.. !T:i, ,- -rif. .the scarcity,. they were held at a high figure j Shall resume my Diary or Note book, long., jAX. 6. To-daiy bid adieu to Palestine, with ness tho cagemoss with which men, apparently "wo believe at 8 to 10 cents per pound. For the I lost and forgotton amidst tho'first impressions ; its wild, desol.ito-inounUina, its cool- vaies, us m- every way qualified to earn much more moment the correspondence ceased, but shortly j of a Backwoodsman abroad. Indeed, it is amus- : beautiful flowers.and its verdant fields, so im- than a livelihood in the pursuit of independent A . . . ' ,, ! - , . , ,i m;mI,."ilIM1"o now wUat are tuey not in. April or business, rush to c utch place under the govern after a second message was received from the ; mg enough to recur -to theso impressions, i ,.,,rV' ... i, . i fr,m a- . .i i. ..,i..:u :.......: it 1fw-nrflA(l irifl. f 1. ..vt.. t..nA.nV.la rt ,1 ..fik. ri..-,.! ? - i i ...... , i -t- ; . r a. 1. f.nniin. - , . . .1 . .u . . . - - . . - I " iui iiuni.i.uiii au yiunwi- iaruuniiin, wnicn stuteu tnat no nau boujui , cuuiiug lrum uiu uuw wutm w mc uu, ..v-cross the iAsert Hor Uairo. u:iza is a rare um they tail to fasten themselves cn the treasury ble offices. Whether it is believed that desert- j and shipped for sale 250 bushels of the article, j agincs himself endowed with double visiou he , town noted in Scripture, and particularlyfa- 0f tho United Statyt!iey and theirs are dooni rs from the oncmj are more likely to prove The ouarter of a thousand bushels of dried ! sseos, or tliipks ho s6es, so. many wl.-ts, and ! as tho city f which Sampson 'carried off cd-to' starvation. Among them, I porcoive the vaiiant soldiers, than long tried patriots, in the pears,' is a large item in the accounts of a j all so Strang lie begins his "notes," and sidy J vt w 1 Hour ot trial ; or whether it is necessary to glue country dealer ;. so for further advice, the cor- ! enough, notes down everything. He passes on ; Whilst our cameis were loading, a 'procession ' mativ years nast. hav undartstken to shuffle the affections of a turncoat to the new cause es-- rcspondence was re-opened, when it was dis-! to France, td Germany, to Switzerland, to Spain . passed by, whioliiturned out a curious spectacle. ; anj l ut the cards at home, in every State in poused, by the adhesive powerof public plunder, j covered that the Carolinian had all this while or to Italy. Every stop is another change : It was a group oflArab women, all vailed and :n the Union, and in Washington, on such an occa- we are not prepared to say. It is a fact 1 how- ; been wanting information of tho price of "dried ; something newer still. At last novelty censc-s ever, and one which in soaie measure disgraces peas," and that 250 bushels of peas had actual- the movements of overv nartv and almost eve- Iv been shinned under lh rdensurable imnres- . ; j .t . r i ! ry political asuciation, that a man, who has j sibn that t!:cv would would brins; from 8 to 10 - TV'iTIN 5 NOU'LMl CAROLINA. j been literally kicked out of one political: con- . cents per pound. 1 1 s-e that our contemporaries, ; necnon lor want ot principle, prudence, or t - - - sneaking out witn : sumcumig eise, is generally received into auotu- , u-Noiiij.rs. heme to render North er and rdaced over the heads of long-tried and : The Sonata yesterday resumed the consider-- i min i faitnfnl .in,l tufmnn V.in,r;in. ' alio ii o t t li c A mi v Ann ro uriat io n li 11. and in a Je . f. r ard -I.:l ..r.,lh-. in the State, ar . i ... thi nt!()-,)-)S0d Cari'' i trib-.uiry to Virginia, by the construe- D-mville and Richmond Road. The tionuft.i'- il lll't SeilslUlO uusunuua wu cup . ..ll lLt.an,' IJnifiriler " - from tlit? ..i "'e f'f fhe A-.rt Carolina iail lmad ; , ' Tiabl . that any project which would ' di- i 1 C tl , .1... -i.. , ,, I,, Its SUdCOSS. ,uuuu nim imy aiutn- fatai w , , . ,. , . , ,. i.tt:-i.,i h ldTSl 6 UIUIIV, UU1U VJ1 fil01UHll5 black ; next came a ktill larger group, veiled- sion. Thev aro well nizh all known to me per hut' in v.!iitf '!ihr I-iffor formed a circle SUl"- snnillv nunv nf Hmtn li.ivinirWn in f'oncrress to siimi-iai linl.it nii.l r-iistoiin. ffO'.v at OllOe ' ..: . i . -i ' , ". . . . . T - .. lounoing ine iormer, wneii uicv s. u.j , v.itnin toe las; twenty or tweiny-nvc years, i i "familiar as household words." lie finds a mo- ! strangest possible1 "concord of sweet sounds," suppose that at thii" moment' there are quito i ment's leisure and -lances over the lirst few accompanied by cflapping of hands, with all sorts 100 cx-democratic members of Congress in ' . ,.f ..... i "'. j : .... i . . ,i i. . , - i : - utiles of that "Note Book "-and is horrified at ! W1 "-l?' UPS aauJua 1JS: J , f'." . "" asnmgioa, att.oi wuom nave come imuer i cj - - j just to poop ilito :;o:ncbo ns; lve nuDaCus : plaintive, yet so rapid and in such' tune as to They are a band of harpies, who are drawn to-i-ty's else. Forttinatoly, ; suit very well foe dancing. I felt exceedingly gelher only by the smell of the prey which fuUoff';n.-'. vort fwiu it oituc: fatal to its sikvcs: . u.,- we tliiniv. ftom mkkin- any caunectiou that would preju 1 r e tli8 road ; iaud wo do not think that mdi- d wis." e iftat'J ,iaL '' Powcr' snoulJ at" Tl ' j - t'tiA I.Arft1:Unrn i'onld not with tempt to ao --o - .- ftieruilU tO Cl'Iilieci uir. c.iskiu auu "CJiuin propriety ;, f the State, and make us one people; se"" .... i Wtiat object would ns m a great measure frustrated by cntructing a branch, as propos- llie trade and commerce of the .3 t.i iVllTV ta tlie cities oi uigiuit. oi.nu pi iuo ns to' loo more at liome. uur vest ed in our day many intances of the kind, and have occasionally felt some of the. sensations which our cotemporary supposes will arise in the bos'oms of the old democrats, when they fi nd Cakb so suddenly, and, to the most of sen sible people, so unexpectedly, elevated. There will be scratching of heads among the old fo gies, and gritting of teeth among the young A mericasv ' The Washington correspondent of the South Side Democrat expresses tiieopinion that the appointment of Gushing will not be wellreceiv .1 1 TWl it tlie very beginning. shall, however, long be pro- etseeii." : atioii ot the Army Appropriation bill, and made . foW .ui.tl,s I i?i.v.le shall, however, long i ! ?ucltl pngi-ss th'ercwith tis to get through with ; ". thc gt.catCat cariosity I've v. ' its details in LouiHittite o: tne Whole. It is, ; , .. t " s however, still ir;en to debate and amendment. ' arc '"fce tl 1:Sht of n ; Anion -t tlie 'amendments alrealv inserted au n ' aud like throwintr "die liirht fantastic ' tjc and tuej certainly diJid tace, and danced well, too 1 rosen tiV another uroeession, but entirely ot thev have scented from a far off. aer eves," ie lollies men, cume alongn bearing a corpse, without a coffin, but well eiiuugh sliroudv:d. Next to the aed man, supportea on each other hui : the former ("with hoary FOB TUS RKOISTEE. ( Pnn.ANTiiiioi'io Hall, ) j ; Feb.2Gth, 1853. j i JVuereas, an all-wise Providence has seen ft ed. To this the Whig replies, and in "this re- I 1 T 1 ai-ulu'."1 F , s . . . . . 1 - . ; said road, tor tnc- Rrotoction ot traders and cm- piy is tne cold comiort syiosen oi aoove. eo:-i:s.'. was an in this bill isthat-wide'i was oir.-tv.d lV M, U;11.W.. . . . . i Side by Chase on Thursday, appropriating SloO.000 for ! u. a word t-r -Vip.es aut xtanaiis ii.o a locks,) compose illy smoking his chibouque. to deprive oar much estjemod member, Uen. the survey of theVoveral routes proposed for a saying ;;see Naples and die. Indeed, it is j This then was a funeral according to the cus- J. C. 15. Ehringhaus, of a life of usefulness and railrotid to th. PaciUc. The amendment of Mr. I wrtl,v " i:V; I,l'it!!"- 1 aero !b 110 La.v. iilC0 t,i:' I torn of tho Gaza: Arabs. He vrith the chibou-; honor ; and whereas, the duty devolves upon ute, Walker ailud"d to yesterday proposin" to "ive i 1J,v 01 llu -"-i111 JS-; que, was tlie chud mourner and lather ot tlie as members ot the": Pnilanthropic Society, ?o to scttk'rs the alternate sections of land on the I chi; There too aro Lake Avernus ; and the j deceased. They in black, were the female re- which he was attached, of entering upon our ciassic snores oi uauu, wneie c-yesar anu vicoi o j lations, rejoicing ithat he had gone to Paradise. records some suitable testimony ot our griet at had their villas, and where Horace atyl Virgil ' A wpII ns I-miialil lenrn. thir n-ini.tinn's are ' th hissl which wo. in itomninn with a bereaved loved to live, "amidst these scenes 6i gay de-; had "only when males die, as it is doubtful if . family and numerous friends, have sustained liht." Then, bless my soul, what a ciiuiate ! j females are admitted at all in -Mahomet's Ilea- in the death of oue.alike respected for his tal Tililik of Xitcu VtOiS Ute dinner every day the : yen. ( ' rtnii! t 3x whih. th.- m.n nr:iv rpnlar- ' i!ts iind li'doved fnr bis virtues: Therefore. lesterday I saw tdousilids Oi : lv fiv. tir.-iP a .Hiv t!.i w.iinon siii nv.T to b il. ' dive any concern about religion not having, J'c.ic'ceJ, That we do offer to the relatives of line ,of this road, was rejected by a large major ity. An amendment was agreed to which ir.i--! Charles Kuester, WOULD respectfully inform the Citiiens of Ilalcigh aud surruur.diiig country, that he has located permanently in ltnleigU, and has opened a Shop on Wilmington Street, (in Dr. Cooke's briclt bailding.) where he will be found at all times, ready to execute any "JOB" in his line, in style that shall not be surpassed by any other person, and the charges shall always be moderate. : CALL AND S Jlt!. - . Raleijrh, March 2, 1853. ' . ly-19 tliorizes. tlie jnt to contract with individ uals, to be remunerated in land, for keeping in repair an overland road to tlie Pacific, and es- year i grants. Two other amendments worthy of st'.e- . "V7 tctil receive I did you say, my friend? c.al uctiee are the appropriation of SUMJ0, for ' We are not surnrisod at the news. Caleb w a I a military asylum at the West, and of slOM.OlU as a rev.-; t.roiucte.l with the expectation tltat it r" 1 " -!... v.- I ,.r jould oneu a way io uuikti ioi mc iiuuuwu ui the west, aa i mat. m iu.ji, n. t-A,jv.vnM, ii ,....jivriits .ii-tivitv to the tiadn and imm 'rce of tlie east ; and both ol them united i c'lk"'- bitter pill. But you will try to give him a fair trial ! That speaks favorably for your moder- j ation, forbearance and long suffering. You old ', Demo crats have a hard time of it and no mis- i The renegades have almost pushed you ; i io the diaCuv erers of suUiliuric toer as agent, to be paid whene-v- u ;ai;' 1 be t'omnetuors ! A' bill Lav wan iiiti-.i-.iuced by -Mr. Bradbury, viz talrtish a Court for the investigation i that honoris eiuirh.-d to it. in view a vi-rv desi&ible'obiect 1 o e- ciaims .-..ii. I. .. ...!!.. .--.i i... i.i.j. i- fj I.. .' . re nectary to give pro.uaute e wipiojuiem io , uom your bto.u, auu e.veiudeu you irora y uur . iVmt xh, Vn:. v-.ulcs: lt Wil8 j-eferrcd to 'V' the'B-aJ. two-thirds of thc Koaa is to be own t;lble. Thev occupy most of thc seats in the Committee on the J u iiciarv. rR'u? liK' ; , .1,.ree n:u-alvzcd, by drawing ott the travel : , , . . v: , t, 1;. : -r, ... v. n:":i ., ' ' ..j(-..ni..rritir the nroduce oi the west to , the i ' J .i.. .i. . .. :.. . r.t;.. :.. .:. u ...... 1 c stro iMil Ulads. is there any good reason j.Ivision to take upon themselves all the. best " Z tT 1 i 'udiiei j" 1 poi nt s at is- ' f ttfsupT.se th.iit a suuicicH-tly increased aeuvitj ;: offices m Geueral Pierce s gft. ou aro ex- . suu .j ri!l-erjn.Jt. t-, in-eivain- the c-Uiex-.u y luSt '---I round ! Yesterday I saw thousands of most beautittsl and tender howers : but, like a ; practical nun, uniting ti.e useful with the sen- i tiineuial, 1 emd'ess luys.-ii" most at'ected at the si'ht of a trotiod fu-ld, with tlie blossoms inJ'uU 1 L 'jni;i i t ' .'cc?.:ili?i .' After ali, Vesuvius and Pompeii arc the great wonders of a visit, to Na ples. The whul world can iiud nothing to com pare to tiio latter. 'There wo have this luxu rious City of the degenerate pagan-ll jtnans j ust as it sto.jd eigiiteen centiu'iej ago streets, t.-ni-plo.-f, houses? .;ttli-, hops, walks, garden-, and t ih . in v eves . rare among t!i-; cu re is a lady's toilet complete ejven to f ':v;c ! But i'.tro well to Naples. .led f.r the last time amidst the ruins i and II eivuhuieum, :.nd roasted niv hi tlie crater ot Vesuvius! as they suppose: any soul to saw throughout the -East, s .me fatal stamped them as worse than slave:-. admiration be (a4 has been said by some woman hating author, ) the ruling passion of the sex, h"re in the Eait they are never allowed to v it lor no :t-'!i;:v!e ce.n annc-ar in nuoiic . Indeed, tlie deceased, that hearty sympathy and sincere lelief has ; condolence which can only be offered by one If love of aiilieted heart to another. ! The Dew Drop. " 4 JOURNAL FORA'OUTII, published in Wade. borough, N. .", twice a month, by Franc. M. Paul, atid cilited by Franc- M. Paul aud Alex. V. Sperry, at thc followixg ld'w prices: . '- ' uue copy one ysar, ...........i...$1.00 Four copies ....,.tt.m Eight M ono " .......... 5.M Twelve " " 'V.;......;!.'. .........9.60 ' Twenty " " .,....;.15.O0 ., Forty " .i... ..20.00 , Subscriptions receivpd by the publisher at Wadat- borough, or -A P. Sperry, Oreensboroogh, N. C All .oijlors. will receive prompt attention. - No' subscription will be entercil until the cash is paid. Wliere forty or move copies are taken the papers must all be ssat t-j one address. v . F, MPAUL." ' March 1, '53, ' ' . 20 ?t BRING OUT THE BIG GUN I ASD LSI TUB SiWS GO FOSTU TO THK WOUD OF. THE GREAT SUCCESS OF MARION & CO. Baltimore, M A li Y L AND, . IS SEL'LINO THK . Grand Prizes!!! Not a day passes that' some of our Customers do not reap -a 'Goideii! Ilurvest" at the altar of "Dame Fortuno." Every day tells the tale of the splendid Prizes sold -by them.." '. j- KBAD, PONDER AXBHEFLEGT I UEr.E IS A -SAMPLfi OV OSE MOXt'jT3 VORK. . A Jswmore ortiesamasart, who'll have thandzt out Nos. -2$ 40 49. thts Maguliicoat Prize of 52,478 drawn February the 12th. 1&33. --tr a correspendant at New Orleans, La., in a Package of whole tickets which cost him onTyj$-Jl0, and for : wmcn ue rescivcu, nstt, tbeSnug sum of $14, COO. Nos. 5 1 5 25, a prize of .-?-!'), X0, sent to Charleston. 'i i as to nrci'eu; lie ud - -would be ing one tan' ivou to toe business on tne reinain- 1 t compensate' tue loss ana nrc- ;- . t- - ei. 1 . . Vent u dir -dution ot tne swi-n . c uu not ; - think it void X l he travel untit DC sojnowiiat ! hwrease-l : l 'it not the freight. liu,t eve'n it it i shoiud, wb.it iviil become of that other feature i ofths'eiit-vije. which gave existence to our ' Road to I u'tl up' our seaports, to bind toge- j ther t!.e Kast .'.'ei the est iy laennty ot imer- est and v ma"! tbem teei more seusiOly tlieir ; relation ;is vvh .t.s of the same State ? This is , tte true i I'i v whtcli, should govern our ac- . 1 ..i . v r -i. !..... I ' t uns 1. wv.l lie t.lU'i eneuiiru, alter our hum and secured tor ltselt peeted m tne uieanwoile to stand u.ick and let : jour betters be served. Y"e have a lively con-; it'.ons on tho occasion. ; The virtue of disinterestedBOss scarcely com- ; pensates for the pVivatler.s ymu endure. You j would rather bear a little of ihe odium of sel-; iishness in c'iisiderarion of some of the nrofits. ie done ? Your condition is piti iios look urioa you as vulgarians, : burdens of the contest But what can able. Your a1, as ht only to 1 ot the . uy 1 men, and aii. c:i s.iios, witi and that l'er oforder. T lielore the adj.; pred to lay before iVom the r eretar u: hi while ;!u-v arc tin men to reap the fruits' of w i.n..l irs nn.uiev. and secured lor ltselt a profit-aide harness, t" talk of new experiments, i victory. They consider you aueek and humble The c.itru-"-ii-,n ;' a -cohnectin.s link between ; individuals, read v to make any sacrifice for the thr North Curolina aud the irguna I auand therefore wiilins to yield tg them irou d liiieui-iioiiaoly oeaea: the i.i.-dr.et t.t ,, , , , , i- : v e ., ,.i . i, .,1,1 mercenary adventurers all the honors and re flountry through w.neti it passed; but lt -would . be at too jrrt. it a sacrifice of the. general good j wards of common toils the uuly conditions on it would jjifeatlv impair tne trade ot our o-, n ; which their services could be procured, .but towns, au.hbjprecirue the value of the most ini- , CuZeo tiuts vour patience to the severest test! portan t of out fetute w.provements. j ne pco- . . u, ... rt,,,, v. pie of Caswell, we hope, will be accommodated 6 - " " " - with some cv-inniodious -way of .getting their j ly, or Mr. "V is., of any common-place-turn-coat, produce to the North I'aroLina Koad; but it , but the unwashed Caleb, reekirnr with the fumes must be without sacrificing tue nnerest oi our tlie rani own Suate for t!. ;eneCt of Virginia." 5t Fedc ! leb. who nev cr had The Sale'ia '-People's Press" also condemns j tos!lVif,.s;; tl, ro..aiit the prsent consideration of thc project, after ! ho .ujnortej .a; the bills ilisui the unrepentant Ca uSici'.nt.iespect for Denioc- 12 consistent Caleb, th niaiiiierifoJlowing: l "Tl ie idea oi cnnectins; the Danvili Hail- road with tij North Carolina Knroad is by no means a'iir.donod, and is spoken of to be ; acooiii',.iish'I at no very distant day : ana the citizens of Chirlu-toii, iS. C, are - moving and, agitating the i-le.i of tapping our Coal and Cot- : ton re-i : Ti:e lialt-igh and Capo Four in-s tcrests are of curs--1 opposed to this movement, ; and so are We, for the present, North Caroli--'. llu has be"ri trihtit irv to other States long e-r enough ; au-i jr-.w . '.en she has works of inter- . nal i in ;-r- vein fins irogresaing which will tend to jui. i up (e r own towns, and raise ner in tue ; (Ktimadt.u . f her sister States, in a commeicial i point ..f view, it will be v. eil enough to be a lit- ( tie scltWi. fir a time at least. ! Should nirket l icilities not be altorded wit.i- , in 0iier,e, in a sulacicnt decree, wiifii we gf i ; all our internal improvement machinery fairly ! at woru, it will be tune enough to look abroad i-.iiieaie- -Oh and then dtfer. led ali th ry Caleb, w SufSeietlt to Uut it t.ie Jin a.iier sav (.1' a deme-crati mit vi'ju y.i'i v. that Tvler vetoed sut jeer. vetoes tue mercena- j bH1 Nlil.. ;;,. se rapacity, all the spoils are not ; The Civil and it w vi-rv hard ! up. - - v augmenting ti.e iHtinb.-r d sea-iioi-i.iiig the building of half a do:: i screw t.iropeilcrs, iuste.nl ot re pairing c.iule of the old ones-, 'ine auielidnient in-oi 'osiii'" an ine: of t-e-.mii-ii was reieeiel, .ig-new ve.-s.ds was ruled out is siiil pending. rnni.'iit Mr. Letcher oudeav- die House a c.-iuniuiiieaiioii cf the interior, in -xi. Sana tion of iiujirtta'ii'ns ;i:ar. h.t l Leeu ma ie upon that tdlic ;r in :he . .urs ; ...f the debate cn Thurs day, but objections iiaving been interposed to the receptien or reading oi" tho communication we arc icdt in .gn-j;:.!!-. e ol its coutei.ts. .!.'(..'.' eye .-., .Sat ur Jay. Vf AilllM.i. N, Tel;, lid, ISod. Senate. Mr. lii-.nter lei.orted the civil and diplomatic appropriation ijiil with the auicnu-incut. The consideration sunied. - The fjuestion r -ndi-.i, was on concurring in the amendment : periiitchuents ol cation grey on; 1 ne propoMtiou was re:o;eu, lui:y authori zing tiie Trei-k-nt to decide wi.einer to appoint a civil or iui.-;f.i.rv sunerii.Lendenev and direc- tnii the . l)i:c. 15.- but r.i.i t!t.i. and Ar.ii i ; neut town ; , C.uhe ir.u John. Til j r.: ,n wr -da- TAt -ia.i, a bea ip;wit.-d iii tiio i'.i'.a -e, ia of tile Kuie'iits of est. trophic.-, u.'i.i'j: .-.nd weapons of vv be.u' no ,:e.iipa;-i;en to those in JL-yj drid. liie loruaca-.ioiis, iiov. ever, are v;i-t and uiaiiiiicei.t superior even to those of Ui'iru'tar. Here i had phe ed under ul" care by the Ameri can Consul a countrywoman, who elicited iiu little !i..l.i:'.r..iti-,(ii ai.ieiig aii u3 board the steam er, Mrs. 1 lay, the niece of a former President ( Vi.idi-.eii, ) who leaves the comforts and jos of home and friends, and with a-littlj toii, and a small adopted dau-i'.itflr, braves a 'vac the dau- Wllliout ber.ij; ut.eriV Velie- icature. lljavciss, too . such .iwful " ..k:ners" tiie i oor re li-ade to wear. To day we ail i to Ui'Hint Camels the Desert b :ng r.t l.iar.a.. When going slow the motion y, but -lee'pv" fii.-t, it alniot jerks one ee.s. :.Iy vv.ee-.T' v. as a nohlo feliow, ex cept tnat i:ie ine.3:i oi : uiir.g won. a, every now and tl:'.::, lie J..v;;i v.iih me. Uur d.parturc f.'o.a ( biiia was tjuite inipvsing nuiabering 1- Cimels aii.l a i!p:iii..'V b ele-ihg tent, cluurs, bed ;.:id bed ;iii, ri-c.lt"biii-rcls of wat.-r. sacks Mew ot a hoi ii l vei creatu res were edli, ginning ai :s ce.-;, , o. t) L'ee-S. Iit3iih-:id, That, as members of tho same So- eiet v. we ilo deenlv lament our imnarable los3. iWr,.,. ThAt." fn t.-.n ,.f oak e.teem fir 3" .2 "P1"0 of "'.0U0, sent to Charleston. t.,omr;ry of the deceased we do wear the lt- usual badge oi mourning ion thirty days. ; do . l 44, , : -W . rjaL I do lOoOO), do G.0U0, do Montgomery,- AYe could enumerate man other Prizes of smal j ler denomination, senby nwil to correspondents Ul various ports of the Uiuted 'States. We-ean tail. say that we have sold and cashed more Prizes than SOLOMON POOL, LSAitlAU TliAUlNG. DAXiEL Mc DOUG ALI). Com. A V r.rv T Ibivp A letter from Home s.nvs: ' M.ss Cushmau and five other ladies, including ! "'." mce in America; -wnen such-is the -fact, itis to GvZ: Oreenwood, Miss Hosnier, the youn- j bo hoP8d taatno persoa.who. reads this paper will sculptress a tinny lilt e lelhnv, bright, wide ! , , , w in.m" T " "tra" f , , -. . Address MARION ,t I ikiihnn- xt ava.ce, ana snort as pie crust -.'.uss nugaan, Miss iiavs, (zj., are living together like the j iianov ramiiv in the Cors-u. Wicked wilts -r e;ci's of deep, id as a .his ion.. oi'eoa!, and coo' oi eliiekeHS a:i-a l:ier low: Wo hav.i an eie. l-n da ere i.i the "c.ux find I two di.14 uneti, -.tic ar.diour Pitched our tent !r.t ii P. A!. Jax. 1". To;d;iy for the fhvt time C!i.in..ed lro.:i vi-t hills of sand to p'ai.ie uli'. -rnatiiiy sand and pebble e v 1 at-1 ; t i v a r-; . r. uli; i ; 1 1 1 ' the Nile. ons f .:zll-s. Ojie i.-f our cuniela tta'. sulieix-d greatly :', ;,i.i heat this day. Travelled I'd iioiirs, the gu.-jc eiice lt,siii:; ti.e t.;.tiis. 1. i nev b . tore ib, and i.g"' of seven Arab-, lie desert ' ii:i::ieiis:J ! v. e it re Saw liiiaor- Ollt. -H : etill them tlie strotig-minded - party." They u.ii'o receptions every Wednesday evening." : Address MARION &. CO.. Unlt.ii hum f H To be drawn 'March 4th, 1853. . Mauiusu Consolidated Lottket.., Class 'J. . . Mr.s. 1 low aud, the late mistress of Napoleon IH, has been ennobled by tho Emperor, who has purchased and made her proprietor of the viil '.ere of Beauregard, ircar Versailles. She wiii L ir Uie ti of Countess of Ueauregardf 1 prize 1 do 1 do of $20,000 10,000 ' 5,000 .1 prize of 20 do A-.-- $2,500 1,000 Slc. TUE XAREETS. Teacher to the sho-rcs of down-uvd .leu G.vcoe. t! an. ii . i.i.- at i ai'.M are a 2 at A. M.. and by IO A. AI. are kit the gafes of Grand Cairo, where we ebang-i tin.- Camels for Donkey .asiiioiiab.e laoti ' l.aveHiug here, ) auig-iiiop tip to tlie Drit'oij II, tel, all safe and bound. Am perfectly delighted wit a the Oriental character afc appearan-le of Cairo. Stroll through the U tz.iars, visit tlie Mu-'.pies. Baths, Citadel, ie.: all hue. .1 iv v in r -i v,-- n.-.i,vv "i r, , t :. 1 Maltea tne taniliv ol ,i, ..!. .,.,,:,'. 1'lc. Z'J. Stop to spend a .ty at where tv.o yoti'.ig T.u.isiau officers and Miiyrna, in velf. the ariuj" bill was re- , iinding a Trench Steamer bound for ilia coasr r c e.tiimlng the military su .he ii , e.nai armories. A dis ci tn.a ipue.tti.ju. of Asia Minor and 'Syria, suddenly change ou course, and ?rike for the llol but little-of Smyrna ; that lit i;. us. lt is a larj-') of beautv, esc omv ihmzies to iteeeive. rs he ii ii'd! be. the chief II to s Administration, you will sub vj..,. !.u.i. ii.t? virtuous Leiieb. a i sur fair trial! ed men tl: terest- ui, Liberal, charitti tt you are I " Z&f" The day a t f the j-ieaODt administration have pretty well- drawn to -a cio3. In speak- : ing of the fact, the New York Connnercial, an in dependeiit, sound, rellabie journal says: C'on.-i- , de-ring. ail the eircuuistances "f Mr. Fillmore's ; Administration the difficulties tiiat were rife Ti.e not tw -use of lb ; en l .i.-: le to e:.t ...i -ved i a. lil'-tioii wa . thirds. ne- 1 li: e-r in enouire into toe wiioe to thc next Congress. The ploiiiatie bill was .hen taken iitatives. Mr. Bragg- mo ved .trie up i..c iiin ii'om tne plio.i r;e'!..s tj 11. 0 uii--- t"l-l---?s. 1. veas to o'J navej- Thf Whole The ie ii. t:-e n the :"-n went mio incnt t. v it. . ee ..ee .01 t Wa my eli a ir-i. kivi Coi.niiitte of allon !,:!;. '..rti u of the C l oi k, : tu- the North Carolina Missionary, llev. J. P-, Joliu- sou, of Ireih'il, who seemed wuiiderluby delight ed with my vaii, an 1 chujH-rumd mo every wnere 1 wished to go. Tells me lam the Jirst citizen of North Carolina he ever saw in S., tho' he '-s bee-n there T.' years. At 5 P. we go on i the Seaman 1-r, ana uch a sight ! In the cabin w;.iv snii'...' live or six Kuropniiis, r;ei o.i ileck - :tb nit 1-V) .Turks. -G.vck, .Vrmeio.i .s, Arabs, ilti: eanss aud ,' jv. s, they too bound l..r J-ru-I aaleiv., at.d i.ui c i.ipanioilo ibr ten dav t come 1 : Ib.wever, v.'fbave c.mciuded to iie-t i en, and i will have a tail' cn.aiee lor acting and studving ' Orientali.-u. ' - 1. I.tii.i and sjend a day at i.ho.l. s a moat invcivttitr' env- u.i in ru.n-, ;i,,e.l MAKUiETS. Xr.w Yor.ic, Feb. 2G, P. M. There was a bet ter feeiime; at the stock board tu-dav. Sales of Tickets 3 -Shares in nroDoftion. CertifieatM of package of 2" whole tickets $75 00 Do . do .23 halves 37 60 Do - do 25'qnarters 18 7$ HERE H A BEAUTY" INDEED. Oneof the Most Splended ?2 Lotteries ever Drawn. CaEUOLI. CoU5TT LoTTEET, 1 Class 12 To bo drawn March tOth, 1853. 78 Numbers Ballets. Splendid Scheme. r .... . . . i . ,, i ecu , however, satis- and important City, but -ot from the sea. whence it in ours ru. j. Cross the Nile see the isle raptures v. i; N'.le. The eonire.risin 1 1 . d' I led. i and Nil. thp rlchiicis and eii", howev er, in iii! V of these in meter. Ati verdure of size, bear. America. but in vstcrious humbug. Ascend a uia.niiicciit vice thi the ' of vr.iiatas iu.iv r'.uat my csijcctations in the grand, wonderbtil and Spiiynx clee by is a great Pyramid ata ! have to ' A i ic aii-i j.-esei'ts. Seme Ani..-ic;tli and Kn p.p. rs ; iii-iugei m a b. S. d's ISO", lf-0i. CanUin P22J-; Erie 87 1 ; -the N icaragua dd : Morris Canal 21 : ilrie Conve-r- j tii.e:; KJi : Harlem OS- Aorwicn and Worccs- t -r oi -; Stoniiigton o'di ; Cuuiberland Coal 00; Cary 1 m pro vein en 1 13 A. Money stringent. Lx- enange on ijonuon uj- premium I ne ilonr is quiet an Sales of 1 jiiij obis, state brands at $ a. id llotid southern at $o.41ari,02i. live Hour ?4.!-. Corn, meal Sd,44.' Yf heat is iiriii sales 8000 bushels at 123a 121 cts. fjr white; red 117allS cts. Sales iof 11000 bushels Cerent OSaOti cts. for mixed while and yellow, oats-48 cts. live 00 cents, j Cotton is firmer sales 400 bales at a shade ad- l in no Thc 1 prize ot m !S20,000 4 prizes of lilu " 10,000 4 do 1 do " 5,000 20 do Tickets only $j Shares in nronortion. 1 no u nave a package? Now is the time. Try j one try one. A full package of 25 whole tickets j in this elegant lottery, we can sell on certificate for ii 1 in f.-.- of buyers ovly S74; ?haresin proportion. One single paok Wands af"-l2, -y th, F.ar Highest Pri4 lif th. A GREAT $10 LOTTERY. Susquehanna Caual Lottery, Class 10 To be drawn March 10 ' ' - f $3,000 1,000 1,000 1 prise of 100 do yanc llIKi j ar. ' t ) .rvotsa. eeiid mi: rs at Ale Peturn io Cuir ...ilN.t . 1 ..Ou , . i O . . : e native dinner of Turk. dishes. Will be able to get lie Nil i in a few days, a.l ndriu direct for llu- 1'x.rEtlUaiiL Iter M A llivrlTo. Rlii'OB.Kil DAII.T roll Tiiii .'ilT.E3S. ' Wholesale i'riees Current. j Those buyinjr by retail may expect to pay caa'd- 1 prize of $30,0(W 1 do 20,050 I do 10,000 Tiekets $10 Shares in nroDortion. Certificate of 20 Whole Tickets $150 do $5,000 1,000 600 annexe TO: N"i w : . i I- .rms, ine re i-nunti o. when he assumed the (jevenitn-: the politi co New O.leans C :oton, February 0, t! seent. t..e . e vit t. C-i t oi - lie .i .. cal hostility of Congress, and other inipedi- Tbe extension of the llielnuond and Danville ! merits which are well known it must be regar- Kailmad intxi tins State has been spoken of as ! Jc)1 as on0 ))f tllt3 w ;S(,st IHOjt successful and tktna,l for this section of country, biU circuui-1 . . .... . .... , - i , : -.,., a." I most bi'ilhaiit the I men has ever enjoyed, stances a itef cases. U.iiysu the thought. . , ,',,,.' Political onpoiicnU m.-iy ueny tins, but tne Uur frieml of the "Milton Chronicle, by tne ' . . , ,, T , . demonstration is beiore the werld. It lias won wav, conduicts tuo Uiscusuion ol tins .maiier With rather too much tetoner for us. Ve will j . . I ' . 7 '. , , , .. llf memoes v., . 1 c '4 I while maintaining uut.iriushed the national lencs 'were crouifd witn not be forced into a :jidr..-ocrgi eoncerningvCt. j , - , , ., . , ,. . , I .1 u ... 1 ..; , . ... , 1 J 0 I lioiior- it has. :ivr,i "Oi tin! most, dolieate nues- 1 tola m.e.is. '.1 bei.ie: ojt 01 e are coiiteut witii tho simiile esBvcssion of ; . ., , . . .. ..." , iniiit -nee.'' - . 1:0ns witn a prouu anu aueient lnonarcny 01; . ' our own views, as heretofore trivcn.-rleaving ; .. . . , ,. i-- . . j on, wituou disputation to those wlio may chance to bo more fund of it than ouielves. jTitinfWit..il l-"iiriino ilifTi.-ulf mi1 infrifltii nnr.- 1 . '. ' ...w.-.v- . Jj ,ra, m.,Up The 1'. .lev il Cip iittie eie.tem nt t: Halt of li.e 1! . -:: SC:M':!1 of the tw.j veiili ,ei as-, mi le 1. ate !Mr. Auhi.-.jn, er of Lie jiouse (Air. ile.d, siueu loinuv .-nui!-; not exav-.iv in ttie seme ch.lil tO"ei.i--r, i.iut .noe liv sine 1 lis atteiiuauee and the My seafon ea" of female enignaotf. permitted to hold . !ii.r with " woiiiau'd rights."' . ii is oe'-.i toe u.eatre ot no i day. We have had in the ol liepreseutat-ives a grand lioii-e.-. ol ( 'opgivas, in eon Tine President ni she S. n oi Mi --etiri, and the Speak- ol ivciitucky) ire- I idle,. "the av i u,e inter.' tions with IJreatPritain, and is able to leave to its successor propositions from the English Gov- Thu business. dilTercnt States ,l. ,.r i:i.,l . ..,,.1. unguineu r.cau .-i OWCARINC IN TIIE I FCE l'KESIOENT. A. Olll ' t 1 11. If . j tCT Oi il.-, ill:. I I- iiall Her, (. 1 1 '.l., ) 1 110 Ul ft-b .is 111..1 uocii.i.ie..i. ,.u.j....i il ijuuiimuc i-iLthiT ri-.th-s - ali i some nf tlie wa-'s. ,i u introduccitand unanimously passed in the U. S. Senate, Thursday last, authorizing our Consul at. Havana, to administer the oath of office on thd oth March, or any time thereafter, j to Vice Prcsideirt King. 'Judje of a L. S. Court to administer said oath ; to any power on the face of the earth. Mr. Fill more -and his Cabinet will retire from office, lea- I sional siioke o! hum r. As l'!g the returns fre-m the .is Ui V tiii.ii-.'ii. .is tlie i;s- ir.gress::.l," (Messrs. llun- i ratuer rcsiiess ; ana Mime oi ine wags, nre.-ent were disposed to varv tiic scene with an occ il iac arcaticctu and tro;vhleS vl the Ci-USii-.ii.r--. i'l i . :'. -. n. 1 Chrl. iae oi'S.-.ui..'. ciii.1, u- and ibiiiiaseiis. ""I. poa hospitable thoughts intent,'-' a:,-: tir.evl on mil, we p.ud our pcts to al the dig;. ita. ies and oti.cials. W cro of course ree :ed vi jih the niav.ved respect duo our.-eivc.--, 'and ihe g.riat .r.in;rie.- we repree..-.; t .J : w re treated tiiiio au-i agaiu hour uy i.ur,- to the o". t. rluiing chibouque, eoiiee and sherbet o; tin.' Last. Ti.vre being no Au-erican Con.-i.l, 1 call- . ed ft-ttn the Mngiish, and found b.iu ou,a "big .... " a iii. id, in... hignt ' man, but i-u!,-peei. t io's ::i.!..i..t universal iu'irniity of ihe Anglo Sa:.oti race. No people i:i tlie World drink L.; the LngliMi, Iri.-di, Scotch, and Amer icans. 'In ali .:...ailierii 11 u rope and Asia, I've seen otilv t'.vo drunkeii men one Spanhud ami one (ircek. Through with our visits, one of the ! llusians and invseif muster up two old guns i and go hunting; but no game. The g:ueile ' abound hole, laU can oil ly be e.iughi With the "rav hou:;:l. L.ite in the evening, return to the j e. J. nn iir . univ.il, Jan. U7.-. tue in a most col ieii able ipiotutior.s : .-.t:eo 'i'ae market was m .re animated to Decline last noted, was lmrtiiilly retrind do dj Ibdves dti do Quarters 37 50 .-! eat . or, A 111! r. u re j can so:i. Ian Sea Port, wi .a i1:; L.;s have ihghi'.y advHnoeu; wc quoie couiiuou lbaf s at f,; : gj-i.; '.e-.1 Z i- . i'i'I'; jj !u!i ut t'ftSI cents. j i. ji;." ijut ::ttie oMermg. ne quote new atioo Y.'-.i.-.i i am maeu i...as:.:n. .o av se .' a gr.-aier van - y id' cost.inie and chaiMCtt-r, I.urop a:., A. si .'.c a'.id Ai.ie.'m. Am so much ph a.--d wiiii i .his Gorman town, that 1 must re turn through :.irirm:.ny to Paris. b-.N. 20. Tiie llngiish chaplain and mys -If, v. nil our cal t v j-L'cr, s. t out to oe the sights of eul.e. I've been in any cities, and towns innumerable; Uut in all my seeing, I've met v. i .ii nothing to-c-jiuparo with the varied, dazzb iiig, ii-ofu--e nclincffS atid grandeiir of this fai-, ieiieii .-. tiuiiCi upon tee bosom of the Deep, ii. i proiju in tlie priue oi ner uoes v ne strom has gather every c ii l:!e 4 t tr, meiooer our co auu tiii iair. lite tile, sne iii s won by her arms in ry aee. No building in the world unites such a variety of Architecture, such a proius;oii of ornaments, as the church of Si. Mark. It combines all the rarest beauties of jtoiue, Athens, Jerusalem, AI jxan Jria and CoiiStaiitiueipie., The Oaeol Palace is not less remarkable, anil the Piazza St. Mark lias not its like on ti.e Globe. And there is every kind uf Statuai-v, an ji in all her paintings, she was uappv m prouu i-iu lej cuts. j VViiuvr lied llOetid ; wiiite 120$121. Tt. ..i. ii Ciiy M-ills. t54(a$ti '1ai' .n sjaies shuulders at i)e"',0c, sides 10 cents : Virginia hog-rjund L.mio Wc-.tern, in barrels, at 11 A(? i2c; kegs, 121 l-i cents ; Virginia, 1-(t, IS cents. ih:i;r Mess beef, perbbl.. $lo(a.lC. Nominal. Pouk Mess Pork ottering at $1 1'lsii No.'. 3. Mackerel $8, aud scarce ; Not 1 North Carolina clipped, none; do. roe $0J ; grgiss, : Mova S.-ot'ei, groas, 4,-i.J. scarce. Salt l.T6(.y:i ,78cents forfiae? G. A. $125c. Gi'ano Si40 "H 2000 lbs. Active demand. 1'i.AsTiiu rt-tersburg fresh ground, unpacked, per t in : packed JjT j : noi'tiic-ru $7 A. , Li.'.:1- Tiioinastiivra $1271 W..$14ic Vi'lLMiNf; TON MARKETS. Turpentine Since Tuesday morning last, about 041) lib's of Tiir:.ehti:ie have bean disposed of at Nj.bj eer b'.-l toiSert, and 2,05 u $2,10 per bbffor TOM TIIUMli LOTTERY. I'atapsco Institute Lottery, Class 02. To be drawn March 10. 1 prize of $-,000 j 1 prize of 1 do 2.00U 1 ila ' lickcts SI Shares iu nronortion. CcrtiSoates of 25 Whole Tickets $15 00 do- 25 Half d0 7 50 do 25 Quarter do 2 75 $1,000 900 ring both the domestic and foreign affairs of the was announced, some Contrr start the iptiery : State ssion; after State. 1 wit would ,, , . . country 111 lar better condition than when they ..11 ... f fi-,-i. ,, -m Also, authon?ingany - ., . . J , Ilow do 30-u think it vmJ took office ; with negotiations on foot which, had '. ls there a.jout the election ' . , , o 1 . , , (they bad time to complete them, would have asked anotlier. M any place in the United States, on said 4th ., , . -in- - j .u It looks rather tr f , e . : added imperishable renown; and they will . Xi iooh.ni.u iti . u . -iaicu 01 iiiereaiier. OiFKiAt, Courtesy-. The National Intelli-j gencrr says that Gen. Pierce paid a visit to Pre- j ident Fillmore, Thursday last, in tho "White! Iluuse, and remained with him a quarter of an hour ! General Pierce dined with President Fillmore 1 on Friday. ' Gen. Scott called on Gen. Pierce in the morn'm 2. but the latter had trone to the Caloric ship. leave to Pierce and his Cabinet an inheritan UUV II 1113 ni;.i.'.i. ron for Pierce and King,' rem tue ooiiili, as lie nun of natioual prosperity and national honor and influence, such as ever entered upon. 1 .... . , V e uegan witn eiiamc influence, such as ncrhans no Admiiiisfrafion cot Vermont for Scott ; isn't that a tie i 1 e o fvdf At a Banquet on the 22d, the health of Mr. Custis (a relative of Gen. WAsaikcTOX,) for Pierce, and then said one. ' Yes, but wait a little,", replied his friend " I'm afraid some of the other Si;i,ts won't come in io well." " There !" cried a new-comer, " I declare I1;;.:. ;,C. Sail from Ileirit for Jaffa are driven back by a steamer to Haifa near Acre where the Jius.-i.i::S and myself, joined by an Austrian, venture "to part company" with the pilgrim -, on board, and . proceed by land to the ilolv City. Failing to hnd h'itel, house or hut fit to sleep i'u at tiie miserable village, we ummt some Syrian ponies and go to Jit. Carmel, (a few hours off) where wo 'are most cheerfully and hospitably received by tiie Monks of the Convent ; niiu are doiighted with ,the splendid view from this sacred spot all worthy of the miraculous di.-q.my oi diwc power, ui thejssue Snii-tt. Turni'iifine -100 lhls filiniiffi'l lemd ut. ug artists, who breathed the pa- t I A. ner --ailon. 1 tr.otic pride 01 her peo'ne. 4a all the?e, enice j Rosm No sales to report that wc hear of. ever stands torch as the emblem of might, gran- Tnr 100 liWs Tar(r.U"ted in with a lot of Tur- deur, and beauty. See the master-piece of 'i'i- ' pentine) were sold at $2,10 per bbl. tian, in which 3ie has poi-tr.ivcd her as a God-1 Timber 8 Hafts Timber were sold at prices rang- dess, amidst the saints, breaking the bonds of : ing tromt) to $10 per M. according to quality. oppression, and receiving the homage of subju- J staves 16,000 It O. llhd. Staves were sold at g..tecl Kingdom? ;. rising tne ocean, sne sits on ' per -i the Heavens. ericircled bv the virtues and crown- ; Lice- ed with victory!. Ah 1 that I could have seen i cts per lb for Tilioic, and 2 cts per lb. for half her in the day ibi her glory -'beautiful Venice, i iUe'e I In i-.n. .. (,T r i -r, i " 1 '. 1 1 1- . ! , n t-n, ,,F 1.,... ' Mm.i- . ' . . . . ... . I 1 .1 .... (.11 ,1.. ANOTHER AND STILL GREATER INDUCE MENT TO ENRICH' YOURSELVES. The Greatest and Best OfTer ever made to the Public. By remitting to us $200 we will send a Certificate (or risk of) $500 worth of tickets. By remittiug to ns $400 wo will' send a Certifi cate (or risk of) $1,000 wortli of tickets. Uy remitting to us .$300 we will send a Certifi cate (or risk of), $20,0U0 of tickets iu any of the above splendid Lotteries now drawing. It will bo seen by this that the purchaser has only to lay out $100 to purchase $1,000 -worth of tickets, This is, without exemption, the most gene rous offer ever made, aud we advise nil who can af ford it to give it a trial, for we have seldom known a loss to ensue, and have repeatedly witnessed tho most glorious result- Address, for Prizes, thc old cstab.ished house of MARION & CO.. Baltimore, Md. JESS"" The official drawings of these Great Lotte ries duly certified to by tlie State Commissioners, will be sent immediately after it is drawn,' to all tJlosc who order froni us, with a full explanation of the result. lory. and alasj! how fallen ! 10 cts, Jan. 30. IVday began the Carnival ; and ! never did my eyes behold such sijrhts as this hcr-unc- S? A talegrapbic despatch from Louisville, j Kentucky, says: " J. II. Harney, Editor of the Iuisville Democrat, leaves here to-morrow for Washington. It is understood he g6es at the olicitatiort of a majority of the Democratic members of Congress to take charge of the offi . cial organ jof Gen. Pierce. The Union to be the said ori:an." beins drunk, the veteran n?se, and, in return-! Chandler Hasn't got tiie upper hand ot liui ing thanks, begged leave ta oner tlie tijillowing sentiment : "Ilonor to whom honor is due." Let others hail the rising; sun, a? Mr.; Pearcc, in his speech in the-Senate, on thc Army appropriation bill, said, " ever "nee man had been "expelled from the Garden f hduu, he had been endeavoring to cheat the decree of Heaven, that ho should earn the bread he eats by: the sweat of his brow. Since that we liaye been endeavoring to cheat that de cree by getting our bread without, or with as I'ttlu as possible of, the svfeat of our brow." Cjr i.itois for the Inauguration are crowd S hito WashliTgton. The Hotels and Board- Jig HuiiscB there will be, full to overflowing, Thi itifluiol "office stokers" is beyond all ex arop'virid every day adds to the number.- We bow to him, whose race is run. Fill more, Fill more, aye, fill to the briei.i A health to the man off the nation ;i Fill viore, Fill more, wo fill unto himf Who nobly hath filled his high station. This sentiment was received with loud cheering. 1 miraculous dismay oi uiwyo power, ui uie issue , , - . e-i r -i sm iin.nuiu j . ,,' ,f . r',, , . i. rare old city now pre.-e.nts. She is fairly betvveen Liiia i and the i'rophcLS ol Baal. Hie ,,- J i. ,4 1 , . J ,. I x ", . sell again, but my gray gooso quill ' is , r sea. tho sites ul 1 v re aud Stdon, the mountains j , ,, , ,. ,J n J e if , i i"-n - e - i. : qual to the tasx d uwscriptioii. of Lebanon, the bids oi Samaria and Galilee, ; 1 ' llciuuini 1H1.-.11 i ii"i ute u 'vi ii. tun vi i.umvi. , . - - . -i i . t .1 i CI 1 ' 11 1 1 .,1 -. ; . 1 . 1 ir tiie lilani OI IjSUi ation, uuu ine oau 01 cuaron, 1 lie s oiily cot the wlii states to read, and llun-1 ,..l , i c , , 'i tor is in for the Dem"cr.itic on-,." j all " K panarama be.ore us Here ' Don't believe Californy's been heard from," too we met witn the Coreo, or -cusi tree, of whispered one down from the gallery. 1 durc,, resC,ab,iUo tho l1 trC0" NEW SJNGJNGBOOK PATENT NOTES! THE HARP OP THE SOUTH: 0 tieccs of Rice, were sold by auction at A ucw anJ eitensWo collection of church music, Br i. n. -waoiBuaY, ACTUOK OF TitB DLLCUIEB, UBZK JCU8ICUS, &.Q. f I MI IS book embraces many new features, and, JL it is confidently believed, will be found the most comprehensive, attractive aud useful work of the kjad ever iBsuefL It has been prepared in an swer to numerous calls from the South and the w est, awl embraces thc lieins from all the most hisses Sales of Molasses have been nnidie at -broke in an outsider January" 4, lSoll. "With the rising sjii we Gov. Foote, of Mississippi, has offered a reward of $300 for the apprehension and deli very to the Sheriff of Warren county, of Wesley Wallace, who stands charged with the murder of a negro man belonging tp Gen. G. D. Mitch ell, whose overseer Wallace was. It was first thought thatthe negro was, killed by a log rol ling over hiln ; 'but the coroner inquest has fixed the charge of murder on Wallace, who has fled. Hoi is from Noth Carolina, and is supposed to bo making his way back here. jggf- We shall publish in our next Weekly issue, the able argument af Gen. Leach, deliv- 1 rad in the IIous3 of Commons, during the last ' ! Session of the Legislature, upon the subject o" "Twenty seven to five" "that's too bad '"' " Yes ; but how are you going to help it " Oh ! what can't be cured luust be endured," sighed the last speaker ; and the colloquy closed, amid the official flow of names, certificates, "signed, sealed and delivered." V..IU...A .-.:... i - . iiui, Uiiutnajiu ttsiuc, Llieit; w aa OOlllc Lll ill Ii nil- : . , 11 1- . it IV i ' i '.i.e, . i: c i mentations of the Prophets, the suflerine;s ot iy lliiiau iu iuia n.iiioiiai ui occeuuiK 01 111c uuu- i . , , . f .1 a .1 1 r bo servants of the American people? Here was Cunst, the preachings of the Apostles, and of af. I . e .. n 1 T.11R WlSUOlll. tile I unci, iug iiijivy, 11 u tuo t . Q , . , ot the coining re-organization of our govern THK CABINET, special L'ispxtch to the N. Y. Daily Times. Vr'.vsiiiNoio.v, Friday, Feb. 2o. Java Coiices. Maich, lt.".$. Gen. Pierce spent an hour to d;iy with his j etc friend, Seaittor Clemens. I have the best j of reasons for saying that the Cabinet is made, isuion of each opinion pre- enter the gate's of the Holy City ot Jerusalem that city over which the Saviour went, and which was once declared "the perfection of i and will not hi altered, but the position of each beauty." I hastened to the snots enumerated i person is not determined. The opinion pre- ! by the eve of Faith, as the scenes of so many j vails that it will stand thus : sacred events of the glory oi Solomon, the la- wrath oflGod. First to the Mosque of Omar, wliere stood' thc "temple of the Lord," down j ineniji ui me puLiuiji uown, iui a, nine, ui uue i , ,r. , , , , r, , powerful party, and the putting up of another ; and yet there was no violence, no bloodshed, no revolution. Tho old officials of the sovereigns. Eis cross ; passing the pool of Siloani and over tho valley of Jehosaphat, I entered the Garden of Gethsomane ; and immediately above the . , . j a i . L oi iTeLiisemane : uuu iwuiwiaiciv uuove uiu are to pass quietly out, and the n'cw orjes are to "l , "T , : , ' ni- t m . , . . .i a i ti i i. i Garden is tho Mount ot Olives, from the top nass as ouietlv in. And the neonla. who have . . . . . , done it all by their free suffrages, will ratify and j of which the BptenaoM w JVU that he cannoH reooivo his papers either from Marcy Secretary of State. Gt TumE-i-Secretary of the Treasury. Davis Sicfetary of War. Dobbin Secretary of the Navy. McCi.ell.hnij Secretary of the Inteior. CAMrnELLf-l'ostuiaster-General. CusHiNG.-i-Attorney-Geticra7. THE MAILS. We have a letter of complaint from a subscri ber at Friendship, Guilford Co., "N, C. ; stating Groceries ! Groceries ! ! 1 7 N Store and for Sale, by W. II. & R. S TUCKER, ! 1 A prime lot of Cuba Molasses; Fresh whole ira an ine most 1 eTa'm fiice ; Crushed, Powdered, 'clarified j.ad Pf;U-ar T books m tho country. together 1 ISrowii Sn-ars, by libl. or retail, Laguira, Kioand- u . . .7 7 frJ 11 1U3tJ- I lln. 1J V BUtTl 1UL ill I Kl lri'll I.J I Tl.A Mirl.t n ...A.l.n i r- j stav ai uw mo 19 j favorite cumpositious of Lowed ilason, sq the , i distingviaheu composer uud editor, hna been ob- : taincu, aud a ciircl ul selection from his very popu j lar works, the Handel aud Haydu Societies collec , tiou ; The Caruiiua Sacra, of which lat work alone ! over uUO 000 copies Lave been sold,) and others, ! has been made. Selections have nl.so mnflr, from the works of Thomas Hastings and WilKam B. Bradbury, Esns.. as well us from tbn otW must distinguished American and Foreign Composers, j The choicest pieces hare also beeu iustrted from ROUND AND OVAL. Twelve sizes, from 6 to! , """-iinei, oy air. Woodbury, a work wlucu 20 inches- most capital article to cover 1 h,as h,ad th 8 "toniabing sale of 1 20,000 copies iu diSj,cs of Butter, Meats, Milk, Sweet-meats, ! th short time since its publication. Cheese, &c , either in the pantry or on the table. I bof c ,Uea f the exteEt variety of tiun work Impervious to either files or ants. I , "J mcuuuiuiig mat ocsiue u very ALSO. Bright or Planished Imperial Tin Rais ed Dish Covers, Round aud Oval, iu sets of 6 or 8, or singly. 11. 1'. TO il.Nr-.lt, b7 iliTL Mercer Potatoes. 5U Casks Thomastown Lime- C round Aium and Liverpool Salt. Gun tad Blasting I'ovvCcr. Two Thousand feet Safety Tuse. A lot of Short Handled Shovels for Railroading W. IL & R. S. TUCKl'St. honor the deed. Such is the power of the sue- i -ing scenes ui - " , Saiisbury or Rivlei-h, under one week after they . ... i t-.-o ii r-r i in nniv ijlv. i i i t. t r' rn.it rtM .1 - iim . ; . ...... cessful working of our llepubliean institutions. Rev. Dr. Hawks, of New York, preach ed an eloquent sermon in the Episcopal Church in this place, last night. Dr. II, is here on a mountains "beyond Jordan," the Desert of In dia, tho wilderness of St. John, the valley of Jehosaphat, the barren rocks, the groves of Fig and Olive. Mt. Zion, the Tombs of the Kings, and a thousand other objects equally striking t the Public Lands visit to his brother, John S. Hawks, Esq. We j .and interesting, all open upon the view. Late understand the immediate object of his visit to ! this evening 1 went to the Holy Sepulchre, North Carolma is to collect materials tor the j where griet ana sorrow weep ior sname. ine history of the State, which he is preparing. I Convent built over this spot, so dear to the t y. 3. Whig., 1 Christian, is virtually in possession of the Turks, - i r-r J l " ! l a .1 i are pnntcu. rienusinp is ngnt on mo roaa between this place and Greensboro' and the stagers pass right by it every day. It is truly surprising that there should be such a failure. The Postmaster at this place informs us that no packages for Raleigh, even, are ever sent by the Hack line,, much less for offices on tho line of the upper r jute. A mail agent would do well to traverse thia line and discover the delinquent Postmaster. iSalis. Watchman. Wire Dish Covers. For Sale by Raleigh, March 1853. X. C. Book Store. IU NEW NOVEL By Mrs. Martb, Castle Avon, by the Author i ' Two Old Men's Tales," RavcusclifiT'.&C. Just published and for sale by ;II. D. TURNER, : Book Store. Raleigh, March 1, 1853. - l'J -VTKW BOOK. A Ilero and other Tales, by the XN Author of "Olive," 7'The Osilvies," The Head of the Family, &c. For sale! J - At the N. C. Bookstore. Rilcigh, March 1st, 1853. . 13 large number of Psalm and iiymu Tunes of all Me ters, Anthems, and Set Pieces, for all occasions, and Revival liyuis, and Music, it "also contains a large uumber of Juvenile Songs for the Sabbath Sciiool und Social Circle, and a collection of Secu lar Pieces, but of u Moral Cast, for the use of sing ing Schools, &c. To the whole is prefixed th lit-, omenta of Music made easy, being a full exposition", of the subjectillustrated by .numerous Exercises and pleasing pieces for class practice. Teachers, Choristers und others interested are invited to ex amine this work. Retail price $1,00 d?or sale by Lippincott, Urambo & Co. , Philadel phia; W. B-Smith & Co., Cincinnati; H. Critten den, St. Louis; A Carter, Charleston; T. S. Bid good & Co. Mobile ; and by booksellers generally. Published by Mason Brothers (late Mason & Law,) ' jew lora. i March 1st, 1833, (10; 3nt-13 -J -1 -ssi An V . t : y4 -f 1 j 1 I ' '"" . , I, '-. . 1 J ' ; i e ' ti i i ;