"L it . 5 , ' v ' - - ,1 c -r , , ' x . j - J tTh-wffB.v1Tiiir:.n.i: tE wnics opmississippi. - rt , and truYna Mm? i-;iZH aJaWbimeot;ni:heldu, the East : rBALEIUH,N!C 2 - uDKESDAY MOWfLVO. APRIl, 6, ,1333. rioTHElUUlL KOAD ACCIDENT. ' t?,re mined to Uearn-that almost fbftrful . VoJcurred the Richmond and Petcis lden .. i c.mfltiv nftornoon. about W r" ' . i. intt.sr Citv. tnr which the 0 r cat was totally demolished, two lives ES pcr8on Tn;ed- v1- Tt tlii ixle of the car broke, by, which the car 1 I to the track, and dragged ovfir the rails, the Zi tHercin" iU floor and tearing it out, ilSigeradroppinthrough. Mra. Purnell, lxKT of Es-Gov. Dudley, was much hurt, a da"S ' cliild killed,nd another wounded,, and J0Unfi i 'both lezs cut off. Out es- servant g. " . j fellow emxen,' t. . i mcd-fdlow togtor-ere ;'reema.n, and his in the train, and the former was ensmna State election8,-A State of th& patty is to meet at NashylUe," during the preseit pontbVitQ select a capdldatcfor Govern or, and. the local press bring- reports of numer ous caunty.,asSemblag6s' held As preliminaries" 4 10 tnaf proceeding. 'In all the resolutions that we have noticed, emphasis is properly laid upou mo necessity oi forbearance and harmony, to secure; and perpetuate successfully the princi ples fojr which Tennessee Whigs have battled long atid in the main successfully. Wo quote from tjic preamble to the Madison county reso lutions as a fair sample of all: "Whereas, the Whigs of Madison county, though defeated in the late Presidential election) are noj -conquered, kit are 'ready now to declare their principles, and as proud to defend them, as in tfee days of their triumph and prosperi ty. And "Whereas, some of our hitherto strong Whig States have been much divided and weakened by local divisions, it behooves the Whigs f lennesseo to guard against similar dissensions, uuu iu uuuie up io me next pontest, au together, unuer. a,unuct rally, and bear aow columii everywhere before them. not now darker than it was in 1839, s'dinp of the finest marble"in the, Union-rhas rember 2for- the purpose "of rccommendi'ng' a I all sorts of inines jthich yield-handsomely-j- lH0-,uSa4 organization of : the Wh party, the t coalcopper, slate.i&c.aha is full; 'of an e- Tennessee Is a great ponntry,. Jt prpdf EAST TENNESSEE touowipg resolution, among others,was adopr !! haustJess amount 'of mineral wealth generally, tod;-, . , , , ; , ,..- It is going ahead too in internal improvements Resolved, That a Committee of five be aD pointed, to act as a standing Executive Com mittee, to correspond with tho Whigs in other portions of the State, recommending organiza tion in all the counties, and to take such other steps as they may-deem advisable to promote the interest of the AHiig party." Under this resolution, a Committee was ap pointed, and, in the discharge of the duty as- : railroads, factories, &c, and in a short time 'will stand out before the country a little, Swiss, mountain-bound Republic in itself full of ro1- I sources wealthj and powerful and challeng ing the admiration of the world for the energy land perseverance which its citizen! have disj playe in over-coining some of the greatest nar tural Obstacles and disadvantages that the inr igned them, issued an address recommending i or,ntv r,r f Knntnnfl no-niniit. tn ii-i !... , .... . . ; b J , - iHgs 0I uie atate to bold precinct and i An JCast Tennessee editor in reply to a sneer- COUntv lnhnfinira ,.e ! nominations and appointing delegates to a Whig State Convention, to be holden in Jack ing inquiry "what East Tenncsseo is remarka ble for ?" demonstrates that she has distinguish ed herself at least bv the nroduction oil men. lie son, on the first Monday of June next, for the i thus runs out his cataiogue . purpose of nominating candidates far Governor, ' . ; .. , m .. ... r , c I Among the number, we may mention the Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor, names of Ex-President Houston," of Texas ; the Treasurer, and 1 lie Committee remark, in the course of their ' "owned Davy Crockett ; the chivalric General n the locofoco very admirable address, that " it is; of vital im- : a,ue; -Senator Clay, of Alabama ; Lx-Gov-ihe day is ! . . ' . ernor Mc utt, ot A! lssissinpi; Ex-Governor Clai- UUrLitltl!!) TO niir iV -it irrr I u.t. . . ... r. home, ot..L.nuisiana ; rx-Oovernor uurnetr, oi :.T... i.,.,Un ihoU1?h we are hanny to ! """"" n as m , one year ' a" 0imiw3 " , . , j : aiicr wiucn we cameu nineteen &tatcs. To the I lueru : snouiu oe a thorough re-organiza- Vsrnttjat he was V'e liave no tsriner . !'"" - went of writing. r; rtXWTlI CAU0L1XA BONDS. The roposala for Five Uundred Thousand DolUrsix per cent, thirty years coupon Bonds j.heSUte f North Carolina, to bo applied to manly hearts of Tennesseans wo need not sav. : aim I tin . . . r iiwt urai uit, ivjiigs nere are u nigs triea m the ordeal of Jackson ism, tcie in Us glory. They know how to bufi'et with reverses. 11' hey stemmed the breakers of l35-G-7-S-'J ! and in 1840 victoriously inscribed upon their banner the proiid "12,000." Like the Whigs of '7G, the odds against them only binds them the more de votedly to their beloved principles. They glory tion of the great conservative AVhig party. Within the past month, one of the most patri otic and conservative administrations that has ever blessed or adorned the annala of our his tory, has had to yield the reins of government California; Senator Tipton, of Indiana; Sena' tor Barton, of Missouri ; Ex-Governor Blunt, of Arkansas; Ex-Governor Reynolds, of Illinois ; Ex-Governor King, of Missouri ; Isaac Shelby, who planned and participated in the expedition which resulted in the famous battle of King's OlOWFEXiAXE SnOlfLB DRESS 'Ucie. ru hare no glittering" geWawVslack r irvi"Aiv i'--. : v-ct - PETERSBURG PRICES CURRENT: 5j I T LUXISG in the Tost Office atRafeirfilfrpm ri;(.'r'", w' "-ei' I1- "i "n,-acfm. Western Sides-SJkrSlmuWerto w.to.JUV -wva w me nm or w v . s - T ViVnStr' wCotton.Iu better demand8i0 to QifortAtkinhmh.nWles.IIoraUa -4 Nor cm "rourSrC" Si? wi L 'rustling Wfi "Jf. ;JSS.- f iL sound ! " 3 - tne",r"SPerm 3le?UMa- AntIiJSmitU 'iJ. r Lr1 V Mates proidthe flesh thatbears it. She is'a-1-3 W proud dorned j -J ' Amply, that in her husband's eye looks lovely, The truest mirror that an honest wife .4; f Can see hef beauty in. . i Jul. I shall observe, sir. -V -' Duke, f should like to see yoa iri the dress I hift presented you. Ji l. The blue one, sir ? , T" Duke. No, love -the white. Thus modest ly attired, j A half bloom rose stuck in thy braided hair ; With no niijjre diamonds than those eyes are made of. No deeper rubies than compose thy lips, No pearls npore precious than inhabit them,. With the pure red and white which that same hand. Which blends the rainbow, mingles in thy clicks, This well proportioned form (think not I flatter) In graceful! motion to harmonious sounds, And thy free tresses dancing in the wind, Thoul't fix as much observance as ehaste dames. Can meet without a blush. sed really of factions utterly at war with each ; irKn fnnrr-il Rail Road were J" lue, wneiuer unaer victory or defeat,, aiul F"g anu opinion, n tncir aeciarations cu- , will now, that so many Whig States have fallen are to be regarded ; yet so utterly devoid of opei to thp (sd .-ill n i i . tucky : rjnock aDU Silas l'arsons, distinguished to uie so-c.uieuj democratic party, but eompo- , J x r . , , T , . ', c - , p . , J 1 lawyers of Alabama ; Judge Anderson, of .Mia- !ncdatthe Bank of the Kepum.c. on xnurs- . lnto t, e sK,gh of Locofocoism, buckle on their I principle, that thev uJ. dajla.t.a 0 r . . It reinaina fi.r lVnnM. t?, tm ?hw ,jf around the same conne.l board and divide We i.. ihnt thov were awarded to Messrs. i I remains for iennessee to turn this tide of " v- j self as a shining mark in the ' column of con- ' the. Chief Executive, thus coming into power is l i i - i i i t nniitfifrcf Hian.n!.-Aa 1. ii . ..c ..m 111 -1 l , . .. xr i ' sia-. ito i. ' revuision uacic nzain, ana once more place ner- "--- mc bih-, m umeir, n ausi Matt? row . o - - . 4uer,ng nig ouwes. sat vm ao it: ncr proclaiming from the front of the Capitol that ii.aniffr for the whole issue, lhe proposals ; Y big principles have never been endangered j, - 111 f. , . , kl Counted to upwards of two minions of but U self-confidence-never, when aroufed to n" ? T" oi ueieai, uas sue iaiieu oi a irium- t "----v un-i. mm i.iai mu luntmuuim Cotto.v Picker. The editor of the -Panola (Miss.) Picayune says he has seen a machine for the purpose of picking cotton which bids fair to be very useful to the planting communi ty. The machine in question is not a perfect Mountain, and was afterwards Governor of Ken- i one; it is only a temporary one for experiment, to test the principle, but trom what the editor, has seen of it, lie has no doubt it will be per fected so that it can be made t pick from five hundred to pight hundred pounds of cotton per day. It is simple in construction and light in weight, and! is the invention of a Mr. Burdine. If the machine, when perfected, can do what is claimed for, it, it will be of immense benefit to the planting interest, j sissippi ; t ryor Jjoa, ot lexas; and L.oI. xvle Clung,.of Alabama ; The Dunlaps, four brothers who' distinguished themselves in the west; Adam Huntsman ; General Armstrong, lute Consul at Liverpool ; Judge Anderson, for many years Com ptrollerof the United States Treasury; and Samuel Anderson; 11. J. Meigs, of this city ; Judge McCampbell; Gens. Bradford and Cocke, of Mississippi. To this list rnijht be added ig victory. ! I 1 1. . . ! .. 1 V . 1 . . t . ! , C 1 . 1 .. 1 1 lr- unn.n ,.(!,,. .1, .,,.. .1 .. r .. . , t I upon these Bonds, , for tfae Uubcruatorial llomination. liai io hU Cabinet, in tho .f Z 1 MAIL-' DEPREDATIONS. quirer saysthe tunnej will be commenced near ( "8lr'JL l: 4' 'l?r ng the calculation, , , , . . .,.- 1 - , ' , i --------- ; , ,f,..f (.limni..-mt. ,., i,pnn ,,!,-, nf Kfp. I the loot ot Sixth street and run through into . i ' "wue!, s"u,mon oar, o a u unto, U not altogether as I t dcclmcd' a,,d sa'U that Major ; known and avowed fP.ler and Wilmut pro.- t c'l furnfshing a I 6 0. Lard-12 a 13. Lead-10; a 00, is not aitoeether as , , . nnl.lisl.o.1 ' viUt. itl,vH,;.li.ff.,i i..,; . 1 "c niNeiu.iU ot tU tiausmiswon ot monej Ar.r n .i. I Molasses Cuba 24 a 00 New Orleans 4,1 n. Oft I Id be derived from , ,SKKI,. ftSl,P,.KSM smnfl frmir - " Z "ZZ bH' ''l! i to.VC w 11 e one feTt I HaltLiverpool, sack 0 00 i 1 75. Alum. Pef s a Jnost flattering ... ,...,, : , .. .L . .. r t i .! i... .t below the bottom of Lonjrworth's wme cellar V.u?' cl 0' bhot per bag 2 2a a 2 o0. . ft'-"v.w..o ecccBsiumsi ; aim to carry oui sun jur- "-"' " " t , on yvcanlorfe 8treet ' f Spirits-l'each lirandy 50 a 55, Apple do, 40 a fcourse, and counsels a prompted unhesitating ther this union, harmony and concord, we find, theu- But a more uariug case ot robbery oi j - , ' . l'4-3 Northern do. 40 a 43 X. C. Whiskey 35 a 00. ' ...ll.. i ,i. ivl:.. ....,.i .i ..,-! . ., . the niadoccurrcu last week, somewhere between . : '" Sii.r-.-Llnf nn.l rai,o-i m . - io s ; ""'-, "'s"u ua.uu,,uaS .wC ..uoruicaoy oisown organs, mat Ch apeHlIill and Salem. On Friday morning, a A book recently published in England under wiZ L v n q "rn ai" n . . i iectual means oi checking the apsressive snirit aniciincxt. fibr flrf iTnnnif.imniitc ,U. i n. L- r - :.. .. c.,.. . ;.. 1 f ' i i ., a-uoaioo, ie i. j. i ay. lallow a O. -.1 ; : , o OO ' I , r"- A,iia, JO UUUUie ill lla ILi 43 AtJUllU 111 tl Ilrtll IJ ilo 111 uuo ui iijd iiuiyuiuiliaini y ui ifcil lll'liau T,.l.rtj. T r- , i o . . .. , ...... . , ! - .1 rr c, ti - , . i .UiUIUHlClUrCU C I dollarsud varied from. $05 to $110. There j Tft Wis onq Uiu oi v-r ' The total premium realized U wiUbe seen by maki tmount? to $25,100. This much a we expected won l,.;r ante: but is n evei theles exliibit.j i APRIL. . .. ... , it. T 1 Th..UUimonu.ua, John A j., wS!ru than.usoal. , liowcver, .all will be j racy arc infocteJ. 0n .tbC80 poillts he writ03 ; Thl8 is 'but the cemuiPnccment. It wil,f lviitufion No month is more misunderstood ,i . i ' , , ., , e , , , ... bnghtsoon. ti v ,thus: :- ; doubtless, be followed up by other appointments or.EiWprrsented-tlmn this.: Borrowing our j -The Whigs of Tennessee can "and will tri- : to high official station equally at war with the meaotitscuara, .... - t--. ; umpu u u.e aiUu,iiu oy lue proper spiru sentiments of the Inaugural. In other words, marl? the tvpe of all that is fickle and incon in the coming tate struggle. 1 have never - . . , ,.f. r t, 1Lmet wreathed in smiles, in an- known a time when their highest efforts e : of - Luren tac- rani, we" ' ! more demauded ot them by every consideration , tics- Another .oithern man with Southern other mqhingintp a s.iower of tefrsi .Nothing , 0f houor and patriotism. They have withstood principles" now sits in the Chief Executive bo iore untrue in "regard to a Southern ; tiie shock of adverse fortune, and it is now the chair of tie L nion, an,lracn who were loud in April terrrgnum fierce heats robed in 1 u J vines flowers. Spring birds, when the air is made vocal with their thjisand voices ; every tree appears to be alive with tlieio, and they seem the very''incar nation of happiness. April is their happy time. As die warm weather increases, they either be come too.much absorbed in family affairs to in dulge in song, or the heat of summer oppresses them. I . -..- This inonth is more remarkable fordry than et weatber, though it is also regarded as a very criticaj one for the fruit, winter some timas making a leap backward, and blighting I all th4 hopes of the farmer and the gardener. A Tlnxei. UnnER Cincinnati. It is stated many more, but we think it is sufficiently long j that it is seiiously contemplated by the direc and brilliant to challenge general admiration j tors of the Cincinati and St Louis railroad to for the country which has produced so many j cut a tuunel under tho cirv of Cincinati. to con- anJ the compromise shall be uphold and main- I able and enterprising men. nect with the Ilillsboro' and Farkensburg roads Coal.' Lehich $5 ner ton: Gratelfie.:SmithV ioo- ! : . . Coffee. Laguayra 9Jc. tp 10Jc.;.IUo :9o. to 10c. Jva IHe. to 12c.; Cape. 8c. to 9cJ Cotton Yarns Assorted numbers, 17c. . Fisli lleirings--No.:l 7? Koe $5 ; com mon No. 2 $U. Mackerel $74 to $8 and caro!? Elmir Per bbl. Superfine $5 j to $G ; Fine $5 to$5 '... . Guano. Sales at $50 to arriv ..- d lronr-Per ton Swedes $100; English $80 to 85 ; American $85 to S90. " . . - w . Leather.' Good over, weights, I5o. to 16c.J do.do.-light, IGJc. to 18 Jc ; good damaged 14Je. to 15c. do. oak 19c. to 22s. . - - v -.J Lime In easks, $1 to $1501 . ,J-:'.,i Liquors. Apple Brandy 4oc. to 48'.;vPcaeh do. 70? to 80.; N. E. Rum 30c.; Whiskey, recti fied. 26c. to 27.; do., old, 50o. to 75c.. , Molasses.- Cuba 23c. to 25.; Now Orleans 30c; to 33c. Sugar House 22c to 25c.; Syrup 30c; to 50o. ' ... , Plaster. Lump, $4 per ton ; Casks, $1 80c1 Powder. Blasting, $2 to $2J per keg; Rifle, $4 to 4J do. - X-- . Rice New, 4 to 5. j- ' r Salt. Liverpool fine, $1 40 to $1 ptir ackf 0. A $1 25 to $1 30 do. . , r , .r v; Steelj. American Blistered, Cc to 6Jc.;,EngT lish do, 12Jc to 14c; German, 12c to 14c. Cast, 17c. toj 19c. - , - u Sugars. N. O. and P. B., 5Jc to Gc.;.St; Croix, Oc. to ic; Coffee Sugars; GJc to 8c.. - -i Teasi Green, 75c fo $1 25 ; Black, G2i to $li Tobacco. The breaks have been quite large. being some 160 hhds. per day. Priees well sus tained for Lugs and common Leaf. Wo note few good and fine hhds at $9 to $13. AunuAnton5" iLiidldw. Miss Harriet Austin, Eldridge K TLocke, Miss ikttdt Ii Brown, Blaylocl Buffalo,' -Burt P. Butter; F Betta, Alvin B rower, Blackwood, Butter AuP-ustn"? ; - Mir.' Brown, Tfeill ; y-J - jMurray & Wynn S,:: urown; w tl.t - ; i.MarUia U. lSroofcs FAYETTEVILLE. . April 2, 1853 Bacon. 10J a 00. Coffee Rio 11 n 00 Laguiia U a 1 1 J ; St Domingo 9 a 10. Cotton. 9a0.' Candles Sperm 40 a-50, Fayotterille mould 14 a 00, Adamantine 30 a 35. Domcstie GoodsBrown Sheetings 6i a 7 Oanaburffs 9 a n i. X lour 4 OO a U DO. puttiers in I a 4U wbjch wa, found to contain nine or ten letters, 1 of a rcvoltijg and inhuman mode of punish- j of odac-e Week, except Cotton, which has addressed to various individuals, with the pot ment s yled the "buck and gag " w hich tho nu- , an' arfl teildenuv'( an(3 ha8 en ;d In Is and tho euv.d.ines in which tbev had been thor alleires is constantly inflicted on the soldi- i .,. ,1 , 1 , . ) , - , , ,, , 1 . . . , j i 'i' I i)n.-i Tiii t , .i ; c oei,. aans ariicic in niucn waniea oy man , 1 " Jd, ZeLT " i l nl 5! , VC-turtr,, Flonr. Super, $4 Go, Family flou, ..nu uiit-i nawng oeen rnieu oi an i : J , -.lU6 ..v...- . w , Trld(J jlllprovin ytQck of of " ' ;- - T " . an Kinas large. Uaroluttan oi one oi the postbills and the finding oj the j On convejsing with a Field Officer who has : bundle renders it certain that the robbery wa? . been for forty years in commission in. the A coiuihitted on the trip down on Thursday, and ' meiican Ariniy", we learn that he never saw or this circuuistanee, it is hoped, will lead to the heard of a punishment called the "buck and r." John. A. r r LeeT John ft;, Alvin . t- ;Lcga ln.J Sarah Aj" Br,T.T:V-It,l'LTnob, Uufu"" ' ' wood, Wm: F;' Uoyd Wiu, 1CT . - r." Augustus lr- m w ; V Bledsoe, Wm. Ll - i iMcLeanTlT. TV -Burge, S. G." V V McCullochtCfenBenj;- ' ' Bohne, Emil; " '.Mustian.MissGeorgeK 4 Ballard, John Wi T iMcCullera'&.Ballingw;- , -. v- c ' iMcDade," Johi , Carter Thoraas'A IMearC Thos.K V t- . Carton Wm:2!T'',lMarouiB,-W:'JUwf cruduprA:. m.-,d." -j ir-- w 1 : Carr,' Wid;B.r:,v . SNcwsomTJ: D-" , I Coopte, John :. Norwood; John 3 Caffory, Mr. tJ cotton,; uon nuua Chape Coplin Chftppell. E. K Clark, Fred. Wm.' Crawley; Eliftibeth wr Cori ntiu""" jOverbjr,' Mrg. Eliij - w " iellDarling A. !psment5V.bert v. " in, Eliz. Mrs." F . . V P- 'S iPobloJ; U. JTCoii Porter: Thomas' I Pearson, John Pavis.Mra. Polly !PatteMon,'lley.lVM; CV i'i Darnel, lien Beverly v. IParks, JJiss Elix, ' Dodd, O. J" - ' Perkins, Fi'E. "sfv' T . ; Dodsori, Edmond 2 iPutneyRichard" f f . rtE ' :iPowers.'MissL6cVJan J Earn. MIrb WWn'noilv vnnA ' - EUen..S.'F.--T : ! - R " " - - rr F ' RnssJo'hn PTlf Fletcher,' Jamef L.'- 'RogeTs", Miss Sarab Fowler.'Demao'bousjVlRice, Jfiis Laura " m " Freeman,-J-M. - "iBogersTars.Tirix:' 1.A''' ' Ffrrili;J;U.- '.'- "iRoysterMrs. Mary Fowler, Mis4 M irtha Ricsbee,' James""' r Fan. Edward , fc lltand, Wm.' -J v -. -7-; " G -T iRoccc,-Joel Tf ' ' GardnerD. Wt ' ' SV'V : Gooch;Mrs.Mniy;SmUh.LittlebyP,2 Gill; Terrill : V ' 'StedmaH, ,W. C,W: Gill, David'' Hiith, Thomas, J t . (JrayRobtrWr JStedman, Miss El W." , . Graham;' V jyStrickland, Wm.'D. 2 -God in, Jefferson 1 iSmith.AIexander A: J -T . , ' ' II v " "IjSpears, LuciusJ, , "'-' Hunter Miss MafthanStokes, John UilL Mias'Ann ElizriSinithIley.Vm; L.v ' Hathaway,- Burton W? ISmith, John A " " ; Hollaway, Wm. isicdgeJohn L. t Hodgo, WftrJ-'v":SheppanI,W.Ai' ' -. ' ' 3. : - WILMINGTON M ARRET. We liave but little to remark, as sales of pro- IIart,'Miss SaraFM.' , tTerrilUIiss AnnaR, "T Hamilton, Mrs. Esther Taliafo; Mrs. A. M. A ith us, it is generally tl.at nappy in- , ume iot uiem io eMauusu uie uaeives as toe j ; denunciations of the irreit conservative detection of the robber. llilLloro AWorder. j a. or aMt such infliction in the army as that ! "aTe .ce ratl,er ror two days past. . .. ... . , ! nn pun-nt that conservatism whudi iotistinr . lul,r ""luiitiuiious oi nit yn.ni conservauvc , . ' : . .. . .1 . r. , Tnmm.i no HU l.l.lo T,,...;.. n.,...- between the irosts 01 winter anu uie ; , ------ ..... .... . , ... ,.. , ,,. " " 1 described 111 these statements. v e tnereiore ! . ,f r ,V ,r 1 '".'"r1 . - the greatness and the slorv and the ns,rr d 1 statesman and patriot, lillaul r illmore .1 man , i-vtihct ... .... . . ., 1 t. . ... r. 1 1 t ion flirdw-i.ro 59 nil ki.i .. ofsuoimer, when the trees are first ; )ur -'., Govern ,' The ina ' 1 ! wlni not olv ,fs,l tn .,.;. b.,t w .1 , . .x .... . bei.evo wnnilnnj, tt,? tne -aote story, ,rou ue. - V' "V: X;- C'l.Tr'V .1 4 rofnl.,. ti, i,,K 1 - 1 i ii - 0 i J rt r rom a letter trom the senior taitor : i giniiinz to ena, is ialse. , . 1 io .V ' v- wv their tender vestments, and the Surubs ; drew ot the new Presidenf. despite Us specious from office,, men who were opposed to the exc-1 m,,,,-..,,,. uoq ' i sold at ?2 per bbl. arc decked with their most beautiful j phraseology ana suiaieu qualification, Uisp ays . . . , f . Pft nnw .,, I , - 'Vr :V C:" I rm i. m,,!, 1, .t . spirits lurpentine.-lWi l,l s. changed hands ' t, ;.- ti, f tl .tnrn ..f .ho spirit ot ayjrcxsutitm, the result ot a yielding' "J"" '""'V' v p i -j-i ........u... ... at cents per gallon, and 200 bbls.. Vrice not ; It is the period 01 the return 01 the I - f .i,' .,.,. r...; ..... i.;..P in their nraise of rraiilvlin Piorre. notwiMistan- Mondav.of the Superior Court.) of a verv sen- ment of success. Oenius has clue on his feet, 1 b V1 Wm. B. ous character. Vil.iflT i t.iiin P..nnl.T nrno l..l,r W'nfr 1 nitlO li.IT ft YlllVno Will wl.iftla O .T A rp.,cK I fl ' nl...lr..c I ...n. o r. ... 1 n. ...... t w. . n r.. .. n . P. . n . . ... . . d I . ...g,. ...mut. """""'""S : tally wounded, while walking along the street, j seat in Congress, a mission to England. The first part of. economy is to do your peculiar work: the second is to do it by system." US" The Union marks Mr. Everett as a kader. if not the leader, of tjhe Whig party. Ao better, purer, more accomplished statesman I no firmer' patriot no truer American repub- Ibcan, cart be found in the country. Wo would, willingly see Iiiai headin-r the Whin phalanx. In bin judgment, discretion, soundness, and lib- ral yet eiinservative sentiments, we have great wnfidenct. It is fortunate for tho country that I inch a man I h political Iter, admire Itegrity. emgfllveS, are pleased that Edward Everett is in the Senate of the United States for the sake of the couhtrv. have elevated 1dm, which forebodos disaster, 1 ding this open violation of his ow n avowals and i both to our domestic quiet ana the peace ot the world.' It is idio to talk of the acquisition of Cuba without war, and of its incorporation into our Uniou, if we acquire it, after the expense of our blood and money, without a recurrence to the dangerous domestic agitation which so late--ly startled us from our hopes in the permanent security of our forms aud institutions of Gov ernment. I said it last summer all over Ten ncsseo, and I repeat it now, that the aggressive, progressive, and propagandist tendencies of the j various restless aud disorganizing factions which.' in the aggregate make up that monstrous con glomerate, known in this country under the party mergi dom and wnic ,..in,l or.nill.d i overcome, and Ir. Escobar was directed to re- i ONE VOTE ''What is it to this turbulent. Democracy that j turn with the information that he would reach I Within the last dozen years the Governor of we already haveaiieuipirecuuimaiiding the trade j Ver.t Crux in March. He has probably already I Massachusetts was twice elected by a majority of two oceans, with millions of square miles of "landed, and the next arrival will give some dc- ! of one. A recent paper says that a single vote territory, uncultivated and much of it unpeo- ' . c i , r a : - i sent Oliver Cromwell to the Long Parliament, 11 -ii i- - i. iii- -ii- ' tails of the new order of things. r , a . . n . ... . pled, capable ot maintaining hundreds, ot mill:- , ..... . 1 Charles Stuart to the scaffold, revolutionized ons of lieonle. and which even our unexam nled I "ll!U cffuc tI,ls wlU liUVe uPon the relations ; l-:nrlan,r- a!Kl made Great Britain free. One March, the former ! and will tak hold on a marble slab. Out of a i thus early such a want of adherence to princi-1 by a double-barrelled gun discharged bv John pie, we havenothing to expect but injury and ! Hall. II all was on one side of the street, min tn tho rmmirr nn.l t l..nmn u ! when lid; fired, arid March on the other. Hall .. .. ' . ., . , i first attempted to discharge one barrel of his i " V . ""'' ' -c, "i "" bumvu gun,: but the cap bursted without a lire, lie by principle, to rally and stand by our arms." 'immediately fired the other barrel,: and five ; - ! balls Or buck-shot penetrated the body of March SANTA ANNA. j two on the side of the breast, one near the The "New York Express" gives the substance ! shoulder blade, and two near the termination of an interview between this wily and ambi-j 0 TlfE.lK- Wvm,.n u,n n.rtin. nd 2.: ,ii:, j i, i . r . i . . v i--- uous aumier, aim it. mia.m.ei. r.. r.sc-oi)AK, who i ;n matters 0f the most serious domestic and pe- Therc is a 'prison im Paris occupied exclusive ly.by women; who bake, mend and wash for all the other prisons. j NEW FIRM AND NEW STORE IX'FORESTVILLE, N. C. I f ITIlE subscribers having bought the Store-House ! hnil l.oon i!pEn-it.h(.iI lir tho nut mr'tms nf ui-.. puniiirir J-lifiplftop wlilili will hpvonftpp l.o lw '. I and lot latClV OCCUDIOU DV Own and Willi- misnomer ot the democracy is rapidly , ' , . J .f, . ! ullV investigated lams and entered "into co-partnership under the nu n-ii questious- oi niicrnai policy anu V,4U lu "."-1110 -lU1"- mucu wuj nu, : o - - - r . c. c i P 1 . . ..'..! . . " . . . Mall Sa in tiriunn Alrtvpli la ntl-ernlofl liw ' nrm OI I estw concern into an absorbing, tewcrisb, many positive refusals, many obiurgatious up ! r -., r , ', . .. J ' .foXKS if!irESfTw " f I mvi.lir ..I nnliuirfi ral . .la:. I llirCC UlillllUi I '11 IC IUIIS, C. iliCSSTS. IXtirilll, I " pauiiui anxiety auoui our iorei0n reiauons, , on tic ingratitude, the baseness and tb.e inca- Clement Parker. Rowan H'ti for the purpose of conducting a mercantile busi- 11 no saaeuy can unravel, ana ai wnicu , v:. . i ' " I ness, beir leave most respeetfullv to inform the . 1 t. . j-.l .: . ! . : l'lVilL UI 1113 . CUll u 11 111 VII, U13 PCI IICIC ; I , .. rimiBT. mill ill isl liuiit-iui iiuiriiiLrNiii iiii'.ui. i i i .mi. ... tit.it is in the national councils. Even reoroduction of population, coupled With an ex- i of Mexico with this Country, it is difficult to : vote gave us the tariff of 184:2, and one vote opponents must respect his charac-' traordinary influx of immigration, cannot de- foresee. His hatred to it is undiminished, and j made the tariff of 1640. One vote gave us , . . . i , . i velon in a eenturv . V hat is it to it. it our e n i r l i i lexas ana maac war with Mexico, anu purcha- ms talents, and do mstico to his in- . P . M .7 " " the following naracranh may foreshadow his I , ., , r ... i. -a 'r. . , , T rivers, takes, and harbors, go unimproveu, ana . . " " - i sea ainoriu.i, uinicu uiiiiicr me uuc oi emi- Yv e believe, that the Democratic party, I r,,,,;,:,: fl, inr.r.-ommunieatin and trad intentions: ' trration.' and hvill ehanrc tho destinv of the are retarded indefinitely ; hat is it to it, that the truo spirit of patriotism, which is cl tachmetU to the soil love of the places where AxEEickx Diplomacy. We have seen fsavs m National Iutelligenoer,) an extract from a ptter from one of .our most experienced diplo- nuc representatives on the continent of'Eu- upe to the following effect : ."Mr. Everett's Cuban letter has excited atten tion here.' 1 rexil it with ?h Minifltor from . ti vlw.m I loted a copy, said: . ,"0ur European diplotnacv. Ma no sucb c(ear and frauk ,JucumentSi m.irke;i iW larje Views.' eommnn aonun 1....-,,. k:...: I-. -. ...juLjii, ui.iiori- pi truth ; and wei fJunimxin ,i;nin,... 1 pigmies by the side of yours.' " , "Final!-, if I find mon of heart to make an j world.; 1 liob who are uithe habit of excusing obstinate defence ajjainst the aggressions of the ' themselves from attending elections, in the be North, amL the onlv cry is Independence or j lief that one vote will not make much difl'er- we were born and reared, and where rest the Death, then' I will cheerf ully lend myself to new ence, will do well to treasure up these facts, ashes of our fathers a sentiment which a wise ; sacrifices.": and act tjnuer their influence. Kovernment should foster by making it them- j BuUl0wevcr eager he nmy Lo to make war, T1 f i" : ' "'TT. f terest of its people to remaiu at places conse- I J 'I The following account of a shocking accident crated by inemory to affection is diluted by 1 nd however hostile the whole Mexican popula- j fri)m thc i)tlrstij. 0f a fluid lamp is given in the an unholy thirst for the. strange lr.rVis of i tion may bo, the condition of the country ren-j Wor.ccst?r (Mass.) .Transcript. We republish strange' people? That a bad spirit of cupldi- ! CTa ;t s"0 utterlv powerless, that even Santa : t as a warning against the use of this very dan- tltey are now receiving Spring find Sunnier Supply of Ooodt; bought with tie utmost icare by the senior partner, and upou the uiost favorable terms. We shall give our personal intention the store, endeavoring to please, aud b cash and punctual customers we will sell GOOij) BARGAIN'S. Wo solicit ah cxauiinjation of our well selected Stock, (which we will replenish.) arid hope to merit and share liberally of public patronage. Call and judgd for vourself and oblige, 1 WILLIE D. JONES. WM. M. CKKXSHAW Fnrestville, April 5, 1"3. li'J-wlw i i ' n o (Ulan. tv ana unrest suouia iate me pic vi cumuu- i . , . ir...:ii f,r i.- . . . , -.-- Y 11 1 111 U 111 L-U LUC U.lliLV Ml 11 13 1 1 1 ty . , . , i ment and nuiet m the national heart JNoth- . ' . .. - . . ! y e copied a uay or two since a - Itif uiiif f. .w.i trt t-t il.i tritliikiir l,ofOti no ini nn. : i .t . , - .t . t r o a i 41 hatever. The possession ot power is a sat- -.a" """-"--t : nneny stating uiai mc wiie 01 iea. reriey 1- paragraph, lTheXe w York Courier refers to the prom pt ministration of iustiee in the case of the mur- r, Sprung, atj-hiladelphia, as an example ortliy of imitation in olher cities, and the edi- y - "It is tli ku.i " rtuiuuusiraiion ot iustiee riaiaione cau strikn to 'P'"t3 of murder who are so numerous in nwuitj of therlaw, through which so rnanv vile ruruerershave escariAd l, i r,.. 1 1 . . iVI.il lUSlUlCU deven en generated mnrdoropa Jr. .; j, : . Cit' Vm.&-. Let the condemnation and icLnn i"T """?lo1(580r anu mere win oe anne- raise atunnnll.., nrltV. tl.a 1- rrJiaS UD all BVIcnatl. ft.- 1 A l ' S; W0 of; evil, long enough, Let "fk of -nod '" . ' ' PctIorm tne intr wt . 'P . .. n -.. . i . i . i :u:i..,i . i i i .... i n. i , . isfaction for all manner ot agitation wi in 31. 11 mesne commerce aimosi auuiniuiieu, iurn uy icn was ijurui 10 ueaiu on xuesuay evening oy would Convince the people that a 'whole bound- intestine divisions, there is nothing (o supply the bursting of a fluid lamp. She was sitting 1p ponrinent' is too small to 'confine ou now-I r , - -. . i bv the lamp, when it burst, from some unex- less coniiueni 10 iow oui.wi w w mui " . v i the sinewsof war, and no unanimity to pursucany , . , 1 f :..-' .1 . ., er,' and with the specious catch-words of 'ex- ' . , , , ' ! plained cjuse, communicating the fare to her mnsion' or 'extending the area of freedom,' settled plan of operations. And even if her i dross -jrliere wa8 rfo onc in the house but an that the islands ot the ocean should be tne tro- states were more unueu anu prospeious, loreigu , ageu man, wno w as 100 ieeuie to renuer any as- crcditors stand ready to improve their condition, j "stance.; Mrs. Allen ran to a bed, m which j ' 1 f- j.,t. nr.,; . . : ! she rolled herself to extinguish the iire from and secure loner arrears ot interest. Mexico is , ?,. . " . , . , b i her person. She succeeded in"d.nng so, but therefore utterly helpless for foreign violence, 1 not until lier ciothes were entirely consumed and tho most that slie'can do is the infliction of i from her waist downwards, and her flesh burnt In the mean time the fluid had set phies of our lustful might. It trusts to thej pride and the martial spirit of the country, that it would stand by au administration which might provoke; a war tright or wrong.' This Democ racy knows well "By what by-paths, and indirect, crook'd ways" it came to power. It would practice on the dy ing advice of Henry IV.. to his son -"I had a'purpose now The llov. Fram-U T.' TT4lr TV ti' of .Vcvr York City, has" consented to preach i valejictorv- th8 1-niversitv i i),a !.. .1.. ... J Ktkjm ll bug urvkcllt ""ejiate tfo. r i . . '' Offi.-rt. nf : , . f "mated, bv t in V.nurl t,. l. fl. t -OlHltl r, "Will 1IUUI 11 pays it ( h 1 )Aan Irnvallap ....... n .. . . I. 4 ui.... -:.- ''i.u 111 mo crea waa ot uiu "U ill aj fl... ,.0 ,.f V..l.l j o x ""I'll,!, Mi D 1'tian ointment, known to ha two iM.k-yL':irs,.ol(1' possibly three thousand, Vs'1' :m English collection, still retains pcriumc. To lead but many to the Holy Land : Lest rest, and ljing stilt, might make them look Too near my State. Therefore, my Ilifrry, Be it thy course to busy giddy minds With foreign quarrels; that action hence borne out May waste the memory of the forme days." "We already see the boginning of the end. The hopes of the true patriot can only be safe-J ly piacpa in tne lnaomitame energy anu me in flexible jsenso of justice of the Whig partyrop er, ' We iave never known- any other sort of a Whig party in Tennessee. And let Tennessee Whigs butdo theirdutyirvtlie coming Stateelec tioCs, aid they can, and knbw bow to, whqn they will, and they will make themselves the start ing point, as they are novr'the stand pdint, of that true, patriotic, wholesome,. -and- conserva tive influence, which, in spite of opposition and against all odds, will save tha country from do Biestic troublo and from foreign- broils.", ; nattv outrases unon American citizens from to a crisp. which they have never been exempt, and which j the roontn fire ; yet, notwithstanding her ter- , , i rible condition, she had the courage to think of extinguishing the fire, which, by this time had communicated to various parts of the room. She ran to the well and drew pail after pail of ... 1 .1-1 1 .1 .:n Nearly all that was valua- r, wnicn sue uaw.eu uiuunu u.e iroom u J 1. wno cn ulitpH t ins sfivmrr t. ia hmifi nnrl 111V il i - U(U IJU V-) ------ ---w uwuuw.. UH mavcall for the blockade of her ports. We do not r . think that another general war is at all probable, as all inducement to it was removedby the con quests of the last, ble ot iUoxico is ours, tnougu uie cupiuny 01 ; , f f an aired and helnless man. She Uien many craves for more. I ran intolthe street and made her condition Sakta Anna is a shrewd, able man. Knowing I known. She was so badly burnt that she lin- i . , , . , , ,. , ; rtered in excruciating torture but nine hours, his countrymen thoroughlv, and the only one , nc"-u 1,1 . p ,., ' . ,, , r 1 when death terminated her sufferings. amo,ngthem ever able to retain their confidence for any length of time, should he address himself to the t5s of consolidation and pacification, to the "W'hvi Ian-. Vhon?,, Bo. - .asks the Lantern, "is a blacksmith of raising a row in the Alphabet? '"akes A poke 11, and shove L." mhas now in its Qiivirons f. -""Haemjr lnali EARTHQUAKES CALIFORNIA. , Since November 21, 1852,therehave been tliirty-two shocks of earthquakes within the limits of California. The Sects of these ..con tinued shocks hare been confinod principally to the southern section of the 'State, and nave therefore excited but little attention, although entitled to much more than has been elicited. The effects on the dosert bare been considera ble ; so much so that the waters of the New River, the Big Lagoon, and other points of ob taining water, which made their appearance on the surface in 1848 and 1849, hay now , disap peared, and in their places volumes of sulphur Ani milri nnrl ofH itraanant anlnhliv hlVA tnnAfth 1 - ' . - f - i 1 f - t- , . - our cemotc- . ed. This, we fear, will present a serious obsta-J t 6J , fa-. a w-- 18 Sea-I "- in xceiauu uuev cniM'wo,oiBi uuviiduvv regeneration of finances, to the encouragement of manufactures and trade, to the purification of the Churchy and to other measures of reform, his new entry upon power will be a blessing ever to be prized by the Mexican. But his ge nius is more civil than military, and if his am bition again leads him into warlike enterprises, his career will be a very brief one for;, though a good soldier, he is an unsuccessful one, and his countrymen do not side w,fth the van- DEATIT OF MRS. CASS. " ' t ; It is trith deep regret we announce that tcle- graphic information - has"' beeareoeivedfrom Detroit that Mrs. Cass,' the esteemed consort of General Lewis Castfrdied in nhat "city' o"n 'the night of the 31st nlt;-Thff -8ympaehie'of'stb6 country will be1 extended to the! distingtrisbed ; Senator irom iJiicnigan, on inis meiancnoiy uc casion. Bepublic;3d inst" f . "ffiogenefSfihe newsatiricalpaperof London upwards of three hundred cle to the emigration by the Gila route this sea-l In Iceland three.,ne.v ton. California piper. ; J j in Sicily .nptjOnft, Lsi'-J :. - . . "f Pt "Vt t. V---'" Politeness, that cementer of friendship and soother of enemies, is nowhere' so much re quired, and so frequently outraged, as in famil iar circles : in near and dear connections it is continually abandoned, and tho result is, that all the illusions of life are destroyed, and with them mosj of its happiness. There arrf many who waste and lose affection by careless and often unconscious neglect. Ic is not a plant to grow untonded. The breath of indifference, or a rude touch, may destroy , for ever its dedicate texture. " - !' . - There is a daily attention to flie courtesies of life; which" can alone preserve the freshness of love.' The easy Burpnses of pleasure, earnest cheerfulness of aaaentto' slight 'toishes, the ha bitual resbeot to opinions, the polite abstinence irom personal vopico, iu mc wuimuj ium, unwaverirrg attention tobis or her comfort both at home and - abroad and above all the careful preservation of those properties of conversation and "manner; vhich'are sacred when before the -woHd.-fcroi' 8oraa.of the secrets" -which age and habit alike fail to impair or diminish. - h ( - ! Tri the search for. Sir John Franklin fifteen ex- peditions have been engaged, at a costpf i four millions' o dollars. - Sir John", has now' been absent nearly eight yoarsi . Twenty year in nearly eigni yoara I good as new. Apply w "me itjr of new hquscs, ar. kit try KaW Apr? 5th 1?53. , Lionajn. v v - , a i- - ... - TJie Union Steam Ship Company OV PHILADELPHIA. N K W ; A R R A N G E M E N T. -a riMUS Company is How running regularly the tliree superior .Steam Ships City of Richmond, Capt. Mitchell. Pennsylvania, Capt. Baymore. Virginia, Capt. Teal. And one of these splendid Steamers will leave Richmond audi City Point, every Monday and Fri day, and Norfolk every Tuesday and Saturday, for l'hiiadoiphia. ; Iteturning, leave Philadelphia every Wednesday and Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Shippers by jthis Line may rely upon low freights and quick dispatch. Passengers ill find every attention paid to their comfort, and lyicet accommodations unsurpassed by any other route. Passage from Richmond and Petersburg $8, aud Norfolk meals included. fltOBJEliT RANKIN, Richmond,. ' Agents J ROWLETT, HARDY & Co., Petersburg, ( THOMAS P.'CROWELL, Norfolk, LEVI ELDKIDGE, Genl Ag't, North Wharves, Pliiladelphia; ' ' Passengers and Freight for Philadelphia, tia Petersburg, mast be at the Depot of the Appomat tox Rail Road Company, by 10 o'clock, Ai M., on the days of sailing. j t ROWLETT, HARDY & CO. Petersburc, April 5, 1853. 29-tf llardieJIiss Louisa Y. iTurnor, Tomer Shoff. " Ilinton,' Mrs. Eliz,iThompson;,Alexander,'l "-" IlortoiWilirsfrhonmsof. N.T. , HoUand'T'homa! m.4l, M1DO lAiiry ix. Ilinton, Wm.'II; . iWilliams, Alphius ' n aiicer, r , ats l.'dl'i.CUi S Kositi. 1,200 bbls. Common Rosin was ssold at $1 per bb!. Tar.-42 bbls. Tar old at $1,85 per bbl. Timber. 5 rafts were disposed of at prices ranging! from $5a$9 per M. feet. Corn and Bacon. Market well supplied for prjees, see table. Molasses. 51 hhds. were sold at 19 cents per gallon. Irish: Potatoes Sold at auction for 45 to 57 cents per bbl. llay.r 30 bales Xnrth River Hay were sold i at 85 tu $1,05 per 100 lbs. Commerciali 2nd in.it. BOOTS. GAITERS. SLIPPERS. SHOES &.C. HENRY PORTER, FAYETTEVILLE ST., RALEIGH, N. C. rgUE subscriber is now in receipt of his JL spring stock of Goods, selected in. person, with great care, in various Northern cities, which he belieres superior to any ever before offered in this market, and respectfully solicits an examina tion by 'the public. His stock comprises, every character, variety and sire, from that of a Doll to s seventy-four. i For the Ladies, he has gome new styles of SLIPPERS and BUSKINS; very beautiful and tas ty f GAITERS of elegant material and finish and W ALKING SHOES handsome and durable. In word, eyery pedal lusurjr and necessary may be found at his extensive establishment. ' And the Gentlemen have not bean forgotten. His stock of HOOTf , SHOES, GAITERS and MA TERIALS for manufacture, is - unsurpassed: and. he is therefore prepared to furnish them with any 1 .1 .. . i? , , . uiiu every lumg in mcir line cosuy ana elegant, as wetl as cheap and useful. . His stock for MISSES and BOYS is full and choice, j , As to Prices, he lias articles at all rates from 50 cents t $3 for the Lodies--and the Gentleman, as cheap or costly as they may require. i . A full! stock of FURNISHING MATERIALS on hand, for sale low to the trade. Call and examine. jffiT" jHaving greatly extended his business and removed; to the greajt thorough-fare of trade in our city, vii : Fayetteville street, second door from Pescud's Drug Store, he hopes to receive, as he is determined to merit, the liberal patronage of a gene rous community. His motto is "Live, and let live" and he hopes to be enabled to carry it out. JBy illis Manufacturing iepartiiient is full and complete thc best and most skilful workmen su perior materials, and a determination to give satis faction, ;lie hopes will secure for him a generous patronage. Thankful for past favors, he respect fully solicits a continuation of the same. - , HENRY, PORTER. ' ' Fayetteville St. Raleigh, April 5, 1853. . ? - 29 it . N. B ) I wish it particularly understood, that I icarraut every articte 1 selL c -' , ---?. - I lawki us ' "Albe rt WH1 iam i J&h irunter,5irssMartbaII.; Walton, 3iss BattjEJ' .J : J.sjrt- u . .ijWilliams, Clinton C T r JacksonrJos. 2 Williams Dunkin ' Jones, MissLfzza. 'Woodr Jas. J. , ?Zt & Jordon, Joseph 2 j, fWataon, Geo., W 4 - t Jpnes, MissTemperance! Watson, JasO.1 ' ' Jones, F. II. - ' iWilliams, Mrs. Jana " ' Johnson. Miss Mary A.; J v Y 'J , Jones, Z. jYenrgin, Mary JL" . r , -UTaney, Thomas V. l, 'JB Persons calling for any of the above Let' ters will please say they are adrertised4W v" - . - -WILLIAM WHITE! ft M. v Raloigh, April 51S53. . ,--,- '29 'It -is A new Goldmine Discovered. ACCSSSIBL WITHOBT A TOT AG 8 AHOtSD TH 0OK1T. THE GREAT DEPOT FDR II A ND SVMEfPIllZE'S ;,s '. Lottery.andExchange-'IJrokerfti tw t .t OFFICE CORNER OF -GAY? AND FAYETTB STREETS, BALTIMORE,' MD, . MARION, A CQ. bee to eall paraculat attentien " " to their splendid selection of Magnificent iotteritS .::--' drawing Daily ; Ms "l - ' The Capitals in each Lottery- range ffoln the small amount of 4,000 Dollars to the stupendons" ' sum of 100,000 Dollars; jTicketsTatying iin pric -V$-' $1 tO $20." , . - "4- J"!. : .. A'.'.-;. . . ". Our RllfPfUS in Oollinir PihtOQ tiaa Koon "inlinU" - beyond our-eipectations. r We have sold and cashed Prizes during the last year amounting in the ag gregate to over i I ONE-MILLION OF DOLLARS, j ' . In.fact, not a day passes that a resoectdile Prise is ngt sold by ns-so to all virho wish td ventore for: the smiles of i'Dame Fortnne we resDectfullv ask of them a trial befofe purchasing elsewhere. -;, v s. SPLENDID S LOTTERIES FOR APRIL, " ' When to be . Price of Certificate r? drawn. Capitals.' Tickets; :w Packages of Lots for Sale at Holly Springs. WILL leapld at public- sale on Saturday, the 28d dayjof April( a number of Lots of land, of various sizes, situated at the Holly Springs, Wake County, laid off and arranged by he Holly Springs Lodge.f Those who Wish to locate themselves in a high and healthy country, together with thc advantages of the '-High Scihool," now in successful operation at that place, will do well to avail themselves of this opportunity. Terms made Known on day of sale. ! THE COMMISSIONERS. Holly Springs, Apr. 5, 1853. td 29 MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF i NORTH CAROLINA. T HE next annual Meeting of the Medical Socie ty of the jStteof North Carolina wilP be held in the town of Fayetteville, on Tuesday, 17th day of May, 3.833. i -- . The Society will convene at 4 o'clock in the af ternoon of that day. . i . ' ".. . -.- f- -5 Delegates, Members, and Members -. of the Pro fession, in good and regular standing, are invited to attend. . -? " W. IIARRISS, M. D., t . , - - - i . , Cor. and Boo. Sect'y. , r April 5, -184. - t ' 29-wlm "V 1. V-' " tIANO FOR SALE All VERY Superior Piapo Forte, for sale, ' f Also a lot of house-hold furniture, nearly as Booaasnew. abwj w "i unvowi , Splendid Lottery priVlB53. GREGORY $ MAURY, Managers ISuccettors to J. HW. Mmiry $ Co.) . Le $30,146! tery ,f or the beneit of the State of Delaware, . .Class 88 for 1853, To be drawn at Wilmington, Del. Saturday, April, ... v 16, 1853 13 Drawn Numbers m each Package of 2G Tickets. 1 10 10 20 20 20 20 J 85 SPLENDID SCHEME. Prize of Prizes of L. do ; . .... do -..L do ' $80,146 .. 6,000 .. 3,000 .. 1,000 600 400 800 259 . kjei. to. ktt. T;.Val. 10 U.l.aa Si.". Ana KCi Certfs.f l'kg's of 20 whL Uckcte, $140 00 do do - do do. 28 half ' . 26 qnarier do do 70 00 6-5 00 Orders for Tickets and shares and Certificates ef Packages in the above spendid LoUerieawill receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing win be sent immediately after U is over to ail who oruer trom me. . - Address- ..P,. BUCKET, Agent,. Wilmington, Delaware. T7AMP OIL-"W inter Strained Oil in store aad i t j jor.saie oy - - , nciu.ifiu.. - s 4prij 11th, $28,500 .; $8 t 13th,. ,10,000 21 ,1380.000 . 10 '5thi8.ooo:2 iotu, aa,ow 4 -"16th, . 50,000 45 " 18th, 9,000 3 " 20th, 80,909 10 "-"21st, 1 8,500 1 "25th, 25,000 8 " , 26th, - 20,000 5 " J 29th, 15,000 . 4 $110 . , 37 ,. 150 v.28 --' 63 250 44 150 15 iio . 74 " 62 $55 $27 60 -18"50 9 25 75 I 87 60 14 7 81 50 15 75 -: 125 , 62 60,t 22 , 11 . 75 87 60 . 7 60 8' 75 65 27 60 ' 87 4 18 60 J HERE'S THE GREAT BULLY OP THE MOXTH! Who says a Packaee in this trulv Grand Lottcrv t We can well say if is m"'z I -k n.f'4 . 'A DIAMOSli OP THE FIRST WATER." - OVER OXEJdILLiON OP DOLLARS TO BS ' ? DISTatBUTKD TO OC PAIK0KSI5 THIS OB Vi r MAGNIF1C EST LOTTERY. : v. Grand Consolidated Lottery bf Maryland. iW'1;-'; ; s f'Ctiw "r;', :'. ''-:j '"' Te be drawn in city of Baltimore, MD., on . . SATURDAY, April 80th, 1853. 1 SCHEME. ,000 23,000 22,000 1 Priie of 1 do 1 do 1 do 11,000 &c -&e $7000 4000 2000 600 1 Priie of3 1 do v-: 100 Prizes of 10 do &c. ' '. ' -i- Tickets only $20-hares in proportion. " -A package of 26 whale tickets in. this ereat Lot tery will cost, at $20 each, $520, bat as they must draw at least $200 back, we can therefore Send a Certificate of Packages of 26 Wholes...4.$300 o do 26 BarresWM..:M.i60 lt;-,P:'l do do 26 Qurtersw.t;.M75v . iv, i do do 26Eighths;..i37K QT SPECIAL NOTICE. The famous and lne ?- " l, ky Patapsco lottery Small Fry) will hereafter be J m-. ."''-. umwa on xuesaar, inursoay and Maturdavofeacli . ' i week Capital $6000, $8000, $2500,10 of $1000, :.rj &c. &c. Tickets $1, Halves 60, Quarters 25 eent4 "C A full certificate of packages of 25, whole ticketa in hfjji his famous little seheme will cost bt $15, halves y V-'X $7,50, quarters $875, and . single "package can 'i ' - . draw the four highest prizes in the Lottery. . : Tt r -- :Orders solicited through the Post Office. - ' 'i l'MJff 'J3A1I bosinss strictly private and ceafiden - For Prises either by the packsge, single tickets ,;.-'- i. or shares, be sure to address your orders -to th i: f if -1 Old Established House f MARIOS &CO.-;:' r k Al G RADUATE of Albany Female Academy d f tirM m ntmttinn ma teacher. i fvkS Sbe is competent w instruct in xmgnati, Ltin fl- Y - German, Drawing,. Vocal and Instrvmental Msiuy Wfef Best of references given. Adclress -. r r Vl - " V' :.' P-PlTTOOuth.lNUC.:' t April 5, 1&53. n -V ft li

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