I! CITY OF .RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY -MORNING, JULY 6, im 1. MKN JJfD THEIR D01K0S. .14.-' NO. XIT. Nir York, June 27, 1853. v i. . - - . - jtonk my dppwtur from ' th ratj of nmg- breesea in mors northern laii- . hat if I baC? I nit jumped out f the fry- into the fire. I he't least not founds 10? P ' . .. .1.. ..nMtnM r:.: ' L,er, w not the pliwJei to ihd etwl mn or 1 bre"'- ineiornicr &ncp up ruca m ai tit circuit",n na iricnua nn enen oinf r, W nd excitement is con's tandy ne- (hile the latter are only to 'be fund J..n' the cl, sequestereil Tales t lire," in (pMintrj, am ing lere, turaa, UuWera, cae- iml all that wrt if thing. So, away 1 .jl wj,irl over dusty railway.- in hi, utiHinp p. craoiia'Ni iun " ". ihir bttr-nair, tneir cniuirea mi mu hwdm iHK nure, Jap-ajs 4114 all th 'icjwnpinhiirtnts of fashionable traveller, goinf '.m-hTe. just to tay when they have return- rlin. that. they haelMnlralllnjj Th) -iduf 'thi elw iwrf jpr Iff Biipip wEer " llfT jcatter their gi'iauai a u were out it laJdust greatly 10 ine .inunien nsuininn wwj an'l bm-fit "of Eunpean ' Boniftceii, (liire U llixeis, railway win wCKiuiiunt coin- puK milliner, tailors, b'twt and ahie raakera. miije'c'' . i - . ... ... 1 Ivi. kjrt.min.H Tti mA,A , (IQ n urj v. tlujomuiit we are annually contributing to Janpe f t her manufAetureS4C rich guoI, and I.W eapit-ilint. in theX.irm of dividenda up (l t.ts f wioua descriptionH. it would be fjonl.tna:n 'unt to nuch a number f m Hinn n rU ait-inish plain, hmn-js pun t people, rjch i the gond folks of tlie old North State. Bit "lishteom. lieh go," ia an M m uim. taii'tru tut it is old. Mn wh- jump into firtunes f ftm a quarter of a million to two miffum f doILir. aa inmy do hjre.; in a very f j'Wmi-tdo .methin with it,"o make 1 b ' ft the world, tti gym p.witnn in, aociety. totiuhle tbem to become one bf that envW, bat reafiy unnn viable . set,' calld f 'the fim tlff,"ti(l to do thiii. one of -the many Way U tiukethe tfmrof Europe ; to go where King", QiefM, Dakes, Datehesso. Lords and Lidiei. albeit we hare none but ladies in thusountry. tn be Ken. if not associated with. : In regard to the amount due from the United Sat4 to Europe it is estim iteJ to be three kondrol ra llionx of d dlara. the interest on vhich, in $18,030,000 a year. Tiie time w.v cV a givat hui aud cry wa- m ide about hav kfu-eineijfital in thin eoun.ry ; but foreign tipitil h4 'lihe a xwt dal toardA miking ths h!1n U" th-tt mw firm uch net-work vet the while c iuntry. and tend W g'Te ac tirij. lit.) an I energy to A'jrico enterpri.-. I tfilf , in my letter about a week ago. of the l?;ireheiuion of m mied mn of a revul-tion ; tifne apprehensiona are entertained h ;re to a eooniderjMe eiten', though th9y do not appear U affict tha m m-y mirket dirsIy ; they do. 1 Wewr, indirectly, for the aijicious and piu inl prefttr to make inreatm -nU in au jh a mtn xr.u tit iMndr their m rvM arailablo oh abort sutiee. Meantime, erery thing appears to lie fins ahead with the spied of a race b'irse. 1 ewrj m in aeem to be dashing forward. Ml into all manner of enterprises, an if he had i internal utea.u engine at work at high prea nrt. The f .ll.i win? extract I cut from the " Xa Uul 0 !di wr.," of th ' l'iih instant, the or pnof th- aLnin'iKtration in this city. I need that, it is g.Md authority fr the ft ! it sutcj, or the ore .fiction it mtka ' But it in now certain. th.it uiI-m th. i & Tly and total change in the t'-mper and a to f the leaders of th free-soil wuiir. the old iemrill be otwiuxl in rhl :.i. 11 I ... ' winm, Willi , II r I'Nccanil Hf tniiintl.n v,..r. .1 I . .t.c, urrare iinwiru. rvranvUidv to nretpud thnr lite fro-..:i ( n..t q.iietly and thoroughly re-organii-aliy it-lf, ouwideof tlw nt:ufor:i. of th A I.nJntL Iittion. is at once to lie, r to be groalT ijjno m of political uiAt'ers in this State " Y.io need no other eridence of the bittArnoaa I of the hostility existing between the tw. wing the dm-icracT in thin Smf ,,f k:i t i Iy 7'f n uivu A USW Wre inf .rm.id you. Ao election f ,r a Polic W lately took place in R.ilwter. in M Tae dam-crau had a in teting. or elect 'UeUj-ites ti nominate a candidate: the free- I -ere in the aacin lmt. and oi i" natea their own man. Whereupon, the 'H.nal detn.wrats and national wbiirVunited Trty upon a man unobjectionable to either. the day of the election quietly deposited eniMjjS to elect himr. Tnia put the free. in a towering passion, and in a "humor wllthir quondam brethren, all kinds of i'd ntms. Tim n.nn,.. :u: .l .i - i.ui. iimu iviuivn a QlbltPil nn ll.. ..it.. I A .1" i " . ' uurci ilium cxoits over me m a significant " sign ;" of what, you the Albany Argus, of the 21st inst, I "" blowing significant article : ' : 'ners.ot course exhibits sympathy for M Jp lhe e consul at Honolulu. binder ot , a av.vnv av a nn a CDlwll I r. ou i -ur. (lt hia abolitionism, now as heretof. ore ni nnBtnpss. personal Iy, for Ltliat or an; PooiUun under a 'democratic administra Sli HriitV.a. 11 . j. a V "--'''. St! f Druaaeren " in ana out ... . ,ur sunn nympaMay wiut niui, iir "?qual!y gratified with the Atlaa,t1iMi ai IlkW . iu uviiwun in uasnfKBrstK wi. ?" no Kn:t.... .L . m l ... . . -.uuate ot toeir nooiity to tne pru. JJ H as the candidates of the demo- J- at all time .nil ai ntfi 11 A!mamatanMa tfc n;' d "Mg-V they did not trjoice ac , fiumph f.flr fretHioiliti.r N man in the . -? Wlid UlUri- llffaa a.a:..l 1.. ".a M? e fro" negade tf 18, than A rt f ar a aa 1 kll.wL ew u that year stand more uneo C Tf ne dd then oAMhe - great national "j:, Piid the prenent than the. u.j lucrative eoMutare, , kijh'r s woman ua more aoociramj; ' man -t If the object, in his iwltction, wan to pleaae I he freeoil traitor, of '48, and to affront eerr 1 'w.iy else, the wWtion could H.-.j.r.,wl. h- bon impMved. '--We do not wonder that the Aiiaa, tree-Mill and alMihtion. now as hereto wiwH-nuwew nun at our I Also, in Smith v. Smith, in equity, from Anson, wnns are so troubiesoai an 1 frequently fatal a It is currently reported here that "Bov. directing a reference to the Master to ac!rtaln wong children, parents should be watchfn); and on Tucker," who did not get the appointment of the am unt of tha rents. Also in D -e ex den. tne P?oar.ince of those distressing symptoms Marshal of the D. strict of Columbia, has been to Concord to engage Edmund Burke as editor f the paper he proposes to establish at Wash- ington. Both "Ber." and Burke are in the beat humor in the world to support Pierceto give mm mat support which vultures give to A friend of General Pierce, of this city, of the " old line " stripe, w ;nt to Waahington about a reek ago. and had a plain ulk with the Presi- lent and the Secretary of State ; each separate- 'y. He Vdd them very distinctly that they were triving the party to the . Pierce prom is- 1 amendment, but Marcy retorted, and high vords passed lietwecn the tw . Since then. nmuH. I .-veral " hard shell " appointments have been a-vU in this State, the principal on of which a that of D. II. D-jitin Eq- f this eity. a strict Attorney to Minneaota 1 very g-tfid no indeed. Mr. D. is a g ol lawyer, a man of "itiinable character, and a m ist unoomproiftis ng .opponent of free-soiiism, and all other mm. II i will he an acquisition to that rapidly growing territory. . Y.m will re n '.nS-ir that I corrected! myself :n regard to the r-ntpp)intm ;nt of Dr. Patter- Hon, senior, as Utrector Ot the Mint the ap-' t"x ... pointm mt naving n-cn given to U . f.. ju iior. mat aoD.iinrmnt w. however. revoK-d. and the office .-fjven to M. Snowd -n, torro'r Trea surer of the Mint. This act ha alienated a very extensive dsnvairntic family. D.-. P.. jr., is the tietdirtW of J ihn K Km,, at present Dis trict Jud e, which nop lintm mt w ia the fruit of the oelujuivited l'la-"vuij Iciwr, by w.iicii Pennsylvania was bam'vi-izled infi giving her vote to Polk, and thereby lost th? tariff of '42. ! Jud;e Kane was an old federalist but joined the ' Jackson Party." and thereby became "a ( d -mocrat. dyed in the w.ml " The family is j extensively ramified, has shared largely in gov- I emment contract, jnles and sp-iils, and, of . arnrte, has loeii active and ptw.-rful. But thy ! have had, fo the first time, in half a century, the back ot the President's hand given thui. J the latest foreign new. tr) considered rather favorable for the m&intainanc of peace in Eu rope ; consequently favorable, commercially and financially. It is believed that tha Roa. I.ian Turkish question will lie settled or post-1 ported, aud that there will be no war. OBSERVER. THE EXECUTION OF P0BLIC JCSTICK. There is evidently a m ire healthy tone grow ing up in r- ir I to carrying oot the requisi tions of the law upon aujh as. by thir crim t -, have pl:icel themselves layond the pale of pro- tection. Th Executive is gralually acquiring the moral firmness to disregard the whining appals of false philanthropists, and the law is permitted to take its own course. We are gl id that it is so. Th ir ire certain iu :. who mi onely approach in n . viv. i.e wild bast that they can only b t d salt with as such. They arc quite as unfit to die as to live, but so;:ie4y d-nn tnd- thpir extermination as im neriously as it wmll th d wtruction of any savage m oister. 0' surii a character was the late Arthur Spring, wh 1 w jnt dnwa to the grave with a lie on his lips, and who would doubtless have r?patel his career of erinrv if the heart f the 01 .vernor bad buou softened to the voice of mercy. While there is something horrible in the idea f cap't-il pn-ii 1'im "its. aolvh'l- w doobf. as a g-n r tl rule, their g. fid nifjets in acting by exam;i. stHl it is the only mode to deal with som offender and soma offences, and it is notorious that where they have been totally abolished, crime has increased In an awful di gree. And this ia tha natural cneq i nce of a relief from th faar of ort.iin an I ex reuy tmnishinent and a reliance upm Ectcutive clemency to shorten the horror of un iris hi ment. We hope, the day is d'stant whan the attempt shall bo made to engraft upon the laws if this State fh tender cruelties of m iJrn re formers. THE PUBLv; LANDS. While the strict pany lenders of the locof- Courses -rfcp.,,1 rh.mt tn.i Stttii. t,:r..elw A - nouncing the d.ictriue of Distribution, occasion al indications show conclusively th.it have not entirely succeeded in driving till pirly into their notions. Mr. Leaks says that "he will support no in in fir (J i vernor, wivi d ios n.rt. advocate Distribution;" an I we proeivo that a correspondent of the last "Standard" (speak ing for himielf,) pronounces) "thn D m icratic doctrine" upon the subject of the Lmds "obso lete 1" Messrs. Byi. S'late an! Craije will find, before the end of the first week in August, that there are many others who entertain a similar conviction ! ' ... BURGESS S. GAITHER, Eq. We have received jt copy of an Address is sued by this gentleman to the freemen of the Eighth Congressional Ditrict,.and shall pub isbl the better portion of it in our nxt. Wt ave seldom, if ever, read a m ire direct, sensi le and effective dcument. It shows up, in a Tong, but not exaggerated light the inconsist encies and shiirt-cotnings of Thomas Li Cliko man M treason to the"UnjnJ--his infidelity to the Whig party his hurktiering with Iocofouo lam for promotion at .ltd haoda-iis selfishness. nd all tha other eharacteristios that tuakeu Vtbe We do1 -hops. a v we believe, that it will tffte 3 &n(1 '"wwoce, Awards the defeat ! open the tyesof every fVkig, who has enter- crew f .. a . - election. - - y . ."V . . t'wX-'teHWir.A The Bostoa JW rttt". "Naoa the daughter of noch, was SH years old when be was toamea. uourage laqte r 1 : SITPllPVtS' rnnRT ' Tu r JLPllE-?E C?T- ... 1 ' 1 ' : " opinions nave Deen aetiverea ,n the SuPr,?m! Court: tme Court : C. J. ' In XI iy v. Smith, in E pity, i. dimnissinf the bill with cint. Uy Nah from Anaon. dismissing the bill with cists. K"lty v. W.HiJson, from Sui.ily, affirming th judgment. By Pearson. J. In McK iy v. Flowers, from Brunswick, directing a venit.ie .' Also, in Siraniburgh v. Hickman, from New II mover, re- versing the judgment blow Also, in Je.sup T. JWHiin in oniurr fnim OL-im-!., ...1 11... - f j ... . J ' - - . u u . . f v. 1 ii.ii n, mni, il State v. Mclutyre, declaring thatthnre is no y BiTTi.s. J. In the State v. C.wey. from Wayne, diieoting the judgment to ba affirmed. Also, in Stat v. R.-viIls, from K .hom. dir. ct- ing a venire de n v . AU:i. in Fuller v. Mc- Mdlan, from Ciui jerlau 1, reversing fhejud ment. - rnou niurituvK : I . . - - 'v. - . v vabiiviuoai inbw toK. junx Tne steamer Northern Lig4n, Iroui San Juan, with dates from San, Francisco tu June 1st, arrived at New York this ! morning. . j A duel wiW to have taken pla on 'the same day between Senator Gwi and Mr. McCorkie, member of (mrnM . Th mtk ,,f tlu .lift; .1.1 : memoer ot Uongress.- t he cause .1 tlw .llffi.-.ut- ty WiM Some personal remarks inad b the for- m-rin reference to tha Utter. The 'weapons .a , , . r C.ioaen were rifics at thirty pace". Tne steamer California whs tolpave en the 1st , Wlin orer H?.J iHUJltm niul n. mt.rrt? rn ntllil tr . .... . . .. . . . t rht Mming continued nnvip-rou-.. and large a mount ot tfolil wr hA.nr hrint.,! 1 tie wea- tner continue.! pleasant, aiu good tie iiia prc v lil-d. The hbip Jamestown bad arrived at San Francisco from Cii'.n i with later advia.- Ilr dates are to April 6:h. Her captain reptirts that the rebela ha 1 li-nn .l.-ven -iwiy from the walli nf N i an 1 t -ri'i - sImm '!- T ." t 1. At the latest advices it was thought the Govern ment would finally triumph. Siuce the above was in type, there has been another arrival from Ctl.foruia. as we learn through the Telegraph. It brings the painful rum. ir, th it Senator G.vtv win killol in the dul nlluded to J Ths l'iv.srLViXi. Aricli.tcral Societt's State Fair takes place at Pittsburg in Septem ber next, and already tha papers of that city arc discussing the subject of a proper location for it One paper estimates that nearly 200.000 persons who have never been in Pittsburg before will visit the city on that occasion. Putnam's asd II a per's Th July numheis, which bave jmt twen issund, a Id to the; already established character of the.se niagaxines for literary excellence. Ai V vtK .v s. LATE AND IMPORTANT FUOM EUROPE The steaitier B .1 ic arrived at New York, on Tuesday last, bringing Liverpool dates to the 13tb iustaiit. Cotton remained active at unchanged prices. Flour was not so firm, but no change in price bad occurred since our last previous advices. There appears to be no change in the com plexion of the Turkish question, which,! looking only to the warlike movements of the antagonist I rer-t. vrm-' I seem ver. - r'ou-viy menace too (o.ioc ni ciur-'pe. Toe .....1 Jui.n. .,1 tne pub li.; funds, however, aa well as the uniformly ex presaui 00 nioiis of thd loreia journ tls1 ugiiu-t the pr.ib-itiiluy of var, induce tn-i lielief that the question will y-t b'i a.nicaliiy arranged. It htab'.v.'ii timi'.uiic.'d iy ttio Ministers in both II.iiiss of the British Pitrlniinunt that the EiiK'Lsii ao.i French flve'.s bate been jointly lis patclie I to the Dardanelles, iurnished with lt:e instructions, and that the best understanding exists h"twen O.-eat Britain and Frai'ioe in re gard to the pending difficulties. Two addition al steam -frigates and two sailing vessels were being fitted out at Brest for urgent service, but their destination was unknown. T lie s.iocit caused lu the funds by these move ments was relieved by the report of the arrival at Paris of tae Russian Minister of Justic, bearing pacific as-urutices from th:Czir, an I at the latest dates confidence was almost entire ly restored. It was supposed to lx not 1 mr.ro b- able that Russia might temporarily occupy the frontiers of the V inubian provinces, out no se rious collision was exfiecte.d to take place. Tlie advices from Constantinople are to i'l 30th The Sultan, it is stated, has handed to j the Ambassadors of the Four Powers a note ex- ' tilaiiiiuir tiie m.-asures he has taK.cn to ma.nuin i the intezrity of her ter.-uories, and declaring , firtnij that any arrangem mt with lttissia is out of the question while thai Power wrsists in its exorbitant pretensions On thrt 28th tne French Minister gave Rid child Picha a f .rm il assurance of the supp.irt of the French G .verninent, and the British Min ister was to have an audience on the 2d instant for the purpose of giving a similar assurance on the part of his Government. The military preparations of the Turks were carried on with great activity. On tb 30th ul tirao a Turkish fleet "of twenty-two sail was an chored at the entrance of the Bt&ok Sea!; at the arsenal twelve corvettes and several frigates were being armed, to Im ready by the 21 of June ; one hundred and forty flat txutts were employed in transporting trtillery and'nmiuuni tioii to the fleet and citadel nt the Bosphorus; and the militia were pouring in from all quarters. Later intelligence will be looked tor with great interest, as this quarrel cannot be prolong ed.inueh longer without embroiling Europe in a general war. Coppki Ft rv. We h ardag-srl strwy told a few days ago by one wnose belief in copper and coal mines was not - extensive as usual Its application to the wild speculation indulged in by many persons is not bad. Tire story goes that a gentleman in 11 " finding a lump of copper ore on his premises, inferred of course the existen.-e of a mine, posted off 1 1 A 1 , exhibited his "rocks. ' refused $5,000 lor the mine, and filially sold it for $7,500 cash. The lucky purchaser haa been earching tor the m'ne ever since ; but as the ore was dropped Jy one i of the S ith wagons on its way to Fayettf ville, it is generally supposed, that the mine is nut that Fajfeiieville Observer. . v . . 1 1 ..; : . 1 ' : v'- Mexicas MosTAxa Ltjl3CE?tT:i The five Ex- Eress Co's of New York City certify that tfiey ave entirely alvondonfrl the nse of any .other Liniment tor the cure ih aores. galls, sprains and rheumatio pains among their horses or men.u ' v.,- V- . . 1 1 -rif Jir -lJf yoo hafe any ujy,t painful Corns up on your feet, get a .bottje of Mustang Liniment aod apply it twice dy t for -1 J days aod . the trouble, will be gonepxstiUTrf rATr- A.-. A VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE I So celebrated has Dr. M't me's Vermifuge become, fht it is Vegrded as the ooty specific cure for irjrmi. Fmilie8 should nsver without supply bf it. At this season paticularly. when a supply bf it. At this season paticularly which warn us of t eir presence, at once apply this powerful and eiajociousroiuu.iy. We. -ire confi dent thatit only requires a trial, to convince all that it richly merits the praises that have been lav ished upon it It is safe and infallible. Volumes of eerltl..ji t.i'j i.ji. rir....:ir.l rt!.karl:. ira immt medical 0 t&" Purchasers will please bo careful to ask for Dr. M' Lane's Celebrated Veruiifuge, and Uke ! ! none else,; AH other Verin.t'uges, in ooniptriso.i, are worthjeas. Dr. M' Line's genuine Vermifug-:, , also hisCelebrtttd t Liver Pills, catt now he hai at all respectable Drug Stores in ths Caitei States and Canada, and at P. F. PJ5iJOd'3 . DIED. In thisscitv. On aaiurdav.- thpfZiiIi ir. J,iiii ."" j- 1 iultroton.- lliliii.t iiitii if W .Iti. .f m ,1 I .1 ..ihii 1 . 31 n D fpjirt.d thi.- life in P .lk c.mn'y, T-xn, on 31st of Aty, Ueorge B iWtd lie ton, late of the c,.'Urtf.V i Orauvilie, N. d, in tiie 25th year of a?e' i It UdiacalttflKloet from the rich duster of Tirtue which llM cnracter f thl mtiiaabl. roung m 10, onemjre distinguished by it l.i'-r? 'hnn autfihr! II. hal no foil by ,,':?'T1,"n? w?"u5 V.ae1wtlOT or anothe-. Ail the eletnents of wl.kh hU charactar man formed, memed to be of Tirms. Social, kind-hearted .! fnuruu mont ibe ouinuiiutu of faiaag; honert, benro- Dl Ulii DUMnL III htri ltlLnrmnriiu v th tha KA . r . . . . ' ,v" -' -.w.., nM exemplary 10 aiitnedomMUcre.ation of life adaUfol son, aa aiTeetiouavC brother, a enMJerate and huinants mMtr. Ui ciear, aannd mind, stored with useful and profitable Mutlni V.!. .... .. ., A 1 . . . . . .. joyous, hrladom oouutenaae. li-ii.rM nn. aa it wu ,t u 1 y uie Kpin .oi ueucroienee wmcn nwlia:ed from his Tir tuouH heart, rcniered bias among the nv -at initreniin, a we 1 a- the tnoxi esteemed and be OTed of nun. fie po-settsed an auuiint;, humble tai'h In tbetlospel of (jurist, by cbe precepu of which hi whole life was $orernd and regulated jo e-' duinents epuld tempt bim to swurve from the slricteet ad herence to moral aud rell-dou duty. He was from ear.y youth a rausisteat member of the i!'icu,al Churrh, and hi ieaJ In btia f of ,iuu estab.iliuiRnt. In hi- auoptrd -J - .. u, u. " . rtf.uUl im W J 'U. .iCj , 4 ul lead it aa'Mial rourention, which broubtoa. it ia believed, the disease -of which he died. The announcement of his decease, in this eaniBanlty, where nearly the whole of his life w:.s passed under the pmt-ting care of a aeroted auui, (now hemrt-troken by tar bereaTement.) and where ha was be t known, was received with a araaation of aorr.iw aud re fjr- whih hUa beeu rajwiy wiuiessed. J lu yarnin,p of af fwtion would fain paint bis character inall the prodigality of toTelinesa, in which nature framed it ; language ia iuade quale to the portnti . fhia can be awn on ' y throu h the sad denning, heart-crushing reminiscences of those to whom be was bound l-y .atnr s iir. aud wUo kuew him ia the intimate re.ation of hi! d-Mnissti? heart.i. Itv left no e-iejiy bKhiud him : on the jr.vitriry. he left in every aOai itau.-e a friend. No he rt waMiever aifluiated by a injre pure, aud generous, and noble spirit. " floidnesa and he fill u? on: ...ai.ot." Oxford, ...p. T. On the 19sh instant, at Blight House, Cbes nut street, P:iiladp-iia. Mrs. Julia Tneodosia Mt-Kae, eldest dauguterof John U.ii-gwyn. Eq , of North tfanilina, and wife of Rjv. Cameron Farquhar Jl..-Rae, Aisistaui Hector of Curist Church, in that city. JOHNSTON ACADEMY, J v ii'S .V. r U A il-l' , WE. haviDg employed Mr. J0I1.1 W. Stuart who was educated at Kauloipa Macou Col lege, Va. , nd comes recommended tor having at tained to the highest gride of scholarsaip and sus Uuued an Uaetocptioaable good mr.il ch.tr tcter. wUile at ths.1 loitttut.oa, aanouace to tiie former patrons, ad the puo.ic geucrally, th-.it the next jessiou wilt coiumeuce ou the 7ta of J Que. The Academy i situated in the west end of the county, near the Wake line, in a healthy and agreeable a community as any to be found, and affords, we think, fo.i6t;' r- tHorot'U instr iH'a as an SoIkmA ot 1 1 . - Jt..ld. The eix. jj, per ijj3iou ot 2- Viv.&J, are follows: I For spelling, reading, and writing, $8. For Uran)in.'ir 0aooniphy, Ar.tuuucic, and the higher or.iiicliei $10. For C assies -i 1 4. BjurJ c..a be had in ...families convenient to the Academy at -i j ptr loBln. For the competency and good moral character of Mr. Stu.irt, refer to tae .tcalty of 11. M CjI- ! DR. J. T LE CH, Chairman. Oorr xl. vV. D Turner, J. Leu J , Join McCane, TansraKS. ler. T. Ca pt. riiinao suiith, W. &. ioore. Juy 1, Vo3. Standard cr-py 2t 54 LD Southampton woouy ored Uid Apple Ur .udv, im,.r -ved by a Sou h em voyage, ifor salo by PEEliLtS & WHITE. Petersburg. July 1. 18o3. 54 rilHE Subscriber offers for sale an elegant I HOUSE and LOT in the town of Oxford, with ur w.ihoat a small FARM adjoining of I ".7 J acres It is unnecessary to describe the mansion or the beauty of the situation, as person w.shingto pur- ctiane wtli view tue premises. L. M. JIGGITTS. 4w4 54 Ju'y 1, 1853. I W AHH HIT TON FEMALE SEMINARY. TWHE next session of this Institution will com I mence on Monday, the 13th Jane ensuing Terms as heretofore. Those who miy' desire mole particular information can have a c.rcular sent U their address. DANIEL TURNER. PriiC pal. Wairenton, N. C. May 81. 1853. t2( j 45 Pleasant Grove Male Academy. WAKE FOREST, N G W1LU4X Al. CaaNSM.t.-v, A. j?S:riucipal. rriHE next annual session of this institution will I commence on the first Monday in July next. IWrJ can be had for $G 5U per month, including washing, lights, and fuel. Tuition from $7 to $1& per session. For further particulars address Da. W. HARTSFIELD, Forestville. N. C. May 24, 1853. wtloJuly 43 St Mary's School, RALEIGH, n!c. IIIE 22d term of this School will commence : on the 6th of July. 1853, and continue five months. F For a circular, containing full information, ap. ply to the subscriber. ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. June 8, 1853. : - 47 t NOTICE. IHE Trustees ot fccience Hul Academy aa- : I nounee to the public, that the next session will commence on the iirst Thursday to. Ju y, under the control of a . Teacher qualified to teach the Languages, and all the English Branches. - .The Trustees wish to procure the. services of a Teacher to be Principal in the Academy. .- Address the Committee, at Gray's X Roads,. Randolph Co., P ti ss. -t ' s, i 'B. HI LB, -i z.rush, : v-,, n j. H.-BK09E3, June 14, 1853. .r. . i CofflmUtee. w2w ! NOTICE.' 1 'THE CANDIDA ifc r-U.t rO"TT AND SUPril l',e,r 'IS,,W P "aT'IL SITPrittlOil COIIKT CLKKKM will m et I iw-citizins at the following times and At Star' ins Sike BtnrT. th July 1843.- A. itobert Adaun'. on vCviday. llb July Ac Cedar Level, on Tuesday. I Ah July At Orady'a, on Wednesdl;'3tn Ja,y At Coakiey's, on Thursday, 1 llh July At Law's Store, on Friday. 15th Ju'y At G. Wi Thompson', on Satunlav I 'th Jtfy lAt Fmnltlin's. on Mandar. lt Jn.y A : V,r-,-Qxi ,..r(-l.on i'uwday? Ivlth Ju'y j. Ai. Ou.-ee's, on Wednesday. 20th July At Gardner's, on Thursday. 2tst July At Bank', on Friday. 22d July . At Busbae's. on Saturday. 23d July A. D-innrvi.le. on Moislty, 25 h July A:. ore f Trie, tm Tuesday. ""hJu j At itolesTi'-ie. on Wednesday, 27 ih uly At Hortoo's, on TbursdaT, 23th Jn:y At Hood's, on Friday, 2ath Ju'y At Wakefield, on Saturday, 3ih Ju'y Opportunities will bs offered at the virious places above taoutioued. for persons to p iy heir taxes. WM. H HIJil. Sh'tf. Ju y 1, 53j Standard. 51 t Valuable Property far Sale. FR'tilE Subscriber offers for sale the Mills on ' J House's creek, in Wake c uniy, formariy the property of .R c'iari Sin th, 1-w., fi-M mdes north wast of F-.t vigii l'a .ui tchttucy for jftauulactu ring flour aii 1 grinding corn, ,S of thebest kind the atreikm of w.ftcr s n.ifiUng. and the custom of the Mi l n large. A!so, a Saw Mill, the machi nery of which; together with that of the other Mil., is as g oJ as new. Tuese Miits ars situ ite.l within two tniku vl tuc Ce .tr .1 K tilroad. and rea dy access c-tn thus be had to the tuarketsuf Raleigh, Wilmington, Norfolk, and Petersburg. Four acres of ground att$h3 1 wiil b.; sail w;t!t the Ll!s, but the min-frt-s iri tin iaa-1 will be reserved; an I the m ichinery o.i S te preiuiaos for gr.uiiu o'aok leuJ Will also be reser'ed. This valuable property is offered at private sale, but if not sild before the 15th ofJuiy, 18-33 it will be sold on that day at public sale. Tiis premises w.ll be s!i jwn to pjriona visiting to examine them, by Mr. S. S. B;trbee. PENELOPE SMITH. Rtlelgh. July 1. 18'3. -It 54 Sl'tidtAL tiXt'KEJS SUT1CE. TO THS MESCHAJiTS OF BALKKiH ASD V1CIXITT, arisein Sl Hiag's Express. TT 7"E re nuw running our Eiprca. oaiiy, from f f . ijrr . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . t j .. ..... pomvs, in cuarjeof our Special messengers. Tri weex.y from Norfolk aivl I'orUm iut;i, to Kaleigh and the interior of North drolina. Every Tues day and Saturday, per Steamships Roauoke and Jamestown lroin 'New York, fr all parts of Virgin ia, North Carolina an-1 feunisie. Merch-tnts aa 1 others wishing to support a tru ly Souuiem EuCerpr.z, and (Jesirotn of receiving their merchandise by m :il Siee i aud the in .st eco nouiic il rates, will ti;id us enrrying o:it our repre sentntiuns to tie le.ier, ov orderinz their corres pomieuts to send their goods by l'arisen & K:ugs Express. 1 ivl.Noi., .i ilTC.dV 3., . . i. uo do '.lollingbrook nt Peters'g. V D. GttOv'EU, Nvrroik, Va. H. D. TUKNElt, rttleigli, N C. ' ' J. R. & J. SLOAN, Greensboro', N. C. 0a the fii'st of Auguit we shall run our Ex press t. and from Baltimore and Philadelphia. .1 i!y I. 18-VJ. ' lliVil'itx H'JT.1. WASHINGTON, D. C. SH'.I su')jcriler rj-p-:t:ui.y iiniiounoea to hl lr.eo Is uo t tli tr.ivei...i : ujj ic iU.it lio n .3 taken charge of this large and vre -known estab lish;. unt, which has baea completeiy an I elcg.mt .y re&ttsd and refurnished in every departm :ut . Hnving had charge for aionguinj of French's Hotel, Norfo'k. and the Hotel at Old Point, ana oemg experienced in all tbe details requisite to ibrm a Hot; of the firit ciass. he assures-the pub ic tail e-ery exji-t.o.i w.ll b'-i mile to render the Irving, in every respect, deserving of their confidence and support. D. D. FRENCH July 1st 185S. Hm- t j NOTICE . V SOUTHERN GE-ni JAN, EXPERIEX'" eJ in tc:acaing, who is a regular gr.ulu.iU, tuu in connexion with a full Academic course, is irep-ire I to giva thorough and practical itibtruction ipou civi an 1 nuuhaaicd 'engineering, would . C cept of a situation as Principal of an Academy or H:gh S;hoo, iir Prjfessor of I ithein itics and .natural Scieuces, where a ibcr.u tfumpensutiou .ouid be allowed. Communications, post-paid, addressed to R. H. J cire of i)i J. ll.ii, Ej., Argils o..ije, Noi.oJi. Virginia, will meet With prompt attention. July 1, I85i. : 51 -tf Hillsborough Academy THE next session ot ton institution will com mence on the 13th of July. Terras as heretofore. R. II. GRAVES Principal. Ju'y I, 1853. ' w3w 54 WHITE SULPHUR C'J LYBFATE SPRIXGS, WARREN COUNTY ;N. C. rHnE mcdicid properties of the w iters of these Q Springs have been amply tested, and their beneficial effectai arc so goneraily known, that it nreclndis th" n"f?pssity of a lengthy uesenption. L vt'n'i a.i,), horfjfer, tint I u ipe w.tukiul and at tentive Assistants, good Servants, fine Music, a Table furnished with the be.it that can be procured and mode.r ite charges, to satisfy an I piease all who oa.iy p ttrj.iixe mu, aud tujfjj lniujj tiium tj rc--peat their visits. RATES OF BOARD AS FOLLOWS : Per Season of three Mouths. ..' Per Month. 150 00 20 Oi) n 12 50 Per Day Horse, per day, - Month Children under 12 years of age and. Servwts. half price. Season commences on the 15th of Ju ;e. t& Hacks will always be fou-id at the War renton Depot, oni arriv it of the e Irs, for the accom al ition of t ts travelling ou tne Raleigh and .iaston Railroad. There will also ba a daily mail irom Warrenton in toe S .orings. A.Kihjxis of Hut te tter by Prof. lr.warl of, Ril'lmo e. Md. WHITE SULPHiJ.t SPRING: Specific gravity. 1 000 1. Reaction Acid. Gaseous Contents Sulphurretted Hydrogen and Carbonic Acid. , Solid Con'tesTs. ulphata of Magnesia, Sa - hate of Lime, Cjiroonateof Magnesia, Sulphate of ime, with a trace of Potash. Soda and ti.lica. Total solid contents in 7003 grain3 of t e water, 1. 6 one grain and 25 hundretas, viz : Magnesia 0 14 ; Salts of Lime, 0.84 ; Si icic acid 0.2S : Voi ash a trace; So.fcvatrace. f Chaitbbatk Spriso: Reaction Acid Specific gravity! 1000 8. G.tseous Contents Car oonio Acid. " Solid Contents- arbon ite of the Protoxide of Iron, Si icates of4 LimJ and Iron Bicarboiute of Lime, with traces! of soda and potash. ; .'V :" Each pint tf water contains Oxide1 of Iron, .0 49 ; Oarnonate ot Lime 014; Silicic - A jid, 0 42 ; potash, a trace ; Soia trace,: 1 - -.-' , Total solid contents in 7OU0 grains of the water, 1 05 jne grain and fife-hundredth.. - - " 3 . WILUA,4 JONES. July j. 18j3. S 's ACON 10 hhds. Westera Sooolders, on eon sienmant Jrr sale.-on accommodating terms -i . .. . 1 ...' WITT an I'-nien't, ' ' , 1 J.' r Bank Street1 J 1 , Petersburg, Juy 1, 18o3 64 M!fl.m TVTfcfarnr . T.fnlmVti:: rflfs Lin ment is u .eaaalieJ fori-the,' cure of I : R!i..i. 10 1-:- d..s-- o ' Cirns, Piles, Tumors, ixwellingsor pain in any part ui un oij. an external application eaa reach.-; A volume of certificates has already been; publish e l from those that .have been cured thee diseases; an 1 also from those that have, had Horses cured of King-bone. Ser itches. Swellings, Stiffness,,. wind i galls, sa ldle-g:ilis, Uld s)res, or any enlargement of bone or muscle. -A ..asir4 THROUGH BY EXPRESSU ! THIB IS TO CERTIFT THAT Lpii j ysaJH&; The Mexican Mastang Liniment has beonused quite extensively m the .stables of . Adams A Co's reat Southern. Eastern an'l Western , Expresses," for "caring Galds, Chafes, Scratches, .Sprains and bruises, and it has "proved very, effectual, i Many of their men, h Vve also used it on Jhemselvesand their families, and they all speak of its healing and remedial quantities in Che highest t term's One of our hostlers got kicked, aacl badly out anjl bruised on his knee as usual, the Mcstamo tSsiMEsr was resorted taj and the soreness and- lameness -was soon removed, and it was perfectlytjrell a three or four days. We have no'liswiUtUfia in rccom-i: mending it as ft vklu ib'.e prtparation, t be used'l' ca icruai:y vu Ufaa Ur iredSIf - . . ii K J. DUNNING, 1 Foreman, of Adarps & Ce's Express.?table NfY: We take great leaste5 .TmmeoxiingTthT Mexican Mustang Jjiniment to all' our friends, and customers as the best article, we hav$ gever- nsed ot Sores, Strains, or G ilds, in HorseB.1 We. have used it extensively, an 1 always effectually 'I', Some of our men hive also used it for severe Braises and sores, as well as Rhau natie Pains, an l 'they all siy it sots Use magic e can on'y say that we have entirely abandoucd the use of any other Lin iment, j ; ' "'"-' j. J. M. HEWITT, Foremm for " A UERTC.iX EXPKES S CO., IJ Wall st. IHliDE!rS EXPRESS, 74 Broadway. - J'LLLEX VIRHIL $ CO S Ui Wall st -J. WELLS, FARGO d CD'S, 16 Wall Street Dover. N. YL , Jan. 2f1853.' Baoo& o. I had a valuable Messrs. A. G horse' that about three weeks since ''was wounded severely in his thigh, with a sharp- hobk, opening a g.ish three inches in length and au inch or more leepi 1 tried various articles to heaf if nutinfl&na m.ttion getting into it it caused large quantities of mitttr to collect, an liie lauar w.-is quite BtifTf . A .'rtend of mine asked me if I had tried the Mustang Liniment, to which I replied in the- negative,' but thinking it might do some good, was induced to try it. I had only used on i haif bottle when the n laium - turn e -.in to be removed, and tne wound to Ueal N w it is entirely healed and the hair is growing over the wounl making it ook as well as ever. Hoping that others may be benefitted by a trial of your valuable compound, I remain yours, O.I.VS. E WHITEHOUSE. RrssELL Co.. Ala. Feb. 1st 1853. In justice to the proprietors, and for the benc iit oi Uie articled, t le. it my duty to state public 'y, tii-. remarkable cures that have been effected in jpy family by the nse of the Mastang Liniment. A Negro of mine had what was cal ed a Bone Fel sn. or Whitlow on her middle finger ; the pain was most intense and excruciating. The iuflammationhad been so extensive that the whole finger had become a. nn.st a m is s of corruption, and .he only hope of saving her hand, and perhups iicr ife, appeared to be to have it cut off. As her general health was very d-dicata, thebysician advised ns to try the lust.:iig Linim-mt a f . w d.iys, till she could be sent to a inirgcon in Columbus, as it could do no barm airFnjigiit prevent mortification. To the astonish ment of tiie doctor, and myself, the pain soon ceas ed, the mil invn it.on subsided, and the wound rap idly healed ! The finger is now perfectly well and sound! One of my boys was severely burned. The skin was entirely taken off from the knee- to the ankle. The Mastang Liniment waur freely ap plied, and nothing etse was used ' The relief and cure was almost beyond belief but a short time e lapsed before; the wounds were perfect y healed 1 otisiilcr it an invaluable remedy, and it should be ioefery f'-nilv a- ' on evry plantation TRICE-'. In consequence of the increased demind for the Liniment we are now putting up "J5 cent 50 cent .ind.-l bottles. Tiie 50 cent bottles coutain three times as m ihas th : Jeat h ottic, and the bottle contains tlirea limes as much as the 50 cent bottle th a money wiil be saved by buying the targe bottles A. G. BRAGG k CO., 304 Broadway, and St T.ourv Mo. Proprr.tnrs. Sold by Druggists and Medicine dealers, everywhere. P. Fi PEdObD, and WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, Agents Raleigh. JuncSUtn, 1853. 54 BUFFALO SxUlU rrMIE prevalence of disease in the middle and his said etUt t Otherwise, jadgment by default final X southern portions of the United States, during.jariU be entered np against him, nd the ' propertr past winter and spring, adniomsb the people to i . C . i- . . i A a. 1 il I .ook out for some safe summer retreat where the ills inflicted by winter ni;dadies tnay be removed, and, at the sa-.n j time, seoure an exemption front the harassing complaints of the hot season ef tht year. As a locality propitious to this end,. I beg leave respectfully to call the attention of the pub lie to my w at ring place, the DcffalO ntssltAl. sprino, situated in the upper end of Mecklenburg C0U11 ty, Va, several miles west of the town of Clarke ville. , The tonio powers of this water so potent In im parting tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and its diuretic qualities so efficient in purifying and cleansing t'oe b.ooJ, renders it a pleasant and Use ful r jmedy in a wide range of disease.' Its curative powers are more conspicuously manifested in the va rious forms of Ulropsy, protracted intermittent fe vers, chronic diseases of the skin, functional de- remiyits of tie liver, stomacli.leen. bowels and J kidneys, ttnJ lajst, though laet F-"le m-1 plaints, and almost every chronic disease ef the pelvic orirana in both sexes. For further informa tion, however, on this subject: I w-suld refer the in valid to a pamph et already before the public, by Dr. S. II. Harris, of C.arVsville. treating more elabor ately of tae water aud itsspeoial applicaton to dis ease. Added to its acknowledged remedial powers, it is equally celebrated as a prophylactic", impart ing tone and energy to the general system, enabling it thereby to ward off disease. ,: Having been purveyor to .the establishment for many years, I can bear testimony to the astonish ing effects of the water on the appetite and the per fect impunity with which quantities of food may be taken, which under other circumstances, would be wholly inadmissible. To meet this exigency, there fore, 1 can only promise to do my best in theMe department and will pledge myself to the summer voyager to make no charge- against him if his ap petite or digestion fail him. : - s ; '. The yearly increase of visitors has compelled me to prepare for the comfortable accomodation of four hundred and fifty perso n Ia addition to a band of music engaged for the season, other sources ot amusement will be found ready at hand, billiard tables, bowling alleys, &c , ' -V 'i. Moss & Co's Four Horse Post Coaches leave Keysvilie, on the Richmond and Pan ville Railroad, on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at half-past 11 o'clock, A. M.. and arrive at Buffalo Spring at half-past seven, same day.' Four Horse Pott Coach -1 es of the same Company leave: Ridgeway on the Raleigh and Gaston Rat-road, on the same days, at 7 q'clock,' A. M, 4nd amve at the Spring t 8 bSjoek P, M., same day. - On the same days. Post Cbach es leave TanceyviBe, via Hilton, Blaekwalnat, and arrivs at Bdffalo Spring at 4 o'clock, P. M. ' , , - v. , daVID SHELTON, Proprietor U June 2Z 1853. '-v wtf M TIM Tjrona. of Lemon. Strawberrv. and- Val tL niUa fiavot: Just to had aVthe Drug -tore OTATR OFH0RTH XAR()LINA. O CousTV.-Coort of Pieaa and Quarter asaia- May. Term, A. D. ISSSs . . ? y ; v .Stephen B.-GricejiV sfc-v T & v?'Z-t vsri r.vlOnpnalsttaclwnenC ' 1' Robert T-Pelham. 1,; ari-4--SS' ts- ,j.vppnng io- wesattsnvettoa sir the Coai-V- ''v that Robert T.PeHtam, the defendant in the tore- v going casels not resident of, this, 8tate. it fa' '. , therefore ordained by the. Conrt, that pubUo - s he made for six successive weeks . In the Raleigk ' -Register, notifying the said Robert T. Pelhaa, te : o j be and appear before the Justices of, ear Court ef s .v" Z PTeas and Quarter Sessions, to be' held! for the county of Granville, at the Court Haaaa tnOTfnnl . - t oif the first Monday W&ugast tiett'and- plead t s, V . i nn saia scut t otnerwise, jadgment by aeraalt final i - :v - Will be entered up against him, and. the property, - -v.-, ' levied po sold according! law r - r -Fitness, Aorutme Landielerk or our '.s f- Court ; at olfioe in 4 Oxford, the ftrst -Monday in sVIay, 186-3. t- , -y. w .ALANDIS, el'k. - June i, 185 .-. . - ww 14 STATE OF: NORTH CAROUN.C Gaasmtin CoTjstv. Court of Picas and Qttartor Seasons, : May Term,' A. D. 1853: rTT H, wusoa sl. Bareford, i r -T -iv. f, -' VS.- . lAijaiullaiaiiiMl ! St .RobeH-T Pelhra, y rr- r . -It ytppearing teethe satwfaction-t the fJourt; that Rjt,TeJhr, thefedaaa te foriw ' ; -SueaeetKiaet.-iWdentSiState,' it ts -therofora oihuaed by ib Ceurftuat publicatioh be made foruxj susjoetwite-weekr. in thr Raleirl ".. Jlaguter, noUfyjngtiaaM; Robert feUiam U--- ' oe, ana appeaj herore the Justices of ur-CsMartef . -' Pms-;nJ '9rter, Sessions, to.be Jield for the -county of GranyUle, at the Court Dense infrxford, on the first. Monday in August neitaod plead te' his said suit i otherwise, judgment by default C ' win oe entered np against him. and the property i u . , - - - - . . : 'J! Witness, Auzustine Landis. Clerk of 'our "aaid 5 Court, 'at -efiice' in Oxford the first Monday i' Mayt18.Sr K'tr -A LANDIS. cl'Ju i ..June I,1 1853: V ; ' w6w-4& STATE,)F,-NORTH-CAROLINA Graktuxb '"' C)UKrrj--Coart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, - Robert Pelhamii. ,t - ,r, ; ... , It appearing to the Mtwfaotion, of - the Pourt, V,. thAt Roo.j-t T.; PeiLim. tto the foret ii '-' . - going case," is not resident of this State, it liV."'' therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be v made for six -succesalve weeks In the Raleigh ' Registerrnotifylng thesald Robert T, Parham '; : ; be, and appear before the Justioti of our" ourtef l-' '';' Pleas andQuiirter ' Sessions Jp be held for the f -county of GranviTle; St the Court House in Oxford, on the first Monday ia" August nexf and plead t ii v , his said suit l otherwiserjudgnrent by default final "--l. will be entered" up against-him,' arid the property . levied upou sol I accordiag b lw-'-i-i .- wf v"" -T ' - Witness, Augustine : Landis,- cUrk" oC our saK -.j "-'- Court, -at o&ic ia Oxford, the -first - Monday ba. May, 1 53. j$:pXkA LANDIS, Cl'k. - - . '.. June l,-1.8j&ail--Wfiw--4 - .S"r' " STATE OF'NORTH CAROLINA. GaAsvit.i.i ' " Consrr. Court of Pleas aad Quarter Sessions. 1 r MayTenn,,(AV''IJ.186S f l?-yv& ?j: ,K'r - PsehaILHicks.ot Co4 V--vf "'-;l-v ' -.,.ts.stfcvgy' Original attaehttant" jC ' " Robert TJ PeUiam, J f -'- 'Z ' . It appearing to the Satisfactioa of the Courty " J 7 that Robert T. Polham. the defaadant to thefore-.'-' ' -going, case, is not a resident of this 8tat, it Isi ' , -- therefore irdaiaed by the Court, t&at pnblioattos ;J fjjtr-, .. be made for six successive weeks la taw-Raleigh 7 Register, notifying the . said Robert 1. PelhaDe tw' " be, and appear before the JnstioM of ear Court ef . ' Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held rof ths . county of Granville, at the. Court floose in OxforiiV on the first Monday ia August next- and plead tv i bis said suit : otherwise, judgment by default fiaal will ba entered np against him, aedthe proparty levied upon sold according to law. jL H' Witness, -Augustine Landis, Clerk of our said Court, at ofilce iaOxfiird, the first MondaT ia Hay. ' iiva - i - . . . 1858. A- aLNDW,"erk; - ' WflwwAl '. June 1, 1853 i- STATE OF . NORTH. CAROLIN A Geaxtiuji CouNTT.-Conrt of Pleas ahd Quarter Ssi aaJ .oay Term, A D. 1853 : . Hunt ot Wiggins, vs. OriglaaJ ttUchiaent. Robert T. Pelhsnt. It apnearuiK to the satisfaction ef tha CaurtJ that, Robert T. Pelham, the dvrftadaat in the fore going ease, is not a resident ef this State, it is therefore ordained by the Court, that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh" , Register, notify ing the said Robart T. Pelham, to ba and appear before the Justices ef our Court ef Pleas and Quartef : Sessions te be held for . the i county ef Granville, at the Court House in OxfordV on the first Monday in August next, and plead' tV levied tipo. sold aecordi.z tT lawf- " ; . nti. W . rr ltnessaj Augustine Landis. clerk ef our asitt Court at Office in Oxford, the first Monday ia May June 1, 1853. '-..-tefj..i w6w-4a Valuable Property Ibr Sale. , , - cogmiiwiiiw or . UIL TO IT FLO UR KILL i 8 AW MILL HOUfilCS. AND U)T8. ;y,' rpHE copartnership of Barrett s Newsoa expl J res in July next by limi stion, asd on the 5th ot July t8d3, we will offer fot is e at pnhne auotian ,1 if not- sold privately before that time, the .Terr val uable Pour Milt Saw Mu Water Power, 14 Wsl-: Hags and Town lota, together with two four horse teams and wagOns," with much other prvfertf4r various deeetlpdeaai.;VV' y - r ' The Flour Iin, Saw MUL; Cooper Shop; Black- , area .a T.a .' . . - A '. amith Shoo and Miller's House Witt be 1 together,, and wiU be tvld end Mdi2 ibo e oispoeea er' -moBthslimsr with interest, hond and good security required, nsi gotiable and payable at the- Milton Bensv w" The bonsas and lots Will be sold separately upOsV 6 months timeywlth interest, boaad gedseea rity, negotiable at the Mittoa Bank. The balansei ef the property in all stuns aadurilOOt easlvaa over, o montbflVtime, bond and goodseenrUy, s As we shall yetuove our Cotton machinery te other 1 locations, we offer two 25 horse power - team En-' gines Of a superior-qaalUy, and the Cotton Factory -Building for sale "privately. , ... . '4 , Those well known Mills are situated la the town' of Milton,' on the Country Line, with ample water power, for milling purposes, in the midst of a high , ly cultivated Wheat county, with an Mteaslveaad valuable Wheat and Com custom. Immediately on i batteau navigation, within 54 miles - of the lch-' mond and Danville Railroad.. Flour eaa be delivered -after itis shipped U Richmond or Petersburg ia one day when the Richmond aid D, Railroad U ' completed, '-ft--?- itjBjj.ii ,- Jv i A rare opportunity U offered to all pereens wish i bag to engage ia this business, Letters addressed ' to ns at this, place will bo promptly attended to.'' -: :-5---.d-Vr.:.rr"tj BARRETT NEWSOM. Milton, Jum 14th 1863. a -us4i m 4 ts 'W t : IQuAll persene indebted U Bsrrettand New? son, and liarrett, Newtom sUoldeit areexpes : ted to make immediate payment , And all persona . having account against ns will present them for peer; i tlement before thaday of sale. -47t"4 wsx -i- --' T ' TjlWa t mrl mA-mi'Zs:-i3 i wi ssyiu al aaiiiaaajr ,;;.v THIS 14th tteestoic iu,eonmf M IvHt fth of a RaUigh. June tjK 63T vUlj ; TijpLiteOJiOJfsiTthtr ttSUWW ,ooi fiu qoQ&i&JS&;t S -t"3fe" tn College leaves ioab tai 1 ;t3L"!07,' 1 AlsmTireeo laaftjLlsaar . i -. .' i 1 f