. ,, M dsli'jhlful peace ; 'W'JltoJvtyra&t lice like Utethcn." HALE I Gil. N; C, 1 r , . AV MO LINING, OCT. 26, 1853. THE STATED FAIR; - i ,,,-rieJiv noticed the progress of this exlmdi"" in our Ust. It i over HOW S' U ira dosertjsd and ou? city has re- Ird iw 'woutumai uictj j 'Tr;,ende Fair was first projected, it was op j V ionic, "upon tUe jgrooiid tlmt North 0S',. 'i.. 1 nothing to slow, and that sho . i -,K- expose herself to nd.cule, i-y an at t to ape other SU&s. A luw brave spirits T'hi d;fferently. and labored tocouviocc the Wl)Uje tl,;u they hud gomethiifg kmung them f . j the "light. Thej endeavored to h- I. lull li n a (ii)i11IM iri jj' i fiauiC of uiiuily; independence in their ' tit'.'.e ly little.'.the pjco.do vre induced ""iwk" arousd upon theiif resources, they feanUtn , t ... r 5VPS njoreand influen-co ls far1ieyontheDroDoiifiou J iri n. I flwrTf6''0" hT complained of tho morical strnSth, and. arises from tho fao that its chief city is the great commercial emporium of the United States. The perVadinc inflPn of commerce confers- an inportance and influ- more lmniirtfinca rtr, i t plains- or thewimt r r..;r ,..i.w.-n. yt..M- - TtAiUinn nmt nihi;nri-i.1Vii'j fnrf.in, 7,'ml. j ui i J . . . nu , in Oranee countv. on the.llth' inBt.. by th jntes of the country;. vThis t7 a.I!vLoKIw "'Sht have remained at home, I U Wj CotiA aiwZad Carriage American Rer. Mr. Thompson, Presbyterian, of Broadway "Vi"' Jwni1 A- MuMannen, airLdwaid llolt, of : and European JmA man with two haU tbf'baU in motion. He has ' er 7f on JZ' S " , - ti.C, just concluded a brief course on the "Wonder , 1 , .ff" Vf "- CH- ?-Tie ha '' i of Egypt. in describing which, he brought in, T on xhe l;Jth mU the Kw. . New iork, Oct. 21, 1853. j as amatttr of course, The peculiar institution i J" B", ,uttda,v ufllalilai Until recently it was usually thau-Lt to be ! of the South. UoV. Seward delivered the an- , a?ty: A Cameron, daughter more economical to rent a dwelling than to I niversary address before the American Insti-; Wfaej ate V,!1Iiaia "eion. "f UUlsboro . tute last evening, at the same place, and he did 1 n iU " i r i'B c?,um&on lr,t., 'h, ujr inc tho identical thing over again. If both these " t Wmlm11, Wm" A PhllPott.' sq- to gentlemen had lectured on Hydrostatics or As- 3il'a. Ana L p"pJ?ar. . ' ; ' s.rl,; to tlJe present .vstcra ot expenditure, it takes i tronomv, the same allusions, and the samel Also, on the 18th; by toe. 8ame,-lsaae U. : a uapacuy. xne innux or ; threio foulie( tJ , one's Way, and to meet ! monomania, would have been apparent. 1 J13'' , "eo Wow" OWy oauga- v.sUors was so extraordinary, so far beyond ; tho demands of the times ; a Lrtune to buv a i We have had two verv interestio' varieties f.of tho late b- S. Downey, Lsq., alUf Gran- wau't ot Hotel uceommiJ,tfioit iere ' WUmington Herald. So it appears that lUleigh is "not alone in its scarcity of accommodations. It is well enough OB in Briiinnpn timoc . v,..k.. r..: j i. .,p ,,., ... enceupon its Newsmmers ftn . I. . , , mta wuo BUi- uuuu one, put uouse rent ana istoro rent have xtn?J i I -P"P S?e8 thera an ! ftred duriS the late Fair must remember that i atoned such exorbitant rates here, that the v .,aMUU, VlVr ui.yonu.wnat can ever I our Hotels are not of india-rubber fabric o bb reverse of this rule obtains nW. Acoordina n ithNwnA.i k. il. . ' I . m . . . r . vuiu,cu mo journals oi other cities. The same circuiiiHtn.iin.is draw tn M.w v..-u amount of talent whV. w.' , r extraordinary, so tar beyond : th0 demands of the times ; a fortune to buy a We have had two very interesting varieties "f" nbl "r. newspapers lq.ss faror- j previous calculation, that, Ave are free to con- , piece of ground, a fortune t j improve ir, aud a j of the fair sex visible lately in Xew York. j Vll'e, y situated can never hope to command and fess, the preparations were not on a scale com- ' fortune to keep up an establisi: ment. The dif- i Some shaking quakers, and a party of Jersey j ,T - "tue int" iii ifttersst began to be felt ou the sub JelopeJ u" 0T thought of. The press '.'', tae matter, and urgd it with untiring , Ths 1J f xhibitiois approached, and vbiic it w'a looked forward (o with interest, it iih a.fi-efm of apprehj?sio'n as to the is- ,r' But gloriously was tat,ieeiing aissipa.i-a v-'he result. Therchavebeeii other celebrations al cliaraetei; among us ; tne co:np,e- ly me re j.injofrai'rjads, the union of; distant communi :jK j.o oi't-n been the occasion of joyous eriuss aad justly so : hnl there has been ,.tL:iU to compare m moral grandeur and t-Uc-ct j .iflit'.iU ga'hering together, from the remotes! j R.c;;,,us uf iii! State, of the' evidences of Its wea;.j, and iw capabilities, aad the enthusiasm kUii whiu'.i men, hitlierto untried in such coui petiiwns, pressed forward with their mites to lie elcvaiiiin of Siate; character. It was a grand sp-'wl", to see those extensive grounds riY n'.u lanni-rs and -lively with music, o well fclel itii tac Ciuits of ! XortU Carolina indu.-.-trv, anJ so Jeiis-dy tiir-nged with her genius, her talent, and her industry ! W'i- u'fji by any means say that the lato Fiiriedi:i s;iciiJor ui' cQiiir.leteness with in sikutMis "i l.in gcr standing, but it gladdened ttc heart tn set- wliat wire the sources of X.-nh Carolina wealth, and how readily they could U dvc;.pcd. In agriculture, her means prove it is to these circumstances that we attribute tho importance attached, by general consent, and by tho Administration at Washington, to tho movements of politicians and parties in that State. Worthless and unprincipled, mercenary and shuffling as her politiciaiu.and parties are, their influence cannot be denied.'1 'it is a fact, which continually 'makes itself 'felt. It is the only State whose politics attract the general at tention of tho country. Formerly Virginia di vided with tho Empire State" this pre-eminence, but the influence of the Old Dominion is passing away ; and a mau can afford to be ig norant of he.- local parties and sub-divisions of party without having his general intelligence impeached. Lut not so of New York. Her politics, local aad federal, have acquired a me tropoiitan character r.nd importance which the intelligent citizen in the remotest corner of the Union cannot afford to ignore. In-'1 Harnlurhers seem to be much the strong est vi iiij; of the Dem .cratic party in that State, -a circumstance whhdi'may account for the favor thf-y receive at th-j hands of Gen. Pierce. The following- extracts from tho Evening Post, a warm abolitionist, friend of the Administra tion, and the Albany Atias, a free soil organ at the Stare Capita!, equally devoted to the "pow- fess, the preparations were not on a scale com- i fortune to keep up an establishment. The dif- j Some shaking quakers, and a party of Jersey j ' cn,e n i ' e v f it V ir mansurat with the demands. We did not ! " :ar0.? lhcrea8uJ; 1 ?' t0 T.! .l1" Susan A. Arri.' of Nash Count;. C. snow the intensity of toe spirit that had been ' t;10 i'.-j, and German servant, but particular- in brown and lead colored alpacca gowns, so i - ' " ' aroused in tho State. We expected many, but ly tho tormvr. ilany Souttici-oers are deterred j shoi-c-waisted that the skirts reached almost up were not prepared for the avalanche that fell : ttl.m 'taking up their abode in tho Northern j to the amis, luey upon us. : cities on this account ah'tic, and others, who j scantily. Theywor hung down straight and j wore straw bonnets of their own ' DIED. On Monday morning, in the 41st year of her age, Mrs. .Alary 11. Pell, wife of Rev. W. E. Pell We will Jo bettor ncx t:me for -ve havo a i - - . , r ' l'-".n "m j ""u.l.0f ii..(iu raucuiuu, uo uu j 0fthls c'lty, and daughter of the late James li. guide mark now. THE WAU QUESTION. There Is no oncm u-nrs vi.t li.i-'rtn Mim Turl.- i ,i i, .. . . , . fact, i.uthiiig la oue.ip, except bread and water and the Muscovite ; out peace now haugs on, i , , r ,. iv, ,.; i c ' 1 ft ; s'.i'A, to-; propeusM lot luxuries and tine at , aavamaires or ei;y me, couipromiso the matter, ueac nttin nanaercnieis ou witn points suspena- , , e V..nt.:n v n ! by giveu preference to U.iiti.uore, where they d downward on the back. Their countenances ' ' ' '' . c;ii at ietwt enjoy the p.ivilege of taking their j were placid and emotionless, and their C"' ' T ' mwMMiMmMaMMM' own Uotu-jntics with them. Ail the necessaries ! straight-forwiird and ungainly. They had none! itt . i - , . - of life ie hijiUer now than ever before, and. ifi I f those superfluous airs and graces which! .v atuues Uia aeweiry. liroadway belles of faliion assume to attract at- I VV " nave just returneu irom -ew: I orK tention and admiration, and did nut appear to j w& uud Philadelphia with much the largest 10 too seemingly, so sienoer a hair, that we presume i j.arei knows no abatement. If no' the best uot even an honorary member of the Peace So- j divs:wd, the Americans are the most dressy cictv will be disappointed, should we be adiid. !H'ul ' tll: world. Thi competition in this at auy gun and Philadelphia belong even to the same srenus. As to the Jer- stock- of Jewelry ever before m Kalwgh. av ihwnn. ,,..., t..;.iu, ,i ! larze to euumerate wehave . covers lor their hue bonnets, and, in anticipation ., . 4 -.- i i, , - i-tiiu is penui irreaier vnai in any otner, i oi miji siiowe r, uaa siH'oeu me uroieoiive moment, thut .'lostiuties have actually be- r , r. - I a r . i i i -c .i . War. it seem, by Ue l;u.t arrival, has ! .,;. ,.,...,1 i,. !. -p.,-,i,". r,r'l,. ml -;n,u ,.,! th., 1 been only .i.U decared by i u. Key - that is to , UlG eicg.ull.0 (j llisJ att;'rC. In cheap. I fine shops and Crystal Palaces, and we have in- f say, it has been declared by :ha turund Council, , .- , . , , 1 i .1 J , e i . a 1 , J', . . .. r. I ... - . i nets in dcc-iatioii. an l tne love ot gaudy orna- eluded theai aiuonx the fair sex bv courtesy: and wanting, to make it a declaration complete. If i m' wo j1'1, c,u!,z'-a lrMiT auJ 8,'uw "ottfto U derehcl ,( bumc y speaking, Cftll a!l4 , there is anv truth in the uiuiiinlicity of rumors ' "" "Uf ?l were than lair, lor'there are j lcsa per cei .,- , , e , , , '1 i . i ,: . nave not as yet oecoa.e suiiicieutiy subdued to ! too many pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and black- t we determi comaig to us tiom Lonstant luoplc, by telegraph . , ' . 1 - - J , 1 1 j , T . , ! n . , , -, -,. , . 'r J. " v- t i digniheu atanuard o piainaess and sim- berr es raised in the Jerseys, to be favorable to t.ic lioue is i-rs that lie wlil evince th-j coiitenru into winch the "Hards" or Dickinson party has lalocu.on aecoutitnf its numerical iosigiiiueancc. W it!i the patronage of the Ciovernmciu to back the a: 'lie fee o-soi!crs are doult'ess rapidly on toe increase Democracy treachery. while the Luion a:;-: Compromibu is upjre sing bv desertion and and mail, it will not be h.og Lefor made up ; for it is difficult to sec how me Sul tan can resist the uiamorous war pressure a; home. The declaration of war by the Divan is said to be an e,.V-ct of ihia pressure, rattier than the result of a di liberate couvictioii of its actual , necessity. The iinsia;' Uear muunwiiile is as j quiet as a lamb, ills voice, lately so h.ud for ; war, is iiu'.v s.ngiiig tin: gou,i wiii,- i,ji wneiiicr ne is Miicere or not. 1 ! another question. England ana Franco arc ic j ported to iiae renewed their asurauces to liu.-,si;i:; Minister at I'iiris, that it ::iu.-,t lull be i expected oi til. 'HI to icIil.Ull IiCUiTitl, il llo.itill- '. ties are resorted to. And the augmentation of '.!.(- iv resp'-ctive ii-iets in the 1'ardanelles certain--' ly looks as ;l suo! assurance was somctl.iug , more than brulu.n t'ulmeu.X. V. Ksnrc-a. , pi icily, where a i.1.10 t.iies consequence from 1 the production oi tine Circassian bloom, or the : liioiseif, and not fr-.m wiiat he wears. Xow : Mended tiuts of lily and rose. The hotels con- and then t!.L-re is an example of barbaric splen- ! tinue to be so crowded, that a great many guests ; dor or finery amt-ug us w hicu surpasses any ' are cottc-d every night. M. i-Xoibutoii ol our nil o jol. ics and i ,ve of per-1 . j sonal :play. For a lev,- days past, a distin- 1 ,.gu.liod Souui Aiiifrioau 0 -Mural has been seen j praxes ol peace and ; . lt .it.l , , , . ,. .. , .,r rt.lr) I Capa, hne-1 '..'!.,: !-J who rich crimson mate- I and .1 goid cord ruiiitifig ;.ll around the j i In- gei.e The very finest gold and silver Watches j. Breastpius, Ear-rings and Fiugerrriags . c.t Fine Razor Straps and Knives . . &K -silver and plated Ware ." . , Clocks and Watches . - - I'erfujuevy Kxtrats and Faiicy Good Pistols aud wslking Canes : .-. - see our Jewslry, at f eCaced t-nce and cent, than we have heretofore soki at. . We determined to do a large business.' T ' PALMER A RAMSAY. October 25, 1853. 87' A NOTICE. ,..v FTHR this day. Powdeu will not be -received into tiiis warehouse. Arrangcnieats have G. P. It. Ja . - . . 1 DtMiii lniiiii! Ui store it in a secure ulrnse at eioense , . . v. . c . . . . .,, : Jtorae 40 centa per package. IWtiu tlx rti V . .et-fiTVtw- ..n,' tt- id din will F. f 1 " vj xiui iun.ii 44, 1 1 -a it a o(ii inn Charge for drayage and or rial, iioi d-rs. tout, geritio- maoiy :-..uiog iuuti, v i-i?ard, Ai iiiicii u J niirod bV tin: i.lil .-!-, t that gen-.lenieii. wiei ith amng, wh.ee, tlowing ear U anu buttons are ad- ey .-hould bear in mipd, oriie tiie:-a.--elv(-H upon nclude (nica.ro, Mackinaw, and Shebovgen in liis rour-e. Hu is after that ' solitary horse man, " the "lady thickly veiled," " the mr prise," A-c.. Ac. JOHN T. Wi-.riT, Agent R. & G. R. R. Co.-- Raleitli, Oct. "j, 'eo. 87 St I'tiiTi; MiRaiafiKs an D DEvrisn. The num ber of biruis i i the city of Mew York during tne luontn Fro::i flit' Krenin-j P'isl. Tiie present opponents of the democratic par- Wiiat intv say. Tiie "Itichmoud lh.qui-' rer," aiicuing to the Ciuthrie letter, has thrv :y in this .?tate may oe dividea irito ne distinct ' ' " J ' predatory tribes, within one or the ottn-r of, --Just one month ago, wo f. retold the perplex-, which, we engage, thut every man who votes ; ity in which tn- A-lmiulstr.i:ioii would uuolve agaiit tho r. -uiar Ueinocr.itic ticket, this fail, i u-eif iiv ihterlenug in tiie str.fes ef New York lticiaus. It could make no aiti'-vhce to whii h. love for anybody j lfj-J-0. M CoUl'sl long since the beai-ds that a may be lound. i hey consist ..f : Tin adherents ol Daniel S. Dickinson who share n:s delusion a'jout tiie piesidjiicv. s'ol to be' great. In the variety and excellence of k;r product-, tin- Stats i not surpassed, while in improve. I system of culture .is rapidly ex- at u ashii ii tice. uTtlies beginrliii; as v. ell a 1 be steamboat and jobbing interest taction the Administration might incline : in any event, the impolicy f intervention wa(-iiia'-i v ap,i aiviit, and s,.- ind.il alii lrui.ble ciiuailv' - I'iie e-'Otracior'.s interest at Albany. The disappointed candidates for of- Tiie iiigs. j we iiti ve a wonl to say in their order, ; Willi the .action of least numerical ,1 as political importance. t'l-vui ,'.? .Vb't,j Atlas. COLLAPSK Or TilM BOLTiNvJ TICKET 1 I liic taction ttiat calls ilseif Adauiaiitinc atid j Hard, and National, and which in fact is a mere iiecrioii oi Mieaits ana i.io.-terers, who give them.-el es brave names, ai:d do mean and cow- lin-viiai.de. it was ne: if.it n the dignity and be Voi.d til..- duLV i f the 'Xa'tioiii.l A'! in inistrat ion to keep coii-taiit wa'ch and ward over local fac:ioiis an i to unl-nake to caiivas.s the claims of mrn aspiring to tin- appoiiitmeiit of. door-; keepers and uioseiigera."' The N.-rK.lk "('.urifr," another De-mocratic . silci! inilcs, nave im", l.ttle iiiit l.i -i;isr-;Vv a, including, oi and ihc hutioi.s. li is not lain y here, who ii.ii imherto been in very uioderaiir eiic'..iii;aiic( s, Ibund themselves sud dwily rich from iiie rise in leal estate. They all bole it toierably well exc -pt the lady uf tiie l ouse, v:.o di'tiu- -1 it !.-.: coming to set up a car i lag- and show ol:'. Her hatband bought her a e.irri-a.;e iur:;i a t!,ousaud dollars, but when it Was br.,i:g!.t home, sue declared she would iteicr r: 1'-j:i it ; it was i,.,t halt liiie e.ioug'i. 'Mic waii'...-: a gold carnage, and would have I.o ..wj.-r. Poor '..:i::ii;. -oe lo.-t her wits on the .-til 'ecr of the gold car: h.,;.-, arid is now in i .-verv A ."V'jitembe. riages, o7b. is otiiciallv stated at Deaths, l'j'xi. BANK OF CAPE FEAR, October 12th, 1803 IVIDKNlt. The Board of Directors have this dav declared a semi-annual D.videud of rona per cent., payable t j the stockholders at the prin cipal ;ank and iiriicaes, on and after the first November next. II. R. SAVAGE, Cash"r. Oct. To, '..-;. 87 'it Norfolk. .1. SMITH Oct. go. organ, s;, "The leii, r oi Brims, .ii is a violation avowed anpiicat! in ed. In i-r: -r'l'o aecliiuiics, there was ai handsome show, evin- iD'iuu.;h inr;auuy ot invention an i Sim ;n -.uuaa. a gneijiiurai mautmeaw, ik ttD'Iiiiw' u ii' i-'r the lostering care oi local socie ties, ia s-toci, mere was a better &iiow man Wynne anticipated. e w'ero n,,t prepared f,r the adviinco in the improvement of breeds eseuted. ' The business has but j . juil P-'guii. rv.i t win nos cease; unt.i me present , aiciy uiiiigs. nave been tert abvc bv the pun- ; ttn.-ir Com ei.tiou. find t! cool their ow n poiridg-. The N. Y. 7Vi.-c.iw.';; i'j.i!, noticing this, says: '1 h; iiisi i-li.-c- oi tiie V1, Li: iiom i Mutton will : l r... ...,1 n.i.-i.ii.r. I t., let I ii- i.oi.h.v iir'.-.'r Ii:.-:i i:L4 been rfi i-i-i'i mil ;liiii ,,t:L,i it i im ,i i i, i.lu aitt-tiiiuii i - - - - . . - ....... ... blown up w ith H t:ig gas, coiiapsc. A nundred . pioinpiiiess and e!3 ti'g and sci: .-fyu'd iieutra. -papers nave ticeii I t)L. V mi in i lnh.iUli.g li.at tiling ot rags ai.-d eliiplii.ess, biit I Uo.v 11. tV iil have so ill tiling else to do, to j iks uot after the b: ).vrng fashion cretarv '.iuthrie to Collector tn insuit to tin' Demi.cracy of York, f pure State rights, and t..e iirst. t thtt p. an de -screw . aces, .are entirely disp uiiiil the u ligs, Since ley need their breath to CsjT A ery gnitifyiug feature of the bite. State Pair wa- the perfect order and decorum i rvct 1 bv ir. . ... ... , ... n evcrv side, wtuie. in t'if; dcpartuient oi loeo- Buti..!-., carriages were -sc-mi winch might tear Hi rtinlrv WHO tne b.-t worx oi tne Aort.'r, tu,aT in beauty ot desiji: r esceiieuce oi worn- E.SE;!li:'. t ' Cut it wojild b? idle to attempt to review iu .detail each ik-partmcot.' It is enough to know, obs tin- grounds, but throughout the whole city disorlei notice, ncv of tiie Marshall, auel the people themselves deserve acii agirhering of people couid tiie as iii.ii. w ..ere, . takes 'dvl.ght i;i or lt-ring ...ut uiclc,o taiie :lii airing in! In the i:.; uf gold ornament excel all oiiiers, and the NV.iii. au'iasstiig -Sui Itiin-s out o; to-- ir l .r.iui. There is a very lilt juweiry more than seven id- it is ni-.-reiv thin plate on iiras.-. In r.rau- go.d must be stamped, cmlnA e they call it in l France, or it is iiabie to b foif -itei!. It should 1 be lourteeil carats tine. But. iu Germany aud i in this country, the public have no security : against imposition. Pi.-nch jew i-lrv can always I be told bv the reddish cast c i-asaut day, she the golden ve- , our people far rn je velers are asiiies oi Cali e of American or eight carats tine, ot gold fastened up- iiid England, all ie-.e!ers "The most confirmed cases of tho most dis- ' ' .. lW XCl SHJv VELVETS. . i - .- r ,- : Ti.Sl received at the l.-e Ihve, ver-superior trussing disea ;0s oil tims arise Irom indices- ' I , . , ., ... . ,. . , J I l.:il . I 1, im r.. ..r .y , ri tr. in l.lf f vi-ll ii ! " " .. '- t!ii, annoybig symptom still ; as it is a grneral thiug, we dj uot atiemiit to medicate until some- ; tiling serio 16 intervenes. We would as a ub- I TlllE Board of Superintendents of Common lie monitor .Tan. ail our readers against the X Schools, for tho county of Wake, will meet at sin of ii-rltct. and at the same timu recommend : H'c Court-Louie, iu Raleigh, on Saturday, 2Utli ; to their noiico Dr. Hoofiaiid's (ierman Bitters, ' iust- ati.li ! tiie original pr.-iaration, us prepared by Dr. 0. i ('tl'J:. ! M. Jacksoi., No. Arch sf.eet, Piuladelphia. ; I We have s-.-eii cures eii'ecled through its indu- 1 ! once." b'r.-.'.7y. ' L:ji:'J i.i " Ojcoiuiecte Seek," Xuilhamplon O CiOCii nil. CO , No II, Main st. 7 R. 11. JON'liS, Ch'n Board Sup. VALUABLE LAND FOii SALE, 1 - - i Coitnly, X. C The Mexican Mustang Liniment will give j T)Y virtue of the power and authority given me the most undoubted satisfaction to every one j J") by the hut will and testament of'j-ltheldrcd giving it a irial for stitf joints, stiff neck or sore ' J. Peebles, uee'd. 1 shall orl'er at public sale, be thruat ; it has proved itself efficacious iu those t'0re the Court lbn-e door, in the town of Jackson, complaints in many very stubborn cases. . 011 Monday, tiie 0U1 day of December, 18oi, that L. . i beiat; Court day, valuable tract uf laud, con- worms: worms: ! taii'i:ig aW " V,)VJ ArUHSi Jjr" A prrcat mai.y learned treatises have been ' nearly 0:12 half uf which is open arable laud and written, explaining the origin of and classifying the Laiauce is in original growth and well timbered , , . , , .1 with various kinds ot oak. hickory and cvpress. the worms venerated in the human system. Seance- . , , :,.i, u -.,.... ; lhe open laud consists 111 part ot nca bottom, re ly any t-.pic uf medical science has elicited more ; cently cleared, sad produces from twelve to fifteen acute obstrvation and profound research ; aud vet ! bushels of corn per acre. There are nearly one physicians are very much divided in opinion on tiie A" day traePxi att.'i.tioi. 111 J.x;oalway, by Having I :g ti,e bodv from their presence, is of more .value twt hats on, one thrust within tiie other. This 1 .". ,. . . .. . . ,,,-, n-, . itiuu int. ni-i..-t uio'juouitiii, u.s t'j tne uiiiil.. 1 lie liuu li-ed aerss uf the saiue quaiity alrs.tdy uriim ed an i ready to be cleared for cultivation. The crop upon tuis year's shift will iiiakefioiu a tliou-raTi-l t tsucf-rc -iiim.!i cd bnTreLs ft' num. ' ' TTherc are upon the premises a framed dwelling-house, new burns an i negro-houses, and other necessary buildings; and nearly the whole of the land, both I'Tual cre-m. . . 1 .. ...1 . ! ... .1. . V .,i. 1- I ... ..... , ...... ...1 i Hvt I .lit lt.. .1 ..lo.i ,11 l.l.l ..I..I, IllLUillll l.lt, 1 iheir own party i-ai- it. -1 ri 1 nrri..u i. ip-i.t I coiisiaut activiiv of a stroUL' tioiice and dozei.s igcs it is a reai bung- 0f arrcs;s for- thefts. 1 loaiers-, u ho eoine in v iiii v.-rv shabbv bats, but , " 0 bust or break, and a ! .. take tii-ir departure with tbo'b.-st in the room, i Pur.'hasers will plea.e be careful to ask of I or.-- Ti... ,-n.,iH . 1- r -. . -1 . - lisr.. 1 i,. ,l. C,n. ! Manvp.dsons have been victimised recently in i for Dr. M'Laue's Celebrated Liver Pills, and take 1 1.1 1 .. , , r ,1,,, : tins w ay. A new hat thus obtained costs only none clsi. i'uereare other Pills, purporting to be h mil ;) UH Hi it ilie developments of .the l"air iiavo unit Cai-dina a hundrv : pcf cent, in 1 !)'J".ui loon. It has hides a:.d the a.u'oiiaut win. ma ier at the r.oi"S. ii maj sti'-s.g euri'-n: from the other States may ui-'-t i This eli- ct is alr.-ady cone -i n is national wuiggery Th raised ier o'in i, -s 'il. 1 I i.i aVin 111 her ii,i,ru .n. Tin luii-rpr f J ; -r ; 0 ! mat tiieir own CW'Li'i.-l-hersf.-il, bL-c iusu sl.elijw real.zes, to adi,- - tiicir hui ired aistraiioii, her own stren-itij. She has thrown -;,;n ... i.:..i. r... i .1... 1 int. ,1111114 11; .-,.-1,1. 1 . :i 11 .1., ti 1 tut 1 i-.i iii.titt'i ', .and will press loruiird in fa ger c iuititioii i mvumciit. -ilach succeeding ia;:ii i 1- it Its t - . . . . i tmr will grow 111 talui! and interest, and next i-d vcar will witness one of imp .'sari"" richness. 1 . Let tsuEdi.v j-ur it in tiki: 1' . .. ; ; ailo.it. Ali that t! I ilia li.ii tile Cool -v i.ii.sing. Tiie Whig pi-'-ss hnd ball', ii require ail tin' V;as that i from tlic exceileiit F -uiah! I nstituti )ii of which pies.-es can manufacture l ' keep Mr. Turn-r is Principal, the Warrenton Fe- 1. , .1 . , 1 1 man 1...... 1. 1 'CI .e told by the reddish cast cuiiimuuicated to it. assembly, not on.y upon I This is effected by the use of some species of N o ' sione in pjlis-hiii" it. ! subject. It must be admitted, however, that, aftr no rowdyism of anv kind came to our.' dti.V or two since, a tad straugor at- j all. a mude uJ; expaliiug -.!iii. wrms, ajulr liiu-UV- ind while great praise is due to the , re-m::i.i !,ie ot rl.e hut !rii-k frnni w-hieh timnv have surfered recently. In the large barber Pel""5 agent ns at lengtu ueen luuim vr. .u - j opn anJ woo,uaud ,;3 enclosed with a strong new .-Imps attached to the lir4 class hotels, it is not Limes Veriai'fuge is the much sought after speci- j f'euee, alfording good pastures and an excellent unusual twenty or thiri v nersons to be seat- ' tic, and has u'.ready superseded all other worm 1 range for hogs, cattle and other stock. The said 1 time, wnrio uii iergoing the sutleringsof 1 me lieines. its efficaev being uiiiv.rsalW ackuowl- tr Ldigimy snuaieu oemg aoous ne i.ar!i;ii-iz:i!iou. Among tneni are a tew street I , ,, - , , ! nines irom jaeivsoii, uu u.c iminu iuuu, mn-v niiles from a landing on liuauoUii river, and anout seven miles from Gary sburg, the junction of the Petersburg and Roauuke and Seaboard and Roan oke Rail-roads land can bs si .I'll S irCieie-i 1 in our last, Hun. D. 1 l ii.v t it and Mrs. listed in the Cata- in the iriuie of the : Ti:kxek, were all '! a b!, M. , A World 6f Wonder wbor iWrto Si, J0 mare tiie H urt of-Mtuw, but aor dreajasi-'i " INTittESTESQ, A8T0ffXDJt aW "tllalVALLfcl LN'STUCCTION, SCIENCJj; AXD ,TSOCENr V: AMUiUSMUXT-. ti, " 'TWQ 13! HESSE EiniSITim WV 'K ROBINSON & ELDUED'S : .,tGRIT rsiiT southmx ciaqus, ASfD - SANDS QUICK A-CO'S - " " l: r - .STrjdre:uous aLLacTioi? or u .-. - WILtr ANIMALS, :-. ; The Company will Exhibit at Warrenton, ; We d.' nesday Nov. 2nd. jfcgr Admission -50 ets.' Chil- " dren aud Servants half price. -' " r " -S, Henderson Depot, Thursday Not. 3rd. Jr Franiklinton, Friday Nov. -Ifa. - feS Louisburg, Saturday oth. - - Raleigh, Monday and Tuesday, T and 8th. -T , Jtef" Doors opoa 12, aad 6 P. M. Performance commence a 1 and 7 P. M. - - .- , The whole will be exhibited Uader one immense Pavilion; and only one fee of admission charged -te- see all. t , .,, t . , - SO HDJIBFO. -" But Value given in the study of the pleiidid specimens oif Living Animals the hearty laugh " created by" tJic i sportive jests of the world-renown- f ed Clowns the superb equestrianism; and the Maguificent Arena Entertainments, for every dime you pay out.! - - - -' , . "All Work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Come and see the best Jilenagerie and Circit& in .'i I'-." Existence. Come and see the only living specimen in Amer ica of the Huge WHITE or POLAR, BEAR weigh ing 700 pouuds.. white as asnoir .drift, more fero- ' cious than eveu the Tiger, and untamesble as the Ktruna TI,fW.i.l ...,1 . :i : . ' . . ... oituuiu iuu UIU1UII3 n puUllllCll ill. animated nature excites attention and demands the interest of thousand of visitors, who 'throng to embrace the! onTy opportunity it" is likely they -may ever haire7 of beholding tias terrible cariosity. His fur is from six to eight inches long, and com bines tiie textttra' aad appearance 'of the finest ' Lamb's. Woot with the gloWuiess and softness of the richest "silk. .vti -7-i COMK-AND SEE the. "onlyiwing specimen ia America of tiie Jet or Coal Blade , ladiaa TIGER, u animal so uncommon as to be of enormous tal- ' ue. Ancient Naturalists speak of the Black Tiger as existing more iu imagination -than.! reality, -but modern imerprise and scientifie research have uot only proved the truth ... of Jhis-i existence but have produced a specimen of his Genus,, which is to be found ia this beautiful collection stid no where else come aad see Uiun.. ' . Come and see the great ..War Elephant Bolivar, weighiug 14,000 pounds, 11 feet high, perfectly doci le, aud tiie best performing Elephant in the world. Bolivar was eaptured by the British from the Sihks. at the battle of the Punjaub, transpor ted to Eugland and sold to the late" Earl' of Derby, and at thed?misQ of the, Earl, he was'. purctuxaid for JjT5,000, and placed in this eollectien.' -- Come and see the only specimen of the GRIZ ZLAV BEAR ofCuliforaia ever exhibited in the Southern country an animal known but "little of by Naturalists until withia the past few years. lie is wonderfully ferocious, and attains so mon strous a size, that they have already been imported weighing 1200 pounds -, ' - - COME -AND SEE THE KINGS AND QUEENS' OF THE , FOREST." The superb Lions and Lionesses, attached to this i r i if , V 't I . ll -crais ask, is that the Ada- tin, ,'s wiii vote tiivir own bi'ltiiig tick'-t, and the Wb'.gs wiii -to their's. Nothing but ,:t.-mii natioit 1 1 iiie two on one si t ol cuiiUl- Sorth ('ji oli)li inx i.t Xeic Yotk Xorti Carolina TiucrUiuj Kditurs z"ic l.ccline .St.i.voa -t.Vcic C'truiie.1 ' b'ie fair sex BilOX.sJX'S KKPLY. Ju'!;e -Jir.o-xjox, the Collector of the. port of York, Urn r-piied to th ;' recent letter of Mf- fi'l'TilKIE. li:- S. iTer.ire fif'ttt., Trmisnrv. in iCIl tiln. K mr I'l. nil, . . f tl.. l'r.,l,.. i,rr ! - ' ' "l""' ! most UI! reuuxeij t.ie ivi-k Collector for not-Inning i .. . i 1 Meu t:;e i,,; M.elU' of New York, the lite I U!.p,..r:i-rs and can dcie.it Democratic ticket. THE ' NEW The " New Y01 k to do with making anv three journals 1 e lin 1 it impossible to publish a list j of the Premiums awarded at the Pair, in our 1 1 issue of to day. The labor imposed upon the j is too excessive to admit 1 The ! in Xcu.' J o. L- various Coniuii'tt. C.:-ILJcd li'Ael N zs YuRs, Licr Piils, 210 w before the public. Dr. M'Laue's Liver Piils, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, can now Tut Bishop oft bj had at nil respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Lanada, and at i jMsL l V 5. 1 Oct. -:3d. ! PvEPOltT OF THE NORFOLK MARKET. FoRWARDtU TO TUE " REdlSTKR," Br s. Perseus wishtne 1 . exaiuinc the I establishment. Young, freshly eaged, full of life , hown it by apjilying to Mr. Baldwin. and animation, they preaeut a splendid natural ,i.- :'if l miiiis'.rat! n nas YORK IIF11ALD." ' of their 'oeing able to report fully, as yet Herald," which had mere will appear, however, in our next. i.'.i. Pierce President than - - - - . .. 1 111 the country, is now the frsf lhe .otdsboro leiegrapn presses B -nn-dt, the editor, A. if. Aid' II E E ' E U S A CO. Who! iiolf sale u rosers, r orwarumg anu commission Merchants, 0 lloanoku Square. "oidsboro' Telegraph" most bitter and malignant enemy which the ad- lhe. chums ol Henry V . .uili.ek, t.-q., ot 1 is the 1 Citv. as a suitabln candidate lor Ouvernor 1 e at m c.s! linwc the ts of the 'A Imiiiistratiui!, lati'onago ;of the Custom ion; in ,, 1 , 1 : . 1 . 1 n. i insiructeu ti 1 111 as to wnai too iii'.u iu a little brief authority" expected of i , . w hi ta- future. The; rprdv id' Judii-e Bron- - -1 j , .- dcii we nu'.lksh to-day, fas a portion cf liT, w-J i.ist., ry tf 1 artv oolitics. is calm, indepen- of the great commerciaL metropolis of the Uiii-';-!state!'. 1c is a complete answer to Mr. Jj'Jtinie's iiTiprecedeuted and disgusting letter. lbeci""'lu-liiig portion is spicyiand piquant. ',e ",,vaj!iingtou Stair" of Saturday evening HpKsses its "settled belief that, within fortv- o1'' hours tr-jui the tinio our paper of to-day I' to- j,'res, a note will depart for Collector. "''V "aying. in tho.ifewest Possible words. iir.cipied ot unavrs, it is true, out 11 ; ikes a rogue to cutoli a rogue." Whatever i may be bis actuating motive, he is waging a damaging war i:,,uii the administration. His i paper is said to have a daily circulation of forty r tifrv tli lUs-md, and a wet-tiv issue equally ! large or larger. The " Herald " is edited with a "pint, vivacity and ta.eut w;nc 1, tb.d ..,..1 ire i -. . lb, iT,.d oil tlil-iill lit- . ' couta n.iu.ue.n.wnsri; it is universally reau, , . , , . , THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. New Yoiik, Oct. li.'. The Steamer Asia has arrived. She nrings three days inter advices. ' Livrvii"! , (h t. b. Cotton is quoted at lower i rates; middling qualiti Anting the strangers now iu Xew York, there are scdicelv hall a dozen from North Carolina. This- class uf travellers usually come ou late, ! and remain but a short time. They either lim- ! it their curb-sity. and regulate theirjileusures 1 - l.i v M'kinis of prudence, or arc less captivated ! ' l.i, the ! dse and showy pageantry of city life, j The market for Cum is very unsteady ; we , But there are 110 pe. ...I.- more domestic, and 1 hear of 110 sales to day. The steamer's news ' none more ! Mi.g'lish j r. ! Toe new B missionary 1 .Mr. Cook's J week, in t convinced ol the truth ot the old vi-rb, " East, West, home is best." shop of North Carolina preached a sermon at St. Bartnoloinew's, (Rev. Church,) LuFiiyc'.to Place, last 1 no Church was not crowded t' declined Flout has he evening 11" chose iur iiis text the weil known i.aasage, y rceiy .iv if rwwed, Jteay ytce. and no-passage in Uidv lit is nioiv suggestive j.vj,j . 1 ol tiie n iiii'tiiess mercies or tne lii-iry, ana 01 1 .'loose continued and co.'..iual 1 1 ovittenccs i ; wh.cn -call lor the remunerative gratitude 01 has caused a decline in the ideas of buyers. 15. E. Peas We quote at $1.03 arriving more freely No change iu the market for Groceriesinee our last report, except in Molasses, which has advanced to '27 cts for sweet Cuba. Lime Thomaston ?1J ; W. C. $1K (juano None in market. Dried Fruit Nominal, at $1 20 for Ap ples, and for Peaches. Norfolk, 2-id Oct., 1833. gh tiie iii wiirre it is universal! v read, must bo very iit home. It ii.i been surmised that the hostility 1 Herald proceeds from tiie disappointment of its 1 editor's hones in regard to the French mission, j ' . 1 This we regard as utterly im probable. Ben- j .if ' declaration d war however, v man ' It present ti i'J iv le lie id of temporal WILMINGTON MARKETS. Sales of country produce have been extreme ly light for two days passed ; consequently our have i sales of the we-'k '),( i.''- t.ales. .!. -n-e but rare- eiined tel.. and W neat 'Jd. Cono 1-4 I't orv-tllin , il 1111, b'.' 1,1-1 wiro PC "ll-.l til i kish aflairs. Many rumors io-ir n float. The f sPV'uu,l: i',i'M1""1,'":l contemplation and Lm Ion Times sav, : .-cusm.iii, ai.-i supp.ic many c roi,aries oy rcat, to say nothing ol us ehects 1 .,. yu.,sU and l-rench U-iVeriiinents miorm.'-d : 01 api'nc..u..ii. me inw . , ii.miuiii I R-isciiv that the time ibr mod ideations had pas- - "'as oifactic and lus.orical. iim inslrqi is a , uiatter for remark is very meagre. Turpentine . 1 . ..1 1 .. ... :. . .t. : -. . ? biiSk-iiio- Ulan, and lia a :r mte leetual : - -." . 1. .1 .1 . 1 : 1 11.. -.. . 1;,,. ..ftliff i sed, and ttiey woui-i mai.iiiiiu ins uuegri.y 01 1 - , " ' : , - . . , , . , i ana mpiriis mie uecuucu cuusiueraoiy since . ..... ... . - - 1 n .I,. 1 .... lllli, 0.'..11,.I II. i , ! II 1 I 1 L- I 11 ,r I I'll 1 , Turkey. : '""".f "-'i' our last report Koifa left Sniyrna on the 'god ult. for the i U,-1L il o' l:'lL -'.', "o(-p: e-st-u po .1 mcu Un;ted St i'i-s ! is "ot brnugot out. tne general impression is his stated "that the Sultan has not signed the t!';lt tu ,uv V.,;roi,.'i:i li;ei,? " a safe' The Grand Cmncil had, 1 prude nt, souiiii, aim ii.gmae.i ma-i, aiiioue 110 ted in favor of war. Itaving it to the ! will always oe respoiisnu.: mr me epmiuai auu oI.a I., ,b.,i.-if n! en to eninnii-nefi limtili i luiiKiOra tho Overseer, Mr. Nicholas I eebles, or to myselt A credit of "lie and two years will be given the purchaser by his eitterng into bond with approved "e"Ur'1' WM. H. HUGHES, Ex'or, Jackson, N. C. Oct. T,, lis .S. td 87 Cloak and Dress Trimmings. O VV opened at the Bee Hive a splendid and complete assortment of Cloak ' and Dress 1'riiiiuiings, of every lashiouable shade and style, as follovys : Bisickand col'd pointed velvet Ribbons Do do ,p!aiu and scolloped edge of. every width, super quality New style gullouu trimmings for Cloaks, assorted color, from Vl to 00 cents per yard Pointed and other styles of lace Gimps, very cheap Also, a few more pieces of those, narrow Velvet Ribbons, only c cts apiece of 12 yards. We intend to keep our assortment complete throughout the scasnu and our customers cau ge nerally feel assured thut they will always find fash ionable styles and of the required shade, at the Bee Hive," No. 11 Main street, Norfolk Va. J. SMITH & CO., Proprietors. Oct. 25. '03. 7 1854. wt tin; 1'reE-Lnt has rk further occasion for lis wn'icc." ; ii"it is aware tiiat he is too utterly destitut character to expect tiucii an appointment from even a locofoco administration ; and wo have no lielief that he evr appii"d for it. Uennott is a shrewd folio .v, and finds his account iu j writing down an administration which he had T j the sagacity to foresee was about to fall uf its A pleas- j owu weight. As to patronage, he is independent interests ot ins rJnicese. l'l,.- eim ii.i-tmi'.v hei-'i have recently noticed XWl is stated that France would send 10.000 ! .en. James . -Wats-jn Webb's famous letter to ,n tn Cinstatitinonl.. and that the combined : the Ir- hdou times, caning uiai journal 10 ac- fliPi. would reach thero ou the 7th. ! count fVr vitnperatii :the ;at Yankee Nation. TURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC, for lt0i Now ready. Published by HENRY D. TURNER, . Oct. 20. 'ol. N. C. Bookstore. Post and Giraffe copy. FALL STOCK. 1853. NO. 15, FAYETTE V1LLE ST. RALEIGH. ' T- R. FENTRESS S now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Turpentiise. Sales of Turnentine have been t made as follows, viz: 217 bbls. (Yirgin and! Yellow Dip.) at $3,70 per bid., and PJ8 do. do. I at iv-i,t0 per bbl., and Hard Turpentine, $2 a i 1 , 1 T l I pt , liiiii u i 1 vites the attention of bis old customers, and the Spirits jilri-cxtixe. 1H bbls. changed !,,-. .,,,, n.,iM h.nrnn...,.,,,,,,! .Ith hands at 60 cts. per gallon, barrel included, 1 Cloths, Casnimeres, and Vesting, and a aups nor lot of Ready Made Clothing, to which he in The General pleads for more civility and liar-j gar f. ank about 1,000 bbls. at. 55 cts. per gallon, bar rels charged. Rosix and Iar. No sales ot either that we liiE't Lii.w.F. Schools axdtue Faik.- 'o i-idjcati.m 0I4I10 exioellence of the various j 0f ;t When a newspaper reaches the immense I ,"a:lle i'uols iu the tstato was afforded, by j circulation which has been attained by the j ltt jiiiied and beautiful contributions from ifi,i T,.;i,nn ,1 snmp nthpr New Ym-lc mi-' , , 1 uCIO'U a..o...v. , - - t'j the fine itrts, atithe Fair. Floral Hall ! perili p cannot afford to print government ad-iniicli- 'l profusely with specimens of pain- x vertiscmcnls at the prices fixed by Congress, "ir.d utedlo-work, which, though no critical j though they be. We regard this as one of '-'o in either department, We pronounce most I tne most boneful circumstances of the1, times, 1. a. 11? to il,c exhibition and creditable to t.it. ; !Li t "titutions from which they came. The niiich indebted for its attractiveness " til"' l,.,,.,tf..l .. V l.r... fV.nl- "..11111IUI jutiuuiiuua. b.iuw );'ti-fiuti'oii with whjch they were examined - -hiiiihtte to higher efforts. "ie nf.mt Fair, JLc.-rThe next State Fair of ,r'" C arolina will commence on the third !l '' in October. 1854 the time having iu, from its tendency to render the press indepen dent. The present administration is a rope of sand. It is composed of discordant elements, which must at no distant day produce its dissolution. Bennett, though one of the principal instru ments in bringing them .together, foresaw that a rapid decomposition would take place, from an irreversible law of nature, and he wishes to vindicate his sagacity, by assisting in the natu ral process. Ho is not tke'jaan t'o remain in a sinking ship. ' October, 1854 "- 'ii'. v .l by the Slate 'Society. l11" oii.cers of the Society ror tho ensuiu - - as loiiows : n.;ii. omitti, 01 liamax, : . 'fy1 V,- ' J"hn S- ,,JinceJ of Edgecouvbe, Dr. ; The Tju;on dashes away at the Union ,; i;-1!)'-', of Davilsou. Col. KHiot, of Cum-; gtat8 Ticket jn .Mississippi, headed by Got. .I';;" 1 ' ''' Clark.lof Warren, Vice Presi-! Foote a8 tho candidaie for U. S. Senator. Is ; ' Dr. Tompkins, of Beaufort, Rec. Score- - the Administration, after meddling with the po- - '"on. .j. Iiiiiiy. of W ake. Cor. Sccrcta It is also said that tiie Czar at Olmutz ex pressed an anient desire for peace. Mr. 'Souk r. -ached Madrid on m 29th ult. Lii'idon, Oct.ti The Paris correspondent of .1.- T: ...... .1 ., .i..tt-.,l tliuri, ,.f tl,n llll! llllieO dllHI.lllll.LC i.... ..i.l.t.t mo.. . . , r .; news that the Sultan signed the declaration of i general wears the plumes of tins controversy tllO 'Otll lieilKQil htwii iuimi anu men, mm lias u- "Another despatch from Vienna says thatTur- j- together too much vanity to be contented with key demanded that RSsia,should evacuate tho ' obscurity, lie is now in England nego Principalitics within four weeks. j tmtjng i he sale of some stocks All the wo. Id 1 A goes to Lugland for money, and conies to Atne- j rica for land. City Editors are great eharuc U. S. SENATOR FROM TENNESSEE. ters. The ample profits of a well established Louisville, Oct. 20. Balloting for a U. S. : city press enable some of the corps to travel Spimhir took nlace to day m the Tennessee ; all the i time, if they choose. Bennett of the Legislature. The third ballot stood as follows Herald has just returned from a European f mini v between the presses of the two countries, I tells ail Europe thut we want no more mock re . publics abroad, and that no free negro colony shall be credited on tho islands of Cuba. The Luuuer amd Timber. No sales reported of either. Corx. No late rurivals of Corn, tho supply in store is yet fully equal to the demand. Commercial, Oct. 22. John Bell 29 ; Henry 14 ; Nelson 12 ; Cave Johnson 40. After this ballot Johnson withdrew. TIIE ENQUIRER AND MR. DIX. With the lost pleiad, the decade of Livy, the ten tribes fcf lsrasl, and the other natural and historical losses, we fear is to be numbered the Enquirer's promised " discomfiture" of Mr. John A. Dix, the Free Soiler. When shall we have it? AicA. Whig. u: 1 Fa : litical affairs of New York, about to turn itsat- mis d. Hutcliins, of Wake, Treasu-; tentioo t0 Mississippi ? Is the "long arm": of '. - -I tlve flovernmcnt to be extended to all the States Rah. Road Stqck. Twelve shares of Wil mington and Raleigh R. R. Stock were sold on Tuesday last by M. Cronly, Autiorfter, at $94, cash. -This stock is working up fast, and H no untoward event oceurs, will go above par before two years, or perhaps before one. The fact ia that it is worth as much as any Stock in the market. Wil. Journal. tour of several months, after spending the twenty thousand he is said Jo have pocket ed out of the last Presidential campaign. He is now baiting his hooks with more spryness, and bobbing for other spoil. Kendall of the New Orleaus Picayune is in the City. He lux uriated during the last summer amidst the charming walks and lovely fountains of Ver sailles. Bayard Taylor, one of the literary editors of the Tribune, is with the U. S. Squadron, on thevCoast of Japan. He joined it in China, at Shanghai, after having traversed Egypt, and iourneved bv the bverland route through India to the Chinese Empire. He had previously been to California, and footed it through the greater pars of Europe. "What his aims are nobody knows.1 IMie were to marry a Japanese prin cess, and Greoly rwere yoked to the Queen of Madagascar, the world might perhaps get along a little better. But that it really don't improve ' any Caster by the intermeddling impertinences of FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. There has been but little change the past week in any article of produce. I Cotton has a downward tendency, and sales have been made At about quotations. Sales of Corn have been made at 75 cts. cash. Flour is in good demand at quotations, say $5 50, $5 75 and $6. Spirits Turpentine 54 to 5G cents per gallon. Raw Turpentine $3 25 to $3 50 per bbl. (Carolinian, 22nd.) PETERSBURG MARKETS. October 22, 1853. Flour. The mills are doing very little, and light receipts from the country, (both on ac count of th low state of the river,) keeps the stock of flour very small. We continue to quote country brands at $6,75a7. City brands $7,25a$7,50, and Family at $8a$8 50. Wheat. The market is very unsettled, and E rices tending downwards. We make irregu ir quotations at $1,25 to $1,40 as to quality, for both red and whiter j Tobocco. There is bat little doing in tobaco. Corn. Corn has declined from 7068 cts. Cotton is dull, with a downward tendency, public generally. Having become -connected with the far-famed manufacturing establishment of Groshong& Tuptuan of Newark, N J., he is pre pared to soil clothing cheaper than itcan be bought elsewhere in the State, and being determined to carry into practice the old maxim of "quick sale and small profits," customers may call at No. 10, Favettevibe street assured that their wants can and will be supplied. The quality and style of my Ready Made Clothing are not surpassed in this country. FOR THE YOUTH. Tn order to ave both time, trouble, and expense to mothers, I have introduced into my establish ment a lot of Boy's Ready Made Clothing, to which the attention of the Ladies is very respect fully called. If encouraged in this much desired branch of my business, I shall continue to keep on hand a very great variety, for boys from ;x to 10 years of age. The great advantage I have, from my connec tion with Groshong & Tupman, will enable me to keep my stock replenished, weekly, with the la test and most approved styles and fashions. 1 continue, as usual, the manufacture of gar ments ; and having in my employ, first rate work men, I promise to give satisfactioa, both in quali ty of goods, aud workmanship.. Gentlemen who furnish tkeir own goods, may rely on having their work as well done, as if I furnished them. Cutting done, promptly. To my former patrens, who have stood by me for so lone a time, I return my sincere thanks, and humbly trust to merit a continuant of theiri c.nn v, strict atteation to basineaa. T . T. E. FENTRESS. Baleigh, October 14, 1858. 8t 84 SUPERIOR GRUEN TEA, do Blick ;S ; ! For sale by J. BBOWF. spectacle, Come and sec the greatest variety cf mischiev ous Monkeys aud Baboons ever exhibited full of tricks, grimace, agility and fun they are a per petual source of amusement. ('..me n!.d see the wonderful nondescript, half Leopard and half Tiger a huge animal of tre mtiiious streaigth and fierceness, presumed to bo the only "iuius naturae" of the kind in exister.o. Come a nl sec tho beautiful and stately A pace a of the East the great bearded Syrian Camel of the desert, mid the beautiful spotted Ocelct of Mexico and Peru the sprightly Kangaroo, of New Holland, and the gorgeous South American aBd Arabian Ciriches tho r.ntiiuivu striped and spot ted ilyeuas tiie v::rie 1 piumeged Gold and Silver Pheasants, the Adjutant or Fabled "Stork and be sure to come and ste the black and vrurrr, svtaxs, together with a host of other smaller specimens too numerous to mention. COME AND SEE COBISSCX & ELilRED's SoCTUKEN ClECCS WITHOUT EXT It A C II A ROE. Everything ntv, surprisingly clejrunt and com p'.eic, at a cost of Thirty Thousand Dollars. liu.ii performance a star ! and each star a bril liant one ! ! Motto "We perform to please. Energy, Labor, Talent, N.ovelfty, and Expense, combined to grati fy and please the public. THE BAND comprises 12 Musicians, chosenfor the renowu tliey hare won in Germany and Italy, and led by the celebrated "Champion Bugle" from Berlin, JOS. KNOSHER, who will execute many of the choice compositions of the great masters. 120 MAGNIFICENT HORSES, Selected from every portion of the Globe ! 14 Diminutive Ponies. The celebrated Georgia Per forming Mule "Sane ho," 10 years old, and no lar ger than a dog. The great Performing Horse "Thunderbolt- The elegant Trick Pony ' Damocles.'' HURKAQ! FUN", rRW.10 AND LAU0HTXR. CLOWNS, Signor Felix Carlo, known all over the world aa the best Trick Clown that ever tumbled in a riag presents his complimeuts, and sys thHt if he does not alone give you 25 cents worth of fun, he will return you your money, ("over the left,") and Sam Long says he can beat any Clown in the world at making firs friends laugh, for he has been get ting ready, for them for a whole year. Madame Robinson will perform her oelebruted Dancing Mare Beeswing. This act has everywhere been greeted With tumultuous applause. Master James Robinson will have the honor of appearing at every porformance. Mr. G. N. Eldrcd, the renowned Dramatic Scene j Rider, will appear in his variety of comic changes. l. 1 W i 11 ir tka rrrMt Rntti,t,)a tjiomi, wlm .tai. ated so geat a sensation in the city of Boston on the 5th of July. 1852, when attached to another company, is Aow with the Southern Circus, and will appear in his wonderful leap?. Challenge $5000 is offered to be put by Robinson & Eldred that Master James Robinson is the best rider in the would ! Messrs. llawe and Astillo will add thefrwonder ful Globe Act to the other attractions of this traly great establishment. Sixty Star performers, and Auxiliaries. Master John offers, to put np$1000 that he can beat any Equestr'ia& of his age in America. Splen did Equestian 4tud Acrobatic feats. Pavilion ca pable of seating 5000. w2jk s '! K i V I Hair Dyes. A LEXANDER'S Tricofaphe ; Basin's Hair Dye; J black stick' Pomatum ; American Hair Dye ; Italian do do; N'aple's do do, of varioas sizes and odours, jiust received and for sale by P. V. P9eUI. Standard copy. Oct 7, '68. 8 3 " "-

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