, YORK CORRESPONDENCE. S i"- . n-,nnn Vice owe ce. Bar mum's ca- lf JliA-. JIM y w, if c i" '" H i) j I I . I" I. . V ' I Ml lit! I I linpr-ja ATLANTIC A V P PiTr rr 1 r , .... . t -. - - v. ii.nu iiuAi'. ! i rum ma Lianaon Time 'Jet. y Mr. John 1). Whitford, President of this Road, has purchased two acres of land in the North ern paist of our town, for the Depot, at a com of not ah hotir of the i.t v or ni-iiit m v M500, adjoining tin: X. 0. .t W. & H. Railroad ligiu' might uot be re, ejv,.,i of th. xepots. 1 he location is an eligible one aud the v ... v ( Pr?ce very moderate. i ;H,.h, V , , . i . lhe 8urv?Jf route for this Road Ih get , r , ,he published a.,o, ,nt, there ting a, nne, Th t , lw than h"i. respectable booh pr,nt- j mile8 lhis" bide of KimJt. nd wi. reachroUr , i ,...i ihut entered into comnti : : j ' "ul ' ' . : i n ! Iew names nre- ih cue-t'on, if the popular I . . i . 1 r .i ii The war with Kmi has attained its crisi no! r; f on Mae.-.. ,,., ,,.,, s, -e, at leafir toe present .nn,,!,,, There in -. li, :ir ,, no,nm- ii Jt i fc i I i h i the i A ,f7c. incident on the Jersey t-onM-qnenof tidin i f imnlv.. , 'r hopt's deferred ot ' Hiiutit, !' i-uij;liiKr, .--nhnr rassniont. lifiertl uh Limdon may itppewr to he by the f:i.-'uionalle birds of pas-a, ,:i inort; intenrta anxiety iwUuate the gist ct4.iiiil f thr. worhljuKt now thun at nnv olhr (uoe vmiIiiii . Her rn.r:..i. ..1 I.. .11, (I ,,.t,M'aiitj..Kr ;j r-."K , e are mtoruied by Mr. Frost, the eff.cient 'r rrmeiuUranei. Fr.nn the hi.t to ih (. A't. i:ptij l ne mas vjuu ; muiv Rnd enterprising Awistant whosuperintenda the Jowet the ..ue fcolin- pi-HVuil. ai.ii if Any f.p i.iflVr ' parent, on the aniniinioi I aurveJ jQ pr8ont Uiat the country throunh eijSDer wished to oouvince hiwll I'lu.t the Kn- Vt, ' xU:lt "u,Mt. ut" te to Hie running of ft lload. beinS almost perfect- l-t lio twit Lnndnn ut the prt n.onir.a. - '. Mr- K"ah7j ;'av'" ,rl,Mt1 Jf vel. with very few hilU and swamps reuuir- ajjUhh blood has beon drawn. ,, ' ,u u every J..pj soli tor Uamum a shares, inj! excavation or elevation. . . the Caar nniHt make up his mind to iitfht it '4! .c4-e:u-l. Wut How I.n betore We learo also that Iron has been pnrohaned out to the perdition of .... or both at Wt. (, iv, ut..-r tho inmcnon ol thw work . for lhe Uoa, on Vrtv f!lorable terms. I until one shall have subiuitted to Ui terms .V cw..i.l r- a.lily I ( '.iiirr :iod of till' (.Hhillft IViilu t..ll'li( iii :i i:'.f.js is ojM-n lo mi-nviHisii Wrll do -we koor, nmi deeply do we uiirml,- lli.tt tlitr' eun ht.-)inti our t i' nt 1 1 1 it i ..o'i!o lli oyifi'ulions lie-nn- S.'lni.ttO)Hil: ; Iulf it: i- i ol.a'.ltl that i!i:r. iiierutionh w .!! I " .'''""titled.withoiil w-iinu- of lif, Tiu rft w'di he stihjHci for Iriuitipli anfl ri'icon ui' rief. , Srly the Queen im.l the .re'in tulef-iio ijpn'l Ktvjrtiid should at siieh a time o"er?nV ifi.,lcidon 0 participate in rithr : feeling. UVhavelnil writd n thai whidi pnblidy ultered . every vheiv, tifnl in f.tr more -esplieiit teiiu. Dj. i y, hitifi iuVii, ilnd Siitniii :r . Complaint.. . A niiiij, i.'ii-- jusiiy C'-i'-t.iiii a y .-u i..-.jic io .JL t' "" - . l ' oi.-ik" ut r;i -n o. -. iiio;!- of ir .,,!.-,:'. M. .1.1,' llrljlt' 1 1 1 . t Otll : llif ;i.t1u'i tl . ii-io-.iy li.ik'om t"'t.i. Tor y1;;!, n-,cd in liii piac, i ' rn '''in uu- -iboe li!.e;ne!, and Uio-v M luitinia I uu' -in in.' eius-, liie 1'rOjiiif tot liu it nt tic o lo it r ti on a nioi.' Bfiisi v- seal.-, Willi :- i i. n lulc-.u I in- amount 1 human aiiiici- in-i. I in..- u 'I'it kii.iwu it to iiiii, vvhi-n the IJi .. ik.ii ci-e iin'il :u!liirrtii 10. I:iui ii-.'li j. iio-uaiim lin.i" Ijperi. palitie.d uoon lln pulilif. a rut 1 Uc-ilateil In !4oiui lint. Jin in. . u i;i i r- isiliru . tl.-.'Oilllt until Lxtr.ii-i ni' Li' CM .--..'h a. '.nil, in me mean tune, me hri le-n removed by an ,.. ii;e ot Hrirnum's life, compris ipft in volume ol sixteen dimin- , ,, .u e uoe oent. It has met with a i tual ne naj ind fthoula supersede tne larger . i( -Is' h-irnum and Uedtield both toget i i bring out. It in possible that , disposed of to pay-expenses, I ... xnpiidued; it will be by the tuagi- ' ' i'jrea! UumbuL' himself. si I'OR Till. Rt01Tf.R At a ealled miin of.M.inteo Lode. No. , I. 0. U. F., hld u.'t. JMh. l.nil. the tUlowinsr e are pleased to have it in our nower to I whieh thnothef mav ininose. 8iic,fi the leel state that the Pre.idnt has 'pressed with com- in of the millioua of Ktibshuien who are n-( m.'ndable seal and energy everytbinif porttin- ' waitipg with the greatest eaeno-bs the arrival mi to the progress. of the work. Ve know i l every scran of intelliirenee tr im th heat of Preamble anJ resolntionn were &iuntd : given it Ins earnest and constant ; war, ii not ot the vetei.in state.- in en who have attention, adopting every practical means to ; passed so laan years of ibeir t-iisiencc in the forward its operations with the utmost speed higher re-ioua of Olympian taught, that they The energetic, industrious and competent eOrps I Ca'1 preserve their sang Ijoi-i and indiL'efenc in having charge of the survey, alone, to say noth- j the midat ofoocurreuv.es w hich upset the equa inc of all else which has been t fleeted "is am- ' nimity of the ureal ata.-s of ibeir cuQtrvmen. pie proof of this. Mr. W. savs, he designs com- "' no doubt, a line thing to have attained so t Wnr.REis. it Las ph aied Almighty ii d, in his wise and inscrutable Providence, lo take from us onr worthv and much loved brother. I G . Dr. V. R. Scott : Therefore Hrsaloed : That tlie Manteo Lodge. No. S, IO. O. F., have heard ; i with feeling.? uf profound jrief of the death of theTr fellow member, W. K. Seott. ' ResiAtil, That in his death our Lodjre has . lost one of its most worthy members, our be loved order one of its warme&i supporters, and ' our city one of its most useful citizens. ! ncoh'ed. That we tender to, the relations of i our deceased brother the assurances of our : .;.!' .nvoiveo, ana nemg oeuin i tnc WUh the Great WBst bv ii-..u Uind- whi. b from the centro of allairs. and lake their na. ueartteu iraternai condtdeoce in tb bereave- ri-ed mi.ney. suddenly absconded. : hall nmkc ih a more united and vet a haimier (! times while the fleets and armios of Knijland lnent ,,ie " sustained; ... .... X. . ' (Vrtitii ate. llwr r.-ceived from S.J. CaRBOi.i. : P.H.XIMOKK, Jan. JUth, lhM. W'm. Ii. Lii'pitt, 1.-., Dear Sir: I have no ti'.-zilalioii in uyuiK thai your j)ccilic U oneol the b' il MrttidiiB.u'stuiii lor iJy-venivry, UrArihit-a, 4cf. iu po-idibiy m i)' rt-oiil(.vi my cav.-; if it has es- o:ip-d ymir inr-inoiy, 1 will pve you briefly the lul. 1 ;iad iiK-.i t-v.-ryihiiig ilut 1 hnd seen ued, but with bide u..'i'.'- A od aliur ninij enough to mart twetny ii v c liomtHiiialhii.- ?f. fiN., 1 beirtii K i deji-iii, when you kitidly nflcr. d incyuur invalii.i n.ernbers of! W" which eur'r.l ..... ..tlectually i "ii. . nun , .-. j . v ,- rvii .'i 3A cn fi i.4 :,.id it tnumpnant ana remarks- nlHfiil0. rh 1- lt,. ..f r.4 r..,. eulm nd r.h;i,.Ur,vi,;,. o ..r .,i tv,t .ha ,,! th,- He is now worth hail I limtnaries, preparatory to 'breaking gronnd" ' ptty inturests ot huuiaiiitv pass before one but 5. .nty 1 . years ajr.i he was as poor ' before Christmas. We do not think, however, j i many units n. a .m "dilation which muu i with no capital except in his own j tal this wiJ ,e. But of one fact we are well be correotly soived. We are tar removed Irom i.Ai-co and efirontery. At that time. atisti.'d, all that oan be done will be done. We it ourselves, and confess thai we i-anuot. with as book-keeper to: a man by . therefore look forward with pleasing antic". pa 3 oat spry considerable effort, understand how : i'roher, a Frenchman who kept a . turn to the day, not now distant, when we shall ji men in the position ..' high Ministers of State - ti .ver, lor the sale of blacking be connected with Beuufort llar?Kr. and ere i should absent themselves at such a moment i- v iiiia hs successor. ti..vvever, va Mon aoanuoneo, ii,i:a 1- U alone in bis glory. Now it t !,, be-.n to turn his attention to that ,,:n l'-r and delusion which untortunate-i-. i i.ire part of human nature every I: ii u ily witen the true vein is struck , ,. ,s -ecored. Joice Ileth, the wool thi. Teg-'e Mermaid, and the Muse l.ill .. i in rapid succession, and with .!ianiisi rewards. 1 be Jenny L.ind engsge-i.'-nt 0'ja.pieied the triumph, and made Bar i,un n.itorioiis and opulent. No, one enjoys n.it ,.netv and opulence more than he does. 5 "ftirinitinj: in the small town of Danbury, not it- irom ridge port, Connecticut, tlie Oret i Su o- a brought up a printer, and started j -r i -r P-tnbury on his own account, but jts ir., r :is soon cut short by an impeachmetit J; l a-. i. when the editor was thrown into Litch-i-A i ii. It was after his escape from this pre-;;-iiunt that be came to New York as a poor s.w.turer to outstrip in the end the renowned V, Li.fiiton and his cat. A few years since, Barnum erected an Orien ;u palace called Iranist&n. a sort of Hindoo Trmpi slHtuta mile from Bridgeport, but soon i-v-'i it out tor a water cure resort, but was :iv,-!"d to take it back, and has ever since :. i i 'iined it in princely style. Iranietan was ; iiii from the, profits of exhibiting the little itfsrt. Stratum, 'surnamed Tom Thumb. The Vu-fiun has always paid welL although under a r. eiiive lease, for the building is not own r; ., -. H-iiriom, hot by a member of the'Stuy v--::it tnuiily. tiirt.utn is about 55 years old, and is tall, vi.. made, and vigorous. II is appearance ;d i ledt plele in,' his vi-age defiant and . r. and i-xi.i.b.ts D) traces whatever . - :.iiit or rrinement. He bus three .- i . , i i.--, i.r oi tiiein marrieu to roan oy vu? uiuoc i .ii.. iij.iJn, whose father was firt a carpenter, j ,m-.'L ii i'jiitoher, and at present a sadler.;. )r. T.n though is a very respectable man. ! ibsconde.l. : hall nwke ih n more united and y The black-; peoi.le.- Cld.Uio' Telegraph. THE CROPS. It is alwut time that the foolish, if not, in . some cases, the knavish croakiug in regard to, the crops, should have an end. The whole j country has been eicited to believe that a short I erip would be sure to follow the very severe drought which has been experienced in most portions of the country. It does not seem to have been considered that in the great variety of soil and climate ot the United States, it is absolutely impossible that such a thing as a general failure of the grain crop should take place. Some localities, it is admitted, have Wh.minqtov, N. C, Aur. 14, j W'm. II. I.iH'ii i, Dear .Sir : 1 have used ; ..ii -o-. i!ic in two eas-s in my family tor Dysen i v. In one, .i ipouiilul effected a complete cure in the oiti.u. three had the l.Le crfect. Kr--tliHIy, TIK.IS. LOKlN'li, Kd. Commercial. MAliKKLL'S STORK, N'i:w Hanover Co., N. C, Oct. 10, 1,)4. Wi. 11. Lii-i-iri , K so.,--Dear Sir: It is with jilea- i suro 1 slat..- thai I haw u-n-d your Specific for the I i-u re of Dvsetiierv, Diarrhoea, &c, and have lound are actually engaged with the ?heiny. In ordi J'txohvtl, That we wear the usual badge of nary cases it is fair enough tuat men w ho have uiourning for thirty Jays. neen conuemneu to the pestiierous air ol a pub u j,rwioiuuona lie u tl) IiltxllU.t. lll0 desired effect in very ease l used he assembly, and to the tiresome routine of or- transmitted to the nearest relatil of tlie de- j ilf atlPr ,ht. .,lnl mm'lie have faihnl. I recom dinary business for many months, should take j eased, and also be pubjixhed in the newspapers j ,llCud it with c.uitideiK'e io the public. their holiday, and seek relaxation and bealh in , "l '"' ' ! 1 -ji. ci lolly, J. fi. SKAVEY, M. D. country excursions. But surely, if ever there . was an occasion in the history of F.ngland when - right lion, gentlemen might make a Utile sacii ISAAC PUOCTFJl, Scc'y. A Family Likeness.- When our Democratic fice of their own pleasure and convenience on j friends speak of their love of equality, and the the altar of their country, it is now present. ; rights of mankind, e are very apt to think of They desire so ardently to serve the public, that ( the rule they have established in distributing they have keenly contended fur possession of : the official salaries which the American people the highest offices of State, and they have at- i have entrusted to them. When they declaim tained the object tf their ambition.' Why uot 1 against other governments for the favoritism I .1. I - ... 1 1. .' 1 .1 !-. .1 , not produced so well as usual ; others have pro- lve a mVe l,earwer erviye m return lor tne i w nicn msgraces mem, or mr tne intolerance dueed only half a crop ; but there are others ! r,nor-? . .." 1 y tt ' received r : which uenars a arge uuiuneroi tneir citizens which have rewarded the farmer nobly. When it is considered a large amount of new land is invariably brought into cultivation ; that there is likely to be no demand for our Bread stuffs in Europe for many months to come ; that the most important cereals, wheat and oata, were unusually prolific and good in quali ty, it ought to satisfy every one that no such thing as famine, or an extraordinary demand for agricultural products, could be experienced in this country. This year, the wheat and oat crops are the most abundent of any ever grown in the United States, and there is an abundance for home consumption and for exportation. The demand on European account, however, will be next to nothing, and when these things The ambition of beinz anion r the first and i from any participation in civil and religious most influential men in such a country as Kn rights, we cannot forget the proscriptions Un gland is certainly a noble and generous desire j der wtiicii, flushed with victory and intent on but ambition has duties as wl as rewards. spoils, they seized on all the spoils, and pur Surely at such a moment, it is scarcely decent i sued the Whigs as if they had been outlaws, tbatthe membersof the Administration should be ; We hare recently seen that Mr. Pierce has so scattered that it would require something like : even proscribed the poor clerks because they a week to assemble the liouk if any sudden e- : belonged to an association understood to be mergency calling for united counsels should t hostile to the administration, and Judge Bron arise. At the present tune the Duke of New- '. son was unquestionably discharged because he oastle and the Earl of Clarendon are at their i would not break bread with certain political posts; they are both indefatigable iu the dis- , traitors whom Mr. Pierce, had himself repudia- charge of their d4ty, and tiny, no doubt, rep ted. -y - j resent two of the departments most intimately ; That our readers may see how rapidly ourj concerned with the management of the war. j government is tending-. to the condition which I Sir James Uraham, however, iw ho represents j justified the denunciation of our .Republican ; aVaXnaii, (ia., Dec. M, IS.'). Mk.W.m. II. l.irriir, D.:ar Sir: It i with plea sure I acknowledge tin; wonderful e dec is of your Medicine lor curing Dianhcea or Bowel Complaint, as 1 am satisfied it was the means, under God, of saving the lite, first of my child, and then of my brother. As my brother was given up by two of the most eminent physicians in this place, Drs. Hichardson and Wregjf ; and when 1 consulted the latter, as' to tlie propriety of trying ii on him so low, he said 1 might, to. satisfy myself that 1 had left nothing untried, but he did not think thai med icine would lie of any use to him. But, thank God, he was mistaken, as we saw the salutary e(fects in VI hours, and in ten days he was able to be out of bed. 1 remain vonrs, very truly and gratefully, WM. BAILY, Trep-.u-cd and sold by WM. H. L1PPITT, Wilmington, N. C. For sale by WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, and P. F. PESCUD, Rah-igh, N. C. For sale by W. H. MOORE, Goldsboro, N. C. 63 are considered, it shows the folly of the panic I e Adm.raUy, is p aying the part of L-rd n , ancestors, we extract a ske eh of the meth-l , . . . J . . Waifm.v ur Ualmafi.1 H t a t .. i-i .t A ,, Ln .it u.lminutr') lull illirititf If. ut inAuf H imtiuiu I REPORT OF THE NORFOLK MARKET, FOKWARDKD TO TUE " REOISTER," BY .4. M. McPHEETERS CO., htch it has been attem corn crop, it is now adm ipted to originate - The ' a"Dli aE BalmoraL The Karl of Aberdeen, , of administration during the" most flagitious Wholesale Orocrs,Forwardingand Commission itted will be better than j tne ute f Argyll, and Sir George Giey are j period of modern English History. Our read- : Merchants, 6 Roanoke Square. SPALDING & ROGERS' Two Oirouses! FLOATING PALACE CIRCUS! From their Palatial Aquatic Amplii tbeaire. on this MissiMippi and iUio rivars, aiki their North Americas Circus! So favorably kuown iu the Morti aud East, into ONE MONSTER CONCERN With the Two Ccmpanuc, ere prising reepectively ."'W dis: jtuiahed Northern sad Southern B humeri, ' IN FRIENSLT STKLTS ! Daily, in the same Rills', in preeeruf of the audience, wnfa Two Bets of Performer TWO SETS OF CLOWNS! FIVE CLOWNS IS TIE RING ! TWO SETS OF RIMS HORSES ! A Complete Dramatic Corpn ! Pantomime Every Aftemean '. PIITMiM rVCDV NllftHT I I w I iiniiij k i i i vii NED KENDALL, the Bugler ! 'KENDALL'S BRASS BAND ! CHOATE'S STKIXG BAND! A Triumphal Procession through the principal streets, about It) o'clock a. m., at every place of Exhibition, ot the Band, in the Grand Flora! Car of Statuettes, Drawn by 40 Horse! Driven by one mun ; and everything else, in and ahoat the Establishment, upon the same elaborate and magni ficent scale, with BILL LAKE, ihe Great New Orleans Clown : H. SIaqilton, tlie Wonderful Man Monkey; M'lte AGNKS, the Cele brated Creole Gymnast; Valte Atmar, the Peerless Bareback Ri der; C.J. Rogers, the disinguished Scenic Equestrian ; Master Clar ence, the Young Equestrian Hero; Mrs. Obmokd, the Beautiful Scenic Equestrienne ; Mrs. Lace, the intre. pid Horsewoman ; the famous Mot. let Brother ; H. Magistt, the Mnowned Voltigeur: Monsieur Thors, the Modem Hefcaies; Prof Baldwin, the English Wizard ; W. Kiseade, the Versatile Equestrian ; H. Durakd, the Skillful Gymnast: Robert White, the accomplished Maitn; W. J. Pacl, the tamou Jehu ; C. Brown. J. Ryan, V Con nor, 4.C., Ice, will be exhibited al 2 r. at., ajid "i r. m., AFTERNOON AND NIGHT AT RALEIGH, Fkidat asd Satirdav, November 17th. and 18th. Woldon, Monday Nor. 13th. Warrenton, Tuesday Nov. 14. Henderson, Monday Nov. 15. i'ranklinton, Thursday Nov. 1 G. Goldsbore', Monday Nov. 20. ADMISSION ; Dress Circle, 50 cts ; Children and servants 25 cts. Colored Boxes 26 cts. Nov. 7, 1854. 90 Edward L. Harding, Fathttbtille Street, RALEIGH. N. C. WILL recetve in & fow days an Invoice of up wards of Tks THonsAKD iiolla.es worth of Nbw and Fashionable Ready Madb Clothino which is now being manufactured al his Esiab- LisHMtXT tn Nbw York. When this lxvo.ee ls i WARREN L. POMEROY, : IG,l'ayettcvtIIc S.rett, Kalcigh, Nor. Car. f!.x 'GSSi'UCLISHED vmoD-.yoi'jL's. 0:: vai:o:,:sa carols s collection or JSOIiTU CAIiOLlN A PurlliY, Compiied by Tonriia Vols. 12 mo. TIIF. ohitiirs of poetry -now piv.fr cuid tithe pubuc iiad ti.cu- oi :.!! ia a r oliocii.". for the c-5"ii-i oiir"a o !i u-e. A", ii inerua -ed, ft few friends pivsrd virii ii.Ht it shouVd.be rendered' as complete as poxs,!, and published, that everfli. ! t'M-otinian iriighi h ive an uppurtu&ity of possi :. iug, in a permanent nrid cenvrnient fori, a copy oi ninny pitcva ihhI iney had probalsly read lud ! ndiairtd, iiid pcjliaps for a time preserved, from ivgaru jr the AiaUors; Lncuraged by tdta kind co-operation, the wrk has ben stfe&iiiy. ; ihoiign slowly, gr.-wiu;-. until it has reaofreeKiU J pi esent size ; though it ha been impossible t. procure many pter- whii-n tt was titOugLt ecliid : he prot?ured, yet it is hoped Uiai this first attempt. . of Ui kind in Nrth C arouna will meet vicit tiki t favor uf the citizens, for wn,3e use the work is ! Ulneipally intedr-d. Though we aay not iu.T i produced uny xret teas, still thes "fdOt-Erilti "the poets ti.it ar sown j By Nature ; mea endowed witi idgb& gifts, j The Vision and the Faculty divine.'' ! it is from our knowicde oi tho writers that many pieces, in the collection will derive their Luter ect. and though viewed by the sevc-reeye of criticism the WuulJ have been rejected, still it was thought that public expectation would Lave been disap pointed, had they been omitted - PatrACE ' Fur gab wtiole-?nU-aa-i retail by the publisher. October 31, lot. ' 33' Pocket Book Lost ! LOST, on Wednesday evening last, my pocket book, cootaiuin nhuut JU all iu notes st cept one $3 gold piece. My name is written on the inside of the poeket-boolc. The fiudur, by" leaving it at the Register om .e. or ntuAia it to rue at Auburn, Wake Co., will he liberady re warded. J. J. FliRRELL Wake Co., Oct. 10, lX.i-t. "v l : 1 1 - . III it-T Htiy alliance more aristocratic snan i...ce"thH courtly halls of IranisUn. will j .1 upon the new turns of the d.e. Fath j ttn tiiers and daughters are proverbially . .:ius. - J irtiun.'s career in New York has been very ! to the interests of this cjty. 1 1 i.(ti;m'itir nti-ii tmitafiile. We j shall r ii. - t P.ritiah Museum, a French Louvre, ; U -iii in tj tllery of Arts, in a city where : tii-u ai U.irnum reign. We have had a , ; :;e '0 e and Magog wonders pf the v. ( r,. . 4 ,!.-., amusinjr tnemseives in various wav iu lue co'.- er in. -w smucu to uust-rrc iuui our ruit-r large amount of old corn on hand, we should I lsh "'.gWands. Lord John Wl is sedu- are imitating and emulati-.- the pontic- and. Kirltm -o.na nf .rri,l . ! '7 t Scarborough, and Mr. Gladstone ethics ol W alpolo. Newcastle, and Bute : ? their calculation that a famine is threatening m Wlee" Xuw lfet l nwt be supposed that we .-Th prices given for single vote ranged. ' ' u- There is no truth in it certainlv the fact ! gfllP ny of these political notabilities i, Hlild. Irom 200 and upwards. X-2j.0Jt) i is not yet ascertained, and although the prices 'r .'ir proportion o wnoiesome air ana re may tule higher than iu former years, the sup ". but urtly are to 5,e uttame.1 ply will be tband quite adequate to the demand. " ' '" St. Ismi Jiub. ;anv.d thepunts wehavename.1. . i 1 he muuihcence of iho Crown has granted to IRISH F.STATKS. I Ln-d John Russell a residence-in Richmond aslieen well kr.own by all the readers ,f ! KaTi" wnicli "y be deficient in sa listory or fiction that much of ihe misery i &a1 MMD4r' pni'S.. 'ul which nt-wr- It has lrisn history or netiou tiat uiucli ol me misery ..I I I m r..t I, Ad tr'k iri n At Ail fr..m th rA..i.) a r .d nure of property. The laud was owned by im ! lehl'" 0P"l lI England. Lord Abrrde.u p..verished landholdera. who were utterly uo- tb 8arn wa-v- led not drt Green wieh i.i .ft-.-ii.i.. n.,.r- tl.n hif ..f thir ..r.tin.ro Parity even for the sake of the lown from wbi.-U he derives his title. If any of the Cabinet M.n- thelesa situated in one of the most lovely and rents, and who had mortgaged their property were thus paid away in a single morning. In- ' tiinidatioii war tried, a well as corruption. The Duke ol lev:!iisliiie was disuiUsed with! tlagrniii insult. A nuiliu.- wan too high for the revenge uf the? Curt, i-o nothing- was too hi'w. A persecution ' bucIi as had never been ' known bed, re, and hai never bten known since, ' r:tged in every pobitc der-.trtment. Humble and luboriouri clerka werr- deprived of their: bread, not beeauau they hud neglected their du- ' tv, not because they had taken an active part ' against the Ministry, but Aerely bueauaa they had owed their ailuationS to tome nobleman or ; r.iv iAi.nK it -nnld nnacihlir omlnn U'hoit ; isteis actually require the renovating influence . gentleman who was 8tr8iiit the Peace. The j the interest failed on the mortgags no foreclu- - of "a tt,r n,i hl or uoKl waler U,hs l,,r oroacription extended lo door keepers, to tide ar tn an nroht .auld r.iHu in ennMiMnm ! th8 renovation of thtr Con.-titotioi.e. there are waiter, to guagers. Uoe rAr man to whom a v ti.op at the corner of Ann streei and i 0f ent&ils and marriage settlements. Hence the I "l eubttJjU on the souUmrn co-.t of KngUud pU8iou had been given for his gallantry in a owner was a pauper, the tenants oppressed and i wcu " H.-vv- w. , Bgni-wi.in smugglers was uepnvej out Decause shiftless -and the estates oeeleeted. temporary reuremwnmnd which would at the : ne waB befriended bj the Duke of Grafton. jyr.v remarkable movement is now taking in the Mosquito Kingdom on the Car- Parliament here interfered, in rsinapmiAn.'A 11. -t-u. uicr'"'"''"'-"".' i oi tne 9tatciBBt tit tne numerous uwit oi crea- i r . . . .. . . k. i l : . . f. r . C..,nnak . . . . . I little A.ir.hiA ml ,1.1 h.LH 1.11 -inadH. KvAn It ..: ueptiera ruiigmicu uuu ltora mao to tnem, ana oraerea the sale ov , w h . r 7 , ! to San Juan, .pronounced. San Hj) auction of all encumbered property, breaking tla ndjte n 0 I,ut -.. - 1 1 TKx dnm tiis-n is better known I it .1 :i i ..i V , uuire the Dresence ot the Cabinet Alituitets tn 1 r - u LJ 1.11 .... . .I.'.i . im.au tr. . . . . a ua. . . v r I'ioiir. 1 1.' tiiaruei is very oare ar.a t n arriv ing -!wly. .-ales of 8. F., yesterday, ut $9; The V tbia bnnrs advices ot :i larjre advance and w heai of no sales s.iice her news. The quantity in. tuRiket is :.iq Muall to b; iniiL-h alfected. Sale of white and mixed -or:i, at b'-aTOc; E.E. l'.-u-, 'JO,-. t'oiion, L.ght to.k with ules, ut ya9 1-Sior prime. Stave-.. R. O. hhd wanted at 37 l-2a$:tw 1-2; - 00 . hange in other kinds. Naval Store. Tar dull at 3 1.4 ; Soft turp. l-Hnf!;! i-4; t'utnmon Rwin, 11 1 -H sale ; tner fradii, 1 l-so1;) 1-3. Spts. Turp. has doclined in N. V. to "Oo, which has affected our market. We ' have no revent aalt-3 to oute from. i Haeon.--Hog round 'jay i-2c ; Ham 12 l-2al4c t Ltt 11 1 -2a lw 1-. 1 Nov. 4. ltf.4. j 1 ! WILMIGT.ON MARKET, j Wilxlvoton, November 4th. i If aefNTlNF. .Further lea ye.terday of 172 j bbls. at X,i)-ri tor yellow dip, 2,92 for virgin, and j -,,00 forhnrd. and HKJ bbls. yellow dip. North County at 3..U ptr bbl. ; and to-oay of 46 bbl. Valuable -Laud for Sale. ON THURSDAY, November 3o!h. 1-854, I will sell at the residence, 1C miles North West of Raleigh, itnthout reerre, the following lands either j seperate or together : ' One Tract conttiiutug near seven hundred acres, I on the waters of big Lick Creek, and another Ti act containing nearseven hundred Acres, ontie waters ofNeuse River and Laurel Creek. Both of s&id Tracts are well adapted to the culture of Tohasco tjnd Cotton, and all kinds of grain. There is a sufficient amount of cleared land on each, and good improvements on bulb tracts. Also, the HO ill. TRACT, containing about F.joht hcxdked Acrxj which lies between the two Tracts specified above, i There is a large two story house, with four good j fire places and seven rooms, a good kitchen J all necessary euthoufies, situated on the heme tract. Possession of the two first named tracts wlil be given immediately after the sa.e, and of the Hone Tract on the 25th of December neit 1 WILL ALSO SELL, at ihe same time and place, one two Horse Carriage, one mule tes.ni. - - - . A, . nuu jivBr, ttaguu, ac, i.A i norJ3S, a CiSlOer opened, he will exhibit the best specimens of Re a.y j 0foea4 0f Cattie Hogs ac Made Work in the State; and the only wonder- ; wiU hiP;E 0?SELL a number 0 NE will be, how it ia possible that Hardiso can have j ijjiOEs, men aad women, boys and girls, manufactured such ScMaioa. Goons, and at te ( ivRI ,TlArt ,nt h rMU-1FaA , ,,, mi4 TI,o rosnn ia oh- . ' . . . -J - fame time sell them 90 chiap. vious ; sina.l profits and large galea arid a business . properly conducted. Give the customer the best , bargains you can ; by so doing, you ar rsb!ad to j sell more, and the profits in the aggregu te wiii be satisfactory ; and not as many are La the habit of ! doing, sse how much you can mako out of the cu- j toroer. who pistes implicit confidence in wbat you i . -, 1 f S.-... 1 a , n 1. . t r 1 . w. r-.... i-. . " , .1 . I your goods, and make a small profit ; thereby i known on day of sale. CALVIN J. i;ouLi;3, Wake Co., Oct 2-1, 1554. r.i for BENJ. ROGERS. Uia-i6 W- H. & R. S. TUCKER, AT THEIR XETV STORE, NO. 8, FAYETTEVILLE STREET giving the cui received, and are now opening, a rich patronize vou. Live and let live, ana not try ana a j. w.c ajsm nuaii ui ura.M uwn!, take all a boor fellow can make. of ait kinds, including: sUmer some reason why he should XT- u. Live and let live, and not try and i XX anc ' E. L. Nov. Gth, 1S54. HARDING. 4w 00 Weekly Pot, Star, and Spirit of the Age, ame time rss-ae the signal advantage, ul great- i Ao aged widow who, on aeeount of her hus- i ,T" '1.11 ISi 7-. K," r r.r..ii.t- to Lnnduu. For ..n- this , t..,i. : : .. . u.a u , i jeoordip t3.bo allper bbl or280bbls. ! band's services in the navv. had been made house-keeper to a public oflice. was dismissed 1 from her situation, because it was imagined i thiit aha was distanti'V .ionr,erld hv marriatre I town, at least tney, sl.ouia oecios at t.ano - : wj!n the Cavendish family. Bv such means a There is a decency and propriety whiou shou.d , ,uafority approving of the Peace was procured be considered at such a moment as well aa the j Df t0 55." actual necessities of the case. ; ....... .r. . . 1 i a i ll.ere is another Doint to wn.cii we wo.na i tt.e name of Ureytown. Ihe old King ot ; her iy tl, October, 1854, the amount obtain- . -uritrv became largely indebted the ! Pfi frvni the 8ale ol these estates was XIj.oOO, i. r ls, to the amount ot six or seven hun- ; 000, of which the creditors realized XIO.OW. ; t!Lvaand d diars. This monarch died ; y.). or fitty milliima of dollars. The purchas . .r,-j tl.H :. resent Vniin? kin? heir to his debts ' i i.ist.rr.tor.e'. To liouidate this claim, the th Und f(irHOma r(.ol benefit- Out of thi.-um ! d" wQ respect. Intlligeno was es- ,fr.r rovaltv has made over 30 milllbns of i r, m,ii;..na f n.i .trn,r thirty 1 terday received that the Queen soldiers have ; i . , - . ,.i i: . l . .ho Uu.u Vtian. .... i . i - . i . I Koan BiMTAtrtxi in A itpm mill DTtoat bloouv eon- ! ruir.r.r. i.b -' ha r...wdriT6r train urhn.h t Slues ana ahuUldars fit 101 ,.t riAi. !h ,i .i iiuunc uou.a.u w '"c ...ta.a. y . m.ii.ons were oaia tv irisnmen tnemseives in -- . t- r- - - r- ANOTHER TERKIBLK RAIL ROAD TRAGEDY. Kosi.v.--Wenote the saletu-dav t!22 bbls.' No. at l,7f per bbl- Spirits Further, sales yesterday of 118 casks ! at 4Z4 cts. per. gat. The market is quiet to day, sad we hear of no transactions up to the time of : cloiug our report. Tab Sales yesterday of300 bbls. in shipping ! order, at $8,40 per bbl. ; and to-day of 133 bbls ! at $Ii,h".per bbl. J Bacon Sales yesterday of 1100 lbs. N. C. hog j round, at VI cts. per lb ; and to-day of 800 lbs. BANK STOCK FOR SALE. X'VJ' ILL be sold, about the first of December, f te the person offering the highest price, Fir tkbn Shakes in the "Bank df the State of North Carolina." The stock now yields, and has, for several years, a dividend of ttn ptr cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Any person desirous of making a perfectly safe investment that will yield a good dividend, will find this a good opportunity. Apply, either by letter or in person, to the editor of the North Carolina Star, Raleigh, N. C. Nov. -4th 1854, , - . VO 2w Elegant Paris printed Mouaiin D Laines and ! Cassitneres, ingreaf variety ; new and choice stylos oi r opuua, lueuciaa ana imperials ; Bounced and pr;r.ted Rabes for children, of new and elagki.1 jsigus ; Merinoes, Bombaiines, &c, Rich pTaii, ntnped, Brocade, and other Silks, Cs, Jtc. 2 these goods which have b-n selected with great care in New York and Philadelphia, the aUenti-a of our customers and the public is especially invited. ..bii-bment, but boards with Mr. Miep i ihe actual monarch does not keep up fh .ha mav b f Iriah b.nd ! fhat conrlict must necessarily ha been re ; left here on Wednesday night for Rock Island vi i . ,i www . . m n ass .la ra T--rv.rt vnc .i.jfa .t r rin a . t . : a-, . c-a It is said that nearly a thousand chancery r ' . V J . 7 1 i V 1 Z , ' . " "T . J . t... .t e. t.c avr.ua l.l I- n.rlan.l inngl - -, . Ot .V. Ti ll I I fci f i I 1 - - 1 end to mUC-h to the i t wafcfctw t" " y. .-f.- - i i uu uu Ml kwi. imirry l' I w bid. wmb ' again have been engaged .n a deadly struggle , passengers were killed or wounded, nnd about j with her enemies. V here is tne Court at sncb , a dozen saldoil, some ol whom must die. f ,nl spends his time like a royal. .prince j anit hava ?hua been nut an end to. much to the i i , in following the chase and quaffing j dissatisfaction of the Irish lawyers. But the The above rant includes Grey . to the people must lie great, for there l miles oi sa coast on me varri- ; Qas een , consequence an exchange of un- a tune i -t -at,. the patriotism aua,ueep leenng 01 j Wbrttuiv o'ciipies ; -a. The title is said to be unquestiona p.righed landlords for men ol property and ! the J"4' H wn01no"1 hi 1 Mr. Cxper. U. S. Senator, irom Penn-j n the unenCumbered proprietors of the j the thronef rheae realm are lar mid Mr. Kingman, Washington Cor r. tit of the Journal of Commerce, are (.-; dtjawing up a pamphlet which will - is--ned, (lo.-laring the advantages and for settlers to go thither. Here is U. ;u'--trie tit si soil m ..:. ii... r ' unuerstooa as cieariv aa ritiKiien iik ii.TL . it Li.ii.L- i ii cuuae ..ir.ii: it l.ii vine I - measure and the constant emigration of the na tive Irish to this country, Ireland is now more j thoroughly English than she ever was before, too well known i ords es t ot tortune 1. -ut. lionapartc has accepted the inferior tr;, ol ub Lieutenant ot fragoons, in .ne Iren.-h army, and has gone to Crimea to give tii Russians a taste of his quality. A heroic incident occurred on board of one of ti. .Iery City ferries a few evenings since. A young lady fell overboard, and a gallant ung man dotfed his coat and plunged into the v, iter and rescued her. It was quite cold, and then the young Salvator reached the deck with t.ie dripping Naiad in his arms, a-gentleman ending by pulled off his great coat and beg . 1 him to accept it as a present, but he would l t do it. . I. is pleasant to record a noble act, and aa all ! n.kiiid and waman-kind appreciate such, and ft rvady to reward them, it is surprising that r ;ire o rare. Let us all be demigod and ti-rr j.-- ! ; C. M. tt.. r i hance for enterprising characters in'j an(j js becoming more and more so every year. Ihe Irish peasantry, whose only aim was mui ply to escape starvation and who have found a refuge with us, have been succeeded by tens of thousands of English, Scotch, and Irish, who have carried into Ireland their thrift and their industry, have, in many instances, purchased the soil where tenantcy fomerly prevailed in its wont aspect, and who have introduced their re ligion in the room of Catholicism, and their firm notions of loyalty in the room of the rebellious feelings of the Irish population. Ireland with in the last six years has undergone a mighty change. Two millions of her poor peasantry have left her, the impoverished estates, n which they borrowed aa tenants have been sold, and their places filled by laborers from the sister kingdom who will make the island rich by tneir industry and providence. Cin. Courant. FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. Nov. 4, 1854. Baron. fl lb. Beeswax, per lb. 25. Cotton Bagkfiug, per yard Gunny, 18c; Dun- ' i dee, 14c ; Burlaps, 10 to 12c. Cotton Yarn, per YELLOW FEVER IN NEW ORLEANS. ! lh So- 5 t0 ,u 18c- domestic Goods, per yard i p a: .a t ..ii... r Urown bheeiiuirs. ii to S : (Mnaburtrs. yA to IU tu admit of doubt or question Let it be eb-arly j ' " 3 I Flour.er barrel Superfine. 8 : Fine, . 75.- es i tl ' r .i. i. . i tj I reathers, per lb. 45 to 47. Flaxseed, per bushel. preaaing real sentiments can make il that we , "VV " " . . , 7 J 1 to 1 10. Corn, 90 to 1 00 ; Wheat. 1 2o ; Oats do not so much as by an itmeodo mean to in-! were 24.,, of which Q, were from yellow fever, j m per lbDr.. &. Greeni 3 to4. sinuate a fault in oor Sovereign. We are, how-1 .. j Remarks. Bacon is scarce and in demand at ever, but grivina utteranee to' the universal feel- ' k Rishop ArKtssoN preached in the Epis- ' quotations. Cotton is rather lower best grades iug when we say that the nation would have . copal Church in this place, on Friday aud Sun- I j selling at 8j cts. Flour continues to improve beeo gratified if the highest personage in the, , day evenings last. Seven persons received con- ! iU price, and some sales hsvve been made above land had remained in Or near town ai so anx-, hrmation during tlia attendance ot the Bishop, i zinnia lurpcuuur vum f K. ious a crisis as the present. The (Jueen has ; Salisbury Watchman. been ill advised upon the subject. England J .- ' - does uot look upon the absence of the Court with . lE7FKIA Hudson, who was arrested on the inainerence at a time w.ien every uour pr-g. S( uth t&ilro Va., a few days since, had nant with the most important results to the iu session about $10,000 in counterfeit vital interests of the country. It is not m the ; noles un jhe North Carolina banks. temper or nature ol Lnglinhnien to anectnn in difference w hich they do not frel, nor u play 1 the braggarts by affecting to despise an advf r i N Vokk Issues. At a hard demonstration sary who ia still reckoned among the great po in- New York, Ex-Senator Dickinson made a tentates of the world. Somehow or another, it . speech iu which ha said the issues in the com jars upon. our feelings to give in one column i ing election were "Bronson and good liqnor," the list of the killod and wounded in these j "Seymour and poor liquor," nifil "Clark and no bloody battles, and in another the pithy an- ' liquor at all." ;i nouncemeots ot the Court Circular to the ellect Ion. Raw do no, sales to report. (Cab.) Thb Oyster Panic The oysters have prov ed their character under the most discouraging r sni sit Khtribction. Every one recollects j :rcumtance8. They suffered at first, but it that tlie Queen and her courtiers are amusing j Ax East Request. -The N. Y. Courier and themselves in the heart of the Scottish High- j Enquirer of Wednesday has the following: lands, as though the lives of her bravest bud- j The National Democrat, in noticing the 00 re jects were not in instant jeopardy. We have rtemplatod Hard Siell ratification meeting to- n: 4 .u , n... 'P. i. k:i 1 ... .u. .. 1 . : i. : ..... :..t:.. . 1 1 t. . .- . ..... nrvcr BUiueu ius bjiumun m 111c iiiuci i.-. uu 1 juhiiu vAc.diuiD loiirriuir Hit) iiiiiicni. the ni ouster, was oeirajea ov n WM on v a prudential retreat during which . . s.u ... :. Ap fl...., .k "d 1 .k" w. . . a ' . . a s 3 - . t n it LUKiii nuu ni icsuc ut uaiinw -j i iic ivnui i tiiicir uc a ?"Trr. si HUUKruuuuH lUittUeUiuu . f . . t rv.., A.. . . . " a r r a . 1HK tuem nuu r .,o..ian,:e o , e .vuto.i.o , . they marsbauea tneir .orces ,or a tr.umpnan, b virtueg and w qualitie8 all h ; A rov,siryoaA be'8ure t0 havP. : " ' V T.". V ; v,cu,ry- .AUU"u,f V-C,J i subjects are ready to acknowledge. We may : r-acti- o. nope, ...cn ..u.n lt lM aoctors, me moSI stringent oi uieta- hfrnfit be pf,rmitted, without i. of self re- ... L.ir i.. I .rulanall lnAnini hl flMth linillt ; 1. kaiBolif an. koin,au 1 K . ' ... feint-, wr.,, inreHteneu to aveniio inn ucaiu uuou , hov nmi to tneir retier. ana cnemists -- .' . .. . . -"'- .' - . i .nai.r trt BHV infl.1 WB Kill) W liURI n .UIOTIIL IK H.H liie threat nan neen iuinuea. un have certined as to their healthtuluess. Hence- j v ' ril(i r,.- th fnr df hfir '.Unt one ul our miuw thoatrea in Chatham street is i.iK ti(-tr:iyer. 1 ,r .-V 'turig o ; iviM.' at billiards in one of the most public The New York Sun says : "We observe tliat r l.-fc l O .. V A 1 a ttite . -'tn, as oenor uasianeaa was forth we may eat ana rejoice ; the luscious bt- . J; a Q n ftf , ,.A11 1 ,.,t valve is restored to publis confidence ; it is no i Biake'ai sacrifices for their sake, liini.nr nninannftml us "uh wliolpsome at a coc- ' , - , ,i , . prepared now I'eu ou Sabbath evening, for some t ... kind of oerfoi maric.'.s. l'na bills sav '"Sacred ! 1 '-.in Havana three hundred persons he- i0u2er pronounced as "ubwholesome as a coc-! . iM ,. r,vit ftI11i .,,,., -ntreat coucerts of vocal and instrumental music." u,t ..n....I.A -,. hnt in thp halr ol th ... . . . . t I.... ... t. :.. r " J- V r e-- .- -- r. I'1- ' ... " ' " 3 ... --- . aie Ol. a W'yyKt uaut, uu, u.i.j km ciijujc, ' ' ' : , MARRIED. Io Wilmington, on the 3rd, by the Rev. Dr, irane, Dr. Alfred O. Bradley, and Miss I4 an uie Frances Iippitt, daughter of the late Win. II. Lippitt. f lb Tarlforo', on Wednesday evening last, by Rev. J. B. Cheshire, Robert II. Lewis, Esq., of Milton, to Miss Sarah R. Howard, daughter of Mr! Geo. Howard. THE AMERICAN EAGLE. THE undersigned, assisted by gentlemen of talent and distinction, proposes to publish in the City ol Kaleigb a faper to oe caiiea tne .1 t V., Tk. Klnt r.f Kt miKlioo. AUlCll.M. 11C. AUV V tion is not to disturb the present arrangement of the two great political parties of our country, nor is it to endeavor to create a third, or balance 01 power, party. Its principles will be purely con servative in their nature, and thoroughly adapted to the preservation of the interests and liberties of America. It will be rigidly Soathern in its toae, defending such Institutions as are sanctioned by the laws of our State and Federal governments, with cheerfulness and fearlessness ; but at the same time wtih prudence, patriotism and discre tion. The recent elections in several of the States at the North show a degree of patriotism on the part of the people, irrespective of party relations, that cannot be misunderstood ; the South i9 not less united in its determination to assert its inde pendence of mere party controL aud to aid in wresting from the hands of Politicians sueh pow ers as they have long and deliberately abused. The " Eagle" will be published weekly, at $2,50 per annum. Subscriptions due upon the receipt of the first No. All communications to be I post-paid.' . Address RICH'D. I. WYNNE, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, Nov. 6, 1854. 90 3t Our stock of H ATS and CAPS for the rail Lrada is now ready for exhibition, and it affords us ple.v sure to say that it is the largest and most complete assortmeat ever offered in this city, both M re gards variety, qoality, and, particularly, cheap ness ; having been selected with great care frOta the best manufacturers in the Union. We think it unnecessary to enumerate the dif-. erent kinds, but would simply remark that purcha sers may reet assured that almost every artici in the Hat or Cap line can be found at this Estab lishment and at prices aa low as any Retail House, South. W. H 4 R. 8. TUCKER in addition to the above, we keep constantly ca. h;ind a heavy stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glass ware, Shoes, Umbrellas, Furs, &c. W H. St R. 8. TUCKER Sept. 12, "64. 24 Boarding for Members. MRS. CH. C. RABOTEAU will be prepared to furnish a meas of four or six gentlemen with board and lodging during the next session of the Legislature. A first rate table will be kept, and good accommodations provided. Her Hou$s is on Fayettevitle st. a few doors below tne Hotels; Oct. 26, 1854. 87 tS MONUMENTS. TOMBS AND HEAD STONES- r"JHE Subscriber would take this method of re X minding the public, that he is still engaged in the manufacture of Grave Oraamenta, in all varie ty and the best style of finish and workmanship He keeps always on hand a large stock of Marble, both of American and Italian, suitable for Moau ment9. Obelisks, Tombs, Head Stones. &c.-. and. i hfLvinir tn hi Amnfnv u. Ar4t.pa.t VTi,ll,on, I -j.. Better, late this Pall, than Ever, j and Letterer, he is prepared to put all kinds at JAMES M TOWLES would respectfully advise Designs and Inscriptions, to suit the tast63 tad. his friends, and the public generally, that hia i wishes of all. assortment of DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, j He would respectfully invite a viait to his Msj SHOES, CROCKERY, and FAMILY QROCK- ; ble Yard, at the south-east corner of the RaieigL RIES, is more full and complete than usual. j urave xara, wnere may always ne seen sp&cirneu DIED. His purchases were not made in mid-suuuner, but late in September, when Goods were greatly reduced in prices. He therefore thinks they were bought right and will be sold accordingly. He hopes his friends will not take this for granted, but will call ana see ior tacmseives at tne r .vrv- 00 of his workmanship and a variety of styles of Grave Ornaments. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a oonUauatioa of the same, pledging himself to use his best endeav ors to please all. . ' Orders from a distance will be faithfully and promptly attended to. Address, WM. STRONACH, Raleigh. October 81, 1854. wly 83 JW. CHAD WICK, having fitted up two room , adjoining his residence, in a comfortable and neat style, will aeoomadate four geatlemea witn board and lodging during the Sessien oi ... ' ... i :...! ,, t i , j i ... , I - - , np. r(i ruium fcO Ut. viLMlili .. 1 I 1UC, til. ,11 i nne person unknown, and-killed on dne moderation without fear. The oysters is ) "eJ .7f Sba.touol and the is-- ..... r.. r.rj f . . fi.ii.nvAr1 fnfl narnA. 1 V . . .1 . l. .. : t ...... , v - - i .in i;ir,u,pio iv M . . ..." -. , ptipiiiiir is.iu iiiv uiauj hicu-j. nuv w ... vui. ft he deed have hitherto been fruitless. . k- very much like a revival of the rev i ry spirit among the Creoles. There mut ii many a man among the three hun ;. sunders, who was privy to the act ; i verricir Concha's inquiries have elic . t.irin -the shipe of a clue to the mur--iiiiixT It.f-ir that hebasatrong fiiend3 .-! n;d. The news from ( oba during ii :w inontha may ba interesting. X. T. Thaei. gratulate it on its convalesence by swallowing it without compunction. Bait. Amer. Suicide of a Literary LaIiv. A lady wrl ter, named Ann Jane McLane, who has contri buted largely to tlie .New Xork Sunday tia The addition ol the word "aacred" to Sunday' uveni'iig ooncei is at suoh a plaoe cannot decicyc anybody." sue of other events may be known. I his is not . merely a question of feeling although ihe re sponsible advisers of the Crown would do ill : u ti ille even with qnestions of feeling at such ! a time-rbiit oue of practical business. Where- : evr th Court inay happen to be, there a high ...i..Ap. uf KiaIa miiHt iiIhh rit.iL.1. t tLiiii at . patch, committed suicide on Wednesday by ia- pr.8ent( j8 the first Lord ul the Admiralty ; a.ug j'- -" 'J - who is ueiauie.1 in Hie reiiieniei.i in uaimorai. ; . . r nivn' red bv . eheinir-al i.roceB from years of age. and is supposed to have lien disap-1 sU. at such a moment, Sir; Ja-s. . 0 raham ; frfuHV' !" ?f ,'3 nointed in love. She was found by a gejitte- aho..U not 1.a aUent from I.ndoi.. Atfai... wer he hoL auU!,t lhlftl- LLMuN l'U FOLIA, cn- r ... , . "-"-r-r Dr. Ives, lule Rihop of the P. E. Diocese of N. C, it is repoited, is about to asam the vdilotship ol u Roman Catholic Journal, in New York city. Glkvs'x. True V'frbf.na Wvtkr This delight- In this City, very suddenly, on Monday j Mftg HALL, morning last, Johnny, eldest son of W. II. " 0T xtfCl. Jone. Ebip, Cashier of tbe Cape Fear Hank, . agtd six years. i HARDWARE t HARDWARE 1 1 'At Mount Veriwn Springe, in Chatham coun- i assortment is now very extensive, having lyjon the 24th olt of Tvphsid fever, after an i added very hugely to our Stock this Fall Ulneas of about three weeks, Wm. M. Crutch-! Every article ia our 11 be furnished at field, formerly of Orange county, N. C, in the i tje test notiee, and ou the lowest poasitu" .- ..rutttimw so H.a to liTe and Let live. oKu yvar ol ms age. thankful for the oast favors of our i the Legislature. Those who prefer a auiet and . At his residence, in Cumberland county, on ! friends and reapectfully .request them to call an I secluded part of the City, have an opportunity to il: iw.i. ..w,-m., Wit,.. VToiann ! : : .- ... nr tt,tt p.nMim'a TTi i i secure such a place, bains in the .mediaie vicini- lli! OH. i lllll" uuuo.iiou iiniwuu, WU.. l. : USIMtt 111 tiiTT nil, - r - ----- - - w ... the blst vear of his age. . . " F. BATES CO. ty oftha Deaf an-i Dumb and Blind Aaylum, South Nov 7 1854 90 1 side, and abo at five minutes walk trom rooms to BLJ--1-- 1 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm j - 1 ' ; : ; the Capitol. Pish and Oysters. Valuable Property for Sale. Raleigh, Nov. ut, is&4. td 66 rt HE Subscribers, having rented the front part i XTT1LL be sold at puplic sale, on Saturday, j MASONIC. X oi the store occupied by Mr. C. B. Moore, i ft tlie 2d of December next, n the premises, j . near the Poet Offive. intend keeping for sale the ! (it not sold previously at private salervnd Jno. D. j rTTAHE Oaaoers, Members and RepresejiUtives of - ... . a , " 5 A i . . 1 P finest NORFOLK OYSTERS AND FLSH. .. . .... j 1. j. . l... ! I ilR IN Tl rjlfifJK HP "")RTW f!ABfI.I oweu is autnonseu so vo uisuose u it, i mui- a ble Traetof Land, containing i A are hereoy lniormeu mat tne annual tommu- 520 ACRES ideation of this MASONIC BODYwUl U head La . ix. There aro living on the head V P.?e.,o Itiver six persona, within -t eaoh other, who are upwards of; 1 id. That must te a remarkably ! f'Yi (.. But Danc;.mbe and Haywood ' I ivi health and human longevity. Aihcil'.e fartahT. '. D .wvt u.'.vf an Daf. The C'i-' '..mi Fnquirer says : A than named iis up ras and other triiles which man Hittin? on tne steps oi auweinntr nause at : .k. rv,.. i.n, i..n .... itt n. ,nn, th intent v reoommenaea to me L,aiuoj in particular. - . ... i.. e ' r-, . , rt " . . nn vvu" " . UV fliviusr one or two uay 3 uuiice. omcrs iiuu. , -.,-,. . nthar ,i,A..ai. ,.f PiiirKiPA nnd Rroomx .i'.r.is m a . ; l . .. - . ... ..... 1 - ! -f- 1 1 .i..i:i....i 1. e :. fc . . , J ... . . the premiseA togetaer VUI ... .... : .jauicet iUlllihiera w no am now oy:u.v5feu iu i ua Wi'oum 01 as reireniiug nuu utnjiium uuw. j tae CooJUtrv, With reterenee, WUl fje promptly at- , ir,0 riniJlin ..nofii condition. -and d.cd while beinc con .1: t...... !. nn. l.i .. . ., . ; - . ... ... .... 1 .. .. " .bouses. iae uweuin . j ti I t.rrj uiicoi mmm iu w..mj ""ii 11 It contains an tne rragrauee 01 ii. piant iteu ia 1 waum 10. rv contains four good vejeu w tuc v...y . . .hmed to be ar.sentironiatieir posts, u an, ft Cottoeutrated f,fem ttad wiU he found very useful J . . , , ' , slBU" 9 ! Tkjlms made kown - Kannr c i k iniiupii ior irtiui ine uiiiitti. ..ii.in. - ... 1 iinoiifrn. . irT 4 aiuus ou 1 Persona wanting the above articles may rest as- ; .-.,. toi about 14 miles North East of Raleiirh, this City, on Monday evening, the 4th Dambr ' Rak. Rooki The said Land is in a State of i next, at 7 o'closk, tor the transaction of buaLae. ;SpiceI and Pickled Oy sters will always be kept ' cultivation and the soil is of the moat eupcrior 1 Officers of the several Lodges are requested to j iiTlcao in person, ur uuse proper uviegaiea to - u sored of getting them fkksit. for sate hy the keg or byt retail. Anyone wan- ; uuftjitv A ladv passenger in the Baltic, who had in- . '.fii. ..r.l.U.npr. ..d ntlemen. -..r.U ; removing the languor occasioned by crowded tended to take passage in the Arctic, dreamed tUe prejjent is a time at which thev should be i rooms, 4. Al4M delicious perfume for the two nights jo succession that the latter steamer . f,UiJ Ut give H9 thft advantage;of their experi- i handkerchief, and will be found much cheaper . J r...Ha.it ot ana Tlu itrnam mn.lM a.ii.'i ' ' . naa ...uu'vi - . . " enee and btatesmansiitp Wanted. i ! 4 COL PLE of Male Servants during the Legis- our Obieet : Wn tkA Pirri,.&. and vet euuallv irood. and m. i i- lature. acquainted with the business ol a ' ' J v It ia nut . , , , ... rilvn ..- "."---- 1 K - ' an impression upon her, thai ane determined ; lo to any one, but warning to , not to go in the Arctic and persuaded some of ; tJi w,licu- we have wVitten in the mCst .are- Plea,HD her friends, also, to follow.her change of plan. , .,nJ ,nlftrded manner is uttered ever y wbf re '. xl" Ou her voyage across the ocean, before any ti- . ;n Lonlun, in terms not so careful, and not so I nalla Wafer, Glefia's Roe Geranium Water For There is an excellent DWELLING HOUSE, on ! appointed, in obedience to the Conatitutioa ail with all the necessary out- j general regulations 01 tue urana ioag. g House, though singlc-sto- ILL1AM T. BAIN, commodioas rooms. j urana BecretarT. on day of sale. ' Oct. 13, 1854. JO: D. POWELL. Wake Co. Oct. 31, 1854. td-88 Standard copy. WHEAT FANS. Warranted to clean well, even of cheat aad cockls, kept constantly : ou hand at the Farmer's Hall, at Manufacturer prices. . JAS. M- TCWIS3. f change for the Eaa de Cologne. Glenn's Muk Toilet Water, Glenn's Citro- iio.1- Oct. Enquire of 24, 1S54. W'M. T. BAIN. tl. bC 'June SO, 1854. 6 in his way, was yesterday ter- . .. am h.d liflen Learj Gf the disaster, she told : ... ... ' IF. I.... ,f. Km,u. a,r: a i;..l.'v.i p P Pf -iplTn Ti-.i.T-ri n.t' - ri. -.r , 1,.., 1 .,11 j ,f M.uf3" ' v rt . guaruau. imi"ii ,.10 Jr.. ecu or 01 . out iu '"k "j - - - . n. yy u hirva bull doe, the propertv ot . .. .i..m rt mmf naaqenreri on the Baltiol ?. 1 r . .l. . 1 . 1 n-wto tsid on Caibsuio int. ! A fflW ietJt ajji tbt dtsojo. wm verified ! I r .t3v.u T1NEN SHEETINGS. A good assortment of a these desirable goods in store very cheap ; also. Blaaahed and Bruwa Cotton Sheetwrs ru. will admit. ii W U JAJ. M. T0W1K. i Oat. 18, 1854- BOARD OP MEMBERS. XT ILLIAM T. BAIN will be prepared lo sic- oommodate some 15 or 20 Menbers of the ; ERIN'S AND BEEBE'S FALL STYLE oa eusuing Legislature with comfortable Board. i lj fashionable Moleskin Hats, Caps, EN0W His charges will be as moderate as the times ' NOTHING aad WIDE AWAKE HATS. U. 8S ! tataabar Sett, 184. 7 w M:A

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