'.'''- VOLUME LYl CITY OF RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1854. ' I ! ' I i .;"".,. !...... . 1 : " ' I . 'artjl ?! '- Stftffo' ' --fit !; it ' ' I ,-'T - ; THE RALEIGH REGISTER- PUBLISHED BY . SEAT ON GALES, EDITOR AND' .PROP HI ET O R , AT $2 50 IN ADVANCE; OR, $3 00 AT . THE END OF THE YEAR, 'Chtrs' are ike plans of fair, delight f'ul peace f Unwarped by party rage, to iiee like brotherd.7' RALEIG H, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 9, 1854, THE LEGISLATJJRE. i Thomas Rcffin, jr., Esq!., wa, on Ttiesday last, re elected Solicitor for the Fourth Judicial Cireoit. AnumberofimpbrtantBills,- mainly relating to oar Banting system, have been introduced iince the Inst summtirj. Among the number re, a Bill to re-charter the; Bank of the State ; a Bill to re-charter the Bank of Cape Fear; and a Bill, introduced by Mr. Caldwell, of Guilford, to charter the People's Bank of N. C. the same project discussed in a Communication over the signature of "litKiUS,'1 recently published n inneh nf tli ninfr nf ti.n Rtt( Gov. Graliam'rt Bill, providing fur tln calling of a Convention, and Mr, BuyJ's Bill, (Free Suffrage,) 'were'1 on Thureday postponed, and made tho order of the day for Alund.ty next, rhen Gov. Graham is entitled to the floor. THE MEETING OF CONGRESS. The "Richmond Whia" tay: The m?tin; of the present Congress present, for the Ad ministration, a sad contract w iih the Congren in session at the time if the inauguration of thnt Administration. Gen. pierce came iuto the offic of President of the Uaited Stated with overwhelming majorities in both branches of Congress. In the Senate the members stood twejtiy-lhrce "Whigs and thirty nine I'em icrats. In the House of Representatives l;ey stod eighty eeett Wliijcs to one hundred and forty-one Democrats, Mrith live classed as Frttsoi'ers. Tb elections in the vear 18,3, ln fore the Ail ministration bad lepn tried by the people, still added to its majority, and very much decreased the strength of the opposition. We have not yet seen a complete list of the members elected to the present Congress, but enough is k no wn to tell -a eau tale for the Ad- ministration of General Pierce. In the Senate, where changes .cannot readily take place, ow ing to the length of the term, only thirty-four Democrats are claimed out of the sixty-two members, under the most favorable circunv - atances, for the Democracy. In the House of Representatives, the recent elections in eighteen States of the Union have reversed the order of ' tKlnrra in tlmsp Sitatp frim ftiat nf ntwtnt ntwi. ly-seven Administration members, -ind fifty five TVhigs, to some trcenty-Jice Administration mfin bers, and one hundred and twenty-seven opposi tion, -making an opposition H use, in place of the one in 1853. at the time of the inauguratior, irith a clear majority of some sixty members. The elections to take place, next year, in the States of Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia Ken tucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, New. Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia can only make matters worse for the i Administration. It has most of the members i; lect from those States, and there is much more probability that in the approaching elections it will lose heavily than gain any more. Thus the meeting of this Congress pmcnts a striking comment ou the popularity of Gen. Pierce's Administration. It came into power with more m A ni Tiief a JiAn 0 rC iinrnnnlAifv . 1 1. Administration ever did. The occasion is well calculated to bring about gloomy and melan choly reflections at the White house, and among the corporal's guard of friends still left to the Administration. SCENE IN THE SENATE OF N. C. Mr. Hoke's Resolutions under consideration. Vide Thursdaj's Proceedings., .Mr. Biggs, Senator of U.S., elect for six "years, in place of Mr. Badger, and. Commission er to revise the Statute Jaws, &c. : I do not thiuk, Mr. Speaker, that the signa- turf tb& Speaker of this Senate is essential ! ' lQ jle validity of a law passed by both branch es of the Legislature." Mr. Hoke, of Lincoln : " Let us see how that Ji, Mr. Speaker :" Here Mr. Hoke read a por tion of the Constitution of N. C, as follows: "That all bills shall be read three times in ach House before they pass into laws, and be pigned by the Speakers of both Houses.", Senator Biggs looked very blank, and said nothing more l M& We are happy to state that there was 88 exhibition of party feeling during the dis cussion of tho grave Constitutional question be fore the Senate on Wednesday last. Mr. Biggs, one of the small monuments'' ereeted, in Compliance with the recommendation of nis ex-Excellency,--it is true, travelled considerably and very unnecessarily out of his way to make fling at Gov. Graham, bat he was so effectual ly demolished, in reply, that we have no dispo sition to recur to the matter, further than to aj, that Gov. Graba reminded him of a few of bis antecedents which are well calculated to make Western Democrats delighted with their new Senator ! We may spek of them at some future day. THE CONNECTION COMPLETED. We are rejoiced at being able to announce the gratifying fact, that the ftoad between Goldsboro' and this place w completed, and that Regular Trains for Travel and Freight have been put upon it. See the advertisement of the President of the Roa jr, another column. THE CONSTITUTIONAL SUCCESSION. The debate in the Senate, on Wednesday last, upon the resolutions introduced by Gov: Gra " has, the preceding day, (See Proceedings.) de claring the ISpeakersbip of the Senate vacant, by reason of the duties and powers of Governor having devolved upon the Presiding Officer of that body, was marked by great ability. The debate was opened by Henry T.. Clark, Esq., of Edgecombe, in opposition to the resolu tions. He was followed j Gov. Graham in a most profound and searching, and, to our mind, perfectly conclusive argument, covering the whole subject. It is impossible for ns to give even a sketch of Gov Graham's speech; with out doing it great injustice, and we shall accord ingly not attempt it. Mr. Eaton succeeded on the same side, in a strong end pointed argu ment, and was followed by Mr. Winslow, him self, in an able and ingenious effort in behalf of the right of the Speaker, under the circumstan cea, to retain bis peat, and, at the same time, exercise the" functions of Governor. Mr. Thom as, of Jackson, and Mr. Biggs, of Martin, also participated in the debate. v ! The resolutions were finally rejected by a very close vtote, two or three gentlemen being absent, however, who would have voted for them. t . So the Scr.ate has decided that the Speaker ship of thai body is not an office of "trust or profit,"- tbM though the Bill of Rights,, which was made, In 1.S35, a part of the Constitution, declares tbt the "legislative, executive and su- j preme judicial powers ought o be forever kept ! separate and distinct from each other," they i may sometimes be combined, and that Mr. Winslow becomes Governor, virtute officii, and may discharge the duties of both Senator and Governor ! - Wc say a majority of the Senate I have go decided. and it may be all right ; but to our mind, it presents a strange anomaly in the history of Governments to see a public functionary making and executing laws at the same time We shall be surprised if the ac tion of the Senate has not established one of those evil pj-ecedents by which many an incon venience, if nothing more serious, will be wrought iu our midst! TIJE LUNATIC ASYLUM. The subjoined tribute, which we find in the Richmond f Post," to the professional arid per s onal worths (Jf pr. Ebwai:d C. Fisher, the Su perintendant of thar grand monument of the charity of our State, the Lunatic Asylum, is eminently true and well-merited. The progress . . s ' perviauiu ui-ui. r isutn, unesiu more enectively than words jthe excellence of his skill and judg ment, and tie assiduity cf his labors. We propose, at an early day, to give our rea ders a full description of the building. A re cent visit to it, in company with the Superin tetidant, will enable us to state some interest ing particulars connected with its construction. ' The State of North Carolina has, through its Legislature, establislsed at Raleigh a Hos pital for the Insane, upon a scale of most com mendable niagnitude. The work has already progressed far towards completion. The main building is jT2G feet in length, is furnished with all the conveniences and appliances nccssarv for its purpose, and will accommdate two hundred and fifty patients. The situation is high and edhimasiding, overlooking the citv of 4 Raleigh, and a large portion of the adjoining country. Ft is represented as eminently heal thy, j The genjieman selected to fill the high and responsihiepffice of superintending physician to this noble ijnstitutiun is a native of this city. It is Dr. Eilward C. Fisher, who removed to Raleigh in Consequence of having accepted this appointment, a little more tbaa teive months t i6; Vre have known Dr. F. intimately from boyhood, aid can therefore speak knowingly as ! to his personal qualifications. We regard him 1 as possessing, in an eminent degree, that kind ness of heart and strength of purpose, which are absolutely essential to the person who de votes himself to the delicate task which he has ossum-'d. With regard to his professional qual ifications, lfe can only repeat tho general opin ion of his brethren, which is, thatthey are of a 'high ordef? generally, and in this particular branch, eminently 60. The great experience which he has had, in the practice of the Staun ton Ilosoital, admitted to be one of the best in brought away, cannot fail to elicit oonBdence. And such Confidence will be justly bestowed, i for Dr. Fier is a man of sterling principles, 1 and high moral worth, fai too honest to do a mean net, tind too proud to profit by a reputa tion whichSie is conscious of not deserving." ! CONGRESS. The "National "Intelligencer" says that there is, upon the tables of the two Houses of Congress, s large amount of business left in complete a tbie close of the last session, much of which ba already received -the sanction of either one or the other. House, and which, of course, will be amongst the first business that will now claim consideration. Of business of this description, the "Intelligencer" enumerates the subjoined important measures : The homestead bill, which is now before the House, with Mr. Hunter's substitute as an a mendmenti The Texas dbt bill, as passed by the Senate. The Senate bill to provide payment for French spoliations prior to 1800. The ocean mail steamer bill, with the amend ment of the House directing notice to be given of the termination of the contract. The billito establish a mail line to Shanghai by way of the Sandwich Islands. The bill establishing the Ramsay mail route from NewjOrleans by way of Vera Cruz to A capulco. f The bill to establish a Subterranean line of telegraph 0 the Pacific, The billjto provide a weekly mail to Califor nia. ! The billito increase the rates of postage and require prepayment of letters. The Senate bill to provide for half-pay to revolutionary officers or their legal representa tives, f The bill to extend the benefits of the bounty land system to the officers and soldiers, seamen, &o. of thelwar of 1812. Yasious bills granting lands for the construc tion of railroads ; and Mr. Bksvkt's land bill, granting lands e quallj to the several States to aid in the con struction of railroads and for the support of schools, i STATE LEGISLATURE. SENATE, Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1854. After the journal was read, the Speaker an nounced Messrs. Mitchell, Person and Wiggins, as the committee on enrolled bills for the "week. Mr. uiggs, trotn the committee on the Revis- ed Statutes, reported the following bills which pascu meir trnra reading: A bill concerning apprentices!; A biil concerning asylums. Mr Drake, from the Committee on Claims, re ported the resolution in favor of David A. Hay & CoM and recommeuded its passage. Read the second time and passed. Mr. lloke, from the committeee on the Judi ciary, to whom was referred that portion of the Governor's Mesjage relating to r- quiriiig the Attorney General to residj in Raleigh.and to releasing him from the duties of Solicitor for the 3d circuit, reported adversely: upon the tamp; which was concurred in. " ' Mr. Boyd, from the Committee on Proposi tions and Grievances, reported the bill to lay off and establish a county by thi name of Polk, and recomm endoU its patsne. After Bome debate, the hill passed its g coord reading. On motion of Mr. Martin, a message was sent to tho House of Common, proposing to go into the election of Solicitor for the 4th Judicial Circuit forthwith. Mr. McDowell, from the Committee on Corpo rations, reported the bill to. muhoriz the N ut tahalu and Tuckascge Tur npike .Company to. c recta toll bridge on the Tem.o see rior in Ma con County, wiiha rteommn iatton that it pass. The bjill was' amei.dcd aiid passed its secoud reading. Also, the bill to inc-.)rpor.vt.; the M.jlver Cm- per and uwld mining Compnnv purpo-ifs, wiiii two amendio; nls . tar t!ier The biil was hud on the tahlo. ' I he House concurring In the pr"p)sition to go forthwith into the election of Solicitor for the 4th Judicial Circuit, the Semite proceeded to vote a ,Vi!ow : For Mr. .Rcft!n. Messrs. 5p"ak-r. AJif, Bigg8, Bower, Ji..y., Clarke, C.'lbman, Collins,' .Cunningham. Davis, E.u.m, lyiin, F-nnrl!, Fisher, Fonviilc, Gi'mer. Grahain. Graws, li, r- ring, iliiko, 0 jnes , .Mel'owell, Mills, Mitchell Morisey, Person, Saroier, Spisht Tavloe' ,r ' v, '' 0 laylor. W . II. i'lK-anas, Ualk-.r. Wild gins 34. F01: Mr. 'Steoman. Messrs. Brogdea, C:n!r ry", Christian; Drake, Eh-.rn. Freeman, Ilaugh ton, MoCieese, Martin, UldScdd.J. V Tnomas. Willey, Wood 13. Mr. Coleman, from the CvmLiiitee on the Judiciary, to whom was refen-qd so mucii of the Governor's 11 esage as relates to creating n fourth judge of the Supreme Court, reported adversely upon the eamt, which was AOocurred in Mr. Hoke presented a memorhl- which was referred to tlio Committee on th,- Judiciary. I A communication was read from tho Hun. I David S. K-id, informing the Senate that he should, on to morrow,, actept the office of Sena- I tor. i After some discussion in relation to the. effect of the acceptance by Gov. R-id of the office of Senator, .Mr. Graham offered the following resolutions, which were postponed until to- nio-row at iu o clock. ICesotvcd, That by reason of the acentance of the office of Senator of the; United States by His Excellency David S. Reid, 'the Governor for the time being" of this State, the otf.ee of Governor of North Carolina hath been vacated by the said David S. Reid'. Resolved further, That the powers of the sa'd office of tJovernor having, according 10 the Con stitutional provision in such case, devolved on the Hon., Wan en Win.-low, "ihe Speaker id the Senate for the time beinir," to by exercised by him, the said Warren Winslow is to all intents and purposes Uovernor of the State, and will so continue until the qualification of the Gov ernor chosen by tho people for tho Constitution al term, commencing on the first clay of Janua ey. next. . liesolPcdfu r titer, That the ofiUe of Speaker of the Senate is thereby vacated and the Son ate do now proceed to an election of Speaker. Leave of absence was granted jto Mr. Ilaugh tort, from and after to morrowf until Saturv next. The Committee appointed to spperimend the election of Solicitor reported the whole num ber of votes cast 155 ; ne'eessary to a choice. 78 ; Mr. RufEn received 97, Mr; Stedmaa 64. Mr. Ruf7n was therpf ire elected., ' On motion of Mr. Mills, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tuesday, Dec. 5th, 1S54. The House came to order at lfj o'clock. Messrs. Cansler and Mehane.; presented me rnorials on temperance, which were referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. L'.meiisser, on behalf of the ( omimttee on Private Bills, reported favorably on tne brli to regulate the pay of tales jurors in Alamance count3 and on the bill for the emancipation of Jerry, a slave. On, motion of Mr. Lancaster, the bill on tales jurors was taken up for a second reading. , Mr. Phillips moved to lay tbejbiii on the ta ble. The motion was lost, andithe bill rad a second time. Mr Craven movd to amend it by adding Randolph county ; Mr.rNorment moved to add Robeson; Mr. Slvirpe maved to add Iredell; Mr. Bogle moved to add Alexander. Amend ments carried. ; Mr. Phillips moved to strike tut all those particular counties and insert the leveral coun ties in tlie State. ' j Mr. S A. Williams moved to lay the amend ment on the, table. I Mr. SmithPthoughtthe amendment would not do. Sonic counties would be dissatisfied. After (Considerable debate, the amendment was carried. At the request of Mr. Singeltary, the bill, as amended, was read. , Mr Turner opposed the bill. It is not a measure that will benefit the people; it, is pop ular and therefore supported; He thought ju rors ought to do as magistrates, ! and very often doctors, do, that is give their services without pay. He would much prefer taking his chance. if on trial, before a jury which was not paid. There is a county in this State, (Jackson) where jurors are not paidand it seemed to be the best sytem. oesiues, ine money WQicn win De tnus appropriated will have to bo taken from a fund which is already too small fv r opjects of greater utility and benefit to the people! of the State. Mr. Jenkins said he was surprised at the ar gument of the gentleman from ; Orange. This was a measure the people desired, and he hop ed whatever gentlemen might think, they would not prevent the people from making whatever appropriations they pleased, j Mr. Lancaster made some remarks in sup port of the bill. ! Mr. Stubbs said he was opposed to the bill in every shape and form. It seemed to him that the pay system would serve only to attract the loafers and worthless characters to the Courte. - - j . ; Mr. Myers supported tho bill. Mr. D. F Caldwell moved to refer the Bill to ,the Cotntni&ee on the Judiciary. I Mr. S. Ai Williams expressed himself in fa vor of the bill, lie heard distinctions made be tween lree white men that he did not: like. He said he spoke on behalf the poor. 1 Mr. Turner replied; he said that the gentle man was Tftther hasty in his support of a bill wmcn wouip not ueneht his poor constituents. ' ne Poor ofpvarren County could not got into the jury bojr. Mr. Turner explained the rea- son. Mr. Caldtvell's, motion to refer was put and carried. A commiinication was received from the Pre sident of the North Carolina Rail Road Comptt- Mr. J. M Leach moved the reading be dis pensed wi'hj, and it be sent to the Senate with a proposition to print. Carried. A messagk. was received from the Senate, pro posing to gttinto the election of Solicitor for the fourth judicial district forthwith. Message con curred in. A message was '-received from the Senate, an nouncing Messrs. Fennel and M'qrisey the Committee o superintend the election of Solic4 itor. ; - j j Messrs. Bryant and Shipp were appointed on I the part of j the House ; when the House pro j ceeded to vte, as follows: , i For Mr. j RufHn :-r-Messrs. -Speaker, Amis, 1 Barringer, dJadham, Blow, Bryson.i J. G. Bv num. J. B. jBytium, A. H. Caldwell, Cansler. I Gotten, Dargan, Daughtry, Dortch, Dunn, Gen ! try, Gorrell, M. Green, Houston, Humphrey, j Jenkins, Jofian, L ng, Martin, McK;e8on, Mc 'i IBie, MfbiiRC, Mers. J. VV. Neal. patters')!!,, j ferkins. Phillips, Rind. Settle, Shepherd, Shipp, ! 5-h.in,S!ierill, Sing liarv. Smitn. Steele, Sutton, I Turner, Watts, G. M. White, J. II White, N. ; B Whitfiald, Wi)i taker, Whitlock. Wilkius, T. ! H. William?, C. W. Williams. 53. i ' ! For Mr. jStedinan:- Messrs. d. Bariipp, A. i Barnes, Black, Bogle, Bryact, Chadwick, Co 1 field, Oook.j Craven, Daniel, Davenport, Eure, j Fiynr, Fiirr. Garland, Giiliam, G. Green, llar- -nsn, J. 11; llead,n, A. I. Ileaden, 'llill, llo! !'!, llorton, Jartis, Jones, J. Loach, II. ; h-ach. Low, March, Mann, Mordeicai, S. J. : eal, ftonuenr, Parks, Patton, Regan, Rolen, j Russell, Shii'rpe, Simmon-), Srubbt, Thornbiirg. iiiiihnin,; nw,: Wtvlsr. W;mh. B. F Will lmma S- A Williams, D. Williams, Wright, ! Yancy-. 'l 1 Mr. J. Fj Caldwell voted for Mr. Gorrell. Mr. Cariniichael voted fr Mr. Turner. Mr. Johnson voted for Mr. Lng. Mr. S-lb 'ted for Mr. Hill. The b:il kiv the eninncipation of Jerry was taken up for a scond reading. Mr. Smitji, of Halifax, said that he was op posed on prKncip'i to the emancipation of slaves and wished ito know something about the slave. Mr. Myefs replied at Considerable length, explaining borne peculiar circumstances con nected witfi Jerry's history, and appealing strongly in fiis behalf. " Mr. Darwin followed in the sinie strain. Mr. Barrigc-r said Jerry had b ;en in his bt vice fourteeii years, that during all that time he had never Heard the slightest thing alleged a cainst him, Jtait, on the contrary, he iwas a un iversal favefrite. He is remarkable for his honesty and humility, and in his (Mr. B'sO 0- ! pinion, is ope of 1 he best colored nien living, j While at tlie North, he hi.d numerous orror- ' lunulPS to escape, nut ne rreterred returning, that he might be set free legally in his own 1 a. ate. ' j Mr Shepherd poke in behalf of Jerry, (pro j ducing his dapuerreotype, which was handed ' round.) f ! Mr. Steele wr.s opposed to allowing any pre- cedent in thf emancipation of slaves, but would I make this cae an exception. ' i Mr. Mi-Kfjsson said the very creditable man j ner iu which Jerry conducted himself among j the atjolitionSsts of the North last summer nuHit to be, of itself, a dou-hle inducement to every .member of the House to liberate him ; and when in New York, onco, meeting some North Carolina IjHkers, shaving the paper, money of their State, be took gold from hi3 pocket and. redeemed the paper at its full value, for the honor of hp native State. lie Mr. McK.) hoped such conduct would not he overlooked. Mr. SmitH made some remarks in bpposition (0 the bill, j : Mr. Vanci said he was a friend of Jerry's, and moved .that his daguerreotype be sent to the Senate frith a proposition to print ! Mr. Jordan spoke at considerable length in opposition tp the bill, which he considered as establishing! a bad precedent. He said there were already too many free negroes in the State who were rHot made happy by their emaocipa lion, but wdre, in his opinion, more; miserable than any slaves. Free negroes have become a nuisance, and for his part, he would not vote for the, emancipation of Jerry or any other, un less the billjin their behalf contained a provis ion to send them out of the country altogether. On the motion to put the bill on its second reading, the ayes and noes were called. Those who voted ip the negative, were: Messrs. Bry ant, f'hadwick, Daughtry, Gilliam, Q. Green, .-'Harrison, Jones, Jordan, Martin, Perkins, Sim mons, 'Smith, Watts. G. M. White. N. B. Whit field. Whitajker, S. A. Williams. 17. Ninety fotir voted in the affirmative, and the bill passed a second reading. Committee on election of Solicitor reported : Whole number of votes 155. For Mr. Ruffin 1 87, Mr. Steadman G4. j ! A communication from the Governor, relative ; to his Acceptance of the Senatorshjp, was re j ceived and read, when Mr. Barringer moved it be transmitted to the Senate. - On motion of Mr. Steele, the House adjour ned. 1 ' SENATE. Wednesday, Dec. Gth 1854. A message was received from tb House of Commons, fransinittins: the renort of thevPresi- ' dent of the North Carolina Railroad! Company, with a proposition to print, which was concur red in. . j Also, thefeport of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Lunatic Asylum, which was ordered to be printed. ' The special order, being the resolutions offer ed by Mr Graham: yesterday, was taken up, when a lengthy discussion took place thereon, which wasf participated in by Messrs. Clarke, Graham, Eaton, Winslow, Biggs and Thomas, of Jackson. - Mr. Ashe asked for a division of the auestionj i The vote being taken upon the first resolution. j it was unanimously adopted. The secohd and third resolutions were reiec ted by the following vote : j . Ayes. Messrs Brogd en. Cherry, j Christian, Cunningham, Davis, Eaton, Ebornj Freeman, Gilmer, Graham, Graves, Hoke, McCleese, Martin, Mbrisey, Person, Rayneh Taiylae Taylor, J. W. Thomas, Wiggins and Willey, 22. j Na,ys. Messrs Ashe, Biggs.Bower, Clarke, Coleman. jCollins, Drake, Faison, Feanell; Fisher, Fohtille, Herring, Jones, jMcDowellj Mills, Mitchell, Oldfield, Sanders, Speight, W. H, Thomas, Wilder, Walker, Wood. 23. So the Senate (decided that the speaker of the Senate shall exercise the powers and per form the duties of Governor, and still retain his place as Speaker. j A mes age was received from His Excellen cy, Gov. Reid, informing the Senate that he hHd accepted the office of Senator of the United States, and would deliver over to the Speaker of the Senate the great seal of the State and the other insignia of his offi-e. A message was received from the IIou of Commons, transmitting sveral engrossed bills. Mr .Thomas, of Jackson, introduced the fol lowing resolution. lieso.'ved. That the Senate proceed to the elec tion of a Speaker p-o tempore to preside during the period the Speaker elect shall be absent in the discharge of the duties and powers of Gov ernor. Pending the consideration of the resolution, the Senate adj.jurned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Wednesday, Dec. 6th, 1854. The House eame to order at 10 o'clock. A message was receivec from His Excellen cy, the Governor, transmitting a report from the Commissioners of the Lunatic Asylum, Mr. Barringer moved it be sent to the Senate, with a proposition to print. Carried. Another message was received from the Gov ernor, transmitting reports from the Ch:ef En gineer of the N. C. Rail Road, Col. Walter Uwynn, and from the Superintendaot of Com mon Schools. Mr. Smith moved they be sent to the Senate, with a proposition to print. Mr. Patterson moved they be laid on the ta ble for the present. ' Mr. Singeltary was excused, at his request, from serving en the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Shepherd was excused from the Commit tee on Ilevisal of the Statutes. Mr. Asa Barnes presented a memorial in favor of establishing Wilson Co., and moved to refer it to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. J. B. Bynum presented a memorial on Tempera-ice, and moied to refer it to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Mr. S. A. Williams moved to lay it on the table. Lost Memorial referred. Mr. J. II. lleaden presented a memorial on Temperance. Referred to Committee ou Pro positions and Grievances. Mr. Smith presented a memorial relative to the injury of live stock in the State. R f rred 1 to Committee on Agriculture. 1 Mr. Craven presented a Temperance memo rial; and Mr. Mebane presented another. Both ref-rred to Committee 011 Propositions and Grievances. The bill to pay tales jurors in Warren Cj., was favorably reported on, and, on motion of Mr. Jenkins, laid on the table. bill to pay tales jurors in Carteret Co., on motion of Mr. Oglesby, was laid on the table. Mr. Dortch reported from the Committee on the Judiciary a bill concerning a Penitentiary. The bill provides for taking the will cf the peo ple at the next election for members of the Gen eral Assembly concerning the same. It passed its first reading and was ordered to be printed. Mr. Whitlock, from the Committee 00 Pro positions and Grievances, reported favorably on a bill from sundry persons of Surry Co., rela tive to a road at Fisher's gap. Mr. Dortch reported from the Committee on the Judiciary that it was inexpedient at present to abolish trials by jury in County Courts. I Some debate here took place with regard to the rule concerning the receiving and concur ring in reports from Committees. Mr. Steele thought it unnecessary and unu sual to vote upon the reception of the report and if it was understood that the vote was to be upon concurring in the report, he Bhould vote against it. Messrs. Barringer and Dortch sustained Mr. Steele's views. The Chair decided that the question was on the acceptance of the Report, and not the con currence in it. Mr. Steele appealed ; but on the Speaker's subsequently declaring the question to be upon concurrence, the appeal was withdrawn. Mr. Dortch presented another report from the same Committee on the Bill to abolish im prisonment for debt. Mr. Whitlock, from the Committee on Pro positions and Grievances, reported favorably on a bill for the formation of Alleghany C Mr, J. B. Bynum, from the Committee on Constitutional reform, reported favorably on a bill for amending the Constitution of the State. Mr. Steele offered a resolution, that the Lit erary Board loan the Laurenburgh High School the sum of two thousand dollars, on condition that said school-house be given in trust for fuch sum, both principal and interest. Refer red to Committee on Education. Mr. Steele offered another resolution, that the Committee of Finance be instructed to inquire into the expediency of the County Courts ap pointinc officers to receive the tax lists. The House then, on motion of Mr. Singeltary. adjourned. SENATE. . Tiiur.sday, Dee. 7. On motion, leave was granted to Mr. Thom as, of Jackson, to withdraw the resolution pre sented by him on yesterday. Mr. Rayner introduced a bill to provide for the issue of additional stock for the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company, which .was read the first time and passed, and referred. to the Committee on Internal Improvement. Received a message from the House of Com mons, transmitting a message from tie Governor relative to the Literary Fund, and accompany ing documents, with a proposition to print Concurred in. Also a message transmitting the report of the Chief Engineer of the North Carolina and Wes tern Railroad route, with accompanying docu ments, with a proposition to print. Coucurred in. Mr. Fisher, from the Committee on Internal Improvements, to whom was referred the report of the North Carolina Railroad Company, re ported the followiug resolution and recommend ed its passage, viz : Resolved, That the Treasurer of the State be hereby authorized and directed, forthwith, or as early as practicable, to payr over to the Treas urer of the North Carolina Eailrcad Company, the balance of the last half million yet due on the State subscription to the capital stock of said company. The resolution was read the first time, pass ed, and the rules being suspended, it was read the second and third times, passed and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Fennel introduced a bill to tscharter the Bank of Cape Fear, which was referred to the Committee on Banks and ordered to be prin ted. Mr. Jones introduced a hill to incorporate a L company to construct a ship Canal to unite the waters ot Albemarle, Curritink and Palmico sounds with the. Chesapeake Bay, and for other purposes, whiebwas referred to the Com mi ttee or. internal Improvements and ordered to be print ed. On motion of Mr. Bower, a message was sent to the House of Commons, proposing to go forth with into the election of two Trustees of the University. Mr. Fonville introduced a bill for the im provement of the ship navigation in New River, in the county of Onslow, which was referred to the Cumwiittee on Internal Improvements and ordered to be printed. Ma. Collins introduced a bill to authorize the Trustees of the Louisburg Female Academy to convey to the Louisburg Female College company certain interests in the Female A e ideiny ground, which was read the first time and passed, and, the roles being suspended, was read the second and third times, passed and or dered to be engrossed. Mr, , Tayloe introduced a bill to incorporate the Washington Sayings Institution in Beaufort County, which was referred to the Committee on Corp.. rati ns. Mr, Biggs, from ithe Committee on Revised Statutes, reported Ja bill concerning attach ments, which passed its first reading. tne mil concern!? the abatement of ill eoncerniitie the abatement of suits was read the third ..tim and passed. fi,.r : J , puceeaea with, l'assed The Speaker announced the Special order, f J", 1 nft w (1 reft!rred to Committee on In vi : The bill to amend tho Constitution of North .T. np-roTcme9t8-. Carolina. ; , On motion of Mr; Graham, that bill, together with "the bill concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the State, was made the special order of the day for Monday next at 11 o'clock. Mr. Hoke offered the following preamble and resolutions, viz : WnnRE.is, a vacancy h is occurred in the office of Governor of the State, and whereas great doubti have arisen in the C institutional construction as to the powers and duties of the Speaker of the Senate. i Biit therefore Resolved, That the several questions he. submitted to the Supreme Court on their convening iu Kalcigh, and their opinion up on the points ip dispute bj requested in writing. Resolved, 2, That !if. in the opinion of theCourt, the Speaker of the Senate-can not exercise the pow ers of Governor, and Rt the fame time act as Spea ker of tlie Senate, what effect will the exercise ol the powers of the twti oifiees by the Speaker of the Senate havi- upon the legislation of the Session ? Resolved, 3d., That the Speaker of tlie Senate appoint two members of the Senate to lay the sev eral propositions involved before the Supreme Court, and to submit! an argument on the same it requested by tho Court.. The resolutions were read, and, on motion of Mr. Eaton, laid on ithe table. On motion of Mr, Wilder, Resolved, That tlie Committee on the Judieiary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of in stituting h-gal proceedings against all Banks, or Trustor Insurance Companies in 'this State, that have issued bills, bonds, notes, or certificates of a !ss amount than thnk dollars, and that th y re port by bill or otherwise. The bill concerning Agriculture and Geol ogy, and the bill concerning the amendment of processes, were real the third time, passedand ordered to be engrossed. Thebill to 1 ay off and establish a county by the name of Polk iwas read the third time, parsed and ordered: to be engrosod. The bill to authoriza the Nantahala and Tuckasege Turnpike Company to establish a toll bridge over the Tennessee River in Macon County, and The resolution in favor of Daniel A. Ray & co., were read the third time, passed and or dered to be engrossed. On motion of Mr. Wiggins, the Senate ad journed. : IIOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, Dec. 7 Mr P:iffersnn rvimorl -jt- tlia mocoom - ------ " . . ...... . 1 J 1 V 1 (- ceived yesterday frdm his Excellency, the Gov re- errwr, wmi me accompanying report Gwynn, be taken from the table, and the Senate, with a proposition to print of Col. sent to Car- riea. A message from iho late Governor was rea-J, transmitting a repott from the Literary Board. Mr. J. G. Bynum! moved to dispense with the reading of the report, and that the message and report bo sent to the Senate, with a proposition to print. Carried, j Mr. Norment presented a temperance Mem orial. Referred to jthe Committee on proposi- ana grievances, .air. xhornburg presented Sim Iar Memorial. Same reference made Lyon presented ai similar. Memorial. Mr. Same reference made. j Mr. Sharp-? pressnt 'd a memorial concern ing a new C.junm Referred to same Com mittee. Mr. Black moved to lay the latter billon the table. Carried. Mr. Laneaner, from the committee on private bil'srcported nnfiiorably on a bill relative to tales jurors in Oosjow Co. Laid on the table. Mr. Stoclu moved to take from the table the bill to increase the salaries of State OSc'ers, The House refused to do so. Mr. Turner olfciedr a resolution in favor of Jasper Tinnen, asking that he be paidliftv dol lars, overpaid to the Sheriff of Orange, and mov ed to refer it to the icomraittee on claims. Mr. Lyon introduced a bill to increase the pay cf jurors in Granville County. Passed first reading, and. n motion, laid on-the table Mr D. F, Caldwell introduced a bill to inor porate The People V Bank of N. C. Mr. Mebane tuoved to refer it to the commit tee on finance. j Mr. Singeltary tjiought .the Reference unne cessary ; every banjk.ing bill wasconnected with finance, and wc hajve a committee on banking, to which the reference ought to be made. Mr. J. M. Leach iai I if he understood the ob ject of the bill, if wts for the purpose of increas ing the revenue nf lhe Slate anil in that mm ... .... - -. , - . . . ..it., wnuv it ought iu his opinion to go to the commit'.ee on finance. i Mr. Caldwell sai,d that was the object of the bill. We have to raise vast -sums of money for various public purposes, and he hoped to prove to the House that jthia bill ought to pass. He did not care which! Committee took obarge of it. He was on thej Committee on Banking. If It wp.r'a referrflil ito that C!iimniirta hn irnnlil desire to withdraw his name. The Bill was referred to said Committee, but the House refused to excuse Mr, Caldwell. Mr. Phillips inrodoced a bill to amend an act concerning tho duties of turnpike and plank road Companies. , A Message from the Senate was received and read, proposing to elect forthwith two trustees for the University of North Carolina. . The following nominations were made : Dr. S. Mj Rowan by Mr. Mebane, J. W. Cun ningham.by Mr. Settle, D. T. Tayloe by Mr. Singeltary, J. G. Bynum by Mr. J. M. Leach, J. L. Gaines by Mr. Steele, S. F. Phillips by Mr. Lyon, H. B. Elliott by Mr. , W. F. Dortch by Mr. J, P. Jordan,. W. J. Clarke by Mr. Garland. j Mr. Steele subsequently withdrew the nnm of J. L. Gaines, j A message was received front tho Senate an 1 nounciDg Messrs. Morisey and Caeiry as addi tional Dominations!.. . Committee on the part of the House, Messrs. H. Leach and Blow. Mr. PhiUips moved to refer bis bill to commit tee on Judiciary. (Carried. - Mr. Shepherd introduced a bill to recharter the State Bank, passed first reading, and re- Mr, Patterson introduced a bill to limit the time for wtuc'i Justices of the Peace take; (be oath. Passed first .reading. - , , , Mr. Steele movpd to send a message to the. Senate, proposing 'to increase the mimber of the joint M?lccf committee on Banking. Carried, Mr. Cook introduced a biH to incorporate the MocksviIIe and Wilkesborough PianV Road Company. Passed first reading, and referred to co ainjittee on internal improvements. ' Mr. Martin introduced an act for 'thi better government of the town of Louisburg. in the County of Franklin. Passed first reading, and referred to Committee on Private? Bills. A bill was introduced by Jl If. White, con cerning the property of widows. Passed first reading and referred to Committee on 'tfie'Jo-diciary. 1 ti r hi, . j" 11, ixoes4. i of !'th Tsi' MTOl!nrl th wading of the She.by bill was proceeded with. PR,3 The Committf-p nn t-: " j.n . ,1, ,T . "T-mijii of irusteesot rtf0rtetl th number of votes cast to be la. Necessary to a choice 1,M"' OoomnKham received 104, Mr. Morisev 16. Mr. Kyaum SO.Mr. Dortch 36. Mr Ch JK IS llr ClX fVhi!li,s S0- tayloe Elliott 8 UrDer ' Bknk 1 Mr- f;aDi,,eharU vinS rccei a majori ty of the whole, was declared elected A report from the Merchant's Bank of New bern was received, and, on motion of Mr. Amis sent to the Senate -with a proposition to print. ' Mr Sharpe jntroduced,aill to form a new fKCHbanrrus' -Rowan and Iredell, to On motionof AIMJook, the House adjourned. FOR THK REGISTER. OF-THE RegisEER .TTr.J To the Editor ........... ... ,, llu Flu Diaaie7" l 8 mumcation m your last paper about the new Bridge near the Gum Spring. If "Manv cfri -ens' will tell us whereto procure th bands carts. ?lows,&c tohave th'e work xpedS -ly executed, ,t wi 1 so bg done. Those .havinl it fin.shed ere tins, but have been unibtato procure hands and other appliances-te earrv out their anxious desire. . , " WESTERN WARD. FOR TUK REGISTER. I. By a member of the House 1 STEELE, MANN, OUTLAW AND SHIPP alt ffr bef0re mS, and b W siJe a Mann, On land I fear no evil, from the Outlaw' band Afhoddw I, with a Shipp about me, refuge soon can take. l 1 1 r i"intiAn -- M.vkni. i 11 . . - " UUUl UNITED STATES CONGRESS Wasitisctox, Dec. 4.-Both Houses of Con gress were organized at noon to-day. Mr Ca, wh ppo.-tod president of,the Senate pro teS , Mr. Atcuison having sent a letter resigning the predency. and saying that he would nft be DecemVr Wa,h,nton till the middle of In the House of Representatives, Mr. Inger soll offered a resolution requesting the Presi dent to furnish information touching theirafuVal ot France to permit Mr. Souletopfss through onhis way to Madrid. The resolution was Lid HotjS rnt" "P" the In the Senate the first business TfraB the choice of a President pro tempore, Mr Cass hanng agreed to serve onlj tho .firstly. Mr Ba.tiHT.of Indiana, .was chosen. , He hi. had much espenenee in the dutios of thechair ltdtlUyencer, 5th. DIED. At her residence, in Rusk Conntv, Texts Oct. 2nd. Sarah Dollahite. Mrs. Doilahite had long been a member of the Baptist church and died in full hope of eteraal bliss. Sh. left a husband, twelve children, and a largo circle of acquaintances to mouro their loss W liKak Poi.nty. TM. on the 10th Sept., 1851 Benjamin F. Halliburton, aged six years and four months. , V Spirit of tho Age please copy. In this City, on Tuesday last, of Scarlet Fe ver, Maj. Jere: Nuon.-a most useful and es teemed citizen. B m - iFlHE STATE 0F NORTH CARO- 1 1 , "7, hannal " General moetine of the stockltoldors" ot this Bank will be held at their B;uiiintf Ilo.tse, in this ciry, on the first Monday 111 Jiinuary next. .on'r 0, C. DEWEY, Cash'r. Raleigh, Dee. Stli, 1S54. 99 tJal BANK OF THE STATt; OF NORTH CARO LINA A Dividend ot Five per c est. on the (. ap-.tul t-tuck of this BhuU, ior the last six month" has hecr, declared this day, payable at the princi pal bank in this city on the first Monday in Janu ary next, and at the branches fifteen dnys therc-artr'r- C. DEWEY, Cash-r. Ral'gh, Dc-c. S, 1854. ' 90 ,ja Standard coj'V. MORXIXO SUM ACADEMY. The Spring session of th:s school commences orr the 1st Monday in J anuary next. The Academy is'locft. ted twenty miles north-west of Raleigh, in a heal thy and moral neighborhood. TERMS. Classical Department, -....S15XX) English.... do ;. .,.10 00 Board can be obtained convenient to "the' Aca demy at $U per -month. The Principal will ac commodate four or five good hoys. , ,0-. HORNER, Principal. Dec. 1, 1854. 497 Important Sale ! I will sell on Monday, the l8tk December, at the late residence of James Hinton. Deo'd- a ropof CORN and FODDER, 45 BALES COTTON, '.'a' about 50 head of fat UoaS, four MULES and & HORSE, a four horse Wagon, several MiteH Cows, a yoke Of Oxen, Ox-cart, &c &e.- , , - ALSO ; Household and Kitchen FttrnitUre. ' Terms made known on day of sale " v - JN0- POWELL, - Ex'r.,; ov. 2i, 18o4. , td fi6 S?& Standard copy. , 50 Dollars Reward. -, - RAN AWAY from the subscriber, a- ouuiiae last, or June, my boy HIN TON. Said boyia about 22 years old 5J or 6 feet liig Jight complexion marks uot recoUected. I purchased said ooy of J. C Moore ; he purchased him , of Demsey Soral, iu this county, . I will give the a bove reward for his delivery to tne, or for his coa fincment in any jail so that I can get him-. ' W. K. NELSON. . Rogers' Store; N. C, Nov. 3, 1854. , tf-89 IfinK AT THF HATS! THF ATfilf " BY EXPRESS, another supply of those beauti ful Ftat-hrim Moleskin ilats. . V -Also, the SHANGHAI FIAT, ncic tttylc and gotd, . ' m . u. r. s. tccker: i iw. 1. 1 ?.',.' : '.17

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