-MM U "' " ' '' " : -rrrT-i cfw . ; ii - if .. ' . , ' . " . -. ' . .. - -"' v '" "" ' V . r- II i ........ . ., . . " I . mmmm--.,.. . .., ... .. .. ... .. L : ' v ' " ' - I 4 J w .T--- ' r. - V"l , ; s I ...r 1 y ... ' . i s r k ' -. i ' ,m i tT " 'H . i i - t- .. ,. ..;-.... . . v a.'v - " . ' i ' -r,-T - " ' ' ' .- , ' . ' ' - hi ' -" ' '" . f . i '.f i OLUME LYIIL " rC'Htixrto rion FortTH Tack. .... Mr. SVLit. of (Ubarro. iotrudiicttl bia to iaourtru Cmcu1 Mid frytfteriUa BmI Mr. D iviJn in'roJoceil a bill to rpl S7tJi Muua,lU chiputr ui the KTued uoda, euQ eentn lutemal irDDrwveoMeU. ' i Ny Mr ti Jm intrjiijosd m Uil, accocnn!d ky a tucrai-mj Ui toevrvvctta tba rrmen ud Jt- rfiiDnt Hiik of WilminrWo. Mr. Utl'itm iatrodocJ bH to noted th cl-Arter ot Ut town of flTtnoa'b. - - Mr. MeiM prwroud petitioa from cruia ribroua nf WilminVnj, ftkiog lor Wo U. Mr. Kctl introduce! biil to inpt tb b.4id of ib couon of Crtrrt, &tm uk! IiM4r fruro UCo Mr. Mrch iatruJoc! a bill to csuUirli a r-Uc r i ia Dim and Daridjoo coanUet. Mr. Gentry iatrudacd a bill to amol ao act ia 1&S2 cooerainz a pablio road in WtSLca mad Atl onutktia. Mr. Ward intrudoccd a bill to repeal tba 4th rc'i- of S&Ui chapter of th lUrtrxi Code, tad lDad to maka lha count j tarreyor do the tluiv of a nroceruor't . Mr. MatcH intmlaoed a bill to prTot tha f-!iio of tioiber ia Dutchman' Creek, to Daria omuir A mej fmra tha Oorernor, traruoiUiog tha Kepurt of ha Vetara Turnpike Company, WMMblUtht MMU - UxriKHUD Eciurna. The uafioLthad btea of yeatady it be iug the Uii cuccerduK bood of the N. C Bait- r M.i a t.ka Dp. Mr. ttiilun: oppoaed the bU. Mr. M tuawrj oppaaed it, and offered i ametxlmeot that the St4te eodM the bncida. Mr. Bridgera oppoaed it, aaid he would 9 for . mil, . - : . Mr. hi ott epuke in its favor, or rather io fa- rvr t making the eaUbluhment of lnureat at 7 per cant. Mwn. Gilliam, Lewi rt Waka, CaldiraU, Mrarea aod MoototDerT oppoaed It. Mr. Hit' wf.Haht'ax iDoeed o amrnd, Serend epercb-ja van made or the same eotlemao ia rppoci k to it. Mr. Jvokiue mde a few remnrkt, at the close of wbich the Hutue adjourned, Mr. Sharpe bar tag tL fl'iur. - Arrnsoo Ssseio. An enjcmed reaolatioq coecerniig the eapi- tot zranls paavI wtib ameocmeEta. . A bill reUiib to the py ment c( talis jarom luMerk'enba g l-ti i t rgac -dii inee bill 'or Utr- ate la g Mr. Maau oflar l aa aojaa-l msiC to pj u niil"a(e . . Alter cKiaideraUe deh te. ia which Uewn Gilium and Jenkins oppomd the pass p- of the biil.aol Mewra. UThlxm, ilaoa and Ben tury 1 ira'ed it. Mr. Jeukius "f Warren mor a. t prptte the bill indefinitely, upon wbich Biotl 4i nr. 31 t in ceiled It tne ayes and noes, which being taken, resulted as folljwa yeas 7tt Do 31. Mr Smybora movl to amend by saying that iiity snail aerve on I be day oo wbtco they a a'ociofted. Adapted. The bdl tbn paasad i'a 2 1 reuug. The roles were sospeaded and the Lilt pa-diu 11 radlDg. ' , ? Mr. Meares moved to reenosi4er the rote on te IJrn-U coauty bill, and tho inored to lay that ntioa on the taeie, which was dons hy Yean 62 N sl3. . , A meige from the Senate was red insiatlcg vp"t iu amendments to the bid to iooporate Holly Strings School fiouss. The H use per-aib-d in i s rejection. A reulutiin ia fa tot of Eixibeth KiaaaKi,ws Ukm up Paata by Yeas tit Nosi SI. The llnoae adjoorned. Ta Latebs is th HcirrnroTOir Cass. The New York Herald, speaking f the liu of defence adopted by Hontigtoo'sronnel, myi : The country papers am still tf!k:cga great dc.il about this lamoos case ; they do not seem tc knoa mltat to make cf . the defrocee. The Cct K simply, titat Mr. UuntiegtoiialawTrrsthooKbt . BHre of in king a fie-ebow nd seeing tbemsel res diuv-eJ t CTe"t length ia the papers, than that of sarin g iheirclienft Bad they rested bis defence co the ground tht the 4urge4 paper had cerer been ottered, bat only pled iced as collateral, there ' U no saying what the molt might bare been. ' Hon'ingtoa mi?ht ptwrbly. hare been at large, or seoience might hare been sospeaded nnder a bill ff exceottoos. Bat the Uiwyrs of the present dsy prefer stamp speechea t" legal argoiaenta. They address the rerrtrs iu'ad of the jury, and prefer quo tint Shaktpere to qia "tory or the Rep- rts. ' Thirty years ego there were great lawyers ia New York ; bat ltterly the race baa did oat ; our prenent stars at the bar are mere dall stomp speakers. Nsw Porraet Law. Prvavmaa on aU Tramtiad Frittied UaUtr CampvUory The ful iowiut reguiatioos nara been made by the rost- maater Oeoeral, vy ordor to carry oot th prori sious of the act jut passed, requiring pre-pay- ment of postage on aa transient printed matter, rix: 1. Books not weighing orer foor pounds may be cut iu the mil pre-paid by poauge stamps. at one cent aa oauce, any distance ia the United I Sutea onder three tlxaiaaod ailea, and a: twjJ cents aa uance orer rhee tboasard miles ; pro-rU-d tkey are pit op wftuoat a corer or wrap per,r to a covrr or wrapper open at the ends or aides e" that their character may be determine4 witn-ot renoYin the wrapper. 2. Uixs-aled circulars, adrertisements, bui sow carda. trai4eut newspapers, and erer ether frticle of tranjent printed matter, except lk., not weighing orer three tu re, seat in Ue m-il-t snypartof the Luited dtatas, are chaneeaWle with "tie cent p.aug9 each, to be-pre-p-id b pwUgeaiampa. W here more than ou circular ia printed oo a sheet or a circular sod letter, each mut be cbargoi with a tingle r-te. ThU ppli s to lottery and otne- kindred siteeta aaMin.iog the ( rm and name of iiswspa. p-r; aitd the micHI-eou matter in such Nu t be charged with one rata. A buinea ;erd io an uiMealad eorel. pe of a circular sub 5cu the entire pckga to letter poUga. Any tranieut ma'ter, like a areolar or hand-bill, en ctoaed in or with a periodical or nwpaper Vot to a suvHrilr, or to sny other person, subject tU whola package to leter portage ; aod when ever subject to letter postage, from being aealet or (rm anr cam whatever, all printed matter without exception, most be pre-paid or exclude, from the mail It a the duty of the potmantei at the maiilnx office, as will aa at the ofSce deliterr. carefully to examine all printed mstter in order to see that it is charged with the propei rate of poaUsre arni to deten frsed. At offices wh-re p.ago stamp cannot be procured poat mMera are authonzed to recei ra money in pre payment of poatage on transient matter bat they sborld be careful to keep a supply of stamps on band. A FoTTiuTg Ooxxdiav. The momma ti ter bis late benefit at the Gaiety theathra. V. Orleans. Mr. W II Derive, the coJZ envrrel tha he had drawn the nica Kttle tins of five tbnoaand dollars io the Manl.nl Lo ferv. A cooaolatka lor the thkaWk k. VZ- SV4 fflE RALEIGH REGISTER PUBLISHED BY JOHNW.SYME, ' ID1TOI AMD rtOflllTOK, - AT $2 60 IN ADVANCE ; OR. f t 00 AT THE END OP THE YEAR. Oct ore 0i4 plan of fair, ddiaktfvi peoee. fmnajml hf party rag to fe Ukt broAen." R ALEIG ff, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 10, 1167. THE DEMOCRACY IN THE CUL VERTEDUCATION &a, Ac The monotoojr of this dall nod Deraoe ratio Legialatarw was reliered bj quite a spirited disc union which sprang up on a message re ceived by the Senate from the House of Commons, on Wednesdsj, proposing to go into an election of fire Trustees of the University of this 8tate. Tha proceedings are reported in to-day's issue, and to them we, refer the reader for the particulars of the discussion, contenting ourself with some general comments on the subject pending, and tha derelopments elicited bj the de bate. For a day or tw.) prior te Wed nesday, it bad been rumered that the De mocrats of the : Legislature had held a close and secret eauenj, at which thej had selected the indiridusla le be roted for, and of course, elected Trustees of the Universi ty, and voted for and elected, too, on the score of Democracy, thus muddying what should be the pure stream of education and knowledge, with the mire and filth of party politics. Early in the debate, that old wheel borse of Whiggery and Americanism, Gen I Tiocksry, charged this fact home upon the Democracy, and as it was-not denied by the speaker u that side of the chamber, there can be no doubt of the truth of the charge . ... . . no doubt that another . most important and om'nous step has bee a taken towards fixing upon . what is now the minority par ty of this State as grinding a tyranny un der the forms of Lav as can be well conceived of.' Banks, Treasury, Education every thing is now in the hsnds of a . party whose motto is. "we are the Saints of ifie earth, and the earth and the fulness ess thereof be long to the Saints.xHn Gen.. Docker we inquire what the Democracy means to do with this exolueire party control which they propose taking over the Unirersity 1 are the sons of Americans aod Whigs, and all who ill not bow the knee to the Baal of Looofoco- ism,tobe deprived of the honors of an institu tion owwed by the State ? It would seem so, and therefore we suggest that as Students at the Unirersity are to be trained up in the De- moc ratio way they should go, a Professorship of Democracy should at onoe be established, and a corresponding Degree of P. L. P. Pro ficient in Loco Focoism, be instituted- But the mode resorted to for fixing the triggers for this election of Democratic Trustees can not but strike the well-informed and reflect ing reader as one of the curie os things ef this curious day and generation.. . It was done in as regular "a CtJperf " as "Sam" erer went in or out of, and it was done in the night and in secret. Where now the male diet ions on "midnight assassins," with their "stilletos" and "dark lanterns J" 1 Hare the Democracy, after blistering their lips with foul and false charges against men as' good and true, as inseparably connected with the interests, the property, rights, liberties and happiness of this country as any within its borders, resorted te modes -eud de vices which they bat the other day' charged upon the American party as unworthy of them, and dangerous to the eountr? t. ,' , - 3 be Democracy of this . Legislature hare no reason or excuse for secret caucuses . If they mean to "play fair.1 If the party are a party of any other principle, but that of plunder and spoils, they sao .carry their ends in the broad light of day. But we mnch fear that the Democracy are not 'a party of any other principle but'tbatjof plunder aid spoils, and that there are ' among them so many who are snuffiing at any thing looking like) oi , that they are , when by themselves a rery unruly set, and that nothing but the cracks of the "whippers in'! can discipline them so as to make, ttem behave 'properly "afore folks." r Z'i.-VV- i . ' Dot this debate ia the Senate on Wednes day elicited something more than proof of Democratic inconsistency it testified meet bundantly to Democratic impudence for what other party on the broad earth but the Democratic, would bare the unmitigated ef frontery to charge upon the handful of Amer icans and. Whigs in the Legislature, respon sibility for the shemefal delay in the des patch of the publio business, which has char acterised this session and excited the murmurs of an abased people! In the name of peace, what is it that the Democracy will not try next f That they 'll claim that they hare squared the circle there ean be no doubt, and if they were to tell us that they had succeeded in staffing the ssaor into the minor, we ebenld net feel aa emotion, for they de CITT OF 1 something rery like this, when they make the swaor- party ia the Legislature responsi ble for the course of the body. This attempt was folly met and exposed by our friends in the Senate, and the bloated msjority took nothing by their bill." Because some minor ity Senators went home at the Christmas holidays on Uavt of absence because the opeaxer or the Donate had; for some days, to meet "one member and adjourn to the next day fer want of a quorum,' the aoti-de-moc ratio party, in the body were to be- held res pons ible for whaterer delay occurred in the despatch of the public! business! , Can it B9 poBsioie, mas taere is a coua m u State, who has attained the age of ten years, and is unable to see the egregious ' humbug in this proposition f Who left the Senate of North Carolina with but' the Speaker and another member present ia its chamber en a business day, requiring thtls aa adjournment to. another day, in order 'to conform to the requirements of the Constitution the publio business lagging all the while Who, by be ing themselves present, could hare of them- selres formed a quorum and despatched bu siness t Who rare these' "leares of absence. ! - - . i - - i i : i i i' and who had "authorty 'to refute them, and thus with the interval , of Christmas day, tllowed usually as a holidsy to erery body- keep legislation constantly, oa . the r morel Who were the party, that by a nearly party rote, postponed the consideration . of the Greensboro ogb. and Danville Raiiroad Char ter from Wednesday until Thursdsy V Lsst- y, of what party was the Speaker, who ruled that the amendment mored by Mr. Thomas, of Davidson, that the five gentlemen who re cei red the largest rote on the last ballot, should be nominees for the trusteeehips, was not in order t ' We want these questions pon dered on by men who hare not repudiated the idea that one can see in the grindstone as far as the man who pecks it. The pro ceedings will show that the anti-democratic side of the chamber was nobly vindicated by Senators Dock try, Poole, Cherry, Wiggins and Thomas. It will be seen from the proceedings in an other column that the same question was de bated in the House of Commons. Mr. Fere- bee alluded to the action of the Democratic caucus and proceeded to enlarge upon it but was called te order by Mr. Badham. It will be seen also that the eleotion was proceeded with and the fire nominees of the Democratic canons were elected. "STILL HARPING ON MY DAUGH TER. The Raleigh Standard, wilfully shutting its eyes to the manifold short-comings of its own party in this Legislature, is trying every device to "haloo fire' in some other quarter. to divert attention lrom a lire whioh its own party and itself have kindled, and which threatens to consume all that is valuable in this State and country. The "party" and the Standard "fiddle over the "spoils,' and the latter hesitates not to boast of its ut ter ability to pay "three and a half cents' for one copy of Mr. Rayner's speech, if the Standard will gratify ns by acoepting them, we will send it two eopiees of Mr. Kayner's speech, and thus it will be saved just 7 cents. Our contemporary cannot be otherwise than grateful to as, out we frankly tell him his device to take publio attention from, that party and its doings, in which, and by whish, he "lives, moves, and has his being, is just the most decided case of "no go" that has been witnessed , in many moons past. We tell our contemporary it can't be done, aid that it is "love's labor lost" for him to try to do it. Having the power, Mr. Standard, you, and yours must and shall take the re sponsibility, or give up the helm and go be low, surrendering your stations to those who can sail the ship without danger of storm or wreck.' We understand one another.'. Yov know that Mr. Rayner is not an abolitionist, and has st least as many reasons to lore the South as yourself and those who ia haste te accomplish a party object hesitated not to proclaim to the "New York Tvilune" and its confederates that in Mr. Rayner, they had a large slaveholding advocate -cf their destruc tive doctrines and devilish machinations. ! You do know this, and yon knovb, that you do know it. There is ano ther thing, neigh bor, that yon know, for we shall not pre suppose you so ignorant -as not to know it, that the American part j and the American press, which you charge w ith endorsing Mr Rsyner's Philadelphia speech," have no more than yourself endorsed! it . This they hare not done, and as far aa we know Mr. Rayner . did not expect them tx do ao. Bat this they have done and this triy toit'l do endorse the purity of Mr.' Rayner's rootives in making that speech, and sand by to vindicate him from the opprobious," vindictive and unjust charges made ag ainst him for party purposes by the famous fake County meeting. You. know too, Mr. Stand ard, that Mr. Rayner's Philadelphia speech was "his own and Jjol the speech of any ps xty. ",." ,- trThe Rode I lland Tjiinli(n w... ' Tuesday last, and I iroeteded o W- : . v.r , ! . - ,; ' ' BALEIGa WEDNESDAY 1I0BNIN6, , COLD WEATHER. ' For sereral days past we hare been endur ing a spell of pinching weather, and some of the good people of Raleigijrere engaged on yesterday in putting up . ice. ' So next sum mer we shall get rid of one dependence on Yankeedom for a necessary of life, for such is ice nowa-daysv The Weather1 hW been open and bri&ht, and Just suhf as n It fori kpuinoWrln.;.1. Tti Mfiw ur (umluinta i bracing exercise. ". The softer sexliereabouts, however, do not seem Brack inclined to take advantage of this time so propitious for exer cise onfoot. They i of cxsirsewbjeit, but we'lqk they are altogether wrp and. would advise Jhem to put on their tAick shoes none 6f , your paper-soled sKppers--wrap wnll up,' and by awift tralking bring ;th roses, which too5 much-Indoor wellilg has drawn from theft facrresjaj tStv tih i ' in e matter of 90 ox, door exermsetM women of the United States, and particnlarry of the S'outberri par-wcmld do treU toroAl by "the example t)f their wfjnglish ionsins." I Ui, .. I 1 til . .li . . . 'Will General HoSkerr. , or Mri Pool-: or loose ior woom tney speak, vote tot a jjemo craifor kky oJJteiffyndardt of ptttriaftm "."Neighbor, neighbor ! - tod muck jp'kath' made th'ef many(lLj.'a ; when Mr. Courts wajVhj jjdia4; 0 the publio' fine, that a majority of those pestilent, midnight assassins, yclept "Ameri cans," voted for him ! : Doat think sw tpuoh, of your pop, or, yen wUl "grow so gpeif, on, it, that theyU call you grand-pa. A? Adventures in ' lhe WOds pJ ihe United St ate and British American, Province.) By : CaaEW "7 LaHKAH, author of " Essays for Summer t Hoars,": - Private Life,; ofj Daniel ebstor,' etc. Io two: vol Bines. Philadelphia : Josnt W. Mooax, No.. 196, 3ie8tnufc Streeli.f:: 'r -" .These are two octavo volumes, wU execsj ted and bound. 7 We hare rarely, seesv soma ny pages continuously filled with : more enter iainiog mstter, The work consists of . series of brilliant but brief descriptire pieces,, gracefully and tastefully painted from nature ia its most secluded and untrareled scenes, with frequent personal narratiree detailed with spirit, and beautiful legends of Indian tradition never be iore committed to the printed page. Several in teresting chapters are deroted tov4he mountain, region of North Carolina, and will be read with delighted surprise by many of our, own. people. A more charming book of the kind, we hare sel-. dora found; and we recommend alf, who hare a taste for dissolving views of the p icturesque in literature, to call at Mr. Toaaxa's, sad get It at once, ' .- -V, : . 1 ' ' We may add, what is of far more value than any anonymoua praise, that Mr. Laaman prefaces his elegant production wWi' commendatory ldW ters from Washington Irving and Edward Erer- etc : - ; ' ; Johnsons' new IUtutroted and Embellished Cbun-, ty ip of the Republics of NcAmerica, with-' 1e adjacent Countries and Islands; compiled Drawn and Enlaced from lM United Slater ' 'Land and Coast and,JJri&k Admiratty Surveys,, and other reliable somves.i .A superior xnpper- . plate Engraving. , Pa Wished by p; G& Ai J Johkbon, New York and Washington.' V . We have had the 'pleasarw of seeing the Map above described, and do no bedtate te reoom- mend it to publio favor and p IrMage. 'f f In its execution; it cornea fi illy; up to wjbat its title imports. As it is the mo si jnjernlsp4f our immense country and, the 1 rri tories adjaceajt to it, it should have a place in verjj school nd every library, (Thagent i w in. this city ofr fering the Msp for sale -j UavJ '' ivi;r ' 1 MiiTiNa or tbi !Om6 LxatffLAikJK GoviaKOR'sM'MSAdi. The Tgisiat.of Ohiooonvened on .Monday jbist. ThevGor ernor's' Message is . mostly devoted to. State affairs. . , fie re oommends t h energetib prose cuUonof the publioWors,' a'reriaio ofcthe militia laws aid the laws relating to nsrried women, and also that increased eotopeeuataonj be allowed the judisoiaryv8i' - M vw The Gorernor thinks thi.i Ohio snould gire expression to- a 'einafldTift nire99hm)fti M4 reform in thVadminosirat ion of the, .National Government.!: .' r , . j 'j'-.rA -j f 5 5'. ; '' : Within the last two tmonths he has received several appeals from Ob io emigrants' in'Dtan- sas, asking for protectlcr n and aid. .had tddressed a lettnr ta Gt v. Geary in be-half of the prisoners, deeming tJiat Ohio was entitled to demand for. her eitix ens emigrating to the Territories free ingresa and egress by th e or dinary routes, rjid cow iplete protection lYom the invasion end usurpation of the lawless-- If the General Xxoveniment refuses",' he 4' not doubt t' fle right oi ' duty of the Sute. to interfere." '' He has no' good grounds to hop that the prst .is'0Tet-" In reMc.i.to, Gow, Geary, 1 e says he novr feels disposition ,to respecr ( aqo. protect sue, ngau ot -ue jj rew Sute settlers. , , "' H 1 jr On Thursday, the following gentleman e .selected by joint ballov. of the two Houses, i lr. astees of the Umrersity ororthHUaroIinat 'r v Thomas Settle, Jr., of Ef cUngham. ...: ; f . J)tJE. DilUrd, ofChowa r:i't . Willum W- Holden, of ft'ake. " s ' B. A. Hamilton, of Grkaviaie. ' ; r s- Dr. 3 i F. E. Hardy, of Bu ncombe." :' "; Patriot ahd Flag. The"iofo Flag has been' consolidated -with.! the Greehsboror Patriot, uoder the joint edito rial management of Sherwood & Long, and their, paper will take th ,ima of "Patriot and Flag.f .This arrangement' I U btsjr-a; yeryaltmbla V St-: ' Jfc - " JANUARY .14 1867 MxcriKo of i his Nw -York Legisla tckb Mmsao; or Gov. Krao.T-The New York legislature oonWned at the Capitol of that State on Tuesday jtasV; The mesgeof the new Republican Governor, Jdo. A. King, is said to jw a very able - docuiuenc oH'w summaryv of the fiaaneial oondition 'of the Stateis favorable J The to tal receipt oftte treasury for the year, ncluiVng the balanoe, rM 14 '.t 1 ? Aftf) 000. : Slid from last jeari ia nearly f 1100,000,; and tha'eTTtfmdilinra fnurlt lfi.fiHX).000, Wr ing a balance of upward of f 3,OO,O,O0i).; t The eanal debt at the close of the fiscU year end ing Sept. 30 was. Upward of 12400,000,: iThereeeipu were f2,750,OOQ. .M ' 1 The whole length of the canals .and pub Uo works is 892 miles, and the en tire cost wh'ea jeosapleted wiU be 50,000000. Tbe State- banking systemis, inf . .snund and healthy eopditionttj He alludes to the impu tationS ; cast Upon the republican party i put forth' b the.; President's: message, whklt he deelares its. be. wholly groundless, and he plrooeeds ; to girt at . large the views f of tkist party on the great, question of tho .day.iitiIo thiaOonneotion be .alludes to Kansas afiaita. .jjl.teA ! ; f.. " ' ' . :' ' '-'" ? i OONGRESStONAL.;-'' ?, t n The SaVATB proceeded to the election f President pro tempore. Mr. .Mason was elected, receiving 80 votesoWd ,1, Weljer I, blank '2,, The Iowa cbnteirted'elecfida caoe was then delat ed without oonclusioo when the Senate adjourn- iir r-5, .-.v,wls.-? -Ki-Ti v J i; : - ' Tn the House, , Mr.- ;Boyce rare notice of an seudmenthe iqtendft oftsring to the. Tariff bill. It proposes that on ao .after, January 7 18571 all goods,- wares 'and. 'werchane and other prodncta which, under the exmung tariu, pay a duty of.20 per cent, shall continue to be admitU ed at 'tiiat rat ;' aid that' tea i arid p ffee be in f eluded in' the1. same schedule t Mr. Greenwood introducecl a hill the more effectually to prevent the introduction, of spiyiuous ;lquors a"d winesl into the Indian "country; , which was referred to the Committee, on the Judiciary. A debate on Ae President's' Message was then, continued un tul the hour of adjournment. . t . ' - , j.. .... ,-: . .: ; ' - " .1: r Washtxqtow, Jan. 7. , SawATSL The' PresideHt, In reply to a resolu tion transmitted the letter if the Trans Atlantic Telegraph Companr, stating the faets concern ing the proposed telegraph, arid saying that they will enter into contrset with the U S Govern ment on the same terms and , conditions as with the British Governmeat, and suggeing that onr new War steam ers are the- very best to assU them ia carrying tha .cable. The. '.President makes no recommendations, but merely submits the letter, and propositions made by the company to the British House of Lohds.; There is no reply of Mr Mrcy accom panvlng the document. t --Mr. Waller reported a bill, to Increase the pay of the officers of the army The Iowa congested eleclion was considered. i '. Mr. Bayard spoke agiuut, aud Foster for the admission of Hunlin.c ., . Mr. Hamlin's (of Me.. nwignatton was receiv ed and read. ; , ., . Adjourned until Friday., v , -a Housb. The discussion, of the PresidentV message was resumed. 1 , Mr. Barclay was very b Itter on th i Presid -ntV Ten thousand copies of the coast survy re port were ordered to be p rinted. Adjourned until Friday. . - '' 'MtntlcirAi. Electiok. The election on Mon dy last resulted, in the choice,', by a large ma jority.iof the following gentlemen,,' M yr and Commissioners for 1867, the American Ticket:) U . u BALPH P. BUXTON, Miyor. , ; . '. coxHisKioKsas, . ..; , :'. ' :-1WardlIo.'lJasrSiidyv!? ';,;,3;,f; . -'...: , . -1 : ' 2 M. McKinrtoo...... . j r- , . . E. L. Pembertqu... j... .. ... J , ' ;.' 4 Jas. McGilrary:' . , 6 A. A. Mch-ethan. . . 6 Wright Huske. '- 7 William Warden. FayettevUU Observer. l. - . ., ,. 1 ; : i i Rrnnxir Diatu or Two Kelativzs or rassi- PBisr BttCHAitAH. T he town sod neigh bur hood of Pontona were throa'a into a state of coiiiitr natioa pp Sunday ; morning last, by the sodden demise ,ofr Alexander - Buchanan, Efqv second cpusia tQ "'the new American President 'who up to the moment-of his death on Saturday night was apparently 1 enjoying good hedth. His brother,' Beaver Bucha nan, Esq., was immediate ly sent for, and after ai Tiring had a severe attack of disease of the heart, whifh he bad been labor ing under far some tfni e, and which' ended fatal ly ok Tuesday, aftrnor,i, ' while the remains 'of the former were bing4 "nryed to the church yard. They were of the nearest re'ations, in this country, to the new American ' President,; both about forty years of age,' ut ooarrivd, 'arid h'ghly esteemed by-all classes of the cu-mmrinity fer kindness and benevolence to all, without ercep-: ttoaM pktbj.-Fermanagk Mail. ' x3" We have received the prospectus of the Free Will Baptist Journal; V new paper to be established under the s.usplces of the-..Original Free WiU Bapudts ot Kortn uaronna. i is o be-wed as soon ss the list f nubcribers wiU tasttfyitt publication.' Terms. $2 a ytar ia sd- Vance. Booacnpsiouif ana iw i " Siper to be directed to J. H. Jackson, .Winston, ,.t. " ;. ' ' ' . ' ' r-4 YicTOar is Lexikotoh, Kt .The election for Ma) or and other muuicipal offi cers took pi in Lexmgton on oafuraay. ve learn that the entire American ticket triumpn edby hundred -tajoritya'conrtdcrablo giu even tha the Presidential vote., ; Mr.. Swift was the Amercan candidate for '$lyy; A Harosoifs PtxteCT.Tlie.ladies:.ifit Paul's Church, New , Haren. matle their rectiar, the Bevl A ?N- Iittlejohn, a CiiriMtnias present of a life insurance policy for J5.000 'tST Misa Martha Jane Drake recovered $2.- J 000 demag'js at Coopers town, Kew i otk, a tew days ago, it nu'ism vraennan,- wr t promise of marriage. ; . .' . ' lr;'-V"$ breach of A. was upon visiting i medical museum. shown some dwarf ad other sperimens ot mortality. aU preserved in alcohol . ' Weil," said i he "I nertr thought the dead could be IU such i spirits." r . , . . " . r 1 ' '. - .t.' - , t 1 gfr Th- following advertisement appers in a llite Lo'ndon newspaper : faChildrintaattodani, I if agre eable at 6d per week, by T Williams, wbo itays and sella old Iron and coalhoes cleeaeo J t , , . t . From the N. O, Crescent. -TO THE LITTLE BRASS' DONKEY, Tbe Presiding Genius of the Banking-Seomof ' l the Rank of Nw Orleans; J . . ? u V r When the Bank of . New Orleans opened, the President issued, it as his dictum "that bank clerks never make errors.? In eonse quence of this, the clerks in that Bank never uiake an.errpr 'jbut when aislipof the pen or defective entry is . made (or no bank clerks in the world - are perfect-it-is sailed a rhiMt t and in order to render the;cAtcofj few and far between, little krass image of a donkey is kept in the, Un on n4 in th nnwillinir ens tod V of the author of the last chicot, at an emblem of hiastup jdity : As soon as a new eAtarf 'Is' made; tho author has the little animal transferred 'to lio With dae u im WrrtnHiant'''4' Latfer- I v. thm hara ben no jAi'cbfi and the pres ent erbom of th little donkey", An1 despair pf reinQZ.rra oi sun, oaa grown uuuvr"-, aad finally poetical, iBession-pit matters not how of the outpour ing of his soul; and present it to our readers as an unique speoimen of bimking-house ht erature Eds Cret, V .V-:?- ; ) :;j ail li thou little brasen elf,-" . .V-'f ' ' ' jThoUifitteet emblem of tnyself ; 'V. ;." V ; ' .May ev'ry glance I cast'n thee ' ' ; Remind me what an Ass I be ! ; ". ..i . 5 -. m v' 15 . -f ' ''.. ..; Descend and hitch me to the rack ': . Place thy pack-saddle en my back Olap thy long ears upon my head, '" . Ptor all the ckicots I have made. , "' The.1 1, not thou, shalt be the Ass " ? Until the title I can. paam .-;-y I To the next who ahaU chicot make; -;. s fAnd let hutomy ntake, . ' . . n. ,.- v ; . . :( , . ; : ! rTbislessoiVthenVttharee u7 To make 'hi i careful 'and correct; t . ,;. '"Ualil co cleiis, at least that M know ; ; 5 ShaU hs-f so uicldy sing out keno. l - Thy modestf meln, thy looks demure, ;h ; - Thy careful - i Shalt bfi mv .T'hoaen model till Im dead, - ' ' i i n-i Y2 Snffland! recentlt. a'Yoaug .. 1 -jjiArii m.'vsfld a calf akin over a is .. tfti nomtM? road, making ;a One of them died two d V tfter ad another was nnrtaidered xatalb lU.-n.. . 1 0 TheTennsylranuL bled at HarriVburon ,siH.rl-;i', Fbox Pobtsmooth -ajtn , PxTsuafixrao, Ya ru KaLtioa & GasTON ILutaoan. For the N. O. Railroad! Company, i 1 5 ; : - Jastraar; 6, 1857. Mebane's Thompson. Mebane & Co., G. M. & J. w. Lea. ' v ' HiZUbord .'Latimer & Browne, J. E Tur- reuti.e &.3on; H. S. Owen. " , Mormsviue ; A. B. Qunter. Jligh Point ; -Gilmer & Gallaway. DurhantsiJ. W Earp, Jones cS'Rodgers. Haw &ver:-B. Trollinger. "i-' " Graham . E..M. Holt, A. & J. 'Holt, Wl F. Lexington: J. M. Bodman. ' i ' - Jairaaar 6, 18571 ";" Qvldsboro';-.. Kennedy,- J. Sassef, . 8." L: FUlluwell. B Lowe, D . C. Sherreo. J. Smith, J. Wright, J.Holt. W- DonnelL D, Grant.-a Durham's -C.'J; Boroett, K, B Sanders, Ruffiu & Cheeky Prof. M.JFeter. ( , - :; , . Tf.i m dh .1. . -'" ' i MorritswOs !W-B CrUthrie:9 : foWs6enr5-alsew.v..-? .v Mebane's-rS)$.. Ffucettv? Ut:M'-- A PERFUMED BREATH.Wkaa lady or gsa- tleman would ramaia nndar th arssaf a euss Kreeanlebrsata, wksa, by usmg the " Baxw or a Taocsaxo. Ftowsas' as a deotiirioa-wsalfljaet enly render k sweet bat leave- the r teeth whjte,fa'sJa-, basUrT 'Msnyparsoos enetieabw'thefr'brsar is bad, and te.snbjeotstSodelote'tisir' Irfends1 will never nienuon i j.. .jjPpOf jr)igarof Balm en yout tooth brush and wash taa teeth night and oiorningi A fifty cent bottle will last a year A BEAUTIFUL UOMPLKXIOIT smar easiJr be aoqoired byuspr ,thsi BaXM ' . kTaeosisa Ftowsas.:' it wiu remove tao,piau)lsaad freak- les from the ilari, leaving i-Xfit ao( Sod. roseate nae. Wet a towel, poor oh two,' or three drensJ and wash the fKeenighsimd mornuic, 0, ,: i Vf ; SHAVING MADS. BaJ3Y.i-Wet ysur ehsvia brush ia either, warov ott wld wafer, pour on two or three drops of " ai.m or a Xaoosaas FtoW- isa." rub the beard wsU, and it wal jaakea hsanw tifoi soft lathsr1, much 'faoilita ting the speratioa J oi aaaviDg. : tnvv vaij rutj ouu. oawarv.vi, eeuntsrfeits. iitvv raaa a. as j wousw waMV,waf (one geaalns nleia sgtied by,' iai-H AFHUMI AH),r rrsas,qorju new T-orx. - j. Ana jar cute ou an vruggiwmf..:, iuuU -vvrt " Bn. OS IBS - ' ''""7, ' M' v. , Sept. 2,. I860, tt.,.jtTfJJej..,l; J)XmKspte9vi ten At PittsbortC on Sunday.' the 4tti of January, Henry Clay McLenahaaj epn of Dr.- & McLeha han, in his 14th year. . In the death ofthiS most interesting tad, idoUtsd by his fenuly and befov- j ed by sU bis associates, it , wouia ao tqlvooa to my own ieeiing ana eympavnies not, to psy a brief tribute to h,ii memory; Manifesting from eirly childhood at strong tendency1 to pietyhe waa nererso happy as when': surrounded witS books of a reIigioaCharacter The charch'wbeu open lor ! service j. waa never Inegldeted 'b him aud often nas ne oeen seen paring ores some book in which Iwas 'portrayed the. brilliant, urja- pects.of the' christian. Confiding in dispositiptu affectionate and 'inseparable' frsnj all ; that ,,ws lovely and of good report; he elicited, universal To hia parents, we would address the lines of the poet Weep not for him whom the vefl of the tomb In life's happymorninghath, hid from onr eyesi 'Ere sia threw a bright oV the spirits young blooo: ; ; 4,""I ' .; ; .: Or Earth had profaned what was born for the AVskie ;''; i-v-.'.;'..-!'::";, ,' ; yr- Death chUled- the fair ibttntain ere 'sorrow had 8taInedLit,.-,--wi-ir -' Twas frozen in all the , pure light of its course. And but sleeps till the sunshine of heaven has unchainedit"f . 4: , ......... ...i; :-, To water that Eden where fint was Its source. ' Io Ctbrun ',' January J5th inst Mr. Tbos, McDaniel, aged about fifty yeaja.. The deoease4 was a DeacsAble and quiet cititen. a kind neiah- bur. aud an honest madC - His death was caused bv a slight wound on. toe hand, which' caused ax a-tincatin to take place, and terminated in his death to a few hours eiusr it nhalrmuir. He leaves, a wue jana toree etuldrea to mourn their loss. J V tPT Isaadardglssss ebfy. POSTSCRIPT I Vy lAtorfrom arPg !?; RIVAL of ihi N0RT I AlT?R.!CA 4f P0B rLAMD( ' Me., jaa o. ine steamer North i mr0 w'tn a,ea tnax Liverpool to the 24th ilt., hssarriredhere ;,.-,. prance t8 notiflel Aasuia that Nspoleoa " will not sect?- the interpretation pat by her . ,ad England w the Bolgrad affair., ; . Prussia is Cheung her troops fof tha in. rasionofSwitse.:ld. The latter is rsmog an army of 20,00t?-' . Nothing certain ' known of the meeting . of the Paris Confere.ve.- Aocounts are eon- ; WvSxSWtan wy tW Walewski has no tified Count Buo that France cannot scoept fer its own interpretation f the Bolgrad ques tion, that made by Engraod, Austria and m i a at. ewst Tnrkey. :;;r..v '"U.-4 - , -r , sThe liOTJuon uwoe, too 5iruu.v.e... denies that ant. diiaouiiy . ,': France and England.., ,. . ... '.,' ' The diplomatic relauons pwwwn and Austris, are becoming eitrem:!y com plica- ted Prussia, in the meantime persmts in foi Wefeeasnres against 8 witzerland,and has notifiM , the German Diet that her own troops are aoffi. dent for emergeoey. , 85,000 troops "" ble at Berlin by Janaary, to march umior Geo. ,. Van Groban against SwiUeriand. j Tie popula- , Hon has been called to arms and repood en- thusisstioally. 20,000 men will na arrau .m- jj.i.i-. ia aaa nndr Clm. Bourreoise. WU meuiaveiT i(vw, - . . , n defend Pass Basle, ens the remainder, under Gse - Ttjmlae ' will sjtrnson acnsiinagneu. ,. u be convoked on the 27th D-cember. . The Brinsn war-wivn. a The Times and the Prees-the latter the Derby organ-thiak it will cause a war J)etweea Eng Umd and Eusda. It wa- reported ou the Lou don Exchange that the . uorern men w ing all its gun bcU lor activs sernce. : - . Private letters from France, sar that the Bourse still continues to show weaknwj IDS Podtion f the Bank of France is still improving. , . COMMERCIAL. TjvxarooL, Dec 24 -Cott-n 6 ranoe of Sales for three days of 65.000 hales. Wheat iJJ?" -. ranced 8L Consols on account 3l8l aWmore and PhUaddphia flour 8181 j . Ohio 8435S, Wheat-Wb R4 8s.a9s. Corn leuow ana a i- White 84s. d ; 8ngar deoltnsd 1 sHiWng. aXNVETIOS OF THE 80LDIEBS OF 1811. ' Washinotoh, Jsn. 8. TbeanrenUooof the eoidiers of 1812 met here to day. Th atten 'aooe was considerable, but not so large ss ou some devious occasions. ' ' ' ' , ' v " , ':' Or Sutherland, ol rniiaaeipma, ; w v e a a. . . ' ' ' 1 ' s Pre v committe on reeolatice, Lsslie Ooimbs ' v Tht -a, reported the following eamu.n.i cbairms ' i stice and preceilent require a general -That ji v for the benefit of the soldiHrs and pendon law war of 1812, aod the wklosr.r sailors Of the n the service; that ,1'Omtrreso such as died SO, the cooventlou pleflg-s fuel should fdl to do Vn before the pvpls in future to bring the quest.' Y Congres 'or pawing the elections; thanking v he President for execotlng bounty land law, and ' ' ; tlist H pension laws it in an impartial mano and the peosl-ms enn- should be thus construed ; Ability also thanas menca from the date of d. V Oen.tJcottthe win to Congress for conferring on 's country, for si-r-est military rsnk known to th. S xmplitneit j lso rices eminently meriting such a. ; mns f the Appointing a committee to devim "pt MadUoo, erection of a monument to Prenic- v , ' . who recommended the war of 1812. tted, and 1 , Several minor resolutions were ad Vv. Pr speecbes were made by Gen. Coombs, U v Wlnd ter, of Pa., Major Peters, ol Md., Dr. SuU V bia, ahd G, W, P. Custis, of the District of CUu ; N x . eliciting touch applause. ' k ; OThe convention adjourned dne die. ' ' This afternoon, agreeably to a resolution, tin members pdd their respects individually to the Freddent. ,-.-. - 5 " V ' 1 NxwsF4rn Chakox, The "National Amer ican, heretofore published semi-weekly in B'ch- mono, win hereafter be published as a dily pen nr psper. ; It . belongs to .the great fam'ly of ; ' National American journals, and, will doubtless ' do goodservioeia the cause. ; ... '-, , v.' pUCCXSIOR TO MR. CBAstPTOM APPOrifT-gr-Tbe Administration has been ofSc'ully advised, ; says a Washington despatch, that ',. YtUims, the brother of Lord Clarendon and the late, Judge Ad rocate General, has boon ,'-, appointed British Mbister to this country, and will shortly arrive here. . . j TkTOTlC! Lost or mlslsld through Jsmes M., . Ill ii PseU a note - on Wedsy M. Jooea, -of, . Wake County, eadorsed by 8. O. Hsyss for sixty dollars the time not rsooUeoUd wkea said aou , wss given ; "it was either ia 1818 er 154.- Mr. oot gsvs U te some officer ana does net rscousot h ks rsve it to. Any iaformatiea oosoeraing saidnota. vIU beuankinlly reeeivsd. : w, ; , SIMON W. KIT BELL, v ,, i: , HsndcrseA, N. C. 4 a PKPPR K S til ) TK Ii. - AVETTEVILLE street, Hi C HALS SKRTED AT ALL HOURS. Pri iVI vats rooms for parties. tSTJPKKlOlt 0T 7gM,RCITaO,PAU.T. Fajaillas soppued at soon none, , Deeir IBM.: af i0 QmOW9 HOTEL FOR SAUL . rpfild valuable property ia the eity ef ttaiai fr, "j. Is now offered for sale. Toe asubUaauiest IS IM m oruf, mii i wvn mvyuw vua xarst tore and 'every convenience: for ksepiug u a , first rate ; Hotel. The hotel huiluings voniaia upwards ef fin roen s, aod ' atuehad thsrete. are taeasaaiat-Booses sot ruu, aod aa ss eellent gardenJ The loeadoals regsrded ss a- rery 'favorable , em, being lassadiaieiy oa the uspiwi groove, ana easy oi acoeis trvat ui aaa . stead iepets. fine prepeny, (utciauiag tss rax- rutare. wul be. sold oa very advaaugewas ur -as to the purchaser, both so to -pnoe a ad us Urns of payment ; and posiessloa will ba glvaa at tbs tbe close or tne present sessiea or has ifiis tare.1 y" . ' :. . " . Fer' mors particular iaforjaatioa as te the terms ef sals, application may be ssade te aaf . eae ef the ondersigBsd. " JAMXS MvKlMMOjl, Balsigh, JX.C. -rt -ViM., JB. lt. GILLIAAI, lOA-erd. Si-rrt 'l T V. VJCdJLJ A, C ;, aeJa-tfe'V'V: - " : .'.I--' ' lf- The ,Tri-Weeklr Natloaal luulligsassf, Semi-Weekly Jttchsiond Enouirer, 6nii ekJy Petersbarg Iatefligeaeor, BenU-Weeily Wi.nuug. tost fierald, Fayetisrilie Observer, aaa Tri- , ly Sortolk BsrsioV wUl oot fodr wsaks isd tor. ward UeU aeeeats u this eStc far aasseal. l: t .. - . , ..:.'.- - w ' . - ' tr .

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