J PI I l 1 lilil RALEGH nnniernm Liml n ill, 1'KuDIUAL1TY:oX'THE OTIILIt; ' i J"' DdwatMnt.J it i i . .x. ' ana " 19 "nines. in the South to strengthen "u we uinc succeeded in shawm p. that the i 6 democratic f fcrui-h T' tbe Public Lands, based on tL allegation tbat such a distribution would make the General Government a "grand almoner," and the State 'petitioner ou iu bounty," is otterly absurd and untenable. But, suppose, for tbe take of argument, that this objection to distribution it a valid one, in what posi tion Jo the Democracy of the Southern States, tbt exclusive custodians of State Kights and State dignity. sUnd ? Whv. in this: These Sutes now under Democratic J rom 009 H qualified to impart both, away, as mot of them have been frr years I w" us more interesting lecture than the pas, are, at the present moment, "pensioners J r,t inainuch as it indulged leas in thespec- on the bounty of the Federal Government Q1nve, abstract and metaphysical, and tnder the Distribution Act of 1841, North funded with facts, which though novel to Carolina along with all her sister Sutes ex- manJ nevertheless well authenticated. cept Virginia, took her allotted share of the j nJ eathe patient industry, and fair dis- proceeds of the sales of the Public Lands, I cnn"nation which make np the charm of Mr. S s character as a man and a writer . " w i Kiflo r ... .uu juuuHiuuj ut war, ana tnus invite them to continually renewed, and more and more vigorous attacks on her property. 'Let n abandon -this snicidal policy. AIR. SIMMS' 2sb' and 3d LECTURES. Mr. Simms' Lecture on Saturday evening apon the Ante-Colonial Discoveries of Ame rica, was much enjoyed by the appreciative audience who assembled to spend an hour or o deriving informatinn .n.l .nirt It Om-t' mrt Vu ylans iff. Mihtf J peart , Hmmarpoi bf party rage lo tire hie brUSert. JIALEIG 11. NTT. WEDSESDAT M ORX1NO, MARCH 4.M". THE 4th OF MARCB Died, at 12 o'clock lart night, thtt-admin-iatratioa of Franklin' Pierce, an abortion 'oahered into this biea thing world before iu time, and which ceased to "live, move and lave iu being, without a regret of any liv ing soul except, perEapa, soma loaofoco of fice-holder, who thought that be too might die, or bee iu office, which is in locofoco es timation the same thing. Tom Marshall said that John Tjlera administration was "a pa rentheaV in the history of the United States ; a oaoething that might be either omitted or included, without altering the sense, or thread of the. narrative. Tom was' wronz. No administration of this government can be tn J "erefore, according to Democratic log?c, f 8 character as a man and a writer. Mr. S. pareothetkaL It most be somethirr for I bD n1 no " pensioner on the u Wrong " we humbly think.in soaie things rood or bad, and therefore, must form a part koanJy of tbe General Government and ( outd of what may be termed properly, "the of the National story. John Tyler's adminis- ih Deuocraoy now In power, must either nation waa for bad;, an adainixtrstion of P their objection to Distribution, -or violated faith ; broken, pledges. The char- Plc,d ety to the crime of maintaining the acter, however, of John Tyler's adminiafra- Sute in tLe pion of a pensiooer on the ti ... t f.Irl, iKni.W u .or inhe- bounty of theGeneralOovernment." If the I aTi . iismbuuon in -i placed her in tbe atti tude of "a pensioner,", then the Democracy STATE INTELLIGENCE. I . AGRICULTURAL WORKS." I LATER FROM- EUROPE ! COTTON ID- C.E.K.-T6. Wilson Herald & J editor and , publier, Las on i"jrj. Bath rent badness of the man, for John Tyler is a good-hearted man, fall of benevolence, and kindly impulses. His administration was wrecked on the rock of his vanity. The ele vation to which be was suddenly exalted, turned his bead, and made biin duty. lie accordingly ' became an easy prey to the tempters who compassed him about and whis pered into his credulous ears hopes of "an other termf, a 'prolonged career of office, and influence among thorn who flattered his vanity for their own purposes, sucked him as they would have sucked an orange, and when there w-w. no more jaice in him turned their backs on him without Icav- ., ..... ing him the petl. John Tyler's administra tion, then, was no parenthesis,1 bat a striking moral, which all bis successors should profit by. Neither is Franklin Pierce's adminis tration a parenthesis.. ; It a bo nodi in striking and memorable facts. Ignorant, incompe- pale of literature." But that he b honestly so, no one can doubt who has an opportuniv of seeing him in private, as well as in public, and observing his characteristic simplicity. and manly, sturdy independence. To him. the People of the South owe a debt of lati tude. He has made sacrifices to free ns from on acceding to power, should have sent bacfe I tDe tackles of Peter. Parley-dom, to deliver the pension and thus restored the dignity of I f ttom ntal bondage to those who, be- fthe Carolina Cultivator, a most excellent city monthly at 81 per year. - The present number has 'several very readable artioles. 1 HI oOTJTHERN CdLTIVATOB. We have received by mail the March No. of the above valuable Agricultural work. It is replete ith instructive suggestions to the farmer1. The Southern Cultivator is published iu Au gusta, Ga., at $1 00 per annum in advance ueiS-jj: .three dav later tLn U.e e of Moore's Creek, which took ttlace cn ' . theBattlp fW a ii :-.:. wort' PWwbed in this ness was suspended in Wilmington. The celebration was participated in by the Lafav ette Light Infantry, a handsome volunteer company from Fayetteville, and the Wilming ton Light Infantry, the Oermap Volunteers, the Riflfl Cadets, the Pioneer Cadets, and the Howard Fire Company, together with a large number cf the cidcens of Wilmington, and large delegations from the surrounding coun ties. The steamer Magnolia left Wilmington for the Battle Ground at 8 o'clook on Friday morning with the Lafayette Light Infantry ; the steamer Champion left about" 6 o'clock with the mili'ary companies from Wilmington and the Howard Fire Company! each with meir respective bands of music, and about half-past 8 the steamers Flora McDonald and Spray took their departure -filled with the happcitizens of Wilmington, of, every age, sex and condition. After the arrival of the TT now. j, ULAtfor Jones. A desDatch irom v astungton says that the Hon. J Ulancy Jones, who said that he would decline a Cabinet appointment to reli.ve Mr. Bu chanan of any embarrassment concerning cuu.jrivania now says he will accept to spite Col. Forney, who headed the opposition to him. i at.-aa.er aiUauc amved out ou the 18tb, aDd tne Ptrv, c nh 14th. The poltL v u i t ws by tbe Niagara is not ot UQ important cLtr.t ter. " t The roost importact jiortion of the news By this arrival j tbe, rumored termination of the iBnianwr,;,.,..,.:.., :v.;;":s -..' The London News says that no more trbof wule sent either to Persia or Cantonjand that the BnUh forces at Bus hire will notadvance iut.o the interior of Persia. Eferj effort. ii being made-ioeffect peacp, and "uc" " every icaKon to none that th nt!o. ttooa at Pari- illtermi&at in' amicable re!a t o&s between Persia and England." New ti-oublea are brewing in Europe growing out of the question of tbe principalities. The London Times says that a atifftctnrr settlement of that question cannot but be endan-' iered by such an imprudent manifesto aa that pul i bed in the MmtUttr. r I The nmes further -ays that t will be'the duty or England to declare positively against tempo- """i " intesrnrv or tne Tnrtih Amm aud to act with firmness and reaoluteW in .im port of the resolution taken against the propo ed union of the principalities. COMMERCIAL. ....,101 iiunwcuiwa an aavane va. COMMERCIAL. HF"The Petersburg Express leans-from a most authentic source, thatRoirer A Prr. or, Esq., has perfected all M j Liverpool cotton market of tfridav. The crowd at Moore's Creek, the oratoiofthe day. and will, at an earl. T day WXjr J. G. Wright. En . .AAA ml .vt;;. . - t.":" . ." on speoi auon and 6,- n., Hovuiutcu - paper in xuenmond. Mr. Pryor's 1 v export, closing at the following rate; multitude, says the Herald, in a speech of paper is to be ealled Tha South niil l-l,r!eans,' 8Ji ; mid1J? Orleans, 7: ; and l. . .. .. ! . - L. I i . ... . -wuku, iuu wiu middlujii uolands. 7id. The nd the State. Sarely such should have been the course of State Rights and State dignity men. The Democratic State of Virginia is in a similar position of inconsistency, for, while she most unwisely refused, and still refuses, to take her share of the distribution in 18 H, she still hdds on to the sum she got from tbe Distribution of the surplus revenue under Gen. Jackson's administration, and v hich she invested in the Exchange Bank. Bnt, in onr former article we promised to show that it is especially the policy of the South to insist upon a fair attribution of the Publio Lands. A distribution unfair and partial is going on now, and will go on until substituted by a fa;r and just one. According to Mr. Hun ter's Homestead Bill, the public lands will tent, and obscure, be was taken np because be 8old for a mcre 6ou& anJ wUl PpPul 1 of his ignorance, incompetency, and obscuri ty, by an unscrupulous party, and placed in the seat in which WA?W5JT0!f once sat ! ! Having no principles to maintain, be neces sarily didn't carry out any principles. Placed in power by those who knew no principles but the immortal "seven," and whose patriotism "knew ro North,-no Sooth, no East, no West, when fiice was concerned, and be lieved that the end and aim of Democracy wtto serve the country f,r a considers t:on Pierce bad hardly got warm in his seat, before be began to proscribe the best, aye, the only good men of his party, in order to conciliate tbe Free-Soilers of the North- tbe men against whom- bis Southern fire-c hair ing and fire-ewallowisg friends, bad sworn blood and vengeance. And who, of all the earth, sustained him in this war upon South- Rights f None others than the self. ted hy Foreigners, Free Soilers and Aboli tionists, who will soon clamor for their admis sion into the Union as States, and thus in the Senate, balance the votes of Vireinia, North Carolina, Jfcc, &c. This is an unde-. ginning with the Bible itself, hesitate not to falsify all history, and insinuate with diabol ical cunning, their lies into the minds of ten der infancy, to fit it in after life, for fanati cism,, fourierism, free-Ioveisni, abolitionism, in ----- ana an manner of wickedness. The Northern Literature, and particularly the Northern School Books of latter days, have done more for the cause of abolition than any of the rampant, vulgar, open mouJiod ex. hibitions in Tremont Temple. Northern literature, and school books, have circu lated a slow but sure poison, not under the name of henbane, or strychnine, but as fatal as either, under the attractive name of 'literature and information." Mr! Simms' life, from early manhood, has been devoted to furnishing an antidote for the "drugged possets." which these Northern writers serve up to tbe Southern public, and by bo doing, has made a more vigorous stand for Southern Rights, than all the fire-eating blusterers that have stamped a stump and sawed the air. an hour and a quarter in length, replete with Qoncal information, beautiful imagery and patnotio sentiments." At the conclusion of the address, Dr. F. J. Hill announced that the corner stone of the monument ;to be erec ted in commemoration of the glorious event which had caused the assemblage of the mul titude present would then be laid. I Accord- t i . i . . .i ing.y, tne assemblage repaired to the spot (T The Pyne & Harrison Opera Troupe selected for that Tn-noA i, r l v w r T yyvaf, wucre, iicr a uner are periorming in Petersburg. "u"'m mviuj xji. ixuif mo corner stone, con- be issued in about a month. . KGov. Hamlin, of Maine, who was re cently elected to tbe U. S. Senate be th Black Republican Legislature of his State, nas resigned the governorship, and will, in a tew days, resume his senatorial, duties in W ashington received ou Saturday, caused aa nnBttd and excited market, and with eales of 16,000 bales, pnees were fully three sixteenths of a penny higher than rejorted per Indian. Breadstuff were dull. Wheat ld2d lower. Flour was quite nominal: Corn woa tmiv Provisions were dull. Money was decidedly easier. Coniola :fYr money" eloied at 9SJ9G. ! lei" all his eoodaet, and then kicked him outJ 03X311 ct nJ "gacity in attempting to si and Northwest, and thus daily increase the dangers which menace the institution of Slavery. Tbe South, then, is especially bound to gire up this silly prate about "al mooes" and ''pensioners." and strengthen . . o herself by the proper use of what belongs to her. Did North Carolina possess her share of the public land, she could pay her debt, improve her territory and repeal her Tax Bill. But no," squalls out Democracy, "we won t have the lands, we prefer to turn the scrw of taxation again, and again we'll annointed champions of Southern Rights, the mke Jou 6rwn and swe!it' d yon mustn't fire-ebewera and fire- wal lowers, the Jeff, j w"Pf because groan-ng and sweating is a Davises, and all that herd of State Rights eu"-Hc operation." In conformity with cattle. .Many are the striking fact in Pierce's ""'ge sane policy, tbe late "Demo- edxinistration. His reason for wgning the J cr",c Legislature" about as good a one ss Kansas Bill, was aa unrighteous reason for !anJard ever saw, and that's not say- dobr an act of sixele iastiee. and he waa ln mucn for it turned the screw of taxa- r, niablefact. Nine-tenths of tbe emigrants Mfu11 of sound and fury, sirnifyinir nothing." to this country, seek the free soil of the West Mr- S-'s movement in behalf of State-Rights, strikingly glorified by Southern State Rights meo, the reason for signing the Bill to the contrary, notwithstanding. His bombard meot of Grey Town was a striking instance of heroic courage. In a word, bis whole ad- ainistratioa waa striking np to the moment ben be was stricken down at Cincinnati, by nat Democracy which placed him in power, because of no merit tf his own, and with marvellous consistency, thoroughly endors. tion upon the dear people with one hand, while refusing to take with tbe other what rightfully belongs to these "people," which would relieve them from taxation, and turn their vast resources to good account, but which under looo foco sway, will be utterly lost to them. But, beoau? we are recently from Virginia, the Standard thinks we have no right to bint at, much less talk about, j taxation. Our neighbor doesn't show his i ism the right direction, as far as literature is concerned, rd if he will persuade his neigh. Dors in the .Palmetto State, to assist in mak ing the South, by a development of her re sources, in all the departments of life, inde pendent of Yankeedom, he will take in histo ry the place of a benefactor of his race and country. Make a people self-dependent, and j consequently self-respectful, and all creation will try in vain to conquer ihem. The Lecture on Monday evening on the "rrotessions," was nnexceptionably good, and we wish every young man in the State could hear it, and would profit by it. Could they do so, there would be less of the "mis taking of vocations" which furnish such pe rennial supplies of loafers, loungers and idlers. Mr S. was to Lecture last night on "The Meal and the Practical." He goes hence to U eensborough, where he will deliver one or more lectures. taming copies pttheJVilmington papers, with other articles, was laid. The design for the monument which has been selected by the committee having that duty in charge, is by a Mr. Strudwick, of Philadelphia.! A sub scription in aid of the erection of the monu ment was taken up on the spot, but with what success we are the Herald estimates persons present. Everything passed off pleas antly, and everybody returned to their homes delighted with the enjoymepts of the day. As tbe steamer Magnolia was on her way to the Battle Ground, a negro man!, belong ing to a widow lady of Fayetteville, jfell over board and was drowned." ! i West Point Visitors. Among the gen- m- George Peabody, Esq., of London, the wanner anrgenerou9 benefactor, was in Wilmington on Sunday last. Mr. Peabi w now maKing southern tour, after havin com pleted twhich he will return to London. ' . FROM KANSAS. Philadelphia. Feb. 28. A desnath ed here from Kansas, states that Sherrod dead as reported, but has three bullet wounds on his person. Young Jones was arrested bv a Wo. CT3 sheriff, and Gov. Geary has called out the Lni'ed States troops to prevent Jonea from be ing lynched. He had also organized a company for his own defence. " ,' The Legislature has passed the Territoriul r.iecnou law. resolution has finallypiwsed Congress proviuinl ttcmen appointed by tha President to attend the annual examination of the U S. Military Academy on the first day of Junei we find the name of Col. W. L. Kennedy, of North Carolina, he amount annrnnu1 t. .i.-' vestigaUoms 2,500. The Doctor's plan em- .. onuiui picsrrvujg coin tmni loss by abrasion. He claims that he abortive all attempts upon the integrity of the Annitai, Appeopbiations Tbe annnal appropriation bills which passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, appropriated over $35,000,000. TWs includes fcl S 000 2?. he army $12,000,000 for the navy; $1,500,000 for steam mail lines ; 2,000, 000 for fortifications, and $5,000,000 o'r $6,000,000 for itenm of civil service, such as coast survey, capitol extension- met,.,.. houses, &o. i . ' j " KALE IQ II MAiUvET. r raiCKS Cl'RRKST, REPORTED BT UlLUt H. 1B0W ' raifu.T orocsr. , KaLEioa, Mar., Flour $3 60 to SieO and dull. . y 7 ' Meal in demand and selling at $1 per bushel. Corn is selling at 90o to $1 R busitl. Stock somewhat iocreaaing. ... - : Fodder, hundred, $1 to $1 80. " ' tock Peaa 90c. aud but faw oguuti la ; ,: Bacon 11 to 12Jc. , - ' Lard 12 to 18c. ." figga 10 to 12c f dot. ' , J -t Cotton Thia article ia aotietbiaff bwr i we quote good at lHcj medium 11c. ' Petersburg market. , SatorDaT, Feb. 23. Wheat Market dull . Red $1.50S 1.45: White 5l 4SiiAi. r ' creaaed activity in tbe markat, witu tnr traw. actions at $1 60 to $1 67 for good to prime white A very choice ht would proUWy comuund more ' - '. ' - . ,of tOQ Ttl mand ia jactive. , with $k 12 18 cts. mostly at tha latter rate fw rud. " Corn The market ia dull, and tl. fi,int. re large i,arg lots ar otT.-red at 80 ctav wUtis small parcels will com maud 86c. ' . Tobacco. The market the past week il nvre active, wUh fir receipts, aud pricea 76a. to 1 per 100 higher than they were a waek, a', oa . lugs and common dacwDton , , s .'. SpU Turpentine. Sinad salsa at 2s. S'cka : ught and demand active. . i Peas B. E. Peas in demand at I tr 81 2Q tof9TrSeedA in S supply . at f 8 76 SaltMarke quiet, with small sales of, Mar-- " shall brand at $1 70 to 1 80: Q. A. il 16 REPORT OF THE NORFOLK MARKET, " :,. FORWABDKD TO THE " REOftTI T - , A. M. McPHEETERS & CO. - Wills' Wharf. - ' ' ' Norfolk, Feb. 28, 1307. lour, The market is well supplied and iLtt" ' ' tra SSSraRl.. IVmiltr aica " ' . Dried Fruit. Apples are in demand at S2 Peaches $4j$5. f . Peas and Beans. Ii. 14. Peaa scarce at $ 1 .66 Clay Peas wanted at $1.801.86. Cottoui The market baa been active fr Ui last weekj with sal yf choire lotn kt 13c. ' . ' - Naval Store. SpU Tnrpt 4050c; oommoa Roaia $1.8001.86 ; do sales of Tar. - ' " uaxAju v. a- a. nog rouna 12 j Hum' 14c ; Lard M(13i ; Wentern Shonldors lOQlOj WILMINGTON MAUKET. i Mondav, Mar. '.. Tnrpeutine No tranaae- , tions either on Saturday or to-day. f Spts. Sales to-d v of 300 caks at 43 cU per . gal. ' . . Koein. Sales on Saturday of 1200 bblx No. 1 1 75$3.75perbb uommon at 1.15 for to-day in either qua! To. L-. an in large ity quality ; anH 2000 lbl bbla. Nothing doinc o make room for James Buchanan, whom ar years previously be bad beaten for thi t outnatioo. t onryears make great changes, rQl Fierce will see to-day the difference be een March '53 and March '57. March 3 saw hint the lion of a great pageant, tbe !erved of all observers," the grand Demo ratic, national pap distributor, the cynosure f every cfike eeeker's eyes. March '57 kith its wintrr blaats. howl in KI .r. Kery dog has his day,' and there are oe so poor as do yo reverence, go back the mountain hollows whence you came, id reflect oa the wonderful power of hum- Rig which male joo the President of this eat Kepublie " TO CORRESIXJXDENTSi ' It is impaiUe at thia time, for u to comply tb tie mue.U of several of our friend, to .Mifth articles which thev have Lrn it.m wshtoamd oa. Tbe loaniratiiti Speech new Pr-wident with ita att-ndnt cere nie, tbe constitution of the Cabinet. the -in acene of CmgrwR, Jte., mat be attend to while th-T -are aeira. Other ntat'ers will mt apinx, ana taenlon will be kept A x-urr time. - ' lence ns in this fashion. He should have MARCH. if we were akin to the "Heaven-born" Amos Kendall, and therefore blasphemously inclin ed, we might "point" one of his "morals," by referring to the present inclement season, and piously suggest that its blasting influence is a fit prelude to what it is much to be feared will be the blasting influences of tbe admin istration to be installed to-day. But, thank tiod, we are not Ams Kendall, and humbly bel leVC that there a . Pro-nttlnrm Hwhioh AV VrTD a QprtrAar 1 - i . Col. Wm. J.AleMdoT.adi.tlnerf.1 .0t the lawyer and formerly a representative from bahility of an extra , ession of Om ? 7t Mecklenburg County in the Legislature of this is feared that several of the most important State, died at bia residence in Lincolnton on the bills will be lost for want of time and that ii.uoi ruuruarj. i ueuoe an extra session will be Deccsarir ; 1 ..... iojvuiun iuu r resinpm nmann Swans in NoRTn Carolina. A beanti- called an extra 'i session ft,1 . . . a.. . , . j: .. - """" woU naa ocui tu-uur ouice yesieraay, Dy u".ojr ner ais inauguation, and that t con a friend, to whom it was sent from North vened at Washington on the 17th of 3Wh Carolina, by Mr. P. R. Davis,' of this city. Mr. Davis, in company with Mr. John: Wyche, also of this city, has for several days past been on a hunting excursion in North Caro lina, near Currituck, at which place the swan was killed. The huntsmen succeeded in MAS JJBUOOED; ST . WOJfAN TO PeGRE miusjiOE -A rtmHdelplr corrpnpoiidM,, t U a rtory of a yonnj? womrfHirr (lt ,,,;! ,v,,. induced an old widower, with married H-i'dren wuxj war in me naoic Tiaitmjj er to Kit LWrir large and beautiful. The one left at our office weighs ten pounds and a half measures seven feet from tip to tip of wings, and four from beak to the tip of the ta'l. Petersburg Express. j WHK mu count on me inieiugcnce oi shapes out our ends, rough hew them as we his leaders, who know full well that one just may." and that old TWL- t from "Virginia" one of all others to talk mighty Fornev to h, fcjm. J UA I.,-. feelingly about taxation, and war others to support the whole army of loco foco mar keep out of the bad box in which Virginia, fvr. ! ! Us as in,t,nt n ..J. T - ,- , . 7.1"-'' r Aemocraucruie, nas Decn placed. As HV7 i have not rucied the lU-Ivk Lrsier ini wee, u it quiet! v res iujr bv the petals tbe above paragraph fronthe p. ette vine xrgna. Nmilar complaiou of delay of onr paper in reaching oar sub file are pouring in upon ns. We hone y wui not impute olame to ns, for we a e them the Register is punctually "mailed them on the evening preceding the date u publication. i George D. Prentice, Esq., the talent- I'-or or the Louut,!!, Journal, lectured Uarjland laftiuta ia BaJuraore. o . i . - - . - aay nigbU on the man who has been so blessed as never to have had the tooth-ache, is not the person to discourse of its annoyance, so the man who has never been taxed is not the one to have a very lively appreciation of the burthens of taxation. We hare been taxed under Wise's poaesing a tythe of tbe pathos and elo quence which in the general characterize our neighbor of the Standard, we yet claim to be able to talk on this subject of taxation with more feeling than he possesses, and we think the warnings of ore who has, in his own case, felt what taxation is, are more worthy of heed, than the loose generalities of one who deems it his mission on earth to defend and justify every thing, no matter how enormous, to which the name of Democra cy can be attached. State credit should be maintained, and State resources should be sons, as he, and they are, to govern the coun try for good. March has literally asserted this time all its prerogatives. It has snubbed, and kick ed out February, with as little ceremony as the Demociacy have snubbed, and kicked out Pierce. It has "Marched into the bow. els of the land," carrying slaughter in its track, and making many an early, ambitious. pains-taking gardener exclaim, "love's labor lost !" Well, it's an UI wind that blows no body good, and our friends Pomeroy, Turner and Pescud will have to sell another instal ment of Garden Seeds. We've half to run in opposition to them. HoMicrDE The Tarboro Southerner "On Monday last, Patrick Felts and Joshua Johnson were committed to tbe Jail "in thia place, charged with killing Qiry .Sims, of j Wilson' couuty. The deed was comoiittea on the pre mises of Siuis, bnt the countv Jail heinsj- nnfinih. ed, the parties ere brought here for aafe keep ing The homicide took place a few nights pre vious. They are all unmarried men, and at the ume were unuer tne influence of liquor. f .. ,,; . -j Baltimore Coi.hoe of Dental Su&kry. The sevententh annual commencement of thia very i . . i . . . . .noi ; out. seeing tne positio? of affairs, re'arbtd to bis office to procure a marriage certifi"! Instead of returning he sent a police officer for the old gentlerpan's Ron.' and together thev re cued biui from the woman's clutches. The woman followed the party out on the pavement, and en deavored to induce the old njan to return Fihd- i-'g , a i ner persuasion t be lost, she commenced wj ngui, ana one ot the omcers received pretty black eye from b"r delicate fist. .Newspapers. A rather magnificently proportioned illustration of the credit system, says an exchange, can be found in the con dition a of the Richmond Enquirer, whjeo" after fifty years of publication, its proprietor icuiuvcu w rt asmngron, ma dooks snowed over $ 200,000 due from living " patrons." The amount of total loss was not given, but a 1 i aft r r s r r s ' jBSr-TO NERVOUS STJFFEREas.A Re tired Clergyman restored to health ia a few days, i oi great nervous suffering, ia Known me means oi cure. Will prescription used. Direct tha Kev. JOHN M. DAGNALL. Nft. S!J treet. Brooklyn, N. Y. " fe21 Sm-!ff . ' ' fl-OB CHILDKEN1 J i6saer'a B U. if tho only jvrtfcle particularly salted for Children If you wish their heads entirely clear of Dan draff, use Rosser's Bay Leava ' " ' if you wish jo comb their heads with eae, use R odor's IS iy Leaves. . ' If yon wish o beautify their heads nd them the appearance of little ladies and gentle men, ust Rossers' Bay Leaves. : I you wifh to promote the Growth of ihir bair ho J causi it to flow ia g'oasy and luxuriant rifiglots, use Rossers' Bay Leaves.' And if. you, the parent, wish these benefinial results toyoor own hair, us Rosser's Bar L. Procure your supply of PESCUD & GATLIN ja 1 r ...... . -: ' - ' '- Pbof. C. DeGbath's Electeic Oil. Read the j following certificate" ef Dr. Jos. B. Hinton, highly respectable physician of Rale ish. teatifv. ing to the efficacy aril virtue of Prof. DeGrath's wonf'eriul hiiectnc Oil : -Tnsonh 13 tTintnn nT ilia Dl.I-L r n hereby states for, the benefit of others ri'mihW I lBr? reeeivlng-from Earopa per Shlnt affected, that on the 6th da of February. 1S57 T 7b"r' "Savanah," Stephen Crowtll. : vmrx uur nnpmff i r M Tar. -Sales on Saturdav of 45 hU t i'ar ' LL1 J. . - ' . v - lv wot ; ana to-aay ot 'ib (to at same pria, Cottou. Sales to-day of 60 bales at 12 13 cts per lh, as in q wlity. ( , FA YETTK VI LLR at A TTFTl' Mokdat, Mar. 2 l!:icon 11(12;. Cotton '' Fair to good Yi,Q.Zi. Flour Kamilv ? Superfine f 0.60 ; Fine '$. Grain 0rn 1 Wheat $1.10$1.20. .furpelitin-rVe!low dlp and virgin $2.60 j banl $1.80; Spirits 46l'Ja. Muir & Stevens, ( IUFOBTERS akd DEALEES IM , ' . , ' China, Earthenware, filaw, looking-Chnpi Wallers, Plated aod Britannia Ware, Lanipj, Eefriger4iarx, Waler-Cooleri. Ca-Flx. , turn, Castors, Faney Good, It, No. 65, Sycamore street, Ptter.buxir, Va.' ' Wat. Apoustds Mtrra. " Sam'l Htetbbi. f . popular institution took place in the saloon of was estimated at $200,000 or more, the New Assembly Rooms, at BaltinW on 1 X?rAr.-rr nrnr nr 1 .i . f I '1 ' l I l)0onnn . m-Bm T-An . nn O . Tt m. no. ju.jrt.x cu i UfildU OTAiJl.PS. 1 fl6 if 08t Umce Department has recently introduced an improvement in the postage stamps, which nday evening last. There were a lare num ber of Uradutea. We observe the names of the Hlowina from North Carolina : James D. Flem-t ing. A 1 vis Hsynes Jones, George W. Monroe and vines iMimuna iurner, a mind Distrcctivk Fire in Petersburg. A fire occurred in Petersburg on Saturday nignt last wnion completely consumed the extensive flouring mills of Messrs. Andrew And Join Kevan. together fiOO K.ola made available for the great purposes for of flour and. 9,000 bushels of wheat which - u,cu ,ney were aesigned Dy a merciful Uod, were in the mills at the time. We are glad to and mall sincerity, we tell the people of learn that the Messrs. Kevan were largely in- uu log oonm, n iney win sured. On the wheat and flour they had an lay aside ineir senseless opposition to takine insurance of SI 5.000. and the bnildin., sa " vr.jf, iu tf,cm, aua as one man insist insured for $17,000. on a fair and equitable distribution of the publio domain, they can maintain State credit, and develope Sta e resources, and do both too, without burtbensome taxation. It is not for a poor worm of tbe dust like ns to pretend to infallibility. We do, however, prefer a claim to sincerity, and in our heart 1.-1: .1 . . In. . . -c .uat u greatest oafe Kights ITS- Nine out of ten To hv ,.n rl. measnre of the times, is a fair dutribntion of have been reristered letters, and in M in! tbe putdio laads. It It nndenlable' that i his on of them Veen traced up. C?"" A schooner freighted with 1 200 bush els of wheat shipped by Messrs. H. C Har dy & Co., and some flour belonging to Messrs Ke van & Hro., struck a rock as she was go ing out of port of Petersburg on Saturday last and sunk. Out Rather Eaelt. On the 8th inst. Messrs. L. D. Cin, R P. Melvin and Munroe Peterson were passes through a e warn n -in Bla den County, they encountered and killed 'a Rat- tle-Srrke of extraordinary size. His suakeshin waa said to be as active as if mid-summer sun- i shine bad been upon him. ' j . ' Clinton Independent. Terriblk Famine in Norwat.1--dreds Dying Daily. The English j papers have accounts from Norway,-which (give a painful picture of the suffering of the inhabi. ants of Lapland and Finmark, bordering on the North Cape of Norway. Owing to a failure of the crops, the inhabitants re in a Btate of stajvation. . - j . Hundreds are dyine daily, and the liv ing aro compelled to subsist as they best can, on the bark of trees, ground and cooked with oats. In order to alleviate these sufferings charitable committees have been organized on the opposite coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia to collect contributions in kind, such al corn, flour, vegetables and spirits, which will be conveyed to them across the ice in sledges. As an addition to the suffering of these poor creatures, the cold is of a severity rarely ex perienced even in those ice-bound countries." Accident to Mb. Fillmore's Father. It is stated that on Tuesday of last week, Mi. and Mrs. Fillmore, the father and moth er of Ex-Presid'nt Fillmore, had a narrow escape from death at Aurora, N. Y. They were riding in a bupey, when they came in collision with a lumber waeoh in which a German was riding, breaking the shaft of the baggy The horse took fright and upset the occupants against the fence, cutting their faces, and bruiting them badly." They were taken np Insensible and conveyed home. Both are now slowly recovering ,froni their injuries though it will be some time before they are restored to their usual health. 11 .V - m . "... - aaas greatly to their public convenience. It has had them prepared on sheets with nerfo- . x . J a1 l- i : . . rauoua aruuuu me Doraers ot each stausp, so inai mey can De; separated, one from the other, without using a knife or pair of scis sors. Besides the saving of , time in this im provement, there is greater security that the stamp will adhere te the letter, for the points or rough edge left by the perforations will stick better to th0 letter, there being none of the risk of the edge turning up as when it is continuous. This plan of perforating let ter stamps is practised in Europe. Rs-Electioxof Capt Jo. V. Scott. Upon returning to their armory .from parade vest.-rdav the Greys went into the eloction of Commandor. resulting, as we h d before an-ieipiite-f, la the re flection of Capt. Joseph V. Scott. A cn mittee immediiitely wa'teil upon Capt S., 'who returned with them in full uniform and in As suming bis old place in command, deiirered a feeling and appropriate speech. In a few momeuta aft-jr, the pado was re sumed, and the nwly r-ele.'td officer acquitted himself with his usual ferver and experience ti. the course of the parade, they wirt invited to a liberal treat' at Ghlim's "Stir" of wuich all partook with eeaL Petersburg Express, ". "The Pennsylvania Legis'atur have adjourned until tbe 9th of March, to afford the members an opportunity to attend the Inauguration. - t ; tt?" Eustace Conway, Esq., of Fredericks burg, has been elected judge of the eighth juaiciat circuit oi Virginia, to succeed Jude Lomax, resigned. ' Wy- Elder 8tephen Brown, a Bapfist oler. gyman, of Beaver Dam, Wis-ousin, reeen ly terminated his existence by cutting his ihroii wiui raxor. "-'i- , '-.; "O . CF" The ship Jlelta, Capt. De Harden, i riTcu ixonoia, jpnaay last, with a Oarjj of 500jons of iron; (the third received,) otivi. miu a eiersourg riaiiroad. Abingdon. Vais built over a large cave' 1 new entrance to which waa opened by the late thaw, the circumferenee of a flour barrel aud thirty feet deeaf o.ie application of some half hour's continuance of Processor DeGrath'a Eiacfaic On, considera- o y eiHieu tne muscular contraction of his knea and ankle j jiats in a nearly disabled leg; re duced the s welling and tenderness of the joints, iind jrare tiim better use ot tha limb than he had h id for many months past. He is therefore en couraeei to hope wholly to regain the use of tha imib by a perseverance in the remedy. He fur-th-r I states, that one application of the oil to oue of his ears, which had been rendered verr devf by a cold thirty years ago, enabled him to hear the ticking of a watob ia that ear very distinctly.. And he has, witnessed some surpri sing cases or speedy re'ief given by the use of 'he oil in rheumatism in thia city, the last few uays. J03. B. HINTOtf, For Sale' by PESCUD & GATLIN. cc A PERFUMED BEEATH, What lady or gea lem an would remain under the eurse of a disa rreeblehreath, when, by using the Balm of a Thocsand f xowbks' aa a dentifriee would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth whit as ala baster f . xMuny persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delioate their friends will never ; mention it. Pour a single drop'of Balm on your tooth brush and wash the teeth tight and morning. A fifty cent bottle will last a year A BEAUTIFUL (TO Vf PLEYIflW -st v- acquired by usinir. the Bai.m or a Thoosaki, tBS, 'Tpr wn0ut d Oak Cane Seats, with Fx-owERs." It will remove tan. ninvDlea and fraet. Ta"eV :ood Seats, a large aortmeot f oinera. aor Ni a. of China and Earthwuware. and from ti.. v....i. ern aud Eastern Factories our Stock of Ql iai ware, looting Ulassea. Castors, Limp. Faor Goods fcc. Our Stock la la-ge and dmrabl. in I wa invite Merchants and Hotel Kaepera a kL others wishing goo Via our line to x,ui-ie our Stock and prices before purchasing, as thiuk it will be to their interest U do a. - ' W cJtU ttBtion Stock f R itiaiori Stone Ware. MUIR- STEVEN'S, ' . No. Lb Sycamore StV. . ma4-2m Patfburg Va. Attention House-Keener (SUCCESSOR TO PKUO PAR-' SONS) would oalljattention to Lie irg BssorTment ot oath horaa ma 1 and Northern FURMTCKE. at No 127 Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va ' " consisting in part of the fnli-in-.' 'A variety of Bureaus. Wardrobes, Wsihltanda ntul Bedsteads of different patterna. Cottio-. r,,-..i. tureia Chamber Sets, Sofas, Tete a TetesJ Di vans, Marble and Mahogany top Tables ' Ew resi Writing Desks and Book Cases. Deiks for offices, Criba, Cradles. Dining Tables, botk lol- " .wuwuu, vuurs in great variety, con sisting of Mahogany, with Hair and Sprine bot- les frcim the skin, leaving it of a soft and roseate liue.j j Wet a towel, poor on two or three drops, and wash the faca night and morning. -SHAVING MADE EASiV-Wet vour ahavinir brush in either warta or cold water, pour on two or three drops of " Btn or a Thousand Flow, ees," rub the baari well, and it will -'make a beau tit'ul soft lather, much facilitating the operation of shaving... Price only Fifty cents.- Beware of counterfeits.- None ganu'mo unless signed by. .-. . Franklin Square, New York. And for Sale by all Druggists. " Rocking Chairs of Mahogany with Hair bottom.. flan. MAnt At. .1. .) -; . l . ' uv. wim kuu wuaom arms . ; He has an eicellent UPHOLSTERER who is VortTBi t0 repair a11 kInds of Upholstered, Hjair and Shuxsk Mattrasses kopt on hind aJ mdc'.to order in the best manner and of the bent material. He has recently received a new art, cle of Curled Hair expressly for Maita.,, which, by a chemical process through which it is carried, will effectually keep out the but anJ Moth. y . - . All kinds of Metallic and Wood Coffins ktpc constanly on hand and supplied at tin . n shortest notice im i f , He has a!ao three Hearsea, which will bo in readiness to prooeed. either in tewn or country -at short notice U4 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA W4KK COUNTY. In Equity. In the matter of R. MARRIED. On Wednesday morning 25th Februarv, 'by i iev. TW E Skinner. Mr." W. R. Andrews. c,t i Glrtucester county, Va..' to Miss JIattie. second a menter ot Albert Johnson, Esq., of Raleigh IUS nJwo. tticnard is. Haywood, Rob't V A, U , , Haywooa, ?orge . Badger aud wife Delia, and otnera reuuon to sen lands. , - Pursuant to an ord"r made at Fall Term ' 856 of the Court of Equity fur tbe County of Wka' in fit v,i,i ;v .. .... I ln tne above entitled caasea: tha unrl.o a n -nj k xt tt:-u r i . . ... ; I premises in tne city or Kaleish. on tu 2a, k DIED. Ii and Amanda M nine days. Uigh, aged 13 months and .;! .." 1 ; ... " Tis ever thus, A ' , J Fmd ties were made to sever j, - We scarce can clasp the fleeting dream, 'Ere it is gone forever; T ; GEHRG B. JONES & CO WHOLE- SALE AS1 RETAIL DRU tGISTS, No. 66. Sveamore street. PatArKnr V. tffr for sa'e. ia quantities to suit purchasers'. an expensive assortment ol tbe o PliTS, OILS.DY8 STUFFS premises In the City of Raleigh, oh tne 2th d : . J . ' - .M ui iieaunra men tioned, to-wit i . B Two valuable-Lots of groaad lathe Citv ef Raleigh, known in tbe plan of said Citv ai fiatl Nos 209 and 225, being the bouse and prtmSv. opou which he Ute Mrs. Shrrwood Hay wood resided in ner life time, whereon it a valuable fami'y Tes.iJeiK; and all out-houses and neat, aary fixture for . family. Also a valuable Trsct of Land la the County of. Wt .aittittta nn UT.ln.. i. . "V ' - - a abort ui. bt EDTCINES. B frf be Wty f Raleigh, bounded by tha fS, PERFUMERY kn ofiolm HfK. W.. D. Haywood. ' " .-- ' opbilus Pool, Sarah Jiogg and John W. h. &0 , &.C. PHifCTANS, PRESCEIPTIONS receiva tha t?. ?Uinmg about four hundred and slat... attention of competent and careful Apothecaries i ' ree. t , .. . ,. ;- . . , t tl 'tionra'of th day aid nijrht- , aa4'r ' I Tsaiis or Si .A credit of ais month fu ''' ' i 3 Lone-half, and eirhtan m. ... r.. .1 , , Sfe DEPKINS. BOOT AND the phM. money wi be given uZL X LtiOE MAKE has removed one door be upon their entermir inu hL.,u -r'! security, bearing interest from da'ta sf Five Prit 0f tha parehaa money t ba paid i o tvt 1 j the Poot Office, where he will be pleased to at tend to the wants of ids former customers and the public generally upoa his asually . favorable 'r"8- " - ' ' y 'aia4-lni :- IiiliSH UAKDEN SEED.rr-by the . steamer Koaai-k", we ae' receiving our supply of js&EDS -or the present tumn Th' ... .11 froh and tf the beat varieties known and eulti I vaied in thia country, and omiDt from the most celebrated Seed Establishments, may b confidently relied on. Wholeaale and. retail puichaaer supplied at low prices. , A 0. JS. JONES CO. Mar 4 Given mader my hand, at office, thia 26u Jao nary, 167. , - . . V a t : 1 .L1 - haywood, a: ft . ; - fe 4th wiswtd, i ., . ... rt POSTPONEMENT. The above sale baa been pjatpuued till 1 rt-' DAY KEXT. March 10th. ' 2500SSS!?" '-" rKKBLES ft WHITE.