) ' " 11 " 1 '' I " I I III IW II IIP I IB I II I II H li II I II I, ill Halll.,..,!,, iii.l, ,1.11,1 Ml U.I, .11,1. II I I Illll HII! I II I II. l 1 1 I I ,J , .! ,' : ", g !. ' " ' i ' J1 tu Y0LU1IE LYIIL CITY OF EALEIGtt WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 15. 1357 NO. 1 m If TUB RAIiEIGH REGISTER PUBLISHED BY JOHN W. 8YME, iiitoi ii rtof itiiot, AT I M LH ADVANCE; OR, $t 00 AT THI END OF THREE MONTHS. "Owrs mrt tXs plans affair, &digktjA peace, Umaarfihf partf rag tohMhUbrotXen." R ALEIG II, N. C. THE PURCHASE OP MOUNT VERNON. W Uk gret pleuar in eompl jisg with tb nqoett of Eair friend of bun; to ub tub f& the RgUUr tLe artiol wbich'iuajf t found on our second page, on tte uljeet of the farchtae of Mount Vernon. The re demption of the Tomb of tbe Pater Patrice, THE STANDARD AND THE LANDS Our neighbor barelj grtioa : the Bistribo Uon issue in bis number rf to-daj, although ne uemxngly devotee a whole column to it. His text is the Public Land, but his sermon hasn't a speaking acquaintance with it. ' The Declaration of Independence would have been from the fate bj which it ii threatened, and quite as germane to the text, as ninctenths we rescue of his homestead from dilapida-1 of his disoourse. Worse than that Our con Linn ! dtnoa a . . O A I f t . . , - . uw; woriaj 01 "otun-1 cuiporarj. nas U indisoretion. we won't hst rrn aiairona. lew, if anv, who have not the audacity, to refer to the course of th? visited Mount Vernon, have anv idea of its I Whig partj thus, Saturn-like, devouring his dilapidated condition, and none do visit it own offspring chawine ud his old oDinions. without a feeling of deep regTet at its aspect I opinions formed in the ingenuous dajs of and without saving : Why is this! An in- I rly manhood, ere an indurating world had terrogatory to which a very reasonable an-1 nether mill-stone-ified (a new and somewhat swer can be given. ' General Washington I ,on6 compound word, but perfectly leeiti W rvA nTr t 1 1 I 1 1 . - rrr . . (muwh w tuapta laeaas, ana coma i "; ii8ioLuues. trim l you agree keep np tbe estate in every particular as his I neighbor, to a mutual copying of editorials on taste and judgment might dictate. Colonel tbe Land Question ? "Speak, Clifford, why aauington.the present proprietor, a gentle- w you speak man with whom we have the Dleasure of be- I io acquainted, and of hW.i: INTERESTING ANNIVERSARIES hare paruken, is a gentleman of exceedingly 1 W &tellJ knowledge the receipt of moderate means, and h nnnt lr nn v"on to tne celebration of the estate on the ntA Anniversary of the Mecklenbure Declaration durinir his life, bv Washington. Wk.tm of IndPnlence, at Charlotte, on the 20th of SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 11.185T. WE MUST ORGANIZE Will the Whigs and Americans of the Old . North State be behind their brethren in the Old Dominion in the battle for the good eauae ! In Virginia, there is now a mot animated contest going on, and, undismayed by past disasters, our brethren are contend ing for erery inch of ground. Will we not emulate this example! Erery emotion of patriotism, every prineip'e of our political creed, every feeling of pride and self reepeot, and every motive of sound policy de mand a loud and earnest "Yts" in response to the question. If, in Virginia, our breth ren are hopeful, then, a fortiori, we in North Carina should be hopeful, and bury with the CDUteat that caused it, the gloom and dejection, which the events of last year threw ever the party. Locofocoism is much deep er imbedded in the soil of Virginia, than in that of N. Carolina. Virginia has been longer in the harne-4 of locofocoism, and the Rich mond Enquirer, though not wielding the f tbe Mount Vernon wharf. Nine out way which was once so potential, and which. f tQ f these people are as little impressed eoald make aspirants quake with fear or ex- Wlt the solemn, and awe-inspiring associa ult with joy and hope at its will, is still to, a tions of the place, as if they were nncon great extent, looked upon as the political soious that Washington's dust was mingled Tti KI nt id T)mvr Vironnia trwi TiBa with and had (Vincr ( th nil Tl,ai. nn. been so long nsed to high taxes, that like the Work and "steal, take and carry away," eve- j g ! Expedition at Roanoke Island DEMOCRATIC STAT. CONTENTION IN VfRGlNlA. A State Convention of the Democracy of Virginia has been called for the purpose of nominating a candidate to fill the vacant Attorney Generalship. The Convention will meet on the 13th of May, and this tempest in the.locofoco ten pot, will rage in big Rich mond. Uood Heavens J what an. infinite number of "eminently qualified" locofoco Lawyers will start up, like Roderick Dhu's clansmen, from every brake and bush "Stephens' Pleadings," "special" and gener al, 'will be well thumbed by the asmrants. and "Fearne on Contingent Remainders," will be exhumed from the accumulated dust of years, for the locofocos are as "keen as Sally" after office i'pre$enti, or futvro, in reversion or remainder. They snap at the ghost of a chance for office, and never kaow rial and Acquittal or ths "Davis J30TS. -The . JSluabeth City Sentinel of Saturday contains a long account of the trial and acquittal on the 1st instant, by the Su-r ptrior Court for Gates county, of Charles William, and Wm. C. Davis, for the shootiog of Capt. Spencer Sawyer, of Pasquotank. It will be remembered that Sawyer was tho individual who was tried some two years agol or thereabouts for the murder of William Charles, Esq., of Pasquotank county, and ac quitted. The Da vises were witnesses aeaioat Sawyer, who after his acquittal, made threats and on one ocoasion some angry words and gestures passed between him and the brother Uavises. They (Davises) fearine that Saw yer might at some UDguarded moment take their lives, a he had done Charles', arnled themselves the next day, and deliberately shot him dead while sitting ia the portico of ins own aweiime m t:. Ultv. It seems that may be its capacity for improvement, the jlount ernon estate is now very sterile and unproductive, and, therefore, a source of but limited revenue to its proprietor. Resides this, if he were to attempt to ornament the grounds with shrubbery, 4c, nothing short of a standing police force could protect tbem from the inroads of the Goths and Vandals, who, during the summer and autumn, land May. It would give us very great pleasure to be present at the celebration of an event so important in its character, and so elorioHS- ly honorable to the State, and will be so, if we can. Tbe Jamestown celebration comes off also in the moth of May, and will be largely attend ed. The spot and its stirring associations. and the reputations of the Orator and Poet of the occasion, Messrs. Wm. 0. Rives and T a . T. . TT . Aai to jiAttKui iiopi, wui all unite to attract a large concourse of people. A correspondent from Gates Court House writing to the Petersburg Express proposes a celebration of the Landing instead of some more nutritious and digesti ble food. This will be the case in the pres ent instance. ' But one. can eet the nornis- c tion, and all the res. will feelingly know tbe law of -Bo&tailing, for the law of eaiailing, no longer applies in our free i and republiean country. May tbe Saints have the disap- pointees in their blessed keeping ! Mortal man ean do nothing for them. a a a eels, she has become accustomed to being rjuung tnat they can lay hands upon. Some skinned. Now.in N. Carolina,neitber of these e f the depredations committed at Mount facts exist, She has at but a recent date Vernqp may be derived from this faot. A been hitched to the ear of locofocoism. She J beautiful Italian marble mantelpiece for his ia not broken in, and she can be made to kiek drawing room, was presented to Washington the dirty vehicle into flinders. There ia no I by some one of the millions who revered him loeofboo orgaa here, answering to the Rich- j For sometime after his death this room was mood Enquirer. We do not mean to die-1 open to the examination of visitors, who ao- parage our neighbor of the Standard. We tually so picked and chipped the mantelpiece, eonoede him ability and adroitness, but neith- I for the sake of carrying off the pieces, that The Anniversary comes on in July, and the writer suggests that the attendance- will be larg, as very many persons will be spending the summer at Nag's Head. It is a good idea, and we go in for it. Phcesixiana. The redoubtable John Phaa nix, in a late letter, gives tie following account of the meeting of a man and Lu better half, at the St. CharUa Hotel, in New Orleans. Com ment is uaeleu : AccomfRnied by mv old friend Butt I " . . r... ...I - 1 . m I .V 1 J : ' 1 . . i . . . . . ' cr bc, nor any man in or out oi ue state, will l in oraer io save it from utter destruction, it I jomeu at, jaempriis, l undsd at New ever exercise the influence which old Tom was fonnd BM.u.r, lv ,k j Orleans, and proceeded forthwitb to tbe St. . j .v. .j, tu iwu aUU uair - HnteL At thia trrt a Ritchie exercised in Virginia, and which has deny visitors access to it, and the room is Pcted to meet his wife, who had arrived from in part, been inherited bv his successors. closed at this day. This fact we ha fmm "orma, to rejoin him after a three month's V.:.l .v: .v j:. t . c . I i: r i i in ,. .. ... I i ucirrmie seen a man so nsr Mmmm , . oiaaaaru, oy we ups vi ii. n asmngton lumseir, in ins- vous He rod. en th. f tK i:. j , -?i .i t .. . I . . ... " l.i i ... ,v- ""-"-u uu aim uoggea suence on tne iana quesuon, and uce to wnom, we Have stated this and other I ine ta" be might obtain the earliest his display of a palpable reluctance to meat faets. In conclusion. hit fh. J?n, w CJ the g conUined his adored v T " MW iVVallUVl U the iseue lest it should overwhelm him, has matrons, God speed in their noble work. opened the eyee of bis readers to the fact, that it is a ghost, nntil they bite their tongues J at the October term for 1856 of the Superior vourt ior i'astjuotank co., tbe above named Davises were imprisoned in tbe jail of that county ,tneir applicationfor bail being peremp torily refused. After a confinement of 5 weeks they effected their escape, sajs the Sentinel, "coming out at tbe same uoor they went in at, no jock, bar or bolt being broken. ' Af ter remaining out for the balance of the time. up to Gates County Superior Court, tbe case having been removed to this county on behalf or ine estate, they left their emolovment oh Saturday, March 28th, in the schooner. J. L. EXCELLENT TEA. I Jones, with the purpose of ei vine themselves We are indebted to our friend Pescud for I UP to tne sheriff, of Gates couaty, and stind- a paper of most excellent blaok we never eir lml Un 'ounday, however,' the drink m thing grun, exe.p. ZJJF'Jt" It is called the "Jennings" tea, and there j within 4 miles of New Ferry, near Gatesville. was something peculiarly appropriate in its j and had not the schooners L. G. "Russell and being sent to us, as we are an undoubted I Whedbee gone to the rescue, doubt- member of the "Jennings Family." Jlppropos VS 80 f ? board the J. Lr. Jones of this, we offered our share in the "Jennings Were all fortunatelv rescned Jtte schooners estate" to our "Cousin Abe," for $5,000 named, and the "Davis Boys" chirtered an- cash, and what do you suppose he said ? He I other vessel and succeeded in reachinj? GateV not only declined our offer, but actually pro- vil.le in f.ime for ourt on Monday, when -they posed to sell us his share-Cousin Abe is a i i """" - eies ' 10 -e member of the "fanuly-for -fifty dol- trial. ,iter the efaarire of tlmJnd. h laro! The blood of all the Jenningses boiled J jury was absent from the Court room on'y in our veins at the disparaging proposition, I S1X tniuntes before they returned with a- ver-' and as there was no one else present, we in- 01 OI D01 SP111!- be Sentinel says there me .La- the-iury ARRMi OF THf. STEAMER CANADIAN four days lm'er from Europe. Postla.vd, April 7 The steamer Canadian arrived here thu morning from Liverpool, with w II CVUaCBUMJ HI ZO'-Q Ult.' i Previous to. the dissolution of Parliament, Lord Puluifrston, in reply to questions, stated that no qirecc overtures tor the return of embassies had -oeen made iym Nap'es ; -but, indirectly, it wad asked if the sending of political prisoners to La Plata wrmld be considered sufficient The Brit ish govern taent. hbwever, would not be satiafid with such a ouree.- .Naples was merely empty ing her prisons to fill them again. Writs for the new Parliament are returnable on me 30th of April. The English press generally speak favorably of the moderation of President Buchanan's iuau- D IMPORTANT TO PTNTBRSL DCRQ ASKS BE HEAJ T.fi0(Jt, those nhu hive t t,J his -feratvt SiA!, l a, and are. therefore, weii qaaiifij to fc-stirv" in bnngirur tb's valuabU feriiliiri. notice of the agricultural ootimunlty. -tmt them to read the ann. 'ni''nt kin.l'r i-r, ' wcvt wiuoj ineBcnia nl iir. mrirA vVo.o 1 v-"- Jan. ti"rh. J6S7, T et4 .. j fl,-' ,,aj on tobacco in a poor or tt.j 'hoaa b J L:;1 ndebynde Mtb N0. I Peruri ,a Qdjno.t-h ' Svrf ,00rr,,s 1 to determine which floue tH bt v. ,..- lay neighbor,, Carey A HorarJ. Thwoai t. ' blade. HenrvJJadirettanltMi.n l rsi i- . iae re r.ur 'Ba on A S !" M . . 1 1 . .a Ate. e nrst tow him tnat he was an un- was announced, bothacquaintancci and stran- .1 a A. W a . . -I mv. worthy member or the Jennings family, and I gers rushed torwaru to congratulate theui.j ... - next told him that he shouldn't speak to us for three minutes. Cousin Abe saw that we were in earnest, and tried by means of ener The Mcbfbkboeo' Gazette. After a e us- penBi-in of thre months the llorfreesboro' Ja- ine',r..n(lon uazette contain anrrfWfmm the board.of.tradn.th.it Denmark bim.iiTi fvuMUBZi im aouttHHWes the Wt of ApriL Letters from Marseillies to the 18th . that .t, -r i- ..... . :' "' iu- ..menu u smp uriati: was arrestea in con se tuenee of. the collision with the steamer" Lror. wise. Tbe cantain demurred In thi inriwlioti m Ira . . . ------ j. -.... vn.no ireocn courts, and appealed to the Ame icau tribunal. The objection was overruled, and ,t .e cause would be heard before the tribunal of commerce.; .. .v .,r - . 7 JSTew has been received from Akieis announc i ntr tfiat fc'xie-fifth ' moret of Jand.has been sown witn whear. this year than last,.and the grovrin, trtms promisfl an abundant harVe. t. , .;Thee is a ppogresJstve rise in the prices of co- pnxiuce. ne corn, and particularly the flour- markets, - are .excessively -dull. A speedy lall iu the price of wheat isr inevitable. . Flour ot. the bebt quality was offered at the last market at 76f 50c, the sack of 157 kilogrammes. The bakers have- Supplied themselves with flour north 74 f tne sark. The reserve of flour in the nxarket stores of France ia large. ' Cdiz letters'. rate that the forta of Lad fireJ on the boats of tbeSoaniah war steam er Ferrolana, and the commander had demanded a e tpkiiatioQ.. The Mexicans were boasting .that they bad assistance from the United States ' .-' ' BtrssrA recent -oast ofCi.rcafsia, the Forte had appointed a vjiiiiuistrioa ot, inquiry. 1 - V.. ' PERSIA .., . An armistice of three months had been Agreed wpon.oei.ween ine cntist. and Fersian forces, An insurrection ,had;occurred in the Persian Tauria, where a cotgih of .the Shah is governor. Piplotr.atib relations are susDended between Austria", r.d Sardinia. " The Piedmonteapf? .LctttiCe. tbe recail of Count Paar, tbe Austrian iiil' i.tr with the whole of his 1 uasia having demanded an explanation of the I ! !uixtttre dropped ia the bill aj tftt . . i i - . . . . . i on if. urn n. rT villi .-. rii i .1 - www 1 uu iurj oa tne thl'ir toSni-rvi In ... same wiy that I did. an I that t-er ell it iV pearedti do an well far thnx M iC0. 1 Pervi " useu uon sweet potitoa, 10 1 pw, per acre, and had a fiue jiei 1 of 'the fins. I er. '"""i iui.uD.ua ii on turip, t "wjj. 4:uo not ,reraeinrc-; Tery large, om. we;jhin pounds. ! . Chas G Fibld. El, nrkiv! h..i nn muoh pleased witU De Uar nj pre!eri u!' Perujan Gua:no, inasmoch as it . nu..t;w i ,.. er you apply it to in iu.9ir drjuglu b ttr than guane or any ote.r in .nure I orer tifud ! I tried it along side of Peruvi'n Guinai ist H.lh,. on my tobacco lot, and durins- the exe-Ksjtd atij unprecedented drouc'ht last uuwn,eF, ia Jti?t k. i August, the "Guanoed tobnoco eommenra.1 it- ing at the bottom, turue I rale and .ii.-.ji evidenUy gave wav, ; wkt, the thaeeo tu. Burg was applied to. kept i.een- n,i drought much better, keepm a healtbr .n.i . iag color all the tirce. Tuomhuic quautirr oe ich . was applied. I ulo used it isiied it will do well ' Hon Robt. Y. Cosmad. '"inohf.... i vJ J ' lth Decemser, 1856: "For two applied DeBurg to the com cro, eiou time ' with very marked efFect n incr.casing tie pr.dun. ' hat no mistake miirht- exist" n t.i " t bare left rows in tht Held, to wlnnH -a '.. " applied, an the difference of yield w perfect' r hill hefore eoTering, mixed with itol or trth to about a handful " , . ' .. Da Wm. F. Coar!: Ettn v..v ' . . V. Dec. 20, 1SS6. ,ar. : I niP.lon' Cora Prop at the rate ,f auO pound! MeCr. mixed with an equal bulk cf fiue W0is m .n coin The corn was soon up and jp-ew off rspidlr--, '." it wsa the them o' conversatim by alt. rho n it. in -onsoquence of 'he wp'dity, ,-,.., n,1(1 ' unanceof it. growth. It m lu;,Ud ;tVb.-m u and promise until blln e l by , r ' droupht, whjol. lasted frm 9th of u-.e i-tU ',, A.u"9 . rh -?:S tl'f lnii J about 6 barrels to the acre. I i, ., rt-t'I " should haT.mftd.10orl.b.rfe1-hiIt..e1,e..Ha been favorable. In the grorth of Iri-h Pot i tin ' ' it proeJegual to No I feruvien Guno th-v' were re'DoctWely used at tbe rite of I0 p',,, Per aura in drlllii aiHa K .A. i: s. . . v tue. it was with jrreat difficu tv tbat T Vi,t pace with h!m as he tumultuously rushed ud Tl .1 w . "UjIAN o RIGHTS WHAT COBETT THOUGHT OF THEM IN 1796. Our Librrry came to us from Petersburg in what printers would call "pi-" ; higgledy piggledy, prose and Terse, history, travels, j r '"ible woman had adopted the very latest and bioeraphv. the drama, the toets. tb- mWI. 1 st 7oluminou? 8t7!9; n1 hns on a rich one band, while with the other tW r.f i..: ' ! .... 8h hue, looked like a lovely bust ... J I bj-.uiV, uuugicu. mmgiecu as I c u tne summit of a new mown hav-stack. Buu that be is not very confident in the defense bility of hie faith. The people of North Carolina are heavily taxed .by the Democra cy, and hare not got used to it, and they will not eoaateoaaee men who lay on taxes with i the steps leading to the Rotunda. In an instant lie was at the office and easDinz 'Mr. Rnttnr. field." "In the parlor, sir," replied Dn, and he was off. I followed him, and saw him stop with supnse as be came to tbe door. In the centre of the parlor steod Mrs. Butterfield. That ad- getio surns to get a commutation of punish- eette has atrain made its onrr.n .mtn, Aw. 1 in the prison . i ) . r . . a 1 r r M ; , i uieu.. oui ii was a ease or no go, & we were inflexible, and held : out to the bitter end. He didn't bust, but had an awful rush of words to the bead. THE PROBABLE CAUSE OP THE DELAY OP THE REGISTER IX REACHING OUR SUBSCRIBERS. WtLDOH, N. C., April 7th, 1857. 2JIi'ior of the Register Dear Sir: In your issue of tbe 4th iust., I set that complaint is made of the irregular arrival of the Register at Wilmington, N. G, and also an article taken frra the Kinston Advocate,, to the effect tha the Register of th 26th ult.,: did not reach that place (Kinston) until Mondav tbe 30th ult. Mv obje't.now is, to show to you, and the public, as i i . i . a i.v. V, kl ai.o , . i - " o i ",. - iv"" ""-smts. out- near as possime, wnere tne rauit may De proper- w wn1 oeioogs to the State, and what I they may," with Tolames havine no sneakinff -"field was appalled for a moment, but hearine ly laid. On the mormnz of the 28th ult . T re ceived, in Wilmington, from tbe Wilmington and -ration tjx a mut . . i if .i, .ill- . . ,. j wu- no rau tnree uojes i ixingsviiie gen7, iwno inrorroeii me tnat it came taxation to a great extent, if not altogether, glancing over this literary chaos, our eyes arouud Mrs. Butterfield. but it was rf no ue. be from a (ia. laro nJX . .. . - . - . : 11. . - . . ,. . . . : . -? -- --:.-- ir be edX llmington and Weldon Agent. It be ing att tinsual thing to rerxive such a bag from the South, curiosity induced me to find out where it was made up at ; in so doing, I found .: . i.r-r tv - . . n . .... excbanires. We rind that th "JJS:,UU vl ?neiil w oonomate the w - r . . yr: western powers. - - - Fraetas, has retired from tbe Gazette and rerpv-i v ! -'"jaPam' 1 " ed farther South. Tbe paper is now conducted - Two British stoamers bad forced Daaaasra be. istr, with the whole of his lesatmn. from i'urin. : The Austrian citizens are transferred J ei and eould peroeive no djfteiWe i th viei 1 v, the pfotecuoc of the Prussian minister. The I 11 ia -nor dufable fertilifer than Oaaae ' reean taKes place without a ngorou diplomatic ihere are reports from Naples of a relaxation seventies; also of an unofficial B-B Dcrros, Esq., Kw Upton, Gloucester S Co. Va., December 20th, 1,$' itZll , n''f' W Oats uJ Corn. J'Le 'ts b-d fair for a flue crop, but ws out . ion ", the drought. A crop was gathered and r. th' . 1 1. . . . L. . . 1 vuij vm iiut Krew uicu-enouj'h in k. ... i . our neighborhood. I applied only .03 pooiws to U the acre. On my Com 160 pout-ds in the Lip at ' bv the junior oartner of the lat nnMiabpra- Mr Jor-d frt Wacgasath because they were refused aa n ' Vi.'hl Ulr 10 i w- . j . .. .. . i. wuvuvi. i wi nure : nui ma f - .. t . T j i . i aouiiasion. oontrarv to treatv atiniiiatinn iL.m. I u . ... . . x. ei. nuaara, wno announces ms nnrrjose to . ' . u J ,r , 7, I vum uwn.au me ionz arouzht wLInli tnat.! Ila . , .' - t. . " purpoBoio murncations however, were made to the Emperor, from 1st of M.y to te last ciJ... I r continue to battle mantully for tbe principles, of who publish! an edict riving order thatthrJ t, . 1. LJ"7' Po 1 " the American navtv - V .lprtn,a r.a norta a)uiild h K r L r." .T 'rfer porf.oa L -j . - .v.wvu.w anviiw i - - v.wmi., vu. Vi.w W6ITB Ul ul I VI WT MlUUUUn, II LUe B10B1 llf Ih.m ... . r 1 1 ... . . . . t. . TtO (TTI rl. anlj f iwl.il 1 . . ...... . .1 I I 1 - T T 1 , euuuug our fiuuanges, ana sincerely trust tnat it i ?" . wiwuuwi jiouoiraw io iuo i uuyr, iau i nave ptenty, ga'heriog more fr may be liberally supported. It ia alway fil'ed i ittenor- " " I the 20 acres upon which the 1)9 ltorg as uppli ii -. . A ....... . . . . . i i - -. : .1 ... rnan nil sahao. kt.k a . . . . . . nimavumt. Yineivui resume trailer, ani its china 'rota ed. editorials demonstrate the ability, of their writer. e vim oistnouuoo quesuoa De put before fell upon an acquaintance, whose face we I cou,un 1 g n- e tnea to climb her, but the the stump, and oor life for it, it will drive to tell" bow long ago. His "name is more I him we in their eyes. It was the most opposition to it to the walL Jltlentum to indicative of sham nriek than tl. Meeting thing I ever witnessed. Finally, Mrs the right result. Rouse up the people, shake I a claim indisputable to it, in all its signifi-1 hfwIing and biting the calf of his W, created a theta 00, 00 thu snbiect. and it u aa nlairi anrl Uanea of fr.tfnlnp.. ' M. .n .v- I .1Tepnon.- . iM7 wer 7 happy, so we-e elear, the policy so obvioas and anmisUkea- j quills " of the fretful " Porcupine with oie, wai ine moat nae-Douod must give op he " Peter " prefix, for few sharper writers their prejudices, and cry aloud, C.m w ever lived. IJis opinions on Woman's owr property, and doiCt let it be squandered Righta,w whatever may be thought, and just- 31 . j t r ? . .. . .imuwiwi mna rreesouers." iJesides It too. of much that he aaid on othr anr,;af. I . JW, in people in tbe parlor. Everybody anoeared dpligbted ; and a small boy, a'year or two older than little Amos, jumped up and down like a whin-saw. and halloo'd "HumW uitK oil !,;, . a r '-w aoi-a nn uio might. Butterfield, said I, an hour or two later. "I suspect Mrs Butterheld has adapted hoops. . llf 1L ' 11 1; T . a . tkaat MnnilaniiAna (. i " ' oawerea ne, i saw that stxlcine ' MUkUW cicmeD wre gooa ana just ior His asy ana generation, out. Perhaps it will obviate the little tendency which will tell strongly in our faTor at the and would apply with yet more force in thi h8 had to 'blow up I'm glad of it.". eooung ejections. Tbe distribution of the fast times, when at the North women ouumen office the spoils is playing havoo with the men. In his preface to bis "Bone to Gnaw locolocos. Tbe wnoicset of outs are hungry, for the Democrats," Peter Porcupine says : As thine. man7' not inappropriate to thia very good and as an evidence that the ((wie earned his title to his name, we refer that it contained the Renter of the 25th ult which satisfied me that it was made up in Raleigh, as the bag had been re-labeled in Augusta. I am of the opinion that it wa, through mistake, originally la'-eled to that place, if not, bow or why was it sent to Augusta ; and farther, if it was at first labeled to the Wilmington and Weldon Agont, why was it sent via Charlotte, N. C , and thence to Augusta, and back to Wilmington. To pay the leist of it, I think it a very crooked route. It seems to me, if my testimony may be credited, that, tin's particular fault is some where near Raleigh. ! Very respectfully, Route Ag't W. and W. R. R New Paper. We have received tho first number of the "Beaufort Journal" a "fanw ravenouaiy.woinsniyDungry; growling, howl- "The instant a lady turns politician farewell nomoer ot ; tne fcpeotator, which shows J " ' . wjiwc, ing; swearing that the ins have ate enough miK the dimples, the wees; the grace that s hundred and forty-six years ao Commerce Agriculture, Mechanics, News, and should "pas. round tbe dishes," while wTnev ftd HrESSSSdS!. hp8 (beg udoa inolines," but the j Markets, &o. published at Beaufort, N. C the latter are singing, I can't give it np so, Toung, chattering politi-, t th. tebe of tbe were called Aooo in Addison's time,) were by Jo"N NrCH0L, Editor and Proprietor, Mr. Brown : itll never do te give it np so." Sf of W beWed p'ajuI thTe intrpowi io worn nd for "considerations" that crusty &t $2 annuui in dvance. The Journal Now, all these patriots can't be aeeommn- LaKt h "trv presents quite a handsome appearance, is daud, and disappointment! wU projuce And, have we not a terrible example if recent, maliciously suggest, induced the present am- fi"ed Wlt" matter botb interesting and in- beaxt biirnings, and excite a rpirit of revenge. !!!! Addison's thun-! structiT.e! "d.we doyxbi not wiU Prove T . I r . . . iiuawiuuown . .... . , wr mow rcasoas, we aay now What we have tact, that, whan that political lady began The er n(1 PP'Julg it to the interesting" aid before, and really think, that the com- OHT Wvf tb "v. fio1bl?ck h"r M Empress Kngenie. A rile plagiarism it was ing contest for Congme preeenU a field to coud sheet of her wcykwent u theVre it wo wkich "posed their ignorance of the fact be harvested by the opponents of locofocoism. turned as whit, and a great deal whiter than that all "old things," except women. "be- All thai ia required is re.r-r Tb ner. .fck,n- Yott murt nd" onk. I have the eom, npw nn p. j , . : I . . . r amhittoo common to evenr author th.t , " . . wimrrv' be toond, and must be found- Every prin- say. to be read ; but I declare, that, sooner than gcnerUng "pring for Ara )-pxdchrituJinoua- etpie or patriotism, every emotion of pride 01eCB 5e o&.nrn ringlet, orewi a ungle hair; ly speaking, they are, like PalstaS'a men in . . . I aonnr than tnhlka anfll .rn..k...i m. I ' ang a-u-tpe,, .on every feelinr wtfch "ih dZZslZZ -w, "P"t praying for." Addison, no prompU renstauce to, and punishment of. to light the pipes ol - Democratic cXnh or doubt, stole bis thunder, for it is not imrvM. ! J . . . . I knn.l liba. i.. t. T '.. I .. . r pry lyranay, conspire to call oat rr; T . JLZll7 I.OBK,r. ble, that after a while Eve's fie leaves, as with applauses by the PaiUDKLPHfA Qazwttt.' I Decm "re fashionable, encircled her o we oimenuons or a nrettv mod nwaA The "Washington Dispatch." We have received the prospectus of the "Wash ington Dispatch," to be published in the town of Washingtoa in this State, by. Mr. Bichard Granger, as soon as pufheient en couragement is given him to justify the un dertaking. Mr. G. is, we learn, a practical printer, and a man of irreproachable charac ter. The Dispatch is to be published week ly, at $2.00, invariably in advance. It will be independent in politics. occurred inpAt- Destbuctive Fiue. A fire lanta, Ua., on tbe 6th list., which destroyed a large rumber of buildings, residences iud stores. The Atlanta Examiner does not estimate the amount of the loss, but says the ioss of property has been very great. Amnnj the snffe'e-s are T J. Malone, Cutting. White & C., Peter Ly--ch, T. D. Lines, C. B. Strong, C. P. Cissin & Cj., G. W. Jack, all me? ch int", and some of them with new and large stocks of goods. , MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Detboit, April 6. This city gives 200 demo cratic msihrity for judges of xie Supreme Court, with two "vards to beav rrm. Tho return! from the interior of the State are scattering, andbow that small vote has beeu polled. s . New Ohleass, A'.irii t. The whole Amsri rao ticket wa. elected here to-day. Tue Ameri ca us have also elected their district judges.. The J"ciniocrat;c randiiate for the associate supreme judge is probably ejected. tJ Pobtlasi, April 7. Tbe cauni'ipal election .hHd to-d.iy' has resulted in the elrcti, of the "republican candidate for mayo- by 400; majority. "The republicans have also carried the city couxi- ... our Dest men to the canvass, in every Dis trict rn the State. Tiat call must, be an swered, or politiaal vassalage ia our future fate. , Tn RmvAL at thx Baphst Chckch in this City, seems to be- rapidly increasing ia interest. Some 12 or 15 persons have professed eoiversioo, and for the past two or three evenings the seats around the pclpit beve beea thronged with from AO to 60 "anises wjuirsrs." The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Skinn, has bad bo assistance ia the palijt Ike past week, bat the lay mexbere of ike akcrak seem to be aroused to the work kefcsetkeat. ,J- Mr. C H. Kelly has iasuevl a prospectus "Bower wood-bine and Roses," and tnat lor a new weekly paper, the first number to be ,ne M ner those "Syren published st EdentAD, the 8th of. ApriL This note" paper u to be called " The AmWcaa Gladiator," haV twil?rf the" Low'r of -wood-blne and and will advocate tbe principle of the American .t. , . , . . ' . party. Term. 2 ia Llv Jce, w $ i '" W "ft r opi -fair friends to xYo. 127 of withia six monUM. '. ', "" I J. i . . be spectator, should any of them not be in ' - - - " i possession of the Spectator an intimation to A Ttna Omt.-H. W. Billiard, of Alabama, M of tbt kCt ,h,di followed by the pub- fnrtnerly a Methodist preacher, member of Obo- location of copious extracts from the number greM, fOlsaore elector, and a rampant native, we T: : : : -: jvceiT, has mtly mmSd hit ooat and bc' m 'Tow Elxctiok : The election held oa last. convert to kxwfoCMSca. Uetosbly while read- Monday for M unci pal officers for the town of in the inaugural of Fresideat Buchanas, but Greensboro, resulted ia the selection of Charles more likely, while ruminating upon the miraclous G Yates, , Mayor ; James F. Joltee, Charles E mulllplicatioa of M five barley loaves and two Shober, James M. Garrett and M. S. Sherwood" little fiahea." Cominissioners. ' acceptable visitor to the man of business and to the family circle. Ma. Nichols is a nrin- jr y proiession, auu jras uniu recently, mi Cleateland, Apnl 7. The charter efecje, Resident of this City, where by his high mcsal -which took place here yesterday revike'l in 'the character and gentlemanly bearing, he gained -election of the Democratic tit ket b v. 200 ai-.jjri'y.. for himself a reputation exceeded by few I CIjicisxati, - April ?. X. W". TTu roas, the young men of his age. We cheerfully com- I "citizfns candidate br toyo was ehctei at th ply with his request to exchange, and wish a'T ixeruay, rDl fl 1ZI a I St- Lrrs. Apnl t.-Wimer, the ,e cess. Fatal Accident at THKEorrt Coal Minks. A firedamp explosion1 occurred at the Egypt J Coil Mnes in Chatham County, on Monday las,. J Kuivu nuKu iuw insLauL ueaui ot nve persons,, and the probable fatal injury of the sixth. We have been able to gather but few of the particu- j lars , attending th's deplorable acadaat. The following are the names of the killed: Kobert Dunn, Superintendent j George Lewis, James Burn, Daniel Bays, and Michael McCormick. A man by the name of Carrer is aaid to be so seri ously injured that his life is despaired of. .' - : ' .' ; - AeraMrrst Mdrdbr. Welearh that a negro, bongingto Willie Askew, of Bertie county, wayiaid hut master a" be was driving home late at nicrht, and discbuveed at ihim a pistol leaded with slugs. Mr- Askew i was not seriously in jured. The negro has been lodged ia the Wind'' mtt jail. emancipa- tion candidate for mavor. has been elected mr f 1,500 majority. ' V.o"t of the other caLdidates on j the ame ticket are also elected. f ' ' !( -4 a " .The Chinese baker w he was executed for poi- soDg the bread at : Kong Kong state! that he act j agreeably to Jbe orders of the Viceroy. The i.rders informed Allum the bakr that the Eng'.iah having declared war, it was his duty to assist in their destruction: that the soldiers ued fi'e and sword to fight them, and, he was to use poison. If he disobeyed these orders bis ianny ut Canton would be thrown into prison and hi property confiscated. He made two kirjds of bread one poisoned for the English, which was involuntarily given to the othtr tortigLers, and another kind only for the Chinese. MARKETS, L'merpod, Friday, March , 24. Cotton Sales of 18,000 baes during the .past three days, in clintiug.'l.OOt) bales for export and 1,000. takon by speculitbis. . The market has been dull but prices generally are unchanged. P.ifcadturTsTThe, market is very dull. All qualities ,have considerably declined.. , Kichanl ill's circular cuotes Flour very dull at a decline of 1 ; Western Canal 27sa28s; Philadelphia and Baiumore ..28aa29s ; Wheat very dull at a decline of 2d; Bd.7h6da8s:. White 8s2da89d; Corn is quiet at adeclire of 6s: Mixed 81s. The weather h-d been .favorable for agricultural purposes. Money uaTkei - The market is s'ightly easier. Gmso's for money 63i93f and ?3a63 for ac count. " CONNJ.CTICDT ELECTION. , Hartford, - April 7 Suffieiertt retrrrns have 1 een received to insure the election of Alexander Halley, republican, s Governor, by a Bmali ma jority over SwrnuH Ingham, dem. "Also the bil ti nee of the St ate ticket, as follows : Liut. Gov., Alfred Bornb.am; secretary, U. H. Pratt treasu rer, T. Ud;ian ; and comptroller, J. Gi Lamb. Tbe coi-grest ional delegation stands as follows : First distTicrt," Era Clark, repub.; sedendjdS; S rnuel Arnold, dem.; thin' do.j Sydney Dean r pub.-fourth do.; Wm Bi&hop dem. Clak nd Dean, are members of tbe presmt If ou'e. ?ih9 result shows a gain of two democratic mem r bers Vjf C6ngress. "'-H'-' i-'j ; SltXECT MAIE SCHOOt 'AT OXFORD. 'JH1S School, which hitherto has been favor-'JL- ed -with jnuch prospeiity Bnder the condnot ot J , H, lloraer A. M., by whom it was original ly established, wiU.bu opened on the 10th oi. Ju ly.; and -arranged to prepare boys for the Sopho more and Junior Classes tn the University. , Tot this purpose, Prof. A Q- Bro'n, whose- re- putatioa it well knows as. a teacher of .the An cier.t Cla-s'iC daring the. last . i.hi teen years at Chapel Hill, will be associated with tbe present P-ineipe.1, and Rev. T. J. Horner will" continue to be an AsaistsiDt lastrootor. -" v " ... Tcie chool-bing divided into a definite num ber of classes, ptusuing a regular prescribed coarse of study, considerable tixne will be devoted to el i'-nt nation and lecture upon the subject' of every lesson bf each Instructor in" his . own de partment. 'H-r'fv :. ; ii ,,. . '. -' Two terms of twenty weeks each, oolneiding with those of the Ouve.sit.eompoM the choia tio year. " '"'', . ' - '" ' ! ' ' ' luitlon per term ' - : " $37.60 ' fcoard ' " . ; with the Principal W.00 " fr ia other iaitilie ,-60.00, " Ligbfs, fuel, Jto.i ihoiuded. Payment must I be made in advance. A the binnber of ptipils Is limited, applioatloss for admission should be made before the opening of the term, aooompaoied la every Innance with a stotemeat of th4 .fe a&d profloiaacy of the ap plicant". . . ap 11 tjy!5 " ; V ;""" "' XjL Scripture. GARDE' AVD FARMING TOOLS Anew J etipplf of fine east eterf eard.a fend farm. in imaltjaents, Jusk reeeived at.theiFarmer'Si 1 Ei-Giefgyman ; v BOOKS. Analytical Couoordauce to the Holy BY John Eadie, D. D. L. Li D. . frinciples and rractioes of Mptist Churches. By Francis Wayland. . i Spurgeoa's Sermons; in and' 2nd series. Counsel to the Awakened ; or, the Pathway of Hafety. ' By tbe Rev. Ashton Oieuden. Kittos tMly' Bible Illustrations. Th ' Excellent Wosan, as described ; in the Book of Proverbs. 1 v Conleseions of 8.A A.ngutine, Bishop of H ippo. Thoughts oi. :h Death of Little Children. '- By Sam'U. Prince.: - ;-.os. . Renew oi Bishop lve Trials cf a Mind. By aa For sale by :; H. V. TURS1B, Bateig2,,)I.(L man o acres aiguiy manured with stable, bor I aid nt use any Gusoo last SrHni.: r, . been using tbe best Peruvian Qan ni'... - j Oats for several years.. My opinion is that U Burg will pay better tian Qoao, ha J th, f,u-Btr pay the same price for It. I enu.i t ... .. ' other fertiliser on Corn or Oats whi De Iinr u In the field. - . Jobs D. Ttlss, Eso. Ananoook. r. n'-.. " ber 27,1856, says: I like De U&t m & asT? have tried it, and think it brings a pretty Krf0J r turn for te cost; b e-tirantiou I applied about ' 150 pound? to theaore, andTrom it tL rn finely, and matured well hardly unlike that inw mediately, by the side treated in tbe fc.ul ithNe. 1 Peruvian Guano,- I am ti;,,-. prefer it to the Ouano for more thaa the diff.n'- ' in cost. ' , . , Jobs F. ilooas, Eq , Hampttm, Va , say 19th ' Deoember. l&r.o I ttS. pri j appjitl Uf) D . on Corn, 20 acres hMf a giii to th bib owinr to tne great grougnt l could not give it a lair tiiai. 4. I like it better than any manure I vr tried I had "Dung ; h!ll l,w "-igeou" ad otber manures applied in the hili this year, and "Ue Burg" fj4 ' the drought better, and made more Corn I s- pect to derive benefit from it is my H heat put in ' Faibfax, VA.-Captain Murry Ma-on. V S A ' Bays : I gave De Burg a fair trial eh'e by'n Je with No 1 Peruvian Ouano. and I could per-' ceive no difference ia the result of tbe two .' Jirriasos Co Braxlon Davenport, LVq , says " my appHeation of De Borg was ptifrttly M factory, the con on which it was ued, tturted oee..uu uiaiuutiueu me same posrdoa tbwuKh---outthe season."-, - , A .t . r" . J . FAtouisa eoRn. I.JDy, EiV .pp,it(i", , De Burg on bis.cora aud spring crops ana wt I . ; muchleasel with the result ,, lt fody euoabed i Peruvian Guano, , ' ' , Lascastee CocitiT, Va.J.mes l. Bsn.W'"'' says: "I applied DeBurg my , wheat 11 . ' fall, side by aide with No J. PrUvio Cu.i.o. same rare per acre. I no eiff.r.iiCQ iu the ' yield, both pretty good; bu- fbegrae's .btr Uie J ", De Bar was need is Ur supc, ior and , iar t my expenei.ee gees, I coa.ider the ft Uura tuuck '. cheaper than Guano." - f In addition to the b ve wt'f to the folf'.w ing gentlemen who hv 0d it ub-jb fbacce to"' their entire st s;ciion ... Dr. Ueury Lewiaapu .amTincbfit-Fq 'rf BrvMwieki Capuin Jhu itubmk. nf bur,rW-arr, - 4 and l)r. B. E uiitH, ot Ca pOed--i i ur -r yvu. ,' tlemaa, in a letter o us, dtted 10 h January, lH-.,sayst "It i, th, ba t prep, rtca icf to. . , baeco I ever used." 1 . , , - For;.aleby ' ..CHAHDF C J a ' ,. s Sole Ageuts fwr Petersburg Va. rST D'ftlers supplied on at good teius by as ' as tj th manufacturer. ap 11 .?m. . ' V t V 1 JAMES RIVER PURE WHIT LEAD - Aa , article uneqiialei for its brilliancy and duia bility, flowing more smoothly uud'r the bru.a iad " " giving a mor beauUful white thu uy Lead ' known, ileunfactured for a d so d sly by - -j;.-'' , ' rr. f: Fivt, ' Wholesale Drugiit. ISo. 107, Powell Bow, Petfr.bu, Va." ; 1 ap 11. -. ' . , -i-r - .- JT IN8EED OIL - 1,000 Gallons. jst received Li and for sale by - N. F. 1HV,. No. 107, Powell's Row, Petersburg V. ; P, A1 74 Bale Prime N. O Hav. Ttbe Depot from the R.ch Jerety A ttU."" ment Buyers should aoir st oas K.. Drayage aad 8uiafe U inred, t th Fa mac's Hall fiaiL jajj. M. TUWLK3. I ' .. ' . .

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