- : -, .. .... ' . -- ' ' .-.'-;:-.'.; , . ? - v-- - . , r - s ... f . l .MMf lb JilT?iREA W vkl Jooe far dremlng! Jtud ilbe kfOIyW room. AiW'iSnTarowthcbt loci tht, , TOTC SPIRIT ASD THE SUNBEAM . XI - . "Tb r:..!- n huu. -' . i idMmfnBr " w kr ths icwci- r "- ,:n tmt Bill- I . " . - j mi inu ; . - icc?l..f1 In merer There brt glow fo of dumber. dTiht f3cd- from mrtlilr - i inut u ixuwm " . . ... fc. . .1 Iaf , !. "--7 - , It cm n. vi:.., Tl.c one ed at bl talent. f tbicitT ecronftdd -Tbat nkhttb. .-wj-JJ. v the no- Ibeir ilV-:J"r1lnhAbiunf Prague .wiiWd tnwiT vin 2 It to him- 0f to at ny rf " Vn, f veft in a Tkea tbe weiier jt "r-..v; hart the "eTrl hi only child, eertmnly fK:ian ani , - h1."' .. . nl. U.!n to the tnt Uh flwian fninknwa, .d U-. ... . How tto t.hi likf! 4:ShlC , . . -She i ' r! f. ' ' r r- . -?r.f!l JvAUtit that Ih-vi- the inclinntlou hi r iv.. would hi y to jnilln.n franc f i w.-uUl willingly a.NHiU : r.:.r,. rit. M'f inmi - KK hLA-? HAM' oUAlft rirti.iv. (-- TIOSS likOMISSn!f. f . j The ri-rter of the N avr Yorl E vrMa ha " with A r.-pconw navPi ' y ; . . , - a(1am. that the Sr Dr. Ctli "r&Tre, to the'dUtrict attorney re- latine to your ""J" , ' J have no r.VrfT).- Catlia ; I vTll nerer b,-1uve that any nnt S dravl as to make k. iaUe .Ug- never heard to' of ?Uch a nytWnKin?n.ra,n- '"- hacamrt gp;nortpr -Mr. Burdoll, your profession of in. k. TKw. Cunningliam berame APP0INTMEX1S PRESIDENT Laver. i t a - i A. imou i trtin of thn-e tool Henry W PrnJro' McWri"1-Pari-s in J1 SL at Basle, cumbent r sf.rintendent Jacob forney.vi reii . y of Indian Affai for . . -i - Tw J. B. Iwnrorin, jr., - j . f Jolm V. Djbbin, 0-- . Charles K. tumour, -v.; j Territory of Utah, Tioe KUle,, remov.- . . ; - : . :t v s j-tyofwhichbinNew, !i:..v.,rM afar didst thou birth-, ATIR Sort BinwM AND SYRTEM OE00BAPHIE& k w. aw. . n 1 1 1 MflVMMMUIl hv w n"d 4 SftWil Society. rfmlerstmul ew-K other. J f l- r' huUi. aud iu - r lTkt on the UUant Una ; me tear Ml there waeen joy, exherwaraiot-7 pj between focted ny " ter ilea yl' i : 11 r .mn.,n embracina lands tenement m,- . 1.T been discovered to bewng. oU the prent noiaor,, .? -- 7. jud a K.dimn the ownr Jersey. b,t.rotne revou - duefotjnJat the ojSce Sn ntnt to nis.mate From what fair realm of flower, a song, A.iirwirtlit , Camest tnoa a swr-u... - . . ,ere What haft thou d.mewp.rit,in rtatP , That thou wen oa . . . : V aere uiui" , . .. Where song g P Ir.-T.fiom crushed Frtn woundea neans, - " Where Weirini wait, and weep. In Tai, Her Pyehe to regain." - - :-.-- aA n h war; ' ': Thon camest not nnwm".T ovo. tbee thir arm. Irhanged: tba imreru-cw uuitwi wun w m- , jerl' "T.?JL,; tbu bis of JMOT. K " CTCm.w-vi ) the Utl!who ta ceremony of bn ru.n . . 1 ..vnttjkl :i OCT IW""' n vor B re-i on ..... theeai- k mouroe to oo w. 4rkKl her handmaiJ- " V rrr l,rbt.t auire. hord.T.ng t - . e .k- Mml white wU tWr 7;: rUi. U over ail. olJrtn4.fS; TTh with orange, I -nd nudded tb. ! YZl rTiWt-blo nlt of Heaven. -th. lTS7l, and boTW .ntlytrtvno. ved . .b .ET! XtvSS Mre lit up recumbent fig- ou! ... v. v.. .v. .r;rii' win?! were ..Xlraicd before ber! . Waft! warn a 1- - -. - rt(rc of .J f. the room, ana a , - . , hnt that girl-.impnoed man v 1 al Krth.v have tneir Doa- r tlowren ! thi He cold moonlight rtream- nanti . onla t perfchable oala are your. .V-.t twe. wnrrr crowd of ootf',.m"'"''. v- 1 in iKi ,haneof W.Mr.JMu.r other ill. rb-otatcJ nTienUte JoM v cow KaJ rvme awar thii frc uaan.i - - and think ; for the MHlkm of apin- "I?.?. , k hanv M.td in the pathway of "v . .. . . herefore . . i ,lKt this. paae orxi. v: ----- - v,: thoU live ""rt'rth abaorb Toar lore, yoar thought, !!hT:;rheAlest earth swallow up vour vn . . . h.art n in yonr heart ! faKJw-Heav-en beefier, for those ,lon who lire on earttt ir r... TflK ilCSICIAN-3 MARRIAGE. After bartr.g paed the .ummer in vU.Ung ihe nil town ortiermany, - - .."ne h r.ly be mv. oB-m-w 1 "l thia. aecoriVm t the ruroniclea of P W faitlSlSS of the marriage of tlw great Hud gnd pianist, Ltftz. CHARACTaND DEATH OF PILATE r .n.,-;ncr from a work entitled, Geth- ! - .-Miilr THjMished by the etoane ana air, j - . Maafhuaotts Sabbath School aoaeiy- Hiid ent.;avon. u-hjracir trt rr,ctlon In th w 1 . nol)ularitv. And .rrlVh prove Vun to vet, otner ai i .v.ki,, nf the favor have been omeiiim-wv - . Hve owu . lirif.nt w?, however, th. of Minna -at bU bar are rank ana nuui' v . . -..1 htr inr diverse interest not coui..-.- -v - . v. -.int ftnoa- On the contrary, ik " r V- rt till reni:-. " , '-.v.;ri h rc. I . .. . i .k.t fi-tim mieh a thing nas w. Sm : ro; interview, ,r rxj-rter ? - h ! U hi r Her .'ves flhe-l a- aha hj.ked P hrni whh eat emr.ha. 1 nil.t nana. y i- - Al, lV oxLstnfe 1 hnrr, u tn w -; . ' ,ovf., as I 1 m..iu'H1iIII ill a vi. a " ' Jl'U I' PUV ta I ' . , b to : . r.nrtjr. tuiu m" "ir- turning r ejr- did h(. bore tSwtr? voting me' the blaek-maiung eoundre ; -M - .. T I rangers; nu i miuw uiivi ... j - :.J T liAnr.t he Cvl rn irri.Hi w midi cucn a " - , t(, tiu,t h.-.wen turning her eyw v i- in with gret cmphaia, but me;nd.lintio fo-monej. the 'black-mailing, scoundrel A her naturfll manner.l I -n-er inmypiwer, f.-r" with ;th? ' mentioned, we w. rj ?a HKut him is that auer , . ppftsel. I henri a cousin of the lr. W. tn ,n Jure with llnrvey iur , B HI.l?inn. i" . , What: m conneiiM'u wm .5t to he 011 record in Trenton, j. J.n Af Tnard ei- desci;ndants as tongas " - f ik pped V bfc, tL female., thereby entailing property t a time indefinite. . p . . I rosPL time . . The V'Z':u. Ikhhuink b.k.t and hare oecorno . v ---. j, r.. . inh.,T . ih . - t. . I kilt 1L UK Lt. - Mw ucrr I' hT.t E.ir:Harbo4 I T;aeI and joyj and kV Of the fair nome wm.- - - And ever thwjtipon ourght ' , " ; Gleamed forth their w.ng of light. . ;. .? . ; But he that to earth". !&' The angel menge wh tf-rbedjind pa The fluting year of thy brief extu, o er Homd to trie diissaui - , j jtJSSS with M d dition.1 p. aa. "moHSwi. anopnT4 atlas. Cuasa 0rrir, Aagart t ISA. ) ".'Tz'.k.i .. Pahlut School af New Tora, I I. wXta2 W th-r paUle aW fo-r- ' AuSft uMKtVrk. river ; S ?, necoft fhlnTreof tho .town, along hth dof eography, I ?lMjiTl th. reealt t but b.fra tion, aaa wa. v j.toniilned to tert tha ?hto trial wa. " eerfal. MM IB vim - -laMe-tW VJ?"-!.- .nrsaed wlthb - llw ..tifikctorr. ItU tbo aaa tat rw tb. Look. ar ""Jr! h- been inor. aa.l m U- "rSVr ?eu?S r reh th. booka, and that a new . rnti iai i rairtntiu ana " . a the act.r, wholTmem' - louisvui., I , Th PrimfHH M wna i . u -tl laid, and o macn oi id. - w. Red Sweet Springs, Aug. 15- . Woa thk -Prt.FlT.-Mr. Strickland, hod on The ad- own. y "-" fv'" ,.;,.;rtn; of his own rent interest to Mine r 1IBf, judgment. and -en - f Vh.ontiai mtlier wan in' - .. w l. lliv-. - -.... wt demand- of a dangerou laciion, J" " . r . r.r YiU oountrv. one OI tne unrav , , J!!, of the Dopulaco is not to be regarded, clamor of the popu oo iM r. r .- prints mnu u MWlkrdlr to the un- SUv in n-ui"s . . . i fi?r J faction, he violate h Xo. 31. Reporter, der? . v. sir Tmt a resrardfld nur.leUsl-l inanv are aware of ; nve, Tn Trcnueandrnnningthrough intnguea win r.r-iin.Wfl.tenwiW of his occupnntof the torn " i" . M nQ ,onj:er. hut I have a.vrm...-v'7:. rf.,.m.nt of I had d,terimned lov to '"V :.V but now I H I knew. ''1 n U, it. and now think 1 wc-r;. whJch . j . invited him " . . i h;u now eanea roaa towaru v"-'. tL,.'fl.t irtinrce- street,and erohrac.ng n' . itvnt";' 600 acres.. ou a " f v v. ' j ; mha ,r" '...i.,hio-onnl in ne in oileration oil itr na i:r th,! rr; :itaVna th 4 j nere 1- let of teahinal engftgom.nt in . 1 . a F.lmira. K. X. : 1 .sunuuy even .IT" L-inr' of his Ufcwbarae.- vertiser 01 tnai piw.' , i" - ; . . , " V: ;v. .t.Qar. that of the trageouku Th mi. r:rw u uNMvr for LSroeTad Wtter regreas-be wa of 'pb.ti!'yf T , 5 .v.. ond.the Hour wn . i niorea iroai iuy , - ; p-p-eainfflr books of .a!-.-, , stadoea of b own u, Zi 'ion of th. PaPa Is not eo life-like sketches, ne w,-r t 6f .vaat m.r. a with a smile,' an f.mnaatwn Tl"ri7w7. .-J th.t aluaa. It of thaseUnee as periana "- -- j-'lhw the a. ayftaaMtie order raus-r Here, th auad . ' : .u-: 1.1. of tha papa is not eoajtaatyr taraea mXwan announce 1". '""; t-nrulihat ween the rate at wnu u u, ;i . , the shin in motion: anu .., - , t!V S "L Lkk- in this casekreatly increasoil, if "ot I aUoethor, by tho MA flj tnat f . J , hT the sunerinenm- the cnoie w? morr .?" - vrhe bent, mass man yv-- mi7. v SS of ?l?ath. h momentum ot a capie m of its having a much greater density The. r.tigin t .v,Rihtllon I i,ion. on the i in o, k -m"- -vi.e- John WHn ewer, ,. number of years eonnnru u. ""---- - to that periodical. artistie .liuuo - ..- . .U. .... th,. death, in wtv. as well m tostraetioa, V r. - ' " The idle i; r&tr arrived at Prague in Ootoocr, io. fcnThed.TaAeV he cam, arartrnent waaen. by a stranger on old man. bnen harp. the mooarrb of tte ky. -1.;. mm own Med messenger, ,B-JtTtb wing, drooped .till, nd tba harp fell in ber bnd. hvenlr mnsic. Then yr ,,0Uover the sorrowing swrtt, la harT -.abeam, on which I aas sbouU b. to f tho WBO r".' D' . V-Cr raonarru" aci "- Htrtm ntwj uui- AS I ia whoso appear- " -.r.r.T -f.:. and anflVrine. The great rH-e ii..nr:u "', --:.. . .n.r.tf which musician n.vea n.n, wu- - Tolman. r,n.U not, pernai. "-'"Vjt " id : I Enrragru P) 7" . EipuM nM? if I tome to you, , - imrcd bv Mi Kinanw. u ' '. .. .V- man that tike tlu uue, w aoe akill hut lormenv vv divide, u. ; In nlavine tion I" gained in playing JJZ 1 a boin, crcat ' leni pupil. I lire.tNaretnburg.bnt I 6 Tme 1, rracu to s-ck U recover the remnant of came to 1 raguw , i -nvtors. k.ne litigation haa more i -r trilling sum I recovemi. TrrlTtome? You hare done VUr7 in ,pmnfdr He must nave forn on; of the maxima of Horace have iorgww.i ft.n read in h:i whose poems no uw boyhood : , - "The man'in conscious virtue bold, iv-i... v.;. iAcrft narnose hold. tV.,i.l hr. the crowd's tumultuous cries, l . !, J.Hh And the impetuous tyram sr .vs. of timid com nuance to sclu i.y i -V ni,mfl hich win forever tohim WhVrerer the sacred narrative of r.(- and death Of jeeu. is anuw.., ! it also be known carta - Pontiu9 piUte. V. .r. in danirer of measuring tho Ho rn . ,;it hv the licht which we our- avU en or We m.irt remember the extenua arUea enjor. w. .j. Whom the wmu. oy not. for had they I CSSa; wouFd Tnot bavecrucined the Lord of to come and see hor again ana whicn, ironi . .- f. V" - t, and was certain that he disclosures nature, will be interesting. Sho desired the re- nr v thltheever said that he u.-nuia piiiiiiiBi" ...... -j . , ,rTT pernated Drt BiirdeU at "-1 Ai:fiir7.000. Althougn expend this .mount ha, without Bometning vo , ';" -i r .Jr ,im must be very strain ftpon the pomm i out . .3 th'. ;nriiii of motion or the ionseiuence of its hi .i stf iht water man ninv " - Biisnen- correct more than twom.. - .Wti dl in the sea, in rapia mowwi- - -. had but very fttle more Jn water, the momentum so fraught with dtoger th pro vi r thi i. s ruta" w - - T K BROQ ASS, LEATHERS, e. . -r T m r,HM Iron Front, We A.rte JUrfc Norfolk. Va. . y Invito the attention "1 wluX -are been manatacture.. c-. - -'1 ,(f 40 lion provias - , ,rt ,,i;ftv;tT cable should be empioyeu W"V.;VX a;v i bp Ihould bo such as just to fnable it to ?ink In sea- should water. ;.f v m ZhP addi that she has paid up ten dollars he err Hollar duo to her lawyers. by in that bo ituiy t-v, - . . i i. ....fioa o aimin? StftlOa DV wtM' ' accurate mionnaw , - 1;.t n- thp thousana aoimr, y - not a moieiv Ul h Tturdell heirs is to bo ; possessed of the subtect, to be not loss than ten - I.. 1 TT CtJr.li Ana. of Geomisi, m ft the same fate.j I hf;m mit myself to believe foa Jat they in that contingency, Ukjauch .r now m 22iS rsTwe aUw buyer, to. return, at oar ......i.i.rna nnt inferior w expense, any a.- ; jibrMAN A C0,;. ; !l '. : tvv1i s Rnntii. Shoes. e.. aa 29-2m$I 7 - ' Norfolk, Va TO!,.SEAl r n i.BnpnSAI.8 will be ieeired by me, at For taea, ' other we bar. aver naee, I M '.rTw STS. If th. book. i. oar .eaool. caa on7 ". - ... . toaphars ar. SMSJ wftb-rra Vh .tin,., I rlae. .pea f Public ItrH'h f ,"M"" - . fie LrghUUrf, Jammttrjf, 18 j7. SW branehe panned ia oar Commoa Rchool. ar. AJtar d.liWaU and impartial .x.mlaa thl. .uhjeet. Afl a-libra i ana p. t-at As there ar. few of it. eomp.titor. that eaa rival best. A mw" . ik.ra ar. BOD. it ia Uauty of .xtwnai pp " " that apprfxtca U in extwuoua - an 2lr t SECRETARY OF THE atacture eXp v ablc goods, mE SECRETARY OF TUB! J TZX&on to purchaser, in .mn the litication enas noi ....j i concernoo iu; m"i"s"- . . . v. t the heir? LOST wr. I -Ul " . .v:vtW. forth wdJ. .nd I thank you i in- 1- Then tVTotca.o? a tm. T )r"7?jr. Z "xa h : than a d..ty-it h a v V L .Tl ,T. ,lnv(tt wa. rnropi" - .1 I her drooping pinion were .pread in rapid a.Wlia3 a!u.1nm to ber l-usotu, he .iMSka a,tn(r ni Eiirnui .v .n -aa noIUTHied Wltn. Now, "'V1': ' -rl?... im, to earth ' .taVw-and.he bg-d treasure yet J rV-!lrf sU fe.re.lit would U sUen SI! !T iwn her r4ord .y e .ped JSTn and down, and down-unttl al'gbt , glittenag oooxf gof- mora have and if fortune neglect a .kAtatrnnn rve, il -tdv make U moro n..j i--. ' i - rn.trnal kindns. That Inv stew ; o d.t spe-k of gratitude, t IW that I onl,,UisruirK' T., As heuttere.1 IB-se jrwwi . Words, It ' . - i . i.. t.U writinjr capo, anl sUite.1 ' I . . .w.t.i .loniKitorr for Ins . ' - . - trorr.n ? Pilate, aa well aa nrw, known the exalted character of the person igno- . . V j i Kofore him. and bv him so mZ:l7U Ind this render, his igno- j7 ft that he did not r"108 Crurof Phrist filiate, the awful KnWr!? C n, the Lord of Glory." Had he PuZ ;iT. J Christ was "the true hMn lt iita--va . r .l lifo"to have thus conlemned him hl been 5acriloc incmeeivHl.le de . it R he tnunpled upon the principle. . " ... ..l ritrht in nn alurnillisr maimer. '7""" ir. -ffori- i.. divert he mali- la nu.-, - ;- T , i REMARKABLE RESCUE o a PILOT. MichaelStevenSJr.,aNewIrtp Kia i-t bv the Doom, wuen ij'r.v miles out at sen, on Saturday r","rvrA; tember next, for wp- my omee, onlVrT for the wiblio offices la th. Capi plying necessary foel forthe Pw delivered tol, for theensatng wiatw.. Th. Jf de.ig.ated or the bid will aotUreosived. Son. v. or X eoro. of good kindling wood to becladeA ; i Raeratarrof Stata. bistorr to warrant any such conclusion; I auzo wt -..::-'- i.-. --v - . ... niswry to ' ,jia .nr irronnds I j ; - m nv. in hb administration tmis iar a-; - . ,- COLLEGEOF 8T.JABM,: ThUrirrg "for th. of th. F-t, TToeJdsion. of tb. lot, a.d tk.prle. .aiU having rrfnca, U loeati- and pnee. an ' Ml L. t-Am Th. pareMM wu. t tar u,. lot antU ' m .u. B...hall aUo daly nImm a.4 raltaqaUh DUl v forenoon last, his v...: iUc time below ana asiwp- P.Hrmhod him. and returning to even to mpct it, except the fact tnat e ua uok ri w - BUml ioa will open on V1IT PlJl removedinr Apart 'from this Walker busing,, SS, "th. Th. poaetaal aiU - J Ntw naSistrationas evei, in dftSontli.taa !VcKBK aatu ta. euu. , , . , ... j,n be forwardad ta ta. lrwary an J W - . TfJST prBLISHED D- APPX-ETUa lone, w 1 ney, o.. r' r" ' M, 'w. and ho was so ! rel nim rr - - . publui.ea in ww'WZtfc at that 1 ! irMIl 1 l.lfcalava ' newscattw iron, - o-lav off the Isle ot &noais, iww " -j Island and 1 haicner s i-wm, oj .hn.ner Bioomer. irom cieiu, port. .trieiii!on hi twei'ii boon tettSUSTSSxmW WH00L BIS. and aecommodatioB. ar. 1 T0B Y of tb. UNITED BTATKB, tront aiaeorari,. ta tb. prwent tua.: " '"T oa.t of th. Aborigine BteparbkJ g,0 Mda, aad pictorial Illustration. oaesiro m t-r- .Qua.w n,-.u anA adaoUtioa w u. w IL Sirj:n whatever they ,aus. Anaual charge from ih w . -yrr narrattfw,an: ---j- A-u hUllorT sequences attenatng - ..-r" l v 1" earl, part of Jaly, twa . "7 - PT'I" V' I iCnid tt. far la ad"- maybe. ineuB . r (250.) eoverUgaUaeademieaiaau i nni;M.Hnn for tharemswoi i vaaeaoi . . .i.i. nnli:h. Co. have in P, - T"oAbiYv ' N A.X u it A u . 1-im.mvw .,--. i nnt. in itiv ludemenc. WSVK Whored. Ijmt no JSSSr, if the habit of Pemnmg hearing Mr. Buchanan .may hare reasons tor hearing. Jr. inthemean time School l."E:lw riSr and Pwnare. inem v. u. alio, for College coarse ui----.--! of those wnoaesire tw - " r j a A pplicatlon. for th. register (apt. Davis, of Thk Retolt in nix.-The news thatup to j 7jA,: hi. otb of June, the date ol tne lausi auv ; - jtv. --'J' T. ' v't -tn.,hold of the Indian mutineers luta not mi ., T . ..i;... .int iroQ snreaamz len, and pat " ' &d CTettte . win" V. n l.anfl'a.1 si. rurLiuuu Vl , ri m I " a-v . ? -i .. that rr. noaai n c i - -a r i iien w r- . . . . i . u,-aH.kns r.i tn jpw., Mri " ...... i t. . '.minin unv siurv i1" m.... i " CT nwrtni iiiavri a. mjm. iiin-- a . a a l. - ii siiiiiritiri ir-.B ai.mis autir.ii -- - , i iiiiii:iv. v- ui ,. ---- . , . iv - ila nan tto i nu iix. u.uow " - a.' a It , 1 :;;rura.Wt1M its mar- money cotitaiivea tt.,en of just-.e, and a cons.-i.-nee not mun- -; a,,,,.,,.,,,, Saturday, he naii.-a nor, MmnK m - Englandinot un- r,i Vrtkee. irV.lK. ran- hi. rv.nl. ' . . . - Z CXnoi ffnilU His tamp- rins with the ' , ,, ... lM,.r I and rert.-ivl no awer. r.teSlL",,.. the rebels -WbreHthe.noneyj rv."T fcW wilUiign to k,-e,ou tl.t; ,wnV..,niinu..l Ut rrse l-.t a .uil nnn w"-. fu, .XaJnst ibe .bh k-a ,benirit--hH I T-TL -Tlwre! Why thes ar.iynytm. . .ic.-.-r n y-- .. ,ro . .7j: ; . d ft n in lnllt, and greacon. . u rr - ? . ia and weary nuie..over return h.Mne, you.naii not oe un., ary moo... n - . . , a . - r.fP,as3ln hand, here and there as usoat, u.. u "-v-j . . iT-a MM to a c tv KTeat noiy. . l - . rf f..,,A. - I nrovmee ai-pcarea iw -- . ' . tinon tne stern oi v-v iv . ; . . MTnallT as the neius uiiuuc.... l. aim aav a rfr w v. CoUegaofBtJameaP,. an $ w6w - . ..T.iir VTIIiniTION. Wawdto C. MEYER, for jl rrri:. n.w il issi-i .JTn, 7s his friends, and the eanal w uolie ,ur w"w AToraer. Wily attended to, aad great ear. Ukan Ha hiijl receive l umma . als than any other maker fr the nw. also First Premiums at iiosiou, mure. ' ( r , ' - a'v Wn. 7x2 Warerooms, removea rrom oj Bv'77..;Ti1,: ARCHU&tw below Eighth, south ride, Phuadelphla. D. A. OT7ACKENB0S' gehool. aad Academies. trationa. . . in... 12mo. with namemu. mm- aa jo 1 1 ' ' . m. np it. FRO IN I MATcS-Tb. drrign wish to Inform th. nubile tnat iney o ' - - A " 116 UNION St., BOSTON, Alarg. .tock of ' " 1 " ' Wooil, Box, Block and Card Matebe., Superior to tho. of any other !" "BU " , :,i -..! tk ffluaaat Burenaaer. Srth. ord mo.tp.riene.d aad -o. .iV..nnlaetar.V ta th. U.U.i BtateV a. ar. .a.hW to offer extra Indaeenwow - I tCUr. faltafaUy ad p-nctaally aa.wrril- aa w4m citr. with iu . .v , ...tA.1 1 here art thou wanW. . L . ... . 1 . n.inl ' trtj. mr treanuvi aw w -i btlui kind. . .v.., 1 nrrr ark iuw but how ' T . i .:.v M . . . i ikm .iimui urn iw . - rait i leave " W'.tLtr said a rtilC small wfaC--Premptuokaksitl fold thy wing.narry i thy Jr.J ae-iuKher lU o... t Utow thr gift, wurtbily bre. B-bold I . . " The .pint ched hi-r half v.nga. Be f.w her ta one with heavy eye. and famine pinch..! face-a child in yean. " ' . 'n ' a ir.r rtithet nunc in rae ""..-l her delicate limb, of .. - wrnnl another drawer, and ta tine out a splendid mlaUion. eave it to the olJ -Thl-re - ail be, -that wdl d...- It wa, . rpnt made me by the Emperor of Austria ; hi own portrait -et dianmnds. Ihe painting U n.h,ne rcmarsaoic, uk w TaLetbem and dip. of them, and whatever thev brine shall b youra." -f b old nvician tried in vain to decline so rich a rift- I voaU b,r , 1, n.1 th- poor man at length withlrew. tnv-kwig thr choicest bluing of heaven on bu t benefactor. - II then repaired to the ahop of the r..:.i -wwaIW in the citr. u order to tell the I " 1 . r1mui min snt- owing ""'""j . , : . . . r..n nrr. .im. i" - - - ... . i i; . . .. . marble whitens. ;llow that 'dWv- mtrniaewt Jewels with whose bftni f. a mortal tongue, to whisper word, of comfort I IVneared unacquainted, the master of the viT thU. 1 . .V . MJl.Alm twin f n inn inruun - a. . , , . - rv A ttrarrer paasod. ana gave nrx ;-un - . ww elwitD ariditr, and th w,h eye. looked M iUity of joy. How swiMr the bars .feet ont in anil of bread, r hanoe? No, she ' . l . S-.vo.-rr'i .Won. and spent tho whole of ks her Utane. in a few r- . . . On aeatn, unui so. aaa w - -" tbe dirty rtret, and tntaed Into a narrow alley, wnning with riot.s children. ... The .Taril hovewl orr her, and, with her re phyr winea. fanned eskth ikoiaotna air from the : "i .l;i.i-. 1m1m1 hrawa. Mk Av- I Tl UDlii atliwj vanaw T III kKa IrWhfd n. frout thU alley, and looking Kill more wretched nad uninhabitable. Sho entered a mwerahla -1 1 with a kinn tTL. aacended the stair. With a rentla band . uncloaed a do.w. Tbe rxaira b entered ootalned a miserable bed, one chair, aad a deal table, . A tod of about mteen was lying on the bed. How his eyra bmukcd with atA as be taw tbe rlrl apptvich I ..... .v rkTtwaced her haad on hU head; alas! there . . , tm nu ahatement ot iae ievrr. -Sb. held op a atrawberry to Vun another, The eagr eye. of tho .uttering toy prociiD hi dkih4 at so anexpectd a treat. The gul rawed a atrawberry to hi Hp. -No, Ruth, not on morwl, tvuleaa you taste it tert." . . T lli-ase him, she (VJUt-nKM. 1 aero aj s tboe two ftiendl-. Ulag-be, w ao to be in a harrier world, ahe lb. Ws evea suddeidv rwded on the window. -L.kvA.a.v t-ter."bJ aid; 1 a gentle, radial sow w come even from tbose dull 4ud ar.d a lauuiv ira'rarwe apread3 around, re- minuinf me of other da vs. IWore we came to the M,t..ky town, when we lived uud green neios ami chwixtt. ralU va, when tbe lark, with her wild tu.4o.lv rooedua from our morning ahimhrr-, and the n5ehtiuel"a plaintive not lulled u. to .mr erming mt I Ah! Rutu that was a happy tiior .,.. soate inornents hU mind seemed b be ao a.rld ia th pat. K.U," h .at length said, "n bat will you do aWa I ant iww Wh. will W rou then, WIT tu-t.-r WW.. kiil to .ianl lk th . w.-M xtnilhr to vour heart T He teat hi. -.Uln - - m-IIv" mm "Lt. ; Sb took hia wasted Kind in b.-r. and prvrd them to her llpa, then ta aa aUUxI. of prar. Tbe ratare alon. wa aa an-.cr; Va her wurd. aio rep lied to bia 41 .A 1. B. Tunc r I'I- 1 ... , . , while pianug to examine tho diarnonds with ..i.... t..lon. he whisnered a lew worus in mr tr one of his awistants. The latter went out and speevii'y returned, aeoompanieu oy 4 liers of police, who arrested the unhappy art- ht. tn spite of his protestations of innocence. You mint find, come to prison, they said; afterwanlyou can give an explanation to the Th tioner wnHe a few line to bis lnefae tor, imploring hU assistance. Lists hastened to the jeweller. ' ' ' - -, ' , . "Sir," aaid he, "you Tiara caused tho arrest of an innocent roan. Vooib witn mo uw.'i I r v.. " lifn on all other ICS. Oi UUIUBn . . . . 4i euw mrardless of ingratlaUng himself in the WVwere'ihesubseqoent "fccling. of Pilate, iu iHtk " v.MAaib of Christ, we are left to eonjelre. That he ever believed m him Sho died-that- believers mitrht be saved, is mot-e than d.mbtful. His career in-Judea did not con tin.ted much longer,-The procurator had mode himlf uwvmuTar, by previous oppres-.ns upon tbTjewslHis com! Jianee at this time with their Yl a:a not aocure him from the evil which h ar. t cipaW. H wa. dep, four or five years afterwards, for an assault upon the Samaritans, ,I!W. to Rnme to defend himself, and was ;hed bv the fcinperor, vu "r.-T1 4- a..A IH A Anmnilllik-l fallll-iut-. ionnft. in Vjraill, wucrr - ,Z 1 1" ra-kud him overboard; and unknown II Lite " ; nn.T a .r.KMi swimmer, he had been able "-".-," r , . v... lilfln slren.Ah remaining when the Bloomer ' awrwirhed hilr- While hi, strength 11, he had u d his exertions to swim after his boat, but hn.iing the chase hoiieht. he dir-rlod" his energies to save himself frorn drowning. Every attention which his enditiou required was b.towM nwn him by dipt Pivlsand when ho reache.1 Port and. he Imycompletely m-overcl from tho enVets of hi. TH'ritous ttd venture." ; i . . .. . to his water, fioVFRVOR RWIXSOX, Of KaWHAS. AOQCtTTkD. L,t- I . . . j u rn. K unaua announces of the unhappy A; telograpnic .V' " on the .... - , ,,..,,n.to l the aeouiuai i .hi. -. Pilate. YLsvonsol tnomeca, 5 - ..aHrnin"- the powers of the gubernaio- flu- tWmr-r mar have hunted and harassed charce .of uwpin? t rv,mMfa Kansas cor- uilira ...r , 1,A ,,,rt hia nuL' He could not nave jorokk. Thus closed the earthly scene f hU nrocuratorship. Hemust LTfeU the fulfilment of hb wife sdream, in the judgment which fell upon him, for condemning J. . .VI 1 C,A nnnroativp WCUTllt DOre thought ne cihiiu u'k wn"., --- 1 i;r ..f r,whin intosorrows vet more dreadful, from which he can never escape But hU bone, have m.aiiacrea ooca vo . .u v.:. Mfintr nlaon. The nations man Know. u r--. , . . . walk over it, heedless ot c rrik, ;t ljitiu KrniH?mis jvmiaaww.- rpondentsays that the .only tybrough iint him was that oi air. o. m. I .if i it ,.Ma hat. r ...4 r s;hft arm. nowevTr rc the self e.ual to t- i Crt'TR-VOKofs AWrtT.-Diiring tM passage ot theSmer George ,! Page front AUffandro Washington, lasf Saturday afternoon withj the Z&iW who 4ent Upon the Oranged Alex Ldria traii., H. Latham, the agnt of U R R Co insultdd. and waaVt to strike, DoC.' Wright, in 'Old merchant of (Ba timore, when Dr. J. P. Thorn, of Cnlr cjunty, a.. hvho was travelling jwitnv., .-J f -7 thain down. Dr. T. was tnen Latham's men, who; beat hipr lr.bjy, and La tham himself iti-uckt him orthe ld.Th an oak plfink producing concussion of igio brain. M . 11?.! V. I nraa1 aloin hoAten . ! Dr. T. is ncrw at ill' Hotels in! Alexandria, in: a precarious condition BTAM, mnlS wSmfJ . .. a. r. . CO.. i?OCBE;TRU8KipF THE lotl i rS derirousofproeariagthe aerviee. of a genlieSaB.'who is eompetent to tak. eharg. of th. la. 9tiKlc.in th. impmvemeau I : ... . r,An StlM.tHlV IO their property, wn --- .- ntim ovenei 000, and are desirous T f .r Ortober nexU for educational purposes hyj 1st 2S5Su The Building is large aad MrfU, "th tion tor a tauiuy, n''j , - - j CI1ALYBE I ATE SPRINaS, WABBKS i:oui. - v. Tar. .iiated to a bwUhfal aa.pUa-.-t Tnvvi wCLPIIUR AND i bes. Springs ar. action of country, 10 K.Ta4: mila from Jienar", . " :'.,... t th. of".ighraad gJLwt LVitahlUUment wiU U op.aei knocked La- roads, wiUtathiram , "itlsnrronnded aed efficiency, no diffienlty J-Jff1 . . Ik ia n ettt. al HJIja. Persoa. desiring a taation of be todwmad . ? . ... lum irtia ittUied that Mr. Robinson had taken the oath of nr - 1... rirtt CWOAP TUiSlLrvtrl T LUV - a, wua aiwT'i i v . m atkd Wt have him released. : tie ia tua wiui i algnea tne oevu-wnrr.. -, owner of the. jewcla ia queatwn, lor t gave tn to biro." . "... , -But. sir," asked tb merchant, "who, are you a.Mv name Is LUx." - - ' ' ' , I don't know any rich roan of that name. That may be i yet 1 am tolerably well known. Am rnu aware, sir, Ibat these diamonds are .w ... rtwwiaand florin. that to to ear, about LARCENY BY A . CHICAGO EDITOR, The Chicago Daily Triune, of the 22d instant, has an account of the arrest of JaineaO. Brayman, editor of the Chag.t lmoorat, upn a charge of larceny. , For two or three months Messrs. ile- ..1...1.1. inf.AM mn.. h.i . a ... " But in order to make such a preaent you must v. ry wealthy . . ' ' "My actual .rtune conaists of three ducaU. y 'Then you are a magician r . Br no means; and yet, by Just moving mv fingers T can obUin as mucn money aa wksu. You Must be armagk-ian r . ' -If you chooae, 111 diloe tn you-th. magto I had scon a piano in the parlor behind the bop. He opened it, and ran nngers over kevs; then.aeiaed by midden inspiration, be in- . a a a fc. : amr.hAniAl provbod one or tnoae aoui wucuius miliar to himself. - -; . . ' . i.i . v . - beantiful AS ae soumie-t m Tounc rirt entered the room. While the ntelody cotitlnueasn remain' "j " ".n- ....... - bl : then, a the last note (1W away, aherl. with irivMuUeditlmum, 'Brav. Ltstxl . tw wotMlnaisr : ' rhkt thou know him, then, my uaugnier . .kod the jewelW. ." , . -ThU h th first time I bare had the pleasure of f-iag or bearing him.' replied she ; -but I know Hat lvon living, save Lirtx, could draw awh sound from th piano.", Jvxuroawd with grow and YiKvWy, by a young .JT t MmaritaLVe beautr. this admiration cokdi out kali u b. more thaa'Aattering to tha ar- the thief. After a very thor- wa. obvious that the box ot , and Jveand Tgneasor trethnd franr ti ' I kSnrnmotbc bett.T for him on whom I nave I "' ii I. . . Wlliuim'" t" .v l . - ...v .v .nJ h frt hecsmi -vr-V.llw 1 'ji was onenea irom tne uuuw". i ea conversnuon wuu iu.-u.. Se?nplan" of waning wa. devised by the known that he was a slaveholder he clergy Ingeniou. plan i K ited on m Mohn him and asked, Do you own i but could not swear positively that he had med any official act, : Mr. G..AV. Brown, who had been relied upon by the prosecuuo., witness, absented hinuwlf on tho trial, and an aU tachuient was luo.1 against him. Judge Cato charged the Jurv that if ever Mr. Robinson had assumed at anv timo to act in the capacity of Gov ernor he was guilty of usurpation, and the rerr diet ntustlbe against him. I no puuiauu.v-i.k . offence is line and imprisonment. In the afuence of further twtimonr thdn that of Mr. Triton, tne iurr appear to have been for some timo equally dividecl. and then to have! agreed upon a verdict of acquittal. Vnutertial Adoetimer. ' Outraqb in a Boston Cuurch. R. U. Sto vens, Esq., a well known and esteemed business man of NorfolkYa.. being on a visit to Boston, recently, visited a church for colored persons. Seeing some negroes from Virginia, he oommenc- P.MnMnTKMmOF U S. TKOOP j -t oirtv tneui newlr enlisted Uiru r - "V " i ' .Twbhun- or the army, m New YorkM eight oocraay ,r ana juissisnj'j" al passen- and were I3. Charlotte F-uAeado. my." . " "' " : " . " ' - ' i n at WaUae.'. old .land, South .id. Court - , , -Jtmi M hU bill of eamplalal . X "P afnrt. for th. sale and aoeom- Whera.s, 4. 4. . ,h. Cort f tuatty m a ot 1 v HATE ' FITTB.1' mito.1 may i Springs.. neriaaee r .. .. j to ail raspeeM, goou. --:-'--T-. , .lK dav of Jm, for tbe reeaptwn oi giww - - t',. - .TERMS: - ' F.W Board, per month, - . t , oot tb. season. ' riTATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, O Wak. Couaty. In KqaUy. . r aaa Karri. Oaorr. T. Cook., ea JamM m. ttvrumf. ha eitv. and on-, of the most eomptet. and y.i 4Vin Tpw .Tersev r v. Tioltimora end Ohio LTrLiLnt street station, to j the epre .tea nof toe Bait, road fa Benwood IWe ?in " :v- thronirh. with their Uflggage, SwYorlTVrS mSrSwTaSrSffi LV Jnired by the reguWly connect- V I' " tronto. The sold ers are tinder v? J tTommand of 'CoUHlCi Wood, antral fa ga"ft r .-iTt f urthlr annearui g tbat th. i'l Umatiet for a.idCoaaty, aad HarAor u i. Zt, aod Ration. .xL S Uy ohed., 1 Bb1?.lV,y M negroes wdl do wen TiADiW u d S 1VMV1KU. van aw-r . a. t A aaaaatwatr IW to September next, then and VZZIZLWM A. WALtaca, Agent and Aue'r. tut 19 m f, T - Memphis Tana. demar to the mumu, e-7 "1. aeeorUiuxly- oonfeh a. to mm, ao - "r."". Mairter. at . ... i i n H.wflad. Clark aad Manor, ar n, 185T. K 187. the U.S. A and are destineu ior jenersou imr-", a.. .aa tot WPSTPrn I'M. Ill I Ml. 1 II. Solher officer; Iwere with to uetach montand Mr. C:H. Erhman, thSt. Louw pas mneV agent of the Baltimore'andPhio Railroad, willretwn with them to that cityf-Batt. Sun. Frts PASSBaw !TaZZZP- Jrt of the gcnUe- nThT. was aainal for offensive aempnstra- 1 ,VMY. ... 1 4 . nlrmimstaniVft ttiftt I : - V irfing and feathering. ; xneko.. p-o..; - . debUned to eive, saying, "tne com- "explain" it by iyibg that tne nS" S emrdoyW and pay you so much for your man abore mentioned, tinder, cirmstancc. mat tions from the : negroes , tnc-5 f - Central railroad jasked .theupertntenaent orw. ur. Rnvmin." aav. the Tnouue, ,-was ur hardlr admit a possible aouoi oi out giun. , - -, i ing, tarnng auu Mrl7 !T .k. Trihoiu "was for J uJlVl.;" it hir aavibir thai ;IW connected with the Buffalo pros, and Mr. S. was there for the recovery of a fugitive. . - . i tMnnM..hahl character. A Amman on thO JMeW. AOra. the annerintend the com- . FALI. TRADE. KERR & MAKBUBY, . . L " 1 Importer, and Dealer. In Cfciaa, lilaaa Eaithetware, spettfmly invito tb. atteatio. of M.rchaatit ln:naVCHf on. of the larg-st and most T e BoftmenU of China, Ato.S and "T41 have ever had tb. ptoa-ur. of. 'J? also, receivod, direct from tb. 7"". S! applyoflkingGla ZJiS ael with gmt ahall offer Wentire eartmeat a. tow a. they -nxir :R T HE rJNDB K y J r,. 1 HaVVOOa. fvaaia) aw a 7 ' . WUMIVp u. ; , . uAa,t. 10 MirrD. run art .EMRING TO MAKE ROOM t t xr tttfo Ooldschmidt. the hus band of Jenny Lind," is at present in Bnjrdaad, i.; .tr,ona for tho removal thither oi JUAItrA.11121 oat a riL - - . . - - . n?;ra JthA fllimr hU family, which -.P irt2S W Mrs-'Ltnd Goldschmidt'a yoice,It to sajd, L' i.. Irrenraachable character.- nuaiwai. wu" 1 . , , . v.. r VM .m be cama to this citr, and be came the associate editor of the Democrat, being entrusted with the managemeni . w uiai .v... t if. ,.vif editor. Mavor W entworth, During hi. residence ia thto city he has won the wteem and confidence of a large portmo of our cilixens bundmtoof whom deem It incrediWa that he could have yielded to any. temptation to commit such an offence. . , : '-Mr.BravmiirrKad.-aeon of the Firxt Baptist Chur. h in OiU city . J le has borne a lea-ling part u. ..lv.iU.in..i,t and aiicoesM of Sabbath M ho..l3 ; ...... .i.wi un.l ut tli. liiu.1 of his, ana misMotkikry -.o-. r - ... r,v,hA rifr St.Ua arrest the key of. the cburvU was u.i - - . ,m, wr vear.oroDe nervu i k - . . . i r ..' .,.:., ...... of tho oonulation. In Mr.'MeNally Uone of our nviet worthy ctu xena, and b has lost, according to his own Mi, mate.Wta-een b-a and twelve hundred dollar by mean, of these Post OlEoa roLbcries, a loss Um ill ahto to bear." 1) irsi,-Li AOtaaa tta IMUUMIH VB -rwaw r . 1 prioas AmoBg.which my i"-- eoU, fikirtai Ribbon, Boa neto, e. aad . fWk. naaaimavW, W" Bdt,Batt,aiiw"- - , Btow., . .k.a k " O.) tradn end. at work for atarmer tor a wumr -y;--7,". and Quarter Serion,rr w -'yir-. W-Ui with a rarto lnna"' -"T- 0U . m,R.Miiwn:ifou W vouexpeuvuiu. i-ita, rf Jiaei w.. awiwi, . . " ,' I ir ni.. ul HUrUac ow. -.r - . . . l. J lata rtil hire for nothing t A not ;.. up us kk.u 1 r.f rrrv... had his team UUk 11 a.- ti J nt,..u 9n;ft ftftmvr JJresaen. raceway been increased by the birth f a daugh . . , , i...i.ii'a viwa It is said t ia miaanniw nor iu u t IkaU M miliar it3 jjli , jt-.-j m ' i .. - - -M 5le would aot refusJ the otter of another mimical tour through the Uniteq otawg.- ; , . "' THE nE.M.THIKST Cocstrt is Creatiok.' Pellow. ioortality statistics show tnat taepeop i".,;.r st.iUti are tne o.auiuiei vu . Tho r.!tlii art' i. of the Donulation, H rit -riie llliiu j" . . w . Eusrlind, the ruUo is over two per cenWand in France nWly three" per cent. Yjrpnm and t North Carolina are the hii:mest or wdi aud have inhahitani. over jrn.a v. it .Anton ananroroi) HnQ KIT ! has bitohed nn,'andwas goinr dir0 gh- I should think Ke was a bog if he didn t let me ride,": r'-Tt la eatim'ated that IlHnois thi. avson wiirioduoe wo fc?fjpnjl3i million busbelsV gmnore than ton buaheto i. and child in the U niteq, U Kaaranm. to Call VPOO th. f . . . 1 ' jlala T.-nw.S. willb. ptoad ia bar of ' tkto raeerv ZT-Ifi UUVHvHOOD, Adarr. au ta wow 77 th. artatoof the I Browa Bbwttor " "Vu. Irlih Li. . wi4a t.U wiA .1 ya?" Standard eopy. to erery man, tstatea. SERiora Accidkst. Mr. Alex. -Mcintosh, a clerk f. Donnan & Johnson, Vftte"bKdaV' w.v hkd against a bridse, on -Monday, while rWllnc in a ba-rgage Wagon, and was se- rerely injured that hi reoovetyjia uou- on Mttke Kiver, - ILT with.t.nire back 1 Igeof A.Cotto.gr.wmgr." eountry tor ta. ! :.v . aptodtoa, aow to f btfwlVUi rI wwhidder on a credit of one, two, and thr. EEDE A Man"" r .7. -111 ark I Ur a . - . .a at enrreat rata of .xeh.are, Morl laJt). Walter Qwyav, Ex-Gov. ttraaam. t.Ot-H.Jt. SJ..: .'.' '' . .