1 ' i ' '.' i' ? 4 . I , I - .' ,1 i i j ' Hi t, 5 i - f i t..j J. il 1 .i I ! t : t i ; I snsssaawawawanwawaaaawamsaayaw -Ay f Vrl..i '-''' tail if ri.i . 1 1 4rtf .feTTIEtt t'RnV fiiev AvAsniNGTUN;? 1 T HJ-iX J-'T' Tawy ecireV.ti Urt tT?tj rf., ' m BaiJ ia bxxw of the . lYvd ili'.'sao eli-mb! It to lt35, difcTcwi in. aitt if U S.509 Mt EWr .iorecV t T1 ic4t of Dr. Hitdwll t vu a Bauble tt th'm, nd ha tt risot, Wn much ulktil iUwU Thf rttk! from CuMEirer aid ywJt'svr n.V' whk k it tht kighact ef tk rix, f tennlMd by Dr. JiiiehcH- .One f fie yn, rb7 an4iuLW.f-uivY; Allen, th otUr.jre. It U weU. knoWI Cl-Tlx. ZTT.t.T- 1,1 Th.t itr fi(,n-. r.m. riAilrLWheJ w tii pMk bj it, MltblMrt, ia krdJeoi wiib u'nW- Moremntoo. At tlut tim, an.I O may rcartf rtiirf. bowerer, t ipowat w tlwrinuW thrtftr.indJ, nndl the afte for,arV- tera Rauroaa irotn 5I .ur-, .Xi.rranton u tboobt to be 963 abuvetbe m. i. iIiuhlT fbL5d ia "tbe Kiner" ,'lor I35r that tVv peak of tbe Black ilounuia is Pt ilvc tbe level of tbs tea.. Tbia mlr w-a then, aj. Is ttL'l aamaect to ecUbtuh tbat tLe Elavk Aiva-, taia is bibber tbaa ur ctb.-r mouculn eaLcf ih Vocky Mountains. Jit, waJanton, a Acw Haicpebire, k only 6,233 f.( bigb. Our Scl4 Cienrapbiea. Gazetteer!, Ac, bare taugbt u ince 1835, tbat MtMitcbeD, in vWth CtroCna, a C.478 fwrt bigh, and tbey ver aa rirht as tb na ture of tbe cat at tkai time would anr one be. Ia 1S44, Dr. MltcbcUUind tbe KefkLxui- tala to be 6.671 (set bigb Tkia retlRMt xerda tbat made La 1&3S, b J Wt,- ht4 it vi Vdf xrom amf uit, ma a m tore .a. igni oaa. own VtensIaW by tbe aarvtyt made &r tbe Charb toa and Onoanati Kailroad. Bot'aince tbe mt xtrt Ijt our Western exteauoa hare Kva puK liabed, it baa been announced tbat fornU is 100 foet above Ude watrr; S- tbat Dr. Mitch eU ' obMrvation of ICS my be cwmvtod to rrwl C?0t, iastd of .:e.' Tbia Botabcr di 9bn from tbu giTta ia 1841, br only 36 fort ia 6,700, which , iti4f b not of roa,4 mount, mS might aria , - from tbcae Banbm bfatf dem.inl br Iwrmn etrre of very ditWeat fettrraa. Trvt. tlayot, , Uh year, twk a di Serve t rat on ocr Wraiera , extension aa hta baie, aod found Ibe top of the Black Mouataia to be 6.TW fWt above tbe pew. : Sa bie carvfal and entirely tnut worthy mcwure nat only eoalnm what Dr. JViicbell mie , twenty year lefure. It niaj be worthy of .no tice that the great heijrU of ilk Ml. Mitchell was , aatktcatMl early ia this century by Mkbtuivtbe great botaaiat, because pianta were f und about it aot afaia nH with till we g4 to Caaada, . Tbe Boa. John C Calboua alvaya ex;cted the avue i rouit wbeaeTer ioruincou , re a.-iicd W cavuae, from tbk raage of roouataioa, aaton Cowed, one aide into the Atlantic, abbr ide Into tha ajper part, and from a third iato the lower part of tbe Ohio. Four lug river begin among tncaa mountains, ana atverg At first large anrlea. Tba aagjreOiwaa and nfiaUoa Dr. Mitchell was the Crt to weif- ia- 1S35, and to contra la 1S44. o then, this bighcat peak - aboald alwaya be called Ml. Mitrbell, ' - ' la the Smithsonian Ibrport lor 165S, fi 299, there era the allowing eewteocaa: -i Tle hfpbeM point of the Black MouDUin, now called Cliag oaas Beak, ia the most el-rsied ap fn cr con tinent, east r.f the Kocky Jfountaici, "Thai fact baa been fully esobtahad. fcnee th data f Mr, Clingman'i ktter, by a series of; measuretzMata, conducted wiA etery procaulion to Insure aoeu racy, by BroC Oayoc 11a found the akiuide of Mcuat Mitchell to be&3?S leet, and that of Oing- naas Beak to be e.TIO feet 4t.t0i tf. 1V have a?n that " the Csct T kera rtfrri to wsa esUU lisbed twenty wo years belre Meaort. Qiasxnaa and Goyot eon firmed it. And If the aaue hciv tuirgveted be adhered to with sucb a meaning at tarbsd, there will be a writ cr.jo4 and oncarr our Elcbing of U kooors of our owa Wraed and rainvtaking Broior , Tbe other Mt. MitcheU is that referred to ia thu extract frma the SmHliaoniaa Erjvrt. ltlia tarre or (our miivs to th srsith cf the ehW Mt M :u Wll. aod k the one met tW In ascending the Black Mountain ftvsa the Concorr end. ""W by. when or by wboai It was o naraH, dor.'Hknew, not do we care. II Dr. Mitchell ererlBtiwsareJ it, be aceer deeov hie ravrf .there' worthr of utch Bice, dot do wa.k&ow what his dtrati asuon wee.- 1 MwMae rm i hi of ItrM ich-H to dloortr a niae, and aitar rjuiathnr nut iu oail eruf. to leave others wgo smd work it if the r hmi tie iriv;re cr the ljtclicjinon. It aea that'som of tiicse, not conteat with what tbe pitner left, are trjirg to make n betlcre that ther alo tnt laarkad and secured Uw pcia, and ttist the great est glory uf the etpc.iiCoo U their, i Tbwib!ic eaa bow ieci.lt whether tbe attnopi is lair, and whether it shall be aucccasf uL " It will doubtless decide that the aaae tnt given by the acttiers on the tdes of the lUk Moaula twaatv .ar. ago. and used by then to this ear da 'haU be retained for the highest peak, and' that thecOit , B5. M t wsr.H another uar, ge and look fir It. Foa to k Banrvruu D LABIUM. " IT Ut9. SC&AJT ST. W4.PDH.t . " Go and in no more.'" Su. JJin, gi Is It not wonderful that in a hiMerlviliswl and chrktiaa country, sra t haiU Ind -etwttaM as raercileaf as the puioeif arrow of th ' barbarian: or the stake and flame of the A nierlean savage T cuswmos so uestrucuve to vtnne an-l piety, that that they destroy all b.w of pera ia thk life, and tn Um Ufatocome? Uow man? wenU have been reciauned to ralinous. useful lirn-it k, guste dowa to the depths of aSry and deemlr, tf w wwiu, go aaa am no mor , cwiid tuve entered the hearts of their wore fortunate feHow- oewgs. t aaa toe tears of fctty wooJd have blot txd out all emotions but those of commieerstioo, and the geoeroas hand wuukl have beea extended o strengthen and eacourage thm ia the stainless paths of rectitude and truth. Our mUionaries are teat to a;i parts of the world sent to Oretaland t icy mouataiaa Brno India's coral strand ; 'Where Africa sunny fountains Boll dowa their goldea sands; From tcaay aa aacieat river, .- From many a palmy plsinH Yet what calla npoo aa more toudtingly, and what ia BkOTdasperetely negWtoi Thaathe fates f poori naful woman f True, they worship cot Idoo, bat they are driven to fall dowa at theiwt atool of depravity and degradation, there to grovrf !rU2?Ih'F P-rmitted to rb. If they tremblingly Ventura to knock with a faint kafmarcy at a happier sister's door, they are .v WV lf 57. iptora amployment to Bed. Uk ! whst rtrrtfcat siaa wa commit in their d-stiay. Alas I that th Uwoaa .tkh aajkf Wy la U morning ia the temple." fLr tbstr heaafit, should ha to utterly forgotten tyhfo erm! How many taari of pentter.ee would wash the fast of such miwionaries, and how manr beads of hair would drv them, if th.t ... Zr adamant were thrown open for their escape from I hopeless iafsaty to a world of honest UborVbtcr-1 . .ij, wam poruua at sau-reapect. There can lo aa besitatioa sa to the trutkof the vlsaosa. a.ty that exiu for duwaanteaaneiag all incentives to viee, aai awery demoralizing feature that -waists ta eommuniUas. All good and wise forma of Siverameot, all conventional usagee of socfetT jmands this ; but whea an example becomes ni ctaaary for society, murderer Is given clerical atonement for hut tin. The thief is braadod J tZiZZZt !h4raetop: the poor . . Tz , "l?1 into a dhonor. to awmxa, ua, w&ere? t-ra of chanty and followw, 0f o-ir ? latnsM mMiii..i.Li o . r, I! oar gwa- ai fc,t wmndererV -r-T.r.T'l it.an4 -mat?rutltr She sWaiM o.KJtVC. m w w we urn at av an a w j . w. a mi . il Ft t"k ... tlV Jit ft -. M - .l.W , . -i- i 1 I ' ' - , n 1 1 I" - T T 1 jnuat JLir-j feya beildfisLf.;riie leJwrwra wi aing If oast, erxtoi. tui'rt'-rirt.lhn rtf &tixi- i . tWo fortnr 1 kmlthfiiL n.l Ulft IIT- il, oL-roswindM tobnceo B Ud roooj Wve, ssr.sr riujpjlt rn4 bj l&h rij-W T w h. thi-T were mcked od krund vl foe i0re AlrWft. Nit fiw mi0ntrt u the j-ctory, -re re gkd to mum to th frc-rfi air, tor U.e nau- Ufa"! lhuTIi-nUy jowonous atmpnrd, nw ai wrsutt i '.a i. .ur; haae wliicUj iHa.tuas nuriMi.a i .tin to ut tb moon lurht her ail far lamp ui die fJOW of hor dwy akilT, rre sh eoinnienopd f-r c.ii inrnal voaire upon J,he. ocean ofLiiighw ramo rl'txns Chvl tad tho star kindled tUoir watch firone ftrr another around bcr.--' " now rahsod a nee lected eoawterv : wild vines were twisted abpot a few tree which "marked the "V; the grass was .fpinsfintj 'greeBj andtho nnnr leave wvrfe bumiraftboir autls! little birds IiktMi ahoar: and here and there an earlr B wer t-JJ no her rolden cuo to catch the" fkllmr dew At a hoet dLttanc from ihlreolemH epoC a wide rtr.g of earth ra enlfificae.1 around a pule the imftrf-a-Ion qfJioraes et ptarKea too snot n eyery rlirection, and the Cresh tvt-r-nnU of o- Tnen aad rkUdrartTlwfva developed .on aha soft i nerftiok iMaxlio. rt ao sound was tnere. nwa f ilent and stilL "What doe- this mean . Isie circni wa bereft fcw.daye lwco. -Wbaf m rnttoaMi or numaa met a miie kiwvt nwn irt tM vallev than wat', tmnething- Kke hnndV niion th3 gru ; iTf walked onward we Ht that it was a woman, hhe .ws aitio; oron. tar cold rround, Jicr Jcneea drawn . up, and her arms folded over them. he raWd her drooping bead as we paaed, ano; never, never, can we tor trrt the minrled exr-reasfon of that 'sorrow and sin-riven countenance. : Nature's eon vulnons bad mudlsted and d 'faced tbo onoe Innocent f imatfe o the Almighty, an Uke Calii.khe was branded i lifu '-a fuKitire' and a yagabon4 upon the" srth," Olicre j stHoetning sacroa in aerp rrei Ht is like rtijinterrhic the dead to dewibe it and with the ancient artiit we will-throw a rail over th-we lineawtenta wi would net portray, A t acta of kiodnMa aoroiapanted byv good Jkuv. tetfcee with harir? TtrMoured tor hr a ituaii-vt in the f ecWf on" the hill. ta-ptamorplMM- ed tuts poor Marrdaien rrom a nervl V a rhru ll4J. .. .. L . m . L . . On a jmmilehcl -stone, in r church yard tbefvi rfretntcd in utline. a'kBeelinr woman with aa Aiabasr ho in, her ' hand. " Rueath is thb1nscri4in : : '. -.'. I IIeslnr, which were many, are forgiven ; Cr she kvei murb.'jr. Lckk, 7th Cfau,47th Verse i-..u it i roa. TBkayMTK. r WOMAN I'ZliSUS MAK" julamikbdl ! ' M a- By x a .wa a recent number -of . the Rr- lter, there appeared aaaniale ovor the yignature .u 'Ckihp, .whjwt aecmed aa earnest proteat aict tn aaiawl voioa of mankind ia giving to weatan a Maoa, intMiwtaaHvv iniMnov o sun. r and a friphMeeJ attratpt to prove that woman mu na lively woman ss. reairy man"-equal In the stata i-f lief mcfttal dcrelopinetit. She twrti lle hv4f 'rTOtatlrw-rreW'th-BiWend WdlyCRays to aI-uIb a vftdict by tuakif g grare ful m"tioa f iaay AihlV'rifttjd "wonn-n. .The writTof lhj demurs not ty thia fino woritof hartkst amiraUon, f at tuo many female authors a hora she bat enumerated.' But butU:flv denies ;ha( she he made c?io.i tor cAhcS Whilst h artmowiedrl tlat tua pleasant walks of literature bsve beWeladdciHid Bad iUuminod bf-.the bright atkI rkirlouf ravs ot a high and aspinnir Intel li gone, wb,h h etiauaWd,v from , purw-bearted, Kfttle oovjo--woaeB adorned .with every in. eanvnit'of rraue, andeverv aitribute of orooortLoa whilst b adds bk feeble yoic", in tVftirttX k 1 tam in D'wwir oi lue genius of a Kronta, a Ue Sucl and a BfUUehe yet d.nies that "Capdide" hs esuUifhed her portion npon a aolia and true taindation. iIHCS j i la a-ouun, then," reaQy ruan'e equal; intollectit. all j? If an, where are to be finind her hwge crand. overpowering thoughts ?. What book has the written that h .distinguished by aonorat and oraa-tiKc nannnay or-iangaaOT, or tnat satu taud and timod with the lofticrt dignh r of thoitght' I woman equal to man in the originality of her cntkcerUolKf If-swlnrtar!Hj fcHherto'bfeii comparatively, bot wicre copyist?. (Wby has sbe. nx nuiajy createa r vt ast ajutem of paiiosojair h hs devled arhkK it chsxacteriaed above all i ether merits ly the qualities of utility and ra- naniuiT of pmprwwiTe uerf-ioptnem r i'oint me, if you can,': 14 mm trol v greai mem wkich aha barwritten T To her laradie lOKtv or to bar tramortaldramaaT Indeed, t. any work of her brsia and handa, whiok -proooises to l(avs ia Ui iaugMge ot JiUTonewoiarf bmg ao wnt a future a shall not willingly let die." . Walk Into the itaiu ei sieasurav anil sm-yring taaocpartments of Jitry, BkiWpby, History. ArUansf Srieaow, howtnaifyoucant,wheraiA. woraaa ha bewa groat, profound and origroal T , I thave not in emded Blonuence in this cat error-, fur who nw bear-1 of a Na! orator t - It it but too true, that- saearuun jwraonf rawr country cUm of ttrongt uHwoea s irnin no tnr nenoowukul tnocuhgsl their monthly po v-wows, and yearly seattmeniaj jawaations, out! have yet to foarn if JUicy Sloaa ever waxed eloquent, or Abby Foboru ever shone at aa orator. J a tho long list of exalted names, whose aaighty gvnuis baa created the magnificent and bamoratV works a 1 id adorn and: gkxifr ear "UMpf imi am, ao you ana mat of one solitary oroan t -Where Is your female Milton or Fbak speara ? Tour Homer, Goethe, or Dante? Where It yoor rJo, who seated at h were oa the pin nacle of b,sbame genius, "saw distinctly, and mapped out accurately, sil that can ever b aa otj oct of human . ia t estimation her far-darting and ailUacing .iatellectnal ariaiobt tasaag in at once,' that whoW eatiansa -of he domain at philosophy t Whero, te, is voar female klstoJ n. . . I grni-e Is Kem, grgeoiia: and rhetoricaL glltter- fknddr of barbarlc rrl abd 1? ,tif tMma-maaon, and anon flowing tn aU Co (erxen and severity oSaxon purity J Det ua behold, tuo,yoVIkni-l WIo sn sculptur.-, or your; bpla4 ia palntUg ? Ifia any acsenea,, iruinan shouW r baparj esceUuBce man's tuperW, it should surely be in M mie, braaUn tog ita aotVat ineWles and iu -Uli.iTr w, un,iiiiiiwiDni f t trnose laa bnrsUt - And vet. we kava ta kd Ae . Mtndelwmn, or flandeL HMaearei-r., prodig-eW to-yom- gentle set, oh ami xeatouj -Cnndfder '' Mtrr rUJi - w. . done admiringly wlj Vthey bare written charm- ma st.ja Za .ave-.-uv4 pnuant. Romping , jjotcIs Ihev havv paeM $ worki. rHh mc CtPQiliflawt and tfr t"1 "omaftrue pry. Hot lontae, the have aot -ret mumI iiil press of theim ums ia Ineflkcaable Tcharaebo. upon the tablet of tbe world's memory -n -t " ef JHT rtnd 5. vtaw iff th-J anneal was plaord ia rParldje. le htr -ti a-a, the Mmago of G" , Caa any mortal im agine a mwre perfect beintpone in the lineaments f J1 taoavere reflocted Lis divine origin, and ti tW aw SaLml-C & ' rr Ulra fa v,.. Welt ft tb factory, and ntejd U, yaUey i .i n m-.i aniinc' . t'olowai in- wr.s and ' - which tbt 8a vtont of the world ufitr-ZZiZZL Keueem- ed amonr the Men son. r a ZjriZ"mA W.WMMA. BIIU ITUniU 1 JK nd Hi- of U IWU7 aa r"1 . can w m It aawiinn hardihood- m W fenu- fctta Ibat dared diaobeylMakjr f; fc: c immensely ii4unuhbuscrinoUne or verj' low Wfc trc in'obediebce to this injunction ') (lt would hectu thai St. 1'itul ' would h warn them agalr&a'stu' wtfcll',caliy besets tbnuiexcws of apparL-raud IcH lhvu that they Jnuat TCmeuiber on nh oocaxions thuif greatt brnanients are JtM-jtmlt" andT! Arirft.'r 'and "gond irorl 'C tho? Jet thm delighr td be eminenti 1 11 verutiA it hecome their Met to set nn for Vmehtrg of tbestr when they have beeff told to Ketrn in J.iJli .rx rt outJ.tiu.tt tVnm whom 1 were were the to ' learn ift rilencCf Jurelr fin th-ir sir;vmn, and that too,: "with all subjection.' &j 1st Tim., 2, xv." Ill, tAo, 'would it bwome gentkj and amwblo -woman td;"ustirp authority St" ef roan,! ai St, Pau bath It, efprciallr Wrhen h luHiUrected m "W 'bfe id tilem. For; !cf ber remember, which a4 flrrt 'formed. not Kve.; Iwt 'Adani-: ThLiis one "gronnd of man's prece aVicy. . 'ext," hH her .'observe which was first guiliy oT trangreionlnot Adam, but J5vc Thk is lhe inferiority ot woman imheartidtf of iut K,.r armi taenia -shall I sav it? trsnsparent ly f pListfeal. , "LA her rft contented "an lon a woman continue to move in the came- motion knd'rrtlring orbit. Anu a beneter shn discovers that "-Heaven wants one Immortal sontr," and she eatt flndono ofhef sex ( 1 ' . - untn plume se stroas, equal, snd so soft,1 as to soar into the "unshadowed glory" of Heaveni eternal atmoephere, or with the wibllme flight of an eagle genius on tirehw ana rmgnty )tnKn p?netrat the fcgtomand thunder-cloud that veil ed the more than human aijonie of the cross " h Milton'l sablime genim did, then3 may she with justice complain,' if man fails tn aoeord to such a singer, that. nraie which is her due, ami that place to which she w noblV entitled. ' r INDICATOR. " Our minkter said in his sermon lat evening, said Mrs. BeacK.tha wife of a prosperous whole-aakdry-goods merchant on Market street, as she dusted her mantei ot porcelain ana marble, on Monday. that he wno wanted to do good mas be on the Voiurtant 4 look out ' for opportunities tbat .God does not find our work, and bring it ready fitted and "prepared to the hand ; but spreads the world before us, ana we are to walk through it as Christ and the Apostle did, with eyes open, looking tor the 'sick and ' the 'suffering, the poor and the prewed.' " ' 1 u Now I am oertain," continued the lady, as she replaced k marble Diana in the centre .of the man tel..'5. 1 should like to do some good every day one feels so much better when thv ro to rest at L aighij and III jut keep my eye open to-day, mad sea . I 'come acron any opportunities that, under ordinary ctreameUnnM, ! should let niin. Half aa houf later Mr. Beach was in the nune rv, with the washerwoman who had come for the cloth. . M I wish, Mrs. SinMa,"' said she, as she heaped the soiled linen ia (be basket, that yon wottfci gei tommy w aprons venay iov me cy vv ea nesday ; wa are going out of town to remain Qntil Satnrday, and I shall want a good supj.ly on hand ft such a caretesa little scamp ai he i." -' " Well. Ill tryj ma'am,"', said the washerwo man ; " I've got bebladband a good deal Mnce Saminy bad the whooping ouch; but now he's better, I ranst try to roes up for lost time,'" - Has be had the whorming-cough I Poor little fullowl j How. old Is he V Questioned the lady. - He was three hvt- April ma'am.'' - - - And Tom is fbnr, nuued the lady. u Look bore, Mrs: Si mm, won't you j oat open the lower drawer of that Bureau, and take out those four green worsted dreseea in the corner. Tom's out grown fbem, you see, since last 'winter, but .they are almost as rood as new. Now, if yon want them ft a- little &mmy, they'll do nicely, without altering, I think." , f f Want them, Mrs. Beach T answered the wah er woman, with tears starting into her dim eye- Ml iiavnt any woros to .wan you, or to tell vou what a treasure they'll be Why they'll keep tbe mm' luiiow as warm as a toast au winter." Well, IU place them on the ton of the clothe" said the. lndy,miling to heralf as she thought : " my eyes have been tpen once to-day.1 ioi.iong axicrwaras trs. iseacn was on ber way to market for ie wat a notable housekeep er when she met a boy . wbo had lived a short time in her family the year before, to do errands, watoa tne aoor.sYa lie was a bright, good heartiPd boy, and had been a rreet avorite with the family, and Mrs. Beach had always frit inter encd ia hm ; ,oat this morning she was in quite a hurry, and would have passed him with a cor dial, .but hasty " Hew -are yoq Joseph, my boy ? IK roaie and see us,n.had it not struck, her that Joseph's fcice did not wear its usual happy expres sion.; She paused, as the memory of last night's AcTmon flashed through, her mind, and asked : "Is anything tne matter wU you, Joseph ? You do not iook so nappy as you used to. , . The boy looked up a moment with a half- doubting, balf-conading expression, into the lady's jace; uw latter mumpooa. " Jllr. Anderson s moved out of town," he said, raifthin? back his worn, but neatly brushed enp from his hair, " eo I'vwloRt mv iilaoe : then little Mrxr'a L-fL. i m , . mat mMw it very oaa juss now.' "Bo U does,"7 answered Mrs. Beach, her svmna- thiea srarmly enlisted. "But never mind, Joseph ; I remember, only nieht' before last, mv brother said he would want a new errand iov in a few days for his store, and" he'd e-foa a nvt m n dnjlam'a'weeki' Now 111 see htm to-day,' and get the situation tor you you u yoo tucei" t , . The boy s whole ptce brifktenad.. Oh 1 1 shall be so glad of it, Mrs. Beach." . . . And see here, Joeeph i" I'm roin to" market. and perhaps we eaa find somethinr nice for little Mary.'7 The lady remembered that Joseph's mo- mer, uuMtgn a poor wwnnmsi, was a proud wo man, and felt thia would -be a delicate way of nre- . . So she found some delicious pears and grapes and a nice chicken to make soma broth for Mary, Who: the learned was Ul with fever, befora she proceeded to do her own marketing. But it was pity inax tnauiaay aid not see Joeeph as he prang into, the chamber wbere little Marv lav nuMhln Mn'1v An Kw .L! 1 V tat stitching busily ia one corner, and held op the chicken and tha'JHdt, crying 44 Good newt f Good news I I've got all these alee things for Marv. nu m uwa at wo ootiars a weea r"D 1 now CtUa Mary 's hot Sngers closed over tbe buAcJWof white grapes, while these win dnmned i -jy. . " . ' -:t from bet tnother. lingers, as the tears, ran down nor cneejca. .. "-- i was eventnr and Mrs. Beach sat in the li brary absorbed In tome new Txok. when she heard bey mtoband's step la the bald. Though the morn iug had been J0isant, tho afternoon was clondy, aud the day hid gone dowa in a low.1 suIIoik nen- tratiBg'-rain.'-.'f , ;.""- ;" ' - ' row, Mrs. B-ach loved her hnsband with the ore of a truO wife, hot' he was not a demonstra tive man; and the first beauty and poetry of their married life had settled down Into a somewhat Kara, every-day,:' matter-of-fact' existence.; ' Rnt her; heart was warm' to-nhrht warm with the good deeds of the day, and, remembering the re. fMnuon oi uie morning, sne tnrcaj flown her book. J Henry, dear," said the soft voire of the wife. " has the rain wet yoo" at all?- Let me take off your onat rbryou." ' -1 - " ti... & --fu t . "Thank you, Mary $ I drat think I'm anywise injured, but yoq way help me, just for the pkns Jire of it,-" and.he stood still while the. removed the heavy fxmt, with all that softhees of touch and movement which belongs to a woman. - the hung it up, and then her husband drew her to hia heart with all the old love's tenderness. ' - ' " ' - And there wat music in Mrs. Beach's heart tv il "a-ent Bp fetair rutrUc set to tho words, Byes ' SXHS-ViBW 1 Minn AAit fl .... , .. .... ..'' Vjr-CBJ Bia-u l , .,(, 'I ,. j NE:W0BL--.The tnoes a fortkwming work froth the pen of Rob ert J. Breckuandge, of Keqtucky.'entKled The' wdedge of God ObjectiveJy Coaaideiwl, being lntiw tnith kiOk bida rjcvpiiiiJUJrB fr.iyli CBPr':"N ; Uapo-iticn anvw P 1 irnsTli tor nvmu.! and htatful mahut'by -t, Hiitrrlf, in IH aiiiVn VnH.Ar6rnWroWMf Isadora LfieawlTeaia nidei,' iirAreI."':'fla" the wearing , , hu have I enaeavorea to rrpiy to .aniuy tii no fhcli-mi spirit, but from th mot amiablo motived. , I th-MiirhtlMroTlnwnradicriv wrong. 1 " 1 k' LETTK11 FROM QEX.AVASHlNGTOSif, 1 i! We pabBsh below tetter from GtinVeshing lcmtoJanws MadyoWr dated May 3oth.l7?? ItBppearexl in the Boston daily Courier fUe t Inst, and the Courier state tbatit has jiarer befora ajaftsd irt print Whether it Jias r not, how ever, the Intrinsic merited the letter entitle it to thoaghtful penral ; wnfl itt aathor win endear it toevry An::n TT. "j Tbf'ut.JeA; rnaiw.'of lh Iptlet jtejaptsajaxwn.. Opon !Vu)i ii,ray95;riU;n-thrt, atatenan r wborn, its was' addred-M al-e the -prnfourid thought iier:ast-o! ? philosophy' and 'penetrating agacitV''which phai-acUkis t'ej jutbsj-ehAaild impro-s : efery wont raot scriouly upon vcry r ncting mind. In tlresrf tiin of natSonal.dlstur banco sect ional aljnatfonif, and waflMoyations liii 4 wt'lf fVcoune. wi"tnJ io imnHafjdeaif ad when WashiagtoB Une-H hb countrymen, all hearts ?hoirkl W open,hnd every hiind -eager tocnteh tho wordfl i of aduionition.' C;i 1 ' ; It will b 'seen that the object 'of thMetter was." to coiinwl with hfe fricnd-7-a? io the propriety of his retiring from offici, and the manner In which hefhould fttldwistfnsslf to hi rounfrymen.'1 The viggrstion contain-id in the letter arc the. more- in teresting, says tho Richmond - Whig, , as they ex-, hibit the Mirflte workings of his mind in relation to tlie i production' and subject mntter of . his farewf-U adilrew.1 Here we hiiy frish to hand : the mfrrr which caujht and rtow 'reflects the most secret4 and honest impulses of his heart, on that memorable owfliiion.' And1 how bright and. pure, how lofty and disfnterosted, how sagacious and far-itee'rig ' were Uumc thoughts ? What pure patriotism is breathed in' every word ?-Wbat doprh 5rfjfing;.is.indioftted la. K-verV line? haty pniftc.nt j. attiaonitiqns . are eiven in evory .entiment ? Ad e,mav add . how well the aenthtfftHU ot this fetterjmi the pre sent conuition oi inings ; n t f i. From 'the iRiton DaOy Courierf' ! ; s i ; 3torKT yjCRNO. Majr 20th, 1T91 Mr Dkar Sir: ' '.. .','. .. Aa there U a poibUiiLv if not a probability, that I thall not see you tn. your return home . or, H 1 should see you tnai it may or on yne roau and under circunftance9 which will proven my sneakimr to you on the snbjed we Iat con versed upon; I take the liberty of committing to paper the fiJlowing thoughts, and requests. I have tiot been unmindful of the sentiments expressed by you in the conversation just alluded to : on toe contrary a nave again ana again, re volved them, with thoughtful anxiety, but with out being able to dispose my mind to longer con tinuation in the office I have' now the honor to hold. I therefore still look forward to the fulfil ment of my fondest and most ardent wish to spend the remainder of my days (which I do not expect tn be many) tn ee and tranqwuir-.., Nothine short of conviction that my derelic tion of the chair of the government ', (if it should bo the desire of tho people to keep me in it) would involve the country in serious disputes respecting the Chief Magistrate, arid the .disagreeable con sequences which might result therefrom In the floating and divided opinions which seem to pre vail at nresent. could, in any wise, induce me to re linquish the determination I have formed : and of thi l do not see now any evidence can ne ootainea previous to the. election. My vanity, I am sure, is not of that cast as to allow me to view the sub ect in this light . . , . r .. . . . Under these impressions, then, permit me to re iterate the request t made to you at odr last theef- ing namely to ttunt ot. tue proportime, and the best mode of announcing the intcntlm, and that you wpukl prepare the latter. Tin revolyiiig. tki Eiihiix-t m self, mv iudeniont has alwav'sbeer. embarracd. - pn the.one hand, a previous deil4 ration to K-ttirn, not only' carrius ' with," it Ihe'kp- rtearance.of vanity and elf-importance, but it may be construed into' a itaanceuvre 16 be invited to remain. And on the: other hand, to' sky noth ing, implies consent ; or, at any rate, would leave the matter in doubt ';' and to. decline afterwards might be deemed 'as bad, and uncandid. 'V "" I would fain carry my request to . you farther than is asked above, although I am sensible thai vour compli.moe with it must add to your trouble ; but as the recess may aibrd you leisure, and I tiatter myself you have dfapojjitions 'to oblige me, I will, without apology, desire (if tho measure tS itself should strike you'a? proper, and likely to produce public good, or private honor that you would turn your thoughts to a valedicfcwy "ad dress from me to the. public, expressing in plain snd modest terms, that having been honored with the Presidential chair and to the best of my abil ities contributed to the organization and adminis tration 6f tlw troyornment hat haviner arrived at a period of life when, he, private walks of If, in the shade of reurement, becomes necessary and will be mast pleasing to me ; and the spirit of the uovernment may render a rotation in the elective officers) of it more congenial with, their ideas of liberty and safety," that I take my leave of rthem as a public man; and hi bidding thorn adieu (re taining no other concern than snch a will arise from fervent wifhes for; the prosperity; of my country I take the liberty at my departure from civil, as I formerly did at my military exit, to in voke a continuation of the blessings -of Provi- donoeupon it and upon all those who are the supporters ot its interests, ana ;tne promoters of harmony, order and good government. , That to impress these thing it mighi,'among other things, be observed, that we are all the chil dren of the same country a country great and rich in jtscif--capaWe and promising to; Tg," as prosporoius and appy ais any the annals of histoiy has ever brought to our View." : That our interest, : however diversified !n local and smaller matters. the same In the great and ewmtial concerns of the nation. vThat the extent of buf cQuntiT-the diversity of oar climate and soil and the various productions of the! States consequent if ootn.'are snch as to make one part not only convenient, bat perhaps indispensably necessary to the other parM and may render the whole fat no distant period) one of the most independent in the world.;; That the established eroveraroent beins the work af anr own hands, with the seeds of amendment engraft ed in the Constitution may by -isdom, good dis positions, and mutual alliances, aided by experi- ence,- onog it as iewr io uuriuuuun ns any Buman r . f : . j , . i ; . , 1 A. . . iiuuiuuon ever afijjruxiinawjn j ana tnereiore, tne only strife among us ought to be, who should be eI . ..3t;.t:.. a.n.v: m- iJ? aw-OTjwafc u ukiuiouu; wiu jBnaatiw aucompuaoing such great and desirable objects ; by giving every possible support, and cement to the Union-1 That however necessary it may be to keep a watchful eye ever our public eery ante, and public measure-, yet tnere ougnt to oe umits to u ; tor suspicions unfounded, and jealousies too lively, are irritating to hoaet feelings, and oftentimes are productive of more evil than good. t '. , . To enumerate the various sub'ects which mhrht be introduced into such an Address would require thought ; nd to mention them to- you would, be unnecessary, as your own iud-ment will eomnre- kend mft that will be proper; whether to touch, specifically- any of the exceptionable tmrts of the Constitution may be doubted. AH I shall add. therefore, at present, is, to beg the. favor, of you to consider 1st, the propriety of such aa addross ; 2d, If approved, the several matters which oue i to be oontainod ia it and 3d, the time it should ap pear ; that is, whether at the declaration of my ia tentioa to withdraw from thn xe-t- " V. ...k Ho or to let it bo the closing act of my adm!nH tration, which' will end wnth the next Session of Congress, (the probabiuty helng that that body all M-lUiu a. -' wf 1 . . . " " uniwiiiwjtcwiij; uniu jurcni wnert tne Hons) of Representatives will also dissolve.'' -' ; Though. I do not wish' ta. hurry vou fthe r eases'1 not pressing) In thd execution of either of the imuiiummu ueioru inentwnea, yet i snouid be Klad to hear from vou treneralrv W both-tnd to Teceive then ln'time,4f yw khoidd net' come'te m. oiwaeipnia until tne e.slort. commence, tn the form theyare flnJdly to take. 'I beg teayet odraw your attention "also to such things as ywi shall conceive fit subjects- for communicatioii on that occasion,' and, 'noting them'aJ they Oocuf, that Vott would be sogtod as to lirnish. me wrftii them ia time to: be prepared, and -engrafted with others lor the opening of the Session. ' " - - ' ;' With very sincere and ' - . . ..... Affoctionate regard, -' ' ' ' ' " ' ' I ara ereryourv" ' ;.- 1 ' 1 1 : G. WASHINGTON. Jxvn Miprscot, June. Esq. - - - - - . . ...... Vt . ,,-Ss, ...-. VJ Hon. J. MoaaiaoM Haaitisha bcernom'natel cy mo Aincrwan, partj ot hi diatricl.f0r ra-eteOi- STAT? . ' Jt. -us l , ... if !- i ; , .- . - SAVE :M FR6X mV FBiRJfDS.1 ; - If ever a .man had good ground fr using the above pBTadOTicai quotation, "we think that inan is Barnes Bwhanan Between the random fhots pf the Richmond South, the" galling fire of; the pharleston eroiiry,ihe terrible broadsides of the New Orleans "Delta, and' the "musketry 'charges from various Southern Democratic Journals of less influenoe, old Buck gel "some rough "haadU.ng.4-- While we dtsclaiR) any desire o interfere in ,t.hk beairtlful family mua, yet it must be pleasing io yery Southern' A'merkan to 'witness tbe evident HliR'OniflUire' of Irencherous adminifitraioh;'ah'd a corrupt, spoila-loVHig party. - if ( x , . '.t. Ja, able quiicla' whicti Yarapeared inthe New Orleans' Delta")f the T4tli, we make 'few, hoSeeextraK'tyihat our .rHadera may seethe ra-iin-lon c the present Adminfctratioa and of ' the journals who give it their 'support? expressed by rte of .tho ablest 'and most "influential ijoiithefn lQghts Democratia journal ' -Beorrlng. to . the journals who have had the manliness to denounce Bach nit n for njijKinTln th Froi Soilcr, R. J Walker, Governor' of Kansas; and for retaining him lftofflfWafierlie had openly taken" side? with the"Topel.- traitors, tjio Delta ays: - - i . 4! yh journalists folt that last November they1 nFsLtod in warminya-viper inti life, and thflJn return for their kinducn they h.td received a poi son sting. i.They felt 'that they had p!neol,ih nnfiamin? of LwmoorRcy in- uhtiuthnil HanJ?. Thev had lloiwd the sian lnnl and the standdrd. bearer" bravely through a perilous fiffht, and it were servile and cowardly to stand by a cowardly and trcac.heroiw leader.?. . s f . 4 ! . ' ' . " - " The development of the plan of the President to bind Kansas hand and foot.'and doiiverjher over in due. es,sort to the unholy erobrace of the "Northern Froe-soihrs, startled mnv of the str4ng iDemocratitf joiimnlifetftJfrom their drn?W bi' fancied 8urJ"fi The.; were; honest, patrtie men, who, supported" Mr. Kiu-lutnsn. bocsne they regarded hitn as ' the-frieiid f tho rkwtlu $Urt W-hew the' truth- flashed Hpon! them when they sawrv. jWalkei'-i preparingithe fair young ji ic tim for the sac.rifiow by all the arts, the trkkefy artd the blandishments which he could: snmrtton to his aid4-when they aaWJ that whilo he did; all this, as if fearful that -the tjyirgwv,Territory jnight not no eoaxea into innueyiy to tne isotun,. ne aic fated terms io her? in the name of his maW. In Washferjrtorf. and boldly threatened her With riin- Ishment if - she disobeyed tkea true Southern heart could stand it no longfr, and the whole af fair was bitterly denounced, regardkss of party fealty, of the fescinationa of " Executive pat ronage." i ", 'V'" '' -! v,': J . iii iU ;rf' v- . He who now deserts the South in her houf of need; ha who UyishIy, bows down to fhe Irree soil Biial of Wheatland; and sanctions all of his Kansas iniquities, whether journalist Or candidate; let htm be put under the feet of the people. , Such a man does not deserve the name of Southerner." .;"': -..,4v' . ". ; J ,; Sach journalistsann'ot see that Buchanan has betrayed the SontbJ Nay, they, will not see it -i Some of them go so far. as to admit that Gov, Walker la wrbng but deny the President's'oom plicity others defend both Buchanan and Wallo eri and only make tne. treachery of these ftinc- tionsriesj more glaring hy the foebleneus of their deience, and t neir utter taiiure to estaDiisn inpo--oenee. : Many ol these editors are the.feverish ex pectants of place.!' Daniels, Forsyth, Seibles 4d others have missions, and why not they ? If the Richmond Eliquiret-is to bo married to the Ex aminer, why should, not one of ita editors be eent to the Court of Sardinia? .'Nothing but party ser vility can. accomplish 'itj 4batds the. oaly-winning card- ia the Buchanan pack, and both jour nal Ut are playing the game with a steady hand. They care ot a farjhing how much the- , South lo8ftsJ3 r - j , ; ".. ''! p" The Delta proceeds , to warn the Southern peo ple against trusting ; Jhe National Democracy ihe Administration and i the Administration, papers -hutpf th03e ppet' whbfc 'editors love the South and her peculiar -interest . more than they do the farors of a patronage dispensing Administration', and who are not afraid to donounce- the treachery of the Admiri'istratioB, it says: t u' ntt t The South can depend! 'upon' sucii jourrialistl si have taken a stand like'thb, arid utterly' refuse to stack their arms tirid shake hands with heir be trayer l and foe,"thonga surrounded by all the "pomp prido and-droumstanceV! of .ephemfal power and place. -il ... .-I - " .v f ? . ' But there were other jonrnaTljts wh'oe patriot Im and mthernlsat- could riot rise 8UrNrior tto the oohesive -power of public plunder l"j Pafty fealty, , place, and patronage . were stronger than any sense of manliness jor of : duty- ' They hay been drilled in thajttomocratic cjMnn so loas. and been e aeeustomSd to ba led bv: the nose by au dacious lenders, thht they bwnme mere machines, uk soldiers in tnaarmy ot ie uzar.i u an or a?-. Uonary jingle was necessary for the gtorifioatton oi uitar wirsr .inuati puui. jouriiHusij iiui, uu . ... r . . l. i . . : . i : . . .t cap and bells -and jineledia admirable harmony 1 hey were on hand at alt UnM and under all cir cumstances to do the. scavenger work of their par ty and to sing nosannas to tuo ; "powers that be:' fi Those Southern journalists who dine to the T'-i's-;. t'f. ' Administration in this; Kansas , treason should never asrain be trusted by the men of the' South Such as have dared to ignore Southern Right ia lsvor oi w ,iaie -uminisirHiion win, wo trust, meet with a Citing reward. No sin like that ought" to be pardoped. ' .- " ? THE PORK MARKvET IN PROSPECT? During the Inst two months a good deal has been done at Cincinnati in the way of contracts for hogs for November delivery, s. The price Cur rerft kt thatlcity saysi.'' , , - In the early Part of June, w hen it was thduerht quite doubtful that , even a- moderate corn, crop cwh on, inaae, me qisposiaon w mKe muse con trsCcta was strobg and Vey general throhout the West, and within the last monthf When it became appafent that, the markets would be entirely cleared, of the 6ld stock of provisions before he new would come in, the demand, which had subi sided some daring the fore part of July, again 1 came more active' and" prices advanced. l xnii mg utq nui inr wi w uuo anu uut tors pari of Tily, 6,50 per cwt aeemed to be the. prevail Ing fate, and of which we ' heard 'of coatracta td the extent of 7000 Ihead. During the latter part of Jily, $6.75. was paid for WOO head for "No vember delivery, and $6-50 tat the fore part of wwwcn , , Hum un hsi iwv weeas, aoout 3uuu neaa were soia for November delivery at $7 per wt1. aet. -The impression is pretty jgeneraM ly entertained thai "the pork brought into the; market early, will coittmand high jnce. ! J . According to our advices from Illinois, there U an active demand for hog in that State, and $6 net j more buyers than sellers. " - ' ; r PRACTICAL -AMALGAMATION IN Ifc- ' The Chicago Uniei of the 1 5th ult4 gives an In-! stance of the practical carrying out of thf doctrines' of the Black Republicans in Northern Dlinois,. i ItaavB-f" i:..:..;rfv&i;.; . M itnox coimty, Illinois , - or - at . least all of that part of it lying atoot, uaWrg, has lately been tnrown into a nign sw- oi excitement by a verifica tion of Greely's prediction. It seems that during the campaign oflast tear, whea Banks. Burlinnms. uiviqiu-k, v.. j o, duu mttKT iDOUUOnlSIS; yfcited this region, the rftgro eqruility ialth, always verj, ftrouSi g" musnseiy neatPd Bt Uaiesburg,- anda iaost respectable Hand We-lthe farmer w way of showing htti Idneftrity In th dotrine, tok a,negro man into hh housed treating him asan equal and Mn associate' for members fhisiaroily. ; Time; which develops all things, has doveloi rfwaW the 'Abolitionists of Galasbarg, the prtcic eiTects- of the' teaching of Burlingairi and Banks. : - Oneof the daughters a young and bloortting girl is w a thother, and the m. her of a black man's child f , - Abolition ladies, mothers and inalde.wbcJieef omv wnea tney asserted that tfie nej6 were the &uah of white "mn; new lurft mwy from the booi" victim of that system of teachtmr Galeshnrir has long beenoel-brated for ita AboUtionisuw It I nt mat its practaal wutnifestations should bkve -occurred there. - i. AJimsaini4fM " The Times suggests the child s'heald be named BfteatJi. p. liBk,lhiaJto Ppe antawgnratefctni The following pictare of tbe two oset. of Pat-r liament. is from the graphic, peftof :Rtv; ftjt Cuylef ofNeVTork:. I, .r , , K r-v ; "About 4 o'clock yesterday I went toyvint the HodsM of Parliament The new buildings are a perfect wilderness of Gothic tower) -grained eiij Ingssuporb halls, lined with marble statues-pf de parted statesmen and warriors. - Millions jot, money (enoich1 to endow a school in every. par iah,) have been lavished on this gorgeous edifice. Aa we reacbefltthedoor of the Housoof Commons,. the leganUyressed doer-keepers ealled out,' "The Speaker is in the chair," , 1 was shown to a spat in-the small Speaker's gallery . The ball grand in ornament ; of oblong fliafta. with rows .of green-tHishionftd benches. on, either. sidi, and po derfci iu front of members, v The Speaker wears a huge- wig and -gown., The mouthers., most out.. landUhly, all wear their hats except while seakT ing tho eft'ect is exceedingly bad.? I Was also surprised at tho youthful appoarancoto many of the blouse ; at least a score'of them seemed like members of a-fwnkr class in college. Considera ble loud conversation wav carried on. during the donates, and mem berg were i walking about, icon titiuallyi " ' The speaker of tho cv tmlng most listened to was Mr, ul.-idstonoy or O.vtorrt. He wan easy; stnw chalant eon verseri with no elaborate language, but hfe 'f?tji" was, very . attractive.; . Wbilo he was 1penfctng there w .) wi-tMnt cry .of'hear, hear,' which .BTHinded like : Yeh -yeh-yeh. .V -After him followcl the Chancellor of the JJxohequer, a gruopful, fitient stateriieiit-maker.; Lord Palmer tn pullel oil his hat and spoke in a slew, onre les tone for hajf an hour, slid doe not look so 'Wid'tts I ex)oc.te,l. Sir James Graham is a huge, easy country' gentleman, who Rftt like a man of toiun in iv iitfL'e rton . The vnly. giitro fiii-i; shabby member, in face, figure and dnv, w the radical iiocbiick, of Sheflleld. . ' II r ha a waplsh atttuLnicC in his lone, and Ufhemnn Ji-r 4ioh'i(' and ;'invsiif;Rtkn.' 1 he old heroes Sir tharl? Napir-r and General Williams of Kars ; attracted ftnifli attentionU, ii in bodyof awn the Uous of Cmuwn!i net,10 imposir'y iri appoarapie as our Anvrwsan Seiiaie." l)fd johti Iiiiscil sat smiling and i1et "DraeU looked wircaStic and sullen. Hft is the strnest debater of ihem ftll.f . . From the House of Commohs w:e go by a pleti- did hall to the Hou'se of Lords r ;Tlieirf rora isi the nvist uperK in the kingdom. .It J k bln?.e itb lerimspn .and gold. As (we enter we see the nobbi'liOrd fiHafte8wtry"'otittae Md'Wblnn lv the door.KBsde himi that hnnds)tn6 youthful. jwee, unuer tne bkk goiuen iair, oeiongs to ine Duke of Arglefilw rising1 hope of Scotch Pre byterians. Old JrdV Aberdeen situ nextv in a deep ; reverie. Aero-s the floor, In, front of the woolsack,' Sivatka feebly an' old'nitrri n green coat; buff yesti and check trow.sern, with; Uon while i ' . j : i 1 'i ... . i . . jiair, ajiu iuvruiutvanwaj lurn-up iiih. , as we lkk at the bent; dex-rejiid veteran, it ii hard td recognize in him thf once gallant tHarry BrougT hum,' of the House of Commons. He sits down Jb Aberdeeh--two antTquities together.'"' We hear speeches from lArd Camdep Lord Granville, and the dashy JDuf e Jleweasttea f 1, ,f i iir, , :t ; Those magnificent women in yonder' eallery are the; wives ami daughters Of the Peers. : I do: not - know enough of -millinery to describe .their .'rig for your .lady . readeray but it niay be some erratifieatioa to American ladies to know that the lace and pearled bonnets on the heads of the Du chesses and Uoureteaaes were, fully as large as, i saacer t - Their faces were, generally fair and bril liantut beauty.; i", v ? ,, . i;v,vvl ' '?." : t came away from the. House of Lords if which eoaudns: many able and .noble characters) in no wise con verted to a belief in hereditary hou.se s of legislation. Among the forty or fifty Xords pre- senv a ouiu recogiuae in juorus xroug(iam, jjyna- hurst, iBelper . and tvampbell, thd Joniy ;men jwoo have attained aseat in- that splendid jchamber, by any other than the accident of birth. I came homo last nigbt.idinmcan to the c&rt.'h' 4 f ;, k,-. A ROMANCE. The following, from tbeLondon Court Journal reminds one of a beautiful - poem of Eliza Cook, and proves romance to be as rife now as 'ever."! 1;: 4Among;th presenfaUoh to" her 'Majesty, aft ; storv these niirdroantic titntMJn Sbeis ilie dutghtef of a baroneiliolding.a dkrtingiiished position. Among the suitors of this Vounr ' lad VI ' wi6 is as trietv as Rccomplrshed, was ine vol very 1 advanced yeara ; but .t waaf in , vain. thHt. auitrementwnscqufmt upon the possessiqn of riches were sctiTorth. The fair maided sbow herself cmpleiely mdiJerent to the strong : wcommendatiou - of ,p ' it mu Unhesitatingly rejected. So fiir, thftreforet everj- tnmg was pcrtccuy natural ana u n romantic- But it seems that the gentleman after hh pro posals had been declined. 7 of ooursa.with.the usual protestations of rpect and esteem,"), again sought an interview, ana mumi me iaoy uiat mi nttauu ,ment was not f8elfi?bfthat ,h'i was eeady atiny sacrifice, totlo anything that woujd contribute to uer nanpiwjs!!' :aii tunt, liar nureuom wen; fixed on any one whose; wealth- might iot be ad eouate to his crood fortune, he war read v. by nsettlc' ment even to the extent of XI 00,000, to place her liappiness0 in ' her own power.j 4 Such" a.: proof of disirderoyted was, TjCTfecUy:tunde,niabe, and ft' is i said that, the young lady pondered' so much over if, 'that,' like' the- recHat -or-Uiheiio' daneeri it wraueht a cpraplete; .revulsion, of feel jhc We do not pretend to, know on what kind f bint'' the vraPrable jMhtlemRn siioke' again,bnt speak again hef did, aridfWi.h soouichejl loct that the happyday was named, and the nup tials in due course solemnized, v and ihe fide-bride presented eit her urnacriage io sthe Queon-The world givcfj, with its, usual generosity,, an almost fabulous amount to Mr. -j - 'a fortune; but it is very well known that one item in it Js jCII.0,000 railway stock, and more, than half of which, m pay. Ing six per cent " ' . -; L " - . . . ,,, - ; fi--4 HORRIBLE IF TRUE. '-' U t ' Hansford Daniel, of this Co!,T charged with com? mitting a.fiad outrage uporij the person of his little, daughter.' acred 14' years', whs broue-ht before the county Court last Monday - to answer the.charga After an examination of the witnesses, the prisoner was remanded to iail to await .his trial, before the Circuit Court, which commences its jiessidn ui this . Ve heard aU ? fh jeyideice piesond;,w have an opinion as to - tne. guilt of the accused, which it would Tte ihipfopf lniiktdaVIyam 2" We never were more eiwicked thaa'at the re cital of the evidence of his iittle daughter. & Dur ing the whole of it, she yefy aptly andsurprising ly related all the cireumstanoes, . connected ivith the' distrusting affair i and-tho' ihe had nreferred those charges agaiastlier ffm father, nut Mush. tinewd ier cheek, and ieaa or. ner young heart rexxaimg' from in over fedUl of thcmnlnitfllJf attending tie. afrocioos deed.ehq was totally nn affected,, but seemed to .have. been thesubfectof some one, 1 who iiad endeavored ; to tJfaid; her fdf If the W U guilty W deaern ota itself if innocent, his dbgracefulfamUy ought to wiTw Hum vpvsiauw-rsii tne coupty.tj fmiei. nas, Dome, aeretorore, it u said, a erood cbaracter. , Salem Mountain Sternal. . 2 .' : ' - r. .. .,.-.--i yf rM viiiim m t E A c n E k Dt I It A H kit BCllUOt, XUJL BALsrdntendinrlaremwMfMr Hillsboro', I ef er for sale my hoaee wd lots, sebooL faraitore and school apparatna ' - f t ;U4.ik J ? The bsrt.se auwt eaaveatenUy arranged or Sen leet Boardinr SchooL TU Ut hi.blr imnrll- the garden fitted with ehoic vegetables,. -frattS' and! IaM.' 'I'K. . 1 I. . !. ,..! J - ,.1 .. WUMMH ww WW HllliUI .KU,MIOB. The vUlare has alava baaw. aalekrat-4 tnr It- v-lk . and this School has beea In' saeeessfvl operation for aearly tweary years.' - 1 ' - ' t - For terms, c address. Rev. It Berwe!!, naishe - t ' en 23 3t . rough, If, C.' - - f TkvTOTlCE-THE TRUSTEE OF THE CaARLOTTg FEM ALR AOADFJIfT, "fCliar- totte, St. C'v) are deeiroai of ptocaring tho servieee ef a geaUeauuv who Is eomaeteat te tale char n of tha fa. stitetioni aaSnpsrmtendimt. ;';... i .. .-.-v-j.i t . " -- " ?--r--r.i. ,- w their property, which ia Wnrth f .1 eV! f ITia TenetivM aM, --.l..l it. 5 . .1 Aaa . j...- ... . t nn B,c ueairvoa 01 caring toe institution opeaed for edoeational pnrposes by tbe 1st nf October next The Batldinr Ja iarm aad beautiful. sUK amnniktL. n for a family; and sixty-fire or ,awenty jouna; ia- Tbe Town ef Charlotte is the lermlnwaf hm Italt JV",iT ilrd. in cooxBeof eonatrwtian, which will o-nuor tuo insiiionon ea?y t-faeooas. ItU tarroanded Vaintelh'tpbpnlatioa.andwUh industry SMiefficiancv.no dlffienlrv u anrirekeiwTMit ta T.ntlin sn.Ittstaafioaif the IrsttiaM. 1 trwaona aeeu-in a i ilnaiVin of thai TUi. wBl A. & "The Xrasteai tE. the Chadotte Featahv Atadaw one of the drawing rooms Jthis seaso'n,, wasa yoijrijg;. lady upon her marriage,, and about whose nuptials a stwv isf current of more" than' iisuaf interest m r- ret 1 mllREE GREAT LIGHTS UMituiv .. -'Jt bSro Wa engulphed ia tWkiMwn, . ttgntA-Me-traa Xn of seearing health. ri.toin thr bure bedy from disease, and preserving Mfc. T Tbe rick, ,la dee the fallacioes treatneat of tb regaUr UntUj, r, subject ti'a" eqntinoed pratioe of arohaUUlifti aiui ,U1. eertaiBtiss.'.' There Is nothing tH-Ttain iir" fixl j in thii trcatmeat f. t-he sirk either in the old or new .-b.-.; oF medicine.' " "' .. -' .-l .:--- , l)f. Radway hss snereeie4 in producing ihrn r. n. disM Icaewn te the world as Rsdwsv's Rcadv U. lief,' nova tjm Resolvent' and .Segalstom. Jhw remtdiesare JhoU .onl 'established fattt innpioucli ti 4hey haveneter yet railed in their upwUl r eoniKinr.i efficacy ia credaeing frftitfal benefiiid mu!o. but thej are Tacts ertaMinhjng a science t tlicv U,, in all is. ? When;' tried' gurreld in reaterui)( j,, healthand rulding he body Crura ei.ese nftrr s i other medical treatment had failed snd the not fki'. fid phrricians had given, jujr the "sick as, Wyond t!Ml "power f huoisn weans o eunn-end prvin .nr.U til -oreadnit mandate inenrabK- vli"- ti . ? Rade-ay'ii IWieles jire llirrefwr Iv J (Vtj in ih, arohives ht tnedical seionca- -they hs've bi,o " ofti ti tried -v nerer acnui --una ro recay.en be -I sgsin . ,, , Aiwiy'a mm sii.' ., ' As a ?pe;al Remedy id to be ne.l inail esses m,rt the human body -' w-ite l with het.irtHnniii f psroxy'ifls of pu n rauUer Khht the cnu. of t. pain rosy be, or ah.re it ui&y he locsted sn sjli. i, tion'af the Uesdy Relief, eithi-r inlertmtly p iliiul., . jar externally t an aJlcvislor, a ill in a fer ruiiii-.l. - . store th n)itl b.uty toese and eniF.rt. ' . In all ea.e nfJiowtrl Dinirdev. IyrM.TY, Ciwii m, Blomiy Flux. ,.ick Ilealaebe, Xeji.n Ilekdsi Le, i , other ;Nen-uiii Affection Keiirslta," l-h.-iiinmni,. t?prin trniu., T.with , A.:"ie,",BuriN!f SirnKls V mu-1-, Shot Wounds, Bniim-R, (,'!, 1'oisnniiig either l-v tlin hitfls ertinR!r ftf tptil, insetl. er t( r,lil r min eral poisoning br ar i.lt;nl -ir. all enrv sud iti.U r nil t;1t'nia-taBi wln-ro the l.nmnn FV.'tem I- f.rliircd l.v ' Fain, Railway's Heady RisJief ran h rtdha uiun 4 a qni-k, safe sn 1 i-ertsia remedy. - . Ia esses of Rill'iumi-ss, fdlums Fever, Tyr'17 I' ver, Jbip P-Ter, iYelWw .Frvcr.Eer.rAs;ue,. g.-srtu Fcrr, ndjH Slslipnnt Fevor". msll P..x, Melle, fnerfmenift, Itadwsy'i ' li"idy 'Relief utcd .in eemiM tion with lUidwsy'i Regnlatcro, Kill enm tho p.4rtrelT SieR.amieujii wim ilium iiisnnw ri, nnn proieci iqp vyi. - .m'agaliii Kid.ir attAcks.nhw eiUu-r of the tca ienaal dlsesses prevsil. . , ,.3a' -VtZCVKV HH RAT lIGHTv ' ' t" " , ? .!- V''V'S,S arf L ATOH. -' . Th discovery of ihewt wmuleri'itl pill eslnl.lii.Len new era. in purgation and a new principle in the science of mrine-la taking Jhe.f pills ni jfrl''"lf ( ln ' or'sudHieM of stomach Is' experienced; they operate naturally, leaving the; bowels, liver and other nrgnM in a natural ssrt heslthy nndition. . ' ' They insure tho'e Who tVe them gixWI sppetite and a heslthy diyesj ion; f i , 4 ' ' Kaeh pill that i taken Rives new life to the Mo,f ! ey purify it take from it all impure dejiosit.', ai.d equalise its rirenlstion. ,:' .. , ,r . KWe or two doses of Railway's Regulator will en tirely remove, all dintreasing. symptoms of Dyfepin, Jaundiee, KerTOnsness, indigestion, CONtiVsnesa, lavcr Cfimplaint, Biliou.newi. Melant holr, and will cure all , organ iovdiaeeses, 'elihcr -in man or wrnnan.' Lsdii-a troubled with irrefrulanties or weakening UiseliargeK. jnay.pjly japon a prompt cure and regnlnr periods if Jladway'sf Regnlators ars taken. . j i Every dose, of Radway's Rezulators that is taken IsKtilS. new strength within the body of the weak, fee ble and infirm. . AU who take tliem ere dulihtud With the happy ehange they experh-Oee in a few hours. The din spirited and melancholy feci joyona and happy j the sick and debilitated, strong snd vigorous. -i ." ! " THIRD GREAT LK1HT. ' aanwar'a aaaovanso rksolvcitc. , Cure, tlifmor, Salt Rheum, SScct, IVcer. AWm, , Tumor,- Fertr-Sore Skim ktvfAluf, lihttrkr; ' BrvnckitU, Jptpia, Gout, l)rony, Syphili; (l.n tn'mptikHt Apoplery,tt?., i ou cAiomic divKr, w mtket inherited y kertrlil'try tmtmiie or inorv . lated-ojrpoeure or , , TJbere la no remedy in the world that will work ai-h -miraculous cures in old diseases as Bad way's Rcm.l ent' It changes the whole human body reproduce r new and i healthy Mood, " -:'" 3J4t" BloCding frou the lungs Radwsy's Ronova taag Resolvent. will, ia a few minutes, chuck Hemor rhage front the inags or throat In eases where the patieaf eongha np clote of blood or pas streaked with Vloodj Radway's Resolvent will soon remove tbs diffi culty, f .'-.!'' .'. - t, f , . . j.; aP1 -Sarah . Hammond of 138, east thirty-aeeond stret, had a bad eongh for two years, abe coughed up aonetines half a pint of blood during the night Hlie 'was cWred Tn seven days by the Reliof and Roaolvent. EjB A Sore leg ef 11 years, ear. d In three wceka, iUdwar' Relief. .' Mri T. H." Kllgo, a mercibsnt of high, standing ia Dehlonega, Us., aayst "Teat a gen tleman who tbr Styeata had ken afflicted with a aors leg that resisied every kind , of treatment was oiTw .tually cured in thrte weeks by Radway's Ready Relief, . Resolvent and Regulator i .V. ;istn.'i TUI THHEK UREAT LIGHTS. ." KAHWay's atetraa aoli.Atoe---asoLyr!rr, ''Jtt all rpnititntijnal diseases, ond wbere the eonatl- uition is broken aown, or toe r-o.iy rn a ram iiiie ot , decay, or tbe system inuenlsti! with th.) virua of dii- as&i either by the vloUtian ef the laws of hesllh, in- tenipersnei once'n anu iuaiaR u ui-piwe.uu, ur by hereditary lransmlMion as Jn, eascf Vcroft.l.i, Consumption, Rheumatism; Gone, Fit', slut 'oilier heir loom, whtett a loag line i f aaoestry has so bountifully and richly bestowed oa posterity, ax a memento ff tle pst at the foatf of the 'rufferint Tnheriters. There Hmert.ee.'irt thcis'trUiitary rapacity, posses a cur. ,tive power that no disease can withstand;' tteir'ei ia-" hined effect aJ eradicate from. tne nvlng boiiy evrrj k p-j-tiele of disesied niattr renovate tbe wb'.le system with ' health ; le ar tbff nnaoonilr' dffeaylnit lungs, or other organs,' elcsase and purify the woolens from all ' imparities. " 'To the dinabled wayfarer, wh i eripifrccl with Jn- .firmlties wo Invite yott,'te try" Uiese Remedies, We wUlyeitoh for their emeaey. . . . i With many hundreds of others who hnre witnessed and felt the effeet of "Three Oreat lihK" and as they rule and govern those bodies which they are des tined br the Almigltty r ower, so ttiese wires remeairs jitaiid M Rulers, Conquerors snd Grand Masters vC a u awaaoa, s- " sw v:i : k-.. s.The Rw'R. R. Reraedier are sold by Drnte-Uts, Mer- chant-, a. i Storekeepers. i ;, , ..?!..' t ,;!.- tM .-.- ' CAUHAl, lit, :;wyif. 192'ullon treet,K. T. THE SECKETAHTT OF THE TRKHS URY invites ."sealed PmpAsala ft lot of ground, tn thVCify of .Raleigh, hot Una thaa I(MJ feet Miliar, on which to erect a huUdhig for the nae ef tb t'-tt- 'Offieeiaad Federal Coartai:.i -v- .--;; ..;-(.,'.! 3'ha locatiiia and dimension of tho hit. and t he orico ilcmanded,' should le spe'ified, and the gorrrament reserves the right td select UiRt lot which it may dWm rqeea suitahU having reference to iwnlion and price, er to reject sit the proposals at its option. , The pnrehase will be made on the condition ihaf ao saeaek wilt he paid by the government fir tbe lot anlil a valid title shall be. vested In tbe t ailed Plate, and antili the Stale shaM also duty reteawaadl relhiipiiali tbe right to tax or ta any way asaexs saui tot, aaa sbaii cede exclusive jurisdictioa.'Of the aame to the Uaitod Proposals Sealed and 'endorsed M Prepoaals for Lot," to be. filed with JU UUr lirauifh, JUleijfh, X, t prcvi sas t the 10th of September, on which day tbey will ' be forwarded Iq the Treasury Department., JfJST . PUBLISIIED.Di APPLETO Co.y Kw York, new hav ready , ' -. w ' .. . QUACKENBO .ILLUSTRATED SCHOOL Hl- V TORY of the UITE0 8TATK8,' frUm the earlient diwfveries.to tn present timei embracing a full ao. j eeaat of the Aborigiaee, Biographical Kotiees of di. ! tiaruUhed atea, and numSrans saaps. plana ef battle i f T; ; , 1 1 . - . . - Solas, and pietoriai lUeswatkms., 4 pp. lZuio. SI. r:,t!fuiw!!T EtbUe and private schools ef every grade,' this hiatory joaesn.eed by aR who have examtaed it far in afl-; yaaee ef every similar work ; heretofore publiahed. Dl A.' Co. have hi pre, and will shortly pabllab, QUACKENBOd" XATURAL PHILO80P11Y, for Sekools and Aeadeaiiea , - 12mo. With numerous illu effkuonA. fx .j... e"-aa iMi- 1 ' ii.m'..i" 1 . 1 i. r. f - OD FOR THE CAPITOL.SEAL- KB PR0PO3AL8 will he reoerrediby me, at sny offioe, antil tbe I5th of, September next for aop- piying aeeefsary raei .or tne public omce. tnniie Capi tol, ft the ensuing wjatet. : Xbe. wood' te be H Uvre4 at some point on the Capitol grow mis to.be designated by we to be Of good eaker hichory, cut kite pieces foer feet lone ' , ?' Bidders te specify jn their UJe how mack per eord, or the Ud Will Aot be seeetred. ' Some fire er si eordl ef good aladUng wpod te be included. WM. IHXfT"Ji aa2a-tdti' 'It-. h& ;.j Feeretary ef Ute, -J KURO MART. I HAVE FITTED up at Wallace's nld ftaod, Batn side . Court bquerevB fine Negro Mart, f ihe tale aad acc.tn atodatiAa f Xcgroea.- ' My, Mart 1s the bvm eentra. ia Skn AilAI . u"r' wa W ene.ar U ssoit e,fnfclcta sad ay-terns t? eleanlinear. noatneas. emArt. and rerelau.ins exi-t ieannnear. being tridybervdV,f"M aim late furbish AS 1 servants and Md hsads. J eraens yth:hlng o,bof er sell negroes "will do well eelting 6tf ' ' '. ; i.j'721ril , 1.4w; BRi;Fonr,- f A vTAtlac,'Ageat and AaeVf ' "' XTJT1CFi.-THlJ STOCKHOLDER OF . THE CLABv9lKX CCIAL iiaXltoMt A tX are Botloed that there will te a meeting ef the aaaneiath City otBaWh, tka 11th of Aawttt 1 ' mirXI. rULL. V aavlt. ' 'J fresaVawA,