i . 1 A MODERN BLLLL. Sh iu la her fashionable tarlor. and rocks in her nuj chair ; I?h u clad fa Hit aa4 satis, and jewU are in Ka haair SBe Winki, and c and simper, and simpers a a , . ana r,irt;ice ana inas. And thoura sue talks but little, 'tis a rtst deal nwrt than she think. Sh h- a-bl in the morning till near the bout - Cf BOOB. Tken comes down snapping and snarling, becauso n-e ii cai.ea so soon. Hat Lair b sen ia papers, her cheeks still "fresh vita paint ; Remains of last ni kt , blushes, before be in tended to hint. ..... . - She dotes on man unshaven, and men with il flowing hair!' " She b elcxpeot ever tnutacbes, they give such a - umn air i 1 - - - Jhe talk of Italian music, and alb In lore with the moon, "'. And if doom was to aaeet ber, the would fink away in a iwood. Her feet are so very little, W birhli are so very tier jewels are eu very hravy. and. her bead SWT light ; lit color i mad of eoerootioe (thoueb this she will never ewn.i . Her body . made monlr of cut ion, ber heart is made wholly f stone., 8h falls, in lor with a frHow who swell with a foreign air; ' He marries her fT her money, the marries him for On of the belt matches both are well mated In . life ! ... She's got a fool husband, he's got a .fool Jor I an wars a-a . fc 'er Ladt. IIavxxocb:. -At a lata meeting of the Birmiaghaaa Town Council, the following letter from Lad Hsvelock to the Major of Binning ham was read : - - Boj, on tha Rhine, March 11. , Si a: I have, this week had the honor to re ceive rour'dsticr, accompanied by an address of condolence from yourself, the aldermen and bar KW.n of the borough of Birmingham. - I was el ready prepared tor such a mark of attention br a letter tram your town,- Intimating the same, but the devp sympathy eipreMed for me ia mr be reaTeMent, the kitd sentiments Mt in my behalf and that of my CstherleM children, br so large and r-pcube a bodr, and the el.-irnt and crT de!i- -cte manner in which this address has brcu eon- rered to toe, hare overpowered me. and I cannot Cd word to itall I The high eooo i.:!ums you have been ph-ated to pass ujoo the herioe deeds of Sir Henry Uavelockv as a sotdie "d a general, and the exalted terms in which you hav spoken of my beloved husband as a toan, are - . r. . . . awort incense 10 my nrocen and aSicted htart, not merely because "the praises of those wt love are erar precious to us, but becsune I am to weTLtWare tlat the portraiture of his alnve: ter tvct character is by no means overdrawn, and! be jpericoeof more than eight and twenty year tf domestic happiness onJr serves to strengthen this opinioB. Bat I thank my Heavenly Father itat, crta hi this crushing and unexpected be-' reavement, I have many sources of comfort. Our gradoui Sovereign has provided bountifully for xaj wants, my son are nwtly following the bright eiample cf their father, and my two daughters are my best earthly treasure. A shade of regret might intrude if I were to reSect oa the altered prospects of mr fatherless childen. but I cannot s . . . :j .1 i - m Hwwiit wuviv ui vain regms, sur our 2Wvivr Father ordalna all. things for the beet, and I hare too much confidence in my husband's countrymen to suppose that they can CTer cewse to Uke aa Interest in the children of Henry Have lock. Miy I beg you wiU do me the honor to convey my heartieit thanks to the corporation f BiraiachaaVaad to believe me, with every fr-el-ing of reipect to be "Tours verv rratefuDr. aAN.XAH S'H AVE LOCK. EXECIT10X OF OMSIM AND PIERRI TBCIK. BXU.TI0K Xt ArrrABASCr MIUTAJtT : DaJtOX9TAniXv Theesi-cutuMi of Oruni and Piari took place at iaris4 oil Saturxlay mornir. Msrch 13th. 1m tnenst crodj a$emblvd at an early hour, notwith standing the weather was very cold," and the eround vet frum-Miow that .had fallen,.u witness . T0 THI KXOISTXS. WlVHnW, 3?.'C, Afarch 27, 135S. Editor: I sujipoee that "An-wn" allnd one to two were kept at a distance from the scene bv the military, who rot ie an imposing display, as many as 5,000 beiegtm the pt. guarding every avenue, as earlv as 5 o'clock. About fifteen paces from u an article of mine which lately appoared in the R.yisUr, in his communication' in the lan Standard, though tie misses my name as widelr a' he does the acta of the cae! in question. . -The Democratic meeting in this town was not 'vom rfprejentod'' by me In' the ilightcit degree. It u.o3 heU in a backroom of th.j Anson Uotel a toe execution, tee nam Dors being mimatej at irom I tccu neiu in a, oacKrootn oi tn.j Anson uorei a hundred thousand persons, but they place at which I cannot now recoUect a political the gate of the prkoa the to Cold was erected, and X. . L . I . . . m I- -. L. - , on ii row iiiF wr iruurca ui Correspondenoe of the XewYork TiuseaL i VaswrOTow, 11 arch 27.-Col. Bentv h about rhwirg hks lone and eventful career. He b 1 nwt the lat of the od reterane of the mea who were in the height of their glory dsrfr.g the'dsrs cf Jackson, and who then made the whole coun try ring with the echo of their contending blows, lie baa been confined to his room for the lat few wefc. Ia the. pleasant weather of February he was often teba eeea riding slowly upon his splen did black hone, along the avenue, keeping near enough to the sidewalk to enable him to return the courteous salutations of the many friends be was sure to meet. Bat he soon became too feeble for this, axul was scarcely ever out nf his chamber. MfiVring a great deal of pain, but bearing It with characteristic fortitude, and. La spite af it all, ' woking incessantly at what be stylw hb msomm opus, the abridgement of the Congressional De bat.' lie has cotnpioied the work aearly to 1 ST,0, d savs be only hope -to lira lortf enough to bring it down to the present time. Hb familiar it v with the more recent dLnwutm tit Cnr renders the labor comparatively easy, and three or four months of comparative health, would en able him to bring it to a close. But it b very . doubtful whether this will be voochteed to hint. He safer from an internal cancer, and it may end hb life almeat at any moment. He b cheer ful, resolute as ever, and especially glad to see hit friends. . Hb indomitable courage is conspicuous ia the incessant vizor with which he conttnoM to work. Hb review of the Dred Scott decision wan written under jatenee suring, and ia spit of pain, he penbted ia having every proof-sheet readr for the mail bv which hb rjubli.hen wM erpectit. . - - . n i T A Vikoixia Dlsmosd. ilr. OVP. Matthews, of Virginia, has exhibited at the Cinciantti Times oScewhsthe claims as a dbmond of the first water, and the largrt In the world. It has an inch and a half of diameter, amTnearly an inch or thickness. . Tne Ttmes says : . ' It b surpassingly brilliant, particularly when viewed by gas-light. Jfr. Matthews says he has been offered for It X J 4.000. . It was found by the father of its present paasamr ia the gold mines in Buckingham county, Virginia, about seventy yearssiaoa. It Las remained -in the rough state rae inee nntil m (mt mmk im Vr. xr being sausfied by every test that it was la reality a diamond, took it to ew Turk and had it dron ed. Thb precious gem weighs 141 carats. The Koh-i-noor, if we remember, weighs but 100 ca rats. There have been several- nimnt found la the gold -regions of Virginia. Last year one ijobo iu sbmi socauiy was sold at luchmond for . A RrUAJJLUtiCasx.e-Ae have heretofore noticed the case of Bane&rd Daniel, of Coaaoke ea, a, who was convicted of aa outrage upon hb which recalls so manv terrible avoci it stood on its rlatforta like a ladder without teps; the. b'o;k; whh the bole Tor the bead to rwter, at the lower end ; at the upper, the heavy knife of triangular shape, with it edge like a razor's ; hard hv it, the shell of the body after de capitation ; and in front, the banket for the head ; the cord by whica the blade is kept suspended; the framework, painted a dull red, just discerned in the dismal glimmeriog of a winter's mora ine, all presented a mfft h'uWm sicc- tacle. . . Precisely at sis o'clock, Orsini and Pirri were awoke from their sleep by the governor of the pnn, who .announced that their last hour was oome. The Abbe Hugort, chaplain of the Bou ftqete, and the chaplain of the toucierirerie, were jreaent. The prboners heard nuts with respect,' if twit ilrnf iim U'hn thai mnruti anlArkt Wia rkombre de la uJ4r,they were placed at different extremities of it, with their backs turned to each other. - There' were two aasbtant executioners' present one. from Rouen, and the other from af -. sr ewa enroesiaes mm oi i arts, x nese sost no umo in preparing the convicts for the scaffold. Dur ing the dreadful operation . Orsini remained calm; anndPierri. lhourh not so loud and contradictor as durinr hb trial, was somewhat excited. The straight waistcoat interfered .with Jib ges ticulations, hut be hardly ceased talking for a mo ment. . . - When the exctioner was ninioninsr him h ask ed that the fasteninea should not be drawn too liirht- 'aa he 'fiarl aa Intention nt fstaninir Ttia cold touch of the steel on his neck when the scis sor cut on his bair, ao as not to interfere with the guiilotiBg, for an instant appeared to thrill through Liaj; but be recovered himeelf when he found tl:t hb heart! WA ett irntouehe1 TTa Ihinl-iJ the executioner, for letting him die with hb face a heeanwt a man. When the hand ti ar)iirh that veil which covers the features of the parricide b suspended, was put over his Head he b said to have laughed, and attempted a Joke about the 8 cure he must cut At this moment he turned his head and perceived Orsini; he saluted him gaily, and asked ' how he was getting on. He was interrupted by Orsini, who was himself un dergoing the same operation with the same tang mo si u as wcra unuer me nanus oi a vaiol. dreesirg for party;"with the words ; Be' calm, be calm m friend." Pierri's tongue ran on. however. "The ai tan t proceeded to strip him of hisihos, for in pursuance of the sentence they were to proceed to the scaffold barefooted. The man appeared to Hesitate, but Pierri encouraged him to proceed, and aMisted- hiai as much as he could still talking. The operation being over, end the toiltttt complete, he turned owardj the turnkey and aked to be allowed to embrace him. Thb request was complied with. The moment of movement now came, and the Abbe Hugon criod out, Courage rM Oh I am not airaid I am not airaid,- be said, "ww are going to Calvary," and; In a sort of a feverish excitement he repeat- ea to nimseii, - uaivrry, v.ai vary Orsini was oa the other hand, as calm and tran qiil as bis tel low-convict was excited. He spoke little; but when the governor of the prison and some of the o 23 cert approached him he bade them, in a low tone of voice, farewell. The turnkey of h b eell announced to hiff ia a tone of regret that hb Ism moment was come. Orainl thankm) him lor hb STmpetbT. Hb hair was alao cut mr from his neck, but be underwent the operation without fiiachin At the moment when the hood was put oa hb head,- hb face, which op to that moment was calm and impassable, be canse. flushed- for a moment, and im eye Jighted Up. " :" ' t The prison tlork struck seven7--Jefore the last oundxlied away the door leading to the kcaflbld a. a . sait a a w I cpen,u a oi iueii. ine adds liugon entreated ; Pierri to pfoCt by the few moments still left, to collect hb thoughts, and asnme a calmer attitude. He promised to be calm, and said he should chant a natriotie him: and it ii umiJ that kaau,,Tlw gaa to sing the well known " MourU pour Im. Pa. trU." Leaning on the Abbe Hugon, be mounted fifteen steps of the scaffold, still repeating the ver ses of the song. f)rJftl warn affinrw-u-tttfl I lkaAtt.n1i.Af ,k.rA. w ' f mrj wpuu vt 111 7 Vfl- cierge, and bb aalmness never abandoned him for a moment. When be appeared on the platform it could be seen, from the movement of hb body and of his bead, though covered with a veiL that a i t . . . . ... ne was loosing rat ior ine crowd, and probably intended addraaaing them. But tber were too fsrofll The greffler then directed the usher to read the sentence of the. court, condemning the pnwuwi vi um ueaxa ot parricides. I be usher, who was aa old maa over sixty, was evidently ranch moved at having to perform thb duty, and be trembled as much from emotion as he did from cold aa be read the document. After thb formality was terminated, Orsini and Pierri embraced their spiritual attendants, and pressed their lips on the crucifix offered them. 1 ur7 b ujemseives up ra me neaasman, I'lern was attached to the plank ia sn-insUnL He was executed first. .The moment hb veil was raised, and before hb head was laid on ' the block, it b affirmed that he cried " Im f Italie .'live la Repnbliqve! Orsini was then taken ia hand. Hb veil was raised, and hb countenance still betrayed bo emu tioa. Before he was fastened to the plank he turned ia the direct ion of the dbtant crowd, and, it b said cried, - I'm U Franc T It was but five minutes past seven when the aemrwf fn t- to the basket. A cold shudder ran among those whose attention was fixed upon what was passing on the scaffold, and for an instant there was deep ilence. It passed off, however, rery soon. When all was over men went to their work, and wuqvbqon gone logetner to tne spot from dbtant quarters of the town hastened home to break nut The morning was becoming clearer every moment. The troops begaa to move as if about to leave the ground. The guillotine was lowered and taken off. The crowd gradually thinned: some few groups till lingered about the spot; but the cold Was bitter and the mi k.. r-n - V UUL mtws. ih m c w uuun uio piaca was ueserted The number of deaths from the attempt for which these wretched men suffered bow amounts to fourteen. - . - . Budio, whoe santenos was commuted to penal servitude for life, 1s to be sent to London ssa wit ness against Dr. Bernard, who b to be tried in mat city being engaged In the conspiracy the bill i r After a long debate -on the bill it was -passed hv a rote of 44 Ro-ainit A'l' with the anhtifutiiin (on motion'i'f'Mr." Httnfer.oT two instead of four regiment?, and sohie immaterial verbal alterations. ' .1: l - i . -- - meeting nnr l.fi-iVe hvincr -the Court House was occupied," but I hav never known it rePjsed for purposes of this sort Court alwar adjourning on such occasion when re-v " . J . j d : 3 .v :- .u- . L . T Ma wunwwu, anu i ijiiwun 10 uu oniu-s vuo, iiicni lire rm- t fj-ffngnj , dwth.'the name ot I persnce Hall, which could robably have been ol - Adiourned associations, tbere I tained. as well as several otber-rooms suits we ir i . U-tu .nj-u-veiv.-. j 2 , i .1- ii- .j .ui.u i I - J5e.rlae galloaies of the House were dense- asmriationa, it.wouldseem that even the Tan-yard shelter or the Public Well might havft answered. But nx - The friends, of the present. State and National Administrations." (am nobody else) wer convoked in thb "backrmom !" - Let not "An on fondly imagine that any of us wanted to at tend hb little- "meetinV or that we comnlnin of TIIIRTr-FIPTH COXGRESS. - VivSHrNOTO, April f,- 1853. Senate.-iUr. Brown, from the Di-itrii-t of Columbia Committee, made a rejort aeconlainel Ly a bill for the or ganization of au nUKlliary guaed in the District of Colombia,, and 6hir police regulations, i ; " Various ineffectual attempts. Were, made to vote down Mr. Iverson'9 motion to take up tb army bill innend of the' Minnesota bil). The bill was then taken up and various motions- and amend-' . community that the Ute r Muses' DaW3or. Vi3 a ments were mtU not altering the principles iof j Varm personal friend of Andrew Jackson... Tfcev TdL BpiiLk"iofi,i Pennsylvania; We clip tbe following paragraph from a com ruunicatiori of the Hon. Timothy C. Day, which recently appeared in , the Cincinnati Cbmter. rial : - - . " ' - u In thb connection T desire to give a bit of un written history, lor which I . have the testimony of a gentleman present at tbe interview alluded to. not binne "invited" it U onlv the air of artrery. ivcluaibn, and "dark-lantern-Km" which tha af fair wore that has excited Tomark. (Tbaaid, however, that a chap in "bobbin around," did ac cidentally stumble in upon the "ineetin'," and not precisely getting the hang of things, came down and reported "the derndest biggest crowd o fel lers playui' ktrrd$ up stairs that ever he seen !"k l wiii cniiu tuc lllltiriiiRii b "uuvununii ?l ui, and if that b "not complimenUry by ny means,' ait "Anson" would have us believe, what apology can he, "Anson," make to those "numbers of old ssrl a a a . t line u nigs - to wnom ne applies tne same terms the irrPHtfHt nilef9'nrM evinnott tin all sLJna m. specting" tho legiativeimtveuientVon the Kansas bill. - The niern-ber assembled earlier than iwnal I and engaged in eon version n croups in vari ous partt of thff baTl felatire to the great question so soon w oe aetea upon. - r : ' The H-isfl being called U order, Mr. Haskin cauei attention to tne fact tnat tner were vari ous perns on the floor' not entitled to iU privi le. He saw one -who V a . scribblar for the New lork Hersld,.who said he had goneovor to the black republicans.-and wss actin? with Mat.' teson. He remarked that the correspondent's Mr. Haskin called en the door-keeper to show Mr. hUaw the door, and called the attention of the Speaker to tho l 7th rule. ' . , The Speaker said so-far as the last part of tho suggestion; was' concerned, that was unne 'ceesary. ';" ; . ".'-;r ..';....;, Mr.. a. second reading under bill be Gid- the re loZJl enforeJ S r,ie . V 8 Would by meu, my wor'thy frierman?, ' . Andbnat the Standartft corrosoondent mis- v r Sr..r, " r' , - r taken in supposing thst I "ridiculed .the dele- CI " rcsolOIt' wncn gates?" This is the only appreciation shown of m lf h ?teJ for. h Dis- Sy kindly intentions of ugting that some of umbu tgnjngj thency o SkeVprD ITtLofcfeS Ann Democrab! How very ungrateful ! Corne, ftrrivP! on 'c,ocfc TinS -Anson." don't fret-be assured that 4 f "some ,r,Uod he mfd W take uPbe S"- -Kansas Afl ftlditsrKnM " rsv S.m ilin tw im v.smas qmIiaIa I 1 f should form "a wrong iua predion entirely so- such "wrong impression entirely so" cannot orig inate justly therefrom, but will only bo an in stance of pig-beaded stupidity. 1 Do try to keen cool the whole crowd may go to " Sharlit," and stay there for aught that I care. Be quiet no body has said or insinuated that your meeting wasn't decent, and' you are heartily welcome to that "valuable aid," of which tou so sonoronslv brar. Or course, the halter.Ieil ' Ilomrv-m i a nf Anson will support the nominee of the Charlotte Convention : we all knew that before you told u. Why, man ! .would they not do that even though "Auld Hornie" himself should the "i'ft vidoocl f , . . T1TCS JH. O'BRIX. P S. I had almost, forgotten to notice an in- ouirv of "AnsonV relative ta tha vhm)u-iit of "the gentlemen who were sent to the first K. H. Convention held in' Anson to send delegates to a District Convention." Well, really, I can not say exactly scAsrs they all are. The meeting to which I suppose reference b had, was attended bv about two hundred of the citizen aftha ty, and I presume they arc generally at borne minding their own business. T. M. O B. From the New York Express. the public .congressional peint : ; - ing. The Harpers have been thought to be the larg est publishers iothe United Stat: but accord- in. a nuunl -AAM.Ante I TT t i- u( wm:iHiHtcuicuH iii vongress, uncie.am j njiustM to yteta me noor fur b by Ikr the largest Publisher of boots not only tlut PurP9sci auJ demanded the "previous ques in the United States but in th. ,,M I..v '' . t ' '; ' " 4 ' i . . . , . "7" ' '" Jir. Marshall wanted Mr.-Stephen's refusal to lect has been reoentlv dehaterl in 1.. s.n.(. . k k 5j .... . u w " " huvi i "ni ui wjiu auu euterea on tne rervird . The bill was then read once, when. uings oojeciea to rule. The question . occared shall the jeoted. j ; f - Mr. StcDhena demanded the vm nii The bill was not pejectod-veas 95, ' nays 137 ThA Kill was k.n j ' J Mr. Stephens said Jio would not now diijeuss xuv om, uavinj understood that a substitute B to be submitted. He gave way to Mr. Mont gomery, who offered the Crittenden substitute as amended by the anti-Irfcompton, democratic wuiwuce, proposing to admit ivansas into the U nion and refer the, Lecompton constitution to a "- j-"io, ana ia tne event ot, its re jection, a convention to be called to frame a new constitution, the State to have one representative in me uouse oi Kepreaentatlves till the next fed eral census. . " . . - 4 Mr. 3fontarouierv'said he h sail na rnms slr y make. The substitute was its best interpreter; wyim iu m uiemoers, and was rcmuj io suppiy omen. i f ! Mr. Quitman offered a substitute for the sub- uiuie, sue same as tne Senate bill, with the omb sion of the declaratory clause that the people have a right at all time to alter or amend their con stitution in uch a .Tjjann sr as they think proper. Mr. Humphrey Marshall wbhed to amend the original Senate bill', by striking out the same clause proposed to. be omitted in Mr. Quitman's substitute.' :. ' Mr. SteDhens refused to rield tha ft. corresponded regularly, and Gen. Jackson. T never passedtbroiigh this city without having an inter view with his old and trusty friend.- In 1837; on his return fr.m .Washington, after the expiration of his second term Gen. Jackson' had a talk with Moses Dawson, in tha cour se of which he usel the following language,: - rfcferring to James Buchanan : My political life has no greater 'error . . 1.. . , .. i . r to atone man my neglect to crus.t tne repine oi of Pennsylvania when I had him in my fowr. lie waa me caus oi a bitter war between two m n ot tms nepuDiic (day and Jackson,) who should nnt li'uce lieen tatr-o n srrA ' ilia 'mnMaoMaf - - . ' . . h. . j,. . . . j . - t ji -. . k.iiuiia caused the charges . of ." bargain .and sale", and ; I 1 . 1. . 1. 1 1 , V wiieit unmguii uoinn in uim, jie meaniy tert me alone to faee it; Friends interfeml 'then to save a j 1 a. a w . a . ' . mm irom oeing exposoa, ana i listened to tnem. ' His. utter detestation of the man was exnresaed bv an emphatic stamp of his foot when he spoke of him as the- "reptiW.. of Pennsylvania, - After the National Democratic- Convention pf 1814, Jackson wrote to Moses Dawson, expressing hb avmnathv- with 'Van Tturen in hia Antoat ' anA dedy " but I rejoice at the defeat of Buchanan." This bit of personal history is truthful and relia ble, and I command it to the notice of tha En quirer. And this is the 'Democratic . Saint, with whose name is to bo linked the honored one of Jackson." . . .'..-' . ? , , , The Cincinnati Enquirer having denied the correctness of thb statement, the Hon. Charles Remelin, a Deraoorat of the old school, responds in a letter to Mr. Day, in -which be save" I heard the conversation reierred to, and can bear testimony to its substantial correctness.".- , As for ourselves, we have no doubt of the truth of the charge. That Gen. Jackson regarded Mr. Buchanan as a " reptile," is evident from hb let ter of 1845 to Mat. Wm. R Tona orhArain ha declared that -Buchanan wanted "moral courage," ...... .. v.a v J IJ WIIUUHUU, ; 1 1, proposition he made to the old Hero. These thines. combined with- the treacherv . of Bcchanan . to H. I K, S. TUCKE R, WOULD 1 1 - . . . ' . . . . - 11 . .1 i . . . rii.f atiintr. nt Vieh S Drill f DrASB (wOOdfli ooBsisiiaa of Silks, in new and elegant designs; , 4. , - Silk Robes, Double Skirts ; ' ' . " ' Silk Robes, two and three Ionsosi; - " t . v - Silk Robes, Aquille; - . Barega Rnbe, Jtfps ; ' - , - ' Barege Kobe, Aquilla; . y . " t Bagadese; -i ' 1 Oygsnio Robes, Double Japs; ." ;,: . Double Jnps Asill; , - ' Six quillss;. - ' . - " . Deux quills;. - ' Jftckonet Mulin sod Oraudies, by the yard aal in pf nr-.ae - . ; Piqa, in new and elegant designs; -. Prints, ia small to medium designs $ i 1 Travelling Dress Goods; - " ' . - ChalliiHi, Bombasines, - Pine Apple and ..other. - ' Mourning Go"ds ; r ' . " TVio lit Am K.va Km. aalarttAl with IPTAftt e&M- in the Northern markets, and will be sold oa the most reasonable terms. . W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. miJCKER'S STORE. JUST RECEIVED . JL Kid O loves, faratols, xans, Kibbons, Laces. -Alaree assortineBt of Collars aod LTnderleavas. in set and separately. . Mantillas, in Silk, Baree and Laee Sbawls, Ae, ; tall on r W: 11. A R. S.vTUCKER. s IIEALTIl, tlltACE AND IIEACTt, C10NFERRED CP0X THE LADIES, BY WEAR- 1X0 tbe New Expansion -Skirt, with tbe ! j ; ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE, " Which has been decided by the best medical aatbority, to be the most beneficial garmeat ever introduced for the Ladies' use, tbe weight being only 12 ounces. A. .'',-':f:.'- To be found at ' '?.h-;"-vvv!"vv mar 31 4t - : , r W. H. R. 8. TUCKER'S. : GRAND. R 4PFXE. . 9 O M ETIIIX C NE ' , 2,909 CHANCES AT ti PER CHANC1 To be drawn at Macon, GsV, aprU 20th, Iig the svora suprlDteBda-e of E. C. Balklev ai Waterman, E-. by , . ANDES 8 ON A SOI, Tjfaaa, JASPER COUXT Y AC A DEMT LOTI By ABthoritf of the State of Geo Vi 2 2 1 ( Rohert J. Walker and Hanum! . Walt enough to satisfy any candid man that he is total- 1 tt. I - a . ly nn wormy oi commence, sua cannot oe trusted. " I ; ; : .Richmond Whiff. DEATH OP A NORT'H' CAROLINIAN-AT :, , MOBILE. . r, : Wo learn from the Observer, of WMdnnulav! tno -'4in inst., mat a gentleman, apparently near iony years oi age, uiea snaaeniy at tne Mansion House." in Tuscaloosa. Ala., earlv on tha morning of the 23d inst. He arrived there on Werfneariav. justone week previous to his death. He regis tered his name as "John Hennine, N. C." He aDPeared to be snflerinc under treat mental dis. tress--had all his meals in his roomshunned society drank freely of liquor, and was often heard in his room bewailing his fate. Toesdsv from thst debate we learn that 'large as Uncle Ssm is as a Printer, be is yet larger asa Book Binder. The cost of Binding alone since July iaao.is six times as much as the whole cost of Paper Priating and Binding for' the year ls47 The Bill for Printing and Binding for the year lat past has been over a million and a half of dollars. The Pacific Rail Road Report (not the Road ittelf is costing a million t sun. r' eron, alluding to the naturally large expectations of the People in consequence of the Urge sums expended for Printing, says : I ne otner dav. a rood man t, his son, a smart boy,' was fond of reading, and he hoped I would send him 'some good story books? Today I have a letter from a man who says be Is a horse-doctor and asks me for books to wui iiiiu uo inur. iaugnter. Senator O win says: "I do not know how it is with others, but really I am borne down with applications for books, seeds, and things of that sort, and if I do not send them to every one who applies to me, it umuni m aim oi personal Onence. Senator Toombs says: s "During the recess I know I had to send to our village Postmaster a two-horse wagon all the time to get my mail. I presume that is the his tory or all of us. A gentleman would have to enlarge his house almost to bring in his documents. It takes almost as many rooms for my documents as it does for my small family." Senator Brown says : i "After alL the constituent of the Senator from snnsvlwania haM.l. J - a a . . . VWI vs. t . i. D6 Question wm ihon fa Van An f - si.,: subeutute, which was negatived yeas 72, navs 160. '- j . -'-; '- -- ' ,7 - ' : i 1 he question was then called vpdn- Mr. Mont gomery's substitute which was adopted veas 120 nav 112.- ' (-' the announcem.entws greeted with applause from tha irsntlomnn'a nlliir. .-'. . o ; ft-"1" J . Mr. Keitt raovoif that it .n.4 rf. ed on the enforcement of the rule. . ' - 1 Much confusion prevailed. . The Speaker re minded the sppraudera that they were not in the j v Mmt.ra,TUa saiau tne indecorum HI repeated the galleries should be cleared 'T A voice. '-Except the ladies." - . Another.-i."CertainlT.? . The House, then proceeded to rote oh the Sen ate bill as amended h Mr rAnt.. - L stitute, which was passed 1 20, nays 1 1 2. 5 f The House then immediately adjourned. A Washixotox, April 2. Senate. Nothing I of ""F"1 w trauaacteu. aunng tne morning hour. j ; j The Kansas bill from the House was taken top and the amendments-read. i Mr. Green, without further explanation, said he would submit hi direct vote of the Senate. . ' After some discussion, Mr. Green's motion was then put and carried; yeas 32, nays 23, and thus the Senate decided to disagree to the House amend ment. T ! ) The nays were aa follows : Messrs. i Bell, Bro-derick.- Cameron. ChtnAlnr nto.t rn- - J wlUUUKf, he took a potrion, for the purpose, he said, of ma- 1-s us i r. .1.-1 . ... tn urn sirrp. , n uau tne eueci oi vomiting him .at diffeent times throno-h the.lru Te Friend vLdtedhim soon after taking the chloro orm. and was satisfied that he had emntieri the contents of the stomach. Ha Wfifl Amain ' a11 at! after midnight, but the vital spark has fled. It is supposed that the immediate cause of his death was armlexv. the dmefltnri man vu an anliu ati... 4sv V, - J .. - . t...... o.,MUd W fcUfJ community, and from some remarks that fell from . . i r.t. . i jk.t.: i . : uuu, was vuii iii;iu WiUl UIO USIUTlg pUSUleSS in North Carolina. He was a lartre maacular man Weihintr nrobablv. two hundrad mnnifa caSt O W J I f'" .. . . said he had a mother living. . He had in his pos session $224,00 in gold, two gold watches, , and a pair .of Colt's repeaters. , No letters or papers were found on his person. ,;-v - :j - , , - Petersburg Expreaa. ATTENTION LADIES! BONNETS Bleached and Pressed at tbe shortest notice ia Ina mnst fWahinnahl i v 1 , Iks, A-waA klaAb- arlik tlAiUl'mjad dianaiB. hv Mr A nnt J.n. VNnblin etteville street, opposite. Lawrancej HoteL - . . .N. B. Mrs. Franklin would call tbe attention of ladies to the fact that she has been engaged is the above branch of bnsiness for tbe past 12, years, aad does not natter herself in saying she has ao equals in the Old Orders will be atteaded to if left at the store of J. B. rranklin, Agent . r . -- -' ; ' - : Terms reduced from old prices in this place, and all work warranted to give entire satisfaction or Be charge. Remember the place, lavetteville street, opposite Lawrence's Hotel. t, ';: -'. Terms strictly cash. - " V " mar 27 ANNA JANX PRANKLIN. : ' ' 1,1 w ..... New:: Stock IIata Caps, and Straw Goods, i SPRING IfiADK-U8.: ; - . I WOULD INVITE THE ATTENTION OF Country Merchants,, and purchasers generally, to say my aew stock of -,:i;v t. . ' HATS CAPS. AND STRAW GOODS. r " - . s . which is now fall and complete, eomprbiag a good va- neij ui stjies ana qaainiM saitaa to tae epriag aad Summer trail Tfaia mtswlr ku m1miA :k great care, aad is well adapted to meet the wants ef mat cannot tail to please. R. W. HARRISON, v mar 27 lm - ' 17 Syesmore at, Petersburg, Va... K. H. SAUNDERS, ORUGUIST, - CHAPEL HILL, N. k LARGE AND COMPLETE A8S0RTMEFT OF ' f Druri always oa hand: all tho Pateat Msdieiaas i 1 NeTr Mss vary likely, 1 Prue in GolJ, . ; ' i ' i Piano, Puarl Keys, ?1 OcUvs, ,2 Prizes in G1L each' sf . " - -5 .. " -.'. ' ! "' - sa . . u ' ... Kit ,. :. M '. 1 4i ' 44 lUU -44 . 44 , 44 ' . Two thonsaad ntambers will be placed ia a" from No. to 2,000, aad twe haadred aamWs oat. , The first draws nussbef will Uks PrUe ; tho soooad. Prise No. 2 ; and so oa bbU tbe 200 aas drawn. If tho party drawing tho Negro' Piaao, prefers, be eaa git tha sSoaoy, Uss Ism - Checks, ob NeWTork remittod for PrUes, I forrod, instead of fold. Bank Notes of soaad ' taken at par. The- result ef tbe draa-iag will to perrhaser ea tbe day of the drawing. JUgi letters at oar risk. Address ardors to : Anderson a son, Maaa. , apS Up20 ' - 'Maeoa or Savaaaa THE UNI?ERSITV OP FREE Ml CINE aad popular knowledge, or rani ted t parpose of arresting the evils' of worthless aad rions Bostrams, Sad supplying families with rs iomoHM! nemoatoa, aave sola te Mossrs. J. A CO WLE3, of ElkvUle, N. C, bb assortatoat of valaablo rompoonds, vis : . . - . ROLAND'S TONIC MIXTURE for the en Agae, ote r - Syrup of Black berry Root, for the ri Diarrhosa, ete ' Tho UBiversity Remedy for Lang CoatplalBta vyapepoia, or saaireeuoi Costive Bowels, (PUls) BoreJEyos, alar ache aad Deafness, Toothache, - - "e " " ; Cholera, aie. . ' Ualike the varioas aostrvau of the day, those R dies depend spaa their merits for poMtlarUy ' are to be had of tho Messrs. VQWLE8, tt ElkrlUa' v. M...M hii, mm jvuvwi ; , C. Uelntosh, Tsylorsyfllo; Dr. Jobs riak, eeyviue; W. C. VTalker, PersimmoB Crook j T TO 'if bw; '"JP N 8mith ystteviueV 1 ham JL Farabee, Shady Qrovo; David H. IdoL botl's Crook; TrantoB A Bra, Pfisfflowa : A. T. t ly.Salata,' F. S. Marshall, Halifax ; W. Levi I Waynesville; R Bsrru A Seta, PoUoksvUlei II nelper, Davideoa OoUere ( W.'H.LippiU, Wilmias Dr. A. 0. Bradley, WilmingtoB: Hoary CbIbm Elisabeth City; Sattarfiold A Williams, Roxb Samuel Toaae. AahehAramra n.i.i U in Graage; R. & Losjg, Roekiojhaia J R D. Meoel Co., Cliatoa; W. A. Lash, .Walnut Core; Jo Cowies, Jr., JeaoseUlo; J. A A. C. Cowlos, Haass rOle ; Lucas A Q. J. Moors, Goldsboroash. mar 10 lyrfej " RULES FOR CANCELLING. ABRIDGED ARITHMETIC. Thaa, L 4 44 44 44 144 J ' 44 tnorning he bought some chloroform, of which msvUgbVraedUu 0 Saranxo; Lf'.i ArUhm. ae dS uc wum. a uuinon, iw me purpose, ne saw. OI ma- I it tn Ha r .1.. ,vit t: I J 7 -7 01 utose Hales LoWj stati or Mora ts amonq some SotrrH xrx MxxBXitsor Cosoriss. -When Mr. Senator Douirlail In ill hefnra. the Sonata tha Acfaati r .1 -r. -. - ..... uio vuirago, rosimasier, 11 is reported mat "Mr. Senator Toombs replied that he should vote for him, if he proved to be the greatest thief anu rogue in me country, in order to vindicate the principle which the President has asserted." And when an avalanche of facts Was brought before a member of the House, now upon the Kansas Inveatiratinr CVimmistM that trum)u Mr. Letcher, of Virginia, was reported to have said v -- - - u; A They are of no. importance ; that he didn't doubt the frauds ehRnrad. hnfrthaf tha 7 " ,111 congress uaa naming to ao wim tnem." - Comment is scarcely necessary, for soch men must have a sectional hydrophobia before they can fall into such a rabid state of madness. u . : -. v ,'. , N. T. Express. ' .r . - Thb Uhit Pkksbttkrian Sthod. This body met in Knoxrille, Tenn., on the first day of April, j It will be remembered that at the meet ing of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (N. S.) in Cleveland, Ohio, last May, a uiajoriiy oi mas oouy passea tucn stinngent reso lutions on the Sublet t of nUvorv Invnlvi rf . -w. J J h T V a 1UUVUU a condemnation of the principles and conduct of .1 o .1 . - f - . ... - it tO be aS If) t retentad I alaa otFar thafnltnarlnanM. paratioas of my own make, low for cash : . .Citrate Magnesia, effervescing; Citrate MagnesU, - ' Dry. Blistering Collodion ;' Collodioa l l-- . f . . . .. -. s ior ourreonj aaa ia- ' '-. - ' ' gnorrootypists. . " Unusual care will be taken in preparing this article, warranted equal if not superior to any made North. crujj 4utoe atol, warrantea purs. f .' mar 2 lm. . ..--.:. , ri l'K U P HYPOPHOSPIIITE. LIME aWm 9a1B w - KJ ana soaa. 1 am now prepared to raraha this now aad elegant preparation, so h izhlr recommended y ut. vBorcnui aaa oioers, ior voBsumptrca, Coaghs, te., in any quantity. I make the Syrup myself aad can warrant it to be fresh and genuine. -Also, Blair and Wyeth's Comp. Syrap of tho Phosphate or Cbeml- va, aa eiegmut ionic DOia WBOlesalO BBa roiBU, "y ? u u. aAUHUKRB. Dnuraist. Stt. 1 TTMB a."" tf m . Am. m m V -, wiapei aui, a. juarca x. v las C ECOND AND LAST lH.Tint? a r 1 O parsoBs iodebted to the Estate of Isaae Proctor. 4f w ui fuvaav out ai uxj sun BBa BlaKB payBMBt a ueu- earuesi ooBvoateBoe, or utey mar expect to a. J4 .1 . . . . . . auu uieir note ua aecoBnts in uo Aanas ox ooesrs. Persons living at a distance who are indebted to said estate will please write to me, as I know not whore many of them live, and it would save a great deal Of hiqairy. -.. J. K. MARRIOTT, Adm'r. ..." mar 20 lsa. .- -vv '.. c -.-. J : Wj. PAVniLU ; j ; JOSBfB r Alf STILL. '.WILLIAM PANNILL dk CO.; COM3IISSION MERCHAIVTS, KIUIiMVJSU, VA., i . Continue to devote their aUention to tha sale of r" TOBACCO, WHEAT, CORN, Ac All produce consigned to them through Messrs. PAN NILL A SON, Petersburg, wiU be forwarded free ef commission. " j Richmond, Va., March 31. '..-. - Jm; nay solve them without ataek hesitotioa. Ceatfats ttt the Sheet: Short Method of Multiplying lad Dividing Fraotio " ;t 1 LSmber Meatare, Wood If east Computing Lead Measure ; U UU the aamber of sb glos to eovor a hoass; to lad the solidity of eyUadc globes, Ac. Finding, the per feat gained or lost aa article at a certain pries ; Short Method of soap lug latere t, and. various othi rales never offered the pnblio before. hey are printed oa good psp t" mi jwu dj sasse it ales b maa- ( make from $20 to ft per week, tsechiac to Classei SI per scholar. . ' 7 Any persoa seadiag xae ?f eoats, shall receive c eopy; i copies lor $3 19 copies for $5. Agents waatod to sail these Rales ia every sobsi All orders amst be seat the sabseriUr, aad t Rnlei will U sent free qt portaf. Addeeas . ' - B. N. SMITH, iobir-w3m J- V Centra, K?C. - SPRINO dOODfl.' .: tnopKiN8r nrjLL a co., C Wfco1"1' Dr G-i rc haatst AtMJioUimor SUrtet, . . w- BALTIMORE, - TN VITi: THB ATTENTION OF BITTERS T the labsk asd VABixn stock or British, Freacst aa4 Ajsiertcaa Dry Good 1 for Spriag aad Saasaer salea, which they are now n Por CASH, or to raoart strrtas, they wUl offi great iBdaeeiaeBt-. Special atteaUoa girea to order wwobssssvsw, aaa-auxraf. 0 PenylvmaTtim FcrrrSe: Hamlinf'Harifn ffinSw?' ' W i hwiUbe old Pennsylvanian-I greasy he' vuTlS irnmias, Stuart, Trum'bSvWildfanS' WU- eftha fera!X- F-eS-S TCatatmr a iVTwiAV k l a a.. . cwa daughtsr, chicly oa her testimony, but was I Edrnl l"-) Democrat, writing from RockyMt, t.WeirJ mnl.l' .-.'. t i . . I Franklin tvmnlv ttaa that - .V V I , a- - Htm auu KUtLieo, Uie I "J f m uuva.Mlg iDuruer girl and her mc tber saving acknowledged that iheyjwortabely. A correspondent of the Lynch- oorg vouner says: It is said that the Joy of the innoccet man was almost beyond bounds, when he was released. He xnouroea ana snea tears for his persecutors, aad lamped and shouted, and clapped his bands for jy that he had earaoed lh thunder of a punka. , . V . nearily 00 the " wutr mu nlnety.nlne, who we beueveto U gUty should escapa, than Jtwaan ea a . a, . 1 ' t a bbm . . .,.l Ma lowponufiai. hMpiotorir taated with the mother mnA a-.. .. , , ' aj v t om I a MOT ua riMW- "T ruht ret the oil tnaa out of lellr with the weanon. . Tha ..-. kL..v " ZlJ the further abuse "j u jtnai ox I v m uiDian'i, ran wiu aii tne power or coward - iy aperta5j The murderer was arrested, and is in jail at this plane awaiting his trial. He pre bfaJj to be perfe.1 deraaged since the affair, but was committed sear that nlaee. aVit th. - - . r 1 wrim ago, under the following circumstances : residing six 4AW uvw. um inbv, imm irvia ait Dea one nirbt, and rettinv a nmr m-alka.4 t th wi i P - - - m o. : . wsr vcu a uerw ius wife was lying, and made a terrible gash from her ear to her mouth, cutting off a piece of her ear, uMiwiujinii jwpoi oer teem. Sne cried out and awakened one of Purguson's brothers, wh was sleeping in another room, who immediately came In. when the murder annn - .k. j ' a .u uwr The other Furpuson tMnmmA htm v .v.. v. band went back into the house with a boa In his nauo, ana oeat me need of his wife into a rjcrfeet " w-a nn w, jar xzustaxen. vny, sir, you do publish books for children T What are all your picture books, but books for children 7 "bat is the use of books crammed full of pictures of birds, snakes, lizards, and all manner of things of that sort, printed in the most artistic style, with pretty little stories about the habits of , K . V ...1 . . 1. . ... virus, bubacs. ana renuicw. mit mm ,.w books? They are not printed for men, because they conUin no information that would be of any value to a man with a beard upon his face, or a woman who was fit to be the mother o cnuoren. j.ney are mere plarthings, got up at an enormous exnenaa hv the finurnm.nt t., i. your books about the exploring expedition and instead of giving a history of the expedition you ., auu um vjuc-rri pictures, aua mokt out landish things meaning nothing; no historical statement that amounts V anything. There is one volume of ' this exploring expedition, the queerest book that ever was put inside of. lids. Take a box of common shoe-blacking, and a brushy and a little white paper, smear it all over, i m T. p-ppwr-pox oi wmie sano, sprinkle "u you win nave as gooa a book as that." (Laughter.) . . . .- . . -One would think after such expositions Book Printing would" be stopped in the' Senate, but immediately after a vote was taken.on .a -Beaolu- uon wpnni ten mousand copies -of the Report of the Committee of Patents for the year 1857 on Arts and Manufactures, and On the motion to postpone indefinitely the Resolution, the vote ieas te iayt 28, Those absent were Messrs. Bates, Davis, Dur kee, Henderson. Reid. Sumner and TmmK, Mr. Douglas made an ineffectual attempt to take up the Minnesota bill. ... L After several calling of the yeas and nays, the bill was brought before the Senate. ' " f j Mr. Mason moved an adinnrnmanf iir-.i. j . v wimur. which prevailed. 1 - . - : i - House: The House went intcTcommittee of the Whole on the deficiency bill. f Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, whilst opposing various tfaiMS a-, a nrf i aia 1 aP- B . a a aamao, ji iivuianjf wriae army, said incidentally that there was no evidence of a rebellion in Utafi He would send civil officers thither and if the Mor mons did not-co-opefate in the administration of the rovernment: ha would mnaal tknw...u i-. and give Bingham i oung and his company fair notice to quit oursoH. -" '. ", . . Various gen Ueme took --part in the debate on the subject of quartermaster but without comine td a vote the House acljourned. . I a o wv1....,iVBMWj esoauuoutj TCaa. GlTdSea the ripht Of IWVSWftinn o11sa4 sa AAnwnnr'Afi Q I vwt.vu mm was SAUVU fit KiGnmond. tuna flnftlW saa1-vi a . 1 ' j wv- wBnsvje a asUa plete organization of their own. , To perfect this .? ' u"vijct; vi vu meeting ia Jxnox- SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, eke. TH E UNDERSIGNED HAS ON . HAND, OF his own mannfactare. : Ladies and Gents Saddles, of every grade and quality ; Boys aad Wagoa do.: ) Carriage, Baggyr Cart aad n agon xiarness, aad v -j all other Goods , kept ia a Regular Saddlery Establiskmeat Wbich will be sold low for cash, or oh short credit to uraers tnaaxtaiiv reeeived. and promptly executed. - maris tf C. W. D. HUTCHING 8. It is stated that private letters have been re ceived by the Persia, which predict a war between France and England in less than sixty days. The enoct or the pamphlet recently issued in ' Paris, reviewing the events of the nut i-r tum a f. j v . -y . . reKented to ne nnepatin aa iFni.tim, aha .aU.C Lll.l) soothing, the publio mind. A war with England is mougni w do tne settled purpose of the Empe ror, l . - j r JOHN A. GILMER. Hon. John A. Gilmer is devoting his 'talents and energies to promote the interests of his con stituents, and the State at large. "We have heard it remarked bv net-none rluhin Hiti. t ted Washington, that few members have ever ta ken so commanding a position the first session as We notice from the proceedings of Congress, that he has presented several jeiitions, pravkig the establishment of a National Foundrv on Deep River, and he will doubtless use all fair' and hon orable means in his power to carry through that importantj measure. -Pariof and Flag.- . " ANOTHER SWINDLE., j We some weeks ago exposed a gross swindling concern of one Merry.d) Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, who advertised in a paper of their own "National Consolidated lotteries' to be drawn in BaltiiriOre. & v ..TyB.w., VJ .1,.4 44 AIWIXK Cir umu c-i k tt, v,u., va uxm same piace, con taining a hurnber.".of . schemes- of the "Western Consolidated Lotteryi to be drawn by law at Bal timore,'' This is anothor one of the same swindling concerns, as no auchlotierie exist, and of course any one who purchases a ticket must lose every dollar invested. We trust our Cleveland exchan ges will call attention to this fraud as their city must be more or less injured if their authorities allow the issuing of such cheats as these schemes are. a?tmor Patriot. : i Onn TO WOO BALES OF COTTON 7UU R ANNUM. I am still manufeeturins; aw eas -i - i i ROCKY MOUNT MILLS, v Edgecombe county, N. C 900 to 1000 Bales motion per annum, sad will deliver at any of our Kauroad Depots, free of Freights, to punctual cus tomers, ea. month time, or diseoant'or 2 per cent, for eash, COTTON YARN, SEINE TWINE, PLOW LINES, Ac, . 4 - ' Orders addressed to W. S. BATTLE, "Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, N. C, will be promptly attended 1 , . -. J . mar24 lyialak PWC A. D. B-rhe, J. J.Stephens, J. N. MaffiUl, A. A. Humphreys, W. B. Franklin, and W. H. JZTKZ; nSt'mmittee appointed by th. V rZJ . rvary to examin the Cat Jer Pvev and Ear with . viw to further hnproTe ntt. smiel st iliniBrtoa on Stin.Ur end .m fcod ia their daii- oa Md.y" Tul ,7d Wadaeadavust. The JLa expresaVaL'irf thr Report will U fkvoraLlme ijg the tjt tisw on the evening of the lath day of Ai-rtf Va-t, fror. tU light-house recntly UnI aajao-s Masahea, North. Carolina. Two very rolife robbers rrently entered bouse tJa Mr Tmi.Kri.l, mm. n;4 i . iiii uuuiiiirunu Michigan, and going to Mr. T.'s bed, tld him not to stir, aa.1 allewer Mm in bedark t ieel the euge or Uiir kaives. They asked If Mrs. T. was la had. an-1 fnUilur a- mnlr U S.. apninexed XT their nnseasonable viit, but assu hr f.fety. Two remained In the bed-room, wniie the ret of the mr Na aad carried away evarrihing of value, ootuisting of silver, Je alrv; clothing, a set of fu rs, &c, Cm Uvlng loada a Uartj tutal la me pantry. A Cool S wtS0L. The Cincinnati Gsxotte of the 29th Inslatit says that a stranger called at the commission and flour store of John n Shwii..n the i 3 Walant street, and stated that he wished f I remit SI S to hia motho in tha ' . w " -. --- ... wtm.. vvMiM J , VUI UM as his money was in gold he could not do so nn less he could exchange it for' a check,. Mr. Still. wll took the coin and nn him a ehivlr r. a i rm upon me AAQtyette Banking Uomjoiny A IrrttViRDicT. The following tragic inci dent occurred in Jefferson county, Miss., on the 18th nit. "Ephraftn Caste, and a companion, by the name of Johnson, attempted a: ehivarari of -Sir. JSS. smith. Uklntr hllfrlaa' mini MiJ.oi.. - w " O O 7 b wwj'uviu, and obscenity; Mr.. Smith submitted under pro test and remonstrance until "forbearance ceased to be a virtue?' and even after he had exhibited his gun, and threatened to -resent their insults, he im portuned and begged f the. parties, for the sake of his famUr and their own live, tod aKiat fmm tliM. Infamyand cowardice, and not until patience and forbearance were exhausted did he manifest any hostile resentment To rid himself of an Insolent ana uasiaraiy enemy ne was compelled to use his gun. The shot told well; and the victim expired with a single gasp. The 'coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of Justifiable homicide, f NOTICE TO BUILDERS. ' BUILDERS" DESIROUS OP CONTRACT IN Cr for tbe proposed extensive improvements avthe UNIVERSITY OF NORTH-CAROLINA, eaa inspect the PLANS, DETAIL DRAWINGS and SPE CIFICATI0NS at the Offices of the Architect, ' WILLIAM PERC1VAL, Goddin's Hall. And Smith's Brick Building, Raleigh, N. C, from the 26th of April, to the 3d of May next, st which period sealed proposals will be received till the 4th of the same month, good references 'to accompany each proposal. j.u wauuHn wui not pieage toemseiveS to acoent aay or the lowest tender. . " N. B. For further particulars, apply to the Architect. By order of the Oommittee. .-: ap S tlmy LIME 1 Iaa2.nnn rrt - ?dp Eastern Lime; . .: 600 Bbls. Fresh Waihinirtm m. rs... T. A .. O MUHVi For sale for cash, at sn et 9 ..jem...i: ' - Try a y t ci V""-"- ap S10t Central Wharf, Norfolk, Va. T IME t s C II O O I. NOTirF...Tni? aravDiv TENDENTS of Comuoa Sehonl. Av. w.v. wa vv M VVaUBSJ taVllI tnal .4 SV . n a TT Wa . a a - a.. aasw ui voun xtoase aQ iUUetrtk. M to 34 MAMftaW laJI ' - ... ap S-2t i W.TT. WHITAKER, Ch-m'a. LIFE AND A .l. . '"I - J - v a or two atter ha happened to U at the bank. William awt Ma.V rw i :iS: - wnen me suwect of the check was snoken ot mrui ,-0;. r.-,,7: r the officer Informed Mr. S. tlt the T .ZZ " .?. l" W awy UolJege will meet for the same amount. The .Tt u v. .i..i4l .M Vr il. in tha memUr eiviait but one, and an en. a1b?2 c? the purpose of r u rira-ujiv a rrvkTacarki. nr i ... . 1 i - . . auu bucu luuiaa proved tha secoad, check Xa be a forgery. 1 as raay be uTiignatsd bj tha tkiard CORRESPONDENCE ' JAMES IREDELL, . ; Br GRIFFITH J." McREE, Esq., - " J Volumes, Cloth. $2 6a-per Volume. . , THE" UNDERSIGNED HAS JtJST RECEIVED a supply of the above Work. When sent, by mail, the postage win ha S& cents per volume, vtra. auurlX--aa, JAMES J. IREDELL. ' . SIDNEY A. SMITH- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SmithSelal. T.r- ' wmi am. lMlt, .SiUIjAKAjr,THE COONTY T ? and Superior Conrts of Wake, Johnston Jcnm- iraruau. namau ana vw him - a 11 a.. ....... . , . ... " " "faw VUUUWI io on cars wui receive prompt attention. -jaa 13 waswly - j .v 1858. -, ( "-'TSSS. . FRESH SPRING GOODS. - ' i LANIER, 'BROTHERS A CO., -Importers aad Jobbers of Dry Goods, ? . iVo. 236. Baltimore .street - BAXsXIlfO&K HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND 'VA RIED assortment of ehoios ' , . . ' FANCk AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. which they offer to their friends aad the trade, at ax- ceedingly low prices. J - , -,-, To caik aad prompt tie stoat invert they are pre pared to offer strong inducements. - :s . .' . , feb 24 2mla " " .r . . ' ARMSTRONG, CATOR A CO :. h -v laroaTxas Aitn josss as or v v RIBBONS, MILLINERY, SILK ' GOODS, . Straw Bonnets, Flats, . ,'. Flower and Ruches. . - No; 227, BALTIMORE STREET, CBASLXS A5B BASOVSa STS BALTIMORE. Our Stock is unequalled In variety, extent and cheap, aess. Terms, strictly six months, or 6 per oent off for nn. et,M.t. : . . . a . ; - i : - - isb ii,. . - SPRING TRADE, 1858. ; TUST RECEIVED AT H. A- DEPKNI'S. T 1 r i . ..... i.i. . mw jLiaaiee vongresa vauen wiia bsois. i; ' . Morocco bootees with and without heels. ' Goat ? ' '. Kid .y : 44 SUppers. ' r Goat Ruskins. -t ' Misses' Morocco Bootees, with heels. -r ' Goat . - 44 . ' Gentlemen's Eli Congress Gaiters. v " - Calf - ' - - :-".-' ; ! " Pat Lsathsr Walking Shoes. . f M".'. fflrppers. - mar 27 t , 1858. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD. . - Ckaage of Sckedale. ' ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAV, THI 7ra OF April, the Passenger Trains will rua as follows : Mad Train leave Raleigh at , a. m : ; .'Arrive at Weldoa L30, p. m. ' 44 ,., 44 TTa Weldoa at 11.30, a. bl, Arrive at Raleigh 4, p. ai." . . vt - Aeeommodatloa Tram leave Raleigh at 4J, p..nu Arrive at Weldoa 11.40. p. as - ' H - Leave Weldoa at 9, p. mt., ' . s :----a-a.v - Arrire st RaWh 4, a. at. ConnacUll7 with the Trains of the Xnrthr..,l;.. Railroad at Raleigh. I JAMES M. POOL, BAKER CO'!,, rcaa aanictsAL COD.LITEB OIL, For Coasamotioavaad KImJj ri. SINCE THE INTRODUCTION OF THI80li to the public, it has enjoyed the confidence aa patronage of the most scioatiie aad skQfal of the ated ical Faculty; iu saerits havtag ertablUhed for it Uu reputation of balag the pnrest aad saost sasodUy eOca ehms remedy, as wen ia eases of chronic Vad stubeon eaaracter, as ia those of a more arrest aad critic, aatnrs. It Is eatirslv free from u a raatod as pure as ia the livers ef the lsa, aad ear! ftdly prepared under the direcfloa of ear sent at the 0sheries. -; v :; :: ... ., T fr,lttd, W WBt admixtare or adaltera tioa, it is supplied only ia bottles eapcaled aad labaUed with ear new sad beaatiful labels, without which aese 4m (saeiaw. jaaBBiacmroa oajy by i . JOHN C BAKER A CO, - i . 4 .N2r ,M' Nortk ThW street, Philadelphia, f v l tU throBghoat the eoaatry. - fab 20 Ssa ; . . ' . B. L. HARDING, 1 ' ' Aft. T aaVSV VIU V AAV. A AO HE PARTIES CLAIMING SUAREa ia the faad raised by the sale ef the property kaowa as the "Tsrhoroagh Hoass,' wiU attend at the ernce m tae Heprssae Court ea tae 20th day ef May next, with proper proofs to establish their several la tereeteaad each party hat leave to exassine say ef the others ia relatioa thereto. ' H3 t E. B. FREEMAN, Clerx. BROOM MANUFACTORY. mHE MANUFACTURE OF BROOMS HAVING JLbsea selected by the Bosrd of Directors ef as N-C. lBstUutkB for the Deaf aad Death sad the . Blind, as eae ef the meehaaleal branches to be taarht to the papfls la tbe Buxa Dar ABTassr, aettoe is aivea. that we have oa kaad a large assortaieat of .Breoeu which will be ottered te Merchants oa as rood terms as' ' they aa be frocared at the North. - - v - We desire to eaU tbe atSeBtiea of Werehaau" f?.tJrlBr N?rUl ,or U,b' SPC wppHes, to thrfact - Testhlar AQ eosBaaaaicattoas, at orders far Rroesol saoali be sddrswsd to . ,. . WM. D. COOKE, " :'' ' Pria. N. C lastitatioa , . for 5tl Dasab aad the Bliad. . fcb 24 wSm . i t , - , . . . - . HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENIIR ' into the BaStesBtile baaiaess at Sassafras Fork, la a a aw Am . w """' wooiy, a bow oner wt sale my towa property fat Henderson, oa the Raleigh aad Gaftoa Railroad, aoa slstiag ef a wen Improved lot of Ire or tea Bares, sal two animproved lots, with a lot of wood lead ia half a mile, safleieat to supply wood for several years. -I wiU tell this property low aad make the terms l eave practiced medicine here foe ssvea years, aad eaa reeemmend the loeatioa as aa ex tallest one for a phrsiciaa. There Is a male aad female school la the Villare: EDieeoDaL hfethodiit J Bimiii rvmta .. alsov Persons wishing to purchase the property wOl please make early appUcatioa. - ' . v A. C. HARRIS, Jf. Z. . Hendersoa. N. Cn Jaa. wtf INVERT STABLE, FRONTING MAR I SET SQUARE. - The SaUcriW keeps -cob- Stantlv aa hant aihl. Stakla h.ti.. 1..-a a... w. Hones, aad aU kinds of Vehicles, fo hire, ' j "Ka nvNiMM lerms. Ate seeps bmo, la Bis siasws, Valaable Horses aad Males for sale. His Stables are ample for the aecomtsodatioa of Drovers Horses, a well as say a amber of ethers that fray apply. Jsa ldwiy ' L, T. CLAYTON. BE.EDE A MENDENUALL, LAND AGENTS, Minneapolis, . Mieiota, will salest aaa enter, GevonimeBt Lan.ly locate Laad Warrsats, , pay Taxes, aad traoeact a jrenvrsl seal rtsto baslaef s laMttaesota, Iowa, sad Whwoada, aUks eolieetioat at current rates of exchange, Ae. : Rsraaxscss j Gov. Bragg, ; Xx-Oor. ' Morskssi, Ma Walts as7-sv-UrGrwr-hanv . Ticket Agaala " .a- etw-l-'t