; - f 'Vl I a if iln cifi ) iiraisur . 1 KFL!ltEy UY JOH.V W. SYM K. VV'.Ti AP I Kvi atEU'. . AT 1.03 Year. Payable ia Advance, .n .t ..-4 Jurine uarriDliou 1 ear: aad sj.oo HHe End l ik Year. Urs r t-- pleaj of fair dLtful rao- w I kivH fc pfT r-; ,J bt k-r"l:-r"- :kai.eiii, x. c. SATUniAT HORNING, MAY 1. TllE I.vrtRXAL IMPnoXJfEXT The ituiir g'on Joornal Uiea exception U tie rriticiiu?i made oa the ptatcrm adjf t sl bj ibe Charlotte ConTention. The crit icvnuoa tie tlatform generally, and e.re- ully upca lb portion V,ng o Internal I Imrroveiiwnt, we tbink.Urjeminently jujiL J Vh- P. mocrae? -arc' the aelf-nstitotauS ibarajbus of Internal Iiuprovemeat, aaJ ;be eonnfrj bnJ a riht to expect from them hen aoemuly conreneJ in a State Conven tion, omethir2 better tbtn' the tage and irJcSaitt resolution wlich thej adopted. lie resolution oteana nothing, and waa in t ided to taeia notblDg bat Lt might be .'"elf asserted by anj man ia the Sta'e, for ho ii it. that doe cot ardeaUj desire to see -;he resources of ilc different, sectiooj of : V State developed, and wha man ia there v ho will not give aid to nuisbmg the worxa .umenced, ai d to the construction of aucb .- Lert u my be expedient, if, by bo doing, '? crcdt of the State is ot impaired, nor r: cHzctm cnprouIj taxed Gen. Pock . 'y, last winter, ia bi resaiks oa the U'est- u Extension Bill, fi'd that he ws for fin- Line: the IItad as soon as it could be done v-.-hoat impairing the credit of the State and u roa.'lj taiinj tte- peopte, and, for his . iriw, wst rouaJij dn vuiiced bj the Stand-.-. !. Now, it -em ti.at the wbole Pemo . m'.c Contention are for pursuing tbe coarse i . i'.catedbj Uei. Iockry: Will not citi . ilcldca blow them a. high" ai Le did tbe avitby General 1 ; t is motion of the pltfira does not suit i 'z o Ilold. In hi Logvnrly article, ; r June, be wa a mo-t .tealoiis taxstion : .n was delighted at Bagarl's wish that i Hjwr111) fIJS itight be fire tiae? ; ' r .-i-d, and dencucccd those who grum i . d at taxitloa, as Jeaia0U03. We i i!f ht at tbe time the citireu was bidiibg i . i.:b far Western ye tint ,no partj v ill enlarge Us proposition that tie po ; liked taxes, aad tbe reach bas proved : we were right. ia rega-d to Ioteml Imf rovf meof, tbe j -.:ioo of tbe opposition i in admirable i : rnst with that of tbe Democracy. They ; . f .ther than tbe IVmxjiacj. TLej are ! - a -aplctiof tbe works "already comiueno- . and for coastrac'iog such otLr worka as ia:t ef tVe State require, and tbej 1 defni'etj tie me ins tj which tlee fibleobjeeta may be aeoomplisbei. They ; ?o the people, oke your rightf ul than fji?frio'funJt 6nJt if you choose, you i tiki tht Stale a 'gridiron of Railroads" ''.ja! impairing her c;t Jit, or outr&usly : . if ltr dtizent 'l. - I III jot do to aay that Di-tiiWution ia : f-x-iblej for i; bs teen going Ta from :,Qn lattua .of the governuient, is going . atd will go on while there u a quar- iftioa of poblio land to dijpo9 rf. It! Ii en . ta; va week aince, a Ituocratie ie of .Represent at ire a "paased a bill ap I ri4tic six millions and more of acres of iiv." iiud to be divided amocg tbe tates, h rae of 2U,O0J to eterjr Senator and ; retea'aure ia Congress,. t which the . 9 1 nra severally entitled' ' This Distri i n is for tie purpose of fostering agri- 1. . oral education ia the different States,, j , unlr i Nor.h Candina would receive ! v'.'aefes Now, e pray to know the ! -.i two la prineif.lt between DUtribu- i-. aid cf Ldut.it ion in the several States, l k Dijtribatii a. ia aid 4 of Internal Im- ! i v.xcat ia ssid Sutcs? If the former is ' v . l!?, what readers the Utter imprac- if the former I? eoaetitational, and : - . Uir g so we Lave tht authority of the p. v'.t Democratic IIousj of Represents nbit readers tbe la ter naCoostita ' ' " ttpoaad, O leartcd pundit, who t. tj; tn Harnett street .' '. u f!ao, then, w tl ink, for carryiosoo t ; Kii ; men's of its itite, isp'aia, defi u.J j rtcticsl, while that of the Deooc ' ""jgue acd illaiirj, not brought for l "" J u to A faith'ba4 giving "the word of :-. c . ' to the, popular ear," with the de- ' t .fesra cf ;Lre4kiDg it to 'he tope.' cELEUftATlOM AT NEWBEKM. ' Oik City Guard-, ccn.berlng about : 1 -Vj," rstiTt sod !c, ondei commaad u K. S. Tucker, and Fire CoaiptDJ .:V'rizg sutae t vent j-edd members, - n;b a Urge namber cf our citizens. . i .i:v b& Wedne-day morniLg for the ! I" I.ruapatiogla tbe deration of! AtUottc eod North fr. rrt r. Vir- -. "Cl.tJ:., -T.: 4 t 3 w A" v aa wv usvh '' ' ...I " A f 1UU "V fl 4 W e-VVVteVSy evs i n-t-.j sPer-or w f 0,- . buiood Armor? Band,, which WQUTeneJ streets 1 our with soote of its soul-stirring I . . . . .l. j . .i . it ; .trams previous iu iuc uruu.r w "" v pasj. . , . . i r . T tr;)n,;ti U,,,lf Thnra.Wtr f I The " ilmuigton Jouinal or Thursday rwnatch from Qol Jfboro ' oiiipaiCB irem uotoeoora . . , , The train from Wilmirtxtoa arrived at GuLv- boro 15 minatu after s o'clock yeterdar eve- latter 4aA a few iititkuU-i befjr 10 o'clock. If, nine. i vi vtwrii m t. maA uuim m hhi I is etifiate4 that 3.VW persons have passed through f G' t Newbera. Three trains went down j yesterday and (our this morning. The cnly ae- j vhlnt a far, wa the running off th trat k of tba' ias tram waica surteutuis morning, at was ae- i 0f our iUte, but the Union Of thimMlvti with lwo cuunues oi i.icnrpona ana xioDeson, at Jau ulried only about one hour, .when one ot the can ; lDe tp0ntm What a spectacle did these worthies i r' Hill, on ' the first Saturday, in 3Iay proximo, were detached, and tha balance proceeded on. No j nnumt mnfMiinv thip &in t. tli hiih Priest of f fp the purpose of noininatinn W candidate to rep- one wai hurt. The train from Newbern last nieht uiuunui a ounwr o pr-n iuv rfvwrmu wr l"-THf accontmodatiooa. There is to be a grand ball in Newbern to-night. The United State Band frm the Receiving Ship Pennsylvania Is in attendance on the occasion. The weather is delightful. - . - ' Tl Rch The Younc . il.-ns Christian Association oi Knd, numbers between 600 and 700 mem bers, active, associate and honorary. ; The active onsist of men under 40, and who are members nf the church the associate, of persons not profes sing religion, and of such persons professing as are a ACi VAa WO t Va Vk.knrvwaflw AflA fpnM va11 w .... .. , j " r-yrrv clergymen. The Library now, containi J.200 volumes. The Reading Room is free for stran gers, and tha subscription for members ia $1 a year, with the "privilege of using the Reading Room and taking out boots. ". " (Convictiox'akj ArrxvrrtJ Scicidk. Ed. Ledbetter was convicted in Sussex county Ysl, la.t Monday, of an outrage on the person of Har riet Miles, and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in the penitentiary. He protests bii innocence, and a f.-w momenta after his return to the jail, attempted suicide by opening a vein in bis arm with a fork. He was discovered shortly after wards very much exhausted from loss of blood. His wounds were dressed, and he Is in a fair way to recover. - - The OiScial Journal of tha Two Sicilie ' pub lishes a complete list of all the victims of tbe earthquake at Naples,' of December -16, 1857. life total number cf dead amounts to 9,350, and the wounded to 1,359. ' It appears throughout the list taat, contrary to what is the case ia battles and other circumstances in which human life- is atkUke, the number -of dead has greatly exceeded that bf the pcrsuns more or less seriously injured. Mr. Young, late United States consul at Cura coa, fcai arrived at Washington with important dispatches from Saa Domingo. The condition of affair, as ' represented ' by Mr. Ypung, is truly fclarroir... The American oofwul, the American fag, and in fact every white tr.habitant on the is. land, are subj-vt to daily insults by negro mobs intmed, no d-ubt, by their worthless and fero c'ous negm leader, Baea. DtATn or a Sox or Sir W. O. Ocbklxt. In the Smanario, the official paper of the Govern ment of Paraguay, wo see It stated that Mr. Chas. Oueley, sun of Sir Win. Gore Ouseley, died sud denly in Asuncion, Paraguay, on the 10th of Feb ruary. He was buried the next afternoon outside the walls of the Recleia Cemetery, and his funeral was attended by nearly all the foreigners in Asun cion. The news arrived by the bark Orion, at New York oo'Sundav. Death or Cot( HajsTaAXca.. We regret to heat of the death, at Shepbardstown, Ya .on Wed nesday last, of Col. J no. F. HamtramrJt,after a short IllneH. He was Colonel of tha Virginia regiment in the Mexican war, and - was an USaer of de servedly bih rwpute. . He had also filled other prominent positions In public life, and maintained always aa elevated character. . - Dr. Roc, the young Englina surgeon whoso no bly volunteered to attend the sick on board the .Susquehanna, when the medical officer of that vessel was laid low with the yellow fever, was on Thursday tendered the privilege of the floor ot the Senate. The Vice President rose and respectful ly received him. v It I gratifying to ot-terye, says the Washington States, that the kindly sympa thies of the two nations are so gracefully and hap pily recognised by tha principal branch of the National Legulatar. - - - Colonsl J. D Ashmore, Colonel E. P. Jones', and Mayor T. 0. P. Vernon are candidates for Congress to auocaed the Hon. James I Orr, of South Carolina. AI of -them addreivd the citi zens of Spartanburg recently, on tbe politics of the day. ... . ... , . . ; ..- It is stated very posliyely in; Washington let ters that act only Sonars but Chihuahua and ! Lower California will be "offered to .our Govern- uxnt at a f air t valuation,' and ' that an accredited agnt Is to come to Washingtoa with full "power - The national debt of Mixioo is sail to be eov j hanirci and twsnry-nine million dollars tilths floating debt." " ,h. I N. P. WlUis ia said to be lying serloudy 111 at Idle wild. . A billious fevar, and a return of Lis c'i trouble of the lungs, have combined in a pros tration, against which hi, usual. active resisuaca U disease has succumbed for the present. ' Harf-er & Brothers, - who ware compelled to ecsresd during the late panic,, have resumed ' the psvment cf all their liabUti.- - -? ; , .. '' A descent was maid upon the lottery dsalera of Pitubarg on Thursday last, and the members of six d.aVont firms wera arrested. -- 1 - r . ' f 'ATi7.Z: v n, H . L IT 'f ' oMvd at the ary . aJebartaent . froia . Captain , .1- . v J . 1 . .... , . IIudKa, rwtooaandar ot the LoiuadbUUss steamer Niagara, in wpioa says s.xu- nunarea ana eev eoty mites of theteletrepa table ha4 been cotlod -i . . . , aa-a a. a a . a .... - - - o - - - - - 1 "Z xxv " .iT.rlT .t,Y . . Hivlaon had teen received with every courtesy, I and th officers and men. wereaJ.weX... - : : rr a . ". 2 TvK4Vq GovxRXMcyt DRArra. Xeu Tork, f.r:4a - a a a a ts i ' "ptri-iniag t-b drawn by James Reaid, aal er4.f by. U. r. Brown, Areajurer tf u.a j pnt office D-jartrrct FwSr drafts of a similar . FOR THE REG21TER. - MaxgCM, April 22, 1853 Ma. Si MX: Enclosed vou will; Cod $8.00. I do not know how in v account 'tends with vnur ' Office, lmni.tWto l more punctual, but you know uw delay is human. I would advice -JjMn 4 ,f ycM ' f your PPP 00 loot with cash payi og List, your suoscn hers woukt like it hotter, and 1 pre- ;uine it Woul4 iBflriJtfj- better It Vvour Inter t' I Rfclunooa County nd lb Pee le Owntry -.--m Mm.i.i1Mj-ft,.h- ,hf w. , .oi.s-4i-A. ,mm, ,,4 -K'iN.1 i t,ikinf for higher rr nJ cmrlude lit on t , ha p hftnlAl nnl t.r t ria i.m4 f hiir ran taste onlr from," them. - . "' vj ... hat a wonderful" hurlv-burlv-confused mes9 tD,y bad at Charlotte. Osborn, iarr, Barriitger, V jB,iow, Steele, all Marvellous Patriots, irone to ln tvruocraor to save the Cwtow not the'Union j ifemnrae . With the vivintinn at tha iMHn.l . OSJD. theT .Were, all K.BOW otbinitS, abUAine Vr, CaUtolia and Otrtfeuiona. 1 would sug gest that tha Loco's merely take them in on pro bation on good-behavior, for they are unruly, readers. Patriots, believing in duty, which pays, and services performed aloneby self; and if altera trial they conclude to admit them into full fellow liip then if they wish to .keep them loyal and obedient, they must in the first place .be sure to t keep their Party ahead in the majority and in j tbe second place, be equally pure to feed them well ' on treaury pap to the exclusion or old lines. - if this is not done, they will discover the flneer of patriotism pointing in another direction, and '-lo and behold'' they will bolt.-; Food good, whol- i some, pure, J must have, "Conpressionar or 'Mint food, they or they wont work. If. Mr. Editor, Americanism had taken deer root." and had suc ceeded in all our elections, how many Wrok would have immolated themselves for. the good of the- Country ? or in, other words, why don't some of the Patriots change from the strong to the weak side ?' And is not the idea of the Loco's saving the Union a rich one? "VYhat party first originated nullification? In -what' ground was it planted? Why, In Democratic South Caroli na, sired by their SouiAem Father, Calhoun. Where did Secession spring Op but in the same, and other Southern LocoStates? And for what? Why, in consequence of thepaasage of tho Com promise Measures of 1850,. That Measure was so intolerable as to compel - these Patriots- to call Secession Conventions, issue Southern addresses, and a short time since, mtrooiti:rM." they intend ed breaking up the Union unless these .measures , were carried out in good faith, and now they ar rogate to themselves the application of the Union loving (to catch the conservatives) Southern rights (to trap the fanatics) and 'National (to catch the Spoils loving Party.' They are willing to save the Union, if they can have the honor of the act destroy it rather than that honor bhoiild attach to another Party: . . . . J In what respect are they National, sava in the ! , same 'anxious, determined, leach thirst for pay? Laurkl uilL ? ' ii ' Are they National on Kansas, the Pacific Road, Duncan McLaurin. Duncan Malloy, John john- W,KvdWMmT,. ' v . "- mtl son, and Maj. John McNeill. " - , , WeU, Mr. Editor, they have trotted out Ellis, j- ' J sTKWARCsvitLK and lit! seems tbey had I work to clear his skirts of : Col. Alexander .McQueen, Dr. John Malloy, that odious measure, DustribuUon. Now. tle (joU urdocb McKinnon and Duncan Mcln ple of our countv call for McRae or enable to j trre take the field. DLstribution is a strong issue, and j : rj'n motion of Jchn G. Blue, the Chairman aside from its justness and lorce, ,it ia popular in nrd sectary wcr aUttd to the delegation. ' consequence ofthe heavy taxes imposed Lt,oi1 moijon of CoL John w Cameron, u was 1.! ,i"iD. COU,nUea vWl5I"il ? "Ived that the proceedings of this meeting be ?uTTk ltidinfSn,,Mtr?tJ r-10 tb Rlfiig' gier and the Favetteville d.'.nP nUtChriottrj J hey ll advocafMl oWrver with a request that they publLsn the it two short years ago. Now with these, however, -j - ... it is Impolitic, unwise, and unconstitutional. i An"d thre being nourther business before the hTLJi BJ?1 the Constitution now what it , nieeting. the Chairman addressed the assembled was in 18-6 ? Is not land grabbing on the same t muiti, in Mnd rthetic mnnnef, thank- pnnapie: eu, wny me cnange i uy. me I IxMxa demand it as a test of fealtv. si neeri tr . . . . . , . end like the little birds, tap their nest and their j mouths fly open, and down goes tbe morsol. sweet j or bitter. Away with such gammon Patriots. I If you really think the country in dancer, act tbe consistent part. , Breast the current and save the Union, instead of floating as a feather on its bo som, ratriots are generally brave men of no- ble soul pure ia faith, honest in purpose, indo- j pendent in action, and never w flipped into meas- j ttret. It rather squints this wsy from your ap pearance. Perhaps tho' you know best, and pro bably you Intend introducing a new order of : patriotism in our lanu ii so, we we wiu slop, and promise to examine the Exotic at greater Iangth , hereafter. H. " From the Greensboro Times. , . . HON. JOHN A. GILMER. Our townsman and worthy represent ati ve in Congress, the Hon. John A. Gilmer, is on a visit this week to his family and In attendance on our i Superior Court. rior Court. -Having beep accustomed to se- i r nroieftiUonAl dutioa all hi lira aM rla,l Andsit miMnf. we have lust read Mr. Gilmer'. . , - . - . . . : ; irig on party roggles, we were somewhat surpri- i tLU , : " now ? J u rjoraonallv) at the Utter want of a foundation nnon ? which' to build a tower from whence so many halts are hurled at him from the Opposition. Mr. Gilmer's address is true to bis nature Con servative, patriotic and liberal.' 'He concedes righu, even to an enemy. But it is from these section! representatives, those that can see noth ing good in anything which is not exclusively their oton, that this Union has reason for fears. Hence we the "more readily, appreciate Mr. Gil mer's liberal views ofthe Union, the Wide Union. , As aa illustraion ofthe tondencses of Sectional mer we give a short extract from tbe introductory of his address. If it caa be read ss we read it without party prejudice, m conceive that the read er's verdict.will be UkeoUrs, ; '.' ' ' ? WASHINTO ITEMS i . A a m'J I muuciuoo w uia acrvtarv oi otaie, raqueilitig nim o express w a xsnuea jainister now high- ?J - to Department appreciates the kind offices of ; her TkffitMtv'a Tiara I nfflera arr-ialls miM(iti. i their names '.in tha . case of the frifate Susque- ' banna. Vv.;,--..; ' -;,"..', " Mr.'Cadwallader. wasconflrmea as-Judge, oa '. Saturday, vice Judge Kane, by a vote ef 20 to 13, " a bare quorum being pretent.9 ; The Waahiogton oorrespoodent of the Phils- ' asipbia Press writes :'' ' '. ' i icurw waiui sava ucttu ouaung aooui iur some montns oi a negotiation between the Govern ments of Mexico and the- iJtiliaa 3tatd." Tar ' . l Vi- " i II 7 " ' .... I penencca ana incompetent men : that allcompe- W,Tm T 1 5ngrr :U", 8reelD tition was excluded, at a loss to the government 2L J 7 ' g h. -! The to)0! of ittee (Messrs. - Bur country. ... :.'.' T ' -- " . 1iLn-...A ...V..!. . t . a , . . , . . .. . L ' , 1 raTlW, .TL. ,0 J.AtfrQOd n ' t. 7ff, . " n r .r L- A Tft?fiS?.fc.H dtothisGyv- lautSortt tSn lJr? lt W good authority, that an accredited aaent comes r . , . , 1 1. . ' lT,rZ t ,.,7; W Trot efilrt b)cn ne sustained Such Inflexible energy without fouadation.. From- the JntimaUons in Und indomitable spirit is without a precedent in f w .dation- tf alarm.; exclaims-" Rouse up brother . T. "" rTDemovriU t buckle n vour armor and prepare TThexever Mr. McRae has addreil tha fnr.l7 br has given, unlTeisal satisfaction, and we hear , him spoken of In the highest terms, bv men of all ! jwua. .rm jn.immr, ia euipaaticauy ine peopiea f man te is lranavmneat, and sincere in bia pro fsiona,aad ia a-magnanimous defender of -the rights of the sovereign-people We gofor him heart and hand, and if the peorde wlU prove true ' to themselves, he will be our next Governor. i . ; Washington Tms. 1 ! ; . , -., i rncrxz.-vk correspondent fU Petersburg AXf prefs says that CapJaowlx.nj;nt, a wealthy citi sen X Montgomery eounty, Va, coisuniUsd sai- r tar Tit ucoiRrBn AMERICAN WHIG MEETING IN RICH -MONO. i -; -.-. . At a meeting of the American Whig party; held in too Court House, at. Rockingham, Rich luond county, on the 20th of April,; 858, General . th'- Biftil,j thereon,' and to reduce' the expense m A.-Pockery was called tdithe ehiinJiiM.yth9t&t. I j Bostwick appointed Secretary. : 4'f '.v-.V; j" . The feature of thU contemplated act are peeo- : .iiia.j. - . it- 'f - ' " The object of the meeting having Mriefly - - j won idreHi ha . chaif. . TPmarkAnff.thfc i- iBbeeotnea a law. plaw to ocen mail rM on th ; much a the mcetineropll: iiaVeimta'few miftr 1 snmefcasis as the inland sertice; 2 And the ultU' utes for the transaction of ' iu.. Vdfiiaps, the Court 1 having adjourned-for ony a sli'ortrtiino. the uual .1 would, therefore, without further apology; offer I ujAuun luiav . wfii ut. uisLfr-jisvu Him. t the followinc )eamle and resolution for the con- sfderation of the meeting Via: .- - W hereas. It is proposed by the American , Whig Prly to hold aCoarantion of Delegates from the T't 'OA. yetiatpiial " District composed ot said counties in th nexr- Legislature of North Caroli "na ; and, Whereus, we, members of the Amoncan Whig party from different parti . of Richmond countyj approving of said propopition, and, at the samo time, deeming It .'proper and expedient that our party. should be represented in said Conven tion by delegates from the several Captain s Dis tricts in Richmond county be it therefore' " Resolved. That the Chairman, of tha metinir appoint four delegates from each'. Captain's beat in the county of Richmond ' to represent tho A- merienn "Wliiv nartr ty ot this countv in taid Con - vention. ' t - v .'V',:'" v- " - The question being Called fur, tho preamble and resolution were adopted without a dissencing voice. Whereupon the following delegates wero appointed by th Chair, via : - '' ' ' ' MIXERALBPEINO. ' - ' , f William D. Townscnd, Jesse A. Baldwin, An gus McDonald Martin, and William M. Bcwtick. .-'-:"' 'PTXKLE'U. J J : ' ' B. F. Little, Nah LeGrand, Reddtck Bowdon, and Oliver II. Dockery. : ' ' i ' . .::! " MCPHKRtWN's- . . ''J James L. Yalej, William W. Graham, Duncan C. Currie and Kenneth S. McCormick. , V ;'' BRAVER DAM.' '-f-'' '' , Capt, Hugh McLean; Daniel W. Gibson, Sara ? Currie and John C. Terry. . ". ;! , . ' , -.'.i .' ' ; Rot'KixnHAir. ; --..V'- Dr. Rob't J. Steele, Jr, R. S. McDonald, Wm. . Covington and Daniel White Johnson. ' - H , , . - vTOLr MTT. ' '. '; ' v : . Col- J- -W. Cameron, Stephen W; Covington, Angus R. Monison and Angus L.' McKinnon. i .""" '- ''BtACS: JACX. . V" "'"' '.:' V r-T; "' Wm.'A.'McMavJosephCapl, John C. Eller- Doe ana j onn . J'oper. . WILLIAMSON'S. Ji-hn C. Graham. James P. Smith, John D. Currie nod Archibald S. McNeill. t ,hm f.,r th r,.t r..fc nJ.'-... - , ........ -- - - . . .... ,.. w... v. . I J . II .TV.iU dence and atl'eciiou which he had enioved. and assuring them that his-politioal life was closed. Upon motion of J-hn G. Blue the meeting ad journed. ,J i i - ; A. DOCKERY, Ch'mn. James M. Bostick, Seo'v. ' f TnE FORT SNELLING REPORT. V . Washington-, April 27th. Mr.' Pettit, in the House to-day, made a report from the committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances at- tending the sale of the Fort Snelling reservation.) xi conciuues wiw a resolution mat me saie was without authority of law : that it was made nov- ; withstanding his knowledge ofthe official opinions I of his predecessor, Hon. Jefferson Davis, and of i other officers in superior command to thecontra I ry, without consulting with, without the advice and without the knowledge of any officer in the j service of any rank," leaving the question of the t retention of that fort to the discretion ofthe com missioners appointed to make tha sale; and this. umcM f.ult hflt the aacrctarv iiiointad" action on the part of the Secretary . was a grave ... - ;f .. inex "T.l" , A" w""uu'"B wiui following resolution as a substitute for the above: . - ..... J ; .- Resolved, That .the recent sale of the military reservation at Fort Snelling having been made by o .. r . . . ,J the Secretary of War, under the direction of the Tresident of the c nited States, in strict-conformity to law . and the evidence reported by the se lect committee, having failed to exhibit any fact or circumstance tending in the-, slightest , degree to impeach the fairness pf the sale or the integrity of any of the officers or agenu if tbe government: concerned in the same ; or to exhibit any fact or circumstance which should inake the said sale a proper sul ject for the opinion and aciionoAthis House, it is ordered that the committee., be U! charged from the further consideration of the sub ject, and that the report of said committee be laid upon the table. V; , - .v" i . '4 -.-it ; " -. The subject Ii to be considered oa, the lth of May.. ,. . ' .'-.-? . t - :': .TarrEr'a Fouanar". We notice that tha pro; prjor, Liovuiug osunieu ai uib-jhu) osatruciion-oi riexor.nouinK aauntea at ws-jaie aesiruction-or ? - -t .- - 4 inr nit ttk mini on hi4 T,Tmise nnmsmrnrlr l to another determined effort. He has erected fcl-1 readv a building over a portion of;. the old site, and we learn has alio secured -the use oft such' lathes and planing machines io the establishment of Mr. U. Wells as wilt" enable him to execute work entrusted to him for the present, and untif he can make the 'necessary arrangements w con tinue ia his former, or on a still more, -extensive and termaBentscle.-i .'trri . fcr u 4s.TvJii. v W e mentioned before that this is the fourth de- ; j etruction that JjaS occurred to his tablishmcht1; ' Vend oa each occasion, if we: are Rot mistaken," he ti ilias been equally, unfortunate-in. the amount of -f hnn . nni.ll i.Tif.Ti-tiiriQta in tha. anirlunf i ..w 0ur Clt-fcnd deserves the highest admiration and 1 10031 wul,iD'"11 support . o,i o,o jserw jutt of tie game turkey, and .as .yncn, who was frtt. .-?':.v ;.,! , f dsedSn' black,''was fertin his gun'toalioot tha r" -rtnrky',ltheV't ts-Tk. i, o.i.iv ct..i 1 1 1 si f.: i. .Tr.v ?4.v I g. . ... iui iwniiitl Oliuwiiiu, u 51 vol. nrLH- ft, action f -.Sam "i mil'dead. '' -". t 4 "Sam i not dead.- Well, this is an important announcement titho American partv.-fov we were imojiunn mat ice eaiwroi me aianaara t bad as-H6ed at the tuurai memdnles and buried !"r3am" moatbeago. But, ii seems, according to I the DemecraUo. onrah at Raleigh he ha risen.! from the grave with mw me and vigor line brother Democrats to rodse op" "buckle" 1 on au (thatfrArtnorand prepare fr action fs? 1 j : ' " -j'.-i r ' vfsVwtfefr fftratdi - Tbe Uaion dehlca'fhat if Is lit oontempktion lo apply to Congrats for a loan, or tofuadtheTreai' Bry Botea already ksued , ! OCEAN STEAM MAILRODTE8 BKTWEEX - i THE UNITED STATES -AN I? EyBOPE. ' ; Air. f.Iorence, of Pennsylvania has given notice of bis intention to introduce a Al-tb establish cer tain ocean post routes between the United States A 4,1" . , r'"'KT . . .liar. -The operation of it is general in its nature, matura Df -the bill , that while, it providet for r five linea of steamers to' Europe; from different K'4" v-vuc uiuvtu uiatr:), it imu-i tuvrALnua '! f thjf ocean mail service to the amount of postages '.carried, and it is believed that there -will be a rey i ' i . V u Jbw WhAKU . . . . W . T UllUI'l ! this bid. r ' "ftfV'f" 'ft .."-.:.i'Ti;'Vir--v ! ;r The lines to be.wUWish'-are anna in tlia' TTnttiul ttfdta Mtn isAtyisiA 'nnTAi 'Route First, or No. 1. From. Philadelphia to Southampton, England. " vv ": . -" '":J- j'Route Second, or .No.' 2--' From New York mi Sbuthampton.to Havre, France. ;. 1 . t Route Third, or No.' 3.' From ' New York to Gluckstadt, via Plymoath, Havre and Rotterdam. Route Fourth, or- No. 4. From-' New Orleans' via Havana, Bermuda, Fayal and Santander, Spain to Bordeaux, Prance.'?- f4i. ''.'Jr- u: ' Route Fifth,, or No. 5. . From1 Norfolk, Vir ginia, to Nantes, France. i it-: i' & i t u h bill provides that the- compensation to be i'naid to ench line is at the rate 6f two dollars ter t mile, and the tonnage of the steamers is fixed at j two thousand tons, and the speed at not less than' Twnmuee an nour.- ; - ' -'.iT.., r :' There is also provision for the infliction Of fines ; and penalties for . failures to depart and arrive at the times appointed in the ''schedule" by the Post s' It further provides that all letters going-out or coming into the United States shall pass through' tbe Post-office, and ; the regular rates of postage oe cnarged thereon, and that the postage so col lected shall be credited to the ocean mail service. The total contract' pay per annum 'to the five lines will be $881,876."- The estimated receipts from postages based neon the actual receipts of t0, W1U Oe $B3,8&0.A ,sv:3. ,? ,-;': : There would thus be a surplus' Jo the United States of $7J974,if there is no increase. -It is how ever, . considered beyond a doubt there will be a gradual increase of -the sum received. 4 "v ' This briefly shadows forth tha features of the important bill introduced by Mr. Florence, and its adoption by Congress, it is claimed, will inau gurate a new era and establish a uniform system of ocean mail, postal service, without cost to the Government. - j . . -.V.-.. Si a Jamks Outbam. Tho London Times says that the hero of, the decisive operations against Lueknow appears to have been Sir James Outram,' .whose intimate familiarity with .Indian warfare and whose recent acquaintance with Uude and its , , ; people,' peculiarly qualified him for seconding the s 9 y a - - schemes of the Commander-in-Chief throughout this critical campaign." Left after Ibe evacuation of Lueknow, says the Times,' in the heart of the enemy's territory, he succeeded in repelling from his position," without loss to himself, all the swarms of ftfsailants who were launched against its walls j and after thus defving, for weeks together, 'the whole force of Oude,' he turned out with his gar rison in' perfect efficiency . to support Sir; Colin; Campbell on bis final advance. Sir James Out ram, it will be remembered,, was General Haye- lock's superior ofilcer, and nobly refused to assume the command on the march which Havelock had so brilliantly . begun to Lueknow, but actually served under his qwn subordinate up to the very gates of the Residency, rather than interfere with his well-earned fame. - The two men were worthy of each other, and. furnished a world, much hum bugged with talk of chivalry,' with a specimen of the real article, such as it had not seen for three hundred years. Richmond Lhspatch. Edttoes and the OpxraJ A tempest, in tea St occurred at the Opera House in New; York, onday evening.; Mr. John Darcie, the musical critic of Porter's Spirit of theTimesJiaving given offence to Mr. Ullman, manager, the latter, a few evenings. sipce, refused to admit him, though the critic" had purchased his ticket at the box-offices-Mr. Geo. Wilkes, proprietor of the Spirit then no tified Mr, Ullman that on .Monday evening, in company with Mr. Darcie, jhe would repair to the ooara with tickets purchased for the occasion. Upon presenting .the tickets,, admittance was re fused, . and .a row ensuing, - both editor and critic were carried to . the station-house, from which. tbev were soon after discharged,: . j z,.j - The arrest created great excitement, and a large crowd a38embledrbut.thepolioe managed to pre serve the peace.V Mr. ,Wandhis critic , were held to bail, and the former soon- after ... returned to the Academy and -wai adiwtted,. : s' -w- ,n ' ' ANQEL8 (is Crdjolxni) do not flutter about the "lobby"- at Washington fir nothing, else why these curious items among the contingent expen ses of the Mouse of Representatives' for 185? -J'. "Scissors, $66,70? ladies' reticules; $242 ; 1-' bums, plain and illuminated, . $232 ladies port monies, $347 ; pearl shopping tablets, $247 J pocket books,-$P0;; ladies' companion, $101.'-s ' V ' The country: is thus taxed not only to pay Mem bers of Congress, but to defray the contingent ex penses of, probable amours.- Why don't the-absent wives .of those M. C.'s call for the ayes' and nays upon that bill ? What "brutes of husbands" were they who voted "yea" for those Ladies' Com-" panions, Ladjes'. Portmonies, and especially- tbe Albums ? c,-, , . l-,-i.Z C its i j t ANOTHER JAIL DELIVERY. ' f. We learn from the "iVoiSA Carotin ian that Hin nant Faulk and Benjamitr Ar .HowellSrho were An fi v4 (rkKsa .fail -nt -pArinaniv lAHtifvr "W ' An WUftUtM AAA IUV W SMt VA fUcevU VWUU IfJ i i, V VU a chareof kiUic lreo;maQ beloninir i6. Mr. iVi, made Uieir fscap. vrt.w eanesOAy .nigat, hole through the brick, wall with abrowbarf I yesterday and till a late hour ia the evening, with the mat of. ntts ana two Aliens, (Drotners,; for -n j- v.-v .L.i1!...i ui.i.!!,.. ipon Mr. jiaocn Jtohbms, oi joiumtusv count Vi, t he case was given to the" juryTsbuut 8 o'clockiVAndjiaftet conferring together -not "more than-tfn minutes, theV brought irt 'a'4-erdict 'of petty Lafceny: . . Bis honor the - Judge; this morning, sentencid the elder Allen and Pitts to receive 39 lashes each,- and be imprisoned six ' monthH f atthe end ot which time- they aie to receive an additional 39 laahes eacb." The younger Allen; on account of bis youth,- we suppose, Was sentenced to receive 20 laihes and be discharged.'-The- first part of the jentence was carr4ea-Btone this morning. yfllminqtat. - - , ' . TaTXL M V. -s '. - r, nr..-i v w i'U. T --V ... .... key ' hunting one morning,' and coiicealed'ina ouh WM .'velpinr'Lup a larg 'gorler.iTwo - x Ai Jiuiui. n Jir.iui wa uui wr brotherfe by the name of Wilson were also In pui fle'and the otber.with .a-shot gun, The charge frm the fowling rdec mLwed himTen41relvbnt JJ fCO UUU1I tlllU UOltUMURIUUT. UW WUdS UlUt fm- kii inffirri wroun.r -viUh tiit.lS K.m in twenty minutes. Spartan (Ala.) 15M ult. - SCICTDI. We learn that a man by the name learn that amah by the yr ANew-pin, committed suicide pear TownaviUe; in thSenuntv. a fwys.Jioy-plAunff bis neclt between rails JXthfWl f a tenceTTlt is sup-. ha oom- mittedtheteiTlbleact. - - - L"Mre23oMrr; l v ..,." '"It Is earrently reportod that thf Exectltd ve "kaa determinea to a&e vngress' to autnorue a new loaa to-ftie amount-of ' $3e,0u0,00t, and 'to fdnd tha $20 000.000. of Treasury notes recently au therhtsd to ha keaed. : ' - ft -LATER FKOM CALIFORNIA. jsiw iork, Apru Z7. ine seara8inp3aosea Taylor, which left aspinwall On the 19th inst ar-. jiia mails to the 5th inst., nearly. $1,300,000 in f wM ln 0,9 namtor selling U to a white man nam treasure and upwards of 500 passejieers.! !-;. R- McDaniel, made the boy make an appoint Francisco markets, were dolU CoJ )J.;. Schlessinger is a passenger -on ; the Moses V" spot, and effected hvi capture. . J orVy. ;',W;';:f'--i -.2 was arrested and carried before Justice '; -i ;3",i ;t :Z 'ifWM. In the court room he borrowed a t ;Tayt 1 J THK RRTOttmOX I2f PERU,; Dates from Valoaraistr are to the lStli -March! Geo. ivanoo had been defeated at Arequipa wita great slaughter, and had fled to Bolivia rJU his steamers had been captored. The! United States frigate Merrimftc had arfiTed at Callao. ''.. ;'.-'.':.'- ..-- ;-' : '.. Dr. Oakford.' American Oounsul : at Tumhae. fa dead.'i'' ' v,;i:.-''f.,'"e.- ;; 4 Jlrcquipia was stormed by Gen. CasU battle is said io have been terrific,"- Of one bat- talion of 600 men.- which' defended the barricaJei. ail were killed bat fort I ; The loss on both sides on both sides filled with the was over 2.000 ana the city t was wounded. -?r .J:M ,vr.V:..V .T It !s sid that eni Castilla intends. to push the war into Bolivia, and attempt the overthrow.- of the IJn'goyernment.,;. a ''VV - ..,' ' .' ''" i' . i ..i 'tJl.:',:t GREAT BALLOON EXPERIMENTS.' BY .'-. ,-: W.Vj-j...-: .-s -PROF. WISBL-.v.'- -t y x, We learn from the Lancaster Daily. Times that ( Prof." Joha,Wise of that dty, extensively known for his" many .successful and - thrilling Eronautic ! voyages and discoveries, left Lancaster on Friday ,; for Washington Citv. to make creoarations for a scries of the most extensive and interesting bal loon experimcnts-ever - witnessed in our country. Mr. Wise has been engaged to make these expe riments for tha Smithsonian .Institute, ;with in gtruments provided for the purpose.. He has made arrangements with the City Gas Company, for a liberal supply of Gas for his use. One of his experiments will consist of a squadron of Balloons in the shape of a Balloon regatta.;, In another be will cut loose from the balloon when two miles high,; (leaving the balloon in charge of a compan ion) and descend with a canvass air condenser.' I Mr. Wise expects to establish tbe practicability Of guiding balloons along the-lines of telegraph and by other" means, so as to be 'able to steer for' and arrive at a given point, with as much certain ty as ships are made to navigate the ocean and V . 5. r' . i l l ru 1 carry on. commerce-ever toe Anoria. x. ner u properly no man in oar country ..who ia better ac quainted with this subject, or has had as much ex- perience in seronautic travels as Mr Wise-, and as he is sanguine in accomplishing all that he nn- dertakes, we expect to have the pleasure of chron icling the success of his experiments, h i , '?), ..l-"-vT"v:-'.t rji,..ttm -j- FROM THE PLAINS. St. Louis. AWil 2 7th. The Santa Fe ''ma At brings later news trom uaptiarcy, no naa peen. Overtaken "by an'expresii from' Gen. Garland, di recting him to stop for an escort of four compa nies, and Capt, Marcy'was accordingly resting on the Arkansas river j' near. Bent's Fort. ' '"v ,.' -The Republican has received an extra from the Fort Smith ' (Arkansas) THmes which "states that aa .aaiV .1?: ' "l .1 ' at- '"Til If u,uu inmn m-ra wngregnu,-u uh mo s. with the determination of making a descent on the ju,uuw xnaian were congregaicu on iuo riaius, frontier, and hostilities had already commenced.in some Quarters. The limes attributes the mow ment to Briefcara xoune, to draw on tne troops in Utah to protect the" frontier States: :.' t " i The Republican emphatically contradipts the above statement, oH the authority of "a gentleman attached to" the overland mail expedition, who traveled over the country without molestation. , LATER FROM SANTA FE. StI Louis, April 27. The Santa Fe mail of the 1st of April has arrived at Independence. Between ' Fort Union and the Arkansas river, the party en countered violent snow storms, followed by weath er so severe as to freeze some of the animals.' - v liWilliam Giddings, ' a- mail contractor on 'the southern-route, was killed by Thos. Smith in an affray over a game of billiards at Santa e, and in a rencontre which "occurred between Wm. Preston Becki of the firm Of Beck & Johnston,' and a man named German, the latter was killed and the for mer dangerously wounded. , . t ' . . .. ' 1 v ' ' - Great SroRXA.aKAD. The. New Orleans Pic- ayunei announces ; to. the sporting world that a match race for $10,000 a side, $200 forfeit,' four mile heats, has been made between Gen.. Thomas .Weil's civ. c- Starke, bv Wagner, out of Keei anil Mr. D. F. r Kenner'S ch. c. Viceroy, (own brother to Voucher,) by: Wagner, out of impor ted,' Britannia to be run over the Jttatairi turse, on "the Saturday preceding- f the regular spring metin?r 1859.Tms will doubtless be the great sporting event Of the next year, and : will bring unnimbered andinnumerahJe thousands to wit ness tbe race.-v Firs at Macox. Ga.--Iwjurt to tbr Cotton Crop. 4iwav ApriJ 27. Messrs. Roes &. Mills' - extensive furmtore lactory, at juaooar, was ournea on Monday, causing a beavys.'iw-1i' Privata.despatches from Georgia, and Alabama, repbrt a heavy frost'last night, causing injury to 1 the.cotton crop. .. ; : . . . ":; - " : . Bronchitis and Conch, which so often termi nal fatallv in our northern latitudes, are easily rsA mated In a majority of aes, if recourse is had to the Wild Cherry preparation et Ar. wistar. ADunuanv fvidenee of this fact has been sven.- ' . -'f -kM ' . DIED, y "--'.-- -ri : :- " tYn MhnAnv 'Arr,ril 26th. at Berrv'HilL "in the county of Halifax, Va., JAMES BRUCE, son of James C. Bruce, in the 22nd year ef bis age.; - "r In life he was firm, yet gentle: modest, yet affa ble and liberal without 'ostentation.' ' Tbe good- nesj f his heart was reflected in his features, win. nihg ; the' confidence Of strangers and the- respect and este mof albwbo knew him. He met death with a calm and trustful resignation, tod filled with the bopeof a joyful resurrectioni' he said, 'l am not afraid to die'; I am prepared."1 ; So be fell -asleep, without Hear, and "without rep-toacb.f t - XIIV v,',Ore'bi tha turf tiniv.ikJ'd: Jnendor ovtr better days;! ' f;;iVMM? ansip thee but to lovt thee,""ij' '- ! K-l, Asr7 MWlSj 4is 1 'nsmj?b ";'! GOO PS DELIVERED - Nortk" Carolina .Rail Road 'Company' : Raleigh- Gaston RaURond Company, April 23 ,E. S: Moss; T. J. atrickXJ.ltf . Worth ; J.W4 Thomas' dtShilby; Cheek &Faacete; lvrW-S. Gilmer: West brooks Mendenhall,; VBJ"ffyatt" Sing & McCau- ii & J. AV , Lea: Hays t Faucett; R- BSaun A tLaht 4i ayuMuvsvi 9 , A awvvvv j a ta. tr'? Bj Trolin girit Sj Young - D, D PJiIlUps j Bi ' JuMant J-'A-lImton ;SA: C. Morrow ; F. Fries ;i lers O. x aucett r U. at. lae- Burnet Mazel ; T.J. & x. Jdurray ; X. G. Whor ton ; prMtCraylr R. Loader ; Scott' & Hunter ; Shepherd & Fenell fQ: M. Bragg f W. S. Gil liam: Martin Botbing & Co) , CbUcutt & Bell j: C. I Turrentine ; R. Sterling ; J. Bane : R.-B. Saunders r h js acu . as . v : - J.-JL Worth. P. o JiaAdeh : W . J. McConneJl : j f-J.'J: Crump; R. N. Caldwell; S. 0. Batten;- K: f ; Lt. W lluams. v . -',- . ' , i -April 28"- - . T. F. Prathrr ; L. Detneat T;t Tim-. n..i . & SuiliT&n ; Earnhardt & Adderton ; A. C. Mor row " .A; Vogler.;" J7 H? Johnson f JC. Tur- if tennner A. A Atangum ; oprague sc cro K. u. Porter; B. C: Coffin ; , J. F. Rodman; Thomas Shelby ;-M.l' liar ringer ; rL. U. AAndsayf Lash Mr VMM 71 A .IfnWim i' A FT. V. M.. ir : Ajdred ; . E. Strudwick ; . G. Faucett;" T. Turner ! istrTVwnam .MM -It H aiAn ' "or 'hraaia diseasaTaad to build up the slreagtTt VTyr- .Dtjl,, Harden; m health, ll Zjp.- oufu' :tlf-'f 3aWtoa ..p,laUy tt has ba to , P. C. Smith; Joyce & Martin ; C. A.;Hendrson ; ' Vioeahi.. pAce L -TaVa..' . jT.'. A m kajAUaekSat f W TJ V WW AUSiA Ml W A,sATUUlBVIS f , B, H.'Burke .: Isejy tJrNttff lilea fh. "W. ILowerten; W.-kLWiaU, i r W C,t; -f C.TEAGICAL AFFAIR. r J- v ( y np" .-vuiui)jm.; w -15th iast.r. P.Howj11, haviDg detected ona : U..U II iwiy. M I nil) ni'U U 1 1 JU Mil'-' N. .I k. .t '.. .m..t.j v: i nr .ri j . r - l68krinl. ' pen-knifa t :nt hi tbma't i f bi9 neck horribly esahed. He U still aliva, but 1a ' , a most critical condition r- i i:;; sqENriFiq con vention. : ;:i 'Baltimore. April 28. The Scientific Oonvea r'J'tion assembled to-day 'n the Maryland Institute. werea hundred members present. Alexll. Caswell, "Esq., was chosen chairman yro tern. Ea- i tensive arrabgements have been made by the em 'Zfhsiof 1'thii place, to extend hospitalities to the,- ' zen? , of, this place to extend hospitalities to i members., -y ; ,ifti ,.v j ,il 'v . THE LITER lXVIGOltATOR t ' - PR ;E P A R D. B. Y D R , S. A FOR . Compounded Entirely From GUMS, , . . IS :0XK OF IRE .JBEST PURGATIVE .AX1V Liver Medicines .now before tbe publio, that aots . as a Cathartie, easier, milder, and mora effectual thaa,' any other medicine known, , It is not only a Cathartic,, but a Liver remedy, acting first on tho Liver to eject its morbid matter,' then on the atomaoh and bowels to ; carry off that matter, thus accomplithing two purposes effectually,-without any of the painful feelings expe rienced in the eperations ef moitj Cathartics.; It -strengthens the'system at tbe same time that it purres , it: and-when taken daili in1 moderate doses, will ' strengthen and bnild it up with unusual rapidity.'. t .The Liver, is one of of the human body ; andj tions well, the powers ofj the principal - regulators : wbeaitperumuits Fans-. the sysum are folly de almost entirely 'depee- UoQ of the Livtr for the functions i when tbe tto. veloped. Ihe mac is dent on the healthy a proper performaace of its mach is at fault, tbe bow- i. -i i. i . 1 .. a- . ' els are at fault, aad tbe ;1 ts gaa the Liver having1 For the diseases of that! WUUl, YMU1 UliVri Ul consequenoe of one or- caxed to do its duty. j' organ, one of the proprt- fat ox ha made it his more thsa twenty years, study, In a practice ei'"" to Cud' some remedy " the many derao cements wherewith to oounteractf to which it is liable.. - - To prove that this rem 'iedy is at last found, acy person troubled with.Liv- er Complaint, ta any try a bottle, and eoavle- . of Its forms, has bat to, '" These Gum "remove all! morbid or' bad mattsr from the system, supply ft Ing in their place a heal ting the stomach, causing fying the nlood, gtv whole machinery, reaot' ease, effecting a radical cared, and, what is , the oecsaiosal ae of the ' ; thy flow of bile, Jnvigora- food to mgesf wen, pari ing tone and health to thej 9 ing the cause of the dis v Billions attacks are better prevented, by Liver Jnvieorator. One dose after eatjng is stomach and prevent tbe ! nufiicient t . rll ,'"' lfood frem rising ai eve tb and suur- - Only : one 'dose taken before retiring, prevents ; - Only onedose taken" st 1 ' 1 Nightmare. night, loosens the' bowe'ai ; gemtly; and : car Cos- gfntiy and car jos-l jiivenens - " " t One dose taken after! -ij. Jeaehmeal will rare Dy" tivene-vs. .'.-.. ; ,'i '-.f . ' ' V aM.teaspoonfuls will eJwar 1 a fitr. One dose-or twe ireueva . sic, utsua au, , . .t v T Om botUe .uken rfe-TimaleebetrostiepMmeves One bottle .taken for f ti the cause of the diiteaseJ and makes a perfect rur atelyt relieves Choi ie, OnTv one dose immaJi f- uufl uone uuen ruai-j Cholera M o r b n s ',! i Cholera: i-' '.v;.s:. i i . 1 a . . t t ed is 'a sure core ftr" and a prereutlre ' of . . Only one bottle a! ( needed to throw oat medicine after a lo the gyirtem- the etctr or Sickness, f,,. -vr-t ' . Jfa-t0ae bottle Uken all Sallowness or unnatu " ' One dose Uken a short vigrto tbe appetite, and - One dose often repeated . '.. .- .. . (for Jftundicq ramovas ral color from the skin,, time before eating glres makes food digest well. - cures cnrouic . ii- 1 rho?a" In its worst forms, while Hummer s&J almost to tht Crst dosa. ' attacks ciuid b; there If t surer, safer, : world, as It nvP fail, cures' DropsvLy esai- Kowel complaints yield ' ' One or two doses cures Wormt'lo children : or speedier remedy la the"; '.'.e'A-.fsw bottles ung iu BDsoroeam ' We take pleasure in re-i cine as a preventive fori this sssJi- .r , Fever and. Ague, Chill Fever, I and all I: ever s or a xuuioue Type.'JIt operates with.' t ;cttaiqty, and ..tboCi an is All .who use. it are giving their unanimous test iidonv in its favor. ' 1 . -. '; -SHT- Mir U'nter in the month with tha la-''f vtgorator, ana swnilow Dotii together - i V--, ' THE LIVER INT1GORATOR ?,r-.: IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL 'DISCOVERT, ana- is daily Working eoresj alnaost tod great to believa.' It ' cures as if by magie,-even tht f!rt dot gitima tntftt'' H and seklow more thaa one bottle is reqnired to euM as '' ' kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jtntndic er iy njitptia to a common ITeWncie, all of whtoh are the '"' ..unit t.t a niad.iod. f.lv.K.....i.. . i . ' "W . . A '. i a - PllICE 08 PObLAK PER SOTtLX. - f 3ASr0RD 4 CCw froprietors, 345, Broadway, N..J. . , I ; ' ... wholesale Agents i ., t , t . . , . -1 Barnes-4 Park, New, Tork T. W. Dyott A Sobs , Philadelphia; ML '8. Burr A Co., Boston ; H. H. Bay : . Co., Portland; John D. Park, Cincinnati ; Qaylord & Hammond, Cleveland j Fshnettock & Dtvb, Chio-" ago; t. J.tVooda Co., St. Lotiisj 0 irra IL Kcyier, ' Pittsburgh ; 8. S.; Hanca; Baltimore, r And retailed by all Druggists. -Sold also by ; . i , -f. -..r i .v -ri-j ' -PESCCB A AILINO, . - ; S sl a sV . . T V t intn n av i w-ssa ' , s ... , , e . . , nmasiiisrn.s ... ' 1 i : NEW PUBLICATIONS. " . . HANDBOOK, OF JJOUSEBOLD ECliyCI, IT- E;,L. Tonmans-t y - . . , , , , . , 4 Adale. A Tale; by Julia Kaan'augh. . . V Leisure Labors; or, Miscellaaies, IlistoricsL Litera- .,' ry, and Political ; by .Joseph B.Cobb. ' History ef the Republic of the ' United Buus ef Atoeriea,straeed in the writings ' of Alexander 2W ' milton,-and of his Cotemporariei; by Jbha C. -Ila-milton. a ...' r ' .'.-;t'"- j) !-Bistory ,ef ths Inductive Sciences ; by Wm. IThe. ' weU, D. I). t . ' j ..-!.. '-' -.S " tt , Berangers Lyncal Pyems, done into English Ysrstj, , l7Jt- ,",;V,: ' -. w v j r. ', Liueoi wen.,naveiocx : oy tnf nev. v m. Airocs,. , " Kan Away to flea.' Book for Boys; By Cs;t,Mayae, Batd. '"---" ''"'- i- -' ' ' l Pnrtwalta .-nf tn Afarnatt TriafiS nf.' A tn lata ajmma jLuigaem f qj -v nue omu. - tUi ; .'-. i s n '. H Tot sale bf -" . - TV V . 1 . T.. r.rt r ' ' ., , J.- : N..C. Rank Staea. .! I '"FtalaighK Jaay,JL3W, 1v;v.. t --k'.Js j!-.4--T HOME AGAIN THE SUBSCRIBER X. takes this method of Informing bis mends asi the public, that he is again 'at the old rtanl No. tl-, with a nav and desirable rtocTr 6f KEAQT-MADJ" CL0THIN3-AND GENTS FCKKISHI5Q ?00DS all. of. which will be sold low for cash.- - All I ask at a call, conrince the psaple that my stook Is wall laid fn, aa,!. wUl.be sold on4he most raasenable terms, t In addition to my stock ot Clothing, A a., I have oa baai an eisgant assortment of Trunks and Taliies, varjikg in price from f 1 to' $J5. -'Also a large lot of LaJiu Eoonsl Cases, dally expectad.' Remember, Ladies and Qentlemen, that No. 61 i is the place to parehaee feats and boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, . ' . -, my I ' V- " "TB08. W. ROYST0N." ' ; t''-v' """.'' ' Petersburg, Ve,.1""- r ESOSENE. COAL. OIL LAJtllSvti K - - .... - , ....... , IV have jusl received another, supply f thera pu- puiar Lamps, which; s-u-postes every oi&et dascxipnoa of light for beauty, brilliancy and economy. Tha ligt t It said to be saaal U six casdles, aad at a aval 1 hsJ - a cent per hour. . A fiipply td. Od always oa hand at tha China Store of - .1. !- " T ; my !" ' -166 Sycamore St; PetoMbnte, TuL COMPOUND 8YRCP Qr P'LIO'JPIaATE OK CHEMICAL FOOD. This Syrup is mu A used as a NUTRITIVE TONIC, adapted to supply T me- waste occur nog tn tbe tystem nuttng me irfoyr. nt my a ' ii. . JQ2M3 CO. Paursbarav Vsa. A