: " - ' .. : STEAMSHIP LINK TO CLIF0R. ilbTai FKAZKK K1YEK MINLS- . w rx w- idufiiiiik' nprvivn . .Ha NICARAGUA TRANSIT KOUTt BY Tlilt JO. HUITE PAKTY. Fruia the New Turk Herald On the Hat of the preeent month the ttm-naliii Hermann, lonvrlj belonging to the Unite, fc-alea mail liaa betven tbu port, Southampton tod Craven, will be dif ched f r San r"rai.Uoo id the JTraxir river district, abe buing now ad- varueed to BaJte passenger Tor those places at Ten wdtfiu pru.- Tbe Uevmaaa, which i to ha under the corn Xiand vf .Cape Ed war I Cavendy, will b Ui pio sverr ship of tbe CaliPirnla, New Yifk and Euro- - tar from the Legislature" of California, and ha capita of two million of dollars. Thrw u p cul'aritf about lh rock tsad by tbi Vm pa ly which -aiil Bt oolv attract attention by iw Ivel'y, bat will lend to render tb eosD-anj popular with lho who travel to and from Caii-iur-ata, 1 ha corpora ti ha CTte-n rear to run trvrm 1 Ji3, and aSiar-bed V each certificate r-p-yeaeriting a abare of two hundred aod flity dollar ' are lAava ojpurr, one for -a.h year, runnirg to . J 373, which will ertti'Ie th holder to a passage in orve of tba company bip a: any time during the year wtl-h vi Ouu.amm irwtmu. la otter word, ona h.r tbvV "T p'Jr- riuued wlil estitle Um borer, or who ever hU? - IM coupon, to a piM to ban Franciauo wo tb- reanaahip Hermann be pre Plug lb coupon tt. ' 1358: in li9 haunuu.J bar-br pa-wga. aiK soon. They atflrluve another taturv Thaja- job j f?ortf to rxtnd thnr Una to a JSuntrtmt tort, and 'ha coupon will alo anutU ilia hJ-i a taaacn ac U AtLa.ic.cr lhf wi!l U mHvd tv tba cum party in pamit Air frvih "to th azrxtnt uf arty dollar irat Kirur :b inraJ fura la-warr. whaUvar lh ralaaarv. Thsa lta p-r rDt, ai lout, on u mMMjr i" a - tikhl M ar-niraa an J pakl in advam. Cai'Uii llenrr JUnda.1, who anrlv commandni ono ui th of tha oj-fjiUn Urn bet awn hro an. - fVaa rrancijco, U t&a ap-n: of lh commuuhjr ii- - uta atj. Tha ar2nah!p TVniinrtn will socrepd th 2rBaan, ad ba daitchcd aa ano. aa in nr - ccaaarr arraneerai-a cn ba trfrefd. Whc thae tw Ti ' naind In lb Pacific, the Ibfywi'I ran -jru!arlr b-twero San prarn-i c - and San Joan CH Our,- wh?rh ia tha riiulpal Pa d2c rcrt -t 2fJcrac- B h ataamra will to- - at tnatrort un th ir war up. In ahurt tb rarna Tranait ruu l Vi ba imndiielr 'pf Vj Jt. Whir, and within a frw wnki a amai r--mr wUl l-ara thU dir for Orr tow. intend . rd f -r lie ialta BaTtgxtton. " Imnwdia rlTauttaoJ- ta J k a ir j ot mi iura u routa will Da ociara rd, ami s fvaaal will h pit up f r paaanarp It la oadaratod that ilr. Whiia baa arcurod rb Krtn brhmfiiif to Samual L. Mitchell' Sn- ranaa La, which la eompuaed or tha AUNima FfTtda ami Aaputa, all pad hiu. Una o xha will depart ta Un to &mn-ct wuh tha Her ni,-whtcb atoa) at San Joan d4 Kip on hft war apt. Taa amail Uramara on Lka Nicaraa-ua . which wra oce tha prvpertr uf tha old Tnaru-i- . Voapanj, ara now oi rwrj luila u. rh Cat ton hi raik biw th Castillo radds and i a u- , tal lo a. Toa JJ"rjrn u in wor kinjt conditxM.. and ia in th praauoa of ilnlnfx, wbo U Uf in-. br a a t' ait Letwaan tha Upfr Ca-iiiJ. rai id ar.d ban Cark. The La Virgin i in jro running order on tha Lac, an I ntakn ccaKnN trpa bv-,wan n lark and Virn Bar. Th Sn Ca'Par which ia lha muii a!uaM boat th lake, h aahora nrar La irin, and if he rt ' truf r. m( in thia Cuoditia h an ei.iire ko . It W Md kha can bm put a1?at f.r $2,000. lb tag agon j about tha Nicaragua rout km now to ba about orr. One bjr one tn Ciooiora bat-a fn ap the atruxxia ana drrppad oST. until tha -juarrt I waa narrowed dwi. to a fair fight bawui White and Vaf.ddrbil:. ad tha (rwwr, ft appear, baa thua far auocedd JJunrg all llta time tha light was pri-ain; th old mail rocopanj waa looking on wiUi about th aajr an-amntof dintreted trmpalhjr aa aa ri jit ' aid by a ttrtJa woaaan wbaoabaaaw a Mnig Cuinr on between her huaband and a bear. Th. oely 6-aliaa; tha old mail cnmiiany had in tlx maitrr waa that tha light would b prolong, - that they might ruotinue to uicic Dp the peraint- V BEACJTTFIir. SPEECH TU K PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF BOJION. The j have to u Lwiiitgarand fcatival for the mWic icbovl children ia Bjtton. The Courier tt Wad Dead J tay : . , Tha Muie Uall was ororted at 4 'clxk, the hildren baring ben pWviousl v admitted arid lLpued, wu je"dily fislwl with viiiiur. How inn we attempt to deoriba the exquisite beauty .tf tha acend. PfOjtUnjr nearly to tha centra of 'hehaUan imransei.latforoi waafrvclJ,on which nii-oirculf row f aeaU. wrr arraneeJ, riin r th iy& bitha level w'th the upper buloonie, all illwlmh youni; children, 'rootly girl, aimply ind aatsetlr d rowed in irareot colors, and all ani- yOated with tha liveliuat iutereat in tho prooeel inn. k on artificial decora. iona f the hall name of :vhoilaand r.ie; Hara ea:aned oi nbin ine ahields nnd nunv clorvl Cairn we.e rich ind twuful, but wei forgotlen in the presence ol i bat Tt army of living ducorauon thnt mas rf twrlva hun-lml inn.cent. Uur cur lamer niicht, Lk th Rmian rnatrvn.: have pointed troudlv to tbin and aaid, theaf are ovr JwpI' aritb double rwan. To y exa-tly what tha lank of iMe and lillif looked II would be nard indd. b'it of a'l thin in Nutn-M, afier lirinr Sower, it wa lika a ailverT varuad, dvb MX d-iwi a hi:i-l I--, iliumineJ by the nn with vsriou bua, and gli-tenini; with sparkling (pray Craothe moid taiokliii- uf m thousand faoa maiait appear. IIjo. Hr'uti C Wmthrop wm present and d ivervd a very i--njirJvd ipe-ch, which ia a model f iu kind. We mk tha Gllowin eztrat't : S-riou'r, my frieiidap anjopiT lha njmeroua a! jrin which bve O-cn -wiiiiaeen in our cou .nunity of lata year, I kn w of nona m r signal r v-liKii n!. : wi h wuich any. oe might vfll ba ca-Tv j'i--ly proud ta aaic-iaUi hi nama than tbat 'f Lk-0 till tcaka U ba IwUUhIH ind beautiful inauguration. I would nitdipr iga or deprociata tha annual f ho -1 feti vnla of the .Uwn time. I bva not for fUen I can never .orget the delight with which, mm yeaiMat inan I might care f rpeuity in ir-ci!y tliH pr wo, f mT'!f orfainad a medal boy 'a ticket I" the old F&niul ilail dinner: nor bw iroudlr I iled off with tar chenhd ennpeers b-hiad tfl vda'r of th- father f th city ater tha cloth a renvved to rec Ira tn-tr r-orTimonand nediction, he 'ore thev prioded V the peeche irtd pntirneDti, and to ha diacuim of tht ir nut ir.a wine. . I hare troewhTe fen ft reonrdnd r.f England' eat brs tha late U ike ol VVWiington, ibat on m iit to Eton 3ch'i. in hiid aga.whiie gnz- ing apnn Umk well r-nnrnhrwl aurneaof ui by and wbn allain bad hmn uiH'le by m f bi com-atnion to the in3ancn. o'thi ch.il pn hU man in i, httxc'i'nd -"Tp. yea, it wx tt un that Waterloo wa w.rt. And "t a few ( yoa my yung friend, will one day or other be 'leant c-int'eadng that the bet vict-riei oryur iiattira Ufa Lava boeO virtually won or lot at chnoi. lh.-ra wa, indeed, a deep ignifieana I" the trrangment of tbat tJd choral trio, wbi'-b baoome lown K u in tha tii-tory uf tha ancient Lacedi nianf, fr a en the atemneof Sparta did nH liadain tba ernplorment o muMo in thii ftivt lb tkn. They are aM to have hal three ch 4r cor rp pond i Jig to the thrve period of human ir. The old man lean "Onca in b-ml" b.ld we ihone;" The middle-aral repl'ed - I'ry us ; our vigor i not gone B-it the hvXi coociudNl 1 he alui remain fr us al-ne P THE COTTON AND SUGAR CROPS, Ac. &c. We have ben permitted tomae the finlowi'ig eztracW from a letter to a gentleman in thitt city, from bixcorre)iondent in New Orleans. The let ter is dated July 26ih. 'The wri'ar prefaces his remarks about the Cotton and Sugar crops with the f blowing in regard toth- money market at New Orleans : A' ex. Oazetie. - - By the mail that takes this letter, I send you the Price Current. of Saturday, 24ih instant, to which you ara referred for inrvicnlars of our gen eral markat. . One noticeable feature in it, is.the abundant supply of money and the n-arcity of the right kiuI of signature, offering on the market So it may be mud that the transactions in utper ara very limited, owing to thi fact. Money lender are chary of all names in the neigh borhood of the country 'which has been overflow ed. . The damage done to the cotton crop i immense. I saw a gt'ntli-man of this city who has jiwt re turned from Mi-mphis, when he met witn num bers, whuee plantations are inundated, and he says the estimated damgi ti the crops of cotton is put down at five hundred thousand bales. My friend in the frnt oiSue ha ilfmi me to makt the following extract from a let er under dnto f the DISCOVERY IN THE MNUFACTUHE OF The Ohio Farmer iuennni an important df- VICE PRESIDENT. BRECKINRIDGE AND THE WHI PARTY - ttBut one political party has survived th Slave- coveiy" in the manufacture of leather , ty wnicti i fy etruggie. - Tbe Whig pa-ty tnen went down the pnices of tannine i performed in as many--,;'-lt fnft ..oblrtit rtartv I have ever seen da. s as it formerly required months. Leather, it except my own bold, opeiw-wi.th its banners all is known, is formed bv the union of o'-lat-n, of breeze, and its principles all on thetii.! J wh'ch the skin is chh fly compoeed, nd tnnn, ft j is a shion with small-ljeor Democratic poli Bubstance fund in the bark of the oak, hemlock ticjang (observes the Lvnchburg Virginian) to inl and birch, and a few shrubs bk the umac, &c d , j f,xtravaeatt. but hvoocriticnL eulosrv df fVMlct 1 . - . - - - - . 2Ut instant, burg : The water ha, in the last two weeks, overflow nearly all ifSiinfl werand Yazo riv r, by com bination of high uat. r froui rain in TallabushH ana Tatiahnt-bee river. and break in I'miIum, Coahoma, and Blivar OHiniina, Th eni.e crp iu Mir. Swamp, in Yz, Sunfl iwer, D er Crt-k. and west lian of MUs. river, it i t h.Hitit. will be diminished from 250 000 to 500,000 bnl -a The Ym o and Sunflower river hav bjen overflaw d in the lat htVen day-' A gontleman frtnn Yax Citv, wain theoi?aje day-befre yesterday, wn acid i.he whole of Ya- X o b"lton u under water that there is not adrv ot, unls hre and. there a knoll, a litttlf m ra elevated than th. stirnon.iins coun try that it can't Le worse than repreaeht- rba damage to tha Sugar crop wiilbvev great, and what mk-s it harder on the Sugar plan ter, is ma it win taKe two r tnree year before he can make anything for im rket. Y u must know that a grmt iwrtiim of the menr land i utmer waa-r tea 'danter. in ir.anv tnatan-e. hava b-n coitiia-lled to abandon ttifir'homiis and nose wMivmUn eaten fli witli hook a"d line fnm tnr haconin. whhnthe Allgatorand Wa ter MM!n cravi qiieily Ui'ti tbe porcue of th- ooii-a ana m trie run Tbe yellow lever I Mill inereinr pradnallr f . v - - ... . . - uu mi Mjuina tne Daia r an euU-sn c vet ani Go I grant tha it will not thia waori. though mHr.y b lirveit will b-ei.ideinio before two w-k. Pr my part, I am n -t willing to shain tn be- liei indeod it U not pWnt to antieinat- ru,4i evil nd for my pa't, ulflciem onto tlie day i the r.il -i...-..r " For tannine- nurnoees immense breadths of forest have already been destroyed, white the demand for leather increase. Many mineral and vegeta ble substance have been tried as substitutes, but without su coss, and tanners are now obliged to import hemlock from a great distance and at. a constantly increasing cost. It has recently been discovered, savs the Far-me-t "that we have growing spontaneoulv in great abundance all over the country, "in every state and territory in the Union, and we believe all over Edrp. too, a hitRerto almost wonhless and very troublesome pla.t, bnl whicn contains an abundance of tannin." We are not informed what the tlar.t is, but the discoverer, a A r. John son, is said to have ascertained its properties after many years of careful study ann experiment. By tie new process he tans a calfskin in two and hnlf dav, which frm rlv r quired from six to writusu by hi brother at Yicks- I twelve months. The invention has been secured jag to the discoverer by l-ttea-pateni of the United ejn Suites, and measure are taken to secure the ame in Europe. . . .: From tbe Washington Union. THE COTTON MILLKK Okalojja, ChickBw d. Mirs. Jul 12rh.l8i8 f DiAR Sis : I send roi encks d in a bottle, a specimen of the cotion millr I discovered tha great number of the wi rm had bored into l h- cton sulks for the purpose of wintering there. inev eat tne pi'n lor an in--h or , an 1 !- ui their entrance Hole with a trstrnt Miivtamv resembling isnglas, which atTirdsthem light. Th-cotton stalk is a fine non-cductor. and no c-ld weather that we have cm inj ire the worms encioea in tnem. v tien the ground is Dedded up in the winter or early prin n.'ot of the wim that go into tin ;rr..und are exed and erilu but th-v that hibernate in tbe cotton SOXETHLNG TO FEEL GLAD ABrCT. Siiut-g in our sanctum, says th editor of tb Leavanwur.h 'Time', now Soma yar past, on a crdd and blustering auUimn day, v- u.re attra t. d by the aatrance of a bright-eyed.thourhtfa' lit tle boy, UU Uaa'y dad, who told the tory of -n-lalKrr - family -k to l of employment," Jtc. We w re at fl rrt dipuaed to ejpri-M a m tk m m rathy, and ay wecuuldd" SMAbing ; but Uie l-j' tmrtf eye arere ao swimm'ng wi;h ers, and ! trantbtad fn-tu to -, vcile L-s cnduc. and doivaner bora such an imt-t o. 1rathUIi!a3 and ain.'rrity. that we cud not fln' it In oar heart to speak harvl 'y, and finally di raided bias with q lite a haadimei'tleum oun tnbeud is th main bv -jr printer wb. by th. ay. ara proverbial, tha w.rld over, for their gen erally. Th seat evenine we wer aomewhat "rprio to lad tha liula -Uo banging did lntly ah.-i. our oCcv d-air.- T tim. ho evr. hi ere wr Iriglt wi'L lapinea. and a w-et ruiU playeo everand lit an hi han-lauma fe ur. W a-ii Lfm tooMna in. b it ia mivly it,Hd lorwar timidlr, to aa to ca'ch our ear, and rari.otl, though rulerinjcly whiered, t-31amma pravel f- t- U last sight, and then duanpaarad a b Lai. Yi-,yuunffehildren of the liooln, the palm re- mult. a iLr vttn I. a T. . ivyi -I.b.a . i u . 1 1 ' . " - --- .v-' ... . "... iv j. iMUIli . . . - wain rtill U. uiva f. it and t win it. Bv i 8t'K re rr',Hc.ruc.me.it in Way r June. ..a, manv .f v.ir eidnm it hn Un won or bt al T"' or flrln veaw agi it was the univers-l rradr. Bit for votu t e w ii.e conry i. clear, the c',,n i'nten. to born up their stalks, a. d whoiecompetlfum tree and open; and oti are in "IU.WM hardly known ; rtnW they vited to enter nnnn it unrVr u h ausi icw. and n"T aPlea .ln" nmer r'n "r breaking down with such advantage a were never bcf. re eriov- !D",r ""'I ln w,,rm mcreal until it ha d bentti the aun. Uav the inspiraUon of this I DV.nae. greatest eneiur the cotton pla ,t has cai-n g.t (.Tih with y.ai to tb tri-l, ano-ajrag- I VViajld it not be or service to tbe ott.n inter- I "'r iu iwir mnr u can inp attention Ol ter to the fan, that tha boll worm has be come tnaiblTOo only aince they abandoned tha old fubhioned plan of burnimr their cotton vrraarv ioUval, nor ihe th l.v-of yjor fellow-! ,WT... oen and ol" tinir count rv ibe t""e haraonits of I 1 '"' t.g rli and aioimaung you ti higher, end higher ef- , i Cr sih-ce-o. " Excelsior, Exce r," the mot- ' P'"nl to of rach ooeof you. Abive all. h i not the ri of God be the mr- lip service of an Anni- Ds trot iso $31,000 to SpirK 'Hia Sow. A correspondent of tbe Lono?v Times Mate the folio-fng story, :fsu-y it is locating th parties in Vin"a. S;rang tLings happen ff quntly in the ol 1 country A few davs ago a Boon Sibrtatein died here, and af.er hi Heth n.i money wa lo'ind in the house, although he had al'avs pasted for a wal h- man. Inquiries were made y hi heir, a'd on it Wng dicoverd that a banker bad p. id into h hand thesumof 1(50,000 fit rins but a lew das iefore, hi valet was arrested by a piliceman on su-'picion of having made way" with tha money. As the man said that hi master loft hts bed' a c :pl- of day brtfore ha died, in orde' to bum ina paper in the stove, the bedroom wasearch Nothing but the remains of some document w re found, and the errant vti kept in cutodyv un il it octtsrr-d to some on th-t it miehi be a. eii to examine tnefnr stoves. TnafXamina Uon was mad. and thenumorotis remainsof bak ote, of 1 000 fl rin each, proved the innorvnee ot the valet ana the -destructivenesg of hi mas ter. ' ' . ;.. The B iron, who had boen divwld from bis wif'e.otien expressed d ajbts about th legiitna" of his only s-n j and in o-derthat he should pflt a- little a possible bv hi death, he burned the bank note, to th 'alue of 170,000 fl nns 1. 200.) When the door of the- rtove wa ojwned. he words one thousand weredwtinctly visible on manv o' the part'y consumed notes, which of course, fell to piecttT when touched. the Old Whig party but we scarcely expected to see such a compliment on the hps of the vicje President of the United States. Yet, such is ,r4-; ported to bo the. language of ?Mr. Breckinbridgo' at a recent Democratic celebration in Kentucky, "We cannot understand how any Democrat can have the conscience to speak thus of the Whig party. Ith memory of the opprobrious terniU by which that party was formerly defignated were not so recent, there might be some policy in it, perhaps-I-but it is passing strange that DennU crattc memory 6hould be so short as to torgct tbe infamous term in which it was their wont to f peak of the Whigs, : when the latter were eri- At their National Convention in Baltimore in ISSaf-it'was deliberately reilved and made a part of. the .Flatform, that the Whigs '-considered np imto3Uir too mopstmcs for the popular creduli ty?' Such were the Words witn wuii-h hr,v ctiff- actenised thu Vv'hig party then and Vet they .nolo have tne boundless impudence to retat day alter day, the most extravagant eulogies upon the Old VVbigparty. Can the "force of 'hypocrisy ur thor go?'' In view ofthecirc imtam-e,. would it not be a pertef-tly lesrf imate oncluMon that thee is no ' imposture" which tbe D-mocracy consider education: "too rponsirou for the p-pulr credulity ?"'- eriCKitnirg tieraicu Fred- A RrcH Caltdrma Womaw Mrs. E,;j5a Todd, who owns rneh a mile belon Weavers ville, i a remarkah(t) woman. In 1852 he walk-; ifr'n'3i is'jtto Wiaveivt"! ,an 1 with "t in ney began the b-isine-M of washing for six dollars a d zen. An acquaintance who lives near her uomi il. says that for a long t:ra he was bending over the WM-di-tub atday-lightin the m rning. at noon, and at ten o'cl-ck at nhrht. lia"ino peos-nered. and after a while the bougut two claim which, turnei out well. I ben b.i bought chick--n, which laid eggs, and which aha s Id at half a dol lar a piece : then t-he bought a me fo $125. and "old its prog-ny for an ounce, or 23; then boieni cow and sold milk, iiu.-ineas still increaed : and ho began buying real estate, landing money at ten ter rent a month, and snecuhtling in claim ; lav was fortunate; every touch turned Some thing to-gnld. Now she i one of the larztMt property holders in tha north. Ca'torma Ex. The f harleston M rcury pubhshe a letter from Jam"s S Slaughter. E-kJ , a prominent' D.mocrat of Georgia, in. which he advocates the formation of a '-Sou hern League." and the repudiation if all 'national" parties. . We quot" a portion of h' le t-r to show to wi at a miserable pas the bungL ling Kanw olicy of the Administration has brought theDemocrary oftheSuth : : Kav we any cause to "kepp ti old pafv rela tioti 7" ; Save Calhoun' 'ndhesiV- tiower tf pulij. lie plunder. I nothing that an bind a South ern man t national parties. To liim who wishes to adhere to prim-tple r follow Truth wherever it may lead, though the very piveriieuTS of i-ar'h v a . . . tremnie oenektn ins rootjitepa, though it W follow. eq try tne eartnq'iaKo or revolution and- thodi meii.oermeni oj. government more oan be no earthly inducement to ndhere t a tmrty that bw pes n irum ana pnmnpie at nauirnt. violated tne Tann ujn wnn-b it trmmph&i, and yet rea dy or wther immolation upon it unhallowed The Democratic rr. in the Kani8 8ettlernen deceived Us. We bad no rigat to exiect, eieh b( the un t liberal coii-truction of the Cir cinnati platform and Mr. Buchanan' letter of aii-epta-ice that Kanaa would be di.-poed of a" she bas. '. Yet Detnocratie allies in the North and South are con certing with tha movement of Dnigla in the Northwest, and Wbe i blowing the bugle inbe i n . - ... ....... - vsia jjominion, ana tne oia Tiichmond Knquirer thinks, in case of a dWjIuiion of the Union, it wouiu to a q lesuon of very grave debate, whether Virginia ought to b-oonw tbe north of as uthern b aindary or the sou'h of a northern boundarv. It is to our interest to b-eak the unhallowed "pell if party. It is the fatal charm of the -rient tna. draws the b'rd within its reach the song of ine syren mat lure tne mariner upon tbe lata1 rocaa. ' . ie-r state, in conclusion, that the worm en- . .iivawav with the fudwrg ecboea of a I fr lna 8lJ'k near the and its place of en- Jibilee CMru. And ahile v.m strive t fulfil I lr"'M w-aild not be noticed witljout close inspec- Ive I Uwn' 1 "'una a many as six in one Ulk. a-ok God, thoocht w,f.ir that mother prartr! Add though vaa-v hava pavawd aire than ih-igl. bata bustled thnaigh noijy irH-i-lant, and min gled ia Ufa aungglea,a we art all forced to do retnernbraBce of .Mamma prayed fr you." tiil aonnda a rra'aful and aa ivtwt u whan it fir f-d Iros tha lira ef that innocent bv. NaX Pill- To thoa wo ara ccrionj In trt' dag family hiatorr, tnaaan.x-d extrao, which a fro& ha copied from D-bntt. aay N inret lrg, raiing aa it d to tha amUbla tnd e. teansed parkin who now repreaent In our ,-ocn try tha avcial and dipl-taatic lutere.t of Eng- and; fcTh farBily of Napir l tald ba descended rn-ea tha anaiant Thane ,. Lennox but taiunii lam naa of 2"at4-r frm th folUaing Tant i Otar of tha ai-cint aria of L-nnox bad thre. ona. Ta eldest urcaaded him to the earldom Tba aecued waa nanavl Donald and the triad Go- rtai. i b tben King a riiits being engage' 1 kn: con v. cater! hi aubjecis t ' battle-, the earl of Lennox wa called on, asioni aer, to aeixf o.h furcea a he cuu Id ootlevt to xaa lung" aamWanoe. which ba ecr. rdingly did. aerping fcj, eldest on with bim at booie. Cot t eT men under the omuani of hi tw yunget M'aTba bait I went bard with th iow, who were cr.lr forrad to 1 ve ground but wer actually ranniog aw.y v.bn Dab nacbed hi father' standard rn-m th bearer, charge tha enemy wth the Lennox men, rhang d iaa ftur of tbe day. and oh-aiard a victory. After tba battle, aa tha cuvan a, avay one re pmed hi act, whra taaKinsaid: Ybavc r.-l dJOm valiantly ; but tb i one amongst t ih bo bath naa pw,' (that , ao eyayrf,-) ,nd cal l g D-ild ta hint, commanded bim mrhang fcai Bao frHn Lennox to Nai ler, and beatoaet. bim the land of G-a.'brd and the land iu turn a a reward for bis aert ices.' every duty ! y.Hir n ihlor and to your-) ve, t"l to Mlratire the i-t Mitr-ia of I lie wot Id in ahicu yo-f lire, may you ev- r bk forward with humble taita and tnA to tlat dav of which 'oi are ju-t about to sing, when other iI:it. than (hone fmere Ituman lriiiin;.h nay beseco in your bands na wnrti itu a muituiKle wtoch no man can .umber you iua l-e -ermitled to mingle in oiher o.d nobler ong than acy which enn be fully learie- 2 ivj.Hw f rerreir.ber, in passing, that th May or th-: .Uy though to my tMi-hre be waeven ihin a v nerabie peivou still Hviti toad rn the vn.uiiiTii'y over which beo worthily prf iled -u.i wak erect ani'.aig ua receive thn dailv ho- aia e or oir repct and aff.-ction. 1 ou have all nticii ated toe in (ronounviiig the raineot the el ier QoinvT. But bow iur were even the m.t ii m i m u viadof tleaeia.cti'n. horu as thev auwof the bt grace of every modern festive rrd-rJiMied It'n;e;liCt of ll-c prtici) aU"li or ha preser ea of th mother and uaugLter of our ny. bihI pre red old Cr I he a'L.laC eli of the i.etc aiiliiiai ai-14-lite. What funeral bakt-d mi-at- i hey were at ih bet when c..i.rated. v.ub he exqiuite entertainment tor ty, ar, mind, heart, a od soul hin we aru tbi day ei joying. 1 have on 'y f regret tbat the aniial la and aeoiu , liih. d .Mmi-ter fMiu Great B iuil. wb- ai we ad all hofed to welcome on thi cccaihin, uld have been prevented by engag-menu at Waab 'ngton. from inr.;jig to the a-ainn, a 1 am ure be dioi giadlr woumI have Julia. LU genial pre nee and . 1 cuer.t worda. Ai.d now, let u hpe, my friend, tbat the in piratioi of tbu biHir and tun acene will not be et on the young beart which r throbbire and . j ... Hui.j(nwiu, fi ure too hiucit accut m i top-ak of the future aa etiu beyond ar hu man contisd or fo-eolgtlt. And it I tiw true tbut uo coitaoltalivn ol orw(e no casting of horuMjopes, no ibvo-ations orspiri's ill unveil to u the my- Very respecilully. Your obiflient servant, DUNCAN C. HUBBARD. Hos. J. Holt. Daw Eicx avo bm Uorsk ExcxrjtoB. Th. rejorted death of thia horsa la anuoa. Itec-ntlv, at WaMkegan, IlL, a aoan Txmm up In tha audknet aad t4d Dan be would bet him SKOthalherouic Bot idake h! horse Juaip from Ihe plform be wa dfiKi.nr. D.nsio,.l the n. rse in hl.desc nt. and lUl tbe taan to c me 'oi wad withl.i. ir0 ; tey WerelveasinutcwarranitingtbeHHitler. 1 h-r Uut turned rwurd and toU tbabone U-j.as Tha bw tx aoocarr h. a-d I he emmand ttan h. heeled and Jnmped . IT, aiokiog uP to hiv. knee. n tao black mud which the ri IW. ; .v i . . " . 'j i . iiutsoj 1, cvli vert- rCl'fM -If "T ke tm. r0' I' fl- -f a h. o jver iir.ee, and Baae.-n t tbe eriea wbivh lie b.y nd thi ubluna yphere. o ii w n ay noi i. gel tnat toe lu.m -Uiatn Iutjr r mr eiituujU'ii y u before u tiaia y, audibly oou.iv oviorw u in toe peroti mvnit cuoren ine acco..i. icete U"y-f i neu n ay. r tne nrn oi tne iu ure, ua, under Gai, ue masier oi tne lu'ure. 1 Be vr ni iving pro- !. a cuman uie aid a on a lew t, a no i-y will baon tbe platfxu;, and wash)! be he- eaib the d. But to-day wear not merely their i . j i i , . . eiampiea ana Bioaeia, out.tneir maKteiaand men or ; and these are tha tudio, in ahU:h, l.y God'a n.. . 1 1 . ... - . ""I1) "- j atrj ua lonueu, at a ladfii on , and haped a we a.iL Ye, my frend . not bv ai v ..il ! . " ii . . '"I'l" laoi-s, but ty impty knocking at our own hontxt Scnool ro mdiam. and acting how many b- t and a-irla thare are ubin. and wbatL their mental and rhT.ic 1 am! utral and iiitual condition and cuiiure-we uay lad a revelation of the future, haralv i.. UT " les etaot than f U were written in lettar. vf light (y th u a'iupira ion. M. C. W Kendall, one of the proprietors of the New Orleans Pw-ayjn. wh- raai.! in T v.. ana U gwing rich, in flock aud herd at leaaL . embuelastic in hi ptat-e tf bU tu;w Louie. Uesa: Il a lrkn Wt-hea to rr.f.ir f'.a n ir the Union. v ixaneM ilte best of health t,. aj Iwp Janus which, ""uat ra;Md v intrea-e in vlue, o engage ir a r.nines whkh, if properlv attend- o, uioisiw ycariv pront r rrm 4 to .0 r cent on an in vctttneot 1 mean sto-k-rai ng and l WMuug to out up wit n fc7 of the itaert yeiiience ever attendant upn life on the I rvu liar, let au-h jarr come to Texas.' Jon Diax axd ma Maar Akk,-tA New itadj corr-,-naiTiofihe&-tonGuZeite;rite , V?ki r-rni mb-r tha rry abait "John Di-an and bi ilary Ann" (D..keV)-p,,r Rir. her m- nifl' itil- coli vera. j -hi a ti.idanl.l nlin- 1 1. mo aince, i a mark, r" in the and they rn,w bccuiy I be oUd a houe over a comer cTt-rv ou Socond STRANGE CONDUCT OF GOV. CUMMING AT UTAH. Extract from a Piioite Letter to a Gentleman of jru JorA. Great Salt LakkCitt, June 23, 1858, u YiHi will have beard bow our corpulent Gov ernor ha be-n " Slept)ed' by the Mormons. teems f me to be almost inmne. He take paint to qiwrrel with every G.-ntilo within hi reach, 'rum Gen. Johnn'on, the Coiii'iii.ioneru. tnit Judire EckeU. down to our bumble er ant: and to affiliate, with the wovt cut-lhroau in the whole Motm .1, oommunity, He i ali-nating the nl lTon on whom he can exect to l-nn wh-n he find thtt he has been fouled bv Brother It. if- I bam.' The very table on which I am wri'inc ha on it evidence of th ras -nlity t.f the Mormon, in re spect to the mail. (I am a.rawling this to u in tba tt-offie.) Di recti v in front of rae U a oil- of letters, ad ot which have bvon ooen-d bv teNm- mgtnetn until the gt-m on th grjtelot ceased to ati .k. or by ca'ting o:ien the end of th an. velopea'aud aicking tbeta carefully Vigether again. "T.ievcall tha preaent conditinn nfWA harmony ' or at leat the G .vernor ohIu ir. but ther- i not a G-ntile in the citv whodiv n..t leep with a revolver under hi pillow. The vanici ard of the a- my i- rxp- cted to ar rite to-tn rniw. and thn w "Wi hr-.h.. r- - nn.n r i. l j . .. ' ' . vr-ii. wuiiaioii unu ini ul,eln niil f the Territry In hi' han I a h . ha th- mil ftary, we might have adorable, ir-a.-e. A it i." thi latched up m-a of Gov. Cummin wil. ceaae to tkk a o-n a it i aieaujed. Yours, . A Novkl Rxportkr. The following appear as a local item in one of our exchanges. Tie a writer is supposed to have been so situated at the time that objects presented themselves to his vision in an inverted position ; but we susj ect he wa in that peculiar mental condition in which one " sees double :" " Ye-oerday'm uning aliout 4 o'clock, P. Sf., a A Fall IsnxxDTbe S lma. Ala. Sentinel give the following particulars of an unfortunate woman who i now under bail m Monteomeri- Al.. for the crime of infanticide : " We were ac quainted with this woman in her ginhod. and no young lady in Wetumpka, was more highly es teemed than the. She was hiehlv educated hv her father, and on arriving at womanhood married AT ijor lownaend, then Sermtor from TtlUdega county. . S.an after his nmrriatre, 51 ej r Town ssna moved to Louisiana, and there :died, leaving a handsome pnmerty to . hi widow. From the day of Townsend's death, the widow entered upon a system of debauchery and profligacv, whicn has resulted as above sta'ed. This woman is re Scubly connected, and every means w"re ad'pt e 1 by her reJatives to turn he'from the evil course she had adoj t-d, but to no purj.ose. and the result r- n a t.w I r tl t... tf m.tteuNirsen.c Iry swallowing a dcjl sucideS- fU-T, "n lmi,rl8uniuent ln theenitentiarv tku ..r.i... : . i . I or joe. u.. ii1U.i, w ii, D iiiijm-M reiurneo a jury that the deceased cam9 to tbe fact in acc rdauce with Kia rin Vt T I . . I . ... . . , . . I' I ... - "raves' a cuiki anu aix small WIVe t. Ixmeiit the end of hi untimely loss. In death we are in the midot oflife. A new LifeB toy is attractinggreatattention in New York. It ha the shape of an egg, with its point elongated into a deep hold, which may be loaded with treasure, water, and provisions, so that if it were to fall side-way from a ship into the ocean it would right itelf in two seconds and re main rignt sioe up without care. " An old Salt," who speaks of it through tbe "Commercial.-con-ider it "a vessel of nn rey.a sort of after-piece to a hipwreck " Two m n cittLrg whh miU llmia nt t PMfllVa minlil H . L 1 . .. " ""fui u"m at wno'e year in Ibe ein-puh of con n r-ewti'in for relief. E,n if a ship (he ay) were sinking .i sudden'y that no i a . launcn co.ia oe mal, the new v-asel mightbe filled and left on deck to go do-n in ihe hip and rise safely by its own buovany. It is thought deserving the atteuUon of the Navy Depart. w ment. Tai LZliT. Du-ing the aum ner of 1818. eav Tne KnitertMH-ker, crn b 'i g warco in the upper country andomt of the obis n- being hard pr-ed for bread, having wom tbreudimre the h.ai.iulity of hi getierou neiirhooM br hi ex- tn me lazinea, they tbo"ghtltan act oi justica to bury him. Accordingly be was arti.-u to the l lace or interment, and beinir met bv one of the citireea, the foil .wing conversation bok place: ell. .11,. 1 ... I .. . .i ... ' wou w uai, ui you mere i "Ptar old Alr.a' - Whet are you going to do with him?" " -euty mm ' V hat I Is he dead ? . I had not heard it--44 he is nut dead, but he mhrht as well ha; for he hi no corn, and is too laxy to work for any." -That ia too cruel for civilized rvonle. I'll give t-o buhel of coru msth rati.er than aee him buried aiive." Old S, raised tbe cover and asked, in a drag ging tone, ! it brbd ?" -N : but you can ht:ll it." . "D.ive ou, b y,I' " ' how a "Mormon fulfils ihe gold- K. Ku LE. . Said n-hor Kio bill B-igham Young ! Jove my friend-, and I don'i lV .ny euetnie.; but I follow the 5?. and prav for them. This was said in 1 1 presence t-r Dr. Forney, the new Superintendent f Indi an Affdrs, who complimented Hi ber ut.n hi. ehristian sp;rit, tel'ing bim he wa happy to hear tnat he prayed for hU eneiuie. Imasiine the horror of thH Da-tor (B.s Medicine the Indian call nim) when Heb-r added Ya. I pray that i-jr may nu wj iu ntui in tsjole say ir a man aiuue? you on one cheek, tuni p him the other aI-. Well 111 turn the other cheek, but if a nin smite that, let bim look for a d 1 ox a luk himself." .. .-... l I hat. 1 hat thai bled up considerably, is fully proved by the fol lowing curioua lines: i Now that is a word which may often be joined For that that may be doubled is clear to thi mind. And th"t that that is riirht is as nlain to ihe view As that that tluit ttat we used, is a rightly used too, a" oi tn"i uiai viat ituit line has in it is ; right . '- , -. ' In accordance with grammar is'plain to our sight. About a Cat Two years and a half a;ro one of our citizens, to oblige a friend, thi captain of a nup aianit to mi lor the iast Indies, gave, him a cat for ihe put j o-eof keeping th- veriniiion utrd in Jrjajr subjeciion. Pu , during ihe interven ing lime. voaued to Calctiiia, i hence to Liver I yd, hnnlly to B ton: . A. few days ater ti.e ar rival ot the ship at ihis port the former owners .f the cat were sitting t .breakiasr, when in walked ta'-by, th same a if e had n-ver been awav frtmi home, nnd after a general review of the (.re mise she came and juniped on tho knee of the master 0t tbe bouehoid as had be-n her wont in old time. -The t'ry iSH curious evidence of at tachment to locality in the animl.and a eimrular ... . r . . . ' s uwt vi reifuuuii ui mfiuory, i Boston Ledger, Kirwan aas that a ptous be -tenman ued to pray, -O Lora. keep me right ; fir tou k no west If 1 do ao wrong, it ia very bard to turn me." j NOTICE.---T2IE CO-PAKTNCRSniP neretotora txiiting oetween tbe ou'luramneil, uaiv tyl and firia of A. il. M'-Pll'KTfilW a .col, wa ttii day diasulred by mntnal c-inseot. ' j J. w. jaarUn baring disp sd hi interest, tbe JBEDICAL COLLEGE ,OP -VIRGINIA"" " SESSION bF485859. 1 V : miUS INSTITUTION, SITUATED . IN I the Metropolia of Viricinia, and endowed by the Fta r, offers to tbe student every facility for theoretical an" practical instruction. - ' - . . - . , -"The study of Practical Anatomy maybe prosecuted nnder the most favorable cirUmstanceSy as regards climate and supply of material, at very trifling exJ pens. Clinical instruction is Riven ia the Infirmary connected with the College, and at tbe Richmond Alms house. The former of thew establishments, ;wh'ch is also the Marine Hospi tal for the port of Richmond, is under the same roof witn the lecture-rooms, and offers peculiar facilities to the student for the daily observa tion of disease. ' v - . - . An experience of twenty years has demonstrated the advantages of Kichmond as a lo'-atiun for a Southern Medical Si-bool.'and every efiFort will be made td render th is institution worthy of a continuance of public pat ronage. : t. - The annual Course of Lecture will commence on the first Monday in October, 1858, and continue until the 'first of March, 185 making a session of five month.. ' v ' FACULTY: .. ' : CHARLES BELT. GIS0N, M. I)., , Professor of Sarirery and Surgical Anatomy , T VI.D II. TUCKER, M. I., : ' Profes?or of Theory and Priwtice of Medicine. 1 . i;everlv r. wr' lford, m. d, . Frofessor of Materia Modica and Thernpt'uties. ? a;e. PETIC0LAS, M. D., , ' Professor of Geiiend Rnd Special ArtMomy. L. S. JrtYvEs. M. D, . J Professor of Institutes of Medidoe. and Medical Ju . ... .risprurtenco. " - , ; ; JAMES "CONWAY, M. D.. .. . Professor, of ObsUt'ics and .Diseases ef Wcmen.'and ' ' Children.: - ', .. s' " JAME? E. VcCAW. M T:,": . . v Professor of heuiiytry and Phannaey. " : ; MARI'iX K0V(ARr, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. . V . . v ... FEES : ' j: For the entire Conrse.nf .Lectare, . - . $105 , licmncstrator o.' Anatomy, - v 10 Matriculation, " . ; ' ' Graduatinn, ' ' ; . ; 25 ' ; For further inforaation. address ' L. tJ. JYXE3. !.. . . - Dan of the Feult; jy t0$ai ' EDGE W OK 1 11 t EDGEWqit 1 11 1'E.MAuE ME.ttlNAUYt ; " UREENiSBRO". n. c. milE SCHOLASTIC YEAR IS DIVIDED i iuto two ssiuB'N ciuneuuing 1st August and let joduary. . . ... .' . Theeocrseof rtadvisthoronsrhand svstenistic. em bracing eveiryth'ng neeCTSary t a complete, solid, and ornamental education. The buildings are so arranged a t combiae tha comfort of a home with the ad van tuge if a shooL Instructor of thv highest qualiS- eations are 4mplyad iu aavh of the Department. No Institution in the country possesses advantages rope- Terms ; ' Board, including washing, lights, and fuel,' per Session of fire months, 60 00 Tuition in regular clauses, 20 UO The next session will commence on 5fondsy,'Augi'St ta, loos. , Kupiis are admitted at any time daring the tension, ana cnargeu trom tne time or entrence. Catalogues eontaining all necessary information re specting the Course of Instruction, Terms, A?., will be forwarded on application to, RtCUARD STERLING, Principal, je 9 4 mpd GreensboroV X. J. Hi. LOVEJOY'S ACADEMY.---TIIE Thirty-Bixth Session will commence un the 12th ui July, ISi8. ;, . Board and Ti Hon, per session-, ' ' $85 ' Fir particulars address. the Print Ipal, je 26 5U J. M. LOYEJT AMI STOCK FOK SALE. 13? MJt Oharea of Stock, Back of Capo Fear M'ftytn U. DEWEY. .jyl-tf - - -.. - . KKAJII KAU DAI AT SflOCCO THIRD ASCEKSIOIT or tas BALLOON SHOCCO. GRAND PRIZE SACK RACE I Free for all to Enter I AliEAUTiFLo SILVER GOULET WILL be awarded to the winner. Distance 75 yards; beat in tare-, to oe ran in socks. Om Wednesday, August 11th, 1858. Mons SlOUT will make his Third Ascension, ae- enmpanied by Mr. B. D. Porter, on an expedition to me cioutis. : . . Pilot Balloons will be sent up during the dav for the amusement of spectators. - - auj7 , SOU D. SESSUMS. o CITY PROPERTY AT AUCTION, J0TH a COURT, IS8. v V0NDAT. Tl lfrrii OP ATTflTTST KPTT wing tbe first day of the unty Court, at th .o t-n.iune toor in tho city of Kaleigb. the uuder sign ed a ill proceed t Sell to the liubefci. ' idder. Ixit 176. ami part of Lot 7T. containing alio-t an acre, and vituatee opposite the Ej-iucopal Cb"nh and State Bank, and near Uie t-ast -a of the Capitol S juare, being the former residence of Mxj AVm J.Clarke. The mi pro menu eousict of a house and. kitchen. office and outbuildings, all of which will be sold sepa rately. '.:".' ' ; TERMS: 1 months credit, en bo"d and security, with i'Urest r0ia the Lit of January. '859, when pos session will be given; title retained until paid for. T. P. HK.VEREUX. V jySltds. EDWARD C NT WELL. RARE CHANCE!---1 OFF tit FOR sale mi tnu;t ot laud, adi- ibinar tha corburate lim. ua "f the town of Loui'burg. A care opp -rtun'ty is hare presented to those who are seeking an investment in Rral E-tat not ODly, on account of th superior at trax-y recess of the location. nut tne abundant yields afforded ny it highly ia proved, and naturaliv productive oiL The-trait con- wins sou acres or more, an-" is intersected by a large Creek, along which ae '0 or 0 awe of bottom.un surpassed iu fertility ,'by therioheM River Banks inHh fwie. jBei es. tuerearea natnbe- cf bracbe m1t inginto the Creek affordi g fine lo a for meadow and grazing. The building consist of a heaaful Cottage residence, cooting-aix room.;, with a number of ser vant's houses, bartu, e . all entirely new, ituaed in a fpaciouir grove r native o-iks, and cimtcun Jiag apic- mrewjue view or tne aajacent country. The leiety of the neighborhood hiehlv loteili gent, moral anl wealthy. The educational advantages- oi cue village are uuvurpasseu in tn tate The evidence i ia view and in a few moments walk ot tbe Male Acade ny and th pemala College. busioe. of th. firm wui be .ettled by the other pa-t-O Tne rapidly increasing p-o-pruy, of the town oi ncrsonly. ... . if"E7f 1 jt"Ib,rg. ad the imrnlant aad wlntfal wealS "nwawJ, i or the vmnity. forces th conviction that tha iiny.hA r wuit unuru noiniog m sucn an inves'ment. The aug 2 J. W. MAKT'M. V ta- ia'.he 1 Tl: JL ? V""" William burg, .urrotind tba taoiiev to that ba Lad more do with, and be IB. Bf.V- rm ' . LEufiiil f Ul" aud cW, SockdT. trllinv him thau he arew what to '.d t want hu ed by turn ul,--dov.ii 4ianiies and beggit-lv look- m-r tenement tiousc. The only rgn of r- fl' e-n-it in the. a-art men t i a ion no, hkh ihe young lady continually strums ujn, to the great annoyance of bar neighbor j for truth to aay, ah by no mea&a a Taaiborf, DxAtn or Jcdgk Dter. Judge Duer.of New York, died on llonday, at the residence of his brother. Staten Island, from injuria rpeived in conseqaenca of a fall, eotne week since.' Judge D. wa one of the most eminem jurists of the day. Ite wa born in 1781, in Orange county, New York, and a grjind--on or William Alexan der, the celebrated Lord Sterling. He flit prac ticed law at O-fhen, Orange owinty, with Bever ly Johnson, and aout forty ye.irs, since in cotn pany wUh ihatgcnt 'erpan, (one of the m tditin guidhed Iawer of bu- time.) wor?t to New York city and commenc-'d active praclic. - A New Vibtub is Vaccinatiox. Th Ahla MeUicaie pti billie a rfb-c v ery by Dr. Luaoiuas Vi, which, if It : borne "out. by further experi ments,, may be ranked among toe mt singular d tbe present century, vix t That vaccination i a specific against a disorder, which, though com monly the punishment of a vice, tiii iK,t u. frequently cunts even the purest among its vic tim. Dr. Lukomaski. who ba coinmui.icaied hi dieu .very to the "Academy ot bue-nce and Medicine," at Pari( and St. Petersburg, a.-sett that vacc'i ation rejieated live or ix times, or uiorej allowing a Week to pas between ench eration, WiH tflectually and certainly cure the ....... ;........ ttf.j. ' i i . iiorarw auwu'ni, auu aiao, to a cePlain extent, act a a projihylaciic. TIaTOTICE.-(THE UNDERSIGNED J( have H i Uajn formed a o-partuership under the ijm anu "rm oi ) . McPHEETERS & GHISELIN. f and will continue the Wh legale Grocery and Commis sion business at the old stand of A. M. MePbeet-r Co., Will' Wharf. , A M. McPHERTKRS ! aug 2 HEiNKY GHISELUf. terms ahull wait the bur. Louisimrg, Aug. J. H, YARROROtGW. r AT PLUl.ll AfcC- OU MondilT i.f ucil r.ini-l .... I 1 . . ' ui run, ijmg ne-r tn via UUUooro' road, ak.nt ,K Mll. . -r o.f - , ' -wv. un,. uu,, nvbui xiareign. v-. - 1A"L 0. F0WLE, ng7 ttftan - . " Trustee for James M. Towle. LAND FOU "SALIf rty WUl be .old, i ae-ILlED 1VHIt-J" rRAViyo. The Wlieeline lim. a- jht a man wa run over ty the gravel train at Broad Tree Uasnel, on Sunday. He wa- kneeling on th track at th time, grieving and praying for a friend, when tne train appeared ..... . .f . i. i .... . . ineiunnei, win tne enciue ta-kin-, in oonequ-noe of which, theeni mw.r did not see Jiiui. Ibe train pasaoj wvr him, sevcrijg bi baaJ Cruu hi LoJ. Stampede toward SwicoKSBOBorAStsjc The New 0, lean Bu'letm ave tnat there ha beeu, within a few mouth past, q litea stampede in tim German ll.etbo41t cburohe of New Orleans and vcinity toward Swedetiborgiatiism.; Otmof the most popular ol the German preacher, Kev. J. 51. Hoter, nas gone over to the tnvstio faith of the great Swedish philosopher, and taken with him not a lew of. hi we ripen and friend , and now hold forth to them at private house yu the Sab. bath. , ' " ... , ' , -. . .'. Tjit Covtoh Ceop or 18 i0. In convGmation last week with a g-iitloman who very recent- travejied over nea'ly the whole c itton-g-o wine i Vf the Unitl Smtes, he errrd the 3' ijpu ,r ppevatit pruspgcU are.veriSed, tbe crop will be beyond all pro.-edenUn euamiiY Ibe idea of Uefl.-it of 400.000 balesln AhS,.uth- wen, n-buiung tr ra high waters, l.e cmsidered a. together delusive, ana manitined that he had been in eocMH.ty i,t section where. present sent aiHicipauonH did not fix the quantity of cot- ion iti-owu above wbat could be gathered. Tbe corn crop everywhere wa-mbre than abundant. Jkfacun ((?a.J Telegraph. rE BEG TO CAaiI. ATTENTION TO I? n aoove notices ana solicit a cvntinuance of tne lavor extesdea w Uie eld firm. , : W shall lwdys keep n hand a full and well elect ed stock of articles in the . . . -' , Wholesale Grocery Baainesa, which we will sell on the m t icM,min,'..i.'. aud all consignment of Flour, Wheat, Cora; Cotton,' Naval Stores, or other arti de of produce, shall have oar best and promptest attention. : - ;. v' ... V':;. McPHEETERS A OIHSELIN. j Norfolk. Aug. 7-swlm r- WUls' Wharf, t ' ' " - ARCII I FECrURE I . WvvSiY,AL' Ahf''a 1 CT AND CIVIL b.AUlvE;ER, Office Smith's Buildinsr. Faverta. VllIM KlMat U.!..:L -.1 f " - P Ki- o 1 1- ' la"iaii aeuigns tor Chqrch'-s, uowrai, lownxna Uou-ttry residences, alterations to old buildings, specilieatiou and super inwnoeBce. tlo will also attend to the layinir uff muin1a ...... I . J i . vfi uuioujuu auu supply maps of aaae With an educational training for ti proi'estion, and a practical experience for mora than fr" years on pnblio ami private work in E-r-pe, Canada and the United States, he hopes to give satisfaction. He respectfully refers to those by whem hrt profeealouaJlv eoiraired in tku'&ate :' . ; Wt-.vr-" - ""-a .:-:,. ; ; The Building Com-nitteasoa the ehapel Hill Unil yernity impmvement. 5 ' ,-rf - . :j The BuddiDir Coaimittea of tha1telairb r.av nt, u - . , :IR. S, TrCKER. E:q.; Raleigh. ' ; . . W. M BUVLAW, Eso.. , - V) , W. S. BATTLE, tsJ., osky-Monnt.' ." T . -. -v .' . Kil.gtmbeci)urtT, ri. l? CI. iare nnniber or . original deoign fcjf 'oj., viui o9 een at iu omo. aug 7 til 111 " BALES OF tOTTUR J V J riut AA J I A1. -v I am still tna&uracturum at. tea , . . - . IIOCKY MOUNT MILLS, t-agecombe county. Si. 900 tt 1000 Efllea ""ts Pr annum, and wiu deliver at ary ol our ltuilroud Depois, free ot Frigbta, to ptttttttul cus tomers, on 3 month time, or dieeouut of 21 per eeet. for ewu, COTTON YAhN, SEINE 1 WINE, PLOW LNEs, e..-.v'. v-i- - ' 0 ders addressed to W. P. BATTLE, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, N. C, will be promptly attended ' " ' mar 24 ljiiiluk tISO ItEWAKD. v; RANA WAY from the. subscriber during th Ump the waking the North Carolina Kail Road Morrisville waa in'progrtt, a negro wouiau, DKLPH1A. fehe is a tall black necro with IarMv. 4 . . , . . 0 - t ""oueio, cueea ooces, about luirty year old, has a down look, and speak low when apokeu tu! 8bhas connec tion ia Raleigh aqd Granville,, ne r uoaaersoa, anuiaay be concealed about either place. I will give the abv reward of one. hundred and fifty dollars to any oae who may apprehend her and con fine her in any Jail, in or out of the is late, so that I may get ber. - . : , -. -. July I2r13j3. w4w. PRO. E. A. JONES, V,: -jMlendersin, N. 0 - -V. ' ' AYF.nS . CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of Colds, Coughs, aud .Hoarse .; '; ' nee. .. -JBL0OriLP, Ma,-., Dee. 20tltg. Dr. J C. Atrr : I do cot hr-sitaUi ti ssy the best remedy I. bar rrerfonnc for Coughs, n-jarsenr, Infliienr.a, eoc the concomitant, s.Tmpfims of a Cold, ii your Cherry Pectoral. It consUiit s in my practice and my family for the la ten years has shown it to poises sup rior virtues fr the treatment of thesi complaints - ' . , ; -. . EBEN KNIGHT, M. D.. A. B. M0RTLEY, Esq., of Htica, N have used your Pectoral myself and in since you invented it, and:belieye it the b itspurposecverputout With a had cold pay twenty-five dollars for a bottle tha or take any other remedy." -y' Croup, Whooping Congh,. I - . SeRisontLD, Miss, Brother Atsrj J will i;hrfully e toral i the best reudy we poss I wbdoping cough, croup and the chest d dren. We of yur fraternity in the B your skill, and curauiend yi.ur uiKdnin - . ill ( AM COM AMOS LEE, Esq , of Montreal, Ia., $06 : " 1 had a tedious itifiuenza, wb in door six weeks; " touk medicine finally tried your Pectoral by ttiaadvio man. The first dose relieved tbe nortvi aud lungs ; lea4 than on-bal' the bcttli pltelv welb - Your medi mes ar th c as tha best we eun buy, and we esteem y your remedies, as the poor ai-ui' frieud. Aathoua, or Phthisic, and B : WasT M AM.ai.sTEK. Pa., Sir: Your (Gharry Peuioial i perfo lou cur-s in this se'-iiou. . It ha reliev alarming sjnU ms of eon umption, and i mhu who bs t4ired under aa afi tio lor. the Inst forty year, . . ,,. HKJfKY L. PARKf A. A. RAMSEY; Si. ., Albion. I Iowa, antes," Fept 6,r53J: ""Itvrln many year I have found nothiDe ea' sl Pectoral lor itivinga-e and el:ef toe tientsorttirlng u b s are rurbbj" We 'fright add volume of vMeVe. convineina- proof of th virtue of tbla n ui it effect upon triaL ' . Conaamptlon, V . '.' robtV.y no one remaily hos'evrr bee" enred o raai-y and sucn dangerous c Some nn human aid can fea' b ; but v Cherry P-croral afford relitf ted comfu! 'Astor Hor-t. New York City, X ,' Dlt, Atbk Lower..:. I feel it adaty to inf-nu you what jourt'heTy Pevtorai my who. She ha been five months labo daogttous 'jmpfcitn of Com-Ba-ptioa, f aid w could procure gave bar much r teadily failing, until ir . Strong, of :i we bare com lor advice. recoaima'led j medicine. We b'ess hi kindsew, as. vt 'or she has recovered fro that day. Ph strong as she ued to by, but is frfrvm I call hertel'.welL . .. Yuur with gratitude nd rcj ' . . ORLANDO .. ' " ' , , . of! - ConHmpt!v$ do nt despair till you Cherry K torsL It i made by one of t -lcb mit-ts" in the woild, aid iis tu'rs bespeak the hiub merits of it rittu-. , AT. LIPS CATHARTIC PI THE SCIENCES lF lliEMI'TI-Y I"INK hve Un taxtd tleir ayni this best, and wort perfect puriratit ah to man; Innumerable nroola aia she "ill hav- virtues which surpass In ex ell nary medicines,' and that i bey win au upon tbe ekteem ni all men. 1 bey r ant to uke, but powerful to rare. Tbeii properties rtimulat tbe vital at t!viiic of move 'be obrtructions of its orrans. nuri and expel dueate. They purge i-t the binh breed and grow dirt inner, stiuiulal disordered organ iuto their natural cui health ton ailb strenrth to tb whole i only do tbey cure the every, day eomplai udy, t-utaJso foimida'de and danrero. i have baffled the best f human skill. . Wl duce powerful efieets,tbey ara at the am ninishd doses, the aafest and bet nhrsn employed for children. Peing sugar eo pleasant to take; add being purely VTteti from any risk of barm. Cures have hen surpass belied were they not suUtantlate such exalted position and character as t suspicion of untruth. Many eminent cle physicians hve lent their name to oerifi lie reliability of my remedies, while othe me the assurance of their conviction tht I tions contribrte immensely to tbe relief of: snffering fellow men. Iba Aeent below named u pleased to ft my American Almanac, containing directii use and certificate of their cures, of tli com pi iut: t oativeness. Bilious ComDlalnts. Rbonmi ay, Uwtrthnrn, Headache, arising troia loi Nausea. ludigestion, forbid Inaction of a ei fain arising tberefrom. Flatulency, L tite, all I'lcurou and Cutaneous iMseaso a I an evacnant medicine, dTtfula or Kiug's 1 also? by purifying the hlie and stimulating cure many complaint which it would not I tbey could reach, such a Deafness, Partial Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derats the Liyer and Kidney. Gout, and otoer kii plaint arieing from a low state of th body tion of its function. Do not be put off bv unprinWpled dealsri nth r pill they make more profit on. Ak Pill, and take nothing else. No other tbe you compares with this in bs inlrinsie vlu powers. Tbe sick want th best ai l there i and they s inuld have it'. . PREPARED BY' DR. J. ATE P'cticl and Analytical Chemist, Lowei Price 29 Cts. per liox.Five Uoxe - aoLii bt All the Druggists in this City. m: r A E OF NOR 1 1I-CARO -l SJ OUNTY. Jame Caruent'T aud other oa vrf enter and otberr In Equity. Pursuant t an order made at rpring Ten the Court of Equity fr the eonaty cf Wi above entitled caura, tba "ndersfguad, Clrk ter, will proceed to sell, on tile prmie, lay of Auxust next: i - - 1 A certain tract of laad, slfuate, lying s in Wakaeoaaty, on th water or Llttla r.ver ing 151 acres, adjoining tbe land ol Littlebi Gibson P-ara and N. W Richardson. 2. Also, t tbe taint titua and place, a tree Situate, lying and being in Johnston eouoty, creek, containing 200 acra, situate a short irom the traet in Wake . 8. The undersigned will als sell at the Coi door in Luuisburg, cn th 2tid M"dsy In S being the 13th day a tract of land lriag and Franklin county, on the waters of Crooked and Taw nv-r. adjoining tbe land ef John 1 and " T. Miaxa, cnuining aboat Q9 ac Tbe land wi'l be pruHiblv aold la quantiU P'ircbars. ' Ta rms or "At : A eredit of 6 moitfis as to and I' m-mibs tor tb resMxe of the pun-bas will be jtiren to purrhar. anon their ntoi bonds with approved sacayitit. hearing intet he div of sal. 5 rr oent-of th purvhas c be paid In eaah. . . Given uudepmy habd, at office, this 8th day . D i58. . ' r ' . ED. ORADAM nAYWOOD, C. ja 19 wt-wbis ffr. adv. I2.) v ORE HILL FOR SALEe BY VII if a Morrgag deed with bower of al xe uie by Temple Unthank. I shad offer for sale' ! at tb Court Ha door in Piiuborv' on "b Superior Court, being the Slat day ef Peptenib That valuable tract of land on Tick Creek 1 th t of Chatham, contaialug one ol th mut.vsla extei siv Iron Mines in the "taxe. and nroii'Ui all geilgists who bave aaen It, a very snrwriu ity of iron ore Tha laad euntaint about l.t7 L. J, HAUuU. flnlf. Chatham fin., July 1J. 1 sa.td. IKl.ttE NEW MlLtlitS, BY THE Barrvt or dozen, juat re.;eivod auii for alo by - , . :' . -'.?-" JO-VES A MuoRE, aag? lu. ; . .' "'.Ti Faya'tevUle Sireet. 4 5 1IOXES f jar tine in. whole, bait' an i quarter b S CO I C II H E B II I , (; s. kb. lUft rovi..lat : JOAEi MO HU H aug T Im . ' ; Fauiiiy Grocery diore. tttaauard copy one tauutta- . NEW IIOOK BIVDFUY AND Bl ' BOOK JUAJitlACTOIlV, AT. THE OLD ST A K OFFK - (Ojtjxttita tke Pmbyteric.H CLrcl,) R4.LCI0R, H. C. TnB. UNDERSIGN El RESPFCTF0LL FORMS tha Citizen of Raleigh aud th ' geuerally, that ha will pn.mpUy and panetual!; to the binding of Newspaper, JUagarinei Periodicals of ail kiuds and ia any sfrH", 1 vrnauieotal, on moderate term. Also Blank manufactured to order, and ruled tu any pa'' rB public offices. A bare of patronage respectful! eited. , JOHN J, I'll PI ap I? wAswtf ' -:' SIDNEY A. SMITH. ATT0I1NEV AND COL'NifELLoR AT I . . . ftuutlibeld. ft. t' . ILL ATTEND, KbGLLAKL.THf C0l anu SnfM-rier Courts et Wake. JubnrUa, beriand, Iliru;lt and Vtilatn. All bnjir-a to bis care wul teeeW proacpi atarf"t iasU uwlf

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