TOilT "WIFE. Wtin on thy boa-aa I recline, - Enraptured alii! i call thee mine, .To call tbr mine, f'-r life, i I glory in tha aacred ties, W hictt modora wits mhI tools despise, . Of husband and of wile. One tnutoaJ flame inspire our bliss j The Under Iudk, tbe twlting kiss, Even years hava not destroyed ; Sho sweet tenaatiunfter new, Spring op, and proves the maxim true, That love can ne'er be clot ed. Hit I a wub ? tis all for thea, llaat lbo a wish T "lit ali for ma, & soft our moaxnu move, That angels look with ardent M'etl Hd t sea nor harpy days, And bid us lire and lova. If earn aria and cat will come Th bucn ia mj soften bume, I'll lull roa there to ret : And is there aught disturb my fair? 111 bid her sigh out avery care, And ! it ia my breast. Have I a wish 7 "lis all her vwn ; All bet 'a nd an Ine are roiled in one; Our h.-ru are to entwinrd. That, lite the ivy rmd the tree, Biid op in closest amitr, Tis death to be dnUL if Coneada not to ride the nasty mischievous -. torn a trick would never lave entered djt head." ' . . : .u iuiuj atoni.-hment the knifbt hurried b -k an explanation from the squire, 'who he5 ' lipped away hen Angelica began her complaint. -What mtwg, did tvj bring your lady?" de manded be ' Conrade now ennfossed th truth. . ' " " Wero these the order I pave you, you scotin :rl ?"' said the enraged Sir Hugo. - "-Certainly n,B replied the smilre ; "but you ill own that 1 have main my point pd. Yoi. -nay now se how it would have b"eu bsd I g'vei iiur order ab-au th youn pri.t..' 31 r nobh jdr is a modi'l for her sex. and almost an angel, but U.I she Ia a daughter of Eve, who meant to hav. . queathed to all ber lineal fetnale d'-ecendanu i-r own spirit of And we bavr t.fy. t rememlr the Lady Angeli.-m s rileaant id upuli ulun, to be convinced that it had lost one vi lis in the descent." . , . -" SECRET OF HORSE TAMIXO. Th -Tribune" publishes an dal-orat-1 and reli ablo account of ilr. Rarey a mode of Treating and Curing Vicious Horses. After stating tha .be law of kindness is the controlling principl and that the horse is governed by instinct whicl l imits of a successful appeal to his intelligeno it is said: PRACTICE OJT TUt HORSK TAMKR. ' -. In subjugating the hore, wo m-ist make a now jrful .appeal to his intelligence; this can only I lone by a physical operation. It i an unlinu fact that the battla of all animuN (cxcei From Blackwood's Jlagaxine. A WOMAN'S PERVERSITY. ; The followirg beautiful stury has been publish ed ia 13crect fortsa, but la none so good as tht original: - , , . SHaobad reached his fftif b yearumo. l:-d by fkn. save an ardentone for a fl wi ir 'roNet. Iimead of lv passa?. his duluht a in toorruim-nts bnce he always returned ricto- .rioaa At length b was flung from the addle bis i.-xT.-t-ri-noe by the brardlm tiller Kivel Ilr saw Anrcleaa-t'a fairest makirt) of the land iutT4 bis gray hairs, and, on mindful of the in. en fruity ol s union between May and Deceauber. led her to the nuptial a'tsx. J'.irtunaU Iv. AneU ica was as saudaat a she wns fair, and ber flrrr. rirtoe m-ulsfd th nunrius hut flirt that -warmed rwindthfnpe-itnir C.-we-t of her bemity. Si Hugo knw th tried virtu of bis con-ort, and thWf-re b was t bins dear and precious a th apfJa of hi ere. - -... Una mnmio; be rode to pay a visit to a neici.. boring bar. in arm. Lis honest sq-iir C-nrad trtiT afW him Scarcely had ha pmrt-fdwi halfway when the knight suddenly stfpped, and -0Je here, CVtnrade; 4 nvw? tormenting tbi' ka j nivurmitom. Thi U the v-ry day thai Father 2kba imi to the ratle t sav ma tr t&r d-mr ( and snrsel'', and I n-'t im hn " ed W have bun in or bde darinir m v atwnce a Kailoo lark, and cie'r your laSj, in "my nam Br4 1 admh th riL" Crde taus-d and iSm k bf bead as if i do,b'. and rt-li-d. -Eioe m. mv n bl sir: Ixi Irr-aa th lady Angelica, if b-ft to ber own di- C etKa. 1.I rio wbat tnu W " -A ur -e y tr perhare !" eic'aimed iht k niht "I make ali sure by civine lb rW." -D m think so?" rt Iiod the squire ; -n.w I ia my tnpiMy. believe exartlr ih -il-arv. Taae th ativio-'f vtnir Gu thiol rvant U .ni ta h; k-tihinga Ukethrir course; andgiv. Do urdr n;on del catx a f4nl. ' "A fory.wr dlirarT," cried Sir Hug-, an Pilfi "bat burd Amt-ies hae ttai e int.i xtmt hi tJ-nay? l you bink an hour's ridr a o vry uumhi -Oh 1 il it com ta that, sir," rejoined Conraic. I ha-e no n-e tor." 'Us put spurs to his horse, and rode back to th cam In. .. - . Angelka saw bim gs'lping up. and cried in . t-mr (rra tve wimkw, -wht has brought yi tack in s-jeh hiV? Has any accident happened to ray LnrdT Kon whatever, rracVHt Tady." answered ("on rad ; -Ut the hU knight was 'apprehensive that sotn-j arcideat might hapjn v.hi. if by any chano you took a fancy ti ride Soiian." " ! ri.le ride the la-e rrevhiun.1 !"' exclaimed Anslca in utter attishtn-nt. I b li ve vmi 1 W K are ornm or mao. il tt impoaiMe tbat yoUi tua- ser can save sent us an ridK-ukiu a irtwaip. " -Aye, but he dd ihough. pursued the squire ; '"and my n..le master sH at the saro lime thai ha knew Saltan waild bile terriblv. not b-inj- ac rus:uat-i to b made a ny of ; aid h therefore orgs mat you wm nut aturnpt to divert yourscli .in tl at way." again remnldj his horse and g-l-orvd ffto r-jjin bis master. lAm 1 awake, or 2 I dram T" ejaculated An-ylK-n- -Tl e C4ly of ir Uigia tang, that I am alnval tmt4ed twbelr-vr it ia a wiJd drvam What de ha mean? I it not enough that I bate bitbertMtridtorea.Jhieverv ill and wKh. acd, wb-B known, obeyed 'hem ; and do I fiWrve that be b.ild strecb his p'er to - far, and p!ay the capricious, haughty tyraat? 2?ow, I tee that to be too subuiueive, vo olilv . pliant, hi not the way totraat bim ; the worm tha't crawW in the dust is famine- upon. Bat n; Sir Slight, it is not gone quite so Car with us vet ; in spite of you, I will Hue Saltan; and rou niav thank youraelf, as but for your mtsag sKh a thought would wrer have entered mv bead." Her su!ihquy wa here intrrrupt4d hv the en truce of a servant, who in f rmed her that Father I icholas had arrived, and was in the snto-cham-Le.-. . t , "I c-not receive bisvWt to-daT." saiJ the eon. sortof Sir Hmrx for my krdU a b-en t. Give thn s ray excuse to the revereod father, and beg of bint to Mom tomorrow." With all due wpect to Father Jflcbola," con tinoed be, whi lett tbreir, -be hall not - tny aant ride. Sr w if my ponr were but here. Ilr roast have an easy gait, and hw teeth I do not frar; be a at quiet as a iamb. Ob I how shall J delight in this i wu.fuid plea"re of showing the Mirly old fell..w that I care iw-iiher f..r him nor his t-rder, and of trying a pastime that is at a imi el one." - Thr.i gh vry crer of tha house resounded Dt-w br crv of -Sultan." -Uere, tx-y, Sultan, 1 be immeree but dori.e animal sr-ranr frm a le tfp whkb he waa fluting, biH vfts at ber side ia an infant. Careen c hint tiil h got him irto a horn, tbe do. of which she bur'. fc5ow, friend Sol'an.- crii hu fir mi.trM. 1 nogf-wl, no bi e, and all is safe.? With her snr w.a bite band h rvntir ued strking and at tirg ta bnge back fur oroe min es and then, in the bi that.:f m throuch gratitude, he wnild -ply ai b kw ranry, he jnoukied her new K-a. . Ho ,L,aMi bia iraik lit, I. : i i . 1 , . - , i ..H s"m inio i - t r,w U' a rice 1 I OA itoVil ; burden: but ba thtoeht thu nu ..-v. i THE CATTLE DISEASE.. Tbe disease among!! "d -uiurain," "sore .ngue' or -Hack tongue, ' and which has pre. ailed more or lets throughout the Southern States,; ins made its api-earanoa in this (own. We hav card of several milch cows having it. Various -mediea fre rocommeniisd as cu'es. It is sh! nat spirits turpentine lua pr.-vei vff-ctul ii Georgia. - The Durlingtun (S. C.) Fiag advLH.-s he M!oain: Take one tabTe-spoon''ul f wa.-.n tar. one v 'alt, one of Kft ar, a tea-poonft. if coprwras. .iece of rafae'ida aUrjt tho tizxvt a peach seeu -tit iMi a bridle til wrapped two r three tiine- -ound with a thick cotton chb with ibecompo- il'.on in iL lied well at arh end to keen it on th tit, and renew twio every other day. Whtlher ur nt the diM-a is inftimis has not vet boon BUblinhed. The ns of beef, milk a i0 utter ba been discontinued in manv olacea. VV o mt believe that the disease afil-c slither enough o po:n linen wrio cso t!.e arttclea. The Sa- vannab .Republican rays a man who wa washinr wit tbe irumths of some est Uf. t some of the sa- I ra In a rut f-'ai-e on his band, which acted l'k nson, and. bis reoverv it ci;n.idord doubtful. fhe same taper alv sia e that the buzzards si dyine tn cononuence of earing the carcasses o -uk ano n oie i ine uisease. A g-i.tleman who had I J.r IS cases of thedW cured them a.l bv thefollowirir retnedr : Uk- a strung solution of cpperas water, alum and salt itre, by washing out the mouth taice adav.and lrer?ch wiih sUl and water, rubinir low.livd bim in the mouth. Five or applvcatinns pro uo d a cure, The same gentleman r : Aftei be catth pass the f mnder lg. wi'h whii-b the a-x flri uken, can't tell whether th-y hav. he di-en or nt, unl- yiu examine the m-aitb rh-y .11 ksir daily, as tkey can't eat anything. I h- i.-ntrue and gum becotne dreadfully wol!-i.. ai:a turn oiacK. nen ibev ert in thu tutuatio ea 'uch as are garnished wiih horn) are fouirht b sizing etch other. by ih thr-at- A.dcv thn) b Seen thus held by his Antagonist for a few mil utes. on beinr rcla-ed, is often so th'Touchl owed that no human artifice can induce him t tgain resumo the unequal content. This is th i.rinciplo upon which horse-taming is founued.' Choking a horse is the Brut process in Umin ind is but the beginning of bis education T I operation a horse becoms docile, and will her ifter . rtivi-e any instruction which he can 1- n-do to understand. Teaching the animal to li iowti at our bidding. tds to kwp him pcrnm 'ciiity toir. u ii u i perptsiuai reminaer ol n uhdued condition. requires a good deal of practice to tme . ble. -efore these uiotructiuns are peculiarly vulua It horse smveasfullr ; also a nice j-.dgmcnt t ltnttt. anon Jie is rbukxi aufflciently, as there is a bar :o!ibility that he may get more than wouU t- rood for him. U e advice persons not perfect! ani'Iir with a horse to resort rth-r to the traj Mng and thmwing down process (unlshei k-ery vicious) described below ; tnU, in ordnar asea. will prove successful. It is the fault Tiost people who have owned a horse to imagir. hat they ae exjert in bia manaeement ; whih n th contrary," many professional horsemen ar he very worst parties to attempt his suljuga-.ioi Unless a man have a go. d disposition he need no attempt horse-taming. Retire with the animal to be operated vpot into a clo-e stable, with plentv of litter upon'u 3. or ( tan bark or sa wdust is nrefVrablel. Tn thaflr place fasten up the left fore" leg with the an. itrap, in such a manner that it will be permanent iy sei-ured. Then take a hroad strap aud buckl nd pass it around the r.eck ju-t bat-k of tbe ja hone. . Draw the, strap as tight as possible, titiht as to almost the house's breathing. i The strap must not be. buckled; hut held inhi iKTsition to prevent ba k. ..The anima will struiTitle for a few minutes, when he will be come "jicrf.'ctlv, quiet, overpowered bv a song.? o MitTa'aiion ; the veins in bis head will swell : hi .yes lose their fire; his Irn-es totter and becom weaV ; a slight vertigo will -n-iie, and 'grown gradually exhausted, by backing him ar.nd th tHlle, he will come dwn on nis fcn, in whic rw.-itio-i it U n ey matter v push him on hi l-le, a hen his throat thould bi released. Nx iat and rup him for ab-ut twtntr minutes, whe in m t inxutio&i heaill b-tubdud. ItiiicH.h : b-tfb hatoknTiuk them in the head, ' rTT" ' re,at the oratb.i .iie a hole nd burv them." i cDokimr. t he next lwsn is to leach bim t- ... ' .. iie d"w". which U demrild bel .w in fie acvmn would not ue the milk frm a cow ,f we ., the ,.d u,e,h.Ki of ,.,, N h uCca" Knew she was diesed in tht manner stand, bu mm think we hare dne so without knowing it a: the tim. We have beard it said that a phyoician whodi e.tedacw rr.e yeat ago whn h di.-d with iiui!ar d:seae, l.t 1 i life bv having hU ham ;mmred in the blood and flab. Charlotte Dem ocrat. - - Corresponden.- of the P. t-rburir Exore?. DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO MURDER A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE CITIZEN. Pleakaxt Hill, X.-C., Aug. 3. Dear Expaeae: I have to announce anothei sad which bftene.i at Pleasant lireve, in thi cainty, on yeterdav, the 2nd i-st li'tiehury 5s. farker went to the store o" Win M. Crocker, E q , a respectable merchant in ih- county, and enOcav.wl to murder him without any provocation, an 1 in cold- I4L As Parkttt appruaciied the Air. CWker, in bis uual manner, went out tiraH him. when Parker firsi the ontenu of a horseman's tuVtol at him. whiih lortunatelr did nut ake fff.-t Purkor ;nat...n. drew another r4.ol, and Dred again, which sho! took . ff x KriouIr wounding M r. Croi-ler. Af Wr Mr. Croi aer had fallen, P-rker near bm for the lAirio of h-,iirrr hi... . -i.; tiav, and thus )erfx-t bis diabolical deign in murderinr bi b-at friend ; but a be came near rer him, lir. Croc ker seird his hand and Killed h.m down, and thus saved himwif from iiuiantlv beinif murdenvi. I have not learned th- full extent of Sir. Crock er s ii j j riea, as nusdk-al aid hai mt arrive.) when my ini.Trunnt Irft thesuei of action. " As toon a I cet further information I will write ou agan There is no caus assigned for this rash act Mr ha been a Arm nA r,;-,i of Prker fr a long serien ..f tears, ai.ling bim wb-n oh-rs would n.-t. Mr. is a man 4 wealth, accumulated by his own exertions, ol urtatne and sa.iall bearing, kind to tbe p or, and universally ropected in hi.counly. U ha acted for a g-ani nuiiibo' ..f yenr as ni tgl-traie in thU county, and hat frrq-ienMv b.n elected a metub-r of" the Siiai Gnirt of "orthamptoi em.,tv. Hit death would be a great losi to this conWunl-'7- lours, , Bo.VHOMMIJE. noclutily resist ihu t-rrihl vfTt ..T t-i..., ..v... l ed. " . . . - . . ANOTHER METRop. B iHil or draw a -trap light a o in 1 the nec'j lfi a f r leg ,d fH.Wr ar.Hi- J it th op, ed of tho etrap, the h .rter the b Iter. In thi I Ian the horv is mlH ih iniru'iu -iit hv whicl: ihe. pii-i-hmnt u u.flicteJ. Wn-i, hrt aitem o put hi r.t down his bead to-s with i he ihu choke; rHr !.h..l. h taken th: on u ior n t jrttcn on Lu . ea a .d th t e d llMcK larger ni THE IROX TRADE OF THE WORLD. Tbe annual production of crude iron through out the world is estimated at 6 000.000 tons. Of thi.G-eai B-ium produco 3.O00.000. France 750 -000. Prussia 30O.CO0, Anstria 250,000. B-Iium 20,000. Rusia 200.000. Sweden ISO f.fMi th ILc, wtiu-o cnaiea iuu,uuo. fe UnxtodSutes 750,000, atid other coontri" 300.000. It is thus seen that tme-half of the iron of the w.ld iaruos from the o.g ..f Great Britain, and that tbe amount produced in the United Slates al!b.High lance, as compared with othert omntrie is small when ..ntrasied wit tbat of Great v ,h -v lo onn"nf7 Those who are bwt info'. ..-d upon this subject, are of the f" n" bat tbe most favorable locations ar- at pre sent fully o., uj kJ, and that if the iron trade of Uret Britain u defined to a funher iitcreae, it miist be by bringingintiuiiethe iron depsiioi Ire land, which have hitherto been, for the mot rrt entirely m-g,x-ted. - 1 In the United Slates, oi the contrary, ihe d- rWkkltaaiM .aw -. 2 , j;, ;,- B sua urn are so un iversally diffused, that a rr.duciion, sudh a that at premert etj-.y.d by England, would scarcely iiiake an impression upon them. Bull. American Hacnted UorbE ix New Yohs-1i of the most lashioi able and central local uu f tbo city, at thi t. ri..-r .r t.. .i . uir-awami, at rupiH a h"Ue f elofrant i.;..k .. ' . " una un.tvui.i.d for ? n... . .,. ...... bt- n laken bv i artiea Iither icii.Ai.t ..f i.a . did IH4 fir from the Mtearot. Aneela. .,,.,' U'luV Character,, r not to h.d Jhe U'ally n.4 muihr based ai'h beinr thu station- M ! r,'mori of d, ansine ba been -ry; ah theretK. genUv g.d.d bim with bcrT i i k'W w '""ds of furnituro bTf. ol no irt would Sultan conoWend he re- I t i n ln' m"d of the buiit- lAegrww vk1 from eia in-m-oa-and lea- ?Jl tb""K' belurnmue u bought M.t and car Irtirirg Jaws. Out of patience, the now ex-' , J't'h" nd.w shutters are ched : the Claims- - 1 " n,W ex fbH erted. and silence and gloom reLri '"Y.u. ban frel the spur. then. yu Uxv brute ""UMurb?1- Jl "-nju-t before . bBut a-d dr, ve k, r bt in his sMe. 'fle now grow'. ! h - -r th" w" Ml1 i"K . eJ auiJy, but stirred d4 aa inch ; sh- reiaf,1 1 w . luliC OTd -This House t., let;",.d ber bh w. 1 hi was too mu. h f.canine ratseoce I a. " ,U-1 rt!nl It has I., kej rv tie rnaoe a spem, and a lw fell full lenrth unot moot.Pght for a few fhe:.,.. a t : . t . . 1 " .-- "vi wi ner nana. itasdM. TAMING A DORSE WITHOUT RE-iORT TO STRAPS, i jcure the horse with astout halter to ih man ser. It extrem-dr unruly, muzzle him. So-ahe hi-n witn tbe hands for a few mtnuW until he b met somewhat nacifi-!. Tnen seiz him bv the thrjait cbae t tbe jaw-bone, wild thu right hand, u o. iu-j mane who the left. .No forctMr ivinin'Aet ui I n.l . . n . L. . ....... r. w iM.i.iK, "Mill n 0COIIK!S s- ex - naustea mat, by nhUr Ticking him on tbe fore leg, u win ne aown. after whi.-h he should be trea-ed as previously deribej. The process re quire cmrage in tbe operator, and alio crcat iiititM.ild S atl aa..n (. SIIW7VUIBI SSI -noi4j, TIMHISO HIM To LU UOWy. Th? to be operated upn sh.mld bo led into k civ -table. The operator should b pre viously provided wi'h a rout leather halter; a loojd strap to slin over tbe animal's knee; a arong j ircingle, and a long and shon trap tbe Brst to fasten round the fore-fo-t which is at lib erty, and the socond to permmentlv secure the leg which is looped up. . The applications of the -iraps will be better understood by to the engraving. In tbe Brt place, if the hnr K . " aa vi Ul'IA we mm : men art and bend hU left fore leg, and must be scu-ed bv th .1...-. nil. If lintr it il.. . . -.. .wpnaivrn joint ana fore-arn next put on the suremgle, and fa-ten the bin" -trap aroun-i tne right f.H, and le the end through a loon attached to thesu cinp-lo-after which fasten on a couple of thick leather knee- pau ineser can d pUt on in tbe flt place ii . io oeceary, as some uor8 in ineir struggles violntlv on their Knees, abrading them badly. No- take a short hold of the long strap with vir ri.rht h..A . sund on the left side of the horse. grSp the bit' m yo"r left hand; while in this potion llack bim me Name until he beomies so ex hausted as to exhibit a desire t, lie down, which desire shonlil h. irr.iSK J . ------ e,-wU -u .,..( a 11 ue violence as iiosMbie ; bear voar weiVht fl, . tboulder of the horse, and pull steadily on the ktran wiih .-n..- -:k. u . 1. .. ... . . iSui imri.i; mis will torc him ' raise ma loot, which th aild bu fwmediatelv puuisi irom under him Thi is mJ n'Mf ,l "d ft- w strug- r v : - . .. . a., ir-armg agnmst mq animal d notdesin Irum nullinr ann mwho... i , . hi. ,7 r -"'s ui ou nave mm on t9 JH- JET"1. I 71 -trempting to rise , UIB neaa toward his shoulder A' s.n a he .g d.,n strugglmg caress his fac and ' h?d, of his UkIv, and .c,..,w- lamuiar a possible. After h has lain qui-rtv f.r twenty minutes let hi,n ri-e : - .iai mo jK.ra ion. r. m-vir-,.r roil 1 . i V- T ; : "nd if hi- ied U pulled toward his shoulder it U im.Oi.,ble fo( him to get ur.. throwini; him from two to InS-UCr,h""n,m,J wiU submive ani abj-ct as well-trained d-g. and vou need A xounehor is subil nnch quicker thn an ol.t?n. as hu h .bits are not conti,-,Md. An in- iiir anoiii.i nV two lessons lourin it.ion Iim loMT TO HALTER, P APDLK. AND BRIDLE A COLT "In breaking ac-lt, we should ljrst endeavor t nako him consciou,of what' is required 'of him 'etteriDjj himwitlj. a halter, for the first time .lacing the saddle urbn his back, fastening th ;irths, are matters of paramount importance, de landing the greatest degree '-t patience, perse 'rance, an intuitive knowledire of bis idiosyn raeies. 'Before putting a baiter upon n colt h oust b- rendered famiiliar with it by caressim. 'm and jiermitting bim to examine 'the artieb vith bis nose. Then placo a portion of it oei is head, occasionally' eiving it a Iight pull, am n a few minutes he will be accustomed to thes iberties. and then rthe halter may bo fasten o rerly. To teach bun to lead is another difB ultv. Stand a- little one side, rub his nose an' rehead, take bold of the strap and pull gently, nd at the same time touch him wrv lightly wiih he end of a long whip across his hind legs- "his will make bim start and advance a few steps lepeat the ojieration several times, and h wil "n learn to follow you by simply pulling tht Walter. . ' l he process of saddling and bridling is similar, he mouth of the colt should be frequently and led. after wtiich introduce a plain sn-.ffle be- ' veen .hi teeth and hold it there with one hano1 nd caress him. with Jhe ter. After a tune h vi'l allow the bridle to b placed 'upon him. - Tin ''d'e oa" now ie h"irfht in. n1 etih'ied aiin''' his nrse, bis netk and his lrgs ;next bang the ttirrup ii!,uai UL- Uuc-K. Him g.auUauy inrinutie lu iddle into its p'ace. The girth should not b istened until he, ijecomes thoroughly acq'iainter vith the eadjle. The first timo : "the girth b uckled it sho ild be done 50 losstilv as not to at- act his ttention ; subsequently it can be t'ght eed without inspiring him wiih fear, which 11 ictenivi immediately it would moat certainly do 11 th's manner the, wildest colt can be effectually ibjugated by such imperceptible degrees that bj ;ives tacit obedience before be is aware of his al i?red condition. " - ' t THE PROPER WAT TO BIT A COLT. t Farmers often put a bittine harness on a cob he first thing tby do with him," buckling up tta it:ing ns tight as" they can draw it, to make him arry his head b'gh.'and then turn bim out in a t to run a half day, at a time. Thisis oneoi he worst punishments that they could inflict on 4. colt,- and .very injurious to ayoung horse that ncen usea to running tn pasture with ms head. down. " ' '. a horse should be welt accustomed to the bit eforo vou pu. on the bittins harness, and when ou first bit him you should only rein his ead p t Hat point wnere he naturally binds it, le? hat be high or low; he will sixm learn that b annot lower his head, and that raising it a litiK "ill l.oen the bit in his mouth.. This will civ- f.vl .?2.. aa "a a im ine luea or raiint nis neat to loosen th'? tr nd then vou ean draw the hitting a little ttsrht . r every time you put it on. and be will r-tlll rais is bead to kosen it. Jjy this means vou wiU .'radually get'' hit head and neck in the -.fti w isU him to carry it, a"d give him a graenfu tarriagsv without burtinc him, makinir hm an- ;ry, or causinsr his mouth to tret sore. " : 1 f yu jMtt ihe biding on very t;ght the first time. lei-aniiot rais- hi hnJci ou'h tol.asen it. out wir 4ar on it nil thu tint", aud paw. sweat: and throw limself. Many horse have been killed bv fall- "g bxekward o-ilh the bittirg on ; their " heads eing drawn up. strike the tnnmd with th hole weight of lheh-y. Horses that ha vet heii Ueads drawn up t:glnlA sh iuld not have the bit " on more than tii'teen or twenty minutes at a time. - - .: .. ,- - - j HoW TO HARMKSS THE COLT. ,1 You should, by all means, "ave tour harness madeto fit your horse, especiaih thecollir.. Hun dreds of horses have been soiled by collars' that do not fit as they should, x little attention to this maiier oeiorenatia will lacilitate your progres very much. Take your harness into the stabb ; go through the same oroo'fs tbat vou did with th. saddle, ieltinir the colt examine vour hxrness sai- ten bear t3le expression, even from iiorse jockey teiivei":.-lTat4"'re'''WTiat.- he- loe o n .iosen't kicjc". Now'akicklnbyse'can'b broken from kicking in barney, and -effectual h broken, too, though it wiU. require some time t', aianage Litn safely ; ,but perseverance and patienc Sy ihi rule will do it effectually. ! "When you g io harness'a hore that yoo -.'know nothing about, .ifyou vnnt to find 0141 whether , he is a kickini lorse or not, yi.u can ascertain that fa t by strok ng him in ihe: flank; where the hair lies up ward, "which you can discover." easily on ant lorse; just stroke him down with , the .'ends o votir fingers, and if be does not switch his tail md shake bis head, and lay? back" his ears, or ome'bf these, you need not fear his -kicking; if h loes any or all of these, vset him down fur a kick ns horse, and watc'i him closely. - , hen you harness a kicking horse, have a strej ibout three feet long, with "a. buckle on ope eno : oioe around bis leg just above the hoof; lift uj nis foot touching bis boayj 'put th'" strap around ; he arm of his leg; and buckle It; then you'cai ro behind him, and pull back on the traces' f yov oust not .fear his kicking while bis foot i up. fo t is impossible for , him to do it. Practice hio n this way awhile,' and Le willsoon learn to waU ,m three legs. You should not bitch him up unti von nave practiced - him with his leg up two o -hre times,' pulling on the traces, and walkim. iim along. Af'teryou ha vepract iced him a few tin n mis wav , iaKe up ins toot asdirecled; hitcn him ti mi"thing, andcaiu-ehim topullitashort distance -non tiK itm out; caress, hiui every timeyou worK wun mm. -? T lou wiH and it more convenient to fasten u fris left fore foot, because this is the side you an n. . After vou have bad him hitched iinince oi H-wice, you should get a long strap ; put H around us toot as oerore directed (above the tvxn and be tow ine pastern-joint); put t '-through a ring in vtnir harness ; take hold of it in your hand ; hikl .mm ud gently ana it ne makes a motion to kick vou can pull up his foot ' and prevent it. You houId use this strap until vou have him b.rf,keti trom kicking, "which will not take" Ion You -hould hitch a kicking horse by bimelf ; you can manage uun oeiter in t"is way taan to hitcb mni i . i i .. . - oy. me s:q or anotner norse. HOW TO BREAK A; HORSE PROM SCARTXO. " It is an establi-hed rule in philosophy, that there is noi an eneci wi aout a cause, and if s. there mtst be gome pause f r the scaring of a hor?e The horne scares either from imagination or from , pain, Nowj it i a law of hi? nature, tlia't if you will convince him that an v obif?ct will not hurt him, there is no danger of bis scaring at it. nc " iriaotiui it. may it) in ap earance. I'o exemplify thi. take a horse that is very ea.-il w-ared at an umbrella; take that horse into a tirA -table whereyou can have his attention, take him -by the bridle, and hold the umbrella in yoir hand; when be first looks at it he will be afraid of it nod if he could h would 8nin be out" of its reach ; .Nut hoM it in your band.: let him look at ijtand "reel it with his nose a few'minutes and then you 'an open nnd shut it as you plea e, occasional h letting him, feel it 'with bis nose, and soon he "will care tjothi.ig abut it. J' " , . : ' . t ln.the same inannr you can break 'tiny bonee from scaring at things that may look frightful to urn, iogs,sitiniis py the f ;.or anyihing that y m may wish to carry on him: Ifyou wt-h to make a trial of tnia iheory, just taken horse int. ! the stable, and let him examine tne frightful ob ject a few minutes af;er his mode of examining ! ihi n's, and you will be ierfeciy satisfied. V have trn-d horses that would rio sufler ou Vi tab an umbrella on them shut, and in fifteen mii.uts could open or shut it "at phasure, and they wi'l wy no attention to it. TheVe, is something pecu-: our in the. hotse (:houh it is b ilU' he 1la Hot! .he faculty of reasoning ) You i-an take an b jwfthat he is afraid tif. tako it only on one side.! le'. him examine it on iht side xmlv; to mt let: the other eye see -it; he will le b.oken on oneside.' -nd. sn as the other eye beh..ldsit, will !e alruid until he l.mks at it and touches it with bis ndSe; then he will be broken on sides. . 44 41 44' CI5E and nnpuiar kuywleilge, vrgauired for ilu purpose or arresting the evils of. worthless and spn ious nostrums, and supplying families with rfeliaLk Jymestic Remedies, have gold tA' Messrs. J. A C. J 0WLE3,. of Elkville; ,NV.V-an assortment cf theii valuable eompoun is, viri - ,' -,-jt HUWAM 6 TONIC MrXTTJJtE far: the nre e) . - " . . Syrup of Blackberry Root, for the care e ' J:' - Itiarrhsea, ate.- v rr,- -,-- The University Kennedy for Lung Complaints, etc. V " " . " Dyspepsia, or Iudigestion, " Costive JJoWela; (Pills -Sore Eyes, . " Ear ache and Deafness, " Tooth ahe, :- . ,. .- -Fever and Ague,, (in form, o ;v's '; ' ' rale;) .. - ;; " , : " : . , . " Cholera, etc, " -' ' Unlike the various nostrums of the day, these Renie ties depend upon their merits for popularity The; re to be had of the Messrs.'COWLEiS, at Elkville, sui f their Agents, as follows : ' '. : ' " ". '"' , A. C. Mcfntosh, Tsylorvilk; Dr. John Fink, Con -ord:' James M. Allen, Milton; Alexander MeAlpiu.'Vau eyville; W C. Walker, Persimmon Creek ; T. T. Oood ng, Tewber; Jams N. Smith, Fayettevili.;; V.'j'. iam M- Farabee, Shady U rove; David II. Idol, At oil's Creek? Transou A Brb., PtafTtown; A. T. Zevt, V. Salem; F- S.. Marshall, Halifax; W. LeviLov. iVaynesville; It. Darrus A Son, Polloksville; H. I -Helper, Davidson Colleee; V. II; Lippitt, AViluiingtol ir. A. O. Bradley," Wilmington r Henry Culpepfei Elizabeth City; Satterfield A Williams. Koxboro Samuel Younf, shebor"ugh; David Merrill, : Li o'range; K. S. Loiig, Rockingham ; R. "D Mosely Co., Clinton; W. A; Lash, Walnut Coye; Joaia tiwles, Jr., Jones ville: J. A A. C. Cowles, iiauipUin ille'j Lm-iis A O. J. Moore, GolJsborough., mar 1 0 lyrSej m MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATI 1TJ. 0P SOUTli CAROHNA.JThe anuual coat i hectares id this iustt utiou will "ymmence the seconi .Monday iu Woreuiber, upon the following branches ; JOITTO THE ADMIRERS o ' j a riira hxab or. V " m?l7 -t without . fiD, tc,d cf Sair, then read th. followingand if yon ask mors . he oirenlar around each bottle, and ., CM A' .uun.. Ikl. " " .- O'U and oiing. io;in1? wonderful preparation, a hi, h turn. u"2 " .'V "Knoir, gray bair corers the hsd 0r ,, aid with a luxnriautgcowth-removt. th. d,nH 'l' tchinjr, and all cutaneous eruntions can.. - inual flow of the na'ural fluids; and hence. if uJ?" i regular dressiog for the lair will preserve ititl ' ind keep it from falling t. extrctns oil ace. ro all i,' lateral beantv. Wa Vlt .i.. t.r. .t. 4 . - m wio, IDS tt diseased id pea In. tn u ii ...i .i, .or as they value the flowing lo, ks, or thiwi,'1 url ever b without iu Its praiaa is oPop ih, tor, t tbousaoas. - -i . . . The Agent for Prof, Wood's ITair Restorative iu V. .laven. re eived the Ifollowing letter in regard ftL De?p Rjvxr, Conn., July 2.1, i?Je ! Mr. XBAVENWonm .V.V-1 1..- l.n ,..n . ' tHnilriiTT ..r a..ut-r .i. inv l.-.l r..- a " "v v -l "v. iiiuit uian a yriu p-. ;air liptrnn ta come out: aenrf an.l hair .-i . " n a N-w Haven paper. aUut Wood's ilairRest, ire " as a cure, 1 called at your store on !. i. . Ir.rilla&l nuil nnn.K....I .tn. . . w . 1 ' I ' vi l,",""r- vujj woia w 1 1 jr it, ail.( rounj . my satisfaction it was the thing; it leumved ti i-uii aim Be. uiir wjjnn 10 grow I It la ;reat faith in'it I wish jou to send me t0 butt' HOM kv Mr Pint II,. i.f Hi. 1 'J..... 1 Anatomy, Surgery," " ;' ; -Theory and Practice of 'Medicine,. Physiology, Materia Medics, .. Obstet-ies, Chemistry, J. E. H0LBRO0K. M L J. J. CDISOLM, M. D. P. C. O ILLARD, M. l JAR MOULTRIE, M. D IL R. FROST, M. r. T. G. PRIOLEAU, M. T C.,U; SH BPAKD. M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, F. T. WH ILES, M. D. riiDisl Lectures ere delivered jtwiee a week at tb Marine Ilospital and the Roper Hospital, by the Phy "iciaos and Surgeon of those Institutions. -The Anatomical Pooms will be'opened iil October . and dissections conducted daily "by the Demonstratoi T .L . . . . ... " " . -- v in tae Anatomical .uuseum vaiuaDie auainons nav been made in models of A very large size.iliustrativ f the -nore minute and delicate structures of the huoiai A - valuable, and interesting collection in wax o' the various pirts of the system, in a healthy and di- eased state has been added. - . ..... " , jy 7 wfiw . , HEVRT R. FOST, Desn. I WILL GIVE THE ABO VI Reward for the'apprchension and delivt i t' -tae tut iscriber or lodged iu Jail so tbat I ean k ftieiu again,two .negro-boys,, nauiad W RHEN au -ALVIN,- wno ranaway from ine near Jackeonsvill. nslow eounty. The first above named. Warren, is very likely boy i he is of light completion, bow leggei bout thirty years old and five feet eight ur nine iuuhi high, and has a awail piece brukea -ofl' one of bis fror' teeth, an t io jack al a 1 trailes. 11 e was bought Sl4iion Iiavis, a neirro trader of Richmond. Tl My sav s that he reared on the Rappahanno- ove Prednckburg, a., and. is probably ' wendir t i way timber ; may possibly endeavor to obtain fn ipers as be is extremely sensible for a neirro. .t I Second above named, Calvin, is a low boy and swartl complexion, aliote five teet Die op six inches ii prohably lurking in O'iclow o'r Jones counties. . I i give f.r their apprehension and delivery ne hundu. sad fifty dollars for. one or three hundred fur both. ;. AildreS" me at Jacksonville, ' Below county. A. C ny of the kind ia used in this place, ou tiwi j,,, market for many bottlear after it is knows hin- ' J ' Yours with respect. ; v.. ' ' Kurrs nun. ".'. Paii-AUEtPHiA, Spt 9, 1S55 Prof. Wood Dear Sir: Vou.- Hnir it-... ". roving itself leneflcisl to mc. The front, aod uleeti'i I have used but two half-pint bottles of ,J ui-wiouic, buu uuw ui up-vi my ueaa is sell studded ;ith a promising crop of young hair, and tbe front b u - .ii.uK iu vnicuit . BT ineo o;ner pntuf. -ions without any .benefit whatever. I think fan t wn personal recommendation, I can induce am,, thers to Xrj ij. f Yours rerpectfully, 7 D. R. THOMAS, Jf. D ' "vT- : y '-. - Xo.464.Vlne Stwet ' f ' aaaaawaaaai . . TntcitjijiM, la.; June 22, Wjj Prof. 0. J. -Wood : As yoa are about to manifiiftBr ind vend your recently discovered Hair Bestorstir r ill state, for whomsover it may concern, that I li'vi ;aed it and known others to use it that, I have, forr. Val years, been in the babit of using ortier Hair 1 atives, and that l;find yours vsstly superior tn ,'DT her I know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff r nd with one month's -proper use will rostore bt tr' 'm's hair to the oiginal youthful color and texture! iving t ahealthy, soft and glossy a ppeorsnet ; md n . a is, without discoloring tbp bands tbnt apply it, or tbt ' ress on. which H dropd. " I would, therefore, renm. lends its us, to every one desirous of bevingaf' .' lor and texture to hair. - .' Respectfullv yours Xaxri -.-- ; wji sox Kixn 0. J. WOOD A CO. Proprietors, 312 b'roailas .f ., (in the great If. Y., Wire Railing' EsUhlULat' t.) K nd 111 Mrki-t StreetSt. Lous, Mo. " And sold by all good Druggist, v., ma 19 3 ia ', ., : v j 7- ftf 1 0 HUtitifNP. ro n IX TEAC" isfactoriiy ; then put it on. carefully; and arter jou nae i ai complete, then put on your lines; us- tb m gently, as he i rather skittUh, until heb used to them a little; then lead him back and forth in the stable until" h doe. not iem to mind he hitting of the harnew to his body j tben take hold of the end of the traces and puil slightly a first, increasing your strength until he will 'pub you aeroas the stab' t back and forth ; then hitch bim to whatever you wish him to pull. To BtiCU vt the colt. Thi should ba done with irreatcaulion, first let ting him examine th buggy sulky in his own aay of examining ohiects : then carefullr hitol. him up; having everything safe, let him tart the buggy emptv, and ii'ill that ut firtt in that wav : then get in, and let bim take it slow, and be will not be n-ar so apt t scare, and bv degrees vou in: iiiaKiiikT a gi''! wora-oeast. If vou w ai.t to have a horse that wili bo true to jiull, and that thinks he could pull a mountain, never hitch him t anything that hecannt pull. ana alter be is used to tilling, h" ju-t thinks that hs can pull anything, because he always b is, and te doe not know anything about his strength be yond his experience, , THE KI.ND 0J" BIT. AND HOW TO ACCCdTOif A- COLT - To IT. You abould ue a large, smooth, snafflg bif So a not t hurt his mouth, with a bar on each vide to prevent the bit fo.m pulling through either way. This you should attach to the of you bridle and put it on iour eo t without anv reins to it, and let him run Icose in a large stable r shed H'.uie tijie. until he become, a little ued to the it, and till bea- it without trving to get ii out of bis mou'h. It would be well, if r 'j in von - ient, to reieat this several times before von rf.. anything more to the colt : as soon as be'urill howr the bit, attach a single rein to it, without any mar tiiale. You should also have a halter on v..ur It or a bridle made after the fashion of a halter, with a strap to it, so that y.nt can hold or lead b m about without pulling un the bit much. He is now ready for th saddle. HOW TO MOOTTT THI COLT. irst soothe him well on -both sides about the saddle, and all over, until he will stand still wiih- out ho'ding, and i not afraid to see you anywhere about him. '? As soo.i as you have bim tbu gentled, get a mall bhwk abnit on f.ot o- tsie-ntefln ineh.w it. height, and et it down by the side of him. about wh-reyou want to stand to mount bim- aten uo u:. . . . . ' " r . r- .... ..i in miMng juurreu very gently ; rtoves notice HOW TO TKACH A UOK-E TO K0 LLOW YOU. : ' ; Take him into a large stable or frhed, tik- hold of the bridle or halter with vur ltt h. .i i u.vaiouK e w i au or wuip in your rignt, afteii caressing him a li.tle put your "right hand ovei his snoulder with the whinextendimr back tht you can touch him up with the whip applied gent-! IV around his hind- bs. Start 'up v tfule, give mm a gentle tap with the whip, walking -him1 arounathe staMe, saying to him, '.. Ouealog 'yi " "o oho or nix nam", tAKing him around the stable a few tim-s holding him bv the bridle j After you have Uken him anund in this wav a! few times, you can let go of hi bridl", sayi'naj Cbme along boy," and if he stop, tap hiin up "with .,. w.... . , auu ,,, a ruuri lime ne Will Iea"tl that you want him to follow Von: then ir.urli.ulln! get before him. have him to follow vou around inuMame in i nis way a few minutes, then he wil unuersutna wnat you want hiin to d.; . ' Aiwjr you nave tnught him to follow in tbe sU ie taKe mm uuo tbe sfble lot. b-a-n him to fol lewyou in Xhat a few minutes: then you-ai, take him into the public road or street, and he will fol low you there, and in a short time he will follow jou wherever Want him t.v You should often pat htm, and tres him, and give him to understand you do not intend to hurt him. nn J he will soon like to follow you." Men of en get their hArses' atraul of them and keep them 8 and it i theirj naiure to k wp out of danger when they appre'iend v. ..ueir uiaiiiier ot arriving at ".inclusions The wa- horses arrive at corinliLHiori ij .r,..,!... C E TO COMMON 8CIIOO! EKf The Committee of Examination io- tbe Oeunty .f Johnston, M. f., will attend at tl Cuun House in Smitbfield, on Friday, tbe '6th of Jul; ISjS, on Monday, the 9th of August, and oo Frida" the 3rd day of Septembt-r next, for the purpose of e amining into tbe mental aud moral qualifications sueh persons. as m-iy desire to take charge of a Clou" uion School in said County during the ensuing year. iy'7 w4t J. II. KKNETV. Chmn. N OTICE TO THE TRAVELING PUD' LrC. Persuus wishing to obtain a couveyau. iiaer to or from the Railroad' Depots, in thiit city. c always be accommodated by Yarboroogh Four ifor Omnibus. . The Omnibus will always I e found by pa -sengers at. the Depot upon the arrival of either of, tl trains. Persons io the city will be conveyed to ti Oeppt in time for either train, if they leave their u ders at my Stables. Carriages, Buggies and Horses for hire upon accou modating terms. " . . " Persona attending the city with Horses, Drovers, t-' will find my Livery Stables eligibly situated and id terms satisfactory. - L. T. CLAYTON, je 3ft : . ill Tnr nf: jlarket Squaro. OTICE.--TUE UNDERSIGNED WIL.. sell, at tbe late residence of, Willis Scott, dec'. vjj A'uesday, August 1 7th, upon a credit of six month HI the perishable property belnngiLK to said estate. ''Also; oh Wednesday the 18th, at the Court IIou door, precisely at 12 o'clock, Two Negroes, ou simile credit. - v JNO. W. SCOTT, ' 17 2S wt AdminiHtrator. N oounud rider Udrwtd the fl. ,w with her tears aad then sjnang up U turn out of tha room the - vnoaiveiHia brute who bad thus rudely sbowa ..Low I.ttbf ha Mnd'-riiaa play. Towar d evecinc Sir Iliigo returned and in- qairad with u-pkiiu hasu whether Father Nich- oU Lad been tare. '?- te tre"' fwered Anealica. t-ui I vrriurt J to rW his admittance," Tt knjrlt cast a lrium bant glate at bis squire, and whuiered to bin-. -.NVW v.'udora do ou sea tre U5 f my orders r C-"rU. a bo. aa ma La r,vi v. l ..: i .11 . . -ir-, j aaiu oi u aiiarauoa bs made i eveiui gB eiongsM,. nf n, brilliantly illuminated neirnrw.ja. jianv b, liev it u n.. ..i... . . 4 - a (Jhv : Wl.l lata nJM......A..4l.. 1 he following rules will ,rva as a guide t th- rHT,'P,K,'t"r' "nj8!1"'W "rioil unserved: i irt . The h .r. must not b iorce.J down by vi- d.-sire to he down. Seuondtr ir qu.eton tne ground until tbeeoZrT eye bows th u he -s irm..,-,i which invarill. bly Ukea place by patiently waiting and gently p- Ung the horse,. Thirdly i Care must be ukeu not to u,row the boraa up..n his neek when bent. MS 1 ni aa aa s a. n L. I w - ......j ., j oroaen. Jf'.-unhlv : In b-ek- ...s u.. no vi..ifni-e tnut be u-ed. or h ...u.-u on 1.1 n tie may , be every change of position very, and if you were to step fuduVn'y n the bl.a;k"it would be very apt to scare nun ; but ty raising yourseh gradually on will see vou wi'thout beirur fr vht. ened, in a iMMtion very near the samH ha hn v..i. are on his back. " V . As so-ii as he will bear this without l..rm un tie the stirniieUan next tovoh: and mu. . our lft t-ot in the stirrup, and suuid square over"it, L-old-ing your knee against the horso and vour too out. so as not to 'touch hint under the shoulder with ihe t.H .f y.air I MM.t. PW-e your right hand on the front f the aaiblle, and on the opposite sirl Of ... - Mi - " you, taking noli uf a- jrtmn of the mane and reins, a they hang barely over tbe neck, with jour leit hanq; then graiuallv bear v. ur wehrh on th storup, and on your hand, until the horse leelsyour whole weight on tho saddle. - Repi-at -r.rim .miiw, eavii iimo raining y airself a lit tle higher from the blk, until he" will a'low v..n to raise your leg over bis lur.iup and place yourself ' There ar? three great advantages in bavins a block to mount from. First, a au.lHAn ..hun. r The pnntine ..ffloe has iided proved a better eolb-r. u. many buj, has rsciunVd na.r useful aiKlcoo,, RtHKa rre faUa of a.irtv, has brought mot. intelleti uui .mi 1hJ u intu pr,,.,,, ,d useful ctannebv aw.l . td ,:.ore minds, genefaud m-r-acuve.,d el a ted thouRht, than n.any of iiil.teniry crllegraof tbe ca.iurv. A Uy who ts.mmerci in at.cb Mbool a. the printing vffiee. w lif bve his talent and hi iHe.. md if beua earefur.rver, eiperJet. in hi. profai.wt will contribute mora ....h! . "u " tai UMunr im an,! i,; ...... i. u i ' i . ... - . . UW lltX'H lirilKfll I a W av II (II I at VMTV Milt In Triffn An aa w.aanM a. ' 1 M l ''.It Z "I the I 'ha, m ver been "hindi" 2; Z ir iTt 1 nta rrom the latter; walk up to him and .land by his side without d :jtS:hwTent;r,,,frr ,,!u,,st' rrinytu " s2d t ni , i 1 u lU" Vff-eK-btf,' K the that ,.ositi..n, but if you get down on your handa fn .m: W,bro,:ht. "I""1 tis knt. and rendered "d knees and crawl toward him. Ii L !' n iks fttllwta.aa L"uarWl:J l j Uvn Can beo, tained in almost any other man tsaua unpercrired by bu master, who bad turn ncr. , - 3 ajraui t- taji daort, and fu tcrcived that be jora a b. ndage opon her soft haadl He iamv tLately iri)bire4 tha cause. - f5uJiaa Ut jw,", aid Ang:ica, -and It j- an MyiWtihr cri.4 the kaibt Trs. year fault, ana iK.Lodv's lt vorrs. Goo. At the f.mrUi of Jul. cel.brati.m. held at laifgun, tbf.Juwinftoat waa offered: MUVpnd Tight Pant the ur.q-ialitJed re-1-resei.utive f financial extreme, ilav tho the chsrius of the hulk La i.At.. .k..: - .wi iKk'saini IHUXIV1 IcIriTM . I i"rir sa. -Xt ha4 au aaat liZSry 6U naver get to as - s be oration 4,f teaching a horse lo f..ijow a man and also to cure bim of kicking and balking should bo preceded by thelhrowimrdourn ,.r "V i the 7 1 r I "ue"'o gentle, tractible, and o&oiou-ly obed,eirr to whatever he can bo taught to comprehend -TW subsequent educational toorse n-essary ir) ordeTti render theref"r, tnation -nt. . ... - ori " Th- it " ' BeK OOITS. lUe foJJ.Wi,,g imructiB wkh re, ti ( managerucnt and breaking of and Jhi sa0! seqihoa operaUo... oi-. obdurate ad ungoveru 4LhWerM written and tSSL imrrunl li? YS m 1 P" . an important part of his system, a though comino- i rather than umtng. - Tf m Nl u .)roperl b k al uia first ei,courii3r with m- .V.. i :SLr?? a mS. thTuf for - -"a wwum oursx Hava Lssau much frightened ; and ujion the same principle he Would frtirhtn r. tbe power to hold ourself over his hark wirh.o touching bim. Then, the first great advantage of the block is to gradually awustotu him to that . I o-uion in w men be wiU tee you a hen you ride bim. - - . .; v- J Soeondly; by the process of leaning yor weight in the stirrups and on your hand. ,-A.T J?A 1,5.. ally arxu'tom him to vour n,;.hj ... eauexiaasad, oJUasUdaud, mghten him by having hira feel jt all at once And, m toe third place, the hWk elevates you so m. y ou win not have to make a spring in a-rden L lu uorse. oaoa, mit from it you can gradually raise yourself int the saddle. Jlii tQUll t DtTC f I UTA I LS 0 I IN HOBSK-TAJi. f- . IMU JjtV TO bVUDCK a lUCaUWQ H0KK. A kkkin horse is ih worn kind of a hore'to undertake to subdue, anJ. morn dreaded by man taan any other indoou, it ouiilnoi be too much to say that tbay am wore dreaded than alt the f om experience HOW TO TKACH A HORSE TO STA3VD WITHOtTT '-'""-' ' UITCHtSQ. ' .. . After you have tau-tht your horse to follow vou siana mm in tne centre of Ihe stable, begin at hi. head to gentle him. icrad imll v If he moves give him a genUe cut with the whipJ and put htm back in th same sp -t from whica he stmetl. If he stands,-caress him as before, anct continue eentling him in this wav until you can &ret aroiin.l hi. u.oK.... M. i.:" . . . " ,,. -ivuwiiiuiiiHijrnin rave. jv-ep walking around h'tn." increasing your pace and only t-HJch him occasionally. E ery tim.i be moves put bim bick into the Inrnt place ; g still farther from him, if he moves give him a cut witlj your whip, plam him baca in the same phu e. If he Stands vo to him fiwinantlu on. I - , . i..- I ,.-: - t . - vairt, II I 111. j Do not let bim stand too long,, but make him f..l low you around in the stable. Then stand him iil anotoer pl-ce and proceed as beore. Af"tr y.j have him . thai he will stand in the stable, iak4 him'out in the lot and place him there, and in ii short lime y ai can place hira anywhere wrhoui, hitching, i'ou should not practice hini rom-ei thah half an hour at a tune: ; - '- f I " :.-" o BALKING.1- ' .-. If you have balkv tiores. it ia rn.. r..u ..,1 not the horses. 6,r if they do not taill tnni. then is some cause for it, an i if vou wirlTemoveth. cause the tff -ct will case. ,r . .. When your hrse balks, he is excitod. and d.x, not know what you want, him to do.X When h gets a little excited;: -.t ip nim- tivor ti-n tnicn'es I u him be"ome.cHlm ; t , th balkv h..r. rm him, and speak eeritlv to him : and as w.n Jhi o"r ma eAci'e.iietit ne win. nine cases out of ten, pull at the word ; whip .iiur and slashing airni swearing only n-akj the master worse; After voii have oothed hirn a while,- and hi excitement "ha-l coole t dou, take him by ihe bit : turn him ea.-h way as taras you can ; pull out the tongue jaiaithi him a little - 'unrein him :? ih.-n mvir iui,u.a .ki balky horse, and ret the other start lirst ; then voii Ouf lu It a Mm u...r..-li..-.. . - l f M- t . ".. m..jr-w ci K3 jrou WISU. is always'ted. ahdstan. (Hit hufdra tha nlku.i...... 'I . ... . .. bim i. tho. other jitaris,. By be a ...l.miioJ R ANA WAV FROM THE! SUBSCRIBER, about thee weeks sino2, BRIT'iON,a liKcksuiiu jj trade, and is supposed to, be lurkiDg a out Raleiy and its vicinity.' He is about 4 feet 8 inches bigl stoat built, and yellow complexion. ; . .. A liberal reward will be giveuforhis npprebensi" and deliverance in the jail at Raleigh, oral my resi uen-e, 9 mues east ot ItMleigh. t ; , RICHARD B. SEAVTELL. ' March 31, 1858. s , j. wtj ' JAMES iM. EDNEV, J C 0 il il S 1 u N : Ai E K C fl A N T 47, Chambers Street, N. y. BUYS AND FORWARDS EVERY KIND OJ merchandise for 2 per cent. Umm Union. Refei t- vjiovs. swaio and Morehead, N. W. Voodfin, J. W Osborne, C. F. Mendeaall, A. M. Gorman, " Esqs. an Key. C. F Deems, Hon. W. A." raham, and others.-' Dealer in Pianos, JVielodeons. Organs, llarno. tlnitr. Music, Sewing Machines, Iron Safes, iumps, Garde. Eugines, Ac . A printed list of all tbe different mnkr. kiuds and prices f free. ' Publisher of an eh ;ant lithograph of " Ilidcurtf Nut Pulls," N. C. (f I ind the "Cherokee Physician: or, Indiai Guide to Health.". Thia invaluable aMifH ttrfp . rh.iuld Win every house. It treats ot ail ameaaer copious giosi-ary and- prescribes the remedit from UMture's bounteous stores, for all our infiruiitii ' tod mUtortunes. It is printed on fine white papet handsomely bound, fourth edition, SUU pages, aud nailed free fur om dollar, r - x r . " V"' Pno-fni1 T:- . aiKA. " 1 f. - JAMES Mm EDNEY, 47 CUAMiiEKS ST. NEW I OK E, buys every kind.t Jlereaanuise ; ve best terms, and forwards for 2J per ceut.,comni -oou. Dealer in Piauos, farlr Owrans. Oriun Ml. ..' wons. iMeiuaeous, ilarps, Uuitars", btuolx, Covers, Mt sic, Ac, Wholesale and Retail. ' All instrumenu'war ranted. Aeut f or Lindley's Patent Fump," Uarder Engiue, Ao. Circulars of i Instruments aud Phu.., jeut free on application.-v , .? ,. , ; f .',;-; . . . - w iir -rwn: ' Badep Al-M. Corman, N: V 1, Woafin Ii I. . A 1 : .an a,. war-fm w. A A.t-w J f or G"A11AJ EN I IS iy RESPECT r ULL1 oegs teuve t inform hu friends au i-autic generally, tb-t in addition to big lnn Knowledge aud vxporienrie in DENTAL SUR1ER Ue baa also recently availed himseli of knowleila 1, aud Uia right to nraclke the CbooofiiKf ... cess of mouuting Artificial Teeth, a process apptica ole uuaer.all circum-tj.iii.H. . . i. i . .. SPLENDID 1-RUPOSAL! mporf ant Discovery! Popular Prejudice Conciliated I Imposition Liposvdl VJ-PITIlEJl CIIEMALS. SClENCE.XftR GFy. wl era! eipericrice. bava ever, nor will rr r .a uiuuuie the eobflicling the-ricj ami prsnirs .,f vdi. al meii. Fr in the hi(fhet gtniu t ib, utt. t tyro, variance ia the talk "eter learning- hu' uf ' l uiug able t' i-onao to tbe knowledge of the truth 'nesays. "Vash and be healed." Aoiher M alomel;" another sat a, "use tbe injiimt'etimah tvi verj thing, internal or external eouiplaiut " "laj oofa wnd herbs," says the Bo,fniK : 'l' the tht so. r-failiug, anti-dy ing. live-tbrr.evfa, infalliuble car. ,X ht erery manifesutiou of disease, in every vri:j f mperament and constitution, " says the goatim fuack. . . -Uue Doctor tells his patients they have "a liver eng. taint." and he pitches rto them. Anolbi-r ttlli ba hey "have the eousuiopti-.n," and ba works ut aem awhile. ' The Wtirld cannot revolve on its nil iiilea it goe(.by their set theory j yat neople die ; ytt, Premature death in this country is tha rule, ant U , t eeption. Litile children d-a at a friifhrful ria ur over doctored country. Tha Aim ihtt'l pwiilitt dotment of three erore and ten yearr," (anlniii xcepted) seldom. Oh! how seldom, attained ui fa. l ed land of Schools, and Churches, and Doctor Prot has De ti rath, of 3J onth Eighth street. PbilmJt'pba, -as introduced a new and wonderful remedy fu'oolti -ruin class of complaints, which he has eiprwlj de tared to. all does not cure everjthing. llondredi ave bad the benefit of this great curative, right ben - iour own Philadelphia; nd they have so reported ; and the very best men and women of the land, hin nd do vindicate its tlainis, till thousands are do . jessed with a knole ge of i's benign putr. Met ave gone out of -their way to do tha great fr tell a suffering neighbor bow they had been, and hot :ie neighbor could be healed. , This is a daily and frequent occurence If thia wen . ot so, bow would such large sales ba made f Yitii enise buMittle.i It i true we adve-tisa iu ths'Lt-ii- r, but this little does not cost more than SM to Mi ny, while some medicines are adicrtixed l y thel-if olumn in all the papers, and hve th benefit of eilia ial puffs, and tbe notice of a valuable journal sre tt onsequence, too. But here is the display seen sba he Electrie Oil V . Now, It mutt be (as thateausnl truggist wroe the other day) in tbe remedy itaeit es. Prof. De UrstbV (genuine) Elsetrio 'Ml" f'svlf go off. It is wb-t It claims to be tbe very rea dy wanted in tbis,country f r a eertaio class of die " era (descriiied in the bills), and there is no other noa-B remedy that will, do iu work, at th urns tiaw ' eing agreeable to use. . Patients living a' a distaaca may have tha ril tt ree ofcbarire bv remittino-tha nrice neV Imttle. ni .articularly stating tbelr case, and thev ma v relt ur . andid treatment. If the Oil is not adapted to tt ase, they will ba told so, and pay will be refu' td AH vho receive benefit from the Oil must psy for it, r cpt tbe indigent and ministers of tha gospeL oormrt bring also soma Identification. It would bt i waste of time to say tbat Professor De Gratb's (ir line) Electric-Oil is not tha hest external rewd; tnown. The people say " it ia wonderful that " wts like a chari ;.w,Uiat Mt never injurtd a aunuo eing;- t lat it is safely aud pleasantly used in Ii louth of a child with cankeror sore gums, Ai, soil ibai t will remove a bad swelling ur dissipate a sera of lio( Ufbding in the shortest time ever that's creoiMe. Caution. Never buy a bottla of a nadler. sod henever obtained, be sure to examine the a-rnpl. ritteo signature and ' bottle, cast-from Prof. 1" .ruth's priv t moulds. la-nositioua of th. mut iiiiipiible kind have beeb tritd, and even eeeartvtli ed extent practiced upon a few luooceot and ine . ;lnt persons ; bpt any man of intelligence would l eadilr Relieve the rtpresen unions af an .iuipudrti ravelling pedler, but wuld s for hltnmlt.'.. . W i ur particular, lecaus a raaUy valuable mefcilM toulj suffer, from' the failure of a e-ainterfeii U vhat the gcnu'aa alwayt dees, r, r: There are four prices, yU t 95c, SOc, 7ir( J 'St. The dollar bottle cou tains tan times as wiicbsi ho?icet whkb is the roia ur X otuacbe swe, 'a I hase i( always cures; but for rheuuiaii.ui and ' ther ooa.pla;nts, ,it is inspfficitnu . Always f trga bottles, if jou want U eheap." i Otfiw, 39 south Fyuih street,, three dW U.-U -esnut. ... . .. .. . For sale i iu Raleigh "by !l the Drug-i-M, and Jl druggiats thruugtii.ut the rouutry. it thu ...!.. 1 .....,tuir,jro maK any balky Inirse i.ullf ' it a horse has been Imdl i . . . . w , . J vr--.ou. VOU PllUIUlj hitch him to an empty wa,'o,iand ptn it around awjiile on Juvel g.ound ther. putoi, a Ule load, and increase it eraduallv cur.n.; .. i. ' J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, J0U T', County. Court of Pleas and Quaru-rsf n.ous, May Term, 1?58. :t ' John Ul!owell t. Thomas Bolea - v.. - j -' Attachment Jt appearing to the astation 6( the Ctsrt tbn rilSitSISata ttola Ua JS s- . a . m,A. .t, "M. ia th. Raleigh Register. fur si, weeks. aotiW na ueieuqant to appear at tha uaxt Tt-nn of our a A brt.fcy horse 1 ""der.all eircumataueea, possessing decided aovat. . - . . i raisuu ....... ..ii ...i t .... ansquicK; lias hiS I . " "uiera uereiorure practiced, aijd b remarkable ease and comfort tu the patient. - an ouier operations perUtiuuig U his performed in a sciuutific manner. professioi Address .Watson vUle, Alamance' county . N. C. CwHmlk '; " '' .'.' - . - ma short tim ymi-wTn have a go,i horse'that S - , F1?IO"TM-C.UIOLINA, ASHE fvill work Wiihout troubling vou . . ' " j t.O oouuty iu Equity. , - , ., . Jiaiweil e. barah Kumoasa. ITnnrr Ttnm... - - - r a auuiuagc( PERSONS HAVING 4 " CARD.---ALE I. ousiness with as will Dleas a,lrfrM u.., ,A righ, as ur work, is at simithfield for (lie PnY f Jjr2, ' " r . : , ..PALMER A SMITH.- xl50 REWARD. BAN AWAY from the subscriber during the time tbe working "n. tbe North t:rtina n.,i i ...... Y:fy iu3!?8'411? WU Pros, a negro womanj Ut,UrmJi: -;. fshf) u a tail block muni l.h 1. j.-. and prominent cheek bones, about thirty Veara l.l i has. a down l0ok,aad sneaka kluw She baa connections in Raieiirb and: tlranvill - - VI . . . " -" " a-B jeraon, ana may ne concealed about either place. I wilt -give the above reward of una hunrirwt .n-er.. dullara to any-.ooerwho may:; apprehend her and oa Una her in auy Jail, in or out of the State, so that I "IX lh 1838: sw4w. B&0. E. A. J0ifS '" - ' ' -. Vl-l m r. A. il. " " and David Worth. It appearing that the defendants, Sarah Rumpass aad lienry JJutnuass, are niiU-remilHntji ..r thi ii is, tnerefurt-; ordered that publication be made iu tu Rtteiga Register, 4or six weeks, couimanaiug tne aaid deienuauta to be aud appear before the Judge of our - wi -4uu,y, u tie neid tor tb county of Ae, at the Court Douse, ia Jeflersoa, on the 2d Mor . day after tbe 4th Monday in August next, then and thrfe, plead, anawer or demur to the said suit othtr W .-e iudgmeot ro-coweK, will be entered against turn, ana the eaue be beard ex parte.' , . Witness, Ueorgo Bower, Clerk and Master lnr Equity je 26 w3w . , UEO. ROWER. C. M. -r " TEA 1 1 : TEA 1 1 i- WE HAVE TsEAI -a- eoppiy ol JenklD A to8 eearatea Toas,- Uimpowder, Imperial and VoUa llyson, iu snuUi aiatailis paoaagea. , -,', "'.: ; 3 'it if 0 ooui t, t be held at tbe Court House in ' mithSl',., tth Monday of ; August, next, to ansaer, pies'1, , eplevy, otharwlse judgtoeut final will ba entetti Witness Thos. D. r-nead, Clerk of said t'curt ffica in ymithtield, 4th Mon.tay of .May. 18)8. Jy I' w t ' t UOA D. SKEAD. C.f C- . ' II. M. UOUERTSO.V. COM3JISSIOX cMERCIIAAT. " : .39, Dolliogbrook Street, -' PETERcilJLRO. Vi- "' Will give his aersonal attention to tha sale uf Cotton, Wheat, Flour, Corn, Tobacco, vuaaissioN on jobaaca T - II Dcrlino- Wheats I eta. ner b"l". 44 14 CvUoB 60 cuu pr bot Jan I All other articles same as is ' - charged. - n, 7EUOhtAii i.AiUfi AND OIL. AV Ala. 01UEK supply jut to baud, and llio t ' T J aauiug for Xhvoi -a be Surinam!. Oil aiid Lamps altered at ito shortest auil. a to burn Kens;' which is a Must i-rilliaut ligh aa laiup aflorJiri" QiUou light as a candles. aU co.U b-1 cnt vef L The light tan be regulatad, "so as to aiiaw as a vtVf I Oall aud rce tha liht at ,u,r .i.,.- .K. U is buruirf t I 1 f T f , n n c o 1 c P1 ri c in ot ' an of. tin iff Kb wb wo loo tbe kef CID rcci - niav WL now w cbt . aalt won bfei fir ion lion bar idY iof hop ctdi crj will tbej . 'cht i whi wri clio thi.i he. ol ing "r! .Lt tie cor ana Ooj .Irs 1 ei ftfi fry 1 the .vt an Sea VhfhMiata .is.... thnr V'.f Ol asaaaaovj - vary nibt. ?aClIl A iAlU W, - . , W"J