ii . : . : " r i : ! i . - . m Ot $al Register. POLISHED IT J O II X W . S I' M E . gBTTOm AJTP rBOraUTTCB, At 1 (mi a Vear, PTH t AsHanee, 2 so if paid aeries; sabscrtptioa ian ,ju t tfce E4 f Uf Year. -irt art ilk- VhA. - eutftJ r rtf4 7 PT rage l Hr lite I RALEIGH, X. C WEDNESDAY MORNIXa. OCT. B, IS.: j IT IS Dl'MB. We picked op the laat Standard in the fall expectation of oniething.aaii in re'erew to Forney rWeot additioral die cbeurri aboat lit. Bac'hanan, tat we were were BuaUken. .Not Un in reference to froj nppenred, tat the Standard, leaTing iaen and thln at home, tonra awaj over to the Faetolan aanda of California, th-an and tLere U erow with a forty eoek power o?er the Democra'io 'fiotory latelj "achiered in that State. Well, we are loo amiahle to U gredg the Standard the mite of comfort which the reenlt in California might afford kin. Great indeed ie the need of the Stand ard, and all other Buchanan Democrat, for all the comfort they can gat. Never, aince theeorrnpt dynasty of Martin Van Daren crumbled to ruin, ha the PenxMratio party heen in luoh n dreadul predicament, aa it euada in at preaent. An unprincipled., fte Ue and timid administration stands with p lifted hands and eyes starting wiik terror, piteooaly. tegging for the anpport of the party which elected it, and is answered by the eur of mora than half of those who helped to place it npon ita had eminence." "Tis pitiful 'tis wondrous pitifuL" scrEKioR court or wake corimr, JUDGE CUDWELL rRESIDLtU. : This Conrt eomxaenced Us aawrioo on Hon day Last, and tp to Wednesday not a tingle case of interest preheated itself. A cata loae of miserable ghts, 4c, & , wearied and atigne4 Jndge, Jories and Lawyers, and och byatanders as had no better or mora in teresting business on hand than hanging about a Court room, On Wednesday themonoto ay was relieted by the ease of McQowaa ts. the Everett. This was an aetion for dam ages brtwglt by 'Patrick McGowaa, (a KouU Agent of the Peat 02ee Department, against John H. and Simon B. Krerett, for a com bined assault and battery on him, at the Til lage cf Weldon, on the 5th day of March, 155, and which, at the time, created a good deal of noise and excitement, Mr. McGowan hating beendesperatelj wonnded In the con fiict. The damages were laid at $10,000 The easa was elaborately and ably managed for the plaintiff by Meeara. A. M. Lewi and E. O. Haywood, and for the defence by Meaar. II. W. Miller and Sion II. Bogtr. , At 11 o'clock on Thursday, the Jury, hating been charged by Jndge Caldwell, retired, and in the coarse of an Lour and a half returned with a verdict of $500 damages for Mr. McGowan. , . Yesterday the case of the State vs. Martha Morgan, for the murder of a Mr. Allen, of Johnston, was taken up. The Court Iloose wis densely crowded throughout the day. As this ease excitea a deal of interest, we expect to poblish a pretty foil report of the trial in our next issue. Hayx rt Docgulkitxs Amo.no Us! TheAabeville Spectator aays that it is ru mored that Clingman has written a letter to someone in .Washington, condemning the course of the Administration against Doug las. , If this is true, then Citixen Ilolden and Mr. Clingman have "looked hornr" in the most vnmistakeable manner. : Before Clingman is put up for the Senate, he ahould be made to define his position distinctly. Moxx Extxixs Toa thi Swxxpstakm. Besides the nags in training for the Sena torial Sweepstakes which " we have already named, we bear of several others. It is said that Judge Saunders and Mr. Wilder of this county, and Mr. Ashe, of Wilmington', will be on the track," and ready to start at the tap of the drum. - SALE 0? THX SotTTH-SlDX DritOCXAT. The office of the Soath-Side Democrat waa sold in Petersburg on .Tuesday, to Mr. S. I B. Paul he being the only bidder for $4,000. Mr. Paul, in connection with Mr. . John T. Phillip, has just commenced a new paper called the "Press." e "Demo crat we presume, will be discontinued. - Bishops or inx M. E. Cnraca, South. We are indebted to the publisher, Mr. Jas. M. Edaey, No. 147 Chambers street, New York, for a plate coo tailing correct litho- j graph likenesses of the Bishops of the M. E. Church, South. Jodging from, such of the Bishops a w have , we think they are excellent likecHaes. . Mr. Edney will, send tie plate to any part of - the country, post paid, for one dollar. BtAtropD's MAOAZixs4-Tbe Septem ber number of this Standard periodical ie replete with interesting . reading metier. latere is one article especially food, heeded "Iho CoGunona uCiMthcjr.M :; j rirv CortT Horex at Jackson, n. c (Oalmst week, th coror eton of a new i Court IIoom for Northampton count j tu ! Uid it Jtckson with the proper Mtsooio eo ; leotoirie. The Court Uoom when oomplet : J ec cordiog to the dciga, it is taid, will Le bMOful baildiog. - . .. Tbs Vaici or a T. -No pereaaaion, wt ) Leu-cou!i iodaoe the Editor of the War rentoa News to depart for the Faucj Ball ; at Shoeeo until he Lad taken every F out the i F box in biscSisd, and put in a double quan ; tily cf italicized Tt into the "T" box. George T. Cooke, Esq., has been appoint- ed Postmaster at Raleigh, rice v m. White, j whose commission has expired. i titer,"' the Raleigh comapuadent W the Neabertt Progress, &aji "that President Buchanan, Hod. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, and Hon. A. V. Brown,' Post master General, will ! visit the Old North Sute early next Summer, and will be pretent at Commencement at Charl Hill in Jane next.". V know not upon wnat authori ty "Walter" makes this statement, but preaume i be Mew. .... - . 4 As Ecrrqa AssaTriTti) Tee Editor of the American Eagle, published at Lou is burg, waa as saolted by James E. Thomas, the Adams Express agent atFranklintoa,cnth28tbult. Mr. Plems anta states in Lis rper, that he had just recorered from a severe illness of five weeks duration; a&d was scarcely able to stand without assistance. He also alloges that Thomas was fully aware of the fact and made at him with an uplifted chair, ap proaching at the editor's back. The chair was quickly seized, and the awailant placed kort du eambaf, when a third party interfered, and put an end U the difficulty. (Prrsaaov's CorsrrKavirr DrrxcToR. We are La raceipt of the October number of this valuable publication, . containing descriptions of 32 new counterfeit notes pot in circulation within the last month, besides a variety of other important in formation, financially and commercailly. Publish ej by T. B. Peterson A Bro., 306 Cheelnut street, Philadelphia, at ft per annum. " The hopes entertained relative to the Norwe gian vessel teen in the vicinity of the burning steamship Austria, have proved to be.well founded. This ship (not bark as reported) arrived at Que bec on Sumlay, and pro?esto be the Catarina, from England, having bees forty-three days on the passage. She reports that at 2 o'clock, A. 11, on the Hth of September, she fell in with the burning wreck, and took off twenty-two persons ia all sixteen paasengers and six of the crew. Thi increases the list of the saved to ninety, and reduces that of the lost to 470. . It is to be hoped thai this still formidable figure may be still fur ther reduced. Further particulars of the disaster will be found embraced in the narrative of one of the rescued passengers,' which we publish else where. Ax AoMiaaiw-Atlast we have an Admiral in the Navy. The Navy Department has just de cided that naval captains, when in charge of ex peditions similar to that now about to start for Sooth America, shall be justified In astoming the title of, and be entitled to the honors and aalutes of an Admiral. According, Admiral Shubrick now flies his broad flag at the fore, instead of the main, where Yankee CiKnmodores have hitherto Iccatedheir pennants. - A if is is tx to Braix ArroiwTXi. It fa re ported that the Hon. William Preston, of Ken tucky, has been appointed American Minister at Madrid, and has accepted the appointment, and will make his arrangement for an early departure to the seat of his miasion. DxsTercTiojr or thx Nrw Yoaa CaTtrax Palacx bt Fibx. The Crystal Palace at New York, with all it contents, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday afternoon. - The fire in the Crystal ' Palace broke out in the lumber room, and la beliered to have been the work of an incendiary. The flames spread with as tonishing rapidity, creating an intense excrement among the visitors, of whom some two thousand were present. It is feared that many hare been killed. - " . One dead body has already been takes out The beat was intense and the firemen were of no avail. The whole building was valued at $250, 000 and the contents at double this sum. Thb PaaaoraT ExrxDiTiox. A dispatch from Washington says: .1 The Paraguayan Expedition k delayed longer that at first anticipated, for the reason that official intelligence has been received that Lopez intends aerious resistance. The Government haa decided on a different and more uncompromising policy. It Is stated here that the expedition will be con siderably augmented by- land forces, for Siege operations. Commander Page h aa recei ved ordars to report immediately on the Sabine at New York, and It Is understood that Judgd Bowlin will re ceive final instructions to-morrow. ThxMostcx Mtstxt Borne three week ago, United States Marshal Bynders received in formation thai a vessel had been sunk off Mcntauk Point, under . suspicious circumstances. He im mediately sent one ofhis deputies, Mr. De. Angelis," to Inquire into the matter. De Angelis shortly re turned, bearing the information that the vessel hsd been scuttled. Die crew had gone to different parta of the . country, . and. that one of them bad died of .the, African', fever, and.wa buri ed at New .London. .But on Monday it appeared thai the scuttled ship was the u Haidee " of New York, and a slaver having landed a cargo of 900 slaves at Cuba, and that the ship was sunk by the crew in order to escape detection. The roste, how ever, and five of the crew have been arretted. 1 i ii . The Trinity (CaL) Journal cuntaina the folow ing i I A year ago last February the Kev. Mr. Brooks perished in the snow on Salmon mountain, and, though diligent search was made, no trace of him could be foun-t. He waa tracked round the head of Coffee creek, going parallel with the trail, but in evident bewilderment, and fresh mow at length obliterated his track. In October succeed ing the Bev. Metars. Reaaoner and Simond ajain went in aarch of his r-main a, but, ascenaing the mountain, were driven back by storms. A few days ago his bones, waicn, a taeatv dollar piece, and a package of tracts were found near a bouse on the north side-of the mountain. trMroc h sad story of the toad nMm eVata. He had peruhfd almostin siahtefaheiter. t - t f Twopelicar. wvre" CSot bJt treeki In the yicini ; ty of Wilmington, N, C. : . Both were aa wbhe a snow, and one meavMxed seven, feet from tip to tip Fob, tex Kiqistir. MEETING OP THE STATE OFFICERS AT TH3 FAIR. Ma. ZniToB : We desire to call the atlentioa ot the Commissioned Oificexs of all the Military Companies of tha State f the proposed meeting cf said Officers at Baleigh during the ensuing State Pair. That there should be great interest manifested in regard to the mweUng. both the im portance of the ends aimi at, and the body to be I etiticned, will at oncn suggest. If it be cVsircd either to inculcate a military spirit, or to claim the favorable attention of the approaching Legislai ture, it certainly behooves the Officers tbemtclvei to make tte meeting more than respectable la re card to the interest show", as well as the numbers present. e hr-pe, therefore, that eacn Company will immediately tsae the proper steps, if thev bare net already done so. to insure a full and secievs represenution of thrtr officers at the pro I meeting. Officers attending are requested to once their nniSonr.". State papers favorable to the military cause, arf o:;cited to call attention to the matter. " Orricxas Oax &i Gtards, THE PARAGUAY EXPEDITION." A full list of the vessels and commanding offi-i cers, of the Paraguay cavsl expedition, is annex ed: " Flag Officer, TV. Bradford Shubrick. Frigate Sabine, (flagship,) Capt.' Adams. v Frigate St. Jjiwrence, Capt. Hull. ' Sloop of war Falmouth, Com'der Farrand. Sloop of war xreble, Com'der Jenkins. Brfg Dolphin, Com'der.Steedman. . " " Brig Bidn bridge, Lieut. Benshaw. ; ; Brig Perrv, Lieut- Tilghman. Steamer Fulton, Lieut. Almy.' Steamer Water Witch, Lieut Pegrara. Steamer Harriet Lane, CapU-Faunoe. : Steamer Memphis, Com'der March and. '. Steamer Atlanta, Com'der Bidgeley. . Steamer Caledonia, Com'der Case. Steamer Southern Star, Com'der. . Steamer Weeternport, Com'der T. T. Hunter. Steamer Supply, Lieut. Stanly., There maybe also three or four additional steamers sent out. -!--,-" ' Thx PaBAorar Flixt. The following is a correct list of the vessels attached to the Paraguay fleet, with the complement of officers, men and guns on board: - ' t - " ' Officers. Frigate St. Lawrence, 40 Sloop-of-War Falmouth, 20 Brig-of-war Perry, 10 ' Frigate Sabine, , 45 Brig-of-war Bainbridge, 10 Brig-of-war Dolphin, 10 Slaop-of-war, Preble, ." - - 20 Steamer-of-war Fulton,- 12 Steamer-of-wax Water Witch, 10 Steamer Harriet Lane, 10 Steamer Memphis, 10 Steamer Atlanta, 10 Steamer Caledonia, 10 -Steamer Western port, .10 Steamer Southern Star, 10 Storeship Supply. 15 Men. 600 250 ; 30 .600 100 80 150 . 130 140 . 80 Gun 60 24 BO M 4 '".,4 60 - 60 60 60 60 t 60 t 4 4 4 t less The chartered steamers may carry one gun than put down. : SINGULAR COINCIDENCE. - A lady residing in this city, whose only daugh ter has been residing in New Orleans, for several reara past, had a most singular dream respecting her a few weeks since, which together with events that have occurred subsequently, renders It one of the most remarksble cases of prophetic dreaming to be found oa record. Feeling indisposed, she retired early oft the evening alluded to, and almost immediately npon lying down the was strangely overccme by a half awake slumber. . While in this condition, her absent daughter apparently appear cd at her bedside, attired in a yellow satin drees, with gloves and gaiters of thesame color, and with her head adorned with a wreath of roses. After re maining afewmomeots,sheslowlyraisedonefaand and pointed upward,, and. vanished.. A few mo menu, after, tne lady awoke,' and calbng one of her relatires, ho occupied an adjoining apartf meet related her singular " vision, and during the next day, it was recounted by ber, to several of her friends. On yesterday she received intelligence from New Orleans, that ber daughter had died on the 25 th ofSeptembcr, with yellow fever, and com paring thejdate with a memorandum which she had made, found that her daughter's death occurred upon the same day that she had experienced the remarkable vision. Peiertbwy Preas. x" ) . .. -. ...... - ,.. .. . i. ... I. f - i Thx South aho thb . PKisipiwcr.-Senator Brown, of Mississippi, In his . late speech in that State, thus expressed himself touching this subject: M I never doubted that a camel might go through the eye of a needle, but I am wholly incredulous aa to any man who entertains sound views on the subject of Southern rights, ever being crowded in to the Presidential chair. He may entertain sound views, aqd keep themj to himself, or he may so diaguise them in general verbiage, as to make them palatable. But if his views are sound and he expresses them with the boldness of a freeman, and tne independence of a man, he" seals bis pros pects forever. . , . :.r. '. i A FcornvB Slavs Casx ix CoxKicncfcT.- A fugitive slave case occurred in New London, Conn., on Friday. A coasting vessel arrived from Wilmington, North Carolina, with af fugitive slave who had secreted himself on board. -The captain, . discovering the negro, went ashore at New London and apprised the federal officials, who went to the vessel, but the man had taken the alarm, jumped overboard and swam ashore. Colt lector Mather instituted a 'search, found "Joe" concealed in a clothing store, and -captured him ; but Dr. Miner interfered and advised the negro to run, which he did.' : The collector got but a hand bill offering a reward of $60 for hia arrest, but the man escaped, and is supposed to be on his. way to Canada. He alleged that he belonged to, a colored woman, living 200 miles from Wilmingi ton, and was secreted on board the vessel six dayi oeiore sue saiiea. ' xie was not uisooYerea ior six days after sailing. , CoMMXMXJcr.TO Judob Elcis. Hon. Jobn W. Ellis, Governor elect, on his; return -to Salisbury on Friday the 1st Insiv accompanied by hia bride, was received by the civil authorities, the military and the citizens generally, with every demonstra tion of enthosiasm.'- The approach of the train on which he arrived was greeted by the firing of cannon,' cheers and' music.'. He .was .escorted to his residence by the mililaryj and welcomed by Mr. J. H. Ennis, the Intedant of the town, as well as by Capt- H. - Lv Robarda. of the Rifle Guards. . He replied in a very -feeling manner. . MraXixa tJf Drriis We learn that on Fri day lat, the 1st inst, a murder sras committed on Mr. Alfred Boyt, of Duplinopunty ;The body was not discovered, until last Tiesday, -Three negroes have been taken up and 'committed to' the Jail of Duplin county, as being' implicated In the matter, one of whom confesses the crime.' 'One of the ne groes belongs to Mr. Owen Kenan, the other two to deceased. WU. Journal. '. l, t, A PoLinciAH TAJtix 'brT thx Srvurltr. Lane, a candidate for the Legislature, from. Polk county, In the recent Arkansas, el action, was ar rested while canvassing hi district in company with the opposing candidate,1 and -indeed uumc- diately after sloiahiag a speech, by aa officer from North Carolina; enia nharge af.be.ving eortitniued a muroer in mis otaie many yean jajxice; from which time tillxeoepUy his, whebootsjd; been unknown. Laae Utaidpe a mk&oi leaning; sjtaW,... t. j.Jju. ...1 ; ' SKOCCO SPBING3, N. C. .We are told that the popularity of thi place of summer resort increase with each consecutive eascn ; and that this one has been marked by a full attendance of persons from many other States besides our own. . This is as it ahould be.. The fol lowing letter, touching a tournement and fancy reaJl at Shocco, is by a correspondent of the Savanj nah Republican : Wilmington Herald, v ' LETTER FROM A SOUTHERN TOURISTj SHOCCO Spehtgs, N. C, Sept 36, 1858. j I witnessed a tournament oa Tuesday, the first ono I ever saw, and most gallaMly did the young h.mgnts or Virginia and norm v&rouna carry themselTes. . The Knight of Virrinia b-.Te off the nalm, and crowned one cf her fair daughters ai Queen-of Love and Beauty 'The first maid of honor was a Virginia lady, "and crowned by the Knight of - the Black Cross, who was also a Yir-? ginian. The Knight of - the Forest and Knight of Oxford, both North Carolinian, crowned the second and third maids of honor. The crowning of the Queen in the evening was witnessed by the greatest assemblage of beauty that iha ever been my good fortune meet 'with- Previous to the tournament the Knights were addressed by Col. T. T. Long of your State. . ; " : - " On Wednesday night there was a fancy ball,' and as umal on such occasion all looked beautiful and performed their parts very ' gracefully. Itj would be unjust however, did I not allude to Miss M. T. from Washington, who went in the charac ter of Maid of the Mist ; being beautiful, graceful; and sylph-like, she sustained the character to the entire admiration of all present. Miss P. T. R.,i of Franklin, went in character, as the Empress J oeephine, being elegantly attired, a beautiful form , and majestic in her carriage. '; I felt, when in her, presence, much like reviving those strains of love which in days past gladdened my inmost soul. I Prudence being the petter part of valor, I gazed in fiilent admiration. I cannot, hope ever again to witness such an array of beauty. There wer? a number of' 'old men, . widowers,"1, (dead heads, bachelors, and beardless youths,) waiting in atten den?e each one doubtless believing that he had advanced his matrimonial interests. - In fact, Mri Editor, if you are . fully satisfied with the advice1 given to "Samivel," and ever intend again to splice the main brace, you had better "look over this assortment', before making ' your purchases elsewhere.' Yours,- J - ' - . ; Gkoroia. 1 . . . - - - " -- , ... ! - .A GROSS OUTRAGE. s Like many other places, we have occasionally had amongst us few rude, rowdy, drinking fel lows,' whose acts have somewhat tarnished the reputation of Our town; and recently some idle, dissipated and evil disposed boys have disturbed our quietness by acta of wanton mischief in their midnight ramble1; but on Tuesday night of . las j week a more disgraceful and scandalous outrage was committed in the Female Academy building, which aroused the general indignation of the cit izens, to give expression to which a town meeting was held at 12 o'clock on Wednesday Col. Cad wallader Jones was called to the Chair, and Den-i nia Heartt appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was explained by the Hon. Judge Nashin a short but very appropriate address, at the conclusion of which he moved that a commit tee be appointed to prepare a resolution expressive of the feelings of the meeting. : The motion was adopted, and the Chair appointed the Hon. Wm. A. Graham and Josiah Turner, sen., Esq., who presented the following resolution -, r . T -t. , Jtesolved, That the citizens of Hillsborough and its vicinity here assembled. ? have heard .with re gret aud indignation of the outrages perpetrated. in u.e x emaie Acaueiajr iu uus town, aunng uie lut night, and that they recommend to the officers of justice both of the county of Orange and the town, to exert the utmost vigilance in endeavoring to ascertain the ofifenaurs, and bring them before the proper legal tribunals to be dealt with as the offonce de--rve3. . , - .. - ; The rewlution was adopted by an unanimous vita and the meeting adjourned. 'We have the gratification to add, that in the course of the afternoon sufficient information was obtained to lead to the arrest of the individuals who perpetrated the outrage.. After an examine tion before Calvin E. Parish, on Thursday morn ing, three of them were held to answer before the Superior Court, to be held fdr ..this county iri March nexU. . -. , .--- ,r. ; t- ; It is to .be . hoped that the 'speedy visitation which has befallen the perpetrators of this act, will have the effect of restraining future excesses of the kind ; and that it will be a lasting benefit to the individuals now concerned HUltboro Re corder. - ' ,:. . .... i - : --f i ' Thb Cabli to Hatajta. It; is now stated that the submarine cable and land wire, from Ha vana, is to be terminated at Macon, Ga. , . The line projected is to be partly terrestrial and partly submarine, between Georgia and Key West, extended te Havana, if the permission of the Go vernment can be obtained otherwise the 80 or 90 miles of sea communication - will be made by steamers The company was 'approved by . the Island government, and the charter for the Amer ican end of the line was obtained from the Legis lature of Georgia and Florida.' :; Application was then made to, the Spanish Court for permission to run the submarine cable, and as yet no answer has been received from the Queen,' although it is ex pected that her C. M.' will interpose no serious ob jection. ' " 'V V ; Tne rrensa announces tnat an tne esumates ana sur vevs of the proposed line ' have , been" made ; that the soundings of the Gulf between Key West and Havana Were made by vessels of the Ameri can Navy, which were generously tendered to the company for that purpose by the American Gov ernment without oosttothedirectors;V The Pren sa has seen tlfo charts, and says that the American route of this line will be from' Key West to Su Marks, 45 miles of submarine cable, allowing ten" per cent' lor stock J from Bt. Marks to Talla hassee 25 miles of wire on polls ; from Tallahassee to Albany, Ga., 80 miles of dd and from Albany to Macon, Ga, lOpmilea of do.' ; Ki:,"'vv ",; i fnn t .r ' i " " ' - I i -i" 1 :3r-v j ' Romantic Mabbiaqb. A romantic marriage came off at Beaufort, N. C, on Wednesday even ing. A coasting steamboat puVXntQ that port, and the Captain Deing taken sick, took rooms at one of the hotel.; The landlord, it seems, had an-.iuteresttoe daughter, who,: .from sympathy, woman-like, took an interest in the Captain, and probably' administered to his distress, 'among straager.-inegaiianr japtun was not cauous to such divine attributes. Sympathy ripened into frjadsblp, friendship, inio love, and, jas,; above stated, on Wednesday evening, while the parents of the fair Samaritan were in blissful Ignorance of what was about to take place, they were mar ried, after an acquaintance of, but a few days. A.4 vaiohearlng pf the good fortune of his rival, gat gloriously come you so; broke, all the glasses in the bar-room pf the hotel, tore up things gen erally, and It as feared would commit suicide. - ' . t. . ' ... ...-. - .. r , A Rich Lioact. Mr. DermottDempsey, sup posed to be the wealthiest man io Macon, Geor- I gia, died on Sunday, the 26th ult., leaving, an es- ute or f 500,000. He was a member fl tfte to man Catholic Ch&rcV H Reaves a Hfill, which diodes $5,000 hetw een his two children, and r-vss he remainder -f 495,000, to'th6 Catbolic Church.. i Bishop Soto J. "We regret to learn from the j Memphis (Tenn.) Bulletin of the 14th ult that j j.he Health ot Bishop Souie oi the il. JK Church, South, wu at that time very precaHous. 1 He had I become to liable ere to reply to coTrwp'n dents, 1 ajxeonasted,, guha rtstwnsnt of thaitacu ; : OUR NEW RELATIONS WITH CHINA. Correspondent in China furnish some addition al details of interest of the ceremonies attending the signing of the several treaties between China and the European powers, and between the former nation and the United States. The description given of the farewell visit, of Mr. Reed, the Amer icanjPlenipotentiary, to the Imparial Ccmmis sioners, according to usage, is sufficiently amusitgf The din of instruments miscalled musical 5s said to have been not short of infernal, rivalling in dis cord the great concert given 'by Nebuchadnezzar before his colossal, image of gold, od the plains of Dura, . ,y ; ; , ... . .. ; An instance of, Imperial absolutism is related in the summary beheading of One of the commis4 sioners with whom Mr. Cushing negotiated nis treaty He had been associated with the other commissioners in negotiating the treaty withMr. Reed; but he was; recalled to Pekin. intercepted ia his way by an army cf 30,000 soldiers, put in irons, and finally decapitated. Ihe charge against him, was that he had still further complicated the difficulties, but orthis there was no proof. An other report says the commissioner was only degra ded. V t-'v'V'-' : MV ' ' --' The Emperioris'saidto' beaman "of about 30 yearrof age, but worn out by he sanje vices to which the Sultan of Turkey is said to be addicted. The Emperor was said to be ia a fix wi'h the rebi ehi on the one side and the ' Western: Barbarians on the other,con?equently hehas been but too glad to yield to the demands of the latter. t ; ' Our .correspondent writes.''. ' .' " "' f ' 'The Chinese Commissioners were so utterly des ponding and humbled, that they even came to. Mri Reedand the Russian Minister,' begging them al. most with tears, to ; go to the English Minister, Lord. Elgin, and induce him to lower hi terms in consideration of the miserable state of the Empire. This, of course, they were .unable to do , buf th sight of the commssioners, and their appeal, .were most touching. '-. r, ; '.fl..'.y Z.-.,-- ' The great river ank-tse Br;anjr ia to be opened io commerce from its mouth to its source, a distance oi miies, ana iBrougu tnevery nean oi toe great empire: and before another year closes, En glish steamboats will be seen pushing up towards its source, and into all ite"great tributaries. . v - , ) ' "Eleven new ports are also opened to commerce. ' "Missionaries, Protestant and Catholic, .are to be allowed to diffuse Chistianity throughout the rmpire, without persecution or annoyance, and the Chinese are also allowed to embrace it without any injury" to their persons or property. This is a grand achievement, and augurs, a better future to this stereotyped mass of humanity.. . , . . , - . "The French are to receive a pecuniary indemni ty for the murder of their bishop some years since, with the utmost liberty and security to French missionaries in future." . ' , ' . ;ri 1 .Another writer furnishes the following informa tion . - , -- . ... : "The Powhatan left Hong Kong on the 21st ults and upon the 25th we had steamed eight hundred miles, and let go our anchor in the mouth (seventy miles wide) of the Yang-tse Kiang river. We were yet seven hundred miles from the Pei-Ho, but stormed here to sneak the lieht boat, leat the Pekin party might have concluded their treaties and re turned to Shanghae, in whcihjcase we should have made the remainder of the trip for nothing. n; l . . "You have probably already seen ac counts of "the battle of the forts" and I will there fore limit my remarks to incidents and general in formation. No sooner had the allies thus opened the road than Mr. Heed repaired onb oard of the Amer ica, where the American, and Russian flags were shortly after hoisted, side by side, after which she steamed slowly up the river, in the wako of the advancing gunboats. 'Iam determined to be there as soon as the allies', said Count Poutiatine. This is how Mr.Reed got to Tein-tsin." . .. u 4 i ' According to tne plana which hadben formed, the allies pushed on up to Tien-tsinon the 25th, followed by Count Poutaitineand Mr, Reed. They moored their vessels under the twelve or fteea feet high banks opposite the city, and sent in other demands to Pekin. They would have carried these demands in person, but the river higher up was not deep enough to admit the gun boat. Tne Emperor; now , thoroughly alarmed, was glad to be allowed even to appoint commissioners Anoth er succession of conferences wa, therefore, the result which were evidently more fruitful than the first,, for on the 1 4th, the Russians signed a treaty, which granted them everything they wished, and on the 19th, Mr. Reed was equally fortunate. . I believe; however, rumor says so, that Mr. Reed wished them to declare the in reduction or use 6f opium, one of the two, illegal ; but this they of course laughed at, for two reasons : In the first place, it must have been one of the very things for which the English contended, and "in refusing .which they would consequently be supported by them; and accordingly, the import of opium, since it has been' authorized by the government, is a source of great revenue, "every chest of it that now enters China, paying the Emperor $25." i; rtx From Uie Charlotte Democrat, i I; : . CONVENTION OF DENTISTS. The third annual meeting of the North Caroli na State Dental Society was held in this place on the 20th of September .-v Members pressentr'Dra. K. & Andrews, R.J P Bessent, West Harris, J. W. HowlettJno. Henry Wayt, D. P. Gregg, W. S. Tate and D. W; C. Ben bow, : : . The President,' Dr.; E. H." Andrews, called the society to order: On motion of the Examining Committee Jno. F: Howlett, of Greensboroj was admitted to membership. " " .'; -; The reading of essays was next in order: :' "Dentistry as a Profession," by Rufus Scott, of Washington. ' f'The injurious effects of Tobacco upon the Teeth and ' Gums'- by W, S. Tate, of Statesville' "Mechanical Dentistry," by D. W. C. Benbow, of Fayetteville..' : ' r 1 ; '; On motion, the President appointed Drs: How lett,' Gregg and Benbow a committee to select sub jects for discussion at the evening session, and the convention adjourned nil 8 o'clock, . m. :; The Convention met pursuant to adjournment. The committee reported the following subjects for discussion: "Mechanical Dentistry" and "Sensi tive Dentine. These were discussedat consider able length, after which' the convention adjourned to meet at 1 0 o'clock the next day. : THffasjA sept:3o; ie o'clock, A. M. . -The Society being called to order, the following topics pertaining to the Profession were introduc ed' and discussed severally: ' x ; - 1st. Us and effects of Chloroform and tEther upon the system- - 2d. Electricity for the extrac tion pf teetb ' . 3rd. Best material for the insertion of Artificial Dentures; ' ' 4th. Treatment of diseases of .the ; Antrum. 5th.r. Alveolar; Abcess. C 6th. Treatment of diseased . and l exposed Gums. 7th. Filling of Teeth. .?' jiv;.--'.- ;. f 1 !:" .-'f.fi'v- --''AwtiaooitSB8sio: i .. - The Society met and elected officers for the en suing year as follows: President, D.T. Gregg, of Greensboro '; Vice President, R. P. Bessent, of SaK isbury; Secretaryr .W. S. : Tate, of jSUtesvillej Treasurer, E.ufua Scott, of Washington.', i i :' 'On motion, the President appointed the follow- lowing committee to select subjects for discussion at the 4th annual meeting in 186a; viz : Drs." Har ris, Tate and Benbow' Subjects:.? 1st. Treatment "of Teeth with expossed nerve.- - 2d, Best method of inserting 'lower Dentures.-; 3dr! Irregularity ofTeeth and Treatment, 4th. Diseases of the Gums, and Treatment .Drs.! Wayt, J; F. How-, lett, Tate, Harris and Benbow wre appointed to prepare papers for 4th annual meeting, , k :-:J.'r.-, ? Drs- Tate, Jenbow and J, W- Hewlett were ap-' pointed delegates to tne next annual meeting of the National Convention... . '. c - On motion the thanks o( the Society were ten-, dered to Ur. AtidrT?9 for ' the able" and eCcient mjanuer in which ae' presided over the meetings of the society; : - ' - ' ': .-'.7 . v ; - It waa then rejolved that the place of our-next annuaj meeting be.in SaHabufy, on, the last Wed- , " At Athens Ga good wrapping paper ha been LATER FROM EUROPE. QrXBiC, Oct. 5. -The Nova Scotia, withdat4 from Liverpool to the 2 2d ult , has arrived. .. The Spanish government has ordered a new re inforcement cf 3,000 troops, : and all its large ship of war unemployed ,- ; immediately to , Faint signals over the Cable are still received at- Valencia from . New .Foundland. -.There ii another more distant defect, the locality of whicl cannot be disco vered without going to New Found land, j i '-.,, ' . - ?-zz--:.H j LrvxwocL, Sept. 22. -Flour very dull holdei would accept a reduction ; ' Baltimore Hour quo) at 21 a 22k Wheat baa a declining tendency Southern 7 a 71s.- Corn very dull white 35s yellow 34s. Provisions dull. ' Groceries quiet' Spirits Turpentine 38s. on the spot ; 3Ts. soar rive. Rosin steady at 4s. Id. a 4s. 3d. Rice heavy and slightly declined. Cotton sales for 3 days of 30.000 Dales; middling qualities advanced uiw Consols lor money 97$.- - - trvi 4. TERRIBLE. EXPLOSION ' AT HAVAJi"A TWENTY EIGHT ' KILLED AND ONE - HUNDRED AND FIVE WOUN DEO. ' Nxw Yobs:, Oct, 6. The Black "Warrior, from Havana on toe 2d inst., arrived to day, ; On the 29th elf. in Havana, a large maga sine - filled "with powder, ' shells t! arid rocketst exploded, killing 29- person and Wonading 105 .Many more are are supposed to' be under the '' Ninety new sugar houses were totally destroyedt The gas work -were rendered useless, and the7 city left in darkness. The police and troop were guardt ing it. "Many buildings were badly damaged and the whole city affected bt the shock."' V; r' Gen. Concha was the first official on the ground, aiding the unfortunate. - The cause pf 'the explo sion ia unknownJ :'.' -;' ' '. -Sugar had declined a' trifle.-'Stockton hand 120,000 boxes. ' '; ; : . C ' v; jki. THE BURNING OF THE NEW CRYSTAL PALACE- . . .., f " New Yobk, Oct. e The Fair of he American Institute was in progress yesterday at the Crystal Palace, when that building burned. Among the articles destroyed, were, 40 pianos valued at $20, 000; sewing machine $8,000 ; stationery j25, 000 ; jewelry $30,000; pictures $10,000 j two fine engines; three , hose carriages, . and one ladder truck ; six steam engines; three v steam caliopea. There are entries recorded of 900 articles.- Ac tual loss not known. t A small portion only Is n sured. '., " ... ,.' . . '., , . . V i The iron tower at the angle and a small portion of the sides pf the Palace, only, are standing, eye ry thing else being a mass of ruins . ,The glass, under the influence of the intense heat, fused in large masses. A report that a man was killed; is untrue. " , . ' ' .'. . "J, . , The loss on the building is estimated at $250, 000 and on the articles destroyed $500,000.' '- . The police and the managers . of the InstitoleL are inyestigating the origin of the fire., sj. . -1 INTERESTING ABOUT THE PARAGUAY - ; ' EXPEDITION: - ; " W AsHijroTox, Oct. 6, Judge 'Rowlie -had a long interview with Secretary Cass to-day. . To morrow he will receive final instructions, the pur port of which is believed to be that Lopez be re quired to make an apology for the insult to our flag, reparation to the citizens of the United States who were driven out of that country, and acknow edge his obligation to satisfy all other demand for redress, the amount of indemnity to be ascer tained through a ,board of commissioners.; He is also to negotiate a commercial treaty," and give a guarantee for opening the restrictions on trade therein. '. "-- -' - . -- v v", .1 . . Only the U. S. steamship Fulton, having 'the Commif sioner on board, will at first proceed to Assumption, and if his object is effected, return immediately Xo Washington . with the convention; but in event of a failure, Admiral Shubrick is to eend up tbefeaet and carry out the distinctly defin ed policy of! the Administration. . ' ; ' ! - The fleet, after the settlement of Paraguay busi ness, will show itself at several South' American ports,-particularly those which have unsettled act counts with tais country, . ; t s ' i jl ! " Odd Fillows Thanksoivixo Dat At the late sesion cf the U. S. Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows at Baltimore a" proposition was adopted to set apart the 26th day of April, 1859 the fortieth anni versity of the organization of the Order to be observed by the. enure membership under the Ju risdiction of the Grand Lodge of the United States as a day of thanksgiving;, to J Divine Providpnce for the unexampled prosperity which has attended the Order since its organization on the' American continent. New York city is. the point selected for the great jubilee, and a committee hs been appointed charged with the details... --j 4 Thb Caftaix ot '.nit, ST,AVER.-apiTawn-send, of the slaver Echo, who bai been undergo ing examination at Boston; for some time, has been fully committed for piracy, i His, trial, wiU-take place before the Circuit Curt-on the 15th of. Oc tober, A new complaint has been entered against 'him for misdemeanor, which subjects him to; a fine of from $1,000 to $5,000, and. imprisonment for from three to seven years,- ;;. ; . ' jt;; j ' ..u.:,...'!1 k !.'-' ; . "Mabt. This name, by a decree e( Pio Nino, can. no longer be given to children, on pain of ex communication. . - His Infallibility reserves it here after, exclusively for the Virgin of immaculate conception. . .. .. ;V ?.,); .-: .;''i.L?..s, j ... : ; OBITUARY. :..t, j 1 Dixit, at her residence in Raleigh, . on the. 13th ult., after a lingering and painful illness, borne with much Christian patience, Mrs. MARYHOL LI3TER, relect of John Hollister; at one time time President of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road.' ,' ."" '0--.- it, I -i "iM-li H Tf ! . - The deceased had been for many years a Com municant of the Episcopal .Church, and bar by her character and conduct conciliated the regard of many ; freinds. An affectionate and. tender mother, she deserved and posessed the love of her children. ; ro L-..fs :i!,';v6; u- ' I :.. She died tranquilly, trusting in the merits and mediation of , her Redeemer, .and hoping to be a partaker of the joyful resurrection at thelaat day. t-' .- i - - T!j Died, at - the residence of her" daughter, Eliaa Herran, in Somer villa, Tenn, on the night' of the 23d of September,' at twenty minute 'after1. 9 o'clock, Mrs. SALUE BROOM; widow, of tiie lae Thomas Broom, in the 75th year of her age. i She was born' in Franklin' county,' N. C, on the 25th "'of November, 1783,' and united berselfl to the Baptist Church -on the second Sunday in August, 1805, and in which she has remained a zealous and consistent member up; to the period ef ber death.'' She was the mother of ten daugh ters, all of whom she raised to the age of matwii ty, and had the unspeakable and 'almost novel pleasure to see ibem all but one members Of the same church tq which herself belonged year be fore her dpath. Christianity . was her pure ele ment, ,and so powerfully was she impreseed arith its beauties, and the adaptation of the Gospel of Christ to the recovery of a lost and ruined world of mankind, that in. Iter early. Christian life ah bad selected, as' a text, t from-whici berfniterali Should be preached, the ever memorable word of oar Savior to His Disciples .after, his resurrection from the dad i . "Go ye into all the world, and peach the gospel to every creature ; iothat be4 lievath, and is baptized, shall be saved."? May the recollection of ber Christian vvirtnes enforce oa her posterityvand jwide; t-ircle ,of xriOndsJtha obj ervance of her pious examplsi) so that she, being dead, miy'yet apeak, for the promotion, of that J biooirs:iB8TT DisriBAPoi. Neaf Ironton Ohicvoa Monday, of-last week, twO men "named Nash and Guthrie, who had a previous. difficulty, fro wing out of "a lawsuit, met at the house, of a ultice to have V w trial. .' Nash , went there armed with rifle and revolver, periistingly threat ening to shoot Guthrie if he made his appearance. Guthrie did appear armed with m rifle ,10 defend himself if necessary.. Whan Guthrie reached the pot he was informed ihat Nash was on the look out for himreatentngbis life, and -would pro bably fire upon , him at- first sight.., .Gutrfe rei treated ,up'rtstairs.i and ahortly afterward Nash made his appearance, s weario a terrible y angeaoce, and declaring that if heouidpnly ee.artand's breadth of Guthrie's person be would put a bulf t through him. lit was In, vain that the eCbrJI was made to pacify him by the bystanders,; A peace warrant was obtained for his arrest, but he threat ened to kill any man who attempted to arrest him. Nash insisted 'that Guthrie , was . secreted sin, , the house' somewhere, and avowed, his determination to find him--Ha had reached the pon;h .and was endeavoriio.to effect an entrancei- when Guthrie from within shot him deed.'j.The ball entered mrebas4 a1od,fo$a,brjdn, jj ,Mo'4--Kr f'.7.V ykllow:fevxs v U't vw-t . Nxw Orlxajss, Oct 6V The deaths from fsver " " " , 'PR E p A"lt -sfit jfpjtYa'A XfPpp f.-'compoui'aedEitir IS ORE' .0J .lB8Jfei:aX ,tUEXJATIVs:: A2 Liver Medieiaes. now. Wore . tie, public, tist act as a Cathartic, aaaier, mildsr, and mora tfitual thaa any .other medlblne known, tt li not only a CathajUa, bat Xiver rseiy, aetiagfirsf on'fhs tlrW te ot it morbid caatter; tbto m the atoaach sal lwl t carry off mataaatssrrthns eeoosBpIhhmetwo' f arpotes tfoctamliyKbaut axy of ta' pstofal fMlisge arts . iiaaoadJ B..hxirtisnif .BSSrt i-CaUnurtle. i Jt streasbeasths sysSseS'at laaasa tfaaw taat M pMrg Ucaod .whea ,4akea.4alt im .sjosVrassdoMa, TwUX strensthen and build it aa with aaasaal rapidity.- ,i ThaLsver. afn;ofjj ihS priaeipal -iagnlators f. lbs Jiainan. body tanL waesktt permnae its faae- twns. wsU, tb powsvs Jthe systsia azeally s- aiaost , eauraiv aspso- dent ' on the, health v ac-1 , Jtioa of the Hv. for the proper penormano oi iu faocticrtii: whsn the slo. maoh u at nuuc, tn pow whble ' systatt' sufier In (ts ars' at fanlt, nd, eoaseoneaee or ar ran taeLirer-u-havinxi tokased i de' hi duty. torgaej oa of ths proprU Foy the diseases fT that.j etera tas made' tt Ids stadyV ia ' aJ Jkfaetles' ot taore than- swantr yearax ta .-tM wsae ' raaisdr wherewith eovitteraet the. naay sWaarexceais to which it is lUWa , . i-:ii't nH.t r vn - uTo prove that this rem- dy is at last fouad, aay persoatroapled with JUiv of its forms, has bal to tion is certain. - These Gums rs'move all er complaint. . any try a bottle, and soario- orbidor bail 'msfter from- tn system, supply thy slew of Wt, invhjrora food to dixeat well, pari- Ing in thslr plaee a heal tlarth stomaeb, eaaalag fviar the blood, rlv- o ins; tone and health tothe rHhrhols saaehlaery, eotMr- 1 .1 k A ! I Jag the eaa of aha;tlis- .Billions ttaekear i a. i . - . M cured,'; aad Vital tl tVM . t W vi WMifP , suf&elsnt to relieve the Aaver xnngoraior . i one dosa after eaunx is stomach and prevent ths food from rising and soar before retiring, prevs&U ' uniy-ene -aos . taktn Nightmare. . Only oa dose taxes at night, loosaas th Uwsls tlveaess.-; ! ntly. aaA wui Co ... , One 4&se- taxsn after haeh meal wOl ear Df. pepaisu. v- u'.a V.'-.f' "i -..tt jar. Una dose of two taaspoonfols will always Gove i. Sick , Head- ache. One bottle taken for fs- maleobstraetioB renevos th eaaa of the disease,! land makas a perfaoteura - Only one dost Immedi- to?';'M'i,;-';" ' One-' dose often repeet CholeraMOrbnev ateiy rsusvss taouc, d is, a" tare' ear tor and ' a" Yrsventrvt 'of Only one bottle iaj needed t4 throw ont' of ths sysWm.tJis sffseU 'cfj imediolBe - after , s long -r jaS One bottle, taken ubr Jaundice romorss f -J AAUt fviuft lit aklll- all sallowness or onnata- One dose taken a short tlm before eating gives rigor ,to the appetite, and makes rood dixestjwMl. cares' Chronic Din while's n miner sod aliqfnt to the first dose. nttaeVs-eatilsd 'by ' ' l Onedoseoftenrenoatedl rhBA in its worst forms,! Ifowei eomplauits yield . Oa or two doses earest Worms in ehildMa 4 there ls"U- sorer, isier, (world, a ttwe fAiU. or speedier reatedy hi taej A " few Dottles Mures Dropsy, by txci- tlag the absarhents- u yjff tax pleasure lit rs- nuosndlBg -thls saadi- , eiae as a -preventive, lor revert sma.-a tie. unui r ever,. ana an True. :lt Operates with Fevers ,of a pilliona ami! & fas k X 4 V SM laails ear willing to pefjAf) to its vnwuiiif asa svusrsBSBuss 'All who nse It are riviBr their nnanimon tstimnnv ! lia fnvnr. ' ' . 7 ; : ' JMil Water In the mouth with the In- MfilSriBraijl aattllMM. f.Mla 'Mm.AWa- fifjviaava as, n w nwaitvn wsm rw;mw;t ; i m:; "i; XII Is j I v ER ' lit VI G O It ATO If ISCAtSClBNTIFIO MIDICAlV DISOOVKKY; anfl is daily workiac oaras, alxeoat tee great tS baliave. ' It euros as if by magle, eves th4 Art dot gMnf btntfit, and wldom more than one bouo Ureqnired te cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the" worst Jaundici or Dvetti Ui a eovimoD Htadacke: all 'of which are tha resalt pf a PiseastdiJUxarcKi 5itr u-jt y .'.' J- i.raica OMBoiuta aa,aoTnji SlNFORD , T:C0., Propriotort, Hi, Broadway, N. Y. tt '.j.-tirci Wholesale Agent f ,"'. ''. Barnes A Parkv Mew York IV W. Dyott A Seas Philadelphia r. M & Burr A Co.r Bostoa kH. IL Hay A Co., Pertlaad; 7tk J Park,lahiBaU Qaylor k Hammond, .Clovslaad t fahnostoek- aVt Pavls, Chlf -ago ; 0. J. Wood A Ce SU Lois Qaerg tt- Eeyser, Pittsburgh ; J.JHane, Baltimore., Aad retailed by all Druggists." Sold also by . M 'fob e-Swiy.es' v v.ei " ? ."' ri- WmUi.bI IFTWITH EVtRY-BOOK-r-WonTir ritoar 25 cents ro I Wd t , ui'newS.!escripUr; CaUIogue ' of 9 eetav page 'embraces a larger eollootioa and better va riety of Standard, . Historical Blographfeal, and MiaoeUaMaoas Beok than 'asry ether bookaaUiag astabttansaeat tsi taeeoiimtry y aie, entlns graav ee udaesmrats thamaeet baf ae oSerad. Hd rr-Ut-mnf aHWi'asanana iluuttn- Send for a.CatsioraaiAj'J JEYANS 'A 00 ' i..,i.WiXvAxs.':f,) ,'1; vnucj Pablishert, T H ...I... tvJb 1 J'ff.roaaway, JK X.Utty, f sep a weooms; , w. a. MCD.A CO. T I t 1 8 I i.JL'1 Jf J5 NSDAHA IKS, ; , fi t, DL4.PER,S,'. &d .tu CONSUMERS 07 RICHAEDS0ST9 LTSiUf 8, and those desirou of obtaining tits Pennine Woods, should see that, the", artlolas thj arohaaa ate jrealod with the fall nWtne of ttefirmi , ' - ' ' ' as a guarantee of e loanaiV'al of the Goods, v.-tj no xJv.'itill 4a irMfrn.tav; ,.....- , This (caution ,rdaradi etfentially neesasary aa. large quantities of inferior and aefeotlre Linens are prepared,' asasoa afW season aad Sealed with the A f mCUAKDSOU, by Jrlakt Hoaasa, . who, ae gardUMS of the injury tbas iAflleted alike oa thoAnur icaa Consumer and the manaturers of the feouiae eoods,wlU hoSreadflyabaadott a Business sopronUUa, While purchaser cf be,, imposod oa ; with ; Oopia of. a worthless character. - ' . ' r f ,i :3 tu 'j:tjieocKs?a fr&tbttt?' -:.V1 i r-ri Agaats, tt Church StV New Tvrkw f r-t WP.THI-isr n. ,W.,Xv .tl' JAMm kltmREV, 147 CIlAMlJEJt3 HI., JfTST; T.OREyarykbdo(Marohandwea the bast terms, and forwards for 2 i per esct. aeinnd- sion. -Dealer In Pianos, Parlbr Orgaiiil' priA Mdo deQRSt'Melodeoni, Harps; QutuA,Uidt, Orsrt, Ma ale, Whoss.le land -Betmm AB UStratifuts wr raated. AsAiif( Luiol FXtcSf Fuicr," Oardvn LEngkls Aaoj Caeolas of CastrasMaM aad I'usays Sent fro as aeptuatioawt iV-?t." Ui v ''-' Refers dom-.l. X- werwsa 3f. W. We.-dia, Ja.A..fct, tit ,4asidaaail. D. 1 tf smwi&ga. a"'"-", t w . . .... ; ' ; 1 I, I'., t '-.. V '--H'-'f ut Asni '"'ff i-Vi li , fit-fit - i X . : iv.t : ;' : ; t-. ,-v t - , !'. .Hit ? Mn S.Sli L. 4' X'.ii. ml

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