1 ;rwi.nii r 1 -i - r ------ -- - - " 1 " " "-'- """i" '' m"i "! win "' .' '."y -y ... - " - , . , , . . ",-... . . - - . -- . " '. " ' ' . V, - ' v - . - . - - ' ."... - ., .v. .- ' . '. .. s .. : . :- .. . - -x. ? r. i ..... .? ... 1 1 1 .,- 1, 1 . t 3 " . 1. I ft 1 I a. I 1 i.-i i. if !i St 4 I. .J 1 f, la. - ,' . t ....''- 'j i. r.f. ,.i. . 6 . ,sl i 1 1 1 ..--I 3) K" ? - 1 ''. 111 'm f" ''f . . ill VOL. LVLL,.,, ; R ALEIGH, : AVEBNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBEH 17 r 1858., 'I -;.u lift 1 1 11) prBU JO II X w t:.ji if lrttf benptlo r; v j.iti at ifce ilm t of U r , . REPORTED IXFKtBSLT FOE THI BIOISTEB. BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION. Lai logic; is lope, and we cinoot toii in w. r. MOLHX, Esq., fur senator. eenclonoDt. wWcb io th "fcreent cim will I The Wilson LeJtrar savi tht Wl w" Hoi- 1 . . . o " J eoovMt iht StAo4ri of preferring the eleo-1 ln li iU first choice for U. S. Senator. The ! urn 8-r s 1 o of w JecltreJ the lUek min to I Leileer thmke tht if looir end f&ithfal ler- .. Wzdmisdat, Not. 10th. rl S YM E . !i b eqoU U the wtute man, to that of oae who J fieea entitleVman te a reward, Mr. Holden f ThU Ml conT,Ded in th? BUt CbuJcb Joanod the abhorrent propotition. ' . The thould reeeire one. The Ledger Ja behind ' 7 i. . 11 ... : iut.. writ j.,v. rr lAaiae,i itIlMsni. It mill h Mn U nltinnnt . . ..J thm tlmf T.nna n.t f iKfnl tn. . . . . . ... . . was done to-day,.?;, j as. McDftni4 ra called to exercises bj Una -opeo&d with . i jjir. iincoio aeeiarea xne wmie ana me i emocrtoj in xneae aaje or renegaae vmg-, thatof organizing r2e Mack nan to be eqoal, and Mr, Doojrlaj de-1 gttj so far from being a raasnort to bieh and t On motion Rv. J arffti.'4Tf. M- i ,Wi fcMW f- i hn.k.M.. l, V1- .-.,.u. .- " r. we chair, and the (in wwitn. r r--t . 7 I .. ' -. 7 . . , V,. . .. T " TT . ''. IifftTer. I " -t 7 ',-- -rrj-V-' I frre a..u?t otol iicoui.OTr t vongias, i iractnflement.fc v ,. , . f . , j . it.vi.RiGii;;. c. C A INITED OPPOSITIOM. Th Suadar J u r err maoh hAke4 at oar ttfwtJ.c; th inwi'ioB Jlr.:VaahlDt&ei llsatf.-ra "nniteJ ep poeilion esiatt th trMBt troSiite and tTTaanicaT'Jaiini i .- , ta'wu. Now, w are not, Aor.caa we be mI-, rpoiiih?e for the rxtreae tenitlfe tei uf th StanJard'i nffrrm'ijfeniv It Us a freat 4 if to 'at'aaJ np uiiJr, and will it tl juel. hare a food dead , more to pat ttiterrr philosophy U. ma posse to-tbe Mr3it test. ' While a knowing of tlh bet ooTfs oar e'rvngest jmpathieaia behalf tl il Standard, ju!ice 'to oarself prompu ta u uke care thit it doea not, in itaner Ts rarcxT'ini, f lace tH'ia a faW poirton W ire and the S under J, wLa e&lai and ea.pd. will tt know ledge it u 'read j to; rtft atj a tie mp ted inraeioo of tL cati n'al rights of tie 8-nth as it or an j cf iU j.tj ran rlaim to L, t at we are not one of ti to belief e th-t thee right are de jsJct ur proiretwa tponrth adrainlafrai ta rf .Mr. Bochaiua or th eoatinnanee in i.tf the. Penveratie fartj, if indeed there h farh an o-ftciutica bow m' exist txe'. ..a la more eirat:lT" and TeherbentlT PLuimJ tint t) the N'orthera Dimoori rf tin- 5oth most lvxk fr a luajatena&ce. of lr r?7 tbe Stanlixd, and te soch a t-wn exee has it carricl this ida that a axre ihia oo lra?e it hie rnxf a .ViAra Democrat at more reliable on the sore cf-4othera nkti'thaa'a "outhtrn Vii'x litre bolder. Thit Vtiag we hare t rt to a.k the SuaJiri, where are mow tW Nwicra iJetaeraUe- ehiajplcnt 'of SjaiKern righti whera la aow iLe power, or u will aawo the Ptocracj of the North t i aajthiap; be the preserratbs of So-ath-in rkaf It... astut "emer,,n9htre.', i tiit if the Denoeraej of the North ru tttr, as tie Suaiaxl armt, the eSdvoal fur laii of &a lera rights, it eaamt bflt j wait tut ttj tare t5j bate fone orer tl'tt e bargee wi'Ji tn r gva, lcariog bar ia.a4 wm. i at.n iten, we rpea ta At'ira ioo tw We trae, which we d) tf!j for the sale of the argument! that tvt iu a tiae wha the Northera Decooc vjTtU Natural Allien of. tha South, ti Suzdard out acknowledge that, that Lugrae bj, and that thojrhilom alliea si Soath hare gone orr to the aamp of el)taitis eoatinaallj.denonoclngaa h tirmt taeaice' cf th Soath. The avlird's 'iarocaUcn,, theafot a tuuoa t ter)bodj of the Soath -with Northern Itxorrit f.r the parpoe of proUc'iDg kiterj.or Sva;h?rn rights, ir downright ml sad farcical. As well might it inroke Rion between the Lef herd and tbVolf w f rctect tU'fock. T- . . hr desire far a nnfca again it the "Adinin a'n'ioo, then, is besed npon tbe belief that I; iu frojtra,ioa iie 'coantrj cannot be and may be benefitted. ,. KiTingaaid Ilia much in reference, tn our Fi'n, we might step ; but we da not choose J.. We inUnd to carry the war into Afi;,'t, tnj ,iow tje publJe wLt hat been the ' -nr U tUt dvwghty ehampioa of the Sooth, " Ralttib Sundaxd. . Became Senator I wjrJv", ia pan the Hepreaentatire of a tor '.'gn State in the National Senate, and so '-itipiihed a Democrat that he was once the t and the Raleigb Sreodsrd waitained Mr: Bu- J. H - , . , - I DEDICATION eaaaaa. ana aetflnaeea fongus. .... ' Tktrtfort, th Raleigh Standard preferred the election of one who maintains the eqoal .i.l be delegates from the different cuarcttee gave :! In their rvifnti&la m.nA thaipnm4 werAlvrolN). t. The convention then . proceeded to the election . ... ... . or iu fiRun mr th sntmnir er . : . w V': After the election, it wma found that SUerJ. t us m ew xjapwsi vnurcn iu law cur wm . McDaniel was re elected President nd EMer J. soiemnlr dedicated to the service of Clod on h B. Solomoni SeCreury. nd Elder J. S. Purifv, .1- . . I fi . ........ . ireaaurer. ; , f n.', .i t:'1'1" ii j wnties ana wsccs, ia mat nt one no i nnrf aaerening last.. jx otwunstanaing me j Tb. clfrk . pr0Me(1i to CJkjlth of eharohes denies the proDoattSoii. ..Q. E." D.-.i - I eteoinff vaa eiceedinslT inolement.' the. soa. 1 and deUeate.j4,-;,j.' noir, com-1 . , u.i.. .v - ., aas a, . ' e,teha'0 w BetT'jf'' Aehotrc OJ,y,,f Tr.. ' posed of the'b'est6ea'lista iiT our city, Skinner; a hymn was then rang by the ehoir, when the Re?; J. L. Barrows, of Richmond Vtw, arcwe and delirered the Dedicatory Ser- cf the iinataat, treats its readers to nearly e'coTumtfof aiTemn exhottalioorfroin wh'ch m4 make the following eztraeti . vjw i w. : It Uboovea the Traccrec? of ihe SuU t re- member, tbst VR-tcrj trutt with it its duties and np.-nrtIlitW ae well as, iu rejoiciags and re srsrds ; and that occupants of the sod keuffaraaoe atvee and fail to Imnro,e the auil tat the food of m0D wtlcQ wl" qot UnpresSlTe, and tbe ermmurdtj and the ieneflt of the owner.muat J exeeedingly well delirered. We need only five place t others more CsitJiful Uan thev, and 1 . ' . ,. - v . . lC more dUpoasxt to eaerute the leesv in iu Uee MJ -,bt ..lkl Jre fuDj-, tusUined the spirit than it Jipcte about the ft uiu retulUag J wide-spread reparation of Dr. Borrows as al Tbe SUte ia nw Democritlcbat least tJxteen VPX rtor.: ; DrB, elosed hi! wrnoo witb thuaand majority ia tbe popular vote, and by lone of the most beantif ul add ferreat prayers r""."1; Uard. ReT.-J... MoDaniel then A.lU,naiUU.ll. I noof iOr.. In An .it. .nil i Ibu, t.ik. I.f- fill nVUk tndor thu caption tU Standard in luauua ,ed bj Mr.J Wm? D. Cwke.' tmenced the J u- t , . : V " ,r , t serf ioes in a beautiful chant- which, was fol ' --.! iTHpMD.y 'Not lire' lowed by reading of the SerfptarVs, bj TbV'ConrWntion tnet according to adJoWment, Burrows;"and then VraretbV.tbe ReT. T. B.I"? b prayer by.Eldt J.Pricb, . . . .... :r rrwweni jncuajei jn id? cpair. . t,n -. Tbe Sdcrc-Urv called the roll ofJJalegates and read tbe minutes of yesterday's meeting. , Quite a large represenutwu'or the talent and wisdom of tbe denomination was present. . A oueation of order arisinr Jo regard to tbe i proper method of enrolling life members', tbe Sec- rury reaa the cousytutiqh on toe lubjecu. , : ... Elder J. B: "Solomon presented, a. letter from Sharon chutichT. AY arren .county, applying former, mission, to be represented in this body, and en -slating tbe accessary fundi, which was approved and granted.; ;; ' V .; i V . r. Elder Skiener, from tbe'eommittee on the state of the ,caue'; and progress during the past year, It lb. ple? ' Brutber Dsmocreu. the case is a dslirered an excellent prayer, when the dedi- i J.T Krd S.J Ibat ib.." report Mlt u&siM taut inir td tK tAtJ fur inr I ....... w . "... " 'rr" itase auisuse of u7weeJeln chwVe of the oauon erT w,r c"soa Dy unging DJ ine t remmtea to commltUe,- as heaia not con alL.?ailia We .hare neither time nor space to I " comtren.iv. enougb,,wbich motion was gire a deieription of the church, but will gvefamei.t, tn all its depart th oppoeitiiiivsMy4lo or omit to do,tnerrtpon ibilitv Is or Jin o. at then 7 .Let ue, In the first place, so tkr I eBueavur ia uo so snoruy. sit lefTJUTiin is coacernel, determine to eoosutt tie siines ana wants or tae people, na ue right, I BAPTIST COXTCXTIOX.' ri - I aw m rvr sv 1 1 m.r swsm rr eiiestsuvsrswlinn iitaA. I , i a-'"- v.w awe v isMiivf, j sse a4 w situiu vusr- eeh n at' 'a ' "'"'N trtencea. but Drovidinsr tut them. So fr as our I The Baptist state Convention commenced csrrieu. , Elder S. stated that circumstances beyond their control Lad prevented their making their report as explicit as they had desired. . , , ? , - ; Several delegates from other associations and conventions' presented themselves and. were en- rolled." : K':'-' '-r', - AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE." - ! , ' Ne.Toxk Correspondence. , 1 member a Circular, published in our columns from . official Indicted Taxes Dr. Sarmat New l, . s t j . Mr. James A. Jones, a .candidate for Congress in Arkansas, in opposition tO'Mr. Kust. ' Jones was defeated by some "six or seven " thousand majority j and upon, ascertaining the result came out in. his paper, the Ouachita Herald, as follows". 'V. r: 'f . 4 , DEFEATED, 0 UP SALT RIVIRr - 7: :t " We cave."f Mu$ffin$ v ,s ' - ! Notr. in vain altonld such - examples be."- 2yros, , - v -. - t w '.' t We-ttbat is to say James A.'Jonesditor of the OuachiU Herald aad kte candidate for Congress -are intrloridiwlr- defeated, 1 To "Hse ' a classical and entirely" original expreioion," we"-; have met the enemy and we are theiw." "We evidently cast oar -oearls ' before - swtne. - We lnagnantmously', and at a considerable sacrifice of our habitual self- respect offered to serve people who bad noappre- ciatiosi ef the offering; - W didnt inake tbe peo ple, and are not under contract to supply them witnr uraiasi s it xney" were - willuHy. Wind to onr snerit, tbe raoit u tbeirii-. ir ther are oroosed to teesdving individually a hundred and sixty sere oriana apiece tney nave ;Tignt-to reject iij tney know whether t or not i they. ' deserve it.r" If they don't want the right of tbe South a3weartw? in violate,? why they may have them" pickled for sill w care. Wa did our doty 'and our conscience is easy. r- At the enormous- expense of sixteen dollar and tbirtv-two cents . we printed a multitude of circulars sufficient to- elect any man, with which wsrflooded this Congressional distri-t and a large portion of the - CberokeeNation:-We wrote to our friends and to tome who. were not onr friends to rally to our support, ' But tbey didn't rally . XV e then concealed oorseif s well as we could as borne, Tefusing positively to extend our acquaint; tanoe.or to see more " the public than the public did of us.- W. th these-J precautions we deemed saocesst certain. ' A rrat many- persons wrote to uathat we should get an Overwhelming vote f they were' not deceived, it was overwhelming. Many credulooe persons told us that we should be elect ed we listened to them and were deceived. '-. But ' - Church The Electims Seward. - .... The Gouldy Murder," as it was called, was the most unnatural, brutish assassination on record. A son, in bis right mind, duly sober," self-possessed, in his father's own house, just at the time of reti ring to rest,' deliberately slips off bis Bhoes, bat' and coat, goes down stairs, and , with a" batcbet, splits his. father a sfeull open in twq places, sinks three other blows iri .his mother's hradj and two each in lis little brother's beadahd .two' each in the heads of the two"1 servant' girls And tbenas if Provence raised .tfp svScessif witnesses against him, a sister saw him, and fastened the door, not knowing him I having, as he supposed, killed, six to save E's necfe; from the , gallows, he; steps, into bis own room and' blows out his own, brains with a pistoiJL all for want or ;fe're (lo ,bave,moneY to waste in ast living. It 'was supposed u first Jhat allwould 'certainly diel 'bxl now, strange to say, it im possible that all'may live ' I bave known the... Gouldy "ikmily for twehtV-fi ve years if the lji ther, was a mot exemplary man, a. member of me juetnpaisc unurcn. 7 t t ,f . - t:- "" ayara Taylor has 'just returned, and lectured' last, weetto a crowded; auaience., .Tbe lecture . season opens with a Juil supply and brilliant .tal ent for the winter. h ' " i ' '.' -1 .1 :" ..Fernando Wood, and nearly the whole cdnwnon council of last year are indicted by the Urand Jury, ibr giving a 'wbolesquare of the , city "to the Roman Catholics forever, tot one'IolUirdyearJ while the city .was millions in debt! and: for sev eral other similar swindles. ' 44 The Forty. Thieves?, bave turned up again t No wonder' that , New York City pays: more taxes than all the Mates tn the UnionTen millions. 1 . .. V.'i. 'v Dr. Spring's new cburcb, a fine edifice up to wnr m UCUtUlbWi AA9I UUUUBJ. -' 4UU. IB LUC . fifty-second jiastoral yea- with thatchureb'i he la y enerabie in age,' learning and piety,. .!"" i The election leaves "no Leecmpton man": in all New Jersey and -.but "three. out' pf thirty-three in New York !. So decided" was the eeheral senti! men t against that measure of the Administration' th'dt evervthiher elsfl fall hAfnr itr'Th fifti lu J w .ire iwiH wr iuw u a -tt rgone for the Kepublicans by about 20,000 majority, fortable for awhile, and alt earthly happiness M and the City for the Democrats by about T.OOO.v . -7 ; r : :..;' , -"-v' T 'THE LITER IN VIGOBATORI r "l- t ;PBfiPAR BD c-B Y D R. SAN FOR T; .'"J f vuaipvnuHtt ouiiici, iwur wl, .... vv . IS "ONE OF '.THE BEST, PUA0ATIVB AJTO 1I ' Liver Medicines now before tbe public, that ete;. ,i as a Cathartic, easier, milder and more' effectual tkaaL V . , v s4 1 atioa as a tartr!U:oemed'in' flUlar nublie t,i' .k;.'. W... !.. , 'uT.r. r"cuu-Ul. J'" ? uioniout ; in the eenu place, to regard merit and UiiMul aervtore mure than local or sectional con idera&ot; and Indeoi more than any thing elee and thirdly, M us anile In caucus, and adhere With an Iron wiu to caucus action and party or ganixatieiv qai'e a urge nnmtver ot delegates Deing in j ,u"'". ".x-wrvj I . . . ft . af th rtnm Rriarrt' at ViK.in'Ali " ihn fill Vim ittA. I I BLtAnaanAe .The CLinventional irmnn u I r.w. u i . 1..1 .1 i : k)ujc in j loiK-iiuui reuixrM. u-roicu w U9.V, i creacnea on m eanesaar erenmsf nv tne tur. euou i uji o-jara. i ruiiru were vr preached on ednesday ercning by Thomas II. Pritehard.of CharlottesTUle.Va., and ' lata of this State." ' Mr. P. Is quite a ted . bu mav be allowed to take eratie quarrels among themtalrea mM put an lu ditcoaria Wednesd"at erenia? "as an S.V-. . a y I . .. " J ..u...bsj v. .sssusucr etro,st of st h, wfll beootne in the future Elder TriWhard gave some Very interesting ita wateb they lit., anj.-.ja4 or aeTeralj jears lM m wjplt'orator .we hixard Uttlein aarin'ii i Urtic? o? the flouHthtng conditio, the past. Tbe Standard's metaphor is, bowerer; tiA: Lfl dMtlMl to uk. eh. ' nL XirZr ri Tbe tone of this language is plauily.iadi L80nf tnaa,' not haying yet completed aureof the wriUr'a lirely fr that Demo- ,l0(IIe,f bul U w, ay be allowed to entertaining and iosTructive,' and Li pungent ap peat for aid in behalf oitbe'.'lted iien' and lbe des titute portioni of our own land," will no doubt be, heeded by tbe convention and the Baptists gene rally of the Old North State.'; . I.-" . ' ' On tiiotion,'a eol lection, was taken, up In behalf or tbe objects or Uua board ; f 60, was collected, and $S8rJe4ged forthwith.;'; V, r- ' . ' sadly at fault.,, These "oceupenu at suffer- tht preteh,r of the! State. Hissed aiiuL ?''aiQaM be-nadeone ofthe primary ob. aacacf the soil" ef North Carolina htrs iwt L .vA..rv . ' '' , . Jef tbe ionrention. . 4 ; men on theoeeajihn referred to waa not onl , rA mnr n.ui o.t .i.... inantgedtbe eetaU for the benefit of ftry 10 but Terr eloquent; ' : " made so by tbe ; convention.-. Te moUon,: was owaar" thereof-the people-but for their .... ; " II "'A w!rta- i'V.V"' '"j-T-- 1 -f 1 ,in" oen personal and pecuniar aggrandixetDent; j Tat Eiair Bird Catcru thk Fibst i tbey were ready to receive contribaUons. an 4 this they will eoatinue to do while per- WoiM.M-Tbe Hon. Tbos:L. Clingman ar-4 Th ,Dt, for the wComissionI,and: Home and '--7..i . 1 " 1- v .V rl . ... .. , . I For. Journal, remarked that be, was ready, to re- in intuit, inn ur iitnr. i j ...v .1 -.. - - 1 1- v. .1... 2 iiLLa ui nonimnB iaa accniinnr. a di iebi 1 riven in inia eicv c ti ahoab 1 to the party j 'bat the organ of the party Sods It necessary ings at the l'arbrongh House. 1 !f ",: ?f , bier Suaiierrecojiended beltg laltakal to Sootb- tle;iieitiif at a .LaglaUtara,' JJ- ' V 11 " t derFlnpted' JIf aeorporal'j jruardi wtIch hu so miny oScee to besuw, to exhort riisBWj isriLtioucia xo f jhe commius on Education. ;lr recommended Jf , . 1 - ' A. :. j- ' Wm. H. Snrnn. Tbe Petsiribtrrr IntelH-1 that further exertiont be made to: have an educi- l, iu V 7- 1 . "7w; . r---".-:T:. " r-.-i ted ministry, and rave several interesting state- eeaelosirely that it Is fall aware of the pr- gnc,r u supposing that there is "cjnsVs (!) which bind iu party together. Vertoy letter from Wm. H Seward InjNIles . a ' m " " w - --. I Wam;sbas W a I i Vm ".W a kaea ava ew.tmesv.-fl anil There onset tor. tui wlo aeea Uiem, mete I - . - "tenaa'u b sufferaacVwd aa loting I bere U so btu letter. 2 J. and eooinsr at ma aaaav tarfla daeaat Rut I this is not the ease. ' There' aft but a limit- 14 at a atsa4 ty vauaH essjusjaisisia ew easej - kmi - - - . r v w I Ana sbwasm sreasratn ssw i f n aa tAaeatmnniATia a sp . . t I vat j vvej w a av av wv aaaa. ea ayejaaptiaawsessF aae xatioo otthe Legislature, and aLnuted jouiu-1 . - - , , ' .'- f.u . . . . . - I sWt sssk e.at Hassra s K a aeasaA aas. ftf na M ea avwa'ta i' o t-. I a a . -Mw as aa tiaviaseww vi tatw aueajva ae V.asb. a w QAliMtAaa Ieiaei sat4 HaMatAaa 4a I v ef .v..-- t ,r - . , 1 salary at 92 50, instead of. 250: 00 ae it eteeicv, w vwii( iwbj ivi iiyviMwn, i . ... . ... .... . wwvm.v vwvm.. . ... .. taeir eneeesa wui ne at tae expenseor rooa i . ; . , s j xkaaoa.' in .prinung ui .proceedings u the Board of Comaissionera in onr last issue, 4f .l ' STATE NEWS.' many duappoiateee. With regard -to the J - -:a"--r--v. v-v -r g-Tbe man Sterling, wb' murdered a ilrt ea wr im s.raggie xor m ciuaui dsoubs ,i la rr...;.,. r; . f.. ,0. lion will, be etrried ofc b at least a'doaeti', 1 ttrma, and it now confined in the Jail ana es jo noamtie is to eieor, toe strues, i at uoidsooro. i eouteutiocj, and heart-burniDgt fa the can- , gQT A' Committeei has been, appointed by the "cut will produce, breeches as aide and deep State Medical Society of North Carolina, to peii aa if the eleetions were inade-in'realitf in- VoniU Legislature-for tbe establisbmeot of a a tL ' IU if: U ;.'.' ' J I StaU Medical Board ministryi and rave several interesting ments ia regard to W. F.. College and the behetl . ciariee of the convention, The report was laid on the table, to be called up at mass mUng onrFri day night. f ' r ."V'::;- v 'V Elder Skianer reported that the mats meeting J on Education would t held on rriday nigbt, ana Saturday night for Btate Missions. , - - . - Elder Yates, from the committee On Foreign Missions, remarked that' they ' would b able to report on Fidat;v ; . " V. ,V, ;-. t; -x The President appointed delegates from' this to the following Associations and, Contentions : Western ConveotionSouth Carolina Convention, and General Baptist Association ' of Virginia. AJter some discossioaln'retrard to the lacoroor- Ration of the Convention, the constitutionality of oenaia raeasares,' dtc , ana some nigniy interest ing remarks from ' Mr. Dickinson,- of Richmond, on Colportge,"tb Convention-adjourned Jtill, 9 o'clock to-morrow." fr'r.HT -'CV Among tbe delegates present, we noCce the Rev. Dr. fiuTrows;tf Richmond, Ya.rEldert Pritchard and Repiton, of Wittnington; Sumner 'of Marion. Ala:, T. O. Jones, of Norfolk, L. IXlKe. of Dar lington, S. Ce, Rev. M. Tt Yates, late Missionary to China, President' Wingate and' the renerable Dr. Wait, of Wake Forest College. " i.v I ' '. 1 - v.' VI f-. hti I ; -t'r t transitory.' i We shsllnover become a candidate again- without eoneulting somebody on- the subject hrst, and ascertain whether they do or not desire ua to ran.: for iweare satisf ed that iris folly to be a candidate unless somebody !- does want you to run, and will vote for vou on the strength ofnhat i - We are Bot wilht consolatioh.' There are numbers in as bad a ti r as oirrsel ves ; and besides, greater men! than weclalm to be bare been as badly beaten. - tOen."'- -Harrtson afterward Presi-' daat of tne United States, was once defeated for county jelerk toOhioand James Ki-' Polk was was beaten ft-Governor of Tennessee iWft ftre ia good company, "and therefore Bhall hot com-' plain. '''. Tsi ;t viJ'"i iai.y.-pia h . There is ok thing for which thepeople should be grateful to- ut.- -Wei did not - bore 1 1 herri wkb long and tiresome speeches as pome of the aspirants did. " W remai ned " quietly at home," and they to highly appreciated our modesty that tbey have given, ua the privilege of continuing to do to. -We are thankful for small fevers. t fsum f t Among turn numerous ' friends" ex-Governor Drew is entitled to our warmfitacknowledgments. is intention' doubtless waa to assist us in beating Rust, by procuring a large: and i influential mJ Jority oi the: Democratio'- party to rote for bim. Witb this object in fjew be made a brilliant can-' rass, ending m a no lets brilliant failure. But, not withstanding be csu-ried'off a constderabie portfdn of our vote, we honor him for his laudable inten tions. Hereafter be hat -bet to command ot and we will obey--iU suiu usta do t:i .- To the nrrsix patriotic and chivalrous Toters who cast their suffrage for, us in Pike county, we be leave to tender our '-anftigned gratitude: We owe them a debt that vwiil be difficult 'to repay. As a alight evidence of oar high appreciation and, lasting regard, we propose . that if - tbey will for ward us a list of their names, -we willend them the Herald fbr,litV-t the usual price, f 3 per an num, woariably in advance- "s ';'" fc v? ?d ft In conclusion, we. desire' permission to remark that the small .experiment we .have just made is eminently . satisfactory, j Whatever a aspirations we,-may - have jhad . .for gb3rr Jare' entire ly,: subdued. The -pursuit of a seat in Con gress u under di faculties', is one in which" we bave no desira! to engage, c We are satisfied that we car ry with us into - retirement the best wishes of a generous though ungrateful people, and aTcon- tont. ; Seward't late speech has damned him to fame auu aoomea mm io ueieai iorever,. ameu, ... .A- k fit- . ; JinuoiwuHY Ttmij, ,- .- of IwA CURE ;FOR SCROFULA i ; The Cincinxati .Commerbiai: publiibei the fbl-1 lowlnr oommunicaticn: ? from Nicholas ! Xionew worth, the f great, wine .'manufactorer, of tat' h- Aii: tne raDera.l bad. emne tne care for scra- s ruiay nave seen dastnbuced to persons sending for tb remedy. I have never heard of a case where it did not effect aJspeedV cure: andin no-casfl do any 'injury. ; JnTeeveral:vinstances where it has -j been-? applied to old sores, it haf also'epijedliy- ef. fected perfect cures- ; Put on ounce of aquafortis in a bowl or saucer r drop in it two copper cents it will effervesce:; leave thff -cents is f -!wben the etfervesence ceases, add two ounces of-strong Tin egarv Th fluid wili be a dark green dolor.t It should' and will smartv If tod severe put in a lit tle rain; waters-Apply it to lb sore morning and apv other medicine known. It Is not only a Cathartle, 1 x ' 1 .V f l.u ... .t.. ' its morbid matter, then oa the Stniaohnd bowals te"1 csxry off that matter, thts aoomplishta rwe perptfssV '''T effsotually, without any of the painful feelings erpe" - iienced in the operations of jnwst. Catoartlra,.- It r strengthens the system at the same time taat.it pugM n ves 1 14 -I so.. 3 i. J . .. 1 .3 : 1 1 1 ... 4 a.u :jl k . . . . . strengthen and build it a with uaaaal fapidity 4 gj t tae prlooipal .rexalaters - ,J whenitpnfersatitsfen-rI(.Ji.4, the sysBs are fully 0d T;i nci almost ,-entulr , ... r .t . eh are- el fault end U. 1 1 f r Ukauil tu It. ilnlv-jU VC 1 o Thd T'Trsna . fsa. Arte rf Ajsm. r us; yv vi r of the human .body j . and j . tionS well the powers of , a Veloped. X The tUmaek U " ' dent oa- the healthy ac- 'n proper performance of its (naeh is at faolVthebow- whole svftesa soffers In ran the Liver-hari nsji For therdlieaatt of lhati etors baa made'. his more than' twenty Tears, Wherewith to counteract tebtofcttialiebl . To pro V that this rem-! person troubled with Liv-I b mi ll wrnts, um uu i tiOniaeeTtaBi.' These Uums remove all frem the system, supply- tU flow 01 .one, invtgora food to'direst welL port ing tone and health to tbe! ing tbe cause or tne ats enre. .-'v''- , - j Billions attacks are betteri prevented, by Liver lawigorator. iuae deser after eating; is stomach and prevent the tag... . T ' ; - Ualy one ' dose taken Niahtmara. . Oniv one dose taken aU gently, aba cures cos Ope dose - taken after pepstai j . . .; gar una dose or two relieve ' Siclt llead One bottle taken for fe the. cause: eflho disease, Only one dose Immedl while. t t .. ? ...' ;'. Une'dose Often repeat-Cholera- M o r b a s , cnoiern. 1 Onlv'one bottle is! the system the effects of i s eeased to He dnfy.f' 1Bl" " 1 orrsn,Kne of tbe pruprt- .tm-i .s Am stady, la ,.' araottoa etui o i -i-b 1 1 v.to And some remedy i'it thf.paay deranrsiaeataJ A i IO LMedy is at last foand, any ! 4 er complaint, ia any try a bottle, end eoavlo- morbid or bar'-matW';bL . ins: la their plaeea kesl"--' ring the tomaeh, eaaAag i vi.:ue fyiug the aiea,xlw wov'-ii whole machuserr.twiaer'f. '... J ease, effeettag, a radlealr . t'.'Aw cured,' anoV What.la,) , ,hjA the oeeasioBal use of the ,. j, u. fflrfent" Ui relieve the . ;VJt- food from rUlngaad soar, "V ' ' rvv.e - It L. .1.1. .i ' Ul M.'I itlveness. .17 l.i f.K'vii.-,-'' . eaohsaeal wUlcarepr-''.' :' " '.' :.".nutiA sv I frekness.-' ' i jfflT'One bottle taken allsallowness or nnnata One doae.taken r short vinorto -tee appetite, and One dese Often repeated' rhe?a in Us worst forms, Jtowel complaints yiaklj : One.os . two doaeacnrasi Worm? n children j or speedier remedy in the 2r'A Jew :betUea tin r the absorbents. Wr take pleasure bj re- Chili: Jt ever,' and w' Tvne. Jt operates wltbF it wash the fora with water: Its first application knownnd- me,, was a p'oori. eh latent tooUrMity from' Memphis,, to have her leg cut off, at it -was feared ' the could not live long enough to have it cut ofl in: tjiatiot climated i v v?;i:v : She war refused admittance, to the poorbouse, sad jksx lying on. the : side walk,- she -could Siot even, stand Up-s From t4ter- knee U her Coot one third of the .Sash, .was gone, and all the Ekiny except a Strip abou twodmebesi widai She -was laid a bed, and the remedy placed on a chairs by it;- She could not -raise Up and apply It. In a few days her peace of mind, returned, and he ieclared it was getting wellv ilt was supposed it was a relief irom tne pauv only, tint wnen: examined , rresn flesh: was fcuad gro wing; and the skin over t She was soon runnirg about and would work, which' much delayed -the! entire: cat, leaving a small sore, which; wat :in.a fewmionths antirely bealedS-Ss t;4Mvifii' Uxlf.fte ita -i't Ayoong giriV with scrofula In bar neck, having i a large open hole, and deemed incurable, came one month after entirely cured, and recently rnr ried,' with her husband, on their way to th EasU I have sever known a case where it did not-effect acure-js-ifl? ;r 'trr-.-.x -Kjii'J vt t. r Z-Ji U . . w T . . n W ing the Legislature. "The iron wfll of the ' "va ; AacTvaAt.j i . , ., I Fourth annual Fair of the Mecklenburg Agrieul- eaucna" may subdue-it cannot reconcile. . j,.,- hM ia chlatt oa th. 4th t la regard to the responsibility of the dom- Md ltv i There were said to be some tsVo . . .. ft. il,.'Jb,,..m.flt ;.rt.'.l.. I ' .i'V. .1. '-1. ' j ' mi ' '! the oldan time, 'and even in the dava-of Ganof al IUIUI VUIJ Ut luilllliurciii.w III wa- 1 or IBTM U1BUHIM (wlllt IO MHUUUIVf lilt V T , " .si.i. V7. , j5 -V.l . ; CORRUPTIBILITY OF: C0NGRES3.' : The appointment of the Hon. Ji Glancy Jones to the Austrian Mission,- and so immediately after ut. j.r.i i. - -.t.; t. -..'.i J Atir.' ills ueieai ueiurv lue people, Biiracwaueniiou.,v,i.n tire affairs, we are glad to see that the Stand- hibition it laid to have been very fine, fully equal ardbaa atleat opened its VMn ' true Io ,0 rutt to the State FairV ' . tiewof tht out... But a ?er litUe while -K.MfR4a.EaQ: We learn rom the New- ecr-it rawa ta'a'a'ahaV; vstbolr." rW nrwiaw onr bera Frogreas that D. JtMcRaeEsq Intendt ru ' 1 -' I . I changing hit retiien from 'Raleigh to X twbe friends 1n the legislature to force uPod the -J-Atf W." trust tha th. gintlem of much discussion, and that dist in jru! ual denounced, the system of appointing member, ". DxrLO&ABta AcciDrsfT.-Last night, a few min utet beipr s o'piock, a most deplorable accident, aappened at the drug store of J. v. Jordan, JLsq. nearly opposita our office. -A negro girl, it seems) had been into the store for some mediefne which bavingootaiaed'sfie Was J pafsingi. out' at'tbe door or making for' 1 sibaa-, rifle, ? which; Mr. Elish'a Cuthbert aedjmme other -yoang gentleman, were handling, want ofT accidentally," tho ball bitting the girl in thJe' DackDf "tbirjhead somewhere' and passing" put at the chin, inflicting injuries ot which. the died almost instantly. -The riflei-wasan the bands of youpg Cuthbert 'when It went ott' '--rhese are the facts as ''we 'learned them during tbe excitement f the' moment, : and are, we.supr pose, in t the mai correct! The girl belonged to iMrt. .ancyi;1Lawrence,ijof thia . town.andV we understood, was only .16 or 18 years ot age. t. Thu is one; of those accidents which everybody Jackson, the corruptibility of Coogrest waa atopic -egrele, Dot Whicn.no .one can. iweau.?'Jto one,iWe ;,!., VV, .i.v.- ;1. 1 ar,nna can ba as deenlv 1 mortined atlhesadoc. ui,UMluuiriufl J 1 11 r " . . r i f ; 7- . ' . , - currenot.at isithe young .man whose hands iieldf as calculated to be productive of infinite mischief, etna gua that deprived, the unfortunate creature of In tbe recent case, the President has. seized upon the earliest moment to reward a political favorite; The'case of . Mr. Jones bu a rery awkward. ap: an.I pearance. , He has been repudiated, at home, but t cb.-nee of North Carolin- for the Pre-1 mtj ?rity all jthe responsibility fur Its" pro- ' aDdbim new rWsidenci both pleasant and pro- be h Ufa booored.d Washington. iHisconstit- 'j, chu . io ,. bis . discreiiou to .eote 1 eedngs. row it takes preeuel our ground, I fltable , . tl l - V - X 1 . Mr. McRae was in attendanceon Craven V1lv:. .:VTi 1 "lrT!. ZTZTZ?. 7 Z 1 UiVb ypV Ut irgllttl.t T t.sai CS't , UUt iaV T. XUCilslIllf,U - - . a . . . . e e I - a a . . 1 . a i . . - lavonte measure of the President, J llf lu FTlJ ,B" iae case.is a. piaia ouperiruuri, wr iit anouu- v nag conferred uponrhim one t the most lucrative tUtter used etery means and aptdiance of I W-tlhal (hey "mutt enswer't the people ad Court at Jones; last weekl-,7 ; office, in hi. -gift.,, .These., are tbe.&otrhey 'rtaous patronsge to defeat hU relelee- ( for tBabuaaW WaeVf .poVtVaiilbVt 5 .PoioaicAL Aasoaa "' the Senate, and crash him forerer as "whaterer tta oppoaitioa may do or omit to Acording ' ' , . t . - -i ri' ingof Southern froit- raisers washed at Charlotte tested at his second election, raised a storm.wbich ipibiman. Tl President well knew that . tbe responsibiuty ia upon its party. This . iDitaL"tVr the'nuroose of organixinrTi1 'eq1" the assurances and: repreeentations ? . s a a a t 1 a . t . s . . - - - - - ' -erewA.. t.-.vA t sA.i rA iiae 1 1 siiii 11. sinn mm nnriM it i . t a . i , . & a. 4 vi . ius iisuvuju AuiAuiKBUHn ui biht teii.e r " s'wngtas wss beaten .io Illinois, . it 'oil nut U itctamplitKeJ by an .Idministra ' t literal, but that the defeat of ' Doug !i w"ld snurt to th jlutio of fh Black 7.J:rt.i LiAcefa, who proclaimed every We in IKinoisthafthe Gorarntnent could raJare under a divLiioa of free and si are and that ie .Drcdroioa 0 eV-.-flre aarVf all run to be bnjrtt Afci noa t oa a .00iVisj hrft equality vdS the vhttt man.'-. niost damnable opinions Judge Dong il spent foer moa-bs ia ' denouncing and re f g, and daxiog the whl of thit time tbe li-t intnratioa tynpattizU rA i,rnVa, hr life; andlwa trust it :will ; server asa(iaatinsr .warning, to the youth of the ; town : to be careiQi in their use of Are arnw.-i-Aisurt Prog 1 ess.y. fi RxSMrnoor Yiorsf BTiTxST0CK:Tbe 'commissioners of the sinking, fuhd pfVirgiDia if pounce; that ontb'ejiotb. ,of February next they will redeem $230,300 of the State S and 6'percent stock at tbe teaury in jRichmond.'Tha Interest,' will 'cease on thaf 'day,' wh'ciher . the ce"rtific&tei of stock are surrendered or ;,notv? Of the amount io be redeemed rearly $ 1 2,0,000 .-is held, by Roths child Sons, the xiuke of ooutherland and other i. ru it iu. sswvis ., "- """r" Southern Pomologiaal Aaaociatton. After the "intinir twoor three will be remembered b tbeiptoaitiOD?whO meeting organized, by calling Mr. A.;B. Sfleeohn Quinc Adams .was reviled de: StoV V&l" nSa,if',:John V' by pursuing a prudent courieVwIll makVthe Spring tS tie (airabd'appointlog WjXYates apunced, after afashion.that.no criminaiV whose f ?0t Fribargr.Va., ?18(030. :r . ... . . r ,V ' - .. ." - .f,,i Cui w A "Williams Secretaries a Cnmmiu hands streamed with the blood of his fellow-crea-1 ! ' ? v , 1 ' '" ' - n 1 ''. J UenanU at sufferanoe"-appraeiate in a most 2L.f Even Jm.succc.or-.the f .ATicixt yoa leeo.-The Montgomery (Ala.) lively manoer Jhat if the eoit; affords them w" WM,l?ud dr .immaculate hero of tfpw.Orleenahe who was so j Mail insists on the re-ofganlzat(on of the Wlig rood paa'tsragt, audfaa abundance1 bf fat . o"mBK0 Af !Z; AS.: "iT-'11' "kDi!! i4ftyUreparatdry to the, Presidential' election of F""'- ,n" r'.rV"5, retiring, Jbe committee . reported, a consUtution.. grew the sceptre $m paper ' proposes . the following thingSr Us possession-entails ,Upon them an whioh..ws adopted.. The following, gentlemen iuld not conceal Idle indignationwhfch stirred bit ticketfol. tn6l con8IdeVation :)f tbe conservative ' .1.1 1. i .. . 1 : . .. . ..i.rt:. u:v .1.. i : i.i .... v- .v- . 1 vinuous aoau anoougn ueucsrey, aeii.resnecu ana eiivuuisviuiT u nuwi iw real lew aimpiw l werw inin .w.-w mi Aisociauoui : iw -KT .V. v,A vffuc. -..i ui um v.--; I - xr. ......ft.., w i-nnrer, o. v., i f mucin j one , rival towards another. seemed to -4 require lr; J iuuioi, v -i . v., tuu h. a. puriuKi. 01 t lueuci vn puvu Hu uwiiuuu.iu.uiiiuuoui leuer -J" , A CoiRtCTIOM. We stated io'ouf last S, C'.'Vfce Presidents; W'.A- WilUams.of CharJ ht -Tennessoe Legislatar; wratbibroke rar.Iotte,RccrdIagScreUryfB.F. Arthur, of S.U., , D;xi: YJCttBRDAT.-rAiegco boy belonging to be. exbttiating upon this offence, "human nature ! Mn E. R' Stanly, of-this town." sayathe Kewbern to be prone toeviU'! We are early Uugbttopray lprogros'or north of ihe Ptfomaav .TbU waa a tuiatake. I-cVmniitte. ortkre.- W.. innolnted' br the ! 'k .t . -v.i -vt.. ... ... 1 nhklMMnin ulvt in UnfAF Ia rlpMith' iu,t. I .'.f' ; .v . . '.T: . or u.c Aougiae ieniocrav. ja spi eci the I . "T. TTTl - peter that except the little State of Dels ware the rVrnocraer had 'Dot tn !incb nf JernBJ C)orre.pon4iJig Secretary : and CP. Mendenb.ll, t ' r ' I of Greensboro' , i reasurer. " r elation at their next annual meeting: I 1 e Wat .a mm. tU r- " " ' 7 , . '- T1 f" aa Mr.- Bachanau' and aucbW - kM lo 6 third Thuridayin Au-1 v ,v.7: fff: Jih.B'Moa .Laioa. doel.tuir its bra&M i . . " , , . . t - ... auj. i 1r. , n . , i...viterTibIe Leoompton ttrarele. and hence hi -w f.t!. i .. . . ,7 r vortors oILhim aa tbd Kalaieh SranJa.l I . .1 i . v. -a:. . ni.o.n uii . ward. AW For r.Dr-' J wwtarefiagua.- riLnui ... .t., v,v"" Daowaa.- Vfe have agajp,, ,ays the WatK7c7,-V -- v .N.w -..v .a ii. ... eooeartied, waf iw imtaatetial on. for ibet i . . . -..v L VJ '.J?.. uT..k. - ' . ;'-...:..fti::; Mi j all this tia J It was deoounetuf i V, - . . T . 7 VT I WUJ too.jtrequeftt acctdeDrs, fn the drownrtg t)f f man's Journal announces that at.Memphls, Lc. . 7 . TT. 3 rw",wAw AB,nia has tuned on Detnocrall ll if'ntW of; tbJ. place -We'cannot tautioarOot, Floyd, of yirgtola', was received into UKU UMt4 Liooslu'' eleetioa. u,mtiMB 9&-ah Te orserranulcmw.rorinirmeea ja. ... i r n i i i ii w in ii ii i ii iinmriii rnra mimi m in in nil m n n i tr i r i m t nrr i ri i n it t, 1 - t , sciaU'aUoa iBJaunjaf to be Desiooratio. (stand, tioaor lad to do with It. servants should be. -closed. ;U4t men of the whole 'country tj For. President, Wil;, Ham C.-Rives'of Virginia ; for v Vice President Edward Everett, of Massachusetts.' ', ... - i 1 'T. .vem,e. to temptation on th.-part of nr ipublie ed twenty -Are.. the and lerkinc' Lim'dowD. in inch a wav ai t.i causW re- SCBCWBi at 0.vca. If you wub'to secure a Free-1 eori.vthatsiigtenirresuxi'gThAKUh Teon,. isuuth,,' andjthe Art ouroai, withf theroureHpee ex- 1 jniuow, oe sure and Subscribe f 3 bfore the 1st of tbeRor January,1859. i .gpecimen. copies of thu abor&and ftd partroujaMgiven, by -applying ta Tbomax Carter, Esleilb. N. Ct,' Agent. See adyertiaa menfrelsewhere haaded-Ka w reatures, ftc. AwoTHiB Fbesidistiai, Ticit.' A Tennes see paper has hoisted the toames of HonrJbbn Bell; of Tenneesee,v1f6r' JPre8ident;liand Wftflfi- ington Hunt, of New. York.- for .Vice Presl Ann i i." t.Kiiiei:J lo iui3)ii - , U -d rkti HiftwX)lEDs vjjsa . ;.On theathof September last, after protracted illneEa, Dr. JBAMDE2T SIDNEY WILI4 AMS in the 34th year .of bis age; eldest son ef Da rrp WitttaMS, daceasedy f Jlertin County.: fuiu'-i fiThus , has passed. a way. m ..'early manboodf one , whose taempry- Tvill. be. loftg cberlshed. He poesessed, in an eminent degree, those tjaalitiefl Which win the lore and respect of all.' Ever kind and openhearted, the distressed ' always'. und ia him a sympathising. friends j The shad wtrhich now rest! upon ' the commanitytbe unanected. sorrow of many it his bast eulogy-1 None knew him but to lore blmJt , In leas than three1 years his afflicted mother has been called upon to mourn the loss of. two affectionate aonai ? He- has left a wife and four. little children; May we emulate his virtues. r Exchanges wiH-pleae fjTt m''-"s!v -tfOTlCB eiiJ't--i : male obstrucifon rmi vee'' . . aad makes a perfect cure " 1 "3 .. ' kuly rtlUves Chollc, , - "y ed is a sare eare fee- ' r- and ." a . preventive ;ef ( , )f-',v.cz .... -. .. : needed to thiowjoal sf.".i rvVi m.dioine evaninff. bv a aoft brush a!rLtBflfbre anlViflr . wBIttrt,jyiM,1 - teatiiaoay teaspoohFuls,srp4 alwfyjj,, ..-if.';. afUravJiaAg: cfc . v rv.irr wAsnirH a s U J for J aUndice- 'fal. . j rtk I ral color from toeskia., ,-. . t,. tim. bafore eitU aire 3 . " hnake food digest wslf 4' t"'fc cures Chronic diwtw- " -hfi-f x .mjc'iurt ra Tklsaeet-te-the first dose. attaoks eaassd by there is ao surer, safer. world; ae it wJker.fmUntii IcurirOptyijfieteh,,,, . h4t rtM e akww,,v Ferers 'of k: Bmiees' 7 ' ",UJ swa basis u 1. v a esa ae yssasisi . k S L L " a -All-wbouse it ere giving their sjBanimo a. pi estintoay in Itetarer.'"4 Vi"tM'-' ' 1 ..tr"-J u aii-rt Wars et.a akneti with hi' Ii.".-'i J-' vigorator aat:swaltow katav tafataertl VI ol In U i TIIE;lIVMaMVIOttJATXai.'Jod d IS A' SClKNTIFitt MSBIkUtbWtKJ(VaUlT,r4Wr e4v'n 1 IU Y w dally worldageurea, absosttoe great to believe. It - JjeJi cores as If by meriv ts JUy( faa V'Jt l .w 1 aad seldom more than one betu ts resjaired to ear. any, 4 ..'3 kind of xirer complaint rrosa u worst ' f e(j, c 4' Dftpep to a Oemmdn ifMaWtvalI f whlvh art tie . M,, mTt Dlseased' Wr.' 5 ' SAHJOJtD A- CO, Pwiwtetats), attV Bwedaay, W. ' ' . ? 1 i is?aoieMi gag eats 1 r " , -J "Baroea i IewiYcwJiflr.-sr. JByett eY tteaa aiv. : J pyiaJelpalai M. 8. Berr A Ca, Boatoni SL H. Kay ' '. Cii A Co. Portland; John I,,PsCla4iaas4t SiavVaef s f. J A Hammotvi, Cleveland; Fahnesteek ss Davla, Cita- . 1 age ; O. J."Woo4 a Co Si, Xookf George JL Eeystr, . t .1 PltUbargh i A S. Baaee, BalOmora. Aad iwSsdle bg ail Dnggiata.V BolJ also by ' r . " , . .. . .a Wf wu -.i. gslatrt. 1. . fb (Wfwly.es JIARE ;CHAN5tr FOR CAPlTAtTST.4. c; ii 1: r . . . 1 VALIJAJBIE COAt AND FARMING , " W j ru ; -1 LAN PS FOR ALE. h lie i ,U.a tdl The raoBEaosi'ExgotrToitswr7,ir -.lost, will and tesUmeat of George Wilcox, dee'di " enee for salt all that treot efe) paraek.nClaJiel eDee,nVx'i t ( .1 , Rver kaownas the Wil Coal nds. n Baidtraot ftu.. vl ,i ;t andjwntamsoSsuiresandiiTyalM ii.t purpogea. CbM ana iron IJre Bae neea roun4 n tee) a -" I land in-. several aifferent,pl,of ,the, bes 'llixy , ,(i;v ,i;t, and h doubtless very rich in ssjdinioeral? Said, UbJ, v..r mav be borchased atbrivaW tale bv applrinr to lbe. ' '. , 1 mihufnhfm mt. PttfahnM"' Ni 3..' ml 'iV t1m ttetwtaji .1.1. ..j 'tk. 1 ok ju nuMi mi .Vf hM, ii. 1" -' if not dispesed ef sooner U will be told to the hiebesf"- M 1 bideerai-the Court Iloasw doer; m CeAbage,' MtotV' '." ' J oeenty between tha aoura of 1 and 1 4'clOotT, M..' ?' -t -v-"' 1 j.-'TsBfa-or Bai.Bii0ne.bali.eC thaimsrehase asoaey 1 w -to be paid at the time of sale, and ample time yican. t U m. . '.' for the other half , with bond, aad approved eCHiClea,,t .sb vi J inore folly specltladn tie day,. cm m ,?t an I -TT ANTED,' A SiTHATidlf ''Al TteACli: ; , W''ERya ydaagtnirntompeUillffo gitelaswee. , 7 , t tion ia Lailn asM'6refcTidimeats, ind abtq tn Vts: ' ' iwwapby'adPhOiieWpy.- Addrens 'sUtteg t-s :s.rta-ii.ls j.ai.,y44. TBACmti,," ,'tJ" " 1' it lli ir tie I :l jJlaUleadOtteneeouatT, 4 O- y "' on 23-2mwi jtfl sii' . Careof J. f. Laae-'f i' fr a TT salisfi'ft ibd of the Coert'tta't 'U.e' ord; tr hot b'resideat bt tle-tate' 1 '," T' V 1 that; the ordinary prbe!'! ct law.',"" V1'"''1 TATfiOFJfORTJIeCAKOiUlf A,.FITT J (paivtT--upeririJorlof.Lsw, illermitfesv.ll n-u (! r) iUEisa!jeae,Bedra Jha Bedford- i S iiX-U if i Vo v.;.-? .l h i! M--IW;Ak'aTtlfcirii lP.-'10'Vb.i v . ' ti ap'pVarlnK to tte'saiis: defendant,' Job Badfbrtf, iniuit Aur4Mr'nncMS 'bld..USlltarraM tt. '--' V' o . I flus clfwkkMsevsilasemtent tbW mad la th. Uk"- 'leigh J(egbiUr,gttrsis sueetssirt'sjwks;aelfiar he e..-. 'Isis.i riAndent to appeal at. -e axt(tn-t ef. UiaXkinrt, U .a.'i t! Lbebelil at.jthB ,t,hontin ieiTiUaveeaBty,f r a j Piti,B ih, firsi. .Monday jaf areheit)hea aad. ;.; 4..5 jf lucre w .iiivaai aas wer( or jieinjr, r nejMiiwnw.,iea.K , & rCberrv Cferk of th.Bacerior Coort of Law iWfiit eotmty, oa lbe U Moitday la Beptetn- :". J ber,1858; adiuvtb-83d year of bar ladepehdeoce. ' . nr ni .n it 1 in..i.-i:d iid itf. O.'.CDKRRT. '' roetlJ-BsyetrrT. aA 4 -HJ) eti. ' -.j Lo , fnt tin fifti'l (..lTlr'vii...w - .. c:J THE USDEESIONKD wishes to seetire a persaa nent sitoaUon as teaohenTi He parpeeet sjreaar- iag Students for the Collegiate coarse. '-'The suidesr igned h. an old pupil of Wij BlnghamX aad bat se veral years-experience iu buprofe-slosf l vnuii t'H f -;4ddras aVA, -rW "i i ft"--.n -VvkM J?-iV eetlaa HeekV4 ,ij 1 , Oti. aO-r-wSw-pd, - ? (,j .7!;T.',v rtalilax.ftoit. s4.Q. ''UNAWAYjSt.tVlEet f'eoniniitted to " the. ..Jal( oxayidtoa. County, a Aegro womani Who gsye her, name' jsrClRM)XIE, and that she belongs td i Robert Bailbv. of Tennessee. Said slave is about 55 years old,, above medium size, , . ... , 1 - - . r. .T . . i 1 . . ; . i .: . .. .' . . . . : ana very oiaeav upon proox 01 property; ana pay ment f eosta she will be delivered to the own-, - ;. Sep J 6-we , . ; fiheriS of Davidson oouatr. W. ' ! " ' J V"-r w -,tV ,tV- - -ElCHARDftON'ti iai .i J?tW. .IRISH: CIMESftV'AUAsKfi ,it v,fA x -IAF-arfcake-n'd-4'i4tjM.'--i CI 03T SUMER' OFf RICHARDS0X'Sj;Er!fkN3t' V and those deairou8f obtaioiae the (Jenaiae Gdodv should t Uwt tie articles- thejr porehase are sealed with the full n&meqf the 'famtri -ul ?i,&i:f: -. i i .Richardson, Seiii A; Owden; i i'it as a guarantee of the fouiidnesi-and dnrability or the Goods.; . r vlyttirisw- Viif lilr.h aa'i This, eantioh -ts randeredwentiallT"Jieeewrya lara.-qtuui titles. ,of inferior . aai jdefi3ei ve-Ainau are renparedi season ater sason;.ad aealedi wkh tbe nav. of PaCHARIJispsby ,Irish Jousesu who, jreiiCkaieral Use Hw Jaeoni cardless of te.iniuz. thus inflicted alike on the Amer- AUi.i. aa1k JiiKm.liti.tAinJmrnf it.iV,.k' e t i?i:iU! Jean consumer and the roanttfaetarers ot thsx geoninel ieJ?lllju3isflrsjAAe.,.ej'f'v-. ...iv-.w-ld -.sTI ani Gwds,wmTiot:ro8y ab&ndonabusiness soOT 0,ii. U Jf yie purchasers tan be imposed otj yitU Uooas of a 1 ' Haven, author of Ne SBcb.Wor d aaJFaL: r ait'a aatu ! 7 J Js. ortlitetbaractr "E-' ' vy 7 Gold that Qlittesa," Aa. k v " . r 1., . . ., .-j . .. -fc tlgestta'ackarehtvnJe 7---v-5"' . .p T". r Hi:-si4T-i-fUiSApr to beitfii'drs sartsbls) bwltriuwsmWB '-"ni ' m HE ABO VS - OIELo mW. OCCUPIED iZ I ,Ssenea;ajad,E.eief)ceai tkW;'': ' fs v ' - A -W. JiFlrJBsa eligblysiiaa4e4;l4. the tlty 1 Mprris.t-..(i 1 r-.V! a lrr ui t'Ml -.' -ot PeUrsbttre.Tiu. W' tor rent or lease from.&elith I t Prom New iJiork .Ielb1. braay-of.filede JtaeJs ;v. .itu tt.! dar ef Januw'185?proposals for the same are to. I AbjtraWa, aad China, hp liober) eettrty Jr. u sLjcd t-.tl ,',; 4. or ue ey . . Attrl vpbv. nrri'WTi.v tnn -i ": "'-- by Cbarlek A. DajUC i rl . 1: u ut ; ai et utsi -m r' JRaUiaJ..C0ame2yefceig. Tie Ktbrnal PrUbiiJst . a f s -and the cestary.aw f the. Vatrtaser by Aasaraarevi , .hm iv PfHl, 'lrdi isa-irir-pi Ja ti i i 4 I teiavCw' fTlHt tajtagort!hel& r. ifitr Tehsgrapbte'Epieibr iBeTiieV VTm.. TRirbints-lJ J f i r;Klsppraad otkevrettwtiH)',P-t'Tp Tr.t -v'- 'Qoneral Csev Syj Jaecraes Msssrieet vaa o- Ht.a. soi l e. 1 ; i - licited, anf wiU be reoeivedaatil the 1st 1168;" vltAB. VVAbiUitt, Retuoenl octlS wtDes't. of PowaU't Hotel Co.. ; nov IS . EST gteadard eony. W.I P0MEB0Tv

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