iW are U. puu 4 fa Adlg-.tfrft , Uawerped hy Pr,X rage to live like kMWt" TVEBESD.VY MORN I NO, PECK. 15, US rnr From and afler this date, the Mm ano ftnom mill placed o the subsmp. tion tut of t Jus paper unless said name oe accompanied vita the price of subscription, ta wit: 1Jr Weekly t and ft ft Weekly paper. for Stmt' THE !REEXStlOKO PATRIOT." Oat liberal contemporaries of tL G reensbo rougk Patriot will please do us tbe favor to exsase oar not being ia tbe slightest de gree mortified at being called bj them tbe ostensible organ, or bjr their reference to tbe p'aee of oar nativity. We never claimed to be aa organ, eitber real, or ' os tensible, nor are oar mental "perceptions scats eoosgb to tee what earthly connec tion there la between a Railroad from (ireeos boron gh to Danville and party poli ties. This Road is suppor ted and opposed bj Democrat aod Whig, without reference, to part j polities, and we would suggest to tbe Pal not that if tt desires to: get tbe con nection bill pasted at tbie time, it would be rather unsafe U rge it as a Whig measure. Tbe following senleuee, ia their editorial, ia a Terj imprudnt one for tbe advocates of eonneetioa, and if they write many soeh, they will tare us tbe trouble of writing anj thing more against tbe eonneetioa .scheme, and girt occasion to its friends wof all j to exclaim, Save as from our friends J" ; II baa been a source of much regret ta its that we bare been ao often compelled to diflVr with tbe orteniU organ- of our party ia regard to blatters of Slate policy, and we bad hoped that lb Danville Connection wm a nMMirt on which could agree, and that we could - heartily co ojrate ia carrying cut, what, ia this respect, we conceived ta be tbe wishes of tbe "Whig party. Now, we will not be ongeteroos and un- Dagnanunoas enoagb to take ad rentage of tbe abore sentence, and impress npon a Democratic Legislature tbe fact that tbe Pan til le eonneetioa project is, ia tbe estima tion of one of its champions, a scheme com manding tbe wishes of tbe Whig party." For one, we do not believe that eitber Wbig rerjor Democracy is any, the slighest element ia tbe question. To as the ilea is utterly prepoateroas that' partj polities can enter into tbe calculation as to whether the eonneetioa should be allowed, or how the measure could be deemed expedient, or inexpedient, as it might effect tbe relatire strength of tbe Whig and the Democratic party. Why, just look at it Got. More head, a Whig, is the advocate of connection, and be has Mr. Speaker Settle, and all the Democracy of Rockingham and Caswell, as co-operators with him. According to the Patriot, if Got. More head succeed, it will be a Whig triumph, and of course, a Dem ocratic defeat. Messrs. Settle 4 Co. would, we take it, kick up high against inch a con clusion ; and justly tbej might, for the question is simply one of domestic Slate policy, and ia do other point of view can it be regarded, and we would not treat it in aay other light, if we were, instead of the " ca'ecaible the thrice annointed and oni Tersally acknowledged rml " organ of tie Whig party f North Carolina. We cannot see any inconsistency in oar pre test position as contrasted with tbe one we oe cspied when we supported Mr. Me Use for the tfice of Governor. We regarded Distribu tion as the great issue in the campaign, and it m so regarded throughout the State! At tbe Tery outset, when the candidates met at Charlotte, it was expressly agreed by them that tbe Danrille eonneetioa should not be as issue in the canvass, and each gentleman declared that if be was elected Governor, he mld refrain from suing aay ofitfiel- infla me, pro or com, on the quest too of the Dan vuie conaeettoo. SI PKEWC COt RT Jl'UGC The election of Jaige Ruffin to the Sn rtme Coart Bench will give great aatisfae tioa ia all quarters of the State, ami is one hem to be set down to the credit of this Democralio Legislatere. It m true that it isaViabtfal whether Jadge RnSn wSlaeeept, k'it that e ire omstaace decs net deprive tbe Lefislstare of the credit of making aa effort to tec ore to the tate the service, , as a Bcmber of her highest jedieial tribunsJ, of se of the most profooad lawyers ia the tnioo. Since the above was written, we have re ceived information which we are gratified to mj warrants the belief, that Judge Roffin ill accept tbe office to which be has been tlec'ed under cirenmstancee so creditable alike to the partj elected aod the body Seeling. . " 4TTE3IPT TO SET THE iilXST HACK. LITTLE n e learn that the Administration Demo crats in the Senate have ia cane as determm- to eject Jodge Douglas from the chair fcLip of th Committee on Territories. He sill be placed oo the Committee, bat fct serve ia the ranks. This remarkably ktleaod low piece of spite will help, rather mjare the little Giant. -ince the above was written, we find the j "losing in an exchange paper. It will be attn that Senator Clingmaa toted for Dong- -HR(mir, LVr. 9p. M The SenaU , hTT1 ,"nM has cboavn Mr Gren, of Mo r Mr. Duuclaa, fr chairman of the ; W wurc on liTriUiriM- Th wtAJt waa aevan- awavm. TLo urn utm aa Luhtmm , uujiium, cxiirvi, B'jiw, r. ,BJ Th.m,(-0flf of xt9 Jersey llun- , On - only fuur were for Duuglas. TbeailMamr Wanderer has eraded the Xiua cruLrs sad. landol a cargo of I 06 U coi a G-wjrin. BOARDING Or AN AMERICAN STEAM- EKBir BKITlSlt MEN Of WAR. On tbe arrival of tbe steamer Washington a' i San Juan, oo tbe 18 lb nil., abe was buarded by British otfi.fors from the temers Leopard and Valorous, in search of flllibuslers. ' The matter ir likely to revite the right-of-searcb question bes tw"a this country and Omit Britain. Tbe Wothhtgtrn '.was compelled by tbe Xicaraguan aathoritie, instigated by the Britl'h, to return with her passengers to New York. , Sir Wm Gre Onsley waa on board tbe VaJorvms. Tbe IT. S. frigate Smrannah, and sloopof war James were in port at the time, and one- of theni had previously inquired into the character of thr pa.een gnt by tbe Wutkimyiim. Tbe intelligence I of tba affair baa created great excitement at Wash ington City. . . tty A notice of the examination of tbe pupils of tbe Deaf, Dumb and Blind Insti tute, together with a number of other articles of interest, which were unavoidably crowded out this issue, will sppear in our next. Also, (feral advertisements. '. Hon. Edward Kvkkett and thb Nstvt York Lxdgir. In oar advertising columns will be ' found tbe Prospectus ftf the JVew York Ledger, which contains all the particu lars relative to Mr. Everett's engagement to writeL for .that paper.-. Tbe Louisville Jour nal, ia speaking of this engagement, says : - "The Hon. Edward Kvereli baa paid over to the Mount Yernoa Aaaudalion ten tbou!and dollars, received by him from the editor of TAeNt York Ledger, in. coasialeration of his giving to that pa per, throughout tbe coming year, original weekly rontribotiooa, uader tbe head of "Mount Vernon Paper." This, iftdeed, is sucb aa arrangement aa do other publisher in tbe United States, it in the world, ever had the liberality and boldness make. Edward Everett ia the most accompluhed scholar now living, and we know not where to look for. his equal in taste, and knowledge and and genius, and in grace, beauty, splendour, and magnificence of thought and diction. Tbe fact that a writer like him baa engaged, at an extraor dinary rate of remuneration, to contribute regu larly to a weekly family newapaper, must, of course, create an immense demand for Ul paper every where throughout the nation ; and when it ia known that, in addition to bis aplendid con tribution, tbe same paper be the regular services of twenty or thirty other 'writers, each of whom has a national reputation,1 the aggregate of tbe salaiies paid out amounting to at Feast thirty thousand dollars a year, and probably more, sure ly tbe demand cannot fail to be literally tremen dous, Tbe Ledger's present circulation, of nearly half a million, may be expected to rise rapidly to a million." ' ' FROM "WASHINQTOX. Tbe Democratic Senators on Thursday, in can cua. Toted to exclude M r. Douglas from the Chair manship of the Committee on Territories, and the acT was, without uoubt, consummated on slonoay, though a severe struggle was anticipated. The fact that this action ia in accordance with tbe wiabeaif the President was sot attempted to be concealed, though a part of thee who voted lor the exclusion did so for the alleged reason that Mr. Douglas is expected to be absent until Janua ry, Others, however, were candid enough to de clare their tree- reasons. Several prominent Southern Senators opposed the movement Brown, of Mississippi, reminding his fellow Democrat that the rejection of Martin Van Buren's nomina tion as Minfew to London, made him President, and warning hem to beware of the results of their present action. But the martyrdom of the Little Giant is a foregone conclusion. We Uara frees Waahiaxtaa that the aefotiatioBS peedlng with the Briuak Uovaraawat ia relation to qaeatioas eoaoMted with the Clayton-Balwar traety will h emUu4 ia ttiaa ta b ohiitha s4k Sw at early Mil aaenth, and that the aattlaoarat of theaa Tzi aaati as will a oa a pwfiaetly fair aad aatis fartory baaui IaaaadtaUly afUr the eomplatiaa of this acfntiatiaa tba qaeatio ot aa international eopy rirht with Oreat Britain wUl be Ukea mp, a weaty kar uif baea alraaly drafted by the Stat Departaiaat. We laara. aim, that uaportaat diasatrha have baea raavivad rroat Mazico, aad sabaiuad to the Gavera bmL Saiadirauoa U firaa aftlMir haraetar, Ue it is iauaatad that thy atay aotiraly chenga the pro f raaksa a the Miange mm Maiieaa aaWs, Maaa tiat. U is muimrMoo that 8aor Mala, the Jaares Sliaiatar, who reeseUy A Waahlagton, has goae to Vara Cm ta ebaia fall pewars froat Jaaras to aefo- liaSa a traaiy aa Waaaiairtoa) for the euliaat af all Aai'irWaa alaiama aaiast Mtxieo, aad ta gaaraate tha rifht at way arraae Chihaakaa, Soaora aad othae Maaieaa tavritory, to Califorala. It Is balievad to be the iataauonof aai UovaraaMai, la eaaa he aaeeaedsia hia saiaaMa, to raoaive bias tamed iataly, aad ta raeof abo lha Jaaraa Oavavwaaaat aalaaa, aa hlatad aheva. aad kaaoruat chaafe ia sfaxiaaa affair CONGRESSIONAL, Kotaieg at speeial larpertaaee oeearrad la CoBgraa a TharaJay. Ia the goaala, Mr. Iraraoa. af Geor gia, gara aoikw that he woald, at aa early day, aaore foe tho aaolitiaa of the fraakiac prlrilafa aad tha sah atitaUoa of a eeaiBiatatioa ta ssoaay. Charlos 8. Jim, tonaarly aaaiataat doorkaeaor, was alartei door Sot. A anaemrial waa araaoatod froaa the Lagiaiarare of Miaaaaeto. aahlag aa'aporopriatioa for too UBBrorookaat of tho Miaataaipal aad 8C Croix Ri ara, aad for Uad for railraada, Varioaa othor nwaao riais mt miaor iaiportaaee ware received, aad the bea- ata adjoaraoa. Ia the Hoaa, the Speaker aaaoaaead the Staadiag Caanah'aas The North Carolina saombars were ap apoiatoa oa the followiag eoaasiiuoos : Oa Kloetioas, Joan A. OUbmt j oa Pahiie Laads, Thoaaas Raffia , on the District of Cotaaibia, Alfred M. 8ala; oa the Jadiriary. Barton Craifa; oa Revolatioaary Claiiaa, Zoaioa B. Vaaoa; oa Meaarartaree, Haary M. Bhawt ma VaraJ Affair. Warraa Wtaalow; oa For ifa ABaira. Lawraaea 0B. Breach ; oa Revolationary PaaiUaa, Moary M.Saaw; Joint ContaUtae oa - the Library, Warm Wiaalow. hot oae of the North Car oliaa naaniBars has boon appointed aaairmaa of a eom iuoa. Was. 0. Ooodo, of Virciaia, is ehsirataa of tho amaiUM oa the Piatriet of Colambia; C. J. Faalkaor, of Ya ehairaaaa of tha eoniBdttee oa Mili tary Affair ; Thoaias J. Boeeek, of Ya, chairman of the committee aa Naval affairs ; George W. Hapkias, of Ya, chairmaa af eommiuee on Foraifa Affairs. Notlee was giraa by Mr. Morria, of IUiaoia, of bis ia taolioa to latrodaeo a bill proidiag for tho aloetioa of Goraraora nad Jaagaa by the people ia the organised Tarritoriaa also, a bill to admit sugar aad aalt free of duty, aad a bill to amend the Kataraliialioa laws. The reports af tbe Jadiciary Comautioe ta the eaaa of JeJre Watroas, of Taxes, whoae impaarhmeat is aakad by too Legislatare of that State, wara than taken ap, aad oeeapiod attention antil the adjoarnment, bat with oat aay dtfiniu action. . Ia tba Sonata oa Friday, a eommanieatloB was re eatvad from the Secretary ; of the Iatorior, ia repy to a call made at the laat aawioa for iaibrmstioa raapoeting all moneys appropriated to the PUtafet of Colambia. Oa motion of Mr. Alien it waa reeolred toat Ute Bonaw proaoad on Moaday next to bePot for the staaeinf oomaittoaa. After the introdaetioe of araral bills by Mr. Rice, among which the most important was one aathorising tbe aatahlUhmaat of a" Northern Paciflo mail roato, tha Sanato adjoamod till Monday. la the Hoeae of Repraaaatatirae the principal ob ject of diaeaaaioa was tha report of the Jadiciary Com mittee la regard to the impaaehmeat of Jadge Wat roaa, of Tsxae. Mr. Eillingbarst, of Wisconain, aad Mr. Reagaa. of Texas, favored tha impeachment, and Mr. Ready, of Teaneaaee, a member of the committee, oppoaod it. The llooae ad j oar nod withoat coming to a decision. We learm from Mobile that one hundred and forty fillibukterson board the schooner Susan ef. feded their escape from the revenue-cutter Mc CUtland. . Jt seems that the cutter by some means got ashore, and by tba tims abe got off again the Sum was caioulaXed to be lour bunded miles awsy. " ' The Judges cf the Federal Court, at Corambls, 8.C., bare decided in favor of the constitutionality ; of tha law of 1820. declaring the slave trade pira cy, snd hsve remanded tbe prisoners of the slaver j Echo to await the action of toe urana w ury. f m r -- ' . Tuxxm Dats Lath mom Ecrxopa. The Per sia arrived on the night of the 17th nit. Cotton declined Lift. Lord Napier, the Bx iliah. ili&Is-1 mXakYtmWBlumtlxmmW STATE LEGISLATURE. SENATE. FaiDAT, December 10. Met 101 .o'clock Prajerby Rer. Mr; Speight, d Tawhoro'. Journals read. KB PORT or STAHDIKQ COMMITTEES. Mr. Martin, from tbe Committee on Military Affairs, reported in favor ' of the bill to establish the 11 3th regiment of militia in the county of Wil ton. - -' . ' ' ' : Mr. Lane, from the Committee on Proposi tions and Grievances, in favor of the resolution relative to the sheriff of Buncombe. Mr. Dobson, from the Committee on the Ju liciary, against the passage of I be bill to amend die 119th sec. 34th chap. Key. Code. Also, from tbe same Committee, against the bill to ctda to the U. States jurisdiction in tbe pur jhase of a site tor a Court house and Post office in the city of Raleigh. . ' Mr. Edney, from tbe Committee on Internal Improvements, on ' the bill to improve a part f the public road from . Wilkesboro' to Jener un. ' . ; Also, from the committee on corporations, In favor of the bill to incorporte the Salisbury Gas light Company. - Mr. Thomas, from the Joint Select Committee on Cherokee lands, &c, reported favorably on the bill to amend the charter to the Jonathan Creek rurnpike Company. - ; Mr. Gorrell, from the Committee on the Judic iary, against the pasrage of the bill to amend the ti8th sec. 99th chap. Rev. Code.' - Also, from the same committee, against the pas sage of the bill to cede to the U. States jurisdiction in the purchase of a site for certain national works on Ueep river. ' "'" ' " Mr. Houston, from the ' same committee, in favor of the bill relative to Auctions and Auc tioneers. , . ; ' .- " . - ; ' . ' T " BILLS IXTBODUCID fLVD asrSEBJtO. 3 Mr. Reinhaxdt, a bill, accompanied by a memo rial, to amend an act incorporating the town of Newton, Catawba Co. - Mr. Davidson, a hill to prevent the sale of intox icating liquors, at or near Davidson College and for other purposes. . ". . Mr. Davidson a bill to ' amend the charter of the Charlotte and Taylorsville Plank-road. Mr. Flanner, a bill to establish the " Bank of Commerce," of the town of Newborn. , Mr. Ashe, a bill to amend sec 3, chap. 34, Revis ed Code. ' OtOIl OF THS DAT. . ' The order of tbe day, being the bill in relation to the Cherokee Indians, snd to secure to the wid ow and children of. Junaliuka a home, was now taken up. . . ; . Mr. Turner offered an amendment to strike out " Clingman a Peak" and insert u the highest peak or tbe famoky Mountains." Mr. T. said he was induced to offer thissme; ment because of the unfortunate controversy to give the name of Clingman to a peak of the Black Mountain a controversy which ended in the death of Prof. Mitchell. Since which time it has been clearly proven that in 1835, he (Prof. M.) measured tbe very peak which Senator Cling man claimed to have measured in 1855. So his claim was twenty years too late. To name this peak Clingman, Mr. T. continued, at proposed by the bill, will be to do great injustice to Prof. Buck ley, of New York, who ia now asserting hia claims to this very peak. He claims to have been the first to place a barometer upon this mountain, and that it is higher than Mount Mitchell. lie had no acquaintance, personally, with Prof. Bn but be had some reputation as a botanist both in this country and in Europe, and he would not vote to give such advanuge to a politician over a merito rious Professor, whose claim . to this peak on Smokey Mountain might be as clearly established as bad Dr. Mitchells to Black Mountain. This amendment was rejected. After a spirited discussion of about an hour, in which Messrs. Thomas, Edney, Carmicbael and Gorrell, favored the'paasare of the bilLand Messrs. Turner and Pool opposed, the bill passed its 3rd reading. supaxxx COUST JUDOK. A message was received from the House propos ing to go Into an election for Supreme Court Judge to-day at 12 o'clock. Agreed to. Mr. Cunningham nominated Wm. Eaton, Jr. Esq. Mr. Edney Dominated Hon. M. E. Manly. Mr. Ashe nominated H. L. Holmee, Eq. Mr. Whitaker nominated Hon.Thos. Ruffln, of Alamance. Mr. Thomas nominsled Hon. Geo. E. Badger. Mr. Humphrey nominated W. B. Hodman, Esq. Mr. Dillard nominated Hon. JL R. Heath. Mr. Flanner nominated Hon. R. S. Donnell, all of which nominationa were seat to the House. A message was received from the House an nouncing its Committeeto superintened said elec tion , and that the names of Geo. S. Stevenson, Esq. Hon. Warren Winalow, Hon. William A. Gra ham, W. N. H. Smith, Esq., Hon. R. M. Sanders and B. F. Moore, Esq., were ia nomination. The Seaste voted as follows : - Fur Wm. Eaton Jr. Messrs. Battle, Bledsoe, Brown, Cunningham, Lane, Lank ford, Martin, PUcbford, Bernhardt, Speight, Taylor and Ward For Hon. O. E. Badger. Messrs. Carmichsel, Cherry, Cowper, Douthitt, McDonald, Pool, Thorn-' as and Worth . Fur Jt. S. DowMef .Messrs. Blount, Davie. Flanner, Leach, Ramsay, Straughn and Turner 7. Far It. L. Holmes' Messrs. AsheIDavidson.Gil- more, Houston, McDowell snd McKoy 6 For Htm. Thomas Ruffin, af Alamanee.-Heasn. Boyd, Milk, Steele, Walkup and Whitaker 5. Fur W. B. Rudman- Mr. Speaker, Guy ther and Humphrey 3. ' Fur Judge KraM. Messrs. Dillard and Wil liams. Fur. Judge Manly. Messrs. Dobson snd Ed ney. For Hon. W. A. Graham. Messrs. Gorrell and Miller. JOIST YOTX. Mr. Worth from the Joint Committee to super intend the election of Supreme Court Judge, re ported as follows : Whole number of votes cast, 160, necessary to a choice, k81. Judge Ruffin re ceived 80, Mr. Badger, 22, Mr. Eaton, 12, Mr. Donnell, 11, Mr. Holmes, 11, Mr. Rodman, 8, Jadge Manly, 4, Judge Heath, 3, Mr. Graham, 3, Warren Win low. 3, W. N. H. Smith, 2, Judge Saunders, 1. No election.' ? On motion of Mr. Cunningham a message was sent to tbe House of Commons proposing to gd forthwith into another ballot for Judge of Su preme Court. The names of Messrs. Eaton, Rodman, Don nell, Holmes,'" Manly, Badger and Heath were then withdrawn by their respective friends who had put thtm in nomination. - - The Seuate then proceeded to ballot a second time, when Hon. Thos. Baffin, of Alamance, re ceived tbe unanimous vote of tbe Senate, 42 members voting. Tne bill to create the county ef Clingmrn was made the special order for Monday next. . Received a message from the House transmit ting the return of the Mercban's' Bank of New bera with a proposition to print. Concurred in. OBmotion the Senate then adjournedatill to morrow 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS. . House met. I A number of reports were presented. Mr. Ben bury introduced a resolution as to Tsvlor's right to his seat Said that - he Mr. had been of the intention for some time to ' introduce such a resolution, but be had postponed it because another case was before the House. He would sug- Srest that the resolution be made the special order or Wednesday next. - ' - Mr. Tsylor was much obliged to the gentleman for his resolution. As the matter stood now, he felt somewhat like the fellow who courted tbe girl, and as to marrying, she felt "sorter .so and torter not so." He hoped it would not go to tbe Supreme Court, as he believed the House, was the proper Judge of the qualifications of its member. On motion of Mr. Dancy, it was made the or der for Wednesday next, ' l. ; . - Mr. Kerr moved to reconsider the vote of yes teday,wbereby Mr. Hsywood a right was referred to the Judiciary Committee. He thought that he had committed an error ia bis vote yesterday. One Committee had acted on it, and he was op posed to referring to another Committee the buii naa one had already acted on. Mr. lien bury cud not tain any reflection waa Bee4ittohijDQfnltatbJs TJtejzisatraa- tions were very limited and ther fulfilled them.". ', '.'. "s, s;r Messrs. Dortch.. Scales, Norwood, and Kerr made some further remarks thereon. The motion to reconsider prevailed. Mr. Hill, of Stokes, then moved to lay the resolution (introduced by Mr, Hill, of Halifax, yesterday.) upon the table. Car On motion of Mr. Dargan, a message wasent to Senate rrooosine to eo into the election of a oa preme Court JudVe for the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. F. Nah. - He stated that he should at the proper time put in nomiuation Hon Tbos. Ruffin, of Alamance. Carried. . . Mr. Martin, by request of Mr. Fager, moved to reconsider the vote by which Mr. Hill's resolu lution was laid on the table. Mr. Williams moved to lay the motion to reconsider upon the table. Carried.. . '. : BILLS INTRODUCED. A bill was introduced to amend the Revised Code concerning Sheriff's fees. - . ' Mr. Reeves, a bill to "establish the county of Dob bin. . ': . : v- - Mr. Daney, a bill to enlarge the , pow ers of the Commiisioners of the town of Tawbo ro.' - ' -;-.j..- s - -Mr. Dula, a bill to incorporate Davenport Fe male College. v ' : ' : : Mr. Sparrow, a bill to incorporate the North Carolina State Medical Association, and to cre ate a Board of Medical Examiners. Ordered to be printed.", , . Mr Bridgers, a bill to settle the boundary line between Wilson and Wayne counties. v Mr. Sherrell, a bill to amend the charter of Ca tawba College. v Mr. Green, a bill to charter the Poitus Gold mining Company. , , - , . ... - ' XirOBOKSED bills. y The following engrossed bills were received from the Senate and passed their"flrst reading.':.; W ' , ..A bill to provide for establishing the. boundary une oetween Virginia and XH, O. . ;c c ; A bill to authorize, the Governor to furnish. arms to military schools. ... A bill for better Becurine the freedom of elec tions lor snenn. ... ' . ?t- A bill to provide for distributing the Laws aud journals. , . , . .. . ; " A hill to amend 19th sec,, 50th chap, of Revised LKAVK OF ABSKNCK. Mr. Outlaw asked for leave of absence for Mr. Ben bury for a week. Granted. ' rATXTTXTILLS ASD COALFIELDS ROAD, Mr. McKay wished to know, as the bill to aid tnis road had been passed oyer, in what condition tt now stood. v The Speaker said by the rules it lay upon the tauio. - '. . -v Mr. T. R. Caldwell then gave notice that on to morrow ne enouid move to take it up. .' BILLS OK 2D RKADINO. " ' A bill to prevent Circulation of Bank-bills less an $3, was read. The Committee amendment which inserts $5 instead of $3, was rejected. The bill was then . made the order for Thursday nexi. . A wll to incorporate the North Carolina Male College, Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, was pass ed. ' - .-- .-'-',' r . A bill to extend term of Rowan Superior Court to two weess, was laid over until it was known whether tbe bill to create the 8th Judicial Cir cult would pass. A-hill to authorize securities of Solomon Klutts to collect arrears of taxes. Dassed. A bill concerning the county-seat of Edgecombe, laia on tne taoie. - . . . A bill to incorporate the Keowee Turnpike uompany. Amendments of the Committee adopt ea. Messrs. Morehead. Bryson, and Kerr, made some remarks thereon. In the discussion the point again came op, wbat is a private bill? Mr. Rryson moved that the hill be passed over Informally, until he could procure evidence of no- uce. , : . Tbe bill to incorporate the Southern Mining tympany was treated in tbe same way. a. diu to smena tne Ke vised Code concerning oastaray was laia on the table for the present A bill to appoint a Superintendent of Public Roads, and better improve the same. . . - -. ; Mr. Caldwell, of Burke, spoke in favor of the l 1 1 a . . - . . . A . ..11 .... M mii, m jr. umrran agauut n. xne Dili was n nally rejected. KLicnos. On motion of Mr. Danran. a messaere was sent to the Senate, proposing to go into the election of a supreme uxirt Judge; he at the same time sta ting that he should put in nomination for that of fice, Hon. Tbos. Ruffin, of Alamance. Senate con curred, saying that Hon. M. E, Manly, Wm. Ikaton, Jr.. lion. K. 8. Donnell. H. L. Holmes. G E. Badger, and W. Rodman, had been nominated there. - Mr. Scales wished to make a Ten remarks in relation to the nomination of Judge Ruffin. He knew the high opinion which every member of tbe House entertained of the distinguished man. Some of the members had remarked that he was far above any man in the State, as to legal knowledge, and he believed such was the general opinion. Many remarks had been made as ' to whether he . would accept the office or not; coming irom juage Katsn s county, it might per baps, be expected of him to speak knowingly But all he could ssy, was that judging from what he knew of Judge K, it waa his opinion that he wouia not uecime so great an honor if tendered to bun by the .Legislature. He thought there was a prooaouiiy oi nis accepting the position. In any event, whether he accepted or not, there could be no harm in payine so richlv deserved a mm. pliment to the first jurist of North Carolina, one wno naa ior so many years reflected the greatest creau upon our j uaiciary. Mr. Dortch thought that this was a matter lu which party ties should bind no man, that party prejudice and feeling should be put aside. It was an office which should be given to the man of the greatest legal talent, and as he thought Judge Ruffin would not accept, he would nominate one who was at least his second in legal - attainments W T TiaT d. r . aioore. Mr. Norwood nominated the Hon. W. A. Gra bam. Mr. D. F. Caldwell was glad to see that there was to be no party feeline in this matter. :He thought that the gentleman had no right to assume juoge ttumn, would not accept If elected, ne snouia accept, it would be bis duty to do so. . Mr. Gatling nominated W. N. H. Smith. Mr. Watson nominated R. M. Saunderr. ' Mr. Smith hoped the eentleman would withdraw his name as he wished every vote of the WW a a"ri uouse to oa cast ior juage itumn. Vote ss follows : - " u Ben bury, Bridgers, Brummell, Bryan, or Craven, xtuuocR, XMirxe, tsvru, uaid well, of Burke, Cald well, of Guilford, Chambers, Clapp. Costner.'Cox. of Jones, Craven, Dancy, Dargan, Dickson, XArtcn, ursKP, r lemming, .Tries, Gardener, Gen try, Qreen, of Cnatham, Green, of Franklin, Hall, ortiowan, wui, ot warren, Hargrove. Hesteri Hill of Halifax, Hill of Stokes, Higgfns, Holds- claw, uutcnins, Jones, or uranee, Kerr,- Kirby, Leak, Lewis, Long, Lyon, McKay, Maste Meares, Moore, of Chatham, Morehead, Morgan, Norman, Outlaw, Pritchard, Purdie, Ransom, Reagan, Reeves, Ripley, Roney,. Sanders, Scales, Shaw, Sherrill, Simpson, Smith, 8parrow, Sneer, siepnens, layior, xomlinson, Thorn burg, , Wal lace,, wasnourne, wnitneidand Williams 76. For Mr. Badatr Messrs. Brvson. Dockerv. Du la, Eller, Fagg, Gaither, of Davie, Gaitber, of lretieu, ttenry, AiarUn, JNewby, Siraonton, waixer, and watson 14 : " ' For Mr. Winslow Messrs. Burke and Blount 2. For Mr a.- Smith Messrs. Gatling and "Wood fin For Mr. Donnell Messrs. Cox, of Pitt, Farrow, McCotter and Windley 4 For Mr. Heath Mr. Baxter. - For Mr. Saunders Mr. Watson. ' For Mr. Holmes Messrs. Bryan of New Han over; Faison, Moore, of N. H., Stanford and Holmes 5. . .. ' ', : - , , :. : For Mr. Rodmanr-ileseru Foy, Love, Moore, of Martin, Speight and Thompson 5. . , r On motion of Mr. Bridgers, a second ballot was taken. Tbe names df a number of the candidates were withdrawn, when Judge Ruffin received the almost unanimous vote of the House. . c ' senate. '. .' .- - -p:, : . -,,'' ... -SATxraD ay, December 11. at -10 o'clock. - Ko prayers. Journals .Met read. Pttmoits. lit. lUwim j presestted. A getittaa. ftoha, snndri I citizens of the counties' of Davie, . Davidson, For sythe and Yadkin, praying that the bill intro duced into the House of Commons for the opening of the 'Yadkin river for tHe passage of fish may not become a law. Referred to committee on Propositions and Grievances, and ordered to be printed. . ; , SirPBEMS COURT JUDGE. Mr. McDowell, from the Joint Select Commit tee to superintend tbe election of Supreme Court Judge, reported as follows i Whole number of votes cast, 159 necessary to a choice, 80 ; of which Mr. Ruffin received 145, Mr. Badger 7," Mr. Winslow 4, scattering 3. Mr. Ruffin elected. On motion of Mr. -Houston, a Joint Select Com mittee of : five two on part of the Senate, and three on part of the House was appointed to in .Jbrm J udge Ruffin of his election, and ask bis ac ceptance. A message of the same purport was soon received from the House, which, being con curred in, superceded Mr. Houston's motion. Messrs. Houston and Whitaker were appointed Senate branch ef said committee: ' '. -. , REPORT STATE GEOLOGIST. j A Message was received from the House of Commons, announcing the passage of a resolution providing for tae distribution of Prof., Emmons' report, and asking the Senate's concurrence.- - It was decided that the resolution required 3 readings. ' "-'.T"- v -:J- ',.; BILLS INTRODUCED AKD REFERRED. Mr.- Houston, a bill to provide for the election of a Sheriff in - Cabarrus county the Sheriff of that county having become insane. Mr. Dobson, a bill to amend sec. 20. chap. 31st of Revised Code. ? . - ' Mr. Basnight, a bill concerning pilots. PRIVATE BILLS ON 2ND AND 3RD READING. The following private bills passed their 2nd. and under a suspension of the rules, their 3rd reading, and were ordered to be engrossed : s . The bill to incorporate the Ne wberne Gas Light Company. The bill to authorize the - securities of Joshua Sykes, late Sheriff of Union county,, to collect arrearages of taxes. ": -s ' Tho resolution to release Geo. W. Hampton, Sheriff of Buncombe county, from the fine of $1, 000 for failing to settle within the time prescribed by law with State Comptroller. - The bill to incorporate the Cedar Falls Manu facturing Company. The resolution to refund to David Pigott over paid auction tax. ' , The bill to improve part of the public road from Wilkesboro' to Jefferson, and The engrossed bill to amend the charter of the Little River Turnpike Company. BILLS ON 3RD READING. ' X The engrossed bills to authorize W. R. Abbot to cut a canal and build a road thereon, and , To incorporate tbe Arendell Hotel Company, ssed. and ordered to be enrolled. The bill authorizing Joseph Marshall, Sheriff of Stanly, to collect arrearages of taxes. The bill to incorporate the Pamlico Guards, and The bill to incorporate the Elm City Cadets, passed, and were ordered to be engrossed. . A message was received from the House of Commons, transmitting a communication from the Public Treasurer, giving the names of all holders of bonds, &c., with a proposition to print the same. Laid on the table. . On motion of Mr. Miller, the vote of yesterday, by which the bill was passed in relation to the Cherokee Indians and to secure to the widow and children of Junaluska a home, was, after some discussion, re-considered. The bill was then re-committed to the Judicia ry Committee. Un motion, the Senate adjourned till Monday at 10 o'clock. HOUSE OE COMMON. House met No prayers. Mr JWalker. presented a petition of D. D. Gil- reath and others asking that a fine- might be re mitted. ' A number of reports were presented Mr. Newby, a resolution to improve the man ner ofasscsaug lands. Mr. Jverr. moved that a committee of three on the part of the House and two from the Senate be raised to inf orm Judge Ruffin, of his election. Araaoiuttoa aa favor of barah I inner was in troduced. Mr. T. R. Caldwell moved that the rules be suspended so as to allow the bill to aid the Wes tern Railroad to be brought up. Agreed to. Mr. Williams, an amendment to the bill striking out $600,000 and inserting $400,000. Mr. Mclvay made some remarks, and accepted the amendment The bill was then by his re quest referred back to the committee. A message was received from I the Treasurer with documents, statistics, &c.t which had been called for. A short discussion occurred on a pro position to print, when it was sent to the Senate with such a proposition. ' - - . A bill to incorporate a Masonic Lodge No. 127. Mr. Hill, of Halifax, a resolution of inquiry in to matters concerning the Greensborogh Mutual Insurance Company. 2 sir. l bompson, a bill to incorporate the Goids- boro' Mutural Insurance Company. A bill was introduced to incorporate the Shoal Creek Male Academy. Mr. r lemmg, a bill to amend tbe charter of the town of Salisbury. : Mr. Stanford, a bill to incorporate the town of Kenansville. ; - - v , . from tbe State and guard against any others com ing tn. . - - ' . " . ., A bill was introduced concerning Jurors in the county of Carteret - . - - BILLS ON SECOND SSADINO. A bill to charter the Keowee Mining and Man ufacturing Company. Some discussion occurred upon this bill as to certain privileges it granted. sir. iiryson defended it at length. It passed, being amended in several particulars. Another, to charter the Southern Mining Com pany. Fassed after amendment fending the consideration of a mil to charter the Wa-ye-hutta - Mining Company, the House adjourned; there being considerable confusion and hardly a quorum in their seats. SENATE. ,. Monday, Dec. 13,-1858. Met pursuant to adjournment Prayer by Rev. Dr. Mason. Journals - of yesterday read and approved. Messrs. Carmichael, Battle and Ashe were announced Committee on Enrolled bills for weeji. - ' ' ' ' r V PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. . T : ' Mr. Ramsay presented four petitions from sun- j dry citizens of iiavie uountv, including a num ber of magistrates of said County, praying . the repeal of an act passed at the last session of tbe General Assembly, establishing a pubiic road through the Counties of Davie and Dividson and 1 a terry on tbe- Yadkin river, asked their refre ence to the Committee on Propositions and Griev ances, bo reterred. . . Mr. Basnight a memorial from Citizens near Ocracock in regard to to the pilot Laws. Same Committee. .' -'".,-,-'..',".':':':.. KIPOBT8 FROM STANDING COMMITTKKS. . Mr. Humphrey, from Committee on Corpora tions, reported in favor of bill to incorporate tbe Longacre Guards in Beaufort Co. . JH.r. iirown, from Committee on Hanks and Currency, in favor . of chartering the Oak City j savings liana. . ' ; ".' RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED? . , '. Mr. Edney introduced resolutions to relieve Solomon M. Ray, present Sheriff and Jackson Stewart, former Sheriff of Yancey Co., from the payment or the lines of $1025 imposed for failing to settle their respective taxes with the Comp troller, on condition that they now . pay the amount of their t indebtedness to the State.- Re- ferred to Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. . - - - ., .'-.," ,: - x A resolution was introduced to refund to J.: J. James a small amount of over paid taxes. . Same Committee. . ..t'V-,. . .'--v BILLS INTRODUCED AND RIFKRKKD. .--'' Mr. Cherry; a bill to authorize the Board of Internal Improvements to subscribe to the CaDital Sr-ock of Albermarle snd Chesapeake Navigation sjo. internal improvement committee. . - . M r. Edney, for the improvement of the roads in tsancombe, Madison and Yancey Counties.- : rroposiuon ana wievances. f- I A message was received from the House trans I xnittlng an Engrossed bill for enlarging the pow- eat ot UiaCamiswnnetaolUte.town. o Tawbota", and to authorize them to organize and keep in Order a more efficient lire Company. Read and referred Proposition and Grievances. ' . Also, transmitting a message from Gov, Bragg and the reports or Board Internal Improvement and Literary Board, with a proposition to print Agreed to. v , " . ORDER OF THE DAT. 1 The order of the .day, being the biil to estab lish the County of Clingman, was taken up, and after a lengthy discussion in which Messrs. Ed ney and. Thomas advocated the passage of the bill and Mr. Steele opposed it It was postponed and 'made the order of the day for Wednesday next 12 o clocK. - , ; BILLS ON 2D READING; The bill to cede to the United States the right to purchase a site for the erection of a Post Office and Federal Court House, was, after some discus sion, re-commuted to the Judiciary Committee. The bill to amend the Charter of the Jonathan Creek and Tennessee Mountain ' Turnpike Co. .The bill to amend tbe Chaster of the Ucohaluf- ta Turnpike Co. . ,". - ; The bill to establish the 113 Regiment in Wil son Co. and "..."A.- V'.. .;...'.-: -ry The bill concerning auctions and -: auctioneers Gives commissioners of towns the power to ap- pointj passed-' -41, . . , The bill to amend tec 68 Chap 99 Revised Code, and '. - , .,-:, - 'TllA V.ntrvnaaaA Kill aman dm 4 lO flion 21A Revised Code was rejected. ''-'-".. v The Engrossed bill concerning the distribution of Prof. Emmons' report passed its 2d, and under a suspension of the rules its 3rd reading, and was ordered to be enrolled. On motion of Mr. Thomas, the bill to charter the N. C. Central Altan tic and Pacific Railroad Co. was made the-order of the day for Thursday next 12 o'clock. . : . . On motion the Senate then adjourned tOf to morrow 10 o dock. . . . HOUSE OF COMMONS. . . Heuse met Prayer by Rev. Dr. Mason. ..Several reports were presented. ; - Mr. Hargrove, a resolution in favor of R. J. Mitchell for losses sustained on R. 6s G. Railroad when it was owned by State. . Mr. Foy, a resolution providisg for evening ses sions to commence at 3 o'clock. Laid over. Mr. Baird, a resolution in favor of Wm. J. Brown. '.. -- v . - 4 . Mr. Dancy, a resolution concernlffg sessions of tbe House. , . . - ,- Mr. Foy, a bill to incorporate the New River Navigation Comnanv. i - , Mr. Purdie, a bill to amend section 21, chap. 77 of Rev. Code, concerning militia. Mr. Masten, a petition accompanied by a bill to m&Ke a Koad Irom Klkm f actory to Trap Hill and other .places in Wilkes. Mr. Hill, of Halifax, called up his resolution to abolish private bill day. Passed. A message ' was received from the Governor, transmitting ileport of . Hoard of Internal Im- ptovements. . Sent to Senate with proposition to print. , ! .. . BILLS ON 2D READINQ. The bill to incorporate the. Wa-ye-hutta Min ing Company, on motion of Mr. Bryson, was pas sed over miormauy. --. ' The bill to provide for securing to wife the pro perty she held previous to marriage was then taken up. A spirited discussion sprang up by Messrs. &.err, juortcn and uuuaw ior it and Messrs. Flem ing and . Dargan against it. . We - are forced to leave out reports of discusion tor want of space. The bill was laid upon the table, -, - ? A motion, by Mr. Dancy, to send a message to the Senate proposing to go into the election of thirteen Trustees of the University was rejected. , BILLS ON 3D READING. ' ' : A bill to incorporate Carolina Male College, Cabarrus county, i'aased. A bill for the benefit of the securities-of Caleb Klutts. Passed. . - v v ' SPECIAL ORDER. The bill to purnish slaves for assault on white persons more rigidly was then taken up as the spe cial erder. jolt, jxorwood introduced an amend ment It was discussed by Messrs. Kerr, Wil- Iiams, Dargan, IN or wood and Bantu. . Mr. Dargan moved to postpone indefinitely. Varnea Dy yeas ao, nays iz. ... " BILLS ON 2D READING. A bill to abolish the Militia system. - Rejected. A bill to lay off and establish" a new county by the name of Mitchell, was , on motion of Mr. Reeves, referred back to the committee.,: - . v. A bill concerning deeds of trust Ejected. A bill to require Clerka of General Assembly to take an oath. Passed. . ' - A bill, to incorporate the Wilmington Hotel ! Company passed. ..-."'-.. A bill to amend 26th sec., of chap. 60 Code. Laid on the table. V 4 - ,J-L A bill to incorporate the town of Mt Pit Uabarrus county, passed.- . f-; .- s A bfll concerning trials before Magistrates. xiejected. . . . . Mr. Meares moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill to amend R. C. sec. 56, Chap 60 was laid on tne table, sir. uargrove moved to lay the motion to reconsider upon the table. " Car ried..,: - .- ;. ' . A bill to allow 12 magistrates to be a working majority in unsiow. rassea. . . ,. . ' A bill concerning questions arising out of the revenue bin. rejected. , ; A bill to repeal so much of 8th sec 81st chap t - j ( J . . . n ,, . . Aeviseu vxiue as appuea to xyreii county.. . mass ed. . .. :. , v A bill to allow a majority of the acting justices of Cumberland to appoint an extra term of the County Court Passed. .. ; A bill to prevent persons from flishing in wa ters of Onslow county. Discussed . by Messrs. Foy, Leffers and Farrow. . Mr. Fagg, an amend ment that the provisions of the bill apply to no one south Of Joason and Dixon's line. Carried. The bill was then rejected. ' -l p . c;' A bill to amend the Constitution so as to allow Jews to hold office, laid on the table. -' Yeas 65 ; JNays4. .. (.. . . .- ;. . The House adjourned. ' v Our readers will observe by our ad vertisine col umns, that Coopers Refined Isinglass is now put up in small sized packages, suitable for families, by whom it is much used for Blanc Manges, Jel lies, &c This article has been manufactured by Mr. Peter Cooper for the last thirty years, and its purity and reputation render it desirable alike to the consumer and to the inAo. Brooklyn Daily Junes. : .. :v . v.-. ... - Dkath ox Bishop Oxdkrdonk. Tbe Rev. H. U. Onderdonk. formerly EnisooDal bishon of the di'icese of Pensylvania, died in Philadelphia on Monday. He acted as assistant bishop of that dio dese from 1827 to 1836, and as bishop from that pe riod until 1845. His sermons and writings evin ea aDuiuee oi a very nign order. - -, . Blowtno out a Candli. There is one small fact in domestic economy which is not generally known, hut which is useful as saving time, trouble and temper. If the candle be blown out holding it above you, the wick will not smoulder down, and may therefore be easily lighted again ; but if blown upon downward, the contrary is thecase. Somnific Artisan. , i-'fx,l':. ;V; '-y '-.';' New York Crrr Elections. The New York city elections on Tuesday, resulted in the success of Robert W. Hawks (Am.,) for Comptroller, and Chaales Beauninghausen (Rep.,) and Isaae P. Townsend, (Dera.) Governors . of - the Alms House. ' ?.;.-.r?.vv3 u'v h Supprxbsino LxyrTiaiis.- The House of Rep-' resentatives of Georgia have unanimously passed a bill repealing all laws which authorized lotter ies ia that State, and prescribing certain penalties for all schemes and sale of tickets after 1st of Jane, .i860.; '.r P. S , John C. Heenan, the "Benicia Boy," v publishes a challenge, offering to fight Morrissey or any man. id the world, for $10,000 or less. , Exxcution. Gregory, condemned to be bung in Halifax county, NO., for murder and robbery, .met the penalty of bis crime on Friday last. : . N OTICE... APPLICATION WltL BE made to the General Assembly, at its present ses sion, to amend the act of ta corporation of the town ef Lenoir, in Caldarell county.. DMAbexf13etV deer 14 w4 w4 Revised issant, FAMILY PAPTK I FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY PAPER I PAPER I PAPER I, PAPER I PROSPECTUS FOR THE YEAR 1859. ,Tbe proprietor of the NEW 'YORK LEDGER ta gratiaad at having tt in his power to annoanoa ia hia Prospeetos for the new year 1859 that all tha old popular and eminent writers of the LEDGER staff have bean retained, aad new ones added.' Among the latter we are pleased ta mention the name ef the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, who is to furnish a aeries of articles, to be continued durine- tha entire year, ander the tide of "THE MOUNT VERNON PAPERS." For theae articles alone we have already paid Mr. Ev erett (for the benefit of the Ladies' Mount Vernon Association) theiumof Ten Thousand Dollars. As an indication ef the popularity of the LEDGER, we seed only state the simple fact, that its eirealatloa is larger than that of any other TEN literary papers ia the country. Its great auaoeea is owing to the fact that Its proprietor seeuras the bast writers ia the oantry, and spares ao expense hi getting ap the sbst r amilt papbs s paper of high moral tone. The exalted rep utation of Its contributors, tbe practical and Invariably pure and healthy character of all its articles, the oare whioh is taken that not even one offensive word shall appear in its eolamns. aad the superiority of its tales aad sketches, have gained for tbe New York Led for a position that ao literary paper has ever before reached. We feel, aad always have felt, sinee the Ledger at ta te ed Its Immense eiroulaiion, that a heavy responsibility rests upon us, and have endeavored to discharge that re sponsibility eonietentiously, faeUng confident that ulti mately we shoal d receive the thanks of thousands and teas of thoasands of families. As to the f atare, we are at a leas what to say. We pre tor to perform rather than ta proeuae. What we have heretofore done is known to our readers; they know what the Ledger has bean, aad is umw, aad must therefrom judge .what it will be hereafter. . We can . only say that among the regular contributors to tbe Mager ares GEORGE D. PRENTICE, FANNY FERN, - ? MR8.8IG0URN,EY; MRS. 80UTHW0RTH, ALICE CARY, EMMA A. BROWNE, 8ALLIE M. BRYAN, MARYS GIBSON. JOHNG.SAXE SYLVANUS COBB, Jn., EMMERSON BENNETT, T. 8. ARTHUR, - WM. ROSS WALLACE, ' - CARLOS IX STUART, COL. W.B. VVSLtAP, . AUGUSTA MOORE, and many eminent Lawyers, dergrmea, Profeaaors la Colleges, and others, who write for the La no I a anony mously ; and that our complete arreafemenu are snoh that the current expanses of the Lbdoss are bow, aad will constantly be, at the rate of over tkrtt hmndrtd tkoutand doUart per aaawa. - . Facta like these carry with them more weight than any comments that eoald he made, and oommeaU will therefore be dispensed with. As . we have already in timated, we shall leave prmmuing to those who prefer to expend their force in that way, and content oarsalves with doing what we can to make tbe Lbdoss the most Interesting and instructive FAMILY PAPER ia tba World. -i'.. - ,. - - The New York Ledrer Is published every Sat urday, and sold at all the news offices in every city and town throughout the country, and is mailed to sub scribers at two dollars per annum; - two copies are sent for three dollars. ssy person obtaining eight subscribers at $1.68 each (which is our lowest club rates), aad sending as $lx, will he entitled to oae eopy free. Terms invariably ia advance. . The posters oa the Lbdoib to any part of the United States, paid quarterly or yearly In advance, at the office where tt is received, is only twenty-alx cants a year. Canada subacribers must each send as twenty-six eents in addition to the subscription prioe of tbe Ledger, to pay tbe American postage. BsT Subscribers mast write their addresses, inclu ding the name of the place, county and State, ia . which they reside, in a plain band, se as to avoid mia- . takes. '' " . .'; - ' ?,- No subscriptions are wanted from cities, large villages, or other plaoes where news offices are perma nently established. . All communications must be addressed, post age paid, to ROBERT BONNER, Proprietor of the New xork Ledger, " : No. 44 Ann street, New York. N. B. Tbe n amber of the Lsnesa, dated Jan. 1st, 1859, will be a rood one for subscriptions to date from. as in that number the " Mount Vernen Papers by the HON. EDWARD EVERETT, will be eom. menoed. Mr. Evbrbtt's articles arlll be copyrighted, so as to prevent publication In any other paper.. - dee J5 It g f. . - .. . ... . c v?. 4 ........ . CEDAR GROVE MALE ACADEMY.; ' J.F.ALLISON, Principal. . . J. A. TINNIN, Aaaootate Principal J THE Spring Session of this Institution (situated . eight miles north of Hillsboro', en tha Staga road leadiar from Hillaboro to Milton) will onea ea the 2nd Monday of January, 1859, end continue twenty -one weeks. . . r XPXXSBS. Board per session, ' ' Tuition, laaguagesy.: English, s. r- :vt -$4S 00 "' -''II so deoll w December IS, 185s. V Orrica or N. 0. M. L Compabt, ) . ''I, . . Raleigh, December 7th, 1858. t milE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company will beheld as the oface of the. Company In this, aity oa Tuesday, tha 11th of January, 1859. - v dee 15 . HAND EN S. SMITH, SU. , VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY . FOR tv?..''. '? '''..; S""',. SALE. - - " ." .' -." . t ' THsT SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL ON THE premise, three miles north of Raleigh, an the' 17th cay of February. 1859, the Paper Mills oa Crab- tree Creek, and known as the Raleigh Paper Mills. ' Terms of sale,' one-tnird easb, the remalnlna- two- thirds one and two years, with interest from date. - ' fersoaa desiring to purchase, are reqaeatad to ex- amine the property and Mills, as there is a eeeaea fcr a bargain, v , - , E. B. BATERv . lae. ie, 1858. . v , V s - , T dee is l Standard copy. ' ;. .. .;f . , NOTICE.--MY USUAL DAY OF IIIR ing Negroes will take place on Monday, the 3rd day of January next, when a parcel of likefy servants will be hired, consisting ef men, beys, women, ' aad girls. Amongst them are two excellent- house cooks and girls, plow-boys, and f ve men, first rate Turpen tine Distiller, and one first rate spirit baml-meker aackers aad dippers wall trained, and not : to be beaten, and are also well bained for the farmer's ana. Also, several other plow-boys and hoaae-girl. - . Those whs wish to airs, will do well to attend the hiring. '-.-;- '. . " '...'.-. N The subscriber will also, privately, at any time, sell two tracts af land. One ia the aroer Dart of Nash county, and one ia the upper part of Johnston county. Also, a new valuable building aad residence, where he now lives. Residence healthy; with tha beat ef spring water, near the Aeademyybr Male and Female School. , . .- , . oKiit. BOG KU.S, . . . . . v Poplar Spring Camp, . rt V - . wv , Hear Roger's Store P. O., , '- V " ' V v , . Wake county, N. C.v Daeamber 7,1838. ' t : deel5wlw . Tlve Ut ramfty Paper Pnblishcd is rliiriS 1 Ij li U B I II A 1 C 1' ' . A WEEKLY PICTORIAL, - DESIGNED to encourage a spirit of nope. Manli ness, Self Reliance, and Activity among the People ; to illustrate life ia all Its phases, and ought to be read by every Family. T Its lUustraUons are beautiful its Editorials baaed oa ooaamoa sense Us Selections made with the creet- est csjia. r r;. r.-t ...... . : , - The Prase throughout the country unite Ibv its praises. .' '.."..'': -- Published weekly, at $3 a year, or tea cop Us for fie, by . FOWLER A WELL8, - . 'JJ . ' " ' : 308 Broadway, New York. How to do Good and get Paid for it .'- Take an Agency for oarPnUiaations. Tba terms are such, there can be mm po Utility U. ' Evbbv Fa a ilt will be glad to obtain soma of them. For parttoa Urs, address, . . FOWLER A WELLS, ; '.'.. ' . He, 808 Broadway, New York. :';arnMd$ga , -:. . .- deele-wlw . PETER OOOPTJR'S txrxsxu) SHEET AND SHRED ISINGLASS, ' . ' "A PBMMI AAT1CXX ' ' 1 '" - . . - ' i - -r -Very extensively used for- If lane Mange. Table aad Wine Jellies, aad ' t Jellifriag Preserves. . ' f The Shred, with direvUonsfor nsisg, is pat la small Paekagss for Family Use, snd Is sold by all the prin cipal Grocers and . Druggists thronrheat tha United States. '? : PETER COOPER, ' -: ?! '. ' ,s IT Barling Slip, ffew York. dee 15 w3ai "at modle - . . ; , (l .vv..y wanted.',' ' . .; "i t 'the'ihsane ASYLUM. TWO Qtt 2. Three anmarrisd Females, to act as attaudaaU and House Keeper. None need apply bat saoa ss eas famish andoabted taatimotials as t character and fltaees. R. K. FER&ELL, Steward.. THE GREAT THE 8BEAT THB GREAT ; THB GREAT THE GREAT THB GREAT L Hox.l3ta,'lS5aw evJOtf.

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