Jt. :'t i -4 ; 1 ' , . . ;' .! . ! , j I. : r " .' i' t f h .':! 1" J. 1 - H r Hi 1 J : STATE LEGISLATURE ! A SENATE. TrrDAT, Jan. 4ih, Ja51 !Met at 10 oVIork. Journal reed. i 1 Mr. Cunoinrbaaa, retUioi Prom tffe Roanoke a.i nwtntrtr. Referred to .Vmmit&e t,m nrAncrtT. Kpfprrfid to lommiltPe n in Wner Improvements. - Air. Worth, a memorial from Ephraim Moonpy, proposing to Imm the K. u. .Kauroaa ir a term ' f fire year. Offer to eive good security to pay the sum of $125,000 per annum, and to return the road and rolling stock in ay good condition; as ben taken. ' Referred to Committee on Internal Improvements. I V " '.V .' I a I PORT FROU 8TAKDIXQ COMMITTXXS. j !' Mr. Humphrey, Corporations, in favor of the bill to ineirporate Carthage Lodge, No. 181, f F. - A.AI, . -J, ; -;i " . r BlLUirTRnCCED AXT) BXTCRRXD. ' J Mr. Edaey, to authorize ThoaD. Patton to Uiua m Turnpike road in Buncombe and Yadkin coanties. - r . I Alw, to amend the act. con cere int cattle and Also, U amend the charter of Ihe' Sulphur rpnngi, ana i-oint Kocfc Turnpiie tjo. . . . : ' Mr. Thomas, to amend! Jie charter of the Rich ; mountain Turnpike Co, ' .. M , j Also, to amend the charter of the Charles- , ton, Blue Ridge and Carthage- Railroad Compa- - - Air. BletUoe, to amend the law In relation to -wardens of the poor. : .-- i-f .' skcoxsld'kkxs." I ine Tote or wntco tae-oiU to -autnorixe- a ma . jority of th Magistrates to appoint a pedal term yf the County Courts, was, on motion of Mr. Gay tberj reconsUred, for the purpose f being cor- recivea. ana wu reodrmitted ta tn Commit . ,Z2ralUMS BOW- j'- - . A meMaire was received from the House trans. - mining the following engrossed bills, which were read and appropriatetr referred. : :-z , . A bill to open the Yadkin rirer to the passaga ' A bill to irHwporate the Atlantic Mutual Fire ; and Marine Insurance Co; and " i: -A resolution to . remit the fine of S 1.090, ira- . posed on H; H. Uaviti, Sheriff bf jCherolree eotm- ly, lor raiiing; to settle taxes in lawful time. I vsTvnstixT Brsnncss. . The unSnLshedbannfOT of yesterday the bill lo amend he Atlantic: &N. a,U. C and the estera N. C. Railroad companies, was taken up, and after being dWuved at some length, was in deflnitelv poponedt : j -Mr. Qorrell moved to amend by striking out the Western N. C. Railroad, wherever it occurs in the bill loPt, the motion to indeflnltelr jpopt jione taking thi preference. - ; 4 f " ; Th vote w4 as follows: . . f ;; c. ' Eur th indefinite potponrment Messrs. -Ahe, Battle.' Bleditoe: Brown, Cunningham, Davidson, Dilkrd,Edney, Houston, Humphrev, Lane, Lank ford, Martin, McDowell, McKay, Pitchtqrd, HjHght, Steele, Taylor and "Whitaker 20 i . Against it Messrs. Blount, Boyd, Cowper, Da vis Jouthitt,Flanner, Oilmore, Gorrell, Gnvther, Leach, Miller, Mills, McDmald, Kauiav, "Rein hardt, Ptraughan, Turner, Walkup, and Worih Xf' i " 1 1 - . . :i f ORRER OF TH DAT. The order of the day the bill to aid in the con struction and equipmcnl of the Western Railroad from FayeUeville" the Coalfields being an ' noonced, : : . ' t. Mr. Bledsoe orfereJ the following amendment to the: 2d section of the substitute, which was adon- " p -i - i And for. the" better sccuritv of the nav went of be -interest upon said bonds until the -ompieUon or said road, the Company shall depos it with the Public Treasurer rood and sufficient honds made by individual stockholders, or persons interested in said road amountipg to $50,000, to irare ine payment ot interest as a fore-aid . which - aakt bonds shall be payable lo the public , Treas urer , and shall be deemed due and payable at any time prior to the completion of said road. If the mid Company shall fail to pav the interest on toe bonds riven in exchan're for ihe bonds of the . the State, which bonds shall, upon the payment of . i . . . .i i . - ... . . . . - o interest 10 toe completion oi me saia roaa, oe ' surrendered, by the public Treasurer.' to "the said company. The substitute of the Committee, as' amended . was men adopted t 1 Mr. Bledsoe stated that, he had formerly op posed the bill, regarding the appropriation as a practical Increase of the public debt, but as bis amendment had been incorporated in it. this ob- , jt-ction was removed and, he should now vote for '. Mr. Walkup.in canvassing his district, had op f posed any new appropriation, but with the safe Kiiardi to this bill he felt compelled to rote for it. rf ' - . fM. Guyther had opposed every bill for appro priations as ine sessions ot 40, and 4 l,but after wading the report of Coni. Wilkes, his mind his materially changed on this subject. He believed it was admitted by all, that there was imbedded in the locality ol this road an inestimable source of wealth to the State and her citizens, andaaked if t nc re was a single citizen in the State opposed , is developing her resources? He should go for lO Mil. , - i JUr. Lch made a few remarks. He. and his . ieopl Ppoed to any further appropriation li works of Internal Improvement, but he be lieved this road would develop the resources of the puuii amine snouia eoior it. Mr. Miller said he had voted against this bill -when t was up before, but his constiUMnls seat him here to exercise his vudeemenL and he tmrm vuw mr it mui piesare. i ' I I l The Cjuestioa on the passage of the bill, on iu 3d reading being taken, : I Mr. Guyther called for the ayes and now, as he wwaea nis vote recoraeu. 4 ThfollowiDr is the result: ' t yeS Meror. Ashe. Bledsoe, Davidson. Davis, . Edney.-Flanner, Gilmore, Gorrell, Guyther, Hooaion, Leach, McDonald, McDt well. ; McKay, Miller Mills, Pitchfbrd. Ramus v. Reinhr.it. Aorth1 1i:Struebn Thomas, Walkup and Jir. miiie, cmunt, crown, Cowper, Cunningham- Dillard.Douthitt, Humphrey, Lane, Lsnkiord, Martin, Taylor, Turner and Whitaker 14. j - . i 1 i Mr. Houton asked a suspension of the' rules mat ine uu mignt be put on its 3d readine. Mr: Battle objected.; - , BIXU ON 2D RCADISQ. j The bUl to amend the'law in regard to insol vent debtors was laid on the table. ' ' , The bin authorizing County Courts to estab lish or abolish iurv trials. , Mr. Brown objected to abtJiphine iurv trials ... ' wr uc j ta ana noes. . : . The bill was rejected ayes 3; noes 37. . tHmotui of Ir. Douthitt, the Senate then ad journed till to-morrow 10 o'clock. - HOUSE dFcOMMONS.! , Hiee uet No. prayer. i Mr. Bryan, of New Hanover, presented a pe 1.uod againrt the new county of Lillington. Mr. Simpson, from the Committee on Corpora tions, reported favorably tha bill to charter the Stat Improvement and Relief Bank of North Carolma. . ; . . ; . ; ! t. "Tend other reports presented. ' v v'Mr. Dortch introduced a resnlnttAn ih the 15th ibsL, no biU should be introduced. Laid over. Mr. Moore, of Mart's,' a bill to mcorporata the Koanok Steam Navigation Co. . . Mr. Dortch, a , resolution " that a message be . sent lo the Senate proposing to adjourn sine die . on the 2iih ihst. ( . - . Mr Mornei as optosed U the passage of i the resolution, -t , , 1 Mr. Dortch thought that if public business was no nhrd by that time it could be rescinded. Mr, Caldwell.of Burke, could see no use occu pying the time of the House by the introduction " j Iution hkh ""tended to be repeal ecV There was no probabCity that the public twine would be fini.bed by that time. - M.r- Ff5 concurred wih the genUeman from liorke. There was much important business vet ttk lie done. rt - .. j. i . ttata had get all it wanted, it was no reason thr of ''S1410 f lh State" generally and ifor other portions of the $tat; Nothing had jet been iluna uponBankin, Fi- oahce or Internal Improvement. . - ... - M r. Dortch rejiliej. ( ; , ; i RHSolution rejected by; Yeas 32, Nav 66." Mr. "Walkun, a resolution in favor of Loui Payne. . , . . . ' - . Mr. Kewby, a bill for the more efficient np n region of tradiner jviih slaves. 1 -Mr, Dancey, a rtolution fr night sessions. L4tnt over. . . ' . 4V , ,. ' ! trsorth Carolina. bill to establish the Bank of Mr. Whitfield, a bill concerning special laws mases duty of c kirks to pot them. - Mr. Bryson, a bill to Hrnit prosecutions.' Mr. Caldwell, of Burke, a resolution' to open at 9 J and set until 3 J o'clock. .Laid over Mr. Caldwell, bf Guilford, a resolution instruct ing Judiciary Committee to inquire into the pro priety of paying County and District Solicitors a salary. Rejected. ; Mr. Vlemming, a bill to prevent the emancipa tion of -slaves bv will. Mr. Moore, of Martin, a bill to extend the cor porate limita or Wllhamstoav ".', ' -r- Mr. Leffers, a bill to authorize St. Paul's church ( Beaufort) to purchase land for a cemeterv Mr. Foy, a bill concerning registration of deeds tor swamp lands. . ... . ... Mr. Baird, a bill to incorporate Bascom Col lese in Buncombe. ' Mr Scales asked a suspension of the rules so as to take op the bill to charter Graham College. He said that the session would commence in a few days and it was desired thatlhey should have the act of corporation. . - -.-i i Kules suspended and bill read.- A discussion then sprang up vn the right of the Institution to confer degrees. Mr. Benbury opposed thi9 fea ture of the bill and oflered an- amendment to strike out. i " ' " . Mr. Soaks' was opposed to the amendment. He said the prrvilege ought to be granted themes this College was the only institution of the kind which that peculiar, denomination had In this section of our country. There were whsit is termed Ubns tianl or followers of O' Kelly. AH other denom inations had their College, and why not this Amendment lost and bill passed its 2d and 3d reading, v : , - - . '! ', ? , A bill to restore Jury trials in Lincoln county also paosed its 2d and 3d reading. . j . ' - BILLS OS 3p VKaDIN'O. ! i kA resolution in favor of A. B. Long. Pas ed.' . " - : " ! ' : A bill to incorporate Keowe Mining and' man ufacluring Company. Passed.- j A 1411 to incorporate Southern mining Compa ny: ' Passed. ' ! I - rA bill to incorporate Wa-ye-hutta mining company.:-Passed. ' ". i i A bill to incorporate Porter's mining .Compa-: ny. rasscd. . j A bill to allow Emily Hooper to return to sla very. -Passed.'- -'' 4 . . A bill to abolish Jury trials in Cherokee. Pass ed. T ! - A bill to Incorporate Wilmington Ocean Steam Navigation Company. Passed. 'I A bill to incorporate itenansville remale Sem inary. Massed. - i "A bill to amend ,.chartepof Tuckaseogec and Nantahala Tnrnpike Company. ' Parsed. A resolution in favor of Jas. Connelly. . pass ed. .. I . A resolution in favor of H. M. Brittain. Pass ed:' A resolution in favor of R. L. Jones and others. Passed. ' ' A bill to allow a majority of the magistrates of Duplin to appoint a special term. Passed. ' A bill to amend the act relating to lishing- in Tar and Pamliw rivers. Passed. A private bill for the county of Franklin. Passed. i j 'I A bill to open the Catawba river to the p&oeare of fish as high upas old Forte. Passed. A bill to amend the act incorporating the town oiljenoir Massed, j , A bill to allow Wm. Pollock to,collect arrears of taxes. Passed, i ' A bill to prevent the felling of timber in 2d, 3d and 4th Creeks in- Rowan. .Passed. A bill to incdrporae the Educational Associa tion of North Carolina.' j A bill concerning Common Schools. A bill to provide for running the dividing line between N. C. and Va.. A bill to incorporate "Davenport Female Col lege. . - . - . ' . i . A resolution authorizing the Governor to fur nish arms to military Schools. ,' '; A bill to distribute the acts of the General As sembly. -. A bill to incorporate Carthage Lodge. A. Y. M. A bill to incorporate the town of Kenansville. A resolution in favor of W. J. Brown. A bill to incorporate New Rivef Navigation bill to establish a road in Wilkes. A resolution in favoi of Ellas TJarnes. A resolution in favor of E. D. Nichols. " A bill to incorporate Oedar Falls manufacturing Company. ; A resolution in favor of E. W. Hampton. A bill to incorporate the Elm City Cadets. , A bill to incorporate the Pamlico Guards. A bill to improve tha public road from Wilkes- boro' to Jefferson. " BILLS OV 2D READtNO. A resolution concerning Cherokee Lnds. Mr. "Woodfin spoke in its favor: Mr. Kerr against it Rejected. ' , , A bill concerning persons availing themselves -jf the insolvent debtors act Rejected. On motion of air. llhams, the bill: .to incor porate the Milton, Yancey ville Junction Railroad Company was made the special order for Wednes day next i i A motion to adjourn was made tfnd the yeas and nays called npon it Jlejected. I " A bill to incorporate the Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Company passed its 2d reading.; ine iionse adjourned. s . SENATE." i, ; WePiIsdat, Jan MetaVlOj o'clock. . ) . s; PETITIONS AWP MEMORIALS. ' Mr. Martin presented a memorial from citizeiis of Yadkin And Forsyth asking the passage of a iaw ior ine iree passage ol nn in ladkin river. Keterred to Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. i - Mr. Carmichael a memoiral to remove bhstruc- tions in the same for same purpose. Same reference UilUW. " I . . Mr. Cherry, a memorial from various fishermen of Albemarle Sound. t Select Committee on Fil ing interest - ' Mr. Cowper, a memorial from citizens of Mnr- freesboro' asking rejieal of a part of the law incor porating that town. Corporations. REPORTS FROM STAJfDIKQ COMMITTEES. Mr. Lane, from Committee on Pronmilwtnc mil Grievances, a report asking to be distaiwH fwm the further consideration of the memorial asking the establishment of an -election precrnct in Nor thampton County, i' - On motion of Mr. Person.-it was re-committal to the Committee. : , Mr., Lane, same Committee, asking diachnrirn from further consideration of the resohitirm r cc Ublish a new County out of Cherokee and Yan cey : also, same request as I to the memorial on same subject,-Discharged. ' i .two reports IroinUorporation Committee recom mending the passage of the bill to inoornorate th Cherokee Turnpike Com nan ' and tha Kill r amend North Carolina. Mutual Insurance Comi pan jr. - ; i -i . ' BKSOLUTIOKS. , Mr. Martin, concerning the rights of widows and orphan's. ferred to Judiciary ComiX Mr. Gorrell, in relation tQtha 2d volume tof the Revised statutes. Adopted. Mr. Houston , in relation to elections in thAtnwn of Wilmington, Adopted. Mr. Walkup, to loan Carolina Female College the sum of $12,000 out of Literary Fund. Ediu cation and Literary Fund. ! BILLS IKTRODCCXO AND REFERRED. Mr. Cunningham, in relation to Rn.a "Nav igation Company. . - - Mr. Edney, to establish a Turnpike road in Henderson and Polk counties.. M r. Leach, to increase the revenue of railroads. A motion to print lost. Mr. Humphrey, allowin? miloom to Hnnnf Surveyors. . U On motion of Mr. "Worth. th f EpLratm goosey, waj ordered toU grinted. . ORHKR Or THE UAY. , . i . - - Th bill M,amend the charter at the Wiltriing-r In, Chsrlotte nnd Rnthiifrd -Kailrn:dr tt Ht'an nnunced. ' V ' '"' . :" " v TfiH -bstitnte of the Coniiuitee li n rend, ",Mr StH-lf raid tie tisd d-uwn op thin substitute,' hat it propostsi n new appNiprjation, no increase of liability, but. oimply no eit hnnge of lxnds with the State the rine as was yesterday granted to the Coalfields road. He e plained that a heavy discount would be saved to the Company' by this exchange, and read a letter from John Potts Brown, of the firm of DeRosset & Brown, New York, to prove that the straight bonds of the State would command a higher price by from 25 to 30 per cent, than the bonds of the Company endorsed by the State.- He further explained that by this substitute the State could foreclose the twnds in two vears it the interest was cot paid, whereas, by the former charter she could not doso in less than 20 years. - ' t.- - . . : . j Mr. Davidson offered an amendment concer ning the tariff of freight on he road when; built, which was adopted. .v- ! Mr; Edney followed in'supportof (lie substitute. By this the proposed exchange of bonds, about 30 per cent -discount would be saved, Which would otherwise fall on the tax payers of the State. He was hot only for building up the cities on and at the terminus of the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad, but was for building up "Wilming ton, and the whole State it possible. V. . .. , : Mr. Leach, was opposed 'to this legislftting and unlegislating, regarding : it-as legislating . for the benefit of Wall SU brokers and Northen Specu lators.' -''-" " '. ; ' ... :' ., Mr: "Walkup said Jy". this bill $40,000 will be saved to the Company ,in every( 25 m'lesoi'the road, which, would otherwise go to speculators, and as all the advantage were on the side of the State and her citizens, he could not see how any Senator could oppose it u J . ' .; , . - - ' Mr. Miller was not a member when "the origi nal bill proposed to be amended "was passed,, if he had been he would have opposed it' .It was then understood, he . thought, that tibe State would never be called on for any of the pioney, but as he saw it was to turn out differently,, he shou'd oj )iose this bijl. l " ..' . . Mr. Thomas was in favor of the bill, and ask ed if this $40,000 was to be lost, by discount, by the Company, would not the State lose also, being a partner'by endorsement? . , In answer to questions put by Mr. Turner, Mr. Steele explained that, no portion of the road had been completed, but said there was a probability of the road; being built under the present charter, as about' two-thirds of the road from Rockingham to Wilmington bad been graded." . And in reply to questions by Mr. DonnelL he stated that the Finance Committee had provided for the payment of the interest on these bonds to be thus sold, and he judged not exceeding 8800,000 would be called for in the first 1 2 months. Air. uorrell, said tht according to the char ter the State could be called on "for $300,000 as soon as each 25 miles of the road was graded, and wished to know it several companies could not be en s aged on the road at one and the same time? 3Ir. Steele replied that the. directors would be very green to have the iron , hauled from .Wil mington along the line of the road. Thought noth ing might be feared on this score. An amendment by Mr. Lane, that the State bonds should not be sold under par, was adopted. iur. tuney otrered an amendment providing that the State shall not be called on fr more than $700,000 for the first two years. ' Mr. Steele suggested to Mr. E." the propriety of amending his amendment so as to allow $400,000 to the Eastern section and $350,000 to the Western section; in case the work be so divided. . The suggestion was adopted, but on further re flection the amendment was withdrawn. ' An amendment by Mr. Bledsoe, that the Pub lic Treasurer shall not borrow money to pay the interest on these bonds, was adopted. , - Mr Hoivton moved to postpone the further consideration of .this bill till Monday next. Car ried. ! t On motion of Mr. Donnell. the substitute to the bill was ordered to be printed. . The Senate then adjourned till to-morrow 10 clock; .'.",'. HOUSE OF COMMONS. , House met No prayer, A number of reports presented. . The resolution, by Mr. Purdie, for night ses sions was rejected. Also, a resolution for afternoon sessions was re jected. . Also, a resolution that no bill should be intro duced after the 15th ins t ' . Also, the resolution to meet at 94 and adjourn at 3. Mr. Walkup, a resolution in favor of Joseph R. Hall. Mr. Gentry, a resolution in' favor of Josnli N. Long. . Mr. Hill, of Halifax, a . resolution that after Wednesday next the Ho rae meet at id o'clock, adjourn at 2. to meet again at 7J P. M., Laid over. . ' . i ' Mr Dancey, a resolution to have a continuous session from 9 to 3A. if r. Morehead, a bill in favor of late Sherifi' of Guilford. - 3Ir. Waters, a bill for the better protection of debtors stops note shaving. ' Mr. Sparrow, to provide for limited partner ships. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Cortner, a bill te prevent felling of Umbar in South Fork of Catawba.' Mr. Matin,a bill to ame-d charter of town of Winston. . ' r V , , ; Mr. Moore, of Chatham, a bill to incorporate a a Coal and Iron Mining Company on Dep Riv er. . ; ' ; ' ; Mr. Caldwell, of Guilford, a bill requiring in spectors of flour to register-number of barrels. Mr.. Sparrow, a bill to exempt members of a fire company in Washington from jury duty. Mr, Meares, a memorial relative to inspection. Mr. Dancey, a resolution un tavot of Joseph Brown. - - M r. Williams moved that a mossatre be sent to ! the Senate proving to elect 12 TruaLoes of the Universftv. Rejected. Mr. Ferebee . moved that a message be sent to tue senate proposing to elect Trustee at 12 oOclok to-morrow. Passed. t , BILLS ON 2D READINO. -.i"v , The following bills passed thHr 2d reading : A- bil.l to, to incorporate Newbern Gas .Light company. , , , A bill to incorporate Shoal Creek Academy A resolution in favor of Jos Marshall. A resolution in favor of D. Pigott , A resolution for rlief of securities of sheriff of I nion A bill to amend act incorporating' Yancey ville rianK ttoad Company. A bill to lav off the county of Lillington s Discussed by Messrs. Meares, Wood and Moore, or .New Hanover, for it Mr. Bridgers against it. rasseo, teaseu, ways 4S. A bill concerning custody of minor children. Un motion, the vote on the bill concerning Reg isters was re-con lidered. A bill to limit powers of Constables In Chcro Keev itcjected A bill to provide for the survey of a Railroad irpra r rencn xsroad xtiver to some point on Ten nesaeeJine at!or near Ducktown. Mr. Bryson spoke at some length in favor of the bill. Passed. A bill to explain appeals and the nature of ap pro. jir. jucjvay spoue lor it Jar. .Fleming against it Rejected. . : , - A bill concerning appointments of Justices of ine xeace. - ... A bill to incorporate Rutherford Academy. A bill to incorporate Unanimity Lodge, Eden A bill to amend charter of Keowee Turnpike Company; Mr. Caldwell, of Guilford, moved that the bill i to charter the Internal" Improvement and Relief isana oi m onn Uarolina be order of the day for .-KM.. ViliCU( A bill concerning auctioneers. .' A resolution in favor of John J. Thompson. On motion of Mr. Williams, the bill to amend charter of the Yanoeyville Plank Road was ta ken up and passed 3d reading. i A resolution in favor vt Wm. Thompson; A bill to amend Rev Code concerning regis tration. '. . !...'. A bill to abolish Freehold qualifications of Ju rors. Indefinitely postponed. V;, : A bill to amend charter of Ocon'alufta 'Turn-' pike.:.-.-..". : ' -.-. ' h; . ( j. Mr. Hill, f Stokesmoved to reconsider vote on county" of Lillw gton. Rejected." i : A bill to Miihoriee jei&lura i certain cases of IW. Kejeoted. 1 - .''-i .; . j. i S2 ' . . , " . . ..-' - ' v. . I- A iesolutirn an favor of Jt. W Forbes, arid tbes iis'.k.f .. t- A'r'eoluti-B nj favor .of E. D -.Payis.- A bill to inewjj.oi Mti town of Hh Pint. "A -bill to incorporate J.-uesvilte Mul and Fc male Institute. i ' r; 11 .- : A resolution in favor of late Sheriff of . Edge- 'ctinbe. , . " A bill to amend sections 4. 5, 6, and I 7 of chapJ '' ' ' . -: I 3G, entitled, currency. A bill to alter 22d Regiment N. C. Militia. ff:i:l Mr. Byrd spoke in favor. " ! - A reAdution in favor of J. B. Hardy; -t ' A liill to amend charter of.Newtort. ! A bill to charter Salisbury Gas Iight Compa ny. .' ;S' I --. : vr-- ' !.; . ";' A resohrtion in favor of late Sheriff !of John-f ston." j . ' '.- i - - -; . A bill to incorporate the Fairfield Canal Com nanvi i '''"'.'. ' - A bill to establish IN. U. military inanwnuiu: Institute. ' I . :- . bill to charter the Oak City Savings Bank A bill for relief of rtersons suffering bf burning Court House of Pitt Para d 2nd and 3rd read inn,. - ' - ' , -, ..';'' Motion' b adjourn was made andyaes and nays called on it,--. . . - - : Mr. PritchardL' a res Jution to send a message to Senate to print inaugural address of Governor. Rejected. '- 1 ' ' ' " : . ' - .' ""; .' .' :2 Jiouse'then adjoufnetl.-! ' ' j , SENATE. - ', ThcrspaT, Jan 6th, 1859. ! . Met, 10i o'chidk;-. . . -4 ' -J 'r ' ri-'' - -; PKTKTIOfa AHD MKMORIAI.S ..r , .',. Mr. Cunningham presented a memorial from citizens of Person concerning the inclowire of cer tain lands in that County - i; ; J i . Mr- Pltchfnrdj, a nntition from Geo. -R. Sledge, Deputy Sheriff W W arfenj asking the refunding of over paid taxes. 1 ' 4 : '. . " i' - Mr. Ward, a memorial asking the alteration of the law incorporating the town of Trenton. . 1 RRPORTS OK STANDING COMVITTRKS. ! , .'Mr. Lane, ffom the Committee' in Proposi tions and Grievances, reported against amending the entry laws. ; .. ; ;': . Also in favor of the reolutkn in favor of the Sheriff or Cherokee, n. . - -, Mr. Bledsoe, 1n Finance, in. favor ofthe bill t-i increkse the Sinking FundT. ; " I ' Mr. McDonald, Propositions and Grievances, 'cpor'ted in favor ofthe resolutions in favor of Stil M. Wraj' and Jackson Stewart Alsb; fn favor f opening the pee line snd Yadkin rivers to the. passage of Fish f ."''. "; -.J".4-;,r '' '. ": Mr. Kdliey, Internal Jmprovenients, in wvpr or establishing a Turnpike in Polk County; authorize i ng building of bridge on Y fid kin river near J ones ville; incorjKirating "Black Mountain Turnpike Co.; incorporating Turnpike in Buncombe; and 'Yancey: concerning the Wilmington -& Wcl- , don RailrofyJ ;' chartering Taylorsville Plar.kroad Company. ' J . " -, Mr. l)avidson. Claim?, in favor of the resolu tions in favor of the Executors of Jno. Caldwell, and G. M. Albright. 1 . ! ..'' . Mr. McDowell, Education and Literay. Fund, in favor ttf bill prohibiting thesale of Liquor near Davidson College. ; ! .' .: -. '"! ' .. Mr. Donnell, Judiciary ii favor of bill to em power notaries to administer' oaths in certain caes : also, in ifavor of abolishing Supreme Court at MorgantonJ JWr. McKayj same Committee, against amend ing section 5, cUap. 33 Revisod Code;' also, asking to be descharged from further consideration of th hill concerning prison charges of insolvent debtors. Discharged.-.; ' Mr. Lankford, same Committee, asking dis charge from further consideration of the bill con cerning marriages. Discharged j Mr. Houston, same Committee, in favor of bill concerning County Surveyors against amending section 119, chapter 19, Revised Code. . , i .. j , RESOLUTIONS. ' ; i Mr. Pitchford, to refund over paid taxes to G RJ Sledge; .with memorial, referred to Committee on Claims. , .1 ' NEW ilLJ.S. . i , Mr. Cunnitigham, concerning the enclosure of lands in 1'erson. i.ules suspended and passed 2d and 3d readings. ' Mr. Bledsoe, a bill to amend chap. 115'Re vised Cotle entitled "Vice and morality." Fines the hunting with dog or gun on Sunday whips slaves tor the pnence. . ? ill Mr. "Ward; to amend the act of 1825 incorpora ting ine lown oi iremon in jones touniy. Mr. Person, to authorize ti6 Petersburg and Rnanila P.MmiiI I '.i . .1111 a n 11 m tin. f .S ? n rysburg to Weldon. ' - - I. Mr: fcdney, to extend the time: of payment on certain entries. . i Mr. Bleds$e moved to reconsider the vote by which his amendment to the Wilmington, Char lotte & .Rutherford Railroad was passed. Mr. Ashe moved to postpone the motion to re consider till Mohday next when the bill comes up. tarried. -! ; ; . ' ' ! Mr. Blount, a bill to incorporate the Pitt County i entale Seminary. Tlie bill to amend the charter of the Western' N. C. Railroad Company, was, on motion of Mr. Houston, postponed and made the order for lues day next 1 A message was recei vel from the House with mes sage from Gov. Kills, and report from W m. i cr- cival. arctitect, on tbaloondition of thejCanitol, and proposing to raise a joint select Committee on the same. Concurred in.. . A message was received from the House trans mitting engroesed bills, which will be noticed on 2d readine.1 . - :' At 12 o'cl-ck, the Senate voted for Trustees ofthe University, but as the Committee to suer int'end the election did not report, the result can not be given. Most probably there was no elec tion. I -; - .. - '.. .. ' -f, ; ' . J BILLS OX 2d READING. " The bill to incorporate the' Cherokee Turnpike Companyj Passsed. The bilrjrescribing tlie duties of Executors and Administrators.! ' ' - The engrossed bill requiring the day of receiv ing and executing justice's, processes. ' Passed. The engrossed bill to prevent horse stealing, coming up, JVlr. AlclJoiiaia moyea to amend py substituting "cropping of the ears," in place of hanging, for the 3rd oflrtnee,. Lost. ' : t.'.i ; ' " Mr. Ramsay expressed his surprise that a jiro po sition to brand in the forehead and crop ihe ears should be made jn the Senateof N. 0, in thenine teenth ceninry. Jffi wouldj rather ban a man at oncc ' ' , - Mr. McDonald supported the bill, and thought that if a man was whipped once for ; horse stealing, he would not care for a repetition of-the punishment, and that' some- severer punishment SQOU1U OH UIHlltUKKl. . i 1 Mr. Davis moved to lay on the table. Mr. Leach offered an amendment making the bill apply also to the stealingof pxes and as? res. ! '-, . r ;'. ; Mr. Worth thought Ihe old law good enough and moved to indefinitely postpone. Mr. Turner hoped tho.bill would not pass j Re. garding the branding with a borseshoe as too bar? barous for this enlightened age. ' ' Mr. Houston explained that the Judiciary Com mittee had reported against the bill, as it came in contactiWitb the bill of rights, which provides that " on excessive! fin js shall be imposed, or cruel or unusual punishments inflicted." " The bill was then indefinitely postponed, ayes 42, noes J. , : - 1 The engrosed bill to prevent the felling of tim ber in Tuckaboe andJTrent rivers. Mr. iWard explained that the felling of timber in or across these rivers prevented the passage of rafts of timber and turpentine, l'assed its 2d and under isu'pensian of the Tuler its 3rd J-eading. . , The bill to make husbands liable for the debts of their deceased wives. Passed. : " ' . The bill to require clerks of, the General As. aembly io take path of pfiifie. , i; - ilri Donnell cnored a suostitute. , 1 Mr. Steele offered to amend the substitute by in cluding assistant clerks.' Adopted and" the bill passed its 2d and 3rd readings.' i The bill authorizing a majority of the magis trates of Cumberland Co., ; to appoint a special term of the. County Court. L Mr. Houston moved to amend the hill so as to include Duplin. ; , j Mr. Flanner moved, to amend by adding Cra ven. Before taking action, ''- ". .;:- ." On motion, the Senate adjourned tilt to-morrow 10 o'clock. '. - I - 1 . HOUSE OF COM M01J3. -.. ,1 j XT . . m. -VT . TL . - -V.". - A nuniBer ol rtHiurts were nrespfitPa. Mr.; Bryan, tf Newj Hrtnover, a bill to incor-. ptirate the How ami t ire ,ogine tL.ini?"y. - ' Al Vi. M .org an, a bill con tvi nwig jaiblic millsV , Mr. T. K. Cald welll a bill fortius benefit bl mi - jir: Gentry, a bill lo extend time for perfecting titles, i- . j .rr . ','.-. nors. I -. n . ..... r. - .. . . rt . Air. Uula, a PM( to alter ine line oetween nurKi- and Caldwell counties. Mr. Thornburg, a bill to make certain fMirlions of V wbarrie river a lawful fenctt. Mr Faisbn. a bill concerning 'patrol Mr, Daneyia bill to increase the Comnirsioner,j of t lie town of I aw noro . r ' Mr, Norwood, vbill to punish usury. Mr. lifters, a ..ill to increase the jwers o commissioners if Baii fort is to-Pilots. : BILLS OH 2d REAI'IVU, . ' The following bills iassed th.eir 2d reading: . l ?i . v . v .i..jt T . l f .' : . ' L ' j oiuior le reieij ui . n. tv in oounie. . A bill to amend charter uf Fayettevilfeand Al bemarle Plank Road- . , ' ; A resolutien in fa for of Theo, Schroder. ' A A A resolution in favor of Sarah A Johnson. bill concerning iSheriff of Cabarrus. - bill to amend charter of town of Edeliton. A billttfamend laws concerning public roads. -A bill concerting iwills wid testaments. A A bill concerning the town of Lcnofcv i i bill'toamend barter of. FairfieldCanal Com- pany. . - , ,. j-, .-j : , , A bill to incorjxiratailift Long Acxa Guards. : A; bill to incorporace tbe4own of Webster. , A' bill to incorporate tha. University Railroad Company. ; - -, -v. r;.-".'':. :,- , A bill to amend Revised Code, chap: 28, sec: 2, 1 ruuueu jvevenus ana cnarges. AbilHo amend charter of the Bank of Cape Fear, ' , . t..v..C -.- ; ;: A bill for the, relief of a Common School Dis trict in Orange and jyalce.. . ; . A bill to amend Revised Code, chap. 7, sec. 28, concerning attachments' J. ; -"'at-. .v. A bill to alter time of loldiiig Court- in Jones county. '-j- I I '.V- -. '' ' ''-" ; '; , TarsTEKs. . ' ' ' The election of twelve Trustees of the- UnHer-, sity "was -"then gobe into. About sixty gentlemeii: were put in' nomination.. r. BILLS (ON SU REDINQ. i v A resolution in favor of persons who, have en tered Cherokee Lands. .'Mr; Woodfin spoke in its favor; Mr. Walie against it. , Mr. T. R, Cald well desired some, further information before he voted on it Re-committed. . i A bilLto incorpbraite N. C Military Institute, passed.- ; . - ' : A bill to incorporate the Porti3 Gokl. mining Company. , .- j ' A bill toincfirporate the Goldsloro' Mutual In surance. Company..'! . '- - . A bill to incorporate the Catawba College. Passed. . ! i -' T--,i'-. A bill to incori)oratc the New'Wrn Gas -Light Company. Passed i . A resolution m favor of Jo8.Marshall. ; A resolution in favor of Jofih. Sykes. A resolution in favor of D; Pigt'au Alve re ferred to Committee on Claims, l ' , ' A bill to establish the county of Lillington. -Rejected by yeas 5, nays 56. A bill concerning custody u( minor - children; Passed. : I '...' 4"M . The remainder ff Thursday's proceedings, con taining an interesting debate let ween Messrs. Fagg and Todd R Caldwell, is necessarily crowd- ed out of this paper! -Huwe JieporierA bo twill appear in our next. TIIE'DAN ILLE CONitJECTION. From the N. C. Standard. I have just seen ihe. " minority report of the committee, on the. bill ..to incorporate the Greens boro' and'Danvilleriiailroad Cofiipany," and as t take it for granted, you are the .author vf the re port, I have taken the liberty of addressing this communication to you. " The report, as leonsider. and as I expect to) show, does 'great injustice to those whe, at present have the direction of the North Carolina road, and as one of that Directory, I do npt ieel disposed to submit, in silence, to some of your statements Beforepointing Out the state ments of which I complain, you will allow me! to attend to some matters which' may not be, irrele vant to the subject of the report You saJ; " the bill proposes to build the toad by individual sub scription without ' jState aid" ad you seem to cons'.der it monstrous, that the btate should refuse to grant this . " poor privilege," when you well Enow neither this State or any ojher will grant such a privilege, except m cases in which the Legislature shall be fuJly satisnod 'it is to the in terests of its own citizens, ajid not against its own works of improvement A.nd that it was the. du ty of those- who ad vocate the bill to fhow that such would not bets effect, yet you seek to throw the erroron those who "oppose it. I deceive mv- self greatly, shoujdj I fail in establishing the fact that such a result land ih'at of the. most disastrous character, would necessarily follow. Every inde pendent btate claims to exercise jurisdiction over lis own son, anu io wura its own citizens, much less .foreigners,1 to. interfere with that jurisdiction. Such is the policy which denies to any company, whateyer its object a railroad, mining or any other company, the privilege of an incorporation, without the express authority ot the legislature. And whilst one would be induced to infer from your report, the proposed road must be built by our own citizens, , yet all know this connection if ever made, will be( py the aid of those. who are fnT tcrested in the Danville road, beyond the limits of the State. In thej first place, rI say, the passage of in is, pin, wouia pe in direct vioiution ot public faith, and against those rieomises held oun to she people of the Aast, when the charter of N drill Carolina road wasl granted. We all know, ithe charter for this road was introduced into the Leg isittiure.ana passed ior the purpose ot celeatjng, and as a substitute for thievery Dan ville scheme. The charter of (the. North Carolina road was granted, and most pf its stock taken, under the agreement that itj was to be a great -State work. intended to advafice the 'agricultural interest of our people, and -to) foster and encourage our own merchants, t-o we were told when the location ofthe road was under discussion, it was important to carry it as lar JNortn a practicaoler in order to command 'this Dan river, trade, about which we now bear so much. And, if I mistake: not, a charter was granted Py the legislature for a Plank road from Ureensborough to Dan river. and which , was tc be built as one of the principal feeders to tlie Nrth Carolina road.' Now, the arguihent is, hatjthe road' must go to the pro- auce, ana notiinetproauce pe Drougni to the road. I will not say but for such inducements as these. the Legislature would not have grunted the char ter, but 1 will say, the stock wouid not have been taken by its present subscribers, and that the road would not have been located as it now runs, So much for -he pat . Let me now call your at: ten tion to the statements of which I complain. and which, as I think, does the present Board of lrocjors greai iijjusijue, x ou. say, as the mi nority are informed, scarcejy a bpshel of wheat or narrei oi nour is carriea ai ine same price trom Charlotte eastward, that js charged from Gretjns borough, so no Charge is made for the first 93. miles, that' the privilege oh the last 80 miles from Greensboro' may be exercised. Would it not be as well, if so exercised; for tbe freight to Jeave the road as quickly as possible, if if pays nothing while on it? And they further endeavored to induce the produce ; to leave the North Carolina read, apd abandon the North Carolina ports and markets for those of Virginia "r that when it reach es Raleigh, it is transported over the Raleigh A Gastonj road to Henderson or Ridgeway before- tney pegin io cnarge it i anow, not irom whom tbe committe got their information, nor whether the statement be intended for reason br sarcasm ; but whatever its purpose, or from whom derived, it is eoually unjuBt. So, if it is intended to assert that the . tariff ctf .freights has been formed with he view cr Ircing the produce of the country in to the Virginia Inarkets, the assertion is directly in contradiction )to what is the fact the tariff u r - ?.u - a..' i s . ... ... r , irauisu wiiu a grauuai, increase to tae nijgbest point, and then the same charge to the end ofthe road, i' But yoa are mistaken in 8UDDOsinr Greens. borough, that point. 1 have not the tariff before roe, but accordinjg. to myrecollection, tbe "point is Lexington. '. Yoa are correct in saviner Charlotte is charged the name as Salisbury, and mav be lx ington for instance, and you might have aaded with truth, notwithatanding this, not a bushel of wheat has ever passed from Charlotte-over the tforth. Carolina road. In the year 1850 when Ue Directors were forced, " in self-defence, to reduce the carriage of a bushel, pf wheat from Salisbury to Gold-bofo (o l4 t ents, and the -t price was the -,nm(i fr'imn tliarllcV; yet not a busbel was sent .'from the latter place. Sn'isbury sent some 80 or I Oo,000 bushels to i Wilmington Charlotte not bushel, '; Such . is ,our ; sample of your free traile ystHia olf -railroad,! and such would be the case with' your Danville road. . I have before me the report of the Agent at IjCxington for 1857, Land what. does that exhibit 54,618 bitsliels 6't Wheat, most of which,: sas the agent, went,. Enst 1 s8 barrels of flour sauao' direction. The agent adds, 'n that, j7,l thousand bushels of wheat were sent itoni ,Lexjrgt(ii Etifit during the past year about Mt inocsaiKi irom High roint, and 80 thousand from Stijiiibiiry. :I(ere w have the 'shipments tVoiii tiiiHse iintsl of 200,up0, bushe's, and which, .loulillfrJ in 'future wilrumtedouble. Arid 1 haz- ird liltljt in saying the freight fiom these three punts wjll be Worth more to the North Carolina road, thjtib every jwwsible gain from 1 tlie Diiiivill. connectiuiu. 'i'ho Friends oi' the N.C. road' do not desire to force th farmers of Dan river ijb send their produce on tl) eir toad ; but wliatthe com. olain of i is, that this great State work sbuuld be !roken down, Iniilt as it has ben mostly. jby the ;-tate, mi order to accommodate those Wiimcrsf in reaching those- Virginia mark?tsc , .' .,.' -.1 . As to tjie principle between long Rnd. sh rt dis tances of 'which ttit; minority report complains it is a princ' pie -that is to be .found in the tariff of every railroad su-Atr as my observation goj i ; It is at. least a -prihtaple. of which "you ''should not com plain! as 1 feel certain it is to be found in the1 tariff pfyour favorite Danville, .road, of! whostt merits oii 'seem to odast With so, much triumph. Of oho-thing'ytMi ! areVawflro, that c-na cause.of swelling the merits of "tjie Danville roadl:it en-j joys- the. advantage, ol .some considerable diSt tance in transporting the freight and pas- smigers of the. .SouthrSide ; road fttota Lyuch- burg to Petersburg. Again, j-our- ' readers will be surprised to learn, that the tariff as , first framed for the N. C- road was reported by the then engineer, Maj. Gwynn,!' and adopted by the Boanl, of whiclrvou were the President. And I say, ifi the priijcipieof discrimination has been en- larel since, it has been for t he benebtof our own roads arid markets ' But it strikes me as strangle that the minority report should complain of a fa vi1 being shown to'; the Virginia markets, when the wry ;ineasure thev recommend,, proposes a I measure, Whose very, object and effect Will beito favor the lrg nm marketej at too expense of our own. ' But I was not a Kttle surprised' to find your report has exhibited thev whole, argument n .avor of this Danville, coniiectipn. That, argu ment has Den for'thegreat increase of the through trnrrt. ' You say, that candor and truth compel you lo Say, when- shaking of the' contest between tlie Wilmington; and Charlotte, routes for this through travel ' But it is Useless to regard this petty contest Ix'twecn, these rival roads,, they aV both destined to f have the grajt South-western mail and travjel j Ixt.us look to the figures, arid who can doubt it ?" You then jatdduce your fig ures to prove tho advantage in favor pf tlie Ten nessee and Virginia roadi To this you might have referred, with still greater force against our roadj to the road! now in the wurse Of construc tion from SaVanihah to Charleston, and thence to . i -V r 'i . ' - i ". ni ' ?n ine jiancnesier roaa ai r iorenc .wnicn win car ry iiut of -the uthcrn travel By. wayof. Vii niingltoiK As'jVu admit wo are Hbus destined to have the Southern traye.l, do not we liepcech you, dpstrpy our chance for freight. 1 As to the idea of t a ruing the, protluce from the valleys of the Dan and ppper Roanike from their long establisbed Virginia markets, yfyu bad as wfl attempt to turn these, noble rivers. It cannot be dope, and - it i ? nonsensical '.to talk, about 'it:"'- So as to the rich I Uminelrals on the Dah lo which- you1 refer. It is onlylneessary to state tl?ey are first to be carried on thprinciplepf discriJiiinating in favor of long 'dis'ances againslj short, aid in favor of our own markets against ithat of foreign. This discrimi iiation as to distances is the jwlicy which is uiii fofm'With .all-roads and suci , 1 know is prac ticed by your favoritej the Danville road. And your, readers will be a littlesurprised to learn, whatever its policy, it was firstVecommended in the firet tariff' for the North Carolina ,roadi by its then . erflightehed Engineer, and adopted by the Directors .of whom you. are one, nd whilst the Toad was undcriyour control. That it has been revihed, and in some things chahged,nay le true, but the same principle of discrimination still ex ists.- for, the. lirst iu mncs so j mucn is charged and so increased Iprogressi vely,, u htil yoa . descend the Dan to Danyifle, 60 or 100 miles, and thece brought over the DanviHe Toad 50 miles further, to show that the icalculation is entirely futile. It is not to, he'donei Virginia would not sanction your Dabyillcistiheme for one moment if she Year od any such result. I regret to find, as I think do, a pirit of depreciation running through your wnoae report againsi our .worm c-aronna roaa intend no.disrespect in any thing I have said am willing to admit it Ibay be.an honest difference of opinion between us..; lou say, you think th Danville connection will benefit our roads. f(Hl certain it will prove ruinous. . ; - R. M. S. XTOTICE.--AN APPLICATION WILL' 1 be made toJ the present Legislature to incorpo. rate tsuDHloe Acadeeiy, in Wake county. ie 25 sit mi ; :'l , . . P E T ER CO OP ER'S ' -; -- . V - ! -' RKFIN'ED : SHEET AND SHRED ISINtiLASS, 1 Very extensirely used for ' lllanc Mauge, Table and nine Jellies, and tor Jellitviue- Preserves. ' The Shred; with directions forusir sr. is rut in small Packages for Family Use, and is sold by all the prin cipal tjrocers apd Druggists throughout the United H v ; 17 Burling Slip, Kew, York, dee 15 w3m !armci$e .. .. ; , . , , . -t r PICHARDSON'S. fl., I K IS II L IPtENS, I DAM AS K S , DIAPEHS, Arc, j f 10MSUMKRS OP RICHARDSON'S LINENS? J and those desuous of obtaining the Oenmne Goods, should see thabtbe articles they purchase are sealed with the tuu name or the arm,. . ' Richardson, Son & Owden, as a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the This caution s rendered essentially necessary as large Quantities of inferior and defective Linens are reppared. season aner season, and pealed ,-witn the- naTie ot KIUHA-KUSUiN, by Irish Houses, who. re- gardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the Amer icas consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Uoods, will not readily abandon a business So-profitable. wuiie purchasers, can be imposed on with uooda of a worthless character. . . ' . , f J. BULLOCKS A J. B. LOCKE, . j 4gents,?5 Church SWNew York. ' sep 29 wly$ao ,l v. h.cd. a co. O TATE OF ITORTHpCAROLIIVAi-fiTrAT. S ham county Court of fleas and Quarter Sessionr. xvovemoer term, isos. ' - Thomas B. Harris) Administrator ' of Amy Bingham, deed, cs. James H. Grant and wife Mary, Edward Chambers and wife Anna Jane, and Julia A Far row. '-'',. -. - " : : : : Petitioa for account and settlement. ' It appearing to-, the satisfaction of the Court that Jain.es tf. Grant and wife Mary; who are defendaats, are non residents' of this " State, H is therefore' ordered by the. Court that publication be " made for six weeks suooessrvely in the Kalejgh Fegister for. the said de-. fondants to make their personal appearance atthe'next Term pf this Cqsirli to be held for the county of Chat ham, at the Court-house jn Pittaborough, da tha 2nd' Monday ol euruary next, to plead answer or demur; otherwise, said petition will be taken jtro imneo as Witness. R. C, Cotten., Clerk of our said Court at of-. fice, in Pittsborough, the 2nd Monday in November 1858. : . i i R.C.C0TTEN, 43 4 w6w fr. Adv$5.2t. ; . O. 0 0. , STATE OFNORTH CAROLJXA, JOHN jstoa county Court of Pleas and" Quarter Session. A'ovember Ttrm, 1858. ; ".. . Alvia Johnson, Adni'r, . J ohn Johnson, James John-r sob ana others. v.s . , ( i 1 i Petition to make Real Estate Aaaatd. ' " t -i r It sppearing to the satisfaction $f the Court that John Bryant, Calvin Bryant and U'illiam Rrnf three ofrthe dofendants la this cause, reside bfcyond the limits of this State f it is, therefore, oa'moUon, or-".; aerea bj we UTurt.tliat advtrtisf ment be made for six weeks suwssiwly jn tht Rleigh Register, notifying the sai4 defendint-j of the filing of this petition, and thar, nnless thev appear at the next terra of this Court and answer the neiition. the ' same" will be taken ttrit eonrtto, and heard k tnrte as to them. 7 L Witness, Thomas- p. Snead, Clerk of said Court, at office in Smithneld, ttie 4th Monday of November,! 8 48, and la the 8 3d year bf Aiuorican Independence.'1- : " f thomas ix 6S&Ah,aaai tmn4 fieoeabar Uta. ISM. ; ll-w CATIIAHTJC PILLS ' . ' .'ABB aAlB , f ' r , A -f . ' . WW . . i . CLEANSE THE Ill.OOD AXD CUR t' THE S'JC'K., ',, , v, Invalids, Fatkers, Moilier, Physicians, , l'bilauthropils, read th'ir Elfcts, f ! ; and julf(e t their' irtues. ' ( FOR THE HRK JF ; . Headache, Sick Headache, Foul Stomach. ' ; ';' . Pirtssiiae, f.r My l,18ii. Dr. J." C. Avfh Sir i I bare feefen repeatedly cired of the worst heitJacbt uy body can hare by dote or i wo uf yuur Pills. , It seems lo arise from foul ium acb, wbicb lliij cjeanse nt uuce. 11 th:y will core oth ers as they do me th fact is wArta knowinfTi , ' r, " Vours with fTttut respact,' i v'f , ' W-r PKEBLE,!, , ' : i'' ... " i Clrk vf Ftaaiuer Clsrioq. Ililions Disorder, and I-tver Complaint. ' V , -. UcPARTMKNt or tbb Interior, I i ."I, ,' iV WAsaitiorox, D. C, Febn7V l-. ., ' f ' Sir : I hT used jour Pill im my ienerl and bos- ( pital firactite tver siuce yoa Male tbeui, aud osutiot I tisitut Ut any they are the baai cstbartiewe cap em,- ' llojS i'Leii eguluVing ai tiou wotbe liitru quick sad ; Jet-iJt'd, conwquriilly they ar bjj admirable remedy for ilerangreTnentsI of that oriraij. indeed, I bare seldom f'uuu4 r&t) of liht iitu'ir au ubstiaate that it did not readily yield to tbeai. 1 ; , ,:. . j!,''. . - V IraUrnally yours, f--' , ''- i: V . ALONZo BALt, M D., i : If "PMydeiaa ut the Marin Hospital. j , Djsentary,. Uelax and Murni'ii. 3 'Post Orrirc, IUrtlasd, ) -I ' ! ' :"- Lt' to., Mi, KovTM, 1855. J Dr. ArRt Your Pill are the perfection of tuedt-. cina. They have aone uy wu anore gooa tbao 1 can tell you. She bail heeo sick and piuiag away for month. -Went off to be'durture.4 at-great expense, but got) Bo- better. Sbe tbeu conmm-uced taking j bur Pills, whiab soon' cared ber, by expelling htrga quantities of worms (dead) from her body, 'f boy afterwards cured her and. our two children of ldy dysentsry.-'One of our neighbors, bad it bad, and icy wife cured bioi. with twit doses of your Pills, while other arouud us paid lroia; ore to twenty dollars doctors bills and lost muck time, without being cured entirely eTeniheu. ' Sicb,a modi- , cineas yours, whWh Is actnally good and honest, will be i prlxed here. . GEO. J. ORIFFIN, Postnlaster. Indigestion and Impurity of the lllood. from Hen J. y. iii'mtt, 'Paturc Admit Chkrth, i ,.H'-- -,-' ' - - p B,yt. . ..V.I Dr. Aria t I have used yours Pills with exlrsordi- nary success in uiy family and smoug those I am railed to' visit in distress. To Nghlate the 6ran of dieenion and purify the blood they are tbe very best remedy I have ever known, aoa i can counjertiy recommend hern to my friends. . , f ' - Yours, l -- j :.. - ,- - U J- y.iiiMp. ; . .! ' Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. U', 1951. Drab Sib: i am tisinr your Cathartic Pilli in my practice, and find them an excellent purgative to oleaote' , ihe system anu purity tbe toun tains ot the mood. jyilS ti. Ja r.AUHAM, M, V. Erysipelas, Scrofula, King'a Evil, Tetter, 'I iiuiors, anu sail itncuni. v- 'Vim i t'oi-wurdifHI Merchant of Uti Lovi: j i .' 'i ' ' '' '.- . TtfB. 4, 18fi6. " Dr. Atkr r Your Pills are tha paragon! of all tbst is irreat iu. medioine. They have cured, tny littledaugbter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and "feet thai bs J. proved incurable lor years. Her mother fesd been lug grievously arllicte.! with blotches and pimples on ber akin and her hair. After our'rhildj WS Cured,' she slad tried your PilU, and tbey cured her. . - 1 r ' j..S . - j ' i AffA .MIIKUKUMIi, , ; Rhenmntism, IVcnralpia,nd UouU . iFruia the Rev. Dr. Hawkt of the .M. -E. I'hurrt; , ! PiTLASKf Ilorsie, Savannah, Oi., Jsn. 6, lSi6. .Honored Sir : I should be ungrateful for tbe relief your sain nan prougni. me u i aia aoi report my raxe i.i you. A cold set tied, in my limbs and breaght on es. crucihting neuraiglc paius, which ended iticbronio-eheu- matwui AotwithsUirding 1 had tbe pest ot physi cianS, the disease rew worse, until, byj your excellent agetit id, Baltimore, Dr. , the advice of JUackentie, I tried your Pills Theireffects were slow.but siire. By persevering in the use of them, I am now entirely well. Pematk Chamber, Batoa Rougp,' La., a Dee., "j Dr. Area : I have bejen entirely eared by your WHs of Rheumatic Gout a painful disease that had afflicted ' me for years. ," ' ' VLSCENT JSLlDKLL. ! For Dropy, Plethora, or kindred Com plaints, requiring an actio purge, they are an excel lent remedy. ; J ' ' i For Costiveness or Consumption, and as a Dinner Fill they are agreeable and efferiuaL. . i fits, Snppre!sion, Paralysis, Inflamma tion, and even, Deafness, and. Partial Ulnd ness, have beon cured by the alterative action of these 'Pill's. ' ' 1 ' ; . T ; . ' . . ', Most of the Pills in market-contain Mercury, which- . although a valuable remedy id skillful bands, is dinger, . ous in a public pill, from the dreadful coneiueDc,tbat frequently-follow its incautious use. These contain ao mercury or mineral substance whatever. i f AVER'S CIIEKItY PECTQKAL. I ' ' FOR THE RAPID CUSIC Of I .- -' Conghs, Colds, Hoarseness, Infinena,.' llronchititi, .Whooping. Cough, . Coup Asthma, Incipient I ; - ConNumption, : ( , - -..' and for the -relief of consumptive patients io adraurei tagesof tbp disease. , . .' 't .! We need not speak, to tbe puUlie or its virtue. -t- . Throughout every town,1 almtt'at every hamlet of tbe ,. Americaa States, its wonderful cares of pulmonary com plaints have made ir already known. Nay, few are th families in any civilized country un this continent with out some personal experience of its effects; and fewer yetlhecoininunitie3 any where which have taut among them sotne living" trophy of its victory over the subtle and dangerous diseases of the throat and lungs. While j it it the most powerful antidote yet known to' man fiir i the formidable add dangerous diseases of the pulmo- nary oreanw. it is also the pleasahtest and safest remedy . that can beemployed for infantj and young persons. 'Pa--renfa should have it is store against tbe insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. We havw abundant ' groands to believe the Cherry Pectoral saves more-lives . hy tbeconsuMptionslt Jprevenrs than those! Hciil'e,- Keep It by you, and cure y6ur colds while they aiV.Hirs- : ble, nor neglect them until no human skill i cau toaster the inexorable canker that, fastened n the yitals, eat) your life away. AHNknow the dreadfu4 fatality of lung disorders, and as tbei V know too tbe virtuujsor this reio- edy, we need not) do aore than assure tbeui it is still toil to produce it the mW perfect possible,; and fthus ; - v afford those, who rely on it the best agoiit-wbicll our .; : skill can furnish for their care, j . lit ' ", PREPARED BTT?R. J. C. AVER, ' Practical and Analytical Chowist, Lowell Msss., .' -.v.- aid solo ; -i . All the Druggists id this City. a ' ma 121y NOTICE. THE IJNDEBSIGNED HAVE this day formed a oo-partaership under tbe firm and style of ' v --: . . . v R A. YOTTNa A'BRhTIIKk. too the- nurnose of transacting a General Gr?cry.'snd !1 1 Commission Business, and have takeri the Store No. VI I Sycamore street, one doot above PoWel's Hotel, "where they would be. pleased to see aud.serve their friends. K. A, kU.UNU, ,. . T l-AI-Vil I Petersburg, Jan'y 1st, 185J. . Mr. R. A. Young returns his sincere thanks to his A . .1 1 ' I , ... . .... . irieoua ior- us. tioerai encouageuieuv tiiruu " him whilo m. mptnUr nf tha lat firm of Britton. TuJ J t young, and pledges himself that no effort'sha," b snared to serve them satisIactoVily in his-' ne enlerl.j prise. . . .. ! ;- (" .' . ian ft wtr. - :X ( - . , ; . . ' . i . z. STATE OFNOHTH CAKOIINA, PER quimans county Court of fleas and Quarter Ses sion. November Term. IS58. . . Samuel Sutton. Administrator and Legatee of Alfred , S. Burke vs. the Ileirs at Law and next Of kin of Ai red S, Burke. ' v....; . - I . ... -., pyhjuyl'yel BOjJ. . I A paper wrmng pnrportin'g i be the last Will and ; Testament of Alfred 8. Bark is propounded for pro--. bate n opea Uourt, by batnuel button, admluiBtri"ri ; . . -.1 of Alfred 8 Burke, and Legatee therein nauiel-i :.'' whereupon Jt is ordered by the Court,; that -.th ( follow iag issue be made up and submitted to a' jiiryf ".Wss this paper writing found among the valuable pirit and effect of Alfred 8. Burke after bis death, and bs it been proven by three creditable witnesses tha . said paper writing and every part thereof is lit the band writing of the person whose will it appears to I be, and is the name of Alfred 8. Burke subscribed thereto, or inserted in some part of said paper writing." A tul, on motion, it was ordered that a citation be issued against the hejri ataw( and aext of kin of Alfred S. Burke, to appear the next term of this Court, t see nreoeedings ia this cause, and to make tbsuiwWej i I parties to tbe said issue, if they shall think proper. . , , . And it appearing t- this s'aiisfacUoe of fbe Court, f . '" that Elisha Burke, one ef the bein at law and next K: kin of said Alfred 8. Purre. resides beyond the linjit '. . of ihe flute, it is ordered that pubtcstion be made it ; the ftal ighRegister fr lixsuecesivsweiks, 'notifying -' him in aDnear at the next tairm f thia Cuuit. to be il . at the Court-house in the town, pf IltrUord. mi th ia Moadayofnext f ebtnary, then and thrre t !? J j ceedings hs this cause, and to make bimelt.a f srtj toJ ' the said issue, if he! shall think proper so to do. or th , same wUl be tried 4x parte as tti hiio. ; 1 - i Witness. Jamas C Skinner. Clerk of said Court, at? - the Court-boose ia the town of Hertford, tbe na ou- eay or Kovemoer, in ine year toss Tst, as. C. SKINNER, lUrk, , deell wtw lPr.a4v.B i i I r 11.: t.:X v:- i i . . J ' M i'i-'' 'Ht f -. ;i i ' .... j C - r k ! - ' I I -. Fi

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