rEcn or nox. w.xJ n. saiTir, ,o Wra caeousa, : ' 1 '' Delivered la taellaiiee f Representatives, m T4y, Fekniarr 21t I860. I Mr. 8UITII, of North Carolina.. 1 ask Uie in. duljeoceof the House to ensile nv, bja brief statement, to. correct certain erroneous ard orjtist Impressions which exist In Uie publio mind,, and mora espaciell J in nj own dWtrict, jrrowirte not of the recent contest for taa8poakership, and i cidenU connected, with it. T"b proposed correc tion W do to myself and oibers who, when tny nana was presaptad for that office, gave w ready, warm, and earwert support. I It ha baea presented, aod, where correct and fall sources of information are sot -accessible and the fccta not known, believed, that I made or au thorised the declaration, not on! that I had nev er beea rocied with the American orpaniza tion, and did not ennctfr In anj of lb prescriptive featores f its party creed, bat had denounced and repudiated the party and its principles. That erer-eiroBg statements a to vaj relation with tbe American party war made in the prog reea of the exciting ballot of Friday by rarioue gentlemen, who, when about te transfer their vote to nvs assigned reasons for the change, I hall not undertake to drny. Bat, as there was much eoe fusion, and no liitle difficulty of bearing in the Bail, I did not at that tims fully apprehend their extent and import, as tby' af.cirards ap peared la the'poblte prists, or a 'eSof duty would have oonat rained me to make the correc tion when they were uttered, without regard U prodofltial considerations or the suggestions of friend. r . "' J .' i - i , When the dbato m afterwards puhlohod, and laaw tbe false and itrjnrioos poaition in which, uncorrected, they would place roe of being ob jected to suspicion, if not imputation ; of seeki"c an office of auch fcigh character through aivn cepUone which, if not oirinatirg with rn, would be rooateranced by my eilet.ce I detrnined to oeenpy m arch eq-iivocaj position before the Route and the country; and. befc-re anotner tU lot ewuld be hi d, to make a distinct avowal of my tarty relatione apon this floor. W Uh this purpose I prepared a statement which, with some slight modifications not I affecting it substance, 1 now hold in my hand;! and entered tht Ila'l on Monday intending to submit the consideration of the Boose, nn'ets relieved of the rabarrvtneots in which the former proceeding here had left me. I will reed Jli , "My attention haa been directed to the remnrks of hosHwable gen t lenten member of this ii ouse aa reported in the public papers, and made du ring the progress of tbe ballot Iur: Spt-aker on Friday laat, wieb reqnire, a tbe earliest moment, explanation at my hands. The rcnctrti to which I rafer are predicated mainly upon a brief, hurried, and intertipted coaverMtion tbat took, place at my teal jost before, between the bonorabio tnem bar from Ohio Mr. IVodleton),and myae'f.' The atement made n the floor by tha bon ormble mfta.b-r himself, whila aot ruf.ssirg t give tbe detail cf what passed, w ' substantially correct as to itt result, inasmuch as I made known to bins the grounds I bad taken in my own can vass in "18M; and , era was no'bir whatever prescriptive in them. It ia true that, when inter rogated, I said to him that I bad never been a member of the American organ ixalkw; but hat beea, and still was, a W hie, and as such had been elected npoa broad, conservative, national ground--; .. bat I did not say, nor ateaa to be understood at saying, tbat 1 had denounced tbe American par ty, or repudiated its principle So far as its views wet a prescriptive, they did aot meet my 'approval. .. i f "" ' Among those who have been in connection with that organisation, I recognized true and pa triotic men, to whose hearty and earnest co-oj-ration with other friend I owe the :bonv of bating a seat apon this floor.- I said to my friend I ooald sot be placed in antagonism to theta gen tlemen. J M This explanation would have been rr.a 1 at the time, bad-tbe full import of the remarks, as afterwards published, been; at the time, property understood. The misapprebnion of any m su ing indicated by tbe remarks referred to, were the very nataral resalt ot a bri.-f and broken conveisation, carried on in tbe midft of the high excitement and confusion that then prevailed in the House. ! : , " Let me add another word. ' While , I have never felt or expressed a wih to be elevated to tbe responsible and distinguished oifce of presi ding over the deliberations of the preentaiive4 of tbe peocla, grateful as such nKui-tion must be to the just and honorable priJe of ny I should aoornto sck it through any mVcorcepthrfis which 1 may myself bare occasioned, or hare it in my power to "remove. If placed in that elevated position by the ac tion of this Uouea, it must be with full knowledge of the. fact tbat I maintain lhe conservative and national, principles of that crraC party whree leader was the sage of Ashlar.d, ourpride and our boast; and I shall assume the chair, nntraar-meled aad unpledged, save by a sincere and mcrc-J egard tor tbo Constitution of my country, and for the just rights secured by it to each and every part of our Confederacy." Vben, however, the Globe made Its aprearanc, and I read the corrected and authentic record, whkh was to go out to the country, diffV-rirf as it does from the previous reports which I bad seen, aad w baa the honors bla member from Arkansas Mr. Bind man eery promrtlr, and in a few words, corrected the published remsrls which bad fallen from him in the heated contest of Friday, thereby exonerating me from the t harge of an indiscriminate deneneiatioa slid repudiation of the American parly and its rrio.iles, I deemed bo further explanation rrqaind ircm me, and that no just ground bid been lelt for improper and miuriooa chargea affecting mjnr If. In this eonnactiwn I desire to call tbe attention f the Bonse to tbe remarks f tbe honerable member from Pennsylvania, Mr. Montgomery, followed by those of tbe honorable gen'leonen from Ohio, Mr. Pet dleton. On that occasivn the following language was used by them: -" Mr.'Montgemery. And now, J desire to ssy a word in relation to the pition ottbeg'ntleman presented aa aeaadidate for the Speakers'. ip of tht body. Air. Fmiib, cf North Carolina, belorgstononeof tLeeganixed parties in this House. Ue beivegt te the remnant kit of that glorious old party, at the bead rf which stood in years gone by a Clay aad a tvebeter, he is an old-line "Whir, who n-ma'as true to tbe principles and policy of that ancknt and honorable party, and astoch leaa vote for him. -If he were an American, or if he advoratrd their principle, I could net ard would not vote for him. I have said in this Bouse, beret of ere, and I repeat it now, that X never Lave cast, and never will ' cast a vote for aay one wbo bolda that ft b arausefor proscription that n man was bom where God toad him, or that to worship God aceordir.g to the dictates of a man's conscience is a crime cr a dUerace. Iksrieeuch TDarrow-hearted policy." and detest such bigotry and proacription. "But, sir, I bar aid that Mr. irith does not belong to the American organization, and. never did. Be is a patriotic Whig, a diend of protection to American industry' a national nao; a cunser native man, a supjorter f the Coristitutiop, a friend of the Unionand aa each I can give hire any eupport. Trammeled by none of tbe embar rassing Questions of the past; with no objectiona ble record, a gentleman of rare intelligence and high social virtues, he will ad or a the Speaker's chair aad prssido over our deliberations with fair ness and impartiality. Be remains a way-mark of the grant party tuat has pesaed avay almost ' a last survivor of a race of giants. )n a lime like this, when ne party has a majority, when ne one organization can control an election, it ia po. coliariy at to aeleot one who, diflVribg whhniall, owes favoritism to none, rjome of my Northern XtemocraUc friends have said tbat they would unite apon ii m when their friends come to the rescue. 1 am not gotng to say tbat ; I am willing to give no such eicvse; I will not be a stumbling, block to others. 1 act isdependeatlv, and from pure motives, and I take the respotsibililr. 1 1 a teed te change my vote, aod others can do aa theypleaaa. lor these reasons, and prom r ted ty the motives I have hastily expreased, I now change my vote from Mr. Davis to itr. Smiih, of itorth. Carolina. Applause.' Mr. Pendleton. Mr. Clerk I represent on this floor a constituency which la composed of aa-ttvsbarnandfbreign-borncitiaena. Amonf them are a large somber of Germans and Irish, of both religions, Catholic aad Protectant. They are as honorable, as patriotic, as faithful to the Constitu tion of their adopted eountry as any of those who were born npoa the soil, lows much to their coo tdence aad support heretofore. I would not vio late my owa conviction of outy by voting for any man whose political principles tend to degrade or injura them whoso avmpa'hic aw opposj. them. But I bare made inquiries of th gentle man who U presented here as a candidal to day. I have gone to tbe fonnU!n-boad lor information, and I have learned that he never was a member of the Kntw Nothing- party $ tnat he has never taken anv pledges; and that he do not sympa thize with any of their proscriptive principles or doctrine. Sir, I would not yield any essential iTinciple; but I would yHd much of partisan f-eliiT!: and prejudice, to effcc an organisation of this Bouse. And ti.e difflcultywith me having now been reniovcd, I am willing to unite with tbe conservative elements here fir that purnosw. "1 have voted for Mr. Jchn G. Dftvi. I de sire tochango that vote.and to ve for Mr. Smith, of North Carolina." Applause " - I wish, also, to read thoe made by the honor able member from Ohio, Mr. Cox who, as be states, spoke only upon informaion; dvrived front bis colleague? - . - ( "Mr. Cox. It is well known that 1 sUted to this Bwe tat I never could vote for any gentle man of the Know N.thin(r organization. I sail I never would vote for either a republican or Know Nothing. I.wewr aritf. ' I have satisfied myself beynd anv poeeib:!ity of mistake, tbat the gentleman from North Carolina Mr. Smith is oppose! to the proscriptive doctrines of the Kkow Nothing organization. I saw my colleague Mr. Pendleton in conversation with that gentleman, aud inquired of him whst that convemition was. Hi,tirfld me, as M. Smith tiffi.-d him, that Mr. Smith is not and never bad boon a memoir of the Know Nothing orde., or in any way cunnei-t-eu wi.h it. As I makethi remark, the gontloman from Kentucky, Mr. JIallory. belonging to he American party , bows asfent to it. "On the other band. I find that gentlemen n the republican side, who, in the nrt instance, voted for Mr. Smith, now, on l.-aroing the fact tbat he ia not a Know Nothinr, have made tht a pretext for withdrawing their votes from liim. They have done this, for' the openly avowed rea son that bo t an old i'r.e cn.-erv alive Whig, w ith out any Know No'hing taint. ' "Under thse circumstacea, I s'lall vote for Mr. Smith ; and ft r the. additional reaeon tbat it will bring about, as 1 believe, and as I am informed by tbe condition of the ballot now, an organization ol this Boose. In noothw contirgem-y wi-uld I give rov vote l a gentleman not bcloncing to my own party. I believe, in doing this, that I am doing 'justice to the national men who sent m here, end to tbe oath I expect to take to support the Constitution. As a member of this co-ordinate branch of the Government, upon which the Con stitution itself repoaes for i's execution, and whu b is utt"rly disorganized, I brlieve that I will do my highest duty, if, by my vote, I can bring ab ut its orcanizacn by tie election -of an olrt Kne Whig, who. here ia my presence, as I now look at him, disavows the Know Nothing or ganization. With this view, I am acting, as I understand, with nearlv every Democratic gentle man from the West 1 arte with almost every Democrat on the floor. -1 ak the privilege of changing my vote fronMr. Bocock, f.r whom I, have voted persirtently all along, to W illiam N. B. Smith, of North Carolina- Ap,.laus from the I mocr&tic side and from the galleries. j 'Th4 petition of the Northwestern Democrats is well known.! We went into a caucus of the Democratic party reolved fo stand .by its organ ization and its nominee to the end. We voted all the time for Mr. Uncock, until hi name was with drawn in a speech which he made here. We sup ported Mr. John G. Dari?, of the Northwest, who , perhaps, in closer relationship to us tba evtn tbe gentleman from Virginia. We have voted aUo tor the dUtinguiiihed gentleman from Virgin sa Mr. Million. We rave been all over the Boue to get a true conservative man ; notwith standing he anry 1-ave differed .from us in some particulars of bi politic. After seven weeks of exhausting labor.of con.-tnnl vigilance, of preying emergency ia tbe cuntry, we hve coroe together now, at this juncture, a nil reached that point when tbe election of a Speaker is possible. A r.d I could not n.wer to my constitutente, 1 iriild not an swer te that sense of duty from which I always act, unless I came up here cow. and contributed my fart to an organization based on national conservative principles. I in aware, air, that it has been said here by gentlemen that southern mrn have not the sanre opinions on tbe subject of slavery that nor'lurn and forth western Democrat have. I learn, how ever, tbat tbe gentleman who rna again t, and wa beaten by, Mr. Smith of North Carolina, uttered sentiments, in lavor of a slave code, w hieh have no more affiliation with my viwa upon tbat subj.-ct than the views of some of the gentlemen ior whom Deotocrata have voted. I have ten reluctant to eo South to vote for any man w ho lknged to the Krow Nothing ' organization. Tbat was wll known. It was known that no such man cmid becltctid. Bence, Tdr. Sa.ith is presented, be- canse heir not such a man. I will vote for him,' because be is imbued with national and Union ser.timents ; so that, when be taket thnt chair, he will do his whole duty to the country. I come from a State which, although Republican, a' rep resented on this fl-tor, hns in Us hart at its car i fal district, which 1 r.-presei.t a true Union feel ing tbat the men of that State will not willingly let die. I pay homage to that feeling in my pre sent vote. ' . -Mr. BilL I wish to ssk Ike gentleman wheth er, in his present action, be ia ir.tluer.ced by recent occurences here the withdrawal of certain votva frt-miMr. Smith tntbe other side of the' Bouse, I believe lecanse he is not an Amcrian ? I have not known myee i.bKttke Ameri an party, or the Whiff -arty wert fartlcularly in the keep-' ingofthat side of the Houe at this time. I merely direct tve gentleman's attention to be matter to know if tbat circumstance has In ary uegree lnnuencea ni vine. "Mr. Cox. From what transpired on the Ke pcbl'.can side of the Bouse, I saw gfntleuien who voV4 lor Mr. bnnUi, of rorth Carolina, withdraw their votes, potting it upon the direct and express ground tnat ne was nJt a Know Nothing That they withdrew their votes, whether in good fniib or 'rot, I regarded as coiinrmutorr of the truth stated ly the gentleman from North Carolina himself, that he bad no connection whatever with that order. Gentlemen on the other side have de clared tbat Mr. Smiih was not acceptable to th m because be was not an -American. I sav that be Is acceptable to the national men upon ibis side of ie House necauee nets a member of the old Whig party. ! Tbat party, as I learn from their platform, cvtr stood tide by side with the Democratic parlv upon the great questions connected with tbetlave ry agitation. Ihey stood upon the comj.romb-ee of 1650 ; compromises to-tained by the DemTratic party .-compromises, sir, which if carried out' in tha spirit in which tbry were enacted,-would brinir about that concord and comity between the States wbich is so muh dired in tbe present distrac tion of our public counsels." I wiil also read those made by the honorable member Irom Arkansas, Mr. Bindroan, and his correction on Mondav : 1 "Mr. Clerk, at every ballot darinc this contest I have voted for a Democrat. I have tbourbt all along, and still believe, that the southern Opoosi tioo ought to have brought tbeir twentT-tbree votes to a man of our choice, a Democrat, instead of asking us to caTy our ninety-odd votes to- a man ot tneir choice one of tbrmselvea. It. has been unreasonable for them a small fttrtion. 'not. controlling a single Stat in tbe Union to de mand eucn a concession of a treat national rartv. composed, as oars is, of Representatives Irom everv section. ... " . , "But there seems to be a disposition amonr De- BiocraU to make tbe sacrifice. It b believed tbat votes enough can be concentrated on the eentle- K7 v f- i : rt. c . , . , U.BH nuiu .iviiu wainua .ur. omilflj lO elect him Speaker, and to end this pro rac tod trupirl. Thoss rood and trne men, tbe DemocraU of the North, who have made so many proofs of devotion to the Constitution, indicate their willing! to eive this further evidence of patriotism. I under stand tbat most of tbem, if not all. will vot for Mr. Smith, when it appears that their sunoon will secure his election. But they cannot be expected to do this until the entire South shall have an ; ted upon him. Under these, circumstance. I am not disposed to be an obstacle in the way of organiza tion, , 1 bave heretofore said that I would, in th last resort, vote for a sou the- n Oppcsitinnit, in or- or to oeieai tne Black republican candidate ; and I am now ready to taka tbat responsibieitv bv chan ging my vote from Mr. Bocotk to Mr. Smith. "But, befoo making the chanre. I state distinct ly, that I vote for 21 r. Smith with the express understanding that he baa never belonged to or affiliated with the Know Nnbing rty direct ly or indirectlv ; and tbat he hp always condemn ed and repudiated its doctrines I vote for him with tbe understanding that ha ia an M.)i , "Wbig. In voting for him as sucb, I have no cu lovtrt vass on Whiery, and no endirsenvr,t t cive to it. I have never don, that , end shall not beso in'nutenta to aosonow; cut vvnteery, as much as I condemn it,; is far loss objectionablo tbnn Black Republicanism. Botween two evils, I shall choose tbe least. I vote for Mr. Smith." , . t .. ' 'During the taking of tbe vole, . "Mr.Bfndman (when hu name was called) said: I see by the report in he Globe of Fridsy's pto ceexlings that I nni rcproented as a aying : " .' ; "1 vote for Mr. Sndth with the ex press under-' standing that be has never belonged to or affiliated with the Know Nothing prty, directly or indi rectly ; ad that be ba always condemned arid re pud ia'.ed it doctrines." ' . . "I should have said that I was inform that Mr. Smith did notfympattize with the proscrip tive'diwtrines of tbat party. '. 'X It will thus be seen,;tbat I am represented as saying that I have always, and am still, a Whig; tbat I have never been a member ol tbe American organization ; arid that I did not concur in or sym pathize with any proscriptive features of, its party creed. : ; 1 i- '-;.' This i strictly correct' Some' of the meas ires of the American Prty, aa I freely stated to rry friend, did command my. approval ; but there was ri' -thing proscriptivS in them. I could nt com mit, the wrong of denouncing : men to whose pa-" triotic and earnest efforts lowed, in no inconsiii-r-able degree, the honor of being a member of this body. I regretted very much the harsh languwca which was used by some on that occasion, when safcingof the American party. I attributed Mt mostly to the peculiar circumstances in which Kentloinen were placed, and as a necessary self protection against unfounded charges at burae.: Still, it was infuJ to listen to language which fell so hurnhiy upon the ears, not only of my friends at homo, but of tbat portion of this Bouse constituting the southern . Opposi'ion, "who so manfully, in rpite of it all, stood bv tr.e to theend. Still, the statements to which I nave called the attention of this Bouse are strictly cinret. i have nothing to add to them j nothing to subtract from them. It is true, I am a Whig. I stand where for more than twenty-live years, I bave stood, without faltering, amid the mutations of party names and. party organizations; looking upoa the great interests of tte country as illum inated in ibe light shed upon them by tbe master spirits f the generation of statesmen-that is past, and clinging, with filial devotion, to that noble standurd which ro long waved over the gallant, patriotic Whigs of the school of Benry Clay. I In that great party there was; there could be, no sectionalism. It had no double readings to its political creed. It was eminently a national party, knowing no North. South East, or West, but eo-exu-n&ive with tbe length and beadthof tht Con loileracy. With the alleged disintegration of its organized existence, the principles committed to its keepirg hate net eri-ld. Ibiy still live, and are cherished in tLe aff ctions of the great nisss of our peop'e. The .American heart, yet throbs with deeper energy of pulsation, when that name is pronounced which. so oftfn led its em battled hosts to actim. The eminent nationality of purpose and principle which the favorite son of Kentucky breathed into that party, giving to it its vital energy, is still looked to to guide us safe ly through aurrouhding perils. I have an'abiding faith in tbe permanency of free institutions in the continuance of our nationality'- 1 Lope tosee the ultioia'e triumph of the conservative sentiment which fonnd its just expression in Benry Clay,ar din his publiclife. I hope to see tbat vast - eevionaJ Organization, held together by Jthe sin.' cohesion of hostility to tbe institutions of nearly one half if our cor federated States, now brooding over the almost entire North, and smothering the generous and atrittic aspirations tbat struggle to break from the pressure; an organisation wbicb, in producing a natural and necessary antagonism in tbe Sontb, has almost rent us in twain, ard arrayed section against section in fierce conflict, threatening, in its further aegressive prioress, the overthrow of our political institutions I bor e to sre this or. caniztion, inr all its pride of Siren irth, crumbling and waiting bjefore the consuming tire ot popu lar wrath, tor snows di5ole and disapjx-ar under th returning heat tf spring. I hoj-e to witness the unjion of truo and jun men every where in resolute resi.-tance to the soetio.-ml ir it which animates aAd directs it movements. Wheri. layitigaside the bitter party fouJs and fierce conUnti'-n which now .most unnaturally detract and divide a people, one in the glorhms memoriea of its past, and one, it should he, 1n its high irrepressib'e aspiration f r the- Juure, the popular mind shall return to to liisis of coni prouiis" wbicb men of all p?ties assisted in firm inir in 1650 ; which natioral c-nver tioi s of 1852 approved, and adopted rs the .'ground of a lasting peace; which ;eontmites the crowning glory of tbat pure, peaceful, just, aid" : bonorab'e administration, which, in the inidctof a profound peac-e, p'osed with the retirement of Millard Fill more Irom the publl? service ; when, again, the cons-rvative elements, attrarted by a true devo tion and love of country, shall return to this com-primii-. then, sir. may we hope for a re?ti ration of tbat Larmony and good aLi. h we.-e , its Crtt Lenelicent fruils ;, then a il) pass away the darks clouils gathering upon our borizon, ar.d por tentous of disaster and tlang-r;".then may our proud old ship, which has bufl'eted the pu (f many storms, and yet rejoices in ber compact, uq broken -suength and b auty,-leave tliB in nriii'j4 to which the ouier tempest bad driven Ikt lor. shelter from Us violence, and spread her sails to favoring breezes as sh.V starts upn her vojnge. over the wide ocean of nation tl life. i Stm b, Dear Sir : I ohserve in the lli 1 eigh correspondence of tbe Peters burs Express, that Judge Saunders has '-told Jlr. Pomeroy, prtn. prietor of a large book store' in Kaleieh. to stoo Barper's We.'kly and Monthly Magazine, on ftc unt of the fact that Geo. W Curtis, one of the editors, is an Abolitionist, andhatnoeof the har pers has been contributing money for the rlivf of ripped slaves in Canada." ! It is due to truth to state that the a1ove. har- upon tbe suthoritv of the A! e?r. Harpers them selves, are wholly and unqualifiedly fal-e. 1 And is -it not strange that Judge rVinlers arting, it is to be presumed, upon mere ruoiM- should exercise so unwarrantable a stretch of ju dicial authority T Harpers' Magazine, deservedly themost popular in the countvy. bas done much -in the creation nr d dissemination of a love of pure literature " and mi the strengthening of our political institute ns. nd so loni" as it maintains be sound cnnsnrai:vo po sition tbat it now does, its thousands of sdmiier in the South wi'l never relinquuh it v.i.b- iila struggle. Very respectfully, AV. Sladesville, N. C Feb. 11, 1860. Our correspondent is mistaken. The Hurj er's did have in their emph-yment the Ab- litionist Curtis, at a salary of $8,000, but when during the recent exilement on the slavery question they were denounced at the South for. employing hiui, they promptly discharged him. Ed. Kaa j 230 CARRIAGES AT AUCTIOX. i 29th Semi-Annual Trade Sale, AT P ILADELPHIA. THIS SALE WILL TAKE PLACE, ON Wednesday Morning, March 2th; IrGO. -At 10 o'clock, at the , PkilaJ" a Hurt 4 Carriage Bazaar, A'inlh and '. . 4, Satuom Street. . (In the rear of tha Continental Hotel.) PHILADELPHIA. ; fflHB Collection will comprise over Two Hundred JL and FUty Carriages, including Fifty of Dun lap's best Bugry Wagons, with and without tops. 31 Moat of the work will be warranted.. V Tilers will he no postponement on account of tha weather, aad tho Caringes maj be viewed several days previoasto the day of Sale. -, Jjj SJb PerairipiorY. Terms, Cash. I' ALFRED M. HKRKKESS, -i , ' Adctioneer. Regular Auction Fales of Horses. Carriages and Harness, are bold at the abr establishment, everv Saturday Morning throughout tha year, corn Bearing at 10 o'clock. , lr:e collection of Carriages aod Harness, aaw and second-hand, always on hand for private sales. mar 3 3U PETEKSBUrvG, VA. ;! THIS WELL KX0WN ESTALI5HMKST, ATISe BIBS BCTLT riTTED CP AMD SCPPUIS i ! - WITH ALL SfODBKH CON VESIIKCES, ' Now offers to Travellers Attractions lnsarpassed by any Hotel ; ,'.. ia the Country. ". mar 5 JOHN JAKIIATT & BRO. COMPTItOLLER'S PtlPORT. 1:epobtofthecomptkolleboppub ' l1c 'accounts, r ob' the fiscal YEAR ENDING SEPT. 30th, 1859. . ' (COWTIJCrKD fro. 11.) i STATEMENT, ' Exhibiting the valuations of real estate, and the Tare. de-wed from each gubjeetoftoxatUmin the ; general: Gunies of the State; Taxes le vied by the fyurti of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Grunty 'purposes, as follows: 14 : ..r , ; No. 21. CRAVEN COUNTY. Alkxandbb C. Latham, Sheriff. '' Acres Land,. 615,428 $792,383 f 607,066 " $1,184 04 : i 814 13 3,036 : 4,618 84 54 21 . 344 21 15 16 31 Valuation Land, . "Town Property, 1 '-''' :- Stat Taxis. Lnnd, .. Town Froperty, Polls, ' Interest, ' -'' Dividend and Profit, Salaries and Fees, Mortgages and Deeds, Studs and Jacks, Marriage-License, ' Capital in Negro Trade, -Capital in other Trade, .. Ferries, i Pistols and Knives, Dirks and. Canes, . . Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Pianos, Plate and Jewelry, ' Playing Cards,; , 1 Riding Vehicles, Gold Headed Canes, Silver Bead-d Canes, Merchant' Capital, Retailers, Circus, Exhibitions for Reward, Brokers, : " Auctioneers, Buving and Selling Slave-, Deeds "f r Real Estate, Arrears for Insolvents, Total amount, .; . 88 ' I ! 10 ' 38 63 63 75 8 75 278 75 48 90 114 35 18 183 2 1 4,307 270 115 50 600 37 89 17 87 75 55 50 48 12 77 95 7 "91 $16,486 27 Cophtt Taxes. . Poor, 12 cent per $100 value real es- . - tnte, and 36 cents per'poll, . J ' $2,286 M Countv Purposes, 10 do., and 30 do., 2,537 94 Schools, 5 do , and 15 do., . 1,256 ?2 Public Buildings, 1 do., and 2 do.-, j ' 215 74 . Deaf & Dumb Asvlum, 2 do, and 6 do, r 507 59 Jury, 6 do., and 18 do., 1,522 77 Bridge, 2 do., and 6 do , 507 59 Railroad, 75 de., and 1.20 do., 15,239 93 Total amount, $24,074 33 No. 22 CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Hector McNxill, Sheriff. .' Aeres La'jd, ; 496,293 Valuation Land, 1,167.323 Town Property, ! $689,708) &TATE Taxes. Land, $2,334 64 1,380,16 2,C66T40 55l' 21 -1,895 24 802 68 60 70 34 Town Property, j Polls, Interest, Dividend and Profit, t Sulariea and Fees, Mortgages and Deed?, Studs and Jacks, Marriage License, Fe-ries, Pistols and Knives, Dirks and Cafes, Gold Watches, S'lver 'Watches, Pianos, Plate and Jewelry, Playing Cards, Riding Vehicles,.-. 1 j Gold il-ad'd Canes, . j S.lver Headod Caes, Merchants' Capital, lletailers, : Circus, : Billiard Tahlen, Insurance Companies, Horse and Mule Drovers, !. Livery StabliS, AncUoB.'ers, Paten . Mvlcines, j; Natnrol Cnrior-V.ies, ! lr:iuerrotyits. Exhibition f Reward, ! IX-sl- for R-;il Estate, ' j Privileged Voters, Suliji-cts Unrlitcd, j i ! Dulir.fpients for 1857, ' I " Pittilttriis, j ; 1 Total amount, f ; j 152 .'' 5 45 5 288 55 127 C3 1 343 1 3 5,705 ;300 105 ' 190 ; 300 ;- i' 25 no vt 20 50' 5 ; 6 I ..7 15 79 20 70 35 "7 31 $1.7.753 43 County Taxes, ro(ir,i3 cert pT ?100 value real es tate and 23 t en u per poll, Countv Purport,' 25 d".. and 50 do , Di-af & Dumb Assvlum. 1 1I0, and 6'do, Riiilrotd, 20 do., and $1.20; do., $3,158 6.2C8 7,712 Ttal amount, $17,524 73 No. 23. CURRITUCK -COUNTY. Jkse B. Lek, Sheriff. Acrs Land, f I Valuation Land, ! j $553,294 State Taxes. ' Land, $1,121 58 1,203 20 213 40 1 6 2j. Pol's, Interest, Mortgage and Deeds, S:tid- fied .lacKs, Mnrriago License, Pis'ols and Knives, Dirks nnd CVnea, (..ld Watches, . Silver: Watche, l'iuros, Uidine Vehicles, Gold Beaded .'sT)rs, . Silver Ht'a'ded C"nes, M'T.'hiinU' Capital,, Ktii.ers) i Mowlinj; wMleys,. , Horse ai.d Mul" Drovem, I-', x h i bi t" on or He a rd, reeis fr 1WI E-tate, . Privileged Voter, Collateral lX'SCeilt, Total aniour.t, 12 1 31 13 3 81 50 25 25 50 30 50 179 65 it;o 180 120 . 12 50 ' 10 2 9 60 C6 02 XV $3 402 50 cWjtt Taxes. 1 Poor, 6 cents per $100 value real es tate and 20 cents pr poll, .$64t 77 County Purposes, 38 do., and ij.30 io,' 4,116 21 Schools, 6 do., and 20 do., ' 641 77 ' Total amount, $5,399 75 No. 24.-DAVIDSON COUNTY. X E. D. Hampton, Sheriff. . Acres Land, " y ' 365,019 v : Valuation Land, $1,626,283 : Town Property, $58,973 ' - State Taxes. : -y Ln4, . 1 y $3,255 52 Town Property, j : , 117 94 l''ll, . " . !' 2,396 Interest, ' .y 966 44 Salaries and Fees, 112 , Mortgages and Deeds, 18 Studs and Jacks, : j 78 - Capital in Negro Trade, i - 53 07 Capiul in oth-r Trade, j : j 18 3Q MarriHge License, j ' 100 88 G'tes, y, y yl 54 j0 Pistols and Knives, ; 20 Gold Watches, 98 Silver Watches, , ' " y j0 Pianos,' : X vt x-iie ana jewelry, i; f j Playing Cards, 1 y !!'; Riding Vehicles, " " X ' 387 Gold Headed Canes. ! ; ,- Silver Headed Canes. j:ty ;r- 25 70 69 50 25 63 Merchants' Capital, i v J - 683 i-eaters, - v Retailers,,. . f . ' '; i 30 . Taverns, - ; , i t i . ' 4 50 Circus,.. : 1 j J : ' i i : 75 ? Buying and Selling Slaves, y ; : , " ' 9 75 Deeds for Real Estate' ' 1 "V" "4 ?5 Express Companies, , : ; 10 f - Livery Stables, .: , r 1 25 .s Auctioneers, - i 21 1 - 8 10 0 15(1 '49 43 $8,722 53" $1,559 90 8,045 57 1,754 56 169 20 $11,529 23 ;No: 25. DAVIE COUNTY. Jamks X. Billiard, Sheriff. Acres Lavdj 16',103 v Valuation .Landj Town Property, j Statx Taxes. Lind, ; J Town Property, t . t Polls,- j . .' " Interest, : I ; ' ' T Salaries and Fes, . ; 1 - Vortgacesand Deeds, Studs and .Ttie.ksj m Caj vital in NegroTradp, Capital in other Trade, Marriage License, 1 ' Gates and Ferries, ., Pistols and Knives, ; Dirks and Canes - Go d AVatches, , ' v Silver Watches,;. Harps, ., -i .,. . . Pianos, - ! 'riate and Jewelry, i. Playing Ca'ds, j , Ridine Vebk les; ? Gold Headed Canes,: Silver Headed Canes, . Mrchants Capital, Retailers,. Patent Medicines, Exhibitions for Reward, Liquor Dealers, ! i $909 871 $56,800 $1,829- 25 113 60 1,559 ' : 473 " 68 10 66 116 10 56 . 71 : ' 18 '-;x-x 2 64 22 2 .19 7 - 70 185 95 ' 1 319 30 3 10 31 ' i Total amount, . ' ''. -X j County Taxis. ' Poor, 7 cent8pef" $100 value real es tate and 15 cents per poll, Cou.-.ty Purposes, 16 do., and 38 do., Schools, 7 do., end 12 do., ' ' . -I ' ' . : . ' Total amount, PaVnt Medicines, T i ' - - 1 - " D'-ntlStS, '- : ; -; . .! . : i Exhibition for Reward, " ' -. f Arrears for Insolvents, 1857, . r Privileged Voters, t' " Collateral Descent, I . ; ' - Total amount, v ' : - .. i - - - ' ' County Taiks. ; Poor, 6cents per $100 value; real es fate nnd 18 cents per poll.' County Purposes; 30 do., and 98 do., Schools. T do., and 19 do., ; ; Insane Asylum, -j. Total amount. $,127 . 05 F $905 82 : 2.280 94 905 25 $4,152 01 No. 26 DUPLIN COUNTY. r Thomas i Caer, Sheriff.. ; - Acres Land, ; 451,753 $1,0.8,164 .Valuation Land, ' Town Proper y, - - State Taxes. Land. . ' Town Property, j Polls, " ; Interest, Dividend and Profit, $68,706 $2,066 02 . 137 66 3,030 12. 810 12 1 73 84. Salaries and Fe, i Mortgs-ees and teeds, S uds and Jacks,' ! Capitalin Trade, Marriage Lirle, ; Pistol and Knives, Dirks a"d Canes, i Gold Watches, ' S lver Watches, Pianos, Plate and Jewelry, Plaving Cards;j Ridin? VehielcS, G.'H Ileadl Capes, Hilvar H.-aded Ca"f S, 107 ! . 33 ! 45 1"' 2 f-9 :53 ; 3 130 45 30 25 50 2 50 ! 5 95 276 ; 50 1 Merchants' Capital, 641 1'edlerri,: Cireot, '; 40 120 1 105 10 7 E x press Com pa n i es , and Mule Drovers,1 Aoctionaers, ' ! "'stent Meili.-ines, ' DauMiorr. .typists, j Exhibitions fort Reward, 5 10 10 40 4 Lisrhininj; ltod Men, Privileg d Votirsj Pri ears for Infiolven4s, . Total amount, j j j Cot'NTY Taxes. Poor, Ifll cents per $100 value real es- tate lif'd 30 eents per pll', County PurH es, 8 do., and 24 do., -ieh!s.j 7 do., and "21 rdo. , ' Publi- B iildings, 2 do., and C do.,' . Patrol, 10 do., i V $7,9 5 28 $2,258 09 1,806 46 1,580 f5 451 61 309 70 fotnl amount, $6,49.0 51 Ko. 27 EDGECOM BE COUNTY, j J.Ultoi F. Jksklnis, Sheriti'.l Aeres Land, . 336,730 $2.475,26t $208,429 Valuption Lxnd, Toaii Properte, : I State Taxes. Land, I-' -. ' ; j Town Pronertv, Polls, . I uteres-, I , Dividend and Profit, , 'Salaries' and Feps. j Mortgaues and Deeili, Studs and Jicks, i -Capital in Negro Trade, Caj.JtHl in oth' t Trade, Marrisge Li"i'ne,' , PUtols ind Knifes, D;rk a id Canes, , Gold Wa'ches, ' . Silver atcbesk Pianos.! : j Plate and Jewelry, PlayrniJ'Cards.; i Biding Vehieb-s, ( . G"td ilf-wd 'd Cunes, . Silver ij -a led 0"f, M.-K'hiij'iis' Capital, Ri''i-iers, (,'ir- uses, i : . Bo-.v'int Alle, Billiard Tabh'N 1 ' HiTse and Mule Drovers. A'lctionoj'rs. f $4,934 00 41 83 ,4,578 40 ; 3 067 87 947 12 467 13 . 54 128 50 ' 2 31 38 9S 89 02 '78 75 5 . . 252 50 ,11 65 75 58 G3 43 75 652 54 3 50 ,1 25 . 1,436 169 240 , 135 , 50 ' . 125 C2 10 , 10 5 50 84 1 ).; e.r jvotv k.i-:ts. Deeds for Real Ei tto, 50 Total amount, 1 '.. ' !' ! ! . . . . fa: , r i County Taxes. Poor, 8jcentsper $I00jvalue real es tate and 26 eenti per poll. County Purposes, 13 do., and44 do., Si-booh 4 do., auid 15 do., " , L 1 Total amount, ;j .-. (TO BE COTHTXTED ) $18,043 72 $3,611 50 5.908 64 1,914 59 $'1,494 73 BANK' OF TUB .STATE OF STOllfll. CAROLINA. A; DiyiDEND of Capital, of. Twenty five per eear,. - waa (leclared this day, payable on the first Monday in April next, at the Bank of Vorth Carolina in this city, and at the Branehes of said Bank. " Certi ficates of Stock must be presented '-; . Baleijjh, Feb. 15, 1860. C. DEWEY, Ag't X'; i y X .j y:': - - 'feb25-lma. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. 0 Monday the 2nd of April, 160, the Houses and Lots, known in the plan of the City of Raleigh as Loss Nog 16, 17, 32, and 33. will be sold at public Auc tion on the rremises, at 12 o'clock. Terms - Credit of twelve months, purchaser giving bond rila approved security, bearing interest from data. K j CATHARINE POOL, Guardian. Feb. 21, 1800. ' 1 , j ', " : -- fk 25 td. BOOTIIB & PAR-WENTER'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES. THESE Mnnhinea sew from twe snools as purchased from the store, requiriae no rewinding of thread, Tuev stich, bind, fell and gather, lot a superior sty le andexselall machines in embroidery. Price of the -Machines, $50. -1 l -t ; C. H. THOMPSOX Wtfor Balergb, i J ' ' . JOS, JOJJES, Ge&lag'tforN.a" " feb 2V 3m. ' l-'. ' ? . ' ' '. :- IMPERIAL, OOLONG, AND ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA. A VERY SUPPi. KlORlotnf tne a' eve Teas. Just received aad for, saie cheap at the Dragsters of ' ' i t IREDELL BROTHERS. February J8th, 1860. 1 -. fob 29 sw6t. ' 40 . INQyiRS W-TH'N, ; . For AnyUung Von Wanflo Know! " ' OR i OVBft 3,700 FACTS FOB. THE PEOPLE. . Large volume,' 438 -page gilt side and batk. :5y y -y ::1 ':' '-v ; v rSJ ikicK 1, - r " y : r-' "Inquire Within if one of themost Valuable and extraordinary volumes ever presented ta the American .: .ublie, &nd embodies nearlv four, thousand- Fnett, va most of which anv person living ill finl Instrae'ion. id. and ent-n-taismest - "Inauire Within" i sld at 60 the low prieeofiyie dollar, and yet it contains 436 pasrs merous uusolicihsd cerli ef closely-printed matter,! and in handonielr and sbo.: . . strona-lt hound. It i a artlener. a Schoolmaster, an; . i Tbe doss must be adp, Artist,a flararafist, a -JUodeler, a UooRja Lawyer, 01 tne luuiviuuai waiug, Surgeon, a Chess-.Piayer, a Chemist, Cosroeiieian, a .. tPiea as to act gently on I Brewer aa Accountant, .n Architeal, a"Letter, Writer," ' Let the dictates of yoorj " an a Universal Guide to ah kinds of Useful and Fan- : the use of the L1VKK O cy Empbiyment, mascment, anJ Moiej making. Besides all this infarmadon and we have do ronl give an idea 6f a hundredth part of t--it eentain so . a m m e r vi o m manV valnnble and'nseful reeeiDts. tbat so enumeration . Dropsyi Sour Stool of tHem ruauires teventy-tmo column of fine type the index. j ' ' ' Copies of the Abova book sent by mnil, to aBy aa- r jaunaico, r e in a I ei -drets. f'ee of postage on receipt of One lollar. f f he.used snece -sfully asi Reliable Apenf woW to canvass for "Thb Mag Medicine. It wili'ure w iciaA's Owir Book." and other popularrbrks ; sendy thuusandsexntestify.Jin n.c,u w,i f j,ih9 n,aJir.tim Patji- i two or three Tea-!' 20 : 67; !..n-.7. of RnnkR mniled to knr address reb.' Bend cash orders to '': ----C - t ; y: DICK A ETTZGBRALD, " J'i ' : 1 ; K. 18 Ann l'ireet. N. Y. ) . . - feh 29 w2w. 60 86 TUB COPPER TOli! A Pf EW EllA IN i)03f ESTIC E(,QOJlV i I' T; is Well Known thfit Children and Toutb nsually wear oat their Boors and Shoes at ibe too, in a few weeks sometimes in a . few dAys. ; Buy tbem with I jaitchell's Patent Metallic Tips,; and yon will save Two-Third of tha expense of sup plying your children with shoes. ' -' - This invention enables us to offer to the public Boos and: Shoes, that - yy , :; ' : X !..;! y :- Never Wear Out at the Toes... We have hundreds ot Testimonials from parents who hnve beueht tbem, showine, that on the average, one 90 75! 50 00- 20 50 50 70 25 5J pair of tr iiK the Tip, ib" .for (ihildren, treirr 94 63 Hovn and lonths; they will mm i-ileat Twice a long, ;u:o ! ' '" , "f ' ; ". - ' ' ; - . j fThe Cost ia but a Tv Ce More. .T!ih'statemeat ia made Vitb! ef v eonfi Innce in its strie ruth, as it is ra ed du a carfulexamiition of nth f'neU, in a" experience of lu.iro than two .years. wliiah has Proved tnat these I'-opjaer taea Alue, nave ouuli average', wurn a' least three' timefi as long aa the old style, and aglhe cost is but . Trfffe Moc,.tbe im pordaneo of this invention to all having little feet to protie;t,"W'll at onee beseeu. ' t ! v . .This invention is alo Important as a protecti sgajnit the cutting ptythe Prairie ' Gmc, also for Hi itie rV and Plantation use, aod n.11 occupations where the jt-its of the Boots or bhea are partitailarly liuolo to be ehtr worn. "' ' fa-' " V'p ) y, .,r;;-.-' . CHASE, McKINNEY.AjMOORS.v ; , j . Owner of the PatentX For sale by the Dealers Genorallyi' i. j fcbi5 w3n. WHOLESALE SIIOK AND HOUSE. LEATI1EK WILSON, McILW AI NE & CO ., I . PETERSBURG. VA;, ' j' - DEAM-.US IN ! Boots and Shoes of every Variety, 'I runts, Valines, and 'arpet Fag, Sole; and (Upper he t Calf Shins, ' ' J shoe Threads, ana u y ! General - Assortm-nt f of v 71 40 94 75 75 : 1-hOB Findings "BROH AftTS mnkirg selecti'ns are respectfully Invited to examine their lare prmg .. t". . roeel'-cd, and wbieb will De offered at priuws to Iete with N orthern markets Speekl attention is asked -to. theirj ewn matte of; A t : wh ay ibVin aa wise intereslil-in Ca..W Iln.n Uili.iAna irkirih ihav ararrant aft AvaSV , . I ..1. 0. weswows iwogans, wowa iney warrauna particular. . . . j ' I' : .. . : .-. m. 1 , !t : Ll 30 5 v.v. ' " " " :tbe firm. iffeb 22-tf. S5 r. STRAUSS. f - .51 1VJ BIIE5T. F. STEARNS & CO. : ! 25 OLD Yt RUINIA DISTrLLERY, . Kichmoiid, Va. ;j r,r--C T'TE VXf'ECSIGV. 20 85 57 I 4'CVL "f .V yVi number of years Sarge- ''WWVxi 'i'ly enirag'd Iu" diiiillinp, offer 1 '.M;'h8 Ale-chants of Virginia aod ' TJ" li. North Carolina, Ja lurg end ea- " f-" - 'ensive s totek Lfdomestie uaors',,zi 1 11 Whiskies of oil grades, and price, 0om: very fine nd old. fi Im.' Fr. Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Sweet Wines, Ac, Ac. jX - X: . .-' : fa '- They are prepared to offer such inducements to tho Merchant of Virginia and . 'North troiiua. as will umke it to their iute'est to buy in.Ricbinond. Vii. : . Tby desire to call pirticulHratt.'-ntionJttbeir Malted Pve Whiskey, mad from Pare live Ma!tl. Th's 51 . Whifcey i enir?iy pure, afid iironouneed by judges tbe finest LUkey to be found. ' I feb -fita. y F. 'STEARN k C'X' FOUNDED 1852. CI1 VUTKRED 1834. ' - 1 :'X '. coca ted y.-.y . , - Corner of Ilaltimore aiid Chhrles Sta. : j BALTIMORE, Jit. fTHHE Lsrgest, Most Elegantly Kurnis'bed, rnd Pop ' m. : alf" Commeivia" College in the l'ijittl States. tletigned elfiressly lr Vouiig Men dejritig to obtain a THtmiocsn PaeTiCAb Rusisess Fijt;c4TiO!r jn the shortest possible ti e aod at least expanse. , A larffe aod Beanti.ully ,'VnnmerfeJ Circular, eon- tnining npwsfds of SIX S'QUARK F"hT. w to .'.'M-ffi-,enr of ftnua-utlu'p, and a Large Engrar'agftUe tui-H of tile: kind ever irade' in t'un country) rcprcMimug the luterKir iew oflhe I'ullegc, with iCatnloiie srae mg tern s, Ac... will be sent to Every Youuij Atan on appliidafion, Frei of. Chiinje. , Write ltniueoiat' ly and tou can receive the package by re:ura mail. i. - -Address, l . , , : E. R"llO:iEn; feb i ly. , . -, : Baltimore, Md. G1 HEAT CtKIOSlTY.--WF HAvE ONE f ot lhe greatest curiosities and moist vn.ui.ble ill vetitaouB in tUi known world, for which we wuutseuts everywhere. Full particular sent Veeji ; M1AW 4 CLAPK, dse 21- 3tc$g ! i liiddoford, SItine. i M . .. JT , MOORE, Formerly of tokes Co., N. C , t !:. WITH I j" - ' IVPFAH LA N D . I TATMAN & CO. IIMPOKTKKS ANX WU.4LK-.A MC I It A I M FOKL1GX & DOMESTIC DKY.GOODS, No. 2 7HIcket St. & Church Alley, Between Second and Third Stretls, : i-t'L- '. r PHILADKlPaiA.- , Jasj B. M Fariaud, I j JAS. 1 T ATM AN, - i I- IIkxky Kkkuuauskk f i Jasj li C. OtUHAM. j J , janj 1 -3mw. JiltSEY SETTLE llvT LAND FOR '!! ' ; SALE. ; :-."y':- T OFFER FOR SALE 440: ACRVS OF THB JL beet Jersey Land, lying on both sides of the Nortll Liir.ihna .Railroad, 5 between the two' E Pott's -Creek Bridges, and vxtending tetbe Yadki- river. -The Mil is of ; the ' very best quality throughout,! w ith nea' 40 acies of first and second river bottom. There is a beautiful building site; wilh a well or superior water in a beautiful gf ore, elevtted and ceiir a public road The soil is of l be best quality for Tobacco, Cut ton and alLtbe cereals. Its fine location and excellency ot soil maks it a most dcsimbla place for a limit rate farm It adjoins my main farm, and is only separated bra creek. , Persons are invited to view tbe ) premises, and to call on my son, who lires near by. Wr . HOLT. Lexington, N. C, Jan. 1, I860. jan21 wPf NO HUM J) V G . ; THE SKfUSCllIBFR ; wishes to iafcnn tbe publio generally, that he has now on band, and is prepared at all time,' to fur nish a remedy fr the troublesome disease known as YELLOW JAUNDICE, a disease o the liver. It in well known that toe Physicians are generally from twO to three weeks effecting a oure.j I aow offer a Reni4y to the publio jwhieb is perfectly safe and harmless in its nature, which will have the Centred ef feet . in 4$ hours as wellj as a month's practice with ealonieiL . -. . :.-. . . . j . . - V ; It is so cheap tbat all can purchase it, being only Two Dollars per Box; therefore, none need be with out it. :' '..v.-y" '"tV' ' t-'"' -Upon the receipt of $2, a Box of 'these Villa will be sent to the address of an person in the United States, m nil . Mtra unanla1 . . . " ' . - I - - UW vua v v an a au wia nov JSr-wtf - VT. W. W0ODEL- J . SA.NPOK'DS LI V E R-;. IN V IOORATOR i NCVEIt' DEBILI TAf ES. TI 13 VOMfOUNMU , KVOBIiLY FRO J' (ruins, and bas- Deomo an etablishud f,u., fclandrd Medicine, known and aiiproved l.y i , have used it, aud is dot resorted to UH entii1eQcJ all the dUeasea fur wbicb it ia recuaimemk'd. It has cured whar had eiven up. all Qj ,hupes of relief, an tl jt. fit-atea in. niy pi.Nieiic ted to tbe tewp.-ramirt ic, and usetlln such qui Tne 1.0WUI. .iiKl-ment tt 'ide vnn I N V IGO KATOlt vand it will euro Xiver;rjjCompluiut, liill.Ai, to Attacks Dyspepsia, jthriue Oiarrhuia. iysentej, nch. Habitual f for tivenes t h I i e , Z Morbus, Cholera In-1 Z ChoUis, t hoit (until 111, t ialuleii Weuhnessca,j,nj a an urainary 1 auikty iiciiuueue, , twenty rdi antes. spoonfuls are lakkn I at commenoemnt of at : All who use it are, '-f in it far or. I X giving the-r testimi Mix Witter in tho Mouth with the ;INV1 OUATOlt, and swallow both together. Price One Dollar per Mottle.' . -,X -Xi f ' j '-' : - " . . ALSO, ' ' ' .' t . j'. gANFOKD'S . ';''. '"i -i " . raastr . .. ' ' CATHAR TI O PI LL S ' 'fs. X' . , coMrouKbBD prom, 1 J '-' . Pure Vrqetable Extract,. itd j,vt up t GL.- J VASE&', Air Tight, aud will krep in any climatK (The I amily Carninrtic 1'iit is a gentle hat active Catoarnc whieh the t'roprktor has used H piwtice more than twenty years. - Tbecunstanrty in'reariing demand from those alu have used the Villa and the sutifitetion wbichlalllex. press in regard to use, has 1 induced me to 4ai e tue in within the reach or au." xx j The Profession well . jkrfow that dilTereiit o4 tharttes act. on different-jHJ Fporti. n if Ithh hnwr) rThe FAMILY CA- 5j fllAUTICl , 1 I h is, wit) due reference to tliia well csUblithed been compounded Iron s variety . if the . firm vegetnoie r, x tracts, ft wnioa aei anse on part of the alunenurry ca- linl. and are good J and sufo in all cases where a,nrti ia needed, suelt tin Derangements of p (be htomach, Sleiep. mess, t'aius in the a c k ana lo Costivcoess, Pain and ovtl whole tMHly.irom suaden , eobl, wtiiub frequent) nee'eeted. end in Urn it oonrae of Fovler, JJok of Appetite, a Creep ing Nenaatioa of Cold ,. ver' tl UhI, t Hf atlexsnesa, llchd. ache, or ; Weiht in 'he Head, ajl namoiaiorf iiiscas worms t 1 iiii dren or A d u 1 1 a , Kheuniatism, a ii fanner or the illooa !-if'l tany iw which flesh is heir, too ! i.iauierikna to nitiitu this advertisement. Doe,vl to 3. , V PHICK, 3 DIMK8 !f 1 The3 Liver Invgorator land Family thaitic l'llla are r. iilml by Priikryists go-trii'j-, ijaa sola itmljrii' inn trxcv tn all lar;e lo! ! S. T. Wi SMitokv,lMl I, ountaetureiT aoil "ropriatilr. 325 Broad way, : New , York. 1 ort 26 wly NOTICE. rpO TWK ENLISTED SsOMUBRS IK Til X of 1814, tbeir hrir and ajriens, and allt M interested iu Weslern Land : J. C. Cndner. ef hiH field, Johnston county, N. C , brio a 4'ofiiniii-Hi ... iiA.i a t)t,lk;.a .I., r.. i. i.i.i ,,r ciws, ( Jiiiuoignnd Arkansas, anil being cngnsred iitl, J'-V". .''.... W, .'V .Ml. MU1K. VI III,."," com. ve'tigation arid pinseeuiijin. of 8klier' rlaiius In in the btatej nnnitl, offers bis Services as 1 o . 1 .. .... !..... .L eerj ; Vestero Landa, either as ; siddies, their hei-s ll.e owners of patcht title", or vthcrwise, iihor to iliar snK.w wv ww ..v a v ... a. n " ; lh.i titL.. li,IHitttr,.i I,-. .11 f heir l.n.ll In hn. M I to detect and rectify fiauds ep.i i heir, claims. Us has to state that in the Vcsrs Iflio td !8;0 CHfiriiis t were sranted o about 22jftltf of these soldiers! - or their heirs, of from IfiO to-'aO aen-s of laid n tHe Sats of Missouri and 1 11 a ois Of these he has tha names eil, the number, of tl.e warrant, date of. patutl to' 1 what capacity t(ie yoblier servid, the corps or "jI!i uient in a bic.h each oldier- rvtd, aud a deiionp- -ti"u of tbe lnil itr;iwn by each soldier. Isij. a iarjfe amount of alis'rac's frinn ofliciil records, sqow ilig th oiesent eondiiiun of tit'e, lie h the urtiti'si ! aul a description of ll ellicers who bave been aili , missioned, or who ha e been appointed and .-rvji in the army of tfao Uni ed Mutes ince the innurartin to of the firet Presi'imt in 17f, to the first ef January, 1853.' He ill be iu the- SMita-y j Land liietri- i iu Missouri nnd Illinnigfrota mid auer the first of Ni veuiber. 1859, for some tine. fr the purrosc of inves tigatiDT nd proseeatiup.ihis class of claims, and in vites 'he correfpondenee of ad persons who nir. r bo iii any wise rnterested in this class of claims be icv iltg that "roiii hislo'ne experience, in tho businei i ha tan. do justioa to all' who may e.itrust him with liieir business. 1 yAny letter addressed to me at Keyteville"fMisuri, ' or Kn zville, I11i,ois,wi!liueetmilb prompt atleti ion if aec u pauicd vith a staip to pay return "pt)tl). Or i" stiit to me at PiuithfieM." Jelit,sl,n i-i.uutj S. 0., Uurii g my absence in the Weft wiil be auswiri J by my fneod. Vm. II. Aver, -or Ed. nurkerJ At bjrnejrat Laar, ir tiirardud to me for Hivesiigu ion, abd answered as circuinstanocs mar require iocts wtf. ; :'. ' J C. CODNEt Hk.TOTIC. TUB USDrRSltiKED JlAVllXii ij atJ'tb'uary JVrta -160, l,f ite Vouttnf Pita & Quarter Ston. for Wak CuBDtr, qualified aa Ad- ffli' i-tiator ot W lil sm Pow. U, dMreased, hereby gji'el W'tfee to all Trsoa9 intcbted 10 tha estate oftheiSaid Powe'l, to cnil upon t'jt tintorsiDed aud pay up! and t tb '-se h ring claims nr diemunds against suiii.i'Uat, td present tbem. within tba. time presevil;d by law, or tins notice will be plea. led )a bar ef tbeir reeoverf. r 20'h day of FebruarTi 1 btt. ' feb 25 td. ' . ; CABELL POWELL WPOKT AN T. S Al.I v f 1 U B C XD E USI C N ; ED, as AdministrituT l WuL dcoesWd, oo Wednesday the 1 Mb day M March at His residence, expose to publ ic ale all tir periihnUe pert) belonging to, said rttnle, eoufitiin in t Horses, Cattle, Hoga-S ;, Ctirn. Fodder, Oats, Kfrh, mg Tools, Carnages, l!"U'e!xld r un Hure, Cott' Bacon. Lard. Also Uie Tract of Land cooUisiiig acres, ic, a Ok - ; i i Term, a credit of 6 months w'tl be given. Hi fui" ehoser giving hood with approred seeuniy, brfvre 10- moc'riff the pn:perty. 2(IUia):iv irrclro,-.rv. feV 2o td. I r CASWI.M,- l OWF.Ll. DE fores, Att.nsntoM; A CO. DU1' GOODJi '158 i;kcii ANTS, SO A HZ Chambers t.. N. Y., Would notify the Tradii tba' they are on aing Weetly, in iifwunrt benutiiul pntteiu, tbo , Wamsutta Prints, ' A'.iOtsKUAG, " A New Print whit exels everv Print iu tho,opi-i' try tor iierlectio.i.iiftxwuiii.n and At sign in full Mad der Colors. Ours l'nots are elvsjxy thuu arty in uir- ktt, and mectitjg wuu xtcpsiva saj. , Orders promptlv attended to.- BRADENBATJGII & POP, DEALEkS LV'AIETAL" ; AND fltANUFACTl'KERS OF CtlPFiai, '-.No. M SraUh's Whatf, f UALTLUOltE. nu. It CANUFAt'T' HE ATTHKUtKPOWDER CqP- itlPliR WOK Kti. and heepin Blore Copper l-heels, Itirazier'a and f-heaUMiig, 1 Kods, Rirets, ailS, A Dealers in Pig Iron, blieet, !Rod and Hoop Iren, 'rntrht. Imn Tuhea--Plin aud Ualraoiad for! 1 Gas, Water, or tea" Malleable Iron Fillings. Lei Pina and Sheet Lead. . tiua Fit'ers' Tools, liooki. I i ment, AC Copper Ingots,' Tiii, LeadA Spelter, Foiin ders facings, ire liriekf, 4c, to. fob 15 5mw. . I i ' ''. - 6R0CF Rlf S! - PIIE SL'DSC KIULKS OFFER TO Til L - trade the followiug Goods on very liberal teriiis, with a general ascertain' hi.their lias: 000 Kegs Cu-nberland Kai s aasorted. SOa-Saeka Marsha 1L. r. Salt. ' '.'?. 200 Bushels Coffee, Crusoed ai;d Powdered Suga'sJ ' 29 Hnds new erop ffew 'Orleans r . uo. loft Barrels Molaste and -yrups. 1 " 17a Bags Kio, Laguira.and Java Coffees. 20 Hhds new Baeoa, jsidvsaa?uouiaers. R. . VOUMU A FtRO., 9'i Sycamore (street, i . v - '- Petersburg, ;VaJ jan - wti January 21, 1859 TOTICE.--APPLICAT10Ji WILL BE MADE i at h expiration of Thirty days from this tii.. for the ' (sue of a new eertica for two Shears ot Stock loathe B-nk '"of tbe State of North Caroline, ia ntoMni i Vrliflratn. Na. 119. IssBed to Irbsbod Nnr- a, . nr.. V D 1 1 ;l I .iwltlllki.tll.. T4.i the said Certificate havlngkatn loet'sr mi '.aid. moo. iroBinvi a . iim.u.. v -ji - IUl-ih, Feb. 20rb, 1 860. ' ' fob 23 w4t: I lUKO-THUJtIAl CJlDKMIaBdOLM I 1 Dominion Cofiee xou. A new supply Just r)t ceived, at the farmers Hall.- , fcb lS JAMES M. TOTLE?, Agt fe. if 1 Cs- LL ':wt. lot, the r. tt I'lNlt t.l. n in" Fa. fAK ITS iih- iifr uri, in fill d 11 n 'I late ii- I ef

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