f - j ; -:i h - JTrom the Albesnarla oulhrgo. . THIl CANVASS OPENED! pxscrsiioir atgatestiijjg ; t Gorerrior THIm a used up 1 THE CPPDS1T10NW HISH SfUUTS. POOL CO TERES WITH GLORY I . r- r vt . ' i . Ditaeciatt Dewa la tha Mental. le or Gates owtoty at Uata-vui en nwu; The Qonrt Bow w, crowded to iu Htoat tesetry. and Cm peoplt appeared to taVa great la--Urt U the daniadoo, We were present and took notes, Rod tba foUowrngltn substantial re port ef thAtneln ptwet la UwdleojBlon-w Got. klUa asade the opening tpoch,.HooK monrtfl by tellirr the penpl of Gate county that ha waa the candidate of the Democratic partr for r 1 retina to the office of Governor. He told the twttatlM desired la the outsat, ta thank the of Gate tor their warm and serous fP; m two rn ago. T Goteroor said had bean aamra&l rndaraf tee history of Worth Car olina, aad wfjslaeed th people the fcrr ad promrooa oondltioa, of bar ctttsena. Ba aJ ludedln glowing tarmi to the tact thai tha State end la seacwsftJ Operelioa en asylum the deal sad dusab and lhabRod and a retreat for the la wnt B said that la establishing these inatitu Uom wa were obeying la behests of divine prov ideeoa aad acting ia aaeordaaoa wtlk tk fdterew of high heaven. Heid there waa so point of jw anal tUsereace between hire aad bit cocrpitor, bat a Ut dlflaraaea oa 6tate and Federal affair. , Be then approached the subject of eat miortm tax, tioo, aaid it tu aa Important lu, be .lauded tha ooaatamioo aad deprecated IU dkturbaace. The object of the proposed amendment to the contito tioa wet to IncTean the tax oa alar property and aot jIijuh boa any thing eke ; becharacterlatd tha Broeoaad witiiiit a a remarkable aad daa- i oae aad deprecated any CUCirDaace o aec- mmiki Tha Draaant cofutltaioa i a fmaieuaulee betveaa the Kart aad Waf , aad Bke the covenant betveea AOranam ana ta Abiaausc, n Crocjni pear aaa aarmuoj m aot4e Ha bad ao doubt th.e discawMO of md iabrtM voold riroT dl7" tat taporUaoa dasMaded that ft ahoald be heard. Hethea veot tale eloag argoaMBt to abow that the neaaare m rmcmhrniir Wartera ift ruorigis, aad that that alaalta theplatfana of the Opcoulion wa atadeof tatarr tm the ZaaL Whea tha Stale taxes vera baxaereatT or eighty taonaaad ooilan Utey were iai .) miiM hot mv that railread are to be rma thantgh the moontatot ec, im nai ana horrydabt la eompaao UerW to bepa!d,tt wee inperUBt lo obaarve the eomproousei of the eea titatioat La rvgard to the rajact ef taxatSoo. The Tim CeegTeaJonal Dutrkt pays lata the Slate tiani r aboat aioety-oae thoaaand dollan, araatr-oae thooiafid of which w to bote eari tela KtJe soke through vertara moon lain whkh boom of a are far ; the flrrt Congroi aaooal Diatrfct geti aothing ia retnrk tor all th'w. The Wart had ao greaad to complain, bat like the horae feaawewcryVtg, giva I giel I nod like the grara, moral moral I aad there it ttill aa in aatiaU aad iaexorable cry for mora. ,The Saa . tera people thoald eooaider before they placed a axapoa la the baada of their eoemiet of the 'Wait with vklch they may deatroy them. The peapia bad aot atked for md aabrcM, Xr. Badger aad Hr. Fool atkrd for it. Ha would go at far aaaay oae to eqoalixe taxalioa, it vat tight and faat. ., There wen two way of making tklnga aoaaJ. ILr. Pool waated to cqoaliaa by increasing tha tax oa alaTe be would equalise by deereating the tax ea bad. The tax oa bud wai too high aow ta aoaipariaoa with tax oa alavea. If we do it by Lcriilatire enactment instead of by aa rm. dcortmdoa. ItwcmldUMfefortheXaet. or tU WtttkUmrml VdiU tkmft tfay mmnied to pad aa u4 mnrhtutwm Some pHhOaaa, ta the Xeat coateaded aad argned that if by ad re larmm tCxaUoa the laxea of the Xaet were tacrtat . ad, that the Zaat weald thereby have a larjer rep reaeatatioa la the 8eaate, bat they might be aa aaxad. aaid the Governor, that tha "Watt woe. Id aot aobmh to the low of a aiagle Sraatoc, even thoogb their resietance worked a rerolatloa. The Governor aaid that aader ed eefcrea taxation the Xaat womla be piaoad ra tha power ec the Wert aad be taxed to build wwaera railroads. The West would all the time hare iu hand la the fxxfcata ef toe eastern people, aaa woum nave a bank dewa here, aad all the draft upon that bank 1 be would honored, for thefheriff would have the eoetrol aad collectiaa of then. .The Xast waa . to the West What the CtUed goose was to her Xastera men aced aot be afraid that tins i was woald.be killed, as long aa she coattaoed to lay gotdea egga; oartera man- were komc teCgefl, if they ronaentad to be caught m aarh a trap. Gov. XUis thca weetoa and gave a teooad adi tioa or a rehash of hit Kaleigh speacb about the Conetftational Uoloa parry, Mr. badger and Mr. Graham, which our readers eaa see by getting a copy of that, speech, which caa;t aowuned very cheap.- , .v " ' : The Governor then said : ' The Opposition Convention His called, ani sorely it richly merits the name. It presents a coQactkm'of arposilas. contraries, aaugonlsma aatVeaerartiTn aanaisof poHtits and poUticiana. They reiolve ia favor of a system of ad valorem - tMJog, iDl". select. a'gsritWaaa to advocate the lasaseii before Cte people, who, but ft few moatht siace la bit aolaraa aaa sworn capacity as a legis katbr, teeorded the convictioet xt hie adgmcnt acataatit. They xeepose a 'Convention to auer tWerraaie taw, aad nominate acandidate to go before the people aad say that is bigot, who, but a few short months since, said, under oath, that it ' ' of internal Gnproraaaent, and to prove their eia W ma Thjrr hmim vtml v Im fmo at nvltl caritr to the Western, neaalt, aalaet a awtsemao; to advocate thecaxefore the peeple, whose first poruicaiutias wean Vainrai arara Democrat beeaaee ae bad saFPorted and raa exiseance aad hit to these eery aanawresygantlcaun who has voted age art every Bailroad, la some form, now ia course of coostraetioa.aBd "bo never voted fcrg ' talked Car. or weried for, any Railroad that ever bat been buUt ta Kerth Caaalina or, ia my opin- kpo, that ever will bebaala,u x : 1 - . -a. n a.e . ue taea want oa aoa sausotneiaiBg aoout ua, Dockjry. boring holes through tha cqooawina. " etc. whkh ws have not reeca ta give aad de not deem U neccasary, as part 1 ais rpaaca was a fta snarTaotTPef ft aerUoa ef hit aniebraiad Ealetgh apiece wr.r.aasare tajora tsama, caa eoptataeq . tie, ilis tbaa aaid aoerathing aloct Seward - aad tba Bepnbikaxe, aateg the general twaddle of : A.aooa trt araaore vpra wis sudjc. . it a wiu oo Gov. Xula thaJasCte to sty that hit speech was aa - lai.aaar.sis eaa, bat utterly .devoid of either alo qaeace. warmth or Corra, aad ha entirely failed to arouse ua party mono. . ' Jlr. Ttol than arose to reply, and wat greeted U Joaa ana raptaroas app4aute. ml. root aarxx. - Mr. Pool cccameoced Vj stating that Jt was not the Ircf tana be -bad appeared before -the people : f Gain county, bar that be had iirretofora sp- aaarad before sheas advocator taeelttsasf ath. ' r mun ; bcilhst now be was a candidate himself -x tLt oCce of Governor. That Governor XI lis bad bid tha people tbis hi kU speech, but that Ue QautttjoT td kaiarepreastatrd aim m'ao taany MrUcuiars io that spaath, that fca tbeagbt tt waa a senary for Use o tell the people himself that I be was a candidate.' Be aaid that be would have corrected tha Governor ia some of bit mlirecre- laalstlniia at tha time, but there were to many of them that be conWoritd to girt Mas plenty of mpa, aad ift bit reply make necessary corrections. ,Hr. r aaid that hoerat Jka;ihverf eetaafortm taxation, aod stood aqaaraiy sjaoa tha atetfona his partsvoctaaly nv tba part af tha 4at. ,foezt soanitoaed ay aha Governor, botepoa the part waica taa Uoveraor aa4 left out and said mm act ta it. Oa aaid fhat the Governor bad pekea of the) eoaopromisea of the CoosUtutioa. tti bad preacLad a aeratoa about ; the dasgars of fx a csaoge, aoa wa oetersineuoa to preaerre it 1 from afl aUacka and altaratioaa. Be aaid that , Ibat the GoTcraor was th last maa tabaoamea . hampioa of the Conititatiew aad ae deprecate changes ia It -I hat ha owed hia preseat nositiea , asCorajaas of tha8taUterree8offiare, and tha . amf rt awe t affected to the Coaadtattoa on tba - object that ae, the Goveraor, bad Just given the Ceeatimtioa a stab, aad that bo came here with his hand reeking with its Uood to lecture other toea about tha aacrcdneaj of that iastrumeat ' 3tr. r. said that be voted for free aunWe, be. i U gava aaiaaty at the ballot box, aad that : . u " I U now advocated, ad esforwys "c.- . eqealUy at the tax bottbat in thSl free Kverr Sant t&ere ought to be eeoall IJ betw & big5 and the low, the rich aad tne poor-a jb, a amendment to the ConsUtdtion. that every worth, for that wat the measure of the protection thatevery maa reesivad from the government a ... which ae was laxea to suppan um f and the platform of his partv had been misrepre sented all over the State that the Governor and attacked him behind his berk in hk speech in Balelxh, before the Democratic Convention, where even Ms friends were not allowed to cor rect any miestatements of t hit posiUon thst the i hi anaMRh had reuresented him as living voted against the principle of equal Uxa tioa while member of the Ietara-thatl be bad never given any inch vote, and that bit rotes referred to by the Governor were in exact confor-mlt-r with bis nreseat position that oa page 13 of the Senate Journal, 18M-P, he voted D,t this proposition of Mr. Kleosoe, -isasoiTou, w. ia tie ooUaction of revenue for the support of Ue Government, aad the pavmeat of the pabHe debt, it is oa wise, unjust and inexpedient to disertmi- neta ia favor of or against anv parucuiar u Mrtieulav smcies of nroperty m coutempUted by theframettof our Constitution." Mr. P, taid that thla1 was a proposition to tax aTtry species of property aooordiflg toyalu ex cept slaves, tor tne uonsutuuou am uj pUtod thU they should not be taied aooording to Value, but actually forbid tbair btdng ao taxed. Thk wat admitted by the Governor; bow could be then aay that us wat a vote agaioa tuuB all property aooording to its value. It it mani festly unjust to make all the other property in the State pay toxin proportion to JU value, aad leave slave property out. That would be more unjust than the present synem. wtw5b It ia the Legislature, and was against it now, and k.i tha arfasnt note t of difference between him aad the Goveraor, lor we uovaraors puv form was ia the following words; . . . O7adaemhthadutvofthelxnsl8ture inpass- Ing acU for raising revenue to to adjust taxation as aa mM Arm&nv aa Ttracucaoia wiuua ute uwu of the Coasututioa open the various interests and dames of property ia all rations of the State.- tk rfauMMMilo niatform excluded the ad aobrtra tax upon slaves while tne balance ot.iae piauum tmA nlacA 11 nnoB ail OtOer SPeOVSS vi pnwanT. TVi. mm thm una aa ilr. Bladsoee proposiuoa which be voted against and that ae was against u now, tha be voted against Mr. Bledsoe's Bill to amend the Gonstitatioo oa page zza 01 ua w ..I fet.Uk Rill ma In tba foIOWlnr WOrOSt xd. Ba it further enacted that all the col- ml inhabitants of thia State shall ba subject to such capitation or other tax as Ue tiemrai Assem M mil lmncae,'rjrovided that nothing herein eontaioed shall prevent exemption of taxable polls as heretofore prcscrtDea Cy law, ia caaoe 01 oouiiy taftraiity." " ' - ' ' Mr. P. aaid that this waa not propoaitioa to tax anything according to value, and would leave the . slaveholder without any protection against having the whole taxalioa of the SUto placed epon bis slaves that be was opposed to tuck a proposi tion then and k opposed to it aow; that his posi tion and the platform of his party proposed a very diffaraat thinr. It vrorjoeed to tax all property, slaves included, according to its value, giving the slave owner protectioa against naving an aaiav preportioa of the taxes put upon his property, and h tV Mttur nf unrt other sneciet of Drotiertv an renal protection agauist having an unjust propor tion of taxation put upon them. . It wat thk prin ciple of equality and eirtection to all that be fa vored, and that was the dktingnuhinc difference between tha Whig platform and the above propo sition of ktr. Bledsoe; that ba voted against the aaaendnsant of Kanway oo rage SM of the Senate Journal, which was in the foitowinr words : That colored rn habitant or tni state, except Indiana, not taxed by this Constitution, shall be subject to ft tax upon the ad valorem principle, provided the uenerai Assemniy snati aot see ui 10 tax them anon the ner canUa nrinciole, in which latter case they shall not be taxed more than white persona, subject to capitation tax.". asr. it. aaia taat m mi part n its huwuuiupi would nut a tax uron miarta accordinr to value aad leave all other property without such tax ; that thk would be unequal and nnjust to the slave bolder, for the same reason that Mr. Bledsoe' res olution and the Democratic platform were, nne aual and uniost uooa the holders of other nroper- tvt tnal no was tor notunsr tax aoooruiur to vaiue not onlv noon slaves but upon other property also aad wasopposea 10 exempting esiaer. jror turn - . -.. ... - -n ... reason ae aaa votea against laeMpropusiuwBauu wat arainst them now. B s repealed that be de- sired equality to the slave owner and the non-slam owner, exempting neither, and was therefore com pelled to vote against any proposition that exempt ed either from their just and equal proportion of the burdens of taxation. . That the Gov. in his Balefgh speech bad attacked him Ukmd hi a hack aad where hit meads could not aetena Dim ana aaa were represented him and the platform of hk party as proposing ta discriminate in favor f nothing, as baiaria lever of taxing the -family Bible, the soedidna ad nUn is tared to the sick, the cradle, tin caps, etc Be wat surprised that the Governor, or anT maa wno wat aMe to read, should make such charge, that the Whig platform provided tor no dtscrimtnation ia favor of anything. "He .would call the Governor's attention to that part of the cmcoaiUoa blaUorm which the Governor had taken so eh particular pains aot to read. It wat ia the fcj'awinr words "witu cower totuacriminate oniy in lavor of the native product of our state sod the Industrial pursutUornerclUzen.1' Tbniprovaioa wat meant to exempt from taxation all those littie articles of household and kitchen fornltere which are neceesaarv to set an ft man ia bis industrial pursuit, but tne uovernor naa aemea uatitwas T . . t..r .1 v 1 . - J i VI. IB iom piHwra umjuu tm wan m vuyj u , h tm turn haaas while speaking. Tbkprovisioa wat simi lar to the one contained in Gov. Iteid'tssaforeas message whea be recommended the exemption ef on Hundred aad arty Collars wortn oi property ta cover all these liula thxaoa. Sock' an axemot- ion did aot intarfore with tha. great priseiple of equality, because U extended to ovory taaa auxe. Tne eon stitutioa of the State of Texas compels the Legislature to impose an d talortm tax upon all property " alike with' power to exempt three hundred dollars worth to cover these little articles of household furnitures that he hoped the as i rsetssalatkia r f imr plttfora iprm ink surjsrt would aot be made agaia by nay maa who knew Mr. Paoi said that ho would call tha Gevereoi 's attention lo the (act that the Demoerstio platform eontarned no each exemption, bat proposed to tax nwrv Oua eotaJTr. sxcert nrroes. - The Gov. and hk pUtroim ware for taxing tne Kibie and the ua cupa and the baby's cradle but not slaves, that tha negroe was taeoaiy uung taey proposea to exempt from equal taxation, thai ao southern state except North Carolina had aay constitutional provkion exempting slave from taxation aconrdiag to value aad equally with other property. Virginia k the only State that approaches the exemption of slaves, but the taxes tbesn according to value limiting the value la her eoastitutten oix or tae Southern States ia their constitution maka it obligatory upon tha Legislatures to tax all taxable properly aeeardinr to valee, while the ether seven laare it giasveOooary wtu tfterr jjerUiiiaTtm to do se. Jtir i r. proceeded to read from tne Jonsutoaon of the Soathera Btatea eoutarmng tneso provtoiont and ealied opoa tha Goveraor to help him to place North Carolina tide by aide with her sister states I of the South ia taxing slsvee as property and net I at persons si treating siaves as persona ana novi anrooertv" was amoractariae tsaoinr nnncinie or Ue xUsek ttepuaucaa partn taat it was a blot upon tha Cow 1110100 of .Wert (Jarouaa watch ha oaUedupon every true Boutaera man to help bin ta wipe out that Ifortk Carolina should not stand alone among her skier states of the south re- coca lain; ia bar Constitution the Black .Republi can eootnae taat slave are only' persona, aaet wn hwf sf ears pay fsir tjmmlm turn of tta birdem of faasa ia waata' rawm aaw hartlfUms etfwm- ttoas hMmrt aywirane AMa-m& tommy I ma, etr stave noiaer or not, ma wtfareat m " Vim imtifvtiom. of tavrrv. It would thus strengthen ; the Institution or slavery wntcu at toil (particular time needs strengtneaiBg. au toe otaor boutaarn states have done thk aadit k time for Iforth Car olina to do the same. Mt. P. aaid that the Gov to bk Kaleigb speech had prophesied that be would leave ak platform Before tae sua stood erect lathe i heavens as rats leave a sinking ship,- but that the Governor would find him standing proudly upon tha deck of that ship ia ttorvu and ia sunshine. that if Democratic tyranny and xeiaTvpresentation Should raise a tempest to swallow np that ship and sink her beneath the surges of prejudice; be would go down wua ner her datur tivmld b hit. M.T. r. seta taatiae Uov- ta hk Baleirh speech. ieMmd kit hock mrd loKem, kit friouit ocmU mmt i- ij kil . -j . vi. hum la the YZLTS JTT "Taiad. and other work. I ...... c . .. of Interfitl improvememt ; ana aaa cuxuiawu that speech in Jhe West, for the porpose or injur, log him there j that the Governor used the folio hi Unraun in his Rafeieh sneech s "Thtfy re- aolvc warmly in favor of works of Internal Ira- provementt ana to prove uieir unoeruj tq mi wa tern people, selected a gentleman to advocate them ' before the people whose first political success was a triumph over a Democrat because he had sup ported and given existence and life to these very measures a gentleman whohadVoVd against arery Railroad, in some form, now in the course : Mnatraetiaa i- aad ' who jasMT votedTor, taUud far, or wrhtd Jar any Bailroad that ever hat been buUt in North Carolina, or, in my opinion, that ever will be built." ; , . ; , , .v - lit. Pool said, e reference to the Journal or the r xrbUtnv would show this to be a total misrepre sentation of his course 4b at he had advocated and . voted for more Sailroad bUls man ue uoveraor bad ever done, and had voted against fewer; that no ppropriatione had been asked for western BuiimaA while he was a member of tha Legisla ture: and, therefore, he bad no opportunity of voting for any, bnt that he had voted for almost every thing that had been asked by the western people. He voted against the appropriation to the JTavettevuie sjoaiaeta wuiruau, wntAd fn both sessions when -he was a mem ber of the Iklaura for appropmtion of sereral ; hundred thousand dollars to Improve Deep River; and that develop the coalfields, and thutroed was rival protooU.FHa tlsought It ?mg to oto for ; both.. Be referred to the Senate journal of 185&-7, page 196, 301, 202, 223. showing test Be voiea iour timet for the Cherew and Coalfield Bailroad, to page 360 showing that be voted for the Atlantic and N. C. R. B.t to page 363 for the Atlantic and Suffolk Bailroad, to page 285 for the Western Ex-: tension BiU, ft amended ey tne aetect committee, to pace 304 and 326, for the Wilmington, Cbar- lotto ana ttutneriora wunwa, u tm Greenville French Broad B.B to page 31 8, 320 for the Rockingham and Coalfield Kail road, to page 352 for the Southern Airline Bailroad. .Be raferred to the Senate journal of 1858-9, page 368, for the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford Railroad, to page 3T5, 399 for tha Western Extension, whtcn mm ae aavocacea wito an at might in tae Senate aad out of it-r be spoke for iTpubliihed hk speeohet ia the Raleigh papers, andin the papers In bk own'Dktrict that in the face of thk record and these act be was surprised that the Governor should attempt to injure him ia the West, by publishing to taose people mat h. rVt. P.l newer voted for. talked for or vxrktd for anv that ever hat been halt iXortA Car' ptTap or aa my ,7 uynnwm wm. wvr w- ; Mr P. aaid tne uoveraor oaa t umj mm strong eastern sectional speech saying that west era gentlemen desired to alter the constitution giving them the power to put their bands into the pockets of eastern gentlemen to build thr Soads, and aaa saia tnattaisiMriot pwu year to build - R. B a. - in the eigbin tnsirict and gets aothing Jn ., return. Air. jr. taia that ae was an eastern- man, that be was standing before hk eastern friends, and that be took thk oecasioe to tell them that ' while he wat an eastern man, he was also a North Carolinian, and felt pride ia the honor and prosperity of every section of the State, that he bad done, and should continue to do, whatever be could, for the benefit and development or every section of the Bute, east and west. North and South, as far at tba resources and financial conaiuon ci tua State would permit ; that such was the platform of kk eartv and suck was-his platform ; and that he should stand or fall bv it- That he would take thk occasion to say to the face or his eastern mends and neighbors that if elected Governor of North Carolina, he would not be the Governor of tba east nor of tha west, but af the whole Statu, and would do what he could for . the prosperity ana happiness of alL . That be should take the ame positiont east and west, and be called upon the Governor to tell the western peoplewhen we get among them the positiont that had been taken by us here to-day. . Mr. Pool, at the close of hk speech, sat down amidst a shout of applause, and much applsae as we have never seen given to any other man Wbo was ft candidate in Uk District - , We have aot attempted to gfve the' whole of thk powerful and brilliant speech of our gallant young standard beaier, but merely a yop .- What we have taid, however, are the main points of tba remarks ef both, the gentlemen, aad era strictly correct. i Mr. Pool, during bk eloquent speech,- was fre quently interruptad with loud bursts of applause, aad has made a great impression upon the people of Gates county. Gov. Ellis, in hk rejoinder, was very much oonrused and showed cooclucively that be felt the terrible rasping that he bad received, or In other words that be wat a used up candidate. We baveat room to tay more. - ! j OPPOSITION MEETING ' IN WILMING-i . . TON. ,. , ! , At a meeting of the Whig and American par ty, held ia the Court Bouse on Thursday, March' 29th, Geo. Davie, Esq., was requested to act as Chairman, aAd W. P. Bill. Esq., as Secretary. Mr. Davit, on taking the chair, explained the objects of the meeting in a few chaste and eigant remarks, whea the following business was Iran-! acted. j? ,r-r. j - ! 1 Oa motion, a committee of five was appointed to draft suitable resolution for the action of thai meeting. . ' . . The Chair appointed the following gentlemen: AABrewa, WO Boward, B W Beery, J H Flanaerand J J Lippitt, Xtqrs., who reported through their chairman, A A - Browar "0, the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted. W HKBXts, A Convention of the Opposition par ty ef North Carolina wat bald in Raleigh ea the 32nd of February, by which body a aeries of reso lutioat was adopted, and John Pool, ; of Pasquo tank Coucty, piaoad in nomination for the office of Governor of thk State: t , ( s : i Therefore, Besolved, That weWhigs and A raer iuana of New Hanover County, do approve of the "declaration of principles" contained in such serios of resolutions passed bV the State Convention. . . Further, Besolved, That we consider the nomi nation of John Pool, for Governor, as ; one noai neatly fit for the time and occasion, and we will' give to it ft eaaloas support., ; , . j Further, Resolved, That we are ia favor of hold ing aDUtrict Convention ia .thk twn, on the 34th ef April, a suggested by our friends of Cum berland county, for the purpose of selecting a fal egate to the National Union Convention to meet ia Baltimore ia May, nominating aa JSIeofir. and attending to other matters connected with thf in terests of the Opposition party, .od that we p point SO delegate! thereto. - - 1 '.' : - Further, Besolved, That the Chairman or th.s meeting be requested to appoint ft committee of three, whose duty It shall be to procure a suitable place ia which to bold the Dktrict Convention, and to maka other requisite arrangements for Its accommodation. - -- ;! Under the third resolution the Chair appointed the followtBg gentlemen: - Gea JasOwee.DrF J Bill, Geo Barriss.J B Planner, F D Poisson, W M Lewis. O P Meares, T E Lawrence, B. W Bery, T C Worth, E Wcsteott, W J Topp, W P Eniott, Dr W P Bill, Daniel Robinson, Jas Robinson. Jas Brown, John Hewlett, J N Craig, J J LippHt, A M Waddell, R Burr. Dr T BlCarr, J F Bwhop, H. W Burgwin; J Loeb, A D Waddell, Julius W Moore, A D Taylor, R B Cowan, W J Love, Jr, Walker Meares, X Murray, E,Savar, Dr A S Wright, Ar A Brown, LA Bart, O 8 Baldwin, AD Caxaux,' R F Brown, G B French, J A Parker, W L De-; Bossett, J D Camming, B F Carr, 0 G Parsley,: Jr, Dr G W Potter, W 6 Anderson, D Cash well- On motion the name of the Chairman was ad ded to the above list. ,; Under the fourth resolution the following were appointed by the Chair: ,- ' r v , . Jos J Lippitt, Dr W P Bill, J no A Parker. On motion of Ti D. Poisson , a committee of five waa appointed to act as an Executive Com. mittee for thk county during the coming cam- B Tien ner, AM "Waddell. Walker Meares. Geo Harris, C C Morse." i Oa snotion of Walker Ueares, Esq., the Chair, maa wat added to the Committee. ' ' : : '. . During the absence of the Committee, the meet, lag wss sddretsed by F D Poisson, qn on the subject of Adralorera Taxation. .- j ,'.-., " Oa motion the neetiss; adjourned.4 '.' ' , I- - GEO. JJAV1S, Chairmaa. W. P. Hiil, 8ect'y. - "' t 4 ; .; - Jj The workra eu of the neighboring towns, having ! abandoned the strike, axe pouring into Lvnr. Mass., seeking employment, and rendering the afal a ' 1 .; e . 1 course of the strikers still more fruitl . ft - - - ' -- - JL . , - j...-,.. . i " -T X'i J V I ffOxt IH a kg xst am. ; JAChOIf-COUNTTAD yALOttJS.. nwkA- . f "-;. v ".- yyjfx , ' " ! . ' '4 '. fK Si - ilr. Editor-. Thi morning; a notice ;jrsf posted on the Court Bouse-door, saying friends of the Union, Constitution, and - Ad valorem Taxation," will bold ft meeting at Twelve o'clock thk day. At the tiare to, proclamation was made at the door or the Court House, giving the tense of the notice to the people, nd In a few moments, our spacious Hall was crowded with the freemen of Jackson. On motioarJohn C.'Bryaoarwne called to the Chair, and David- llogreqeeeted to act as Sec retary . whenDr..W. L. Love offered the foUow1 ing resolatioria, to the largest political meeting ever assembled ia Jackson County : i u;f " ' I. Besolved, That we cordially concuVJn the PUtform of prlndplet declared bf the UbIoo Convention at Baleigb,- and fully endorse the nomination-made by that body. ;: ' a. Resolved, That we will ratify and confirm the nomination of the Bon. JOHN POOL for Governor, at the August election 3. Besolved, That we approve oi u sition to bold a District Convention tt amtuib on the Wednesday of the Superior Court, to nominate a candidate for Elector in the ap--.in PnwrfrUniiaJ Ttlection. ftnd the p pointment of a delegate to represent thk District r deIate too. aU ' honorable ifce nontinatioa of our own dis- hri tixen? WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, L. ! r : . a -RjMnWM. That tha Chairman appointed in VolxnlM ts nnnwnt this CoUUtV i. W tt . 6. - Besolved that the proceedings of UU meet I i, nahiiBbl in ' the Baleuft Eezister and .v? -.1.1- TTI -r lk. Htatit. '' ! " ! ! Under the 4th Resolution, the following t- Dele gates were appointed, to wit. . ' i I.OHoooer.U C Born,D; D DavkUml Pnnnor. Scroon Enloo. : Dt W L JjQte,, Hugh JtoBere, Col J H Alley, A I McKlney. Alexan der Zacbary,CaptHCeward,lj William Brown, Col 4 E Parka; James stations,. auof4 Brcwn, R B Cannon. ., . . '. r mntinn tn ahjiies oi ma oocrewv buu - CoL B. S. Gaither, of Burke, being then called on, gave us an ftble, old fashioned speech, in favor ef forming a great National ? Union Party, in 11 rluuM of Sectionaluts. to be com- JX nf tSA Mends of the Qmsiiiution and rZiZm akwiiHr Cmnd. and concluded by thow tm instiM in. and necessity of adoptine the mninrm. THncinle of taxation. His areu ( nm this tioint were " characterktio of the ro.r.-rJoin Ma and unanswerable. CoL G. holds tha uma via of thk Drincinle. ad valorem Tax ation, that be held whea he wat in the' Coflven tlon of 1845. occupying as the. Journals ahow, it.. ar mm Mantieurround. Thus fsr every thing moved pleasantty for ..rrl hnt at this staee of the Droeeedinea. CoL W IT. Thomas, who seems to think be bat right to dictate to the people- of this ! Senatorial TWri. and frtadalli to those of Jackton County, ftwlincr and seel nir that the current in the Bouse waa overwhelminelr ttrona for equal Taxation, and fearing the freemen of Jackson might vote in the next Election against the present abominable Democratic Platform and his own wishes, ftrose and delivered a short dictatorial speech, urging the nwnla tA stand bv the present system of . laxa- tinTi which ha knows to be uueaual. nnjust, : ty- ranakal and oppressive,' - CoL made a . short ranlr in a sarcastio manner, showing that the fk nl.tnnt of "little Billev Tbttmas." wat to dio ate to the people, to lead them to their, prejudice, and also to interrupt, if possiblelhe present pre vailing harmony : of the meeting. -When .the offered for adoption, i "little BiU'ry" moved the withdrawal from the house of all opposed, and it u oeiievea hs - wubiwiw htiiilt aloxx. Thii u elorv enough for one dav. AD VALOKEil Webster, March 32nd, 1860. , J . t OPPOSITION MEETING IN PITT. At a meeting of the Oppositkin Party of Pitt County, held in Greenville, April the 2d, 1860, for the purpose of appointing r Delegates to the District Convention, to be held; in Newbern on tha 1 1th of thi month: r ' -: On motion of F. B. Satterthwnite, Erq:, B. G. Albritton, Ko... was called to tho chair, and J. T. MrClenahan reuuested to act as Secretary. The following Preamble and Resolutions were then introduced lv E. C. Yeilowly. 1 Esq., and i nnsnimouslv adorted: i ' ; ' ! " ' Wunsus, By the unceasing and reckless ef forts of the Democratic and Republican parties to secure political power, the rmt interests of the ( people-are overlooked or made siibefvient to mere ." questions between factions, and the sectional . ksues that Ibtee parties have originated and con- tinually agitate are rapidly tending to a fatal severance of the bonds that hold together our glorious aonfede-ation of States: 1 And, whereas, ft behooves the conservatives of the ia oontry to resist Black Republican . aggression 4 tn the one par, and restrain Dcmoaratio . ultraura on the other, and thereby delive- the country! from im pending ruin; Therefore, be it f " v .3 . : I.. Besolved, 1st. That it k expedient and neces sary to nominate a candidate for the Pre.dncy . to represent the great consenrative party f the ' country . and thst we approve of the pcommen ' "dation of the Central Union and Whig general Committee to bold a convention at Baltimore for 'said purpose. Besolved, 3d. That the Chairman of this i meeting appoint 25 delegates to represent this . County ia the District con rent ion to be , held in ; Newborn on the 12th instant . to appoint Dele ga'es to represent this Electoral District in the National Union CvnveAtion to be held 1 in Balti more on the 9th of May next; and also to se lect an Elector for thk Electoral District. - ' The foiluwing dolegates to the District; Con vention were appointed by th chair: ' E- C. Yellowly, Luts llilliard, Wn. A. Cherry, "W. S. Banraban, B- Snttertbwaite, C. Per kin, J. V. IVrkins, i Sidney Daniel, Enoch More, B. P. IIjwlton, W. J. Foreman, Churl" K.-intr, W. ft. Nes.n, Godfrey Taft, Silvester (i.Wm A. OuinnerIT.Jo. H. Lauchinshouse, i T. B. Cberrv. Walter Newton, W. B. F, New- 1 Vm, John Bland. Elias J. Blount, J no. H. alines, rMfaesT. Move. Wm. A. Brrett, James Jo; ! nor, P. A. Atkinson, W. H Perkins, ' James ' Cnrnev and Samuel Browne f ' c ' ' Ou tw tiuu. the cbsirraaa and Secretary were added U tha list of Delegate. On motion it was ordered that the proceeding ; of this meeting be sent to the ttalcign Reoiater and AVashiugtoa Timet, wiJt a. request to publibh ; them. , .. ; --( '-, . , -. .- : f A - .. i . There being no further business, tho meeting 'adjournd. - ' U-i . ... j, AUillU il VII , VwUttMUt : J. T. McCi.ESUm.n-, Secretary. :- i ., ".- ' . , ' 9". We publish below the names of the delegates appointed by t the Opposi Ioa party of Hertford County to . the .District Convention at Edentont ' - , -.v.'.,-.ra : Daniel Valentine ' A . J A And-rson, , i Dr R H Shields, " MaJ WL" Daniel, ". J B Hare, !; - - K Bayner, . i i J J Jordan, 1 , HD Slaughter, . Kindred Hollowmon, J 8 Godwin, " ' J A Riddick, S BPool, U; H C Lasaiter, V . Wm M Montgomery, D V Seasoms, : ' If ilet Mitchell,! " Watson Lewis jr, O W Beverly, ..WD Pruden, , . , Col J Sharp, . " J B Sharp, ' r ' Dr Thos Sharp, Dr J W Lewis, ;. . Hilbry Taylor, ff . . John Sharp,' ' " ' Dr D Lewu, ' i 1 " ' Watson Winboarne, .-James BV Parker, S M Aumack, . , -J Wilson Harrell, . Dr James Kewsome, A Harrell, t i 1 HA Moore, Britton Moore, ; Dr J W Hutching, ; J J Teates,, , . Dr M E Manning, 'JB Slaughter, '. G D Parker, 1 ,S B Powell, J V Lawrence, J W Harrell, k 3MWynns, Dr W E Pool, 1 H TLaniter, f J M Trader, J N Harrell, W P Beaman, . J T Beaman, 1.,; Isaao Pipkin, 1 Charles H Kelly, R GCowper, BTSpiert, K : A Biddick, , .! 1 Dr CWorrelt, ' " John W Worrell, James WorrelW. w , CapL Samuel Moore, Samuel Winbourne, Alexander Brett, ' - Capt. James Barnes, i Saaaoel Maagor, Dr J P Lee, , T , Carter Maddrey . Dr C P Campbell, William Howard, ! Jos J Jordan, " John Baker, i WHIGl jikEliN NGfiTttAMPTONi ? fata mMLins- of th e Whl oft Northampton Oountyheld at the Court Bouse, Jackson, on Saturday, the 31tot March, 186 i On rnttwn, John Randolph was called to the Chair and John T. Peebles and Richard Shane appointed Secreta ries, .i'-;... - . ' ' .' . ""j: tt The object or the meeting Doing expiaineu, B. Bardy, Esq., introduced the following resolu tions; : .; -.r I i.v.-r -- . jSetolved,,That we approve 01 tne timw place of holding a Dittrict Convention In the town of Edentoaa the 10th of April next, for the pur pose of electing delegates to tbe jsauonai wbwb tioo to be hell in Baltimore on ihe 9th bf My next, and appointing an elector for. jUut:; District, and that the Chairman appoint sixty Delegates to taid Convention. ;' ; " . J i . ' Whereunon the Chairman appointed the fol lowing! SamuelCalvert, DA Barnes, B B Bar- dy. Dr. x ii. uarnerx a jn vy eaver, Bsmuw vert, jno ai vaivert, mjt ano u wacowu Newsom, Col Berod Fakon, Dr, W; W Clements, E"J Thomas,sJames W Grant, Jno M Moody, Jno W Squire, Dr. William Moodyy William J! KfYWInnr. J as: m- ijamnerson. vc a x tt , Dr R J Grammar, Joseph Peele W.BTWilMawt, V.miinI -Ta&ihtl. William n Boon, i Jas W Res, S- Jno B Odom, Jas B Barnes, James Boon, Jno W Palmer, Joseph Jr, Xfranch, unariet-jjatren, w. f TT r!nincton.. James A SteDhenson. WilHara F Stephenson, ST Standll, William A Stephen son, B W ' I vey, Jessy Drew, Mathew Brewer, Jerry Gay, James Peul, Thos P Elliott, Jno E juagett, James o riy me, xiiun ivinnvii, B Vincent, Jltheldred Gawks James Atkinson, Willk Knieht, David P Bart, Jno B Peele, Thom- at A Lanier, William T Buxton, L B Stevens, BenryPruden, Samuel Jfruoen, ureen otaorai, Conly Whitehead, Atlas i -Taylor,' Jno W F" son, ind William Collieri t On motion, the names Jof the Chairman end Secretaries were added to the Iwt, aad that the nroceedinea be published m the Albemarle Aoutn- ron, The States, and Raleigh iZrisfer. The meet ing tbeu adjournea. h h-x k -i-u: '-r- 7 JNO. RAKD0J.PB,! Cnairman. .,JoTPo:Brjt,i;-jA .r.iVV- :c-ti- ' V. ": j FROM' MEXICO, f -; : ' , Ad vicet from, Vera Cruz to the 26th alt., ttate inatv Trfirmon' commenced withdrawing hit. forces from beforeVera Crux on the morning 4t. the 31st. Juarez's forcet were so nearly out of powder that had Miramoa remained longer, he would have captured the place On . the evening ot the 23rd, i the steamer Indianola brought to anchor offtheci ty of Vera Crux, and captured a bark with Spanish colors, which wat, professedly bound for Galveston, and gave as an excuse for being found near the Mexican coast; that her com pass was disordered." She k strongly suspected of being the third Vessel mentioned in the inter, oepted dispatches, as having cleared trom Havana for Miramon. - The Indianola ha been purohased by Juarez, and placed ia the Berviceot hk gov ernment, il , . ;( j ,;., ,. . . : -..j '.K ; s Cxda Fobs Acatjimt.' We learn that John L. Pennington, Esq,, of the Newborn Progrets, has consented to deliver the annual Address before rw Vnrlr Jtnadamv. in Wakecountv; on the 2Jst of Jane next. Mr, P. a good speaker; and. writer, and the public may expect an interesting address on the occasion, p ,.- -r The acts of the Legislature, "to encourage di rect foreign trade - by exempting ; from ' taxation' flour exported from Virginia in vessels owned therein exempts lronv compulsory inspection all flour shipped to a foreign port in vessels four-fifth of which are owned in Virginia: Thk k an inw portent measure, designed for the encouragement of shipping -nterprwes nd foreign trade, i It was. seriously oppoeed and had ft very moderate ma jority in either Bouse...; t ; , The Philadelphia Evening Argus, which recent developments at Washington have shown to be a paper sustained hy the profits from, the printing of the President, and which may consequently be presumed to be under the control of the Admin istratioBybasiioght forward, aa ha candidate for the Presidency. General Joseph' Lane, one of tho Senators from Oregon. H. ' TO CAPITALISTS- SPLENDID WATER POWEItJ COTTON, GRIST ANtt SAW MILLS FOR. SALE! -.:. TAM DKSIRUS OP SELLING THE ROCKY MOUNT MILLS PROP BRTYj-and Invite Inspeo- tioo or the place and improvements . . - I The property embrace the whole j fftter Power of Tr Bltct, j ' ; r which is made available by the most substuitial ie .Dam, bailt at a eot of near f 10,000, and whieh gire a fall of at put It feet. t l ,; -:: 5- TIIE COTTON MILL, ,; j ; One of the beat Granite buildings in the State, 38x7 feat, twe stories, with basement and attic, with tna ohinory in good order, taming out 300,000 to 350,000 lb. COTTON URN per annam. t ' THE JGRIST MILL; ' ' Large and substantia" Pramed building, on Granit Walls, running 9 pair Stones, 3 Jepae for Corn, aBd Burrs f Wheat. , t s V ? rit SAW MILL, , 1 Citvalar Saw and taacbih-ry in good order.' . One large and rommodloni DWELLING, boanti fully located, THTtB. other residences handsomely situated, FOURTEEN Cottages for th operatives, 0NB large and convenient Store House, THREE Warehouses, BlncUsmth' aad; Work Shops, with ft to 90 acres of land.". -!""" 5t'r-' ;.'; " Por Manafaeturing COTTON, thi place combina a m-ny advantage as any T bar ever wen Worth or South, and the power is sufficient t extend operations almost 'ad libitomland r- ..f.-y , TIIE GRIST. MILLS, V-sV for eostom wark, are probably the most valuable in' tha State. .--..'J, -f -;-' ri. " i' ' : ' The above property is situated in the counties of Nash and Edgecombe, at the 1 ; , " ''. " ? spalls of Tar Riven ; . ; .... -. A ' ' I" '" - .V one mile from Rorky' Mount l)epot, on th WJJniiog-fc turn and Weldoa Railroad, and U ivjint rale nuadit'on. Porsons desiraus-of embarking tn- the Mnufacture of Cotton are invited to inspect the property. . ! ? -' Credits' will be given,' running from one to six or eight yaars, if dsured. : Addr, . ' . n ; . WM. S. BATTLE, apr t-t-lni : ' ; ; ; Rocky Mount Mills, N. C. ' . .EVERY LADY IN AMERICA Who Values Comfort, Healtk and Elegance,' ': .'m Vj '., '. v. v, Should have oa of ft 1 ' THOMSOITS CORRUGATED SKIRTS. "TT OURNEYMAN TAILOR vT ANTED. good, sober workman. 1 - ur ...1. : -. N ether sett need apply. apr 73t THOMAS CALLAN. r HILLSBOROUGH, If. C., .l ; M I LIT A BY. ACADEMY. innHIS ACADEMY WTLL BB CONDUCTED ON I. the plan of the Virginia aad -8 Carolina State Military Institutions. For a circular, address th su" periatondeet. -'v-?-- - '' .- .-.'i ' - .iv-COL. c. cum, ' jaa29 ly. ; Haisborough,N a H OOP SKIRTS I HOOF SKIRTS II Prom Saoenteto $4 60. Also, , . Missee Hoops! Misses Hooptt marSS Wi. H.' A R. & TUCKER, v' TEXAS LAND, AND MONEY. -V ., TEXAS COURT. OP CLAIMS RE-ESTABLISHED. All heir of soldiers who served in the Tex ian war ef Independenoe, and who hv not received their land, most apply for the -same- before the 1st of Jane; 1861 or e foreVer barred. AH persons having aay cktsracUr of claim, nkatever tor LAND .OR MONEY against Texas can noWSecure.th same by prepariy proaetetiag their rlghtai-The nadarstgoed ha teveral thousand name ef pertome 4utitld, ana all otter data .pertaining; to the. Texas land business, and will attend , promptly to any 'claim entrusted to hit chare. . - - Address w"i-;i , j - THOS. D. WILLIAMS, r j . ."v; ' . Attorney at Law, " ; Waco, Taxat. ; RsriRas to Judge Person, Judge Batde, Governor 6 wain, and other. . r 1 mar 2s 6bu : JP RE lEXWllI IO Ift ! sLciiGi: & biacon's N E W F All CY ATI D ST AFL E DRY t COUUH BTUnls, NO. 40 FATETTEv'JLIJB STREET, I, Firtt door below Wx'Uiamu May wood" Vntg Bum, , : , J Baleigh N. C," : : j IS THE PLACE TO BUT NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS AT A LOW rxUCJS! TI AVISO -JUST B!UaCTJEI"A.I.ARaE ANI JLX elegant stock pT . :t .. . j . New- Gea for -Spring aaa summer, - i Sonitingef Xadie fine Dres Goods ef Freneb Or Rnhaa. TJonbla Skirt and Jaekonattes, Lawns, flir.rfim. Calicoes. Cheek and Swiss Muslins, Bfk Silk i, at a lower pno tnaa ue qaain? aeaiaaaa. ow- -m-r . . ' .. , n Inn Tri.h I.inani. worked collars, luooons, nwwrri filores. Hsadkarelueta, Kack Laee Points, the most fiuhioaable Summer Bappins; out? a. large stoek or Knnaats. sneh a fine Crane. Bilk. Straw, aeapotuan. RlnT.il Laisa. CUo. Aa.. Rashes. Flewere and ftibbons, for trimming, in abundanoe; a large lot of Silk Para- 1. r iv. lf .trl. nmt - ' ' '. - "" ; v Onr staok- of Staule and -Desssstlo weeds fc krr .nil wa are sellinff better rood for th price than here tofore ." ' . t - : " . . ' . Our stoek or Linens and uottnaao eannot ne ir. ia Kaiaiirh for tU nriee and aualitT. -i T . . Heop JBkirta of J. W. Bradley's Patent,: LaaperUha tta, Kapr; Tip Top, and other itjle, made of the v.. Watah Snriur Steel, with eord tied to eaeh aoop , aue we sratens eyixit iwhvu . . .. . . . , 1 .1- ...l(.t.- w KtxM and new, to wear wua or wiuiom i - - 1 A large stock of GenU and Boys Hats, of the newest styles, seen as Gov. Wise and Houston, Union, Ae Geat no enoes ana uaiwrs, f miKiupuw Ladies and Misses Shoes, Boys and Children Shoes, Servants Shoes." ' ' ' '- " i" , -; We are determined to sell good Good, ' At aa Low Pricel aa any Honeo ia Baleigb, j , and Lower if Possible, s.r.v Call and examine our stock and you will be eonrineed that it i to your interest to buy goods of us. - We return our grateful (hank to the public for the hbaral patronage heretofore bestowed, aad hop t nieritacontinuanceef the fejiej .'l-Qi ' , niaValwWMe' S;XH0BrMAC0JU4 J. Are and Advocate eopy six time-. 'JL. 860 ; .3TTj fl MCCE i& W I Ii lil AM S fj AS SOW: IN STOXB ' AlVBET ILAEQS JjL aad attractive stock of jfr'S -Foreigav aad Domestio Dry.Goode. , t Mnh nnblia attention Is resoectfullr invited. ' , ' ' W keepeonstantry on hand a liberal supply of th Goods-:; .?.Tl't:-;,.; Uj,;sMattiifctred iBT North aloo a laxea and eoamandinr .stock of J ptaatatina Good,- House Parnishing Article, Ac, which w offer a moderate advaae aad will make It greatiy U the interest of every bujtr t examine oar stack, and '.t..v r'V.'Coaaware, Pricea. befoie making their purchaseaw ' r - ' apr T---4t - f ? V JdcGEB WILLIAMS. j., iu-Jaaorfer eoay.i" 4 ..ri&i ' f-xt-r'i a ' 1 : SHALL FARM WAITED.- ANY one having a small farm within ten or fifteen miles or iUloigh to dispose of, may hear of a purchaser, by applying for addreu at Register Office. ' - - mar SI 6t , l; . . .. : :. Iight Flexible 1 aad Strong, , " V NOVEL AND BBAUTIPUL 0 SHAPE, . ( " ." ' Approved bv alL ,: .' Inquire for THOMSON CORRUGATED SKIRT8 CHISMAN'S YEAST OR BAKING POWDERS THESE EXCELLENT POWDERS ARE DAILY erowinx in bnbuc favor, and tba demand for them has become so great that it is with difficulty the manu facturer eaa keen the market supplied. ; Another large supply just ready and for sale by - . mar IT -4 - . i .. P. P. PESCUD. LUMBER LONG j LEAF., PINE I '.-. r.. THOSE WISHING t z:- -: 4 NO. 1 LONG LEAF FINE, ., CAir aa surriaan at th saoaTasr Jtowca, : AMD' !:'-,-i - ' ' AT A- LOW PBIC3T- POR , CASH. . . - :.,-.--. ,;..' - - X. H. SNOW. r.atlia mnnluxl ia aav enaatitv .at abort notice. : ' . . I . mar f rAswIy. . "' j T. H. S. DRi JAMES II. BOON, HAVING LO CATED ia this: city, reepeouUy offers Us sar Tioea as a practitioner of Medicine to th itisn of Rolrigh ana vicinity. AUesl' for he present Wt at the Store ef Boon 4 Brother, or at bis -ei)enca- on Martin Street, just below Major Hosted's, will be promptly responded to. '-'-. '- i....-- viW-- K,i v.ablw-awlyv. NORTH CAROLINA -WRAFPIN GPA-FER.--AS GENERAL .AGENT OP B..B Sater, proprietor" ot the ' Crabtree Paper Mills, I am reaily to settle hU eaeouats for Paper, to parchSM tock, and to sell Wrapping Paper of all descriptions, oa ravorable terms. " Orders for such paper solicited aad executed with promptness end dispatch. . I 1; -J . Address, J. J. LITCHFORC, , . i-faVl--l f js-?is-jt1'!s' Btxiuev,' .'.;," i 'i JfmY" Standard epy.. ; .Jfi- i. 'I NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDBRJi--Will be let out in the town of Smithfield, Johnston eoanty, en Tuasday, oT May Ceert; 'te-the-' lowest bid der, the building of a Lattice, Bridge, on rock piers across Nbum River, known as Turner's Bridge, two saiies nelowSmWJBldr' and ' blar to SmiUiSeld Brtdice, i pocification mad known at th time above mentioned. " A:J. IHKATH, , ' tig--" '' rv " tU, A. PANJUJ5K3, Com.' .c i-.. ; P MASSET. apr.r d, ; LSMITHt. r .,.: 6U B TH t US AND ' BKIRTS PER; DAT,; i'4- l ik-Rsssiving Vomt aspWsia Jasaraf , "5. i .And (A7aW o7? 7bwI Hand, t 1 ILtArfteoaijedsjy the demana foi1. ittUAAUlVd SaiKIS. !, jau 2& 3 meow. -DANCT'&HYMN, ; SROCEKSr r COMMISSION merchants; .. 134 PEAI.L;; St R JtET;,-;5:'l,::V. new tore; j. py 25 wAswtf. IS BLACK HAWK. n LACK WARRIGR -WAS iRl.U MX OLD tJJ cCEVt.n. JbLAW X, ne ny ooarwae anvgu j Jiutin Morgan,, he Iry True Britton, a descendant or JLf imported in frouiEngland.. The ire of Warrior could beat any Stallion of his day with ease. ' He trot ted in several instances u public in Z.43, tht being nearly twenty -seconds faster than any other Stallion of hi day, and he has swad more- Stallions; Mares and Welding, "rtiat can trot low down' below three minutes tBaB gjiy other SUllion that ever lived, and his nun is known frran Maine to Texas, and Tast Mares have - ant Irani all oarts of the United tatav to be t .oupled with Old Blaok Hawk- They are remarkable . r k;h r-. lui vav -ar - a t v ws ereat powers of endurance, which mak them far . 0 ' . 1 ; . . . Tt. 1 J the best race ot norses uow w eer,.ws a wa vnlu 4 States;?'-"''' 'C1 W-W'r4-k..iT-i ' BLACK WARfclOR will be six years old the 9th f day of May next; stands lti hand high, eolor jt' i black, with wavy man and tail, and eaa trot fa- X He beat Tom Jefferson In aVavarely contested race lat I season in 2.6T, 1.48. stocx U;spianaia-'ttu eoiis are generally black, he being from a black hors and Oiaca mare, wmcn givee aim aw. v. -- color In the world; hia colts eU, when four months old, . I from pn to fire hundred dollars. Warrior ca tuaen the nrst premium at tne ei juawrenow vwj showing six the best tuokiag eoltsi: aad has many promising two or three year old; one two years old sold for 0.- Be received th lt premlnm for a year ling exhibited, whioh wat among 39 speeiaieet af tha best that could be produced in the county, aad bre ders are invited ta eXamln this bare before ttakiag bar gains elsewhere, as it is for their adrantage to use th best stock horse they can find. Warrior wa purchased whea three year old by Mr. Darfyi freot Judge Saa ford, of Vermon, for $1,?00 ; linos then he, ha been owned in St, Lawrence ebuaty, Nw Yorfc 1 w ; Having purchased BLACK F4W0B al, great expense for th benefit of myself and the public, I will stand bin the present MafeoU at sp atabtaa, eaeniU Dollar to the Groom, i : . ' , . : ; r At the last But Jala Warrior beat the faataet horse on exhibition with ae. Be also made the fastest time at th Fayetteville Pair by 20 second . : I will match him to toot th 1st day of October next two mile heats and repeat, or one ail heats best three in five, against any Stallion aow in th Stat for Fivm Hundred Dollar. . To go in harness, apr 7 tf HENRY MORDECIA. i ' " 1 - j! TBI-WEEKLY ARRIVAL 1' OP 5XW GOODS AT E. I. HARDING '.s. OUR STOCK -OP FINZ CLOTH URKsa Pnek of Pany color, ar daily arrirlnj, m(it up in the best atylei:' Handsom style of single mtllsd Pranch Cloth Proeka aad Saests, of all tha various colon, with Vtl. ret Collars, now open and ready for Inspection. Csaaioier Coat for bMmapurpaav French tnd Engllih Tricoa Gold and Stael mixed, tnigl, breu ad light and pleasant for summer wear. I Piwaekaad KegUae lraeeVsaar sWke aad Eaekt with Velvet collars, wita ana witnout uaingi in hack. Black Alpaoa Prookrand Sacks aaw tyUitript AlpMoa $ax t also Baff Sfd Drab Alpace 8ackIZ cool and neat ftr summer wear. 4 - Tweed Cassimere Sacks knd Procks, selliog at very low prices, for spring and summer (eool and ganteel garment.). '.v- -;iu 1 r 3 PANTSI AltT8llo -.- Black Do Skin Caatlovar Paata-200 pair jortnj. oeiTed from the lowest to th highest grade. Light and dark nammir Cassimere Pnt oomprii Ing all the diffsrent shades and qaalitie. Cut tnl made up ia a naat and handsome style aot to b . oellebV f ' "'j ' " B. L. HAEDlNfl. IIANDSOME 8IXK, NECK TIES I I At: HABDING'8. ' Ce huadred differsat stTlespriosi ranging froa twenty-fire cents to one dollar aid upward. Th best, th largest, tits neatest and prettiest sxhibltioi of ties ia the Stote.' J: -'i j M.'"J r ' IIOSE t IIOSE1I 59 Dosen BnfflUh brown and whUe Genu half Hoi. of our usual quality 4h bast for wear imparted. ' SUSPEIfDEHS I SUSPEND EKS I SO boxen Socnendcrs of various Qualities, eomnrl. Ing all th celebrated manniactores, whlob war bought for cash, and no offered twenty-fir per cent leu than usually sold for at retail. '1 r '' GAUZE-MERINO UNDER SHIRTS I ' 60 posen just opened, from $1 to $3, all fit mail aad large men can jbe fitted- call and supply yourselres before Warm weather ex me. GAUZE-INDIA UNDER SHIRTS t ' Cool and pleasant for summer very cheap only SL Chap r; Cheap! '- - : : .;;USLE TIIBEAD DRAWERS t : 2 Doseajust opened, for auaustor wear, all ise . Those who are in want wttl please toxaniins aow wbiut the stoek is large..,, . .i.. it -!-.-. ., , - - COTTON-KNIT ' DRAWERS I '. 10 Dosen opened this morning very cheep seru. .ty-ir oenta par potr. i ' ! f f .- LINEN DRAWERS t - . J00 bsb-s received per Express Monday last of our make aad warranted price vary Sow. -.-' BLEACHED JEAN DRAWERS I ,' 200' pairs now making snd arriving weekly,, from SO cent to $L All rise on hand , , ' . SHlRTll I 6HIRT8 1 ! - Plain bosom, Puff ditto," jCrou Plait ditto, French wore ditto. Corded Mawaila ditto all nsw style. Also Diagonal bosoms. " - ' ' : ' apr-r-flt ..,J it lj.JJ.1fc' HARDING.. . 1. w aaaaisoa. '",'. ; ' I'; :! !;- ,. y aaows. ; NEW IIARDwJiRE f TORE. ''ji.Su tisnrjionsi i ! 1 L; y. nnratuiV 'fBtJ. I PAY ITIXTlblis blallii. J.;i.!-,BlelfbNC.,;.....t. . At the Sign ef. the, Gilt Anvil. DEALER IN HARDWARE, CUTLER V, Edge Tools, Coach Trimmings, Builder's and 1 ebiaeUHardware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, Parmer's and Gardner' Implements, Blacksmith' Tools, AavUa, Vice and Bellow; Hons furnwbiag Hardware, Cut and- Wroutkt Nails, fyika, Hubs, Spoke, Rims, Axle, Ppring, Ae Ac . A fulli assortment f vry variety of jSood ia ny lin oontaatly on hand, and furnished at short, notice. Order promptly attended to, f ; '- t ' A" CAR D.THE SUDSCBIBER IS PKR MANENTLY locateJ in the above Stobliahmmt at. si ld stand, and rdially In rite th pctronag of bis easterners and friends. : ' J.BROWN. . i,.MMla'V'v-.': ' i.yV.r-f r NOTICE Th Subseriber offers .for sal her Summer Residence containing 130 aerea of mead ow Land, situated about ft mile west ef Raleigh, e 4 half a mile south ef the N. & Railroad. A large, writ finished 'Dwelling Hon,, with th necessary ut Houses, am' ag them aa- lea Uoeae Bara and Btamju ; afineasaortment of fruit Trmi aad a well of pure ea ter, AaI' '"'"' .' '1 " " ' "'' " ' .- Thaabava aaeBtionad pro port jr la a wary Aatrable loeatioa for a SchooL or Residence. Liberal term of fered to the purchaser. Persons wishing to purcbasesr referred t the M aera. Tucker, of Raleigh, to.Ueary R, Bryan, Newbern, N. C. . nt, -i.-., . 6 AREA If P. ) B. CARRAWAY. V mar 3 'mrw A w. 'Jsa.' Eliinbeth States', insert 2 month end forward' bin to this Offloe. ?;M ' f.'. i t?-r. At !' ' ? .- i-, s u-,-r-lVt.Y", BR 8ir 1 t AND , ,.r: I . . WHOXESALE GROCER. Keeps always on hand a supply of Coal for md Stevw;: ?"i ! i; :j ..3 5 .-. Grates aad Nxwnaaa.PebruarjWpa.. v - - feb 24 lypd. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. 'I offer my hous and lot in the Tillage of Chapel Hill, where, I foraterly lived, atjolnlag Xagh B. Guth rie, West, and the Episcopal Cbareh Baetfrontisig PrankHo. Street North, and rasrantg back, ta the Col lege grounds South, containing aboat two acres, with a larg Dwelling Hon with ight good rooms, fire place ia each reoav and two saiga maat rooai -40 by 20 feet each, two fir place in each room, a two story Kitchen with four good rooms and a Bak Oven attached, all ethr fceceeeary ent-hqases, aad a good welt of water ia tba yard. Thi property 1 valubl j it would suit tor a private family or tar a public betel. I will sail ou one, two, and turva yen eradit, with in tret from date, the pal chaser giving b"nd with r-ui serurity.- 1' ' - AaN 6V HILLYAHD. Chapel Hilly N. C. April TJm j,. I !Tla luxury r of :thw, Season ! TUOMSOb t70RRti GATED SKIRTS 1, '.j -fur Salt ty fHmfijpal JUtaiUn. . ,.,..',,C .MRSjWISSLOW,,:' An exwieneedNnrst and Pemsle Pbyioian,preeBU to UiaMentioa or mothers, her : Sbotningyrnp, : ; pn I'nn.niiKN TKETlIISCi which greatly facilitate th process of te thing, by soft enhigh gems, reducing all infituamAtiaa will alley all pain and spaaaiodie active, and ia ; . j :, Sure to Regelate the Bowels Depend Bpoatt molbers,lt will giv rest t yoerels,. 1 jieiiei auexxecuia j W have put up and old ibU arwci lor ever tea years. ana eon aay, ta have aever been Any other madi eid,.a to -fftet scan, Basd." Nevef did stance ef dUsat- , abte to sy "f -MRS. ein ' tiwf Aits WINSLOW'S tingle, infant; , SOOTHING, lwha timely SYRUP' w Kow aa in- i israetion by any one whe used it. n tha aontrarr, all ar uviigbted ... , anaak in term eraoassseaea- jroau'maglcareTacU d medical vhnu W. in this matter - WHAT WE DO KNOW," after T.W See, AM I PLBDGB 0UR-REPU-TATWN P0RTHK PHLPILMENT OP WHAT WE HERE DECLARE, In almost every itstane wbr th infant Useffaring frem pain aad axhsujUon, wlier will b round in fifteen or twenty ruinate after th tyrants admiatoterecU- Jf- vv4 ? '? ' r. IlusvahiablepreparialoB is UJ JrW of eeo or the most RiPKBlita'Jtir! aaa NURSES in New EngUad, end has been used wita NEVER FALLING SUCCESS in . , , . THOUSANDS Or CABca. . in Lik-Tt.. v. '.MIJ fWoia eala..bat tnvlr- prate the stomach and bowels, corrects acidiV. . rive ton and nrgy to th whole system. It will si taostinataatly relieve tvu . a-.T! Griping in tha Bowels, na triaa louo naovereeme ,- ' a T-'i'li'.' and whlh;if net k j FOR M speedily retne- di4. end in CM 1 LI) REN, TEETHING. neath. We b" AND SUBSET tier It tha BEST THE WORi-f. to aucase of DYSENTERY AND. PIAJJf CHILDREN, whether tt arises frem Ueuimg, or&T,m aayotner --"V-7.V. ri.lnr eom-f n e wouio, sa j .tt.it xraoNOT THEPRWrPICESOPOTnEP S URB--yev-AB8 0 LU T ELY -oWt- , w - J :"7ZrTt,dlciu. if Umely need. Full directs taVinsrwiU accompany each bottle. Non genuine . UnliNtfX PERKINS, He York, Is on th oatsid wrapper. . j , Sold by Druggists throughout th world. Principal Offloe, 1 Cedar Street, N. T. Price only 24 otat par Bottle. . ty . 1 ' A" 7 1

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