Oui are we plan o ei lair aeugnuiM i I Barp'i hj party rage to live Uke brother". m y 1 1. - - - ItALEIGH. X. )C- WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY. 9, I860. FOR GOVERNOR ; JOHN POOL,, , OF PASQUOTANK - - ." ) LOOK UPON ; ' TBSnCTCE,- Wusas, Great in qua!iy In the present modaof taxation in J it ij-t and right ts: all property ahoekl rooiribuU iu pvwoortioa KnrJs the burden of S:t: - " ' .-.-'. JterJeed, That W re rmmend a Oovenlkn of the poople ef the St at V be called on the fed Tml buil at early a prac AKDOWTBTS. ResohtdL, That we are opposed to disturbing any of tbeseetional com prctsea of our Constitu tion, SUM or National, and that we especially deprecate tbe introduc tion at this time by lb Opposition Party ot North Carolina into our Statu roliUcs or a noes lien of constitutional amendment affecting tbe ticable tor tae purpose ot hi noon wbich our f tnodvyiag the Coou tutio that every species of property may be taxed according to its value, revenue ia raised, believ ins it to be "premature. imoolitic, dangerous ana unjust; at toe tamo time we deem it the duty of vita power to aacruni cat only in favor of the tit Lbiatnre when .nm nroducu or our nasawz ecu lor iu i - State and the industrial j ing of revenue, ao to ad- lurmiu of ber ciUxene. : jii- taxation, to aw Thirteenth Rcmlu&m : as equally as practicable tf t OpnotUiom plut- j within the limits of tae various interest and classes of property in all Motions of the State. Eleventh Ruduiion of th Dcrocrtic platform. sr If I caaot W elected Governor of North Caroliaa wit boat the votes of the orkiag Xea'i Association sfWakt Csu it. I don't deserve to ho eleee4. Gow. EUU, (.nnnatw with luiW G. P.irr, Ef.. , tr- Reose-ber that JOHN W. ELLIS com pare the vVeat to a hr-leecJi, whose nrrnel ery is "give, gtve. and the East to a gne that permits the West to take all the egg she lays. , Feme-ber that JOHN W. EIXIS iaia fjvor of raising the Poll TXa Slaves, when kr kaows faU weU that by stole; a the tax on vv HIT 12 Polls will be correspoadlogly ia- rracL . t ' -That oar Rereaae 3-ateaa la a very bad one aturt be admitted by erery Seaator who has gitra It the allghtest laTcstlgaUoav.' rtrwt r . SrMlor ltdm' Si ZJ Tbe Opposition State Executive Cotn iiu'.iee are reqveetei to assemble is Kileigb cn Fridaj, the llih'siaj of May next, SIOS n. ROGERS, Cb'n. April 23, I860. - f '"-Oppotition papers in tbe State please copy. " 2y The editor of the Register bas gone to WasLington as one of tbe committee ap pointed by our eitisens to regulate the Post cCce Dej artmect, and to aid, if pojsible, in efieetitg a recrociliation be' ween Mi. Dolt and our thrfe'rebelJioai Railroad rreshleoU. Ia delegaticg to a 'be locum teoens tbe lnrp-rsry care of bis sbeet, be exacted a prooiise that we would be tcrj circumspect ia bis a bee iter, and commit bim to no more rzrh egrrocs follies as we perpetrated two ;erigo, La eotrnstiog tbe Whig banner Xo Mr. McRae. We bad bird work, on hi re-i tm, to induce urn 'net to stand up to our linln bat te did it. and ka ben aorrv --.c.. , , y ettr n&ce. We intend to be more decreet mc, sua tu iDiisis toe exaaipie oi ue tespcrary editor ot tbe standard wbue tbe B was saviog the eonntry at Charleston. V. hile we fchali eschew essays upon 4eotbuii and fanaticum," and new sensations for tbe ukod," snd generally the "pranks and :rts of tie eelestials," as well as'CaUfornia lr mtnnfifnrt Ant r.f mnlitui mnA tti . . r i j , , . 1 "-eruue fersunium1. and while we shall f to: du at great length whether the ip-' Urrj inseet .hould bedeaomiaated "cicada , ,,.,11 . .v i v 1 vi i iraii j ueiuogs iv lust ciui vi vorera .ii. . . in- ciucd by entomologists Aegena, wo shall, : ;kc tie ctanaard in tU late obsccrattoB, give t i? but Ittue light oo poliucal matters. ,a .. . .. , . V "may say something about ad valorem and f l..t O-.t - 1 . . I .1 kUO lml "a PD' ,ae un-cups anoui j s.igaily, and may-be sprinkle about a few, sersea from tbe pen of a gifted friend., Ia lT Mort, nt knowuc what to do or to ear. in a? t-.litiral wav. wa shall imi-.t- one t-nmr. i t r-- j , -?ereporary and do and say oothipg I that any body .can complain of, or even on- ft tritand. We shall look, however, with VideraLle interrat f..r tl. foriKAmln fjf , , j. . iay-Ie tf our Charleston apostle, aod have . no it,ubt that Le wiU enrich Lis eeluatne with . i-j ..v - av.ry lucid account of the aajtnga and du- iQ2octhat great eongrei-atioffjf country sivers : and that ve shall all be satisfied that tLe country is safe now, and we may breathe free! giia. ! KIG JOHN AND THE POSTOFFICE." One of our Working Men of Raleigh sng-p:-ts that the late embargoon the mails may tare been caused by a fear of His Exeellen r v that some more of tbe Working Men's Ad-i'e-s and Frank I; Wilsm's speech might o" abroad. ' Iu reply to our frind we state :Ut we do not think it probable that the j 'Vertor had it dbne. De must have known ttt there are other means of distributing t-Le document. And in fact, if be prac the same espionage over, the offices of Mvcral Working Men of the city, that be did er the Postoffice,' be would ; have learned t-t sundry roll of them were already tied GP and diree'ed to various person abroad, "to jmpaibise with ottr Working Men here, st.i intended to be conveyed by private band 'ibeir destination. That able document, the Working Men's Address", from the pen ot dutmguished Democrat, works well, and is let ot:igd to go, mail or no mail. The edition n nearly exhaasUd, and new edition is re- quired to, eupplj J.bt),.denund Kipg Jobs will lesrn, "on enquiry at be Postuffice," that otbers besides "Frank I. Wilson" will dare to Bend them abroad, and if 11 ii Exoel lenej does not like it be maj lump it. . If be wants tbe Postoffice watched be must stay at borne, and do it himself, for it will be dif ficult to find but one man here capabl e of do ing that small and contemptible business for bim and kt cannot read writing. So if sending tbe Working Men's Address orer th country is stabbing King John in the baok, the King will be pretty plentifully stabbed in the baok that's all. . THE CHARLESTON COSVENTIOX. They have bad some queer doings down in Pa'metto-dom lately. Those descendants of the pious Huguenots mast hare been some what surprised, if not even shocked, at the odd mixture of incompatibilities whiob they have lately witnessed. On May 2nd, the Convention was' opened by tbe Boston Brass Band, with the spirit stirring air of Yankee Doodle, "at the oonolu aion of which Mr Flournoy, of Arkansas, with luugs stentorian, proposed three ohoers for tbe Union, wbich was beartfly responded to," and 'prayer was offered by tbe Rev. Mr. Kendrick.n Shades of the Puritans ! bat it was rich 'Yankee Doodle," "three cheers for the Union. from longs stentorian," and "prayer by tbe Rev. Mr. Kendrick !" But Yankee Doodle, stentorian cheers, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Kendrick, accom plished but little as on that day, there were forty-fire ineffectual ballottings when Mr. Ashe, of N. C, moved to adjourn and "it was carried,' ayes 143, nays 100. It would seem to an ansophistocated out side barbarian, that this mighty work might bavs been performed, without much Yankee Doodle-ing, stentorian cheering, or "prayer by the Rev. Mr. Kendrick." ; AN AFFECTIXG SCEXE. His Excellency, the Governor, after having successfully spied out the sins of the Work ing Men, and satisfactorily ascertained "by application at tbe Postoffice," who among them had committed Lese majesty in sending off there own address; having sufficiently quar reled with his hard-fisted friends ; and being forsaken by he editor of the Standard, who bad gone to Charleston, to the great neglee of bis duty at borne ought consolation from bis friends of the Democratic Press. It is believed, bat not certainly known, that they took a preliminary drink or two, by way of melloaing their feelings. It is not. stated nor believed that they became tight, though about that time His Excellency was in a rath cxtiihi squeeze in consequence of tie aforesaid bad behavior of his ftiendi, whom he bad just abused "worse than was ever heard in tbe Court House." His Excellency is thought cn thi occasion to bave forswoiB the Standard, and adopted the Democratic P'ess in die form as his or- gao. To trake a long story Ihort, their heart melted within them, and the senior editor looked abolu'cly and impressively beautiful, as be stood before His Excellency, with one hand on his beirt and ths other in bis pocket and ehanted tbe following: -Oom ret n tht bosom ny own stricken deer. Though the Working Meu curto thoe, tby home Here rtill Hthe smile whnh nncloud can o'erct. !B J.lbe Freis and itt Tj all thy own to the ia,t- Through trm and through sowbine, through glory and shme? I kn'tw n, I sk not, if guilt's in that heart, I bui know that I-love thee, whatever thou art. Tbou hast smiled on ma sweetlr ia moments of And oooaeffiui MfAie. 'enld the horrors of this Through lb furnace unshrinking;, thy steps I'll pursue. And I'll shield tbee and save the, or perish there fx. Here, our reporter says,' the scene became . . , . . , ! 3 f 1 .J"bt- Br"e the"tS WCre Dielted' and the Governor and the Press man rushed ...... . tumultuously and indiscriminately into each ... : others arms and there was great Mghiog and . each , f ,r , , ' then blew the others nose and departed. The Cjmous of Napoikox ik a 8xroeat- bow a Company was raved, by a tin fup tied to a - wTt.., 7Z: Mfxh. United States Army of a niot remarkable instance of "omlj and presence of mind in a sergeant of the Arm y, which occurred a few weeks ago, by which be saved bis own lifo and that of bU part v. A ."itn l;tt tntne soldiers, had ilt - xiw, to guard some slock which were sent to craaj, ben unexpectedly, tbey found 'that the party was surrounded by about four hundred hos- uV;Naio Indians. Tbe brave and skillful -r. toIc p"'1'00 on n eminence, and, by avoU l"V from the bngsbootirg riStrs of his rarty, at drove off the savages, who. however, ioooral- lied, and were prep-ring to storm the liule party on a!l lidn- The wrccanLin taiino l.ial.rain t.Tr an xfedien by wbtch to convey intelligence of ine aesfx-rate peril in. wbivb n party was placed, took a single dog which had accompanied the par ty, ftenir to collar a note written with a ior.cil. informi JJte commander at the tort of his situation, look a tin cap, ia which bopnt ome pebbles, wbich were confined With apiece of cloth oer the top, fastened it with a rlring to the dog's tail,1 and started tbe dog oof knowing that bo would, in bis kflright. run to the fort. lie dahd with bis greatest speed to Fort DrBance; the note was discovered and read. Straightway a party wa sent to tbe rescue, snd arrived just in time to save tbe lives of tbe wLole party. This sereeaet uUy merits a coriwion. wlcb we hope will be awarded bim by tne rresiaeni. We of the eld North State have been aw fully beleaguered by Democratio Navajoes, who have tomahawked many of oar best citi xeni. Bat we- bave found tbe genius of Na- poleon in one of our brave sergeants. Our Pasquotank boy bas rattled the tin cups pret-O ty effectually, with a slight variation," bow- ever. Uur tin cup is tied to the tail of Moses7 pg - ioitead of a puppy's. Moreover the tbe pig has more pluck than the dog and is by no means scared at the noise. . It is his play thiog. We shall soon see him in broth- Long's Li Tnn'a lT.Wl- A A W : .11 Lt. t :l 1 & - Vk, IU Alt U19 KIUI J 9 J J snd sleek with his tail most beantifullv curled and a tin enp defiantly tied to tbe end. U Wo understand that Ia-ttle Ad'Mrwell Tel and thriving, and i expected to swell t i large dimensions before tbe election. We lock for this little campaigner with eagerness. - ' 'THE'MAILS. ".'!; ". ' ; The Committee appointed by our citizens to proceed to Washington o lay before the Post master General" the inconvenience to wbich this community was subjected, and to uige upon bim tbe restoration of our usual mail fa' cihtie, at the advanced price asked by our railroads, left this city on Saturday morning last for the s;at of the Na ionl Government, In the meantime, at the iostance of our repre sentative in Congress, Hon, L.O'B. Branch the Presidents of the Raleigh & Gaston tbe North Carolina Central and the Charlotte & Columbia Railroads, Messrs. Wilder, Fisher and. Johnson, met in this ei'y on Saturday last, and agreed to carry the mails gratul tously until the matter can be decided be tween our Committee and the Department at Washington. Tbe people of the whole State bordering on tbo Railroads mentioned above are under great obligations to tbe Presidents of the Railroads for their kindness in this mat ter. They bave demanded from tbe Depart ment at Washington nothing more than; they are yn titled, to, and the people of the whole State should sustain them iu their demands Some of these peps were mailed in Raleigh by leading members of the Association of wbich there is undeniable proof since the nomination of Gov. Ellis. Dem. Prexs. "Since the nomination of Gov. Ellis," in deed ! ! ' And has the nomination of Gov. El lis put a stop to the right of freemen, to mail matter of any kind without his consent ? Did impudence ever go as far before ? Work ing Meo, look out, or yon may get the Gov ernor'a "dander" op. 1 PRESENTATION OF A FLAG. S The "Piney Woods Cavalry" will parade on Saturday next, at which time the. young ladies of the district will present the company with a Flag. - ' The Oak City Guards have been invited to be present, and we learn they bave aeoepted the invitation. It is expected to be a most -pleasant time. ; h ICfc CREAM. , .. fj. We were treated on Monday last by those enterprising confectioners, Messrs. Dodd & Scheib, to a bowl of Ice Cream as delicious as any we ever Usted. Messrs. D.& S.have just opened their saloon for the 'season, and thae wishing jo taste of Ice Cresm that is really nice aod delicious should call on them. They keep on baud also a large stock of nuts and confectioneries, always fresh and tempt ing. Their assortment of Toys for children is the rooat complete that was ever presented to oar cititeps. i Up to th day of the 'Split'- in tbe Charleston Convention, the Democratic leaders generally,:rtn of Charleston, appeared to be fully prepared to support Doug's, if be u-re nominated, plaiform or no platform, with tbe - pluiform r-jieted, or any how or no now. Tfc pr" CfedinKS at Cbarlestor, on ilonjay, tto!iUb ed tbe nominet Democrat, more than it did ar.y one else. It knocked then riifht off their feet. A meeting is called at New Orleans, In Ltfav ette Square to pnte-t against any action bv ci'I ztns of L uiriana which would com nit Louie iana to dUuni n and ecsion. NO CHANGE IN TH BASIS OF REPRE SENTATION. . j-: We know that he Wbigs in this section of the country desire no change of tbe basis of -representation, of which fart we e-nre our Eastern brethren, anytbin; that Democratic presses and t imp speakers in the E-wt, and in the W-t. may say to the contrary, notwithstanding. We hav taken pains to make particular inquiry into this matter, so that, on this point, there may be no misunderUnding between the East arid tbe We-t. The object of ihe who charge tbe West with detiritig a change of tbe baii of represen tation, is s'ntplv to array one section of rhe tU against tbe other, at the expense of Mr. Pool. , At tbe District Convention for - the ': 6th Con-gref-i-ional District, held at Greensborotia-b, last week, the following among other-resolution, was adopted : . - - . 'IlfMjlted, That should a ! Convent'oa of the f eoj.le he celled, we are in favor of tbe : present m of representation in tbe Snae reyn ining j'ist as it U; and that we understand fuctr to be tue sciiUinent of the Vt ett. iUem 1 rt$s. A DEMOCRATIC ! PICTURE. ; The Charleston Convention decided to admit as deltfga'es from Near York the Tammunyr Rich-! m-nj delegation. The character of " thia delega-; tion is thus portravud by Fernando Wocd In bis ftatement before tbe Committee o.i Credentials : i "A rpsj-Titv of the Richmond Delogation, cho-; tenhr UJowi retiring committed orrsixteen were Fret-soilers from the beginning.oppohento of lexas annexation, advocntes of Wilmot Proviso- ism, supporters of the B-jflTtl- plalfoini, revilewof tbo Fugitive Slave Law, and Anti-Neb nskaites. We inrst that they ars covered all over with par ty heretics and inCdttlitic, and ore uq worthy, as partisans, ot recognition at Charleston. , l f .,, H "When that party flfst assumed their orgarii- r.ation, tbey spread tbir evil aeods throughout the political world. A portion of it dnbauched antf ruined the Whic. party. Another ; portion of it cane back, in an evil hour, to lho j Dmo cralic party. From them sprang tip the Black Rerublican pnrtv of to day, and fruni that tarty bss sprung this faction which comes here1 'to de mand admittance to your ; Democratic Conven tion. Admit them, and you shut out the people. and the triumph .of the Democratic, party. Wben the Democratic party becomes so debased as ta coalesce with traitorous organizations as weli as with their principles, good-bye j to , the Democracy. If this wrong should be perpetrat ed, the Democratio perty have Jicld their last National Convention " " ' j. :- This picture,' the Baltimore Clijiper ttjt, U more accurate than flattering-.- It slews conclusively of what material the Douglas wing of the.' Demo cratic party ia composed. It is an epitome of tbe history of Democracy and Republicanism and demonstrates their intinr.ato affinity. It Is not a " Whig lie'' or an American falsehoodor a Union party mUrepreaenUlion.- It is a solemn statement ot cneof the most prominent and influentialsat b- of Democracy, and Tmocrats u?l therefore believe it. What are conservative 'M-atnforti or South to gain by cborcing between such a party and ilatjfc-ln brother. Black Eepublii-anifraThTber. no place for them now except in- the -Union party, which eschews all sectionalusin. and st nds ; folh tbe sole champion ef the Union, the Coruts tution, and tbe onforccmenl of the" laws. ) V The (BTinrton) American Adv.a-ate will, after the first of May, be published Semi-weekly,. a a campaign paper for three months. Cinglo copies . 75 cents, to clubs for 50 cents. , , j ?HIGrTjTSTRTCT(jIrv-ENTION. - ' ii -OaxxifsBoao", April ai,'i6S. Avxriwg to previous apnntaant, VWrg ... . 1 j, ,' - - -6 number of Whigs assembled in the Court Ho-e in this.p1acetvdsyi.tobojd ft District Convention ftir lhe Kifih Congressional District, ' r j- '' On motkn of D. F Caden,'Eieiac Hi Fpust,E-q., of Ktndolpb, -wa called to tbe chair ; 1 and on motion of L. Jl. Scott, ,E-q., M. Sf Sher wo.d, ot Giiilf-rd, and Dr John U. SfeAeh.'of Ca'well, were n-oif ed to'at-t as SQcrctHrtea.f The conn'ies 'curhreinx; the D'utiict was then called,' and d-legales were re orted. as follows : AlamonteQii& Mebane. B. Y. MeAden Geo. Hurdle, A. Moore, Kobert Hawtier, Wm. A.r Al bright. Jorei h Thomoiion and Logan Sll ; CtisxeeLL Henry B-Miftt, JibuH GImss; Dr. N B. Henderson, and Dr. Jinn H. JMoAden."' ' : Randolph VV. J. Long. Alfred Smith; DrfB A.& lier, John Branson, Joseph W. Steod, Isshc ti. roust, A. S. Homey, a. F. Bteod and Vr. Jl Montgomery Allen Martin and A.S. North cot As there ht.d been no primary meeting in Uuit- ford to appoint delegates, on motion all the. Whigs of Guilford, and all other Whigs of the District who were present, were requested to participate in lob uQiioeraiiOTis 01 uu onyeuuJ". . , Mr. Shober moved that a committee of five be appointed by the' cbair to prepare revolutions for the consideration of the Convention, which motion prevailing,' the chair! announced" the followihglto constitute said committee, viz : Giles Mebane, A. S. Horney, Dr. N- S. Hendersoo, Allen. Martin and James A. Iiong, During tbe absence of the committee, calls were made for speeches from Wm. J. Long and It- Y. McAden, Eqs., who iu a few1 remarks declined to make regular speeches. Just then tbe H oo. J no. A. '-tilmer entered tbe Court House, and in compli ance with loud and enthusiastic calls proceeded to address the eemblage, in an able and eloquent manner, on' tbe present state of political affair. - As the conclusion of Mr. Gilmer's remarks, G. Mebane, Erq., chairman of tbe committee, report ed the following resolutions, which were unani mously adopted : i, -. if Besolved, That we most cordially approve of tbe National Union Convention o be held mi the city of Baltihreon tbe 9th of May next, and that this Convention appoint Hon. ii. U. Jttade di-Ie- gate to reprosent thi district in said Convention, and also John Manning alternate dtflega'.. ' Kesolved, Inht we Jieartiiy endorse tbe ..plat form of principles, both State and Nntional, adopt ed by tbe Whig Convention, wbich assembled in Raleigh on tbe 2 2d of Feroarv lt : and especial ly do -we approve of the system of juh! Taxation, as reoomnipnded by said Convention, as being not only just and right ill principle, but as raLii'lated to give satifaction to the people, end as having a tendency to develop tbe resources of the Stale. lU-solved. That in John Pool, the nomme T tbe Whig party for Governor of North Carolina, we recoenize the Patriot and the Statesman, and as the man eminently suited fir the CHsia, and that. we. 'do hereby ratify fid nomination and pledge him or ardent srippnrt. lieolved. lhat -nouiu a Convention ortne peo ple be called, we are in iavor oi the r resent biifis of representation in the Senate remsining jnt as t u, t-r-.u ti.at we will not ta vor any ccange of our . orga.-.ic law in this refi-wt, and that we unoer-, stand such to bo tbe sen timent of the West. On motion, Alfred G. Fus'.er, E-q-. f Randolph, was unanimouslv nominated as the Electoral can- didate for thi ditric'i The time hosing expired for which tbe use :f the Court House was granted to the ConveniiT, and the Judge being in waiting, to resume his du ties on tbe bench, the Convention adjfHirnad. ISAAC II. FOCST, Chm'n M. S. SHsawcwD, 1 J. H. AIcAdes, Secretaries. F"R TUI RKCISTIH. Burr m 'neath fome woodland haJe, Wbre n' thi- g avn thesunbeauis stray, Or sylvan wanderer of the glii ie ' May .SuOivliintt'Httd his way. . Th f ot nf nn. T woul ! n ha-e ; , -. Totn-ai the oJ ib.it rer'snliove ma. Mv i laen of qni-l a!l unl:rnwrt. Even to those bo ih'nk tbey love roe. Th" wild wind Ms;le ronrand shrill ; t. Bit .h 1 it'teili no bitter story? And friendhip' mur;nuri-d mrr iw will Fuil uLn-iiui the dead luau's glory. - Tbe whipyrin?s even ot rgri, ; With norching mrm'rie frfqucnt mingle, And word- are sp- ke niih trful eyes," ' Would maie tbe lost one's ar to tingle. ' - . - .:' , , L, " 1 - - Then let there be no tenr drops shed, - ' Save thoe the dewy leafl-tt scatter, r . A may s't'h to think he's dsad, -! i And torn may smiie. It Jjesnt ma iter 1 ' ' Tben Wry dm 'neatb some woodland shade, " Vhere nolh'ng save the sunbeams stray, .- ' Or syj van wanderer of the glad-, May nunitim find hU way. THE UNION NATIONAL .CONVENTION. As the time approaches for tSe assembling of the Union National Of'position Convention, porsid- erat-lc it: ter est ia tnauifested by tbe friends of the movement in this city, and it is anticipated that a large number of strangers will be brought togetner from all parts of tbe ronntry to lie present at the deliberation of tbe Convention. ;As before rtiied, the Front-ctrcot Theatre bas been engaged for tne occasion, a id worltnien will ahortly commence to place thtit building in a suitable condition fir the accommodation . of the delegate and visitors. Amle accommodations wii he furnished to tbe Press, the Committee on Arrangements beieg de sirous that th proceedings of tbe Convention shall be as speedily as possible placed Del ore the public tor their perusal. - The1 Committee r-n Reception have- deUtrmined- to do all in- their jowrr to make thestay of the delogute in our citv agreea ble, and will spare no efforts in achieving, so de sirable a result. The Committee on Arrangements i is in daily session at room No. 5 Unrroll Hall, and are endeavoring to complete as oon as possible the arrangements 1. intrusted i to their 1 care, -'Dele-; gates are expected from every State in the Union except South Caroii'a; but recent events which have occurred, in tbe polit:cal world, it is thought, may possibly induce that State to be represented in tbe Convention. It bas not jbeen ascertained whether Oregon will be represented, but it is sup posed not. Rumor circulates the nams of many candidates to be brought before tbe Convention, tbe merits of whom will no doubt be fully discuss ed wb-n that body shall assemble on tbe 9lb day ot tbe present month. v' ; ...j;.: BaHimort. American M by . X ' 1 BEWARE OF TRIC-S. I I: Just as we as are going to press, we bave receiv ed a letter from a gentlemen in the Eastern part of tbe State enclosing tbe following circular : ' i MEMORANDA . . rx -' - Of Prpficd Amendment and Addition to Const i : fii'i'ca of the State f AVA Carolina: . - :. . I-' Population, and not tbe amount of Taxes paid into, the Public Treasury, shall constitute the Basis of Representation in the Senate.. .-:f. . --s. 2. The abrogation of capitation tax on slaves, and toe taxauon,of slave property as outer proper ty maybe taxed.!..' ..--' '-..'?. .-,'1 V ! ?. Tbe crt-ation of the ofBceof Lieutenant Gov ernor, and bis election by the people. - K i . i . ,..Tne election of the Secretary of State, Trea surer and the Comptroller by be peof le.; - . 6, Tbe election of the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts, and the- Attorney General nd Solicitors for the State, by the people, limiting toe ifi.uis or tne j uqgea to a nuiioer or years, en makiitfF them ineligible tr be same office afu-r tho ex Titration of the term for which they, were TIhe election of Justices of the Peace by the vai-'fl airenniaiiy. j- .t. . ? M nWK'.IIK'll VI. ill. l VfT .f..A... v.. for theroffices of Governor, Senator and for mum- bars of the House of Commons.) 'r ' Our correspondent saya aht he received the Is' A.aHtAiil.. - n -1 ... 1. l-ta4V trn -tei4kA4. ' sbove circular enclosed in a letter to him 'without ! ' ay oni.nPnt o- explanation, and he derra to ' St it rnenn':3Jiwt.wWetl)is la-krir, TgS b ISsfis - ind hnt ins m" trick ftne D.;mocrcyloire- tbe East airninn h Convention snd ad vslo. rein ' ;Thet the Weft nve ahv desire or. :.rtnti)h to ehanire tbe bripis'of repr-sritatioain the Senate, wwkifnw io "rm rlsefl e Wfot ar" fuliy" com mitted in their late District' C -nvintions, and b'y the Ufdcf'tariding iri the( Kaleighf Con ve titjon iit 'l-av thc S ne ln-U u'Waiig-dL .'Let a-t tl-e : East bo di ei ved by1 diiy''such low; party tricks -I Greensboro' Patriot t' f ' ''I"-- -A"r--k'2 . One i t-e Dirniciatic,delegHte to ; the Con tention at Cbirloeton, got angry -with Mjr. Cush inir. the President, tnd told him, thi.t " be "need .not put on'aits Aerebfcuuse he had the - how. f of meeting hini (Mr.,C Jat a Whig 'Convention m ,i4S, when be made tharmosf violent" Wbii i. i i . i j. ....... ... - --.. zpueup o3 uc ever, nttartu's - x-.r; v COilAlEUCfAL. 1 ' RALEIGH MARKET.1' ' ' Raleigh', ; May 7th, I860. : COTTON. Bat little offering: price, from, 8 c BACON The supply is equal to the demand H xroiind l?c. to 12Je. ' t: --; . LA RD.-Sells readily at'l2i to 13c. " : i FLOUR The market is well supplied at this inner, celling at 5 upper tarrei. ( '.A MEAL From 901b. to! $1 per bubel2 5 CORN l sellino; at 95c. to $1 per bushel, PEAS White 90 to fl ;' Clay 85 to 90. , FOUDER Demanjl fimited. Selling from. : OATS. Quiet and scarce, price $1 25 per hundred- -t-. . -: BUTTER Fresh 20 to 25c; Mountain dull at EOGH.-l2j to 15 per doz. ' POTATOES Sw-et fibo." DRY HIDES From 12 to 14a . , ' -DRIED APPLES-4-From .90 to 1. 00 .per 28 pounds, l I ! M. a. JJKOVVK, . .... Family Grocer. RELIGIOUS NOTICE, THE RKV. DR. SAMPSON, Presidehtof Columbia College, Wash ington City, will preach next Sunday morning and evening, in the Baptist Church in this rity. ' He will also deliver' a Free Lecture in the Baptist Church on Monday evening next on. his Travels in Palestine. - f ' i ' ' " ' ma 9 . l'CULlCi SCHOOLS. ' - nisK super in ten Rent's opptBLrc 1 Schools for Wake County will meet in Faleigh, at 1 . 1 1 ;t- o i r. . . . , . .. we vuiirmu s umre, u oru caiuraay OI mis AiODtn. Persona having batino-s with tbe Board will please to attend. WILSON W.j WHITAKEB, Chair'. My 8th, 18(50. ' I . ... ma9 td. tandard copy t.t.1 ; . JtEVV LIVERY STABLE IM 'RALEIGH. ITlHE subscriber tenders his sincere thanks, to his . ' eld 'riends and patrons for their liberal patronage heretofore bestowed'oh him, and hopes, by strict atten tion to business in. the same old way; to merit their patronage aaia. He assures all ho may call on bim that he. wiil give them general satisfaction in his line of business He ba-ju't opened ' ,A New Livery Stable, lnthe rear of the Cou-t House, an-1 within a few steps of bis former Stable, where he will keep on hand some good Pleasure Carriages. Buggies and Saddle Horses, for hire. i JAJ1ES M. HARRIS. ma 9 Im. ; . - .: r . . ' JE& Standard copy 1 month. . A S1LE Oi; CITY LOTS. f rAltJABLE RKAL ESTATE, SITUATED IN tne E-isUro part of tli City of Kaleigh, known as' tb residence of the Jate Matthew! Shaw, lying South elnd opposite to the PuMi' jqare, will be by ma offered fur rale on Tuesday tbo 12th day of June next, at I be premises. . I ! Xeejjs wiU be made to suit purehaers. t MATTHEW SHAW. April 2?th, Tc60. . - . ' ma tf td. AKE.COUNTYCOUKT, FEBRUARY TtvRM. ISfiO. All Maaqstrates of t'e Ctfaaty of Wake, are hereby reqairtd-'o mutt at the Court Ho"en R i'e'gh. on th.-' third Monday of May insi., fur tbe ru-pose of transacd g important butine's. . Order d tha th ClerV anirertu in the Kaleigh Reg Istnr, N. C: Standard nnd Democratic Pres. ina9-td. T!loaiA.s J. CTLEV, Cj.krk.- N K W. BOOMS AXD S W DI r40S.- .4 ri hi HE VPQRn.S OF THIS MIOSES aRNKR J Th- WU Wile W rid. 0 e v-1. I'2m. ".55 S .35 D Ua-j an 1 Cents; QijuCHv. Oai.vo1. l.'iQij One vo' 12ai-. $1 til ray aaa Cd.u. ltro vols. 12ma. A ne and beaotiiVy7 illustrated edition of the Waverlr Novels. In 48 rels. cap 8 o P't-ted on a Bwutifui ryt, and iliu-4mted with over PifuW Una- urea Wood-euU and ate-l :"njrno?i - "nmibed in eoonecdan with Messrs. A. t C. Black. E Jmbar h, Prl-e net volua 1.25. .1 i W irltsf-ftheiliu. Jjhn jP. Kenne-ty.'New Elitions, - Uursa-Shoe Kobiuson : A lala pi fie lory Asceaden er, 1 rolu in o, 12uio. SI 2. i ,i ..." - :-. - 5 wallow Kara ; or, A Sojourn in the Old Dominion, I vo'ume, IZmo. s.2a. , ! , . .' Rob of the B wi. " A Legend of St.' Inigoe's, 1 volume, i2mo. 11.25." 1 ! ' Memoris of William Wirt, Attorney General of the United States. 2 volames in one. fl.Se. A New Work bv the Auxthor of " Erie t or. Little by LiUloif Julian Home:' A TWonf College Life. By Rev. Frederic W. Farrar, FeUdw of Trinity College, Catchadire. autnor of " Erie ; pt Little by Lktle." 1 volura-l?mo. Price. St 0J. i .... - Foo'falls On the Boundary of Another World. By Hon. Robert Dale Owen, formerly Member 01 t'ungresa, jjnd late" Minister to Naplei. jRri'ce, l 75.". ! Combensation :!0r, Alwnvs F4ture. By 'nneM. H. Brewster. I volum 1 2mo. : Prt'ce S 1 08.' . Niccolo Del Lapi ; Or, The Last Days of the Floren tine Republic. By Massimo o'Areglio... Translated by H. Hallet. 1 volume. 12mo4"Pric,l 25. ' . -. For Sale by ' ' , - ;' ' v , - , ; .H. D. TURNER. ' Raleigh, Hy 1st, IS 60. ma 9 tf. -r- PROSP ECTUS Or Tliii X SPECTATOR. The undersiirnoU propose to pubr . iish a paper bearing the abuve title, at Brink ley yiUej JN.- C, heginmng about tne iirst oi uuiy nexr.. iae sue of the ebntemplated paper iwill'vary but littlo from, that of the leading Journals'! of the State, and will be Issued at $2 per annum, in advance. ' ' ' V ' ' It is designed that tbe Bpectator sbaB. be chiefly1 a Literary paper; neutral in Pol'tics aad Religion; ros taining abstracts : ef alt iu.eresting and important nows. in -the religious, educational. Commercial aod political world ; original essays Jon. Study and mental r training ; a Children column, an agricultural oo;umo. aad a space fur tarions pleasantries b-ta is. prose ana poetry. And in order tliat this! design may. be the. .more felly carried out, the spacei allotted to advertise ments will be less than what is usual. ' . : Whi'e we are determined that our paper shall oecnpy neutral jtround lu all' those pHtil and religions mat- ff In Mrl -wKitvll t.ll A ! TlOrtnl A MTU tHvAA llltO parties and sects, yet we intend to make it a firm and 1 K ... - . 1 1 deeided advocate of tbosa principles and measures. which, in oureafiination, will promote the bestintercsts of the country, aud the dissemination of religious truth and evangelical piety among our fellow-men. ,-. , .We earnestly solicit subsorip'ions, to be forwarded as soon as praeucable, diweted to " The Weekly Speo tator." (tor the present and antil: otherwise indicated,) "Enfield. N. C." J. L. MICHAUX, r j Editors. L. Micaitrx, H. Paob, -H. Pesbam. J. H. PAGE. - J. ' J. T. Proprie,ors. apr 25 w6U Apriti'th, I'm. STATE3IENT.OF THE BANK OF COMMERCE AT NEWBERN M. C, QUARTER .. 1 SOtS iJUiJU AfHii' V"iH,4So. ; . April 30. NoU Discounted,' -j ' ' , 311,036 VUls cr Jsxcaaage, , 04,10 r . i.- - Drafts in Transitu; '- ' 8,370 06 9'24 a - North Carolina etate Bond.". t. V..'- v W0 - vSaak Property. I " L 'A' '9.253 ..-Expenses, - -- -J ;", - '-'---2,ii ; Ntte efH. C.Bks Che-ka, 1 1,885 43 dot efS. Carolina, yiraia&i ..8l v -'. Uold and filverCain . t ,8508.58 M76 1 Bank of Wiimingi.on, v t '. .,: WJ 34 ; Bi-an'h B'k nt Cape Fear. asbington, 81 70 jj ' Continental Ba-k, New York' . ' 23,645 87 c , . 1 Breneh Bank of Cape Feaf. Raldgfc .! - 6fvt ' . ISranrh Raitkof . U.. i.'narlotte. IM rs Rruk Ran of V. C . Salishurv. B. U. Cham' er-laia & ons.Nort f 8588 BaSk of Chariest Ha. '. .-.w Jfa-" -1 ----620 ' Boh Bank of N..CJNewbni. v L.: ' 5.21 WT.sr 56.828 8 Dae tVeftr' Direetora. U 1, S.ZZ9... m " . Stookhoklcrs not Directors, . 90,197 ,A others not Ste-jkhoIderS, ; . -214,6u "Kewbero , May 1, i860. gPECIAIi NQTIOES: - V" , White Sulphur Water. . v From the White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier Co, Va. Boitiled at the Springs. -" j v-y.V ; This Company having made great improvements in P botfltogV the transported watff is. dow a perfect asj when taken from its) source.' -Address all orders to , 1 l"C'i ' 4 I, EURCgT-L, LADD Jfe CO ? General Agents for tbe United States. ma 9 itmpd. Kichmoad, Ta.- ; Parry's Tricopherous is the Inst sad ebeapest sr'iele tor dressing,, baaafyiog, olsaDstog, Curliflf, prest rtag and rr storing the hair. Ladies, try it. Suld by ail Druggists ad Perfumers. : mar 1-t-Cm.' ; ! No Merchant Visiting' Baltimore Should fail to exomioe' the j ' extensive : stock of FANCY GOODS," HOSIERY, ka wicfa i are offeied'for isle by FRED FICEY o. SONS, 250 Baltimore St. ft is one of the mist extensive in this Coantry-and they sre fully ; prepared : to, compete with Northern Houses. . -i.-...,,.. . .J -. .fab 2$ OV-?.-. -:; "' '. , ! ! ' -"' " t ; Holloway's OintmenU Gout, lumbago, and rheumatism are infallibly removed by a contin uous use of this greet detergent application. Warm' fomentations should In all eases' precede its uie. It relaxes the constrained muscles snd fibres, and assists nature in completing a cure. Sold at the manufactory No. 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all Druggists at 25e., 63e.i and $1 per pot. may 2 2t One of tbe' Most Prevalent, and at the. . same time troqblesomo and painful diseases that attend r the human flesh, is the Fever and Ague. For a lone time the medical world have been eontihually bring- 1 ing forth numerous specifics for its permanent onre ; but all without effect j Dr." 3 Hostetter, an exp-rieuc- ed and cebrated pby-icianJ has succeeded in furnish . .. in the public with a valuable preparation for tUe eure of Fever and Ague. . The steady and increasing de mand lately made lor the Bitters," and the universal success attendine'.its use, have made for it a reputation unsurpassed by any sperifio of tbe kind. ' For the eure of Ihe Fever and Aue. Dr. Hostetter's celebrat- ed Stomach Bitters must and should claim a superi-. ority over any other preparation extant' , Sold by dn iggists and dealers generauv. Sold by Wihiams k Haywood,. Raleigh, N. C.,and by Druggist, everywhere. . J . ma 9 lm '. . i ' ' i i . .. . . ... Wigs X Wigs I Wigs I - Batchelor's Wies and TonpeeS surpass all. They .m.l.ffan lifrVif. AUT Mtl ii lira.hlfti . ' . t- t rittinz to a cbarui no iturnrae up i behind no shrinking off the head : indeed, this is the only eatab lbhment where these, things! are properly understood and made. i ; WM. A. CAXCHlfiLOU. - mar 31 swlyi : ' , I 16 Bond Street, N. Y. ; , . aius.wiNSLOWi An experienced nurse and female physician, bas a- Sofitnine Svrup for children teething, which greatly fa cilitates the process ot teething by sottemng the guws, reducing all inflammation wilPallay all pain, and is sure to. regulate the bowels. Depend npon it, mothers, itwGl give re jt to yourselvesj and relief and health to to your infants, i'ertectiy sare in au cases.t Bee aa. vertieementin another column.;: s . feb i$ ly. . ; , ; . ' I 1 'j' ,.' " BAKER'S PREMIUM UITTEtlS. ; We hope the citizens generally wilt be' ever mindful of tHia all-impoant Family1 Mediefne one that in invalnabledn air climates and in all seasons one that has performed more remarkable cures than any other erer discovered one that eaa betaken by all condi tions and sexes with perfect safety and ana that stands unrivalled for the cure of Dyspepsia. Colds and Chnlic, Nervons Affections, Gen-ral Debility, Ague snd Fever, and Nervous Headache. Baker's celebrated Preic Bitter8 have been manufactured in Richmond, Vs., for years past, and are highly reemmenied by Phy sici tns, aod other for their I great virtue. Tbey are enmposed entirely ef vegetabU substances, rnd there fore entirely fe from all mineral poisons. When all other remedies! have failed, a single bottle has been known to cure the worst of Dyspepsia, as certified to by the late HV. P. Ne chyis and fevers, as a'te.tted by Wm. II. Oreeory;' of i Fenrico, and others and choliss and diarrhoe 1, aa.bandreda of our citizens as sert, vbo nsed it: with great saooess during tbe pr valenee of. the rholera in Richmond, end which im-m-dfately ehecked and uprooted ll the symptoms of '.hat horrid disease bythe ue of Bairsa's f-RXVitK Bit vens. fhdeed we doubt '-If there ha ever boen dis cevtsred a tou'C or so. powerful aad yet ro soothing a nature asth-e Bittern, wich are constan'ly adminis tered to eiiildren with the h'Ppiest result.. AU are iarit-d ti try the Bitters and to judge for theuudyes of their merits. ,.:..,..), 1 " ' .-- These Bitte's ran be had of WTLLIAKS A HAY- WOOL). Koleiirh. N. .. "and bv all the principal Drug gists in :orth Carolina and Virginia -Also, byoyma Pro van, Aev Orleans; E. p. fbIor 4 Co.. Balti more; D. B : MUier, "oviagtobj.Ky., and by Barnes A Fark, New xerK.i -l- Orders promptly filled ' by ad dressing " ''.': '' "' B. BAKER, Proprietory 1 . j r Kicbmoad, Va. ! feb 22-Isa HAIR DYE I IIAIts. DYE i HAIR DY'E I ' WJI. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR YE I The Original ; and Best ia the Worldtt i It OTHERS ARE MERE IMITATIONS, and should be avoided, V you wish to escape ridi- ea'e. ... ( -T'ij---. Greg, Red or Rn$fy Hair Dved instantly to a beau tiful and Natural. Brown or Black, without injury 0 the IU-r or sftm. . ' . - . - t'iteeit Medal and Diplomi have been awarded to Win. A .Batehelor since 1839, and over 80,000 appli cations have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of bis famous Dye: - ; . Wnf. A, B itcholor's Hair Dye produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not -to injure in the leas', ho everl long it may be eontin no, and the ill-effects ef Bad Dyes remedied ; the Hair mvisrorated for Lue by this Splendid Dye... i;- Sold in all cities and towns of the. United States, by Drutrirists and Fancy U"ods dealers. ., . .. f 5a? The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides ef each Box, of . ' ' . WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, . mar 31 swly - 16 Bond Street, New fork.; ' THE GREAT. ENGLISH REMEDY. .-.'"' ' SIR JAMES CLARKE'S, XS'-X CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS ! Ht a ovai. . Prepared from a Preemption of Sirj, Ctark4, M. D., - Pnynexam Jbxtraordindry to the Qveen. . .' This well known medicine iai no' imposition but a lure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Ob stmetions, from any.csuae whatever; and although a powerful remedy, It contains nothing hurtful vto the constitution. ": Xo, married ladies it is peculiarly Suited, It will in a short time, bring! on the monthly period with regularity.' -' J' ' '., )' In a:l cases ot JNorrous and Spinal Affections. Pais ia tbe BacK ao i lamts, f atigue. on slight exertion, PalpttatioB of tie Heart, Hysterics, and. Whites, those r.-.t :ii rr. ... . ., u .11 . . 1. . 1 Pills will effeet a cure when all other means have fail- 'ed; and although a powerful, remedy, de set eoxrtain iron, calomel, aotimpny, or anything hurtful to the eonstitution. . . , ,v :. Full directions in ihe pampblet around each pack age, which should becarefullyjpreservedj'.' " For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, ef the agX. if N. B. $1 and 8.: postage Btampa enclosed 'to any authorized agent, will ensare a bottle containing over 60 pills, ey return mail.. v - " , :5 v Job Mpsss, Rochester; K.Y., General Agent for. United States and British Provinces . gold ia Raleigh by P. F, PsacoD, o all respectable Druggists. . - '.I . r 'X ;: Wit ir?!.- -.! -,;,'- eowly-V'- . " April 83. :4 V '! Capital Stock paid inK Deposits, I-1. - j . . Circulation, . Profit and Loss. !, 7. 70 j : i 208,88008 k : 72,448 88' T ijs Hi 2,325. 90 ' --.18,040 01 71 j. 96 n .u tt- iw n ia 3 1 Payettevillle: ' ' f Franklin Bank of Bal-f ! tiovere ;? -. farmer Bank, Greens-) 5 boro', ' - -J Branch Bank .ef Cape ( I FeaFayeUwiUa,.- . 3,614 tfX 1780 88 fm 78"-: '-.T' " T-- '1 "i ' ": '-" - -r;H" f -.- y w 4s--- l-f'J ,3-:-' ('-'. -J. A. QUI0N, Casiiia.- A ' : -. 1.F.WW.I '-..- V ;.t F RE E E H I B jr T IQX I SLEDGE, &3lACON'S NEW FANCY ANB SlfAPbB DBY v '' GOODS . STORE, -' .-' , - . ' SC., 40 FAYETTSVILLaj . STREET, Ftrtt door. Ulo Witlivmr A Haywood i Drj SAcn -i ; Kaleigh, Bf." CL' -:- :; '. ' X " IS THE TLACE TO BUY i ' NEW AND FASniOVABLE GOODS AT -, . . A LOW PRICE I.. ., , . Jv HAVING JrJsX ILBCEIVEdIa LARQB AS . elegant tck of . .. .., Sew Geodifci Spriag andSammer, 5 ' - consisting of Ladies fine Dress Goe of Fre nch Or- " gaadie Robes Doabus Skirt au1 Jaeaonettee. Lawai, " : ingham, Calieoea Check aad Swiss Masllos, BPk ' i Silks, at a love price than she quality detaaads. waa line irUtt Liaoas Worked CeUara, Ribbons, Uosiy, jGlovs, Eaud kerchiefs. Black Laos PoJaU, the Boat , fitshionabie Summer. Rapping euti a urge stock of Boimets, such as fine Crape, Silk, Straw, Neapolitan, -Blond Lace, Chip, Ac, Ruches, Flolwers and Ribhoaa, . for trim ing, in abundance; a large lot ofSUkPara sols of she latest s'yles eat.' ' - r:-' , Our stock ef Staple and Domektie Goods (s large f and we are selling better goods for the prieetaaa here-' i toforev-.f -.. -.;.':;.' v4 vj ;.. s . . Our stoek of Liaeas and. Oottoaades eaenot bs sar. "'" passed in Raleigh for the prioeaad ajaallty. . '-j ;'' Hoop Skirts of J. W. Bradley's Pat r Iwasrisha." ble. Empress, Tip Top. and other styles, made of the ' best English Watch Spring Srel, with eord tied te- . each hoop ; also the' Patent Spiral Bustle, sosaetbJ Log nice and new, to wear with or without hoops. . . . ' A large stock of (fonts and Boys Hats, of the aewast . styles, ueh as Gov. Wise and Hoaston, Colon, .' Gents fine Shoes and Gaiters; (f htladelphia make) ' Ladies and Missel Shoes, Boys and Children Shoes, ' Servants Shoes. ' " v - l -: - - We are determined to sell good Geods,- " - ' . At as Losr Price as any Hoase ia Raleigh, ; - - and Lower it Possible. v Call and examine our stoek and yon will be eonviaoed ' that it is to your Interest to boy goods of as. v. We return our gratefal thanks to the publia for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, aad hope to merit a continuance of the same. - - ..'-. - j ....i'vv-, V THOSj. D. SLEDGE, t , J apr28 wswte . -lIIOSl B. MACOm. j&B- Age and Advooata icopy six times.., , .' TIN FOIL k METALLlO CAP MANUFACTORY, : . - ' -.5-1 . ' ' No. 38. , weisi sinm, x-:x 1 .A. L'. . j 1 . ' JOHN J. CROOKE CO. , l . Are manufacturing under then Patent ; ' ' ' '' " Rolled tin foil, " ':k i :t PLAIN, PRiyTEV OS EMBOSSED, ' ' r j suitabk fer napping .;'' v ' Fine Cut and Cavendish Tobacco Cheese, '- Spices. c.1 . ' -, -:' ' . 1 Thine Beaten Foil, all sixes,,. npriolr ia iriUmney aad' itrtngtk to the imported article.' --' l . . . , -. , . . . - METALLIC CAPS, ; -' INVALUABLE for sealing Botixcs, containing Wiae, or other liquids", ; : Jars, 4c;, stamped with an name oir design required. j AISO, r f iccstc rLATBB, soLOBa, TTPS aarriiA btaxs 1 soay 2 ly ' N. C. SIX PER CENT. STATE BONDS. 07:&1 I 4 t S O I "3 'f' " ri T' S- " 5 m 3 t o i f?5 3av-v.5.-:. ? sJ ' IS - -5 8 - S Z wT 1 2 1 . ' to .2 . : S 2 3 j tteti . Si 2 1 3 a'- - ig , V- ' Tksascbt DxraaTiis! , N. C, I - , . ' " . Msvi 8-, 1860. ;! SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE- ' CK1VED at this office until lOv o'clock, A. M r -S;.b June next, for the sale, to the highest bidder, of 8'CU.OOO of North Carolina State Brtwif, issued under "An act authorising the Pablio Treasarsr to sell the , Bonds of the State fur oertait purposes." v - ' . J These bonds are sold to pay off a debt of the State" ' ' whVU is aboat maturing. - ' (.." -- " ' f ' Jji ' ' The above bonds will be issued in sums of $1,000,, $500, $200, or $ 100 each, to uit purchasers, bearing' r - date 1st January, I860,. with Conpons attached, paya- , ble aerni -annually. - Those of $i,00fl and $00 will . run thirty years, and the $109 and $0S ten years. - . . .' . The principal and interest will be payable at the Bank bf the Republic; tn the City of New York, ailass. .. where tbe party prefers to have them payable at the ; Treasary of the State. These bonds ars aot Stthjeet -ts taxation for any pnrpoee. '- -' j'i - Sneeeasfol bidders upn being Informed of these- eeptanoe of their bids, eaa deposit the amount of their ' bids to the credit of the undersigned, in tbe Dank aforesaid, or in the Bank of North Carola or Bank of ' . ..Cape Fear, Raleigh. -':,..!L,,.. ,.' i-f'-':'.'.' . Parties bidding will please address their letters a ' -dorsed "Proposals for Ni. C. Stocksf,, ta the under, f j , signed at Raleigh, N. C. ,', -. :' " . j , V ; . The right of accepting such bids, in whole or in part, M V T ' as may be deemed most advantageous to the 6tateL ' reserved-' -, .. -'-.' - t - j'-'r.! .1' K' .The bids will be opened in (ha presence ef .the Gov. a ' -ernor. Secretary, and Comptroller of State, and the : ." "' President of the Bank of the State. :;i v --. '; r , I- i ' s . . , ; d. W. COURTS,.. . . ' 5 ' VmatJS ,rs-.';; :;;,.r PuW,rraaa,f N. C. SLt Per Cent. State Boads. i .X' .'..-i " Tsa'asoaV DEPARTKtiiT orN. C.,, , !. ;-:.--.''.! -rv AprUil", J8n. J . SEALED" PROPOSALr WILL B RECEIVED J at this office until 19 o'clock.' A. M., 18th of May 1 - next, for tbe purchase of $100,900 of North Caroliaa 1 rtate ooaua, issuea enaer Aa Acs to incorporate tne 1 -Western N. C. Railroad Cempany," and rmnning thir- V rj jears from 1st April. I860. x ' r ;' .-, ... ,' ( The above Bonds will have coupons, for iatarestat " ' vsix per cent per annum attached, payable 1st April $ and uetober in each year.- 1.- -. -i'i "' The prineipal aad interest will be payable at the , Rank of the Kepobtic- in the City of Hew York, unless ' , . 'where the party prefers to hare them pay able at the . areasury 01 tne etate. r - . :- .v i- . - - Suaoes'ful bidders upon beleglnformea oftheaeeept-''.' ',' ance of their bids, eaa deposit tl tea meant of their bids,' rT. ; Including the accrued interest, to theeredtt of 4be an ' " ',. dersigned, is the .Hank aforesaid, or iai U10 xtaak os too -State or Bank of Cape Fear, Raleigh. ; . - .!- " Parties bidding will please address their letters ea- : 1 dorsed "Prposals for N. C. Stools," to tbo aadar.. signed at Raleigh, a. C. . . . . - -- - The bids will bo opened In the presence of the Gov. ernor, Secretary, aod -Comptroller of State aad tbe President Of the Bank of the State, t" ' , -tr. - - ' - D. W. "COURTS. r ': .l.i apr18 tdi r - ;), Pub. Iiaaa,''' rOTICE.-.JMR. JOHN H. HYMAN. or ' : X Scotland Neck, N, C this day beeomee a. partror ; in our nouse, ana, lor wo luuwa, no stjio wm ao, Daacy, Byraan A Co.. -4, . "" -".'.- f.r : - j . - 4 ' Qb the 1st of September a- xt a branch house will. J bo opened la Norfolk, Ys-, under the name ot Hymaa., 1 Dancy ft Co., to be oondacted by Joha H. Hyman ft ; , t M. Hymau. ?- - - . PANCY ft HYMAN. . , I Npw York, May 1,1860. - - ' v - "-. i '.-;---:- -; .. We begitoeall theettentioa of ear friends aad the' public to the above aqtioo, partioalarty tbo-eJtrikaU'ylo ' Norfolk..-, By this arrangement we shall be able to grva our patrons tbe advantage of both markets, either for V 'the sale of produce or purchase of suppliss ekaryinf ; out en 00 tuBiWon. . AJ1 prodooo oaasigno tOttho. "ft Norfolk House will be sold In this nerkrij wksnavar (. wo think it to the interest of the owner. .... v-t i - 1 DiNCYy fit MftJT ft CO,';, l. f f.:-: --.'..;- 124 Pearl Stroot. ", t. Job- S. Daer-, !( of Tar boro, N. C. ' ! ' ' ' Job D. Praais- 8eotland Nook, H,-:-"" " - ! .P. M. Hm ah. late of Warreaton. JS. C. - . '( NswVoTk. May ,160 tt; T..fv V v Ci PLE VDID DAULIA8...A rIE. COL O LECTION of Dahlias, ingots, at 24 oents oaohat i-v - ' THOMAS CARIERS1 Kareory. - yV atia- :i-;-' 7' ': Raleigh, N; a" TZOtt. SALEw-SO SUAREd H PER CRNT. Jt1 Preierred Stoek. pf the Cspe Fear-aad Dean Rltsr ' Narigati-n.Compaoy,auifaorisod by Act of 1858, aad 'recognised by the Act of 1859. , i - - - . . mayz-ir CUWAK" -VAStl n t, Aivy. 1 . 1 ' lu - ' '