1 'I 't I u if u i I, . u - r! I i, ... 1 " " 1 If. X J -i . a "J l jl .i ? f IS. .4 the W HITE DDK CHASE. A LEGEND OF pLDEN TIMES. T Maa.'siABT MA. . Ib district of fonnlry, bordering on tbe Al- Ueaerie rweJfcd, there av curtain mw. ' w-k th AbnrWioil hunters had luxuriated la la nik.tiM m( of salad. 11m maple tree ...l .Ua sUat abounded hers, slid the reed .nM r?SrdI dIicRj rrexJn? lor tb dw, wbert the green hbge encr" foKage bed dVap iard at the approach winter. Traditioni told tbw tale, though siew tha krri ..i iki while man. this portion of the country had tea eoureiy abandoned by. the reonarch of the forest, mm om V sale Uoe. . A bmiitifol ereetare aa waa, of s-iowy whito uooiMiM font, tad moving, aa It were, opou sir : her rawed heed erect, ber dark eyes bcniij wiia. ardor, thouru irNrt T touching sua ' kma. Aa neet at tbe wliwift only ft transient glanv of ker unearthly lowline w (T enjoy j twtW admiiinf behold. " v . At tb Irrt blast of .the hunter's horn, or open ing of the bog :Ia, forth rh would spring from taxae dense corrufw or entangled brake, bounding idike,overftceaaaKidibe. thicket end rTiB M the wioga of the wind, aba vanished from tb eves of bar pumm before they hart well expe-rietx-ed the rdr of the rhaae, and back eame tb veloiee; bounds, cowering ami tremwmg- from umb bJ been tha fortone of TrT bonier in tho Wbiia Ikw rba aloe tb roaofT of (bo .kiu) man. and thin for aztw ibis TblU Doe bad t ooUnuad to iababit thia luxuriant dialrict, to tb voul axrtasioa of all alM of tba ajlraa train. Tfeia was perfect marval throughout Umob try, and itarnban cam from distant rrta to aa mtaia tb oorrariaM of thia atoalkiig raport. Wba tbo born wan daj aoondd, tbo bounda i kMaf, and Tatoraa bantara warily aatnmrd tair tMpctiT poaition. rifla In band, with - tba fata of th braonril i dim voa runr Teaoivea apoa j wbn, lot, at uual,ootiprtng thia wyit rioaa . arparitkw lila a lash of lightning, and aankhad agaia ajkharmad. ; , - ' ... At Uogta ft eouoril o war wm aaaamblad. TaaWbitaDoo iayatery-aaart bo aolrad. Tka rhaaa avast enca aaoraabuaad with tba lordly atag, . whaaa doaaiaioa bad baaa ao long oaarpad by this nyftrioo intruder. .' . A Bomber of determinad buntars araawibled at tbo Ball of Colonel 'Mspletoa, tba proprietor of tba TVhita Doa Chaaa.. vJiach duolaTad bu loara. ing, traa iaaxiop, ingfi ally aad ar pari aooa iatba rhaaa, bat all ta rain. AByMryuyrnaiDa. And BOw.ft KXtXla aroaa. aftd Drooomd that tba bunt aboold ba aoundod agaia, lia, tor ao, waa coa&daat of hranriar atwi thia bubdm uhlU Doa, which had only acrapad tho aadtad bontm - by anaaa of bar Imftaaa aa4 fkarr aapenutmn iatJU - : ' Arcoriingrj, again war tba bodnd IH lorea,' tba born toandad, and tba tnmy bOBtera resumed iBaicrwpeclira.itands, with a watrbfal, eipe ' ri(vd rya, Iz tba ra-appra&oe of tbe doomed Wkila Do - i i.,.flrf: 3o awift waa her fight on thia ocra-Mon. ber . taaotifol form was mtj dasrrid a sha vaniibed appara&lly In lb ttaa of taa jditaat horizon. ' . Dock caWa tha yelping hooodi, wbil arary (ounar scighad asa pawed tba rartb ia terror, avary Bbraia hU rjnwrftit frame trembling whh aSVigbl fIeat and ecmfoaaoed tha baatm at, ataring Htch otbr ia tba Ihra. - - InatljMtiraly tha twenty moanW banters draw clonar tngetber, lhair borsea beads touching al moat, ia tha een tra of 4 circle ; and tha weariad and frigbtanftl bounda crouching around on the araaa. .J & ' ' "What a wawderftol cfratnra!" aaid ooa. at lengths ; . -' L i -. .? ...- i - "Aa optioal Uloaioai r mid another. "Pooh I" aal4 a vetaraa of thacaaae, now r coaaring.' from bft wrpfr. - -Pnoh f I bata bean a hantar all any Kfa, and bava encountered far woraa dificaltiea than tht. Too haTa atan dosad tha chaaa too aooff." Tbdoa baa nt yet baaa aprung. Sound, again, my brara hunt-menl follow dm, and you aball soon ba continced of your iniuha.'-. -, . r mZ " - , " " - Wa hava lived hare all our livaa," said anoth er, and there U no niMtake. . Vou -have eoeae from a diatanee, OaneraJ, and are yourself decair . ad. That waa-the White Doe aa aura aa yoo lite." , .-- V ' ' "Poohr said tbe gaJUat itraneer again, did vou sever bear of an Albino? Tbe mysterious "Wtlta Doe yoa are all ia such terror from, k no . 'tuber than an Albino, simple Albinos of tba deer species, accideniaJlj .'atbiLe instead of red, that la aJL , Aad all tbja excitement among you wiea tneo aad Valeria hunters h tot JoUing. Ill prove it, gaftUemon." Well, air," said Colonel hlapletoo, tbe pro prietor of the IV bite Doe Cbae, M I ahall be under everlasting ebUgetioaa to yea if you can win deed iolva thia-mrstery.i Hot merely does this White Due baaish all game from tbk portion of my rTSU, but she i ft terror so the aeigbborbood ; aad k a soraoua ineoavaaieooa to mer in various ways. Jfy, servants eometimea venture out in the nifht ee an opposrum hunt, but iavsriably re turn frightened put of their senva. ' I can not terviede them ever to cut down treee ia this part of the foreet, or got a en errand through tbeae wonda, I aaaure yoo, sir, there k more in tbk While Do and her hktory than can he explain ed, by ne sbort-nghted mortal." Ilal ba! ha ! broke out General Dares!!, 'Ill stake my two best rifla, and tbe grandest pack of bounds that ever coursed the woods of old North Carolina, that before I am done, 1 expoae thia trick, if trick it k, or bring down the terri hie WhitaDoa." -. : ? -Very well, sir," replied Col. Uaplatoa,: "1 shall be largely your debtor in that most fortunate event. And now, air, be ao good as to disclose your plaa of preceedure." . t WHh all bt heart, air ," said General Dare--ail, railing aad bowing, politely. -In tbe irst ' place, then," commenced General DreaIl,'I must ask yoa, (ir, does this fsnxm White Doe always ?tsrt from a certain point in the Chase ?" 1 "Very nearly,' tir,". replied the Proprietor, "her points of springing the copse, or brake, are ' neTer more than tfty yards from yonder hollow ".Maple tree. . J v. i. u -v ll ' ' h Very good,1 tsli tba confident Genera) Dare all. ' - "Ahd.gantlemea, be pleased to hearkeotoan old hunter,' he continued ' ' r "Next Wednesday, Joat one week from thk day, let all the hunters la thk neighborhood as salable at Jlspleton Hall ; if possible, two ban. drrd men. That well be no difficult matUr, I suppose, as tbe fame, as well as fear, of thk mys terious iahabiUBt of tha chase has ex leaded te widely V -There will be no difficulty," ' responded nu nerowa Yokeev- ' - Tery good, gn UemeB , T will meet ye ou Wedneaday next, and explsia hew. thk Doe may certainly be taken, and disposed of, that k, aa leas she has wings, and actually fjiee away before one riCe-ba.lt can reach her." , " ' ', " -Tea mease, and dat what White Doe she to d,Manser9d M" JS who etood shaking his head ail the while kuwingly. i- - J What's that yoa say,' aeked General DarealL "I say, mam ; answered Joe, mpectfully, as he raised hk bat aad ariWTerhed--''I says, massa, dat While Doe she. tbo to iy away , caze.rbe not b long to dis here yarth, sr. '- An ef so be, maa eireiimwent White Doe, massa habtocircamwent ok) Pem too, sir. White Doe easy kotcb norhua, ' f-ir t ue sir." . t.-.-'.., We shall see, Joe," said General Daraall. We shall a," he rrpeated, with ft knowing wink at Joe, and a complacent smile on bkronn teoaace as be ca;t bi eye around on the sana bled banters.. ,.'. ..''.";;' ' HenUenseoV' setd Colon! hlaplttOH,' kioiing ai.eind.ake, aad waving hk hand courteouslT lowfcfda hk fellow boaters; yno will pWe re oenlr our rende:voa, o VVedaefciay reominer nest, at eight Vclork, MsJtrfl I fall, when bop you w!l do me the hnor and (;lseure to ,iMM with fiestMal Xareadl. our idile deliverer fruca tbe terrora of thk mynerUma- White Doe, wUm luMSOue heuacbea we will drink tbe tKh t4 tbe tbee rewowned BJtd UJuaUkxtf knrgbt the vaaqukhej Wrm." Tepc)twkiavruti wejy fully ancej4J, aad tHe party sTeaei forlhvuh. s - , - e ,e - e - a t . Oft the appctBtaimorBlng, JUapkton Hall was the areste of iatenea excitement, partly w ?asiotud by the immense preparafioBs for such a number of truesu, aai fartlj on account cf the eztraor diaary' exploit - to bv. performed amely--ibe rapture of that cuyxleriuoa WhiU Deo, which bad haunted thoae forests for, eeaely two eeaturies. . Tbe grove around Mapletoa Hall was thronged at aa early hour, with' henstmen and hounds. Tbe woods resounded with the torn and tbe bay ing of tbe iihpalient racks, as. M tbe chase, enoouraged by tbe shouts of the eathasiastid as sembly. - - J .,r. ' la the midst of thk din ef noises, arrived the elf appointed hero of the day the gallant DarealL Tobia all eyes were turned, ia expectation of those important instructions, through which was to be accomplished the greatest wonder ef the age, In the animation of these boaters. ' "Gentlemen end eomradea," said General Darnell ; allow me to oBgraU!a70uV oat (ha tmpkskOM sjpBaralioat ana promises of thk fine morning; whilel assure yoa, thai of the success of my plan, IenlerUln not the AeJowof a doubt -' The While Doe Chase k . t B A . b I Circunsact loaa y eenam aoosgi mwiia tw w. rusnferenoa I would dispose of lae two auoarea swrseaien, whom I have the honor to address, with their attending trainers and hounds. - At the ap pearance of tbe Doev'ai she mnat -unavowaoiy make it within ear formidable circle,) all, sirmtf taneouslr. shall rah on id the attack Firing as ha!l toward theemtre of the ehsse, whuner she mart of necessity fly," what wmpjeveht either ber capture br tbe hounds, or her death by our bullets t Noting. - And so.my raHant comrftdea, shall we adopt thk plan r ;"' x - " " ' " " It was adopted by'aoclsmalkm and the two hundred horsemen bartenad to form arosnd tbe haplexs Wbha Doe the proposed formidable circle. ; fcvery one Inspired with sangaiee hope from the coaffJent manner of General Dareall, dashed off at the echoing of miaierous horns, and the baying of Blmost inn umera'ble hounds, whose tremendous reverberations through the agitated air, nearly brought down every bird upon the wing, " As the spotless White Doevprangout from her eovert Ti nes were dwenargea ; we nounus were on nor nana rbes; therxnhing hunters close behind with the murderous knife in band, ready te drink tbe Hfa bldotf ef tbe victim ; when' lot the smoke of their riffoa cleared awar. or the dense white mkt which enveloped tbe spot, but no white Doe lay bleediag . a. - 9) - on tbe groaiKi.," uone, vannnea, wisiosticuio unharmed. . Tbe docs, as usual: came yelping back, tram Mine- aad croucbins? at the feet of their tee ber as ir protect, from tbetruneanaiy fears, - .as . a . . - mm a 1 J ... ? 2 V BUbters, inciuaing ineir- eoenaens rwjw, -wiw their reliant steeda. hour down their heads des pondent. Dareal) area rtlterlr confounded him self, and srk net one "word of ewooaregemefit te hk' rrest-faliew eornrexke in thk- mysterious chase. .1..' : - " If it had ftot bean for that for or natal, or smoke of the rifles, sheeonM never bare escaped,'' ven turedorieof tkebemtera. ' - ' But Dareall shook hk head rloAmilf ae he tia. Rhe la an imD." The devil herns her. Therea bo asepurrning her again. - Down through the earth aha must have drmppeared. I am sure she did not rle, for I took good care to loot aloft of Ik an Wl" ----: GeaUemen." said fjoloael MspJeton. -I am now felly eonvineed thk spectre k sent to haunt thk forest, and scare awsy the rame. In retribu tion of some- font deed in former tlme '; for here the has been from the arrival ef our forefathers on these shores- ao wj tad aged, from the earliest times r end sre of the prveena day ran testify to her undoabted ettfte&ceend frequent appearance. WhUethe propnetor wee apeaking; a stgniacaat Urh was beard bebfnd Btm.aad en turning be epied an old, feeble Indian, leaning ea hk staff, spparettly lieleclng wnih earnest lUenUon. Long grer hair fell over bis shoulders and face, pattially concealing hkaraal! block eyes, wkkhrere nearly cl sad wttb very feeblanass ana ftge, - Him eowerinr Was rtay blanket, isstened at the throat by a thorn, aad secured around hk waist by a leather thong ? bk feet, aceordSng to the custom of bis people, were incased in bacfc.'kln mceraatns. a. " f " '.'. - Wbat k your nata, e'd man V asked Coloaet Kapleton. -!? t : r , "tirsr Wolf, the medicine inaa,' drawled out the Indian, as he crept feebly lowards the side of the horaft on whteb the CXUostel rode. ' ' ' Tarn glad to have sa yoa, Gray Wolf, and as you are a wise man of your tribe, perhaj a yoa may be able to consult your books, and aid us ta explaining thk mysterr of the White Doe, which has troubled ue so mnch in thk forest. Perhaps you can tell us how to get rid of thk troubtesome Whit Doe. She bas driven awsy all tne game. and taken potweasion of our best banting grounds, ever since the aeraory of the white man. Come, tell us bow to entrap her, Orsy Won, and you shall have silver for your pains. Come then, look lu your wisdom books and lielp us out of tbie diiValtv.n ;- Grey oiriutened attentively And his small eye brirhiened with i-Ieaaure at the mention of silver in return for hk information, and thrusting hk long hand, deep into- hk buckskin pouch, which conspicuously bunr from hk belt, be drew forth a handle wrapped ia dried leaves of the water lilly, He unrolled the rareel, aad displayed to view s number of bark leaves or tablet, en wbicn were written 1n crimson "dye of the blood-rook various as well aa curious blerogfypblcar characters, wttb which the old man appeared familiar. After searching and turning them all over several time, he repeated bk exclamation "Ugh." and then raking hk eyes to the face of Colonel ilapleton, be said ; "Gray Wolf great medicine, ranch wise ; old chief have book, die ; young chief old die : yoong chief have book : so book come down to Gray "Wolf. Gray Wolf much wise. Gray Wolf great mediciae. Gray Wolf read : ugh I poor White Doe livelong ago; white spirit from Koanoke Island. Ugh I white man go down deep, by sedgy shore of Koanoke Island, dire deep, lor three handsfel muscle shell peark charge rifle--White Doe - die I Ugh I poor White Doa. Gray Wolf tell true, white man, wampum r.o buy corn now, silver bay corn, Gray Wolf hungry." ' ; . . ' Tbe old man held up hk hat and ft shower of silver dollars fell into it from the companionate hunters ; and the strange old man parsed. on hk wsy. ' . : - "There goee another mystery,' said Colonel ifssleton; an apparation from bv-ronedsvsand knowing in the Lktnry of our wonderful White .Doe," - ' . . ',- The whole assembly acquiesced In the sent! ments of tbe Colonel and earnestly urged the isa mediate procurement of tbe muscle shell peark. ! ',. " (TO Bft OOHTKfClD.) . - - TttK NEW APPOKTIONMENT, ' I PoDulation of the IT. States by - - i ' . -' - 81,647,499 40,34 . ; :.- ; s - - - : ' .... . J. ' 1,599,741 12,006,087 ?9,641,412 census ef I860, Deduet populaliosi , . of teiritories. Deduct two-fifths of ; slave population Repre'tive population.' , . Tba number of members of Congress has been fixed by law ' at 13, at tbe comnjencement -. i . of each Census. Itktempora- . . rily increased when new Sutea are adudtted. -. This would ' " i " give as the ratio of apportion' ' 0 " meat, for each member, " i 127 216 , Under thia apportionment, the representation n Congress would stand thus, compared with the present figures ; ' "j ; . ' - - X . .At Present. New' AppoVrat Non-Slave States , 145 UiT Slavs SUtea .90 e5 - . Majority-. " -.. --&7'-.;'v; - & "rv ' M sine, Msasachusetts, Rhode Island; rUorth Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Maryland; each .lose one member ; Fannsylvaaia, Virginia, South Catolina," Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio, each lose two; snd New York will lose three members ; Arkansas and Cahforbia witleech gala one mem- oer; lexsa, AlicaigSB, and. ALksourt will each gaia two cu em bars : Wisconain and Iowa will each gaia three members; and Illinois' will cain four members. The rest remain aa before. ' - , . i . . .I ; ? Fiat. The alarm of Are yesterday afternoon waa raoaeJ by theigaitioaof a lot of Cotton on tba w barrel tbe .;ape rear and oceea HteamsMp Company. " Tbe -fire U snppeeed te here original ted from -arka from th e rmoke stank of the steamer Kate McLeurin which had left a abort time previously for Fsyetteville. . Tbe wind wa high at tha time, aad had U not been -for (ha ex ertions of - the ciiixens the damage might hare boan vry serious. By throwing the, Jring bales Into th river the danger of communicating with other coctiMJUs Inflammable, matter was voided and the i re subdaed. Soms lit or sersa bales were destroyed, causing a' Jms of about f i:0. H-ilminjIm MrmLL . vV- J UNION MISTING 1N.TADK1N COUNTY. On the 27th of thk instant, it beiug the week of our Superior Court, a large portion of .the citi zens of tba oouoly assembled in the Court House ia Yadkin villew . - - j ' -V; H TTrv-m root5on of Dr. C. L. Cook. A. W, itar- tlav kso.. was called to the Chair, and at tbechair- speech explalaed the objects of tha meeting ; stair' tnr that it had been called for the purpose of tak iagatepa towards assembling general convention wf the people of this Congressional district, to se lect a candidate to represent this (the 6th) Con gressional district in the xiexi ; Cob gross of the United Sutea, and to express the gratification 9 the Union party of thk county at the result of the reornt election, and lo tender the hand of fellow ship to ail Ceastitutional Union men of whatever political antecedents, and expressing the hope and belief that the "storm clouds whlchlower o'er us" would he dispelled aad that our political sun, now hidden and enveloped in thre&Uning clouds of civil war, would yet shed iU geaial rays upon ft happy, free and united people. - j ; Upon motion, A. C. Cowles, R, P. Armaeld, Geo.' Holcumb. Wm. Pettiiohn; and Jphn Idle were appointed committee to draft resolutions. During tba absence f .the committee, Dr. K. H. Parkea, of Iredell county, was loudly called for and responded in one of hk happiest efforts, de claring hk devotion to the Union, solemnly warn ing the people against precipitate- action, reoom-1 mending obedience to the constitutional authori- lies so lone as the government was administered acoordinsr to tbe vital principles of ' the eonstitu tiorv Hk remarks were received with the pro found attention which hk age, hk character, and the subject so wall merited, and made a deep im- . . j v . A ik nression udob lue minus 01 uiuea imaout, , a " MBclusion of hk apeech. the committee through their chairman, A. C Cowlee, Esq reported tb follovugteaohiUons : ' n Rfolved. That we behold with delight the pros neets of returnina peace and fraternal feeling in the different sections of our country, and that we renew to our fellow citizens tbe assurance of our rDrefouad devotion to tbe union m. soese oiates. and eur uiwrjoppoaiuuu to toomwm w. r and in nractice. believinET that our rizhU can be maintained in the Union by argument or force better than ootorn. " t -.- Zssoiva-Thftt we declare our gratiacaa'oo at the strong expnaaion of Union feeling in thk Congressional district in ,tne ejection on iue oiu of February; both by the election in every county TUE CONVENTION ELECTION IN LOU : rlsfANAANOBDINANCETOftJiJLISll TBS RETUKKS TABLED c ' The StaW authoritie bf Loukkn'ft ersistenOy THE KENTUCKY SECESSTON CONVEN: TION A:. FAILURE INCREASE OP UNIQN;PEELINGrt , i. , The Cincinnati Ganette, of Thursday; con tales refuse'to publish the returw of the; Convention the folio wing special despatch, dated Praukfort, electiWWbj Mrch20Ui:i tf " ' - 't I5 " the people for Ijielr publication has been expressed through several jf "the New Orleans papers. The following reference to the subject appears among the published proceeding of the; Con.ren Mr. Bieurenu ijresented an ordinance! request ing the President to lay before thk Convention Lh official returna -of the nopular- vote-of -each parish in the State of the election of the delegates syv suu wu v w invm) i Mr. Bush moved for a dispensation of the rules. Mr. Roxier hoped the motion wonld prevail, as he considered it of the gieateet importance that the official vote of the different parkhee? should be laid before the Convention, as they were about to have submitted to them the question" of the The Legislature re-assembled to-day. ; Co n- ventionrcalled by six Louisville individuals, also convened. At the last about filty delegates were present, r They repassed the Loukville ! resolu tions. "- - "-" "-"y, j -- ;V.T! The Convention is" regarded here .as a miser a- btofsltoretjff ",f--T I iT".-.', U'i ' The Union sentiment has vastly Increased : in KentackpiunaiMdfouciment of the fieaeral Assembly, " rP'"'-'f 'A:aM,-J The Lalurefwill"iiot call aState; Con vention. yC- -:-y-. ' - j ) I jj ' An immente crowd- of ; citizens and Isteangers gathered at the depot .this evening to. . welcome Mr. Crittenden. r One hundred and fifty 1 rounds were fired by Captain Gains Artillery. A proces sion, headed Jby a band of music: .escorted i the fTlHE MEDIC AL BOARD OF EXAM I- tl" NEBS Will meet in the town of Morgantn en the first' Monday in Msy for the examination of The Act of Assembly incorporating' thk Board, de clares that no person who was toot a practitioner of Medicine on the lfithjof April, 1859, shall he allowed to : practice Medicine or Surgery, or ia an any manner prescribe for the cure of disease; nor shall be entitled to sue for or recover before any Magistrate or Court ia j thk State, any Medical bill lor services rendered, un- i ' less he has previously obtained a license from the Hoard of Medical I&xamlners. "" " .." mar 23 St, , SAM'L J. IuEDELL, Sec'ry. ' ARD TIMES ! HARD TIMES I! COME 1861. V. RIBBONS, Millinery said Straw Goods. 1 CO. H again no more. LANDBCKBR k KLINE, have iust received a large supply of Fancy and staple Brv Goods for Boring and Summer.' of the latest Fashions'. whiou were - bourns at Panic priees, and they will therefore sell them again astonishingly low, to sulr present times. ' Their BtoeK emeraees every thing in their line. , Please call and examine for your selves. . ..". "-j 'tr-i-- ' " ; . mar 13 Im" J HO ES f SHOES 1 1 . A IARGE AS O EORTMBNT ef Ladies', Misses and Childrens walking Shoes, and Lace and Congress Gaiters, with or a h.u cnhmiiiM in (hum tnn nuesLion ui ine i i . . . . r vsieuii osoa Z 7 r:C?n r;;; A. reonle- intf TWW PinOT- P W wnere PPpnate, withou? Tipgrremarkably low. A new assoranent of t wTsTerrld know w J,1 Needlri Sooskirt4 .UteMi, . J --i .. . ni r . ri I.IJf II 11.11 IM ll IIHI.KI UV LUI. I. ir , iiihii . .s . o . .- t.-."- z . ; ' . r- -.j- ,- mar 40 xia- here. . .t " neceeaarv to know wbat tne popular was on the co-orjeration and secession ticket;, j The President decided debate out of order., and the yeas and nays being demanded ol the suspen sion of the rules, tesulted yeaa 23, ndys 72 so the ordinance was laid over., . f The Picayune, jrhich had exerted Use f,W pro cure the returns far publication, haa , the ;folluw ing in reply to a correspondent VJ. il 1 " Of course, as the. Convention 'hasrdecided against submitting the CoBstitution to the people . . . a .. f . ? 1 a ? I '11 .a211 tne returns 01 tne uonvenuon eiecuon wiu sun be un-come-at-able, for their publication even now might TJossiblr' "excite hostility' and prejudice" against the Convention. As we hare no desire to contribute to such excitement, .we shall pake no further effort to "quiet the scruples and suspicions" of our correspondent, ana so we .now tniorm ail whom it may concernA' - ' M , . ,: . ... ; ; ' v . : - 1 i ' BEFORE AND AFTER' SECESSION. " "' No one can have failed to remark the entire Im munity which -under the tyrannical and oppres sive" Government of jlhe United States, !has been afforded to the parties engaged in initiating and consummating the measures that have led Jo tbe civil revolution that has been effected, in seven States of the Union.' All movements against the LANDECKER A KLINE. ARMSTRONG, CATOR &. 7 V - IMFOBTIB& AJTD JOBBIlS OF I ; RIBBONS, BONNETjsiUfiND SATINS. "' Velvets, Ruches, Flowers Feathers, STRAW BONNETS, FLATS, &C, . Ne. Hit aii .'torn orJJt BabTivoac St, I BALTIMORE, MD, , f : Offer a Stock unsurpassed in tha United State in U .- Variety aad cheapness. ' Orders solicited and jrrompt attention given. ' Tbkms, 8 months', 6 per oent off for cash, par fund, .mar 13 V.;V: f fj ?v '.i. c '. WED V THE ALBEMARLE. AND CHEASPEAKE State 'v;4NEWrDRY GOODS. , ; 1861. HOPKINS, HULL fe ATKINSON; A EE EECErVTN& ; THEIR " SPRING ' STOCK Jl of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, whioh they offer at low rates, for ch, or to prompt dealer', OBDEBS CAHEFTJiLY ATTENDED TO; mar 6 2m AM II RIO AN lmSA Constitution ind jLaws of the-United Bfatee, if : VJ!Jt JTJcln! taken in the name1 of "peaceable secession,'? were overwhelming majority given against the Conven. tlon. ..-- '4-? ;T " 5 1 Respited, Tbat -in the opinion of thia meeting there ought to be a Convention of the Union par ty of this Congressional dktrict to select a suita ble person to represent tbk dktrict ia. : the next Congress, and that we suggest Saturday the S7th day of April as tbe time, and Yadkinvillo as the Dr. C. L. Cook, in a short but able speech, en dorsed the resolutions and ' recommended their aimntion. Thev were then passed without a dis sea tinsr voice. - ' " ' ;, "" R.F. Arm field,TCsq.,' being loudly and vocifer rouslr called for. responded in an abfr, eloquent and patriolie areechv pointing out the dangers of the doctrine oTaeoesnoa ; declaring t&atcivil war and anarchy were its legitimate results, and con Turing the people to stand by their Constitution and the Union. ; Hk speech was concluded amidst prolonged eheers and applause. . ' - v" Loud calls were then made for Wm. A. Robey, sq.; he appeared and. in a few pertinent re marks expressed hk attachment for the Union and hk unqualified approval of the resolutions, and moved that the proceeding of t'thk meeting be publkhed in the Standard,- RtgiUr Salem Vss, Iredell ErprtM and Greensboro' Patriot. , Upon motion of Dr. Cook, the meeting then ad- adiouraed etna an, - . v- 1 . -.i 4 i :v A. V. M AKTIN, Ch a T. JLi' Hi 13 car, : , K. C. Rowohtoh, j - February 2?tn, 1861. '.Secretaries, V FANNY FKRN ON 'MASCUUNK BKAU . TT WHAT CONSTITUTES" A HAND- t SOME 'MAN.7'- ;.V ; : 'iVifV-V;.; ' "Well, in tbe first place, there must be enough of bias; or failing in that, but come to thiak of 1 v, ao pjifiJN a imi afti mm, Mxmvmwwrrr vmm w iiu beauty without health, or -at least, according to my way ; of thinking. In the seoond place, be must have a beard : whiskers as tbe gods please. bat a beard I insist upon, -eke one might as well look at a girt. .Let his voice bare a dash of Ni agara, with tbe music of. a baby's laugh In it Let bk smile be like the breaking forth of the sunshine on a spring morning, As to bu figure, It should be strong enouga to contend with a man, slight enough to tremble in the presence of the woman ne jot ex. ui course, 11 no is a well made man, it follows that he must be graceful, on the principle that perfect machinery always moves barmontousiy ; therefore, you and himself and the milk pitcher, are safe elbow -neighbors at the table. . Tbk style of handsome man would no more think of carrying a cane than he would use a parasol to keep the sun out of hk eyes. , He can wear gloves or warm nts hands in bis breast pock ets, as he pleases. ITe can even commit the sui cidal-beauty act of turning hk outside coat-collar up over bk ears of a stormy day, vUh perfect im punity : tne tailor didn't make him, and as to bis hatter, if he depends on this handsome man's pa tronage of the "latest spring style," I fear he would die of hope deterred ; and yet fcy Apollo! what a how he makes, aad what an expressive adieu he can wave with hk hand 1 For all thk be k not conceited for he hath brains I . But your conventional "handsome man," of the barber's-window-wax figure head pattern j with a pet lock in the middle of bk for head, . aa apple aeixed head, and a raspberry mustache; with six hairs in it; pint pot on its cheek, and a little dot of a "goatee" en ita cam ; with pretty blinking littk studs in ita shirt bosom, and a necktie that looks ss it he would faint were H tumbled, I'd as : uei 100K at a poouie.- 1 always feel a desire to nip up wua a pair of sugar tonga, drop it gent ly into a bowl of cream, and strew pink rose leaves over its little remains. . .! , : , - -Finally, my readers, when Soul magnetises aouL it . - ! .ft a -a a uueauou m oeauiy is a dead letter. . Whom one loves ta always Landrome: the world's arbi. .trary rules notwithstanding ; therefore, when you j w u cu ut aaoasonee nr. Bmitn see to ad mire in mat suck or a Mkt Jones r or "what can ine pretty Miss T. see to like in that homely M m I an 1 .... - wuuta 1 you stmnjv imjK noiuenM aa vmi generally do on such subjects. Still the parson a-wkSlai B aa .-m - -M al - b" u ma eenaus goes on ait tne same. THK DIFFICULTY BETWEEN GOVKR- J HOUSTONND THE TEXAS CONVEN- - We find in the New Orleans Picayune bf the 1 bin ue following response of the Texas Conven tion to the reply made by Gov. Houston to a Com. mlttea from that body: v Whiu jus, A letter bearing date MsVch 6th. 1861, has boan read before thk Convention, writ ten by the Executive of thk State, addressed to a Committee of this body,- calling in question the power of the Convention to do more than submit the Ordinance of Secession to the people ol 'lex as for their ratification or rejection j and wbereaa, it k important that there should be no misunder standing on this subject: , - ; '-- r - - Reaolved, Tbat tnls uonventon 00 now declare that it not only had the power to pass and submit the Ordinance at Recession, out a 10, mat it pos sesses and will exercise the right on behalf of the people of Texas to do whatever may be incidental to the same, and that may be neobssary and pro per for the protection of the rights of . the people ana tne aetence 01 toe suue in ine present emer gency, and that it will as speedily as practicable consummate the connection of. Texas with the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, whose Constitution has already been kiua uj pui wntuwuus vi juis VAJU YcIlUOiJ. held to be entirely ileritimate, and aa such entitled to free course according to the will and! pleasure of the people. Tbe iedwal. Government being a mere "aeency" of the States, possessed,! we; were told: no attributes of sovereignty against which treason could be committed by those whose "creat ture'' it was. Such was sound loric before seces sion, .But, secession being nov an accomplished fact, and the "consolidated despotism" of the .Fed eral Government j bavin? been overthrown, it appears that "treason" has become possible. ' 'if committed against tne peace ana dignity or tne - . . . . . : . new civil inmniiions erecieu on ine rums 01 me old fabric In the mere ' prospect of secession in Texas,: Judge Frazler, ef Rusk county, in that State, seems to have settled the question in ad vance, as we infer from a recent charge pf h' ta the Grand'Jury ot that county, whereinl accord- ing o a a bibs joufniu " ? U t "He defined treason as a crime to be looked after In the event of the State withdrawing from the Union. ., After the fetate has fully and uncondi tionally severed the connection between the State and the Federal Government, then all wh adhere la the Union, and aa manifest the fact, are c'uiltv of the crime of treason, subject and liable to in dictment by tbe Grand Jury under the Consutu tion as it now exists. Alter secession, any word, deed or act against the independence of the Slate would be treason.'')' : - : h-. s : , And yet, alike m the Jrovisional and; Ferma nent Constitution the "Confederate States," the clause defining "treason is expressly identical with tbe similar clause in tbe Constitution of the United States. If no treason was committed Thk important work, says the Raleigh Journal, aome times knows as the "Big DHchy has so far progressed towards completion, as to be navigable, for steamboats and the smaller! class of coasting veesek.- Since-opening for navigation, upwards of four thousand sailing vessels,' steam boats and caDaJ barges have passed through it carrying to the rdtrkeU of Norfolk, Richmond, Baltimore; Philadelphia, New York, Alexandria and the West India Islands nearly ' 100,000 tons of the productions of the State: Though the work k unfinished and improvements are to be made in the fivers leading to it, yet H u fair to presume its tonnage exceeds already any other work of inter' nal improvement n tne (state. !,f. , . .. . Aioemarie. xamiico anu wurniucK oounos re- eei ve the waters of the principal rivers of the Stated and with them many branches are navigable for steamboats and ether craft for 1,800 miles., UWhen it it considered the vast extent of territory watered by these rivers, all bringing dowu ihe varied pro ductions ef the State, seeking an. outlet to the markets of the world, then the importance of this I J Qfl'l4 improvement may be justly estimated. J rluU 1 North Carolina may also be proud of inaugura- I XU8T-BECEIVED BY. -ting a new era jn canal navigation, 1 Xhe Albe- mavle and Cnjesapeake Canal is tbe Jwst and. only arork in the world, perhaps, where , steajn is the only tnotive power used. 1, -L Then,' again, it is. the first and largest work of the kind where steam and gunpowder are exclu sively used in excavating the canals. Not a day's work waa done by tne "pies; axe or spade. ' or tne "shovel and the hoe." , - , V - ; ' ; In its capacity for navigation, it exceeds any other on the Atlantic coast, and is four times that of the Jfirie Canal ol .New xork. - : HOTEL n ; Opposite . Cheanttt Street, fcetweea. VUV and Sixth, ;' w PHILADELPHIA f-i-: WYATT &"1EUXjJ1SG: '- . ; Terms' f 1.50 per day. ;"' 'mar J--3m tRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. SPRING TRADE 18(51. ' ' STEVENSON WEDDELL a'c6.,V ;1 importers AND jobbers PETERSBURG, VAM " HAVE NOtY IN; STORE A LARGE AND tVKLL '"ASSORTED STOCK?' op '".r:;STAPLli AND FANCY. .- ; : , " "DRY GOODS, ; . . ; adapted to the wank of tbe i i ' : Virginia and North. Cnrelina Trade. THE MOST FAVORABLE INDUCEMENTS f 1tI7 ! I every V I I numo, I I the sub I 1 wards ' Inumn: . - Tha f ' Wadaa I V hers at I ' J ' vanea. 1 Bixeoj. t i . $.10 00. I - Subsnri i , - baforat I tha star f, . f caption, I "' r thay sr , ment' !'.':' " j . Intarast ' ad to Br t 3 !' lar subui '"I . '.i i B SPRING s:i86 1. EXPRESS, A I mj Large Let of Ladies Dress Goods, suiUble for tbe rieaJon, Mosambique, Plain and Striped, Brooke and Plain Lavella, Ottoman Poplin, Mohair, Blaek Silk, Ora&n()v aitd De Laines ' ? '"' Ak :Ka fine 'Assortment off fancy ' Silk and Black Velvet Triminer, Black Mitts,' Kid Gloves, oVo., Ac Call and examine for yourselves. n "v mar4-tf r V:- H. LKVAN8. , . WIH. BB OFFKUID TQ . PARTIES BUYING FOR CASH. 'i . : . , J .4 OK TU USUAL CREDIT M " of Six Months, will be Continued to THE ."PROMPT AND RESPONSIBLE TRADEJ ;t::'. v Vouders ; r , -, SHALL HAVE OUR YERY H BEST A T TEXT 10 X. ; STEVENSON, WEDDELL A CO. mar 23 3m , ' ".- -V " . ; OLD SACHEM BITTERS . It KI -i-y, 1 ''H. v 1 NOETII CAROLINA GOODS. - OCK ISLAND CASSIMERfeS. ';: F)aek Golden, Mixed, Dark Mixed - r and Cadet, a superior quality, r : . v v;. .also,;-:. 4-4 Brown Sheeting, . t , K, . 4-4 Brown Jeans, j ;: y ". ; Alamance Plaids and Stripes, : - ' Misses and Ladies' Shoes, " - ' . Help Home Felksw. .- - -" r'' ; ; 'WIGWAM TON! C. : mar e--tf i:- against the latter in agitating for a dissolution of I JUction. and that regarding them as children of a . I - ttJ: .1,- . : 1 . r :i 1. - . .1: - .1 . . 1 IMPORTANT LETTER FROM. THK HON i ;,;i:T.. A.. B. KELSON. Tbe Knoxville Whig of the 19lh instantcontains letter from the Hon. T.XA. R: Nelson, of .Ten neseee,dated Jones boro, March 13tb, thefblfowing paragraphs from whieh will command general at tention. , ' Mr. Nelson, after discussion the iniprdv- UTANTED I JI M E D f A T E L Y 1 0 O ed disrxition and conciliatory tone of Uie;RepubJ.f ,- r lican leaders, says :' v . ' 'j -. .. v." "'.:4. . .Whatever construction! the Secessionists may place upon Mr. Lincoln's inaugural addr,ess, Mr, Maynard and myself had if from his own hps, on Thursday night (the Thursday night after the in augural ), that Ae was for peace, and mould use every exertion in his power to maintain it ; that teum then inclined to the opi&ion Otai it uxttdd be better to forego the eolleehon of the revenue for a season,' so as to allow the people of the seceding States' tune fofre- TflESE DELICIOUS AkDPAR-FAMRD BIT. TEAS are reeomineeded by the FI ttST I'll 1 . SICIANg OF, TII& COUNTRY, oaaoeoantoT ( the Union, wherein consists the treason against the former agitating a reconstruction of the Union Desperatk Assault. A Virginiani Bnaten by his Own Sfave.l The Petersburg Express of the 19th gives the following particulars ofj, a sav- aeeaasault made upon Mr.F. Mai lory Sutherland, of Mulberylan, Din widdie county, Virginia,' on Fuday last, by oneof bis own servants: Mr. . was out pa bis piantauon superinten ding tbe clearing or a nates or new ground, and directed Ned, a robust fellow, to lift a log to a pile of burning brusb. roe negro replied laat-fle would not do it, which Mr. Sutherland interpre ted to mean that the negro did not feel able to lift the log, and stooped to do so himself. While stooping, Ned seized a big stick, and striking his master a powcrtni blow over the. back, fellod him to tbe eartn. - lie then repeated bis blows until the stick was broken into many pieces, and Mr. Sutherland lav annarenlJv lifeless.. Thinking, ha : - 1 z . - - . - - - -o - bad accompiisbed bis purpose, be started on, and bad proceeded about buy vards, when be saw his master attemptto rise. Seizing anether stick be returned, and striking Mr. a. another severe; blow across the face, . mashed his nose flat to the face, and then continued to beat him acroas the arms, breast and legs, -until the flesh "was pum melled to the consistency of jelly. Some small negroes were present when tbe beating commenced, out iney were . mere children, and dreaded the ferocity of Ned as though he had been a tiger. ana were uereiore prevented from oner ing as sistance. AS soon as they could get to the , house the intelligence was communicated to some of the neighbors, and all turned out en masse to hunt nn the fiend, some three or four going to the assistance or air. buiaeriaad, aod conveying him to his res idence, u pon reaching the house he maniested in dication! of returning consciousness, and at last accounts,Sunday,was alive, though in a very pre carious condition, -f :.' -". . 1 Tbe search of the, neighbors for Nedr unavailing, but tbe account of the outrage reached this city, and on Sunday night Mr. Oeorge Alaop, who knew Im scoundrel, succeeded; in arresting him at the depot of the South Side Kauroad . in this city, and lodeed him in iail. He will be transferred to tbe county of Din widdie or trial. School Childreh DAHaKRousLY FboziitU The Philadelbhia Evening. Journal reoorda the suflerinsraad exposure to the cold in that city, of V . . w -11 . two school cfuldieo named uaaries 11111 aqu Frederick Needlow, at the public school house, on Fifth and Vine streets. Some older bays had induced them to play "hide and seek" after school session, and in hiding-the little fellows found themselves locked in a pnvy belonging! to tne school, which was seldom used, and when the door 1 shut with the spring latch tbe children Inside could not open it, and trie boys ail went away, not thinking wno was instue. 'ine scnool waa closed, and the lilUe Ones leu there to freeze during the long, weary, cold and stormy night' The former was six years, and the latter seven years of aere. TUey Anally cried themselves drowsy and fell down in the horrid place to sleep, only, however, to awaaeanu una themselves stilun prison, hun gry and frozen. On ... Tuesday morning, about o ciock, utile , if reddy beard one of tbe teaubers moving in an lipper room;" He made what noise he could and the young lady teacher came to his relief, and rescued the boys from' death,' Vnoa examination, the phy sician declared that Cbas. Hill was ao badly rroaen that he could not survive. Frederick Needlow may live, but his feet ara biarllv 'mun n ta 11 I... UA . I . . ' vboh,muu aw hits tu irasuipuHual. common family, he was not disposed to, take away their bread by withholding even their mail facilities-. He expressed a strong hope that, after a little time is allowed for reflection, they. Will secede from, the position they have taken. . 4 ;y - We.had two interviews with tbe a resident. The fi rst was sought by us on Wednesday ; the second was at his own desire, and was private, but I told him that, with his permission, I would tell my constituents, whep I got home, what he said, and he replied that we were at liberty to repeat it to whom we pleased.' Although stronglybpposed to tbe action of the seceding States, the objeet of Mr. Maynard and myself, so far as Our voluntary counsels, would go, was to prevent a civil war ; and were both as well pleased with the .President's frankness, as he expressed himself to be with our visit.,- u -: - i -A '-': ":A Rx-Skcsxtary Floyd Escapes Tbial.-- WASHIK6T0K, March 20. The two indictments against Ex-Secretary of War Floyd, in the Oourt here, have been dismissed as untenable. The first was for conspiring to defraud the Government ine Lnstnct Attorney stated in open uourt that there was no evidence to sustain' the charge, and with the leave of the Court he entered a nolle prosequi, lhe second i was tor malfeasance in office, in issuing acceptances. lhe act of -1857 grohibita a prosecution where the party implicated as testified before a Committee of Congress. Touching. the latter charge this has been judicially derided to be not a privilege of the witness but a, mandate of law, and the case would have eome to an abrupt termination on the fact appearing in the course of the trinl. ; On the fact being sub mitted in advance to the Court by .tha counsel on both sides, the indictment was ordered to he quash ed as it could not have been maintained. -; . - r eash pfioe will be paid, ' ; . Aaaress iieki isxinx, V f TJ r4-A - 'ir Near the Central Rail Road "? !" a mar 2 It ' ' - " ' . RaJeith, N. C.' THE NORTH CAROLINA FORJrl BOOK. ;'-v i';:w." THIS' PAY BJCCIIYBI,BT ; . --: .;... :5 1 h . d. t u;r-n b r ;": o: -; " A NEW AND COMPLETE EDITION OP THE : - NORTH CAROLINA FORM BOOK; IMPROVED AND : GREATLY ENLARGED, f containing 344 pages, royal llmo, embracing ma ny forms not found in former editions, printed on rood paper and substantially honnd in lawcalC It eon- tains Forms of all those Legal Instruments whh p- to .Justices ef tha reaoe, thenas, Llerks, Constables, Coroners, School Committees, etc Compiled from the best sbarees, being, an improvement on all works of I the kind formerly in use, and intended aa a Compan ion to Cantwell's Justice. To which are added the Constitution of North Carolina, and of the United States; an .account of the principal Officers of the State, and of the Counties ; Titles of address, Ac. Foraished at the unparalleled low price of One Dol lar, (being tbe cheapest book ever offered for sale.) When sent by mail an extra charge ef lOeeate will be required to cover the pottage. A liberal dis count to those who buy to selltagain. - Published aad sold, wholesale and retail, by. V ' ; V ' - : j... . ; V tL D. IU ita Bit, dee 26 tf at the North Carolina Book Store, WAIM'S JUSTICE--REVISEIX THE NORTH CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, practi cal guide to the Laws of the-State, and the decisions el the Supreme Cvwt. defiaina the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the Revised Coda of 1854 '55, together with full instructions aad num erous forms and precedents. y .- V - Br EDWARD UA-Nl VVll,li, ASQ., Xlt. JO., . '.y - ; : . Counoellor at Lata. .. . ' "y ' . One vol. 8vo , containing nearly 600 pages, hand.' somely printed' on good paper, and well bound in, law binding.'-". , x- i : - ' " .' r; . Price $3 50. Postage S eents. : - - ' ' - Published and for Sale by . i ' : '- ' . . ,, - HENRY D. TURNER, ' .; Jan. 31 - at the North Carolina Bookstore. ' OAK CITY; SAVINGS BANK. y: ' Dit TD HOGG, 'Pretident. '" ; ' -: : tJosnrQ. WritLiaas 7aAr. DIRECTORS. . : . - their PURITJf , AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. .. . -.V f -v . '" . ; 1 They are pleasant as nectar to the taste, and are pronounced the BEST TONIC AND STIMU LANT EVER OFFERED TO THE PUB.' HC. i . :.- Their earatire powers in eases of .GENERAL DEI1ILITY, LOSS OF APPETITE, CON STIPATION, ate., are unparralljeted, and as a guarantee that we feel warranted in claiming what wt do, we her leave to state that oar assartioas are antlon- edby.- . t , , . .... '. ; . Prof. SILLIMAiV, of Yale College. f Prof. II AYES, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. 1 ;'v ' For sale by Grocers, Wine 'Merchants, and Drag gists generally." :.,.;.. 3. , , ' . ' Principal Depot, 145 Water St, New' Tork. . r dee l ly . " .' ..' - .;' " '.' 1861. .t -' SPRING 10431. SAM'X STEVENS. 1 T IMPPRTKR f AND DEALER IN ; ' r CHINA, GLASS, EARTEIINWAHK, V dke.; die, dtc, . ; j . Petersburg, Virginia. I HAVE IN STORE A GOOD STOCK of rChina, Eartbaniwara, Glass, Fancy Goods, Ac, to Which I respectfully solicit the attention of purchasers. The largest part of my Stock is of my on direct importation, and I am enabled te offer g sods low ta CASH or punctual paying customers. Goods carefully packed for transportation. SAM'L STEVENS. mar Is tf SPRING goods;; HAflUlTON ". 3, . SPRING GOODS. (ilMUAii I -. .IMPORTANT PROil , TEXAS. . N w Oblkans, March ?4. Advices from Aus tin. Texas, sav the Convention . had r passed an ordinance declaring vacant the posts of the Gov ernor and Secretary of State, on account of their refusal to appear before the convention ana take , the oath of allegiance to the Confederated States. Lieut Gov. - Clarke was immediately to . assume the functions of Governor, and the Secretary of Bute was directed to hand ever his seat ofoffiee- and official records. The Legislature was to meet on the ISth. t it was not known what Governor Houston would do. j, t , , V r i"i.v.;i !v and 'well aasoptait Stock of Plows, which we offer cheaD. Alaa ona 18 n for the Border States U to HersePower Engine atfd Boiler; all complete, with -Frankfort, or any -other eeiir I "aw MUT, which we wmaall'luw-f v" -.. . -:l " - on a Atv At tst x;auLreocBlly, a Rev. Hn Tisk declared 1hat John Brown was a aao. Mid Jesus Christ Some sensible man aaanm. bled to oonsidef certajn political matters amccm Ing the domestic interests of HinneeoU, And in view of, the above, adopted tha following v- Whereas, The Rer; Mr. Pis k, of St PanL has declared from tbe pulpU ythat John Brown was I a secona jesus chrttt," therefore, v-'V . jasoind, ibat Mr., Fisk has made himself a seeona jsaatam's Ass Provided, however, noth- la. L J a a - I ue aomifl cooiaiJiea IS intended tsi alanrfa tha wiginai- ass oy inumating tbat Un Tisk is h:a pineal descendant. - ". ; . . . ; . ; ABEixsA8.4-.The Memnhia Bulletinof the lVih a ea . m . . insx. puoiisnas tne loilowine eratifvin intelli, gence trom Arkansasr ' -;". : -M s. We learn from a reliable source at little Rock mat tne ordinance of secession will be volort ,lnn by thirty-nine to thirty-five.", A conditional. dinance of secession ia being debated, with a clause reicrnng u oaes to tne people for ratification or rejection : but our correspondent adds that "Avon that cannot pass." It seems to be understood tW the OonyentM wUl pass resolhtions approving the propositions of Missouri ' and Virginia for A A J. DoNNXLftON OK THK EXI8TIK0 fjBISia.-l-. Andrew Jackson Ponnelson, candi date for Vice President on the American ticket for 1856, was addressed a few days since by Gen.'Foote id a let ter inquiring to hb political views; - In his r ply Mr. Donnelson says : . . AtiJy My plan ef action for th. meet in council at I tral point, by ;the instrumentality of delegates, who will represent the wishes of the people, whoso duty it will be; after due consultation,1 td tinita upon tome measures which will secure their right? and that this'measure shall be submitted in! kind ness and good feeline to Our brethren of the ntW States, including those that have seceeded and that it shall be made a part of the. Constitution, as an amendment, if it be accepted by -them. ' :r ; If this effort should fail, and not be eimniWi our Northern friends, after they have had a rea sonable time to examine its provisions, then there w v viuvr aiwruaiivB ior ine comer estates but to call a General Convention bf all the Southern States, for the purpose of forming such a Federal .uovernmeni as may oe deemed necessary to pro raote their; happiness, prosperity, and indepen dence, as a separate Confederacy. ' ' 4 - '.V.-,"'-'"' t- . - '- -i''A ; - t V SKTTIJCD.-The owners of the New York ves sels seized at Savannah; have induced Superinten- i'-Dfc TJ D fiegg, - '' : , i ; H, S. Smith ? , Q- Busbee.: - John G. Williams.' - This Bank; Is now receiving deposits, at the Ex change Office of John Ct WilSams 4 Co.' Disoeunt day Xttesday -y:., -. ; , : ... .. , fob 18 tf. - BONWETSPXATS, eCrt'-M -' ' -' ., :- SPRING; 1861. ' This day. by Express, a eood Assortment of Boni nets, Ladies and Misses Flats. Also, Artificial Flowers I ana.ushas. ::-V-;-i:i B. l EVANS.'; f mar 13 tf :).Sf'l -'.f Cy ,r. -C-K v - .. ,y, I NOVELTY IRON WORKS- ' i : ' . v - RALEIGH, N.-fi i. .-. i.A-'i . S, BURNS & F. BATES ':4Z T'???'-: v-5i' MMWBIBTCBSji .?,"';.'.,' CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE STEAM EN GINES, Saw and Grist Mala. Plows. Iron Rail. ing, and every description ef Iran and Brass Castings. 1 f"... wa m.MM v. mim ,y . TERMS : Cash on delivery. ',' . . 4: Pi S. We have on' hand a lartre ' : IMPORTERS AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN. AND DOMES TIC DRY GOODS, V - ---vPETIIRSBTJRG, VIRGINIA f- ; .. INVITE THE -ATTENTION' 09 THE TRADE to their large and desirable stock of . ,, - . FRESH SPRING GOODS ' ' new lb store and ' ready for exhibition, consisting of, thesual variety and embraeiag the NEWEST AMD MOST. DESIRABLE STYLES of the aeasoa, whioh they are prepared to offer on the most favorable term to Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee aaarebaata. - Owing to tha unsettled condition of commercial mat. : ten, (heir sales will be strictly oonfiaed to CAII, ' and prompt six months buyers, ' Ta such tha greatest ineaoementx wUl be offered. . -' y " ' ' Orders are respectfully solicited which ahall always : have their prompt and oareful attention. mar 18--gw HAMILTON A GRAHAM. VtoticeJUhaving this day Isold JLTi out my entire stock ef Winter aad Samnur Goods for real estate in the City of Raleigh, I take this method of saying to those indebted to ma that it ia absolately necessary they should settle at once, as I desire to purchase an entirely new stock of good. Longer indalgenoe cannot be granted. - I shall shortly reopen at the same stand heretofore occupied by me an entirely new stock of ' v . : SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING . AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH- V- -': - lHQf OOODS -' . and while I am, deeply 'thankful to those" who have heretofore patronised me, I raspeeu" ully request , ; a continuance of their patronage. ,mar tf ; 1 , - HACKNEY P00LK.: 1 JOHN W, : COSBY.: RALEIGH N C. Sept 16 I860. " x r tf DeCARTERET Al ARMSTRONG; " UUU ii JdINDBRS, " - ' - AND r 1 BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS: " oo IS tf. , .t. . . & CO., V , COMMISSION JVOJRCHA'NTS, l f .- . EICHMqSD, yutaiWA., af CONTINUE TO GIVE PARTICULAR J attention to' the attention to' the Sale of Tobacco. Wheat. Corn. Gotten, or other country produce, consignments ef dent Kennedy to give up the arms aoj.ed bv his 1 whih. are respectfully solicited, .and ; faithful attan- -i: .t'l, ; - . J ' I tion eiven. i 4 n JJeing connected with the Firm bf Donnan A John. police, and in return the vessels have baen released by the Georgia authorities;! - , Sjc?xssiok JDxtkatt in AHAAwaAS.-pTbe Or dinance of ; Secession before; the Arkansas' State Conference of the Border SlaveStates,fand provide Convention has been defeated by a vote of 35 stoo, Grocers and Commission Merchants, of Patera: bnrg, produce will ba sold in either market at tha op tion of the owner. Consignments to Donnan A Co.,' Richmond, will be forwarded through Petersburg, by Um Jn tree oi any iorwarcing cnarge. ; : ; r for sending five delegates to said Conference or Convention, and agree with Virginia, to hold saM Conference at Frankfort. Kentucky, on the 27th of May. ; The Convention, having taken this no tion, wiH.probebly adjourn early this week per-, haps over to, some day . next lalL subiect to h called together sooner by tbe President Our cor- resnonaent adasj "One v thing is very certain Arkansas ia not going ow to secede, and you may confidently deny any statement or rumor to the contrary.- A majority will vote against anu sot tof secession ordinance," ; - ' i --. feb 13 w9m "yeas",' 39 nays. Mr, Bat8 oh th Coujcction of thk Eevh- xua. Tbe Ss - Louis Democrat "of MOndav: S' ves currency a rumor that the AttoTney cneral, Mr. Bates, has given the , opinion to President Ltnooln that tbe revenue cannot be eollectedxcept under thelaw of 1809,which renV decs it tecessary for collectors to reside withintheir rapBcuveuisu-icta,ana inereiore ll Will oeimposst- oie to execute ue laws witn propriety, even were u oiuerwise ieasiDie, in vessels. .- M i UNITED STATES PATENT 0FJICS. - JEN M I N G S - P I O O T- T , Arroaar 4t Law ak Beiacrtoa or :: fATUint, , " , t . liato of Morth Varolnna,) . ' 18 pe,manenUy situated At Washington,- D. Ci where, be will attend to Claims against the Govern ment and aspeciail to' obtaining; Patents for Iavea tions. ' : july zS waswly. u f'4 1 1 BMs ; 8UPERPINE FLOCKI .iUlf Jst received 1. At. . mar tf,- . . . - WHITAXERS.; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROCK INGHAM COUl-tTY.In Equity. V . , Stephen Hamilton aad others. Ex parte. '. '-f . Petition to sell Lead. In this case it is referred to tka Master to eaoulre, . asoertaia and report to the next Court the .number, and names of th heirs at Law of Jane Lynch, decces-" . ed, Notice Is hereby given te all persons elalming to be heirs of the said Jane iyncti, aeceasad, Jau of Rockingham eouuty, State ef North Carolina, to ap pear belore me as my omoe m wa town or w eatwonn, in said county of Rockingham,' and State of North Carolina, on the 5th Monday after tba 4th Monday in March neat and then and there to show forth Ly proof their relationship to' tha said Jane Lynch. Witness, A. M. Scales, ' Clerk and Master at omoe, In Weutwerth, this the 80th day of January, 1861. febB to , A. M. 8CALKS, Cat. K. TIN FOIL A METALLIC CArVMANUFACTpRY, Nea.38s Croa1yi Street, N. V. ' JOHN J. CROOKE dc CO. , Are manufacturing under mekr Patent - ." I PLAIN, PRINTED- OR EMBOSSED, . ". 'i -" ,f; .wuable for wrapping Fine" Cut aad CavendiBh Tobaccos, Cheese. i 3:l.t:ii Spieea. id h '" Thine Beates) Foil, all sisee, superior lu.lrtaay sad trtmgih to tha isaportod article. -: METALLIC. CAPS, . V4- INVALUABLE - '; ; ' for sealing Borrtas, eontami&g Wine, or other liquids, Jabs, Also, uusic fiana, soiabb, nrm V. is, stamped with' any name or design reqairal an aaitaaia asm a. auy-ly We friend the ed! restinJ traord We pi cohld uojust ua to ( press ; replj KJito: pubfte about fTh. &MCC1 tenJet of th severe "eipo llcpn Wben and wi to do i or eat i J-Ixprc lilack its aec betwc ,ba ao nns o a tbe toe " nion'u ' -,' Linco ' tulioc contra tbat it ' " - tliattl :tbe U 7- much ' handg burg' A ; be vn ' , sbouU owe a the 6d ua if gratef ; her Ik mercy : tbey, ' man ft bavei x. bonnt :. and everj upon , ; destrij '. the d i tenarJ aid in ) . ing a ; may i .facet! logic J just 2 Vnio It ia 71 ia bri bead tbat ;i, bless tor o -I gam , for l even btl 1'. have i It it V ber; i Of tl I 1 Vber bant I -"W ---aanl . . 00-0 : ? ' ' 1 VI if 1 the to-d cle mac a ae wbi i. uoua BUS, Con wbi and We irU the r 1 a 1 .